Studio book Eutrophic Exploitation

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Tra n sp la nt + R e ha b ilita tio n














Brief ! Introduction! This project looks at architecture with a riparian nature. Understanding the links between nature and architecture to find a symbiotic, close loop solution to an ongoing geological history within the Cheshire ring. Cheshire has been subject to changes caused by pioneering industrial human activity, such as mineral extraction resulting in changes to the environment and native geology. The once thriving mineral and agricultural powerhouse of the 20th century has fallen into decline and in desperate need of rehabilitation





appropriate transplanted architecture.!


Unit 5B! 1. Rostherne Mere Natural SSSI! 2. Barton Swing Aqueduct - Post Industrial! 3. Kidsgrove Trent & Mersey Canal - Post Industrial


Eutrophic Exploitation!

! Post Industrial ! Using Cheshire's canal network that stagnates in the environment, an infrastructure that was used at the peak of the industrial movement in the North. In its prime the canal system moved large amount of minerals to the Liverpool docks. The canal are no longer used to the extent of its history, currently only serving the leisure and boat tourism. Canal sides site are no longer valued as part of the infrastructure as we live in a faster pace world.! The project typology is the use of canals and riparian sites with a purpose of use in an architectural process such as transport, storage, delivery for an innovative manufacturing process. Finding alternate uses of the Post industrial landscape that litters cheshire and its extensive canal network.!

7 Unit 5B! 4. Kids grove Aqueduct! 5. Barton Aqueduct’s old lock gate Crane! 6. Lock gate mechanism for water level ! 7. Kidsgrove, Harecastle Tunnel built in 1777


Eutrophic Exploitation!

Geological Rehabilitation! Cheshire has two sides to human affect to The region. As well as post industrial decay there is also environmental consequences to the pioneering engineering fetes of the early industrialisation attempts. Limited concepts of contamination and extraction isolation resulted in foreign imbalances in the natural chemical cycles in the surrounding environment. One such example of this is in the Harecastle Tunnel on the Trent & Mersey canal at Kidsgrove where there was an iron and rust leakage that has contaminated the canal and the general water hydrology causing an orange coloration. This iron coloration is present even in Rostherne mere inflow, a site of scientific study and Interest (SSSI).! Geological rehabilitation looks at below the surface processes. Publicly restricted SSSI sites are used to measure local pollution and climate change to the natural environment, as well as research into alternate resources. Due to the restrictive nature of the sites. The building typology needs to be concise and delicately appropriate to protection and research to minimise surrounding environmental impacts of urbanisation to others species that inhabit the area.! Rostherne! Rostherne is a small Parish, a 30 minute drive south of Manchester City. Rostherne contains one of the deepest meres in the UK with a maximum depth of 30 m formed some 12,000 years ago during the last ice age. The mere is formed by glacial drift that caused depressions and further growth due to the dissolving of mineral salts in the geological strata. Resulting in an increase in depth by subsidence.There is currently a birdwatching bird facility that is managed by the Cheshire & Wirral Ornithological Society that was built in 1986 to allow the public partial access the mere, after the classification of The site to SSSI. Although due low to security the 1

building is locked without a permit. ! Unit 5B! 8. Panorama from bird observatory! 9. Thatched Roof made from Local Reed! 10. The inflow stream at rostherne fenced by barbed wire! 11. Systematic sign on fencing reminding public of restricted access


Eutrophic Exploitation!

This site was chosen for its abundance of fresh water, and its close Road Link to the M56 & M6 Motorway. It was a site with an ongoing problem of isolation from surrounding pollutants of human activity. The site showed evident signs of Nutrients destabilising the natural nutrient cycles resulting in issues of increased algae growth, with chain effects such as reduced oxygen levels, marine life and reduced bird numbers. A consequence of agriculture water table pollution. Another issue is the reduction in the availability of nesting spaces for the local bird life this is due to two reasons: woodland invasion of trees and shrubs growing in the wetland areas, resulting in thinning and exposure of reed beds. The reed beds are importance and vital to any fresh water habitat. Another issue is the draining of the surrounding Pete and bog land for agricultural and grazing use. These moisture rich pete areas contain and stabilise the flood plane areas in which the reed beds grow. Without the held moisture, reed beds can begin to thin as woodland invasion takes over removing further moisture from ground. 

The Pete wetland zone holding back the woodland growth

Unit 5B!


Eutrophic Exploitation!

