ABRIL 26 - MAYO 3, 2017
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ABRIL 26 - MAYO 3, 2017 | VOL XXV No. 31
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Pequeños Trumps y el Presupuesto Fiscal del 2018 Mentiras sobre la marihuana: el absurdo empaña al sentido común ¿Qué pasó con “América va primero”? Estados Unidos necesita más inmigrantes; no menos
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Venezolanos en Philly, entre la espada y la pared
Ante la duda, lea un libro TOP 5 Artistas Latinos que deberías estar escuchando “Chuck” Pennoni recibe premio William Penn Parroquia La Milagrosa, en la Calle Spring Garden, mediados de los años 70 ALDÍ / ABRIL 26 - MAYO 3, 2017 / 3
Venezolanos en Philly, entre la espada y la pared La crisis de Venezuela ha generado una ola migratoria del país suramericano hacia otras latitudes. En Filadelfia su presencia se empieza a sentir cada vez con más fuerza con la izada de su bandera en el City Hall y la apertura de restaurantes.
a crisis en Venezuela, aunque lejana, tiene una conexión con Filadelfia. Y esa conexión la han configurado cientos de venezolanos que en los últimos años han llegado a vivir en el área metropolitana de la ciudad y que ven con algo de impotencia el desarrollo de la peor crisis social y política que ha vivido el país suramericano en los últimos años. Impotencia. Ese es el sentimiento de una joven venezolana, estudiante de tercer año de arquitectura en Temple que el pasado 19 de abril —fecha en que se celebra el inicio del proceso de independencia de Venezuela en 1810— se destacaba entre el río de gente que las 5:30 de la tarde llenaba los pasillos de la Suburban Station. Con una cachucha tricolor, inspirada en la bandera de su país, Victoria Urdaneta enviaba desde la distancia un inequívoco mensaje de protesta y solidaridad con su gente, que a la misma hora completaba un día en las calles de Venezuela en lo que rápidamente se llamó “la madre de todas las marchas”. Victoria vive hace 3 años en Filadelfia. Llegó en 2014 justo después de graduarse de secundaria en Maracaibo, su ciudad natal, a 440 millas al oeste de Caracas. Para ella, estar acá es como vivir en una burbuja que la protege de la crisis pero a la vez le impide participar en las manifestaciones. “Es complicado estar acá y no poder hacer nada, toda mi familia está en Venezuela. Es querer hacer pero no poder”, expresa esta joven inmigrante que, aunque cuenta con una visa de estudiante, lamenta la ironía de su situación. “Yo me he tenido que separar de mi familia.
4 / ABRIL 26 - MAYO 3, 2017 / ALDÍ
EL PASADO 8 de abril, varios miembros de la comunidad de Venezuela en Filadelfia se unieron a las manifestaciones en su país contra el gobierno de Nicolás Maduro. Foto: Tomada de Casa de Venezuela. Archivo particular
Históricamente Venezuela nunca fue un país de emigrantes. Al contrario, durante la segunda mitad del siglo pasado, su economía en crecimiento atrajo a millones de inmigrantes de países como Perú, Colombia, Portugal y Ecuador, entre otros. Mi papá no quiere ni que los visite por la situación tan grave del país, me dice ‘trata de hacer lo que puedas para quedarte allá, pasantías, estudios, no te queremos aquí’”, afirma. Victoria es una de los casi 6.000 venezolanos que, según estimaciones de la organización Casa de Venezuela, viven en el área metropolitana de Filadelfia; muchos de los cuales han llegado en medio de la ola migratoria que ha expulsado a más de 2 millones de compatriotas del país latinoamericano. Países como Colombia y Estados Unidos son los grandes receptores de los inmigrantes provenientes de la otrora potencia petrolera de la región.
Históricamente Venezuela nunca fue un país de emigrantes. Al contrario, durante la segunda mitad del siglo pasado, su economía en cre-
cimiento atrajo a millones de inmigrantes de países como Perú, Colombia, Portugal y Ecuador, entre otros. Venezuela entonces era considerada la Arabia Saudita de Latinoamérica, los que salían del país solían ser quienes se iban a educar en las mejores universidades de Estados Unidos y Europa, no quienes anhelaban mejores oportunidades en el norte. Quizá por eso para muchos venezolanos su diáspora actual tiene un aspecto que la diferencia de las otras migraciones latinoamericanas. De acuerdo con Roberto Torres, de la organización Casa de Venezuela, en general el venezolano en Estados Unidos es un inmigrante profesional que “llega a través de mecanismos legales, como visas de trabajo, turísticas y de estudio, y decide quedarse por miedo a regresar a su país”. Aunque muchos llegan a ejercer sus profesiones, la realidad es que su situación irregular los ha obligado a trabajar en lo que salga. El estado de vulnerabilidad experimentado por el venezolano promedio en Estados Unidos también tiene que ver con una especie de sensación de abandono: hoy muchos prefieren abrirse camino sin acudir a los servicios del consulado de su país, por una simple razón, no se sienten representados.
Esa sensación, aunque suficientemente fundamentada, está empezando a tener un efecto que preocupa a miembros de la comunidad. “En el sur de la Florida ya se conocen denuncias sobre muchos compatriotas que, mal asesorados, llegan a pedir asilo político cuando no todos los casos reúnen los requisitos para ser tratados
FILADELFIA como tal. Eso de alguna manera pone en peligro la vida de quienes sí lo necesitan. En Filadelfia también está pasando”, afirma Torres. Lo cierto es que, con las imágenes y los testimonios cada vez más numerosos que llegan de Venezuela, la pregunta es ¿qué venezolano no necesita una visa o un asilo político en Estados Unidos? El problema no es solo que se disparen las solicitudes de asilo político, sino que si por allá llueve, por acá se pronostican tormentas. La llegada del presidente Donald Trump a la Casa Blanca, y las medidas que ha empezado a tomar para endurecer las condiciones migratorias para todos aquellos que quieran entrar al país, empieza a preocupar a muchos inmigrantes venezolanos. El discurso antiinmigrante envía un mensaje poco alentador a aquellos que dejaron su país escapando de la represión y que buscan refugio temporal en Estados Unidos. Para Victoria esta situación es como estar entre la espada y la pared. Pese a que se vive en Filadelfia con una visa de estudiante, sabe que su situación tiene fecha de vencimiento. Su hermana, que también estudiaba aquí, se vio obligada a regresar a Venezuela hace tres semanas porque no consiguió una visa de trabajo. Sobre su futuro próximo, asegura que lo ve “bastante incierto”. Todo por las medidas que
El estado de vulnerabilidad experimentado por el venezolano promedio en EEUU tiene que ver con una especie de sensación de abandono: hoy muchos prefieren abrirse camino sin acudir a los servicios del consulado de su país. Trump viene adoptando en su supuesto afán de impulsar el empleo de estadounidenses por encima del de comunidades inmigrantes. Esta joven estudiante de apenas 21 años de edad tiene todas sus esperanzas en el programa OPT (Optional Practical Training), que le permite a estudiantes extranjeros como ella permanecer en el país un año más para realizar prácticas profesionales, pero que se encuentra bajo la mira de Trump desde su llegada a la Casa Blanca (link is external). Victoria sabe que el panorama no es muy prometedor; probablemente la narrativa del gobierno tenga su efecto en el sector privado que, temeroso de un incremento en los impuestos, lo pensará dos veces antes de contratar a un profesional extranjero. n Para más noticias locales visite nuestra web
EL PASADO 18 de abril se llevó a cabo la Mesa Redonda Multicultural sobre el Presupuesto Fiscal del año 2018. Peter Fitzpatrick/AL DÍA News
Pequeños Trumps y el Presupuesto Fiscal del 2018 JAMILA JOHNSON
ólo queremos tener un sistema donde podamos depender del estado de derecho”, dijo el alcalde Jim Kenney en la sesión informativa de la Mesa Redonda Multicultural presupuestaria que se llevó a cabo el pasado 18 de abril en la alcaldía. Al introducir un presupuesto de $4.4 mil millones que se enfoca principalmente en la infraestructura, la salud y los servicios humanos, el alcalde discutió brevemente el impacto que tendrá la nueva administración en Washington en la calidad de los servicios sociales que la ciudad ofrecerá a la comunidad el año entrante. El esfuerzo por mantener a Filadelfia a flote en tiempos de adversidad política depende de una inversión de $1.9 millones al problema de opioides, $90 millones para el desarrollo de la I-95 entre Chestnut y Walnut y de $4.4 mil millones de presupuesto para la ciudad. “Algunos se las quieren dar de pequeños Trumps”, dijo el alcalde durante una ronda de preguntas para referirse a los obstáculos que su administración ha encontrado tanto a nivel federal como a nivel estatal desde Harrisburg. Pero su mensaje fue claro: la ciudad hará todo lo que esté a su alcance para seguir pres-
tando sus servicios sociales. El total de ingresos pronosticados para el año fiscal 2018 es de $4.3 mil millones, mientras que la ciudad también proyecta $4.4 mil millones en gastos, y con ese panorama de números, apenas lograrán saldar cuentas. Pero estos impuestos sobre salarios no serán desperdiciados. De hecho, 37% de los gastos de la ciudad se refieren a servicios personales para la comunidad. Para reducir gastos y comprender que los programas están generando la mayor cantidad posible de fondos, más de 20 departamentos de la administración local están siendo monitoreados en asuntos de gastos y generación de ingresos, sumado a otros criterios con el objetivo de medir su desenvolvimiento. Aunque algunos programas no lograrán obtener los ingresos deseados o tener las facilidades de gasto, la oficina del alcalde aclaró que estarán observando de cerca los servicios que la ciudad provee y la calidad de los mismos. Y tras algunas amenazas inminentes por parte del departamento de Justicia y el senado estatal, sumadas a los problemas fiscales de la ciudad, no sería descabellado pensar que la ciudad puede volverse más conservadora a la hora de invertir su dinero en la gente que la habita. n ALDÍ / ABRIL 26 - MAYO 3, 2017 / 5
Mentiras sobre la marihuana: el absurdo empaña al sentido común Dos días después de que un oficial de la Administración Trump hiciera una aseveración absurdamente imprecisa sobre los peligros de la marihuana, Ricardo Rivera dio una conmovedora explicación sobre los poderes de la hierba a un grupo de estudiantes de la Universidad Temple.
a exposición de Ricardo Rivera sobre hierba tivistas anti-drogas, fue desmontada de forma concluyente la semana pasada fue personal. por una extensa investigación llevada a cabo en 1944 por la Este profesional de la atención sanitaria Academia de Medicina de Nueva York. El reporte declaró y veterano militar habló con los estudiantes que la marihuana no induce a la adicción a la heroína o a de Temple inscritos en el curso de “Mari- la cocaína y que su uso no causa conductas delictivas, otra huana y los Medios”, sobre las propiedades falsedad persistente en la retórica de los activistas anti-drocurativas de la hierba que ha podido presen- gas. ciar a través de su hija, quien padece de una Pensilvania es uno de los 28 estados que ha legalizado la forma severa de epilepsia que le causa cien- marihuana de uso medicinal. La farmacopea de Estados tos de episodios diarios. Unidos catalogó la marihuana como una sustancia válida Cuando la hija de Rivera, Tatyana, no lo- para el uso medicinal entre 1850 y 1941, cuatro años después graba mejorar tras la combinación de 25 el gobierno federal prohibió su uso. fármacos que los doctores le habían presEl oficial federal responsable por la prohicrito para sus episodios, Rivera recurrió al bición de la hierba en 1937, el originario de La marihuana no aceite de marihuana. Harry Anslinger, demonizó ininduce a la adicción Pensilvania “Estos aceites salvaron la vida de mi tencionalmente a los negros y a los hispanos. hija”, dijo a los estudiantes. Anslinger declaró falsamente que la cannabis a la heroína o Rivera explicó cómo los doctores le dijeenloquecía a los hispanos, quienes cometían a la cocaína y ron alguna vez que su hija crímenes mientras que los negros impulsano viviría más de nueve dos por la hierba asaltaban sexualmente a las que su uso no años, una predicción que READ IN mujeres de color. El reporte de 1944 en Nueva causa conductas no se materializó. Rivera ENGLISH York también documentó los arrestos desproatribuye la mejoría en la porcionados a minorías por posesión de hierdelictivas. calidad de vida de su hija ba, una práctica que aún persiste. al tratamiento que ha reciLa semana pasada, cientos de personas bido con aceite de marihuana que prepara se manifestaron en Harrisburg solicitando él mismo. la legalización de la marihuana para uso recreacional. Un Rivera prepara el aceite en la cocina de su casa en Cam- vocero en la protesta frente al edificio del capitolio fue el den County porque el programa de marihuana medicinal Auditor General de Pensilvania, quien apoya la legalización de New Jersey no incluye la venta de aceites o comestibles por los 200 millones de dólares en ingresos tributarios que derivados, modos de administración preferibles para niños la legalización podría generar al gobierno estatal carente con necesidades específicas. Rivera está registrado legal- de fondos. mente como cuidador primario en ese estado. El mismo día que Rivera y Whiter hablaron en Temple, Junto a Rivera estuvo Mike Whiter, un veterano del Cuer- la cadena de noticias CBS hizo pública una encuesta que po Especial de Marina en el combate de Kosovo e Irak, quien demostraba una nueva cifra: el 61 % de lo estadounidenses consiguió aliviar su desorden de estrés postraumático con apoya la legalización de la marihuana. ■ la hierba. Whiter ingería hasta 40 medicamentos diarios que nunca aliviaron sus síntomas, así como tampoco sus impulsos suicidas que van de la mano con su trastorno. Para más columnas de opinión Dos días antes de la charla en Temple, el secretario de Sevisite nuestra web guridad Nacional John Kelly fustigó la hierba como “droga de iniciación”, que promueve el uso de drogas más fuertes. La declaración de Kelly, apoyada constantemente por ac-
6 / ABRIL 26 - MAYO 3, 2017 / ALDÍ
DE IZQUIERDA A derecha: activistas por la legalización de la marihuana Mike Whiter, N.A. Poe y Chris Goldstein, columnista de Philly. com y co-instructor del curso de Temple “Marihuana y los medios”. LBWPhoto
¿Qué pasó con “América va primero”? Las nuevas políticas internacionales de Donald Trump son un cambio radical en las propuestas electorales que abanderó durante más de un año. Quizás el nuevo presidente no esté tan lejos de su predecesor en cuanto a las prioridades de Estados Unidos. YAMILY HABIB
Especial para AL DÍA News
l panorama estratégico internacional tiene ahora dos cabecillas importantes: Donald Trump y Kim Jong Un, dos de los jefes de Estado con más armamento nuclear a la vista, y cuyos intereses no parecen coincidir en ningún momento. Tras el viraje de Trump en cuanto a su política intervencionista en Siria, su relación con Moscú se vio resquebrajada de manera irreversible, favoreciendo así los procesos de investigación interna a los que ha sido sometido desde que se declarase su victoria en noviembre del año pasado. Negocios con la mafia rusa, su admiración hacia Putin y las relaciones íntimas entre su compañía y grandes inversionistas rusos, suponían que su intervención en la pequeña mina de oro de Moscú –Siria– sería ínfima, si no inexistente. Pero después de ser testigo del ataque químico perpetrado por Al-Assad sobre la provincia de Idlib en Siria, la presión mediática internacional pudo más y el moldeable presidente tomó una decisión con el corazón, lanzando un ataque a una base aérea en el país árabe, donde se encontraban oficiales rusos, tomando por sorpresa a los observadores internacionales y marcando la pauta en su relación con el gobierno de Vladimir Putin. Hoy en día los medios oficiales rusos han cambiado radicalmente su maquinaria propagandística contra Trump, a quien alguna vez alabaron como el nuevo presidente de la potencia con quien han mantenido relaciones tendas durante más de 70 años. “La decisión de Trump de lanzar un ataque aéreo contra Siria, un aliado ruso, soltar una bomba gigante en Afghanistán y mantener las políticas
de la era Obama sobre Crimea, significa que las esperanzas de Rusia de amistad entre él y el Kremlin han sido depuestas por el momento”, aseguró Andrew Osborn en su columna de análisis para Reuters. Dmitry Kiselyov, el presentador del programa televisivo de noticias más importante de Rusia “Vesti Nedeli”, ha comenzado a criticar al presidente Trump y ha asegurado que entre él y Kim Jong-Un, el primero es mucho más peligroso a la hora de una guerra nuclear. El argumento de Kiselyov es la “impulsividad e imprevisibilidad” del primer mandatario estadounidense, así como su “limitada experiencia internacional y su disposición de ir a la guerra”, según el análisis de Osborn. Pero Rusia no es el único aliado de Siria. Corea del Norte ha sido partidario del gobierno de Bashar Al-Assad y, si bien ha negado públicamente cualquier tipo de colaboración armamentística o militar, es bien sabido que su asesoría ha radicalizado su postura en el conflicto, poniéndole codo a codo con Moscú. La amenaza nuclear que representa Corea del Norte ha sido una situación álgida en política internacional, que se ha logrado manejar con guante de seda para evitar incitar la impulsividad de Jong-Un. Al ser interpelado sobre la colaboración con China para reducir la amenaza nuclear de Corea del Norte, Donald Trump respondió: “Bueno, si China no resuelve el asunto con Corea del Norte, nosotros lo haremos. Es todo lo que puedo decir”, según reportó The Atlantic. Semanas después, la hostilidad en el noreste de Asia no parecía disminuir mientras un portaviones norteame-
02/11/2016.- DONALD TRUMP ofrece un discurso durante un acto de su campaña. EFE ricano se desplazó hacia la península coreana, incitando el despliegue armamentístico en el desfile del “Día del Sol” y la prueba de armas –fallida, por cierto– que Jong-Un llevó a cabo para demostrar “quién es el que manda” en asuntos nucleares. La irreparable relación entre Estados Unidos y Corea del Norte no plantea un escenario mundial favorable, con muchas opiniones derivadas hacia
un inminente conflicto nuclear, pero ¿cómo estamos en casa? Con un 20 por ciento de disminución en la favorabilidad en las encuestas, Donald Trump parece no estar cumpliendo con sus promesas electorales. Una manifestación demandando su reporte fiscal y una guerra campal en Berkeley son tan solo el principio de lo que una política internacional agresiva quiere disimular en el escenario doméstico. ■
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Estados Unidos necesita más inmigrantes; no menos
s una noticia bienvenida en los círculos “Nunca Trump” de Wall Street y en el establishment de Washington, donde se tiene la esperanza de que ésta podría ser una presidencia normal, después de todo. Pero hay un asunto en el que Trump y sus seguidores no se han ablandado: la inmigración. En esa área, el gobierno está aumentando la ofensiva. El equipo Trump prosigue con planes de construir una barrera en la frontera mexica- visitaba la frontera, Sessions instó a fiscales federales a que no-americana, castigar a las así llamadas ciudades-santuario, buscaran maneras de imputar a los inmigrantes indocumentacontratar miles de funcionarios adicionales para el Servicio dos y dijo que todo el que estuviera en el país ilegalmente debe de Inmigración y Control de Aduanas y de agentes de la Pa- esperar ser deportado. Alguien debería avisarle a Kelly, quien trulla Fronteriza, terminar con la política de “aprehensión y en Meet the Press dijo “el hecho de estar en Estados Unidos ileliberación” y nombrar a 125 jueces nuevos de inmigración en galmente, no lo convierte en blanco”. los próximos dos años para acelerar el proceso de deportación. Con Sessions y Kelly como el Abbot y Costello de la política Tal como dijera recientemente el procurador general, Jeff migratoria, uno pensaría que habría más gente nerviosa. Sessions, durante una visita a la frontera: “Es una nueva époSin embargo, no se oyen muchas quejas, aparte de los activisca. Es la época de Trump”. tas de las fronteras abiertas, a quienes nadie presta atención Hubo un momento en que pareció que Trump estaba prepa- de todas formas. ¿Será que el establishment político y la comurado para encarar la inmigración en forma sensata al no nidad empresarial no son tan pro-inmigrantes como dicen ser? revocar las medidas ejecutivas de Obama, al no deportar No son los únicos. Muéstrenme una región del país que se a esos jóvenes indocumentados conociqueja de tener demasiados inmigrantes. Y les READ IN dos como los “soñadores”, al decir a los ENGLISH mostraré una serie de individuos con mala miembros de su Consejo Asesor Hispano memoria, quienes hace 10 años estaban tan “Los durante la campaña que quería un enfodesesperados por conseguir trabajadores que que “humano y eficiente” hacia los indoestadounidenses construyeran sus viviendas, recogieran las cumentados que podía incluir categoría legal, cosechas y cuidaran a sus niños, que hicieron lo entienden al y al reconocer que lo que vendió a los electores todo menos colocar avisos de “Se necesita ayurevés: en vez como un muro de 2.000 millas a lo largo de la da” en diarios extranjeros. frontera, sería más bien una cerca en retazos a Pero, un momento. En realidad, algunas emde librarnos de lo largo de unos pocos cientos de millas. presas estadounidenses también hicieron eso. los inmigrantes En sus 100 primeros días en el cargo, el preTras más de un cuarto de siglo de escribir sidente se enteró de que la reforma del sistema sobre la inmigración, me enferma escuchar a deberíamos de salud y las relaciones con Corea del Norte un coro de estadounidenses deshonestos que se pedirle al mundo son más complejas de lo que pensaba. quejan de algo que es una herida autoinfligida. Sin embargo, Trump aprendió lo mismo con Solo observen quiénes dan cuenta de gran que envíe más” respecto a la inmigración, incluso antes de asuparte del crecimiento económico del país, quiémir el cargo. Pero ahora que parece haber dado nes corren riesgos y quiénes producen gran parpoder a Sessions y al secretario de Seguridad te de la riqueza, a veces para sí mismos, como Nacional, John Kelly, para que den forma a la política migratoria, nacientes empresarios, pero más a menudo para los demás. hay motivo de alarma. Un nuevo estudio de la Escuela de Administración de EmEl récord de Sessions en el Senado muestra que no solo está presas de Stanford y de la Iniciativa para Empresas Latinas, en contra de la inmigración ilegal, sino que está en contra de también de Stanford, halló que, en el curso de la década pasalos inmigrantes en general. Ahora que desea que el Departa- da, el número de negocios con propietarios latinos creció un mento de Justicia desempeñe un papel mayor en la política mi- 300 por ciento más rápidamente que el promedio nacional. Y gratoria, debería tratar de reformar el sistema para que más el 61 por ciento de esos empresarios son inmigrantes o hijos de inmigrantes puedan entrar en el país legalmente, en lugar de inmigrantes. mantener afuera a los que vienen legalmente. Los estadounidenses lo entienden al revés: en vez de librarnos Mientras tanto, las declaraciones de Kelly son contradicto- de los inmigrantes deberíamos pedirle al mundo que envíe más. ■ rias. Durante un viaje a México declaró: “No habrá deportaciones masivas”. Pero durante una aparición en el programa de NBC, Meet the Press, advirtió a los indocumentados: “Si están Para más columnas de opinión aquí ilegalmente, deben irse o deben ser deportados”. visite nuestra web A veces, Sessions y Kelly no se ponen de acuerdo. Mientras 8 / ABRIL 26 - MAYO 3, 2017 / ALDÍ
IMAGEN CEDIDA POR la empresa Gleason Partners, de Las Vegas, de un diseño para el futuro muro entre México y Estados Unidos. EFE
“Llevo trabajando aquí 24 años. Estamos en un barrio pobre.
