2021-22 Alpha Kappa Psi Foundation Annual Report

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Alpha Kappa Psi Foundation Annual Report 2021-22

2 | ANNUAL REPORT 21-22 AKPSIFOUNDATION.ORG Table of Contents INTRODUCTION......................................................................3 EVENTS REPORT.....................................................................4 Introduction...............................................................................................4 Academy.....................................................................................................6 Institute Of Business Leadership....................................................8 Presidents Academy.............................................................................9 Fraternity Advisors Conference......................................................11 Principled Business Leadership Institute..................................12 Advising The Advisors.........................................................................13 What’s Next: Event Brand Changes..............................................14 What’s Next: Fy 23 Events.................................................................15 ALL-AKPSI ACADEMIC TEAM.............................................16 SCHOLARSHIPS.......................................................................18 SPONSOR A STUDENT..........................................................20 LEADERSHIP TEAM.................................................................21 HONOR ROLL OF DONORS.................................................22

Dear Brothers,

It is my privilege to share the 2021-22 Annual Report on behalf of the Alpha Kappa Psi Foundation. This document is a testament to the dedication of our donors and the impact we are capable of inspiring.

This past year we awarded over $75,000 in scholarships including a $10,000 award to our brother, Jordan Langs, Delaware ‘17. She is currently using that in England to finish her studies. Additionally, our support of last year’s Principled Business Leadership Institute and the Presidents Academy brought our members together, in person, after a few years of very interesting times.

Thank you to those who supported our efforts, especially as the organization navigated through the pandemic to continue to deliver learning opportunities and educational support.

In the spring, we celebrated the dedication of The Howell+Wendroff Professional Center. After a $1,000,000 gift by Scott and Eileen Howell, the goal of transforming our current headquarters into a learning center has begun. This gift allows the Foundation and Fraternity to envision the world-class center that will continue to support Principled Business Leaders.

Closing the year, we came together in Miami with our Convention, seeing faces and sharing memories as if time had not stopped.

Strategically, we will open the 2022-23 year implementing Foundation Trustees, and a Board of Trustees. This update to our oversight model engages more individuals, with the goal of enriching our communication with our closest donors. We added an Executive Director for the first time, Kim Olesker. Kim’s experience will help us organize and enhance our donor stewardship, as we embark on a transformative time for the Foundation.

To our donors, volunteers, and staff– your support, past and present, makes a lasting impact on the lives of our student brothers, now and beyond graduation. Without it, we simply could not provide the level of scholarships or funding for educational programs, which are so important to our students. I personally want to say thank you, your generosity is so appreciated.

To my brothers - on behalf of the students who benefitted this past year and will continue to benefit in the future, thank you.

Together we are building a stronger presence for future leaders and fulfilling the vision of our fraternity so that we can continue to say: Alpha Kappa Psi is recognized as the premier developer of principled business leaders.

In U-- and I--, Timothy Daniels, Indiana ‘06

Chair, Alpha Kappa Psi Foundation

Events Report Introduction

The promotion and advancement in institutions of college rank courses leading to degrees in business administration has remained at the core of Alpha Kappa Psi’s educational programming. Over the last several years, Alpha Kappa Psi in conjunction with Commonwealth Leadership® has designed a leadership methodology to engage learners in the environment around them.

Clarify. Analyze. Act.

Three simple words with so much meaning behind them. What is the problem or issue trying to be solved? What relevant information is gathered? What is the action step? Supporting the leadership methodology is a set of key skills and professional pathways. Every piece of curriculum is designed to elevate the learning and development of members of Alpha Kappa Psi.

While Alpha Kappa Psi returned to hosting in-person events in 2022, the COVID-19 pandemic posed several challenges throughout the fiscal year. Alpha Kappa Psi members’ safety, health, and well-being remained the highest priority, so each in-person event provided pre-event instruction and tests, as well as onsite supplies to provide additional layers of protection.

In 2017, ASAE: The Center for Association Leadership produced the “Drivers of Change: Summaries and Forecasts” as a part of their ASAE ForesightWorks component. There are several key Drivers of Change used to support the strategic direction of Alpha Kappa Psi educational programming. You can review these elements on the next page.

In conjunction with the Commonwealth Leadership® these drivers play a pivotal role in advancing Alpha Kappa Psi’s strategy by assisting members with the development of the key skills employers want and need by offering high-impact activities, events, and training programs. And, our learning and leadership development program in conjunction with in-person events is designed to develop each member’s ability to navigate their career and be a leader in the workplace. These skills are often regarded as critical by employers, managers, and researchers.

The following report contains analytical information regarding our events hosted during FY22. Our members, friends, and partners are vital to the success of the organization. We encourage you to read through the report and share your insight with an Alpha Kappa Psi member on your campus, in your company, or in your community. They are the next generation of employees.

This is our future. This is our path to success. This is AKPsi Events.



ASAE: The Center for Association Leadership “Drivers of Change: Summaries and Forecasts”

Ethical Consumption

SUMMARY: Younger U.S. consumers are engaging in more “ethical” and values driven spending on products and services, and investing in companies seen as doing good. The values and demographic weight of the millennial generation suggest that this trend will grow.

Higher Education 3.0

SUMMARY: Traditional educational models are under tremendous pressure as changes in work, technology, and student expectations demand both new curricula and new modes of instruction. Higher education is facing new threats of disintermediation by online education and alternative credentialing systems. While the knowledge economy places a premium on analysis and thinking, it is also creating new alternatives to the university that threaten to transform how students receive postsecondary instruction.

SUMMARY: “Fast data” emphasizes realtime decision making, based on the idea that the greatest value from data comes when the analytics can be used immediately. Examples include fraud detection, recommendation engines, personalization, and real-time demand forecasting. In all of these cases, the value comes from quickly processing and acting on the data—and this value can diminish quickly as the data get stale.

Fast Data Virtualized Meetings

SUMMARY: Ubiquitous broadband, the mainstreaming of virtual reality, and robotics are accelerating the capabilities of telepresence technologies. These technologies could enable the telepresence of both speakers and participants at meetings. Or meetings could take place entirely in a shared digital reality. While these technologies can broaden participation and generate novel experiences, the social and experiential benefits of “real life” may prove challenging to replicate.


September 11-14, 2021

Waycross Conference and Retreat Center

Learning Objectives

• Develop a fraternal network

June 18-21, 2022

Waycross Conference and Retreat Center

• Build an awareness of the influence of assumptions and bias in leadership

• Clarify personal values

• Construct a path for approaching difficult situations

• Define the change process

• Develop a comprehensive set of professional and leadership skills

• Examine leadership styles, strengths, and areas of development

• Reflect on the experience and develop personal action steps



Due to continued COVID-19 restrictions, the 2021 Academy took place in September instead of June, causing both the 2021 and 2022 Academies to occur within the same fiscal year. However, it was able to be held in person, and Fellows of the virtual Academy in 2020 were invited to attend alongside the 2021 Fellows.

Student Participants (2021)

Christopher Aguirre, Texas Tech ‘18

Maddy Bridges, Auburn ‘20

Megan Cox, Missouri State ‘19

David Hartless Jr, Central Washington ‘19

Kaitlynn Hores, Pittsburgh at Johnstown ‘19

Jacob Idani, Nova Southeastern ‘18

Aaron Kellett, NJIT ‘19

Xiulan Li, Michigan - Dearborn ‘19

Ryan Maas, Kansas ‘18

Ellie McDougal Ramapo College of New Jersey ‘20

Robert Obermair, Loyola Maryland ‘19

Adway Raje, Texas at Dallas ‘19

Kendry Rodriguez, Central Florida ‘20

Annabel Schulze, New Jersey ‘20



The 2022 Academy was held in person in June, and 16 fellows attended. The Fellows developed their self-awareness skills and stronger teamwork skills, and received a new perspective on one recurring theme in business: change. They explored the questions of how one can learn the fundamentals of leadership while keeping pace with the speed of change in technology and the workplace, and where personal values, teamwork, and an awareness of self fit in this technology-driven world.

