FEBRERO 8 - 14, 2015 | VOL XXIII NO. 20
2 » AL DÍA » FEBRERO 8 - 14, 2015
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En entrevista con AL DÍA la candidata a la alcaldía Lynne Abraham habló sobre la importancia de la diversidad y su alcance hacia los latinos. 4
Disney anunció que su princesa más reciente será “Elena de Avalor”, una adolescente inspirada en “diversas culturas latinas”. 13
Los Consulados de México anunciaron que podrán emitir copias certificadas de actas de nacimiento en beneficio de mexicanos en el exterior. 16
El pasado 24 de enero Alejandro RojasGarcía fue balaceado. Su familia solicita la ayuda del público para resolver el crimen. 6
La película “Me and Earl and the Dying Girl”, del cineasta Alfonso GómezRejón, fue la gran vencedora del Festival de Cine de Sundance. 14
Durante los próximos dos años CODE2040 ofrecerá formación gratuita a cinco mil estudiantes latinos y afroamericanos de ingeniería. 17
A new feature called “Double Take” will allow you to access top news stories with the AL DÍA spin.
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Durante un discurso, Bush se concentró en el subgrupo de inmigrantes que entró con visa y dijo: “Debemos poder encontrar dónde están y pedirles cortésmente que se vayan”. 18
En México impulsar la educación es una necesidad imperiosa, una exigencia de vida o muerte, y se ha descuidado lastimosamente. 19
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Let them eat cake: House Republicans vote to fully repeal Affordable Care Act
ven though it is almost surely misattributed to her, Marie Antoinette has long been remembered by the words “Let them eat cake” — her supposed response to being informed that the French peasantry were starving and had no bread to eat. We can only hope that the American voter long remembers that 239 Republicans (no Democrat crossed party lines) voted to fully repeal the Affordable Care Act (ACA) without any viable alternative in place for the millions of Americans covered by it. Nor indeed, any viable alternative for those still uninsured (22 percent of the population was uninsured before ACA, 15 percent continues to be uninsured) in a nation that stubbornly insists on touting private market solutions despite the evident corporate profiteering. A New York Times article from 2013 shows the costs of medical procedures in the United States are appallingly inflated. An angiogram in the United States, for example averages $914, compared to $35 in Canada. Hip replacement surgery will cost an American an average of $40,364, while in Spain it costs $7,731. A prescription for Lipitor will run $124 here, while in New Zealand it’ll cost $6. In India, the cost of the drugs needed to treat Hepatitis C is $1,800, while in the United States the cost for the same course of treatment, the same drugs, is $84,000. There’s obviously a repugnant and immoral profit margin built in to those costs. It’s no surprise that 62 percent of personal bankruptcies in the United States are prompted by medical expenses, even though 75 percent of those who declare bankruptcy have private health insurance (according to Dr. Oliver Fein, a proponent of universal coverage, based on data from 2009). But ... let them eat cake, right? Despite our fine speeches about being a nation of equal opportunity and equal treatment under
law, our provision of healthcare before ACA was out-and-out discriminatory — with insurance, insurability, and means to pay, the primary determining factors in quality of, access to, and ultimately receipt of care. ACA is, without question, a still-imperfect solution — while there are some subsidies, particularly in states that opted in to the Medicaid expansion, coverage is neither universal nor free — but it did go a good way in ensuring that those who have never been able to get health insurance could at least have the hope to do so without devoting their entire household income to pay for it. The Republicans in Congress have challenged ACA more than 50 times already, because ... let them eat cake. According to the Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation, “In 2013, 61 percent of uninsured adults said the main reason they were uninsured was because the cost was too high .... Many people do not have access to coverage through a job, and gaps in eligibility for public coverage in the past have left many without an affordable option.” Among the uninsured, 44 percent are ages 18 to 34; 33 percent are Latino, and a full 11 percent say that even with ACA in place, health insurance is still too expensive. According to a Transamerica Center for Health Studies report from late 2014, ”even without the cost of paying premiums, the uninsured population says they’re struggling with health costs. Only 22 percent said they were able to afford their routine health expenses, such as doctor’s visits and medications.” We are one of the very few nations in “the developed world” that relies on private insurance rather than offering universal, free healthcare to its citizens. The arguments against “free-and-universal” are usually cost and quality of care. But our government spent more on our privately administered and very spotty health-
Photo: StockMonkeys.com
care — before ACA — than countries with free, universal plans: about $8,233 per person in 2010, which is twice as much as France, Great Britain and Sweden spent. The quality of care argument is only valid if you actually can get care ... and for 41 million uninsured Americans, as well as those 10 million or so who are currently covered thanks to ACA, that is no more certain than bread was for the famine-stricken French masses in Marie Antoinette’s time. Maybe the Republicans who voted to repeal ACA (three Republicans voted no) should remember how poorly the “let them eat cake”
sentiment played out for Marie Antoinette (and her husband King Louis XVI). Even if the Republican-led Congress doesn’t manage to successfully repeal ACA (Obama has said he will veto the bill), the choice to look out for the well-being of corporations (the median profit earned by drug companies in 2012 was $71.1 billion) at the expense of ordinary Americans (whose median household income was $51,371 in 2012) will be noted. Especially come the 2016 presidential elections. How about we start referring to that as “the guillotine?”
QUE COMAN PASTEL: LOS REPUBLICANOS EN LA CÁMARA BAJA VOTAN PARA REVOCAR TOTALMENTE LA LEY DE ASISTENCIA ASEQUIBLE A pesar de que es casi seguro que la frase está mal atribuida, María Antonieta ha sido recordado por las palabras “Que coman pastel” — su supuesta respuesta al ser informada que los campesinos franceses estaban muriéndose de hambre y no tenían pan para comer. Sólo podemos esperar que el votante estadou-
nidense recuerde con igual afán que 239 republicanos (y ningún demócrata) votaron a favor de derogar completamente la Ley de Asistencia Asequible (ACA) sin ninguna alternativa viable en su lugar para los millones de estadounidenses que cuentan con ACA para tener seguro de salud.
4 » LOCAL » AL DÍA » FEBRERO 8 - 14, 2015 » ALDÍANews.com
‘Hay que escuchar lo que las comunidades tienen que decir’ ANA GAMBOA anag@aldianews.com
¿Cree que usted es conocida dentro de la comunidad latina de Filadelfia? Quiero decir que sí, hay algunas personas que me conocen. A través de mi asociación con Congreso, que tiene aspectos de liderazgo comunitario, he trabajado con varias personas que no quiero nombrar porque no sé si quieren ser identificadas. Vamos a seguir adelante con muchas más reuniones con la comunidad latina; estoy a punto de reunirme con un grupo que está involucrado en asuntos de la familia latina y cómo nuestras políticas pueden avanzar la estructura familiar y la posibilidad de acceder a más programas y beneficios de la ciudad. En los últimos años, nuestra población latina proveniente de una gran cantidad de países ha cambiado, y pronto cambiará dramáticamente aún más. Creo que mientras el presidente Obama suavice aun más su postura con respecto a inmigración, eso mejorará nuestra población de gran manera, todo lo cual es positivo.
» ¿Qué aporta de nuevo su candidatura como alcalde?
Una inversión total en todos los barrios
de toda la ciudad de Filadelfia. No hay un barrio u organización comunitaria del que no tenga una larga afiliación y conocimiento, y eso incluye a la comunidad latina. Hace varios años inicié una caridad con varios de mis colegas dirigido a las mujeres latinas llamada “Día de la Mujer Latina”, una feria de salud que ofrece desde exámenes de mama gratis, exámenes dentales, médicos, y todos los servicios a los que las mujeres en la comunidad latina por lo general no tienen acceso. Además he trabajado extensamente con organizaciones como Congreso, tenemos un programa de educación llamado I-LEAD Charter School, un programa académico para hombres y mujeres en la comunidad latina que buscan obtener un título universitario, con este programa los encarrilamos en esa dirección. Nuestro “Achieving College Education” (ACE), está afiliado a Harcum College y nuestro alcance comunitario a través de Congreso invita a hombres y mujeres de la comunidad, no sólo para lograr un diploma de high school, pero también cursar un título asociado de dos años plenamente acreditado que es transferible a cualquier colegio o universidad.
» ¿Usted habla español?
Yo no hablo español, soy mala en ello. Cuando voy a países de habla hispana como México, Puerto Rico y España en cierto modo puedo hablarlo un poco, pero no quiero insultar a un verdadero hispanohablante diciendo que hablo español. Sin embargo, mi acento es bastante bueno y trato ... pero no es genial, seré la primera en admitirlo.
» De ser electa, ¿cómo mantendría a Filadelfia como una ciudad acogedora y diversa?
LAS PRIORIDADES DE campaña de Lynne Abraham se enfoncan en reconstruir el sistema de educación y combatir la pobreza. AL DÍA
Nuestra política estará al menos, en sintonía con la política del presidente Obama. La energía de los latinos apoyan las empresa y queremos animar a más personas a abrir negocios. Queremos saber si hay maneras en que podemos mejorar el acceso al capital para negociantes latinos. Queremos alentar todo aquello que haga que nuestra ciudad trabaje como una sola, y no fragmentada. Mi agenda busca el beneficio de las familias que contribuyen de manera importante a nuestra sociedad, y me parece que la población latina, al igual que muchas otras, encaja muy bien.
» ¿Cuáles serían sus prioridades en caso de ser Vea ABRAHAM | 5 »
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ALDÍANews.com « FEBRERO 8 - 14, 2015 « AL DÍA « LOCAL « 5
ABRAHAM | Viene de 4 electa?
Mis prioridades son varias. Obviamente, el alcalde debe averiguar todo sobre nuestro sistema educativo y nuestra tasa de pobreza, esas dos problemáticas realmente están entrelazadas. Tenemos un gran número de residentes empobrecidos, alrededor del 27 por ciento, que viven en o por debajo del umbral de pobreza. Las poblaciones empobrecidas tienen menos acceso a servicios educativos, de salud y acceso a empleos.
» ¿Cuál es su propuesta para la educación?
El sistema escolar ha estado en crisis y por mucho tiempo. Va a ser un camino largo y difícil restauralo. Pero, obviamente colaborando con todos los individuos interesados: padres, educadores, administradores, sindicatos, cada uno de ellos .... Vamos a reunirnos con el mayor número posible de partes para identificar lo que está bien, que debemos mantener, y lo que no está bien y debemos tratar de mejorar. Tenemos que abordar cada elemento de la problemática. Ser decididos, muy fuerte y tenaces en nuestra determinación de cambiar la cultura de cómo hemos educado a nuestros hijos en todos los ámbitos, y estar dispuestos a tirar la piedra y esconder la mano. Pero si vamos a cambiar para el bien de nuestros niños y con nuestros hijos siendo el foco principal de nuestra agenda - que lo son - debemos ser capaces de hacer esto con cada onza de energía en
nuestro cuerpo.
Estoy esperando que mi género no hará una diferencia, pero, obviamente, no se porcentaje de votantes registrados ¿qué esfuer- puede escapar del hecho de que en Filadelzos de alcance está implementando con este fia, en su historia de 334 años, nunca ha habido una alcaldesa y eso es importante. grupo? No creo que una persona debe ser otra En lo que a mí respecta, nunca pienso en cosa que lo que son. Así que lo que van cómo resolver un problema desde el punto a conseguir es autenticidad. Ellos saben de vista de una mujer. Sólo pienso en cómo que tengo un largo historial de servicio resolver un problema, y al hacerlo, colapúblico, que tengo el coraje, la determi- boro y consulto con la gente en todos los ámbitos, sin importar nación, la constancia, su edad, género u orientengo la visión y tengo tación sexual, para avepasión, y también tengo “La gente no quiere riguar cuál es la mejor el carácter que va con a un alcalde que manera de abordar el trabajo. Yo no voy a esta cuestión. Yo no soy ser un alcalde diferenviva en una torre una mujer alcaldesa o te para la comunidad de marfil. Hay que una alcaldesa, soy un latina de la que seré en estar abierto a alcalde que sucede que cualquier otra comunihablar con diversas es mujer. Por desgradad, yo no voy a ser difecia ahora soy la única rente para un sindicato comunidades y mujer en la contienda, que otro.Van a tener que escuchar lo que pero espero que con mi aceptar quien soy y mi tienen que decir” ejemplo otras personas visión. Creo que hay un en toda la comunidad lugar en la mesa adecuapuedan mirarme y dedo para todo el mundo, cir: “Bueno, si ella puepara escuchar los problemas de cada uno y de hablar, y pode- de hacerlo, yo también puedo”. Así que mi mos llegar a una decisión correcta por las candidatura además de ser real, también razones correctas. La oficina del alcalde puede tener una poderosa influencia simnunca debe estar a la venta a ningun gru- bólica en las mujeres jóvenes y niñas que quieren ser capaces sus aspiraciones. po de interés.
» Los trabajadores sindicalizados son un gran
» ¿Cree que su género importará en la con- » ¿Cuál es su estrategia de campaña confortienda hacia la alcaldía?
me se acerca el día de las eleeciones?
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Mi enfoque de campaña es hacer frente a los problemas que hemos discutido. Casi todo el mundo está pidiendo a todos los candidatos a la alcaldía poner por escrito su agenda: “¿cuál es su idea sobre esto? ¿cuál es su posición sobre esto otro?“, obviamente cuestiones de gran tamaño. Pero cada grupo constituyente tiene un conjunto diferente de cuestiones, y se espera que cada uno de los grupos quieran saber la posición del alcalde para que cada uno pueda ver y juzgar si este es el tipo de persona - que nadie es perfecto - pero ¿es esta la persona en la que tengo fe y confianza? ¿será el tipo de líder que invite a la gente a la mesa? ¿va a respetar y admirar la diversidad? ¿dará la bienvenida a las ideas que vienen de fuera y estará dispuesto a sentarse en cualquier barrio en esta ciudad y hablar con cualquier grupo, para escuchar sus preocupaciones y hacer todo lo posible para hacerles frente. Creo que eso es lo que quiere la gente, no un alcalde que vive en alguna torre inaccesible de marfil, que no responde llamadas telefónicas, que se niega a reunirse y a hablar, y que va por ahí sólo dando la mano. Eso está bien, pero también hay que estar abierto a salir a las diversas comunidades, sentarse en salones de sindicatos, iglesias, en la cocina de alguien, hablando con la comunidad, y escuchar lo que tienen que decir al alcalde.
6 » LOCAL » AL DÍA » FEBRERO 8 - 14, 2015 » ALDÍANews.com Archivo particular
La última vez que vi a Alejandro Rojas-García ARTURO VARELA arturov@aldianews.com La última vez que vi a Alejandro Rojas-García fue hace unas dos semanas en el Community College de Filadelfia (CCP), cuando la institución entregó un reconocimiento al juez de la Corte Suprema de EE.UU., Samuel Alito, el 16 de enero. Alex se graduó de CCP con honores en diciembre pasado y fue parte de un selecto grupo de estudiantes invitados al evento. Como periodista para una organización de noticias que busca retratar la experiencia latina en esta nación, siempre estoy buscando formas de hacer una conexión con mi audiencia. Ese día se suponía que entrevistara a Alex sobre su reacción al discurso de Alito. Quizá también hubiera tomado la oportunidad de contarme sobre su trabajo voluntario con un grupo de abogados que provee talleres legales a la comunidad, y en las clínicas para limpiar récords criminales, organizadas por Fox Rothschild Center for Law and Society. Sin embargo, la ceremonia de Alito tomó mucho más tiempo de lo anticipado. Tan pronto cuando se terminó, me fui sin hablar con Alex. Solo lo vi a lo lejos conforme era señalado por
Vincent Thompson, especialista de medio de CCP. Él me dijo que Alex quería ser entrevistado por AL DÍA y aparecer en uno de los artículos de ésta organización de noticias. ¿Quién iba a pensar que unos días después terminaría escribiendo sobre Alex después de todo? El pasado 24 de enero, conforme conducía su nueva SUV en el barrio de Feltonville en el norte de Filadelfia, alguien balanceó su vehículo. Él joven de 34 años de edad fue llevado al hospital de la Universidad de Temple, en donde fue declarado muerto. Un pasajero y compañero de clase de Alex también fue herido y se encuentra en estado grave. Nadie ha sido arrestado en conexión al crimen. Su padre, Wilfredo Rojas, vicepresidente de NAACP en el condado Gloucester, quien ha trabajado durante años para ayudar a exconvictos a reintegrarse a la sociedad, ahora pide la ayuda del público para encontrar cualquier información sobre el asesino de su hijo. Además de su padre, a Alex le sobrevive su madre, su hija de 16 años de edad, su hijo de 14, y cinco hermanos. La familia hizo pública la siguiente información: “Alex trabajó desde que tenía 16 años de edad. Alex trabajó
LA FAMILIA DE Alejandro Rojas-García solicita la ayuda del público para resolver el crimen, y está llevando a cabo una campaña de ‘crowdsourcing’ para ayudar a cubrir los gastos del funeral — http://www.gofundme.com/JusticeforAlex para Wachovia Bank y Alliance One Inc., en ambos casos en el departamento de cobranza de cuentas, y fue nombrado uno de los principales colectores en la industria, y apareció en un diario de negocios que resaltó su éxito en este campo de negocios. Alex se graduó con honores del Community College de Filadelfia, y después se transfirió a la Escuela de Medios y Comunicaciones de la Universidad de Temple, en donde estudiaba Publicidad. Recientemente estaba trabajando con un grupo de abogados para proveer talleres legales en la comunidad. Entre los intereses de Alex están desde los torneos de billar y
domino, al levantamiento de pesas y las artes marciales. Estudió reparación de computadoras. Le encantaba pescar, e introdujo a varios de sus amigos a este pasatiempo. Alex también disfrutaba creando ‘beats’ musicales y escribiendo letras, y rapeaba con un grupo llamado ‘Latin Linxx’ en su adolescencia y en sus años como adulto joven. Él se destacaba por su poesía y sus habilidades para escribir letras. Incluso ganó un concurso de expresión creativa en Pensilvania con su poema ‘There is Always an I in Choice’. Su poesía lidiaba con asuntos reales de nuestros tiempos y luchas internas que todos hemos sentido en algún momen-
to de nuestra vida. Alex fue un amado hijo, hermano, padre y amigo. Él hizo amigos a dondequiera que iba y estaba siempre listo para ayudar a quién sea. Alex llevó felicidad a la vida de su familia, y su inteligencia y humor llenaron los días con alegría. Él tenía un futuro prometedor por delante, pero fue víctima de un crimen despiadado y sinsentido”. El velorio de Alex se llevó a cabo el lunes 2 de febrero en Baldi Funeral Home; los servicio funerarios el martes 3 de febrero en First Presbyterian Church, y su entierro en el cementerio de San Pedro y San Pablo en Springfield, Pensilvania.
