AL DÍA NEWS December 30, 2015 - January 6, 2016

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DIC. 30, 2015 - ENE. 6, 2016 | VOL XXIV NO. 14






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NO SE PUEDE USAR CON DOORBUSTERS N OFERTAS DEL D A EXCLUYE: ofertas del día, doorbusters doorbusters,, especiales de todos los días (EDV), especiales, súper compras, cosméticos/fragancias, artículos eléctricos/electrónicos, muebles, colchones, alfombras. También excluye: ropa, calzado y accesorios atléticos, mercancía de los Dallas Cowboys, tarjetas de regalo, Jack Spade, exhibiciones de joyería, Kate Spade, mercancía y locales Macy’s Backstage, New Era, Nike on Field, The North Face, compras previas, relojes Samsung, ciertos departamentos arrendados, servicios, pedidos especiales, compras especiales, Tumi. No puede combinarse con nninguna nguna ootraa ooferta e a de pa pase/cupón, e cupón de descuento cuen o ad adicional c ona u ooferta e a ccrediticia ed c a excep exceptoo aal ab abrir una nueva cuen cuentaa Macy Macy’s. Lo Los dó dólares a e de de descuentos cuen o see ddistribuyen buyen como de descuentos cuen o po por cada aartículos cu o e eg b e a y como e mue a en e ec bo E devo ve un a cu o e m na á e de cuen o a gnado a e e a cu o E e cupón no ene va o como e ec vo y no e puede can ea po e ec vo u a e pa a comp a a e a de ega o o u a e como pago o c éd o a u cuen a La comp a debe e de $25 o de $50 o má n nc u ca go po mpue o y en ega

LOS PRECIOS DE LA VENTA DE UN DÍA ESTARÁN VIGENTES EL 1 Y 2 DE ENERO DE 2016, EXCEPTO SEGÚN LO INDICADO. ABRE UNA CUENTA MACY’S Y RECIBE 20% DE DESCUENTO EXTRA LOS 2 PRIMEROS DÍAS, HASTA $100, Y VENDRÁN MÁS PREMIOS. La tarjeta de crédito Macy’s está disponible condicionada a aprobación de crédito; los descuentos para nuevos titulares son válidos en el día en que se abre la cuenta y al siguiente; excluye servicios, ciertos departamentos arrendados, tarjetas de regalo, restaurantes, comida gourmet y vino. Hay un límite de $100 en los descuentos para nuevas cuentas; la aplicación debe ser aprobada al momento para recibir los descuentos extras; los empleados de Macy’s no pueden participar.

4 » DICIEMBRE 30, 2015 - ENERO 6, 2016 » ALDÍ


HERNÁN GUARACAO Editor & Publisher Twitter: @ALDIACEO

SABRINA VOURVOULIAS Managing Editor Twitter@followthelede

Twitter: @ALDIAnews

MARCOS YESID VARGAS Director of Creative Twitter: @YesidVargas

Cartas al lector:


2015: For every step forward, we took two back


015 has been a strange year. Early it promised to be a game-changing year for Latinos nationally, with the planned February roll out of the extended Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) and the two-year protection from deportation for some of the undocumented parents of U.S. citizen children stipulated by President Obama in his executive action of November 2014. But in February, 26 states filed a lawsuit that prevented the action from taking effect. We were in rooms filled with undocumented immigrants — some who would benefit, some who would not — when the executive action was announced and the effect was visible: bodies that have lived tensed from the constant fear that decades-long (if not permanent) separation from loved ones could happen at any moment, relaxed. There were some tears, and there was hope for lives that might now be lived out of the shadows, that might be lived more openly and find fuller realization . For us as well, there was a glimpse of a better future — one in which immigration would cease to be so central to our journalism (and so relentlessly filled with infuriating, tragic and sad stories of families torn apart and people excoriated for their dreams of better lives) and that we might find ourselves focusing on other aspects of the Latino experience in the United States. But, if anything, the February lawsuit portended a worsening situation for undocumented immigrants in the nation and locally. In June, Donald Trump announced his candidacy for president of the United States with a speech that openly slandered and maligned Mexicans and Mexican immigrants as rapists and criminals. When there was clapback, Trump redoubled his attack and extended his comments to include other Latin American and Middle-Eastern immigrants in the calumny. In November, Philadelphia Mayor Michael Nutter called immigration advocacy organiza-

IN NOVEMBER MAYOR Michael Nutter proposed to change the city’s policy about ICE-holds. For a month-by-month look at some of 2015’s most important stories, go to page 5-7 of this issue. tions to a closed-door meeting to let them know he’d be modifying the executive order he signed in April of 2014, limiting the local police’s collaboration with ICE. The tenuous trust his executive action had fostered in Philadelphia’s undocumented community was shattered by the notice, and despite the pleas from the Philadelphia Immigrant and Citizenship Coalition, New Sanctuary Movement of Philadelphia, Juntos, One Love Movement and Victim/Witness Services of South Philadelphia, the changes were put in place several days before Christmas. Even more terribly, on Dec. 23, the Washington Post revealed that the Department of Homeland Security, led by Secretary Jeh Johnson, was set to unveil raids to detain and immediately deport Central American mothers and children who had crossed the border seeking refuge from situations of extreme violence. So, in immigration, 2015 saw the one step forward checked, and then many steps taken backward. In less dramatic fashion, other Latino issues and concerns

showed promise in early 2015 that didn’t see fulfillment. In mid January, the race for a Democratic candidate for mayor of Philadelphia consisted of two extremely qualified Latino candidates out of the total of four who had declared. It was a heady but shortlived moment. By the end of January we were down to one Latino candidate and the clear realization that neither the Democratic machine nor the city’s most storied media organizations were going to treat Nelson Díaz on par with the non-Latino candidates. Come May, the primaries were a blow-out — with Jim Kenney winning many of the Latino wards. Nevertheless, Díaz’s candidacy was historic for the Latino community of Philadelphia, and perhaps a bit of a wake-up call for the powers that be in the city. There will undoubtedly be another Latino candidate in the near future, and whatever challenges he or she will have to face, the groundwork has already been laid. Likewise with the national election, the fact that the two Latino candidates from the Republican Party

have performed as strongly as they have to date is groundbreaking. Their success is bittersweet to many of us, since their policy proposals and approach — particularly with regard to immigration, but also to healthcare and education — don’t dovetail with that of the majority of Latinos in the nation. Still, their visibility and their accomplishments open the way for more Latinos to credibly aspire to the highest political office in the country. There are no Latinos among the Democratic presidential candidates but this year we have seen acknowledgement of the growing Latino voter juggernaut in the speed and vehemence with which Martin O’Malley and Bernie Sanders decried the DHS raids on Central American immigrants shortly after the Washington Post’s article was published. While Hillary Clinton has been much more reticent and unofficial in her response to that, and while other efforts to connect with the Latino voter this year have seriously backfired (both Ricky Martin’s statement that she has the “heart of a Latina” and her campaign’s “7 ways Hillary Clinton is like your abuela” have been thoroughly drubbed by Latinos), she got Dolores Huerta’s endorsement, and the legendary labor leader’s proxy gravitas on her side. She also got Julian Castro’s endorsement, but almost more importantly, she got his proxy political promise: it seems possible that the Mexican-American HUD secretary could become her running mate. So as 2015 comes to a close, we look ahead to a 2016 in which many of the problems and challenges we hoped to see resolved have not advanced at all. We see some — like Trump stoking antiMexican, anti-Latino and antiimmigrant bias — that have escalated to pressing concern. And we see possibility, and opening, and reasons to hope. What will 2016 bring? We go on the record with a slightly modified quote from Bette Davis in a classic movie of Hollywood’s Golden Age: “Fasten your seatbelts, 2016 is going to be a bumpy year.”

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LA CONTIENDA PARA el candidato demócrata a la alcaldía de Filadelfia, comenzó a mediados de enero con dos candidatos latinos, y al final de enero quedaba uno: Nelson Díaz. A pesar de que no ganó las primarias, Díaz abrió paso para candidatos latinos en el futuro.

DESPUÉS DE LA acción ejecutiva del presidente Obama —que hubiese ampliado DACA y dado alivio de deportación a algunos padres indocumentados de niños ciudadanos— una coalición de estados mayormente republicanos presentó una demanda para bloquear la acción.

Empieza una primaria histórica

Estados bloquean la acción ejecutiva de Obama




Philly entrepreneur Nicole Marquis talks vegan fast food

Politics, Philadelphia-style




‘Missing is worse than dead’: Cold cases that don’t make the headlines

Councilwoman Quiñones: ‘The only incumbent the Democratic party never supports’






LA INVESTIGACIÓN DEL Departamento de Justicia del Departamento de Policía de Filadelfia mostró que el departamento ha tenido cerca de 400 incidentes de tiroteos mortales con intervención policial entre 2007 y 2013.

LA CONTIENDA POR el cargo de concejal se puso fea. La página de facebook del candidato Manny Morales resultó llena de comentarios homófobicos, anti-inmigrantes y racistas. Él afirmó que fueron plantados por su contrincante, pero su respuesta no convenció a los votantes.

EL 12 DE mayo de 2015, un tren de Amtrak de Washington, DC con destino a la ciudad de Nueva York se descarriló y se estrelló en la zona de Port Richmond en Filadelfia. Ocho personas murieron y 200 resultaron heridas.




DOJ presenta informe sobre policía

Escándalo sacude el Distrito Siete

Terrible accidente de Amtrak




The race for the sheriff’s office and why it matters

The hard data on gentrification and displacement in Philly



Waking up to the crisis in Puerto Rico


Latinas at the top

Reports of voting machines down, voter fraud ... House Democrats to DHS: Immigrant children should not be put in jail-like facilities

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Un nuevo día para los EE.UU. y Cuba DESPUÉS DE CINCO décadas, los Estados Unidos reanuda relaciones diplomáticas con Cuba. Uno de los elementos clave de la nueva política de Estados Unidos incluyó el restablecimiento de una embajada de Estados Unidos en La Habana.



Trump insulta a los mexicanos e inmigrantes CUANDO DONALD TRUMP hizo comentarios insultantes sobre los mexicanos durante el anuncio de su candidatura presidencial, probablemente no previó el bochinche que seguiría. Pero le agregó vinagre a la herida cuando amplió sus comentarios para abarcar todos los inmigrantes latinoamericanos.


Tribunal Supremo legaliza el matrimonio entre personas del mismo sexo

The ‘Not New York Times’ summer reading list


Texas violates 14th Amendment L0 MAS LEÍDO EN ALDIANEWS.COM

¿Cuántos latinos han muerto a manos de la policía en 2015?


EN AGOSTO, AL DÍA comenzó un blog roll haciendo seguimiento de todas las muertes de latinos desarmados a manos de la policía, a nivel nacional. En ese momento era 105 el número latinos muertos...


Local animal shelters waive adoption fees Juarez becomes subject of Documentary Now!



El papa Francisco llega a Filadelfia


The difference between Hispanic, Latino and Spanish



LA CORTE SUPREMA de Estados Unidos falló el 26 de junio en favor del derecho al matrimonio —a nivel nacional— entre personas del mismo sexo. Tras el fallo, los estados deben reconocer las uniones realizadas en otros estados.



For property owners, PHA’s eminent domain could be an imminent loss

LA VISITA HISTÓRICA del Papa Francisco a Filadelfia incluyó discursos públicos, un discurso sobre la inmigración y la libertad religiosa, una celebración con música de Juanes y Andrea Bocelli, y una Misa con medio millon de feligreses en el Benjamin Franklin


21 photos of the Pope’s powerful visit to Philly prison EL PAPA EN PHILLY

Meet the displaced street vendors who won’t profit from Pope’s visit


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UN GRUPO DE legisladores de Filadelfia y Pensilvania se unieron con legisladores nacionales para pedir ayuda financiera para Puerto Rico, cuya crisis de deuda en octubre alcanzó un punto crítico.

CON TAN SÓLO seis semanas restantes en su cargo de alcalde, Michael Nutter propuso reducir las protecciones que ofrece la ciudad de Filadelfia a los inmigrantes indocumentados.

LA AGENCIA DE Inmigración y Control de Aduanas tiene la intención de reunir a miles de familias inmigrantes que han entrado ilegalmente en el país desde el comienzo del año pasado y deportarlos, según informa the Washington Post.




Puerto Rico en crisis financiera

Nutter propone cambios ‘ICE holds’

DHS/ICE planea redadas de inmigrantes




PABJ requests resignation of Philly Mag editor

Philly elects a Latina millennial as judge

Pig’s head thrown at N. Philadelphia mosque




The rise of the Latino corporate leader

Latinos on boards: 2015 annual report

Trump calls Nutter ‘a crude dope’


¡MÁS GRANDE Y MEJOR QUE NUNCA! 3.500 TRAGAMONEDAS • 120 MESAS • 80 POKER ¡Eche un vistazo a nuestra nueva sala de juego ampliada llena de 700 de las mejores y novedosas tragamonedas y juegos innovadores de mesa de acción en vivo que ofrecen $5 y $10 mínimos! ¡Además la totalmente renovada tienda de regalos y la elegante nueva Xlounge muy pronto!


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PORTADA Donna Allie pasó de limpiar casas a fundar una de las compañías minoritarias más grandes de la región. ANA GAMBOA unque a muchos les parezca inusual que el logotipo de una compañía de conserjes sea la imagen de una rosa, la fundadora y presidenta de Team Clean Inc. Donna Allie se ha rehusado a cambiarlo por algo más relacionado a la industria de la limpieza. La rosa le recuerda a los días en los que ella inicio limpiando casas en el área de Bryn Mawr. En aquella época llego a cobrar tan solo $10 por todo un día de trabajo, pero aun así se le ocurrió dejar una rosa en cada una de las casas en las que trabajo como símbolo de distinción y de amor por el servicio. Tres décadas después, Allie ha forjado una compañía que provee empleo a personas, que como alguna vez fue su caso, necesitan una oportunidad para salir adelante. “Muy pronto en mi experienca me di cuenta que esta es mi misión de vida”, dijo Allie. “La clave para ser un negociante exitoso es querer mucho más a la gente por encima de las ganancias, aunque estoy segura que varios estarán en desacuerdo al respecto”. Con 800 empleados activos y ventas anuales de $18 millones, Allie lidera uno de los negocios minoritarios más grandes de la región. Actualmente la compañía provee personal de limpieza a algunas de las instituciones más importantes de la ciudad incluyendo el City Hall de Filadelfia, el Centro de Convenciones de Pensilvania, el National Constitution Center, The Barnes Foundation, la Academia de Música en Filadelfia y estaciones de la Policía local.




$18 MILLONES Yesid Vargas/AL DÍA


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DONNA | Viene de 8

Ahora tiene entre sus metas diversificar su fuerza laboral para que esta “se vea como se ve Filadelfia”, dijo Allie. “Nuestra meta de crecimiento se enfoca no en el dinero sino en la gente. Queremos crear 3.000 empleos en los próximos cuatro años”. Y dado el historial de su carrera, mayor expansión y ganancias son bastante posibles en un futuro cercano.

Después comenzó a reclutar a jóvenes inmigrantes de Liberia y a mujeres latinas del norte de Filadelfia. “Podía ver cuanta satisfacción les daba poder trabajar y tener esa seguridad. Sabiendo de dónde había venido yo, me dio mucha dicha verlas recibir su paga al final del día”, dijo Allie. “Yo no tenía ni idea que tenía en mi poder un negocio, para nosotros era solo una forma de ganar dinero”. Con un sistema basado en control de calidad, en tres o cuatro años el equipo tenía una 55 casas a las que prestaba servicio.

Una primera oportunidad limpiando casas El camino profesional de Allie no siempre apuntó hacia el espíritu empresarial. A pesar de ser la primera persona de su familia en graduarse de la universidad, al culminar su licenciatura en sociología y rehabilitación vocacional en la Universidad de Wilberforce (Ohio), estaba lejos de figurarse como la líder y empresaria que es hoy en día. Tras el termino de sus estudios universitarios sus planes cambiaron drásticamente al convertirse en madre soltera. Fue entonces que decidió regresar a su región natal en el área de Bryn Mawr, localizada en el condado Delaware, en busca de trabajo. “Sin ningún tipo de experiencia nadie me quería contratar y al ser madre soltera terminé en asistencia pública”, dijo Allie. “No tenía absolutamente nada. Esta fue una experiencia de mucha humildad para mí”. Aun así estaba decidida a proveer para su hija y después de acompañar a una amiga a un trabajo de limpieza se dio cuenta del potencial monetario en la limpieza de casas. “Puse un anuncio de clasificados en el periódico local con el titular ‘Limpiaré su casa‘ y luego de un tiempo recibí la llamada que me dio esa primera oportunidad”, dijo Allie. Esa primer casa que limpió le dejo una experiencia un tanto decepcionante pero también una buena lección, al recibir escasos $10 por nueve horas de trabajo. “Al final del día la mujer que me contrató me preguntó cuánto me debía”, dijo Allie. “Le dije que no tenía idea así que me pagó lo que ella pensaba que me debía.

El primer gran salto fue en un estadio

DONNA ALLIE, FUNDADORA y presidenta de Team Clean inc., tiene como meta crear 3.000 empleos en los próximo cuatro años para crear una mayor expansión de oportunidades. Yesid Vargas/AL DÍA

Tomé el dinero porque al menos eran $10 más de los que tenía el día anterior”. A pesar de que salió maldiciendo al termino de su primer día, una semana después fue contratada nuevamente por la misma mu-

jer, pero está vez Allie supobien cuánto le debía al final del día. “Le respondí que $50 dólares por mi día de trabajo. Ahora ya tenía $50 por todo un día de trabajo”, dijo Allie. Pronto se corrió la voz so-

bre la calidad de sus servicios y en poco tiempo Allie tenía a su disposición más casas de las que podía limpiar. Fue así como también involucró a su madre y familiares en lo que comenzaba a formarse en un equipo de trabajo.

Allie tomó su primer contrato comercial en 1985, limpiando el Upper Main Line (YMCA), concentrándose en la limpieza de oficinas en un campus de 50 acres. Pero su salto a las grandes ligas se dio a finales de la década de los ochenta cuando Harry Stevens, un proveedor de servicios profesionales, le ofreció contratarla para cubrir los servicios del entonces Veterans Stadium, complejo deportivo que tuvo capacidad para más de 65.000 personas, y que fuera demolido en el 2014. “No tengo la menor idea qué fue lo que me llevó a decir que si. Se requería por los menos 150 empleados al día para limpiar el estadio, y yo apenas contaba con tres afroamericanas, dos latinas, mi madre y mi prima”, dijo Allie. Lo que siguió fue la contratación de nuevos trabajadores desde la casa de una de sus empleadas para suplir la demanda y un contrato por $250.000 dólares. A este contrato siguió la limpieza en Shea Stadium y Oriole Park en Camden Yards. Y ¿cómo se logra tremendo salto? “Solo hazlo y después aprendes cómo hacerlo. Ser negociante es algo aterrador, tienes el sustento de varios dependiendo de ti”, dijo Allie. “La fe es la substancia de las cosas que se esperan y que aun no son una realidad. Yo jamás me vi a mi misma donde estoy ahora. Hay que afrontar los miedos, hacer tu tarea y exponer-


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DONNA | Viene de 9

te”, agregó.

Activa en la comunidad con un enfoque social Sin un plan de negocios y sin saber exactamente qué hacer, Allie siguió el consejo de una amiga y se inscribió en un programa diseñado para compañías desarrolladas por mujeres de minorías, lo que le permitó registrar la compañía. “Al ser parte de una minoría sabemos que es más difícil para nosotros crecer. Formo parte de mi propio grupo dentro de las distintas cámaras de comercio”, dijo Allie. “No diría que te tratan de forma diferente, solo que tienes que saber cuál es tu lugar dentro de estas cámaras”. Una de las cuestiones que le permitió crecer y adquirir habilidades empresariales fue unirse al Philadelphia Rotary Club y a la Cámara de Comercio de Filadelfia y a la Cámara de Comercio Afroamericana. “Siempre me rodeé de gente que supiera más que yo”, dijo Allie. Ha sido una miembro activa de varios programas en el centro The Wharton Small Business Development Center, entre ellos el programa ejecutivo “Loyola Ad-

EPI ESTERMERA-ALLIE, COORDINADORA de contratación y retención en Clean Team Inc., junto a Donna Allie, fundadora de la compañía. Yesid Vargas/AL DÍA vanced Minority Business Executive Program”. En el 2001 fue seleccionada por la Administración de Pequeños Negocios de Estados Unidos como la empresaria del año en negocios minoritarios. También ha sido reconocida varias veces por Philadelphia Business Journal, incluyendo en 2007 y 2008 como el negocio minoritario número uno, y en 2014 como una de las CEO más reconocidas del año.

¡Espere en julio!

“La fe es la substancia de las cosas que se esperan y que aun no son una realidad. Hay que afrontar los miedos, hacer tu tarea y exponerte” Donna Allie Fundadora y presidenta de Clean Team Inc.

Pero a pesar de que la lista de reconocimientos sigue, Allie tiene en claro que su carrera como empresaria no se trata de ella. Recordó la época en la que limpió Veterans Stadium y reclutó a personas en Love Park para darles un empleo. “Siempre hemos sido responsables socialmente. Poder dar una oportunidad a personas que han cometido errores, como a ex delincuentes, siempre ha sido una pasión mía y quisiera que

más empresarios tomarán esto más seriamente”, agregó. Aunque constantemente se pregunta a si misma si está liderando de la manera correcta, se considera una líder natural que enseña la lección dando el ejemplo. “Hasta el día de hoy le tengo miedo al fracaso. Pero mi experiencia me ha enseñado a jamás darme por vencida y que la más grande recompensa es poder ser la dueña de tus propios frutos”, concluyó.

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DICIEMBRE 30, 2015 - ENERO 6, 2016 « AL DÍA « LA CULTURA « 11


Kenty Love se abre paso como solista ARTURO VARELA Juan Carlos Burgos Torres, bajista y compositor de la banda Herostreet, mejor conocido por su apodo y nombre artístico Kenty Love, habló con AL DÍA News sobre su nuevo sencillo “Dime (Quiero Fiesta)”, con el cual se dispone a abrirse paso como solista. Para Kenty formar parte de Herostreet (banda anteriormente conocida como “Rico”), le ha dado la oportunidad de darse a conocer en el area triestatal, además de salir de gira por Colombia, México y Perú; y abrir conciertos para bandas como Jarabe de Palo, Los Amigos Invisibles, Cabas, Superlitio e Inspector, entre otros. Pero lo más importante para él, es la amistad con sus compañeros de banda a quienes considera tanto mentores como hermanos. Si bien Kenty continua formando parte de Herostreet, con este proyecto como solista busca satisfacer su inquietud como vocalista. “Me estoy retando a mi mismo y conquistando el miedo para ver hasta donde puedo llegar solo, y expresar lo que yo siento para inspirar a otros”, dijo Kenty. Su forma de ver la vida de una manera positiva queda reflejada en su primer sencillo “Dime (Quiero Fiesta)”, una canción en “Spanglish” con una fusión de ritmos latinos, electrónicos y rock, compuesta

con frases pegajosas y favoritas del mismo Kenty. “Estoy experimentando e intentando crear un sonido diferente… mi propia identidad”, dijo el músico que tradicionalmente se ha desempeñado en la escena del rock en español. La canción fue producida por Brahm Genzlinger, de Somewhere South Studios en Filadelfia, y cuenta con la participación de Edwin “Papo Buda” Rosado, percusionista de la banda “De Tierra Caliente”, así como de Cecilia Huesca en coros. “Dime (Quiero Fiesta)”, disponible en Soundcloud ( es el primer sencillo de varios que Kenty lanzará gradualmente y que eventualmente formarán parte de un álbum titulado “Tú”, el cual contará con una variedad de ritmos y cantantes invitados. Kenty nació en Puerto Rico y se mudo a Filadelfia hace más de 20 años. De pequeño solía llevar serenatas junto a una agrupación de amigos, la cual se llamaban R.A.R.B.T.A. En sus años de secundaria, formó parte de Los Muchachitos del Merengue, Philatinos y la Orquesta de Anthony Colón, interpretando géneros tropicales. Además, es cofundador de las bandas Makiaveliko, Kandela, Tribal Scream, Herostreet, Los Amigos J.A.K.E. y Philly All-Stars. Todas ellas bandas latinas de rock alternativo y progresivo.

¡Espere en julio!

“ME ESTOY RETANDO a mi mismo y conquistando el miedo para ver hasta donde puedo llegar solo, y expresar lo que yo siento para inspirar a otros”, dijo Kenty Love. Yesid Vargas / AL DÍA News

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12 » LA CULTURA » AL DÍA » DICIEMBRE 30, 2015 - ENERO 6, 2016 » ALDÍ


Supera los 1.000 millones de dólares en taquilla EFE

“Star Wars: The Force Awakens”, la séptima entrega de la saga de ciencia-ficción ideada por George Lucas, alcanzó superar los 1.000 millones de dólares en taquilla en apenas doce días, anunció Disney. De este modo, la nueva película galáctica supera a “Jurassic World”, de Universal, que necesitó un día más para recaudar esta cifra. Solo en EE.UU., la nueva cinta de la saga de “Star Wars” ha logrado más de 540 millones en taquilla, y en solo diez días se convirtió en la quinta película más exitosa en la historia de EE.UU. También ha registrado un gran éxito en el extranjero, con

más de 546 millones de dólares en los cines de Reino Unido, Francia o Alemania, entre otros. Pero Disney ya ha advertido que la cifra puede ser aún mayor ya que resta que “Star Wars: The Force Awakens” se estrene en el segundo mayor mercado del mundo, China, donde podrá ver desde el próximo 9 de enero. El filme, dirigido por J.J. Abrams y que recupera a actores de la primera trilogía como Mark Hamill, Carrie Fisher o Harrison Ford, introduce en el universo de “Star Wars” a los intérpretes Daisy Ridley, John Boyega, Adam Driver y Oscar Isaac, en una trama que sucede unos treinta años después de la historia de “Return of the Jedi”.

Dr. Luis Antonio Lugo,DMD

LOS FANS DE la franquicia de “Star Wars” participan en una batalla con sables en Washington Square Park en Nueva York el 18 de diciembre. La secuela, ‘Star Wars: The Force Awakens’ abrío ese fin de semana. EFE

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Fallece Meadowlark Lemon, mítico componente de los Harlem Globetrotters

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Meadowlark Lemon, uno de los más conocidos componentes de los Harlem Globetrotters, falleció este domingo a los 83 años de edad, informaron medios que citan fuentes familiares. Lemon pasó a formar parte de los Harlem Globetrotters en 1955 y tras 22 años en la popular formación de filigranas baloncestistas se convirtió en una de las figuras más conocidas de estos genios afroamericanos de la cancha. Meadowlark, cuyo nombre real era Meadow Lemon III, nació en Carolina del Norte en una familia humilde en el Estados Unidos segregacionista. Gracias al baloncesto, Lemon consiguió una beca para estudiar en Florida A&M y fue elegido para seguir su carrera en la cancha con el Ejército estadounidense. En 1955, cuando Lemon fue aceptado para viajar en partidos de exhibición con los Globetrotters, compuesto solo por miembros de raza negra, aún era una rareza ver afroamericanos en la cancha. Lemon abandonó los Globetrotters en 1978.

Larry Pitt

DICIEMBRE 30, 2015 - ENERO 6, 2016 « AL DÍA « LA CULTURA « 13


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Taller Puertorriqueño celebra el Día de los Reyes Magos Como cada año el principal centro cultural de la comunidad latina del norte de Filadelfia llevará a cabo una tradicional celebración del Día de los Reyes Magos, la cual incluirá una presentación teatral y musical, sorpresas para los niños, y un desfile con los Reyes Magos. Quienes deseen ayudar a los pequeños más necesitados, pueden donar juguetes a partir de ahora y hasta el día de la celebración el 6 de enero. • Taller Puertorriqueño, 2721 N 5th St. • 11:00 a.m. •


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La idea de que los miembros del San Mateo Carnavalero se unieran al tradicional desfile de los Mummers no había sido más que una sugerencia de AL DÍA News. Los carnavaleros tienen una tradición en la comunidad mexicana del sur de Filadelfia pero hasta hace poco jamás se habían conectado con otros desfiles en la ciudad. Pero eso está a punto de cambiar. Este viernes primero de diciembre, los carnavaleros abrirán el desfile de los Mummers. Por si eso fuera poco, este año el desfile también contará con la participación de un grupo musical de bomba y plena con un toque de reggaeton. El desfile inicia en City Hall a las 9:00 a.m. Para más detales, visite



‘San Mateo Carnavalero’ abrirá desfile de Mummers

• DELAWARE COUNTY 28 South Lansdowne Ave. Lansdowne, PA 19050 • BERKS COUNTY 541 Court St., Reading, PA.



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14 » ESTADOS UNIDOS » AL DÍA » DICIEMBRE 30, 2015 - ENERO 6, 2016

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Escolares reflexionan sobre histórico caso judicial EFE

Varias décadas después, el caso judicial Méndez v. Westminster School District, que abolió la discriminación racial en el Condado Orange, California, sigue inspirando a jóvenes escolares de la escuela secundaria Felicitas and Gonzalo Méndez, en Boyle Heights, un área de mayoría hispana. Varios estudiantes de este centro, en su mayoría hispanos, presentaron recientemente la antología “We Are Alive When We Speak For Justice”, en torno a la famosa querella colectiva interpuesta por cinco familias mexicanas que motivó que una corte federal dictaminará en 1947 la inconstitucionalidad de segregar a mexicanos y mexicoamericanos dentro de la red de escuelas públicas. “El abanico de historias es muy amplio, porque queríamos que los estudiantes tomaran el control de los relatos que iban a

escribir”, aseguró Emilie Coulson, coeditora de la obra y miembro de 826LA, una organización que participó en la publicación de la antología. Coulson explicó que en el libro se entremezclan historias con una narrativa de ficción, así como entrevistas a activistas y líderes de derechos humanos como Miguel Roura, Laura Urias y Bobby Verdugo, que en 1968 participaron en las protestas estudiantiles en el Este de Los Ángeles a favor de una reforma educativa. Coulson puso de relieve el trabajo del alumno Robert Bustos, que entrevistó a dos hombres que eran estudiantes durante las protestas y años después acabaron siendo profesores en el instituto Méndez. “Es conmovedor que, a la edad de Bustos, estos muchachos lideraran una revolución”, señaló. Otros relatos narran la evolu-

ción y escollos del caso Méndez en los tribunales de justicia, y no faltan los casos de estudiantes que han compartido testimonios de la discriminación, el racismo y la falta de oportunidades académicas que han experimentado en Estados Unidos. Entre éstas, Coulson destacó una pieza redactada por la estudiante Joana Ávila, en la que trazaba paralelismos entre su experiencia como estudiante en Méndez y la que vivieron otros escolares y profesores a finales de los años cuarenta. En la presentación de la antología, sobre la cual se hizo recientemente una lectura en la Universidad Estatal de California, participó Sylvia Méndez, hija de los principales querellantes Felicitas y Gonzalo Méndez, y quien apenas tenía ocho años cuando su admisión en la Escuela Primaria Westminster fue denegada, lo que disparó el caso judicial.






