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Personal matters
No matter how long one has been married or in a relationship, you experience many of life’s joys and challenges in the journey together. You share in the excitement and nervousness of becoming parents for the first time, as well as the happiness and comfort in simpler moments such as an evening walk holding hands or a loving glance exchanged across the dinner table.
Spending quality time together and being attentive takes work in today’s world, where hypertasking and smartphones are commonplace. With my commitment to ICE, I also struggle with that balance. I find that the key to keeping a relationship solid and a love strong are evergreen: communication, trust, honesty, and making time for each other.
These are the facets of a relationship that can make or break this partnership, which is why tackling misunderstood issues such as erectile dysfunction in an open and honest way is extremely important. For men and women, honest communication makes you vulnerable, but you’ll find that being vulnerable can also feel quite liberating.
The value this openness has on a relationship and your overall health is incomparable to any dinner reservation or tangible gift you can present to your better halves. Besides, when you bottle up your emotions, this added stress negatively affects your hearth-health and, simply put, can only make intimacy more challenging.
I encourage you to open up and love with your whole heart. Overcome the fear that is “now” and know that on the other side of that tough conversation lies a stronger, healthier heart and relationship.
Asad U. Qamar, MD