Site Justification! Site 1 - Gale Bog! Advantages! Close to M56 access , away from the rostherne town. Provides access to another area of the site.! Disadvantages!

Site 2- Blackburn's Brook!

Site 3 - Mizzey!



Close to the ongoing woodland Invasion problem. Open views of the mere and parish of rostherne.!

Near the inflow stream to the mere. Not in the direct flood plane of the lake.good no obstructed views of the mere. Good road access close to and area of woodland invasion!


Restricted views of the mere due to the forest, Flood pane area. No close permeant inflow streams

Disadvantages! The Blackburn Brook stream is an outflow of the mere and extraction would not resolve the Eutrophic conditions within

It is close to the village of rostherne and could cause controversy.

Towards M56

Towards M6

Unit 5B! Agriculture Buildings Road Access SSSI Site Boundary

Reed Bedsv

Forest Areas

Flood Plane Zone

! "1

Eutrophic Exploitation!

Site Justification!

! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !

feet meters

1000 400

Downstream! Looking downstream to the Mere inflow shows how the river inflow before entering the mere comes into contact with urbanised ares such as the village of Bucklow Hill and Rostherne. The tributaries to the inflow pass through agriculture and farm land , that can be heavily polluting to the water hydrology. ! Along the route to the mere water is subjected to chemical run off caused by the urbanised human activity surrounding the riparian areas. These chemicals , phosphorus nitrogen and potassium

have a knock on effects down stream

resulting in eutrophic conditions to the mere resulting in algae bloom in the summer months.!

Unit 5B!


The green tinge shown in this image from google earth shows evidence of entropic "2 conditions In the summer months. This is photographed at the inlet flow to the mere. This white froth occurs when Phosphate rich water is cavitated. Photographed at the inlet flow, the orange coloration of the plant show excess presence of iron in the hydrology .

Eutrophic Exploitation!

Site Biogeochemistry! The reserve is particular important to different local species, In particular the ducks during the winter months. Several thousand birds can be present including Teal, Mallards and Shovelrs. The surrounding of the lake has a natural filler of reed beds Phragmites australis, Typha angustifolia and 'sweet flag' Acorus calamusm. The different reeds have importance to the sustenance and reproduction of the wildlife in the local area. The site has been restricted to the public without the use of permits, this is due to the site becoming a SSSI, site of scientific study and interest in 1984. The site in monitored for changes that occurring to the local environmental chemistry due to human agricultural activity in the surrounding area. Chemical Overloads of fertilisers & Pollutants ! Nitrogen! Phosphorous! Potassium! Ammonia! Chlorine! ! Surrounded the site are a series of dairy farms and other agricultural processes that have leakage of nutrients and pesticides into the water table through ground water and surface runoff which then flow into the mere! The accumulation of nutrients into the water table overloading the natural cycle to via tributaries of local inflow streams resulting in excess nutrients in the local environment. Causing highly eutrophic and fertile water in the mere Entrofication , is the excessive growth of Oxygen depleting algae that thrive in eutrophic conditions. This low oxygen water reduces the number of complexed marine life that can thrive, a chain effect to the reduction in bird population that inhabits the mere. !

Unit 5B!

! "3

Eutrophic Exploitation!

! ! Riparian Zone Shifts! The other ongoing problem is with woodland invasion. This occur at the riparian zone and is due to the movement of tree growth begin in the reeds. Plant like willow can thrive in reed conditions. This results in reduced space and Nutrients used to maintain he upkeep of the reed beds. The reed bed can begin to thin as a result of woodland invasion and in some parts of the site have Aquatic- upland

Evidence of Woodland invasion to Reed

boundaries already along the west of the mere. ! The zones of a Riparian area are shown in a generalised illustration above. The different zones are important to the fresh water ecology and each wetland riparian zone is dependent on each other. The two exist in pairs, the Pete-Bog lands act like a sponge, storing large amounts of fresh water in the saturated soil. The red beds help to control the flooding in the flood plain and land stabilisation.! Currently the Pete and bog areas are being drained to be used for agricultural purposes, such as dairy farming. Surrounding fields within the SSSI boundaries are used to graze cattle, this is not necessarily a problem to the site directly, but drainage installations prevent the zones from remaining boggy. This shows signs of shrinking and thinning of reed bed zone due to reduced ability for the land to hold sufficient amount of nutrient rich fresh water. The draining of bog lans can also further accelerate woodland invasion. As a result woodland growth near the mere bank is regularly cut back of woodland growth.!


Unit 5B!


