Almoosa mission number 18 English

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A delegation from Johns Hopkins Hospital, Aramco visit ALMOOSA specialist hospital Continuing the deep partnership between ALMOOSA specialist Hospital and Saudi Aramco, partnership rooted for over twenty years, a distinguished delegation from Aramco, headed by John Hopkins Aramco CEO Dr. Daniele Rigamonti, visited our hospital to discuss the mutual relations and the latest developments between the two sides.

Mr. Malek took the delegation on a tour around the hospital, included intensive care and hemodialysis departments, where he informed them of our modern medical devices and equipment, of the latest scientific findings. The visit also included hypnosis department and outpatient clinics.

The delegation was received by Mr. Malek Almoosa CEO of ALMOOSA specialist hospital, Dr. Mahmoud Mostafa the medical director and group of department heads and board members.

At the end of the visit Dr. Daniele and the accompanying delegation, expressed their great admiration of the advancement of ALMOOSA specialist hospital and its provision of high quality health services comparable to those provided in American and European hospitals in terms of medical, technical and administrative staff of experts and advanced medical equipment .

During the meeting Mr. Malek reviewed the hospital's journey of dedication, which started in 1996 on correct and prodigious basis to provide a high quality health service as per international standards. Meanwhile, Mr.Malek gave a detailed explanation about starting the work in building the new hospital of the future, the new north tower. He also presented the hospital’s experience with Planetree International Organization which designated our hospital with Planetree Golden Designation for excellence in Patient-Centered care. While ALMOOSA hospital received the Silver designation two years ago from the same organization, Mr.Malek also mentioned the achievements of the hospital achieved in all departments and centers.


ALMOOSA specialist hospital announces the joing of a new Czech team

ALMOOSA specialist hospital announced today the joining of a new Czech team to the Orthopedic and rehabilitation department, a team that is highly experienced and efficient in the field of orthopedic and rehabilitation to ensure that we provide the highest standards of health care for our patients. The new team consists of 6 members (Consultant orthopedic and shoulder surgery - Rehabilitation Consultant- pediatric Physiotherapist- 2 Physiotherapists with neurology expertise- Physiotherapist with post-orthopedic surgery experience).

It’s worth mentioning that the department of physical therapy and rehabilitation at ALMOOSA specialist hospital aims since its inception to provide the optimum specialized services using all the advanced means to improve the patient’s condition. Therefor the treatment in the department is characterized by the availability of modern integrated devices that cope with world technological level by the elite of specialists, using modern Laser devices, magnetic and electric vibrations devices, Ultrasonic device, and electrical stimulation devices with the availability of a

gym and international therapeutic certified programs. The joining of the Czech team to our orthopedic and rehabilitation DEP is considered a significant and advanced move toward applicating the highest international standards in physiotherapy and rehabilitation at ALMOOSA specialist hospital.


Pain management


The anesthesia department in AL Moosa specialist hospital contains a highly specialized unit ( the pain management team ),which is concerned with the study of pain, prevention of pain, and the evaluation, treatment, and rehabilitation of persons in pain. Some conditions may have pain and associated symptoms arising from a discrete cause, such as postoperative pain, or may be conditions in which pain constitutes the primary problem, such as neuropathic pains or headaches. The evaluation of painful syndromes includes interpretation of historical data; review of previous laboratory, imaging; and interview and examination of the patient by the pain specialist. It may require specialized diagnostic procedures, including central and peripheral neural Blockage or monitored drug infusions. The pain physician serves as a consultant to other physicians but is often the principal treating physician and may provide care at various levels, such as direct treatment, prescribing medication, prescribing rehabilitation services, performing pain relieving procedures, counseling patients and families, directing a multidisciplinary team, coordinating care with other health care providers . The pain physician may work in a variety of settings and is competent to treat the entire range of pain encountered in the delivery of quality health care.

