Project 2 book

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T E R R I T O R I E S Multivision


AKS HEY S HAH 4 1 4 9 7 5 7

Site Anlaysis



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3D model showing the elevation changes in the chosen site and the sea defense details, not there is an drainage sluice that run directly under the site

to Mablethorpe A52


to Trusthorpe

Walkway Carpark Vehicle Access


Rock Deffence


Walkway Beach


Project Brief My project is to design the entrance Building to an educational Social science pier, that would celebrate Mablethorpe move to adopting clean energy. Informing visiting tourist who come to Mablethorpe to better comprehend and appreciate what they see in the horizon. Bridging that gap of controversy to help visitors to sense of the scale and property of wind in a fun and educational way with the use of interactive information where There are two ways to bridge the gap of controversy about the wind turbines offshore. The site location has been chosen to encourage use of all of the beach , the building would have a pulling effect encouraging people to use the entire beach and not just the Mablethorpe main beach . the site also borders Trusthope to connect the two towns. 0










50 m


Site Anlaysis from the sea side, there is a large elevation change; this is due to the flood defenses put in place to prevent flooding during a storm surge. It is apparent from the beach side that beach nourishment occurs as some of the sea defenses are buried under sand. The evidence of sea defensive measures is very apparent including rock gabions and an elevated promenade to walk parallel to the sea edge. The result of this is reduced permeability to the beach and is limited to certain entrance opening. The site was chosen because of it connection to the beach from the promenade.


From the land side there is no view of the sea or beach, this due to the elevation change that occurs from the flood defenses. The defense appears to look like it was built on existing sand dunes. This site was chosen for its connections to the beach. There are both stairs and a sweeping ram that allow pedestrian to easily access the promenade and then from they’re onto the beach. There is even vehicle access to the promenade via the service ramp. There is a small amount of parking that is ideal for education use in the building.


Historical Overlook 1930


© Landmark Information Group Ltd and Crown copyright 2013. FOR EDUCATIONAL USE ONLY.

© Landmark Information Group Ltd and Crown copyright 2013. FOR EDUCATIONAL USE ONLY.


Scale 1:2500

Scale 1:2500 0










200 m







Oct 23, 2013 11:29 120



Akshey Shah University of Nottingham


200 m

In the 1850’s the area that currently is the site was sand dunes, there was an opening to the beach, but flooding defense came from the natural Dune barriers. The drainage sluice also existed, at this point it was an exposed drain that ran along the beach into the sea. Mable Thorpe was developing it was an emerging holiday destination that is evident with the hotels and villas. There was also very few amenities on the imediat beach front and most services were in the town center safe from any flooding with the exception of a coast guard station and a sea viewing House.




© Landmark Information Group Ltd and Crown copyright 2013. FOR EDUCATIONAL USE ONLY.


© Landmark Information Group Ltd and Crown copyright 2013. FOR EDUCATIONAL USE ONLY.

Scale 1:2500

Scale 1:2500 0










200 m







Oct 23, 2013 11:30





Akshey Shah University of Nottingham

200 m

A century had passed and Mablethrope had grown and flourished as the result of the tourist that flocked to the east coast of England. Some of the dunes in the town center were urbanized to allow for tourist developments such as small amusement parks and restaurants. The sluice drain had also been constructed at this point to allow a crossing point along the beach instead of an open drain. A promenade had also been constructed along with the sea defenses after the 1953 floods to allow people to walk along side the beach but still be protected form the sea. Along the coast had some urban planning consideration after the damage’s cased by the floods


Visual Bearings

Visual bearings was research biased on the multivision project one, where the mapping of offshore wind farms was used to help understand the bearing angles of the wind farms so that they could be framed and used as axis angles for the building design. This ensured the locations of the wind turbines offshore informed the design of my building.


This is a physical model showing the different angles taken from the angle bearing information. This informed how the different individual floors of the building changed orientation.