Eutrophic Exploitation!

"4 the different zones in the mere and riparian zones surrounding the mere. This is the standard model for The different zones in fresh water ecology.

Woodland Invasion Prevention! Constant maintenance of the site is required. This is currently done by private companies due to the lack of storage facilities for tooling. Trees are regularly cut to prevent woodland invasion and growth the the meres edge. The logs are left there to rot as there is limited storage, yet wood is bought to make foot bridges across streams. ! With the use of a workshop space the majority of maintains problems could be fixe onsite without the need of private maintenance companies.! A timber structure built by a Someone who was trespassing and inhabiting the mere for a temporary time. Most likely fishing. The structure was built form the abundance of cut timber left around the mere from woodland invasion felling.!

! Timber cut and left in piles in the forest, to rot and not used to benefit the mere even though the majority is a hight quality softwood. This is due to the lack of transportation round the site and lack of wood treatment facilities such as a timber seasoning unit to dry out the wood.!

! A small wood footbridge used to cross the mere outflow stream. The bridge is made from sleepers and processed timber brought from a building merchant. Instead of the odd cuts found within the forest!

! Unit 5B!

! "5

Eutrophic Exploitation!

Reed bed filters! Reed beds are one of the oldest and most energy efficient water purification systems, humans have relied on since the beginning of agriculture. The bed account for the majority of the bio diversity in a fresh water ecology. Providing shelter for fauna and flora. In the case of Rostherne the reeds play a large role for birds in he local area. The use of reed bed filtration extends to the application in agriculture to treat chemical run off from livestock farms.! Reed bed filters contain all reeds species that currently exist on the fringe of rostherne mere. Reed-beds provided a complex ecosystem for pollutant breakdown thriving bacteria, that clean and treat the sewage in both an aerobic anaerobic way. Young new reed beds are generally inoculated with the Bacteria before being transplanted into a filtration system giving the reed beds resistance to unwanted natural influence before stabilizing.! Bacteria Farming! Grow your own bacteria in labs that live in the rhizomes of the reed beds used to clean the pollutants in the water. The growth of the reeds remove the excess minerals from the water!


Unit 5B!


Eutrophic Exploitation!



Secondary Macro Nutrients Micro Nutrients Aquaponic

Public Space

Hydrological Stabilisation!

Monitoring & Storage

Rostherne mere was chose as a site for its delicate ecosystem that has been subjected to pollutants from the surrounding urban built environments since the agricultural revolution. The inflow water contain excess nitrogen and phosphorus as well as pollutant that need to be filtered.!



Heaters EC & PH Monitoring

Laboratory Geology Hydrology Biology

Storage of Liquid Medium


Growing Reed Beds Growing


Growth Extraction

The inflow water stream is partially diverted through a series low flow-rate reed bed filters, the water is then subjected to further UV filtration and analysis through potentiometry to monitor the Electrolyte mineral concentration. The water medium is then stored being vaporised and stored at low pressure as a building utility. The medium stored is Fog fertiliser, a dense dry saturated water vapour that contains mineral ions used for growth stimulation of new reed beds in the laboratory. The Bacteria essential to wetland ecology are grown in colonies for application to the rhizomes of the reeds grown under Aeroponic conditions. The hydrological rehabilitation occurs at the reeds rhizomes, the negative spaces between plant roots that trap pockets of Nutrients here both Good bacteria similar strain to bacteria of a human stomach break down Toxins. !

Cafe /Kitchen Toilets Workshop

Membrane Filter UV Filters Reed Bed Filters

Pre Heater Chlorine Amonia

Collected use as disinfectant

Extract from tributaries and inflow streams as well as partially permeable boundary collection points


The reeds are grown to maturity before being taken to the workshop for creating reed bed transplants into the mere where appropriate. To further increase a surplus nesting area for the surrounding Bird Populous. The workshop would also house the appropriate tools to deal with woodland invasion and prevent it from destroying the wetland environments. The laboratory is share amongst scientist and university eduction to help further the understanding of the bio geo chemistry of this fresh water ecosystem under controlled conditions. !


To watch and monitor the progress of the site hydrological and Riparian zone stabilisation, bird numbers can be watched from the ornithological observatory that will be immersed in a simulated reed micro ecosystem grown in the building facade. As well as the observatory there will be a boat house to monitor fish counts and further understand the aquatic zone . Boats would become the way of travelling round the mere ! Unit 5B!


Eutrophic Exploitation!