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ALDÍANews.com « FEBRERO 8 - 14, 2015 « AL DÍA « LOCAL « 7
Padres ponen a prueba exámenes estandarizados ANA GAMBOA anag@aldianews.com Después de que casi el 20 por ciento de padres de familia de la escuela Feltonville optara porque sus hijos no presentaran pruebas estandarizadas este año, el comité del Distrito Escolar de Filadelfia “Home and School Council”, decidieron notificar a todos los padres de familia en el distrito sobre su derecho a excluir a sus hijos de exámenes estandarizados. El 2 de febrero padres de familia asistieron a una sesión informativa en el distrito para conocer sus opciones y discutir preocupaciones sobre pruebas estandarizadas. “El distrito no tiene la opción de no dar la prueba, el estado y el gobierno federal lo exige”, dijo
Alison McDowell, miembro de ‘Alliance for Philadelphia Public Schools’ y ‘Caucus of Working Educators’. Por ley en Pensilvania, los padres de familia tienen derecho a negarse a que sus hijos tomen exámenes estandarizados por motivos religiosos. “El distrito no es el enemigo, pero sería bueno si fuera un poco más abierto sobre el derecho legal de que nuestros hijos no tomen estos exámenes”, dijo McDowell. A los pocos días de que City Paper publicara que los padres del 17 por ciento de estudiantes matriculados en Feltolville, decidieron que sus hijos no participarán en las pruebas estandarizadas, el Distrito Escolar de Filadelfia comenzó medidas disciplinarias contra los maestros en Feltonvi-
lle por informar a los padres sobre sus derecho de no participar. “Como consecuencia, el distrito está investigando a dichos profesores. Todos estamos de acuerdo sobre el derecho de los padres a elegir, pero tenemos que estar informados, necesitamos saber los pros y los contras para tomar una decisión “, dijo McDowell. Actualmente hay tres exámenes estandarizaods: inglés, biología y álgebra. Los estudiantes que se graduarán en 2017 tienen que aprobar los tres exámenes para obtener un diploma de high school. Según McDowell, en los high schools de Filadelfia sólo el 5 por ciento están pasando el examen de biología. “Lo que todos deberían saber es que la mitad de los estudiantes en el estado no están aprobando
SEGÚN ALISON MCDOWELL, solo la mitad de estudiantes en el estado de Pensilvania no están aprobando los exámenes estandarizados. Archivo particular estas pruebas. Necesitamos organizarnos como padres de familia para mejorar el camino hacia los exámenes para aquellos estudiantes que se están quedando atrás”, dijo McDowell. Una preocupación importante son los estudiantes que no hablan inglés como primer idioma, porque no existe una prueba al-
ternativa para ellos. Estudiantes que están en su primer año en el país no tienen que tomar el examen de lectura, pero sí el resto de los exámenes. Durante los tres primeros años tienen acceso a un intérprete o pueden usar diccionarios durante las evaluaciones, lo que puede ponerlos en desventaja frente a sus comopañeros.
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8 » FEBRERO 8 - 14, 2015 » ALDÍANews.com
ALI BSHARAT, un hombre de 26 años, fue visto por última vez en su residencia en el bloque 400 de Louden Street el 5 de julio del 2014 a las 9:00 p.m.
Aunque existen casos excepcionales que son el centro de atención nacional durante semanas, la mayoría de los casos de personas desaparecidas no aparecen en los noticieros. Algunas veces se les denomina “catástrofe silenciosa”, cientos de miles dispersados en el tiempo y el espacio.
Siga día a día las últimas noticias en
® MAX MARIN maxm@aldianews.com adie en Filadelfia busca a Ali Bsharat, un estadounidense-palestino de 26 años de edad, sobre cuya desaparición se informó hace seis meses. El 5 de julio de 2014, alrededor de las 21:00 horas, Ali llamó a su familia en el vecindario de Feltonville para decirles que iba saliendo del trabajo, camino a casa. Nunca llegó. A los pocos días, un informe de personas desaparecidas fue presentado ante el Departamento de la Policía de Filadelfia (PPD por sus siglas en inglés), en el que se describía a Ali como un hombre de 5 pies y 4 pulgadas de altura, que vestía una camiseta blanca y jeans, que pesaba como 150 libras y que podría estar conduciendo un Toyota Sienna 2000, color gris. Esta información está soterrada en los archivos del blog de personas desaparecidas del PPD. El Departamento actualiza estos perfiles regularmente cuando se localiza un cuerpo, vivo o muerto. Los detectives deben comunicarse con el familiar de la persona desaparecida una vez por semana después de que su desaparición ha sido reportada, y luego cada treinta días, después de que hayan transcurrido cierto número de meses sin pista alguna. La División de detectives del Noreste revisó el sistema por la vía telefónica y reveló que, efectivamente, el archivo de Alí estaba abierto—“una persona desaparecida en peligro”.
¿Debimos haber escuchado sobre Alí Bsharat?
La mayoría de los casos de personas desaparecidas no aparecen en los noticieros. Existen casos excepcionales que son el centro de atención nacional durante semanas, meses y años, pero en general son casos de menores que han sido secuestrados. La reciente búsqueda de cinco semanas del cuerpo de Shane Montgomery recientemente cautivó la atención de Filadelfia. Adultos de todas las edades desaparecen diariamente por un sinnúmero de motivos nunca revelados. La información más reciente del FBI indica que los adultos conforman cerca del 60 por ciento de las 85.000 personas desaparecidas cuyos casos no han sido resueltos, en los Estados Unidos. Comprensiblemente, sin embargo, la policía no emite alertas AMBER para los hombres adultos que nunca vuelven a casa, después del trabajo. Su peligro es mucho menos aparente que el de una niña de nueve años de edad que nunca llega a casa luego de subir al bus escolar. La edad y circunstancias de desaparición son los dos factores más importantes para dirigir la atención hacia la persona desaparecida, según indica
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ALDÍANews.com « FEBRERO 8 - 14, 2015 « AL DÍA « PORTADA « 9
DESAPARECIDOS | Viene de 8 Bob Lowery, vicepresidente a cargo de la división de niños desaparecidos en el National Center for Missing and Exploited Children –NCMEC- (Centro nacional para menores desaparecidos y explotados). “Si hiciéramos público cada caso a escala nacional, insensibilizaríamos al público estadounidense”, dijo. No obstante, la política nacional estricta respecto a una persona desaparecida es que continúa desaparecida hasta encontrar el cuerpo. El NCMEC está a cargo de los casos de entre 3,500 y 4,000 personas desaparecidas de entre 0 y 21 años de edad. Aún en estos casos, si alguien desaparece de niño, continúan en la base de datos del NCMEC hasta que se da con ellos. Al hacer una búsqueda de Filadelfia en su sitio web, encontrarán a Beverly Sharpman, quien dijo que iba a Overbrook High School a inscribirse para sus clases de graduación y al día de hoy no ha sido identificada. Tenía 16 años de edad. Eso fue hace cerca de 68 años. “A largo plazo, algunas veces nos frustramos porque no logramos captar suficiente atención
de los medios sobre un caso particular, y otras veces la atención es enorme”, dijo Lowery. “Tenemos casos de niños desaparecidos especialmente cuando pasan los años, que no reciben suficiente atención. Sin embargo, tratamos. Evaluamos los recursos y exposición al público según los riesgos que consideramos que corren estas personas. Pero a veces es frustrante”. Lowery explicó que el conocimiento sobre las personas desaparecidas necesita ser altamente localizada. El NCMEC usa espacios de anuncios para personas desaparecidas en las áreas específicas de cada caso. Actualmente los medios sociales también desempeñan un papel importante en la forma en que difundimos información sobre las personas desparecidas. Las personas que buscan a sus seres queridos pueden ellos mismos ser sus propios medios de comunicación. Sin embargo, ha habido poca mención local sobre Ali Bsharat desde julio de 2014: ninguna campaña de “Ayúdanos a encontrar a Ali” en Facebook por parte de su familia, ningún tweet por parte de los amigos, ningún afiche en
los postes de teléfono en Feltonville ni en sus bodegas. Solo el sitio web del PPD y una entrada de blog en un foro de trabajo detectivesco compartieron la fotografía de los ojos café y barba bien recortada de Ali. Las dos posibilidades obvias son: O los familiares de Ali no han querido anunciar su desaparición o Ali no ha desaparecido. ********
El NCMEC realiza una referencia cruzada de sus casos de menores desaparecidos mediante el National Missing and Unidentified Persons System –NamUs— (Sistema nacional de personas desaparecidas y no identificadas. El NamUs, disponible en español e inglés, es un servicio de fuente abierta gratuito para identificar a las personas desaparecidas, no identificadas y no reclamadas a escala nacional. Su fin es unir a todas las personas desaparecidas en los EE.UU. en una sola base de datos amplia con capacidad completa de búsqueda que permitirá resolver los casos más rápida-
NOCHE LATINA JUEVES 9PM ¡Salsa, bachata, merengue y cha-cha... disfrute de bebidas especiales, buena música y baile toda la noche! Clases de baile gratis 9:30PM - 10:15PM Presentación en vivo 11:30PM
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10 » PORTADA » AL DÍA » FEBRERO 8 - 14, 2015 » ALDÍANews.com
EL NATIONAL MISSING and Unidentified Persons System –NamUs—es un servicio gratuito para identificar a las personas desaparecidas, no identificadas y no reclamadas a escala nacional. mente. Existen varios motivos por los que una familia quizá no desee atención adicional. Todd Matthews, director de la administración de casos y vocero de NamUs, se ha ocupado de miles de casos de personas desaparecidas, y aún encuentra sorpresas. Matthews ha visto a los vivos declarados muertos y a los muertos declarados vivos. Ha traba-
jado con personas que tratan de reportar a un adulto desaparecido y a quienes la policía les da la espalda. Existen equipos de mantenimiento del orden público en los pueblos pequeños del sur, de donde Matthews es originario, que ni siquiera sabían lo que era un caso de personas desaparecidas hasta que les tocó a ellos. Matthews no está solo a cargo de los casos abiertos, sino de los
EL NATIONAL CENTER for Missing and Exploited Children —NCMEC— está a cargo de los casos de entre 3,500 y 4,000 personas desaparecidas de entre 0 y 21 años de edad.
casos no existentes. En parte debido a esto, trabaja en base a una norma de investigación estricta: “Aprendí a nunca asumir”, dice Matthews. Matthews tiene hasta sus propias historias de conflicto de interés en los casos de las personas desaparecidas. Un primo adicto a las drogas se salía del radar durante largos períodos de tiempo. Después del fallecimiento de su
tía, Matthews quería localizar a su primo para contarle que su madre había fallecido, pero no quería pedir ayuda a la policía ni presentar una denuncia de personas desaparecidas ya que su primo tenía problemas legales preexistentes. Aunque el NamUs está disponible para cualquier persona que haya desaparecido en los EE.UU., los residentes indocumentados
podrían no querer recurrir a la ayuda de las autoridades y de los medios por temor a arrojar la luz sobre su situación. Además, con la alta brecha digital en muchas áreas de ingresos bajos, algunas familias posiblemente no cuenten con la opción fácil de publicar anuncios en los medios sociales. Algunas veces se reporta que
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ALDÍANews.com « FEBRERO 8 - 14, 2015 « AL DÍA « PORTADA « 11
DESAPARECIDOS | Viene de 10 una persona ha desaparecido porque ha huido debido a motivos familiares. ¿Qué pasó con Ali Bsharat? Nunca hay que asumir. Algunas veces los informes policiacos hasta son falsificados. Técnicamente, Filadelfia aún tiene un caso no resuelto de 1997, sobre Nicole Miracle Santa-Cruz. La bebé latina de entre tres o cuatro meses de edad fue reportada como desaparecida por su padre. La historia es que él la dejó con una niñera antes de ir a visitar a su madre, en el Día de la Madre, y cuando regresó, ni la bebé ni la niñera estaban por ninguna parte. La bebé estaba infectada con VIH y necesitaba de medicamentos diariamente. Casi 18 años más tarde, el PPD, ante una solicitud de información presentada por AL DÍA, reveló que nunca se identificó la existencia de la niñera. Los trabajadores municipales buscaron los rastros de Nicole Miracle Santa-Cruz por toda la ciudad, pero nunca la encontraron. No se hizo ningún arresto, y el padre supuestamente murió un año más tarde. ********
El nombre Ali Bsharat apareció en otra búsqueda local –un artículo de Vecindarios de Filadelfia del mes de septiembre de 2012. Se trataba de una corta reseña sobre Al Salam Pizzería y Al Madena Meat Market, una tienda de comestibles y comedor halal
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en Germantown. Se citó a un hombre de 24 años llamado Ali Bsharat hablando sobre el menú del carnicero y los especiales de Ramadán. Había estado trabajando en el mostrador de las carnes desde ese mes de febrero, dos años antes de que Ali Bsharat de
26 años de edad llamara a su familia a las 21:00 horas para decirles que pronto llegaría a casa. El mercado de vacuno cierra a las 19:00 horas, pero Al Salam sirve pizza hasta las 21:00 horas. Quizá se quedó hasta más tarde para ayudar o hacer limpieza.
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Uno de los empleados recordó que Alí trabajaba allí. Según él, Alí era casado y tenía un hijo. También conocía a los dos hermanos de Alí, Ala y Aziz. Pero no podía recordar si Ali había trabajado allí en julio de 2014, momento en que se presentó el informe de personas desaparecidas. Sin embargo, tenía conocimiento de la desaparición ya que el padre de Ali, quien visitaba el almacén con frecuencia, llegó allí a buscarlo. No sabe qué sucedió después. Lo único que escuchó es que los hermanos de Ali se habían trasladado a Palestina. No tenía ninguna información de contacto de ellos y sugirió intentar contactarlos por Facebook. El ex compañero de trabajo de Ali en Al Salam dijo que aunque no se recordara que Ali fuese muy religioso, sabía que los miembros de su familia eran musulmanes practicantes. A tan solo 4,5 millas al sur de Al Salam Pizzeria y Al Madena Food Market en la avenida Germantown, se encuentra la Sociedad Islámica Al-Aqsa, ubicada en un edificio de murales y mosaicos llamativo. Entre su mezquita, escuela y tienda de co-
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12 » PORTADA » AL DÍA » FEBRERO 8 - 14, 2015 » ALDÍANews.com
DESAPARECIDOS | Viene de 11 mestibles halal, Al-Aqsa sirve a miles de personas de la comunidad musulmana de Filadelfia. Luego de hacer unas cuantas llamadas entre los miembros de la comunidad de Al-Aqsa, Nabith, uno de los líderes de la mezquita, reencauzó la búsqueda hacia Hamza Bsharat. Hamza trabaja en la compañía de seguros All State ubicada en Front Street en Feltonville, cerca de donde se reportó que Ali había desaparecido. Es familiar de Ali, aunque no tienen una relación muy cercana. Aunque no conoce los detalles de lo sucedido, Hamza habló sobre el paradero de Ali con seguridad. “Actualmente se encuentra en el extranjero”, dijo, “Toda su familia está ahora en el extranjero”. ¿Pero aún aparece registrado como persona desaparecida? “Pues estuvo desaparecido”, dijo Hamza, “y cuando lo encontraron se fueron y se fueron al extranjero”. La semana pasada la División de Detectives del Este reveló por teléfono que Ali Bsharat aún aparece en la lista de personas desaparecidas en su sistema— punto que se refleja en el sitio web. Luego de varias solicitudes mediante su oficina de Asuntos Públicos, el PPD informó que el caso de hecho había sido cerrado. Habían encontrado a Ali pero no se divulgó ninguna otra información. La oficina de Asuntos Públicos negó la solicitud de AL
DÍA para realizar una entrevista con la detective Michelle Yerkes. Sin embargo, el departamento informó sobre la aparente discrepancia en el caso y pidió que Ali Bsharat fuese identificado como “encontrado” en el blog de personas desaparecidas del PPD. Nadie buscaba a Ali Bsharat porque Ali Bsharat no estaba desaparecido. Al momento de la publicación de este artículo, la ubicación de Ali Bsharat no ha sido confirmada. Sin embargo, el problema que llevó a este intento por localizarlo subraya la razón de la existencia del NamUs –para que todas las personas desaparecidas y no identificadas se encuentren en una base de datos decisivamente centralizada. La respuesta obtenida de un enlace en el archivo de Ali en la base de datos del NamUs fue: “acceso denegado”. A pesar que el blog del PPD no lo reflejó, Matthews luego le informó a AL DÍA que se hizo un ingreso en el NamUs para Ali y que las autoridades locales confirmaron que ha sido encontrado. Así es como funciona la cosa. Matthews y su equipo fungen como enlace entre las autoridades locales, los médicos forenses y las familias y amigos afligidos de la persona desaparecida. Recopilan los registros dentales, informes de los médicos forenses, historiales médicos, huellas –cualquier pista fisiológica que pueda ayudar a unir a la persona desaparecida con sus
parientes. Existen descuidos de información mucho más serios que el relacionado con Ali y el blog del PPD. “Aquí es donde llenamos los vacíos”, dijo Matthews. “Los examinadores médicos y las autoridades no siempre se llevan entre ellos. Algunas veces la información no es compartida”. Una cosa es que un reportero pierda unas horas de sueño buscando el paradero de una persona no identificada; pero es totalmente otra comparada con lo que los familiares de esa persona viven cada día. Matthews usa la analogía de un padre de familia que pierde a su hijo por un momento en el supermercado. Buscan una lata en la estantería y cuando se dan vuelta, el niño ya no está allí. “Ahora imaginémonos que esos dos segundos se perpetúen durante 30 años”, dijo Matthews. “Imaginen el dolor y confusión e incertidumbre. Estas personas viven con esto”. Matthews ha trabajado con familias que esperan obtener comparaciones de ADN de un cuerpo no identificado que pensaron que era su ser querido desaparecido. Ante el resultado negativo, estaban devastados. Quieren el cuerpo; quieren algo que puedan enterrar. “Desaparecido es peor que fallecido” continuó Matthews. “No estamos programados para aceptar esta incertidumbre,
“Desaparecido es peor que fallecido. Por eso quiero resolver este problema en la mayor medida. Hablamos con estas personas, tratamos de darles esperanza. Son increíblemente fuertes”
Todd Matthews Director de la administración de casos y vocero de NamUs
aceptar a una persona desaparecida. Por eso quiero resolver este problema en la mayor medida que pueda. Hablamos con estas personas, tratamos de darles esperanza, y los respetamos tanto. Son increíblemente fuertes”. Algunas veces a las personas desaparecidas se les denomina como “catástrofe silenciosa”. Son cientos de miles, pero dispersados en el tiempo y el espacio. NamUs y sus intercambios con otras organizaciones como NCMEC combaten el problema con éxito. Sin embargo, las autoridades locales no tienen la obligación federal de equiparar sus registros con los que aparecen en el NamUs, ni viceversa. Un proyecto de ley titulado “Billy’s Law” (la ley de Billy), también conocida como la ley “Ayuda a encontrar a los desaparecidos” está siendo reintroducida en el Congreso, y NamUs tiene esperanzas de que sea aprobada. De ser así, exigiría la fusión entre los recursos estatales y federales para ayudar a facilitar los casos de las personas desaparecidas y reunir a los familiares que sufren con sus seres queridos o permitirles obtener la paz mediante el cierre del caso de la manera más eficiente posible.