Epidural analgesia for painless labor Epidural analgesia is a commonly employed technique of providing pain relief during labor. The number of parturients given intrapartum epidural analgesia is reported to be over 50 percent at many institutions . The procedure has few contraindications, the primary ones being patient refusal, maternal hemorrhage and coagulopathy. Induction of epidural analgesia in early labor remains controversial. However, many physicians induce analgesia as soon as the diagnosis of active labor has been established and the patient has requested pain relief. However, several recent prospective studies have concluded that epidural analgesia does not adversely affect the progress of labor or increase the rate of cesarean section.


Low-dose CT Scan Catches Cancer Earlier Our lungs work without us directing them. You could even say our lungs work silently, behind the scenes. Here’s the scary thing: Lung cancer progresses silently too, often not showing symptoms until it’s no longer curable. But there is promising news. A low-dose CT scan that may catch cancer early enough to treat it – and beat it. Here’s what you need to know. No. 1 cancer killer “Lung cancer is the leading cause of cancer death in Saudi Arabia among both men and women. It claims more lives every year,” says Dr. Ahmed Antar, Hematology/ Oncology Consultant at Almoosa Specialist Hospital. It should get your attention especially if you have a history of smoking. “ Patients who develop metastatic disease – cancer that has spread beyond the lungs – have a five-year survival rate of 1 percent. However, when lung cancer detected at its earliest, most treatable stage, survivorship soars to 50 percent,” he says. That’s where a low-dose CT scan comes into play. Who is eligible? The screening is offered to those at highest risk of developing lung cancer. Based on data from the Lung Cancer Screening Trial, a study involving more than 50000 current or former smokers, the patient mostly likely to benefit from screening are: Between the ages of 55 and 74 Current smokers, or those who have quit within the past 15 years. Heavy smokers – a history of 30 pack years or more (a pack year is an average of one pack per day per year; for example, one pack per day for 30 years or two packs per day for 15 years)

Nadine Mikhaeel, MD, medical oncologist at Parker Adventist Hospital, Parker, Colorado says results are promising. “Trial participants who got the CT scan had a 20 percent overall less chance of dying of lung cancer than those who just got a chest X-ray,” she says. 7 Symptoms not to Ignore While lung cancer often has no early symptoms, if you experience any of these signs, talk with your doctor to evaluate the cause:

A new cough that doesn’t go away

Coughing up blood

Chest pain that worsens when coughing or deep breathing

Shortness of breath and wheezing

Recurrent infections, such as bronchitis or pneumonia

Swelling of the face

Losing weight without trying

23 For among the Syrian refugee camps spread out in AlZatri, Al-azerq and Madaba, and between Madaba and Al-Mafreq in the Hashemite kingdom of Jordan, lies the future in the hearts and minds of generations whose hands have not been sullied by bloodshed nor their bloods by hatred, they’re the generation of the future young men and women of Syria. Yet, those children that have fled the killing and destruction with their families are still in need of medical, social and psychological care in all its forms, in order to preserve for Syria its future in the hands of those wonderful youths after the elders have caused the loss of its present. In memory of the late “Haya Al- Katheer” Almoosa Specialist Hospital has organized a relief campaign in cooperation with Atlantic Humanitarian Relief (AHR) which is a nonprofit, non-political humanitarian organization based in US, Boston and has volunteers from all over the globe. This relief campaign has targeted the treatment of the children in Syrian refugee camps located in the Hashemite kingdom of Jordan and providing social and psychological support for them.