Student Participants (2022)

Dylan Bushelle, Indiana ‘21

Muhammad Waleed Cheema, NJIT ‘21

Havillyn Felder, Howard ‘21

Grishma Geedipally, Texas at Dallas ‘20

Jerome Gilmore, Illinois State ‘21

Nate Herkelman Iowa ‘21

Muhammad Hassan Irshad, Texas Tech ‘21

Kevin Jose, Texas at Dallas ‘21


The 2023 Academy will take place in Morgantown, IN in June 2023. Applications open November 2022 and close February 2023. Students must have a 3.0 cumulative GPA or higher (on a 4.0 scale) to apply.

Learn more at akpsi.org/academy

Zachary Murdzia, Western Washington ‘21

Madison O’Brien, Alabama ‘21

Demetris Papaloucas, Trinity ‘21

Keara Powers, Baylor ‘20

Santosh Ramesh, Oregon State ‘21

Ali Steger, Nebraska - Lincoln ‘20

Nabiha Syed, Delaware ‘21

Ryan Von Fiedler, Central Washington ‘20

Daniel J. Roselli - Lead Facilitator Michigan State ‘89-Life Mackenzie Lauka - Small Group Facilitator Associate Director of Education Toledo ’10-Life Jason Pierce - Lead Facilitator Director of Education Friend of AKPsi Karyn N. Sneath - Lead Facilitator Texas Tech ‘04

Institute of Business Leadership

October 26, 2021


The Institute of Business Leadership is a one-day virtual conference, providing attendees access to exclusive networking and several career, personal, skill and chapter operational development sessions led by industry professionals, without ever having to leave home.

The Institute of Business Leadership expanded to be the lead event during Professional Development Week. During this week, Alpha Kappa Psi provides its members the best of Brotherhood Unbounded, with access to career, personal and skill development opportunities for all levels of experience to enhance their professional development.

These events would not have been possible without the generosity and expertise of the speakers, who gave their time and talent to AKPsi to advance members’ learning. Recordings of all virtual sessions and additional courses on chapter operations, career advancement, and professional development are available in the MyLearning section of the MyAKPsi Community.

Keynote Speakers

Sessions Offered

• Perspectives on a Path Forward

• How to Build an Accomplishment Based Résumé

• Building a Sponsor-Sponsoree Relationship

• Finding the Needle in the Haystack: Turning Your Passions into a Career

• Navigating Conscious Leadership

• Career Development Networking Topics

• Value Day 1

• Building Respectful Relationships in the Workplace

• Personal Development Networking Topics

• Creating a Culture with Your Team


Presidents Academy

January 7 - 9, 2022

Hyatt Regency Orange County

Presidents Academy (PA) is an educational leadership experience to provide chapter presidents with a concentrated deep dive into serving others, self-awareness, chapter operations, understanding vision, and creating a Chapter Success Plan. Use of the Birkman Method Assessment was continued after strong feedback from the 2020 event to allow attendees the opportunity to learn about their individual leadership styles, as well as their usual and stress behaviors.

This event returned to in-person, and a virtual option was also provided for those who were unable to attend in person due to COVID-19 or otherwise.






““Presidents Academy has been one of the most, if not the most beneficial experience in my time in AKPsi. I was able to network with fellow brothers and I realized the problems each of our chapters have are not much different. I am so excited to take all the helpful information about coaching, listening, leadership and share it with the rest of the chapter!”

Learning Objectives

• Construct a path for approaching difficult situations

• Demonstrate responsible decision-making and personal accountability

• Demonstrate the ability to coach others

• Describe servant leadership as an approach to chapter operations

• Develop a fraternal network

• Develop professional and leadership skills

• Facilitate the development of a Chapter Success Plan

• Implement a feedback model

• Practice a commitment to servant leadership


Becca Koetter, Dayton ‘20



UP NEXT: January 6-8, 2023

Somewhat Likely 6.67% Most Likely 28 89% Extremely Likely 62.22%

January 7 - 9, 2022

Hyatt Regency Orange County

Fraternity Advisors Conference


The Fraternity Advisors Conference (FAC) is an educational leadership experience to provide fraternity volunteers the knowledge and skills to effectively coach those they service in self-awareness, chapter operations, understanding vision, and creating a Chapter Success Plan. Use of the Birkman Method Assessment was continued after strong feedback from the 2020 event to allow attendees the opportunity to learn about their individual leadership styles, as well as their usual and stress behaviors.

This event returned to in person, and a virtual option was also provided for those who were unable to attend in person due to COVID-19 or otherwise.

Learning Objectives

• Assist chapter officers with the development of a Chapter Success Plan

• Construct a path for approaching difficult situations

• Demonstrate responsible decision-making and personal accountability

• Demonstrate the ability to coach others

• Describe servant leadership as an approach to advising

• Develop a fraternal network

• Develop professional and leadership skills

• Implement a feedback model

• Practice a commitment to servant leadership


UP NEXT: January 6-8, 2023

“FAC is a great opportunity to learn about yourself, the chapters and to meet brothers. It’s a time of brotherhood and reflection.”
Very Probably 24 44%
Marie Stacey, Stetson ‘12
75 56%

Principled Business Leadership Institute

February 11-12, 2022

Baltimore, Maryland

February 11-12, 2022

Jacksonville, Florida

February 25-26, 2022

Chicago, Illinois

The Principled Business Leadership Institute is Alpha Kappa Psi’s annual flagship event where students and alumni interact with top professionals in business industries and gain insight on necessary industryrelated skills. It is designed for all individuals seeking to enhance their professional development.

Learning Objectives

• Develop professional and leadership skills

• Develop a professional network

• Develop a fraternal network

• Explore insights on industry-related skills necessary for employment

• Interact with top professionals in business industries

• Practice a commitment to servant leadership

• Translate chapter, personal, and professional experiences into the leadership development process





• Meet and connect with people from other chapters

• Build leadership and professional skills

• Grow closer/bond with chapter

• Learn something to better chapter

• Opportunity to travel to a new city



How Effective was the event in the development of the following skills?

Weighted average from Not at all effective (1) to Extremely Effective (5)


Advising the Advisors

October Virtual January Virtual March Virtual May Virtual

Over the past year, four Advising the Advisor events have been held on Zoom. Advising the Advisor is an opportunity for fraternity advisors to review the Chapter Achievement Pathway and learn how to coach their chapter officers through the various stages of the Chapter Achievement Pathway. In each respective session, an overview of what to expect in the current month takes place, followed by a Q&A session with the AKPsi professional staff. In addition to this, chapter advisors can use the sessions to network and ask each other questions.

“Thank you for yet another amazing event! Lots of great information and a truly beneficial series. Can’t wait for the next one!!!”
Lateefa Colburn, Central Florida ‘18

What’s Next: Event Brand Changes


Alpha Kappa Psi’s events have undergone fundamental changes over the last five to seven years. The events are now more closely aligned with the strategic direction and purpose of the organization. Below is an outline of each event rebrand and new logo.

What made this change necessary?

As Alpha Kappa Psi continues to develop new educational content and programming, updates to current event branding is needed. In order to accurately align the brand with the event content and strategy, streamlining event names will provide a more cohesive experience for attendees and reduce confusion about the event and event’s purpose.

The rebranded events include Fraternity Advisors Conference, Institute of Business Leadership, Presidents Academy, and Principled Business Leadership Institute. Other events will remain as titled.


Pathways combines Presidents Academy and Fraternity Advisors Conference into one event and allows for the content to remain similar as previous years. The name change also shows support for the Chapter Achievement Pathway and notes each person is on their path as chapter president or advisor.


Elevate is a completely new event and attendee experience. Lifting individuals to a higher position by providing more tailored content through the newly designed Certificate program. Depth and breadth to the content will focus on the four professional pathways (Know Yourself, Build Your Team, Find Your Path, and Practice Your Skills).

Business Edge: A Virtual Conference

Since learning doesn’t only take place in person, the Business Edge conference is attended virtually. This event is used to think about the future and how the learner can use the content to leverage their future career path. This event was formerly known as Institute of Business Leadership.


What’s Next: FY 23 Events


August 3-7, 2022


Coming soon PATHWAYS

January 6-8, 2023


February, 2023


June, 2023

Please check out akpsi.org/events for updates to the event schedule and to learn more about each of these upcoming events. *Events are subject to change.

Are you ready to support the educational events and partner with Alpha Kappa Psi? Click here to access the Event Partnership Guide!