ALDÍANews.com « FEBRERO 8 - 14, 2015 « AL DÍA « LA CULTURA « 13
Princesa ‘latina’ de Disney tendrá serie propia pero no película ANA GAMBOA arturov@aldianews.com Este 29 de enero Disney anunció que su princesa más reciente será “Elena de Avalor”, una adolescente de 16 años inspirada en “diversas culturas y folclore latino”. “Lo que más nos emociona es utilizar una animación distintiva y diseño visual para contar historias maravillosas influenciadas por una cultura y tradiciones que son familiares a la población mundial de familias latinas, que reflejen los intereses y aspiraciones de todos los niños a través de un cuento de hadas clásico”, dijo Nancy Kanter, vicepresidenta y mánager general de Disney Junior Worldwide durante el anuncio. El personaje de “Elena”, de 16 años, tiene grandes ojos castaños y cabello oscuro ondulado. Tiempo atrás, cuando sus padres y el reino fueron tomados por la hechicera Shuriki, Elena valientemente enfrentó a la malvada, para proteger a su pequeña hermana la princesa Isabel y a sus abuelos, aunque quedó atrapada en una joya encantada. Varias décadas después, la princesa Sofía descubre el secreto de la joya, un amuleto, haciendo que Elena vuelva a su forma humana y ayudándola a volver al reino de Avalor. El personaje de “Elena” será interpretado por la actriz dominicana Aimee Carrero, y tendrá su debut el año próximo durante el show de “Sofia the First”, serie que en 2012 causó gran controversia cuando los productores anunciaron que su protagonista es latina. Ejecutivos de Disney Junior luego clarificaron que “Sofia” no era latina y que su etnia había sido malentendida, ya que “todos los personajes provienen de una tierra de fantasía que podrían reflejar varios elementos culturales y varias etnias, pero ninguno ha sido desarrollado para representar específicamente dichas culturas del
EL PERSONAJE DE “Elena” será interpretado por la actriz dominicana Aimee Carrero, y tendrá su debut el año próximo durante el show de “Sofia the First”. Archivo particular mundo real”. La serie de “Elena de Avalor” será transmitida en 25 idiomas a través de los canales de Disney Junior, y estará dirigida a niños de entre 2 y 7 años. Las expectativas de contar con una princesa latina Disney han aumentado desde que la compañía finalmente presentó su primera princesa afroamericana en 2009 con el largometraje “La princesa y el sapo”. Por ahora el estreno de “Elena de Avalor” será lo más cercano a contar con una princesa latina, y los fanáticos tendrán que esperar indefinidamente para que ésta tenga el suficiente nivel de protagonismo y eventualmente su propia película.
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14 » LA CULTURA » AL DÍA » FEBRERO 8 - 14, 2015 » ALDÍANews.com
Latino es ganador de Sundance con ‘Me and Earl and the Dying Girl’
ALFONSO GÓMEZ-REJÓN HA trabajado con Alejandro González Iñárritu en “Babel” y “21 Gramos”; Ben Affleck en “Argo” y Martin Scorsesse en “Casino”. EFE
ARTURO VARELA arturov@aldianews.com La película “Me and Earl and the Dying Girl”, del cineasta latino Alfonso Gómez-Rejón, fue la gran vencedora del Festival de Cine de Sundance al recibir el premio del jurado y el de la audiencia. Esto una semana después de haber roto récord como el filme de este festival que ha recibido la mayor oferta de dinero por los derechos de distribución. Aunque Gómez-Rejón recibió una oferta de hasta $12 millones, decidió vender los derechos de distribución a Fox Searchlight por $7 millones y con la posibilidad de obtener más di-
nero de acuerdo a su éxito. Anteriormente, los filmes que había recibido las mayores ofertas son “Little Miss Sunshine” y “Hamlet 2”, recibieron $10 millones. “Me and Earl and the Dying Girl”, sobre un extraño o solitario estudiante de ‘high school’ en Pittsburgh, que es obligado por su madre a hacerse amigo de una compañera de clase que padece leucemia, recibió una ovación de pie de cinco minutos luego de su exhibición en la trigésima primera edición del festival que llegó a su fin este domingo. El filme dirigido por Gómez-Rejón, y protagonizado por Thomas Mann, Olivia Cooke y Connie Britton, está basado en una
historia de Jesse Andrews. Anteriormente, Gómez-Rejón, de raíces mexicanas, y nacido en la ciudad fronteriza de Laredo, Texas, trabajó con Alejandro González Iñárritu en “Babel” y “21 Gramos”; Ben Affleck en “Argo” y Martin Scorsesse en “Casino”. Entre otros filmes con toque latino que formaron parte del festival Sundance, está el documental “Cartel Land”, que obtuvo el de mejor director de documental y el de mejor fotografía. Por otra parte, el documental “Western”, sobre la relación entre las ciudades fronterizas de Eagle Pass, Texas, y Piedras Negras, en el estado mexicano de Coahulia.
FEBRERO 28 - MARZO 8 DE 2015
“Asombrosos arreglos florales.” Washington Post
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InLiquid celebra 15 años de apoyar artes visuales
Baker y Karly Cleary, de Best Ink; Amy Nicoletto, de LA Ink, y otros reconocidos tatuados como Myke Chambers, Jess Yen. Por otra parte, destaca la participación de artistas y establecimientos asiáticos que traerán su estilo y técnica a Filadelfia, entre ellos Takashi Matsuba y Horishachi, de Japón, Shen Yun Tattoo de Taiwan y Horichiro de Corea del Sur. • Del 13 al 15 de febrero • Pennsylvania Convention Center, 1101 Arch St. • $22 por un pase de un solo día o $43 por los tres • http://www.villainarts.com
La fiesta anual, exhibición, y subasta silenciosa organizada por InLiquid en apoyo a artistas visuales de Filadelfia llenará el complejo de Crane Arts con una cantidad impresionante de piezas y representa una magnífica oportunidad para quienes buscan comprar piezas de artistas locales. Unos 250 artistas de pintura, escultura, fotografía, diseño de modas y otras disciplinas, forman parte de la exhibición. Este año el tema de la fiesta es “Win Back the Winter” el cual se verá reflejado en la festiva atmósfera con barra libre entre la que destaca una carpa dentro de la cual habrá un ‘beer garden’ y arboles de luces de LED.
Marc Anthony: Cambio de Piel Tour 2015
El salsero estadounidense de raíces puertorriqueñas visitará Atlantic City para presentar su tour ‘Cambio de Piel’, que llega al noreste de EE.UU. después de una gira por Latinoamérica. Durante su presentación, interpretará canciones de su más reciente album “3.0”, entre las que se encuentra el sencillo que da nombre al tour, y éxitos como “Y quién es él?” “Valió la pena” y “I need to know”. Marc Anthony es el cantante más prolífico en la historia en el género de música tropical y ganador de dos Grammy y cinco Latin Grammy. No se pierda esta oportunidad de verlo. • Boardwalk Hall, Atlantic City • 8:00 p.m. • $48 - $198 • www.ticketmaster.com
a la ciudad del amor fraternal con una gran variedad de artistas de tatuaje, incluyendo a celebridades como Jason Clay Dunn, Scott Marshall, Joey Hamilton, Shane O’Neill, todos ellos ganadores del programa Ink Master; Alli
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La décimo octava edición de la Convención de Arte de Tatuajes llega
Enjoy free admission on this important day and for the entire month of February!
Mindy C. Levin
“No tenga miedo al sistema legal. Estamos para ayudarles”
Solnick & Levin, LLC
• Lesiones Personales • Accidente de Auto y Autobuses (SEPTA) • Compensación al Trabajador • Muerte por Negligencia • Seguridad Social (SSD/SSI) • Accidente de construcción Sirviendo a toda el área de Filadelfia
Jay L. Solnick
Philadelphia Tattoo Arts Convention
Feb. 16
• Crane Arts Building, 1400 N. American Street • $6:30 p.m. - 10:00 p.m. • $50 con anticipación, $65 en la entrada • Otros eventos relacionados se llevarán a cabo el 6 de febrero.
VIERNES Tatuajes
Portrait of George Washington (Athenaeum type), Gilbert Charles Stuart, United States, c. 1800, Oil on canvas, 2007-13-1, Gift of the Honorable Walter H. Annenberg and Lenore Annenberg and the Annenberg Foundation.
ALDÍANews.com « FEBRERO 8 - 14, 2015 « AL DÍA « LA CULTURA « 15
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16 » ESTADOS UNIDOS » AL DÍA » FEBRERO 8 - 14, 2015
EL CÓNSUL CARLOS Giralt Cabrales presentó la iniciativa “Actúa y ven por tu acta” en las instalaciones del Consulado de México. Archivo particular
• Dentaduras disponibles el mismo día • Juego completo de dentaduras • Dentaduras parciales • Parcial flexible invisible • Sonrisa ‘a presión’ • Coronas y puentes • Equipo que habla español • Protector bucal deportivo
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Iniciativa beneficia a mexicanos en el exterior Residentes mexicanos podrán solicitar su acta de nacimiento directamente en el Consulado de México en Filadelfia.
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Llame a mi asistente RAQUEL o KATHERINE para discutir sus asuntos legales
ANA GAMBOA anag@aldianews.com Las Embajadas y los Consulados de México anunciaron que podrán emitir copias certificadas de actas de nacimiento generadas o asentadas en la República Mexicana, en beneficio de todos los mexicanos en el exterior. Esta medida se da en el marco de las acciones anunciadas por el Presidente de México, Enrique Peña Nieto, el pasado 5 de enero de 2015, con el objetivo de facilitar a los mexicanos la obtención de sus actas de nacimiento cuyo registro se realizó en México, ante cualquier oficialía de registro civil en el país; o en el extranjero, ante las Embajadas, o en Consulados de México en el exterior. “Anteriormente los Consulados y las Embajadas de México en el exterior únicamente contaban con un sistema que podía emitir actas de nacimiento de las personas que hubiesen sido registradas ante nuestras Oficinas Consulares”, dijo el cónsul de México en Filadelfia, Carlos Giralt Cabrales. “Hoy nuestros connacionales no tendrán que regresar a México para hacer dicho trámite o solicitárselo a
algún familiar o conocido para que lo gestione ente la Oficina de Registro Civil de la entidad federativa en donde hubiese sido registrado. Este trámite ahora lo podrán solicitar directamente en los Consulados mexicanos”. Los requisitos para obtener copias certificadas incluyen presentarse en una Oficina Consular con una identificación oficial que acredite que es el titular del acta de nacimiento, proporcionar su Clave Única de Registro de Población (CURP), si cuenta con ella, llenar una solicitud y cubrir el pago de derechos correspondientes ($13 dólares por acta). “Este nuevo servicio responde a una demanda histórica de nuestros connacionales y beneficiará a todos los mexicanos en el exterior”, dijo el cónsul Giralt Cabrales. “Por ello, invitamos a los mexicanos a que ‘actúen y vengan al consulado por su acta’. Para más información puede comunicarse al Consulado de México en Filadelfia a los teléfonos (215) 922-4262 y 922-3834 ext. 345 o correo electrónico buzon@ consulmexphila.com. También puede consultar la aplicación MiConsulmex, gratuita para teléfonos Iphone o Android.
ALDÍANews.com « FEBRERO 8 - 14, 2015 « AL DÍA « ESTADOS UNIDOS « 17
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DURANTE LOS PRÓXIMOS dos años CODE2040 ofrecerá formación gratuita a cinco mil estudiantes latinos y afroamericanos de ingeniería.
Google dona $775.000 para formar a latinos y afroamericanos en tecnología PILAR CASI pilarc@aldianews.com 2040 es el año en el que se espera que la población blanca se convierta en una minoría en Estados Unidos. De ese hito toma su nombre CODE2040, una organización con sede en California que lleva más de tres años trabajando para ayudar a latinos y afroamericanos a incorporarse al sector tecnológico y que recibió esta semana una donación de Google de $775.000. Gracia a este dinero, durante los próximos dos años CODE2040 ofrecerá formación gratuita a cinco mil estudiantes latinos y
afroamericanos de ingeniería. Además, la organización presentó un programa que permitirá superar las dificultades que tienen las minorías para acceder a pasantías y puestos de trabajo en las mejores organizaciones tecnológicas. “Una de las razones por las que existe una brecha de oportunidades para los ingenieros afroamericanos y latinos es que ellos tienen una red de contactos relevantes y los conocimientos necesarios para obtener un trabajo en tecnología”, aseguró Laura Weidman, una de las fundadoras y CEO de CODE2040, al diario Wall Street Journal. A través del
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programa de Preparación Técnica para Aplicantes CODE2040, los estudiantes podrán contarán con herramientas que les permitirán desarrollar sus habilidades para afrontar un proceso de selección de la forma más exitosa. Por otro lado, CODE2040 lanzará una Residencia para Emprendedores en colaboración con tres hubs tecnológicos locales en Durham, Carolina del Norte, Austin, Texas, y Chicago, Illinois. Con el objetivo de crear ecositemas tecnológicos más diversos, cada emprendedor recibirá $40.000 de financiación y contará con la guía de expertos en el campo para iniciar su negocio.
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18 » OPINIÓN » AL DÍA » FEBRERO 8 - 14, 2015 » ALDÍANews.com
Bush vira a la derecha en inmigración
stá Jeb Bush canalizando a años, a menudo para poder cuidar mejor a Mitt Romney en inmigra- sus familias. ¿Se han vuelto los estadounición? Mientras la derecha denses tan mezquinos y rencorosos como injuria a Bush por ser de- para describir a los inmigrantes ilegales masiado blando con los indocumentados, en forma unidimensional, como depreday Romney fue impopular con la izquierda dores y aprovechadores, y atacar a todo el por ser demasiado duro, ¿qué pasaría si el que diga lo contrario? delantero en la candidatura presidencial Sin embargo, cuando Romney comende 2016 y el nominado fracasado de 2012 zaba a sonar más como Bush, Bush de comparten, mayormente, la misma opi- pronto comenzó a sonar como el Romney nión? de 2012. En una llamada con sus seguidores, la Sobre la cuestión de qué hacer con lo semana pasada, Romney anunció que no que se estima que son 11 millones de inse presentará como candidato para la pre- migrantes ilegales que viven en Estados sidencia en 2016, lo que catapulta a Bush Unidos, Bush parece estar cantando una al lugar No.1 en lo que probablemente tonada que Romney hizo famosa: la “autoserá un campo lleno de aspirantes a la deportación”. La idea consistía en hacer candidatura. que las condiciones fueran tan inhospitaEn inmigración, se suponía que Bush larias para los inmigrantes ilegales que se estaba a la izquierda de Romney --aún fueran. cuando éste último indicó que podría esDurante un reciente discurso en San tar corriéndose al medio. Francisco, Bush se concentró en el subHace unas semanas, durante una entre- grupo de inmigrantes ilegales que entró vista en Univisión, Romney sorprendió a con visa, pero excedió su estadía permiticonservadores y liberales cuando dijo que da y dijo: “Debemos poder encontrar dónse “necesitaba urgentemente” de están y pedirles cortésmente una reforma migratoria permaque se vayan.” nente y urgió a los republicanos Los liberales saltaron. Julieta del Congreso a aprobar legislaGaribay, co-fundadora de United ción que volviera “más transWe Dream, que aboga por los jóparente” el proceso por el que venes indocumentados, tildó el los inmigrantes ilegales puedan enfoque de Bush de “auto-deporobtener categoría legal. Fue una tación con una sonrisa”. versión más bondadosa y suave Muy bonito. Pero he aquí lo RUBEN de Mitt. que siempre se pierde en esa disNAVARRETE En la campaña de 2012, Romcusión: la alternativa --es decir, ney sonó despiadado. Dijo que la manera en que el gobierno de su oposición vendía “amnistía”. Obama lleva a cabo actualmenAtacó al gobernador de Texas, Rick Perry, te el cumplimiento de la ley migratoria-por firmar una ley que permitiera a los in- nada ante que sonreír. migrantes ilegales pagar la matrícula uniSaben, la auto-deportación es para los versitaria de los residentes del estado en debiluchos. La idea resulta atractiva a los las universidades públicas, y atacó al ex republicanos pro-empresas que no tienen presidente de la Cámara, Newt Gingrich, estómago para hacer cosas duras. El presipor afirmar que el Partido Republicano no dente Obama no tiene ese problema, para debería dividir familias. así deportar enérgicamente a 2 millones En cambio, cuando habla de la inmigra- de inmigrantes ilegales, enviar agentes ción, Bush a menudo parece razonable. de inmigración a las casas y llevarse a Repetidamente ha elogiado las contribu- abuelas esposadas, dividir a cientos de miciones de los inmigrantes a los Estados les de familias, mandar a miles de niños Unidos, y durante mucho tiempo ha apo- nacidos en Estados Unidos a hogares de yado un camino a la ciudadanía para los acogida, encerrar en “cárceles de bebés” inmigrantes ilegales. Ha regañado a otros a los niños que llegan de América Central republicanos por escoger hacer demago- sin documentos y perpetuar casi todas las gia con el tema y ha instado a su partido a pesadillas que puedan imaginarse. crear un mensaje más positivo y optimisBush tendrá problemas con la izquierda ta. Recientemente enojó a conservadores por decir que pedirá a los que han exceal caracterizar el acto de entrar en Esta- dido sus visas que se vayan del país. Está dos Unidos ilegalmente para alimentar a bien. Pedir cortésmente a alguien que se su familia como un “acto de amor.” vaya no constituye una gran estrategia de El hecho de que esta última declaración cumplimiento de la ley. Debe escoger sus fuera para algunos republicanos tan con- palabras con más cuidado. trovertida ilustra cómo el debate de la inPero tengo curiosidad. ¿Dónde está la migración a veces puede parecer un caso indignación ante un gobierno que ha malperdido. Lo que dijo Bush era de sentido tratado a los indocumentado hasta llegar común. La gente ha migrado de un lugar al abuso y nunca ha sentido la necesidad a otro para sobrevivir durante miles de de ser cortés?