In addition to performing 101 surgeries in the same hospital. Some of those surgeries went on for over 16 hours. These medical services also extended to dozens of children in AlZatery camp and Garesh camp. The campaign personnel didn’t forget bring joy to the children by drawing on their

Although the main target of the campaign was the children; it has also assisted the weakest of the Syrian refugees, the women and the elderly. Almoosa’s specialized medical team that was included with the campaign made in memory of the late “Haya AlKatheer” consisted of over 100 personnel, including doctors, humanitarian service providers and camera men. Almoosa’s personnel provided the Syrian refugees in the Jordanian official camps with medical and psychological services, plus some of the non-regulated refugee camps. These services included: General surgery, child and women surgery, child delivery, neurology, otolaryngology, ophthalmology, dental care, pharmaceutics and moral and psychological support for traumatized and orphaned children. In coordination with the regional office team of the national Saudi committee of supporting our brothers in Syria, Almoosa specialized team provided medical services that have included the examination and treatment of over 490 cases in the following specializations: otolaryngology, neurology, general surgery, women’s health care and child delivery for the refugees who came to Al-Maqasid hospital.

faces so that the Syrian children could continue laughing and in turn, drawing the future of their country. God have mercy on “”Haya Al- Katheer” and grant her the highest Paradise.

22 100 specialists provide medical and psychological care at refugee camps in Jordan

“Haya Al-katheer” draws smiles on the faces of Syrian children. Amongst the shouts, laughter and playfulness; the children of the Syrian refugee camps create their own private world that does not know war or racial and sectarian murder. As the Syrian children play the games they’re used to playing during times of peace, away from the games of weapons, soldiers and thieves, they’re purging away their the sorrows and feelings of desperation of the adults that have stacked themselves on all sides of the refugee camps that have become a surrogate home and country.

This issue’s interview


efficiency or outcomes . The new direction will aim to raise competence and efficiency through holding hospitals and care givers to performance measures that aim to provide the best possible service with the best possible cost .

“We notice Al moosa specialist hospital’s interest in organizing a number of forums, lectures and medical conventions that enjoy the international participation of great experts in the medical field. What is your vision regarding this?”

We indeed look forward to cooperating with the Ministry of Health and other healthcare related sectors to achieve the goals of the 2030 vision through the numerous opportunities and programs that the Ministry offers. The approval of the Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques of the new cabinet of ministers and the creation of companies that will manage work in the Ministry along with Insurance company that will purchase the right to serve citizens, is proof of great commitment to achieving that vision in service of the well-fare and well-being of citizens and residents of the kingdom.

The forums and scientific conventions undoubtedly provide those who specialize in the medical field a chance to exchange medical and scientific expertise and showcase the latest research and results. We at Al moosa specialist hospital are very interested in encouraging discussion through such forums, as we hold a monthly medical convention in varying fields. In addition to hosting many societies and associations that specialize in the medical field as the conference hall of the hospital fits up to 400 participants. We have also decided that in the coming month of October this year to hold the first dedicated conference for the patient experience in the region with wide international participation including the Planetree association and the American college of healthcare executives ACHE .

20 “Will the hospital be satisfied with its impressive medical history or will it seek even more improvements?” Of course not, we’re on schedule for the opening of our new medical tower. God willing, it will be a quantum leap in the quality of service we provide that centered around the patient. We care for the proper design that fits the needs of the patient and their family, as the tower is going to add 220 beds to the existing capacity of 240.

paid our hospital a visit to observe the standards, procedures and policies being followed in the course of proving medical care to the patient. Thank God, our efforts lead to success and we received the Golden designation from the Planetree organization; the first hospital in the Middle East to receive such a highly regarded recognition.

The hospital’s lab as also obtained the accreditation of the college of American pathologist (CAP ) to be added to the series of the medical milestones of the hospital has obtained recently, Four distinguished centers will besides our adherence to the be moved to it as well, they are: Joint Committee International neuroscience center, orthopedics (JCI) and the Saudi Central Board center, Heart center and finally, for Accreditation of Healthcare the oncology center. This will raise Institutions (CBAHI). the hospitals capacity to a total of 460 beds plus 150 external Another goal we have set our sights on is that completion of a the digital clinics. hospital project . that will include Our aim is continues improvement, all of the patients’ information, training and competence of our whether it is medical or personal caregivers is one of our strategic or social and all finance related goal day after day and measuring information from health insurance the satisfaction of patients in to everything else. It will all be each moment through a third preserved in one digital file, so party company . We were the first the patient will have no need to hospital to contract that company carry documents when moving to hear the patients’ voices and from one place to the other or one evaluate the provided medical care, clinic to another, everything will so there is no room for laxness be digitalized and the patient can or incompetence. We also were be identified by his I.D number the first to receive the Planetree and his medical number. We have organization’s designation in the also contracted the international Middle East. Our ambition did company, Oracle, for a Enterprise not stop at receiving the silver Resource Planning system (ERP recognition from the Planetree ) project, in order to raise the organization two years ago. We effectiveness and efficiency of continue working and giving to managerial, financial performances provide the best health care as and help come up with the ideal per international standards. way of utilizing our resources Recently, a team of observers efficiently. from the Planetree organization