El nuevo film de Spike Lee fue una oportunidad perdida


l nuevo film de Spike Lee, “ChiRaq”, no es el lugar adecuado para buscar las respuestas a nuestro dilema de cómo sofocar la violencia provocada por las armas de fuego en Chicago. Era de esperarse—ningún cineasta de Hollywood debe llevar la carga de que se espere que solucione los males de nuestra sociedad. Pero ¿colocarlos en un contexto mayor—quizás hasta crear una obra de arte y un espectáculo que otorguen una nueva vitalidad a una conversación vieja y aun no resuelta? Bueno, ésa también demostró ser una intención demasiado elevada. “Chi-Raq” sólo arrastra a los espectadores por una larga sátira de horribles historias de la vida real de algunos habitantes de Chicago. Fue una oportunidad perdida. Tras iniciarse con un desgarrador pedido musical para que no haya más asesinatos en Chicago y con un llamamiento poderoso a la acción—“Please pray for my city”, “This is an emergency”, “7.365 murders in Chicago, surpassing the death toll in Iraq”—el film se convierte rápidamente en una dolorosa parodia. Su premisa es brindar una versión de la guerra urbana de Chicago por medio de una adaptación en diálogo rimado de la sátira de Aristófanes, “Lisístrata”, en la

nos tan diversos en la progresión de la trama y en la fusión de los detalles de la realidad con una fantasía exorbitante—como la renuncia al poder, en el último minuto, por parte del jefe de una banda porque en realidad es un buen tipo—que es prácticamente imposible saber lo que el director, cuyo trabajo anterior me encanta, quiso comunicar. Pero no acepten sólo mi palabra. La noche anterior a su estreno en toda la nación asistí a un preestreno de “ChiRaq” a sólo 19 millas de la comunidad de Englewood, donde el film principalmente tiene lugar, con gente que vive realmente en la violencia, disfunción y miseria que explota este film. Y algunos de ellos tampoco estuvieron muy contentos con lo que vieron. “Sé que Hollywood quiere entretenernos, pero no quiero que me describan de esa manera, con todas las payasadas, las risas, las bromas”, dijo Charles Hardwick, que dirige un programa de educación y empleo en el Howard Area Community Center y quien indicó al presentarse en una discusión de panel, que había pasado 14 años en una prisión. Agregó que recientemente había presenciado un tiroteo entre pandillas de cerca, durante una feria de recursos de la comunidad. “Si pudiera escribirle a Spike Lee, le diría que no quiero ser representado de esa manera”. “Chi-Raq no logra ser Alex Smith Hickman, totalmente provocadora un poeta, joven padre y ex alumno de la organización intelectualmente ni Family Matters, que proentretenida” porciona espacios seguros a la parte norte del barrio de Howard dijo: “Desde un ESTHER J. CEPEDA punto de vista estético, fue visualmente agradable, que cuando las mujeres de Grecia acuer- pero el mensaje ... no creo que deba ser dan expulsar a sus maridos y novios del trasmitido a nadie como algo gracioso. Oí dormitorio, las Guerras del Peloponeso muchas risas y no pienso que los robos, finalizan. asesinatos, la violencia de las bandas, “Chi-Raq”, sin embargo, no logra ser sean graciosos. Hubo muchas cosas con totalmente provocadora intelectualmente las que estuve de acuerdo, como que debeni entretenida. Los personajes femeni- mos unirnos y hablar de esto, pero hubo nos están excesivamente sexualizados y tantas contradicciones y no mucha comlos “malos” son estereotípicamente fríos prensión del significado de la violencia. como el hielo. Además, la película cambia O cómo la resolución de problemas puede en forma confusa de estadísticas reales ayudar en las comunidades y los mentosobre afroamericanos reales muertos en res, y otras cosas de las que podríamos Chicago a una escena tonta, en que un estar hablando”. viejo blanco que adora la bandera rebelde Hablar fue un tema importante para seis monta un cañón de la época de la Guerra individuos que viven en las brutales calles Civil en un arsenal de la ciudad. de Chicago y que compartieron sus expe¿Debemos realmente preguntarnos si la riencias durante la discusión posterior a violencia de la ciudad podría haber sido la presentación de “Chi-Raq”. Todos pareinstigada por simpatizantes de la Confe- cieron concordar en que más charlas sobre deración radicalizados, que infiltraron el esta epidemia, incluso en torno a un defecbastión demócrata de Chicago para opri- tuoso intento de ilustración, ayudaría. mir a sus ciudadanos de piel oscura? Quizás. Pero si pasáramos incluso la O, tal como lo sugiere el film una y otra mitad del tiempo que pasamos viendo vervez, ¿son los reales culpables los mismos siones de noticias ficcionalizadas o sensanegros—tanto los que cometen delitos de cionalizadas escuchando a gente real que negros contra negros como los que se nie- vive y trabaja en la pobreza y violencia gan a ser “soplones” con la policía? urbanas, podríamos acercarnos más a una No lo sé, porque “Chi-Raq” presenta to- solución.

ALDÍ « DICIEMBRE 30, 2015 - ENERO 6, 2016 « AL DÍA « OPINIÓN « 15


16 » OPINIÓN » AL DÍA »DICIEMBRE 30, 2015 - ENERO 6, 2016 »



¿Ojo por ojo? L

a India prodigiosa e igualmente fascinante y turbulenta, adora a veinte millones de divinidades, habla 800 idiomas y vota a quinientos partidos políticos. ¿Cómo evitar los conflictos? Mahatma Gandhi se enamoró de la democracia, un sistema que los uniría por sobre las diferencias de casta, raza y religión. El país, con aeropuertos destartalados, carreteras desmoronadas, enormes barrios de chabolas, aldeas empobrecidas, campos abandonados, millones de analfabetas, necesitaba todos los recursos para construir infraestructuras de todo tipo, y en esa carrera hacia el desarrollo la suerte de los más pobres suele no ser prioritaria en la mente de los tecnócratas que dirigen el país. Cegados ante el sufrimiento de los pobres, ¿qué puede el río contra el fuego, la noche contra el sol, las tinieblas contra la luna? En la India el terrorismo había aparecido en la escena política en una magnitud hasta hoy desconocida, con una brutalidad inaudita.

¿Cuáles fueron las razones o los vo encerrado muchos años pero motivos de este fenómeno social? nadie pudo encerrar su espíritu, La necesidad instintiva de unos que hoy en día sigue inspirando a de rebelarse ante la desigualdad y su pueblo. “Ojo por ojo y todo el la injusticia que prevalecía en la mundo acabará ciego”. India, y la de otros, los que luchaEn la Conferencia de Londres ban por conservar sus privilegios en 1931 Mahatma reclamó la indesin reconocer la necependencia de la India. sidad de una evolución Se inclinó a favor de la económica-social pacífiderecha en el partido ca en beneficio de todos. del Congreso y tuvo La falta de un entenconflictos con su discídimiento entre los unos pulo Nehru, que reprey los otros polarizó las sentaba la izquierda. pasiones y creó una No lograron conciliar BLANCA crisis social sin precesus puntos de vista ESTHELA dente, odios y rencores hasta muchos años desTREVIÑO recalcitrantes, donde pués. Su influencia mola bestialidad campearal para lograr la indeba. El Bapu (padre) pendencia de la India Mahatma rechazaba la lucha ar- fue decisiva. Conseguida la indemada como medio para resistir pendencia Gandhi trató de reforal dominio británico. Así, instaló mar la sociedad India integrando métodos de lucha social novedo- las castas más bajas (los esclavos, sos, como la huelga de hambre y los intocables y los bárbaros) y dela desobediencia civil. Pregonaba sarrollar las zonas rurales. Desala total fidelidad a los dictados de probó los conflictos religiosos que la conciencia llegando incluso a siguieron a la independencia del desobedecer a las autoridades si país y promovió la tolerancia con fuese necesario. Su cuerpo estu- otros credos y religiones.

Sobre economía política pensaba que ni el capital debería ser considerado más importante que el trabajo, ni que el trabajo debería ser considerado superior al capital: ambas ideas son peligrosas. Siempre buscar un equilibrio sano entre estos factores, ambos considerados igual de valiosos para el desarrollo material y la justicia social. Gandhi llevó una vida simple: “Hay suficiente agua para la vida humana pero no para la codicia humana”. Sabía que el desarrollo de una nación es difícil, pero no imposible. “Cada vez que das un paso adelante, estás destinado a perturbar algo. Agitas el aire mientras avanzas, levantas polvo, alteras el suelo. Vas atropellando cosas. Cuando una sociedad entera avanza, ese atropello se hace en una escala mucho mayor; y cada cosa que trastornes, los intereses creados que quieras suprimir, todo se convierte en un obstáculo”. En la India conservan intacta la habitación de Mahatma Gandhi: tiene sólo una colchoneta en

el suelo, una cómoda y una rueca que utilizaba para hilar algodón y que convirtió en símbolo de resistencia contra los ingleses. Sus muros cuentan las intrigas, los sueños, las esperanzas y los reveses de la lucha contra Inglaterra por la independencia. Gandhi decía: “En los momentos de desesperanza, recuerda que en el transcurso de toda la historia la vía de la verdad y del amor siempre ha ganado. Ha habido tiranos y asesinos, y durante un tiempo parecen invencibles, pero al final siempre caen. Piensa en ello siempre.” Mientras el ser humano camine sobre la faz de la Tierra no olvidará jamás que una vez, sólo una vez, un pueblo fue libre sin levantar las armas, que una sola vez un pueblo logró su independencia sólo con la paz, el amor y la verdad. Mientras esto no se olvide, el Mahatma Gandhi (alma grande) será recordado como el revolucionario de la no-violencia. “No hay camino hacia la paz, la paz es el camino.”


Debate migratorio impulsado por el temor ¿Q

ué diablos está ocurriendo en la frontera mexicano-americana? ¿Han dejado de venir los inmigrantes ilegales? ¿O aún cruzan la frontera-en cifras récord? Quizás la respuesta dependa del país de origen. Podría ser que el número de hombres mexicanos inmigrantes que procuran empleo, haya menguado, mientras que el número de refugiados de América Central-principalmente mujeres y niños-esté aumentando. Sin importar lo que uno crea, siempre hay un estudio, artículo o anécdota para apoyarlo. Pero no esperen que lo que encuentren vaya a impactar el debate migratorio de una u otra manera. Es ahí donde la mayoría de la gente se equivoca. Exponen su posición-ya sea conceder categoría legal a los indocumentados o deportar a todos los inmigrantes ilegales-encuentran material para respaldarla, y creen haber tenido una victoria decisiva. Por ejemplo, el Pew Research Center halló, recientemente, que el número de mexicanos que se va del país es mayor que el número de los que ingresan. El estudio

determinó que, entre 2009 y 2014, inmigración de la derecha. Desun poco más de 1 millón de mexi- pués de todo, razonan, ¿por qué canos se fue de Estados Unidos construir lo que Donald Trump para volverse a casa. Durante promete que será “una gran y el mismo lapso de cinco años, hermosa muralla” para manteun número levemente menor ner a los mexicanos fuera, cuan—870.000— fue de México a los do tantos de ellos ya partieron? Estados Unidos. Mientras tanto, Julia PresAsí pues, parece que los mexi- ton, del New York Times, recanos están en movimiento. Es- cientemente envió una historia tán emigrando al sur. de Mission, Texas, a Y no estamos hablando unas pocas millas de de esos mexicano-amela frontera, señalando ricanos de sexta geque-sólo en los últimos neración, que sarcásmeses-el número de ticamente amenazan migrantes que cruzó el con volver a su patria Río Grande ilegalmente ancestral si Donald se elevó. Según ese artíTrump resulta electo culo, desde comienzos RUBÉN presidente. octubre, el número NAVARRETE de Entre los motivos cide familias migrantes tados para esta migraaprehendidas por la ción revertida están la Patrulla Fronteriza en reunificación con la familia, la el Valle del Río Grande aumentó economía lenta en Estados Uni- en un 150 por ciento con respecto dos y la preocupación de que po- al mismo período el año pasado, dría haber un inminente refuer- y el número de niños no-acompazo de la vigilancia en la frontera, ñados aprehendidos por los agenlo que podría encarecer y dificul- tes se más que duplicó. tar el ingreso de más familiares. No es que sea muy difícil apreLos reformistas de la inmigra- hender a esa gente, que conste. Los ción esperan que este fenómeno refugiados de América Central disipe parte de la histeria anti- típicamente buscan a los agentes

y prácticamente se les tiran a los brazos, ansiosos por iniciar los trámites para solicitar asilo. Aun así, los agentes de la Patrulla Fronteriza dicen que toda la escena recuerda a la migración del verano pasado, cuando más de 80.000 refugiados de América Central cruzaron la frontera al sur de Texas. Así pues, si hay en verdad mucho tráfico pedestre a lo largo de la frontera, ¿en qué dirección se dirige? No importa, en realidad. La migración entre México y Estados Unidos es cíclica. La gente va y viene, como la marea, dependiendo de la situación familiar y las oportunidades de trabajo. Y, sin duda, no se puede establecer una política sobre esa base. El hecho de que hoy en día no estén cruzando la frontera no significa que no lo harán el próximo mes o año. Además, en cualquier dirección que vaya el tráfico, el debate de la inmigración no recibirá el impacto, de una u otra forma. Después de todo, ese debate no se centra realmente en quién cruza la frontera, sino en quién está ya aquí. Son ésos los individuos que los

estadounidenses más temen, porque piensan que los inmigrantes que se quedan son una amenaza para algo más precioso que una frontera-a saber, el idioma, la cultura y la sociedad que los nacidos en el país tienen en gran estima. Algunos gustan de esconderse tras una retórica más aséptica, indicando que los inmigrantes cometen más delitos o la necesidad de impedir la entrada de terroristas, o el gobierno de derecho. Aun así, el debate migratorio está impulsado simple y llanamente por el miedo. Muchos estadounidenses tiemblan ante el pensamiento de vivir en un país que se está volviendo menos blanco y más étnico, un lugar que ya no reconocen. Es ese tipo de miedo el que inspiró el mensaje de uno de mis lectores, donde afirmó que los inmigrantes latinos no son menos peligrosos que los extremistas musulmanes, porque “los latinos pueden hacernos daño en formas diferentes de tirar una bomba”. Sea lo que sea que esté ocurriendo a lo largo de la frontera mexicano-americana, ésa es la incómoda realidad de este lado de la línea.

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SHERIFF’S SALE By virtue of a Writ of execution, to me directed, issued out of the SUPERIOR COURT OF NEW JERSEY CHANCERY DIVISION, CAMDEN COUNTY, DOCKET NO. F05148314 at Public Venue on WEDNESDAY the 13th Day of JANUARY, 2016 A.D. at 12 o’clock, LOCAL TIME, noon of said day, at the SHERIFF’S OFFICE in the COURT HOUSE, 520 Market St., 2nd Floor, Suite 202, in City and County of Camden and State of New Jersey: Property to be sold is located in the Borough of Bellmawr, County of Camden, State of New Jersey. Premises commonly known as: 526 3rd Avenue, Bellmawr, NJ 08031 Being Tax Lot: 10, Block: 116 Dimensions approximately: 43 x 120 Nearest Cross Street: Cedar Avenue A FULL LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF THE PREMISES CAN BE FOUND IN THE OFFICE OF THE SHERIFF OF CAMDEN COUNTY. The sale is subject to unpaid taxes and assessments, tax, water and sewer liens and other municipal assessments. The amount due can be obtained from the local taxing authority. All interested parties are to conduct and rely upon their own independent investigation to ascertain whether or not any outstanding interest remain of record and/or have priority over the lien being foreclosed and, if so the current amount due thereon.**If the sale is set aside for any reason, the purchaser at the sale shall be entitled only to a return of the deposit paid. The purchaser shall have no further recourse against the mortgagee or the mortgagee’s attorney.** The judgment sought to be satisfied by the sale is: “APPROXIMATELY” $193,590.02 TWENTY PERCENT DEPOSIT REQUIRED SURPLUS MONEY: If after the sale and satisfaction of the mortgage debt, including costs and expenses, there remains any surplus money, the money will be deposited into the Superior Court Trust Fund and any person claiming the surplus, or any part thereof, may file a motion pursuant to Court Rules 4:64-3 and 5:57-2 stating the nature and extent of that person’s claim and asking for an order directing payment of the surplus money. The Sheriff or other person conducting the sale will have information regarding the surplus, if any. Note: The sheriff reserves the right to adjourn this sale for any length of time without further advertisement. Seized as the property of: DEANNA EASTWICK and taken In execution of WELLS FARGO BANK, N.A. CHARLES H. BILLINGHAM SHERIFF Sheriff’s Number: 15005052 DATED: 12/22/2015, 12/29/2015, 01/05/2016, 01/12/2016 MILSTEAD & ASSOCIATES, LLC 1 E. STOW ROAD MARLTON, NJ 08053 $178.56


By virtue of a Writ of execution, to me directed, issued out of the SUPERIOR COURT OF NEW JERSEY CHANCERY DIVISION, CAMDEN COUNTY, DOCKET NO. F03076413 at Public Venue on WEDNESDAY the 6th Day of JANUARY, 2016 A.D. at 12 o’clock, LOCAL TIME, noon of said day, at the SHERIFF’S OFFICE in the COURT HOUSE, 520 Market St., 2nd Floor, Suite 202, in City and County of Camden and State of New Jersey: Property to be sold is located in the Borough of Somerdale, County of Camden, State of New Jersey. Premises commonly known as: 100 Ava Avenue Being Tax Lot: 8, Block: 128.02 Dimensions approximately: 90 x 110 Nearest Cross Street: Cedar Lane Beginning at the Northwestern most terminus of a radial round corner connecting the Northeasterly side of Ava Avenue, 50 feet wide, with the Northwesterly side of Cedar Lane; 50 feet wide. Pursuant to a tax search of 08/05/2015; 2015 QTR 2 Taxes: $1,379.52 Open plus penalty: 2015 QTR 3 Taxes: $1,507.34 Open, subject to posting; 2015 QTR 4 Taxes: $1,507.33 Open, due on 11/01/2015; 2016 QTR 1 Taxes, $1,447.07 Open, due on 02/01/2016; 2016 QTR 2 Taxes, $1,447.07 Open, due on 05/01/2016 Sewer account: #1192 0: 07/01/2015 - 09/30/2015; $38.75 Open; $116.25 Open plus penalty; owed in arrears; CCMUA; Account #310012729; 07/01/2015 09/30/2015: $88.00 Open; $515.00 Open plus penalty; owed in arrears; Additional billing; subject to tax sale (CCMUA $342.00 Open + Penalty); subject to additional fees. A prior state Tax Lien in the amount of $616.70 plus interest costs and fees, Docket #239,717-00, recorded on 1/9/01 is covered by an industry wide indemnity treaty. (This concise description does not constitute a legal description. A copy of the full legal description can be found at the Office of the Sheriff.) THE SHERIFF HEREBY RESERVES THE RIGHT TO ADJOURN THIS SALE WITHOUT FURTHER NOTICE THROUGH PUBLICATION. The judgment sought to be satisfied by the sale is: “APPROXIMATELY” $136,989.98 TWENTY PERCENT DEPOSIT REQUIRED SURPLUS MONEY: If after the sale and satisfaction of the mortgage debt, including costs and expenses, there remains any surplus money, the money will be deposited into the Superior Court Trust Fund and any person claiming the surplus, or any part thereof, may file a motion pursuant to Court Rules 4:64-3 and 4:57-2 stating the nature and extent of that person’s claim and asking for an order directing payment of the surplus money. The Sheriff or other person conducting the sale will have information regarding the surplus, if any. Note: The Sheriff reserves the right to adjourn this sale for any length of time without further advertisement. Seized as the property of: WILLIAM C. JACKSON, JR., and taken in execution of ONEWEST BANK, FSB CHARLES H. BILLINGHAM SHERIFF Sheriff’s Number: 15004888 DATED: 12/15/2016, 12/22/2016, 12/29/2016, 01/05/2016 FRENKEL LAMBERT WEISS WEISMAN AND GORDON, LLP 80 MAIN STREET, SUITE 460 WEST ORANGE, NJ 07052 $195.84

18 » CLASIFICADOS » AL DÍA » DICIEMBRE 30, 2015 - ENERO 6, 2016 » ALDÍ


By virtue of a Writ of execution, to me directed, issued out of the SUPERIOR COURT OF NEW JERSEY CHANCERY DIVISION, CAMDEN COUNTY, DOCKET NO. F04107914 at Public Venue on WEDNESDAY the 6th Day of JANUARY, 2016 A.D. at 12 o’clock, LOCAL TIME, noon of said day, at the SHERIFF’S OFFICE in the COURT HOUSE, 520 Market St., 2nd Floor, Suite 202, in City and County of Camden and State of New Jersey: Property to be sold is located in the Township of Winslow, County of Camden, State of New Jersey. Premises commonly known as: 26 Gerry Lane, Sicklerville, NJ 08081-4472 Being Tax Lot: 17 Block: 401.07 on the Official Tax Map of the Township of Winslow Dimensions approximately: 68.00ft x 180.38 ft x 78.72 ft x 220,00ft Nearest Cross Street: Gerry Court The Sheriff hereby reserves the right to adjourn this sale without further notice through publication. *Subject to any unpaid taxes, municipal liens or other charges, and any such taxes, charges, liens, insurance premiums or other advances made by plaintiff prior to this sale. All interested parties are to conduct and rely upon their own independent investigation to ascertain whether or not any outstanding interest remain of record and/or have priority over the lien being foreclosed and, if so the current amount due thereon. **If the sale is set aside for any reason, the purchaser at the sale shall be entitled only to a return of the deposit paid. The purchaser shall have no further recourse against the Mortgagor, the Mortgagee or the Mortgagee’s attorney. The judgment sought to be satisfied by the sale is: “APPROXIMATELY” $292,058.65 TWENTY PERCENT DEPOSIT REQUIRED SURPLUS MONEY: If after the sale and satisfaction of the mortgage debt, including costs and expenses, there remains any surplus money, the money will be deposited into the Superior Court Trust Fund and any person claiming the surplus, or any part thereof, may file a motion pursuant to Court Rules 4:64-3 and 4:57-2 stating the nature and extent of that person’s claim and asking for an order directing payment of the surplus money. The Sheriff or other person conducting the sale will have information regarding the surplus, if any. Seized as the property of: CHRISTOPHER M. MILLER, and taken in execution of BAYVIEW LOAN SERVICING, LLC CHARLES H. BILLINGHAM SHERIFF Sheriff’s Number: 15005023 DATED: 12/15/2016, 12/22/2016, 12/29/2016, 01/05/2016 PHELAN HALLINAN DIAMOND & JONES P.C. 400 FELLOWSHIP ROAD, SUITE 100 MT. LAUREL, NJ 08054 $169.92



By virtue of a Writ of execution, to me directed, issued out of the SUPERIOR COURT OF NEW JERSEY CHANCERY DIVISION, CAMDEN COUNTY, DOCKET NO. F4434408 at Public Venue on WEDNESDAY the 6th Day of JANUARY, 2016 A.D. at 12 o’clock, LOCAL TIME, noon of said day, at the SHERIFF’S OFFICE in the COURT HOUSE, 520 Market St., 2nd Floor, Suite 202, in City and County of Camden and State of New Jersey: Property to be sold is located in the Township of Pennsauken, County of Camden, State of New Jersey. Premises commonly known as: 2618 Union Avenue, Pennsauken, NJ 08109 Being Tax Lot: 9 Block 2801 f/k/a Block 581, Lot 1 Dimensions approximately: 87 feet wide by 100 feet long Nearest Cross Street: Corbett Avenue Prior Lien(s): Water/sewer account past due in the amount of $66.98 Indemnification letter from title company as to prior judgment DJ0181840-2003 *Subject to any unpaid taxes, municipal liens or other charges, and any such taxes. charges, liens, insurance premiums or other advances made by plaintiff prior to this sale. All interested parties are to conduct and rely upon their own independent investigation to ascertain whether or not any outstanding interest remain of record and/or have priority over the lien being foreclosed and, if so the current amount due thereon. The judgment sought to be satisfied by the sale is: “APPROXIMATELY” $246,316.64 TWENTY PERCENT DEPOSIT REQUIRED SURPLUS MONEY: If after the sale and satisfaction of the mortgage debt, including costs and expenses, there remains any surplus money, the money will be deposited into the Superior Court Trust Fund and any person claiming the surplus, or any part thereof, may file a motion pursuant to Court Rules 4:64-3 and 4:57-2 stating the nature and extent of that person’s claim and asking for an order directing payment of the surplus money. The Sheriff or other person conducting the sale will have information regarding the surplus, if any. Note: The sheriff reserves the right to adjourn this sale for any length of time without further advertisement. Seized as the property of: PATRICK SPENCER and taken in execution of BAC HOME LOANS SERVICING LP FKA COUNTRY-WIDE HOME LOANS SERVICING LP CHARLES H. BILLINGHAM SHERIFF Sheriff’s Number: 15004921 DATED: 12/15/2015, 12/22/2015, 12/29/2015, 01/05/2016 STERN, LAVINTHAL, FRANKENBERG, LLC 105 EISENHOWER PARKWAY SUITE 302 ROSELAND, NJ 07068 $164.16


By virtue of a Writ of execution, to me directed, issued out of the SUPERIOR COURT OF NEW JERSEY CHANCERY DIVISION, CAMDEN COUNTY, DOCKET NO. F00102814 at Public Venue on WEDNESDAY the 6th Day of JANUARY, 2016 A.D. at 12 o’clock, LOCAL TIME, noon of said day, at the SHERIFF’S OFFICE in the COURT HOUSE, 520 Market St., 2nd Floor, Suite 202, in City and County of Camden and State of New Jersey: Property to be sold is located in the City of Camdenn, County of Camden, State of New Jersey. Premises commonly known as: 1004 25th Street, Camden City, NJ, 08105 with a mailing address of 1004 North 25th Street, Camden City, NJ 08105 Being Tax Lot: 45, Block: 859 Dimensions approximately: 17 x 100 Nearest Cross Street: River Avenue BEGINNING at a point in the Northeasterly line of 25th Street (60.00 feet wide) in the extended middle line of party wall between premises #1002 and #1004 North 25th Street 28.0 feet Northwestwardly, if measured along same, from the Northerly corner of 25th Street and River Avenue; thence “THE SHERIFF HEREBY RESERVES THE RIGHT TO ADJOURN THIS SALE WITHOUT FURTHER NOTICE THROUGH PUBLICATION.” PRIOR LIENS/ENCUMBRANCES SEWER OPEN PLUS PENALTY - $139.14 CCMUA OPEN PLUS PENALTY - $109.50 TOTAL AS OF SEPTEMBER 21, 2015: $248.64 The judgment sought to be satisfied by the sale is: “APPROXIMATELY” $105,591.13 TWENTY PERCENT DEPOSIT REQUIRED SURPLUS MONEY: If after the sale and satisfaction of the mortgage debt, including costs and expenses, there remains any surplus money, the money will be deposited into the Superior Court Trust Fund and any person claiming the surplus, or any part thereof, may file a motion pursuant to Court Rules 4:64-3 and 4:57-2 stating the nature and extent of that person’s claim and asking for an order directing payment of the surplus money. The Sheriff or other person conducting the sale will have information regarding the surplus, if any. Note: The sheriff reserves the right to adjourn this sale for any length of time without further advertisement. Seized as the property of: DILSON B. CABA, and taken in execution of BAYVIEW LOAN SERVICING, LLC CHARLES H. BILLINGHAM SHERIFF Sheriff’s Number: 15004855 DATED: 12/15/2016, 12/22/2016, 12/29/2016, 01/05/2016 FEIN, SUCH, KAHN & SHEPARD, P.C. 7 CENTURY DRIVE, SUITE 201, PARSIPPANY, NJ 07054 $164.16


By virtue of a Writ of execution, to me directed, issued out of the SUPERIOR COURT OF NEW JERSEY CHANCERY DIVISION, CAMDEN COUNTY, DOCKET NO. F01774813 at Public Venue on WEDNESDAY the 6th Day of JANUARY, 2016 A.D. at 12 o’clock, LOCAL TIME, noon of said day, at the SHERIFF’S OFFICE in the COURT HOUSE, 520 Market St., 2nd Floor, Suite 202, in City and County of Camden and State of New Jersey: Property to be sold is located in the Township of Pennsauken, County of Camden, State of New Jersey. Premises commonly known as: 801 Delair Avenue, Pennsauken, NJ 08110-3406 Being Tax Lot: 1 Block: 1308 on the Official Tax Map of the Township of Pennsauken Dimensions approximately: 25.00 ft x 133.00 ft x 25.00 ft x 133.00 ft Nearest Cross Street: Holman Avenue The Sheriff hereby reserves the right to adjourn this sale without further notice through publication. *Subject to any unpaid taxes, municipal liens or other charges, and any such taxes, charges, liens, insurance premiums or other advances made by plaintiff prior to this sale. All interested parties are to conduct and rely upon their own independent investigation to ascertain whether or not any outstanding interest remain of record and/or have priority over the lien being foreclosed and, if so the current amount due thereon. **If the sale is set aside for any reason, the purchaser at the sale shall be entitled only to a return of the deposit paid. The purchaser shall have no further recourse against the Mortgagor, the Mortgagee or the Mortgagee’s attorney. The judgment sought to be satisfied by the sale is: “APPROXIMATELY” $179,121.19 TWENTY PERCENT DEPOSIT REQUIRED SURPLUS MONEY: If after the sale and satisfaction of the mortgage debt, including costs and expenses, there remains any surplus money, the money will be deposited into the Superior Court Trust Fund and any person claiming the surplus, or any part thereof, may file a motion pursuant to Court Rules 4:64-3 and 4:57-2 stating the nature and extent of that person’s claim and asking for an order directing payment of the surplus money. The Sheriff or other person conducting the sale will have information regarding the surplus, if any. Seized as the property of: ROSIENID MEJIAS and taken in execution of THE BANK OF NEW YORK MELLON TRUST COMPANY CHARLES H. BILLINGHAM SHERIFF Sheriff’s Number: 15004894 DATED: 12/15/2016, 12/22/2016, 12/29/2016, 01/05/2016 PHELAN HALLINAN DIAMOND & JONES P.C. 400 FELLOWSHIP ROAD, SUITE 100 MT. LAUREL, NJ 08054` $169.92