Connect with Jason Pierce, Director of Education, to discuss a partnership idea!


All-AKPsi Academic Team

The All-AKPsi Academic Team recognizes students who maintain excellence in academic standing while also making positive contributions to their campus and community. From the team, eight captains each are granted a $250 academic scholarship from the Foundation.

* Denotes Team Captain

Pranav S. Aatreya, British Columbia ’20

Emily C. Acquafredda, Richmond ’19

Jacinta Bacot, Loyola New Orleans ’21

Cole Bayer, Wisconsin-Madison ’20

Elise Boudart, Iowa ’21

Avonna Boysel, Toledo ’18

Brett M. Brenner, Colorado ’18

Emily Breuninger, Saint Joseph’s ’20

Dennis Brillantes, Hofstra ’19

Kendall A. Buck, Stetson ’19 *

Pharoah Campbell, Nova Southeastern ’21

Ellie G. Carrier, Illinois State ’19

Catherine Coe, Trinity ’20

Hannah Crane, Delaware ’20

Julian Darviche, Vanderbilt ’20

Alyssa DiMaio, Delaware ’20 *

Vsevolod Eremkin, Florida International ’21

Grace E. Erickson, Illinois ’19

Hamza Farooq, Miami ’20 *

Anna Farro, Delaware ’20

Havillyn Felder, Howard ’21 *

Ethan Furnish, Indiana ’19

Jacqueline Gavin, Towson ’21

Lauren R. Goldsmith, Christopher Newport ’19

John T. Green, TCNJ ’20

Jean Han, Maryland ’20

Jasmine Hanson, Christopher Newport ’21

Taylor Hauck, Shippensburg ’19

Robert Housel, Michigan ’19

Nadia Humen, Saint Joseph’s ’21

Catherine Jacob, Southern Methodist ’20

Rithik Jain, North Carolina State ’21

Vivian Jiang, Maryland ’21 *

Andrew J. Johnson, Santa Clara ’20

Aaron Kellett, NJIT ’19

Peter Kennedy, Creighton ’21

Andrew Kim, Pennsylvania ’20 *

Kaitlyn Kneidinger, Gannon ’21

Rebecca Koetter, Dayton ’20 *

Molly A. Lively, Shippensburg ’18

Blake J. Maday, Michigan State ’19

Ashley Marino, Christopher Newport ’20

Pietro T. Marino, College of William and Mary ’19

Justin Martin, Mississippi ’21

Amod Mathur, Maryland ’19

Santiago Mayorga, St. John’s ’21

Erin McCaffrey, Baylor ’20

Brashanda McCoy, Loyola New Orleans ’21

Analene McCullough, Loyola New Orleans ’20

Lauren McDonald, Pennsylvania ’20

Lindsey Mcgowan, Michigan – Dearborn ’19

Geovanny Mendoza, Idaho State ’21

Frank Natale, Nova Southeastern ’21

Cassie Oakes, Shippensburg ’19

Julie Ouk, CSU, Long Beach ’21

Michael Parker, Butler ’20

Sankya Parvatrao, Maryland ’20

Gabrielle Piechota, Illinois at Chicago ’21 *


Caleigh Pistorius, Dayton ’21

Justin Poist, Cal Poly State ’20

Adway Raje, Texas at Dallas ’19

Avery R. Roland, Delaware ’19

Helena Rowe, Seton Hall ’21

Joshua S. Rudgayzer, Hofstra ’21

Nicholas Sahli, Alabama ’20

Snekha Saravanan, Oregon ’19

Simran Sawhney, Pennsylvania ’19

Jillian Sawyer, Delaware ’19

Sean Segasture, Missouri ’20

Hafsah Shaik, TCNJ ’20

Nicole Shrem, Florida State ’20

Lauryn M. Simon, St. John’s ’21

Campbell Snoddy, Maryland ’21

Andrew Stugart, Delaware ’19

Bridget R. Summerlee, North Carolina-Charlotte ’19

Lauren P. Takiguchi, UC-San Diego ’20

Tyler L. Thomas, High Point ’19

Ryan T. Von Fiedler, Central Washington ’20

Blake Ware, Cincinnati ’21

Stevie White, Alabama ’19

Kristy Wu, Baruch ’19

Kevin Ye, Columbia ’21

Maci Yelaska, Creighton ’19

Michael Young, Trinity ’20

Jacob Zaionz, San Francisco State ’19

Team Captains



Establisted by chapters and individuals, endowments are used to support annual scholarships. Some are available to all AKPsi students, while others are reserved for students in a specific field of study. This year, AKPsi was proud to award more than $65,000 in scholarships to students demonstrating excellence in campus, community, and chapter involvement.

William Donnelly Scholarship

$10,000 - Jordan E. Langs, Delaware ‘17

$5,000 - Pietro T. Marino, College of William and Mary ‘19

$2,000 - Karmyn Tatum, Central Florida ‘20

$2,000 - Shane Becker, Missouri ‘20

$2,000 - Noelle Fall, Alabama ‘19

$2,000 - Kendry R. Rodriguez, Central Florida ‘20

$2,000 - Analene McCullough, Loyola New Orleans ‘20

$1,750 - Victor j. Louis, Central Florida ‘20

$1,750 - Anthony Tringali, Georgia ‘21

$1,000 - Jackryan M. Fleming, Arkansas ‘21

Carlton J. Siegler Scholarship

$2,000 - Caroline Wolanin, Wayne State ‘19

$2,000 - Anna C. Whiteside, Miami ‘20

$2,000 - Navya Gaddam, Texas at Dallas ‘21

$2,000 - Pranav S Aatreya, British Columbia ‘20

$2,000 - Katherine D. Oakes, Arizona State ‘15

$2,000 - Rebecca Koetter, Dayton ‘20

$1,750 - Faith Nishimura, Loyola Marymount ‘20

$1,250 - Morgan Sassetti, Mississippi ‘19

Stephen & Chrissy Vasquez Scholarship

$8,000 - Thomas Cortez, Tennessee ‘17

Fraternity President’s Scholarship

$2,500 - Brendan Bogel, Gonzaga ‘18

William D. Reeves Scholarship

$1,875 - Katelyn Lobo, Texas at Dallas ‘20

Andrew P. Duli Scholarship

$1,875 - Chelsea Wells, Wisconsin-Madison ‘20

Jesse Bert Scholarship

$1,875 - Ariel Altinbas Ramapo ‘19

Vanderwaal Scholarship

$1,250 - DaNia Stevenson, San Francisco State ‘21

Kenneth W. Hufford Scholarship

$1,100 - Alex Manning, Loyola Marymount ‘20

Theodore G. Ehrsam Scholarship

$1,000 - Lauren N. Vuolo, Seton Hall ‘20

$1,000 - Amal Joseph, Texas at Dallas ‘19

Westerdahl Scholarship

$1,000 -Blake J. Maday, Michigan State ‘19

Legacy Circle

Individuals who have a lifetime giving amount of $100,000+

Eileen L. Howell, Wisconsin-Milwaukee ‘78

Scott D. Howell, Texas Tech ‘79

Pamela L. Richardson, Drake ‘81

Robert E. Richardson, Iowa ‘76

Stephen Vasquez, Arizona State ‘72

Leadership Circle

Individuals who have a lifetime giving amount of $75,000+

William A. Wade, Seattle ‘05

R K Lee, Washington ‘67

David P. Wendroff, Portland ‘79

Wendy A. Wendroff, Tri-State ‘80


Blue & Gold Circle

Individuals who have a lifetime giving amount of $50,000+

Clifford Spangler Society

Recognition club for those who made provisions for AKPsi in their estate plan. Legacy giving (also called planned giving) can help Alpha Kappa Psi establish long-term sustainability while honoring donor wishes to continue support in their legacy. If you are interested in joining, follow this link: Remember AKPsi