ALDÍANews.com « FEBRERO 8 - 14, 2015 « AL DÍA « OPINIÓN « 19
Las ausencias por enfermedad pagadas son una buena receta H ay muchos buenos motivos para concordar con que la propuesta del presidente Obama, de permitir que se les pague a los empleados hasta siete ausencias por enfermedad. Y la mayoría de la población estadounidense está de acuerdo con el presidente en que las ausencias por enfermedad pagadas —con las que la mayoría de los empleados de oficinas ya cuentan—- deben proveerse a todos los trabajadores. Durante años, las encuestas han mostrado que la gente favorece las normas que apoyan a las familias, entre ellas, las ausencias por enfermedad pagadas. La más reciente se dio a conocer la semana pasada y fue realizada por Lake Research Partners, una firma de encuestas demócrata contratada por la campaña Make It Work, un grupo de incidencia que defiende la seguridad económica para las familias trabajadoras. El estudio encuestó a una muestra representativa de electores de 2016, sobre una variedad de normas que apoyan a las familias, y el 88 por ciento de los que se identificaron como demócratas, independientes y republicanos dijo que
favorecen normas de trabajo que sus colegas que desearía que deja“aseguren que todos los trabajado- ran de hacerlo. res ganen ausencias por enfermeEn el New York Times, Daniel dad pagadas para cuidar de sí mis- Engber escribe sobre las ventajas mos o de miembros de la familia”. y desventajas del “presentismo”. Probablemente, la mayoría de Señala que aunque estos “jugalos encuestados son dores de equipo”, que buenas personas que vienen a la oficina enpueden imaginar la nefermos, estornudando cesidad de cuidar a un y moqueando por todos familiar cercano. lados (lo que hace que Para hacer otra amsus colegas, asqueados, plia suposición, yo diría se abalancen a usar el que la mayoría de los desinfectante de maque se oponen a esas nos) quizás no aumenESTHER normas rechazan la ten el peligro de que CEPEDA idea de mandatos gulos demás empleados bernamentales y probacontraigan un desablemente ya disfrutan gradable virus, sin emde la estabilidad labobargo, tienen un efecto ral de los empleados de oficina, negativo. en la que los beneficios como las “Como todos estamos en comausencias por enfermedad paga- petencia —si yo voy más despadas están sobreentendidos. cio, tú te adelantas— nadie tiene También probablemente sean el incentivo de buscar el desempael tipo de personas que gozan de te,” dice Engber. “Cuando vemos ausencias por enfermedad paga- a un colega con un resfrío, ése das pero que pocas veces las usan. conflicto se hace más explícito. Trabajar cuando uno está enfer- Actuamos como si estuviéramos mo, aún cuando se puede tomar preocupados por su salud, o por el ese tiempo libre es una actitud. descontrol de su equilibrio trabaMuchos trabajadores se enorgu- jo-vida, pero en verdad, estamos llecen de ir al trabajo enfermos, igualmente impulsados por la loy hay un número considerable de cura de trabajar demasiado. Pre-
ferimos que se tome los días de enfermedad ahora, sólo para que nosotros no tengamos que hacerlo en el futuro.” Qué noble, probar nuestro temple superando a los colegas de la oficina, y al diablo el factor asco. Pero dejando de lado ese desinterés, ¿realmente quieren que los que lavan platos, preparan comida, cocinan o sirven en un restaurante estornuden por toda la cocina cuando se está preparando la comida de uno? ¿O que sirvan sus bebidas con manos llenas de mocos? Tal como dice mi esposo, que trabajó muchos años en la gerencia de restaurantes: “El motivo por el que todos los baños de los restaurantes tienen un cartel exigiendo que los empleados se laven las manos antes de trabajar es porque el departamento de salud sabe que los trabajadores a menudo no lo hacen”. Dejando los restaurantes de lado, hay un número de trabajos --la mayor parte de ellos de baja remuneración, tiempo parcial, y prestación de servicios-- en los que no es conveniente que el trabajador esté enfermo o distraído mentalmente, preocupado por
un ser querido enfermo, porque no puede darse el lujo de no ir a trabajar y perder la paga o posiblemente, el empleo. Los que tenemos flexibilidad para tomar un día de enfermedad debemos hablar por los que son penalizados por los obstáculos inevitables de la vida. En última instancia, nos conviene. El interés propio es, de hecho, la razón principal por la que muchos conservadores se oponen, equivocadamente, a las ausencias pagadas por enfermedad. Gritan sobre la reducción salarial para los trabajadores que resultaría de una obligación tal porque, según ese razonamiento, cuando el gobierno requiere que las empresas ofrezcan ese beneficio, éstas deben financiarlo recortando la paga del trabajador. Pero a los que están en el fondo de la escalera económica y viven al día, les conviene más no recibir los 34 centavos por hora, por trabajador, que según el Departamento de Trabajo es lo que costarían las ausencias por enfermedad, que tener la preocupación de no poder encarar una enfermedad o una emergencia sin perder el medio de vida.
cuatro son siete… “¡Otra vez!” precisamente en la edad en que Los pequeños, a todo pulmón, se preparan los ciudadanos del repetían: Uno más dos son tres… mañana. El descuido no es justi“¡No se equivoquen! ¡Otra vez!”. ficable por ningún motivo. Las voces angustiadas y nervioNecesitamos con urgencia essas de los pequeños iniciaban cuelas que desarrollen al niño de nuevo la cuenta. Imposible tanto en lo técnico, como en lo hulograr el aprendizaje en esas cir- mano. La escuela es un medio pricunstancias. La voz estentórea vilegiado en la construcción de y violenta del maestro hombres y mujeres nuecon toda seguridad havas, para una sociedad cía temblar a los pequenueva. La educación ños: era una verdadera ya no se define en funagresión. ción de adquirir conociEn México impulsar mientos memorizados y la educación es una repetitivos, sino de conecesidad imperiosa, nocimientos adquiridos una exigencia de vida o por medio de actividaBLANCA muerte, y se ha descuides creativas que estiTREVIÑO dado lastimosamente mulen el razonamiento en muchas regiones, y la iniciativa. El nuevo particularmente por concepto de educación razones sindicales, políticas, eco- no es aprender algo para pasar un nómicas y, recientemente, por examen, sino que debe ser útil, y la inestabilidad social. La niñez aplicarse a todas las situaciones y la juventud son los recursos y circunstancias de la existencia. más valiosos de un país, y no El desarrollo del niño implica un existe ninguna justificación vá- proceso mediante el cual aprenda lida para descuidar en los años a utilizar sus capacidades creadomás significativos la educación, ras, a maximizar sus recursos, a
enamorarse de la ciencia porque sin imaginación, el niño carece de alas. Es difícil lograr lo anterior en un medio hostil en el cual no se respeta la persona del niño. Nuestra niñez necesita cuidado y atención y, sobre todo, educación con amor. El niño responde a la ternura más que a los gritos. La sonrisa amable de un maestro tiene mayor fuerza motivacional que un varazo. Si deseamos que nuestro país salga de la ignorancia, será necesario hacer atractiva la educación. De nada servirán aulas nuevas, pizarrones inteligentes, o computadoras si los maestros no están motivados y conscientes de la importancia de su ministerio y la trascendencia de su trabajo en el futuro de un México mejor. El maestro tiene la capacidad de inspirar sentimientos de vida: aquellos que conducen al niño a amar, construir, realizar, solidarizarse con las causas, los ideales, los valores, y a combatir los sentimientos de muerte –presentes en
todas las estructuras humanas– que conducen a envidiar, destruir, y a odiar. Es obligación de los padres de familia participar en ese proceso, interesándose por la educación de los hijos, y participando activamente en ella. Es una obligación ineludible. ¿O culparemos también al Presidente de que los niños no aprendan? En el área de la educación no hay lugar para la indiferencia, la política, o la agresividad. Los niños y los jóvenes siempre han sido el recurso más valioso de un pueblo y, como dice el escritor Miguel Rojas Sánchez: “La educación es el vestido de gala para asistir a la fiesta de la vida.” Hay muchas opciones para salir de la crisis económica, y muchas formas de combatir la violencia pero, como en todas las cosas humanas: “No hay más que un camino para el progreso en la educación: el de la ciencia guiada por el amor. Sin ciencia, el amor es impotente; sin amor, la ciencia es destructiva.” (Bertrand Russel)
Sin alas no A
l principio de su mandato el Presidente Enrique Peña Nieto aseveró: “Es urgente garantizar a los niños la oportunidad de desarrollarse en un ambiente de paz y bienestar”. Hace un par de días, transitando por una de las colonias más apartadas y olvidadas de la ciudad, hice un alto justo frente a una escuela primaria. Los gritos malhumorados del maestro que impartía la clase de aritmética trajeron a mi memoria las palabras del presidente: “En el área de educación, no hay lugar para la indiferencia, ni tiempo que perder. Es urgente garantizar a niños y jóvenes la oportunidad de desarrollarse en un ambiente de paz y bienestar y, a través de ellos, conservar para el futuro los mejores y mayores valores creados por la humanidad”. Los gritos iracundos del maestro hacían voltear a los transeúntes: “¡Cuenten con lo que tengan!” Los niños repetían una y otra vez: Uno más dos son tres, dos más tres son cinco, tres más
20 » FEBRERO 8 - 14, 2015
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no later than February 13, 2015. EOE.
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Efficiency for Rent- 102 West Susquehanna Ave. (215) 426-3335 o (215) 667-5467
LARCHWOOD GARDEN APARTMENTS Apartamentos recién renovados disponibles de 1, 2 y 3 dormitorios. Son apartamentos subsidiados por el gobierno, alquiler se basa en el ingreso tan bajo como cero. Los aspirantes seleccionados preferiblemente trabajadores. Historial de crédito, antecedentes penales, historial de arrendador y otros criterios de selección para residentes se aplican. Se están aceptando solicitudes en la oficina de Leasing
2809 South 82nd street, Philadelphia, PA 19153 L - V 9 a.m. - 11 a.m. o por cita
Estamos a su servicio DEADLINE: FRIDAY / VIERNES A 5:00 P.M.
By virtue of a Writ of execution, to me directed, issued out of the SUPERIOR COURT OF NEW JERSEY CHANCERY DIVISION, CAMDEN COUNTY, DOCKET NO. F1177210 at Public Venue on WEDNESDAY the 4TH Day of MARCH, 2015 A.D. at 12 o’clock, LOCAL TIME, noon of said day, at the SHERIFF’S OFFICE in the COURT HOUSE, 520 Market St., 2nd Floor, Suite 202, in City and County of Camden and State of New Jersey: Property to be sold is located in the City of Camden, County of Camden, State of New Jersey. Premises commonly known as: 1103 North 32nd Street, Camden, NJ 08105-4223 Being Tax Lot: 49 Block: 908 on the official Tax Map of the City of Camden Dimensions approximately: 20.00ft x 100.00 ft x 20.00 ft x 100.00 ft Nearest Cross Street: Pierce Avenue The Sheriff hereby reserves the right to adjourn this sale without further notice through publication. *Subject to any unpaid taxes, municipal liens or other charges, and any such taxes, charges, liens, insurance premiums or other advances made by plaintiff prior to this sale. All interested parties are to conduct and rely upon their own independent investigation to ascertain whether or not any outstanding interest remain of record and/or have priority over the lien being foreclosed and, if so the current amount due thereon. **If the sale is set aside for any reason, the purchaser at the sale shall be entitled only to a return of the deposit paid. The purchaser shall have no further recourse against the Mortgagor, the Mortgagee or the Mortgagee’s attorney. The judgment sought to be satisfied by the sale is: “APPROXIMATELY” $181,960.67 TWENTY PERCENT DEPOSIT REQUIRED SURPLUS MONEY: If after the sale and satisfaction of the mortgage debt, including costs and expenses, there remains any surplus money, the money will be deposited into the Superior Court Trust Fund and any person claiming the surplus, or any part thereof, may file a motion pursuant to Court Rules 4:64-3 and 4:57-2 stating the nature and extent of that person’s claim and asking for an order directing payment of the surplus money. The Sheriff or other person conducting the sale will have information regarding the surplus, if any. Note: The sheriff reserves the right to adjourn this sale for any length of time without further advertisement. Seized as the property of: GERSON ROSARIO, ET AL, and taken in execution of BANK OF AMERICA, N.A. CHARLES H. BILLINGHAM SHERIFF Sheriff’s Number: 15000122 DATED: 02/10/2015, 02/17/2015, 02/24/2015, 03/03/2015 PHELAN HALLINAN & DIAMOND P.C. 400 FELLOWSHIP ROAD, SUITE 100 MT. LAUREL, NJ 08054 $172.80
By virtue of a Writ of execution, to me directed, issued out of the SUPERIOR COURT OF NEW JERSEY CHANCERY DIVISION, CAMDEN COUNTY, DOCKET NO. F2174409 AT Public Venue on WEDNESDAY the 18th Day of FEBRUARY 2015 A.D. at 12 o’clock, LOCAL TIME, noon of said day, at the SHERIFF’S OFFICE in the COURT HOUSE, 520 Market St., 2nd Floor, Suite 202, in City and County of Camden and State of New Jersey: Property to be sold is located in the Township of Gloucester, County of Camden, State of New Jersey. Premises commonly known as: 61 La Cascata, Gloucester, NJ 08021 Being Tax Lot: 11, Block: 11301 Dimensions approximately: 15 x 88 x 15 x 1 x 85 Nearest Cross Street: Via Cascata Subject to any open taxes, water/sewer, municipal or tax liens that may be due. Subject to Tax and prior lien info: Taxes/sewer/water may be delinquent - you must check with tax collector for exact amounts due. Subject to Prior Mortgages and Judgments (if any): None The judgment sought to be satisfied by the sale is: “APPROXIMATELY” $208,506.35 TWENTY PERCENT DEPOSIT REQUIRED SURPLUS MONEY: If after the sale and satisfaction of the mortgage debt, including costs and expenses, there remains any surplus money, the money will be deposited into the Superior Court Trust Fund and any person claiming the surplus, or any part thereof, may file a motion pursuant to Court Rules 4:64-3 and 4:57-2 stating the nature and extent of that person’s claim and asking for an order directing payment of the surplus money. The Sheriff or other person conducting the sale will have information regarding the surplus, if any. “The Fair Housing Act prohibits “any preference, limitation, or discrimination because of race, color, religion, sex, handicap, familial status, or national origin, or intention to make such preference, limitation or discrimination” in connection with any aspect of a residential real estate transaction. Zucker, Goldberg, and Ackerman, LLC encourages and supports the equal housing practices of the Fair Housing Act in the conduct of its business.” Note: The sheriff reserves the right to adjourn this sale for any length of time without further advertisement. Seized as the property of: FRANCES COLLINS, ET AL, and taken in execution of JP MORGAN CHASE BANK CHARLES H. BILLINGHAM SHERIFF Sheriff’s Number: 14006604 DATED: 01/27/2015, 02/03/2015, 02/10/2015, 02/17/2015 ZUCKER, GOLDBERG & ACKERMAN, LLC 200 SHEFFIELD STREET SUITE 301 P.O. BOX 1024, MOUNTAINSIDE, NJ 07092 Phone #(908) 233-8500 File #XCZ-121377 $167.04
ALDÍANews.com « FEBRERO 8 - 14, 2015 « AL DÍA « CLASIFICADOS « 21
By virtue of a Writ of execution, to me directed, issued out of the SUPERIOR COURT OF NEW JERSEY CHANCERY DIVISION, CAMDEN COUNTY, DOCKET NO. F00754814 at Public Venue on WEDNESDAY the 18th Day of FEBRUARY, 2015 A.D. at 12 o’clock, LOCAL TIME, noon of said day, at the SHERIFF’S OFFICE in the COURT HOUSE, 520 Market St., 2nd Floor, Suite 202, in City and County of Camden and State of New Jersey: Property to be sold is located in the Township of Pennsauken, County of Camden, State of New Jersey. Premises commonly known as: 8545 Maple Avenue, Pennsauken, NJ 08109 Being Tax Lot: 4, Block 4405 Dimensions approximately: 107 x 125 Nearest Cross Street: Kent Road A FULL LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF THE PREMISES CAN BE FOUND IN THE OFFICE OF THE SHERIFF OF CAMDEN COUNTY. The sale is subject to unpaid taxes and assessments, tax, water and sewer liens and other municipal assessments. The amount due can be obtained from the local taxing authority. All interested parties are to conduct and rely upon their own independent investigation to ascertain whether or not any outstanding interest remain of record and/or have priority over the lien being foreclosed and, if so the current amount due thereon.**If the sale is set aside for any reason, the purchaser at the sale shall be entitled only to a return of the deposit paid. The purchaser shall have no further recourse against the mortgagee or the mortgagee’s attorney.** **Subject to tax sale certificate #: 13-00464 The judgment sought to be satisfied by the sale is: “APPROXIMATELY” $196,052.87 TWENTY PERCENT DEPOSIT REQUIRED SURPLUS MONEY: If after the sale and satisfaction of the mortgage debt, including costs and expenses, there remains any surplus money, the money will be deposited into the Superior Court Trust Fund and any person claiming the surplus, or any part thereof, may file a motion pursuant to Court Rules 4:64-3 and 5:57-2 stating the nature and extent of that person’s claim and asking for an order directing payment of the surplus money. The Sheriff or other person conducting the sale will have information regarding the surplus, if any. Note: The sheriff reserves the right to adjourn this sale for any length of time without further advertisement. Seized as the property of: TRUONG LAM A/K/A TROUNG LAM, and taken in execution of BANK OF AMERICA, N.A. CHARLES H. BILLINGHAM SHERIFF Sheriff’s Number: 14006625 DATED: 01/27/2015, 02/03/2015, 02/10/2015, 02/17/2015 MILSTEAD & ASSOCIATES, LLC 1 E. STOW ROAD, MARLTON, NJ 08053 $172.80
