Almoosamission no14

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Almoosa Specialist Hospital

Issued by : ALMOOSA Specialist Hospital / November 2014 - No.14

How to Approach Cooking Like Making Music How to Walk for Weight Loss

Contents General Manager Abdalaziz Abdulah Almoosa General Supervisor Malik Abdalaziz Almoosa Editing Director

Ahmed Algohary Marketing Manager Represntitlve Of community Partnership Sarah Almoosa

Editorial Department Rania Al Abdullah Amnah Alabd Albaqi

Design and production Tareq Mahmoud

Public Relations

Abdulrahman Aljouf AlMoosa ission


Almoosa Specialist Hospital

Almoosa Specialist Hospital

‫ م‬2014 ‫ اﻟﻌﺪد اﻟﺮاﺑﻊ ﻋﺸﺮ ـ ﻧﻮﻓﻤﺒﺮ‬/ ‫ ﻣﺴﺘﺸﻔﻰ اﻟﻤﻮﺳﻰ اﻟﺘﺨﺼﺼﻲ‬: ‫ﺗﺼﺪر ﻋﻦ‬

Issued by : ALMOOSA Specialist Hospital / November 2014 - No.14


‫ﻣﺴﺘﺸﻔﻰ اﻟﻤﻮﺳﻰ‬

‫ﻳﻄﻠﻖ ﺑﺎﻟﻮﻧـــــــــﺎت ا ﻣﻞ‬ ‫ﻓﻲ ﺳﻤـــــﺎء ا ﺣﺴـــــــﺎء‬

Issue Cover

‫إﻓﺘﺘﺎح أﺣﺪث ﻣﺮﻛﺰ ﻋﻼﺟﻲ‬ ‫ﲡﻤﻴﻠﻲ ﺗﺮﻓﻴﻬﻲ ﻋﻠﻰ ﻣﺴﺘﻮى اﳌﻨﻄﻘﺔ‬ ‫ﺗﺴﻌﺔ أﺳﺒﺎب ﺻﺎﺑﺔ اﻟﺮﺟﺎل ﺑﻮﻫﻦ اﻟﻌﻈﺎم‬

How to Approach Cooking Like Making Music


AlMoosa ission


How to Eat Slowly


How to Walk for Weight Loss


ALMOOSA Specialist Hospital

A Doctor’s Story

November 2014 - Issue No.14

‫ م‬2014 ‫اﻟﻌﺪد اﻟﺮاﺑﻊ ﻋﺸﺮ ـ ﻧﻮﻓﻤﺒﺮ‬

‫ﻣﺴﺘﺸﻔﻰ اﻟﻤﻮﺳﻰ اﻟﺘﺨﺼﺼﻲ‬


How to Approach Cooking Like Making Music How to Walk for Weight Loss

Published by: ALMOOSA Specialist Hospital

- 14 -

The Issue No.14- in November 2014 Fourth year. P. o. Box 1519 Zip code 31982 Tel.: +966 3 5307000 Fax :+966 3 5304440 Email:

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The Hospital’s Expansion Steps A Landmark in the Medical Progress As AlMoosa Specialist Hospital goes on towards the confirmation of its leadership in providing unique medical services the Eastern Region. It starts a different phase by launching the first stage of the actual operation of the new medical tower through opening a number of centers and new medical departments. Opening modern medical centers represents an important step in the hospital expansion plan as it offers pioneering advanced levels of care, medical services, recent technologies, innovative ideas and added value programs to the hospital under human, medical, modern and scientific umbrella in a well-arranged and comfortable atmosphere. The operation of the twelve-floor new medical tower designed in line with the international standards in the engineering and operation of medical towers is considered as a qualitative leap in providing a vast group of centers, services, medical specialties which are unavailable in the market of medical services and health care in the region. The tower has the capacity to accommodate 240 beds, 100 outpatient clinics and 50 ICU (Intensive Care Unit) beds in addition to the most advanced technologies, equipment and devices all over the world. These steps coincide with the launching of the hospital’s new identity which started to significantly contribute to enhance the distinguished mental image and good reputation of the hospital’s name, history and identity. This reputation was formed by the hard work and effort exerted giving the hospital the deserved rank among other hospitals through the two main pillars and concepts which the hospital adopts: Commitment to quality through the implementation of the best international standards, and the improvement and innovation including human competencies, the equipment and latest technologies to keep up with the massive advancement in the field of medical services and health care.