Sonia A. Advani, Wisconsin-Madison ‘99

Julie Bonz, Nevada-Las Vegas ‘02

Deandre A. Brand, Jacksonville State ‘19

Timothy L. Brandenburg, Cincinnati ‘96

Paul R. Bailey, Michigan State ‘88

Jeffrey A. Blade, Butler ‘84

Leslie A. Brinker, Old Dominion ‘76

Paul J. Brinker, Cincinnati ‘84

Angela D. Brown, Adrian College ‘81

Joseph A. Clark, Old Dominion ‘01

Peggy L. Collins, Fort Hays State ‘91

Clive A. Correia, Pennsylvania ‘98

Megan Cox, Missouri State ‘19

Michael G. Dickerson, Virginia Tech ‘04

Gregory R. DuRoss, Wayne State ‘70

Gary L. Epperson, Honorary ‘92

Shawn Farruggia, Portland State ‘15

Chris R. Feather, Pittsburgh-Johnstown ‘95

Jackryan M. Fleming, Arkansas ‘21

Jeff E. Frank, Eastern Michigan ‘86

Michael E. Gerwe, Miami ‘56

Vic A. Greene, West Georgia ‘77

Elizabeth A. Hampton, Saint Louis ‘78

Timothy J. Hampton, Saint Louis ‘76

Michael C. Heer, Towson ‘06

Tana M. Dippolito Heer, Buffalo ‘06

Eliza J. Hernandez, North Carolina-Charlotte ‘09

Jessica L. Hill, Arizona State ‘95

Alison Jennings, Oakland ‘02

Matthew T. Jaeger, Trinity ‘98

Jason S. Katz, George Washington ‘08

Michael L. Kelly, Auburn ‘06

Jess C. LaNore, Purdue ‘00

Catherine Lassesen, Nevada-Las Vegas ‘82

Mackenzie A. Lauka, Toledo ‘10

R K Lee, Washington ‘67

Robert M. Linden, Central Michigan ‘64

Marvin L. Longabaugh, Texas Tech ‘80

Paul E. Lubic, Christopher Newport ‘94

Reynaley Madrigal, Pepperdine ‘20

David S. Margolis, Wayne State ‘76

Natalie Marssdorf, Gonzaga ‘21

Richard W. McVay, Texas Tech ‘79

Hope Meihaus, Virginia Commonwealth ‘19

Pamela A. Miksell, Iowa ‘96

Paula Elaine Minton-Givens, Western Kentucky ‘04

M.C. Moore, Virginia Tech ‘86

Nicholas A. Myers, Florida ‘99

James C. Nuccio, North Carolina-Charlotte ‘09

Ryan J. Ott, UC-Davis ‘06

Robert S. Prati, San Diego ‘96

Todd J. Regis, Western Michigan ‘86

Kate L. Reyome, Nebraska ‘18

Dan J. Roselli, Michigan State ‘89

David M. Russo, Christopher Newport ‘05

Georgia L. Stone, North Carolina-Charlotte ‘10

Heather A. Strbiak, Florida State ‘89

Joshua A. Sostheim, Friend of AKPsi

Molly Sostheim, Friend of AKPsi

Barbara Stubblefield, Friend of AKPsi

Dan Stubblefield, Middle Tennessee State ‘89

Steven T. Tabac, Michigan ‘63

Chrissy M. Vasquez, Arizona State ‘98

Stephen Vasquez, Arizona State ‘72

Suzanne M. Ward, Drake ‘92

Mark D. Warden, Southern California ‘81

Cynthia A. Washington, Saint Louis ‘82

David P. Wendroff, Portland ‘79

Wendy A. Wendroff, Tri-State ‘80

Gregory Winters, Western Kentucky ‘03

James D. Zuniga, Florida International ‘95

Lisa A. Calandriello, American ‘97 Chris J. Rufer, California, Los Angeles ‘68

Sponsor a Student

During the 2021-22 Academic Year, the Foundation partnered with student chapters to ensure students could continue their involvement in AKPsi regardless of financial implications they may have incurred due to the pandemic and personal hardships.

If you are interested in partnering with the Foundation to help Brothers in a specific chapter, please reach out to akpsifoundation@akpsi.org. Your sponsorship will allow a student Brother to participate in Brotherhood Unbounded – providing exclusive, interactive professional development opportunities, brand-new engaging content, and a more robust cross-chapter network. The program aims to boost confidence, elevate portfolios, and develop the skills necessary for our student Brothers to become successful principled business leaders.

Phoenician Society

Recognition club for individuals who give or commit to give $1000 or more each year. Phoenician Society members are invited to exclusive events and activities. Donors also receive Phoenician Society pin and certificate to recognize their level of giving. This level of giving can be done in payments or one gift.

Paul R. Bailey, Michigan State ‘88

Lou R. Barkman, Michigan State ‘98

Debbie E. Barrett, Montclair State ‘98

Leslie A. Brinker, Old Dominion ‘76

John D. Cahill, Buffalo ‘52

Howard Chang, Southern California ‘95

Lisa A. Calandriello, American ‘97

Ryan Cunningham, Tennessee ‘16

Timothy W. Daniels, Indiana ‘06

Alec G. Engelberg, Tennessee ‘94

Jeff E. Frank, Eastern Michigan ‘86

Raymond Grant, Florida State ‘63

Michael E. Gerwe, Miami ‘56

Elizabeth A. Hampton, Saint Louis ‘78

Timothy J. Hampton, Saint Louis ‘76

C. Steven Hartman, Miami ‘16

Eileen L. Howell, Wisconsin-Milwaukee ‘78

Scott D. Howell, Texas Tech ‘79

Derek W. Hunter, Murray State ‘01

Shannon Hunter, Murray State ‘09

Alison Jennings, Oakland ‘02

Mathew D. Johnston, Boise State ‘12

Patric Knapp, Friend of AKPsi

Dorraine Lallani, Sam Houston State ‘81

Heidi R. Lanin, Arizona State ‘95

Michael T. Lanin, Arizona State ‘98

John M. LeVering, Boise State ‘95

Mark C. MacGibbon, Portland ‘96

Phil D. May, Saint Louis ‘86

Mitchell Miranda, Arizona State ‘18

Nicholas A. Myers, Florida ‘99

Andrea Nemeth, Montclair State ‘91

Patrick Northcraft, Toledo ‘13

Brian D. Parker, Indiana ‘93

Robert Perry, Friend of AKPsi

Manuel E. Pravia, Miami ‘89

William D. Reeves, Georgia State ‘59

Pamela L. Richardson, Drake ‘81

Robert E. Richardson, Iowa ‘76

Chris Robinette, Friend of AKPsi

Heather D. Robinette, Kansas State ‘09

Chris J. Rufer, UC-Los Angeles ‘68

Clarence W. Seal, Tennessee Tech ‘85

Vadim Shleyfman, Towson ‘09

Stephen E. Smith, Florida ‘86

William F. Thompson, Virginia ‘70

Thomas N. Tran, Pennsylvania State ‘02

Rodney C. Turner, Alabama State ‘93

Stephen Vasquez, Arizona State ‘72

Francis T. Veigle, Central Florida ‘04

Lee Voegler, American ‘98

John J. Von Achen, Upsala College ‘74

Suzanne M. Ward, Drake ‘92

David P. Wendroff, Portland ‘79

Wendy A. Wendroff, Tri-State ‘80

David A. Williams, CSU-Fresno ‘08

John C. Werner, Virginia ‘86


Leadership Team

The Foundation is guided by a board of directors that seeks to expand and support educational programs within Alpha Kappa Psi that develop leadership and professional development skills.

Foundation Chair

Timothy W. Daniels, Indiana ‘06-Life

Foundation Vice Chairman

Alison J. Jennings, Oakland ’02

Foundation Treasurer/Secretary

Mat D. Johnston, Boise State ‘12-Life

At-Large Members

Jacqueline M. Ginarte, Florida International ‘04

Stephen E. Smith, Florida ’86-Life


Honor Roll Of Donors

The following list celebrates the Brothers and friends who made gifts in support of AKPsi through the AKPsi Foundation between July 1, 2021 and June 30, 2022.