Process Diagram 

Replacement Reed Beds

Vehicle Storage


Old Reed Bed filters

Timber from Woodland Invasion


dB ed


Aerobic Bacteria

Nutrient Rich Water

Fog Fertiliser Processing & Storage

Fog fertiliser

Fog fertiliser

Outdoor prep Storage

Bio Degester

Reedbeds Riparian zone recovery



Workshop Foot Bridge Building and cutting Reed Bed Manufacturing

Laboratory Germination Bacteria Farming Chemistry research

(heavily sound proofed)

Transplanted Reeds, Bateria inoculation

Young Reed Bed growth


matured Reeds to Contruct Reedbeds

Mature Reed Bed Growth

Reserve Keepers Office

Parking Storage Bike Storage

Unit 5B!


Eutrophic Exploitation!

Room Design Guides

! The building is to be designed with a compact foot print in mind. This is due to the SSSI classification of the building, where spaces are appropriately sized! Where possible Natural Lighting and Natural ventilation will be implemented to achieve the optimum air quality for the different spaces. In the room design guid. The lighting and Air change rate are listed for further analysis to achieve low energy consuming lightweight building design. ! Focus on the availability of the majority of the building as public, to not create any single particular establishment alienating environment. The majority of the spaces can be available to the occupants, hence there detaining of maximum occupancy and staff occupancy to achieve a building that accolades all the processes for the appropriate numbers of people without oversizing the building.! The Building design an extension of the communal facilities of the parish of rostherne as well as scientific and educational tool for universities and environmental scientists. Delectably Transplanted architecture to chemically rehabilitate and accommodate the inhabitance of the greatest mere behind fences. The building will archive restoration of the wetland zone on which the building is built. The restoration will occur by growing reed beds from germination to maturity. The plant, that were grown free of soil have the roots exposed to then inoculate the rhizomes of the reed beds to then begin to behave like filters due to the microbes provided by the inoculation by up taking nitrates and phosphates taken from the inflow streams reducing the chances of entropic algae blooms in summer. Below are table listing the flowing collected information for further design and layout arraignments:!

! Unit 5B!


Eutrophic Exploitation!

!! Space

Area ! m2

Height! (mm)

Storage ! %

Fog Fertilizer Filtration & storage




Boat House




Growing Atrium








Ornithological! Observatory




Mere Keepers office




Lab & Bio Digester








Shower Room




Bike Storage








Transition Zone








Unit 5B!


Eutrophic Exploitation!



Air Quality (hr-1)

Maximum Occupan cy! Staff Occupan cy

Fog Fertilizer Filtration





Near the Inflow inceptors

Pipeline from stream diverge

Low Light

Boat launch




Timber & Concrete

Mere facing


Natural & LED

Growing Atrium





Water, Fog Fertilizer

Natural & LED






Mere facing

Electricity! Hot Water


Ornithological! Observatory






Electricity! Water

Rupert's office










Light Quality

Timber ETFE

Electricity! Water ! Gas

Natural & LED Natural & LED







Toilets & Shower






Electricity! Hot Water


Bike Storage














Electricity! Water


Unit 5B!



Eutrophic Exploitation!

Transition Zone












Natural & LED -


! Attenborough Precedence! Taking precedence from a local example of man made wetland construction at the Attenborough nature reserve. This public attraction has a central public building that consists of a cafeteria, public toilets and classrooms for educational purpose as well as some spaces for admin. This single story building sit on an island of reclaimed land that is then landscaped with reed beds around the perimeter of the building. This is deigned as a filtration barrier to any potential run off Pollutants from the building. Concrete stilt structure on a steel frame. The internal structure comprises of a Gluelam spanned beam system. The building is then timber cladded to create an envelope. ! The entrance to the building comes from a large sweeping ramp with a shallow gradient that connects the main car park to the building.! The roof has be extended and the angle extenuated to allow for photovoltaic to be placed on the roof. The reduced the buildings electricity load considerably. ! The building is compact and concise with space although recently the park has exceed the designed capacity due to the popularity of the nature reserve. 

Unit 5B!


Eutrophic Exploitation!

Wetland Construction! The images landscape to the building is a artificially created wetland zone. The nature reserve was once a diss used quarry. This was then landscaped and reed beds transplanted into the sit. In the photos the fence used to ensure the reed beds remain in position are still left until the reed-beds are full established. The fences allow control over the shape and thickness of the reed beds. Little islands will eventually fill in and form dense reed beds in the shallow riparian water.!

