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Finding purpose in your life can often be a confusing journey. Many people turn to religious teachings to provide the needed framework, but even then, they don’t always find what they are seeking. Others look for answers in different places, through books or their occupations, but are left longing for greater purpose and value in their lives.
The actions you take in life are what give it meaning, whether you’re religious or not. Learning how to control your actions concerning what you value and love and finding meaning in all situations, whether painful or uncomfortable, can provide a deeper understanding of your purpose.
First, everyone’s purpose in life is perceived differently from one person to the next. What matters to you is not necessarily what matters to another, and if it does, it does not matter with the same intensity. When you comprehend fully what this means, you begin to experience a greater sense of personal freedom. In other words, you don’t have to like the same things someone else likes nor be what someone else is. Everyone is unique and has a unique purpose.
Each person is given the opportunity to carve out a vision for his or her life. Visions serve as guides for each action you take and for each choice you make. You must learn to trust these visions and seek out the things in life that matter most, because doing that on a personal level is the very thing that lends purpose and meaning to your life.
Being happy plays a huge role in whether or not you flourish in life. When you flourish, you understand your purpose in life better. God gives you a good deal of control over your own happiness. Genetics also play a role, as do circumstantial events. However, intentional choices and activities determine, to a large extent, just how happy you are and whether or not you flourish. Unhappiness or negative energy impairs the ability to concentrate or solve problems. It takes away motivation and interferes with the human initiative.
A step toward cultivating happiness is actively replaying