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Moms do these things not for any accolades or appreciation, but because they instinctually want the best for their families. There is no gift expensive enough or no words powerful enough to ever repay a mother for her years of sacrifice, dedication, hard work, and struggles. Since Mother’s Day falls this month, the staff at Healthy Living Magazine feels it is an appropriate time to shine the spotlight on several local women who embrace the role of motherhood and provide their children with a healthy environment and unconditional love. You’ll laugh, smile, and cry as you see what being a mother and caretaker is like through their eyes.


It did not take Lady Lake resident Jenny Ducharme long to realize that motherhood would have its challenges. She was all packed to take her newborn baby, Kayleigh, home from the hospital when something unexpected occurred.

“My husband and I laid her on the bed to change a ‘poopy’ diaper. We wiped her clean and right after we put the new diaper under her bottom, she started pooping again. We wiped her again and as soon as she was cleaned, she pooped again. It was like a volcano of poop, which just kept spewing out. We finally got her cleaned up and ready to leave. It was hilarious then and unforgettable now.”
Of course, that wouldn’t be the last time she played the role of pooper scooper. The family went on a hike in Oviedo when child number two, Christian, went number two.
“Christian was in the baby carrier and filled up his diaper. The carrier kept pushing the entire poopy mess upward. He had to be changed before we had an explosion. So there we are in the woods with Christian lying on my lap while I’m squatting on the side of the trail. My husband, Kevin, changed his diaper.”
For poop’s sake, do mothers ever get a break? Fortunately for Jenny, the days of cleaning messy diapers are now a thing of the past. Kayleigh is 7-years-old and Christian is 4.
These days, the 32-year-old mother stays busy incorporating healthy habits into her children’s daily routines. A fulltime yoga instructor in Ocala, Jenny has allowed her children to embrace the yoga lifestyle.

“I don’t make them practice yoga, but I do encourage them to practice when I am practicing,” says Jenny, who spent 13 years as a gymnast and ballet dancer. “They see me doing it and usually will just join in. I feel that yoga helps them bring peace, stillness, and grounding to their lives.”
Her little yoga devotees are particularly adept at performing handstands. “When they are upside down they can get an entirely different perspective on life,” she says.
Of course, as with any activity children are involved in, accidents are bound to happen. Jenny discovered that when she invited her mother to photograph her and the kids performing yoga poses.
“We were setting up to do some pictures in the water,” Jenny recalls. “I had the kids each in the water about ankle deep. After setting them up on their poses, I stepped back to get into my pose and just before my mom snapped off the picture, Kayleigh lost her balance and fell face first into the water. She splashed Christian and I. We were all wet. It was so funny how the whole thing happened that I couldn’t get upset. Thankfully it was a warm day so we dried out pretty quickly.”
From a nutritional standpoint, Jenny introduced vegetables and fruits into her children’s diets when they were both infants. Today, grilled or steamed vegetables come with every meal.
“Ninety percent of the time, vegetables are the first thing gone on their plates,” Jenny says. “We don’t have pizza very often, but their favorite topping is mushrooms.”
For Jenny, the single most important aspect of being a mother is ensuring that the family spends quality time together. The Ducharmes love spending time outdoors and often hike at places such as Alexander Springs, Pear Park, and Carney Island Park.
While the role of motherhood is extremely rewarding, it does not come without its fair share of challenges. Whenever times get tough, Jenny heeds an important piece of advice once offered by her mother.
“She told me that when kids drive you crazy — and they will — to take a deep breath and count to 10 before you react.”
Single-parent rewards: I can give all my attention to my daughter. I do not have to divide my attention between my daughter and spouse.
Single-parent difficulties: The first time I called myself a single mom in front of my mother, tears ran down her face. She said, “Do not define yourself that way.”
Working motherhood: I take my daughter to work every day. I own a chiropractic practice. She greets the staff with a big smile and says hi to the patients in the waiting room. I designed a room in my office so I can breast-feed my baby and still run a busy practice.

Favorite wholesome snack: Chia chips.
Best song to sweat to: Give It 2 Me by Madonna.
My ‘she’ro: Oprah Winfrey. She comes from a very difficult background but always rises to the occasion in life. She refuses to let her past define her.
26-year-old mother of a 4-month-old baby
Funniest baby moment: When Annabelle was 3 weeks old, my husband, Dominic, was changing her diaper. She kept farting and smiling the entire time. It was the cutest thing ever!
Favorite baby moment: When Annabelle started smiling and cooing at me. She knew who I was and was genuinely happy to see me. It makes my heart melt every time she smiles.
Bottle making perfected: Use warm water first, then formula. A couple swirls (not shakes) and you are good to go. If it is frozen breast milk, I store it in freezer bags. It’s easier to thaw that way. Just run the bag under hot water and it thaws and warms up pretty quickly.
Favorite healthy treats: Fresh strawberries, watermelon, pineapple, and grapes.
Favorite not-so-healthy treat: Oreo cookies.
Model health guru: Jordan Rubin. He wrote the book The Maker’s Diet and is founder of The Garden of Life, one of the most reputable supplement companies in the world.
My stress buster: Soaking in a nice, hot bath with candles lit and Zen music playing softly in the background. That always seems to help relinquish the worries of the day.
Five-minute break—Sleep, snuggle, or snack: Snuggle
Favorite health activity: Energy medicine, which I studied under Deepak Chopra, who is a famous newage health guru. Energy medicine is good for anti-aging, and I would think all women can appreciate that!
Pregnancy pounds: I gained 55 pounds when I was pregnant and tried everything from Krispy Kreme doughnuts to Cheetos. I’m a health nut, so for me it was a strange and wonderful time to eat bad stuff.
Mommy advice to men: If a woman possesses greatness, it does not have to be intimidating or a competition. The most important thing to understand with women is that we want to be loved and supported.
Favorite mother-daughter activity: Dancing together.
Secret mommy time: My daughter does not like to be cuddled. I wait for her to fall asleep to steal a kiss and hold her. I love to have her near me.
Dr. Ramah WAGNER
36-year-old single mother of a 1-year-old baby
Shannon DECKER
Advice for raising a special needs child: Breathe, breathe, and breathe. God gave this child to you for a reason. You were hand-picked because you can do it.

Greatest challenge: Finding the help she needs. It’s a constant battle with the insurance company, and we do a lot of running from doctor to doctor. I have been unable to find a pediatric gastroenterologist or pediatric neurologist in Lake County.
Funny mom story: My autistic child, Reagan, went through a phase where she did not think anyone who looked older than her parents could drive. My mother-in-law was trying to take her somewhere, and she refused to get into the car, insisting “old ladies cannot drive.” It was a little embarrassing, but my mother-in-law found it funny, as well.

Memorable moment: Reagan is very aware when someone is hurt or upset. There was a wasp during a picnic at school, and her teacher was trying to swat it. As afraid of bugs as Reagan is, she ran to the teacher and wouldn’t leave her side.
My nutritional approach: I am not a hardcore calorie counter. I am more of a fat content person.
Best mommy trick: Reverse psychology! Children need to think something is their idea.
Guilty pleasure: A pedicure.

Favorite healthy treat: Chobani Greek yogurt.
Favorite not-so-healthy treat: Mint chocolate chip ice cream.
Best advice from mom: Do not waste time worrying. Worry will not change any outcome.
Disappointing mommy moment: I do not, and never will, dwell on disappointments. We take what we can from every disappointment ever handed to us and learn from it.