! The image shows the construction of a new wetland zone. The growth of reed beds occur at the boundary between fresh water and the ground. At the Attenborough nature reserve a grid set up with small young reed bed saplings is transplanted into the grids till the summer where they will begin to grow the grid setup is then removed leaving reed beds similar to the picture above. The reed beds when fully grown will then encourage a saturated bog or pete area at the border of the fresh water lake. 

Unit 5B!


Eutrophic Exploitation!

Ornithological Observatory!

This is the existing observatory at rostherne mere. It

This is a simple bird hide found at the Attenborough nature

houses around 15 people quite comfortably. It consists of

reserve. This simple design acts as a bird screen to allow

a series of mere facing hatches that open when required.

observers to watch natural activity without disrupting

The openings face north so that the observers do not get glare from the sun


A sample of a few photographs taken while visiting the Rostherne Bird observatory of a bluetit and Cyanistes caeruleus Unit 5B!


Eutrophic Exploitation!

Spatial Block Modeling!


After calculating the size of spaces, occupancy number and precedence, I could being by block modeling and arranging spaces based on how the building will function and fulfill the process.! I started by grouping similar spaces like public amenities i.e the reception with the toilet. I then grouped spaced depending on the activity levels for example Cafe and observatory, lab and grow spaces to ensure there was common links between the spaces in the final arrangement.! Trying different layout and noting them down as well as beginning to place my building within a satellite context of the site to ensure ! The building is positioned appropriately into the site.! Another thing looked at was the separation of spaces by elevation. So different activities would occur on different levels of the building to create a community vibe. 

Unit 5B!


Eutrophic Exploitation!

Development ! The development of the building came directly from the block model. All the working spaces were north facing onto the mere to ensure that occupants were connected to the mere visually.! 2nd Floor


Ornithological Observatory

First Floor

Out d oor T ransit ion


The spaces also faced north, as the activities in the laboratory, workshop

Female / M ale T oilet s

and ornithological observatory had to have indirect natural lighting as to

Growing Atrium

not have glare to the spaces throughout the day and lit purely with indirect solar radiation throughout the day.!

Biod ig est er

Ground Floor

Fog Plant



The atrium exists as a connective lightweight tipple height space. This coheres with the building ethos and the atrium provides the majority of light, although the atrium faces south, a series of exterior shading devices will be installed on the exterior to ensure there is no overheating due to solar gains.!

Structure M ere Keep ers Office

A stilt structure is used with the idea of the stilts lining up to create a structural grid.!

! Unit 5B!


Eutrophic Exploitation!


The idea of a kinetic facade always fascinated me so the growing facade would have single axis solar tracking that would track the sun from eat to west each day to ensure optimum growth of the new reeds. With tracking even photovoltaics could be implemented to power the building. Unit 5B!

This is a drawing of the exterior solar shading device on the south facing atrium glazing structure. It consists of a vertical conveyer belt that can rotate to allow removal of matured and additions of new reed beds


Eutrophic Exploitation!


Unit 5B!


Eutrophic Exploitation!

! This design was an initial working design. It showed the functional spaces and the general layout of the building. Although the design was very functional and lacked an aesthetic quality. The building served as a model to redesign my building based on the spatial qualities of this design. The design lacked any organic qualities that would be essential to creating a building that would work within this natural context

Unit 5B!


Eutrophic Exploitation!

Unit 5B!


Eutrophic Exploitation!


Unit 5B!


Eutrophic Exploitation!

This design was an initial working design. It showed the functional spaces and the general layout of the building. Although the design was very functional and lacked an aesthetic quality. The building served as a model to redesign my building based on the spatial qualities of this design. The design lacked any organic qualities that would be essential to creating a building that would work within this natural context   "

I then made a model of this original deign. This helped me to confirm the spatial qualities and help to visualize the building. Especially helped to better understand how to connect the different floors in an elegant way at the atrium.

Unit 5B!


Eutrophic Exploitation!

Some initial Sketches of a more development to the building structure trying to comprehend the reduction of twisting to the structure by means of lateral cross braising

Initial looks at how to make the building more


organic with the modification of the structure. The use of fabric structures is also considered.

A sketch of how the arches could be achieved with smaller liner pieces that form an arch shape making it easy to assemble during construction. Unit 5B!


Eutrophic Exploitation!



Using the old building design footprint and atrium, the new building takes shape with a new roof structure. By drawing a roof structure with inverted inclines the rain water run off can be collected and used within the building.!