“All of these achievements and successes could not have been without the management of the hospital taking care of its employees in all specializations and on all levels. How did you do it?” I agree with you. We at Al moosa care for the human factor and consider it to be the main engine of our work and we adopt many strategies on different levels from selection to training to care and motivation. As such, we constantly award those who perform exceptionally in their work. All of that comes within the programs we have applied at the hospital. The high performers , with the ultimate goal of motivations employees and caregivers to excel and provide excellent service and care to patients and their families , which benefits everyone. Another major factor of motivation is striving towards excellence is the fact that it’s not the management of the hospital who select the best performers , it’s the patient who say his voice. another important factor is the professional and social activities that care for the employees and their families all year round. “What do you envision for the future of the healthcare provide to citizens within the vision of 2030 that will include all work fields in Saudi Arabia?” Medical services in the kingdom is on the verge of a great , therefore its not business anymore .. it will present a contrast to how we were used to it in the past, where the service did not focus on

This issue’s interview


Interview by “Ahmad El gohary” “There is no alternative to providing high quality health care that adheres to international standards.” In a decisive tone, that’s how the CEO of Al moosa Specialist Hospital, “Malek Al moosa” began his interview with us. Pointing to the fact that the path of success the hospital has walked since its construction 21 years ago is based on the strong foundation of providing health care of the highest quality by international standards. He pointed out many of the hospital’s achievements whilst also making it clear that the hospital does not intend to stop there; it intends to raise the competence of the human resources and motivating it to provide advanced health care for patients and all the community . More details to be found in the following interview. “Within a few years, Al moosa specialist hospital has become the most prominent health care destination; not just in Al ahsa but in the entire region. How do you,, explain this success?” Al moosa specialist hospital that was established in 1996 is entering a new era of success and excellence. It began its journey on a strong foundation with a pure intention to serve the citizens of the area by providing top quality health care around the clock with the intention of making that care the best it could possibly be in accordance with international standards. Since then we have made sure to only attract the most experienced care givers and getting the latest and best equipment and also remain upto-date to the latest in health recommendations and gaining the accreditation of multiple international organizations in several specializations. By the grace of God, Al ahsa has become an area that attracts those who seek excellent health care from within Saudi Arabia and from the neighboring countries, a city that once was exporter of patients seeking basic and advanced medical care .

“Could you introduce us to a few of the projects that were undertaken recently?” We have recently finished the final stage of a digital operating room that was created in adherence to the most advanced international designs and was fully fitted in cooperation with the German company MAQUET that specializes in operating rooms. It’ll provide the highest degrees of comfort to the patient and the care givers. The project includes five state of the art operating rooms .. we’ve also finished several specialized sections, such as the cardiac surgery program and its two divisions both for adult and for pediatric , we also just opened a training and development center that we have invested heavily in with equipment’s and experts in order to maintain the highest readiness. An example of that courses that is provided in this center is is the BLS-ACLS.PALS.NRP ATLSand others. We’ve also expanded the number of parking lots as part of a project to expand the parking lots of the patients . We have also finished expanding the intensive care for the Neonates (NICU ) and are currently working on a massive expansion to the dialysis section which is being carried out by a specialized company for the first time in Saudi Arabia. Which will be truly patient centric design .. .


