Figure 2 The Walled City
Note. The graphic shows the Walled City of Ahmedabad(1900’s). This shows the location where Asarwa is. As it is just adjacent to an industrial walled city, crowd pulling has been quite heavy over the years. Which helped the precinct to develop in terms of built and unbuilt. From “Understanding the City,” (Unpublished portfolio for Master of Planning by B. Akhil Vardhan, 2021, CEPT University. Copyright 2021 by B. Akhil Vardhan.
It is observed that, after industrialization in 1965 a lot of migrant workers were the party of major activities in the walled city. They contributed to the development of cotton mills around the city. Once the crowd was accumulating inside the walled city, gradually people started migrating outside the walled city, later around the mills, in Asarwa. During 1970, the mill workers used to live in the walled city of Ahmedabad, but after the collapse of cotton mills and demolitions started happening, the working-class people came outside the city and started migrating to nearby villages. One such Village is Asarwa. It is known for its informal residential settlements, known as Chawls. After the 1980’s there was no such predominant change in the urban sprawl of Asarwa till 2000. It was a very backward place with less infrastructure. People never showed up for any such investment into Asarwa. But still because of its geographical and historic advantages, it managed to show its potential over years (post 1999).