Aileen Connolly o email a: SHERIFF’S SALE

By virtue of a Writ of execution, to me directed, issued out of the SUPERIOR COURT OF NEW JERSEY CHANCERY DIVISION, CAMDEN COUNTY, DOCKET NO. F05084114 at Public Venue on WEDNESDAY the 6th Day of JANUARY, 2016 A.D. at 12 o’clock, LOCAL TIME, noon of said day, at the SHERIFF’S OFFICE in the COURT HOUSE, 520 Market St., 2nd Floor, Suite 202, in City and County of Camden and State of New Jersey: Property to be sold is located in the City of Camden, County of Camden, State of New Jersey. Premises commonly known as: 724 York Street, Camden, NJ 08102-1834 Being Tax Lot: 63 Block: 761 on the Official Tax Map of the City of Camden Dimensions approximately: 14.75 ft x 56.96 ft x 14.75 ft x 56.96 ft Nearest Cross Street: Seventh Street The Sheriff hereby reserves the right to adjourn this sale without further notice through publication. *Subject to any unpaid taxes, municipal liens or other charges, and any such taxes, charges, liens, insurance premiums or other advances made by plaintiff prior to this sale. All interested parties are to conduct and rely upon their own independent investigation to ascertain whether or not any outstanding interest remain of record and/or have priority over the lien being foreclosed and, if so the current amount due thereon. **If the sale is set aside for any reason, the purchaser at the sale shall be entitled only to a return of the deposit paid. The purchaser shall have no further recourse against the Mortgagor, the Mortgagee or the Mortgagee’s attorney. The judgment sought to be satisfied by the sale is: “APPROXIMATELY” $50,302.54 TWENTY PERCENT DEPOSIT REQUIRED SURPLUS MONEY: If after the sale and satisfaction of the mortgage debt,including costs and expenses, there remains any surplus money, the money will be deposited into the Superior Court Trust Fund and any person claiming the surplus, or any part thereof, may file a motion pursuant to Court Rules 4:64-3 and 4:57-2 stating the nature and extent of that person’s claim and asking for an order directing payment of the surplus money. The Sheriff or other person conducting the sale will have information regarding the surplus, if any. Seized as the property of: LEE ZAPATA and taken in execution of SANTANDER BANK, N.A. CHARLES H. BILLINGHAM SHERIFF Sheriff’s Number: 15004974 DATED: 12/15/2016, 12/22/2016, 12/29/2016, 01/05/2016 PHELAN HALLINAN DIAMOND & JONES P.C. 400 FELLOWSHIP ROAD, SUITE 100 MT. LAUREL, NJ 08054 $167.04


By virtue of a Writ of execution, to me directed, issued out of the SUPERIOR COURT OF NEW JERSEY CHANCERY DIVISION, CAMDEN COUNTY, DOCKET NO. F00314914 at Public Venue on WEDNESDAY the 6th Day of JANUARY, 2016 A.D. at 12 o’clock, LOCAL TIME, noon of said day, at the SHERIFF’S OFFICE in the COURT HOUSE, 520 Market St., 2nd Floor, Suite 202, in City and County of Camden and State of New Jersey: Property to be sold is located in the Township of Winslow, County of Camden, State of New Jersey. Premises commonly known as: 38 Villanova Court, Winslow, NJ Being Tax Lot: 73 Block: 11201 Dimensions approximately: 42 feet wide by 100 feet long Nearest Cross Street: Situated on the northeasterly line of Villanova Court The sale is subject to unpaid taxes and assessments, tax, water, and sewer liens and other municipal assessments. The amount due can be obtained from the local taxing authority. Pursuant to N.S.J.A. 46:8B-21 the sale may also be subject to the limited lien priority of any condominium/home-owner association liens which may exist. The judgment sought to be satisfied by the sale is: “APPROXIMATELY” $99,180.73 TWENTY PERCENT DEPOSIT REQUIRED SURPLUS MONEY: If after the sale and satisfaction of the mortgage debt, including costs and expenses, there remains any surplus money, the money will be deposited into the Superior Court Trust Fund and any person claiming the surplus, or any part thereof, may file a motion pursuant to Court Rules 4:64-3 and 4:57-2 stating the nature and extent of that person’s claim and asking for an order directing payment of the surplus money. The Sheriff or other person conducting the sale will have information regarding the surplus, if any. Note: The sheriff reserves the right to adjourn this sale for any length of time without further advertisement. Seized as the property of: PATRICIA WILLIAMS, and taken in execution of WELLS FARGO BANK N.A. CHARLES H. BILLINGHAM SHERIFF Sheriff’s Number: 15005019 DATED: 12/15/2016, 12/22/2016,12/29/2016, 01/05/2015 SHAPIRO & DENARDO, LLP 14000 COMMERCE PARKWAY SUITE B, MT. LAUREL, NJ 08054 $146.88


By virtue of a Writ of execution, to me directed, issued out of the SUPERIOR COURT OF NEW JERSEY CHANCERY DIVISION, CAMDEN COUNTY, DOCKET NO. F03009013 at Public Venue on WEDNESDAY the 6th Day of JANUARY, 2016 A.D. at 12 o’clock, LOCAL TIME, noon of said day, at the SHERIFF’S OFFICE in the COURT HOUSE, 520 Market St., 2nd Floor, Suite 202, in City and County of Camden and State of New Jersey: Property to be sold is located in the Township of Cherry Hill, County of Camden, State of New Jersey. Premises commonly known as: 114 Walt Whitman Boulevard, Cherry Hill, NJ 08003-3734 Being Tax Lot: 12, Block: 529.14 on the Tax Map of the Township of Cherry Hill Dimensions approximately: Nearest Cross Street: BEGINNING at a point in the Southeasterly line of Walt Whitman Boulevard distant 575.26 Southwestwardly measured along the tangent and curved Southeasterly lines of Walt Whitman Boulevard with the SOuthwesterly line of HaddonfieldBerlin Road, said connecting curve having a radius of 20 feet, said beginning point being in the division line between Lots 7 and 8, Block 102, on the plain hereinafter mentioned, thence South 62 degrees 49 minutes 40 seconds along the Southeasterly line of Walt Whitman Boulevard 82 feet in front of width to a point in the division line between Lots 8 and 9, Block 102, said plan; South 27 degrees 100 minutes 20 seconds East between parallel lines of that front or width at right angles to Walt Whitman Boulevard and along the said division lines 115 feet in length or depth The sale is subject to unpaid taxes and assessments, tax, water, and sewer liens and other municipal assessments. The amount due can be obtained from the local taxing authority. Pursuant to N.S.J.A. 46:8B-21 the sale may also be subject to the limited lien priority of any condominium/ home-owner association liens which may exist. The judgment sought to be satisfied by the sale is: “APPROXIMATELY” $320,928.78 TWENTY PERCENT DEPOSIT REQUIRED SURPLUS MONEY: If after the sale and satisfaction of the mortgage debt, including costs and expenses, there remains any surplus money, the money will be deposited into the Superior Court Trust Fund and any person claiming the surplus, or any part thereof, may file a motion pursuant to Court Rules 4:64-3 and 4:57-2 stating the nature and extent of that person’s claim and asking for an order directing payment of the surplus money. The Sheriff or other person conducting the sale will have information regarding the surplus, if any. Note: The sheriff reserves the right to adjourn this sale for any length of time without further advertisement. Seized as the property of: JOSEPH M. CALLARI, and taken in execution of WELLS FARGO BANK N.A. CHARLES H. BILLINGHAM SHERIFF Sheriff’s Number: 15005013 DATED: 12/15/2016, 12/22/2016, 12/29/2016, 01/05/2015 SHAPIRO & DENARDO, LLP 14000 COMMERCE PARKWAY SUITE B, MT. LAUREL, NJ 08054 $190.08







Estamos a su servicio DEADLINE: FRIDAY / VIERNES A 5:00 P.M.

ALDÍ « DICIEMBRE 30, 2015 - ENERO 6, 2016 « AL DÍA « CLASIFICADOS « 19



By virtue of a Writ of execution, to me directed, issued out of the SUPERIOR COURT OF NEW JERSEY CHANCERY DIVISION, CAMDEN COUNTY, DOCKET NO. F00060515 at Public Venue on WEDNESDAY the 6th Day of JANUARY, 2016 A.D. at 12 o’clock, LOCAL TIME, noon of said day, at the SHERIFF’S OFFICE in the COURT HOUSE, 520 Market St., 2nd Floor, Suite 202, in City and County of Camden and State of New Jersey: Property to be sold is located in the Municipality of Bellmawr Boro, County of Camden, State of New Jersey. Premises commonly known as: 355 Anthony Drive Being Tax Lot: 1, Block: 49.03 Dimensions approximately: 87.14’ x 90.00’ Nearest Cross Street: Corner of Creek Road and Anthony Drive SUPERIOR INTERESTS (if any): Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems, Inc. as nominee for Accredited Home Lenders, Inc. of #120,000.00 as of 10/27/2004 New Century Financial Services, Inc. holds an interest in the property in the amount of $4,992.77 as of 04/06/2005. US Bank Cust Pro Cap II, LLC holds a tax sale certificate in the amount of $721.81 as of 10/02/2013. Bellmawr Water holds a claim for taxes due and/or other municipal utilities such as water and/or sewer in the amount of $58.44 as of 8/19/2015. CCMUA holds a claim for taxes due and/or other municipal utilities such as water and/or sewer in the amount of $290.92 as of 8/19/2015. The Sheriff hereby reserves the right to adjourn this sale without further notice through publication. The judgment sought to be satisfied by the sale is: “APPROXIMATELY” $263,306.64 TWENTY PERCENT DEPOSIT REQUIRED SURPLUS MONEY: If after the sale and satisfaction of the mortgage debt, including costs and expenses, there remains any surplus money, the money will be deposited into the Superior Court Trust Fund and any person claiming the surplus, or any part thereof, may file a motion pursuant to Court Rules 4:64-3 and 5:57-2 stating the nature and extent of that person’s claim and asking for an order directing payment of the surplus money. The Sheriff or other person conducting the sale will have information regarding the surplus, if any. Note: The sheriff reserves the right to adjourn this sale for any length of time without further advertisement. Seized as the property of: HAROLD BUZBY and taken In execution of US BANK NATIONAL ASSOCIATION CHARLES H. BILLINGHAM SHERIFF Sheriff’s Number: 15004958 DATED: 12/15/2015, 12/22/2015, 12/29/2015, 01/05/2015 POWERS KIRN, LLC 728 MARNE HIGHWAY, SUITE 200, MOORESTOWN, NJ 08057 $172.80


By virtue of a Writ of execution, to me directed, issued out of the SUPERIOR COURT OF NEW JERSEY CHANCERY DIVISION, CAMDEN COUNTY, DOCKET NO. F02718512 at Public Venue on WEDNESDAY the 6th Day of JANUARY, 2016 A.D. at 12 o’clock, LOCAL TIME, noon of said day, at the SHERIFF’S OFFICE in the COURT HOUSE, 520 Market St., 2nd Floor, Suite 202, in City and County of Camden and State of New Jersey: Property to be sold is located in the Borough of Pine Hill, County of Camden, State of New Jersey. Premises commonly known as: 1802 Bromley Estates, (Unit 1802), Pine Hill, NJ 08021 Being Tax Lot: 1.07, C1802, Block: 24.01 Dimensions approximately: Being known as Unit 1802 in Bromley Estates, phase III, a condominium situate on Hickstown Road in Pine Hill Borough, Camden County, New Jersey, as more specifically described in the Master deed of Bromley Estates, Phase III, a condominium, recorded on August 4, 1978, in the office of the Register of Deeds of Camden County, at Camden, New Jersey, in Deed book 3577, page 805. Together with an undivided interest of 2.42 percent (2.42%) in the common elements and common expenses as defined in and provided for in said Master Deed under Exhibit A. Together with the irrevocable right to the exclusive use of that parking space numbered 1802 shown on the Condominium Plan. The sale is subject to unpaid taxes and assessments, tax, water, and sewer liens and other municipal assessments. The amount due can be obtained from the local taxing authority. Pursuant to N.S.J.A. 46:8B-21 the sale may also be subject to the limited lien priority of any condominium/ home-owner association liens which may exist. The judgment sought to be satisfied by the sale is: “APPROXIMATELY” $69,299.18 TWENTY PERCENT DEPOSIT REQUIRED SURPLUS MONEY: If after the sale and satisfaction of the mortgage debt, including costs and expenses, there remains any surplus money, the money will be deposited into the Superior Court Trust Fund and any person claiming the surplus, or any part thereof, may file a motion pursuant to Court Rules 4:64-3 and 4:57-2 stating the nature and extent of that person’s claim and asking for an order directing payment of the surplus money. The Sheriff or other person conducting the sale will have information regarding the surplus, if any. Note: The sheriff reserves the right to adjourn this sale for any length of time without further advertisement. Seized as the property of: NANCY J. MASON, and taken in execution of WELLS FARGO BANK, N.A. CHARLES H. BILLINGHAM SHERIFF Sheriff’s Number: 15004950 DATED: 12/15/2016, 12/22/2016, 12/29/2016, 01/05/2015 SHAPIRO & DENARDO, LLP 14000 COMMERCE PARKWAY SUITE B, MT. LAUREL, NJ 08054` $184.32


By virtue of a Writ of execution, to me directed, issued out of the SUPERIOR COURT OF NEW JERSEY CHANCERY DIVISION, CAMDEN COUNTY, DOCKET NO. F00139813 at Public Venue on WEDNESDAY the 6th Day of JANUARY, 2015 A.D. at 12 o’clock, LOCAL TIME, noon of said day, at the SHERIFF’S OFFICE in the COURT HOUSE, 520 Market St., 2nd Floor, Suite 202, in City and County of Camden and State of New Jersey: Property to be sold is located in the Township of Cherry Hill, County of Camden, State of New Jersey. Premises commonly known as: 1121 West Valleybrook Road, Cherry Hill, NJ08034 Being Tax Lot: 49 FKA 48, Block: 431.13 fka 431.F Dimensions approximately: 73 x 242 IRR Nearest Cross Street: Greenwood Road The Sheriff hereby reserves the right to adjourn this sale without further notice through publication. The judgment sought to be satisfied by the sale is: “APPROXIMATELY” $340,694.46 TWENTY PERCENT DEPOSIT REQUIRED SURPLUS MONEY: If after the sale and satisfaction of the mortgage debt, including costs and expenses, there remains any surplus money, the money will be deposited into the Superior Court Trust Fund and any person claiming the surplus, or any part thereof, may file a motion pursuant to Court Rules 4:64-3 and 4:57-2 stating the nature and extent of that person’s claim and asking for an order directing payment of the surplus money. The Sheriff or other person conducting the sale will have information regarding the surplus, if any. Note: The sheriff reserves the right to adjourn this sale for any length of time without further advertisement. Seized as the property of: SUSAN M. MCNELLIS, and taken in execution of WELLS FARGO BANK, N.A. CHARLES H. BILLINGHAM SHERIFF Sheriff’s Number: 15004968 DATED: 12/15/2015, 12/22/2015, 12/22/2015, 01/05/2016 KNUCKLES, KOMOSINSKI & ELLIOTT LLP 565 TAXTER ROAD, SUITE 590, ELMSFORD, NY 10523 $129.6

Aileen Connolly o email a: SHERIFF’S SALE

By virtue of a Writ of execution, to me directed, issued out of the SUPERIOR COURT OF NEW JERSEY CHANCERY DIVISION, CAMDEN COUNTY, DOCKET NO. F01543514 at Public Venue on WEDNESDAY the 6th Day of JANUARY, 2016 A.D. at 12 o’clock, LOCAL TIME, noon of said day, at the SHERIFF’S OFFICE in the COURT HOUSE, 520 Market St., 2nd Floor, Suite 202, in City and County of Camden and State of New Jersey: Property to be sold is located in the City of Camden, County of Camden, State of New Jersey. Premises commonly known as: 327 Boyd St, Camden, NJ 08105 Being Tax Lot: 18, Block: 1246 Dimensions approximately: 40 x 95 Nearest Cross Street: Thorndyke Avenue “THE SHERIFF HEREBY RESERVES THE RIGHT TO ADJOURN THIS SALE WITHOUT FURTHER NOTICE THROUGH PUBLICATION.” PRIOR LIENS/ENCUMBRANCES SEWER OPEN PLUS PENALTY - $290.80 CCMUA OPEN PLUS PENALTY - $161.75 TOTAL AS OF SEPTEMBER 21, 2015: $452.55 The judgment sought to be satisfied by the sale is: “APPROXIMATELY” $222,420.77 TWENTY PERCENT DEPOSIT REQUIRED SURPLUS MONEY: If after the sale and satisfaction of the mortgage debt, including costs and expenses, there remains any surplus money, the money will be deposited into the Superior Court Trust Fund and any person claiming the surplus, or any part thereof, may file a motion pursuant to Court Rules 4:64-3 and 4:57-2 stating the nature and extent of that person’s claim and asking for an order directing payment of the surplus money. The Sheriff or other person conducting the sale will have information regarding the surplus, if any. Note: The sheriff reserves the right to adjourn this sale for any length of time without further advertisement. Seized as the property of: APRIL BUSBEE, and taken in execution of BAYVIEW LOAN SERVICING, LLC CHARLES H. BILLINGHAM SHERIFF Sheriff’s Number: 15004859 DATED: 12/15/2016, 12/22/2016, 12/29/2016, 01/05/2016 FEIN, SUCH, KAHN & SHEPARD, P.C. 7 CENTURY DRIVE, SUITE 201 PARSIPPANY, NJ 07054 $144.00


By virtue of a Writ of execution, to me directed, issued out of the SUPERIOR COURT OF NEW JERSEY CHANCERY DIVISION, CAMDEN COUNTY, DOCKET NO. F02727312 at Public Venue on WEDNESDAY the 13th Day of JANUARY, 2016 A.D. at 12 o’clock, LOCAL TIME, noon of said day, at the SHERIFF’S OFFICE in the COURT HOUSE, 520 Market St., 2nd Floor, Suite 202, in City and County of Camden and State of New Jersey: Property to be sold is located in the City of Camden, County of Camden, State of New Jersey. Premises commonly known as: 2230 Carman Street, Camden, NJ 08105 Being Tax Lot: 10; Block: 1161 Dimensions approximately: 100’ x 23’ Nearest Cross Street: 24th Street The Sheriff hereby reserves the right to adjourn this sale without further notice through publication. The judgment sought to be satisfied by the sale is: “APPROXIMATELY” $112,117.18 TWENTY PERCENT DEPOSIT REQUIRED SURPLUS MONEY: If after the sale and satisfaction of the mortgage debt, including costs and expenses, there remains any surplus money, the money will be deposited into the Superior Court Trust Fund and any person claiming the surplus, or any part thereof, may file a motion pursuant to Court Rules 4:64-3 and 4:57-2 stating the nature and extent of that person’s claim and asking for an order directing payment of the surplus money. The Sheriff or other person conducting the sale will have information regarding the surplus, if any. Note: The sheriff reserves the right to adjourn this sale for any length of time without further advertisement. Seized as the property of: MICHELLE QUINONES AND MORGAN QUINONS and taken in execution of FEDERAL NATIONAL MORTGAGE ASSOCIATION CHARLES H. BILLINGHAM SHERIFF Sheriff’s Number: 15005119 DATED: 12/22/2015, 12/29/2015, 01/05/2016, 01/12/2016 PLUESE BECKER & SALTZMAN 20000 HORIZON WAY SUITE 900, MT. LAUREL, NJ 08054 $135.36

20 » CLASIFICADOS » AL DÍA » DICIEMBRE 30, 2015 - ENERO 6, 2016 » ALDÍ


By virtue of a Writ of execution, to me directed, issued out of the SUPERIOR COURT OF NEW JERSEY CHANCERY DIVISION, CAMDEN COUNTY, DOCKET NO. F004791413 at Public Venue on WEDNESDAY the 6th Day of JANUARY, 2016 A.D. at 12 o’clock, LOCAL TIME, noon of said day, at the SHERIFF’S OFFICE in the COURT HOUSE, 520 Market St., 2nd Floor, Suite 202, in City and County of Camden and State of New Jersey: Property to be sold is located in the City of Camden, County of Camden, State of New Jersey. Premises commonly known as: 326 State Street, Camden, NJ 08102-2017 Being Tax Lot: 12, Block: 26 Dimensions approximately: 25 feet wide by 121 feet long Nearest Cross Street: Situated on the Southerly side of State Street, 60 feet from the Westerly side of Fourth Street. The sale is subject to unpaid taxes and assessments, tax, water, and sewer liens and other municipal assessments. The amount due can be obtained from the local taxing authority. Pursuant to N.S.J.A. 46:8B-21 the sale may also be subject to the limited lien priority of any condominium/ home-owner association liens which may exist. The judgment sought to be satisfied by the sale is: “APPROXIMATELY” $70,954.87 TWENTY PERCENT DEPOSIT REQUIRED SURPLUS MONEY: If after the sale and satisfaction of the mortgage debt, including costs and expenses, there remains any surplus money, the money will be deposited into the Superior Court Trust Fund and any person claiming the surplus, or any part thereof, may file a motion pursuant to Court Rules 4:64-3 and 4:57-2 stating the nature and extent of that person’s claim and asking for an order directing payment of the surplus money. The Sheriff or other person conducting the sale will have information regarding the surplus, if any. Note: The sheriff reserves the right to adjourn this sale for any length of time without further advertisement. Seized as the property of: ESMERELDA ALMONTE, and taken in execution of US BANK NATIONAL ASSOCIATION CHARLES H. BILLINGHAM SHERIFF Sheriff’s Number: 15004951 DATED: 12/15/2016, 12/22/2016, 12/29/2016, 01/05/2015 SHAPIRO & DENARDO, LLP 14000 COMMERCE PARKWAY SUITE B MT. LAUREL, NJ 08054` $152.64



By virtue of a Writ of execution, to me directed, issued out of the SUPERIOR COURT OF NEW JERSEY CHANCERY DIVISION, CAMDEN COUNTY, DOCKET NO. F01671714 at Public Venue on WEDNESDAY the 6th Day of JANUARY, 2016 A.D. at 12 o’clock, LOCAL TIME, noon of said day, at the SHERIFF’S OFFICE in the COURT HOUSE, 520 Market St., 2nd Floor, Suite 202, in City and County of Camden and State of New Jersey: Property to be sold is located in the Municipality of Camden, County of Camden, State of New Jersey. Premises commonly known as: 1159 Thurman Street, Camden, NJ 08104 Being Tax Lot: 55, Block: 1341 Dimensions approximately: 17.17feet wide by 100 feet long Nearest Cross Street: Beginning at a point in the Northerly line of Thurman Street, at the distance of 305,58 feet from the northwestwardly side of Louis Street The sale is subject to unpaid taxes and assessments, tax, water, and sewer liens and other municipal assessments. The amount due can be obtained from the local taxing authority. Pursuant to N.S.J.A. 46:8B-21 the sale may also be subject to the limited lien priority of any condominium/ home-owner association liens which may exist. The judgment sought to be satisfied by the sale is: “APPROXIMATELY” $85,529.14 TWENTY PERCENT DEPOSIT REQUIRED SURPLUS MONEY: If after the sale and satisfaction of the mortgage debt, including costs and expenses, there remains any surplus money, the money will be deposited into the Superior Court Trust Fund and any person claiming the surplus, or any part thereof, may file a motion pursuant to Court Rules 4:64-3 and 4:57-2 stating the nature and extent of that person’s claim and asking for an order directing payment of the surplus money. The Sheriff or other person conducting the sale will have information regarding the surplus, if any. Note: The sheriff reserves the right to adjourn this sale for any length of time without further advertisement. Seized as the property of: OLUFEMI AKINOLA and taken in execution of US BANK NATIONAL ASSOCIATION CHARLES H. BILLINGHAM SHERIFF Sheriff’s Number: 15005006 DATED: 12/15/2016, 12/22/2016, 12/29/2016, 01/05/2015 SHAPIRO & DENARDO, LLP 14000 COMMERCE PARKWAY SUITE B, MT. LAUREL, NJ 08054 $152.64


By virtue of a Writ of execution, to me directed, issued out of the SUPERIOR COURT OF NEW JERSEY CHANCERY DIVISION, CAMDEN COUNTY, DOCKET NO. F02574914 at Public Venue on WEDNESDAY the 6th Day of JANUARY, 2016 A.D. at 12 o’clock, LOCAL TIME, noon of said day, at the SHERIFF’S OFFICE in the COURT HOUSE, 520 Market St., 2nd Floor, Suite 202, in City and County of Camden and State of New Jersey: Property to be sold is located in the City of Camden, County of Camden, State of New Jersey. Premises commonly known as: 1142 Carl Miller Boulevard, Camden, NJ 08104 Being Tax Lot: 12 Block 562 Dimensions approximately: 14 feet wide by 86 feet long Nearest Cross Street: Pulaski Street Prior Lien(s): Sewer account past due in the amount of $238.32 *Subject to any unpaid taxes, municipal liens or other charges, and any such taxes. charges, liens, insurance premiums or other advances made by plaintiff prior to this sale. All interested parties are to conduct and rely upon their own independent investigation to ascertain whether or not any outstanding interest remain of record and/or have priority over the lien being foreclosed and, if so the current amount due thereon. The judgment sought to be satisfied by the sale is: “APPROXIMATELY” $386,454.88 TWENTY PERCENT DEPOSIT REQUIRED SURPLUS MONEY: If after the sale and satisfaction of the mortgage debt, including costs and expenses, there remains any surplus money, the money will be deposited into the Superior Court Trust Fund and any person claiming the surplus, or any part thereof, may file a motion pursuant to Court Rules 4:64-3 and 4:57-2 stating the nature and extent of that person’s claim and asking for an order directing payment of the surplus money. The Sheriff or other person conducting the sale will have information regarding the surplus, if any. Note: The sheriff reserves the right to adjourn this sale for any length of time without further advertisement. Seized as the property of: DENISE C. YOUNG and taken in execution of NATIONSTAR MORTGAGE LLC CHARLES H. BILLINGHAM SHERIFF Sheriff’s Number: 15004924 DATED: 12/15/2015, 12/22/2015, 12/29/2015, 01/05/2016 STERN, LAVINTHAL, FRANKENBERG, LLC 105 EISENHOWER PARKWAY SUITE 302 ROSELAND, NJ 07068 $155.52


By virtue of a Writ of execution, to me directed, issued out of the SUPERIOR COURT OF NEW JERSEY CHANCERY DIVISION, CAMDEN COUNTY, DOCKET NO. F02797612 at Public Venue on WEDNESDAY the 6th Day of JANUARY, 2016 A.D. at 12 o’clock, LOCAL TIME, noon of said day, at the SHERIFF’S OFFICE in the COURT HOUSE, 520 Market St., 2nd Floor, Suite 202, in City and County of Camden and State of New Jersey: Property to be sold is located in the Municipality of Pennsauken, County of Camden, State of New Jersey. Premises commonly known as: 3803 Caverow Avenue Being Tax Lot: 20, Block: 901 Dimensions approximately: 60.06’ x 102.24’ Nearest Cross Street: Beginning at a point for corner, now marked by an Iron Bar found in the Northerly line of Caverow Avenue (50’ wide tax map), said point being Westwardly and a distance of 328.12’ from the Westerly end of a curve connecting said line of Caverow Avenue with the Westerly line on Fortieth Street, said point being in the division line between Lots 19 and 20, Block 901 on Plain of Tax Map hereinafter mentioned; extending thence SUPERIOR INTERESTS (if any): Pennsauken Township holds a claim for taxes due and/or other municipal utilities such as water and/or sewer in the amount of $1,111.80 as of 11/01/2015. The Sheriff hereby reserves the right to adjourn this sale without further notice through publication. The judgment sought to be satisfied by the sale is: “APPROXIMATELY” $155,205.94 TWENTY PERCENT DEPOSIT REQUIRED SURPLUS MONEY: If after the sale and satisfaction of the mortgage debt, including costs and expenses, there remains any surplus money, the money will be deposited into the Superior Court Trust Fund and any person claiming the surplus, or any part thereof, may file a motion pursuant to Court Rules 4:64-3 and 5:57-2 stating the nature and extent of that person’s claim and asking for an order directing payment of the surplus money. The Sheriff or other person conducting the sale will have information regarding the surplus, if any. Note: The sheriff reserves the right to adjourn this sale for any length of time without further advertisement. Seized as the property of: ELIEZER A. RODRIGUEZ and taken In execution of NEW JERSEY HOUSING AND MORTGAGE FINANCE AGENCY CHARLES H. BILLINGHAM SHERIFF Sheriff’s Number: 15004846 DATED: 12/15/2015, 12/22/2015, 12/29/2015, 01/05/2015 POWERS KIRN, LLC 728 MARNE HIGHWAY, SUITE 200 MOORESTOWN, NJ 08057 $164.16

Aileen Connolly o email a: SHERIFF’S SALE

By virtue of a Writ of execution, to me directed, issued out of the SUPERIOR COURT OF NEW JERSEY CHANCERY DIVISION, CAMDEN COUNTY, DOCKET NO. F05054310 at Public Venue on WEDNESDAY the 6th Day of JANUARY, 2016 A.D. at 12 o’clock, LOCAL TIME, noon of said day, at the SHERIFF’S OFFICE in the COURT HOUSE, 520 Market St., 2nd Floor, Suite 202, in City and County of Camden and State of New Jersey: Property to be sold is located in the Township of Pennsauken, County of Camden, State of New Jersey. Premises commonly known as: 4614 Lafayette Avenue, Pennsauken, NJ 08109 Being Tax Lot: 64 Block: 5216 Dimensions approximately: 18 feet wide by 100 feet long Nearest cross street: situated on the Northeasterly side of Lafayette Avenue, 112 feet from the Southerly side of Myrtle Avenue The sale is subject to unpaid taxes and assessments, tax, water, and sewer liens and other municipal assessments. The amount due can be obtained from the local taxing authority. Pursuant to N.S.J.A. 46:8B-21 the sale may also be subject to the limited lien priority of any condominium/ home-owner association liens which may exist. The judgment sought to be satisfied by the sale is: “APPROXIMATELY” $178,720.13 TWENTY PERCENT DEPOSIT REQUIRED SURPLUS MONEY: If after the sale and satisfaction of the mortgage debt, including costs and expenses, there remains any surplus money, the money will be deposited into the Superior Court Trust Fund and any person claiming the surplus, or any part thereof, may file a motion pursuant to Court Rules 4:64-3 and 4:57-2 stating the nature and extent of that person’s claim and asking for an order directing payment of the surplus money. The Sheriff or other person conducting the sale will have information regarding the surplus, if any. Note: The sheriff reserves the right to adjourn this sale for any length of time without further advertisement. Seized as the property of: LAUREN FERNANDEZ and taken in execution of WELLS FARGO BANK, N.A. CHARLES H. BILLINGHAM SHERIFF Sheriff’s Number: 15004942 DATED: 12/15/2016, 12/22/2016, 12/29/2016, 01/05/2015 SHAPIRO & DENARDO, LLP 14000 COMMERCE PARKWAY SUITE B MT. LAUREL, NJ 08054 $152.64