1904 Club - $10,000+

Eileen L. Howell, Wisconsin-Milwaukee ‘78

Scott D. Howell, Texas Tech ‘79

Pamela L. Richardson, Drake ‘81

Robert E. Richardson, Iowa ‘76

Stephen Vasquez, Arizona State ‘72

Presidents Club - $2,500

Lisa A. Calandriello, American ‘97

Mathew D. Johnston, Boise State ‘12

Phil D. May, Saint Louis ‘86

Chris J. Rufer, UC-Los Angeles ‘68

David P. Wendroff, Portland ‘79

Wendy A. Wendroff, Tri-State ‘80

Founders Club - $1,000

Paul R. Bailey, Michigan State ‘88

Lou R. Barkman, Michigan State ‘98

Debbie E. Barrett, Montclair State ‘98

Leslie A. Brinker, Old Dominion ‘76

John D. Cahill, Buffalo ‘52

Howard Chang, Southern California ‘95

Ryan Cunningham, Tennessee ‘16

Timothy W. Daniels, Indiana ‘06

Alec G. Engelberg, Tennessee ‘94

Jeff E. Frank, Eastern Michigan ‘86

Jacqueline M. Ginarte, Florida International ‘04

Michael E. Gerwe, Miami ‘56

Raymond Grant, Florida State ‘63

Elizabeth A. Hampton, Saint Louis ‘78

Timothy J. Hampton, Saint Louis ‘76

C. Steven Hartman, Miami ‘16

Derek W. Hunter, Murray State ‘01

Shannon Hunter, Murray State ‘09

Alison Jennings, Oakland ‘02

Patric Knapp, Friend of AKPsi

Dorraine Lallani, Sam Houston State ‘81

Heidi R. Lanin, Arizona State ‘95

Michael T. Lanin, Arizona State ‘98

Founders Club - Continued

John M. LeVering, Boise State ‘95

Mark C. MacGibbon, Portland ‘96

Nicholas A. Myers, Florida ‘99

Brian D. Parker, Indiana ‘93

Manuel E. Pravia, Miami ‘89

William D. Reeves, Georgia State ‘59

Chris Robinette, Friend of AKPsi

Heather D. Robinette, Kansas State ‘09

Clarence W. Seal, Tennessee Tech ‘85

Stephen E. Smith, Florida ‘86

William F. Thompson, Virginia ‘70

Rodney C. Turner, Alabama State ‘93

Francis T. Veigle, Central Florida ‘04

John J. Von Achen, Upsala College ‘74

Suzanne M. Ward, Drake ‘92

David P. Wendroff, Portland ‘79

John C. Werner, Virginia ‘86

David A. Williams, CSU-Fresno ‘08

Brooklyn Bridge Club - $500

Jane A. Azzinaro, Maryland ‘10

Bernard J. Bell, Friend of AKPsi

Nancy E. Bell, Michigan State ‘13

Bronson A. Blodgett, Trinity ‘91

Victoria E. Byerley, Missouri Western State ‘12

Diana D. Correia, Syracuse ‘14

Michael G. Dickerson, Virginia Tech ‘04

Kerri M. Dickson, Washington State ‘02

Ashlee A. Guerra, Chapman ‘03

Justin A. Guerra, Chapman ‘01

Alfonso E. Guzman, Southern California ‘04

Brianna M. Hellman, Tennessee Tech ‘18

R K Lee, Washington ‘67

Pietro T. Marino, College of William and Mary ‘19

Kathryn M. Meyer, Florida State ‘97

Crest Circle

Individuals who have a lifetime giving amount of $25,000+

Leslie A. Brinker, Old Dominion ‘76

Paul J. Brinker, Cincinnati ‘84

Angela D. Brown, Adrian College ‘81

Manuel E. Pravia, Miami ‘89

William D. Reeves, Georgia State ‘59

Todd J. Regis, Western Michigan ‘86

Dan J. Roselli, Michigan State ‘89

John C. Werner, Virginia ‘86


Brooklyn Bridge Club - Continued

Chris Mingo, Friend of AKPsi

Tricia P. Mulcare, Indiana ‘95

Laura C. Murphy, Minnesota ‘98

Gary K. Nelson, Portland State ‘65

Andrea Nemeth, Montclair State ‘91

Nancy M. Ouellette, West Virginia ‘02

Jason R. Pierce, Friend of AKPsi

Susan A. Porte, CSU-San Bernardino ‘98

Melissa J. Prager, Iowa State ‘98

Laurie A. Raulston, Middle Tennessee State ‘88

Mark C. Raulston, Middle Tennessee State ‘91

Maya S. Richardson, Arizona State West ‘02

Vadim Shleyfman, Towson ‘09

Albert D. Shonk, Southern California ‘52

Walter J. Smith, Florida ‘65

Marius C. Stan, Rutgers ‘01

Kammer D. Strachan, Northwestern ‘13

James Tundidor, South Carolina ‘09

Chrissy M. Vasquez, Arizona State ‘98

William A. Wade, Seattle ‘05

Carrie Wiant, Ball State ‘02

Dan Younkin, Friend of AKPsi

Sapphire Club - $250

Taylor S. Bailey, West Virginia ‘08

Richard V. Battle, Texas at Austin ‘70

Richard A. Bender, Ohio State ‘65

Dustin M. Bryant, Indiana State ‘07

Christopher J. Bucknam, Virginia Tech ‘95

Randall C. Budden, Michigan - Dearborn ‘82

Courtney C. Buentello, Lamar ‘05

Sapphire Club - Continued

Liz Buttner, Stetson ‘11

James L. Canvasser, Oakland ‘98

Rose L. Carr, Oregon State ‘11

Carol R. Carter, Gustavus Adolphus College ‘76

Naneen Christopher, Seton Hall ‘05

Tony C. Clark, Iowa ‘74

Erin M. Cosler, Butler ‘07

Robert A. Davenport, Old Dominion ‘86

Kathryn M. Dimoff, Western Carolina ‘02

Jennifer J. Dobel, Iowa State ‘01

Carlye W. Dooley, Eastern Michigan ‘95

William R. Goldammer, Marquette ‘54

Craig R. Fain, Virginia Tech ‘00

Cassandra A. Fogel, Eastern Washington ‘15

Lawrence A. Friend, Indiana ‘63

Gregory L. Gabbard, Cincinnati ‘90

Lea S. Goodwin, Louisiana State ‘99

Matthew M. Green, Friend of AKPsi

Martin L. Green, Christopher Newport ‘75

Heather L. Harrison, ‘19

Ray House, Friend of AKPsi

James W. Kiser, Tennessee-Martin ‘84

Edward J. Koss, Michigan - Dearborn ‘76

Michael W. Kublin, Florida ‘75

Therese Loughmiller, Wichita State ‘13

Lindsey Lu-Pon, UC-Merced ‘09

David S. Margolis, Wayne State ‘76

Daniel Marino, Friend of AKPsi

Hamen G. Metheny, Michigan State ‘65

M.C. Moore, Virginia Tech ‘86

Alicia D. Neumann, Saint Louis ‘96

Galley Circle

Individuals who have a lifetime giving amount of $10,000+

Paul R. Bailey, Michigan State ‘88

John D. Cahill, Buffalo ‘52

Robert A. Davenport, Old Dominion ‘86

Gregory R. DuRoss, Wayne State ‘70

Jeff E. Frank, Eastern Michigan ‘86

Michael E. Gerwe, Miami ‘56

Jacqueline M. Ginarte, Florida International ‘04

Elizabeth A. Hampton, Saint Louis ‘78

Timothy J. Hampton, Saint Louis ‘76

C. Steven Hartman, Miami ‘16

Jill Johansen Hastey, Drake ‘85

Kenneth B. Hastey, Saint Louis ‘76

Alison Jennings, Oakland ‘02

Mathew D. Johnston, Boise State ‘12

John M. LeVering, Boise State ‘95

Mark C. MacGibbon, Portland ‘96

Phil D. May, Saint Louis ‘86

Andrea Nemeth, Montclair State ‘91

Brian D. Parker, Indiana ‘93

Melissa J. Prager, Iowa State ‘98

Vadim Shleyfman, Towson ‘09

Stephen E. Smith, Florida ‘86

Charles D. Steffens, Portland ‘87

Heather A. Strbiak, Florida State ‘89

Alexander T. Sultan, San Diego State ‘93

Kathleen Thompson, Friend of AKPsi

William F. Thompson, Virginia ‘70

Lee Voegler, American ‘98

John J. Von Achen, Upsala College ‘74

Suzanne M. Ward, Drake ‘92