The rapid increase in population in Al Ahsa and Eastern Region, growth of health awareness and education, and the new decisions taken by the Saudi Government recently to develop the system of private health sector are the main factors pushing to support the investment in the private medical sector which expects many qualitative and specialized investing opportunities to accomplish the added value. This will, absolutely, lead to the progress in providing health care and medical services in the Kingdom to reach the highest international levels and standards. The fact that can’t be ignored is that AlMoosa Specialist Hospital has approved its capabilities to offer the best services in the Eastern Region. The hospital keeps going to gain the best health and medical certificates and international accreditations which make every morning a new challenge enabling the hospital to gain more confidence, success and accomplishment in order to continue its expansion steps and plans steadily and distinctively.

Malek Abdulaziz Al-Moosa CEO

Launch Hope

Five Thousand Ballons Fly

in Al Ahsa Sky to support cancer patients Al Ahsa sky was colored in pink after the launch of five thousand “pink balloons” as an interaction with the initiative launched by Almoosa Specialist Hospital in cooperation with Zahra Breast Cancer Association to assist women developing breast cancer. The initiative was entitled “Launch Hope” and is considered the first of its kind in Al Ahsa. The event attracted many people of different ages from Al Ahsa society to express their help to breast cancer patients and support families who have lost their patients because of this disease. People expressed their assistance through messages of hope in different social networks such as Twitter, Instagram, or by attending to the hospital as it is the place specified for flying the balloons. The General Manager of the hospital Mr. Abdulaiziz Almoosa and the Executive Director (CEO) Mr. Malek Almoosa witnessed the event along with a large gathering of people


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In the same context, Sarah Almoosa, Marketing Manager and Community Relations Officer, points out that this initiative is mainly for increasing the awareness of women about that monster, breast cancer. The initiative coincides with the International Breast Cancer Awareness Month in October, and it is considered the largest of its kind focusing on the importance of self-examination and early detection of breast cancer and encouraging patients by giving them hope through community solidarity. The community partnership between Almoosa Specialist Hospital and Zahra Association was the greatest motive to launch this initiative which has received a tremendous response from the community members both men and women.

Sara Almoosa adds, “thousands of pink balloons flew in the sky of Al Ahsa carrying hope messages including recovery prayers, motivating advises to all women developing breast cancer emphasizing on the importance of early detection of the disease. It is so awesome what we’ve touched during that activity. People showed amazing support either by attending or by sending messages via different medias and channels.” Hope Journey started and won’t end by flying balloons… It’s just begun with every single woman taking early detection seriously and spreading awareness among family, friends and the whole community. Hope Journey will continue to build a complete healthy and balanced life system. ‫رﺳﺎﻟﺔ‬ ‫اﳌـــــــﻮﺳﻰ‬


Al-Moosa News

The hospital has recently launched AlMoosa Specialist Hospital application through “App Store” and “Android” system. This application will make the hospital’s services and news in hand and easy to access by all clients. The application enables the client to reserve an appointment in clinics without any effort or need to come or even call the hospital. It also allows the patient to contact his or her doctor in case he or she needs a medical consultation.


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The app has many advantages such as introducing the hospital departments. It also allows the users to be informed about the available vaccinations in addition to available job vacancies in the hospital. What

distinguishes this application is the ease of use and access to information. Moreover, the new app allows the client to be updated about the available therapeutic services in the hospital through “News” icon.

‫رﺳﺎﻟﺔ‬ ‫اﳌـــــــﻮﺳﻰ‬



Ghost Ebola virus threatens the world Learn the facts and symptoms

What Is Ebola? Ebola is a viral hemorrhagic (bleeding) illness that has a high fatality rate. The virus was discovered in 1976 near the Ebola River in the present day Democratic Republic of Congo. There are five strains of the Ebola virus -- Tai Forest, Sudan, Bundibugyo, Zaire, and Reston. Four of the strains (Reston is the exception) are responsible for outbreaks in humans. The Ebola virus is harbored by fruit bats, gorillas, monkeys, forest antelope, chimpanzees, and porcupines. Humans can contract the virus by coming into close contact with the body or bodily fluids (including blood) of an infected animal. Once the virus spreads to a human, personto-person transmission is possible.