By virtue of a Writ of execution, to me directed, issued out of the SUPERIOR COURT OF NEW JERSEY CHANCERY DIVISION, CAMDEN COUNTY, DOCKET NO. F00038514 at Public Venue on WEDNESDAY the 6th Day of JANUARY, 2016 A.D. at 12 o’clock, LOCAL TIME, noon of said day, at the SHERIFF’S OFFICE in the COURT HOUSE, 520 Market St., 2nd Floor, Suite 202, in City and County of Camden and State of New Jersey: Property to be sold is located in the Municipality of Voorhees, County of Camden, State of New Jersey. Premises commonly known as: 2101 Sandra Road, Voorhees, NJ 08043 Being Tax Lot: 9 Block: 150.17 QUAL C201 Dimensions approximately: Condo Nearest Cross Street: Roberts Way The sale is subject to unpaid taxes and assessments, tax, water, and sewer liens and other municipal assessments. The amount due can be obtained from the local taxing authority. Pursuant to N.S.J.A. 46:8B-21 the sale may also be subject to the limited lien priority of any condominium/home-owner association liens which may exist. The judgment sought to be satisfied by the sale is: “APPROXIMATELY” $134,442.51 TWENTY PERCENT DEPOSIT REQUIRED SURPLUS MONEY: If after the sale and satisfaction of the mortgage debt, including costs and expenses, there remains any surplus money, the money will be deposited into the Superior Court Trust Fund and any person claiming the surplus, or any part thereof, may file a motion pursuant to Court Rules 4:64-3 and 4:57-2 stating the nature and extent of that person’s claim and asking for an order directing payment of the surplus money. The Sheriff or other person conducting the sale will have information regarding the surplus, if any. Note: The sheriff reserves the right to adjourn this sale for any length of time without further advertisement. Seized as the property of: DARNELA R. KENTON, and taken in execution of DLJ MORTGAGE CAPITAL INC. CHARLES H. BILLINGHAM SHERIFF Sheriff’s Number: 15004915 DATED: 12/15/2015, 12/22/2015, 12/29/2015, 01/05/2016 RAS Citron Law Offices 130 Clinton Road Suite 202, Fairfield, NJ 07004 $144.00


By virtue of a Writ of execution, to me directed, issued out of the SUPERIOR COURT OF NEW JERSEY CHANCERY DIVISION, CAMDEN COUNTY, DOCKET NO. F00739915 at Public Venue on WEDNESDAY the 6th Day of JANUARY, 2016 A.D. at 12 o’clock, LOCAL TIME, noon of said day, at the SHERIFF’S OFFICE in the COURT HOUSE, 520 Market St., 2nd Floor, Suite 202, in City and County of Camden and State of New Jersey: Property to be sold is located in the Municipality of Camden, County of Camden, State of New Jersey. Premises commonly known as: 2406 Wainwright Street Being Tax Lot: 88, Block: 631 Dimensions approximately: 20.00’ x 95.00’ Nearest Cross Street: 55’ from Fairview Street SUPERIOR INTERESTS (if any): United Water Company holds a claim for taxes due and/ or other municipal utilities such as water and/or sewer in the amount of $1,087.51 as of 8/27/2015. CCMUA-Sewer holds a claim for taxes due and/or other municipal utilities such as water and/or sewer in the amount of $117.46 as of 8/27/2015. The Sheriff hereby reserves the right to adjourn this sale without further notice through publication. The judgment sought to be satisfied by the sale is: “APPROXIMATELY” $54,254.01 TWENTY PERCENT DEPOSIT REQUIRED SURPLUS MONEY: If after the sale and satisfaction of the mortgage debt, including costs and expenses, there remains any surplus money, the money will be deposited into the Superior Court Trust Fund and any person claiming the surplus, or any part thereof, may file a motion pursuant to Court Rules 4:64-3 and 5:57-2 stating the nature and extent of that person’s claim and asking for an order directing payment of the surplus money. The Sheriff or other person conducting the sale will have information regarding the surplus, if any. Note: The sheriff reserves the right to adjourn this sale for any length of time without further advertisement. Seized as the property of: EVELYN DAVIS, and taken In execution of JAMES B. NUTTER AND COMPANY CHARLES H. BILLINGHAM SHERIFF Sheriff’s Number: 15004962 DATED: 12/15/2015, 12/22/2015, 12/29/2015, 01/05/2015 POWERS KIRN, LLC 728 MARNE HIGHWAY, SUITE 200, MOORESTOWN, NJ 08057 $146.88

CITY COUNCIL PHILADELPHIA, PENNSYLVANIA 19107-3290 2016 NOTICE OF VACANT PROPERTY REVIEW COMMITTEE MEETINGS The Vacant Property Review Committee will meet in the Caucus Room, (Room 401, City Hall) from 10:00 A.M. to 2:00 P.M. on the following dates: Tuesday, January 12, 2016 Tuesday, February 9, 2016 Tuesday, March 8, 2016 Tuesday, April 12, 2016 Tuesday, May 10, 2016 Tuesday, June 14, 2016 Tuesday, July 12, 2016 Tuesday, August 9, 2016 Tuesday, September 13, 2016 Tuesday, October 11, 2016 Tuesday, November 15, 2016 Tuesday, December 13, 2016 SUSIE D. JARMON, CHAIRWOMAN Vacant Property Review Committee DRIVING THE NEW AMERICAN NARRATIVE



ALDÍ « DICIEMBRE 30, 2015 - ENERO 6, 2016 « AL DÍA « CLASIFICADOS « 21



By virtue of a Writ of execution, to me directed, issued out of the SUPERIOR COURT OF NEW JERSEY CHANCERY DIVISION, CAMDEN COUNTY, DOCKET NO. F01220513 at Public Venue on WEDNESDAY the 6th Day of JANUARY, 2016 A.D. at 12 o’clock, LOCAL TIME, noon of said day, at the SHERIFF’S OFFICE in the COURT HOUSE, 520 Market St., 2nd Floor, Suite 202, in City and County of Camden and State of New Jersey: Property to be sold is located in the Township of Pennsauken, County of Camden, State of New Jersey. Premises commonly known as: 6511 Walton Avenue Being Tax Lot: 8, Block: 5911 Dimensions approximately: 74 x 115 AVG Nearest Cross Street: Beacon Street Beginning at a point in the curved Northwesterly line of Walton Avenue an arc distance of 66.31 feet with a radius of 252.32 feet Northeastwardly from a point of reverse curve therein, said point of reverse curve being an arc distance of 114.58 feet with a radius of 232.43 from a point of tangency therein, said point of tangency being distant 173.05 feet Northeastwardly from the intersection of the Northwesterly line of Walton Avenue with the Easterly end of the rounded Northerly corner of Beacon Street and Walton Avenue. Pursuant to a tax search of 09/24/2015; 2015 QTR 3Taxes: $1,388.11 Open plus penalty: 2015 QTR 3 Taxes: $1,507.34 Open, subject to posting; 2015 QTR 4 Taxes: $1,388.11 Open, due on 11/01/2015; 2016 QTR 1 Taxes, $1,392.79 Open, due on 02/01/2016; 2016 QTR 2 Taxes, $1,392.78 Open, due on 05/01/2016 Water Account #4030130 0; 04/07/2015-07/13/2015; $21.00 Open plus penalty; $120.73 open plus penalty, owed in arrears, subject to final reading Sewer account: #60019000 0: 09/01/2015 - 11/30/2015; $50.00 Open; $100.00 Open plus penalty; owed in arrears; CCMUA; Account #27009208; 09/01/2015 - 11/30/2015: $88.00 Open; $261.50 Open plus penalty; owed in arrears; subject to a 2014 3rd party CCMUA lien in the amount of $330.02 + subsequent taxes + interest; Certificate #15-00833; sold on 06/24/2015 to US Bank CustPC5 Sterling National; must call prior to settlement for redemption figures. (This concise description does not constitute a legal description. A copy of the full legal description can be found at the Office of the Sheriff.) THE SHERIFF HEREBY RESERVES THE RIGHT TO ADJOURN THIS SALE WITHOUT FURTHER NOTICE THROUGH PUBLICATION. The judgment sought to be satisfied by the sale is: “APPROXIMATELY” $287,242.68 TWENTY PERCENT DEPOSIT REQUIRED SURPLUS MONEY: If after the sale and satisfaction of the mortgage debt, including costs and expenses, there remains any surplus money, the money will be deposited into the Superior Court Trust Fund and any person claiming the surplus, or any part thereof, may file a motion pursuant to Court Rules 4:64-3 and 4:57-2 stating the nature and extent of that person’s claim and asking for an order directing payment of the surplus money. The Sheriff or other person conducting the sale will have information regarding the surplus, if any. Note: The Sheriff reserves the right to adjourn this sale for any length of time without further advertisement. Seized as the property of: ALFREDA NOVAK, and taken in execution of ONEWEST BANK, FSB CHARLES H. BILLINGHAM SHERIFF Sheriff’s Number: 15004889 DATED: 12/15/2016, 12/22/2016, 12/29/2016, 01/05/2016 FRENKEL LAMBERT WEISS WEISMAN AND GORDON, LLP 80 MAIN STREET, SUITE 460 WEST ORANGE, NJ 07052 $221.76

CITY COUNCIL PHILADELPHIA, PENNSYLVANIA 19107-3290 NOTICE OF STATED MEETING Notice is hereby given that the first Regular Stated Meeting of City Council for 2016 is scheduled for Monday, January 4, 2016 at 10:00 AM.. This Meeting will be held at the Academy of Music, Broad and Locust Streets, Philadelphia, PA. Michael A. Decker Chief Clerk


Aileen Connolly o email a: SHERIFF’S SALE

By virtue of a Writ of execution, to me directed, issued out of the SUPERIOR COURT OF NEW JERSEY CHANCERY DIVISION, CAMDEN COUNTY, DOCKET NO. F001961709 at Public Venue on WEDNESDAY the 13th Day of JANUARY, 2016 A.D. at 12 o’clock, LOCAL TIME, noon of said day, at the SHERIFF’S OFFICE in the COURT HOUSE, 520 Market St., 2nd Floor, Suite 202, in City and County of Camden and State of New Jersey: Property to be sold is located in the Township of Winslow, County of Camden, State of New Jersey. Premises commonly known as: 34 Woodstream Drive, ATCO, NJ 08004 with a mailing address of 34 Woodstream Drive, Winslow, NJ 08004 Being Tax Lot: 17, Block: 2401.5 Dimensions approximately: 36 x 100 Nearest Cross Street: Windingbrook Drive BEGINNING at an iron bar in the curved Northwest line of Woodstream Drive (60 feet wide) and iron bar being where the said line of Woodstream Drive is intersected by the division line between Lot 17 and Lot 18 in Block 2401.05 as shown on hereinaffter mentioned filed plan; and extending thence “THE SHERIFF HEREBY RESERVES THE RIGHT TO ADJOURN THIS SALE WITHOUT FURTHER NOTICE THROUGH PUBLICATION.” PRIOR LIENS/ENCUMBRANCES TAXES OPEN $1,444.19 WATER OPEN PLUS PENALTY - $318.15 SEWER OPEN PLUS PENALTY - $98.85 CCMUA OPEN PLUS PENALTY - $602.75 TOTAL AS OF AUGUST 24, 2015: $2,463.95 GENERAL REMARK SUBJECT TO TAX SALE CCMUA OPEN + PENALTY $341.25 The judgment sought to be satisfied by the sale is: “APPROXIMATELY” $326,552.95 TWENTY PERCENT DEPOSIT REQUIRED SURPLUS MONEY: If after the sale and satisfaction of the mortgage debt, including costs and expenses, there remains any surplus money, the money will be deposited into the Superior Court Trust Fund and any person claiming the surplus, or any part thereof, may file a motion pursuant to Court Rules 4:64-3 and 4:57-2 stating the nature and extent of that person’s claim and asking for an order directing payment of the surplus money. The Sheriff or other person conducting the sale will have information regarding the surplus, if any. Note: The sheriff reserves the right to adjourn this sale for any length of time without further advertisement. Seized as the property of: RUSSELL T HOMAN, III, and taken in execution of NATIONSTAR MORTGAGE LLC CHARLES H. BILLINGHAM SHERIFF Sheriff’s Number: 15005140 DATED: 12/22/2016, 12/29/2016, 01/05/2016, 01/12/2016 FEIN, SUCH, KAHN & SHEPARD, P.C. 7 CENTURY DRIVE, SUITE 201 PARSIPPANY, NJ 07054 $175.68

By virtue of a Writ of execution, to me directed, issued out of the SUPERIOR COURT OF NEW JERSEY CHANCERY DIVISION, CAMDEN COUNTY, DOCKET NO. F001424114 at Public Venue on WEDNESDAY the 13th Day of JANUARY, 2016 A.D. at 12 o’clock, LOCAL TIME, noon of said day, at the SHERIFF’S OFFICE in the COURT HOUSE, 520 Market St., 2nd Floor, Suite 202, in City and County of Camden and State of New Jersey: Property to be sold is located in the Borough of Lindenwold, County of Camden, State of New Jersey. Premises commonly known as: 217 East Winthrop Avenue, Lindenwold Boro, NJ 08021-2516 Being Tax Lot: 17 Block: 299.05 on the Official Tax Map of the Borough of Lindenwold Dimensions approximately: 61.00 ft x 110.00 ft x 61.00 ft x 110.00 ft Nearest Cross Street: Brighton Avenue The Sheriff hereby reserves the right to adjourn this sale without further notice through publication. *Subject to any unpaid taxes, municipal liens or other charges, and any such taxes, charges, liens, insurance premiums or other advances made by plaintiff prior to this sale. All interested parties are to conduct and rely upon their own independent investigation to ascertain whether or not any outstanding interest remain of record and/or have priority over the lien being foreclosed and, if so the current amount due thereon. **If the sale is set aside for any reason, the purchaser at the sale shall be entitled only to a return of the deposit paid. The purchaser shall have no further recourse against the Mortgagor, the Mortgagee or the Mortgagee’s attorney. Advertise subject USA’s right of redemption: Pursuant to 28, U.S.C. Section 2140, this sale is subject to a 1 year right of redemption held by the United States of America by virtue of its lien: UNITED STATES OF AMERICA is hereby named a party defendant herein for any lien, claim or interest it may have in, to, or on the mortgaged premises by virtue of the following MORTGAGE: TERRANCE D. MAYO AND AMANDA THOMPSON TO SECRETARY OF HOUSING AND URBAN DEVELOPMENT. dated February 1, 2012 and recorded April 18, 2012 in Book 9575, Page 356. To secure $12,909.66 The judgment sought to be satisfied by the sale is: “APPROXIMATELY” $193,189.57 TWENTY PERCENT DEPOSIT REQUIRED SURPLUS MONEY: If after the sale and satisfaction of the mortgage debt, including costs and expenses, there remains any surplus money, the money will be deposited into the Superior Court Trust Fund and any person claiming the surplus, or any part thereof, may file a motion pursuant to Court Rules 4:64-3 and 4:57-2 stating the nature and extent of that person’s claim and asking for an order directing payment of the surplus money. The Sheriff or other person conducting the sale will have information regarding the surplus, if any. Seized as the property of: AMANDA C. THOMPSON and taken in execution of NEW JERSEY HOUSING AND MORTGAGE FINANCE AGENCY CHARLES H. BILLINGHAM SHERIFF Sheriff’s Number: 15005166 DATED: 12/22/2015, 12/29/2015, 01/05/2016, 01/12/2016 PHELAN HALLINAN DIAMOND & JONES P.C. 400 FELLOWSHIP ROAD, SUITE 100 MT. LAUREL, NJ 08054 $204.48


By virtue of a Writ of execution, to me directed, issued out of the SUPERIOR COURT OF NEW JERSEY CHANCERY DIVISION, CAMDEN COUNTY, DOCKET NO. F03496614 at Public Venue on WEDNESDAY the 20th Day of JANUARY, 2016 A.D. at 12 o’clock, LOCAL TIME, noon of said day, at the SHERIFF’S OFFICE in the COURT HOUSE, 520 Market St., 2nd Floor, Suite 202, in City and County of Camden and State of New Jersey: Property to be sold is located in the Boro of Bellmawr, County of Camden, State of New Jersey. Premises commonly known as: 154 Cardinal Drive, Bellmawr, NJ 08031 Being Tax Lot: 7 Block: 81.04 Dimensions approximately: 138.97 x 34.89 x 129.33 x 21.68 x 42.65 x 19.76 feet irregular Nearest Cross Street: Belmont Road The Sheriff hereby reserves the right to adjourn this sale without further notice through publication. The judgment sought to be satisfied by the sale is: “APPROXIMATELY” $201,997.77 TWENTY PERCENT DEPOSIT REQUIRED SURPLUS MONEY: If after the sale and satisfaction of the mortgage debt, including costs and expenses, there remains any surplus money, the money will be deposited into the Superior Court Trust Fund and any person claiming the surplus, or any part thereof, may file a motion pursuant to Court Rules 4:64-3 and 4:57-2 stating the nature and extent of that person’s claim and asking for an order directing payment of the surplus money. The Sheriff or other person conducting the sale will have information regarding the surplus, if any. Note: The sheriff reserves the right to adjourn this sale for any length of time without further advertisement. Seized as the property of: HAYRI OZBAS AND ASUMAN OZBAS, and taken in execution of US BANK NATIONAL ASSOCIATION CHARLES H. BILLINGHAM SHERIFF Sheriff’s Number: 15005202 DATED: 12/29/2015, 01/05/2016, 01/12/2016, 01/19/2016 Buckley Madole, P.C., 99 Wood Avenue South, Suite 803, Iselin, NJ 08830 $138.24

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By virtue of a Writ of execution, to me directed, issued out of the SUPERIOR COURT OF NEW JERSEY CHANCERY DIVISION, CAMDEN COUNTY, DOCKET NO. F01963012 at Public Venue on WEDNESDAY the 13th Day of JANUARY, 2016 A.D. at 12 o’clock, LOCAL TIME, noon of said day, at the SHERIFF’S OFFICE in the COURT HOUSE, 520 Market St., 2nd Floor, Suite 202, in City and County of Camden and State of New Jersey: Property to be sold is located in the City of Camden, County of Camden, State of New Jersey. Premises commonly known as: 1174 Mechanic Street, Camden City, NJ 08104 Being Tax Lot: 17 Block: 1324 Dimensions approximately: 30 feet wide by 100 feet long Nearest Cross Street: Situated on the South side of Mechanic Street, 100 feet from the West side of Louis Street The sale is subject to unpaid taxes and assessments, tax, water, and sewer liens and other municipal assessments. The amount due can be obtained from the local taxing authority. Pursuant to N.S.J.A. 46:8B-21 the sale may also be subject to the limited lien priority of any condominium/ home- owner association liens which may exist. The judgment sought to be satisfied by the sale is: “APPROXIMATELY” $129,475.06 TWENTY PERCENT DEPOSIT REQUIRED SURPLUS MONEY: If after the sale and satisfaction of the mortgage debt, including costs and expenses, there remains any surplus money, the money will be deposited into the Superior Court Trust Fund and any person claiming the surplus, or any part thereof, may file a motion pursuant to Court Rules 4:64-3 and 4:57-2 stating the nature and extent of that person’s claim and asking for an order directing payment of the surplus money. The Sheriff or other person conducting the sale will have information regarding the surplus, if any. Note: The sheriff reserves the right to adjourn this sale for any length of time without further advertisement. Seized as the property of: YVETTE JONES and taken in execution of WELLS FARGO BANK N.A. CHARLES H. BILLINGHAM SHERIFF Sheriff’s Number: 15005102 DATED: 12/22/2015, 12/29/2015, 01/05/2016, 01/12/2015 SHAPIRO & DENARDO, LLP 14000 COMMERCE PARKWAY SUITE B MT. LAUREL, NJ 08054 $152.64



By virtue of a Writ of execution, to me directed, issued out of the SUPERIOR COURT OF NEW JERSEY CHANCERY DIVISION, CAMDEN COUNTY, DOCKET NO. F844010 at Public Venue on WEDNESDAY the 13th Day of JANUARY, 2016 A.D. at 12 o’clock, LOCAL TIME, noon of said day, at the SHERIFF’S OFFICE in the COURT HOUSE, 520 Market St., 2nd Floor, Suite 202, in City and County of Camden and State of New Jersey: Property to be sold is located in the City of Camden, County of Camden, State of New Jersey. Premises commonly known as: 239 Grand Avenue, New Jersey 08103 Being Tax Lot: 162 Block: 1177 Dimensions approximately: 25 feet wide by 100 feet long Nearest Cross Street: Situated on the Southwesterly side of Grand Avenue, 214.42 feet from the Northwesterly side of Benson Street The sale is subject to unpaid taxes and assessments, tax, water, and sewer liens and other municipal assessments. The amount due can be obtained from the local taxing authority. Pursuant to N.S.J.A. 46:8B-21 the sale may also be subject to the limited lien priority of any condominium/ home-owner association liens which may exist. The judgment sought to be satisfied by the sale is: “APPROXIMATELY” $152,166.75 TWENTY PERCENT DEPOSIT REQUIRED SURPLUS MONEY: If after the sale and satisfaction of the mortgage debt, including costs and expenses, there remains any surplus money, the money will be deposited into the Superior Court Trust Fund and any person claiming the surplus, or any part thereof, may file a motion pursuant to Court Rules 4:64-3 and 4:57-2 stating the nature and extent of that person’s claim and asking for an order directing payment of the surplus money. The Sheriff or other person conducting the sale will have information regarding the surplus, if any. Note: The sheriff reserves the right to adjourn this sale for any length of time without further advertisement. Seized as the property of: HEDILBERTO GALARZA and taken in execution of NATIONSTAR MORTGAGE LLC CHARLES H. BILLINGHAM SHERIFF Sheriff’s Number: 15005105 DATED: 12/22/2015, 12/29/2015, 01/05/2016, 01/12/2015 SHAPIRO & DENARDO, LLP 14000 COMMERCE PARKWAY SUITE B MT. LAUREL, NJ 08054 $152.64


By virtue of a Writ of execution, to me directed, issued out of the SUPERIOR COURT OF NEW JERSEY CHANCERY DIVISION, CAMDEN COUNTY, DOCKET NO. F1686709 at Public Venue on WEDNESDAY the 13th Day of JANUARY, 2016 A.D. at 12 o’clock, LOCAL TIME, noon of said day, at the SHERIFF’S OFFICE in the COURT HOUSE, 520 Market St., 2nd Floor, Suite 202, in City and County of Camden and State of New Jersey: Property to be sold is located in the City of Camden, County of Camden, State of New Jersey. Premises commonly known as: 892 Jefferson Street, Camden, NJ 08104 Being Tax Lot: 35 Block 570 Dimensions approximately: 15 feet wide by 100 feet long Nearest Cross Street: South 9th Street Prior Lien(s): CCMUA account past due in the amount of $173.22 *Subject to any unpaid taxes, municipal liens or other charges, and any such taxes. charges, liens, insurance premiums or other advances made by plaintiff prior to this sale. All interested parties are to conduct and rely upon their own independent investigation to ascertain whether or not any outstanding interest remain of record and/or have priority over the lien being foreclosed and, if so the current amount due thereon. The judgment sought to be satisfied by the sale is: “APPROXIMATELY” $90,084.49 TWENTY PERCENT DEPOSIT REQUIRED SURPLUS MONEY: If after the sale and satisfaction of the mortgage debt, including costs and expenses, there remains any surplus money, the money will be deposited into the Superior Court Trust Fund and any person claiming the surplus, or any part thereof, may file a motion pursuant to Court Rules 4:64-3 and 4:57-2 stating the nature and extent of that person’s claim and asking for an order directing payment of the surplus money. The Sheriff or other person conducting the sale will have information regarding the surplus, if any. Note: The sheriff reserves the right to adjourn this sale for any length of time without further advertisement. Seized as the property of: JOMIKO ROGERS and taken in execution of FEDERAL NATIONAL MORTGAGE ASSOCIATION CHARLES H. BILLINGHAM SHERIFF Sheriff’s Number: 15005057 DATED: 12/22/2015, 12/29/2015, 01/05/2016, 01/12/2016 STERN, LAVINTHAL, FRANKENBERG, LLC 105 EISENHOWER PARKWAY SUITE 302, ROSELAND, NJ 07068 $161.28


By virtue of a Writ of execution, to me directed, issued out of the SUPERIOR COURT OF NEW JERSEY CHANCERY DIVISION, CAMDEN COUNTY, DOCKET NO. F02638013 at Public Venue on WEDNESDAY the 13th Day of JANUARY, 2016 A.D. at 12 o’clock, LOCAL TIME, noon of said day, at the SHERIFF’S OFFICE in the COURT HOUSE, 520 Market St., 2nd Floor, Suite 202, in City and County of Camden and State of New Jersey: Property to be sold is located in the Municipality of Camden City, County of Camden, State of New Jersey. Premises commonly known as: 3145 Congress Road Being Tax Lot: 14 Block: 733 Dimensions approximately: 30.06’ x 73.26’ Nearest Cross Street: 82.34’ from Alabama Avenue SUPERIOR INTERESTS: (if any) Us Bank Cust for LFC 2012A, L holds a tax sale certificate in the amount of $948.43 as of 08/27/2013 Camden City-Taxes-QTR4 holds a claim for taxes due and/or other municipal utilities such as water and/or sewer in the amount of $489.41 as of 09/14/2015. United Water Company holds a claim for taxes due and/ or other municipal utilities such as water and/or sewer in the amount of $520.11 as of 09/14/2015. CCMUA holds a claim for taxes due and/or other municipal utilities such as water and/or sewer The judgment sought to be satisfied by the sale is: “APPROXIMATELY” $98,953.20 TWENTY PERCENT DEPOSIT REQUIRED SURPLUS MONEY: If after the sale and satisfaction of the mortgage debt, including costs and expenses, there remains any surplus money, the money will be deposited into the Superior Court Trust Fund and any person claiming the surplus, or any part thereof, may file a motion pursuant to Court Rules 4:64-3 and 4:57-2 stating the nature and extent of that person’s claim and asking for an order directing payment of the surplus money. The Sheriff or other person conducting the sale will have information regarding the surplus, if any. Note: The sheriff reserves the right to adjourn this sale for any length of time without further advertisement. Seized as the property of: JAVON L. KYZER and taken in execution of NATIONSTAR MORTGAGE LLC CHARLES H. BILLINGHAM SHERIFF Sheriff’s Number: 15005158 DATED: 12/22/2015, 12/29/2015, 01/05/2016, 01/12/2015 POWERS KIRN, LLC 728 MARNE HIGHWAY SUITE 200, MOORESTOWN, NJ 08057 $152.64

Aileen Connolly o email a: SHERIFF’S SALE

By virtue of a Writ of execution, to me directed, issued out of the SUPERIOR COURT OF NEW JERSEY CHANCERY DIVISION, CAMDEN COUNTY, DOCKET NO. F03506213 at Public Venue on WEDNESDAY the 13th Day of JANUARY, 2016 A.D. at 12 o’clock, LOCAL TIME, noon of said day, at the SHERIFF’S OFFICE in the COURT HOUSE, 520 Market St., 2nd Floor, Suite 202, in City and County of Camden and State of New Jersey: Property to be sold is located in Camden, County of Camden, State of New Jersey. Premises commonly known as: 1224 Dayton Street, Camden, NJ 08104 Being Tax Lot: 22, Block: 1370 Dimensions approximately: 13 x 65 Nearest Cross Street: Mount Ephraim Ave. A full legal description of the premises can be found in the office of the Sheriff of Camden County. Subject to any open taxes, water/sewer, municipal or tax liens that may be due. Prior Mortgages and/or Judgements: N/A The Sheriff hereby reserves the right to adjourn this sale without further notice through publication. The judgment sought to be satisfied by the sale is: “APPROXIMATELY” $93, 995.64 TWENTY PERCENT DEPOSIT REQUIRED SURPLUS MONEY: If after the sale and satisfaction of the mortgage debt, including costs and expenses, there remains any surplus money, the money will be deposited into the Superior Court Trust Fund and any person claiming the surplus, or any part thereof, may file a motion pursuant to Court Rules 4:64-3 and 4:57-2 stating the nature and extent of that person’s claim and asking for an order directing payment of the surplus money. The Sheriff or other person conducting the sale will have information regarding the surplus, if any. Note: The sheriff reserves the right to adjourn this sale for any length of time without further advertisement. Seized as the property of: MICHAEL BERKMAN AKA MICHAEL R. BERKMAN, and taken in execution of THE BANK OF NEW YORK MELLON FKA THE BANK OF NEW YORK CHARLES H. BILLINGHAM SHERIFF Sheriff’s Number: 15005039 DATED: 12/22/2015, 12/29/2015, 01/05/2016 01/12/2016 UDREN LAW OFFICES, P.C. 111 WOODCREST ROAD SUITE 200, WOODCREST CORPORATE CENTER CHERRY HILL, NJ 08003 $158.40


By virtue of a Writ of execution, to me directed, issued out of the SUPERIOR COURT OF NEW JERSEY CHANCERY DIVISION, CAMDEN COUNTY, DOCKET NO. F05246214 at Public Venue on WEDNESDAY the 13th Day of JANUARY, 2016 A.D. at 12 o’clock, LOCAL TIME, noon of said day, at the SHERIFF’S OFFICE in the COURT HOUSE, 520 Market St., 2nd Floor, Suite 202, in City and County of Camden and State of New Jersey: Property to be sold is located in the Township of Pennsauken, County of Camden, State of New Jersey. Premises commonly known as: 4713 Sherwood Terrace, Pennsauken, NJ 08109 Being Tax Lot: 7 Block 4713 Dimensions approximately: 18 feet wide by 92 feet long Nearest Cross Street: Lafayette Avenue (formerly Cynwyd Circle) Prior Lien(s): Sewer (PSA account) past due in the amount of $205.31 Sewer (CCMUA account) past due in the amount of $383.04 *Subject to any unpaid taxes, municipal liens or other charges, and any such taxes. charges, liens, insurance premiums or other advances made by plaintiff prior to this sale. All interested parties are to conduct and rely upon their own independent investigation to ascertain whether or not any outstanding interest remain of record and/or have priority over the lien being foreclosed and, if so the current amount due thereon. The judgment sought to be satisfied by the sale is: “APPROXIMATELY” $69,870.59 TWENTY PERCENT DEPOSIT REQUIRED SURPLUS MONEY: If after the sale and satisfaction of the mortgage debt, including costs and expenses, there remains any surplus money, the money will be deposited into the Superior Court Trust Fund and any person claiming the surplus, or any part thereof, may file a motion pursuant to Court Rules 4:64-3 and 4:57-2 stating the nature and extent of that person’s claim and asking for an order directing payment of the surplus money. The Sheriff or other person conducting the sale will have information regarding the surplus, if any. Note: The sheriff reserves the right to adjourn this sale for any length of time without further advertisement. Seized as the property of: JUAN BATISTA and taken in execution of US BANK NATIONAL ASSOCIATION CHARLES H. BILLINGHAM SHERIFF Sheriff’s Number: 15005069 DATED: 12/22/2015, 12/29/2015, 01/05/2016, 01/12/2016 STERN, LAVINTHAL, FRANKENBERG, LLC 105 EISENHOWER PARKWAY SUITE 302 $169.92