Cynthia A. Washington, Saint Louis ‘82


Sapphire Club - Continued

Brittany A. Nicholson, Nova Southeastern ‘15

Andrew A. Rupp, Fort Hays State ‘74

Karl A. Sakas, College of William and Mary ‘01

Robert N. Schreck, UC-Los Angeles ‘63

Don T. Sechler, Arizona State ‘96

Jessica R. Seitz, Auburn ‘02

Mike Spetko, Georgia State ‘00

Heather A. Strbiak, Florida State ‘89

Scott D. Todd, Central Washington ‘02

Robert S. Ukrop, Richmond ‘68

Marla Viorst, Friend of AKPsi

Lee Voegler, American ‘98

Marisa A. Westerholm, Nebraska ‘04

Patron’s Club - $100

Adrian-Ryan N. Acala, UC Merced ‘10

Joseph C. Adams, Michigan - Dearborn ‘79

Gregory M. Arnold, Old Dominion ‘84

Susan L. Arnold, Ohio State ‘80

Edward C. Aubrey, Georgia ‘85

Milton M. Averett, Georgia ‘64

Courtney P. Ball, at Buffalo ‘12

Donald J. Baumann, Ohio State ‘72

Raquel C. Benmergui, CSU-San Bernardino ‘96

Rebecca A. Benson, Pacific Lutheran ‘89

Davis Berberian, Wayne State ‘56

Patron’s Club - Continued

Pamela L. Bergsten, Kansas State ‘91

Cynthia Berlacher, Saint Joseph’s ‘21

Teresa Bernard, Friend of AKPsi

David M. Bobak, Toledo ‘65

Kelvin C. Boyle, Drake ‘60

Kenlee J. Brill, Wisconsin-Milwaukee ‘95

Paul J. Brinker, Cincinnati ‘84

John A. Brossack, Tri-State ‘71

Richard D. Brounstein, Michigan State ‘68

Angela D. Brown, Adrian College ‘81

Michael D. Brown, Boise State ‘88

Robin J. Buck, Florida State ‘90

Kyle M. Bunch, Western Kentucky ‘02

Scott M. Butera, Arizona State ‘84

Michael F. Cebula, Portland ‘76

Jason C. Chan, Nevada-Las Vegas ‘00

Donald S. Chapman, Georgia ‘59

Adrienne M. Choate, Arizona ‘89

Joel M. Chusid, Tennessee ‘68

Herbert T. Clark, Babson College ‘60

Christopher J. Clemens, Ball State ‘03

Hervie F. Clemons, Tennessee Tech ‘09

Richard J. Comer, Samford ‘72

James D. Crawford, Boise State ‘69

Richard M. Cundiff, Eastern Michigan ‘64

Donald C. Cundy, Eastern Michigan ‘70

Loyalty Circle

Individuals who have a lifetime giving amount of $5,000+

Lou R. Barkman, Michigan State ‘98

Richard V. Battle, Texas at Austin ‘70

Bernard J. Bell, Friend of AKPsi

Nancy E. Bell, Michigan State ‘13

Randall C. Budden, Michigan - Dearborn ‘82

Carol R. Carter, Gustavus Adolphus College ‘76

Howard Chang, Southern California ‘95

Tony C. Clark, Iowa ‘74

Timothy W. Daniels, Indiana ‘06

Micheal E. Dickson, Central Washington ‘02

Jennifer J. Dobel, Iowa State ‘01

Gary L. Epperson, Honorary ‘92

Edwin J. Feulner, Regis ‘60

William R. Goldammer, Marquette ‘54

Eliza J. Hernandez, North Carolina-Charlotte ‘09

Nancy A. Huebner, Iowa ‘89

Derek W. Hunter, Murray State ‘01

Shannon Hunter, Murray State ‘09

Jess C. LaNore, Purdue ‘00

David S. Margolis, Wayne State ‘76

Kathryn M. Meyer, Florida State ‘97

Gary K. Nelson, Portland State ‘65

Patrick Northcraft, Toledo ‘13

James C. Nuccio, North Carolina-Charlotte ‘09

Alexis P. Perdomo, Florida International ‘92

Patricia S. Perdomo, Florida International ‘93

Jason R. Pierce, Friend of AKPsi

Laurie A. Raulston, Middle Tennessee State ‘88

Mark C. Raulston, Middle Tennessee State ‘91

Andrew A. Rupp, Fort Hays State ‘74

Robert N. Schreck, UC-Los Angeles ‘63

Albert D. Shonk, Southern California ‘52

Lyle T. Staab, Friend of AKPsi

Thomas N. Tran, Pennsylvania State ‘02

Donald H. Van Hove, Detroit - Day Division ‘60

Chrissy M. Vasquez, Arizona State ‘98

Marisa A. Westerholm, Nebraska ‘04


Patron’s Club - Continued

Peter J. Cyffka, Southern California ‘77

Jo Ellen Cyffka, Stetson ‘82

Jennifer A. Dakin, Seton Hall ‘91

Harold J. Daub, Washington ‘62

James M. Davis, Middle Tennessee State ‘70

Guido E. DeAngelis, St. Francis (PA) ‘64

Katharine A. Denham, Eastern Michigan ‘92

Kaitlyn Depew, College of William and Mary ‘17

Taylor A. Deshmukh, Elon ‘21

Micheal E. Dickson, Central Washington ‘02

Donald H. Dieck, Michigan ‘67

Kelsey R. Dingler, College of William and Mary ‘08

David L. Downs, Texas at Dallas ‘91

Jacob S. Drees, Toledo ‘11

Gregory R. DuRoss, Wayne State ‘70

Charles W. Edson, Christopher Newport ‘07

Gary L. Epperson, Honorary ‘92

Anthony N. Diina, Canisius College ‘68

Robert R. Fuesel, Loyola Chicago ‘56

James G. Nussbaum, Illinois at Urbana-Champaign ‘59

Edwin J. Feulner, Regis ‘60

Michelle L. Field, Cal Poly State ‘06

Lori A. Finigian, Arizona State ‘82

Arthur J. Finley, Georgia ‘66

Mellyn C. Fisco, Baylor ‘12

Peter M. Fleming, CSU-Long Beach ‘73

William L. Foulds, Pennsylvania State ‘64

Patron’s Club - Continued

Paul D. Freedle, North Carolina-Chapel Hill ‘60

Brian J. Fries, Southeast Missouri State ‘05

James A. Fuller, Clemson ‘08

John C. Fuller, Boston ‘50

Alexander G. Gac, Creighton ‘02

Robert F. Garvin, Michigan State ‘59

Stefania C. Garzon, North Carolina-Charlotte ‘09

Alyce Ge, Columbia ‘15

Steven G. Gierak, Wayne State ‘45

Vanessa H. Gilyard, Nova Southeastern ‘05

Jerry E. Goff, Tennessee ‘64

Alyssa B. Goldstein, Pennsylvania State ‘06

Richard Gonce, Wisconsin-Madison ‘51

Stephen Z. Gosche, Southeast Missouri State ‘66

Drayton L. Green, Alabama ‘04

Renee M. Greene, Canisius College ‘03

Mason D. Grittman, Kansas State ‘10

Justin Grotyohann, Seton Hall ‘20

Deborah L. Habel, Oakland ‘85

Alexander B. Hambleton, Lock Haven ‘02

Charles J. Hass, Wisconsin-Madison ‘58

Kenneth B. Hastey, Saint Louis ‘76

Jill Johansen Hastey, Drake ‘85

David M. Heimos, Missouri ‘74

Jennifer A. Hensley, Missouri ‘96

Brett A. Herand, Arizona State ‘00

Royce B. Hermens, Portland ‘79

Friendship Circle

Individuals who have a lifetime giving amount of $1,000+

Joseph C. Adams, Michigan - Dearborn ‘79

Gregory M. Arnold, Old Dominion ‘84

Susan L. Arnold, Ohio State ‘80

Taylor S. Bailey, West Virginia ‘08

Debbie E. Barrett, Montclair State ‘98

Richard A. Bender, Ohio State ‘65

Raquel C. Benmergui, CSU-San Bernardino ‘96

Pamela L. Bergsten, Kansas State ‘91

Allen W. Bethell, Drake ‘57

Loren J. Bidle, Central Michigan ‘72

Bronson A. Blodgett, Trinity ‘91

Kenlee J. Brill, Wisconsin-Milwaukee ‘95

John A. Brossack, Tri-State ‘71

Richard D. Brounstein, Michigan State ‘68

Michael D. Brown, Boise State ‘88

Dustin M. Bryant, Indiana State ‘07

Robin J. Buck, Florida State ‘90