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The Ebola Outbreak Since 1976, outbreaks have occurred sporadically in Zaire, Sudan, Democratic Republic of Congo, Gabon, and Uganda. The largest outbreak, beginning in March 2014, affects Guinea, Liberia, Sierra Leone, Senegal, and Nigeria. The West Africa Ebola outbreak is the largest in history with 8033 reported cases and 3879 deaths as of October 8. Visit the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) website for the latest outbreak statistics.

What Are the Signs and Symptoms of Ebola? The signs and symptoms of Ebola virus include fever greater than 101°F, vomiting, diarrhea, sore throat, severe headache, joint/muscle pain, abdominal pain, weakness, rash, and internal bleeding. Some people with the illness may bleed from the eyes, nose, ears, and rectum. Lab tests may reveal abnormal liver and kidney function. Levels of white blood cells and platelets may be elevated. The incubation period of Ebola, defined as the period of time from exposure to the virus until the onset of symptoms, is 21 days. The average time from exposure to symptom development is about 8 – 10 days; bleeding is usually a later symptom that signifies severe infection.

How Is Ebola Transmitted? In between human outbreaks, Ebola is believed to be harbored in animals that act as a “reservoir” for the virus. When a human contracts Ebola by handling an infected animal, person-to-person transmission can then lead to an outbreak. Ebola can be transmitted directly or indirectly. Direct transmission refers to the virus passing from the blood or other bodily fluids of an infected person to another person via sexual contact or by infected body fluids (tears, feces, urine, vomit, for example) that contact the mucous membranes, or broken skin. Indirect transmission refers to a person picking up a virus from a contaminated object, such as infected surgical equipment or a needle.

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What Is the Treatment for Ebola? There is no cure for Ebola. New therapies are being investigated. Treatment for Ebola consists of supportive care which often includes administering intravenous (IV) fluids and monitoring and


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maintaining appropriate electrolyte, oxygen, and blood pressure levels. Prevention and treatment of other infections that may develop in the Ebolainfected patient is important as well.

Is There an Ebola Vaccine? There currently is no FDA-approved vaccine for the Ebola virus. The National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), part of the National Institutes of Health (NIH), is working to develop an Ebola vaccine. In light of the

West Africa Ebola outbreak, scientists from the NIAID, other international health agencies, and pharmaceutical companies, are expediting the research of several potential Ebola vaccines.

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A Doctor’s Story

“ I studied in Europe and know by heart “Religion is Treatment” and psychological factor is of great importance between patient and doctor “.

Dr. Ahmed Omar Jarrah : We reconstruct women’s breasts to regain her self-confidence after mastectomy. Holding his scalpel to reconstruct woman’s breasts by transferring the fats from thighs and waist to chest after mastectomy is not only a plastic surgery, but it also gives another life chance to live and regain self-confidence as a whole woman sending a challenging message to the monster chasing a lot of women; breast cancer. The vision of Dr. Ahmed Omar Jarrah, Plastic Surgery Consultant in AlMoosa Specialist Hospital is to give the woman a new life to live as a whole woman defeating the monster so-called breast cancer.


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Medicine and Plastic Surgery in 2000 from the University of Granada. He worked in the field of plastic surgery for five years in Granada and Barcelona hospitals until 2005. In 2006, he got the specialist degree in plastic surgery from the University of Barcelona (UAB). From 2006 till 2014, he worked in Teknon Hospital in Barcelona. Later on, he was certified from the Spanish and European Board. Dr. Ahmed is a board certified plastic surgeon in some wellrecognized associations such as the Spanish Society of Medicine and Plastic Surgery (Sociedad Española de Medicina y Cirugía Cosmética)(SEMCC) and the Spanish Society of Transplant and Autologous Fat (Sociedad Dr. Ahmed Omar Jarrah, Plastic Surgery Española de aplicaciones del Trasplante de Consultant, was born in Lebanon and graduated Grasa) (SETGRA). from the American Evangelical Schools in Zahlé. He studied in boarding schools for seven For women suffering from breast cancer years. He got the bachelor degree in General and have to perform mastectomy (breast(s) Dr. Ahmed Jarrah emphasizes that plastic surgery is but a life kiss to women having mastectomy after suffering from breast cancer. Women are most probably upset after the mastectomy and find remarkable psychological difficulties to cope with their lives. Plastic surgery comes as a magical tool turning this pessimistic feeling to an optimistic one giving the woman selfconfidence by motivating her to have a new life. The profession of medicine for Dr. Ahmed Jarrah isn’t a trade just selling and buying. It is considering the patient as one of the doctor’s family members who needs help and advice.