By virtue of a Writ of execution, to me directed, issued out of the SUPERIOR COURT OF NEW JERSEY CHANCERY DIVISION, CAMDEN COUNTY, DOCKET NO. F0529710 at Public Venue on WEDNESDAY the 13th Day of JANUARY, 2016 A.D. at 12 o’clock, LOCAL TIME, noon of said day, at the SHERIFF’S OFFICE in the COURT HOUSE, 520 Market St., 2nd Floor, Suite 202, in City and County of Camden and State of New Jersey: Property to be sold is located in the Township of Cherry Hill, County of Camden, State of New Jersey. Premises commonly known as: 211 Colwick Road, Cherry Hill, NJ 08002 Being Tax Lot: 15 Block: 260.01 on the Official Tax Map of the Township of Cherry Hill Dimensions approximately: 152.37 ft x 304.75 ft x 152.37 ft x 304.75 ft Nearest Cross Street: Maple Avenue The Sheriff hereby reserves the right to adjourn this sale without further notice through publication. *Subject to any unpaid taxes, municipal liens or other charges, and any such taxes, charges, liens, insurance premiums or other advances made by plaintiff prior to this sale. All interested parties are to conduct and rely upon their own independent investigation to ascertain whether or not any outstanding interest remain of record and/or have priority over the lien being foreclosed and, if so the current amount due thereon. **If the sale is set aside for any reason, the purchaser at the sale shall be entitled only to a return of the deposit paid. The purchaser shall have no further recourse against the Mortgagor, the Mortgagee or the Mortgagee’s attorney. The judgment sought to be satisfied by the sale is: “APPROXIMATELY” $517,759.86 TWENTY PERCENT DEPOSIT REQUIRED SURPLUS MONEY: If after the sale and satisfaction of the mortgage debt, including costs and expenses, there remains any surplus money, the money will be deposited into the Superior Court Trust Fund and any person claiming the surplus, or any part thereof, may file a motion pursuant to Court Rules 4:64-3 and 4:57-2 stating the nature and extent of that person’s claim and asking for an order directing payment of the surplus money. The Sheriff or other person conducting the sale will have information regarding the surplus, if any. Seized as the property of: ROBERT J. KRAWIECKI and taken in execution of OCWEN LOAN SERVICING LLC CHARLES H. BILLINGHAM SHERIFF Sheriff’s Number: 15005149 DATED: 12/22/2015, 12/29/2015, 01/05/2016, 01/12/2016 PHELAN HALLINAN DIAMOND & JONES P.C. 400 FELLOWSHIP ROAD, SUITE 100 MT. LAUREL, NJ 08054 $167.04

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By virtue of a Writ of execution, to me directed, issued out of the SUPERIOR COURT OF NEW JERSEY CHANCERY DIVISION, CAMDEN COUNTY, DOCKET NO. F04441913 at Public Venue on WEDNESDAY the 13th Day of JANUARY, 2016 A.D. at 12 o’clock, LOCAL TIME, noon of said day, at the SHERIFF’S OFFICE in the COURT HOUSE, 520 Market St., 2nd Floor, Suite 202, in City and County of Camden and State of New Jersey: Property to be sold is located in the City of Camden, County of Camden, State of New Jersey. Premises commonly known as: 1144 North Thirty-First Street, Camden, NJ 08105-4118 Being Tax Lot: 71 Block: 907 on the Official Tax Map of the City of Camden Dimensions approximately: 19.69 ft x 100.00 ft x 19.69 ft x 100.00 ft Nearest Cross Street: Pierce Avenue The Sheriff hereby reserves the right to adjourn this sale without further notice through publication. *Subject to any unpaid taxes, municipal liens or other charges, and any such taxes, charges, liens, insurance premiums or other advances made by plaintiff prior to this sale. All interested parties are to conduct and rely upon their own independent investigation to ascertain whether or not any outstanding interest remain of record and/or have priority over the lien being foreclosed and, if so the current amount due thereon. **If the sale is set aside for any reason, the purchaser at the sale shall be entitled only to a return of the deposit paid. The purchaser shall have no further recourse against the Mortgagor, the Mortgagee or the Mortgagee’s attorney. The judgment sought to be satisfied by the sale is: “APPROXIMATELY” $97,156.79 TWENTY PERCENT DEPOSIT REQUIRED SURPLUS MONEY: If after the sale and satisfaction of the mortgage debt, including costs and expenses, there remains any surplus money, the money will be deposited into the Superior Court Trust Fund and any person claiming the surplus, or any part thereof, may file a motion pursuant to Court Rules 4:64-3 and 4:57-2 stating the nature and extent of that person’s claim and asking for an order directing payment of the surplus money. The Sheriff or other person conducting the sale will have information regarding the surplus, if any. Seized as the property of: FLOYD WHITAKER and taken in execution of US BANK NATIONAL ASSOCIATION CHARLES H. BILLINGHAM SHERIFF Sheriff’s Number: 15005150 DATED: 12/22/2015, 12/29/2015, 01/05/2016, 01/12/2016 PHELAN HALLINAN DIAMOND & JONES P.C. 400 FELLOWSHIP ROAD, SUITE 100 MT. LAUREL, NJ 08054 $169.92


By virtue of a Writ of execution, to me directed, issued out of the SUPERIOR COURT OF NEW JERSEY CHANCERY DIVISION, CAMDEN COUNTY, DOCKET NO. F00066215 at Public Venue on WEDNESDAY the 13th Day of JANUARY, 2016 A.D. at 12 o’clock, LOCAL TIME, noon of said day, at the SHERIFF’S OFFICE in the COURT HOUSE, 520 Market St., 2nd Floor, Suite 202, in City and County of Camden and State of New Jersey: Property to be sold is located in the Borough of Chesilhurst, County of Camden, State of New Jersey Premises commonly known as: 629 Center Avenue, Waterford Works, NJ 08089 Being Tax Lot: 4 Block: 214 Dimensions approximately: 200 x 150 Nearest Cross Street: Seventh Avenue *Also subject to subsequent taxes, water and sewer plus interest through date of payoff. The Sheriff hereby reserves the right to adjourn this sale without further notice through publication. A FULL LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF THE PREMISES CAN BE FOUND IN THE OFFICE OF THE SHERIFF OF CAMDEN COUNTY. The judgment sought to be satisfied by the sale is: “APPROXIMATELY” $281,125.92 TWENTY PERCENT DEPOSIT REQUIRED SURPLUS MONEY: If after the sale and satisfaction of the mortgage debt, including costs and expenses, there remains any surplus money, the money will be deposited into the Superior Court Trust Fund and any person claiming the surplus, or any part thereof, may file a motion pursuant to Court Rules 4:64-3 and 4:57-2 stating the nature and extent of that person’s claim and asking for an order directing payment of the surplus money. The Sheriff or other person conducting the sale will have information regarding the surplus, if any. Note: The sheriff reserves the right to adjourn this sale for any length of time without further advertisement. Seized as the property of: ROSLYN HARRIS, and taken in execution of WILMINGTON SAVINGS FUND SOCIETY FSB DBA CHRISTIANA TRUST CHARLES H. BILLINGHAM SHERIFF Sheriff’s Number: 15005068 DATED: 12/22/2015, 12/29/2015, 01/05/2016, 01/12/2016 PARKER MCCAY P.A. 9000 MIDATLANTIC DRIVE SUITE 300 P.O. BOX 5054, MT. LAUREL, NJ 08054 $155.52


By virtue of a Writ of execution, to me directed, issued out of the SUPERIOR COURT OF NEW JERSEY CHANCERY DIVISION, CAMDEN COUNTY, DOCKET NO. F00783414 at Public Venue on WEDNESDAY the 13th Day of JANUARY, 2016 A.D. at 12 o’clock, LOCAL TIME, noon of said day, at the SHERIFF’S OFFICE in the COURT HOUSE, 520 Market St., 2nd Floor, Suite 202, in City and County of Camden and State of New Jersey: Property to be sold is located in the Township of Pennsauken, County of Camden, State of New Jersey. Premises commonly known as: 1019 Union Avenue, Pennsauken, NJ 08110-2461 Being Tax Lot: 13Block: 1513 Dimensions approximately: 50 feet wide by 150 feet long Nearest Cross Street: Situated on the southwesterly side of Union Avenue, 100 feet from the westerly side of School Lane and Sheppard Road The sale is subject to unpaid taxes and assessments, tax, water, and sewer liens and other municipal assessments. The amount due can be obtained from the local taxing authority. Pursuant to N.S.J.A. 46:8B-21 the sale may also be subject to the limited lien priority of any condominium/ home-owner association liens which may exist. The judgment sought to be satisfied by the sale is: “APPROXIMATELY” $82,200.49 TWENTY PERCENT DEPOSIT REQUIRED SURPLUS MONEY: If after the sale and satisfaction of the mortgage debt, including costs and expenses, there remains any surplus money, the money will be deposited into the Superior Court Trust Fund and any person claiming the surplus, or any part thereof, may file a motion pursuant to Court Rules 4:64-3 and 4:57-2 stating the nature and extent of that person’s claim and asking for an order directing payment of the surplus money. The Sheriff or other person conducting the sale will have information regarding the surplus, if any. Note: The sheriff reserves the right to adjourn this sale for any length of time without further advertisement. Seized as the property of: KAREN L. CAMPBELL and taken in execution of WELLS FARGO BANK N.A. CHARLES H. BILLINGHAM SHERIFF Sheriff’s Number: 15005093 DATED: 12/22/2015, 12/29/2015, 01/05/2016, 01/12/2015 SHAPIRO & DENARDO, LLP 14000 COMMERCE PARKWAY SUITE B, MT. LAUREL, NJ 08054 $146.88

Aileen Connolly o email a: SHERIFF’S SALE

By virtue of a Writ of execution, to me directed, issued out of the SUPERIOR COURT OF NEW JERSEY CHANCERY DIVISION, CAMDEN COUNTY, DOCKET NO. F02359113 at Public Venue on WEDNESDAY the 13th Day of JANUARY, 2016 A.D. at 12 o’clock, LOCAL TIME, noon of said day, at the SHERIFF’S OFFICE in the COURT HOUSE, 520 Market St., 2nd Floor, Suite 202, in City and County of Camden and State of New Jersey: Property to be sold is located in the City of Camden, County of Camden, State of New Jersey. Premises commonly known as: 938 Beideman Avenue, Camden, NJ 08105-4230 Being Tax Lot: 15 Block: 940 Dimensions approximately: 40 feet wide by 100 feet long Nearest Cross Street: Situated on the northeasterly side of Beideman Avenue, 180 feet from the Southeasterly side of River Avenue The sale is subject to unpaid taxes and assessments, tax, water, and sewer liens and other municipal assessments. The amount due can be obtained from the local taxing authority. Pursuant to N.S.J.A. 46:8B-21 the sale may also be subject to the limited lien priority of any condominium/ home-owner association liens which may exist. The judgment sought to be satisfied by the sale is: “APPROXIMATELY” $119,697.13 TWENTY PERCENT DEPOSIT REQUIRED SURPLUS MONEY: If after the sale and satisfaction of the mortgage debt, including costs and expenses, there remains any surplus money, the money will be deposited into the Superior Court Trust Fund and any person claiming the surplus, or any part thereof, may file a motion pursuant to Court Rules 4:64-3 and 4:57-2 stating the nature and extent of that person’s claim and asking for an order directing payment of the surplus money. The Sheriff or other person conducting the sale will have information regarding the surplus, if any. Note: The sheriff reserves the right to adjourn this sale for any length of time without further advertisement. Seized as the property of: CRAIG K. RAND and taken in execution of WELLS FARGO BANK N.A. CHARLES H. BILLINGHAM SHERIFF Sheriff’s Number: 15005090 DATED: 12/22/2015, 12/29/2015, 01/05/2016, 01/12/2015 SHAPIRO & DENARDO, LLP 14000 COMMERCE PARKWAY SUITE B MT. LAUREL, NJ 08054 $155.52


By virtue of a Writ of execution, to me directed, issued out of the SUPERIOR COURT OF NEW JERSEY CHANCERY DIVISION, CAMDEN COUNTY, DOCKET NO. F04427214 at Public Venue on WEDNESDAY the 13th Day of JANUARY, 2016 A.D. at 12 o’clock, LOCAL TIME, noon of said day, at the SHERIFF’S OFFICE in the COURT HOUSE, 520 Market St., 2nd Floor, Suite 202, in City and County of Camden and State of New Jersey: Property to be sold is located in theTownship of Pennsauken, County of Camden, State of New Jersey. Premises commonly known as: 2202 Gross Avenue, Pennsauken, NJ 08110-1828 Being Tax Lot: 2 Block: 4903 on the Official Tax Map of the Township of Pennsauken Dimensions approximately: 25.30 ft x 75.00 ft x 3.11 ft x 46.75 ft x 28.23 ft x 121.75 ft Nearest Cross Street: Camden Avenue The Sheriff hereby reserves the right to adjourn this sale without further notice through publication. *Subject to any unpaid taxes, municipal liens or other charges, and any such taxes, charges, liens, insurance premiums or other advances made by plaintiff prior to this sale. All interested parties are to conduct and rely upon their own independent investigation to ascertain whether or not any outstanding interest remain of record and/or have priority over the lien being foreclosed and, if so the current amount due thereon. **If the sale is set aside for any reason, the purchaser at the sale shall be entitled only to a return of the deposit paid. The purchaser shall have no further recourse against the Mortgagor, the Mortgagee or the Mortgagee’s attorney. The judgment sought to be satisfied by the sale is: “APPROXIMATELY” $153,498.51 TWENTY PERCENT DEPOSIT REQUIRED SURPLUS MONEY: If after the sale and satisfaction of the mortgage debt, including costs and expenses, there remains any surplus money, the money will be deposited into the Superior Court Trust Fund and any person claiming the surplus, or any part thereof, may file a motion pursuant to Court Rules 4:64-3 and 4:57-2 stating the nature and extent of that person’s claim and asking for an order directing payment of the surplus money. The Sheriff or other person conducting the sale will have information regarding the surplus, if any. Seized as the property of: CHRISTOPHER J. CICCHETTI and taken in execution of NEW JERSEY HOUSING AND MORTGAGE FINANCE AGENCY CHARLES H. BILLINGHAM SHERIFF Sheriff’s Number: 15005117 DATED: 12/22/2015, 12/29/2015, 01/05/2016, 01/12/2016 PHELAN HALLINAN DIAMOND & JONES P.C. 400 FELLOWSHIP ROAD, SUITE 100 MT. LAUREL, NJ 08054 $169.92

24 » CLASIFICADOS » AL DÍA » DICIEMBRE 30, 2015 - ENERO 6, 2016 » ALDÍ


By virtue of a Writ of execution, to me directed, issued out of the SUPERIOR COURT OF NEW JERSEY CHANCERY DIVISION, CAMDEN COUNTY, DOCKET NO. F02281713 at Public Venue on WEDNESDAY the 20th Day of JANUARY, 2016 A.D. at 12 o’clock, LOCAL TIME, noon of said day, at the SHERIFF’S OFFICE in the COURT HOUSE, 520 Market St., 2nd Floor, Suite 202, in City and County of Camden and State of New Jersey: Property to be sold is located in the City of Camden, County of Camden, State of New Jersey. Premises commonly known as: 1032 Kenwood Avenue, Camden, NJ 08103 Being Tax Lot: 121 Block: 1284 Dimensions approximately: 15 feet wide by 85 feet long Nearest Cross Street: Situated on the Northeasterly side of Kenwood Avenue, 261.04 feet southeastwardly from the easterly corner of Kenwood Avenue and Walnut Street The sale is subject to unpaid taxes and assessments, tax, water, and sewer liens and other municipal assessments. The amount due can be obtained from the local taxing authority. Pursuant to N.S.J.A. 46:8B-21 the sale may also be subject to the limited lien priority of any condominium/ home-owner association liens which may exist. The judgment sought to be satisfied by the sale is: “APPROXIMATELY” $88,955.97 TWENTY PERCENT DEPOSIT REQUIRED SURPLUS MONEY: If after the sale and satisfaction of the mortgage debt, including costs and expenses, there remains any surplus money, the money will be deposited into the Superior Court Trust Fund and any person claiming the surplus, or any part thereof, may file a motion pursuant to Court Rules 4:64-3 and 4:57-2 stating the nature and extent of that person’s claim and asking for an order directing payment of the surplus money. The Sheriff or other person conducting the sale will have information regarding the surplus, if any. Note: The sheriff reserves the right to adjourn this sale for any length of time without further advertisement. Seized as the property of: JONATHAN GROPPER and taken in execution of WELLS FARGO BANK, N.A. GILBERT WILSON SHERIFF Sheriff’s Number: 15005247 DATED: 12/29/2015, 01/05/2016, 01/12/2016, 01/19/2015 SHAPIRO & DENARDO, LLP 14000 COMMERCE PARKWAY SUITE B MT. LAUREL, NJ 08054 $152.64



By virtue of a Writ of execution, to me directed, issued out of the SUPERIOR COURT OF NEW JERSEY CHANCERY DIVISION, CAMDEN COUNTY, DOCKET NO. F00499214 at Public Venue on WEDNESDAY the 20th Day of JANUARY, 2016 A.D. at 12 o’clock, LOCAL TIME, noon of said day, at the SHERIFF’S OFFICE in the COURT HOUSE, 520 Market St., 2nd Floor, Suite 202, in City and County of Camden and State of New Jersey: Property to be sold is located in the City of Camden, County of Camden, State of New Jersey. Premises commonly known as: 310 Sycamore Street, Camden, NJ 08103 Being Tax Lot: 3 Block: 1269 Dimensions approximately: 13 feet wide by 76 feet long Nearest Cross Street: Situated on the South side of Sycamore Street, approximately 124 feet easterly from the intersection of the easterly side of Third Street. The sale is subject to unpaid taxes and assessments, tax, water, and sewer liens and other municipal assessments. The amount due can be obtained from the local taxing authority. Pursuant to N.S.J.A. 46:8B-21 the sale may also be subject to the limited lien priority of any condominium/ home-owner association liens which may exist. The judgment sought to be satisfied by the sale is: “APPROXIMATELY” $86,818.16 TWENTY PERCENT DEPOSIT REQUIRED SURPLUS MONEY: If after the sale and satisfaction of the mortgage debt, including costs and expenses, there remains any surplus money, the money will be deposited into the Superior Court Trust Fund and any person claiming the surplus, or any part thereof, may file a motion pursuant to Court Rules 4:64-3 and 4:57-2 stating the nature and extent of that person’s claim and asking for an order directing payment of the surplus money. The Sheriff or other person conducting the sale will have information regarding the surplus, if any. Note: The sheriff reserves the right to adjourn this sale for any length of time without further advertisement. Seized as the property of: AARON DAVID KALISCH and taken in execution of WELLS FARGO BANK, N.A. GILBERT WILSON SHERIFF Sheriff’s Number: 15005246 DATED: 12/29/2015, 01/05/2016, 01/12/2016, 01/19/2015 SHAPIRO & DENARDO, LLP 14000 COMMERCE PARKWAY SUITE B MT. LAUREL, NJ 08054 $152.64


By virtue of a Writ of execution, to me directed, issued out of the SUPERIOR COURT OF NEW JERSEY CHANCERY DIVISION, CAMDEN COUNTY, DOCKET NO. F01995914 at Public Venue on WEDNESDAY the 20th Day of JANUARY, 2016 A.D. at 12 o’clock, LOCAL TIME, noon of said day, at the SHERIFF’S OFFICE in the COURT HOUSE, 520 Market St., 2nd Floor, Suite 202, in City and County of Camden and State of New Jersey: Property to be sold is located in the Borough of Somerdale, County of Camden, State of New Jersey. Premises commonly known as: 200 Hollyoke Road, Somerdale, NJ 08083-2622 Being Tax Lot: 1 Block: 9401 Dimensions approximately: 90 feet wide by 111.02 feet long Nearest Cross Street: Situated on the Southwesterly side of Sherwood Boulevard, 125 feet from the Northwesterly side of Hollyoke Road The sale is subject to unpaid taxes and assessments, tax, water, and sewer liens and other municipal assessments. The amount due can be obtained from the local taxing authority. Pursuant to N.S.J.A. 46:8B-21 the sale may also be subject to the limited lien priority of any condominium/home-owner association liens which may exist. The judgment sought to be satisfied by the sale is: “APPROXIMATELY” $80,383.51 TWENTY PERCENT DEPOSIT REQUIRED SURPLUS MONEY: If after the sale and satisfaction of the mortgage debt, including costs and expenses, there remains any surplus money, the money will be deposited into the Superior Court Trust Fund and any person claiming the surplus, or any part thereof, may file a motion pursuant to Court Rules 4:64-3 and 4:57-2 stating the nature and extent of that person’s claim and asking for an order directing payment of the surplus money. The Sheriff or other person conducting the sale will have information regarding the surplus, if any. Note: The sheriff reserves the right to adjourn this sale for any length of time without further advertisement. Seized as the property of: KEN DARLEY, and taken in execution of WELLS FARGO BANK, N.A. GILBERT WILSON SHERIFF Sheriff’s Number: 15005254 DATED: 12/29/2015, 01/05/2016, 01/12/2016, 01/19/2015 SHAPIRO & DENARDO, LLP 14000 COMMERCE PARKWAY SUITE B, MT. LAUREL, NJ 08054 $152.64


By virtue of a Writ of execution, to me directed, issued out of the SUPERIOR COURT OF NEW JERSEY CHANCERY DIVISION, CAMDEN COUNTY, DOCKET NO. F4833909 at Public Venue on WEDNESDAY the 20th Day of JANUARY, 2016 A.D. at 12 o’clock, LOCAL TIME, noon of said day, at the SHERIFF’S OFFICE in the COURT HOUSE, 520 Market St., 2nd Floor, Suite 202, in City and County of Camden and State of New Jersey: Property to be sold is located in the City of Camden, County of Camden, State of New Jersey. Premises commonly known as: 1121 Liberty Street, Camden, NJ 08103 Being Tax Lot: 28 Block 1315 Dimensions approximately: 20 feet wide by 100 feet long Nearest Cross Street: Mount Ephraim Avenue Prior Lien(s): CCMUA account past due in the amount of $56.21 *Subject to any unpaid taxes, municipal liens or other charges, and any such taxes. charges, liens, insurance premiums or other advances made by plaintiff prior to this sale. All interested parties are to conduct and rely upon their own independent investigation to ascertain whether or not any outstanding interest remain of record and/or have priority over the lien being foreclosed and, if so the current amount due thereon. The judgment sought to be satisfied by the sale is: “APPROXIMATELY” $130,651.32 TWENTY PERCENT DEPOSIT REQUIRED SURPLUS MONEY: If after the sale and satisfaction of the mortgage debt, including costs and expenses, there remains any surplus money, the money will be deposited into the Superior Court Trust Fund and any person claiming the surplus, or any part thereof, may file a motion pursuant to Court Rules 4:64-3 and 4:57-2 stating the nature and extent of that person’s claim and asking for an order directing payment of the surplus money. The Sheriff or other person conducting the sale will have information regarding the surplus, if any. Note: The sheriff reserves the right to adjourn this sale for any length of time without further advertisement. Seized as the property of: WANDA E. FORTUNE and taken in execution of FEDERAL NATIONAL MORTGAGE ASSOCIATION GILBERT L. WILSON SHERIFF Sheriff’s Number: 15005262 DATED: 12/29/2015, 01/05/2016, 01/12/2016, 01/19/2016 STERN, LAVINTHAL, FRANKENBERG, LLC 105 EISENHOWER PARKWAY SUITE 302 $155.52

Aileen Connolly o email a: SHERIFF’S SALE

By virtue of a Writ of execution, to me directed, issued out of the SUPERIOR COURT OF NEW JERSEY CHANCERY DIVISION, CAMDEN COUNTY, DOCKET NO. F1688109 at Public Venue on WEDNESDAY the 20th Day of JANUARY, 2016 A.D. at 12 o’clock, LOCAL TIME, noon of said day, at the SHERIFF’S OFFICE in the COURT HOUSE, 520 Market St., 2nd Floor, Suite 202, in City and County of Camden and State of New Jersey: Property to be sold is located in the City of Camden, County of Camden, State of New Jersey. Premises commonly known as: 1534 Park Boulevard, Camden, NJ 08103 Being Tax Lot: 33 Block 1262 Dimensions approximately: 142 feet wide by 100 feet long Nearest Cross Street: Magnolia Avenue Prior Lien(s): CCMUA account past due in the amount of $120.90 *Subject to any unpaid taxes, municipal liens or other charges, and any such taxes. charges, liens, insurance premiums or other advances made by plaintiff prior to this sale. All interested parties are to conduct and rely upon their own independent investigation to ascertain whether or not any outstanding interest remain of record and/or have priority over the lien being foreclosed and, if so the current amount due thereon. The judgment sought to be satisfied by the sale is: “APPROXIMATELY” $53,389.87 TWENTY PERCENT DEPOSIT REQUIRED SURPLUS MONEY: If after the sale and satisfaction of the mortgage debt, including costs and expenses, there remains any surplus money, the money will be deposited into the Superior Court Trust Fund and any person claiming the surplus, or any part thereof, may file a motion pursuant to Court Rules 4:64-3 and 4:57-2 stating the nature and extent of that person’s claim and asking for an order directing payment of the surplus money. The Sheriff or other person conducting the sale will have information regarding the surplus, if any. Note: The sheriff reserves the right to adjourn this sale for any length of time without further advertisement. Seized as the property of: JOMIKO T. ROGERS and taken in execution of FEDERAL NATIONAL MORTGAGE ASSOCIATION GILBERT L. WILSON SHERIFF Sheriff’s Number: 15005207 DATED: 12/29/2015, 01/05/2016, 01/12/2016, 01/19/2016 STERN, LAVINTHAL, FRANKENBERG, LLC 105 EISENHOWER PARKWAY SUITE 302, ROSELAND, NJ 07068 $155.52


By virtue of a Writ of execution, to me directed, issued out of the SUPERIOR COURT OF NEW JERSEY CHANCERY DIVISION, CAMDEN COUNTY, DOCKET NO. F00887514 at Public Venue on WEDNESDAY the 20th Day of JANUARY, 2016 A.D. at 12 o’clock, LOCAL TIME, noon of said day, at the SHERIFF’S OFFICE in the COURT HOUSE, 520 Market St., 2nd Floor, Suite 202, in City and County of Camden and State of New Jersey: Property to be sold is located in the Township of Pennsauken, County of Camden, State of New Jersey. Premises commonly known as: 1924 Merchantville Avenue, Pennsauken, NJ 08110 Being Tax Lot: 10 Block: 614 Dimensions approximately: 14 feet wide by 100 feet long Nearest Cross Street: Situated on the Northeasterly side of Merchantville Avenue, approximately 177 feet from the northeasterly side of Westfield Avenue. The sale is subject to unpaid taxes and assessments, tax, water, and sewer liens and other municipal assessments. The amount due can be obtained from the local taxing authority. Pursuant to N.S.J.A. 46:8B-21 the sale may also be subject to the limited lien priority of any condominium/home-owner association liens which may exist. The judgment sought to be satisfied by the sale is: “APPROXIMATELY” $190,343.53 TWENTY PERCENT DEPOSIT REQUIRED SURPLUS MONEY: If after the sale and satisfaction of the mortgage debt, including costs and expenses, there remains any surplus money, the money will be deposited into the Superior Court Trust Fund and any person claiming the surplus, or any part thereof, may file a motion pursuant to Court Rules 4:64-3 and 4:57-2 stating the nature and extent of that person’s claim and asking for an order directing payment of the surplus money. The Sheriff or other person conducting the sale will have information regarding the surplus, if any. Note: The sheriff reserves the right to adjourn this sale for any length of time without further advertisement. Seized as the property of: ENDERY ROUSE, and taken in execution of WELLS FARGO BANK, N.A. GILBERT WILSON SHERIFF Sheriff’s Number: 15005255 DATED: 12/29/2015, 01/05/2016, 01/12/2016, 01/19/2015 SHAPIRO & DENARDO, LLP 14000 COMMERCE PARKWAY SUITE B, MT. LAUREL, NJ 08054 $149.76


By virtue of a Writ of execution, to me directed, issued out of the SUPERIOR COURT OF NEW JERSEY CHANCERY DIVISION, CAMDEN COUNTY, DOCKET NO. F3946508 at Public Venue on WEDNESDAY the 20th Day of JANUARY, 2016 A.D. at 12 o’clock, LOCAL TIME, noon of said day, at the SHERIFF’S OFFICE in the COURT HOUSE, 520 Market St., 2nd Floor, Suite 202, in City and County of Camden and State of New Jersey: Property to be sold is located in the City of Camden, County of Camden, State of New Jersey. Premises commonly known as: 1622 Pierce Street, Camden, NJ 08104 Being Tax Lot: 44 Block 819 Dimensions approximately: 16 feet wide by 100 feet long Nearest Cross Street: Seventeenth Street Prior Lien(s): NONE *Subject to any unpaid taxes, municipal liens or other charges, and any such taxes. charges, liens, insurance premiums or other advances made by plaintiff prior to this sale. All interested parties are to conduct and rely upon their own independent investigation to ascertain whether or not any outstanding interest remain of record and/or have priority over the lien being foreclosed and, if so the current amount due thereon. The judgment sought to be satisfied by the sale is: “APPROXIMATELY” $133,634.43 TWENTY PERCENT DEPOSIT REQUIRED SURPLUS MONEY: If after the sale and satisfaction of the mortgage debt, including costs and expenses, there remains any surplus money, the money will be deposited into the Superior Court Trust Fund and any person claiming the surplus, or any part thereof, may file a motion pursuant to Court Rules 4:64-3 and 4:57-2 stating the nature and extent of that person’s claim and asking for an order directing payment of the surplus money. The Sheriff or other person conducting the sale will have information regarding the surplus, if any. Note: The sheriff reserves the right to adjourn this sale for any length of time without further advertisement. Seized as the property of: ORLANDO TORRES and taken in execution of NATIONSTAR MORTGAGE LLC GILBERT L. WILSON SHERIFF Sheriff’s Number: 15005328 DATED: 12/29/2015, 01/05/2016, 01/12/2016, 01/19/2016 STERN, LAVINTHAL, FRANKENBERG, LLC 105 EISENHOWER PARKWAY SUITE 302 ROSELAND, NJ 07068 $152.64