The shape took form as a development of an observation and traced over sketch of the model, that illustrates how the previous spaces could be implemented in an open plan and more social way.

A more detailed sketch that illustrates how the roof structure looks , and where the openings for the buildings ornithological observatory and the kitchenette lofts opening form in the negative spaces of the roof structure.! The roof structure congest to the top of the ground floor , and meets at the atrium roof on the 2nd floor. These arches encompass the envelope of The building as they brace against the atrium core. The structure was then considered and further developed.

Unit 5B!


Eutrophic Exploitation!

Structural development!


Types of Lightweight structures include:! Frame Sported structures! St Pancreas Station in London! These structures are highly adaptable and modifiable, the construction can be fast and with the use of polycarbonate glazing the roof structures can be lighter and minimal to allow for larger unsupported spans.!


Domes and Free form structures! Free standing structures, comprising of smaller polygons held in compression that tessellate to create a freestanding structure. An example of this is the Eden Green house in Cornwall that uses hexagons to form the dome structure. This architecture emerges from how soap bubbles form. This tessellated structure can achieve double curved organic form. Although these structures are generally for large activity spaces unsuited for the scale of my project.!


Tensile Fabric Structures! Cable net structures such as Denver international airport show how building spans can allow for a flexible space with few span supporting structures to restrict the activity in the spaces. Another example of a tensile fabric structure is the atrium space of the Burj al arab this 7* hotel proving although thermal massing is almost non existent in lightweight building structure, use of Phase changing materials and air conditioning are used to achieve luxurious comfortable levels to the internal envelope independent of the large temperature gradient that exists between the inside and outside in the UAE climate. This is done by a 2ft insulation air cavity between 2 layers of fabric. Recent developments in aerogel technology a super insulating material that can be woven in the fabric membrane allows for just one single membrane layer. A frame supported structures will be key to having a lightweight, simple construct and inert building that will have minimal affect on the surrounding SSSI listed environment 

Unit 5B!


Eutrophic Exploitation!

.! Structural System ! Stilt architecture in flood plane zones keeps the building above the varying basin water table. The building structural core is a steel frame, the main core is then laterally supported by the atrium buttresses that provide a reaction to the cross vaulted arch frame that rests on the opposite side of the structural core. An array of tensioned wires form the outer structure for the membrane fabric that is suspended from the tensioned wires. The wires form hyperbolic shapes that the membrane fabric stretches across to achieves tensile equilibrium. When the fabric is in tensile equilibrium it resists external forces such as wind forces by distorting and shifting. The tension wires begins at the boat house structure where there are two stability arches that provide a stable triangular structure perpendicular force to tensioned wire direction.!


Unit 5B!


Eutrophic Exploitation!

The building structure is supported by a central core, consisting of a series of columns span. The tall thin nature of the structural core requires buttresses for additional lateral stability on the growing atrium side, The additional functional space grows out from the core structure to the north, where double barrel vaulted arched frames lean against the core structure to increase the building area. !


The floor is then a series of beams that form a hexagonal lattice, this shape provides rigidity to structural twisting as well as effectively supporting lateral loads exerted to the building. At the envelope boundary, the floor structure cantilevers to form an access around the front of the growing atrium for, servicing and reed bed access !


Individual wires in tension hold the roof structure in place while providing a resistive support structure for the building envelope fabric to resist external forces. The boat house structure provides a tension anchor for the structural wires. The membrane is then hung from the wires to achieve an enclose envelope. 

Unit 5B!


Eutrophic Exploitation!

The fabric membrane structure would be made from two of the materials available in the table. PTFE Teflon coated glass cloth is an excellent material for the membrane in this project. The durability and life expectancy is high and resistant to UV ! The translucency is also high, encouraging large amounts of diffused natural light to the internal envelope. Although the cost is high, the scale of the building makes it ideal. The other material to uses in the roof structure is an ETFE film, a transparent polymer that is UV inert, its lightweight nature makes it a good substitute to glass due to is high transparency.


The Detailing of the tension components for the roof wire structure

Unit 5B!


The mechanism for the cross vault roof membrane structure.


The Detailing at the point where fabric meets exposed structure.

Eutrophic Exploitation!