Malek Al moosa, CEO of Al moosa specialist hospital:

«We will not stop at the success we have already achieved

and will continue on the path of excellence.

All our sections and centers are competing to provide services of the highest quality; we measure the patients’ satisfaction at every moment, with no room for incompetence or laxness. We care for the human factor and follow advanced policies in training, care and motivation.”


immediate surgical intervention was performed: the necrotic part of the intestine was removed with direct intestinal end to end anastomosis. This newborn was known to have a congenital heart defect with Hypoxemia, which led to the intestinal necrosis and perforation. The second case was a newborn suffering from a congenital intestinal malrotation with permanent vomiting and inability to eat, which required a surgery on the second day of the child’s life. The intestine was placed in its appropriate position to secure a normal intestinal transit.

Third case was a newborn referred to us at the age of 8 days with sudden persistent bile vomiting, where accurate medical and radiological assessment confirmed the presence of intestinal volvulus. An immediate surgical intervention releases the volvulus, before the development of intestinal necrosis (volvulus interrupt the blood supply of the intestine). Almoosa Specialist Hospital wishes that the inauguration of the Pediatric Surgery Unit in its advanced and various specialties would help to improve healthcare services in Al-Ahsa and neighboring areas.


Inauguration of advanced

Pediatric surgery unit

Almoosa Specialist Hospital has inaugurated an advanced unit of pediatric surgery in all its fields, which includes an integrated surgical team of highly qualified professionals with extensive expertise in the fields of General Surgery, Urology, Orthopedics, Open-Heart, and Neurosurgery. The presence of pediatric Radiology, pediatric anesthesia, NICU, PICU, and a multi-specialized pediatric department makes it a comprehensive unit with various and advanced specialties that provide all support and conditions for the success of these surgeries and ensure the desired results.

abnormal development of organs and tissues. Such diseases need to be diagnosed, assessed, and treated through a specialized surgical approach, which necessitates keeping abreast with the latest scientific and medical developments suiting the type of disease, age and growth of the child. Dr. Machmouchi confirms that the Department of Pediatric Surgery has received lately several neonatal surgical cases from inside and outside Al-Ahsa region, for example:

We received a case of a newborn less than 24 Dr. Mahmoud Machmouchi, Consultant of Pediatric hours old, referred to us with severe abdominal Surgeon said that pediatric surgical diseases are distension and sepsis. Radiology confirms different from those of adults, because they are often the presence of intestinal perforation. An related to congenital abnormalities, or to congenital


20cm fibroid tumor on the wall of the uterus (intramural fibroid)

causing a

high risk to the mother and the fetus

Adding that, it’s common among lots of doctors to operate a complete hysterectomy in these cases although the best medical solution is operating fibroidectomy especially for ladies willing to have more children in the future. Dr. Hamsa continued that the patient was placed under constant follow-up until the date of the caesarean, during the surgery doctors discovered that the fibroid tumor is on the lower uterine, obstructing the normal fetal descent during the C-section. So immediately our doctors decided to perform surgical upper uterine incision through which the fetus was extracted safely, in addition to removing the tumor completely without any complications, the patient was discharged with her baby after 4 days both in a good condition. It’s worth mentioning that uterine fibroids are abnormal growths, muscular tumors that grow in the wall of the uterus (womb), intramural fibroids can cause “bulk symptoms” which include excessive menstrual bleeding that may cause prolonged menstrual cycles and clot passing, pelvic pain and pregnancy disability myomectomy allow pregnancy to occur again through making space in the uterus cavity.