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By virtue of a Writ of execution, to me directed, issued out of the SUPERIOR COURT OF NEW JERSEY CHANCERY DIVISION, CAMDEN COUNTY, DOCKET NO. F04119814 at Public Venue on WEDNESDAY the 20th Day of JANUARY, 2016 A.D. at 12 o’clock, LOCAL TIME, noon of said day, at the SHERIFF’S OFFICE in the COURT HOUSE, 520 Market St., 2nd Floor, Suite 202, in City and County of Camden and State of New Jersey: Property to be sold is located in the Township of Cherry Hill, County of Camden, State of New Jersey. Premises commonly known as: 810 Kings Croft, Cherry Hill, NJ 08034 Being Tax Lot: 1 C0810 Block 337.06 (f/k/a block 337.99, Block 810) Dimensions approximately: N/A Condo Nearest Cross Street: Church Road Prior Lien(s): Sewer CCMUA account past due in the amount of $280.48 *Subject to any unpaid taxes, municipal liens or other charges, and any such taxes. charges, liens, insurance premiums or other advances made by plaintiff prior to this sale. All interested parties are to conduct and rely upon their own independent investigation to ascertain whether or not any outstanding interest remain of record and/or have priority over the lien being foreclosed and, if so the current amount due thereon. The judgment sought to be satisfied by the sale is: “APPROXIMATELY” $360,439.06 TWENTY PERCENT DEPOSIT REQUIRED SURPLUS MONEY: If after the sale and satisfaction of the mortgage debt, including costs and expenses, there remains any surplus money, the money will be deposited into the Superior Court Trust Fund and any person claiming the surplus, or any part thereof, may file a motion pursuant to Court Rules 4:64-3 and 4:57-2 stating the nature and extent of that person’s claim and asking for an order directing payment of the surplus money. The Sheriff or other person conducting the sale will have information regarding the surplus, if any. Note: The sheriff reserves the right to adjourn this sale for any length of time without further advertisement. Seized as the property of: MICHELE MANCINI and taken in execution of U.B. BANK NATIONAL ASSOCIATION GILBERT L. WILSON SHERIFF Sheriff’s Number: 15005333 DATED: 12/29/2015, 01/05/2016, 01/12/2016, 01/19/2016 STERN, LAVINTHAL, FRANKENBERG, LLC 105 EISENHOWER PARKWAY SUITE 302, ROSELAND, NJ 07068 $155.52


By virtue of a Writ of execution, to me directed, issued out of the SUPERIOR COURT OF NEW JERSEY CHANCERY DIVISION, CAMDEN COUNTY, DOCKET NO. F738709 at Public Venue on WEDNESDAY the 20th Day of JANUARY, 2016 A.D. at 12 o’clock, LOCAL TIME, noon of said day, at the SHERIFF’S OFFICE in the COURT HOUSE, 520 Market St., 2nd Floor, Suite 202, in City and County of Camden and State of New Jersey: Property to be sold is located in the City of Camden, County of Camden, State of New Jersey. Premises commonly known as: 801 Princeton Avenue, Camden, NJ 08103 Being Tax Lot:2 Block 354 aka Lot 2, Block 412 Dimensions approximately: 19 ft x 76 ft x 19ft x 76 ft Nearest Cross Street: Pine Street This sale is subject to any unpaid taxes and assessments, tax, water and sewer liens and other municipal assessments. The amount due can be obtained from the local taxing authority. Pursuant to NJSA 46:8B-21 the sale may also be subject to the limited lien priority of any condominium/ homeowner association liens which may exist. *Pursuant to a municipal tax search dated October 15, 2015, Subject to: 4th quarter 2015 taxes due: 11/01/2015 $184.22 OPEN Water: Acct: 10305985230000 to: 08/06/2015 $77.30 OPEN PLUS PENALTY CCMUA: Acct: 080050727 10/01/2015 -12/31/2015 $52.72 OPEN AND DUE 11/15/2015, $2.03 paid Year: Part 2014 to part 2015, 3rd party water, sewer in the amount of $314.74, Cert. No 15-00371, SOLD: 06/22/2015 to GUPTA RAJ/SHILA, NISHA GUPTA The judgment sought to be satisfied by the sale is: “APPROXIMATELY” $146, 275.66 TWENTY PERCENT DEPOSIT REQUIRED SURPLUS MONEY: If after the sale and satisfaction of the mortgage debt, including costs and expenses, there remains any surplus money, the money will be deposited into the Superior Court Trust Fund and any person claiming the surplus, or any part thereof, may file a motion pursuant to Court Rules 4:64-3 and 4:57-2 stating the nature and extent of that person’s claim and asking for an order directing payment of the surplus money. The Sheriff or other person conducting the sale will have information regarding the surplus, if any. Note: The sheriff reserves the right to adjourn this sale for any length of time without further advertisement. Seized as the property of: ANGELL ROBINSON INDIVIDUALLY AND AS ADMINISTRATRIX OF THE ESTATE OF JOSEPH YOUNG, and taken in execution of WVMP FUNDING, LLC GILBERT L. WILSON SHERIFF Sheriff’s Number: 15005232 DATED: 12/29/2015, 01/05/2016, 01/12/2016, 01/19/2016 HILL WALLACK LLP 21 ROSZEL ROAD, P.O. BOX 5226, PRINCETON, NJ 08543 $184.32


By virtue of a Writ of execution, to me directed, issued out of the SUPERIOR COURT OF NEW JERSEY CHANCERY DIVISION, CAMDEN COUNTY, DOCKET NO. F00472414 at Public Venue on WEDNESDAY the 20th Day of JANUARY, 2016 A.D. at 12 o’clock, LOCAL TIME, noon of said day, at the SHERIFF’S OFFICE in the COURT HOUSE, 520 Market St., 2nd Floor, Suite 202, in City and County of Camden and State of New Jersey: Property to be sold is located in Winslow, County of Camden, State of New Jersey. Premises commonly known as: 4 Woodstream Road, Atco, NJ 08004 Being Tax Lot: 3, Block: 2401.05 Dimensions approximately: 26 x 24 x 279 x 3 x44 x 100 x 62 x 103 Nearest Cross Street: Hayes Mill Road A full legal description of the premises can be found in the office of the Sheriff of Camden County. Subject to any open taxes, water/sewer, municipal or tax liens that may be due. Prior Mortgages and/or Judgements: N/A The Sheriff hereby reserves the right to adjourn this sale without further notice through publication. The judgment sought to be satisfied by the sale is: “APPROXIMATELY” $178,188.64 TWENTY PERCENT DEPOSIT REQUIRED SURPLUS MONEY: If after the sale and satisfaction of the mortgage debt, including costs and expenses, there remains any surplus money, the money will be deposited into the Superior Court Trust Fund and any person claiming the surplus, or any part thereof, may file a motion pursuant to Court Rules 4:64-3 and 4:57-2 stating the nature and extent of that person’s claim and asking for an order directing payment of the surplus money. The Sheriff or other person conducting the sale will have information regarding the surplus, if any. Note: The sheriff reserves the right to adjourn this sale for any length of time without further advertisement. Seized as the property of: EFRAIEM S. HANNA, and taken in execution of DEUTSCHE BANK NATIONAL TRUST COMPANY GILBERT L. WILSON SHERIFF Sheriff’s Number: 15005306 DATED: 12/29/2015, 01/05/2016, 01/12/2016, 01/19/2016 UDREN LAW OFFICES, P.C. 111 WOODCREST ROAD SUITE 200, WOODCREST CORPORATE CENTER CHERRY HILL, NJ 08003 $152.64

Aileen Connolly o email a: SHERIFF’S SALE

By virtue of a Writ of execution, to me directed, issued out of the SUPERIOR COURT OF NEW JERSEY CHANCERY DIVISION, CAMDEN COUNTY, DOCKET NO. F03171614 at Public Venue on WEDNESDAY the 20th Day of JANUARY, 2016 A.D. at 12 o’clock, LOCAL TIME, noon of said day, at the SHERIFF’S OFFICE in the COURT HOUSE, 520 Market St., 2nd Floor, Suite 202, in City and County of Camden and State of New Jersey: Property to be sold is located in the Municipality of Township of Gloucester, County of Camden, State of New Jersey. Premises commonly known as: 89 Knoll Drive, Township of Gloucester, NJ 08012 Being Tax Lot: 28 Block: 20802 Dimensions approximately: 5.7 AC Nearest Cross Street: Peters Lane The sale is subject to unpaid taxes and assessments, tax, water, and sewer liens and other municipal assessments. The amount due can be obtained from the local taxing authority. Pursuant to N.S.J.A. 46:8B-21 the sale may also be subject to the limited lien priority of any condominium/ home- owner association liens which may exist. The judgment sought to be satisfied by the sale is: “APPROXIMATELY” $174,276.72 TWENTY PERCENT DEPOSIT REQUIRED SURPLUS MONEY: If after the sale and satisfaction of the mortgage debt, including costs and expenses, there remains any surplus money, the money will be deposited into the Superior Court Trust Fund and any person claiming the surplus, or any part thereof, may file a motion pursuant to Court Rules 4:64-3 and 4:57-2 stating the nature and extent of that person’s claim and asking for an order directing payment of the surplus money. The Sheriff or other person conducting the sale will have information regarding the surplus, if any. Note: The sheriff reserves the right to adjourn this sale for any length of time without further advertisement. Seized as the property of: CHRISTINA MARCIANO, and taken in execution of NATIONSTAR MORTGAGE LLC GILBERT L. WILSON SHERIFF Sheriff’s Number: 15005231 DATED: 12/29/2015, 01/05/2016, 01/12/2016, 01/19/2016 RAS Citron Law Offices 130 Clinton Road Suite 202 Fairfield, NJ 07004 $149.76


By virtue of a Writ of execution, to me directed, issued out of the SUPERIOR COURT OF NEW JERSEY CHANCERY DIVISION, CAMDEN COUNTY, DOCKET NO. F02151812 at Public Venue on WEDNESDAY the 20th Day of JANUARY, 2016 A.D. at 12 o’clock, LOCAL TIME, noon of said day, at the SHERIFF’S OFFICE in the COURT HOUSE, 520 Market St., 2nd Floor, Suite 202, in City and County of Camden and State of New Jersey: Property to be sold is located in the Borough of Pine Hill, County of Camden, State of New Jersey. Premises commonly known as: 7 Tyler Lane, Pine Hill, NJ 08009 Being Tax Lot: 3 Block: 115.02 Dimensions approximately: 20 feet wide by 90 feet long Nearest Cross Street: Tyler Lane and Madison Avenue The sale is subject to unpaid taxes and assessments, tax, water, and sewer liens and other municipal assessments. The amount due can be obtained from the local taxing authority. Pursuant to N.S.J.A. 46:8B-21 the sale may also be subject to the limited lien priority of any condominium/home-owner association liens which may exist. The judgment sought to be satisfied by the sale is: “APPROXIMATELY” $103,382.52 TWENTY PERCENT DEPOSIT REQUIRED SURPLUS MONEY: If after the sale and satisfaction of the mortgage debt, including costs and expenses, there remains any surplus money, the money will be deposited into the Superior Court Trust Fund and any person claiming the surplus, or any part thereof, may file a motion pursuant to Court Rules 4:64-3 and 4:57-2 stating the nature and extent of that person’s claim and asking for an order directing payment of the surplus money. The Sheriff or other person conducting the sale will have information regarding the surplus, if any. Note: The sheriff reserves the right to adjourn this sale for any length of time without further advertisement. Seized as the property of: JULIO F. CASS and taken in execution of WELLS FARGO BANK, N.A. GILBERT WILSON SHERIFF Sheriff’s Number: 15005213 DATED: 12/29/2015, 01/05/2016, 01/12/2016, 01/19/2015 SHAPIRO & DENARDO, LLP 14000 COMMERCE PARKWAY SUITE B, MT. LAUREL, NJ 08054 $144.00



By virtue of a Writ of execution, to me directed, issued out of the SUPERIOR COURT OF NEW JERSEY CHANCERY DIVISION, CAMDEN COUNTY, DOCKET NO. F05107614 at Public Venue on WEDNESDAY the 20th Day of JANUARY, 2016 A.D. at 12 o’clock, LOCAL TIME, noon of said day, at the SHERIFF’S OFFICE in the COURT HOUSE, 520 Market St., 2nd Floor, Suite 202, in City and County of Camden and State of New Jersey: Property to be sold is located in the Township of Voorhees, County of Camden, State of New Jersey. Premises commonly known as: 1132 Gibbsboro Road AKA Kirkwood-Gibbsboro Road, Voorhees, NJ 08043 Being Tax Lot: 5, Block: 196 Dimensions approximately: 0.68 acres Nearest Cross Street: Walnut Avenue A FULL LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF THE PREMISES CAN BE FOUND IN THE OFFICE OF THE SHERIFF OF CAMDEN COUNTY. The sale is subject to unpaid taxes and assessments, tax, water and sewer liens and other municipal assessments. The amount due can be obtained from the local taxing authority. All interested parties are to conduct and rely upon their own independent investigation to ascertain whether or not any outstanding interest remain of record and/or have priority over the lien being foreclosed and, if so the current amount due thereon.**If the sale is set aside for any reason, the purchaser at the sale shall be entitled only to a return of the deposit paid. The purchaser shall have no further recourse against the mortgagee or the mortgagee’s attorney.** The judgment sought to be satisfied by the sale is: “APPROXIMATELY” $279,977.85 TWENTY PERCENT DEPOSIT REQUIRED SURPLUS MONEY: If after the sale and satisfaction of the mortgage debt, including costs and expenses, there remains any surplus money, the money will be deposited into the Superior Court Trust Fund and any person claiming the surplus, or any part thereof, may file a motion pursuant to Court Rules 4:64-3 and 5:57-2 stating the nature and extent of that person’s claim and asking for an order directing payment of the surplus money. The Sheriff or other person conducting the sale will have information regarding the surplus, if any. Note: The sheriff reserves the right to adjourn this sale for any length of time without further advertisement. Seized as the property of: MARK CARL BUSCHER and taken In execution of NATIONSTAR MORTGAGE LLC GILBERT L. WILSON SHERIFF Sheriff’s Number: 15005267 DATED: 12/29/2015, 01/05/2016, 01/12/2016, 01/19/2016 MILSTEAD & ASSOCIATES, LLC 1 E. STOW ROAD MARLTON, NJ 08053 $172.80



By virtue of a Writ of execution, to me directed, issued out of the SUPERIOR COURT OF NEW JERSEY CHANCERY DIVISION, CAMDEN COUNTY, DOCKET NO. F01793714 at Public Venue on WEDNESDAY the 20th Day of JANUARY, 2016 A.D. at 12 o’clock, LOCAL TIME, noon of said day, at the SHERIFF’S OFFICE in the COURT HOUSE, 520 Market St., 2nd Floor, Suite 202, in City and County of Camden and State of New Jersey: Property to be sold is located in the Township of Pennsauken, County of Camden, State of New Jersey. Premises commonly known as: 7100 Willgoos Avenue, Pennsauken, NJ 08110 Being Tax Lot: 16, Block: 6602 Dimensions approximately: 31 x 100 Nearest Cross Street: Harris Avenue A FULL LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF THE PREMISES CAN BE FOUND IN THE OFFICE OF THE SHERIFF OF CAMDEN COUNTY. The sale is subject to unpaid taxes and assessments, tax, water and sewer liens and other municipal assessments. The amount due can be obtained from the local taxing authority. All interested parties are to conduct and rely upon their own independent investigation to ascertain whether or not any outstanding interest remain of record and/or have priority over the lien being foreclosed and, if so the current amount due thereon.**If the sale is set aside for any reason, the purchaser at the sale shall be entitled only to a return of the deposit paid. The purchaser shall have no further recourse against the mortgagee or the mortgagee’s attorney.** The judgment sought to be satisfied by the sale is: “APPROXIMATELY” $146,769.11 TWENTY PERCENT DEPOSIT REQUIRED SURPLUS MONEY: If after the sale and satisfaction of the mortgage debt, including costs and expenses, there remains any surplus money, the money will be deposited into the Superior Court Trust Fund and any person claiming the surplus, or any part thereof, may file a motion pursuant to Court Rules 4:64-3 and 5:57-2 stating the nature and extent of that person’s claim and asking for an order directing payment of the surplus money. The Sheriff or other person conducting the sale will have information regarding the surplus, if any. Note: The sheriff reserves the right to adjourn this sale for any length of time without further advertisement. Seized as the property of: WALLACE M. CHASE and taken In execution of BANK OF AMERICA, N.A. GILBERT L. WILSON SHERIFF Sheriff’s Number: 15005268 DATED: 12/29/2015, 01/05/2016, 01/12/2016, 01/19/2016 MILSTEAD & ASSOCIATES, LLC 1 E. STOW ROAD MARLTON, NJ 08053 $169.92


By virtue of a Writ of execution, to me directed, issued out of the SUPERIOR COURT OF NEW JERSEY CHANCERY DIVISION, CAMDEN COUNTY, DOCKET NO. F01230415 at Public Venue on WEDNESDAY the 20th Day of JANUARY, 2016 A.D. at 12 o’clock, LOCAL TIME, noon of said day, at the SHERIFF’S OFFICE in the COURT HOUSE, 520 Market St., 2nd Floor, Suite 202, in City and County of Camden and State of New Jersey: Property to be sold is located in Municipality o f Clementon Borough, County of Camden, State of New Jersey. Premises commonly known as: 78 Blackwood Road Being Tax Lot: 4, Block: 135 Dimensions approximately: 150’ x 50’ Nearest Cross Street: 150.00’ from Laurel Road SUPERIOR INTERESTS (if any): Clementon Boro Water and Sewer holds a claim for taxes due and/or other municipal utilities such as water and/or sewer in the amount of $602.75 as of 09/01/2015 Camden County Taxes (2015 Senior Citizens Deductions Disallowed) holds a claim for taxes due and/or other municipal utilities such as water and/or sewer in the amount of $125.00 as of 10/08/2015 The judgment sought to be satisfied by the sale is: “APPROXIMATELY” $75,900.66 TWENTY PERCENT DEPOSIT REQUIRED SURPLUS MONEY: If after the sale and satisfaction of the mortgage debt, including costs and expenses, there remains any surplus money, the money will be deposited into the Superior Court Trust Fund and any person claiming the surplus, or any part thereof, may file a motion pursuant to Court Rules 4:64-3 and 4:57-2 stating the nature and extent of that person’s claim and asking for an order directing payment of the surplus money. The Sheriff or other person conducting the sale will have information regarding the surplus, if any. Note: The sheriff reserves the right to adjourn this sale for any length of time without further advertisement. Seized as the property of: EILEEN D. AVIS, and taken in execution of FEDERAL NATIONAL MORTGAGE ASSOCIATION GILBERT L. WILSON SHERIFF Sheriff’s Number: 15005211 DATED: 12/29/2015, 01/05/2016, 01/12/2016 01/19/2016 POWERS KIRN, LLC 728 MARNE HIGHWAY, SUITE 200, MOORESTOWN, NJ 08057 $152.64


By virtue of a Writ of execution, to me directed, issued out of the SUPERIOR COURT OF NEW JERSEY CHANCERY DIVISION, CAMDEN COUNTY, DOCKET NO. F05017414 at Public Venue on WEDNESDAY the 20th Day of JANUARY, 2016 A.D. at 12 o’clock, LOCAL TIME, noon of said day, at the SHERIFF’S OFFICE in the COURT HOUSE, 520 Market St., 2nd Floor, Suite 202, in City and County of Camden and State of New Jersey: Property to be sold is located in the City of Camden, County of Camden, State of New Jersey. Premises commonly known as: 2919 Line Street, Camden, NJ 08105-2811 Being Tax Lot: 65 Block: 1137 on the Official Tax Map of the City of Camden Dimensions approximately: 17.99 ft x 100.00ft Nearest Cross Street: Thirtieth Street The Sheriff hereby reserves the right to adjourn this sale without further notice through publication. *Subject to any unpaid taxes, municipal liens or other charges, and any such taxes, charges, liens, insurance premiums or other advances made by plaintiff prior to this sale. All interested parties are to conduct and rely upon their own independent investigation to ascertain whether or not any outstanding interest remain of record and/or have priority over the lien being foreclosed and, if so the current amount due thereon. **If the sale is set aside for any reason, the purchaser at the sale shall be entitled only to a return of the deposit paid. The purchaser shall have no further recourse against the Mortgagor, the Mortgagee or the Mortgagee’s attorney. The judgment sought to be satisfied by the sale is: “APPROXIMATELY” $92,210.05 TWENTY PERCENT DEPOSIT REQUIRED SURPLUS MONEY: If after the sale and satisfaction of the mortgage debt, including costs and expenses, there remains any surplus money, the money will be deposited into the Superior Court Trust Fund and any person claiming the surplus, or any part thereof, may file a motion pursuant to Court Rules 4:64-3 and 4:57-2 stating the nature and extent of that person’s claim and asking for an order directing payment of the surplus money. The Sheriff or other person conducting the sale will have information regarding the surplus, if any. Seized as the property of: NATIVIDAD CACERES, and taken in execution of WELLS FARGO BANK, N.A. GILBERT L. WILSON SHERIFF Sheriff’s Number: 15005223 DATED: 12/29/2015, 01/05/2016, 01/12/2016, 01/19/2016 PHELAN HALLINAN DIAMOND & JONES P.C. 400 FELLOWSHIP ROAD, SUITE 100 MT. LAUREL, NJ 08054 $164.16

Aileen Connolly o email a: SHERIFF’S SALE

By virtue of a Writ of execution, to me directed, issued out of the SUPERIOR COURT OF NEW JERSEY CHANCERY DIVISION, CAMDEN COUNTY, DOCKET NO. F00840315 at Public Venue on WEDNESDAY the 20th Day of JANUARY, 2016 A.D. at 12 o’clock, LOCAL TIME, noon of said day, at the SHERIFF’S OFFICE in the COURT HOUSE, 520 Market St., 2nd Floor, Suite 202, in City and County of Camden and State of New Jersey: Property to be sold is located in the Township of Pennsauken, County of Camden, State of New Jersey. Premises commonly known as: 6838 Woodland Avenue, Pennsauken, NJ 08110-6216 Being Tax Lot: 19 Block: 6609 on the Official Tax Map of the Township of Pennsauken Dimensions approximately: 40.00 ft x 94.93ft Nearest Cross Street: Marlton Pike The Sheriff hereby reserves the right to adjourn this sale without further notice through publication. *Subject to any unpaid taxes, municipal liens or other charges, and any such taxes, charges, liens, insurance premiums or other advances made by plaintiff prior to this sale. All interested parties are to conduct and rely upon their own independent investigation to ascertain whether or not any outstanding interest remain of record and/or have priority over the lien being foreclosed and, if so the current amount due thereon. **If the sale is set aside for any reason, the purchaser at the sale shall be entitled only to a return of the deposit paid. The purchaser shall have no further recourse against the Mortgagor, the Mortgagee or the Mortgagee’s attorney. The judgment sought to be satisfied by the sale is: “APPROXIMATELY” $123,094.82 TWENTY PERCENT DEPOSIT REQUIRED SURPLUS MONEY: If after the sale and satisfaction of the mortgage debt, including costs and expenses, there remains any surplus money, the money will be deposited into the Superior Court Trust Fund and any person claiming the surplus, or any part thereof, may file a motion pursuant to Court Rules 4:64-3 and 4:57-2 stating the nature and extent of that person’s claim and asking for an order directing payment of the surplus money. The Sheriff or other person conducting the sale will have information regarding the surplus, if any. Seized as the property of: ANTHONY WEIRMAN and taken in execution of DEUTSCHE BANK NATIONAL TRUST COMPANY GILBERT L. WILSON SHERIFF Sheriff’s Number: 15005293 DATED: 12/29/2015, 01/05/2016, 01/12/2016, 01/19/2016 PHELAN HALLINAN DIAMOND & JONES P.C. 400 FELLOWSHIP ROAD, SUITE 100 MT. LAUREL, NJ 08054 $167.04


By virtue of a Writ of execution, to me directed, issued out of the SUPERIOR COURT OF NEW JERSEY CHANCERY DIVISION, CAMDEN COUNTY, DOCKET NO. F005052410 at Public Venue on WEDNESDAY the 20TH Day of JANUARY, 2016 A.D. at 12 o’clock, LOCAL TIME, noon of said day, at the SHERIFF’S OFFICE in the COURT HOUSE, 520 Market St., 2nd Floor, Suite 202, in City and County of Camden and State of New Jersey: All that certain land and premises situate, lying and being in the Township of Gloucester, County of Camden and State of New Jersey. Street: 4 Lake Placid Road nearest Cross Street: Breckenridge Drive Tax Lot and Block No.: Lot 30, Block: 19803 Dimensions approximately: 75 x 152 x 53 x 34 x 125 Prior Mortgages/Liens Not Extingushed By the Sale Are: 1. Delinquent taxes and/or tax liens As the above description does not constitute a full legal description, said full legal description is annexed to that certain deed recorded in the Office of the Clerk of Camden County in Deed Book 7105, Page 384, et seq., New Jersey, and the Writ of Execution on file with the Sheriff of Camden County. The judgment sought to be satisfied by the sale is: “APPROXIMATELY” $252,147.54 TWENTY PERCENT DEPOSIT REQUIRED SURPLUS MONEY: If after the sale and satisfaction of the mortgage debt, including costs and expenses, there remains any surplus money, the money will be deposited into the Superior Court Trust Fund and any person claiming the surplus, or any part thereof, may file a motion pursuant to Court Rules 4:64-3 and 4:57-2 stating the nature and extent of that person’s claim and asking for an order directing payment of the surplus money. The Sheriff or other person conducting the sale will have information regarding the surplus, if any. Note: The sheriff reserves the right to adjourn this sale for any length of time without further advertisement. Seized as the property of: RONALD R. MEEHAN, JR., and taken in execution of WELLS FARGO BANK N.A. GILBERT L. WILSON SHERIFF Sheriff’s Number: 15005197 DATED: 12/29/2015, 01/05/2016, 01/12/2016, 01/19/2016 MATTLEMAN, WEINROTH & MILLER 401 ROUTE 70 EAST, SUITE 100, CHERRY HILL, NJ 08034 $149.76


ALDÍ « DICIEMBRE 30, 2015 - ENERO 6, 2016 « AL DÍA « CLASIFICADOS « 27




Aileen Connolly o email a: SHERIFF’S SALE

By virtue of a Writ of execution, to me directed, issued out of the SUPERIOR COURT OF NEW JERSEY CHANCERY DIVISION, CAMDEN COUNTY, DOCKET NO. F02620714 at Public Venue on WEDNESDAY the 27th Day of JANUARY, 2016 A.D. at 12 o’clock, LOCAL TIME, noon of said day, at the SHERIFF’S OFFICE in the COURT HOUSE, 520 Market St., 2nd Floor, Suite 202, in City and County of Camden and State of New Jersey: Property to be sold is located in the Township of Voorhees, County of Camden, State of New Jersey. Premises commonly known as: 5 Pinecone Drive, Voorhees, NJ 08043-1535 Being Tax Lot: 4 Block: 202.22 on the Official Tax Map of the Township of Voorhees Dimensions approximately: 100.00 ft x 200.00ft x 100.00ft x 200.00ft Nearest Cross Street: Red Oak Drive The Sheriff hereby reserves the right to adjourn this sale without further notice through publication. *Subject to any unpaid taxes, municipal liens or other charges, and any such taxes, charges, liens, insurance premiums or other advances made by plaintiff prior to this sale. All interested parties are to conduct and rely upon their own independent investigation to ascertain whether or not any outstanding interest remain of record and/or have priority over the lien being foreclosed and, if so the current amount due thereon. **If the sale is set aside for any reason, the purchaser at the sale shall be entitled only to a return of the deposit paid. The purchaser shall have no further recourse against the Mortgagor, the Mortgagee or the Mortgagee’s attorney. The judgment sought to be satisfied by the sale is: “APPROXIMATELY” $431,304.39 TWENTY PERCENT DEPOSIT REQUIRED SURPLUS MONEY: If after the sale and satisfaction of the mortgage debt, including costs and expenses, there remains any surplus money, the money will be deposited into the Superior Court Trust Fund and any person claiming the surplus, or any part thereof, may file a motion pursuant to Court Rules 4:64-3 and 4:57-2 stating the nature and extent of that person’s claim and asking for an order directing payment of the surplus money. The Sheriff or other person conducting the sale will have information regarding the surplus, if any. Seized as the property of: PHILIP A. SAUNDERS and taken in execution of FEDERAL NATIONAL MORTGAGE ASSOCIATION GILBERT L. WILSON SHERIFF Sheriff’s Number: 15005462 DATED: 01/05/2016, 01/12/2016, 01/19/2016, 01/26/2016 PHELAN HALLINAN DIAMOND & JONES P.C. 400 FELLOWSHIP ROAD, SUITE 100 MT. LAUREL, NJ 08054 $169.92

By virtue of a Writ of execution, to me directed, issued out of the SUPERIOR COURT OF NEW JERSEY CHANCERY DIVISION, CAMDEN COUNTY, DOCKET NO. F00442115 at Public Venue on WEDNESDAY the 27TH Day of JANUARY, 2016 A.D. at 12 o’clock, LOCAL TIME, noon of said day, at the SHERIFF’S OFFICE in the COURT HOUSE, 520 Market St., 2nd Floor, Suite 202, in City and County of Camden and State of New Jersey: Property to be sold is located in the Borough of Runnemede, County of Camden, State of New Jersey. Premises commonly known as: 210-212 Black Horse Pike, Runnemede, NJ 08078 Tax Lot 1.01 and 1.02 Block 50 Dimensions approximately: 25’ x 122’ IRR Nearest Cross Street: E. 2nd Avenue This sale is also subject to any and all other unpaid taxes, water, sewer, municipal liens or any other charges which may be due and owing whether set forth herein or not. ALL INTERESTED PARTIES ARE TO CONDUCT AND RELY UPON THEIR OWN INDEPENDENT INVESTIGATION TO ASCERTAIN WHETHER OR NOT ANY OUTSTANDING LIENS OR ENCUMBRANCES REMAIN OF RECORD AND/OR HAVE PRIORITY OVER THE LIEN BEING FORECLOSED HEREBY AND, IF SO, TO ASCERTAIN THE CURRENT AMOUNT DUE THEREON. THE SHERIFF HEREBY RESERVES THE RIGHT TO ADJOURN THIS SALE WITHOUT FURTHER NOTICE THROUGH PUBLICATION. The judgment sought to be satisfied by the sale is: “APPROXIMATELY” $2,185,941.45 TWENTY PERCENT DEPOSIT REQUIRED SURPLUS MONEY: If after the sale and satisfaction of the mortgage debt, including costs and expenses, there remains any surplus money, the money will be deposited into the Superior Court Trust Fund and any person claiming the surplus, or any part thereof, may file a motion pursuant to Court Rules 4:64-3 and 4:57-2 stating the nature and extent of that person’s claim and asking for an order directing payment of the surplus money. The Sheriff or other person conducting the sale will have information regarding the surplus, if any. Note: The sheriff reserves the right to adjourn this sale for any length of time without further advertisement. Seized as the property of: C.N.A.C. LLC T/A CAR NOW ACCEPTANCE COMPANY, and taken in execution of PARKE BANK GILBERT L. WILSON SHERIFF Sheriff’s Number: 15005389 DATED: 01/05/2016, 01/12/2016, 01/19/2016, 01/26/2016 SALDUTTI LAW GROUP 800 NORTH KINGS HIGHWAY SUITE 300, CHERRY HILL, NJ 08034 $164.16

By virtue of a Writ of execution, to me directed, issued out of the SUPERIOR COURT OF NEW JERSEY CHANCERY DIVISION, CAMDEN COUNTY, DOCKET NO. F5097209 at Public Venue on WEDNESDAY the 13th Day of JANUARY, 2016 A.D. at 12 o’clock, LOCAL TIME, noon of said day, at the SHERIFF’S OFFICE in the COURT HOUSE, 520 Market St., 2nd Floor, Suite 202, in City and County of Camden and State of New Jersey: Property to be sold is located in the Township of Pennsauken, County of Camden, State of New Jersey. Premises commonly known as: 8431 Holman Avenue, f/k/a Evaul Avenue, Pennsauken, NJ 08110 Being Tax Lot: 6 (Also Lot 5) Block 1609 Dimensions approximately: 80 feet wide by 125 feet long Nearest Cross Street: Bridgeview Avenue Prior Lien(s): Water past due in the amount of $104.56 Sewer (PSA account) past due in the amount of $266.71 Sewer (CCMUA account) past due in the amount of $391.07 Municipal Lien for Outside Lien Certification # 15-00284. Sold to US Bank Cust for PC5 Sterling Nat on 5/24/14. Redemption amount $832.50 *Subject to any unpaid taxes, municipal liens or other charges, and any such taxes. charges, liens, insurance premiums or other advances made by plaintiff prior to this sale. All interested parties are to conduct and rely upon their own independent investigation to ascertain whether or not any outstanding interest remain of record and/or have priority over the lien being foreclosed and, if so the current amount due thereon. The judgment sought to be satisfied by the sale is: “APPROXIMATELY” $176,492.78 TWENTY PERCENT DEPOSIT REQUIRED SURPLUS MONEY: If after the sale and satisfaction of the mortgage debt, including costs and expenses, there remains any surplus money, the money will be deposited into the Superior Court Trust Fund and any person claiming the surplus, or any part thereof, may file a motion pursuant to Court Rules 4:64-3 and 4:57-2 stating the nature and extent of that person’s claim and asking for an order directing payment of the surplus money. The Sheriff or other person conducting the sale will have information regarding the surplus, if any. Note: The sheriff reserves the right to adjourn this sale for any length of time without further advertisement. Seized as the property of: HARVING ORTIZ-SANTIAGO and taken in execution of GREEN TREE SERVICING LLC CHARLES H. BILLINGHAM SHERIFF Sheriff’s Number: 15005061 DATED: 12/22/2015, 12/29/2015, 01/05/2016, 01/12/2016 STERN, LAVINTHAL, FRANKENBERG, LLC 105 EISENHOWER PARKWAY SUITE 302, ROSELAND, NJ 07068 $169.92


Se hace saber que las propuestas serán aceptadas por la Autoridad de Vivienda de Filadelfia para la solicitud Nº P-004593 Servicios Ambientales para Walton School, Philadelphia, PA. Las propuestas se deben entregar a más tardar a las 11 a.m. del 5 de enero de 2016 en 3100 Penrose Ferry Road, Phila., PA 19145. Propuestas tardías no serán consideradas.