Nunca había sido tan difícil hacer negocios.”
— Brunilda González, dueña de la tienda Gonzalez Market
Las pequeñas empresas como la nuestra dan trabajo. Si estas tiendas cierran, ¿qué pasará con quienes dependen de esos trabajos para mantener a su familia?
Llame al Concejo Municipal y dígales que
Pagado por la Asociación de Vendedores de Comestibles de Pensilvania y sus embotelladoras locales de Filadelfia, en conjunción con la Asociación Estadounidense de Refrescos.
ABAP-7587 Real People Spanish Print.indd 2
4/6/17 5:20 PM
¿QUÉ SUCEDERÁ EN FILADELFI Este primero de mayo se espera que cientos de miles de personas se manifiesten en al menos 44 ciudades del país. En Filadelfia, aunque con una historia larga en la lucha proinmigrante, no está claro aún si la jornada será una segunda versión del “Día sin inmigrantes” o lo que otros han llamado el “Día sin mí”. JAMILA JOHNSON
10 / ABRIL 26 - MAYO 3, 2017 / ALDÍ
Qué sería de Filadelfia si algún día sus trabajadores afrodescendientes o latinos decidieran no ir a trabajar? ¿O si la comunidad LGBT decidiera hacer lo mismo? ¿Cómo se vería la ciudad sin la presencia de los históricamente excluidos? Esa es una pregunta que algunos quieren responder el próximo primero de mayo en la “ciudad del amor fraternal”, donde además se planea una concentración al mediodía en los alrededores de la alcaldía. Imagine por un momento las tiendas y los restaurantes cerrados, las escuelas sin estudiantes, las calles desiertas, sin la presencia de la gente que hoy no se siente representada en los círculos de poder. Esa es precisamente la imagen que varias organizaciones sociales pretenden mostrar este primero de mayo, fecha en la que el resto del mundo se conmemora el Día Internacional del Trabajo, y que aquí en Estados Unidos ha evo-
EL PASADO 16 de febrero la ciudad vivió una segunda versión del histórico “Día sin Inmigrantes”: 32 locales comerciales y gastronómicos cerraron sus puertas en solidaridad con sus trabajadores.
lucionado este año hacia una jornada de manifestación general que, por medio de la ausencia, hará sentir el peso de millones de personas cuyas perspetivas de vida no son nada claras en el actual panorama político del país. Pero ojo, hay que tener cuidado con no confundir el objetivo de la fecha. Si bien en semanas pasadas varias organizaciones a nivel local y nacional han expresado su intención de impulsar durante este primero de mayo un segundo “día sin inmigrantes”, todo indica que otros sectores —no necesariamente relacionados con estas comunidades— terminarán uniéndose a la protesta y rebautizándola bajo el nombre del “Día sin Mí”. Quizá el nombre y el objetivo puedan ser vagos todavía, porque lo que en principio se conoce como el Día Internacional del Trabajo, ahora no se sabe a ciencia cierta qué será: el cúmulo de manifestaciones que han ido apareciendo en los últimos días dan cuenta al menos de que al final lo que se verá son unas acciones dispersas y desarticuladas cuyo mensaje quizá
Peter Fitzpatrick/AL DÍA News
A DAY “WITHOUT ME” IN PHILLY? What is Philadelphia without black and brown workers, without LGBT labor, without the marginalized? That is the question that protesters hope to answer on May 1st, not only in the diverse city of brotherly love but TO READ IN ENGLISH across the country. GO TO Imagine stores and restaurants closed, empty school chairs, streets barren and empty of the very people that feel they are being cast aside in the current political climate. This is the image that people and social justice organizations throughout the city are looking
to see on what is known as ‘May Day’ to many. Not to be confused with ‘A Day Without Immigrants,’ ‘A Day Without Me’ is a day designated to larger action throughout the city and nationwide that focuses on the economic power and presence that black and brown people bring to the city and the country. But ‘A Day Without Me’ is speculated by organizers of Juntos and the Black and Brown Worker’s Collective to be even larger than before. While the previous protest led to the closing of 32 businesses, empty school chairs and a march in South Philly, the upcoming one will take place as a rally outside of City Hall at noon to lobby City Council and the mayor to make Philadelphia a true sanctuary city.
LFIA ESTE PRIMERO DE MAYO? no quede del todo claro. Por eso es mejor ir por partes para tratar de entender —independientemente de cómo se le llame— lo que sucedería ese día en la ciudad si efectivamente nadie asoma la cara en sus lugares de trabajo. Lo primero que hay que recordar es que el pasado 16 de febrero miles de negocios de todo el país cerraron sus puertas con ocasión de la protesta del “Día sin inmigrantes”, un espontáneo boicot contra la políticas migratorias del entonces recientemente posesionado presidente Trump. Inmigrantes de todas las nacionalidades en ciudades como Washington, Boston, Los Ángeles y Filadelfia abandonaron sus puestos de trabajo, se negaron a comprar o a tomar el transporte público, para ausentarse por un día de la economía estadounidense. Aunque importante, la protesta no logró tener el impacto que otras manifestaciones han tenido este año y en el pasado. En Filadelfia
“La liberación de las comunidades inmigrantes, entre ellas la latina, está directamente relacionada con la liberación de las comunidades afroamericanas”
Miguel Andrade
al menos 32 locales comerciales cerraron sus puertas. Con ese precedente, este primero de mayo en Filadelfia, que por lo menos hace 10 años ha sido punta de lanza en la lucha proinmigrante, no se perfila de manera clara como una jornada poderosa de manifestación. Es en ese contexto organizaciones como la Alianza Popular por los Derechos de los Trabajadores Indocumentados (PAUWR, por su sigla en inglés) y el Restaurant Opportunities Center
(ROC) empezaron a impulsar desde marzo el llamado “paro general”, un día que desde el principio se ha entendido como en solidaridad con los trabajadores inmigrantes, con o sin documentos. Sin embargo, hasta hace un mes, solo 9 establecimientos culinarios habían confirmado su participación en el paro. Al mismo tiempo, varias organizaciones a nivel nacional empezaron a impulsar la jornada “Rise Up” (¡Levántate!), una campaña con la que esperan sacar a más de 100.000 personas a las calles de 44 ciudades y repetir el paro general de inmigrantes del pasado 16 de febrero. En ese sentido, el representante demócrata a la Cámara por Illinois Luis González señaló que este primero de mayo está enmarcado en las movilizaciones proinmigrantes que en 2006 paralizaron al país. El congresista hizo un llamado a sindicatos, organizaciones de mujeres y a inmigrantes musulmanes para que se sumen a la movilización. “Si lo hacemos todos ALDÍ / ABRIL 26 - MAYO 3, 2017 / 11
juntos, se verá a toda una comunidad lista para la luchar y responder. No es el momento para quedarse en casa, sino de luchar”, agregó durante una rueda de prensa en la que él y otras organizaciones sociales y defensoras de derechos civiles dieron a conocer una serie de acciones a lo largo y ancho del país previstas para esa fecha. Con tantos nombres alrededor de la misma fecha —“Paro general”, “Rise Up”, “Día sin Inmigrantes (Vol. 2)” y ahora “Día sin Mí”— algo queda claro y algo no tanto. Es claro que miles de personas saldrán a las calles este primero de mayo, lo que no es claro es si todas lo harán por la misma razón: unirse en contra de las políticas migratorias de Trump. Sin importar la posible confusión, lo que esperan los organizadores de la jornada en Filadelfia —la oenegé Juntos y el colectivo de Trabajadores Negros y Latinos—, es que las manifestaciones de ese día superen en tamaño a todas las anteriores. Si el último día sin inmigrantes cerró 32 locales comerciales, logró que muchos estudiantes no fueran a clase por un día y convocó a decenas de personas a marchar en algunos sectores de South Philly, la próxima manifestación se tomará los alrededores de la alcaldía hacia el mediodía, para pedirle al Concejo de la ciudad y al alcalde Jim Kenney que hagan de Filadelfia una auténtica ciudad santuario. Mediante la puesta en marcha de acciones como las mencionadas, Juntos y el Colectivo de Trabajadores Negros y Latinos esperan dejar claro que aquello de “Make America Great Again” no es otra cosa que el intento de destruir el legado de Estados Unidos por medio de las deportaciones y las persecuciones contra quienes han tenido un papel protagónico en la construcción de la grandeza del país. “Lo ideal se demostrar qué pasaría si permitimos que todas estas políticas en contra de los 12 / ABRIL 26 - MAYO 3, 2017 / ALDÍ
Quizá el nombre y el objetivo puedan ser vagos todavía, porque lo que en princi pio se conoce como el Día Internacional del Trabajo, ahora no se sabe a ciencia cierta qué será.
HACÍA MUCHO NO se veían tantas manifestaciones en tan poco tiempo: tres meses de la administración Trump. Samantha Laub/AL DÍA News
inmigrantes y los afrodescendientes se materialicen y consigan sacarnos de la ciudad”, dijo Miguel Andrade, miembro de Juntos. La acción es una respuesta directa a la agenda política de Trump, señalada por muchos como antiinmigrante, anti-LGBT y antimusulmana. “Uno de los aspectos que notamos en Juntos es que la liberación de las comunidades inmigrantes, entre ellas la latina, está directamente relacionada con la liberación de las comunidades afroamericanas. Lo que hemos visto es que la opresión del pueblo afroamericano se basa en una especie de antinegritud, de racismo y lo que estamos tratando de hacer es trabajar sobre ese fenómeno de una manera integral, intersectorialmente”, comenta Andrade.
En febrero más de 32 negocios de Filadelfia cerraron sus puertas con la intención de mostrar el verdadero impacto de los inmigrantes en los establecimientos comerciales de la ciudad, de acuerdo con estimaciones del portal BillyPenn. La protesta de ese día tenía una base sólida en la industria gastronómica, con un estimado de tres cuartos de la comunidad inmigrante de Filadelfia trabajando en ese sector económico, especialmente en algunos de los mejores restaurantes de la zona. Por ejemplo, Rufino Carreón decidió cerrar su restaurante y bar El Patrón en Atlantic Avenue a pesar de las pérdidas que el cierre le dejó.
“Un día de cierre cuesta”, le dijo al Philadelphia Inquirer. Pero insistió en la importancia de mostrar apoyo. “Yo también tengo a mi familia”, afirmó. “Oro por mi familia, por la forma en que lo está haciendo todo”, dijo refiriéndose a Trump. Sin embargo, muchos restaurantes permanecieron abiertos aunque sus trabajadores se ausentaron ese día. En Pietro Mushrooms, en Kennett Square, un cuarto del personal, 15 personas, no fue a trabajar ese jueves, según Chris Alonzo, propietario del local. Algunas granjas en Kennett Square están perdiendo hasta el 80 por ciento de sus trabajadores, afirmó el también líder el Consejo de Desarrollo Agrícola del Condado de Chester. Otras empresas que no cerraron decidieron comprometerse sirviendo menús limitados o donando parte de sus ganancias a las organizaciones defensoras de derechos civiles en la ciudad. Otros locales fuera de la industria de restaurantes, desde guarderías hasta tiendas de ropa, también se unieron al paro de actividades durante ese día. Y el impacto fue real. Con el precedente de ese 16 de febrero, el efecto que las organizaciones proyectan para este primero de mayo es el de un día de acción aún más grande y organizado. En una ciudad que, según el censo del 2015, es 44% afroamericana, 14% hispana o latina, 7% asiática-americana, la existencia de una acción que incluya a todos estos grupos, permitirá sentir el poder de las comunidades que constituyen su mayoría poblacional, tanto en la cultura como en la contribución. Los números son claros, los inmigrantes juegan un papel vital en el impulso de la economía de Filadelfia, más si se tiene en cuenta que más de 40.000 empresarios de la ciudad son inmigrantes. Según la Hoja de Ruta para el Crecimien-
to, un reporte publicado por la Cámara de Comercio de Filadelfia en 2015, desde 2000 los inmigrantes son responsables del 96% del crecimiento de las pequeñas empresas y el 75% del crecimiento de la fuerza laboral. De acuerdo con la Americas Society / Council of the Americas, de los casi mil millones de dólares en ingresos generados por los propietarios de pequeños negocios en Filadelfia, los inmigrantes produjeron $770 millones: 72%, de las ganancias. Con un peso tan grande en la economía local, la ciudad tiene mucho que perder sin inmigrantes. Si esa comunidad crece, lo previsible es que Filadelfia tenga mucho que ganar. “Esto no se trata de una comunidad en particular, se trata de Filadelfia en su conjunto, como seres humanos en general”, dijo Andrade. El impacto de estas comunidades en crecimiento es claro para todos, excepto para aquellos que parecen estar en la cima de la economía. “La verdad es que somos una fuerza. Somos
No fue un primero de mayo sino el día de San Valentín en el que miles de inmigrantes del área metropolitana de Filadelfia llenaron espontáneamente el Love Park y dejaron sentado un mensáje unívoco en contra de una ley que los criminalizaba.
una comunidad que impacta a todos y somos los que podemos implementar el cambio a través de nuestras acciones en el día a día “.
Dicen que para comprender lo que pasa en el presente es necesario echarle un ojo a lo que sucedió en el pasado. En ese sentido, la lucha -y el miedo- que se libra hoy en Filadelfia no es nueva para la ciudad. Desde el año 2006 este lugar ha sido cuna de las manifestaciones proinmigrantes más impactantes de la historia nacional. En plena época en la que el Congreso estudiaba la opción pasar la propuesta de ley HR4437, conocida entonces como el proyecto de ley Sensenbrenner, Filadelfia fue la casa matriz de lo que después se conoció a nivel nacional e internacional como el “Día sin Inmigrantes”. No fue un primero de mayo sino el Día de San Valentín (de amor y amistad para los latinos) en el que miles de inmigrantes residentes del área metropolitana de Filadelfia llenaron espontáneamente el Love Park y dejaron sentado un mensaje unívoco en contra de una ley que los criminalizaba a todos. Entre esa fecha y hoy existe una línea de
continuidad que pone en evidencia el carácter ambiguo de la sociedad estadounidense, una de las más avanzadas del mundo pero incapaz de tramitar un tema que se ha convertido en un lastre para prácticamente todas las administraciones que han desfilado en los últimos 20 años por la Casa Blanca. Es por eso que líderes sociales como el representante Luis Gutiérrez ven necesario en entender que este 2017 no está desligado de las marchas de 2006 y que este primero de mayo, más allá de el variopinto montón de manifestaciones, no puede perder el foco de la lucha: lograr una reforma migratoria que reconozca los derechos adquiridos de más de 11 millones de indocumentados.
Y así como las organizaciones sociales originaron una reforma laboral que le dio origen al Día internacional del Trabajo hace casi 200 años, hoy fuerzas populares quieren ser las principales fuentes de una reforma profunda
EN 2006 FILADELFIA fue escenario de la manifestación proinmigrantes más importante de la historia, el “Día sin Inmigrantes”.
en la administración Trump. Varias organizaciones están tomando la iniciativa para ayudar a solidificar los esfuerzos que se llevarán a cabo ese día. Aunque la acción del 16 de febrero mostró un fuerte impacto dentro de la comunidad empresarial, la presencia real en las protestas y manifestaciones fue escasa. Esta vez, los organizadores esperan que la protesta acoja a muchas más personas y que la participación en “A Day Without Me” sirva como plataforma para construir una red de organizaciones comunitarias y populares que, a largo plazo, logre organizar las futuras movilizaciones sociales en la ciudad. “Estamos animando a la gente a sumarse. No se trata solo del primero de mayo, sino de los esfuerzos que se llevarán a cabo a partir de entonces, porque no queremos que esto termine en un día. Vamos a necesitar mucha articulación con muchos grupos diferentes y vamos a necesitar fondos para hacer eso “, agregó Andrade. n ALDÍ / ABRIL 26 - MAYO 3, 2017 / 13
UNA REPRESENTACIÓN DE una pelea en el Harvard Yard que involucró al joven George Washington. Fotos: Peter Fitzpatrick/AL DÍA News.
Junto a algunos artefactos, el Museo utiliza galerías, teatros y recreaciones de eventos históricos para traer la Revolución de vuelta a la vida. Los visitantes podrán experimentar la Revolución Americana desde sus principios hasta la victoria final, así como comprender su relevancia en el contexto actual.
14 / ABRIL 26 - MAYO 3, 2017 / ALDÍ
AL VISITAR EL Museo de la Revolución Americana, las personas vivirán la dramática historia del nacimiento de nuestra nación a través de las perspectivas de los hombres y mujeres.
ESTA SILLA FUE utilizada por Peyton Randolph, presidente y orador del Primer Congreso Continental. El estilo de la silla le distinguía de los demás delegados.
¿Dónde están los “Patriotas Latinos” de la Revolución Americana?
E LA GALERÍA MULTIMEDIA de la Nación Indígena Oneida narra la historia de los primeros aliados de Estados Unidos y su rol en la fundación de nuestra nación. UNA COPIA DE la Declaración de la Independencia junto con los Artículos de la Confederación se encuentran expuestos en el Museo de la Revolución Americana.
l Museo de la Revolución Americana abrió sus puertas el 19 de abril. Ubicado en la esquina entre la calle 3 y la calle Chestnut, el museo nos invita a un viaje a la Revolución Americana con una inmensa colección de cartas, armas, obras de arte y artículos personales. También hay galerías, eventos teatrales y recreaciones de eventos históricos que reviven los ideales de la nación fundadora. Entre todas las pantallas táctiles interactivas y artefactos que se pueden encontrar en el museo, hay algo que sigue faltando: la experiencia latina en la Revolución Americana. Muchas perspectivas culturales, junto con sus audio-guías, se exponen en las paredes del museo. Desde esclavos afroamericanos en búsqueda de la libertad en Virginia durante la guerra, hasta la Nación India Oneida que luchó junto con los colonos de Estados Unidos en la Batalla de Saratoga, están representados. La pregunta es, ¿dónde están los latinos? De hecho, los latinos en Estados Unidos estuvieron muy dispuestos a ayudar a los colonos en su lucha contra Inglaterra. Aunque España no se encontraba oficialmente en el conflicto, la contribución militar a las jóvenes colonias de Estados Unidos dio pie al proceso de compromiso renovado, lealtad y patriotismo de los latinos. Una figura importante durante la época fue el gobernador y general Bernardo de Gálvez, nacido en Macharaviaya, España, y gobernador hispano del territorio de Luisiana durante la Revolución Americana. Fue un factor decisivo a la hora de asistir al general George Washington en la lucha contra los soldados británicos que avanzaban en la región suroeste de Estados Unidos. Gálvez ayudó al bloquear los barcos británicos, aún cuando España no había declarado guerra oficial en contra de Inglaterra. El gobernador De Gálvez también proveyó armas y comida al Ejército Continental entre 1775 y 1777. Cuando finalmente España declara la guerra contra Inglaterra en 1779, De Gálvez organizó una milicia de nativos americanos, afroamericanos libres y de sus propios soldados para atacar a los fuertes dominados por los Británicos en Baton Rouge y New Orleans (Luisiana) y en Natchez (Mississippi). En un par de años, también logró liberar las ciudades de Mobile, Alabama y Pensacola, en Florida. El Gobernador también jugó un rol vital al asistir a los americanos con la captura de Yorktown, Virginia. Con la ayuda de Cuba, logró obtener suministros para el almirante francés Joseph Paul De Grasse, quien luego navegó la Bahía Chesapeake para ayudar a Washington en su camino hacia la victoria.