Saving the life of a fortieth lady and her baby from massive uterine fibroid

Our gynecology and obstetrics DEP at ALMOOSA specialist hospital managed to rescue a life of a 42 - year’s old – pregnant lady and her baby, as she suffered from a massive (large) fibroid tumor that increased the risk of delivery complications weather natural or caesarean, while maintaining the uterus safe. Dr. Hamsa Noori - Obstetrics & Gynecology Consultant – at ALMOOSA specialist hospital, who operated the surgery, stated that the patient came to our hospital after going to many other hospitals that refused to follow up on her condition since it is a high risk pregnancy. All necessary tests and ultrasound were taken to assess the situation, which detected a presence of 20cm fibroid tumor on the wall of the uterus (intramural fibroid) causing a high risk to the mother and the fetus. As the large tumor compressed the fetus inside the uterus and blocked its passage to the pelvic causing the fetus to be in a transverse lie rather than in a head-down position which necessitated a C-section surgery. Dr. Hamsa clarified that this procedure requires highefficiency and skill to avoid intra-operation complications like severe bleeding or even having to operate complete hysterectomy to save the patient’s life.

Dr. Hamsa Noori Obstetrics & Gynecology Consultant ALMOOSA specialist hospital


For his part, Mr. Nasser al-Towaileb, the laboratory manager, said that this international achievement is the result of the combined efforts of each individual at Almoosa Specialist Hospital through teamwork, where the laboratory has overcame all the obstacles and met all the necessary requirements in order to be eligible for CAP accreditation in terms of quality assurance and performance improvement, in addition to medical equipment, safety equipment, and administrative work, as well as many other requirements for accreditation. The manager of the laboratory also revealed that the blood bank at Almoosa Laboratory has started preparations for obtaining blood bank accreditation from the American Association of Blood Banks (AABB), which is granted every 2 years to blood banks that meet AABB criteria in terms of administrative organization and quality

control, where the Blood Bank at Almoosa always seeks to apply the highest international standards that meet AABB specifications. Al-Towaileb, who is specialist in blood banking technology, added that the blood donors selection criteria in Almoosa laboratory are consistent with the standards which guarantee the safety of patients receiving blood transfusion. Moreover, the blood separation process into different blood components (platelets, plasma, and red blood cells) has been very successful and it allows the donor to help up to three patients according to the need of each case separately. Furthermore, this technique has significantly reduced the overall use of the whole blood units for an individual patient.


Almoosa Specialist Hospital Laboratory Receives CAP Accreditation

Dr. Hameed Aljawad, consultant anatomical pathologist and laboratory director at ASH, Almoosa Specialist Hospital (ASH) in Al-Ahsa is now certified by the American College of American Pathologists (CAP); a new accomplishment to be added to a series of medical achievements recently achieved by the hospital. CAP accreditation is considered a significant milestone towards providing patient-centered care services through improving laboratory performance, aiming to implement policies and procedures ensuring patient safety. According to Dr. Hameed Aljawad, consultant anatomical pathologist and laboratory director at ASH, CAP accreditation is a continuous process and a life-long commitment towards testing quality and patient safety as it ensures the application of the highest global standards for laboratory services. He stressed that the laboratory team did a great job and spent a lot of time and effort in order to implement CAP’s high standards as acknowledged by the auditing team which came from United States solely for this purpose.

Dr. Al Jawad pointed out that CAP is one of the most stringent higher scientific bodies authorized to award accreditation to laboratories in the United States and around the world; which makes the number of hospital-based laboratories eligible for accreditation very limited. Throughout the period of accreditation, blind samples were sent to Almoosa Specialist Hospital laboratory to be tested and reported back to CAP where these results are evaluated to ensure that the policies applied by our laboratory are consistent with those of the CAP.

11 Al moosa specialist hospital in Al ahsa once again proves its excellence with yet another impressive achievement. The American health accreditation organization, Planetree has given Al moosa hospital its golden designation, making it the first hospital in the middle east to earn such grand recognition. It was granted this after an evaluation by a team from the Planetree organization took place. This happened only two years after the hospital earned the silver recognition from the same organization.