By virtue of a Writ of execution, to me directed, issued out of the SUPERIOR COURT OF NEW JERSEY CHANCERY DIVISION, CAMDEN COUNTY, DOCKET NO. F4066413 at Public Venue on WEDNESDAY the 13th Day of JANUARY, 2016 A.D. at 12 o’clock, LOCAL TIME, noon of said day, at the SHERIFF’S OFFICE in the COURT HOUSE, 520 Market St., 2nd Floor, Suite 202, in City and County of Camden and State of New Jersey: Property to be sold is located in the City of Camden, County of Camden, State of New Jersey. Premises commonly known as: 431 North 38th Street, Camden, NJ 08110 with a mailing address of 431 North 38th Street, Pennsauken, NJ 08110 Being Tax Lot: 44, Block: 1004 Dimensions approximately: 40 x100 Nearest Cross Street: High Street BEGINNING in the Southwesterly line of N. 38th Street (50 feet wide) 300.0’ Northwestwardly from the Westerly corner of N. 38th Street and High Street (50 feet wide) (formerly Trinity and also formerly Maple Avenue) and corner to Lots 45 and 44; thence “THE SHERIFF HEREBY RESERVES THE RIGHT TO ADJOURN THIS SALE WITHOUT FURTHER NOTICE THROUGH PUBLICATION.” PRIOR LIENS/ENCUMBRANCES TAXES OPEN $587.71 CCMUA OPEN PLUS PENALTY - $318.50 PART 2015 MUNICIPAL TAX, CCMUA LIEN SOLD ON 06/22/15 CERT #15-01701 $1,063.94 TOTAL AS OF September 24, 2015: $1970.15 The judgment sought to be satisfied by the sale is: “APPROXIMATELY” $212,749.60 TWENTY PERCENT DEPOSIT REQUIRED SURPLUS MONEY: If after the sale and satisfaction of the mortgage debt, including costs and expenses, there remains any surplus money, the money will be deposited into the Superior Court Trust Fund and any person claiming the surplus, or any part thereof, may file a motion pursuant to Court Rules 4:64-3 and 4:57-2 stating the nature and extent of that person’s claim and asking for an order directing payment of the surplus money. The Sheriff or other person conducting the sale will have information regarding the surplus, if any. Note: The sheriff reserves the right to adjourn this sale for any length of time without further advertisement. Seized as the property of: GERINALDO COLON, and taken in execution of BAYVIEW LOAN SERVICING LLC CHARLES H. BILLINGHAM SHERIFF Sheriff’s Number: 15005044 DATED: 12/22/2016, 12/29/2016, 01/05/2016, 01/12/2016 FEIN, SUCH, KAHN & SHEPARD, P.C. 7 CENTURY DRIVE, SUITE 201, PARSIPPANY, NJ 07054 $164.16





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By virtue of a Writ of execution, to me directed, issued out of the SUPERIOR COURT OF NEW JERSEY CHANCERY DIVISION, CAMDEN COUNTY, DOCKET NO. F04631314at Public Venue on WEDNESDAY the 13th Day of JANUARY, 2016 A.D. at 12 o’clock, LOCAL TIME, noon of said day, at the SHERIFF’S OFFICE in the COURT HOUSE, 520 Market St., 2nd Floor, Suite 202, in City and County of Camden and State of New Jersey: Property to be sold is located in the Township of Winslow, County of Camden, State of New Jersey. Premises commonly known as: 620 Johnson Road, Sicklerville, NJ 08081-9554 Being Tax Lot: 7 Block: 602 on the Official Tax Map of the Township of Winslow Dimensions approximately: 1273.57 ft x 202.09 ft x 969.52 ft x 55.00 ft x 275.00 ft x 145.00 ft Nearest Cross Street: Gloucester Avenue The Sheriff hereby reserves the right to adjourn this sale without further notice through publication. *Subject to any unpaid taxes, municipal liens or other charges, and any such taxes, charges, liens, insurance premiums or other advances made by plaintiff prior to this sale. All interested parties are to conduct and rely upon their own independent investigation to ascertain whether or not any outstanding interest remain of record and/or have priority over the lien being foreclosed and, if so the current amount due thereon. **If the sale is set aside for any reason, the purchaser at the sale shall be entitled only to a return of the deposit paid. The purchaser shall have no further recourse against the Mortgagor, the Mortgagee or the Mortgagee’s attorney. The judgment sought to be satisfied by the sale is: “APPROXIMATELY” $252,559.23 TWENTY PERCENT DEPOSIT REQUIRED SURPLUS MONEY: If after the sale and satisfaction of the mortgage debt, including costs and expenses, there remains any surplus money, the money will be deposited into the Superior Court Trust Fund and any person claiming the surplus, or any part thereof, may file a motion pursuant to Court Rules 4:64-3 and 4:57-2 stating the nature and extent of that person’s claim and asking for an order directing payment of the surplus money. The Sheriff or other person conducting the sale will have information regarding the surplus, if any. Seized as the property of: EDWARD G. BRITTON and taken in execution of WELLS FARGO BANK, N.A. CHARLES H. BILLINGHAM SHERIFF Sheriff’s Number: 15005113 DATED: 12/22/2015, 12/29/2015, 01/05/2016, 01/12/2016 PHELAN HALLINAN DIAMOND & JONES P.C. 400 FELLOWSHIP ROAD, SUITE 100 MT. LAUREL, NJ 08054 $167.04




By virtue of a Writ of execution, to me directed, issued out of the SUPERIOR COURT OF NEW JERSEY CHANCERY DIVISION, CAMDEN COUNTY, DOCKET NO. F15005368 at Public Venue on WEDNESDAY the 27th Day of JANUARY, 2016 A.D. at 12 o’clock, LOCAL TIME, noon of said day, at the SHERIFF’S OFFICE in the COURT HOUSE, 520 Market St., 2nd Floor, Suite 202, in City and County of Camden and State of New Jersey: Property to be sold is located in the Township of Winslow, County of Camden, State of New Jersey. Premises commonly known as: 47 Victoria Manor Court, Sicklerville, NJ 08081-2919 Being Tax Lot: 88 Block: 11301 Dimensions approximately: 100 ft x 20 ft Nearest Cross Street: Easterly corner of Lot 87 The sale is subject to unpaid taxes and assessments, tax, water, and sewer liens and other municipal assessments. The amount due can be obtained from the local taxing authority. Pursuant to N.S.J.A. 46:8B-21 the sale may also be subject to the limited lien priority of any condominium/ home-owner association liens which may exist. The judgment sought to be satisfied by the sale is: “APPROXIMATELY” $68,296.21 TWENTY PERCENT DEPOSIT REQUIRED SURPLUS MONEY: If after the sale and satisfaction of the mortgage debt, including costs and expenses, there remains any surplus money, the money will be deposited into the Superior Court Trust Fund and any person claiming the surplus, or any part thereof, may file a motion pursuant to Court Rules 4:64-3 and 4:57-2 stating the nature and extent of that person’s claim and asking for an order directing payment of the surplus money. The Sheriff or other person conducting the sale will have information regarding the surplus, if any. Note: The sheriff reserves the right to adjourn this sale for any length of time without further advertisement. Seized as the property of: ALTON K. CHISHOLM INDIVIDUALLY AND AS ADMINISTRATOR OF THE ESTATE OF DONALD V. CHISHOLM and taken in execution of WELLS FARGO BANK, N.A. GILBERT WILSON SHERIFF Sheriff’s Number: 15005368 DATED: 01/05/2016, 01/12/2016, 01/19/2015, 01/26/2015 SHAPIRO & DENARDO, LLP 14000 COMMERCE PARKWAY SUITE B, MT. LAUREL, NJ 08054 $152.64



By virtue of a Writ of execution, to me directed, issued out of the SUPERIOR COURT OF NEW JERSEY CHANCERY DIVISION, CAMDEN COUNTY, DOCKET NO. F3578609 at Public Venue on WEDNESDAY the 27th Day of JANUARY, 2016 A.D. at 12 o’clock, LOCAL TIME, noon of said day, at the SHERIFF’S OFFICE in the COURT HOUSE, 520 Market St., 2nd Floor, Suite 202, in City and County of Camden and State of New Jersey: Property to be sold is located in the Township of Cherry Hill, County of Camden, State of New Jersey. Premises commonly known as: 28 Winding Way, Cherry Hill, NJ 08002 Being Tax Lot:28 Block: 395.03 Dimensions approximately: 56 x 150 x 58 x 150 Nearest Cross Street: Situated on the Northerly line of Winging Way, approximately 17 feet northeasterly from the northeasterly line of School Lane. The sale is subject to unpaid taxes and assessments, tax, water, and sewer liens and other municipal assessments. The amount due can be obtained from the local taxing authority. Pursuant to N.S.J.A. 46:8B-21 the sale may also be subject to the limited lien priority of any condominium/ home-owner association liens which may exist. The judgment sought to be satisfied by the sale is: “APPROXIMATELY” $359,960.94 TWENTY PERCENT DEPOSIT REQUIRED SURPLUS MONEY: If after the sale and satisfaction of the mortgage debt, including costs and expenses, there remains any surplus money, the money will be deposited into the Superior Court Trust Fund and any person claiming the surplus, or any part thereof, may file a motion pursuant to Court Rules 4:64-3 and 4:57-2 stating the nature and extent of that person’s claim and asking for an order directing payment of the surplus money. The Sheriff or other person conducting the sale will have information regarding the surplus, if any. Note: The sheriff reserves the right to adjourn this sale for any length of time without further advertisement. Seized as the property of: ALDWIN MANALO and taken in execution of WELLS FARGO BANK, N.A. GILBERT WILSON SHERIFF Sheriff’s Number: 15005413 DATED: 01/05/2016, 01/12/2016, 01/19/2015, 01/26/2015 SHAPIRO & DENARDO, LLP 14000 COMMERCE PARKWAY SUITE B, MT. LAUREL, NJ 08054 $152.64


By virtue of a Writ of execution, to me directed, issued out of the SUPERIOR COURT OF NEW JERSEY CHANCERY DIVISION, CAMDEN COUNTY, DOCKET NO. F04550214 at Public Venue on WEDNESDAY the 27th Day of JANUARY, 2016 A.D. at 12 o’clock, LOCAL TIME, noon of said day, at the SHERIFF’S OFFICE in the COURT HOUSE, 520 Market St., 2nd Floor, Suite 202, in City and County of Camden and State of New Jersey: Property to be sold is located in Municipality of Berlin Borough, County of Camden, State of New Jersey. Premises commonly known as: 10 Laurel Hill Court Being Tax Lot: 7, Block: 2205 Dimensions approximately: 78.03’ x 21.97’ Nearest Cross Street: 387.88’ from Brandywine Drive SUPERIOR INTERESTS (if any): Berlin Boro-Taxes-QTR 4 holds a claim for taxes due and/or other municipal utilities such as water and/or sewer in the amount of $2,018.69 as of 10/26/2015 Berlin Boro-Water & Sewer ACCT #7165 holds a claim for taxes due and/or other municipal utilities such as water and/or sewer in the amount of $496.24 as of 10/26/2015. The judgment sought to be satisfied by the sale is: “APPROXIMATELY” $305,146.24 TWENTY PERCENT DEPOSIT REQUIRED SURPLUS MONEY: If after the sale and satisfaction of the mortgage debt, including costs and expenses, there remains any surplus money, the money will be deposited into the Superior Court Trust Fund and any person claiming the surplus, or any part thereof, may file a motion pursuant to Court Rules 4:64-3 and 4:57-2 stating the nature and extent of that person’s claim and asking for an order directing payment of the surplus money. The Sheriff or other person conducting the sale will have information regarding the surplus, if any. Note: The sheriff reserves the right to adjourn this sale for any length of time without further advertisement. Seized as the property of: KIMBERLY BECKMAN, and taken in execution of PENNYMAC LOAN SERVICES, LLC GILBERT L. WILSON SHERIFF Sheriff’s Number: 15005487 DATED: 01/05/2016, 01/12/2016, 01/19/2016 01/26/2016 POWERS KIRN, LLC 728 MARNE HIGHWAY, SUITE 200, MOORESTOWN, NJ 08057 $144.00


By virtue of a Writ of execution, to me directed, issued out of the SUPERIOR COURT OF NEW JERSEY CHANCERY DIVISION, CAMDEN COUNTY, DOCKET NO. F01763113 at Public Venue on WEDNESDAY the 27th Day of JANUARY, 2016 A.D. at 12 o’clock, LOCAL TIME, noon of said day, at the SHERIFF’S OFFICE in the COURT HOUSE, 520 Market St., 2nd Floor, Suite 202, in City and County of Camden and State of New Jersey: Property to be sold is located in the City of Camden, County of Camden, State of New Jersey. Premises commonly known as: 1081 North 34th Street, Camden, NJ 08105 Being Tax Lot: 51 Block: 927 Dimensions approximately: 100 feet wide by 100 feet long Nearest Cross Street: Situated on the Westerly line of North 34th Street with the Southerly line of Pierce Avenue. The sale is subject to unpaid taxes and assessments, tax, water, and sewer liens and other municipal assessments. The amount due can be obtained from the local taxing authority. Pursuant to N.S.J.A. 46:8B-21 the sale may also be subject to the limited lien priority of any condominium/ home-owner association liens which may exist. The judgment sought to be satisfied by the sale is: “APPROXIMATELY” $78,967.79 TWENTY PERCENT DEPOSIT REQUIRED SURPLUS MONEY: If after the sale and satisfaction of the mortgage debt, including costs and expenses, there remains any surplus money, the money will be deposited into the Superior Court Trust Fund and any person claiming the surplus, or any part thereof, may file a motion pursuant to Court Rules 4:64-3 and 4:57-2 stating the nature and extent of that person’s claim and asking for an order directing payment of the surplus money. The Sheriff or other person conducting the sale will have information regarding the surplus, if any. Note: The sheriff reserves the right to adjourn this sale for any length of time without further advertisement. Seized as the property of: LUZ C. GUZMAN and taken in execution of WELLS FARGO BANK, N.A. GILBERT WILSON SHERIFF Sheriff’s Number: 15005416 DATED: 01/05/2016, 01/12/2016, 01/19/2015, 01/26/2015 SHAPIRO & DENARDO, LLP 14000 COMMERCE PARKWAY SUITE B MT. LAUREL, NJ 08054 $152.64

Aileen Connolly o email a: SHERIFF’S SALE

By virtue of a Writ of execution, to me directed, issued out of the SUPERIOR COURT OF NEW JERSEY CHANCERY DIVISION, CAMDEN COUNTY, DOCKET NO. F02221013 at Public Venue on WEDNESDAY the 27th Day of JANUARY, 2016 A.D. at 12 o’clock, LOCAL TIME, noon of said day, at the SHERIFF’S OFFICE in the COURT HOUSE, 520 Market St., 2nd Floor, Suite 202, in City and County of Camden and State of New Jersey: Property to be sold is located in the Township of Pennsauken, County of Camden, State of New Jersey. Premises commonly known as: 6116 Rogers Avenue, Pennsauken, NJ 08109 Being Tax Lot: 4 FKA Lot 23 Block: 5008 FKA Block 106 Dimensions approximately: 115.78 x 34.72 x 150 x 34.72 Nearest Cross Street: Situated on the Southerly line of Rogers Avenue approximately 115 feet easterly from the easterly line of Horner Avenue fka Franklin Street. The sale is subject to unpaid taxes and assessments, tax, water, and sewer liens and other municipal assessments. The amount due can be obtained from the local taxing authority. Pursuant to N.S.J.A. 46:8B-21 the sale may also be subject to the limited lien priority of any condominium/ home-owner association liens which may exist. The judgment sought to be satisfied by the sale is: “APPROXIMATELY” $93,574.78 TWENTY PERCENT DEPOSIT REQUIRED SURPLUS MONEY: If after the sale and satisfaction of the mortgage debt, including costs and expenses, there remains any surplus money, the money will be deposited into the Superior Court Trust Fund and any person claiming the surplus, or any part thereof, may file a motion pursuant to Court Rules 4:64-3 and 4:57-2 stating the nature and extent of that person’s claim and asking for an order directing payment of the surplus money. The Sheriff or other person conducting the sale will have information regarding the surplus, if any. Note: The sheriff reserves the right to adjourn this sale for any length of time without further advertisement. Seized as the property of: GILBERT C. FOULKE and taken in execution of US NATIONAL BANK ASSOCIATION GILBERT WILSON SHERIFF Sheriff’s Number: 15005370 DATED: 01/05/2016, 01/12/2016, 01/19/2015, 01/26/2015 SHAPIRO & DENARDO, LLP 14000 COMMERCE PARKWAY SUITE B MT. LAUREL, NJ 08054 $152.64


By virtue of a Writ of execution, to me directed, issued out of the SUPERIOR COURT OF NEW JERSEY CHANCERY DIVISION, CAMDEN COUNTY, DOCKET NO. F03665014 at Public Venue on WEDNESDAY the 27th Day of JANUARY, 2016 A.D. at 12 o’clock, LOCAL TIME, noon of said day, at the SHERIFF’S OFFICE in the COURT HOUSE, 520 Market St., 2nd Floor, Suite 202, in City and County of Camden and State of New Jersey: Property to be sold is located in Municipality of Berlin Borough, County of Camden, State of New Jersey. Premises commonly known as: 103 Kennedy Lane Being Tax Lot: 18 Block: 2401 Dimensions approximately: 100’ x 24.33’ Nearest Cross Street: Duke Drive SUPERIOR INTERESTS (if any): CCMUA holds a claim for taxes due and/or other municipal utilities such as water and/or sewer in the amount of $86.62 as of 10/01/2015 US Bank Cust for TLCF-2012A, LLC holds a tax sale certificate in the amount of $425.56 as of 04/16/2013. The judgment sought to be satisfied by the sale is: “APPROXIMATELY” $292,945.83 TWENTY PERCENT DEPOSIT REQUIRED SURPLUS MONEY: If after the sale and satisfaction of the mortgage debt, including costs and expenses, there remains any surplus money, the money will be deposited into the Superior Court Trust Fund and any person claiming the surplus, or any part thereof, may file a motion pursuant to Court Rules 4:64-3 and 4:57-2 stating the nature and extent of that person’s claim and asking for an order directing payment of the surplus money. The Sheriff or other person conducting the sale will have information regarding the surplus, if any. Note: The sheriff reserves the right to adjourn this sale for any length of time without further advertisement. Seized as the property of: JOHN R. PETRUZZO, JR., and taken in execution of NATIONSTAR MORTGAGE, LLC GILBERT L. WILSON SHERIFF Sheriff’s Number: 15005397 DATED: 01/05/2016, 01/12/2016, 01/19/2016 01/26/2016 POWERS KIRN, LLC 728 MARNE HIGHWAY, SUITE 200 MOORESTOWN, NJ 08057 $141.12


By virtue of a Writ of execution, to me directed, issued out of the SUPERIOR COURT OF NEW JERSEY CHANCERY DIVISION, CAMDEN COUNTY, DOCKET NO. F02126814 at Public Venue on WEDNESDAY the 27th Day of JANUARY, 2016 A.D. at 12 o’clock, LOCAL TIME, noon of said day, at the SHERIFF’S OFFICE in the COURT HOUSE, 520 Market St., 2nd Floor, Suite 202, in City and County of Camden and State of New Jersey: Property to be sold is located in the Borough of Haddon Heights, County of Camden, State of New Jersey. Premises commonly known as: 1904 Bryn Mawr Avenue, Haddon Heights, NJ 08035-1013 Being Tax Lot: 10 Block: 138 on the Official Tax Map of the Borough of Haddon Heights Dimensions approximately: 50 ft x 125ft x 50ft x 125ft Nearest Cross Street: Martin’s Avenue The Sheriff hereby reserves the right to adjourn this sale without further notice through publication. *Subject to any unpaid taxes, municipal liens or other charges, and any such taxes, charges, liens, insurance premiums or other advances made by plaintiff prior to this sale. All interested parties are to conduct and rely upon their own independent investigation to ascertain whether or not any outstanding interest remain of record and/or have priority over the lien being foreclosed and, if so the current amount due thereon. **If the sale is set aside for any reason, the purchaser at the sale shall be entitled only to a return of the deposit paid. The purchaser shall have no further recourse against the Mortgagor, the Mortgagee or the Mortgagee’s attorney. The judgment sought to be satisfied by the sale is: “APPROXIMATELY” $316,186.84 TWENTY PERCENT DEPOSIT REQUIRED SURPLUS MONEY: If after the sale and satisfaction of the mortgage debt, including costs and expenses, there remains any surplus money, the money will be deposited into the Superior Court Trust Fund and any person claiming the surplus, or any part thereof, may file a motion pursuant to Court Rules 4:64-3 and 4:57-2 stating the nature and extent of that person’s claim and asking for an order directing payment of the surplus money. The Sheriff or other person conducting the sale will have information regarding the surplus, if any. Seized as the property of: MARY ANN MURRAY and taken in execution of SANTANDER BANK, N.A. GILBERT L. WILSON SHERIFF Sheriff’s Number: 15005458 DATED: 01/05/2016, 01/12/2016, 01/19/2016, 01/26/2016 PHELAN HALLINAN DIAMOND & JONES P.C. 400 FELLOWSHIP ROAD, SUITE 100 MT. LAUREL, NJ 08054 $164.16




By virtue of a Writ of execution, to me directed, issued out of the SUPERIOR COURT OF NEW JERSEY CHANCERY DIVISION, CAMDEN COUNTY, DOCKET NO. F01546114 at Public Venue on WEDNESDAY the 27th Day of JANUARY, 2016 A.D. at 12 o’clock, LOCAL TIME, noon of said day, at the SHERIFF’S OFFICE in the COURT HOUSE, 520 Market St., 2nd Floor, Suite 202, in City and County of Camden and State of New Jersey: Property to be sold is located in the Township of Cherry Hill, County of Camden, State of New Jersey. Premises commonly known as: 127 Saxby Terrace, Cherry Hill, NJ 08003-4606 Being Tax Lot: 25 Block: 515.16 on the Official Tax Map of the Township of Cherry Hill Dimensions approximately: 80.00 ft x 167.00 ft x 80.00 ft x 167.00 ft Nearest Cross Street: Cropwell Road The Sheriff hereby reserves the right to adjourn this sale without further notice through publication. *Subject to any unpaid taxes, municipal liens or other charges, and any such taxes, charges, liens, insurance premiums or other advances made by plaintiff prior to this sale. All interested parties are to conduct and rely upon their own independent investigation to ascertain whether or not any outstanding interest remain of record and/or have priority over the lien being foreclosed and, if so the current amount due thereon. **If the sale is set aside for any reason, the purchaser at the sale shall be entitled only to a return of the deposit paid. The purchaser shall have no further recourse against the Mortgagor, the Mortgagee or the Mortgagee’s attorney. The judgment sought to be satisfied by the sale is: “APPROXIMATELY” $355,187.35 TWENTY PERCENT DEPOSIT REQUIRED SURPLUS MONEY: If after the sale and satisfaction of the mortgage debt, including costs and expenses, there remains any surplus money, the money will be deposited into the Superior Court Trust Fund and any person claiming the surplus, or any part thereof, may file a motion pursuant to Court Rules 4:64-3 and 4:57-2 stating the nature and extent of that person’s claim and asking for an order directing payment of the surplus money. The Sheriff or other person conducting the sale will have information regarding the surplus, if any. Seized as the property of: YU YI WEN AKA YU YI HE, and taken in execution of WELLS FARGO BANK, N.A. GILBERT L. WILSON SHERIFF Sheriff’s Number: 15005450 DATED: 01/05/2016, 01/12/2016, 01/19/2016, 01/26/2016 PHELAN HALLINAN DIAMOND & JONES P.C. 400 FELLOWSHIP ROAD, SUITE 100 MT. LAUREL, NJ 08054 $167.04


By virtue of a Writ of execution, to me directed, issued out of the SUPERIOR COURT OF NEW JERSEY CHANCERY DIVISION, CAMDEN COUNTY, DOCKET NO. F03850714 at Public Venue on WEDNESDAY the 27th Day of JANUARY, 2016 A.D. at 12 o’clock, LOCAL TIME, noon of said day, at the SHERIFF’S OFFICE in the COURT HOUSE, 520 Market St., 2nd Floor, Suite 202, in City and County of Camden and State of New Jersey: Property to be sold is located in the City of Camden, County of Camden, State of New Jersey. Premises commonly known as: 1346 Thurman Street, Camden, NJ 08104 Being Tax Lot: 68 Block: 1350 Dimensions approximately: 100.00 x 55.51 x 104.24 ft x 26.04 ft Nearest Cross Street: Norris Street The Sheriff hereby reserves the right to adjourn this sale without further notice through publication. The judgment sought to be satisfied by the sale is: “APPROXIMATELY” $83,416.93 TWENTY PERCENT DEPOSIT REQUIRED SURPLUS MONEY: If after the sale and satisfaction of the mortgage debt, including costs and expenses, there remains any surplus money, the money will be deposited into the Superior Court Trust Fund and any person claiming the surplus, or any part thereof, may file a motion pursuant to Court Rules 4:64-3 and 4:57-2 stating the nature and extent of that person’s claim and asking for an order directing payment of the surplus money. The Sheriff or other person conducting the sale will have information regarding the surplus, if any. Note: The sheriff reserves the right to adjourn this sale for any length of time without further advertisement. Seized as the property of: HEIDI WILLIAMS AND JEROME J. WILLIAMS, and taken in execution of NATIONSTAR MORTGAGE LLC GILBERT L. WILSON SHERIFF Sheriff’s Number: 15005464 DATED: 01/05/2016, 01/12/2016, 01/19/2016 01/26/2016 Buckley Madole, P.C. 99 Wood Avenue South Suite 803 Iselin, NJ 08830 $138.24


By virtue of a Writ of execution, to me directed, issued out of the SUPERIOR COURT OF NEW JERSEY CHANCERY DIVISION, CAMDEN COUNTY, DOCKET NO. F05601510 at Public Venue on WEDNESDAY the 27th Day of JANUARY, 2016 A.D. at 12 o’clock, LOCAL TIME, noon of said day, at the SHERIFF’S OFFICE in the COURT HOUSE, 520 Market St., 2nd Floor, Suite 202, in City and County of Camden and State of New Jersey: Property to be sold is located in the Borough of Collingswood, County of Camden, State of New Jersey. Premises commonly known as: 816 Collings Avenue, Collingswood, NJ 08107-1748 Being Tax Lot: 1 Block: 169 on the Official Tax Map of the Borough of Collingswood Dimensions approximately:100 ft x 175ft x 100 ft x 175 ft Nearest Cross Street: Comley Avenue The Sheriff hereby reserves the right to adjourn this sale without further notice through publication. *Subject to any unpaid taxes, municipal liens or other charges, and any such taxes, charges, liens, insurance premiums or other advances made by plaintiff prior to this sale. All interested parties are to conduct and rely upon their own independent investigation to ascertain whether or not any outstanding interest remain of record and/or have priority over the lien being foreclosed and, if so the current amount due thereon. **If the sale is set aside for any reason, the purchaser at the sale shall be entitled only to a return of the deposit paid. The purchaser shall have no further recourse against the Mortgagor, the Mortgagee or the Mortgagee’s attorney. The judgment sought to be satisfied by the sale is: “APPROXIMATELY” $458,882.60 TWENTY PERCENT DEPOSIT REQUIRED SURPLUS MONEY: If after the sale and satisfaction of the mortgage debt, including costs and expenses, there remains any surplus money, the money will be deposited into the Superior Court Trust Fund and any person claiming the surplus, or any part thereof, may file a motion pursuant to Court Rules 4:64-3 and 4:57-2 stating the nature and extent of that person’s claim and asking for an order directing payment of the surplus money. The Sheriff or other person conducting the sale will have information regarding the surplus, if any. Seized as the property of: JACQUELINE MYLES, and taken in execution of US BANK NATIONAL ASSOCIATION GILBERT L. WILSON SHERIFF Sheriff’s Number: 15005445 DATED: 01/05/2016, 01/12/2016, 01/19/2016, 01/26/2016 PHELAN HALLINAN DIAMOND & JONES P.C. 400 FELLOWSHIP ROAD, SUITE 100 MT. LAUREL, NJ 08054 $164.16