Facade Digitisation The faรงade digitation was taking the Multivision map from project one and pixelate the image using triangular pixels. The triangular pixel system is a series of hexagonal uses the principles of four-colour conjecture. The fifth colour is an interactive pixel. The interactive pixel is a Light Emitting Material (LEM) that have variable brightness. What makes them interactive is its Dimming source code that comes from live feeds of watts generated by the turbines offshore. Each pixel represents a cluster of turbines. The reason for this image is it forms the pattern on the exterior of the building. The faรงade is an informative tool, it is designed to inform the people of Mablethrope how many wind turbines there are and how much energy they are generating. This information is presented as a statement to be proud of and mark the start of a move towards clean renewable energy.


This is a sketch of a how the tension in the steel cables that hold the tiles in suspension. The individual pixels are free to move and catch the wind and exert a further tension in the wire due to the wind pressure force acting on the building. The extra tension is loaded into Piezoelectric Quartz Crystals that generated a current when a force is exerted on them. Essentially this is a potential energy to electrical energy generator.



Precidence Looking at how elevation change could be achieved elegantly was my precedence. I found the bridge house that had an excellent use of angles to complement lavational change. The internal space created by the return of the bridge and how different heighted spaces create a open welcoming space and an intimate entrance.

Pier Analysis By looking at the size of different Leisure piers across the UK, I was able to get an understanding off their proportion and scale from the very small at Cleathorpe to the grand Brighton Piers. The other observation was the use typology of leisure pier followed a pattern of having Arcades , Theaters , Ballrooms and resultants. Brighton pier even has an amusement park. From my research, I found that numerous piers along the east coast were breached at the beginning of First world war to prevent weakness in Navy attack.


Room Book


Spatial Arangments

During the spatial arrangement I began to define the space the pier may require in its entrance building. I first looked at separation of spaced based on their privacy and public relationship. By positioning them in a square, how big could the spaces be and the position relative to one another. Created an alternative layout by Turing the square 45 degrees and seeing how the spaces fit within a square. It was interesting to see how an angular offset changed the look of the design. I found that vertical circulation was essential to connecting all the different elevations



Interum An initial plan began to form as the spaces began to be resolved. The use of double story spaces and vertical MATERIALS circulation were key to Structure how the different elevation changes in the site occurred. The pier had to start at car park level and then get to a height above that of the dune and promenade to not obstruct promenade activity. The changing in angles are clearly defined in the plans showing how the bearing angles frames the largest of the offshore windjammers as well as taking axis of other smaller farms. The educational space was separated by elevation from the arcade space.



These sketches were then photoshoped to include the digital facade. The facade was originally red, the design shows off the design on 2 sides of the building, the ones facing the road . The other two faces are glazed as to keep the occupants visually connected to the turbines. From my initial development and research, I looked to more precedence, for material and a clearer understanding of elevation change and how to deal with bridging over the promenade and the sea defense , limiting affecting the defenses structural properties. The design made use of its cantilever negative space for the possibility of sheltered public space in an otherwise exposed area.


I further developed the facade with the notion it wrapped around the building so that you had maximum surface area to generate electricity. Originally the facade was a series of tensioned steel cables that created fabric like mesh for which the individual tiles sit, where wind pressure would exert a forge on the outer facade resulting in additional tension to the system with the idea of capturing this strain energy and converting it to power with the use of Piezoelectric technologies 18




Development Models



Internal Perspectives Education and Game. Taking the gaming element the building has a space referred to as the Anemo Arcade. In this space, people play games biased on the properties of wind and its potential energy in which people can win prizes. The other space is an educational one, the educational lab is fitted with the latest up to date tools to provide an enviromnet to better understand the properties of wind. With the use of a 3d Printer and a modern Computer suite any opject can be printed and young and curious minds can book the room for use Anemos – is the study of wind and wind speed in latin. The other space is an educational one, the educational lab is fitted with the latest up to date tools to provide an enviromnet to better understand the properties of wind. With the use of a 3d Printer and a modern Computer suite any opject can be printed and young and curious minds can book the room for use Anemos – is the study of wind and wind speed in latin.



Presentation Layout


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