Christopher J. Bucknam, Virginia Tech ‘95

Courtney C. Buentello, Lamar ‘05

Kyle M. Bunch, Western Kentucky ‘02

Scott M. Butera, Arizona State ‘84

Liz Buttner, Stetson ‘11

Victoria E. Byerley, Missouri Western State ‘12

James L. Canvasser, Oakland ‘98

Leslie M. Carr, Toledo ‘88

Charles W. Carr, Toledo ‘88

Donald S. Chapman, Georgia ‘59

Naneen Christopher, Seton Hall ‘05

Joel M. Chusid, Tennessee ‘68

Herbert T. Clark, Babson College ‘60

Christopher J. Clemens, Ball State ‘03

Hervie F. Clemons, Tennessee Tech ‘09

Richard J. Comer, Samford ‘72

Diana D. Correia, Syracuse ‘14


Patron’s Club - Continued

Michael G. Hodges, Jacksonville ‘77

G. Michael Horn, Wisconsin-Madison ‘65

Donald H. Van Hove, Detroit - Day Division ‘60

John R. Hudak, Michigan State ‘85

Walter G. Hudson, West Texas A & M ‘72

Nancy A. Huebner, Iowa ‘89

Preston Johnson, Sam Houston State ‘76

Chris A. Johnson, North Carolina State ‘92

Thomas C. Kalnicki, Ohio State ‘90

Jeffrey L. Kane, James Madison ‘91

Meredith D. Kane, James Madison ‘93

Jerry A. Katz, Appalachian State ‘81

Martha B. Katz, Appalachian State ‘81

Aaron Kellett, NJIT ‘19

Melanie A. Kelsey, Puget Sound ‘91

Charles E. Kemp, Alabama State ‘00

Tammy Khan, Friend of AKPsi

William W. Kibler, Virginia Tech ‘58

Curtis W. Kinney, Southern Indiana ‘74

Abbey Kleczinski, Kentucky ‘16

Agnieszka K. Kowalski, Illinois State ‘15

Robert R. Kratus, Canisius College ‘71

Steven W. Kruse, Wichita State ‘74

Kevin Kuligowski, Canisius College ‘79

Jane E. Kunz, Northern Michigan ‘77

Joseph C. Kyle, Texas at Austin ‘71

David A. Labowitz, UC-Los Angeles ‘62

Patron’s Club - Continued

Jess C. LaNore, Purdue ‘00

Mackenzie A. Lauka, Toledo ‘10

Kimberly Y. Lewis, Nova Southeastern ‘08

Brian G. Long, Central Michigan ‘65

Alexander Lu-Pon, Friend of AKPsi

Joshua S. Machtinger, Binghamton ‘07

Thomas A. Mack, Stephen F. Austin State ‘82

Theresa M. Mack, Texas A&M ‘84

Vincent N. Manalio, Upsala College ‘63

Julie R. Mangan, Florida State ‘90

Thomas Marino, Friend of AKPsi

Raymond H. Matschat, Upsala College ‘63

Matt McGuire, Friend of AKPsi

Michelle B. McGuire, Indiana ‘89

Gerald R. Menefee, CSU-Long Beach ‘62

Bruce V. Michelson, Richmond ‘86

Pamela A. Miksell, Iowa ‘96

Allison H. Moore, Florida State ‘94

Alec K. Morand, Loyola Marymount ‘13

Tiffiny A. Nofziger, Oregon State ‘05

Ethan W. Oblonsky, Toledo ‘04

William A. OBrien, Old Dominion ‘69

Krystie M. Ocasio-Santiago, Shenandoah ‘14

Glen J. Ozenkoski, Southeast Missouri State ‘09

Philip R. Paleg, Bradley ‘72

Steven M. Patch, Michigan State ‘77

Robert Pelc, Friend of AKPsi

Friendship Circle (continued)

Individuals who have a lifetime giving amount of $1,000+

Clive A. Correia, Pennsylvania ‘98

James D. Crawford, Boise State ‘69

Richard M. Cundiff, Eastern Michigan ‘64

Donald C. Cundy, Eastern Michigan ‘70

Ryan Cunningham, Tennessee ‘16

Peter J. Cyffka, Southern California ‘77

Jo Ellen Cyffka, Stetson ‘82

Jennifer A. Dakin, Seton Hall ‘91

Harold J. Daub, Washington ‘62

James M. Davis, Middle Tennessee State ‘70

Brian J. Davis, Gannon ‘92

Guido E. DeAngelis, St. Francis PA ‘64

Stephanie A. Van Dellen, Oregon ‘08

Katharine A. Denham, Eastern Michigan ‘92

Michael G. Dickerson, Virginia Tech ‘04

Kerri M. Dickson, Washington State ‘02

Kathryn M. Dimoff, Western Carolina ‘02

Carlye W. Dooley, Eastern Michigan ‘95

Jacob S. Drees, Toledo ‘11

Charles W. Edson, Christopher Newport ‘07

Alec G. Engelberg, Tennessee, Knoxville ‘94

James G. Nussbaum, Illinois at Urbana-Champaign ‘59

George E. Hahn, Indiana ‘57

Craig R. Fain, Virginia Tech ‘00

Chris R. Feather, Pittsburgh-Johnstown ‘95

Thomas V. Ferrero, Dayton ‘65

Lori A. Finigian, Arizona State ‘82

Arthur J. Finley, Georgia ‘66

Michael J. Fischer, Georgia ‘04

Peter M. Fleming, CSU-Long Beach ‘73

William L. Foulds, Pennsylvania State ‘64

Paul D. Freedle, North Carolina-Chapel Hill ‘60

Lawrence A. Friend, Indiana ‘63

James A. Fuller, Clemson ‘08

John C. Fuller, Boston ‘50

Gregory L. Gabbard, Cincinnati ‘90

Robert F. Garvin, Michigan State ‘59

Steven G. Gierak, Wayne State ‘45

Vanessa H. Gilyard, Nova Southeastern ‘05

Jerry E. Goff, Tennessee ‘64


Patron’s Club - Continued

Alexis P. Perdomo, Florida International ‘92

Patricia S. Perdomo, Florida International ‘93

Coral N. Petersen, Toledo ‘14

Matthew J. Phillips, James Madison ‘09

Tonjie R. Reese, Grand Valley State ‘10

Todd J. Regis, Western Michigan ‘86

Sharon G. Reich, Florida ‘78

Hector M. Rendon, Texas-Brownsville ‘80

Lisa A. Rice, Michigan State ‘85

Donald R. Richards, Wisconsin-Madison ‘58

Lee Rigel, Friend of AKPsi

Larry D. Roberts, Wyoming ‘65

Lesley R Robinson, Friend of AKPsi

Terry J. Robinson, Indiana ‘80

B. Leslie Robinson, Southern Illinois ‘65

Dan J. Roselli, Michigan State ‘89

Diane Rothfus, Friend of AKPsi

Jeffrey T. Rouse, Old Dominion ‘86

Theresa L. Rouse, Old Dominion ‘87

Peter G. Sarles, Babson College ‘58

Joseph H. Saul, Wayne State ‘61

Ilyne B. Sbar, Miami ‘88

Roger M. Schueller, CSU-Long Beach ‘65

Darin F. Schuld, Saint Louis ‘94

Rosa Scola, Friend of AKPsi

David Seitz, Friend of AKPsi

Kathy Sell, Friend of AKPsi

Patron’s Club - Continued

Ann M. Sexton, Toledo ‘82

Renee Shepps, Michigan ‘88

Jennifer Sherry, Friend of AKPsi

Brendan P. Sherry, Virginia Tech ‘97

Dennis D. Shiplett, Youngstown State ‘67

Alan M. Siktberg, Ball State ‘02

Jon H. Smith, Southern Illinois ‘60

Chad E. Smith, Montclair State ‘93

Becky A. Smouse, Creighton ‘96

Randall W. Sparger, North Carolina-Charlotte ‘92

Marie Stacey, Stetson ‘12

Gerard T. Staeger, Detroit - Day Division ‘80

Charles D. Steffens, Portland ‘87

Clifford Stern, Florida ‘74

Susannah Stewart, Friend of AKPsi

Jeffrey R. Stoll, Toledo ‘80

Charlotte Stos, Friend of AKPsi

Jerry L. Stout, Illinois at Urbana-Champaign ‘59

Alexander T. Sultan, San Diego State ‘93

Ira T. Swartz, UC-Los Angeles ‘64

John W. Sweitzer, Seton Hall ‘65

Phillip J. Thompson, Kansas State ‘72

Leslie Todd, Friend of AKPsi

Francis D. Tuggle, American ‘91

Rosemary Veigle, Friend of AKPsi

Neal Velayo, Friend of AKPsi

John J. Vosicky, Saint Mary’s ‘67

Friendship Circle (continued)

