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Not everyone wants to, can, or should take antidepressant medication prescribed by psychiatrists. For one thing, these medications may have side effects, some of which appear to add more feelings of depression. The commercials warn that if thoughts of suicide occur, a person should immediately stop taking the medication for depression.
Some depression medications also lead to weight gain—something that is likely to add to a person’s sense of burden, hopelessness, and all the other kinds of emotions that accompany depression.
While the information and advice in this article should not be substituted for receiving professional care, the following methods are natural, simple, low-cost or no-cost ways to help lift depression and possibly banish it. Anyone can use these boosts for the blues and benefit from them.
People who suffer from depression have a physiological problem in that their brains do not produce enough of the natural body chemical called serotonin. Serotonin is a “feel-good” chemical the brain releases when pleasurable things occur. Low levels of serotonin mean life loses a lot of its bounce. Therefore, finding natural activities and aids that stimulate the production of more serotonin in the brain will increase the buoyancy in life. The following activities and aids help the brain to release more serotonin.
Do not underestimate the benevolent and mood-lifting effects of simple sunshine. The body has an inner biological clock that yearns for sunrays. Even five minutes out in the sun per day can lift a person’s mood. Wintertime or summertime, throw a little light on the subject. If you or someone you care about is suffering from depression, recommend a five- to 10-minute walk outside or sitting outside in the sunlight with your face tilted up, drinking in the warmth.
Another natural and readily available boost for the blues is exercise. Exercise reduces stress, increases self-esteem, and gets the body’s juices flowing, including the brain’s production of serotonin.
Studies have shown people who practice gratitude are happier than those who do not. Cultivating gratitude is a great way to boost your way out of the blues. As Oprah said, the more you celebrate your life, the more you will find in your life to celebrate. Gratitude works the same way. The more thankful you are, the more you will find to be thankful about. Some people approach gratitude through numbers: They start their day by ticking off 10 things they are thankful for. Others write down what they are grateful for in a journal, aiming for a certain number of things to list per day. Yet others run through the alphabet: “I’m grateful for apples; I’m grateful for bananas; I’m grateful for the cuddles I get from my children…”
Practicing silver-lining thinking is another way to cultivate gratitude. Say you had a minor car accident. Thank goodness no one was hurt. Your kid got sick in school and you had to take off work to pick him up. Thank goodness you have a kid. Thank goodness you have a job to leave!
It’s OK to be a little Pollyannaish about life. It gets you through the tough spots.
Another natural remedy for depression—one you actually ingest—is the herb St. John’s Wort. Standard dosage for depression is about 900 milligrams per day. Taking St. John’s Wort has a restorative effect and can banish mild depression.
For all its ups and downs, life is very much worth living. Using these simple, readily available, and inexpensive or free methods to counteract depression can give a person a real boost out of the blues and back to taking pleasure in life again.

Inner peace begins the moment you choose not to allow another person to control your emotions.

—Author Unknown.