By virtue of a Writ of execution, to me directed, issued out of the SUPERIOR COURT OF NEW JERSEY CHANCERY DIVISION, CAMDEN COUNTY, DOCKET NO. F03507513 AT Public Venue on WEDNESDAY the 18th Day of FEBRUARY 2015 A.D. at 12 o’clock, LOCAL TIME, noon of said day, at the SHERIFF’S OFFICE in the COURT HOUSE, 520 Market St., 2nd Floor, Suite 202, in City and County of Camden and State of New Jersey: Property to be sold is located in the City of Camden, County of Camden, State of New Jersey. Premises commonly known as: 1006 Langham Avenue, Camden, NJ 08103-2735 Being Tax Lot: 75, Block: 1267 Dimensions approximately: 14 x 100 Nearest Cross Street: Walnut Street Subject to any open taxes, water/sewer, municipal or tax liens that may be due. Subject to Tax and prior lien info: At the time of publication taxes/sewer/water information was not available - you must check with tax collector for exact amounts due. Subject to Prior Mortgages and Judgments (if any): None The judgment sought to be satisfied by the sale is: “APPROXIMATELY” $113,790.17 TWENTY PERCENT DEPOSIT REQUIRED SURPLUS MONEY: If after the sale and satisfaction of the mortgage debt, including costs and expenses, there remains any surplus money, the money will be deposited into the Superior Court Trust Fund and any person claiming the surplus, or any part thereof, may file a motion pursuant to Court Rules 4:64-3 and 4:57-2 stating the nature and extent of that person’s claim and asking for an order directing payment of the surplus money. The Sheriff or other person conducting the sale will have information regarding the surplus, if any. “The Fair Housing Act prohibits “any preference, limitation, or discrimination because of race, color, religion, sex, handicap, familial status, or national origin, or intention to make such preference, limitation or discrimination” in connection with any aspect of a residential real estate transaction. Zucker, Goldberg, and Ackerman, LLC encourages and supports the equal housing practices of the Fair Housing Act in the conduct of its business.” Note: The sheriff reserves the right to adjourn this sale for any length of time without further advertisement. Seized as the property of: GARDELL ANDERSON, ET AL, and taken in execution of WELLS FARGO BANK, N.A. CHARLES H. BILLINGHAM SHERIFF Sheriff’s Number: 14006605 DATED: 01/27/2015, 02/03/2015, 02/10/2015, 02/17/2015 ZUCKER, GOLDBERG & ACKERMAN, LLC 200 SHEFFIELD STREET SUITE 301 P.O. BOX 1024, MOUNTAINSIDE, NJ 07092 Phone #(908) 233-8500 File #XFZ-90994-R2 $175.68
Aileen Connolly o email a: aileenc@aldianews.com SHERIFF’S SALE
By virtue of a Writ of execution, to me directed, issued out of the SUPERIOR COURT OF NEW JERSEY CHANCERY DIVISION, CAMDEN COUNTY, DOCKET NO. F00102413 AT Public Venue on WEDNESDAY the 18th Day of FEBRUARY 2015 A.D. at 12 o’clock, LOCAL TIME, noon of said day, at the SHERIFF’S OFFICE in the COURT HOUSE, 520 Market St., 2nd Floor, Suite 202, in City and County of Camden and State of New Jersey: Property to be sold is located in the Township of Winslow, County of Camden, State of New Jersey. Premises commonly known as: 103 Eastmont Lane, Winslow, NJ 08081 Being Tax Lot: 10, Block: 10905 Dimensions approximately: 175 x 150 Nearest Cross Street: Eden Hollow Lane Subject to any open taxes, water/sewer, municipal or tax liens that may be due. Subject to Tax and prior lien info: Taxes/sewer/water may be delinquent - you must check with tax collector for exact amounts due. Subject to Prior Mortgages and Judgments (if any): The plaintiff has obtained a letter of indemnification which will insure the successful bidder at sale in respect to: J-154440-2005 in the amount of $16,284.15 DJ-228738-2005 in the amount of $2623.60 The judgment sought to be satisfied by the sale is: “APPROXIMATELY” $246,432.77 TWENTY PERCENT DEPOSIT REQUIRED SURPLUS MONEY: If after the sale and satisfaction of the mortgage debt, including costs and expenses, there remains any surplus money, the money will be deposited into the Superior Court Trust Fund and any person claiming the surplus, or any part thereof, may file a motion pursuant to Court Rules 4:64-3 and 4:57-2 stating the nature and extent of that person’s claim and asking for an order directing payment of the surplus money. The Sheriff or other person conducting the sale will have information regarding the surplus, if any. “The Fair Housing Act prohibits “any preference, limitation, or discrimination because of race, color, religion, sex, handicap, familial status, or national origin, or intention to make such preference, limitation or discrimination” in connection with any aspect of a residential real estate transaction. Zucker, Goldberg, and Ackerman, LLC encourages and supports the equal housing practices of the Fair Housing Act in the conduct of its business.” Note: The sheriff reserves the right to adjourn this sale for any length of time without further advertisement. Seized as the property of: ALQUEENA BEY, ET AL, and taken in execution of VOLT 2012-RPL1 ASSET HOLDINGS TRUST CHARLES H. BILLINGHAM SHERIFF Sheriff’s Number: 14006600 DATED: 01/27/2015, 02/03/2015, 02/10/2015, 02/17/2015 ZUCKER, GOLDBERG & ACKERMAN, LLC 200 SHEFFIELD STREET SUITE 301 P.O. BOX 1024, MOUNTAINSIDE, NJ 07092 Phone #(908) 233-8500 File #XCZ-163140 $187.20
22 » CLASIFICADOS » AL DÍA » FEBRERO 8 - 14, 2015 » ALDÍANews.com
By virtue of a Writ of execution, to me directed, issued out of the SUPERIOR COURT OF NEW JERSEY CHANCERY DIVISION, CAMDEN COUNTY, DOCKET NO. F01736613 AT Public Venue on WEDNESDAY the 18th Day of FEBRUARY 2015 A.D. at 12 o’clock, LOCAL TIME, noon of said day, at the SHERIFF’S OFFICE in the COURT HOUSE, 520 Market St., 2nd Floor, Suite 202, in City and County of Camden and State of New Jersey: Property to be sold is located in the Borough of Pine Hill, County of Camden, State of New Jersey. Premises commonly known as: 34 Congress Road, Pine Hill, NJ08021 Being Tax Lot: 12, Block: 163 Dimensions approximately: 70 x 215 Nearest Cross Street: Country Club Road Subject to any open taxes, water/sewer, municipal or tax liens that may be due. Subject to Tax and prior lien info: At the time of publication taxes/sewer/water was not available - you must check with tax collector for exact amounts due. Subject to Prior Mortgages and Judgments (if any): None The judgment sought to be satisfied by the sale is: “APPROXIMATELY” $265,288.79 TWENTY PERCENT DEPOSIT REQUIRED SURPLUS MONEY: If after the sale and satisfaction of the mortgage debt, including costs and expenses, there remains any surplus money, the money will be deposited into the Superior Court Trust Fund and any person claiming the surplus, or any part thereof, may file a motion pursuant to Court Rules 4:64-3 and 4:57-2 stating the nature and extent of that person’s claim and asking for an order directing payment of the surplus money. The Sheriff or other person conducting the sale will have information regarding the surplus, if any. “The Fair Housing Act prohibits “any preference, limitation, or discrimination because of race, color, religion, sex, handicap, familial status, or national origin, or intention to make such preference, limitation or discrimination” in connection with any aspect of a residential real estate transaction. Zucker, Goldberg, and Ackerman, LLC encourages and supports the equal housing practices of the Fair Housing Act in the conduct of its business.” Note: The sheriff reserves the right to adjourn this sale for any length of time without further advertisement. Seized as the property of: JAMES J. DUDA, ET AL, and taken in execution of WELLS FARGO BANK, NA CHARLES H. BILLINGHAM SHERIFF Sheriff’s Number: 14006597 DATED: 01/27/2015, 02/03/2015, 02/10/2015, 02/17/2015 ZUCKER, GOLDBERG & ACKERMAN, LLC 200 SHEFFIELD STREET SUITE 301 P.O. BOX 1024, MOUNTAINSIDE, NJ 07092 Phone #(908) 233-8500 File #XFZ-146593 $175.68
By virtue of a Writ of execution, to me directed, issued out of the SUPERIOR COURT OF NEW JERSEY CHANCERY DIVISION, CAMDEN COUN-Y, DOCKET NO. F02221212 at Public Venue on WEDNESDAY the 11th Day of FEBRUARY, 2015 A.D. at 12 o’clock, LOCAL TIME, noon of said day, at the SHERIFF’S OFFICE in the COURT HOUSE, 520 Market St., 2nd Floor, Suite 202, in City and County of Camden and State of New Jersey: Property to be sold is located in the City of Camden, County of Camden, State of New Jersey. Premises commonly known as: 1143 Whitman Ave., Camden, NJ 08103/08104 Being Tax Lot: 74, Block: 1327 Dimensions approximately: 15 feet x 97 feet Nearest Cross Street: Rose Street A FULL LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF THE PREMISES CAN BE FOUND IN THE OFFICE OF THE SHERIFF OF CAMDEN COUNTY. The sale is subject to unpaid taxes and assessments, tax, water and sewer liens and other municipal assessments. The amount due can be obtained from the local taxing authority. Pursuant to NJSA 46:8B-21 the sale may also be subject to the limited lien priority of any Condominium/ Home -owner association liens which may exist. All interested parties are to conduct and rely upon their own independent investigation to ascertain whether or not any outstanding interest remain of record and/or have priority over the lien being foreclosed and, if so the current amount due thereon.**If the sale is set aside for any reason, the purchaser at the sale shall be entitled only to a return of the deposit paid. The purchaser shall have no further recourse against the mortgagee or the mortgagee’s attorney.** ADDITIONAL REQUIREMENTS: Purchaser must certify that Purchaser is not employed by the Toronto-Dominion Bank, or any of its subsidiaries or affiliated corporations (the “Bank”), nor is purchaser related in any way with solicitors or agents retained by or on behalf of the Bank in relation to the property that is the subject of this transaction and confirming that Purchaser is dealing at arm’s length with the aforementioned parties. The judgment sought to be satisfied by the sale is: “APPROXIMATELY” $44,237.78 TWENTY PERCENT DEPOSIT REQUIRED SURPLUS MONEY: If after the sale and satisfaction of the mortgage debt, including costs and expenses, there remains any surplus money, the money will be deposited into the Superior Court Trust Fund and any person claiming the surplus, or any part thereof, may file a motion pursuant to Court Rules 4:64-3 and 5:57-2 stating the nature and extent of that person’s claim and asking for an order directing payment of the surplus money. The Sheriff or other person conducting the sale will have information regarding the surplus, if any. Note: The sheriff reserves the right to adjourn this sale for any length of time without further advertisement. Seized as the property of: DAWN M. CARTER, and taken in execution of TD BANK, N.A. CHARLES H. BILLINGHAM SHERIFF Sheriff’s Number: 14006398 DATED: 01/20/2015, 01/27/2015, 02/03/2015, 02/10/2015 DUANE MORRIS LLP, 30 SOUTH 17TH STREET PHILADELPHIA, PA 19103 $192.96
By virtue of a Writ of execution, to me directed, issued out of the SUPERIOR COURT OF NEW JERSEY CHANCERY DIVISION, CAMDEN COUNTY, DOCKET NO. F03692713 at Public Venue on WEDNESDAY the 11TH Day of FEBRUARY, 2015 A.D. at 12 o’clock, LOCAL TIME, noon of said day, at the SHERIFF’S OFFICE in the COURT HOUSE, 520 Market St., 2nd Floor, Suite 202, in City and County of Camden and State of New Jersey: Property to be sold is located in the Township of Pennsauken, County of Camden, State of New Jersey. Premises commonly known as: 4550 Harding Road, Pennsauken, NJ 08109-1831 Being Tax Lot: 18 Block: 5206 on the Official Tax Map of the Township of Pennsauken Dimensions approximately: 21.00 x 97.00 Nearest Cross Street: Myrtle Avenue The Sheriff hereby reserves the right to adjourn this sale without further notice through publication. *Subject to any unpaid taxes, municipal liens or other charges, and any such taxes, charges, liens, insurance premiums or other advances made by plaintiff prior to this sale. All interested parties are to conduct and rely upon their own independent investigation to ascertain whether or not any outstanding interest remain of record and/or have priority over the lien being foreclosed and, if so the current amount due thereon. **If the sale is set aside for any reason, the purchaser at the sale shall be entitled only to a return of the deposit paid. The purchaser shall have no further recourse against the Mortgagor, the Mortgagee or the Mortgagee’s attorney. Advertise subject USA’s right of redemption: Pursuant to 28, U.S.C. Section 2410(C), this sale is subject to a 1 year right of redemption held by the United States of America by virtue of its lien. Brenda Williams to Secretary of Housing and Urban Development, dated January 8, 2008 and recorded February 8, 2008 in Book 8759, Page 925. To secure $3,066.80 The judgment sought to be satisfied by the sale is: “APPROXIMATELY” $85,217.58 TWENTY PERCENT DEPOSIT REQUIRED SURPLUS MONEY: If after the sale and satisfaction of the mortgage debt, including costs and expenses, there remains any surplus money, the money will be deposited into the Superior Court Trust Fund and any person claiming the surplus, or any part thereof, may file a motion pursuant to Court Rules 4:64-3 and 4:57-2 stating the nature and extent of that person’s claim and asking for an order directing payment of the surplus money. The Sheriff or other person conducting the sale will have information regarding the surplus, if any. Note: The sheriff reserves the right to adjourn this sale for any length of time without further advertisement. Seized as the property of: BRENDA G. WILLIAMS, ET AL, and taken in execution of WELLS FARGO BANK, N.A. CHARLES H. BILLINGHAM SHERIFF Sheriff’s Number: 14006353 DATED: 01/20/2015, 01/27/2015, 02/03/2015, 02/10/2015 PHELAN HALLINAN & DIAMOND P.C. 400 FELLOWSHIP ROAD, SUITE 100 MT. LAUREL, NJ 08054 $192.96
Aileen Connolly o email a: aileenc@aldianews.com SHERIFF’S SALE
By virtue of a Writ of execution, to me directed, issued out of the SUPERIOR COURT OF NEW JERSEY CHANCERY DIVISION, CAMDEN COUNTY, DOCKET NO. F01736613 AT Public Venue on WEDNESDAY the 18th Day of FEBRUARY 2015 A.D. at 12 o’clock, LOCAL TIME, noon of said day, at the SHERIFF’S OFFICE in the COURT HOUSE, 520 Market St., 2nd Floor, Suite 202, in City and County of Camden and State of New Jersey: Property to be sold is located in the Borough of Somerdale, County of Camden, State of New Jersey. Premises commonly known as: 124 West Evergreen Avenue, Somerdale, NJ 08083-1504 Being Tax Lot: 13, Block: 9 Dimensions approximately: 100 x 150 Nearest Cross Street: Wilbur Street Subject to any open taxes, water/sewer, municipal or tax liens that may be due. Subject to Tax and prior lien info: At the time of publication taxes/sewer/water was not available - you must check with tax collector for exact amounts due. Subject to Prior Mortgages and Judgments (if any): None The judgment sought to be satisfied by the sale is: “APPROXIMATELY” $160,846.40 TWENTY PERCENT DEPOSIT REQUIRED SURPLUS MONEY: If after the sale and satisfaction of the mortgage debt, including costs and expenses, there remains any surplus money, the money will be deposited into the Superior Court Trust Fund and any person claiming the surplus, or any part thereof, may file a motion pursuant to Court Rules 4:64-3 and 4:57-2 stating the nature and extent of that person’s claim and asking for an order directing payment of the surplus money. The Sheriff or other person conducting the sale will have information regarding the surplus, if any. “The Fair Housing Act prohibits “any preference, limitation, or discrimination because of race, color, religion, sex, handicap, familial status, or national origin, or intention to make such preference, limitation or discrimination” in connection with any aspect of a residential real estate transaction. Zucker, Goldberg, and Ackerman, LLC encourages and supports the equal housing practices of the Fair Housing Act in the conduct of its business.” Note: The sheriff reserves the right to adjourn this sale for any length of time without further advertisement. Seized as the property of: KENSINGTON JOHNSON, ET AL, and taken in execution of WELLS FARGO BANK, NA CHARLES H. BILLINGHAM SHERIFF Sheriff’s Number: 14006532 DATED: 01/27/2015, 02/03/2015, 02/10/2015, 02/17/2015 ZUCKER, GOLDBERG & ACKERMAN, LLC 200 SHEFFIELD STREET SUITE 301 P.O. BOX 1024, MOUNTAINSIDE, NJ 07092 Phone #(908) 233-8500 File #XFZ-177522 $175.68
Estamos a su servicio DEADLINE: FRIDAY / VIERNES A 5:00 P.M.
