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events in life that provided your happiest moments. When you take the same steps that made you happy in the past, you are more apt to experience and prolong positive emotions. This does not mean trying to analyze them. Living happiness rather than just thinking about it or talking about it is the key to finding your overall purpose. Living mindfully in the here and now will also make you happier, and again, the happier you are, the more apt you are to find a fuller understanding of your purpose in life. If you take a look at people who are truly happy, you will see they take action to be happy. They don’t sit around and contemplate it; they find active ways in which to connect with their lives. They actively seek out new and interesting experiences. They are in control of emotions and thoughts. They are proactive in producing happiness and take the necessary steps to sustain true happiness. They don’t rely upon momentary, fleeting moments of delight. Taking active roles in purposeful endeavors and meaningful relationships can lead you to the most valuable roles for your life.
Emotional pain and anxiety are roadblocks to finding your purpose in life because they drain time and energy. Take control of those things. Consciously seeking, finding, and maintaining a state of satisfaction will deliver you from emotional pain and anxiety, even when bad things happen. Finding the lesson in events negatively impact your life and realizing the good that lines every “bad” event can help you do this. Gaining a sense of safety and comfort can only be achieved when you take an active role in eliminating emotional pain and anxiety. When you feel safe and comfortable, happiness comes more readily. When you are happy, your purpose in life reveals itself.
Finding the right direction and purpose for your individual existence provides a good balance of harmony, rhythm, and order in life. When you know the direction you were intended to take, and you follow the will of God in that direction, things naturally fall into place. Chaos is created when you pursue goals you are not naturally inclined to achieve. You must be able to quiet your mind and concentrate. Then your purpose will appear in the things you love to do most, the things that pull you in naturally. When they appear, you must determine how much of your life you can devote to doing those pursuits.
If you find you’re not doing what you’re called to do, find ways to integrate those things into your life, little by little, until their presence is prevalent. This is the will of God and how we fulfill our intended purpose.