Otro patriota fue Geroge Farragut, también conocido como Jorge Farragut Mesquida, nacido en Menorca, España, en 1755. Fue un teniente en la Revolución Americana, que formó parte de la armada de Carolina del Sur. Peleó contra los británicos en la Batalla de Savannah pero fue capturado en el asedio de Charleston en 1780. Fue puesto en libertad en un intercambio de prisioneros y posteriormente luchó en la batalla de Cowpens en Carolina del Sur y en otros enfrentamientos en Wilmington, Carolina del Norte. Como parte de la caballería en Cowpens, salvó la vida de su comandante, el teniente William Washington en un combate mano a mano con el teniente coronel Banastre Tarleton. El ejército de Farragut fue capaz de evitar que la milicia de Tarleton se retirara en 1781. Mientras luchaba por su país adoptivo, nunca olvidó de dónde vino: Menorca. Otro fue Francisco de Miranda, nacido en Caracas, Venezuela. Miranda formó parte de la armada española a la edad de 22 años. Se involucró en la Revolución Americana en 1781 al participar en el asedio del Fuerte Pensacola. Miranda recibió el título temporal de teniente coronel durante la campaña. Como mentor bajo las órdenes del general De Gálvez, Miranda luchó en Pensacola, contribuyó con la victoria de Washington en Yorktown y formó parte de la captura española de las Bahamas. Otro aspecto que no debemos pasar por alto es que Cuba fue un gran contribuyente financiero para las tropas del general Washington, las cuales ayudó a equipar. El primer capitán general creole de Cuba y gobernador de La Habana, Juan Manuel de Cagigal y Montserrat, ayudó a organizar una gran campaña de fondos entre la elite cubana. Los 1.2 millones de libras esterlinas que Washington recibió equivaldrían actualmente a 28 millones de dólares. Con esta ayuda, Washington fue capaz de enfocar todas sus fuerzas en el frente este de la guerra, mientras de Gálvez enviaba armamentos, medicinas y uniformes hacia los ríos Mississippi y Ohio, y luego a través de Pensilvania. De todos estos hechos, que seguramente nadie recuerda, hay otro detalle: George Washington invitó a De Gálvez a marchar a su lado en el desfile de la victoria el 4 de julio de 1783. Los logros de De Gálvez también fueron reconocidos por el Congreso Continental. Si bien estos latinos e hispanos contribuyeron al resultado de la Revolución Americana, son apenas parte de una breve nota al pie de un párrafo en algún libro de historia que nadie revisa ya. Estos períodos en la historia Latino-Americana deberían tener su propio momento en la escena y no ser tan sólo parte de un museo, sino también reconocerse como puntos de inflexión en la historia nacional. n
Ante la duda, lea un libro El pasado domingo se celebró el Día Mundial del Libro, coincidiendo con la fecha de la muerte de Cervantes y Shakespeare. ANDRE RODÉS
Especial para AL DÍA News
l pasado domingo 23 de abril, las calles de Barcelona se llenaron de puestos de rosas y de libros. La jornada mundial coincidió con el día de San Jorge —Sant Jordi, patrón de Catalunya— y según manda la tradición, los caballeros deben regalar una rosa roja a su amada, y ellas en su turno obsequiarles con un libro.
IMAGEN DE LA Diada de Sant Jordi, una celebración que se celebra cada 23 de abril en Barcelona y el resto de Catalunya. La tradición manda que el hombre regale una rosa a su amada, y ella le compre un libro. Con el tiempo, esta popular tradición ha acabado dando lugar al Día Mundial del Libro. Foto: Flickr.
No sólo su médico. Su equipo. Atención Primaria. No importa dónde usted este en el proceso de sentirse mejor, la atención es lo primero. Ya sea que esté aquí para un chequeo, o llama con una pregunta simple, puede estar tranquilo sabiendo que estamos mirando por su mejor interés de principio a fin. Empezando por su médico de atención primaria y navegantes especializados en pacientes, los profesionales de enfermería y los representantes de servicio al paciente, siempre estará rodeado por los cuidadores que lo conocen mejor.
1 800 EINSTEIN •
Dejando al margen el debate feminista que despierta dicho intercambio de regalos (libros para él, flores para ella), la realidad es que con los años la tradición de Sant Jordi ha ido popularizándose cada vez más, hasta el punto en que es el día del año en que más libros se venden en Catalunya y en el resto de España. El año pasado, la cifra superó los dos millones de libros, más de la mitad de los libros vendidos al año. Aprovechando la popularización de la diada de Sant Jordi, y que casualmente el mismo 23 de abril coincide también con el fallecimiento de Miguel de Cervantes, William Shakespeare y el Inca Garcilaso, en 1995 la UNESCO decidió proclamar esa fecha como el “Día Mundial del Libro”. Durante los días anteriores, las librerías de Londres, París, Madrid, Amsterdam… aprovecharon la fecha señalada como un reclamo para potenciar la lectura y de paso, vender libros. En España, el día del libro coincide además con la entrega del Premio Cervantes, uno de los galardones literarios más prestigiosos en lengua española, que este año ha ganado el escritor Eduardo Mendoza, de Barcelona. En Estados Unidos, el Día Mundial del Libro —World Book Day— no es tan popular como en Reino Unido o en Barcelona.
La celebración del Día Mundial del Libro abrió las esperanzas al sector editorial, que sufrió un batacazo a nivel mundial en 2010 con el estallido de la crisis y la competencia de las tecnologías digitales. Recortes en el número de títulos publicados, priorización de autores mediáticos, apuesta de comunicación por las redes digitales… Las editoriales de cada país luchan a su manera por sobrevivir en un mundo que, a pesar de todo, sigue consumiendo libros. La consultora GFK llevó a cabo en 2016 un estudio sobre el mercado del libro a nivel internacional, basado en entrevistas online a más de 22.000 personas, mayores de 15 años, en Argentina, Australia, Bélgica, Brasil, Canadá, China, Francia, Alemania, Italia, Japón, México, Países Bajos, Rusia, Corea del Sur, España, Reino Unido y Estados Unidos. Según el estudio, España es el segundo país entre 17 analizados en todo el mundo con mayor porcentaje de personas que lee algún libro de manera diaria o casi diaria. Un 32% de los entrevistados españoles declara leer todos o casi todos los días, una cifra igual a la de Reino Unido y menor que en China (36%). Si se suman aquellos que declaran leer al menos una vez a la semana, en España el porcentaje asciende al 57%, por detrás de China (70%) y de Rusia (59%). Por otro lado, los porcentajes más altos de no lectores se encuentran en Países Bajos y Corea del Sur (16%), seguidos de Bélgica (14%), Canadá, Francia y Japón (11%). En Estados Unidos el porcentaje de personas que afirma haber leído un libro en los últimos doce meses es del 73% —la misma cifra que en
La celebración del Día Mundial del Libro abrió las esperanzas al sector editorial, que sufrió un batacazo a nivel mundial en 2010 con el estallido de la crisis y la competencia de las tecnologías digitales.
2012—, según un estudio publicado en 2016 por el Pew Research Center.
A pesar de las amenazas de que el libro electrónico iba a eliminar el papel, la venta de libros físicos sigue siendo mayor. El 65% de los estadounidenses leyó un libro físico en 2016, más del doble de los que leyeron un e-book (28%) o un audio-book (14%). Los smartphones también han ido ganando terreno como plataforma de lectura, especialmente entre las comunidades no-blancas o los nichos de población sin estudios universitarios, afirma el estudio del Pew. Paradójicamente, el papel vuelve. Evidencia de ello es la aparición de numerosas editoriales independientes, que han sido capaces de encontrar un nicho importante de lectores, especialmente en EE.UU. y Reino Unido, países que impulsaron el crecimiento del e-book hace una década. Según la Asociación de Editores Norteamericanos (AAP, por su sigla en inglés), que recoge información sobre el mercado editorial del país, entre 2014 y 2015 la venta de e-books se redujo un 9,7%. Una tendencia similar a la del informe sobre Reino Unido que Nielsen publicó hace un mes, según el cual entre 2015 y 2016 la venta de libros digitales bajó un 4%, mientras que la de impresos aumentó un 7 por ciento.
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Llame a Raquel, Katherine o Glory para discutir sus asuntos legales
CULTURA La semana pasada, la revista colombiana Semana, coincidiendo con la Feria del Libro de Bogotá, relacionaba el auge de los libros físicos con el crecimiento de sagas y novelas juveniles, y el hecho de que las editoriales han sabido adaptarse a los nuevos gustos. Hoy los libros impresos les dan mucha importancia a los detalles visuales; las novelas gráficas y los cómics dejaron de ser géneros menores y las pequeñas editoriales están haciendo ediciones en las que la apariencia externa del libro es un plus a la hora de comprarlo. n
SE ACEPTAN APLICACIONES A PARTIR DE: Fecha: Viernes 5 de mayo, 2017 HORA: 10:00 am - 3:00 pm Fecha: Jueves 18 de mayo, 2017 HORA: 10:00 am - 1:00 pm
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ALDÍ / ABRIL 26 - MAYO 3, 2017 / 17
GIVING DAY April 26th #help1family
Artistas latinos que deberías estar escuchando YAMILY HABIB
Especial para AL DÍA News
OKILLS Asesina
Otra de las agrupaciones surgidas del Circuito Nuevas Bandas en Venezuela, Okills ha emergido como una de las mejores bandas del país caribeño en la segunda década del siglo, aunque han hecho públicas sus últimas producciones una vez mudados a México.
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Canibal Ileana Mercedes Cabra Joglar (iLe) dio a conocer su voz dentro del grupo musical Calle 13, junto a sus hermanos René Pérez Joglar “Residente” y Eduardo Cabra “Visitante”. La primera producción solista de la puertorriqueña se titula “Ilevitable” y fue lanzada el 3 de junio de 2016, recibiendo un Grammy y una nominación al Grammy Latino.
Este ensamble circense de origen mexicano surgió en el 2009 como una propuesta que fusiona la música balcánica, el vals, el tango, la música oaxaqueña, el klezmer y la polca. No Corro, No Grito, No Empujo (2012) ha sido su producción con mayor recepción.
El grupo musical chileno Kalfu presenta una fusión latinoamericana que utiliza la traducción de poetas chilenos del siglo XX al mapudungun, idioma de los pueblos originarios del sur. Su producción musical ha invitado a varios artistas, como Valenzuela, a la colaboración, proponiendo “un puente entre la chilenidad y los pueblos originarios”.
Esta banda de rock guatemalteca ha estado representando a su país en los listados regionales desde su formación en 2007, llegando a recibir el premio “Estrella Rock 2011” por el diario de mayor circulación de Centro América, Nuestro Diario.
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Clarence & Denise Armbrister, Sara Manzano Díaz y Nelson Díaz.
Bill Hankowsky, Charlie Pizz.i
“Chuck” Pennoni recibe premio William Penn El premio es otorgado a un individuo por sus importantes contribuciones al desarrollo cívico y empresarial de la región, por sus logros profesionales, su experiencia en liderazgo y su compromiso a los esfuerzos en voluntariado.
C.R. “Chuck” Pennoni, Founder & Chairman Pennoni Associates Inc.
Amy Frick, Barbara Chance, John Binswagner.
LA FIESTA Cientos de personas asistieron a la Gala de la Cámara de Comercio que se llevó a cabo en el Hotel Bellevue en El Centro de Filadelfia. Entre encuentros y conexiones, todos disfrutaron de un gran evento.
Entre los asistentes se encontraron el Honorable Nelson Díaz junto con su esposa Sara Manzano Díaz, el Dr. Bonnie Camarda del Ejército de Salvación y Farrah Jiménez, presidente y directora ejecutiva del Fondo Educativo de Filadelfia. También estuvieron presentes Clarence Armbrister (presidente del Girard College), Peter Grollman (del Hospital de Niños de Filadelfia) y William Thomsen (presidente y director Ejecutivo de los Ingenieros Urbanos de Nueva York). 20 / ABRIL 26 - MAYO 3, 2017 / ALDÍ
Cheryl Tornetta, Steve Gardner.
Leslie Fletcher, Lowell Thomas.
Vince Pennoni, Tom Killion.
Bill and Barbara Wilson. Fotos:Peter Fitzpatrick/AL DÍA News
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SHERIFF’S SALE By virtue of a Writ of execution, to me directed, issued out of the SUPERIOR COURT OF NEW JERSEY CHANCERY DIVISION, CAMDEN COUNTY, DOCKET NO.F01042516 at Public Venue on WEDNESDAY the 3rd Day of MAY, 2017 A.D. at 12 o'clock, LOCAL TIME, noon of said day, at the SHERIFF'S OFFICE in the COURT HOUSE, 520 Market St., 2nd Floor, Suite 202, in City and County of Camden and State of New Jersey: Property to be sold is located in the City of Camden, County of Camden, State of New Jersey. Premises commonly known as: 3212 Mitchell Street, Camden, NJ 08105 Being Tax Lot: 104 Block: 995 on the Official Tax Map of the City of Camden Dimensions approximately : 17.93' X 70.02' Nearest Cross Street: North 32nd Street "THE SHERIFF HEREBY RESERVES THE RIGHT TO ADJOURN THIS SALE WITHOUT FURTHER NOTICE THROUGH PUBLICATION." The judgement sought to besatisfied by the sale is:
SURPLUS MONEY: If after the sale and satisfaction of the mortgage debt, including costs and expenses, there remains any surplus money, the money will be deposited into the Superior Court Trust Fund and any person claiming the surplus, or any part thereof, may file a motion pursuant to Court Rules 4:64-3 and 4:57-2 stating the nature and extent of that person's claim and asking for an order directing payment of the surplus money. The Sheriff or other person conducting the sale will have information regarding the surplus, if any. Seized as the property of: DULCE Y. ZAPATA, ET AL, and taken in execution of NEW JERSEY HOUSING AND MORTGAGE FINANCE AGENCY GILBERT L. "WHIP" WILSON SHERIFF Sheriff's Number: 17001446 Dated: 04/11/2017, 04/18/2017, 04/25/2017, 05/02/2017 PLUESE, BECKER & SALTZMAN 20000 HORIZON WAY, SUITE 900 MT. LAUREL, NJ 08054 $126.72
SHERIFF’S SALE By virtue of a Writ of execution, to me directed, issued out of the SUPERIOR COURT OF NEW JERSEY CHANCERY DIVISION, CAMDEN COUNTY, DOCKET NO.F02341715 at Public Venue on WEDNESDAY the 3rd DAY OF MAY, 2017 A.D. at 12 o'clock, LOCAL TIME, noon of said day, at the SHERIFF'S OFFICE in the COURT HOUSE, 520 Market St., 2nd Floor, Suite 202, in City and County of Camden and State of New Jersey: Property to be sold is located in the TOWNSHIP OF GLOUCESTER, County of Camden, State of New Jersey. Premises commonly known as: 6 Buxley Court, Gloucester, NJ 08081 Being Tax Lot: 12, Block: 15602 Dimensions approximately: 45 FEET WIDE BY 158 FEET LONG Nearest Cross Street: BRANTLEY WAY THE SHERIFF HEREBY RESERVES THE RIGHT TO ADJOURN THIS SALE WITHOUT FURTHER NOTICE THROUGH PUBLICATION. The judgement sought to be satisfied by the sale is:
SURPLUS MONEY: If after the sale and satisfaction of the mortgage debt, including costs and expenses, there remains any surplus money, the money will be deposited into the Superior Court Trust Fund and any person claiming the surplus, or any part thereof, may file a motion pursuant to Court Rules 4:64-3 and 4:57-2 stating the nature and extent of that person's claim and asking for an order directing payment of the surplus money. The Sheriff or other person conducting the sale will have information regarding the surplus, if any. Seized as the property of: NANCY T.S. SMART, ET AL, and taken in execution of BAYVIEW LOAN SERVICING, LLC GILBERT L. "WHIP" WILSON SHERIFF Sheriff's Number: 17001373 Dated: 04/11/2017, 04/18/2017, 04/25/2017, 05/02/2017 KML LAW GROUP, PC 216 HADDON AVENUE,SUITE 406 WESTMONT, NJ $120.96
By virtue of a Writ of execution, to me directed, issued out of the SUPERIOR COURT OF NEW JERSEY CHANCERY DIVISION, CAMDEN COUNTY, DOCKET NO. F03377314 at Public Venue on WEDNESDAY the 17th Day of MAY, 2017 A.D. at 12 o'clock, LOCAL TIME, noon of said day, at the SHERIFF'S OFFICE in the COURT HOUSE, 520 Market St., 2nd Floor, Suite 202, in City and County of Camden and State of New Jersey: All that certain land and premises situated in the Township of Voorhees, County of Camden, State of New Jersey, being more particularly described as follows: Lot:17, Block: 270 on the Tax Map of the Township of Voorhees Nearest Cross Street: West Sunset Drive Approximate dimensions Irregular Lot Being more commonly knwon as: 34 Penn Road Voorhees, NJ 08043 The judgement sought to be satisfied by the sale is:
SURPLUS MONEY: If after the sale and satisfaction of the mortgage debt, including costs and expenses, there remains any surplus money, the money will be deposited into the Superior Court Trust Fund and any person claiming the surplus, or any part thereof, may file a motion pursuant to Court Rules 4:64-3 and 4:57-2 stating the nature and extent of that person's claim and asking for an order directing payment of the surplus money. The Sheriff or other person conducting the sale will have information regarding the surplus, if any. Seized as the property of: KENNETH A DEANGELO AND BRITTMEY N. DEANGELO, and taken in execution of CHRISTIANA TRUST GILBERT L. "WHIP" WILSON SHERIFF Sheriff's Number: 17001619 Dated: 04/25/2017, 05/02/2017, 05/09/2017, 05/16/2017 BP FISHER LAW GROUP 174 WATERFRONT STREET, SUITE 300 OXON HILL MD 20745 $118.08
SHERIFF’S SALE By virtue of a Writ of execution, to me directed, issued out of the SUPERIOR COURT OF NEW JERSEY CHANCERY DIVISION, CAMDEN COUNTY, DOCKET NO. F05310014 at Public Venue on WEDNESDAY the 10th Day of MAY, 2017 A.D. at 12 o'clock, LOCAL TIME, noon of said day, at the SHERIFF'S OFFICE in the COURT HOUSE, 520 Market St., 2nd Floor, Suite 202, in City and County of Camden and State of New Jersey: Property to be sold is located in the Township of Sicklerville, County of Camden, State of New Jersey. Premises commonly known as: 1 Funny Bone Court Being Tax Lot: 9, Block: 1105.05 Dimensions approximately: 90 X 129 Nearest Cross Street: Elbow Lane Subject to: Taxes current as of 2/28/17. Utilities iao $5.74 due 2/28/2017. Sale subject to subsequent taxes utilities, liens and interest since 2/28/2017. The judgement sought to be satisfied by the sale is:
SURPLUS MONEY: If after the sale and satisfaction of the mortgage debt, including costs and expenses, there remains any surplus money, the money will be deposited into the Superior Court Trust Fund and any person claiming the surplus, or any part thereof, may file a motion pursuant to Court Rules 4:64-3 and 4:57-2 stating the nature and extent of that person's claim and asking for an order directing payment of the surplus money. The Sheriff or other person conducting the sale will have information regarding the surplus, if any. Note: The Sheriff reserves the right to adjourn this sale for any length of time without further advertisement. Seized as the property of: GEORGE CALLAWAY, ET AL, and taken in execution of PACIFIC UNION FINANCIAL LLC GILBERT L. "WHIP" WILSON SHERIFF Sheriff's Number: 17001562 Dated: 04/18/2017, 04/25/2017, 05/02/2017, 05/09/2017 MCCABE, WEISBERG & CONWAY, P.C. 216 HADDON AVENUE, SUITE 201 WESTMONT, NJ 08108 $129.60
SHERIFF’S SALE By virtue of a Writ of execution, to me directed, issued out of the SUPERIOR COURT OF NEW JERSEY CHANCERY DIVISION, CAMDEN COUNTY, DOCKET NO.F00058016 at Public Venue on WEDNESDAY the 3rd DAY OF MAY, 2017 A.D. at 12 o'clock, LOCAL TIME, noon of said day, at the SHERIFF'S OFFICE in the COURT HOUSE, 520 Market St., 2nd Floor, Suite 202, in City and County of Camden and State of New Jersey: Property to be sold is located in the BOROUGH OF MOUNT EPHRAIM, County of Camden, State of New Jersey. Premises commonly known as: 27 ROOSEVELT AVENUE, MT. EPHRAIM, NJ 08059 Being Tax Lot: 4.10, Block: 84 Dimensions approximately: 75 FEET WIDE BY 100 FEET LONG Nearest Cross Street: KINGS HIGHWAY THE SHERIFF HEREBY RESERVES THE RIGHT TO ADJOURN THIS SALE WITHOUT FURTHER NOTICE THROUGH PUBLICATION. The judgement sought to be satisfied by the sale is:
SURPLUS MONEY: If after the sale and satisfaction of the mortgage debt, including costs and expenses, there remains any surplus money, the money will be deposited into the Superior Court Trust Fund and any person claiming the surplus, or any part thereof, may file a motion pursuant to Court Rules 4:64-3 and 4:57-2 stating the nature and extent of that person's claim and asking for an order directing payment of the surplus money. The Sheriff or other person conducting the sale will have information regarding the surplus, if any. Seized as the property of: DAVID J. DANIELWICZ, ET AL, and taken in execution of BANK OF AMERICA, N.A. GILBERT L. "WHIP" WILSON SHERIFF Sheriff's Number: 17001400 Dated: 04/11/2017, 04/18/2017, 04/25/2017, 05/02/2017 KML LAW GROUP, PC 216 HADDON AVENUE SUITE 406 WESTMONT, NJ $123.84
SHERIFF’S SALE By virtue of a Writ of execution, to me directed, issued out of the SUPERIOR COURT OF NEW JERSEY CHANCERY DIVISION, CAMDEN COUNTY, DOCKET NO. F01724516 at Public Venue on WEDNESDAY the 10th Day of MAY, 2017 A.D. at 12 o'clock, LOCAL TIME, noon of said day, at the SHERIFF'S OFFICE in the COURT HOUSE, 520 Market St., 2nd Floor, Suite 202, in City and County of Camden and State of New Jersey: Property to be sold is located in the BOROUGH OF LINDENWOLD, County of Camden, State of New Jersey. Premises commonly known as: 32 FAIRMOUNT AVENUE, LINDENWOLD, NJ 08021 Being Tax Lot: 10.09, in Block: 102 Dimensions approximately : 60 X 150 Nearest Cross Street: N White Horse Pike THE SHERIFF HEREBY RESERVES THE RIGHT TO ADJOURN THIS SALE WITHOUT FURTHER NOTICE THROUGH PUBLICATION. The judgement sought to be satisfied by the sale is:
SURPLUS MONEY: If after the sale and satisfaction of the mortgage debt, including costs and expenses, there remains any surplus money, the money will be deposited into the Superior Court Trust Fund and any person claiming the surplus, or any part thereof, may file a motion pursuant to Court Rules 4:64-3 and 4:57-2 stating the nature and extent of that person's claim and asking for an order directing payment of the surplus money. The Sheriff or other person conducting the sale will have information regarding the surplus, if any. THE SHERIFF HEREBY RESERVES THE RIGHT TO ADJOURN THIS SALE WITHOUT FURTHER ADVERTISEMENT Seized as the property of: RICHARD W. KECK, ET AL, and taken in execution of WILMINGTON SAVINGS FUND SOCIETY, FSB DBA CHRISTIANA TRUST GILBERT L. "WHIP" WILSON SHERIFF Sheriff's Number: 17001557 Dated: 04/18/2017, 04/25/2017, 05/02/2017, 05/09/2017 KNUCKLES, KOMOSINSKI & ELLIOT LLP 565 TAXTER ROAD, SUITE 590 ELMSFORD, NY 10523 $129.60
By virtue of a Writ of execution, to me directed, issued out of the SUPERIOR COURT OF NEW JERSEY CHANCERY DIVISION, CAMDEN COUNTY, DOCKET NO.F02544315 at Public Venue on WEDNESDAY the 17th Day of MAY, 2017 A.D. at 12 o'clock, LOCAL TIME, noon of said day, at the SHERIFF'S OFFICE in the COURT HOUSE, 520 Market St., 2nd Floor, Suite 202, in City and County of Camden and State of New Jersey: Property to be sold is located in the TOWNSHIP OF HADDON, County of Camden, State of New Jersey. Premises commonly known as: 17 Walton Avenue, Westmont, NJ 08108 Being Tax Lot: 38, Block: 21.05 Dimensions approximately: 120.30 feet wide by 40 feet long Nearest Cross Street: Highland Avenue THE SHERIFF HEREBY RESERVES THE RIGHT TO ADJOURN THIS SALE WITHOUT FURTHER NOTICE THROUGH PUBLICATION. The judgement sought to be satisfied by the sale is:
SURPLUS MONEY: If after the sale and satisfaction of the mortgage debt, including costs and expenses, there remains any surplus money, the money will be deposited into the Superior Court Trust Fund and any person claiming the surplus, or any part thereof, may file a motion pursuant to Court Rules 4:64-3 and 4:57-2 stating the nature and extent of that person's claim and asking for an order directing payment of the surplus money. The Sheriff or other person conducting the sale will have information regarding the surplus, if any. Seized as the property of: MIKE WHITEKETTLE, ET AL, and taken in execution of BANK OF AMERICA, N.A. GILBERT L. "WHIP" WILSON SHERIFF Sheriff's Number: 17001701 Dated: 04/25/2017, 05/02/2017, 05/09/2017, 05/16/2017 KML LAW GROUP, PC 216 HADDON AVENUE, SUITE 406 WESTMONT, NJ 08108 $120.96
By virtue of a Writ of execution, to me directed, issued out of the SUPERIOR COURT OF NEW JERSEY CHANCERY DIVISION, CAMDEN COUNTY, DOCKET NO. F06005510 at Public Venue on WEDNESDAY the 24th Day of MAY, 2017 A.D. at 12 o'clock, LOCAL TIME, noon of said day, at the SHERIFF'S OFFICE in the COURT HOUSE, 520 Market St.,2nd Floor, Suite 202, in City and County of Camden and State of New Jersey: Property to be sold is located in the Borough of Lindenwold, County of Camden, State of New Jersey. Premises commonly known as: 401 Lake Boulevard, Lindenwold, NJ 08021 Being Tax Lot: 2 Block: 213 Dimensions approximately: 90.00' X 250.00' Nearest Cross Street: Laurel Landing "THE SHERIFF HEREBY RESERVES THE RIGHT TO ADJOURN THIS SALE WITHOUT FURTHER NOTICE THROUGH PUBLICATION." The judgement sought to be satisfied by the sale is: "APPROXIMATELY" $407,853.97 TWENTY PERCENT DEPOSIT REQUIRED SURPLUS MONEY: If after the sale and satisfaction of the mortgage debt, including costs and expenses, there remains any surplus money, the money will be deposited into the Superior Court Trust Fund and any person claiming the surplus, or any part thereof, may file a motion pursuant to Court Rules 4:64-3 and 4:57-2 stating the nature and extent of that person's claim and asking for an order directing payment of the surplus money. The Sheriff or other person conducting the sale will have information regarding the surplus, if any. Seized as the property of: LAWRENCE J. LEHMANN, ET AL, and taken in execution of FV-I, INC. IN TRUST FOR MORGAN STANLEY MORTGAGE CAPITAL HOLDINGS LLC GILBERT L. "WHIP" WILSON SHERIFF Sheriff's Number: 17001815 Dated: 05/02/2017, 05/09/2017, 05/16/2017, 05/23/2017 PLUESE, BECKER & SALTZMAN 20000 HORIZON WAY, SUITE 900 MT. LAUREL, NJ 08054 $123.84
ALDÍ / ABRIL 26 - MAYO 3, 2017 / 23
SHERIFF’S SALE By virtue of a Writ of execution, to me directed, issued out of the SUPERIOR COURT OF NEW JERSEY CHANCERY DIVISION, CAMDEN COUNTY, DOCKET NO.F02327716 at Public Venue on WEDNESDAY the 3rd Day of MAY, 2017 A.D. at 12 o'clock, LOCAL TIME, noon of said day, at the SHERIFF'S OFFICE in the COURT HOUSE, 520 Market St., 2nd Floor, Suite 202, in City and County of Camden and State of New Jersey: Property to be sold is located in the CITY OF GLOUCESTER, County of Camden, State of New Jersey. Premises commonly known as: 127 GEHRIG AVENUE, GLOUCESTER CITY, NJ 08030-1615 Being Tax Lot: 5 Block: 268.01 1402 the Official Tax Map of the CITY OF GLOUCESTER Dimensions approximately : 43.98FT X 119.98FT X 51.40FT X 101.57FT X 108.81FT Nearest Cross Street: BAETLE AVENUE THE SHERIFF HEREBY RESERVES THE RIGHT TO ADJOURN THIS SALE WITHOUT FURTHER NOTICE THROUGH PUBLICATION. *Subject to any unpaid taxes, municipal liens or other charges, and any such taxes, charges, liens, insurance premiums or other advances made by plaintiff prior to this sale. All interested parties are to conduct and rely upon their own independent investigation to ascertain whether or not any outstanding interest remain of record and/or have priority over the lien being amount due thereon. **If the sale is set aside for any reason, the purchaser at the sale shall be entitled only to a return of the deposit paid. The purchaser shall have no further recourse against the Mortgagor, the Mortgagee or the Mortgagee's attorney. The judgement sought to besatisfied by the sale is:
SURPLUS MONEY: If after the sale and satisfaction of the mortgage debt, including costs and expenses, there remains any surplus money, the money will be deposited into the Superior Court Trust Fund and any person claiming the surplus, or any part thereof, may file a motion pursuant to Court Rules 4:64-3 and 4:57-2 stating the nature and extent of that person's claim and asking for an order directing payment of the surplus money. The Sheriff or other person conducting the sale will have information regarding the surplus, if any. Seized as the property of: RUTH E. YEAGER, ET AL, and taken in execution of WELLS FARGO BANK, N.A. GILBERT L. "WHIP" WILSON SHERIFF Sheriff's Number: 17001452 Dated: 04/11/2017, 04/18/2017, 04/25/2017, 05/02/2017 PHELAN, HALLINAN DIAMOND & JONES P.C. 400 FELLOWSHIP ROAD.SUITE 100 MT LAUREL NJ 08054 $161.28
SHERIFF’S SALE By virtue of a Writ of execution, to me directed, issued out of the SUPERIOR COURT OF NEW JERSEY CHANCERY DIVISION, CAMDEN COUNTY, DOCKET NO.F01192613 at Public Venue on WEDNESDAY THE 3rd Day of MAY, 2017 A.D. at 12 o'clock, LOCAL TIME, noon of said day, at the SHERIFF'S OFFICE in the COURT HOUSE, 520 Market St., 2nd Floor, Suite 202, in City and County of Camden and State of New Jersey: Property to be sold is located in the Township of Voorhees, County of Camden, State of New Jersey. Premises commonly known as: 18 Lippincott Avenue, Voorhees, NJ 08043 Being Tax Lot: 13, Block: 230 Dimensions approximately: 3.52 AC Nearest Cross Street: Haddonfield-Berlin Road SUPERIOR INTERESTS (if any): *Taxes-Current *Sewer-Septic *Water- Private *Also subject to subsequent taxes, water and sewer plus interest through date of payoff. The Sheriff herby reserves the right to adjourn this sale without further notice through publication. A FULL LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF THE PREMISES CAN BE FOUNF IN THE OFFICE OF THE SHERIFF OF CAMDEN COUNTY. The judgement sought to be satisfied by the sale is:
SURPLUS MONEY: If after the sale and satisfaction of the mortgage debt, including costs and expenses, there remains any surplus money, the money will be deposited into the Superior Court Trust Fund and any person claiming the surplus, or any part thereof, may file a motion pursuant to Court Rules 4:64-3 and 4:57-2 stating the nature and extent of that person's claim and asking for an order directing payment of the surplus money. The Sheriff or other person conducting the sale will have information regarding the surplus, if any. Seized as the property of: JEFFEREY D. GROSS AKA JEFFEREY GROSS, ET AL, and taken in execution of WILMINGTON SAVINGS FUND SOCIETY, FSB DBA CHRISTIANA TRUST GILBERT L. "WHIP" WILSON SHERIFF Sheriff's Number: 17001350 Dated: 04/11/2017, 04/18/2017, 04/25/2017, 05/02/2017 ROMANO GARUBO & ARGENTIERI 52 NEWTON AVENUE, P.O. BOX 456 WOODBURY, NJ 08096 $146.88
SHERIFF’S SALE By virtue of a Writ of execution, to me directed, issued out of the SUPERIOR COURT OF NEW JERSEY CHANCERY DIVISION, CAMDEN COUNTY, DOCKET NO. F02390214 at Public Venue on WEDNESDAY the 10th Day of MAY, 2017 A.D. at 12 o'clock, LOCAL TIME, noon of said day, at the SHERIFF'S OFFICE in the COURT HOUSE, 520 Market St., 2nd Floor, Suite 202, in City and County of Camden and State of New Jersey: Property to be sold is located in the TOWNSHIP of CHERRY HILL, County of Camden, State of New Jersey. Premises commonly known as: 217 SHEFFIELD ROAD, CHERRY HILL, NJ 08034-1622 Being Tax Lot: 9, Block: 339.03 on the Official Tax Map of the TOWNSHIP of CHERRY HILL Dimensions approximately : 130.00FT X 126.61FT X 92.71FT X 115.00FT Nearest Cross Street: KING GEORGE ROAD THE SHERIFF HEREBY RESERVES THE RIGHT TO ADJOURN THIS SALE WITHOUT FURTHER NOTICE THROUGH PUBLICATION. *Subject to any unpaid taxes,municipal liens or other charges, and any such taxes, charges, liens, insurance premiums or other advances made by plaintiff prior to this sale. All interested parties are to conduct and rely upon their own independent investigation to ascertain whether or not any outstanding interest remain of record and/or have priority over the lien being amount due thereon. **If the sale is set aside for any reason, the purchaser at the sale shall be entitled only to a return of the deposit paid. The purchaser shall have no further recourse against the Mortgagor, the Mortgagee or the Mortgagee's attorney. The judgement sought to be satisfied by the sale is:
SURPLUS MONEY: If after the sale and satisfaction of the mortgage debt, including costs and expenses, there reains any surplus money, the money will be deposited into the Superior Court Trust Fund and any person claiming the surplus, or any part thereof, may file a motion pursuant to Court Rules 4:64-3 and 4:57-2 stating the nature and extent of that person's claim and asking for an order directing payment of the surplus money. The Sheriff or other person conducting the sale will have information regarding the surplus, if any. Seized as the property of: RESSIE WORLDS, ET AL, and taken in execution of WILMINGTON SAVINGS FUND SOCIETY, FSA DBA CHRISTIANA TRUST GILBERT L. "WHIP" WILSON SHERIFF Sheriff's Number: 17001568 Dated: 04/18/2017, 04/25/2017, 05/02/2017, 05/09/2017 PHELAN, HALLINAN DIAMOND & JONES P.C. 400 FELLOWSHIP ROAD, SUITE 100, MT LAUREL NJ 08054 $161.28
24 / ABRIL 26 - MAYO 3, 2017 / ALDÍ
SHERIFF’S SALE By virtue of a Writ of execution, to me directed, issued out of the SUPERIOR COURT OF NEW JERSEY CHANCERY DIVISION, CAMDEN COUNTY, DOCKET NO. F0670810 at Public Venue on WEDNESDAY the 3rd Day of MAY, 2017 A.D. at 12 o'clock, LOCAL TIME, noon of said day, at the SHERIFF'S OFFICE in the COURT HOUSE, 520 Market St., 2nd Floor, Suite 202, in City and County of Camden and State of New Jersey: Property to be sold is located in the CITY OF CAMDEN, County of Camden, State of New Jersey. Premises commonly known as: 1221 PRINCESS AVENUE, Being Tax Lot: 29, Block: 1292 on the Official Tax Map of the CITY OF CAMDEN Dimensions approximately : 17.12FT X 96.07FT X 17.12FT X 96.07FT Nearest Cross Street: WILDWOOD AVENUE THE SHERIFF HEREBY RESERVES THE RIGHT TO ADJOURN THIS SALE WITHOUT FURTHER NOTICE THROUGH PUBLICATION. *Subject to any unpaid taxes, municipal liens or other charges, and any such taxes, charges, liens, insurance premiums or other advances made by plaintiff prior to this sale. All interested parties are to conduct and rely upon their own independent investigation to ascertain whether or not any outstanding interest remain of record and/or have priority over the lien being amount due thereon. **If the sale is set aside for any reason, the purchaser at the sale shall be entitled only to a return of the deposit paid. The purchaser shall have no further recourse against the Mortgagor, the Mortgagee or the Mortgagee's attorney. ADVERTISE SUBJECT TO PRIOR MORTAGE: NONE ADVERTISE SUBJECT TO PRIOR LIEN: NONE The judgement sought to be satisfied by the sale is:
SURPLUS MONEY: If after the sale and satisfaction of the mortgage debt, including costs and expenses, there remains any surplus money, the money will be deposited into the Superior Court Trust Fund and any person claiming the surplus, or any part thereof, may file a motion pursuant to Court Rules 4:64-3 and 4:57-2 stating the nature and extent of that person's claim and asking for an order directing payment of the surplus money. The Sheriff or other person conducting the sale will have information regarding the surplus, if any. Seized as the property of: CLARENCE LAWRY, JR., ET AL, and taken in execution of CARRINGTON MORTGAGE SERVICES GILBERT L. "WHIP" WILSON SHERIFF Sheriff's Number: 17001480 Dated: 04/11/2017, 04/18/2017, 04/25/2017, 05/02/2017 PHELAN, HALLINAN DIAMOND & JONES P.C. 400 FELLOWSHIP ROAD, SUITE 100 MT LAUREL NJ 08054 $164.16
SHERIFF’S SALE By virtue of a Writ of execution, to me directed, issued out of the SUPERIOR COURT OF NEW JERSEY CHANCERY DIVISION, CAMDEN COUNTY, DOCKET NO.F03081814 at Public Venue on WEDNESDAY the 3rd Day of MAY, 2017 A.D. at 12 o'clock, LOCAL TIME, noon of said day, at the SHERIFF'S OFFICE in the COURT HOUSE, 520 Market St., 2nd Floor, Suite 202, in City and County of Camden and State of New Jersey: Property to be sold is located in the BOROUGH OF BERLIN, County of Camden, State of New Jersey. Premises commonly known as: 42 JEFFERSON AVENUE, BERLIN, NJ 08009-1677 Being Tax Lot: 11 Block: 45 1402 the Official Tax Map of the BOROUGH OF BERLIN Dimensions approximately : 120FT X 170.11FT X 120FT X 171.14FT Nearest Cross Street: HAMILTON STREET THE SHERIFF HEREBY RESERVES THE RIGHT TO ADJOURN THIS SALE WITHOUT FURTHER NOTICE THROUGH PUBLICATION. *Subject to any unpaid taxes, municipal liens or other charges, and any such taxes, charges, liens, insurance premiums orother advances made by plaintiff prior to this sale. All interested parties are to conduct and rely upon their own independent investigation to ascertain whether or not any outstanding interest remain of record and/or have priority over the lien being amount due thereon. **If the sale is set aside for any reason, the purchaser at the sale shall be entitled only to a return of the deposit paid. The purchaser shall have no further recourse against the Mortgagor, the Mortgagee or the Mortgagee's attorney. The judgement sought to be satisfied by the sale is: "APPROXIMATELY" $490,605.11 TWENTY PERCENT DEPOSIT REQUIRED SURPLUS MONEY: If after the sale and satisfaction of the mortgage debt,including costs and expenses, there remains any surplus money, the money will be deposited into the Superior Court Trust Fund and any person claiming the surplus, or any part thereof, may file a motion pursuant to Court Rules 4:64-3 and 4:57-2 stating the nature and extent of that person's claim and asking for an order directing payment of the surplus money. The Sheriff or other person conducting the sale will have information regarding the surplus, if any. Seized as the property of: BRIAN J. RICE, ET AL, and taken in execution of QUEEN'S PARK OVAL ASSET HOLDING TRUST GILBERT L. "WHIP" WILSON SHERIFF Sheriff's Number: 17001387 Dated: 04/11/2017, 04/18/2017, 04/25/2017, 05/02/2017 PHELAN, HALLINAN DIAMOND & JONES P.C. 400 FELLOWSHIP ROAD, SUITE 100 MT LAUREL NJ 08054 $161.28
By virtue of a Writ of execution, to me directed, issued out of the SUPERIOR COURT OF NEW JERSEY CHANCERY DIVISION, CAMDEN COUNTY, DOCKET NO. F02195716 at Public Venue on WEDNESDAY the 24th Day of MAY, 2017 A.D. at 12 o'clock, LOCAL TIME, noon of said day, at the SHERIFF'S OFFICE in the COURT HOUSE, 520 Market St., 2nd Floor, Suite 202, in City and County of Camden and State of New Jersey: Property to be sold is located inthe TOWNSHIP OF WINSLOW, County of Camden, State of New Jersey. Premises commonly known as: 22 Woodhaven Way, Sicklerville, NJ 08081 Being Tax Lot: 38, Block: 12302 Dimensions approximately: 55 feet wide by 240 feet long Nearest Cross Street: Oak Forest Drive THE SHERIFF HEREBY RESERVES THE RIGHT TO ADJOURN THIS SALE WITHOUT FURTHER NOTICE THROUGH PUBLICATION. The judgement sought to be satisfied by the sale is:
SURPLUS MONEY: If after the saleand satisfaction of the mortgage debt, including costs and expenses, there remains any surplus money, the money will be deposited into the Superior Court Trust Fund and any person claiming the surplus, or any part thereof, may file a motion pursuant to Court Rules 4:64-3 and 4:57-2 stating the nature and extent of that person's claim and asking for an order directing payment of the surplus money. The Sheriff or other person conducting the sale will have information regarding the surplus, if any. Seized as the property of: ROBERT M. COFFEY, ET AL, and taken in execution of WILMINGTON SAVINGS FUND SOCIETY, FSB, DBA CHRISTIANA TRUST GILBERT L. "WHIP" WILSON SHERIFF Sheriff's Number: 17001765 Dated: 05/02/2017, 05/09/2017, 05/16/2017, 05/23/2017 KML LAW GROUP, PC 216 HADDON AVENUE, SUITE 406 WESTMONT, NJ 08108 $123.84