By virtue of a Writ of execution, to me directed, issued out of the SUPERIOR COURT OF NEW JERSEY CHANCERY DIVISION, CAMDEN COUNTY, DOCKET NO. F1031709 at Public Venue on WEDNESDAY the 4TH Day of MARCH, 2015 A.D. at 12 o’clock, LOCAL TIME, noon of said day, at the SHERIFF’S OFFICE in the COURT HOUSE, 520 Market St., 2nd Floor, Suite 202, in City and County of Camden and State of New Jersey: Property to be sold is located in the Township of Pennsauken, County of Camden, State of New Jersey. Premises commonly known as: 2155 Lexington Avenue, Pennsauken, NJ 08110 Being Tax Lot: 2 FKA 7, Block: 4704 FKA 46 Dimensions approximately: 50 x 125 Nearest Cross Street: Washington Ave. BEGINNING at a point in the southwesterly line of Lexington Avenue (formerly Witherspoon Avenue), distant 50 feet Southeastwardly from the southerly corner of Lexington Avenue and Washington Avenue 50 feet to a point; thence extends Southwestwardly between parallel lines of that width at right angles to Lexington Avenue, 125 feet in length to depth. THE SHERIFF HEREBY RESERVES THE RIGHT TO ADJOURN THIS SALE WITHOUT FURTHER NOTICE THROUGH PUBLICATION. PRIOR LIENS/ENCUMBRANCES 2014 QTR 4 TAXES OPEN - $1,134.24 WATER OPEN PLUS PENALTY - $89.92 SEWER OPEN PLUS PENALTY - $245.00 CCMUA OPEN PLUS PENALTY - $341.25 TOTAL AS OF November 5, 2014: $1,810.25 The judgment sought to be satisfied by the sale is: “APPROXIMATELY” $191,977.89 TWENTY PERCENT DEPOSIT REQUIRED SURPLUS MONEY: If after the sale and satisfaction of the mortgage debt, including costs and expenses, there remains any surplus money, the money will be deposited into the Superior Court Trust Fund and any person claiming the surplus, or any part thereof, may file a motion pursuant to Court Rules 4:64-3 and 4:57-2 stating the nature and extent of that person’s claim and asking for an order directing payment of the surplus money. The Sheriff or other person conducting the sale will have information regarding the surplus, if any. Note: The sheriff reserves the right to adjourn this sale for any length of time without further advertisement. Seized as the property of: COLLEEN G. MURPHY, ET ALS, and taken in execution of INDYMAC FEDERAL BANK FSB CHARLES H. BILLINGHAM SHERIFF Sheriff’s Number: 15000233 DATED: 02/10/2015, 02/17/2015, 02/24/2015, 03/03/2015 FEIN, SUCH, KAHN & SHEPARD, P.C. 7 CENTURY DRIVE, SUITE 201 PARSIPPANY, NJ 07054 $172.80
ALDÍANews.com « FEBRERO 8 - 14, 2015 « AL DÍA « CLASIFICADOS « 23
By virtue of a Writ of execution, to me directed, issued out of the SUPERIOR COURT OF NEW JERSEY CHANCERY DIVISION, CAMDEN COUNTY, DOCKET NO. F01175214 at Public Venue on WEDNESDAY the 4th Day of MARCH, 2015 A.D. at 12 o’clock, LOCAL TIME, noon of said day, at the SHERIFF’S OFFICE in the COURT HOUSE, 520 Market St., 2nd Floor, Suite 202, in City and County of Camden and State of New Jersey: Property to be sold is located in the Borough of Clementon, County of Camden, State of New Jersey. Premises commonly known as: 110 Chelsea Circle, Clementon, NJ 08021 Being Tax Lot: 1.111, Block: 59 Dimensions approximately: CONDO Nearest Cross Street: Brand Avenue A FULL LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF THE PREMISES CAN BE FOUND IN THE OFFICE OF THE SHERIFF OF CAMDEN COUNTY. The sale is subject to unpaid taxes and assessments, tax, water and sewer liens and other municipal assessments. The amount due can be obtained from the local taxing authority. All interested parties are to conduct and rely upon their own independent investigation to ascertain whether or not any outstanding interest remain of record and/or have priority over the lien being foreclosed and, if so the current amount due thereon.**If the sale is set aside for any reason, the purchaser at the sale shall be entitled only to a return of the deposit paid. The purchaser shall have no further recourse against the mortgagee or the mortgagee’s attorney.** The judgment sought to be satisfied by the sale is: “APPROXIMATELY” $109,360.28 TWENTY PERCENT DEPOSIT REQUIRED SURPLUS MONEY: If after the sale and satisfaction of the mortgage debt, including costs and expenses, there remains any surplus money, the money will be deposited into the Superior Court Trust Fund and any person claiming the surplus, or any part thereof, may file a motion pursuant to Court Rules 4:64-3 and 5:57-2 stating the nature and extent of that person’s claim and asking for an order directing payment of the surplus money. The Sheriff or other person conducting the sale will have information regarding the surplus, if any. Note: The sheriff reserves the right to adjourn this sale for any length of time without further advertisement. Seized as the property of: ANTHONY DEVITA, and taken in execution of NATIONSTAR MORTGAGE LLC CHARLES H. BILLINGHAM SHERIFF Sheriff’s Number: 15000154 DATED: 02/10/2015, 02/17/2015, 02/24/2015, 03/03/2015 MILSTEAD & ASSOCIATES, LLC 1 E. STOW ROAD, MARLTON, NJ 08053 $167.04
SHERIFF’S SALE By virtue of a Writ of execution, to me directed, issued out of the SUPERIOR COURT OF NEW JERSEY CHANCERY DIVISION, CAMDEN COUNTY, DOCKET NO. F03052313 at Public Venue on WEDNESDAY the 11TH Day of FEBRUARY, 2015 A.D. at 12 o’clock, LOCAL TIME, noon of said day, at the SHERIFF’S OFFICE in the COURT HOUSE, 520 Market St., 2nd Floor, Suite 202, in City and County of Camden and State of New Jersey: Property to be sold is located in the Municipality of Camden, County of Camden, State of New Jersey. Premises commonly known as: 369 Rand Street Being Tax Lot: 39; Block: 1245 Dimensions approximately: 16.81’ x 95.00’ Nearest Cross Street: 103.10’ from the southwesterly line of Baird Boulevard SUPERIOR INTERESTS (if any): Camden City holds a claim for taxes due and/or other municipal utilities such as water and/or sewer in the amount of $48.60 as of 11/14/2014 The Sheriff hereby reserves the right to adjourn this sale without further notice through publication. The judgment sought to be satisfied by the sale is: “APPROXIMATELY” $61,732.28 TWENTY PERCENT DEPOSIT REQUIRED SURPLUS MONEY: If after the sale and satisfaction of the mortgage debt, including costs and expenses, there remains any surplus money, the money will be deposited into the Superior Court Trust Fund and any person claiming the surplus, or any part thereof, may file a motion pursuant to Court Rules 4:64-3 and 4:57-2 stating the nature and extent of that person’s claim and asking for an order directing payment of the surplus money. The Sheriff or other person conducting the sale will have information regarding the surplus, if any. Note: The sheriff reserves the right to adjourn this sale for any length of time without further advertisement. Seized as the property of: DENISE R. COLEMAN, ET AL, and taken in execution of JP MORGAN CHASE BANK, N.A. CHARLES H. BILLINGHAM SHERIFF Sheriff’s Number: 14006337 DATED: 01/20/2015, 01/27/2015, 02/03/2015, 02/10/2015 POWERS KIRN, LLC 728 MARNE HIGHWAY, SUITE 200 MOORESTOWN, NJ 08057 $144.00
Aileen Connolly o email a: aileenc@aldianews.com SHERIFF’S SALE
By virtue of a Writ of execution, to me directed, issued out of the SUPERIOR COURT OF NEW JERSEY CHANCERY DIVISION, CAMDEN COUNTY, DOCKET NO. F02866013 at Public Venue on WEDNESDAY the 4TH Day of MARCH, 2015 A.D. at 12 o’clock, LOCAL TIME, noon of said day, at the SHERIFF’S OFFICE in the COURT HOUSE, 520 Market St., 2nd Floor, Suite 202, in City and County of Camden and State of New Jersey: Property to be sold is located in the City of Camden, County of Camden, State of New Jersey. Premises commonly known as: 1499 Princess Avenue, Camden, NJ 08103-2912 Being Tax Lot: 74 Block: 1300 on the official Tax Map of the City of Camden Dimensions approximately: 17.83 x 96.00 Nearest Cross Street: Euclid St. The Sheriff hereby reserves the right to adjourn this sale without further notice through publication. *Subject to any unpaid taxes, municipal liens or other charges, and any such taxes, charges, liens, insurance premiums or other advances made by plaintiff prior to this sale. All interested parties are to conduct and rely upon their own independent investigation to ascertain whether or not any outstanding interest remain of record and/or have priority over the lien being foreclosed and, if so the current amount due thereon. **If the sale is set aside for any reason, the purchaser at the sale shall be entitled only to a return of the deposit paid. The purchaser shall have no further recourse against the Mortgagor, the Mortgagee or the Mortgagee’s attorney. The judgment sought to be satisfied by the sale is: “APPROXIMATELY” $119,293.52 TWENTY PERCENT DEPOSIT REQUIRED SURPLUS MONEY: If after the sale and satisfaction of the mortgage debt, including costs and expenses, there remains any surplus money, the money will be deposited into the Superior Court Trust Fund and any person claiming the surplus, or any part thereof, may file a motion pursuant to Court Rules 4:64-3 and 4:57-2 stating the nature and extent of that person’s claim and asking for an order directing payment of the surplus money. The Sheriff or other person conducting the sale will have information regarding the surplus, if any. Note: The sheriff reserves the right to adjourn this sale for any length of time without further advertisement. Seized as the property of: MERMET BATIR, ET AL, and taken in execution of US BANK NATIONAL ASSOCIATION CHARLES H. BILLINGHAM SHERIFF Sheriff’s Number: 15000113 DATED: 02/10/2015, 02/17/2015, 02/24/2015, 03/03/2015 PHELAN HALLINAN & DIAMOND P.C. 400 FELLOWSHIP ROAD, SUITE 100 MT. LAUREL, NJ 08054 $169.92
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24 » CLASIFICADOS » AL DÍA » FEBRERO 8 - 14, 2015 » ALDÍANews.com
By virtue of a Writ of execution, to me directed, issued out of the SUPERIOR COURT OF NEW JERSEY CHANCERY DIVISION, CAMDEN COUNTY, DOCKET NO. F01399613 AT Public Venue on WEDNESDAY the 11th Day of FEBRUARY 2015 A.D. at 12 o’clock, LOCAL TIME, noon of said day, at the SHERIFF’S OFFICE in the COURT HOUSE, 520 Market St., 2nd Floor, Suite 202, in City and County of Camden and State of New Jersey: Property to be sold is located in the City of Camden, County of Camden, State of New Jersey. Premises commonly known as: 3004 Kearsarge Road, Camden, NJ 08104-2827 Being Tax Lot: 32, Block: 694 Dimensions approximately: 18 x 66 Nearest Cross Street: Octagon Road Subject to any open taxes, water/sewer, municipal or tax liens that may be due. Subject to Tax and prior lien info: Taxes/sewer/water may be delinquent - you must check with tax collector for exact amounts due. Subject to Prior Mortgages and Judgments (if any): None The judgment sought to be satisfied by the sale is: “APPROXIMATELY” $72,237.12 TWENTY PERCENT DEPOSIT REQUIRED SURPLUS MONEY: If after the sale and satisfaction of the mortgage debt, including costs and expenses, there remains any surplus money, the money will be deposited into the Superior Court Trust Fund and any person claiming the surplus, or any part thereof, may file a motion pursuant to Court Rules 4:64-3 and 4:57-2 stating the nature and extent of that person’s claim and asking for an order directing payment of the surplus money. The Sheriff or other person conducting the sale will have information regarding the surplus, if any. “The Fair Housing Act prohibits “any preference, limitation, or discrimination because of race, color, religion, sex, handicap, familial status, or national origin, or intention to make such preference, limitation or discrimination” in connection with any aspect of a residential real estate transaction. Zucker, Goldberg, and Ackerman, LLC encourages and supports the equal housing practices of the Fair Housing Act in the conduct of its business.” Note: The sheriff reserves the right to adjourn this sale for any length of time without further advertisement. Seized as the property of: NICOLE UTLEY, ET AL, and taken in execution of MIDFIRST BANK CHARLES H. BILLINGHAM SHERIFF Sheriff’s Number: 14006392 DATED: 01/20/2015, 01/27/2015, 02/03/2015, 02/10/2015 ZUCKER, GOLDBERG & ACKERMAN, LLC 200 SHEFFIELD STREET SUITE 301 P.O. BOX 1024, MOUNTAINSIDE, NJ 07092 Phone #(908) 233-8500 File #XFZ-178543 $172.80
By virtue of a Writ of execution, to me directed, issued out of the SUPERIOR COURT OF NEW JERSEY CHANCERY DIVISION, CAMDEN COUNTY, DOCKET NO. F2787708 AT Public Venue on WEDNESDAY the 11th Day of FEBRUARY 2015 A.D. at 12 o’clock, LOCAL TIME, noon of said day, at the SHERIFF’S OFFICE in the COURT HOUSE, 520 Market St., 2nd Floor, Suite 202, in City and County of Camden and State of New Jersey: Property to be sold is located in the Township of Pensauken, County of Camden, State of New Jersey. Premises commonly known as: 2425 49th Street, Pennsauken, NJ 08110 Being Tax Lot: 11, Block: 4802 Dimensions approximately: 48.86 x 125 Nearest Cross Street: Wayne Avenue Subject to any open taxes, water/sewer, municipal or tax liens that may be due. Subject to Tax and prior lien info: Taxes/sewer/water may be delinquent - you must check with tax collector for exact amounts due. Subject to Prior Mortgages and Judgments (if any): None The judgment sought to be satisfied by the sale is: “APPROXIMATELY” $199,668.24 TWENTY PERCENT DEPOSIT REQUIRED SURPLUS MONEY: If after the sale and satisfaction of the mortgage debt, including costs and expenses, there remains any surplus money, the money will be deposited into the Superior Court Trust Fund and any person claiming the surplus, or any part thereof, may file a motion pursuant to Court Rules 4:64-3 and 4:57-2 stating the nature and extent of that person’s claim and asking for an order directing payment of the surplus money. The Sheriff or other person conducting the sale will have information regarding the surplus, if any. “The Fair Housing Act prohibits “any preference, limitation, or discrimination because of race, color, religion, sex, handicap, familial status, or national origin, or intention to make such preference, limitation or discrimination” in connection with any aspect of a residential real estate transaction. Zucker, Goldberg, and Ackerman, LLC encourages and supports the equal housing practices of the Fair Housing Act in the conduct of its business.” Note: The sheriff reserves the right to adjourn this sale for any length of time without further advertisement. Seized as the property of: CHERYL M. CARTER, ET AL, and taken in execution of MIDFIRST BANK CHARLES H. BILLINGHAM SHERIFF Sheriff’s Number: 14006436 DATED: 01/20/2015, 01/27/2015, 02/03/2015, 02/10/2015 ZUCKER, GOLDBERG & ACKERMAN, LLC 200 SHEFFIELD STREET SUITE 301 P.O. BOX 1024, MOUNTAINSIDE, NJ 07092 Phone #(908) 233-8500 File #XFZ-75144-R1 $172.80
By virtue of a Writ of execution, to me directed, issued out of the SUPERIOR COURT OF NEW JERSEY CHANCERY DIVISION, CAMDEN COUNTY, DOCKET NO. F03741713 at Public Venue on WEDNESDAY the 11TH Day of FEBRUARY, 2015 A.D. at 12 o’clock, LOCAL TIME, noon of said day, at the SHERIFF’S OFFICE in the COURT HOUSE, 520 Market St., 2nd Floor, Suite 202, in City and County of Camden and State of New Jersey: Property to be sold is located in the City of Camden, County of Camden, State of New Jersey. Premises commonly known as: 338 Viola Street, Camden, NJ 08104-2119 Being Tax Lot: 20 Block: 484 on the Official Tax Map of the City of Camden Dimensions approximately: 14.0 ft x 72.63 ft x 14.0 ft x 72.63 ft Nearest Cross Street: Fourth Street The Sheriff hereby reserves the right to adjourn this sale without further notice through publication. *Subject to any unpaid taxes, municipal liens or other charges, and any such taxes, charges, liens, insurance premiums or other advances made by plaintiff prior to this sale. All interested parties are to conduct and rely upon their own independent investigation to ascertain whether or not any outstanding interest remain of record and/or have priority over the lien being foreclosed and, if so the current amount due thereon. **If the sale is set aside for any reason, the purchaser at the sale shall be entitled only to a return of the deposit paid. The purchaser shall have no further recourse against the Mortgagor, the Mortgagee or the Mortgagee’s attorney. The judgment sought to be satisfied by the sale is: “APPROXIMATELY” $38,482.27 TWENTY PERCENT DEPOSIT REQUIRED SURPLUS MONEY: If after the sale and satisfaction of the mortgage debt, including costs and expenses, there remains any surplus money, the money will be deposited into the Superior Court Trust Fund and any person claiming the surplus, or any part thereof, may file a motion pursuant to Court Rules 4:64-3 and 4:57-2 stating the nature and extent of that person’s claim and asking for an order directing payment of the surplus money. The Sheriff or other person conducting the sale will have information regarding the surplus, if any. Note: The sheriff reserves the right to adjourn this sale for any length of time without further advertisement. Seized as the property of: JONATHAN ORTIZ, ET AL, and taken in execution of PHH MORTGAGE CORPORATION CHARLES H. BILLINGHAM SHERIFF Sheriff’s Number: 14006352 DATED: 01/20/2015, 01/27/2015, 02/03/2015, 02/10/2015 PHELAN HALLINAN & DIAMOND P.C. 400 FELLOWSHIP ROAD, SUITE 100 MT. LAUREL, NJ 08054 $172.80
Aileen Connolly o email a: aileenc@aldianews.com SHERIFF’S SALE
By virtue of a Writ of execution, to me directed, issued out of the SUPERIOR COURT OF NEW JERSEY CHANCERY DIVISION, CAMDEN COUNTY, DOCKET NO. F01362514 at Public Venue on WEDNESDAY the 11TH Day of FEBRUARY, 2015 A.D. at 12 o’clock, LOCAL TIME, noon of said day, at the SHERIFF’S OFFICE in the COURT HOUSE, 520 Market St., 2nd Floor, Suite 202, in City and County of Camden and State of New Jersey: Property to be sold is located in the City of Camden, County of Camden, State of New Jersey. Premises commonly known as: 1410 Roanoke Road, Camden, NJ 08104-2955 Being Tax Lot: 35 Block: 700 on the Official Tax Map of the City of Camden Dimensions approximately: 33.00 ft. x 60.11 ft. x 33.00 ft. x 60.11 ft Nearest Cross Street: N. Merrimac Rd. The Sheriff hereby reserves the right to adjourn this sale without further notice through publication. *Subject to any unpaid taxes, municipal liens or other charges, and any such taxes, charges, liens, insurance premiums or other advances made by plaintiff prior to this sale. All interested parties are to conduct and rely upon their own independent investigation to ascertain whether or not any outstanding interest remain of record and/or have priority over the lien being foreclosed and, if so the current amount due thereon. **If the sale is set aside for any reason, the purchaser at the sale shall be entitled only to a return of the deposit paid. The purchaser shall have no further recourse against the Mortgagor, the Mortgagee or the Mortgagee’s attorney. The judgment sought to be satisfied by the sale is: “APPROXIMATELY” $120,748.34 TWENTY PERCENT DEPOSIT REQUIRED SURPLUS MONEY: If after the sale and satisfaction of the mortgage debt, including costs and expenses, there remains any surplus money, the money will be deposited into the Superior Court Trust Fund and any person claiming the surplus, or any part thereof, may file a motion pursuant to Court Rules 4:64-3 and 4:57-2 stating the nature and extent of that person’s claim and asking for an order directing payment of the surplus money. The Sheriff or other person conducting the sale will have information regarding the surplus, if any. Note: The sheriff reserves the right to adjourn this sale for any length of time without further advertisement. Seized as the property of: AKWELI PARKER, ET AL, and taken in execution of BANK OF AMERICA, N.A. CHARLES H. BILLINGHAM SHERIFF Sheriff’s Number: 14006381 DATED: 01/20/2015, 01/27/2015, 02/03/2015, 02/10/2015 PHELAN HALLINAN & DIAMOND P.C. 400 FELLOWSHIP ROAD, SUITE 100 MT. LAUREL, NJ 08054 $172.80
Estamos a su servicio DEADLINE: FRIDAY / VIERNES A 5:00 P.M.