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A Doctor’s Story

rate is high conditioned by discovering the disease early by using “Mammogram” device at the age of 40. It’s worth mentioning that this test is mandatory for women in Europe on an annual base. Dr. Jarrah confirms on the necessity of personal examination by the women. Fortunately, the development in plastic surgery helped a lot in solving the problem breast excision.

removal), Dr. Ahmed Jarrah explains that the process starts by transferring fats from thighs and waist to the chest. Then comes the step of semi-natural breast reshaping in addition to renewing and expanding the cells around the chest especially for the patients treated by chemotherapy as chemotherapy burns the area around the chest. That is why we need to revitalize and revive the cells of this area. Dr. Ahmed’s reconstruction operations have deep impact on his and his patients’ lives: after the success of any operation, the doctor feels extremely happy because he did his best to give the patient a new life chance by letting her feel she is a whole person again. This happiness is inspired from the profound love of plastic surgeon to his work and life. Dr. Ahmed confirms that as long as the plastic surgeon loves his work, he/she will be so creative and inspiring with very satisfying results. Meanwhile, Dr. Ahmed gives countless attention to the humane side of the patient’s life considering the psychological factor between the doctor and the patient giving a practical example from the Islamic Law, “Religion is Treatment.” Moving to a so fundamental concept in the field of medicine Dr. Ahmed affirms : Communication between the doctor and the patient. Plastic surgeon has to ask his patient what she needs? Is the surgeon capable of achieving it? Will the patient find a tangible change or not? If we come up with unsatisfying results, it means there wasn’t a good communication between


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them. Another concept Dr. Ahmed stresses is credibility between the surgeon and patient. Both of them need to listen carefully and attentively to each other. There should be a balance and agreement on what the patient seeks and what the surgeon can achieve considering the acceptance and adaptation of the patient’s body to the operation. Dr. Ahmed confirms that any defect of these factors will lead to an unsatisfactory outcome emphasizing that there is always limitation to what can be requested and what can be accomplished. Patient satisfaction is another key aspect after performing any plastic surgery. In the same context, Dr. Ahmed Jarrah shows that AlMoosa Specialist Hospital will, in the near future, provide the patient with a 3D device to assist the patient to watch the final results promptly to have enough time to think and be convinced about the surgery outcome before the operation. Currently and due to the modern technologies and internet, the patient spends so much time getting information about the doctor before paying a visit.

However, it is important to be informed that the scientific degree isn’t the only variable the patient needs to look at. Another important variable is the surgeon experience and how long has he been practicing the profession and the way he can handle problems and complications may appear after the operation.

Dr. Ahmed Jarrah describes his journey as a plastic surgeon, “ when I was young, I wished to specialize in pediatric medicine, for my uncle was a pediatrician. But when I headed Spain, specifically Girona, and stayed for around a year. Then I moved to Granada to live with my

In fact, cosmetic medicine/plastic surgery has developed a lot recently to be fundamental rather than being a secondary medicine. Cosmetic medicine has improved to serve the cosmetic purposes changing the old concept of cosmetic medicine being for therapeutic purposes only. Recently, we have the revolution of beauty which has been obsessed by both males and females. Talking about the accurate specialty, Dr. Ahmed Jarrah mentions that his main experience is in the field of breast reconstruction of women developing breast cancer. This specialty is very important and unique for women, especially after the dramatic increase of developing breast cancer rate. In the past, this disease was fatal for women, but nowadays, recovery ‫رﺳﺎﻟﺔ‬ ‫اﳌـــــــﻮﺳﻰ‬


A Doctor’s Story

cousin, orthopedic surgeon. I liked Granada so much, stayed there for 15 years, and I finished the my medicine study there. In the fourth year at college, I got to know one of my friends studying in a private hospital in Granada. In that hospital, I learned and got experience about different types of medicine and until that day I was in the field of pediatric medicine. However, one day the assistant of the plastic surgery consultant in the hospital was absent, and the consultant needed a doctor to assist him with one of the operations. He asked me to help him and I didn’t hesitate. After this operation, my destination has completely changed from pediatric medicine to cosmetic medicine”. After this dramatic leap in Dr. Ahmed Jarrah professional career and before he finished the general medicine, he was specialized for two years in studying cosmetic medicine. Later on, Dr. Jarrah joined a private hospital in the field of reconstruction and plastic surgery. This hospital is called “Balanas Hospital” and considered the first of its kind in Spain. Although Dr. Ahmed Jarrah studied in Europe, he confirms that there is no fundamental differences between studying medicine in Arab or Foreign countries. He also emphasizes that the Arabian countries have great surgeons match for the surgeons in the western countries, but it is common that Arabs give confidence and fame to foreign and western surgeons more than the Arabian ones.