The chief executive officer of the hospital, “Malek Al moosa” expressed his pleasure at his hospital’s success at obtaining this vaunted international recognition, showing that the hospital’s management and its workers are proud of this success and the fact that they are the only hospital in the Middle East to obtain it and one of the 100 hospitals in the world to obtain the accreditation of the leading organization in the field of improving the quality of patient experience and services. He said: “The renewal of the recognition is proof that we are heading in the right The planetree is a non-profit organization direction towards improving our services”. that seeks to hold standards for hospitals and health care givers and evaluate then it’s worth mentioning that the Planetree is based on how they provide those services a non-profit organization established back to suit the patients’ needs. The evaluation of in 1978, its mission is to set standards for those hospitals is based on several standards; hospitals based on a simple philosophy: Medical such as promoting compassion, mercy and services must be based on the needs of the humane communication on a personal level patient; alongside with the promotion of between the patient and the care givers. compassion, mercy and human interaction with the patient and providing education This was after a visit made by a team send and medical information within medical by the Planetree organization two months establishments through the involvement ago to monitor the standards, policies and of health care providers under the one procedures followed in the hospital and philosophy of “the patient is the center of after two years of constant observation of our service”, through human interaction, implementations to improve the patients’ independence, dignity and freedom of choice experience in all sections. alongside the important of family, friends The decision to give the hospital the golden and social support and joining the patient recognition was declared; making it the only in making the right decisions and educating hospital in the Middle East to have such high them medically. recognition, two years after it obtained the Al moosa hospital was the very first specialist silver recognition of the same organization. hospital to be established in Al ahsa since The executive chief of the Planetree organization, its opening in 1996. The hospital enjoys a Suzan Frampton, congratulated the hospital medical team of the highest caliber and in a personal letter in which she said: “This experience and offers varies services in all is considered a great achievement in the medical fields through 240 beds and multiple history of Al moosa hospital and a testament specialized centers. to how strictly it adheres to excellence in the The Planetree is not the only recognition health care field that revolves around the the hospital has earned. It has earned many patient. You are the pioneers of the Middle accreditations; such as (HACCP, CBAHI, JCIA, East and this prize is a symbol of the excellent CAP) that lend it credibility in all health and work you have done to make the world a safety standards. better place.”


The only hospital with the American Planetree Golden recognition

AL MOOSA is truly a golden hospital

Susan Frampton Planetree-Headshot


You’d think everyone would be thrilled. Semmelweis had solved the problem! But they weren’t thrilled. For one thing, doctors were upset because Semmelweis’ hypothesis made it look like they were the ones giving childbed fever to the women. And Semmelweis was not very tactful. He publicly berated people who disagreed with him and made some influential enemies. Eventually the doctors gave up the chlorine hand-washing, and Semmelweis — he lost his job. Semmelweis kept trying to convince doctors in other parts of Europe to wash with chlorine, but no one would listen to him. Over the years, Semmelweis got angrier and eventually even strange. There’s been speculation he developed a mental condition brought on by possibly syphilis. Where he died of microbial infection when he was only 47 years old. The sad end to the story is that Semmelweis was probably beaten in the asylum and eventually died of sepsis, the same disease Semmelweis fought so hard to prevent in those women who died from childbed fever.


The Doctor Who Championed


170 years ago, the year was 1846, and our hero was a Hungarian doctor named Ignaz Semmelweis. The young Dr. Semmelweis showed up for his new job in the maternity clinic at the General Hospital in Vienna, he started collecting some data about women dying of puerperal fever . Semmelweis wanted to figure out why so many women in maternity wards were dying from puerperal fever — commonly known as childbed fever. He studied two maternity wards in the hospital. One was staffed by all male doctors and medical students, and the other was staffed by female midwives. And he counted the number of deaths on each ward. When Semmelweis crunched the numbers, he discovered that women in the clinic staffed by doctors and medical students died at a rate nearly five times higher than women in the midwives’ clinic. Then he began thinking to find out why?