By virtue of a Writ of execution, to me directed, issued out of the SUPERIOR COURT OF NEW JERSEY CHANCERY DIVISION, CAMDEN COUNTY, DOCKET NO. F02217312 at Public Venue on WEDNESDAY the 4TH Day of MARCH, 2015 A.D. at 12 o’clock, LOCAL TIME, noon of said day, at the SHERIFF’S OFFICE in the COURT HOUSE, 520 Market St., 2nd Floor, Suite 202, in City and County of Camden and State of New Jersey: Property to be sold is located in the Township of Pennsauken, County of Camden, State of New Jersey. Premises commonly known as: 6031 Upsal Street, Pennsauken, NJ 08110-1727 Being Tax Lot: 4 (fka 2.J), Block: 4922 (fka 85) Dimensions approximately: 40 x 115 Nearest Cross Street: Horner Avenue Subject to any open taxes, water/sewer, municipal or tax liens that may be due. Subject to Tax and prior lien info: At the time of publication taxes/sewer/water was not available - you must check with tax collector for exact amounts due. Subject to Prior Mortgages and Judgments (if any): Subject to the extended right of redemption extended to the United States of America. The plaintiff has obtained a letter of indemnification which will insure the successful bidder at sale in respect to: Mortgage recorded August 31, 1999, in the amount of $42,899.99 Mortgage recorded July 3, 2002, in the amount of $91,800.00 The judgment sought to be satisfied by the sale is: “APPROXIMATELY” $240,561.78 TWENTY PERCENT DEPOSIT REQUIRED SURPLUS MONEY: If after the sale and satisfaction of the mortgage debt, including costs and expenses, there remains any surplus money, the money will be deposited into the Superior Court Trust Fund and any person claiming the surplus, or any part thereof, may file a motion pursuant to Court Rules 4:64-3 and 4:57-2 stating the nature and extent of that person’s claim and asking for an order directing payment of the surplus money. The Sheriff or other person conducting the sale will have information regarding the surplus, if any. “The Fair Housing Act prohibits “any preference, limitation, or discrimination because of race, color, religion, sex, handicap, familial status, or national origin, or intention to make such preference, limitation or discrimination” in connection with any aspect of a residential real estate transaction. Zucker, Goldberg, and Ackerman, LLC encourages and supports the equal housing practices of the Fair Housing Act in the conduct of its business.” Note: The sheriff reserves the right to adjourn this sale for any length of time without further advertisement. Seized as the property of: GEORGINA M. POLANCO, ET AL, and taken in execution of WELLS FARGO BANK, N.A. CHARLES H. BILLINGHAM SHERIFF Sheriff’s Number: 15000102 DATED: 02/10/2015, 02/17/2015, 02/24/2015, 03/03/2015 ZUCKER, GOLDBERG & ACKERMAN, LLC 200 SHEFFIELD STREET SUITE 301 P.O. BOX 1024, MOUNTAINSIDE, NJ 07092 Phone #(908) 233-8500 File #XFZ-127091-R2 $201.60
With the click of a toggle, you will be able to choose which language to view the website. You will be able to access all of our content in both Spanish and English.
ALDÍANews.com « FEBRERO 8 - 14, 2015 « AL DÍA « CLASIFICADOS « 25
By virtue of a Writ of execution, to me directed, issued out of the SUPERIOR COURT OF NEW JERSEY CHANCERY DIVISION, CAMDEN COUNTY, DOCKET NO. F00213112 at Public Venue on WEDNESDAY the 4TH Day of MARCH, 2015 A.D. at 12 o’clock, LOCAL TIME, noon of said day, at the SHERIFF’S OFFICE in the COURT HOUSE, 520 Market St., 2nd Floor, Suite 202, in City and County of Camden and State of New Jersey: Property to be sold is located in the Township of Winslow, County of Camden, State of New Jersey. Premises commonly known as: 31 Rosalind Circle, Winslow Township, NJ 08081, with a mailing address of 31 Rosalind Circle, Sicklerville, NJ 08081 Being Tax Lot: 29; Block: 403.03 Dimensions approximately: 85.73’ x 169.44’ x 29.42’ x 63.65’ x 150’ Nearest Cross Street: Touchstone Court The Sheriff hereby reserves the right to adjourn this sale without further notice through publication. The judgment sought to be satisfied by the sale is: “APPROXIMATELY” $368,983.50 TWENTY PERCENT DEPOSIT REQUIRED SURPLUS MONEY: If after the sale and satisfaction of the mortgage debt, including costs and expenses, there remains any surplus money, the money will be deposited into the Superior Court Trust Fund and any person claiming the surplus, or any part thereof, may file a motion pursuant to Court Rules 4:64-3 and 4:57-2 stating the nature and extent of that person’s claim and asking for an order directing payment of the surplus money. The Sheriff or other person conducting the sale will have information regarding the surplus, if any. Note: The sheriff reserves the right to adjourn this sale for any length of time without further advertisement. Seized as the property of: FELICE DIXON AND SEAN L. BRONNER, ET ALS, and taken in execution of NEW JERSEY HOUSING AND MORTGAGE FINANCE AGENCY CHARLES H. BILLINGHAM SHERIFF Sheriff’s Number: 15000388 DATED: 02/10/2015, 02/17/2015, 02/24/2015, 03/03/2015 PLUESE BECKER & SALTZMAN 20000 HORIZON WAY SUIT 900, MT. LAUREL, NJ 08054 $141.12
By virtue of a Writ of execution, to me directed, issued out of the SUPERIOR COURT OF NEW JERSEY LAW DIVISION, CAMDEN COUNTY, DOCKET NO. F00396813 at Public Venue on WEDNESDAY the 18th Day of FEBRUARY, 2015 A.D. at 12 o’clock, LOCAL TIME, noon of said day, at the SHERIFF’S OFFICE in the COURT HOUSE, 520 Market St., 2nd Floor, Suite 202, in City and County of Camden and State of New Jersey: Property to be sold is located in the City of Camden, County of Camden, State of New Jersey Premises commonly known as: 1224 Liberty Street, Camden, NJ 07104 Being Tax Lot: 13, Block: 1321 Dimensions approximately: 20 feet x 100 feet Nearest Cross Street: Haddon Avenue The judgment sought to be satisfied by the sale is: “APPROXIMATELY” $53,153.20 TWENTY PERCENT DEPOSIT REQUIRED SURPLUS MONEY: If after the sale and satisfaction of the mortgage debt, including costs and expenses, there remains any surplus money, the money will be deposited into the Superior Court Trust Fund and any person claiming the surplus, or any part thereof, may file a motion pursuant to Court Rules 4:64-3 and 4:57-2 stating the nature and extent of that person’s claim and asking for an order directing payment of the surplus money. The Sheriff or other person conducting the sale will have information regarding the surplus, if any. Note: The sheriff reserves the right to adjourn this sale for any length of time without further advertisement. Seized as the property of: YAMELI COFFIGNY and taken in execution of ESB-MH-HOLDINGS, LLC CHARLES H. BILLINGHAM SHERIFF Sheriff’s Number: 14006629 DATED: 01/27/2015, 02/03/2015, 02/10/2015, 02/17/2015 KLEHR, HARRISON, HARVEY, BRANZBURG & ELLERS LLP 457 HADDONFIELD ROAD SUITE 510, CHERRY HILL, NJ 08002 $126.72
By virtue of a Writ of execution, to me directed, issued out of the SUPERIOR COURT OF NEW JERSEY CHANCERY DIVISION, CAMDEN COUNTY, DOCKET NO. F04419213 at Public Venue on WEDNESDAY the 11TH Day of FEBRUARY, 2015 A.D. at 12 o’clock, LOCAL TIME, noon of said day, at the SHERIFF’S OFFICE in the COURT HOUSE, 520 Market St., 2nd Floor, Suite 202, in City and County of Camden and State of New Jersey: Property to be sold is located in the Township of Pennsauken, County of Camden, State of New Jersey. Premises commonly known as: 7665 Rudderow Avenue, Pennsauken, NJ 08109 Being Tax Lot: 5; Block: 4205 Dimensions approximately: 50 x 125 Nearest Cross Street: Manor Avenue The Sheriff hereby reserves the right to adjourn this sale without further notice through publication. The judgment sought to be satisfied by the sale is: “APPROXIMATELY” $150,115.18 TWENTY PERCENT DEPOSIT REQUIRED SURPLUS MONEY: If after the sale and satisfaction of the mortgage debt, including costs and expenses, there remains any surplus money, the money will be deposited into the Superior Court Trust Fund and any person claiming the surplus, or any part thereof, may file a motion pursuant to Court Rules 4:64-3 and 4:57-2 stating the nature and extent of that person’s claim and asking for an order directing payment of the surplus money. The Sheriff or other person conducting the sale will have information regarding the surplus, if any. Note: The sheriff reserves the right to adjourn this sale for any length of time without further advertisement. Seized as the property of: DONNA M. ZUBER, and taken in execution of NATIONSTARMORTGAGE LLC CHARLES H. BILLINGHAM SHERIFF Sheriff’s Number: 14006397 DATED: 01/20/2015, 01/27/2015, 02/03/2015, 02/10/2015 POWERS KIRN, LLC 728 MARNE HIGHWAY, SUITE 200 MOORESTOWN, NJ 08057 $129.60
By virtue of a Writ of execution, to me directed, issued out of the SUPERIOR COURT OF NEW JERSEY CHANCERY DIVISION, CAMDEN COUNTY, DOCKET NO. F001748814 at Public Venue on WEDNESDAY the 18th Day of FEBRUARY, 2014 A.D. at 12 o’clock, LOCAL TIME, noon of said day, at the SHERIFF’S OFFICE in the COURT HOUSE, 520 Market St., 2nd Floor, Suite 202, in City and County of Camden and State of New Jersey: Property to be sold is located in the City of Camden, County of Camden, State of New Jersey. Premises commonly known as: 1806 S. 4th Street, Camden, NJ Being Tax Lot: 46, Block 480 Dimensions approximately: 14 feet by 100 Nearest Cross Street: Emerald Street The judgment sought to be satisfied by the sale is: “APPROXIMATELY” $53,147.59 TWENTY PERCENT DEPOSIT REQUIRED SURPLUS MONEY: If after the sale and satisfaction of the mortgage debt, including costs and expenses, there remains any surplus money, the money will be deposited into the Superior Court Trust Fund and any person claiming the surplus, or any part thereof, may file a motion pursuant to Court Rules 4:64-3 and 4:57-2 stating the nature and extent of that person’s claim and asking for an order directing payment of the surplus money. The Sheriff or other person conducting the sale will have information regarding the surplus, if any. Note: The sheriff reserves the right to adjourn this sale for any length of time without further advertisement. Seized as the property of: TAKEEA L. CARTER, and taken in execution of SUSQUEHANNA BANK, F/K/A SUSQUEHANNA PATRIOT BANK CHARLES H. BILLINGHAM SHERIFF Sheriff’s Number: 14006468 DATED: 01/27/2015, 02/03/2015, 02/10/2015, 02/17/2015 EISNER AND FOWLER 76 E. EUCLID AVENUE SUITE 101, HADDONFIELD, NJ 08033 $126.72
Aileen Connolly o email a: aileenc@aldianews.com SHERIFF’S SALE
By virtue of a Writ of execution, to me directed, issued out of the SUPERIOR COURT OF NEW JERSEY CHANCERY DIVISION, CAMDEN COUNTY, DOCKET NO. F5352809 at Public Venue on WEDNESDAY the 11th Day of FEBRUARY, 2015 A.D. at 12 o’clock, LOCAL TIME, noon of said day, at the SHERIFF’S OFFICE in the COURT HOUSE, 520 Market St., 2nd Floor, Suite 202, in City and County of Camden and State of New Jersey: Property to be sold is located in the City of Camden, County of Camden, State of New Jersey. Premises commonly known as: 304 North 36th Street, Camden, NJ 08110 Being Tax Lot: 11, Block: 1016 Dimensions approximately: 34 feet wide by 92 feet long (irregular) Nearest Cross Street: Westfield Avenue The Sheriff hereby reserves the right to adjourn this sale without further notice through publication. The judgment sought to be satisfied by the sale is: “APPROXIMATELY” $156,564.30 TWENTY PERCENT DEPOSIT REQUIRED SURPLUS MONEY: If after the sale and satisfaction of the mortgage debt, including costs and expenses, there remains any surplus money, the money will be deposited into the Superior Court Trust Fund and any person claiming the surplus, or any part thereof, may file a motion pursuant to Court Rules 4:64-3 and 4:57-2 stating the nature and extent of that person’s claim and asking for an order directing payment of the surplus money. The Sheriff or other person conducting the sale will have information regarding the surplus, if any. Note: The sheriff reserves the right to adjourn this sale for any length of time without further advertisement. Seized as the property of: JOSE SANDOVAL, and taken in execution of PNC BANK NATIONAL ASSOCIATION CHARLES H. BILLINGHAM SHERIFF Sheriff’s Number: 14006442 DATED: 01/20/2015, 01/27/2015, 02/03/2015, 02/10/2015 FRANK J. MARTONE 1455 BROAD STREET, BLOOMFIELD, NJ 07003 $129.60
CITY OF PHILADELPHIA PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE The Committee on Licenses and Inspections of the Council of the City of Philadelphia will hold a Public Hearing on Thursday, February 12, 2015, at 3:00 PM, in Room 400, City Hall, to hear testimony on the following items: 130253 An Ordinance amending Title 9 of The Philadelphia Code, entitled “Regulation of Businesses, Trades and Professions,” by adding a section requiring a license for the placement of drop-off bins intended to receive donations of clothing and household items and establishing maintenance requirements in connection with such bins, all under certain terms and conditions. 140944 An Ordinance amending Subcode “A” of Title 4 of The Philadelphia Code, entitled “The Philadelphia Administrative Code,” by amending Section A-907, entitled “Zoning Fees,” by revising certain zoning fees for family and group day cares, under certain terms and conditions. 150008 An Ordinance amending Subcode “A” of Title 4 of The Philadelphia Code, entitled “The Philadelphia Administrative Code,” as it has been amended by Bill No. 140856, by amending Chapter 9, entitled “Fees,” by revising the fees for licenses issued under Chapter 9-3900 of The Philadelphia Code, entitled “Property Licenses and Owner Accountability,” under certain terms and conditions. Immediately following the public hearing, a meeting of the Committee on Licenses and Inspections, open to the public, will be held to consider the action to be taken on the above listed items. Copies of the foregoing items are available in the Office of the Chief Clerk of the Council, Room 402, City Hall. Michael A. Decker Chief Clerk
26 » CLASIFICADOS » AL DÍA » FEBRERO 8 - 14, 2015 » ALDÍANews.com
By virtue of a Writ of execution, to me directed, issued out of the SUPERIOR COURT OF NEW JERSEY CHANCERY DIVISION, CAMDEN COUNTY, DOCKET NO. F3230610 AT Public Venue on WEDNESDAY the 4th Day of MARCH, 2015 A.D. at 12 o’clock, LOCAL TIME, noon of said day, at the SHERIFF’S OFFICE in the COURT HOUSE, 520 Market St., 2nd Floor, Suite 202, in City and County of Camden and State of New Jersey: Beginning at a point in the northeasterly line of Yale Road, distant 414.00 feet southeastwardly from the easterly corner of Yale and Cornell Roads, said point being in the division line between Lots Nos. 5 and 6, Block H, on the Plan hereinafter mentioned; thence 1. South 48 degrees 17 minutes 21 seconds East along the northeasterly line of Yale Road, 103.50 feet to a point in the southeasterly boundary line of said plan; thence 1. North 41 degrees 42 minutes 39 seconds East along said boundary line and crossing the Township line between Winslow and Waterford Townships; 145.00 feet to a point in the northeasterly boundary line of the Plaan of Section 5 and in the northeasterly line of 30.00 feet wide utility and drainage easement; thence 1. North 48 degrees 17 minutes 21 seconds West along said last mentioned division line and recrossing the said Township line, 145.00 feet to the point of Beginning. For information purposes only: Premises described herein is designated as Lot 5, Block 2407 on the Tax Map of the Township of Winslow County of Camden, State of New Jersey Street Address: 15 Yale Road, Atco, New Jersey 08004 Being Lot 5, Block H, Iveystone Farms, Inc. Section 5 100 feet from Fifth Avenue The judgment sought to be satisfied by the sale is: “APPROXIMATELY” $221,165.51 TWENTY PERCENT DEPOSIT REQUIRED SURPLUS MONEY: If after the sale and satisfaction of the mortgage debt, including costs and expenses, there remains any surplus money, the money will be deposited into the Superior Court Trust Fund and any person claiming the surplus, or any part thereof, may file a motion pursuant to Court Rules 4:64-3 and 4:57-2 stating the nature and extent of that person’s claim and asking for an order directing payment of the surplus money. The Sheriff or other person conducting the sale will have information regarding the surplus, if any. Note: The sheriff reserves the right to adjourn this sale for any length of time without further advertisement. Seized as the property of: WILBERT C. FOUNTAIN, and taken in execution of TRIUMPH SAVINGS BANK, SSB CHARLES H. BILLINGHAM SHERIFF Sheriff’s Number: 15000160 DATED: 02/10/2015, 02/17/2015, 02/24/2015, 03/03/2015 DINSMORE & SHOHL LLP 1200 LIBERTY RIDGE DRIVE SUITE 310, WAYNE, PA 19087 $172.80