By virtue of a Writ of execution, to me directed, issued out of the SUPERIOR COURT OF NEW JERSEY CHANCERY DIVISION, CAMDEN COUNTY, DOCKET NO. F03688113 at Public Venue on WEDNESDAY the 17th Day of MAY, 2017 A.D. at 12 o'clock, LOCAL TIME, noon of said day, at the SHERIFF'S OFFICE in the COURT HOUSE, 520 Market St., 2nd Floor, Suite 202, in City and County of Camden and State of New Jersey: Property to be sold is located in the Municipality of Camden, County of Camden, State of New Jersey Premises commonly known as: 2724 Buren Avenue, Camden, NJ 08105 Being Tax Lot: 13 Block: 880 Dimensions approximately: 13 FEET WIDE BY 100 M 112 FEET LONG Nearest Cross Street: N 27TH STREET THE SHERIFF HEREBY RESERVES THE RIGHT TO ADJOURN THIS SALE WITHOUT FURTHER NOTICE THROUGH PUBLICATION. *SUBJECT TO ANY UNPAID TAXES, MUNICIPAL LIENS OR OTHER CHARGES, AND ANY SUCH TAXES, CHARGES, LIENS, INSURANCEPREMIUMS OR OTHER ADVANCES MADE BY PLAINTIFF PRIOR TO THIS SALE, ALL INTERESTED PARTIES ARE TO CONDUCT AND RELY UPON THEIR OWN INDEPENDENT INVESTIGATION TO ASCERTAIN WHETHER OR NOT ANY OUTSTANDING INTERESTREMAIN OF RECORD AND/OR HAVE PRIORITY OVER THE LIEN BEING FORECLOSED AND, IF SO THE CURRENT AMOUNT DUE THEREON. The judgement sought to be satisfied by the sale is:
SURPLUS MONEY: If after the sale and satisfaction of the mortgage debt, including costs and expenses, there remains any surplus money, the money will be deposited into the Superior Court Trust Fund and any person claiming the surplus, or any part thereof, may file a motion pursuant to Court Rules 4:64-3 and 4:57-2 stating the nature and extent of that person's claim and asking for an order directing payment of the surplus money. The Sheriff or other person conducting the sale will have information regarding the surplus, if any. Seized as the property of: FRANCISCO COLON, JR., ET AL, and taken in execution of OCWEN LOAN SERVICING, LLC GILBERT L. "WHIP" WILSON SHERIFF Sheriff's Number: 17001634 Dated: 04/25/2017, 05/02/2017, 05/09/2017, 05/16/2017 RAS CITRON LAW OFFICES 130 CLINTON ROAD, STE 202 FAIRFIELD NJ 07004 $149.76
By virtue of a Writ of execution, to me directed, issued out of the SUPERIOR COURT OF NEW JERSEY CHANCERY DIVISION, CAMDEN COUNTY, DOCKET NO. F697608 at Public Venue on WEDNESDAY the 17th Day of MAY, 2017 A.D. at 12 o'clock, LOCAL TIME, noon of said day, at the SHERIFF'S OFFICE in the COURT HOUSE, 520 Market St., 2nd Floor, Suite 202, in City and County of Camden and State of New Jersey: Property to be sold is located in the TOWNSHIP OF CHERRY HILL, County of Camden, State of New Jersey. Premises commonly known as: 7 HIGHGATE LN, CHERRY HILL, NJ 08003-1812 Being Tax Lot: 14, Block: 513.04 on the Official Tax Map of the TOWNSHIP OF CHERRY HILL Dimensions approximately : 94.55FT X 125FT X 126.58FT X 37.86FT X 35.26FT X 39.27FT Nearest Cross Street: CRICKET LANE THE SHERIFF HEREBY RESERVES THE RIGHT TO ADJOURN THIS SALE WITHOUT FURTHER NOTICE THROUGH PUBLICATION. *Subject to any unpaid taxes, municipal liens or other charges, and any such taxes, charges, liens, insurance premiums or other advances made by plaintiff prior to this sale. All interested parties are to conduct and rely upon their own independent investigation to ascertain whether or not any outstanding interest remain of record and/or have priority over the lien being amount due thereon. **If the sale is set aside for any reason, the purchaser at the sale shall be entitled only to a return of the deposit paid. The purchaser shall have no further recourse against the Mortgagor, the Mortgagee or the Mortgagee's attorney. The judgement sought to be satisfied by the sale is:
SURPLUS MONEY: If after the sale and satisfaction of the mortgage debt, including costs and expenses, there remains any surplus money, the money will be deposited into the Superior Court Trust Fund and any person claiming the surplus, or any part thereof, may file a motion pursuant to Court Rules 4:64-3 and 4:57-2 stating the nature and extent of that person's claim and asking for an order directing payment of the surplus money. The Sheriff or other person conducting the sale will have information regarding the surplus, if any. Seized as the property of: CLAIRE M. BONETTI, ET AL, and taken in execution of PENNYMAC CORP GILBERT L. "WHIP" WILSON SHERIFF Sheriff's Number: 17001641 Dated: 04/25/2017, 05/02/2017, 05/09/2017, 05/16/2017 PHELAN, HALLINAN DIAMOND & JONES P.C. 400 FELLOWSHIP ROAD, SUITE 100 MT LAUREL NJ 08054 $158.40
SHERIFF’S SALE By virtue of a Writ of execution, to me directed, issued out of the SUPERIOR COURT OF NEW JERSEY CHANCERY DIVISION, CAMDEN COUNTY, DOCKET NO.F00370414 at Public Venue on WEDNESDAY the 10th Day of MAY, 2017 A.D. at 12 o'clock, LOCAL TIME, noon of said day, at the SHERIFF'S OFFICE in the COURT HOUSE, 520 Market St., 2nd Floor, Suite 202, in City and County of Camden and State of New Jersey: Property to be sold is located in BORO OF HADDONFIELD,County of Camden, State of New Jersey. Premises commonly known as: 737 W REDMAN AVENUE, HADDONFIELD, NJ 08033 Tax Lot: 2.05; Block: 91.04 Dimensions Approximately: 60' X 150' Nearest Cross Street: Barberry Lane Prior lien(s): None *SUBJECT TO ANY UNPAID TAXES, MUNICIPAL LIENS OR OTHER CHARGES, AND ANY SUCH TAXES, CHARGES, LIENS, INSURANCE PREMIUMS OR OTHER ADVANCES MADE BY PLAINTIFF PRIOR TO THIS SALE, ALL INTERESTED PARTIES ARE TO CONDUCT AND RELY UPON THEIR OWN INDEPENDENT INVESTIGATION TO ASCERTAIN WHETHER OR NOT ANY OUTSTANDING INTEREST REMAIN OF RECORD AND/OR HAVE PRIORITY OVER THE LIEN BEING FORECLOSED AND, IF SO THE CURRENT AMOUNT DUE THEREON. The judgement sought to be satisfied by the sale is:
SURPLUS MONEY: If after the sale and satisfaction of the mortgage debt, including costs and expenses, there remains any surplus money, the money will be deposited into the Superior Court Trust Fund and any person claiming the surplus, or any part thereof, may file a motion pursuant to Court Rules 4:64-3 and 4:57-2 stating the nature and extent of that person's claim and asking for an order directing payment of the surplus money. The Sheriff or other person conducting the sale will have information regarding the surplus, if any. Note: THE SHERIFF HEREBY RESERVES THE RIGHT TO ADJOURN THIS SALE WITHOUT FURTHER NOTICE THROUGH PUBLICATION. Seized as the property of: MICHAEL NEWELL, ET AL, and taken in execution of WILMINGTON SAVINGS FUND SOCIETY, FSA DBA CHRISTIANA TRUST GILBERT L. "WHIP" WILSON SHERIFF Sheriff's Number: 17001590 Dated: 04/18/2017, 04/25/2017, 05/02/2017, 05/09/2017 STERN LAVINTHAL FRANKENBERG, LLC 105 EISENHOWER PKWY, SUITE 302 ROSELAND, NJ 07068-9984 $155.52
SURPLUS MONEY: If after the sale and satisfaction of the mortgage debt, including costs and expenses, there remains any surplus money, the money will be deposited into the Superior Court Trust Fund and any person claiming the surplus, or any part thereof, may file a motion pursuant to Court Rules 4:64-3 and 4:57-2 stating the nature and extent of that person's claim and asking for an order directing payment of the surplus money. The Sheriff or other person conducting the sale will have information regarding the surplus, if any. Seized as the property of: WILLIAM P. YOUNG, JR., ET AL, and taken in execution of NATIONSTAR MORTGAGE LLC GILBERT L. "WHIP" WILSON SHERIFF Sheriff's Number: 17001650 Dated: 04/25/2017, 05/02/2017, 05/09/2017, 05/16/2017 RAS CITRON LAW OFFICES 130 CLINTON ROAD, STE 202 FAIRFIELD NJ 07004 $164.16
By virtue of a Writ of execution, to me directed, issued out of the SUPERIOR COURT OF NEW JERSEY CHANCERY DIVISION, CAMDEN COUNTY, DOCKET NO. F01281816 at Public Venue on WEDNESDAY the 24th Day of MAY, 2017 A.D. at 12 o'clock, LOCAL TIME, noon of said day, at the SHERIFF'S OFFICE in the COURT HOUSE, 520 Market St., 2nd Floor, Suite 202, in City and County of Camden and State of New Jersey: Property to be sold is located in the BOROUGH of RUNNEMEDE, County of Camden, State of New Jersey. Premises commonly known as: 11 East 11th Avenue, Runnemede, New Jersey 08078 Being Tax Lot: 7, Block: 32 Dimensions Approximately: 50 x 125 x 50 x 125 Nearest Cross Street: Situated on the Northerly line of East 11th Avenue, 123.93 feet form the Easterly line of Black Horse Pike. The sale is subject to unpaid taxes and assessments, tax, water and sewer liens and other municipal assessments. The amount due can be obtained from the local taxing authority. Pursuant to NJSA 46:8B-21 the sale may also be subject to the limited lien priority of any condominium/homeowner association liens which may exist. The judgment sought to be satisfied by the sale is:
SURPLUS MONEY: If after the sale and satisfaction of the mortgage debt, including costs and expenses, there remains any surplus money, the money will be deposited into the Superior Court Trust Fund and any person claiming the surplus, or any part thereof, may file a motion pursuant to Court Rules 4:64-3 and 4:57-2 stating the nature and extent of that person's claim and asking for an order directing payment of the surplus money. The Sheriff or other person conducting the sale will have information regarding the surplus, if any. Note: The Sheriff reserves the right to adjourn this sale for any length of time without further advertisement. Seized as the property of: WADE RADOMICKI AKA WADE W. RADOMICKI, ET AL, and taken in execution of NATIONSTAR MORTGAGE LLC GILBERT L. "WHIP" WILSON SHERIFF Sheriff's Number: 17001822 Dated: 05/02/2017, 05/09/2017, 05/16/2017, 05/23/2017 SHAPIRO & DENARDO, LLC 14000 COMMERCE PARKWAY, SUITE B MT. LAUREL, NJ 08054 $144.00
SHERIFF’S SALE By virtue of a Writ of execution, to me directed, issued out of the SUPERIOR COURT OF NEW JERSEY CHANCERY DIVISION, CAMDEN COUNTY, DOCKET NO.F03608414 at Public Venue on WEDNESDAY the 10th Day of MAY, 2017 A.D. at 12 o'clock, LOCAL TIME, noon of said day, at the SHERIFF'S OFFICE in the COURT HOUSE, 520 Market St., 2nd Floor, Suite 202, in City and County of Camden and State of New Jersey: Property to be sold is located in the CITY OF GLOUCESTER CITY, County of Camden, State of New Jersey. Premises commonly known as: 810 SOMERSET STREET, GLOUCESTER CITY, NJ 08030 Being Tax Lot: 8, Block: 152 on the Official Tax Map of the CITY OF GLOUCESTER CITY Dimensions approximately: 88.79FT X 24.89FT X 80.58FT X 23.50FT Nearest Cross Street: BROWN STREET THE SHERIFF HEREBY RESERVES THE RIGHT TO ADJOURN THIS SALE WITHOUT FURTHER NOTICE THROUGH PUBLICATION. *Subject to any unpaid taxes, municipal liens or other charges, and any such taxes, charges, liens, insurance premiums or other advances made by plaintiff prior to this sale. All interested parties are to conduct and rely upon their own independent investigation to ascertain whether or not any outstanding interest remain of record and/or have priority over the lien being amount due thereon. **If the sale is set aside for any reason, the purchaser at the sale shall be entitled only to a return of the deposit paid. The purchaser shall have no further recourse against the Mortgagor, the Mortgagee or the Mortgagee's attorney. The judgement sought to be satisfied by the sale is:
SURPLUS MONEY: If after the sale and satisfaction of the mortgage debt, including costs and expenses, there remains any surplus money, the money will be deposited into the Superior Court Trust Fund and any person claiming the surplus, or any part thereof, may file a motion pursuant to Court Rules 4:64-3 and 4:57-2 stating the nature and extent of that person's claim and asking for an order directing payment of the surplus money. The Sheriff or other person conducting the sale will have information regarding the surplus, if any. Seized as the property of: RAQUEL L. DVORSHOCK, INDIVIDUALLY AND AS EXECUTRIX OF THE ESTATE OF ROSEMARY SAVILLE DECEASED, ET AL, and taken in execution of PHH MORTGAGAE CORPORATION GILBERT L. "WHIP" WILSON SHERIFF Sheriff's Number: 17001595 Dated: 04/18/2017, 04/25/2017, 05/02/2017, 05/09/2017 PHELAN, HALLINAN DIAMOND & JONES P.C. 400 FELLOWSHIP ROAD, SUITE 100 MT LAUREL NJ 08054 $164.16
ALDÍ / ABRIL 26 - MAYO 3, 2017 / 25
By virtue of a Writ of execution, to me directed, issued out of the SUPERIOR COURT OF NEW JERSEY CHANCERY DIVISION, CAMDEN COUNTY, DOCKET NO. F05087914 at Public Venue on WEDNESDAY the 24th Day of MAY, 2017 A.D. at 12 o'clock, LOCAL TIME, noon of said day, at the SHERIFF'S OFFICE in the COURT HOUSE, 520 Market St., 2nd Floor, Suite 202, in City and County of Camden and State of New Jersey: Property to be sold is located in the City of Camden, County of Camden, State of New Jersey. Premises commonly known as: 302 Walnut Street, Camden, NJ 08103 Being Tax Lot: 51, Block: 247 Dimensions approximately: 19 X 62 Nearest Cross Street: South Third Street SUPERIOR INTERESTS (if any): *Taxes-Current *Water-Private Sewer- Included in Water *CCMUA Lien in the amount of $165.57 plus penalty, costs and interest *Special Carges-2016-066-Boarding up Costs in the amount of $323.36 plus interest; *Special Charges-2017-001- Boarding up Costs in the amount of $337.70 plus interest; THE SHERIFF HEREBY RESERVES THE RIGHT TO ADJOURN THIS SALE WITHOUT FURTHER NOTICE THROUGH PUBLICATION. A FULL LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF THE PREMISES CAN BE FOUND IN THE OFFICE OF THE SHERIFF OF CAMDEN COUNTY. The judgement sought to be satisfied by the sale is:
SURPLUS MONEY: If after the sale and satisfaction of the mortgage debt, including costs and expenses, there remains any surplus money, the money will be deposited into the Superior Court Trust Fund and any person claiming the surplus, or any part thereof, may file a motion pursuant to Court Rules 4:64-3 and 4:57-2 stating the nature and extent of that person's claim and asking for an order directing payment of the surplus money. The Sheriff or other person conducting the sale will have information regarding the surplus, if any. Note: The Sheriff reserves the right to adjourn this sale for any length of time without further advertisement. Seized as the property of: JACOB STEFANSKY AND TOBY STEFANSKY, ET AL, and taken in execution of WILMINGTON SAVINGS FUND SOCIETY, FSB DBA CHRISTIANA TRUST GILBERT L. "WHIP" WILSON SHERIFF Sheriff's Number: 17001810 Dated: 05/02/2017, 05/09/2017, 05/16/2017, 05/23/2017 Romano Garubo & Argentieri 52 Newton Avenue, P.O. BOX 456 Woodbury, NJ 08096 $164.16
By virtue of a Writ of execution, to me directed, issued out of the SUPERIOR COURT OF NEW JERSEY CHANCERY DIVISION, CAMDEN COUNTY, DOCKET NO. F04498608 at Public Venue on WEDNESDAY the 17th Day of MAY, 2017 A.D. at 12 o'clock, LOCAL TIME, noon of said day, at the SHERIFF'S OFFICE in the COURT HOUSE, 520 Market St., 2nd Floor, Suite 202, in City and County of Camden and State of New Jersey: Property to be sold is located in the Municipality of HADDONFIELD, County of Camden, State of New Jersey Premises commonly known as: 422 COLES MILL RD, HADDONFIELD, NJ 08033 Being Tax Lot: 36 Block: 10.07 Dimensions approximately: IRREGULAR 70 feet wide by 120 feet long Nearest Cross Street: UTICA AVENUE THE SHERIFF HEREBY RESERVES THE RIGHT TO ADJOURN THIS SALE WITHOUT FURTHER NOTICE THROUGH PUBLICATION. *SUBJECT TO ANY UNPAID TAXES, MUNICIPAL LIENS OR OTHER CHARGES, AND ANY SUCH TAXES, CHARGES, LIENS, INSURANCE PREMIUMS OR OTHER ADVANCES MADE BY PLAINTIFF PRIOR TO THIS SALE, ALL INTERESTED PARTIES ARE TO CONDUCT AND RELY UPON THEIR OWN INDEPENDENT INVESTIGATION TO ASCERTAIN WHETHER OR NOT ANY OUTSTANDING INTEREST REMAIN OF RECORD AND/OR HAVE PRIORITY OVER THE LIEN BEING FORECLOSED AND, IF SO THE CURRENT AMOUNT DUE THEREON. The judgement sought to be satisfied by the sale is:
SURPLUS MONEY: If after the sale and satisfaction of the mortgage debt, including costs and expenses, there remains any surplus money, the money will be deposited into the Superior Court Trust Fund and any person claiming the surplus, or any part thereof, may file a motion pursuant to Court Rules 4:64-3 and 4:57-2 stating the nature and extent of that person's claim and asking for an order directing payment of the surplus money. The Sheriff or other person conducting the sale will have information regarding the surplus, if any. Seized as the property of: ALICIA C. IACOVITTI, ET AL, and taken in execution of DEUTSCHE BANK NATIONAL TRUST COMPANY GILBERT L. "WHIP" WILSON SHERIFF Sheriff's Number: 17001732 Dated: 04/25/2017, 05/02/2017, 05/09/2017, 05/16/2017 RAS CITRON LAW OFFICES 130 CLINTON ROAD, STE 202 FAIRFIELD NJ 07004 $155.52
By virtue of a Writ of execution, to me directed, issued out of the SUPERIOR COURT OF NEW JERSEY CHANCERY DIVISION, CAMDEN COUNTY, DOCKET NO. F00098716 at Public Venue on WEDNESDAY the 17th Day of MAY, 2017 A.D. at 12 o'clock, LOCAL TIME, noon of said day, at the SHERIFF'S OFFICE in the COURT HOUSE, 520 Market St., 2nd Floor, Suite 202, in City and County of Camden and State of New Jersey: Property to be sold is located in the TOWNSHIP OF GLOUCESTER, County of Camden, State of New Jersey. Tax Lot: 12, Block: 13804 Premises commonly known as: 24 Deer Park Circle, Blackwood (Gloucester Township), New Jersey 08012 Dimensions Approximately: 67.50 x 125.00 x 87.50 x 105.00 x 31.42 Nearest Cross Street: Situated on the Southeasterly line of Deer Park Circle, near Doe Drive. The sale is subject to unpaid taxes and assessments, tax, water and sewer liens and other municipal assessments. The amount due can be obtained from the local taxing authority. Pursuant to NJSA 46:8B-21 the sale may also be subject to the limited lien priority of any condominium/homeowner association liens which may exist. The judgment sought to be satisfied by the sale is:
SURPLUS MONEY: If after the sale and satisfaction of the mortgage debt, including costs and expenses, there remains any surplus money, the money will be deposited into the Superior Court Trust Fund and any person claiming the surplus, or any part thereof, may file a motion pursuant to Court Rules 4:64-3 and 4:57-2 stating the nature and extent of that person's claim and asking for an order directing payment of the surplus money. The Sheriff or other person conducting the sale will have information regarding the surplus, if any. Note: The Sheriff reserves the right to adjourn this sale for any length of time without further advertisement. Seized as the property of: MARCELLA WALTON, ET AL, and taken in execution of NATIONSTAR MORTGAGE LLC GILBERT L. "WHIP" WILSON SHERIFF Sheriff's Number: 17001694 Dated: 04/25/2017, 05/02/2017, 05/09/2017, 05/16/2017 SHAPIRO & DENARDO, LLC, 14000 COMMERCE PARKWAY, SUITE B, MT. LAUREL, NJ 08054 $146.88 26 / ABRIL 26 - MAYO 3, 2017 / ALDÍ
By virtue of a Writ of execution, to me directed, issued out of the SUPERIOR COURT OF NEW JERSEY CHANCERY DIVISION, CAMDEN COUNTY, DOCKET NO. F00811816 at Public Venue on WEDNESDAY the 17th Day of MAY, 2017 A.D. at 12 o'clock, LOCAL TIME, noon of said day, at the SHERIFF'S OFFICE in the COURT HOUSE, 520 Market St., 2nd Floor, Suite 202, in City and County of Camden and State of New Jersey: Property to be sold is located in the Municipality of PENNSAUKEN, County of Camden, State of New Jersey Premises commonly known as: 4726 RIVER ROAD, PENNSAUKEN, NJ 08110 Being Tax Lot: 11 Block: 413 Dimensions approximately: 60 feet wide by 100 feet long Nearest Cross Street: WEST RIVER ROAD THE SHERIFF HEREBY RESERVES THE RIGHT TO ADJOURN THIS SALE WITHOUT FURTHER NOTICE THROUGH PUBLICATION. *SUBJECT TO ANY UNPAID TAXES, MUNICIPAL LIENS OR OTHER CHARGES, AND ANY SUCH TAXES, CHARGES, LIENS, INSURANCE PREMIUMS OR OTHER ADVANCES MADE BY PLAINTIFF PRIOR TO THIS SALE, ALL INTERESTED PARTIES ARE TO CONDUCT AND RELY UPON THEIR OWN INDEPENDENT INVESTIGATION TO ASCERTAIN WHETHER OR NOT ANY OUTSTANDING INTEREST REMAIN OF RECORD AND/OR HAVE PRIORITY OVER THE LIEN BEING FORECLOSED AND, IF SO THE CURRENT AMOUNT DUE THEREON. The judgement sought to be satisfied by the sale is:
By virtue of a Writ of execution, to me directed, issued out of the SUPERIOR COURT OF NEW JERSEY CHANCERY DIVISION, CAMDEN COUNTY, DOCKET NO. F05041614 at Public Venue on WEDNESDAY the 17th Day of MAY, 2017 A.D. at 12 o'clock, LOCAL TIME, noon of said day, at the SHERIFF'S OFFICE in the COURT HOUSE, 520 Market St., 2nd Floor, Suite 202, in City and County of Camden and State of New Jersey: Property to be sold is located in the Municipality of WINSLOW, County of Camden, State of New Jersey Premises commonly known as: 1 MAPLE HOLLOW LN, WINSLOW, NJ 08081 HILL, NJ 08034 Being Tax Lot: 10 Block: 12705 Dimensions approximately: 80 feet wide by 100 feet long Nearest Cross Street: SLEEPY HOLLOW LANE THE SHERIFF HEREBY RESERVES THE RIGHT TO ADJOURN THIS SALE WITHOUT FURTHER NOTICE THROUGH PUBLICATION. *SUBJECT TO ANY UNPAID TAXES, MUNICIPAL LIENS OR OTHER CHARGES, AND ANY SUCH TAXES, CHARGES, LIENS, INSURANCE PREMIUMS OR OTHER ADVANCES MADE BY PLAINTIFF PRIOR TO THIS SALE, ALL INTERESTED PARTIES ARE TO CONDUCT AND RELY UPON THEIR OWN INDEPENDENT INVESTIGATION TO ASCERTAIN WHETHER OR NOT ANY OUTSTANDING INTEREST REMAIN OF RECORD AND/OR HAVE PRIORITY OVER THE LIEN BEING FORECLOSED AND, IF SO THE CURRENT AMOUNT DUE THEREON. The judgement sought to be satisfied by the sale is:
SURPLUS MONEY: If after the sale and satisfaction of the mortgage debt, including costs and expenses, there remains any surplus money, the money will be deposited into the Superior Court Trust Fund and any person claiming the surplus, or any part thereof, may file a motion pursuant to Court Rules 4:64-3 and 4:57-2 stating the nature and extent of that person's claim and asking for an order directing payment of the surplus money. The Sheriff or other person conducting the sale will have information regarding the surplus, if any. Seized as the property of: ARTHUR KENWORTHY, ET AL, and taken in execution of NATIONSTAR MORTGAGE LLC GILBERT L. "WHIP" WILSON SHERIFF Sheriff's Number: 17001727 Dated: 04/25/2017, 05/02/2017, 05/09/2017, 05/16/2017 RAS CITRON LAW OFFICES 130 CLINTON ROAD, STE 202 FAIRFIELD NJ 07004 $149.76
SURPLUS MONEY: If after the sale and satisfaction of the mortgage debt, including costs and expenses, there remains any surplus money, the money will be deposited into the Superior Court Trust Fund and any person claiming the surplus, or any part thereof, may file a motion pursuant to Court Rules 4:64-3 and 4:57-2 stating the nature and extent of that person's claim and asking for an order directing payment of the surplus money. The Sheriff or other person conducting the sale will have information regarding the surplus, if any. Seized as the property of: KABIRAT JOHNSON, ET AL, and taken in execution of WELLS FARGO BANK, N.A. GILBERT L. "WHIP" WILSON SHERIFF Sheriff's Number: 17001661 Dated: 04/25/2017, 05/02/2017, 05/09/2017, 05/16/2017 RAS CITRON LAW OFFICES 130 CLINTON ROAD, STE 202 FAIRFIELD NJ 07004 $149.76
By virtue of a Writ of execution, to me directed, issued out of the SUPERIOR COURT OF NEW JERSEY CHANCERY DIVISION, CAMDEN COUNTY, DOCKET NO. F02225713 at Public Venue on WEDNESDAY the 24th Day of MAY, 2017 A.D. at 12 o'clock, LOCAL TIME, noon of said day, at the SHERIFF'S OFFICE in the COURT HOUSE, 520 Market St., 2nd Floor, Suite 202, in City and County of Camden and State of New Jersey: Property to be sold is located in the TOWNSHIP PF GLOUCESTER, County of Camden, State of New Jersey. Premises commonly known as: 31 LINCOLN DRIVE, CLEMENTON (TOWNSHIP OF GLOUCESTER), NJ 08021 Being Tax Lot: 25, Block: 9904 Dimensions Approximately: 80 x 133.70 x 82.21 x 152.62 Nearest Cross Street: Situated on the Easterly line of Lincoln Drive, 265feet from the Northerly line of Concord Place The sale is subject to unpaid taxes and assessments, tax, water and sewer liens and other municipal assessments. The amount due can be obtained from the local taxing authority. Pursuant to NJSA 46:8B-21 the sale may also be subject to the limited lien priority of any condominium/homeowner association liens which may exist. The judgment sought to be satisfied by the sale is:
SURPLUS MONEY: If after the sale and satisfaction of the mortgage debt, including costs and expenses, there remains any surplus money, the money will be deposited into the Superior Court Trust Fund and any person claiming the surplus, or any part thereof, may file a motion pursuant to Court Rules 4:64-3 and 4:57-2 stating the nature and extent of that person's claim and asking for an order directing payment of the surplus money. The Sheriff or other person conducting the sale will have information regarding the surplus, if any. Note: The Sheriff reserves the right to adjourn this sale for any length of time without further advertisement. Seized as the property of: EMILIA L. WALKER, ET AL, and taken in execution of WELLS FARGO BANK, N.A. GILBERT L. "WHIP" WILSON SHERIFF Sheriff's Number: 17001848 Dated: 05/02/2017, 05/09/2017, 05/16/2017, 05/23/2017 SHAPIRO & DENARDO, LLC 14000 COMMERCE PARKWAY, SUITE B MT. LAUREL, NJ 08054 $141.12
By virtue of a Writ of execution, to me directed, issued out of the SUPERIOR COURT OF NEW JERSEY CHANCERY DIVISION, CAMDEN COUNTY, DOCKET NO.F03727615 at Public Venue on WEDNESDAY the 24th Day of MAY, 2017 A.D. at 12 o'clock, LOCAL TIME, noon of said day, at the SHERIFF'S OFFICE in the COURT HOUSE, 520 Market St., 2nd Floor, Suite 202, in City and County of Camden and State of New Jersey: Property to be sold is located in the Township of Winslow, County of Camden State of New Jersey. Premises commonly known as: 78 High Meadows Drive Being Tax Lot: 39 Block: 3703.01 fka 3703.004 Dimensions approximately: 22 x 86 Nearest Cross Street: Meadowrue Lane FOR A HOUSE OR OTHER PROPERTY (NOT CONDOMINIUM) Beginning at a point in the Northerly line of Highmeadows Drive (40 feet wide) common to Lots 39 & 40, Block 373.01as shown on the Plan of Major Subdivision to be mentioned hereinafter, said point being Northeastwardly, along said line of Highmeadows Drive, a total distance of 542.76 feet from the Northeasterly end of a curve connecting into the Northeasterly (line of Meadowrue Lane (40 feet wide), said curve having a radius of 25.00 feet. Pursuant to a tax search of 03/21/2017; 2017 QTR2 $1,077.02 OPEN, DUE DATE 05/01/2017; Water acct#: 284504 0 10/01/2016-12/31/2016 $105.00 open plus penalty; 470.00 open plus penalty; owed in arrears; subject to final reading; Sewer acct#: 2845040 01/01/2017-03/30/2017 $100.00 open plus penalty; $400.00 open plus penalty; owed in arrears; CCMUA acct#: 360141527 03/01/2017-05/31/2017 $88.00 open; $440.00 open plus penalty; owed in arrears; Liens 2015 3rd party lien water, sewer, CCMUA; AMT: $1,187.78 + SUBSEQUENT TAXES + interest; cert. #: 16-00239; sold on: 10/06/2016; sold to: US Bank Cust/PC 4 Firstrust BK; must call prior to settlement for redemption figures. (This concise description does not constitute a legal description. A copy of the full legal description can be found at the Office of the Sheriff.) THE SHERIFF HEREBY RESERVES THE RIGHT TO ADJOURN THIS SALE WITHOUT FURTHER NOTICE THROUGH PUBLICATION. The judgement sought to be satisfied by the sale is:
SURPLUS MONEY: If after the sale and satisfaction of the mortgage debt, including costs and expenses, there remains any surplus money, the money will be deposited into the Superior Court Trust Fund and any person claiming the surplus, or any part thereof, may file a motion pursuant to Court Rules 4:64-3 and 4:57-2 stating the nature and extent of that person's claim and asking for an order directing payment of the surplus money. The Sheriff or other person conducting the sale will have information regarding the surplus, if any. Seized as the property of: WILLIAM H. JOAS ET AL, and taken in execution of NEW JERSEY HOUSING AND MORTGAGE FINANCE AGENCY GILBERT L. "WHIP" WILSON SHERIFF Sheriff's Number: 17001843 Dated: 05/02/2017, 05/09/2017, 05/16/2017, 05/23/2017 FRENKEL, LAMBERT WEISS WEISMAN & GORDON, LLP 80 MAIN STREET, SUITE 460 WEST ORANGE, NJ 07052 $192.96
By virtue of a Writ of execution, to me directed, issued out of the SUPERIOR COURT OF NEW JERSEY CHANCERY DIVISION, CAMDEN COUNTY, DOCKET NO.F02033514 at Public Venue on WEDNESDAY the 24th Day of MAY, 2017 A.D. at 12 o'clock, LOCAL TIME, noon of said day, at the SHERIFF'S OFFICE in the COURT HOUSE, 520 Market St., 2nd Floor, Suite 202, in City and County of Camden and State of New Jersey: Property to be sold is located in Township of Atco, County of Camden, State of New Jersey. Premises commonly known as: 218 Hayes Mill Road, Township of Waterford, NJ 08004, with a mailing addressof 218Hayes Mill Road, Atco, NJ 08004 Being Tax Lot: 8, Block: 2001 Dimensions approximately: 50 feet wide by 170 feet long (IRREGULAR) Nearest Cross Street: COOPER FOLLY ROAD Prior liens/encumbrances: A. 1ST QTR TAXES OPEN: $1,035.26 (OPEN PLUS INTEREST AND PENALTY AFTER 02/01/2017) B. 2ND QTR TAXES OPEN: $1,035.26 (OPEN [;US INTEREST AND PENALTY AFTER (05/01/2017) C. OPEN SEWER $49.00 (OPEN PLUS INTEREST AND PENALTY AFTER 12/31/2016) D. OPEN CCMUA $176.00 (OPEN PLUS INTEREST AND PENALTY AFTER 11/30/2016) E. SUBJECT TO ANY UNPAID TAXES, MUNICIPAL LIENS OR OTHER CHARGES, AND ANY SUCH TAXES CHARGES, LIENS, INSURANCE PREMIUMS OR OTHER ADVANCES MADE BY PLAINTIFF PRIOR TO THIS SALE. ALL INTERESTED PARTIES ARE TO CONDUCT AND RELY UPON THEUR OWN INDEPENDENT INVESTIGATION TP ASCERTAIN WHETHER OR NOT ANY OUTSTANDING INTEREST REMAIN OF RECORD AND/OR HAVE PRIORITY OVER THE LIEN BEING FORECLOSED AND, IF SO THE CURRENT AMOUNT DUE THEREON. F. SUBJECT TO PRIOR MORTGAGES AND JUDGEMENTS (IF ANY) The Sheriff reserves the right to adjourn this sale for any length of time without further NOTICE THROUGH PUBLICATION. The judgement sought to be satisfied by the sale is:
SURPLUS MONEY: If after the sale and satisfaction of the mortgage debt, including costs and expenses, there remains any surplus money, the money will be deposited into the Superior Court Trust Fund and any person claiming the surplus, or any part thereof, may file a motion pursuant to Court Rules 4:64-3 and 4:57-2 stating the nature and extent of that person's claim and asking for an order directing payment of the surplus money. The Sheriff or other person conducting the sale will have information regarding the surplus, if any. Seized as the property of: DARLENE MAGOWAN, ET AL and taken in execution of UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, ACTING THROUGH THE UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE (herinafter referred to as "USDA") FORMERLY KNOWN AS FARMERS HOME ADMINISTRATION GILBERT L. "WHIP" WILSON SHERIFF Sheriff's Number: 17001773 Dated: 05/02/2017, 05/09/2017, 05/16/2017, 05/23/2017 FRANK J. MARTONE 1455 BROAD STREET BLOOMFIELD, NJ 07003 $192.96
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By virtue of a Writ of execution, to me directed, issued out of the SUPERIOR COURT OF NEW JERSEY CHANCERY DIVISION, CAMDEN COUNTY, DOCKET NO. F01310213 at Public Venue on WEDNESDAY the 17th Day of MAY, 2017 A.D. at 12 o'clock, LOCAL TIME, noon of said day, at the SHERIFF'S OFFICE in the COURT HOUSE, 520 Market St., 2nd Floor, Suite 202, in City and County of Camden and State of New Jersey: Property to be sold is located in MUNICIPALITY OF PENNSAUKEN TOWNSHIP, County of Camden, State of New Jersey. Premises commonly known as: 2525 Bethel Avenue Being Tax Lot: 6 Block: 2222 Dimensions approximately: 65' X 111.69' Nearest Cross Street: Wyndam Road SUPERIOR INTERESTS (if any): all unpaid municipal taxes, assessments and liens; Any set of facts which an accurate survey would disclose; any restrictions or covenants on record which run with the land; Rights of the United States of America; if any; Any Condominium lien priority, if any; any outstanding PUD of Homeowner's Associations dues or fees, if any; additional municipal charges, liens, taxes or tax sale certificates and insurance, if any. PENNSAUKEN TWP-TAXES-QTRS 1&2 2017 holds a claim for taxes due and/or other municipal utilities such as water and/or sewer in the amount of $1835.54 as of 02/07/2017. PENNSAUKEN SEWER AUTH.-ACCT# 30814000 holds a claim for taxes due and/or other municipal utilities such as water and/or sewer in the amount of $51.50 as of 02/07/2017 MERCHANTVILLE PENNSAULEN WATER CO. - ACCT # 4104300-0 - SUBJECT TO FINAL READING holds in the amount of $ as of 02/07/2017. CCMUA-ACCT # 270040595 - POSSIBLE CREDIT BALANCE EXISTS CONTACT MUNICIPALITY holds THE SHERIFF HEREBY RESERVES THE RIGHT TO ADJOURN THIS SALE WITHOUT FURTHER NOTICE THROUGH PUBLICATION. The judgement sought to be satisfied by the sale is:
SURPLUS MONEY: If after the sale and satisfaction of the mortgage debt, including costs and expenses, there remains any surplus money, the money will be deposited into the Superior Court Trust Fund and any person claiming the surplus, or any part thereof, may file a motion pursuant to Court Rules 4:64-3 and 4:57-2 stating the nature and extent of that person's claim and asking for an order directing payment of the surplus money. The Sheriff or other person conducting the sale will have information regarding the surplus, if any. Seized as the property of: WILLIAM C. DEAL, ET AL, and taken in execution of NATIONSTAR MORTGAGE LLC DBA CHAMPION MORTGAGE COMPANY GILBERT L. "WHIP" WILSON SHERIFF Sheriff's Number: 17001679 Dated: 04/25/2017, 05/02/2017, 05/09/2017, 05/16/2017 POWERS KIRN LLC 728 MARNE HIGHWAY, SUITE 200 MOORESTOWN, NJ 08057 $178.56
By virtue of a Writ of execution, to me directed, issued out of the SUPERIOR COURT OF NEW JERSEY CHANCERY DIVISION, CAMDEN COUNTY, DOCKET NO. F03335208 at Public Venue on WEDNESDAY the 17th Day of MAY, 2017 A.D. at 12 o'clock, LOCAL TIME, noon of said day, at the SHERIFF'S OFFICE in the COURT HOUSE, 520 Market St., 2nd Floor, Suite 202, in City and County of Camden and State of New Jersey: Property to be sold is located in the TOWNSHIP OF CHERRY HILL, County of Camden, State of New Jersey. Premises commonly known as: 1779 HILLSIDE DRIVE, CHERRY HILL, NJ 08003 Being Tax Lot: 2, Block: 529.13 Dimensions approximately : 77 X 115 Nearest Cross Street: Walt Whitman Boulevard Subject to Tax and prior lien info: Subject to Prior Mortgages and Judgements (if any): Mortgages: GREENTREE MORTGAGE CORPORATION w/ mesne assignments Judgements: STATE OF NEW JERSEY The plaintiff has obtained a letter of indemnification which will insure the successful bidder at sale respect to: Mortgage recorded July 19, 1985, in the amount of $54,000.00 Judgement #DJ-059809-1992, in the amount of $1,927.35 THE SHERIFF HEREBY RESERVES THE RIGHT TO ADJOURN THIS SALE WITHOUT FURTHER NOTICE THROUGH PUBLICATION. The judgement sought to be satisfied by the sale is:
SURPLUS MONEY: If after the sale and satisfaction of the mortgage debt, including costs and expenses, there remains any surplus money, the money will be deposited into the Superior Court Trust Fund and any person claiming the surplus, or any part thereof, may file a motion pursuant to Court Rules 4:64-3 and 4:57-2 stating the nature and extent of that person's claim and asking for an order directing payment of the surplus money. The Sheriff or other person conducting the sale will have information regarding the surplus, if any. The Fair Housing Act prohibits "any preference, limitation, or discrimination because of race, color, religion, sex, handicap, familial status,or national origin, or intention to make such preference,limitation or discrimination" in connection with any aspect of a residential real estate transaction. KML Law Group, P.C. encourages and supports the equal housing practices of the Fair Housing Act in the conduct of its businesses" Phone: 1-609-250-0700 File Number: 108228/NJ17761FC Seized as the property of: ANNA WILLIAMS, ET AL, and taken in execution of HSBC BANK USA, NATIONAL ASSOCIATION GILBERT L. "WHIP" WILSON SHERIFF Sheriff's Number: 17001624 Dated: 04/25/2017, 05/02/2017, 05/09/2017, 05/16/2017 KML LAW GROUP, PC 216 HADDON AVENUE, SUITE 406 WESTMONT, NJ $175.68
By virtue of a Writ of execution, to me directed, issued out of the SUPERIOR COURT OF NEW JERSEY CHANCERY DIVISION, CAMDEN COUNTY, DOCKET NO. F02736816 at Public Venue on WEDNESDAY the 17th Day of MAY, 2017 A.D. at 12 o'clock, LOCAL TIME, noon of said day, at the SHERIFF'S OFFICE in the COURT HOUSE, 520 Market St., 2nd Floor, Suite 202, in City and County of Camden and State of New Jersey: Property to be sold is located in the CITY OF CAMDEN, County of Camden, State of New Jersey. Tax Lot: 134, Block: 1364 f/k/a Lot 134, Block 702 Premises commonly known as: 1722 Cope Street, Camden, New Jersey 08104 Dimensions Approximately: 13 X 71 Nearest Cross Street: Situated on Cope Street, near Decatur Street The sale is subject to unpaid taxes and assessments, tax, water and sewer liens and other municipal assessments. The amount due can be obtained from the local taxing authority. Pursuant to NJSA 46:8B-21 the sale may also be subject to the limited lien priority of any condominium/homeowner association liens which may exist. The judgment sought to be satisfied by the sale is:
SURPLUS MONEY: If after the sale and satisfaction of the mortgage debt, including costs and expenses, there remains any surplus money, the money will be deposited into the Superior Court Trust Fund and any person claiming the surplus, or any part thereof, may file a motion pursuant to Court Rules 4:64-3 and 4:57-2 stating the nature and extent of that person's claim and asking for an order directing payment of the surplus money. The Sheriff or other person conducting the sale will have information regarding the surplus, if any. Note: The Sheriff reserves the right to adjourn this sale for any length of time without further advertisement. Seized as the property of: DELORES JOHNSON, ET AL, and taken in execution of NATIONSTAR MORTGAGE LLC GILBERT L. "WHIP" WILSON SHERIFF Sheriff's Number: 17001685 Dated: 04/25/2017, 05/02/2017, 05/09/2017, 05/16/2017 SHAPIRO & DENARDO, LLC, 14000 COMMERCE PARKWAY, SUITE B, MT. LAUREL, NJ 08054 $138.24
ALDÍ / ABRIL 26 - MAYO 3, 2017 / 27
By virtue of a Writ of execution, to me directed, issued out of the SUPERIOR COURT OF NEW JERSEY CHANCERY DIVISION, CAMDEN COUNTY, DOCKET NO. F00827115 at Public Venue on WEDNESDAY the 24th Day of MAY, 2017 A.D. at 12 o'clock, LOCAL TIME, noon of said day, at the SHERIFF'S OFFICE in the COURT HOUSE, 520 Market St., 2nd Floor, Suite 202, in City and County of Camden and State of New Jersey: Property to be sold is located in the GLOUCESTER, County of Camden, State of New Jersey. Premises commonly known as: 428 HILLCREST AVENUE, BLACKWOOD, NJ 08012 Being Tax Lot: #7, Block: #12706 Nearest Cross Street: GRAND AVENUE Dimensions approximately: 122.17 X 143.34 A FULL LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF THE PREMISES CAN BE FOUND IN THE OFFICE OF THE SHERIFF OF CAMDEN COUNTY. This sale is subject to unpaid taxes and assessments, tax, water and sewer liens and other municipal assessments. The amount due can be obtained from the local taxing authority. All interested parties are to conduct and rely upon their own independent investigation to ascertain whether or not any outstanding interests remain of record and/or have priority over the lien being foreclosed, and, if so, the current amount due thereon. **If the sale is set aside for any reason, the purchaser shall have no further recourse against the Mortgagee or the Mortgagee's attorney.** The judgement sought to be satisfied by the sale is:
SURPLUS MONEY: If after the sale and satisfaction of the mortgage debt, including costs and expenses, there remains any surplus money, the money will be deposited into the Superior Court Trust Fund and any person claiming the surplus, or any part thereof, may file a motion pursuant to Court Rules 4:64-3 and 4:57-2 stating the nature and extent of that person's claim and asking for an order directing payment of the surplus money. The Sheriff or other person conducting the sale will have information regarding the surplus, if any. TSC CERTIFICATE NO.: 11 -02152 ($792.45) Note: The Sheriff reserves the right to adjourn this sale for any length of time without further advertisement. Seized as the property of: LEONARD M. FERRO, ET AL, and taken in execution of WELLS FARGO BANK, NATIONAL ASSOCIATION GILBERT L. "WHIP" WILSON SHERIFF Sheriff's Number: 17001784 Dated: 05/02/2017, 05/09/2017, 05/16/2017, 05/23/2017 MILSTEAD & ASSOCIATES, LLC 1 E. STOW ROAD MARLTON, NJ 08053 $164.16
By virtue of a Writ of execution, to me directed, issued out of the SUPERIOR COURT OF NEW JERSEY CHANCERY DIVISION, CAMDEN COUNTY, DOCKET NO.F05223714 at Public Venue on WEDNESDAY the 24th Day of MAY, 2017 A.D. at 12 o'clock, LOCAL TIME, noon of said day, at the SHERIFF'S OFFICE in the COURT HOUSE, 520 Market St., 2nd Floor, Suite 202, in City and County of Camden and State of New Jersey: Property to be sold is located in THE TOWNSHIP OF GLOUCESTER, County of Camden, State of New Jersey. Premises commonly known as: 201 4th Avenue, Glendora, NJ 08029 Tax Lot #8; Block # 2005 Dimensions approximately: 60' X100' Nearest Cross Street: Evelyn Avenue Taxes: Current through 1st Quarter of 2017* Other: Lien # 16-00081 amount due to redeem Certificate is $767.12 (good through 3/30/17)* Property Maintenance/Special Charges due in the amount of $4, 125.92* There is an outstanding municipal tax or other lien. Redemption figures have been requested. Sale is subject to said lien. Purchaser is responsible for obtaining full payoff/redemption amounts and knowingly bids subject to same.* *Plus interest on these figures through date of payoff and any and all subsequent taxes, water and sewer amounts. THE SHERIFF HEREBY RESERVES THE RIGHT TO ADJOURN THIS SALE WITHOUT FURTHER NOTICE THROUGH PUBLICATION. A FULL LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF THE PREMISES CAN BE FOUND IN THE OFFICE OF THE SHERIFF OF CAMDEN COUNTY. The judgement sought to be satisfied by the sale is:
SURPLUS MONEY: If after the sale and satisfaction of the mortgage debt, including costs and expenses, there remains any surplus money, the money will be deposited into the Superior Court Trust Fund and any person claiming the surplus, or any part thereof, may file a motion pursuant to Court Rules 4:64-3 and 4:57-2 stating the nature and extent of that person's claim and asking for an order directing payment of the surplus money. The Sheriff or other person conducting the sale will have information regarding the surplus, if any. Seized as the property of: LINDA M. DEVUONO, ET AL, and taken in execution of DEUTSCHE BANK NATIONAL TRUST COMPANY GILBERT L. "WHIP" WILSON SHERIFF Sheriff's Number: 17001799 Dated: 05/02/2017, 05/09/2017, 05/16/2017, 05/23/2017 STERN & EISENBERG, PC 1040 N. KINGS HIGHWAY, SUITE 407 CHERRY HILL, NJ 08034 $164.16
By virtue of a Writ of execution, to me directed, issued out of the SUPERIOR COURT OF NEW JERSEY CHANCERY DIVISION, CAMDEN COUNTY, DOCKET NO.F04793614 at Public Venue on WEDNESDAY the 17th Day of MAY, 2017 A.D. at 12 o'clock, LOCAL TIME, noon of said day, at the SHERIFF'S OFFICE in the COURT HOUSE, 520 Market St., 2nd Floor, Suite 202, in City and County of Camden and State of New Jersey: Property to be sold is located in the TOWNSHIP OF GLOUCESTER, County of Camden, State of New Jersey. Premises commonly known as: 18 TORRINGTON DRIVE, SICKLERVILLE, NJ 08081-9664 Being Tax Lot: 15, Block: 15909 on the Official Tax Map of the TOWNSHIP OF GLOUCESTER Dimensions approximately: 75FT X 125FT X 75FT X 125FT Nearest Cross Street: Sturbridge Drive THE SHERIFF HEREBY RESERVES THE RIGHT TO ADJOURN THIS SALE WITHOUT FURTHER NOTICE THROUGH PUBLICATION. *Subject to any unpaid taxes, municipal liens or other charges, and any such taxes, charges, liens, insurance premiums or other advances made by plaintiff prior to this sale. All interested parties are to conduct and rely upon their own independent investigation to ascertain whether or not any outstanding interest remain of record and/or have priority over the lien being amount due thereon. **If the sale is set aside for any reason, the purchaser at the sale shall be entitled only to a return of the deposit paid. The purchaser shall have no further recourse against the Mortgagor, the Mortgagee or the Mortgagee's attorney. The judgement sought to be satisfied by the sale is:
SURPLUS MONEY: If after the sale and satisfaction of the mortgage debt, including costs and expenses, there remains any surplus money, the money will be deposited into the Superior Court Trust Fund and any person claiming the surplus, or any part thereof, may file a motion pursuant to Court Rules 4:64-3 and 4:57-2 stating the nature and extent of that person's claim and asking for an order directing payment of the surplus money. The Sheriff or other person conducting the sale will have information regarding the surplus, if any. Seized as the property of: CHRISTIAN F. CAMPAGNA, ET AL, and taken in execution of QUEEN'S PARK OVAL ASSET HOLDING TRUST GILBERT L. "WHIP" WILSON SHERIFF Sheriff's Number: 17001719 Dated: 04/25/2017, 05/02/2017, 05/09/2017, 05/16/2017 PHELAN, HALLINAN DIAMOND & JONES P.C. 400 FELLOWSHIP ROAD, SUITE 100, MT LAUREL NJ 08054 $161.28
28 / ABRIL 26 - MAYO 3, 2017 / ALDÍ
SHERIFF’S SALE By virtue of a Writ of execution, to me directed, issued out of the SUPERIOR COURT OF NEW JERSEY CHANCERY DIVISION, CAMDEN COUNTY, DOCKET NO.F01044514 at Public Venue on WEDNESDAY the 3rd DAY OF MAY, 2017 A.D. at 12 o'clock, LOCAL TIME, noon of said day, at the SHERIFF'S OFFICE in the COURT HOUSE, 520 Market St., 2nd Floor, Suite 202, in City and County of Camden and State of New Jersey: Property to be sold is located in the BOROUGH OF HADDONFIELD, County of Camden, State of New Jersey. Premises commonly known as: 58 CENTRE STREET, HADDONFIELD, NJ 08033. Being Tax Lot: 18.01, Block: 34 Dimensions approximately: 44 X 150 Nearest Cross Street: Ridge LINCOLN AVENUE Beginning at a point in the WESTERLY LINE OF CENTRE STREET, SAID BEGINNING POINT BEING IN THE DIVISION LINE BETWEEN LOTS 18.01 AND 18, AND EXTENDING; thence "THE SHERIFF HEREBY RESERVES THE RIGHT TO ADJOURN THIS SALE WITHOUT FURTHER NOTICE THROUGH PUBLICATION." PRIOR LIENS/ENCUMBRANCES CCMUA OPEN + PENALTY $440.00 2015 3RD PARTY CCMUA LIEN SOLD ON 11/22/16 CERT # 16-00018 $598.51 The judgement sought to be satisfied by the sale is:
SURPLUS MONEY: If after the sale and satisfaction of the mortgage debt, including costs and expenses, there remains any surplus money, the money will be deposited into the Superior Court Trust Fund and any person claiming the surplus, or any part thereof, may file a motion pursuant to Court Rules 4:64-3 and 4:57-2 stating the nature and extent of that person's claim and asking for an order directing payment of the surplus money. The Sheriff or other person conducting the sale will have information regarding the surplus, if any. Seized as the property of: ERNEST P. BECERRIL, ET AL, and taken in execution of SECRETARY OF VETERANS AFFAIRS OF WASHINGTON D.C. GILBERT L. "WHIP" WILSON SHERIFF Sheriff's Number: 17001361 Dated: 04/11/2017, 04/18/2017, 04/25/2017, 05/02/2017 FEIN SUCH KAHN & SHEPARD, P.C. 7 CENTURY DRIVE, SUITE 201 PARSIPPANY, NJ 07054 $146.88
SHERIFF’S SALE By virtue of a Writ of execution, to me directed, issued out of the SUPERIOR COURT OF NEW JERSEY CHANCERY DIVISION, CAMDEN COUNTY, DOCKET NO.F05114114 at Public Venue on WEDNESDAY the 3rd Day of MAY, 2017 A.D. at 12 o'clock, LOCAL TIME, noon of said day,at the SHERIFF'S OFFICE in the COURT HOUSE, 520 Market St., 2nd Floor, Suite 202, in City and County of Camden and State of New Jersey: Property to be sold is located in the City of Camden, County of Camden, State of New Jersey. Premises commonly known as: 226 Main St, Camden, NJ 08102-2048 Being Tax Lot: 64 Block: 45 on the Official Tax Map of the City of Camden Dimensions approximately : 113.00FT X 55.50FT X 37.54FT X 34.00FT X 40.00FT X 20.00FT X 20.00FT X 66.67FT Nearest Cross Street: THIRD STREET THE SHERIFF HEREBY RESERVES THE RIGHT TO ADJOURN THIS SALE WITHOUT FURTHER NOTICE THROUGH PUBLICATION. *Subject to any unpaid taxes, municipal liens or other charges, and any such taxes, charges, liens, insurance premiums or other advances made by plaintiff prior to this sale. All interested parties are to conduct and rely upon their own independent investigation to ascertain whether or not any outstanding interest remain of record and/or have priority over the lien being amount due thereon. **If the sale is set aside for any reason, the purchaser at the sale shall be entitled only to a return of the deposit paid. The purchaser shall have no further recourse against the Mortgagor, the Mortgagee or the Mortgagee's attorney. The judgement sought to be satisfied by the sale is:
SURPLUS MONEY: If after the sale and satisfaction of the mortgage debt, including costs and expenses, there remains any surplus money, the money will be deposited into the Superior Court Trust Fund and any person claiming the surplus, or any part thereof, may file a motion pursuant to Court Rules 4:64-3 and 4:57-2 stating the nature and extent of that person's claim and asking for an order directing payment of the surplus money. The Sheriff or other person conducting the sale will have information regarding the surplus, if any. Seized as the property of: PATRICIA A. SANTARPIO, ET AL, and taken in execution of PHH MORTGAGE CORPORATION GILBERT L. "WHIP" WILSON SHERIFF Sheriff's Number: 17001344 Dated: 04/11/2017, 04/18/2017, 04/25/2017, 05/02/2017 PHELAN, HALLINAN DIAMOND & JONES P.C. 400 FELLOWSHIP ROAD, SUITE 100 MT LAUREL NJ 08054 $158.40
By virtue of a Writ of execution, to me directed, issued out of the SUPERIOR COURT OF NEW JERSEY CHANCERY DIVISION, CAMDEN COUNTY, DOCKET NO. F33110 at Public Venue on WEDNESDAY the 24th Day of MAY, 2017 A.D. at 12 o'clock, LOCAL TIME, noon of said day, at the SHERIFF'S OFFICE in the COURT HOUSE, 520 Market St., 2nd Floor, Suite 202, in City and County of Camden and State of New Jersey: Property to be sold is located in the TOWNSHIP OF GLOUCESTER, County of Camden, State of New Jersey. Commonly known as: 21 Clementon Ave, GLOUCESTER TWP, NJ 08012 Tax Lot 19, Block 10501 Dimensions of lot (Approximately): 50 X 250 Nearest Cross Street: Black Horse Pike THE SHERIFF HEREBY RESERVES THE RIGHT TO ADJOURN THIS SALE WITHOUT FURTHER NOTICE THROUGH PUBLICATION. *Subject to: Conditions of Sale The judgement sought to be satisfied by the sale is:
SURPLUS MONEY: If after the sale and satisfaction of the mortgage debt, including costs and expenses, there remains any surplus money, the money will be deposited into the Superior Court Trust Fund and any person claiming the surplus, or any part thereof, may file a motion pursuant to Court Rules 4:64-3 and 4:57-2 stating the nature and extent of that person's claim and asking for an order directing payment of the surplus money. The Sheriff or other person conducting the sale will have information regarding the surplus, if any. Seized as the property of: ALGERINA DIXON, INDIVIDUALLY AS HEIR AND AS EXECUTRIX OF THE ESTATE OF GLORIA HAULENBEEK, ET AL, and taken in execution of WILMINGTON SAVINGS FUND MTGLQ INVESTORS, LP GILBERT L. "WHIP" WILSON SHERIFF Sheriff's Number: 17001855 Dated: 05/02/2017, 05/09/2017, 05/16/2017, 05/23/2017 KML LAW GROUP, PC 216 HADDON AVENUE, SUITE 406 WESTMONT, NJ 08108 $129.6
SHERIFF’S SALE By virtue of a Writ of execution, to me directed, issued out of the SUPERIOR COURT OF NEW JERSEY CHANCERY DIVISION, CAMDEN COUNTY, DOCKET NO.F1466812 at Public Venue on WEDNESDAY the 3rd DAY OF MAY, 2017 A.D. at 12 o'clock, LOCAL TIME, noon of said day, at the SHERIFF'S OFFICE in the COURT HOUSE, 520 Market St., 2nd Floor, Suite 202, in City and County of Camden and State of New Jersey: Property to be sold is located in the TOWNSHIP OF WINSLOW, County of Camden, State of New Jersey. Premises commonly known as: 112 COOPERS FOLLY RD, WINSLOW, NJ 08004 WITH A MAILING ADDRESS OF 112 COOPERS FOLLY RD, ATCO, NJ 08004. PLEASE NOTE THAT COOPERS FOLLY ROAD IS FKA COOPER FOLLY ROAD Being Tax Lot: 2, Block: 3101 Dimensions approximately: 5.19 Nearest Cross Street: PIN OAK DRIVE Beginning at a point in the center line of the Cooper Folly Road, said point also being a corner to lands of Raymond Herring; thence "THE SHERIFF HEREBY RESERVES THE RIGHT TO ADJOURN THIS SALE WITHOUT FURTHER NOTICE THROUGH PUBLICATION." PRIOR LIENS/ENCUMBRANCES WATER OPEN + PENALTY $528.23 TOTAL AS OF MARCH 7, 2017: $528.23 The judgement sought to be satisfied by the sale is:
SURPLUS MONEY: If after the sale and satisfaction of the mortgage debt, including costs and expenses, there remains any surplus money, the money will be deposited into the Superior Court Trust Fund and any person claiming the surplus, or any part thereof, may file a motion pursuant to Court Rules 4:64-3 and 4:57-2 stating the nature and extent of that person's claim and asking for an order directing payment of the surplus money. The Sheriff or other person conducting the sale will have information regarding the surplus, if any. Seized as the property of: LAURA B. KIRKSEY, ET AL, and taken in execution of HSBC BANK USA, NATIONAL ASSOCIATION GILBERT L. "WHIP" WILSON SHERIFF Sheriff's Number: 17001473 Dated: 04/11/2017, 04/18/2017, 04/25/2017, 05/02/2017 FEIN SUCH KAHN & SHEPARD, P.C. 7 CENTURY DRIVE, SUITE 201 PARSIPPANY, NJ 07054 $144.00
SURPLUS MONEY: If after the sale and satisfaction of the mortgage debt, including costs and expenses, there remains any surplus money, the money will be deposited into the Superior Court Trust Fund and any person claiming the surplus, or any part thereof, may file a motion pursuant to Court Rules 4:64-3 and 4:57-2 stating the nature and extent of that person's claim and asking for an order directing payment of the surplus money. The Sheriff or other person conducting the sale will have information regarding the surplus, if any. Seized as the property of: NANDI A. WALKER AKA NANDI WALKER, ET AL, and taken in execution of U.S. BANK TRUST, N.A. GILBERT L. "WHIP" WILSON SHERIFF Sheriff's Number: 17001457 Dated: 04/11/2017, 04/18/2017, 04/25/2017, 05/02/2017 RAS CITRON LAW OFFICES 130 CLINTON ROAD, STE 202 FAIRFIELD NJ 07004 $149.76
SHERIFF’S SALE By virtue of a Writ of execution, to me directed, issued out of the SUPERIOR COURT OF NEW JERSEY CHANCERY DIVISION, CAMDEN COUNTY, DOCKET NO.F1621814 at Public Venue on WEDNESDAY the 10th Day of MAY, 2017 A.D. at 12 o'clock, LOCAL TIME, noon of said day, at the SHERIFF'S OFFICE in the COURT HOUSE, 520 Market St., 2nd Floor, Suite 202, in City and County of Camden and State of New Jersey: Property to be sold is located in the TOWNSHIP OF GLOUCESTER, County of Camden, State of New Jersey. Premises commonly known as: 130 Presidential Drive, Gloucester, NJ 08081, WITH A MAILING ADDRESS OF 130PRESIDENTIAL DRIVE, SICKLERVILLE,NJ 08081 Being Tax Lot: 20, Block: 16604 Dimensions approximately : 20 X 78 Nearest Cross Street: KINGS ROAD Beginning at a Nail found for a corner in the Southwesterly line of presidential Drive (50' wide), said Nail being Southeastwardly, and a total arc and tangent distance of 93.88 feet from the Southeasterly end of a connecting curve connecting said line of Presidential Drive with the Southeasterly line of Kings Road (50' wide) said connecting curve having a radius of 10.00 feet, said Nail being also in the division line between Lots 20 and 21, Block 382-B on Plan hereinafter mentioned, extending; thence "THE SHERIFF HEREBY RESERVES THE RIGHT TO ADJOURN THIS SALE WITHOUT FURTHER NOTICE THROUGH PUBLICATION." PRIOR LIENS/ENCUMBRANCES SEWER OPEN + PENALTY $94.14 CCMUA OPEN + PENALTY $208.10 2013 3rd PARTY TAX, GTMUA, SEWER, CMUA LIEN SOLD ON 12/23/13 CERT# 13-05499 $3,269.48 TOTAL AS OF MARCH 13, 2017: $3,571.72 The judgement sought to be satisfied by the sale is:
SURPLUS MONEY: If after the sale and satisfaction of the mortgage debt, including costs and expenses, there remains any surplus money, the money will be deposited into the Superior Court Trust Fund and any person claiming the surplus, or any part thereof, may file a motion pursuant to Court Rules 4:64-3 and 4:57-2 stating the nature and extent of that person's claim and asking for an order directing payment of the surplus money. The Sheriff or other person conducting the sale will have information regarding the surplus, if any. Seized as the property of: RUTH HILL, ET AL, and taken in execution of WILMINGTON SAVINGS FUND SOCIETY GILBERT L. "WHIP" WILSON SHERIFF Sheriff's Number: 17001514 Dated: 04/18/2017, 04/25/2017, 05/02/2017, 05/09/2017 FEIN SUCH KAHN & SHEPARD, P.C. 7 CENTURY DRIVE, SUITE 201, PARSIPPANY, NJ 07054 $167.04
By virtue of a Writ of execution, to me directed, issued out of the SUPERIOR COURT OF NEW JERSEY CHANCERY DIVISION, CAMDEN COUNTY, DOCKET NO. F01567316 at Public Venue on WEDNESDAY the 17th Day of MAY, 2017 A.D. at 12 o'clock, LOCAL TIME, noon of said day, at the SHERIFF'S OFFICE in the COURT HOUSE, 520 Market St., 2nd Floor, Suite 202, in City and County of Camden and State of New Jersey: All that certain land and premises situate, lying and being in the City of Camden, County of Camden and State of New Jersey. Street: 447 Royden Street, Camden, NJ 08103 Nearest Cross Street: Henry Street Tax Lot and Block No: Lot 10, Block: 205 Dimensions Approximately: 14 x 68M004 Prior Mortgages/Liens Not Extinguished By the Sale Are: 1. Delinquent taxes and/or tax liens As the above description does not constitute a full legal description is annexed to that certain deed recorded in the Office of the Clerk of Camden County in Deed Book 5098, Page 687, et seq., New Jersey, and the Writ of Execution on file with the Sheriff of Camden County. The judgement sought to be satisfied by the sale is:
SURPLUS MONEY: If after the sale and satisfaction of the mortgage debt, including costs and expenses, there remains any surplus money, the money will be deposited into the Superior Court Trust Fund and any person claiming the surplus, or any part thereof, may file a motion pursuant to Court Rules 4:64-3 and 4:57-2 stating the nature and extent of that person's claim and asking for an order directing payment of the surplus money. The Sheriff or other person conducting the sale will have information regarding the surplus, if any. Note: The Sheriff reserves the right to adjourn this sale for any length of time without further advertisement. Seized as the property of: AARON THORNTON AKA AARON L. THORNTON, ET AL, and taken in execution of BAYVIEW LOAN SERVICING, LLC GILBERT L. "WHIP" WILSON SHERIFF Sheriff's Number: 17001748 Dated: 04/25/2017, 05/02/2017, 05/09/2017, 05/16/2017 MATTLEMAN, WEINROTH & MILLER 401 ROUTE 70EAST, SUITE 100 CHERRY HILL, NJ 08034 $144.00
SHERIFF’S SALE By virtue of a Writ of execution, to me directed, issued out of the SUPERIOR COURT OF NEW JERSEY CHANCERY DIVISION, CAMDEN COUNTY, DOCKET NO.F02778815 at Public Venue on WEDNESDAY THE 3rd Day of MAY, 2017 A.D. at 12 o'clock, LOCAL TIME, noon of said day, at the SHERIFF'S OFFICE in the COURT HOUSE, 520 Market St., 2nd Floor, Suite 202, in City and County of Camden and State of New Jersey: Property to be sold is located in the City of Camden, County of Camden, State of New Jersey. Premises commonly known as: 1621 Mt. Ephraim Avenue Camden, NJ 08104 Being Tax Lot: 58, Block: 453 Dimensions approximately: 17 x 90 M007 Nearest Cross Street: Sheridan Street *Also subject to subsequent taxes, water and sewer plus interest through date of payoff. the Sheriff herby reserves the right to adjourn this sale without further notice through publication. A FULL LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF THE PREMISES CAN BE FOUND IN THE OFFICE OF THE SHERIFF OF CAMDEN COUNTY. The judgement sought to be satisfied by the sale is:
SURPLUS MONEY: If after the sale and satisfaction of the mortgage debt, including costs and expenses, there remains any surplus money, the money will be deposited into the Superior Court Trust Fund and any person claiming the surplus, or any part thereof, may file a motion pursuant to Court Rules 4:64-3 and 4:57-2 stating the nature and extent of that person's claim and asking for an order directing payment of the surplus money. The Sheriff or other person conducting the sale will have information regarding the surplus, if any. Seized as the property of: AUDREY J. CAMPBELL, ET AL, and taken in execution BAYVIEW LOAN SERVICING, LLC GILBERT L. "WHIP" WILSON SHERIFF Sheriff's Number: 17001339 Dated: 04/11/2017, 04/18/2017, 04/25/2017, 05/02/2017 PARKER MCCAY P.A. 9000 MIDLANTIC DRIVE, SUITE 300 P.O. BOX 5054, MT. LAUREL, NJ 08054 $132.48
SHERIFF’S SALE By virtue of a Writ of execution, to me directed, issued out of the SUPERIOR COURT OF NEW JERSEY CHANCERY DIVISION, CAMDEN COUNTY, DOCKET NO.F04390104 at Public Venue on WEDNESDAY the 10th Day of MAY, 2017 A.D. at 12 o'clock, LOCAL TIME, noon of said day, at the SHERIFF'S OFFICE in the COURT HOUSE, 520 Market St., 2nd Floor, Suite 202, in City and County of Camden and State of New Jersey: Property to be sold is located in THE TOWNSHIP OF WINSLOW, County of Camden, State of New Jersey. Premises commonly known as: 27 HAMPTON GATE DR, WINSLOW TWP, NJ 08081 Tax Lot #7; Block # 11808 Dimensions approximately: 32' X108' Nearest Cross Street: Hyacinth Lane Taxes: Current through 1st Quarter of 2017* Other: Water due in the amount of $549.93* Sewer due in the amount of $518.00* Lien #16-00495 There is an outstanding municipal tax or other lien. Redemption figures have been requested. Sale is subject to said lien. Purchaser is responsible for obtaining full payoff/redemption amounts and knowingly bids subject to same.* *Plus interest on these figuresthrough date of payoff and any and all subsequent taxes, water and sewer amounts. THE SHERIFF HEREBY RESERVES THE RIGHT TO ADJOURN THIS SALE WITHOUT FURTHER NOTICE THROUGH PUBLICATION. A FULL LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF THE PREMISES CAN BE FOUND IN THE OFFICE OF THE SHERIFF OF CAMDEN COUNTY. The judgement sought to be satisfied by the sale is:
SURPLUS MONEY: If after the sale and satisfaction of the mortgage debt, including costs and expenses, there remains any surplus money, the money will be deposited into the Superior Court Trust Fund and any person claiming the surplus, or any part thereof, may file a motion pursuant to Court Rules 4:64-3 and 4:57-2 stating the nature and extent of that person's claim and asking for an order directing payment of the surplus money. The Sheriff or other person conducting the sale will have information regarding the surplus, if any. Seized as the property of: DAVID G. FORD, JR., ET AL, and taken in execution of QUEEN'S PARK OVAL ASSET HOLDING TRUST GILBERT L. "WHIP" WILSON SHERIFF Sheriff's Number: 17001546 Dated: 04/18/2017, 04/25/2017, 05/02/2017, 05/09/2017 STERN & EISENBERG, PC 1040 N. KINGS HIGHWAY, SUITE 407 CHERRY HILL, NJ 08034 $155.52
ALDÍ / ABRIL 26 - MAYO 3, 2017 / 29
SHERIFF’S SALE By virtue of a Writ of execution, to me directed, issued out of the SUPERIOR COURT OF NEW JERSEY CHANCERY DIVISION, CAMDEN COUNTY, DOCKET NO.F06340609 at Public Venue on WEDNESDAY the 3rd Day of MAY, 2017 A.D. at 12 o'clock, LOCAL TIME, noon of said day, at the SHERIFF'S OFFICE in the COURT HOUSE, 520 Market St., 2nd Floor, Suite 202, in City and County of Camden and State of New Jersey: Property to be sold is located in BORO OF PINE HILL,County of Camden, State of New Jersey. Premises commonly known as: 29 Valley Drive, Pine Hill, NJ 08021 Tax Lot: 27; Block: 135 Dimensions Approximately: 70' X 125' Nearest Cross Street: Club Road Prior lien(s): Water account due in the amount of $76.40 Sewer account due in the amount of $50.00 County Sewer CCMUA account due in the amount of $395.36 *SUBJECT TO ANY UNPAID TAXES, MUNICIPAL LIENS OR OTHER CHARGES, AND ANY SUCH TAXES, CHARGES, LIENS, INSURANCE PREMIUMS OR OTHER ADVANCES MADE BY PLAINTIFF PRIOR TO THIS SALE, ALL INTERESTED PARTIES ARE TO CONDUCT AND RELY UPON THEIR OWN INDEPENDENT INVESTIGATION TO ASCERTAIN WHETHER OR NOT ANY OUTSTANDING INTEREST REMAIN OF RECORD AND/OR HAVE PRIORITY OVER THE LIEN BEING FORECLOSED AND, IF SO THE CURRENT AMOUNT DUE THEREON. The judgement sought to be satisfied by the sale is:
SURPLUS MONEY: If after the sale and satisfaction of the mortgage debt, including costs and expenses, there remains any surplus money, the money will be deposited into the Superior Court Trust Fund and any person claiming the surplus, or any part thereof, may file a motion pursuant to Court Rules 4:64-3 and 4:57-2 stating the nature and extent of that person's claim and asking for an order directing payment of the surplus money. The Sheriff or other person conducting the sale will have information regarding the surplus, if any. Note: THE SHERIFF HEREBY RESERVES THE RIGHT TO ADJOURN THIS SALE WITHOUT FURTHER NOTICE THROUGH PUBLICATION. Seized as the property of: DAVID S. GASKILL, ET AL, and taken in execution of NATIONSTAR MORTGAGE LLC GILBERT L. "WHIP" WILSON SHERIFF Sheriff's Number: 17001462 Dated: 04/11/2017, 04/18/2017, 04/25/2017, 05/02/2017 STERN LAVINTHAL FRANKENBERG, LLC 105 EISENHOWER PKWY, SUITE 302 ROSELAND, NJ 07068-9984 $161.28
SHERIFF’S SALE By virtue of a Writ of execution, to me directed, issued out of the SUPERIOR COURT OF NEW JERSEY CHANCERY DIVISION, CAMDEN COUNTY, DOCKET NO.F01759916 at Public Venue on WEDNESDAY the 3rd Day of MAY, 2017 A.D. at 12 o'clock, LOCAL TIME, noon of said day, at the SHERIFF'S OFFICE in the COURT HOUSE, 520 Market St., 2nd Floor, Suite 202, in City and County of Camden and State of New Jersey: Property to be sold is located in the BOROUGH OF PINE HILL, County of Camden, State of New Jersey. Premises commonly known as: 13 GRISTMILL LANE, PINE HILL, NJ 08021-6432 Being Tax Lot: 93 FKA 61, Block: 24.05 FKA 24.03 1402 the Official Tax Map of the BOROUGH OF PINE HILL Dimensions approximately : 35.00FT X 74.00FT X 35.00FT X 74.00FT Nearest Cross Street: MILLSTREAM ROAD THE SHERIFF HEREBY RESERVES THE RIGHT TO ADJOURN THIS SALE WITHOUT FURTHER NOTICE THROUGH PUBLICATION. *Subject to any unpaid taxes, municipal liens or other charges, and any such taxes, charges, liens, insurance premiums or other advances made by plaintiff prior to this sale. All interested parties are to conduct and rely upon their own independent investigation to ascertain whether or not any outstanding interest remain of record and/or have priority over the lien being amount due thereon. **If the sale is set aside for any reason, the purchaser at the sale shall be entitled only to a return of the deposit paid. The purchaser shall have no further recourse against the Mortgagor, the Mortgagee or the Mortgagee's attorney. The judgement sought to be satisfied by the sale is:
SURPLUS MONEY: If after the sale and satisfaction of the mortgage debt, including costs and expenses, there remains any surplus money, the money will be deposited into the Superior Court Trust Fund and any person claiming the surplus, or any part thereof, may file a motion pursuant to Court Rules 4:64-3 and 4:57-2 stating the nature and extent of that person's claim and asking for an order directing payment of the surplus money. The Sheriff or other person conducting the sale will have information regarding the surplus, if any. Seized as the property of: JAQUAY PITT, ET AL, and taken in execution of HSBC BANK USA, NATIONAL ASSOCIATION GILBERT L. "WHIP" WILSON SHERIFF Sheriff's Number: 17001467 Dated: 04/11/2017, 04/18/2017, 04/25/2017, 05/02/2017 PHELAN, HALLINAN DIAMOND & JONES P.C. 400 FELLOWSHIP ROAD, SUITE 100 MT LAUREL NJ 08054 $161.28
SHERIFF’S SALE By virtue of a Writ of execution, to me directed, issued out of the SUPERIOR COURT OF NEW JERSEY CHANCERY DIVISION, CAMDEN COUNTY, DOCKET NO.F03125314 at Public Venue on WEDNESDAY the 10th Day of MAY, 2017 A.D. at 12 o'clock, LOCAL TIME, noon of said day, at the SHERIFF'S OFFICE in the COURT HOUSE, 520 Market St., 2nd Floor, Suite 202, in City and County of Camden and State of New Jersey: Property to be sold is located in the BOROUGH OF CLEMENTON, County of Camden, State of New Jersey. Premises commonly known as: 28 POINT BREEZE AVENUE, CLEMENTON, NJ 08021-4716 Being Tax Lot: 6, AKA 26, Block: 111 AKA 2 on the Official Tax Map of the BOROUGH OF CLEMENTON Dimensions approximately : 105.00FT X 25.00FT X 105.00FT X 25.00FT Nearest Cross Street: ALBERTSON AVENUE THE SHERIFF HEREBY RESERVES THE RIGHT TO ADJOURN THIS SALE WITHOUT FURTHER NOTICE THROUGH PUBLICATION. *Subject to any unpaid taxes, municipal liens or other charges, and any such taxes, charges, liens, insurance premiums or other advances made by plaintiff prior to this sale. All interested parties are to conduct and rely upon their own independent investigation to ascertain whether or not any outstanding interest remain of record and/or have priority over the lien being amount due thereon. **If the sale is set aside for any reason, the purchaser at the sale shall be entitled only to a return of the deposit paid. The purchaser shall have no further recourse against the Mortgagor, the Mortgagee or the Mortgagee's attorney. The judgement sought to be satisfied by the sale is:
SURPLUS MONEY: If after the sale and satisfaction of the mortgage debt, including costs and expenses, there remains any surplus money, the money will be deposited into the Superior Court Trust Fund and any person claiming the surplus, or any part thereof, may file a motion pursuant to Court Rules 4:64-3 and 4:57-2 stating the nature and extent of that person's claim and asking for an order directing payment of the surplus money. The Sheriff or other person conducting the sale will have information regarding the surplus, if any. Seized as the property of: JOHN C. PUHALSKI, ET AL, and taken in execution of QUEEN'S PARK OVAL ASSET HOLDING TRUST GILBERT L. "WHIP" WILSON SHERIFF Sheriff's Number: 17001522 Dated: 04/18/2017, 04/25/2017, 05/02/2017, 05/09/2017 PHELAN, HALLINAN DIAMOND & JONES P.C. 400 FELLOWSHIP ROAD, SUITE 100, MT LAUREL NJ 08054 $158.40
30 / ABRIL 26 - MAYO 3, 2017 / ALDÍ
SHERIFF’S SALE By virtue of a Writ of execution, to me directed, issued out of the SUPERIOR COURT OF NEW JERSEY CHANCERY DIVISION, CAMDEN COUNTY, DOCKET NO.F04464614 at Public Venue on WEDNESDAY the 3rd Day of MAY, 2017 A.D. at 12 o'clock, LOCAL TIME, noon of said day, at the SHERIFF'S OFFICE in the COURT HOUSE, 520 Market St., 2nd Floor, Suite 202, in City and County of Camden and State of New Jersey: Property to be sold is located in the Township of Winslow, County of Camden, State of New Jersey. Premises commonly known as: 4 PARK SIDE DRIVE, SICKLERVILLE, NJ 08081- 4224 Being Tax Lot: 41, Block: 1302.03 on the Official Tax Map of the Township of Winslow Dimensions approximately : 24.02FT X 110.55FT X 24.11FT X 112.32FT Nearest Cross Street: WILBY ROAD THE SHERIFF HEREBY RESERVES THE RIGHT TO ADJOURN THIS SALE WITHOUT FURTHER NOTICE THROUGH PUBLICATION. *Subject to any unpaid taxes, municipal liens or other charges, and any such taxes, charges, liens, insurance premiums or other advances made by plaintiff prior to this sale. All interested parties are to conduct and rely upon their own independent investigation to ascertain whether or not any outstanding interest remain of record and/or have priority over the lien being amount due thereon. **If the sale is set aside for any reason, the purchaser at the sale shall be entitled only to a return of the deposit paid. The purchaser shall have no further recourse against the Mortgagor, the Mortgagee or the Mortgagee's attorney. The judgement sought to be satisfied by the sale is:
SURPLUS MONEY: If after the sale and satisfaction of the mortgage debt, including costs and expenses, there remains any surplus money, the money will be deposited into the Superior Court Trust Fund and any person claiming the surplus, or any part thereof, may file a motion pursuant to Court Rules 4:64-3 and 4:57-2 stating the nature and extent of that person's claim and asking for an order directing payment of the surplus money. The Sheriff or other person conducting the sale will have information regarding the surplus, if any. Seized as the property of: THOMAS F. YANDELL, INDIVIDUALLY AND AS ADMINISTRATOR OF THE ESTATE OF PATRICIA R. RUTTER, DECEASED, ET AL, and taken in execution of U.S. BANK TRUST, N.A. GILBERT L. "WHIP" WILSON SHERIFF Sheriff's Number: 17001485 Dated: 04/11/2017, 04/18/2017, 04/25/2017, 05/02/2017 PHELAN, HALLINAN DIAMOND & JONES P.C. 400 FELLOWSHIP ROAD, SUITE 100 MT LAUREL NJ 08054 $167.04
SHERIFF’S SALE By virtue of a Writ of execution, to me directed, issued out of the SUPERIOR COURT OF NEW JERSEY CHANCERY DIVISION, CAMDEN COUNTY, DOCKET NO. F02250816 at Public Venue on WEDNESDAY the 3rd Day of MAY, 2017 A.D. at 12 o'clock, LOCAL TIME, noon of said day, at the SHERIFF'S OFFICE in the COURT HOUSE, 520 Market St., 2nd Floor, Suite 202, in City and County of Camden and State of New Jersey: Property to be sold is located in MUNICIPALITY OF LINDENWOLD BOROUGH, County of Camden, State of New Jersey. Premises commonly known as: 233 Countiss Avenue Being Tax Lot: 9 Block: 299.02 Dimensions approximately: 67.46 X 97.32' Nearest Cross Street: S Winthrop Avenue SUPERIOR INTERESTS (if any): all unpaid municipal taxes, assessments and liens; Any set of facts which an accurate survey would disclose; any restrictions or covenants on record which run with the land; Rights of the United States of America; if any; Any Condominium lien priority, if any; any outstanding PUD of Homeowner's Associations dues or fees, if any; additional municipal charges, liens, taxes or tax sale certificates and insurance, if any. LINDENWOLD BORO-TAXES-QTR2 2017 holds a claim for taxes due and/or other municipal utilities such as water and/or sewer in the amount of $1,271.02 as of 02/23/2017 LINDENWOLD BORO-SEWER ACCT# 4317 holds a claim for taxes due and/or other municipal utilities such as water and/or sewer in the amount of $70.32 as of 02/23/2017 CCMUA-ACCT # 220044531 holds a claim for taxes due and/ or other municipal utilities such as water and/or sewer in the amount of $87.30 as of 02/23/2017 THE SHERIFF HEREBY RESERVES THE RIGHT TO ADJOURN THIS SALE WITHOUT FURTHER NOTICE THROUGH PUBLICATION. The judgement sought to be satisfied by the sale is:
SURPLUS MONEY: If after the sale and satisfaction of the mortgage debt, including costs and expenses, there remains any surplus money, the money will be deposited into the Superior Court Trust Fund and any person claiming the surplus, or any part thereof, may file a motion pursuant to Court Rules 4:64-3 and 4:57-2 stating the nature and extent of that person's claim and asking for an order directing payment of the surplus money. The Sheriff or other person conducting the sale will have information regarding the surplus, if any. Seized as the property of: ROBERT W. AYERS, ET AL, and taken in execution of PENNYMAC LOAN SERVICES LLC GILBERT L. "WHIP" WILSON SHERIFF Sheriff's Number: 17001413 Dated: 04/11/2017, 04/18/2017, 04/25/2017, 05/02/2017 POWERS KIRN LLC 728 MARNE HIGHWAY, SUITE 200 MOORESTOWN, NJ 08057 $169.92
SHERIFF’S SALE By virtue of a Writ of execution, to me directed, issued out of the SUPERIOR COURT OF NEW JERSEY CHANCERY DIVISION, CAMDEN COUNTY, DOCKET NO. F00332813 at Public Venue on WEDNESDAY the 10th Day of MAY, 2017 A.D. at 12 o'clock, LOCAL TIME, noon of said day, at the SHERIFF'S OFFICE in the COURT HOUSE, 520 Market St., 2nd Floor, Suite 202, in City and County of Camden and State of New Jersey: Property to be sold is located in the CITY OF CAMDEN, County of Camden, State of New Jersey. Premises commonly known as: 429 PINE STREET, CAMDEN, NJ 08103-2005 Being Tax Lot: 24, Block: 283 FKA 387 on the Official Tax Map of the CITY OF CAMDEN Dimensions approximately: 21FT X 100FT Nearest Cross Street: FIFTH STREET THE SHERIFF HEREBY RESERVES THE RIGHT TO ADJOURN THIS SALE WITHOUT FURTHER NOTICE THROUGH PUBLICATION. *Subject to any unpaid taxes, municipal liens or other charges, and any such taxes, charges, liens, insurance premiums or other advances made by plaintiff prior to this sale. All interested parties are to conduct and rely upon their own independent investigation to ascertain whether or not any outstanding interest remain of record and/or have priority over the lien being amount due thereon. **If the sale is set aside for any reason, the purchaser at the sale shall be entitled only to a return of the deposit paid. The purchaser shall have no further recourse against the Mortgagor, the Mortgagee or the Mortgagee's attorney. The judgement sought to be satisfied by the sale is:
SURPLUS MONEY: If after the sale and satisfaction of the mortgage debt, including costs and expenses, there remains any surplus money, the money will be deposited into the Superior Court Trust Fund and any person claiming the surplus, or any part thereof, may file a motion pursuant to Court Rules 4:64-3 and 4:57-2 stating the nature and extent of that person's claim and asking for an order directing payment of the surplus money. The Sheriff or other person conducting the sale will have information regarding the surplus, if any. Seized as the property of: KALLINA S. SLATER, ET AL, and taken in execution of QUEEN'S PARK OVAL ASSET HOLDING TRUST GILBERT L. "WHIP" WILSON SHERIFF Sheriff's Number: 17001614 Dated: 04/18/2017, 04/25/2017, 05/02/2017, 05/09/2017 PHELAN, HALLINAN DIAMOND & JONES P.C. 400 FELLOWSHIP ROAD, SUITE 100, MT LAUREL NJ 08054 $155.52
PARROQUIA LA MILAGROSA, EN LA CALLE SPRING GARDEN, MEDIADOS DE LOS AÑOS 70 HACE CASI 40 años la parroquia de La Milagrosa, cerrada en junio del 2013, era también escenario de un festival de herencia hispana que reunía a comunidades puertorriqueña, colombiana, argentina, mexicana, cubana y española de Filadelfia.
Fotos: Archivo AL DÍA News
ELIJA el plan Medicare que se preocupa por usted. Si cuenta con Medicare y Medicaid, únase al plan que lo trata como un V.I.P. Para obtener información sobre Keystone VIP Choice y otras opciones para su atención médica, llame al 1-855-241-3648 (TTY 711), de 8 a. m. a 8 p. m., los 7 días de la semana. Keystone VIP Choice es un plan de salud que contrata con Medicare y Medicaid de Pennsylvania para ofrecerle a los inscritos los beneficios de ambos programas. Nos encontramos en los condados de Bucks, Chester, Delaware, Montgomery y Philadelphia.
1-855-241-3648 (TTY 711)
de 8 a. m. a 8 p. m., los 7 días de la semana
Keystone VIP Choice es un plan HMO-SNP con un contrato de Medicare y un contrato con el programa Medicaid de Pennsylvania. La inscripción en Keystone VIP Choice depende de la renovación del contrato. Este plan está disponible para cualquier persona que cuente tanto con Asistencia Médica del Estado y Medicare.
LOS IMPUESTOS ATRASADOS ESTÁN AHÍ CUANDO USTED SE DESPIERTA Sus impuestos atrasados siempre lo persiguen. Afortunadamente, el Pennsylvania Department of Revenue puede ayudarlo. Gracias a una amnistía tributaria, al pagar sus impuestos atrasados nosotros le perdonaremos todas las multas y la mitad de los intereses. Usted puede pagar sus impuestos atrasados, y así disfrutar sus mañanas tranquilo. Esta oportunidad es por tiempo limitado.
Solicítela en (sitio web en inglés) antes del 19 de junio. 1-844-727-8283
Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. Pagado con los aportes de los contribuyentes del estado de Pennsylvania.
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