Individuals who have a lifetime giving amount of $1,000+

David W. Gogel, Toledo ‘66

Lea S. Goodwin, Louisiana State ‘99

Stephen Z. Gosche, Southeast Missouri State ‘66

Raymond Grant, Florida State ‘63

Justin A. Guerra, Chapman ‘01

Ashlee A. Guerra, Chapman ‘03

Monique A. Harps, American ‘01

Charles J. Hass, Wisconsin-Madison ‘58

David M. Heimos, Missouri ‘74

Jennifer A. Hensley, Missouri ‘96

Brett A. Herand, Arizona State ‘00

Royce B. Hermens, Portland ‘79

Jessica L. Hill, Arizona State ‘95

Ray House, Friend of AKPsi

John R. Hudak, Michigan State ‘85

Walter G. Hudson, West Texas A & M ‘72

Charles N. Jackson, Western Kentucky ‘79

Preston Johnson, Sam Houston State ‘76

Chris A. Johnson, North Carolina State ‘92

Thomas C. Kalnicki, Ohio State ‘90

Jeffrey L. Kane, James Madison ‘91

Meredith D. Kane, James Madison ‘93

Jerry A. Katz, Appalachian State ‘81

Martha B. Katz, Appalachian State ‘81

Charles E. Kemp, Alabama State ‘00

William W. Kibler, Virginia Tech ‘58

James W. Kiser, Tennessee-Martin ‘84

Patric Knapp, Friend of AKPsi

Edward J. Koss, Michigan - Dearborn ‘76

Robert R. Kratus, Canisius College ‘71

Steven W. Kruse, Wichita State ‘74

Michael W. Kublin, Florida ‘75

David A. Labowitz, UC-Los Angeles ‘62

Dorraine Lallani, Sam Houston State ‘81

Heidi R. Lanin, Arizona State ‘95

Michael T. Lanin, Arizona State ‘98

Mackenzie A. Lauka, Toledo ‘10

Brian G. Long, Central Michigan ‘65

Thomas A. Mack, Stephen F. Austin ‘82

Theresa M. Mack, Texas A&M ‘84


Patron’s Club - Continued

Christopher J. Warmuth, Southern California ‘74

Jeffrey B. Warner, Iowa ‘84

Carl S. Warren, Georgia ‘68

Cynthia A. Washington, Saint Louis ‘82

Patron’s Club - Continued

Kenneth D. Weiss, Minnesota ‘59

Harold C. White, Idaho State ‘60

Zachary H. Wright, North Carolina-Chapel Hill ‘91

Friendship Circle (continued)

Individuals who have a lifetime giving amount of $1,000+

Julie R. Mangan, Florida State ‘90

Raymond H. Matschat, Upsala College ‘63

Scott E. McNulty, West Liberty ‘84

Daniel D. Mendoza, Miami ‘99

Bruce V. Michelson, Richmond ‘86

Pamela A. Miksell, Iowa ‘96

M.C. Moore, Virginia Tech ‘86

Allison H. Moore, Florida State ‘94

Tricia P. Mulcare, Indiana ‘95

Nicholas A. Myers, Florida ‘99

Ryan A. Myers, Iowa State ‘05

Alicia D. Neumann, Saint Louis ‘96

Tiffiny A. Nofziger, Oregon State ‘05

William A. OBrien, Old Dominion ‘69

James P. Parrino, Detroit – Day Division ‘68

Steven M. Patch, Michigan State ‘77

Bruce E. Peters, Kansas State ‘66

Matthew J. Phillips, James Madison ‘09

Susan A. Porte, UC-San Bernardino ‘98

Larry D. Roberts, Wyoming ‘65

Heather D. Robinette, Kansas State ‘09

Chris Robinette, Friend of AKPsi

Terry J. Robinson, Indiana ‘80

B. Leslie Robinson, Southern Illinois ‘65

Allan J. Rohr, Illinios – Chicago ‘66

Jeffrey T. Rouse, Old Dominion ‘86

Theresa L. Rouse, Old Dominion ‘87

Karl A. Sakas, College of William and Mary ‘01

Peter G. Sarles, Babson College ‘58

Joseph H. Saul, Wayne State ‘61

Ilyne B. Sbar, Miami ‘88

Roger M. Schueller, CSU-Long Beach ‘65

Cassie A. Schuh, Texas at San Antonio ‘04

Darin F. Schuld, Saint Louis ‘94

Clarence W. Seal, Tennessee Tech ‘85

Don T. Sechler, Arizona State ‘96

Jessica R. Seitz, Auburn ‘02

David Seitz, Friend of AKPsi

Ann M. Sexton, Toledo ‘82

Jennifer Sherry, Friend of AKPsi

Brendan P. Sherry, Virginia Tech ‘97

Dennis D. Shiplett, Youngstown State ‘67

D. Scott Showalter, Richmond ‘73

Alan M. Siktberg, Ball State ‘02

Wade R. Sjogren, Upsala College ‘80

Melinda G. Slatt-Friedeberg, UC-San Diego ‘91

Walter J. Smith, Florida ‘65

Chad E. Smith, Montclair State ‘93

Becky A. Smouse, Creighton ‘96

Mike Spetko, Georgia State ‘00

Gerard T. Staeger, Detroit - Day Division ‘80

Marius C. Stan, Rutgers ‘01

Clifford Stern, Florida ‘74

Jeffrey R. Stoll, Toledo ‘80

Ariane L. Stone, Nova Southeastern ‘04

Kammer D. Strachan, Northwestern ‘13

Ira T. Swartz, UC-Los Angeles ‘64

John W. Sweitzer, Seton Hall ‘65

Steven T. Tabac, Michigan ‘63

Jacklin G. Tabac, Friend of AKPsi

Carly S. Teruya, Puget Sound ‘20

Justin T. Teruya, Puget Sound ‘00

Phillip J. Thompson, Kansas State ‘72

Scott D. Todd, Central Washington ‘02

Francis D. Tuggle, American ‘91

Rodney C. Turner, Alabama State ‘93

Robert S. Ukrop, Richmond ‘68

Nicholas J. Unaphum, UC-Davis ‘02

Walter J. Unger, Southern California ‘66

Francis T. Veigle, Central Florida ‘04

James R. Wagner, Syracuse ‘62

Barbara Anne F. Wallace, Clarkson ‘86

Christopher J. Warmuth, Southern California ‘74

Jeffrey B. Warner, Iowa ‘84

Raymond A. Weber, Clarkson ‘86

Harold C. White, Idaho State ‘60

Carrie Wiant, Ball State ‘02

David A. Williams, CSU-Fresno ‘08

Zachary H. Wright, North Carolina-Chapel Hill ‘91

Harry N. Young, North Carolina-Chapel Hill ‘51


Fund the Future!

Giving to AKPsi through the AKPsi Foundation funds programs that directly benefit future principled business leaders. These leadership and educational opportunities for Brothers include the Academy, All-AKPsi Academic Team, Brotherhood Unbounded, and scholarships. These programs play a vital role in helping to make the Fraternity’s vision a reality: Alpha Kappa Psi is recognized as the premier developer of principled business leaders.

HOWELL + WENDROFF PROFESSIONAL CENTER 8001 E. 196th Street Noblesville, IN 46062 (317) 872-1553 mail@akpsi.org

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