Semmelweis went through the differences between the two wards and started ruling out ideas. Right away he discovered a big difference between the two clinics. In the midwives’ clinic, women gave birth on their sides. In the doctors’ clinic, women gave birth on their backs. So he had women in the doctors’ clinic give birth on their sides. The result, was “no effect.” Then Semmelweis noticed that whenever someone on the ward died of childbed fever, a priest would walk slowly through the doctors’ clinic, past the women’s beds with an attendant ringing a bell. This time Semmelweis theorized that the priest and the bell ringing so terrified the women after birth that they developed a fever, got sick and died. So Semmelweis had the priest change his route and ditch the bell. Again , “It had no effect.” Finally inspiration came when he noticed that the big difference between the doctors’ ward and the midwives’ ward is that the doctors were doing autopsies and the midwives weren’t,”. So Semmelweis hypothesized that there were cadaverous particles, little pieces of corpse, that students were getting on their hands from the cadavers they dissected. And when they delivered the babies, these particles would get inside the women who would develop the disease and die. If Semmelweis’ hypothesis was correct, getting rid of those cadaverous particles should cut down on the death rate from childbed fever. So he ordered his medical staff to start cleaning their hands and instruments not just with soap but with a chlorine solution. And when he imposed this, the rate of childbed fever fell dramatically.


Mr. Malek Al Moosa CEO While reading this issue , you will get to know some of the cases these centers have treated after they had lost hope elsewhere, believing in the significant role played by the doctors at Almoosa hospital in inspiring hope in the patient and his family, working on creating a diagnostic, therapeutic, comfortable and safe environment; capable of easing anxiety and providing the highest standards of comfort and safety for the patient throughout the various stages of treatment. You will also be provided with a diverse collection of topics and sections that will give you an deep dive in many medical subjects and topics that will hopefully enriches the Healthy lifestyle of the reader.




The journey of Success and excellence continue with a varied collection of rich topics that this issue provides the reader with, mirroring the successes that Almoosa specialized hospital, a leader in the field of specialized health care, locally and regionally, its patients and the community , employing the most talented staff and advanced technologies and adhering to international standards; has achieved and continues to achieve. We showcase details of the preparations for the patient experience conference held in cooperation between the hospital and the Planetree Org . The hospital had already obtained its recognition in an unprecedented event that has never occurred to any middle eastern hospital, which the hospital was awarded in 2015 .

Alongside the journey of growth, development and our plans that is heralded by the vision of 2030, carrying fortune and prosperity for every Saudi and resident of our beloved home land; we showcase details regarding the beginning of construction on the hospital of the future, (The Northern Tower) reaching 16 stories high and covering 65 thousand square meters, making it the largest building amongst the building of Almoosa specialized hospital, rising 100 meters above the ground, also making it the tallest building in Alahsa city and the tallest hospital in Saudi Arabia as a whole. It will include up to 220 beds and all rooms were designed as Single rooms, among them are 46 beds in intensive care, 16 in the cardiac intensive care wing, a reference lab, 10 Operating rooms with interchangeability potential, hybrid procedures rooms, 30 Outpatient clinics and a central sterilization unit. It was designed to put the needs of the patient first, taking into consideration many environmental recovery elements, such as: An open corridor, a spacious lobby, comfortable colors and green roofs for patients, visitors and care providers. We also showcase amongst the pages of this issue, many details regarding the planning, designing and execution of the comprehensive rehabilitation center with a capacity of 300 beds for permanent care, which provides a specific service that will be added to the medical and honorable service records of the hospital. In the same line , we look to the many successes that the hospital has achieved and continues to achieve in all its centers of excellence and departments, such as:, orthopedic surgery center, Sheikh Muhammad Abd-elqader Heart Center , obesity center, hair transplant center, and the neuroscience center .

Eighteenth Issue

8 The Doctor Who Championed


10 The only hospital with the American Planetree Golden recognition.

Al moosa is truly a golden hospital.

12 Almoosa Specialist Hospital Laboratory Receives

CAP Accreditation

27 A delegation from

Johns Hopkins Hospital, Aramco visit ALMOOSA specialist hospital


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