Figure 9 Street Density at Asarwa
Note. The figure shows network accessibility and block perimeter which shows us how big the individual block sizes are. That means the bigger plots need more time to travel around it, which leads to discomfort to the pedestrian or passenger. From “Understanding the City,” (Unpublished portfolio for Master of Planning) by B. Akhil Vardhan, 2021, CEPT University. Copyright 2021 by B. Akhil Vardhan.
The contrast in the block sizes (plot size) can be seen within the opposite sides of North and South. Where north side the presence of informal settlements with highest population of more than 90 thousand, creates a dense road network whereas the large portion of south comprises industrial built. The density of the number of nodes and the blocks tells that the area is well connected by the collector, local roads and encourage inter neighborhood movement. The presence of Industries and public buildings are more, and the number of streets is less. Where a person needs to travel the whole boundary of that plot to reach the other end. Which should be improved, and bring the time traveled from 20 minutes to 5 minutes. So, the existing street network around the industrial areas weakened the connectivity inside the precinct. From this analysis from the diagram and arguments we have done, we can conclude by saying that walkability on the northern side is better than the southern side because of the difference in block sizes