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most convenient age to learn about the Islamic religion and its principles. I don’t mind living in the Kingdom where I can gain my living and peace of mind along with the feeling of safety and security I have since the first day in the Kingdom.” Dr. Ahmed added that Al Ahsa society is so nice and friendly and I can communicate with everyone easily.

On the family level, Dr. Ahmed mentions, “I belong to a quite big family and I am the third among four brothers and two sisters. I was their beloved child, but my stubbornness used to bother my father and my son has inherited this attribute from me.” Dr. Jarrah added that he was so close to his father regardless to the father’s strictness and seriousness. Dr. Jarrah has acquired the balance between firmness and softness from his father. Dr. Jarrah also adds, “Even in religion, the relationship between son and father should balance between firmness and softness. For example, I have a very strong relationship between me and my eldest six-year son. We spend the day off together achieving a wellplanned program including sports, adventure and other activities, but I offer my advice when there is a need”. Dr. Jarrah spends his

Finally and about what Dr. Ahmed will present to his patient: I believe that I have the confidence to offer unique and uncommon solutions to Happy to be in Al-A hsa and coming w ith the Eastern Region and the Kingdom uncommon plastic due to the experiences and capabilities surgery solutions in I gained and the technologies I use. the eastern Regio n and Kingdom My main concept is to be honest and modest. I do what I have to do and spare time practicing his hobbies such as ice skating, golf, climbing mountains and riding can be done that is the most distinguishing aspect my patient loves about me. I have motorbikes. worked in different European hospitals About moving from Europe to live and work using varied methodologies in the field of in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, Dr. Ahmed cosmetic medicine which give me qualitative explains, “I accepted working in Saudi Arbia experience making me distinguished in this with deep satisfaction and without any field.” hesitation as I already spent 24 years in Spain during which I was so close to my religion instructions. However, lifestyle in Spain isn’t that perfect and I miss a lot of feelings which I believe I can find in Saudi Arabia. “Religion is Treatment”, that is the concept I was brought up with, and I treat everybody equally and everybody loves me. Additionally, I wish my sons to live in an Islamic environment and culture especially when I have a six-yearold son. This age, I believe, is the ‫رﺳﺎﻟﺔ‬ ‫اﳌـــــــﻮﺳﻰ‬


healthy lifestyle

Oftentimes people wonder what is the difference between a good cook and a bad cook. Good cooks sometimes describe what they do as being similar to making music. Read on and see if maybe this will also work for you!

Steps a classical concert, you know that before the 1. Think of food ingredients as musical instruments. Each ingredient in a dish that actual performance, the musicians warm up, tune their instruments and generally make you are preparing is an individual instrument. Some play small parts, such as some exotic noise. Think of this as your prep time, before the spices like cardamom and cumin. Some play concert, when you are gathering ingredients; larger parts, such as base spices like salt and cutting, slicing and dicing them, and so on. pepper. Others play supporting roles in the However, once the concert begins, you must lead the performers so that they play in the performance, such as annatto, a spice that is used to add color. The main component of a correct order, at the correct time. If you don’t dish, such as fish, meat or fowl, is the principal do a good job, you will hear noise. When you performer. Veggies and other things around do it correctly, the result is music! it can be thought of as the chorus that adds depth to the performance. 3. Add certain sounds (flavors) with certain instruments (ingredients). For example, you can think of salt as a bass drum. Black pepper 2. Think of yourself as the maestro, conducting the performance. If you have ever attended could be a mandolin, oregano an Italian tenor,


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the visuals. Classical orchestras do not perform in jeans and t-shirts, and they usually pick clothing in a specific color scheme. The person “hearing” your performance will taste it as much with their eyes as with their other senses. A messy plate will not be nearly as appealing as a colorful, well-presented and organized one.