This design resolved alto of the issue of structure and where the spaces meet in the newly designed structure. These design still lacked a link with the sites geometry and axis as the design was resolved around the atrium being at true solar south. The pattern for the building has similar traits the pervious design . Although unisex toilets has become a new change to ensure water usage is kept to a minimum. An additional shower room is also available for freshening up after a practical day in the site. With the moving of the loft Kitchenette spaces separated upstairs from the spaces downstairs with a more informal open plan lounging ethos in the upper floors of the building compared with the functional ground floor.!


Although work on the boat house and its important role in the project may make it vital to be under covers and a less exposed structure considered.

Unit 5B!


Eutrophic Exploitation!


  Orientation ! The orientation of the building is located such that the growing atrium faces south for optimum solar interaction and to maximise growth of reed beds. Both the laboratory and the reed manufacturing workshop required diffused natural light, as a result face north looking onto the mere.! Massing of the building is important in a light weight building. The South facing growing atrium is a glazed space with phase changing materials that store thermal energy in the building core. This gives the building a slow thermal response time to prevent large internal temperature fluctuations. The internal spaces are all north facing as they provide a dispersed indirect light throughout the day. The entrance is on The East side of the building as it is sheltered by trees to prevent harsh internal envelope winds.

Unit 5B!


Eutrophic Exploitation!

Facade articulation & Solar shading ! There is a glazing wall ratio to the building. On the South side the entire building is glazed, this is to promote natural solar gains through the building growing atrium in the winter months. This natural solar gain is controlled by shading devices that grows depending on the solar energy available. These solar shading devices are the reed beds themselves and grow in the growing cycles on the exterior. The north, mere facing side has a series of windows that provide observation to the mere as well as indirect natural light to the internal spaces forming a glazing to wall ratio of 1:4 on the ground floor.!


Energy considerations ! The building has a mono-crystalline photovoltaic array on the South facade of the building. The growing cycles with the integrated PV cells have single axis tracking from east to west to attain optimum energy generation throughout the day. The 6 arrays with a total area of 11m2 can generate 3000wKh annually of power to be used within the building, taking a direct current source that is stored in batteries and has the potential to be inverted, and electricity supplied back to the power grid at a profit. The lighting strategy and electricity use within the building will also controlled to be low as well as natural ventilation further reducing consumption, an anaerobic bio digester is used to capture methane from biological waste produced within the building, this includes waste reed beds. The methane is used in a biogas boiler to heat the building to reduce the energy loads to the overall building. 

The building is naturally ventilated. The strategy has a diverted cross flow from the exposed south Meer facing side of the buildings across to the atrium space where it escapes at roof vents. This is driven by the prevailing wind that blows across the mere. A series of air vents that vary the opening area size to achieve desired air flow rate throughout the building.

The roof structure is a cross vaulted arch that has a membrane across the tension wire. with a rain water capturing gutter that diverts and captures the precipitate for use within the building.

Unit 5B!


Eutrophic Exploitation!


Three ETFE layers are inflated with an air gap between the two membranes, the outer membrane is coated in a super hydrophobic coating that reduces cleaning to a minimum to ensure optimum transparent clarity. The interior layer is also an ETFE polymer, with a UV resistant coating. The U-value of 1.27 with 3 layer film matching the insulation value of triple glazing. Although as more layer of ETFE film are introduced, both optics obscure and transparent clarity reduces

Instead of a traditional liquid biased gel, Silica aerogels replace hydro fluid with a Gaseous fluid that this new material behaves as a translucent Solid, super light and thermal insulating material, with an incredible R-value of 11.7, it is a good insulator to sound and the membrane can be impermeable to moisture. These properties give the composite an ideal membrane composition for both thermal and acoustic consideration Unit 5B!


Eutrophic Exploitation!



This is a Test render of the atrium space. The project is nearing completion in The final studio weeks of development.! All the structure is now Gluelam, with the glazing structure becoming an ETFE inflated structure that is a fraction of the weight so the frame is a Gluelam node structure with ETFE transparent panels. That follow a insulation strategy as to not reduce the clarity in parts of the atrium where duel film instead of triple film [highlighted green] will be used but also achieve a good insulation compromise!


The pipe work along the atrium frame is a series of air pipes used to ensure optimum pressure in the ETFE pillows. The pipe work is connected to a humidity regulator and a compressor.! Unit 5B!

This is a glazing schematic that shows the entrance of the atrium to be compromised for clarity , beyond the point where the office begins the triple film ETFE is implemented.


Eutrophic Exploitation!

! Section A

Section B

Unit 5B!


Eutrophic Exploitation!

Landscaping !

! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! The building program specifies that the building has inflow diverters to divert inflow nutrient rich water. These installations are positioned at the ends of the 3 drains and the inflow river in a linear axis to the mere edge. The landscaping must not be infringing on the surrounding landscape. A path way also needs to be considered to allow for servicing and maintenance of the inflow diverters as well as access to the site elevated from the flood plane ground.! The landscaping is such that the inflow diverters slow the flow rate down of the inflow streams. The surrounding land then becomes saturated and water logged to encourage pete bogland to form in the surrounding environment.! Directly in front of the currently exposed riparian zone, reed beds will be planted that have been grown onsite to maturity. This will encourage a natural filtering environment to the inflow river that is maintained by the building to ensure a large percentage of nutrients are taken up before entering the mere. The newly formed bogland will also act like a spongy buffer zone to the influx of spilt agricultural nutrients and pesticides in the water table. 

Unit 5B!


Eutrophic Exploitation!

The path itself has few supports to the ground as possible to minimise the footprint of the building. Instead the path is held by a strategy of suspension structures that the path is  

suspended from to elevate it from the flood plane zone and allow light to permeate to the ground. The path gradually widens as the occupant enters the ramp the bridge.! The Inflow Diverters structures consist of a Vertical Wind turbine , these are used over horizontal axis turbines due to the compact design although a limitation on efficiency exists between The two differing technologies.! Suspension Structure

The power generated is used to power the buildings as well as the structures hydrological system that consist of a UV filter to remove any organic material from the fog fertiliser. There is also a Centrifuge Pump that overcomes the pressure drop in the long pipe work to the building. The water velocity is controlled using sluice, that vary the inflowrate.!

Vertical Axis Wind turbine


Maintenance Door Dynamo Generator

UV filter & Hydraulic Centrifuge Pump Sluice


Entrance to Building Ramp Unit 5B!

Pipes to the building fog fertilizer storage for processing and filtering


Eutrophic Exploitation!

! Unit 5B!


Eutrophic Exploitation!

This render depict the new pete wetland zones created around the drains as a result of the inflow diverters that cause the surrounding land to become saturated and encourage bog plant to thrive. 

Unit 5B!


Eutrophic Exploitation!

! This render shows the east side of the building, where the boat house is situated. The image depicts and shows how new roadbeds will be transplanted into the site. 

Unit 5B!


Eutrophic Exploitation!

! It was important that the building looks organic on the mere facing side so that the building looks more like something of a marine nature than a building 

Unit 5B!


Eutrophic Exploitation!

Glossary  Hydroponics! the process of growing plants in sand, gravel, or liquid, with added nutrients but without soil.! Aeroponics! the process of growing plants in Gaseous nutrient Vapor, with added nutrients but without soil.! Fogponics! A sub category of aeroponics , using a nutrient rich latent saturated vapor with suspended mineral , the roots are immersed in the nutrient fog! Sluice ! A device used to control the flow rate of small streams. It consists of a series of opening that can vary in opening area depending on the desired flow rate.! ETFE! Ethylene tetrafluoroethylene, ETFE, a fluorine based plastic, was designed to have high corrosion resistance and strength over a wide temperature range.! PTFE! Polytetrafluoroethylene commonalty know as Teflon is a highly durable polymer material that can be coated to the fabric structure to create an inert material! Titanium dioxide! Titanium dioxide is a pigment found in the majority of all thing with that distinct white coloration. It is even used in chewing gum. When present organic matter disintegrates and breaks it up into smaller insert particles.!

! Unit 5B!


Eutrophic Exploitation!

Aerogel! Is a new revolutionary material is a super insulating material, that is lightweight. It is essentially a scion lattice structure with aero suspension of gas sandwiched in the lattice.! Fog fertilizer ! A term used to describe the processed nutrient rich inflow water that is then to be sent to the ultra sonic misters to be used in the growing process on the growing facade.! Ultrasonic Mister! An ultrasonic mister is a piezoelectric ceramic disc that resonates at a frequency such that a crest wave forms at the fluid boundary that cause evaporation at ambient temperature of the liquid water. The vapor also contains suspended minerals and metals required for plant growth .! Rhizomes! These are the negative space of root systems of a plant. a continuously growing horizontal underground stem which puts out lateral shoots and adventitious roots at intervals.!


Entropic ! Conditions of algae blooms due to an unnatural balance of chemical from the water table. These conditions occur when there is an excess presence of phosphates, nitrates and other macro nutrients.!


Unit 5B!


Eutrophic Exploitation!

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