Aileen Connolly o email a: SHERIFF’S SALE

By virtue of a Writ of execution, to me directed, issued out of the SUPERIOR COURT OF NEW JERSEY CHANCERY DIVISION, CAMDEN COUNTY, DOCKET NO. F01055515 at Public Venue on WEDNESDAY the 27th Day of JANUARY, 2016 A.D. at 12 o’clock, LOCAL TIME, noon of said day, at the SHERIFF’S OFFICE in the COURT HOUSE, 520 Market St., 2nd Floor, Suite 202, in City and County of Camden and State of New Jersey: Property to be sold is located in the Borough of Audubon, County of Camden, State of New Jersey. Premises commonly known as: 50 North Lecato Avenue, Audubon, NJ 08105-1054 Being Tax Lot: 1.01 Block: 29 on the Official Tax Map of the Borough of Audubon Dimensions approximately:50.00 ft x 150.00ft x 50.00 ft x 150.00 ft Nearest Cross Street: Cuthbert Road The Sheriff hereby reserves the right to adjourn this sale without further notice through publication. *Subject to any unpaid taxes, municipal liens or other charges, and any such taxes, charges, liens, insurance premiums or other advances made by plaintiff prior to this sale. All interested parties are to conduct and rely upon their own independent investigation to ascertain whether or not any outstanding interest remain of record and/or have priority over the lien being foreclosed and, if so the current amount due thereon. **If the sale is set aside for any reason, the purchaser at the sale shall be entitled only to a return of the deposit paid. The purchaser shall have no further recourse against the Mortgagor, the Mortgagee or the Mortgagee’s attorney. The judgment sought to be satisfied by the sale is: “APPROXIMATELY” $285,601.94 TWENTY PERCENT DEPOSIT REQUIRED SURPLUS MONEY: If after the sale and satisfaction of the mortgage debt, including costs and expenses, there remains any surplus money, the money will be deposited into the Superior Court Trust Fund and any person claiming the surplus, or any part thereof, may file a motion pursuant to Court Rules 4:64-3 and 4:57-2 stating the nature and extent of that person’s claim and asking for an order directing payment of the surplus money. The Sheriff or other person conducting the sale will have information regarding the surplus, if any. Seized as the property of: TINA M. HOPKINS, and taken in execution of HSBC BANK USA, NATIONAL ASSOCIATION GILBERT L. WILSON SHERIFF Sheriff’s Number: 15005377 DATED: 01/05/2016, 01/12/2016, 01/19/2016, 01/26/2016 PHELAN HALLINAN DIAMOND & JONES P.C. 400 FELLOWSHIP ROAD, SUITE 100 MT. LAUREL, NJ 08054 $167.04


By virtue of a Writ of execution, to me directed, issued out of the SUPERIOR COURT OF NEW JERSEY CHANCERY DIVISION, CAMDEN COUNTY, DOCKET NO. F00890815 at Public Venue on WEDNESDAY the 27th Day of JANUARY, 2016 A.D. at 12 o’clock, LOCAL TIME, noon of said day, at the SHERIFF’S OFFICE in the COURT HOUSE, 520 Market St., 2nd Floor, Suite 202, in City and County of Camden and State of New Jersey: Property to be sold is located in the Municipality of Voorhees Township, County of Camden, State of New Jersey. Premises commonly known as: 17 Marple Mill Drive, Voorhees Township, NJ 08043 Being Tax Lot: 2.279 Block: 200 Dimensions approximately: .154 AC Nearest Cross Street: Hopkins Street The sale is subject to unpaid taxes and assessments, tax, water, and sewer liens and other municipal assessments. The amount due can be obtained from the local taxing authority. Pursuant to N.S.J.A. 46:8B-21 the sale may also be subject to the limited lien priority of any condominium/home-owner association liens which may exist. The judgment sought to be satisfied by the sale is: “APPROXIMATELY” $640,456.04 TWENTY PERCENT DEPOSIT REQUIRED SURPLUS MONEY: If after the sale and satisfaction of the mortgage debt, including costs and expenses, there remains any surplus money, the money will be deposited into the Superior Court Trust Fund and any person claiming the surplus, or any part thereof, may file a motion pursuant to Court Rules 4:64-3 and 4:57-2 stating the nature and extent of that person’s claim and asking for an order directing payment of the surplus money. The Sheriff or other person conducting the sale will have information regarding the surplus, if any. Note: The sheriff reserves the right to adjourn this sale for any length of time without further advertisement. Seized as the property of: ANGELO J. DEFEO, and taken in execution of NATIONSTAR MORTGAGE LLC GILBERT L. WILSON SHERIFF Sheriff’s Number: 15005438 DATED: 01/05/2016, 01/12/2016, 01/19/2016, 01/26/2016 RAS Citron Law Offices 130 Clinton Road Suite 202, Fairfield, NJ 07004 $144.00



By virtue of a Writ of execution, to me directed, issued out of the SUPERIOR COURT OF NEW JERSEY CHANCERY DIVISION, CAMDEN COUNTY, DOCKET NO. F456010 at Public Venue on WEDNESDAY the 27th Day of JANUARY, 2016 A.D. at 12 o’clock, LOCAL TIME, noon of said day, at the SHERIFF’S OFFICE in the COURT HOUSE, 520 Market St., 2nd Floor, Suite 202, in City and County of Camden and State of New Jersey: Property to be sold is located in the City of Gloucester, County of Camden, State of New Jersey. Premises commonly known as: 4 Stoney Bridge Road, Gloucester, NJ 08021 Being Tax Lot: 28, Block: 9901 Dimensions approximately: 71 x 132.12 Nearest Cross Street: Kennedy Drive “THE SHERIFF HEREBY RESERVES THE RIGHT TO ADJOURN THIS SALE WITHOUT FURTHER NOTICE THROUGH PUBLICATION.” PRIOR LIENS/ENCUMBRANCES SEWER OPEN + PENALTY $187.29 CCMUA OPEN PLUS PENALTY - $435.00 PROPERTY MAINTENANCE FEE OPEN + PENALTY $448.76 TOTAL AS OF OCTOBER 28, 2015: $1071.05 The judgment sought to be satisfied by the sale is: “APPROXIMATELY” $329,874.10 TWENTY PERCENT DEPOSIT REQUIRED SURPLUS MONEY: If after the sale and satisfaction of the mortgage debt, including costs and expenses, there remains any surplus money, the money will be deposited into the Superior Court Trust Fund and any person claiming the surplus, or any part thereof, may file a motion pursuant to Court Rules 4:64-3 and 4:57-2 stating the nature and extent of that person’s claim and asking for an order directing payment of the surplus money. The Sheriff or other person conducting the sale will have information regarding the surplus, if any. Note: The sheriff reserves the right to adjourn this sale for any length of time without further advertisement. Seized as the property of: FREDERICK J. TIRALLI, ET ALS, and taken in execution of BAYVIEW LOAN SERVICING LLC GILBERT L. WILSON SHERIFF Sheriff’s Number: 15005533 DATED: 01/05/2016, 01/12/2016, 01/19/2016, 01/26/2016 FEIN, SUCH, KAHN & SHEPARD, P.C. 7 CENTURY DRIVE, SUITE 201 PARSIPPANY, NJ 07054 $152.64



By virtue of a Writ of execution, to me directed, issued out of the SUPERIOR COURT OF NEW JERSEY CHANCERY DIVISION, CAMDEN COUNTY, DOCKET NO. F47171613 at Public Venue on WEDNESDAY the 27th Day of JANUARY, 2016 A.D. at 12 o’clock, LOCAL TIME, noon of said day, at the SHERIFF’S OFFICE in the COURT HOUSE, 520 Market St., 2nd Floor, Suite 202, in City and County of Camden and State of New Jersey: Property to be sold is located in the City of Pennsauken, County of Camden, State of New Jersey. Premises commonly known as: 4531 Canning Avenue, Pennsauken, NJ 08109 Being Tax Lot: 6, Block: 4104 Dimensions approximately: 65x100 Nearest Cross Street: Maple Avenue “THE SHERIFF HEREBY RESERVES THE RIGHT TO ADJOURN THIS SALE WITHOUT FURTHER NOTICE THROUGH PUBLICATION.” PRIOR LIENS/ENCUMBRANCES Taxes Open $1,369.23 SEWER OPEN + PENALTY $150.02 CCMUA OPEN PLUS PENALTY - $283.09 2014 3rd Party PSA Sewer, CCMUA Lien Sold on 06/24/15 Cert #15-00479 $897.58 TOTAL AS OF OCTOBER 5, 2015: $3,180.82 The judgment sought to be satisfied by the sale is: “APPROXIMATELY” $288,188.53 TWENTY PERCENT DEPOSIT REQUIRED SURPLUS MONEY: If after the sale and satisfaction of the mortgage debt, including costs and expenses, there remains any surplus money, the money will be deposited into the Superior Court Trust Fund and any person claiming the surplus, or any part thereof, may file a motion pursuant to Court Rules 4:64-3 and 4:57-2 stating the nature and extent of that person’s claim and asking for an order directing payment of the surplus money. The Sheriff or other person conducting the sale will have information regarding the surplus, if any. Note: The sheriff reserves the right to adjourn this sale for any length of time without further advertisement. Seized as the property of: WESLEY J. ROBINSON, ET ALS, and taken in execution of BAYVIEW LOAN SERVICING LLC GILBERT L. WILSON SHERIFF Sheriff’s Number: 15005530 DATED: 01/05/2016, 01/12/2016, 01/19/2016, 01/26/2016 FEIN, SUCH, KAHN & SHEPARD, P.C. 7 CENTURY DRIVE, SUITE 201 PARSIPPANY, NJ 07054 $158.40


By virtue of a Writ of execution, to me directed, issued out of the SUPERIOR COURT OF NEW JERSEY CHANCERY DIVISION, CAMDEN COUNTY, DOCKET NO. F734809 at Public Venue on WEDNESDAY the 27th Day of JANUARY, 2016 A.D. at 12 o’clock, LOCAL TIME, noon of said day, at the SHERIFF’S OFFICE in the COURT HOUSE, 520 Market St., 2nd Floor, Suite 202, in City and County of Camden and State of New Jersey: Property to be sold is located in the Township of Pennsauken, County of Camden, State of New Jersey. Premises commonly known as: 4440 Witherspoon Avenue, Pennsauken, NJ 08110 Being Tax Lot: 5 Block: 5915 Dimensions approximately: 50 feet wide by 125 feet long Nearest Cross Street: Situated on the Southerly line of Witherspoon Avenue, 228.00 feet from the Westerly line of Browning Road The sale is subject to unpaid taxes and assessments, tax, water, and sewer liens and other municipal assessments. The amount due can be obtained from the local taxing authority. Pursuant to N.S.J.A. 46:8B-21 the sale may also be subject to the limited lien priority of any condominium/home-owner association liens which may exist. The judgment sought to be satisfied by the sale is: “APPROXIMATELY” $264,394.01 TWENTY PERCENT DEPOSIT REQUIRED SURPLUS MONEY: If after the sale and satisfaction of the mortgage debt, including costs and expenses, there remains any surplus money, the money will be deposited into the Superior Court Trust Fund and any person claiming the surplus, or any part thereof, may file a motion pursuant to Court Rules 4:64-3 and 4:57-2 stating the nature and extent of that person’s claim and asking for an order directing payment of the surplus money. The Sheriff or other person conducting the sale will have information regarding the surplus, if any. Note: The sheriff reserves the right to adjourn this sale for any length of time without further advertisement. Seized as the property of: MICHAEL THORNBURG and taken in execution of US NATIONAL BANK ASSOCIATION GILBERT WILSON SHERIFF Sheriff’s Number: 15005430 DATED: 01/05/2016, 01/12/2016, 01/19/2015, 01/26/2015 SHAPIRO & DENARDO, LLP 14000 COMMERCE PARKWAY SUITE B MT. LAUREL, NJ 08054 $152.64


By virtue of a Writ of execution, to me directed, issued out of the SUPERIOR COURT OF NEW JERSEY CHANCERY DIVISION, CAMDEN COUNTY, DOCKET NO. F04134314 at Public Venue on WEDNESDAY the 27th Day of JANUARY, 2016 A.D. at 12 o’clock, LOCAL TIME, noon of said day, at the SHERIFF’S OFFICE in the COURT HOUSE, 520 Market St., 2nd Floor, Suite 202, in City and County of Camden and State of New Jersey: Property to be sold is located in Municipality of Camden City, County of Camden, State of New Jersey. Premises commonly known as: 1275 Van Hook Street Being Tax Lot: 113 Block: 1362 Dimensions approximately: 74.50’ x 17.48’ Nearest Cross Street: 222.52’ from Cope Street SUPERIOR INTERESTS (if any): CAMDEN CITY/2015 TAXES QTR 4 Holds a claim for taxes due and/or other municipal utilities such as water and/or sewer in the amount of $140.23 as of 11/01/2015 UNITED WATER COMPANY Holds a claim for taxes due and/or other municipal utilities such as water and/or sewer in the amount of $144.82 as of 07/08/2015 CCMUA Holds a claim for taxes due and/or other municipal utilities such as water and/or sewer in the amount of $159.16 as of 08/15/2015 CERT#15-02884 holds a tax certificate The judgment sought to be satisfied by the sale is: “APPROXIMATELY” $43,271.20 TWENTY PERCENT DEPOSIT REQUIRED SURPLUS MONEY: If after the sale and satisfaction of the mortgage debt, including costs and expenses, there remains any surplus money, the money will be deposited into the Superior Court Trust Fund and any person claiming the surplus, or any part thereof, may file a motion pursuant to Court Rules 4:64-3 and 4:57-2 stating the nature and extent of that person’s claim and asking for an order directing payment of the surplus money. The Sheriff or other person conducting the sale will have information regarding the surplus, if any. Note: The sheriff reserves the right to adjourn this sale for any length of time without further advertisement. Seized as the property of: NATHANIEL STRONG, and taken in execution of CITIMORTGAGE, INC. GILBERT L. WILSON SHERIFF Sheriff’s Number: 15005401 DATED: 01/05/2016, 01/12/2016, 01/19/2016, 01/26/2016 POWERS KIRN, LLC 728 MARNE HIGHWAY, SUITE 200, MOORESTOWN, NJ 08057 $152.64

Aileen Connolly o email a: SHERIFF’S SALE

By virtue of a Writ of execution, to me directed, issued out of the SUPERIOR COURT OF NEW JERSEY CHANCERY DIVISION, CAMDEN COUNTY, DOCKET NO. F03516013 at Public Venue on WEDNESDAY the 27th Day of JANUARY, 2016 A.D. at 12 o’clock, LOCAL TIME, noon of said day, at the SHERIFF’S OFFICE in the COURT HOUSE, 520 Market St., 2nd Floor, Suite 202, in City and County of Camden and State of New Jersey: Property to be sold is located in the City of Camden, County of Camden, State of New Jersey. Premises commonly known as: 3021 Congress Road, Camden, NJ 08104 Being Tax Lot: 10 Block: 709 f/k/a 2045 Dimensions approximately: 30.60 x 58.16 x 29.89 x 0.13 x 22.13 x 64.04 Nearest Cross Street: Situated on the Southwesterly side of Congress Road from its intersection with the Southeasterly line of Chesapeake Road The sale is subject to unpaid taxes and assessments, tax, water, and sewer liens and other municipal assessments. The amount due can be obtained from the local taxing authority. Pursuant to N.S.J.A. 46:8B-21 the sale may also be subject to the limited lien priority of any condominium/ home-owner association liens which may exist. The judgment sought to be satisfied by the sale is: “APPROXIMATELY” $94,550.03 TWENTY PERCENT DEPOSIT REQUIRED SURPLUS MONEY: If after the sale and satisfaction of the mortgage debt, including costs and expenses, there remains any surplus money, the money will be deposited into the Superior Court Trust Fund and any person claiming the surplus, or any part thereof, may file a motion pursuant to Court Rules 4:64-3 and 4:57-2 stating the nature and extent of that person’s claim and asking for an order directing payment of the surplus money. The Sheriff or other person conducting the sale will have information regarding the surplus, if any. Note: The sheriff reserves the right to adjourn this sale for any length of time without further advertisement. Seized as the property of: JOHN J. CLARK, JR. and taken in execution of WELLS FARGO BANK, N.A. GILBERT WILSON SHERIFF Sheriff’s Number: 15005476 DATED: 01/05/2016, 01/12/2016, 01/19/2015, 01/26/2015 SHAPIRO & DENARDO, LLP 14000 COMMERCE PARKWAY SUITE B, MT. LAUREL, NJ 08054 $152.64


By virtue of a Writ of execution, to me directed, issued out of the SUPERIOR COURT OF NEW JERSEY CHANCERY DIVISION, CAMDEN COUNTY, DOCKET NO. F00348315 at Public Venue on WEDNESDAY the 27th Day of JANUARY, 2016 A.D. at 12 o’clock, LOCAL TIME, noon of said day, at the SHERIFF’S OFFICE in the COURT HOUSE, 520 Market St., 2nd Floor, Suite 202, in City and County of Camden and State of New Jersey: Property to be sold is located in the Township of Gloucester, County of Camden, State of New Jersey Premises commonly known as: 144 Maurer Avenue Being Tax Lot: 7 & 8 Block: 8104 Dimensions approximately: 100 x 200 Nearest Cross Street: Victor Avenue *Also subject to subsequent taxes, water and sewer plus interest through date of payoff. The Sheriff hereby reserves the right to adjourn this sale without further notice through publication. THIS SALE IS SUBJECT TO THE RIGHT OF REDEMPTION OF THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT. A FULL LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF THE PREMISES CAN BE FOUND IN THE OFFICE OF THE SHERIFF OF CAMDEN COUNTY. The judgment sought to be satisfied by the sale is: “APPROXIMATELY” $199,386.12 TWENTY PERCENT DEPOSIT REQUIRED SURPLUS MONEY: If after the sale and satisfaction of the mortgage debt, including costs and expenses, there remains any surplus money, the money will be deposited into the Superior Court Trust Fund and any person claiming the surplus, or any part thereof, may file a motion pursuant to Court Rules 4:64-3 and 4:57-2 stating the nature and extent of that person’s claim and asking for an order directing payment of the surplus money. The Sheriff or other person conducting the sale will have information regarding the surplus, if any. Note: The sheriff reserves the right to adjourn this sale for any length of time without further advertisement. Seized as the property of: LUNDSFORD O. GARRETT, IV, and taken in execution of BANK OF AMERICA, N.A. GILBERT L. WILSON SHERIFF Sheriff’s Number: 15005467 DATED: 01/05/2016, 01/12/2016, 01/19/2016, 01/26/2016 PARKER MCCAY P.A. 9000 MIDATLANTIC DRIVE SUITE 300 P.O. BOX 5054, MT. LAUREL, NJ 08054 $146.88


By virtue of a Writ of execution, to me directed, issued out of the SUPERIOR COURT OF NEW JERSEY CHANCERY VISION, CAMDEN COUNTY, DOCKET NO. F1894713 at Public Venue on WEDNESDAY the 27th Day of JANUARY, 2016 A.D. at 12 o’clock, LOCAL TIME, noon of said day, at the SHERIFF’S OFFICE in the COURT HOUSE, 520 Market St., 2nd Floor, Suite 202, in City and County of Camden and State of New Jersey: Property to be sold is located in the Township of Cherry Hill, County of Camden, State of New Jersey. Premises commonly known as: 912 Longwood Avenue, Cherry Hill, New Jersey Being Tax Lot: 6, Block: 90.01 Dimensions approximately: 92’ x 304’ Nearest Cross Street: Birch Street Tax Sale Certificate #15-00435; $2,423.91 as of November 11, 2015. Open tax quarters and unpaid municipal charges due and owing to the Township of Cherry Hill: $910.40 as of November 11, 2015. Open tax quarters and unpaid municipal charges due and owing to the Township of Pennsauken: $1,923.49 as of December 23, 2014. The judgment sought to be satisfied by the sale is: “APPROXIMATELY” $34,108.36 TWENTY PERCENT DEPOSIT REQUIRED SURPLUS MONEY: If after the sale and satisfaction of the mortgage debt, including costs and expenses, there remains any surplus money, the money will be deposited into the Superior Court Trust Fund and any person claiming the surplus, or any part thereof, may file a motion pursuant to Court Rules 4:64-3 and 4:57-2 stating the nature and extent of that person’s claim and asking for an order directing payment of the surplus money. The Sheriff or other person conducting the sale will have information regarding the surplus, if any. Note: The sheriff reserves the right to adjourn this sale for any length of time without further advertisement. Seized as the property of: WILLIAM ANDERSON, JR. AND LESA A. ANDERSON and taken in execution of PRO CAPITAL FUND 1, LLC CHARLES H. BILLINGHAM SHERIFF Sheriff’s Number: 15005408 DATED: 01/05/2016, 01/12/2016 01/19/2016 01/26/2016 GARY C. ZEITZ, L.L.C. ATTORNEYS AT LAW 1105 LAUREL OAK ROAD, SUITE 136 VOORHEES, NJ 08043 $152.64



SHERIFF’S SALE By virtue of a Writ of execution, to me directed, issued out of the SUPERIOR COURT OF NEW JERSEY CHANCERY DIVISION, CAMDEN COUNTY, DOCKET NO. F1217710 at Public Venue on WEDNESDAY the 20th Day of JANUARY, 2016 A.D. at 12 o’clock, LOCAL TIME, noon of said day, at the SHERIFF’S OFFICE in the COURT HOUSE, 520 Market St., 2nd Floor, Suite 202, in City and County of Camden and State of New Jersey: Property to be sold is located in City of Camden, County of Camden, State of New Jersey. Premises commonly known as: 2944 Berkley Street Being Tax Lot: 13, Block: 1135 Dimensions approximately: 40’ x 100’ Nearest Cross Street: South 30th Street Subject to: $0.00 The judgment sought to be satisfied by the sale is: “APPROXIMATELY” $143,322.12 TWENTY PERCENT DEPOSIT REQUIRED SURPLUS MONEY: If after the sale and satisfaction of the mortgage debt, including costs and expenses, there remains any surplus money, the money will be deposited into the Superior Court Trust Fund and any person claiming the surplus, or any part thereof, may file a motion pursuant to Court Rules 4:64-3 and 4:57-2 stating the nature and extent of that person’s claim and asking for an order directing payment of the surplus money. The Sheriff or other person conducting the sale will have information regarding the surplus, if any. Note: The sheriff reserves the right to adjourn this sale for any length of time without further advertisement. Seized as the property of: ZELMA L. ROSS, and taken in execution of LSF8 MASTER PARTICIPATION TRUST GILBERT L. WILSON SHERIFF Sheriff’s Number: 15005218 DATED: 12/29/2015, 01/05/2016, 01/12/2016 01/19/2016 MCCABE, WEISBERG & CONWAY, P.C. 216 HADDON AVENUE WESTMONT, NJ 08108 $126.72

Aileen Connolly o email a:


By virtue of a Writ of execution, to me directed, issued out of the SUPERIOR COURT OF NEW JERSEY CHANCERY DIVISION, CAMDEN COUNTY, DOCKET NO. F00577114 at Public Venue on WEDNESDAY the 27th Day of JANUARY, 2016 A.D. at 12 o’clock, LOCAL TIME, noon of said day, at the SHERIFF’S OFFICE in the COURT HOUSE, 520 Market St., 2nd Floor, Suite 202, in City and County of Camden and State of New Jersey: Property to be sold is located in the Township of Waterford, County of Camden, State of New Jersey. Premises commonly known as: 465 Church Street, Waterford Twp (ATCO), NJ 08004 Being Tax Lot: 13 (AKA 13 & 140.1) Block 58 Dimensions approximately: 75 feet wise by 220 feet long Nearest Cross Street: Ashburn Avenue Prior Lien(s): CCMUA account past due in the amount of $89.25 *Subject to any unpaid taxes, municipal liens or other charges, and any such taxes. charges, liens, insurance premiums or other advances made by plaintiff prior to this sale. All interested parties are to conduct and rely upon their own independent investigation to ascertain whether or not any outstanding interest remain of record and/or have priority over the lien being foreclosed and, if so the current amount due thereon. The judgment sought to be satisfied by the sale is: “APPROXIMATELY” $197,123.51 TWENTY PERCENT DEPOSIT REQUIRED SURPLUS MONEY: If after the sale and satisfaction of the mortgage debt, including costs and expenses, there remains any surplus money, the money will be deposited into the Superior Court Trust Fund and any person claiming the surplus, or any part thereof, may file a motion pursuant to Court Rules 4:64-3 and 4:57-2 stating the nature and extent of that person’s claim and asking for an order directing payment of the surplus money. The Sheriff or other person conducting the sale will have information regarding the surplus, if any. Note: The sheriff reserves the right to adjourn this sale for any length of time without further advertisement. Seized as the property of: JOHN W. SPEECE and taken in execution of BAYVIEW LOAN SERVICING LLC GILBERT L. WILSON SHERIFF Sheriff’s Number: 15005391 DATED: 01/05/2016, 01/12/2016, 01/19/2016, 1/26/2016 STERN, LAVINTHAL, FRANKENBERG, LLC 105 EISENHOWER PARKWAY SUITE 302 ROSELAND, NJ 07068 $155.52

SHERIFF’S SALE By virtue of a Writ of execution, to me directed, issued out of the SUPERIOR COURT OF NEW JERSEY CHANCERY DIVISION, CAMDEN COUNTY, DOCKET NO. F5046908 at Public Venue on WEDNESDAY the 20th Day of JANUARY, 2016 A.D. at 12 o’clock, LOCAL TIME, noon of said day, at the SHERIFF’S OFFICE in the COURT HOUSE, 520 Market St., 2nd Floor, Suite 202, in City and County of Camden and State of New Jersey: Property to be sold is located in Municipality of Bellmawr, County of Camden, State of New Jersey. Premises commonly known as: 328 1st Avenue Being Tax Lot: 33.01, Block: 103 Dimensions approximately: 52’ x 120’ Nearest Cross Street: 202’ from Bellmawr Ave. SUPERIOR INTERESTS (if any): NONE The judgment sought to be satisfied by the sale is: “APPROXIMATELY” $234,117.53 TWENTY PERCENT DEPOSIT REQUIRED SURPLUS MONEY: If after the sale and satisfaction of the mortgage debt, including costs and expenses, there remains any surplus money, the money will be deposited into the Superior Court Trust Fund and any person claiming the surplus, or any part thereof, may file a motion pursuant to Court Rules 4:64-3 and 4:57-2 stating the nature and extent of that person’s claim and asking for an order directing payment of the surplus money. The Sheriff or other person conducting the sale will have information regarding the surplus, if any. Note: The sheriff reserves the right to adjourn this sale for any length of time without further advertisement. Seized as the property of: JASON MILLER, and taken in execution of THE BANK OF NEW YORK GILBERT L. WILSON SHERIFF Sheriff’s Number: 15005339 DATED: 12/29/2015, 01/05/2016, 01/12/2016 01/19/2016 POWERS KIRN, LLC 728 MARNE HIGHWAY, SUITE 200 MOORESTOWN, NJ 08057 $129.60



32 » DICIEMBRE 30, 2015 - ENERO 6, 2016

EL NUEVO peaje sin dinero en efectivo para el PA Turnpike Bridge is


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MANTÉNGASE ALERTA para cambios adicionales del movimiento del tráfico en la región New


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Burlington NESHAMINY FALLS MAINLINE PLAZA DE PEAJE: Esta plaza es el nuevo principio y punto final del sistema de boletos de la autopista. En este lugar, los clientes pagan en efectivo factura final y entregan su boleto, Plaza mientras que los clientes de E-ZPass pueden usar los carriles expresos. PA Turnpike Park PEAJE POR PLACA no está disponible en este lugar, los clientes que usen efectivo deben utilizar los carriles con casetas para pagar su peaje en efectivo. Bu



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NUEVO PUNTO DE PEAJE EN EL PA TURNPIKE BRIDGE: Sin dejar de moverse a velocidades de carreteras, todos los conductores pasarán por debajo de un pórtico equipado con cámaras de alta velocidad y los lectores de E-ZPass. Un peaje abierto recaudará en este punto, ya sea a través de E-ZPass o PEAJE POR PLACA.

Tráfico hacia el Este dejando PA para entrar a NJ.




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I-95 INTERCAMBIO EN CONSTRUCCIÓN: Los automovilistas seguirán viendo construcción en esta zona de rampas que son construidas para conectar la autopista de peaje de PA con I-95, estas conexiones iniciarán la apertura en 2018.


A partir de hoy, esta plaza de peaje ya no estará en uso. Todo el tráfico continuará a través de esta plaza de peaje reducida, velocidades seguras, PERO NO SE DETENDRÁ PARA PAGAR UN PEAJE. En los próximos meses esta plaza de peaje será retirada de la calzada.




A partir de hoy, esta plaza de peaje ya no estará en uso. Todo el tráfico continuará a través de esta plaza de peaje reducida, velocidades seguras, PERO NO SE DETENDRÁ PARA PAGAR UN PEAJE. En los próximos meses esta plaza de peaje será retirado de la calzada


A partir de hoy, esta plaza de peaje ya no estará en uso. Todo el tráfico continuará a través de esta plaza de peaje reducida, velocidades seguras, PERO NO SE DETENDRÁ PARA PAGAR UN PEAJE. En los próximos meses esta plaza de peaje será retirado de la calzada.


A partir de hoy, esta plaza de peaje ya no estará en uso. Todo el tráfico continuará a través de esta plaza de peaje reducida, velocidades seguras, PERO NO SE DETENDRÁ PARA PAGAR UN PEAJE. En los próximos meses esta plaza de peaje será retirado de la calzada.


I-95 INTERCAMBIO EN CONSTRUCCIÓN: Los automovilistas seguirán viendo construcción en esta zona de rampas que son construidas para conectar la autopista de peaje de PA con I-95, estas conexiones iniciarán la apertura en 2018.


NESHAMINY FALLS MAINLINE PLAZA DE PEAJE: Esta plaza es el nuevo principio y punto final del sistema de boletos de la autopista. En este lugar, los clientes en efectivo tendrán que utilizar los carriles de caja y recoger su boleto, mientras que los clientes de E-ZPass pueden usar los carriles expresos. PA Turnpike PEAJE POR PLACA no está disponible en este lugar, los clientes que usen efectivo deben recoger un boleto.




NUEVO PA TURNPIKE BRIDGE PUNTO DE PEAJE: Sin dejar de moverse a velocidades de carreteras, todos los conductores cruzarán el puente como de costumbre, ningún peaje se recogerán en esta dirección.

TODOS LOS VEHÍCULOS son bienvenidos en el punto de peaje PA Turnpike Bridge; vehículos sin un transpondedor de E-ZPass recibirán una factura por correo a través del nuevo PEAJE POR PLACA PA Turnpike Bridge.

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