basil a clarinet, tomato a bassoon and rosemary a snare drum. 4. Play instruments at the right volume. The proportions of ingredients need to be balanced according to how weak or powerful they may be. Salt is a strong instrument, if you play it loudly by adding a lot of it to a dish, it will 6. Enjoy the music! In the end, cooking is very much like music, because the preparation overpower everything else and will “sound” for the concert usually takes much longer unpleasant to the senses. With some spices it than the actual performance. However, it is is easy to understand the correct proportions, the performance that should leave enjoyable but as you experiment with new ones you may memories in the mind of the person hearing it. need to start by playing the instrument softly Enjoy the food, and next time, try playing the and increasing the volume a bit at a time. music a little differently. Once in a while, don’t be afraid to pick up a different score and play 5. Remember that presentation is important! something entirely different! A big part of the performance in a concert is

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healthy lifestyle

Eating slowly is not only a good trick for weight loss, but it’s also a way to savor your food, rather than just scarf it down. It’s a good practice in mindfulness, can ease digestion, and could even be a personal statement against fast food culture. Eating slowly is however a habit that needs to be acquired and practiced, not a simple decision.

Steps 1. Set aside time to eat. For many of us, eating is just a means to an end, to be over with as quickly and as conveniently as possible. It’s not uncommon to multitask, eating while we talk, watch TV, do homework, and even drive. So try to designate a block of time to eat, and only eat. See How to Avoid Multi-Tasking. 2. Opt for meals with a variety of flavors and textures. Think of how easy it is to gorge yourself on a bowl of something homogeneous, like


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macaroni and cheese. A dish with variety, Start with a low number like 10, and over time however, will be a little different in every bite. work your way up to 20 or more. This slows Example: Make Linguine With Clams and you down, helps ease digestion, and even sets Tomatoes. you up for the next step. Note that such dishes will be more expensive to buy, because they’re more time-consuming 6. Deliberately taste your food. Make a conscious to make, and it costs more to use a variety effort to pay attention to flavors and textures. of ingredients. You can save money by You might even want to keep a journal. The making them yourself, or use the price tag as more descriptive you are the better. Take motivation to thoroughly, and slowly, enjoy an approach similar to what’s described in what you paid for. How to Taste Wine and How to Taste Dark Chocolate. You’ll probably find that you begin to appreciate well-prepared (and well-grown) 3. Use smaller utensils. The less you can fit onto your fork and spoon, the slower you’ll eat. Look food in ways you never would have otherwise! for utensils that are designed for children. Or if you really want to ease your pace, eat with chopsticks! 4. Put down your utensils between bites. This will help to break the habit of stuffing a new chunk of food in your mouth shortly after swallowing the last one. 5. Set a minimum number of chews for every bite. Ancient, but nonetheless still wise advice.

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healthy lifestyle

How to Walk for Weight Loss


To lose weight and to keep it off, you need to get moving. Walking at a moderate pace for 3060- minutes burns stored fat and can build muscle to speed up your metabolism. Walking an hour a day is also associated with cutting your risk of heart disease, breast cancer, colon


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cancer, diabetes and stroke. Isn’t it time to work 1-hour walks into your busy lifestyle? This tutorial tells you how walking burns calories and fat, what speed is appropriate, how long and how often to walk, and methods to track your activity.

Vitamin D is found in many foods, including fish, eggs, fortified milk, and cod liver oil. The sun also adds to the body’s daily production of vitamin D, and as little as 10 minutes of exposure is thought to prevent deficiency. The term “vitamin D” refers to several different forms of this vitamin. Two forms are important in humans: vitamin D2, which is made by plants, and vitamin D3, which is made by human skin when exposed to sunlight. Foods may be fortified with vitamin D2 or D3. The major role of vitamin D is to maintain normal blood levels of calcium and phosphorus. Vitamin D helps the body absorb calcium, which forms and maintains strong bones. It is used alone or together with calcium to improve bone health

and decrease fractures. Vitamin D may also protect against osteoporosis, high blood pressure, cancer, and other diseases. Rickets and osteomalacia are classic vitamin D deficiency diseases. In children, vitamin D deficiency causes rickets, which is a softening or weakening of the bones. In adults, vitamin D deficiency can lead to osteomalacia, which causes weak bones and muscles. People who may be at a high risk for vitamin D deficiency include those who are elderly or obese, those with limited sun exposure, and babies who are exclusively breastfed. People who have conditions such as cystic fibrosis (mucus build-up in the lungs) or inflammatory bowel disease are also at risk for vitamin D deficiency. ‫رﺳﺎﻟﺔ‬ ‫اﳌـــــــﻮﺳﻰ‬


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