By virtue of a Writ of execution, to me directed, issued out of the SUPERIOR COURT OF NEW JERSEY CHANCERY DIVISION, CAMDEN COUNTY, DOCKET NO. F01875013 at Public Venue on WEDNESDAY the 25TH Day of FEBRUARY, 2015 A.D. at 12 o’clock, LOCAL TIME, noon of said day, at the SHERIFF’S OFFICE in the COURT HOUSE, 520 Market St., 2nd Floor, Suite 202, in City and County of Camden and State of New Jersey: Property to be sold is located in the Township of Winslow, County of Camden, State of New Jersey. Premises commonly known as: 438 S. Egg Harbor Rd., Hammonton, NJ 08037 Being Tax Lot: 12 Block: 6904 on the official Tax Map of the Township of Winslow Dimensions approximately: 1371.83 ft x 158.8 ft x 1389.8 ft x 157.8 ft Nearest Cross Street: Garden Road The Sheriff hereby reserves the right to adjourn this sale without further notice through publication. *Subject to any unpaid taxes, municipal liens or other charges, and any such taxes, charges, liens, insurance premiums or other advances made by plaintiff prior to this sale. All interested parties are to conduct and rely upon their own independent investigation to ascertain whether or not any outstanding interest remain of record and/or have priority over the lien being foreclosed and, if so the current amount due thereon. **If the sale is set aside for any reason, the purchaser at the sale shall be entitled only to a return of the deposit paid. The purchaser shall have no further recourse against the Mortgagor, the Mortgagee or the Mortgagee’s attorney. The judgment sought to be satisfied by the sale is: “APPROXIMATELY” $435,114.23 TWENTY PERCENT DEPOSIT REQUIRED SURPLUS MONEY: If after the sale and satisfaction of the mortgage debt, including costs and expenses, there remains any surplus money, the money will be deposited into the Superior Court Trust Fund and any person claiming the surplus, or any part thereof, may file a motion pursuant to Court Rules 4:64-3 and 4:57-2 stating the nature and extent of that person’s claim and asking for an order directing payment of the surplus money. The Sheriff or other person conducting the sale will have information regarding the surplus, if any. Note: The sheriff reserves the right to adjourn this sale for any length of time without further advertisement. Seized as the property of: DOUGLAS C. MINERVA, ET AL, and taken in execution of HUDSON CITY SAVINGS BANK CHARLES H. BILLINGHAM SHERIFF Sheriff’s Number: 15000085 DATED: 02/03/2015, 02/10/2015, 02/17/2015, 02/24/2015 PHELAN HALLINAN & DIAMOND P.C. 400 FELLOWSHIP ROAD, SUITE 100 MT. LAUREL, NJ 08054 $172.80
By virtue of a Writ of execution, to me directed, issued out of the SUPERIOR COURT OF NEW JERSEY CHANCERY DIVISION, CAMDEN COUNTY, DOCKET NO. F1329006 at Public Venue on WEDNESDAY the 25TH Day of FEBRUARY, 2015 A.D. at 12 o’clock, LOCAL TIME, noon of said day, at the SHERIFF’S OFFICE in the COURT HOUSE, 520 Market St., 2nd Floor, Suite 202, in City and County of Camden and State of New Jersey: Property to be sold is located in the Township of Winslow, County of Camden, State of New Jersey. Premises commonly known as: 60 Brookshire Road, Sicklerville, NJ 08081 Being Tax Lot: 63 Block: 17003 on the official Tax Map of the Township of Winslow Dimensions approximately: 25 ft x 100.55 ft x 25 ft x 100.55 ft Nearest Cross Street: Edinshire Road The Sheriff hereby reserves the right to adjourn this sale without further notice through publication. *Subject to any unpaid taxes, municipal liens or other charges, and any such taxes, charges, liens, insurance premiums or other advances made by plaintiff prior to this sale. All interested parties are to conduct and rely upon their own independent investigation to ascertain whether or not any outstanding interest remain of record and/or have priority over the lien being foreclosed and, if so the current amount due thereon. **If the sale is set aside for any reason, the purchaser at the sale shall be entitled only to a return of the deposit paid. The purchaser shall have no further recourse against the Mortgagor, the Mortgagee or the Mortgagee’s attorney. The judgment sought to be satisfied by the sale is: “APPROXIMATELY” $142,025.98 TWENTY PERCENT DEPOSIT REQUIRED SURPLUS MONEY: If after the sale and satisfaction of the mortgage debt, including costs and expenses, there remains any surplus money, the money will be deposited into the Superior Court Trust Fund and any person claiming the surplus, or any part thereof, may file a motion pursuant to Court Rules 4:64-3 and 4:57-2 stating the nature and extent of that person’s claim and asking for an order directing payment of the surplus money. The Sheriff or other person conducting the sale will have information regarding the surplus, if any. Note: The sheriff reserves the right to adjourn this sale for any length of time without further advertisement. Seized as the property of: SHARYN L. LINDEN, ET AL, and taken in execution of PHH MORTGAGE CORPORATION CHARLES H. BILLINGHAM SHERIFF Sheriff’s Number: 15000082 DATED: 02/03/2015, 02/10/2015, 02/17/2015, 02/24/2015 PHELAN HALLINAN & DIAMOND P.C. 400 FELLOWSHIP ROAD, SUITE 100 MT. LAUREL, NJ 08054 $172.80
Aileen Connolly o email a: aileenc@aldianews.com SHERIFF’S SALE
By virtue of a Writ of execution, to me directed, issued out of the SUPERIOR COURT OF NEW JERSEY CHANCERY DIVISION, CAMDEN COUNTY, DOCKET NO. F01012614 at Public Venue on WEDNESDAY the 25TH Day of FEBRUARY, 2015 A.D. at 12 o’clock, LOCAL TIME, noon of said day, at the SHERIFF’S OFFICE in the COURT HOUSE, 520 Market St., 2nd Floor, Suite 202, in City and County of Camden and State of New Jersey: Property to be sold is located in the Township of Pennsauken, County of Camden, State of New Jersey. Premises commonly known as: 405 Barrows Road, Pennsauken, NJ 08110-2477 Being Tax Lot: 3 Block: 1601 Dimensions approximately: 100 x 50 Nearest Cross Street: Barrows Road Subject to any open taxes, water/sewer, municipal or tax liens that may be due. Subject to Tax and prio lien info: At the time of publication taxes/sewer water information was not available. You must check with tax collector for exact amounts due. The judgment sought to be satisfied by the sale is: “APPROXIMATELY” $127,700.75 TWENTY PERCENT DEPOSIT REQUIRED SURPLUS MONEY: If after the sale and satisfaction of the mortgage debt, including costs and expenses, there remains any surplus money, the money will be deposited into the Superior Court Trust Fund and any person claiming the surplus, or any part thereof, may file a motion pursuant to Court Rules 4:64-3 and 4:57-2 stating the nature and extent of that person’s claim and asking for an order directing payment of the surplus money. The Sheriff or other person conducting the sale will have information regarding the surplus, if any. “The Fair Housing Act prohibits “any preference, limitation, or discrimination because of race, color, religion, sex, handicap, familial status, or national origin, or intention to make such preference, limitation or discrimination” in connection with any aspect of a residential real estate transaction. Zucker, Goldberg, and Ackerman, LLC encourages and supports the equal housing practices of the Fair Housing Act in the conduct of its business.” Note: The sheriff reserves the right to adjourn this sale for any length of time without further advertisement. Seized as the property of: ARTHUR B. FERRER, ET AL, and taken in execution of WELLS FARGO BANK, N.A. CHARLES H. BILLINGHAM SHERIFF Sheriff’s Number: 15000061 DATED: 02/03/2015, 02/10/2015, 02/17/2015, 02/24/2015 ZUCKER, GOLDBERG & ACKERMAN, LLC 200 SHEFFIELD STREET SUITE 301 P.O. BOX 1024, MOUNTAINSIDE, NJ 07092 Phone #(908) 233-8500 File #XFZ-187896 $172.80
By virtue of a Writ of execution, to me directed, issued out of the SUPERIOR COURT OF NEW JERSEY CHANCERY DIVISION, CAMDEN COUNTY, DOCKET NO. F4502709 at Public Venue on WEDNESDAY the 4TH Day of MARCH, 2015 A.D. at 12 o’clock, LOCAL TIME, noon of said day, at the SHERIFF’S OFFICE in the COURT HOUSE, 520 Market St., 2nd Floor, Suite 202, in City and County of Camden and State of New Jersey: Property to be sold is located in the City of Camden, County of Camden, State of New Jersey. Premises commonly known as: 1046 Haddon Ave., Camden, NJ 08103 Being Tax Lot: 32, Block: 1286 Dimensions approximately: 14 x 80 Nearest Cross Street: Park Blvd. BEGINNING at a point in the northeasterly line of Haddon Avenue distant three hundred and twenty-six feet, nine and one quarter inches southeast from the southeast corner of Haddon Avenue and Walnut Street said point being in the extended middle line of the property wall between the premises Nos. 1044 and 1048 Haddon Avenue; thence northeast between parallel lines of that width or frontage at right angles to Haddon Avenue eighty feet in length or depth to the northeast line of a certain two feet six inches wide alley in the rear. Together with and subject to the free and uninterrupted use, right, liberty and privilege in common with others bordering thereon of said two feet and six inches wide alley forever. THE SHERIFF HEREBY RESERVES THE RIGHT TO ADJOURN THIS SALE WITHOUT FURTHER NOTICE THROUGH PUBLICATION. PRIOR LIENS/ENCUMBRANCES CCMUA OPEN PLUS PENALTY - $829.21 2014 3RD PARTY TAX, PSA SEWER, CCMUA LIEN SOLD ON 06/23/2014 CERT NO. 14-02676 - $2,715.24 TOTAL AS OF December 10, 2014: $3,544.45 The judgment sought to be satisfied by the sale is: “APPROXIMATELY” $62,411.02 TWENTY PERCENT DEPOSIT REQUIRED SURPLUS MONEY: If after the sale and satisfaction of the mortgage debt, including costs and expenses, there remains any surplus money, the money will be deposited into the Superior Court Trust Fund and any person claiming the surplus, or any part thereof, may file a motion pursuant to Court Rules 4:64-3 and 4:57-2 stating the nature and extent of that person’s claim and asking for an order directing payment of the surplus money. The Sheriff or other person conducting the sale will have information regarding the surplus, if any. Note: The sheriff reserves the right to adjourn this sale for any length of time without further advertisement. Seized as the property of: KEVIN BAYLOR, ET ALS, and taken in execution of JP MORGAN CHASE BANK, N.A. CHARLES H. BILLINGHAM SHERIFF Sheriff’s Number: 15000202 DATED: 02/10/2015, 02/17/2015, 02/24/2015, 03/03/2015 FEIN, SUCH, KAHN & SHEPARD, P.C. 7 CENTURY DRIVE, SUITE 201 PARSIPPANY, NJ 07054 $184.32
ALDÍANews.com « FEBRERO 8 - 14, 2015 « AL DÍA « CLASIFICADOS « 27
By virtue of a Writ of execution, to me directed, issued out of the SUPERIOR COURT OF NEW JERSEY CHANCERY DIVISION, CAMDEN COUNTY, DOCKET NO. F870412 at Public Venue on WEDNESDAY the 25TH Day of FEBRUARY, 2015 A.D. at 12 o’clock, LOCAL TIME, noon of said day, at the SHERIFF’S OFFICE in the COURT HOUSE, 520 Market St., 2nd Floor, Suite 202, in City and County of Camden and State of New Jersey: Property to be sold is located in the City of Camden, County of Camden, State of New Jersey. Premises commonly known as: 1250 Dayton Street, Camden, NJ 08104 Being Tax Lot: 8, Block: 1370 Dimensions approximately: 18 x 130 Nearest Cross Street: Mount Ephraim Ave. Tract #1. Beginning in the southerly line of Dayton Street in the extended middle line of the party wall between premises 1250 and 1252 Dayton Street, 369.35 feet westwardly from the southwesterly corner of Dayton and Norris streets; thence westwardly along the southerly line of Dayton Street 18.04 feet to the extended middle line of the party wall between premises 1248 and 1150 Dayton Street; thence THE SHERIFF HEREBY RESERVES THE RIGHT TO ADJOURN THIS SALE WITHOUT FURTHER NOTICE THROUGH PUBLICATION. PRIOR LIENS/ENCUMBRANCES WATER OPEN PLUS PENALTY - $122.89 CCMUA OPEN PLUS PENALTY - $156.75 TOTAL AS OF NOVEMBER 20, 2014: $279.64 The judgment sought to be satisfied by the sale is: “APPROXIMATELY” $67,379.80 TWENTY PERCENT DEPOSIT REQUIRED SURPLUS MONEY: If after the sale and satisfaction of the mortgage debt, including costs and expenses, there remains any surplus money, the money will be deposited into the Superior Court Trust Fund and any person claiming the surplus, or any part thereof, may file a motion pursuant to Court Rules 4:64-3 and 4:57-2 stating the nature and extent of that person’s claim and asking for an order directing payment of the surplus money. The Sheriff or other person conducting the sale will have information regarding the surplus, if any. Note: The sheriff reserves the right to adjourn this sale for any length of time without further advertisement. Seized as the property of: WILLIAM O’CONNOR, ET ALS and taken in execution of PHH MORTGAGE CORPORATION CHARLES H. BILLINGHAM SHERIFF Sheriff’s Number: 15000019 DATED: 02/03/2015, 02/10/2015, 02/17/2015, 02/24/2015 FEIN, SUCH, KAHN & SHEPARD, P.C. 7 CENTURY DRIVE, SUITE 201 PARSIPPANY, NJ 07054 $169.92
Sealed proposals will be received by the School Reform Commission at the School Administration Building located at 440 North Broad St., 3rd Floor, Suite 371, Office of Capital Programs, Philadelphia, PA 19130-4015, until 2:00 P.M., on Thursday, February 26, 2015. A non-refundable fee for each set of bid documents is as scheduled. The School District will only accept bids from companies that have been placed on its current Pre Qualified Contractors List as shown at philasd.org/capitalbids. All School District Project require MBE/WBE participation as shown in the specifications. BUDGET
$2,375,625.00 $200.00 B-001 C of 2014/15 Mechanical Contract Southwark ES Mechanical Plant 1835 S. 9th Street Installation Phila PA 19148 B-002 C of 2014/15 Electrical Contract Mechanical Plant Installation
Southwark ES $248,304.00 1835 S. 9th Street Phila PA 19148
*A pre-bid conference and site tour will be held at the project location, on Thursday, February 12, 2015 at 1:30 p.m.
Call 215 789 6976
Specifications and/or plans and contract documents may be examined and copies thereof obtained from the School Reform Commission, 440 North Broad Street, 3rd floor, Philadelphia, PA 19130.
Information as to contract documents, etc., may be obtained at the above address, or telephone 215-400-4730. Make checks payable to the School District of Philadelphia.
Estamos a su servicio
The School Reform Commission reserves the right to reject any and all bids and make the awards to the best interests of the School District of Philadelphia.
By virtue of a Writ of execution, to me directed, issued out of the SUPERIOR COURT OF NEW JERSEY CHANCERY DIVISION, CAMDEN COUNTY, DOCKET NO. F00237314 at Public Venue on WEDNESDAY the 25TH Day of FEBRUARY, 2015 A.D. at 12 o’clock, LOCAL TIME, noon of said day, at the SHERIFF’S OFFICE in the COURT HOUSE, 520 Market St., 2nd Floor, Suite 202, in City and County of Camden and State of New Jersey: Property to be sold is located in the Township of Gloucester, County of Camden, State of New Jersey. Premises commonly known as: 1511 Walnut Avenue, Blackwood, NJ 08012 Being Tax Lot: 2 Block: 5601 on the official Tax Map of the Township of Gloucester Dimensions approximately: 75.00ft x 121.90 ft Nearest Cross Street: Hilltop Avenue The Sheriff hereby reserves the right to adjourn this sale without further notice through publication. *Subject to any unpaid taxes, municipal liens or other charges, and any such taxes, charges, liens, insurance premiums or other advances made by plaintiff prior to this sale. All interested parties are to conduct and rely upon their own independent investigation to ascertain whether or not any outstanding interest remain of record and/or have priority over the lien being foreclosed and, if so the current amount due thereon. **If the sale is set aside for any reason, the purchaser at the sale shall be entitled only to a return of the deposit paid. The purchaser shall have no further recourse against the Mortgagor, the Mortgagee or the Mortgagee’s attorney. The judgment sought to be satisfied by the sale is: “APPROXIMATELY” $155,798.36 TWENTY PERCENT DEPOSIT REQUIRED SURPLUS MONEY: If after the sale and satisfaction of the mortgage debt, including costs and expenses, there remains any surplus money, the money will be deposited into the Superior Court Trust Fund and any person claiming the surplus, or any part thereof, may file a motion pursuant to Court Rules 4:64-3 and 4:57-2 stating the nature and extent of that person’sclaim and asking for an order directing payment of the surplus money. The Sheriff or other person conducting the sale will have information regarding the surplus, if any. Note: The sheriff reserves the right to adjourn this sale for any length of time without further advertisement. Seized as the property of: MARIAN DOYLE, ET AL, and taken in execution of CITIMORTGAGE, INC. CHARLES H. BILLINGHAM SHERIFF Sheriff’s Number: 15000081 DATED: 02/03/2015, 02/10/2015, 02/17/2015, 02/24/2015 PHELAN HALLINAN & DIAMOND P.C. 400 FELLOWSHIP ROAD, SUITE 100 MT. LAUREL, NJ 08054 $169.92
INVITATION FOR BIDS BY THE PHILADELPHIA GAS WORKS RFQ # 29366 Sealed bids will be received by the Philadelphia Gas Works at 800 West Montgomery Avenue, Philadelphia, PA 19122 lobby, by the Supply Chain Organization for the following: PGW is seeking bids for qualified contractors to; Enter bid details here: PGW is seeking a contractor to provide NonDestructive Radiography Testing Services. Please submit your sealed bid to provide a contract purchase order for Non-Destructive Radiography Testing Services. Bonding Is not a requirement for this project. A mandatory teleconference meeting has been scheduled for 2112115. For more Information please contact Barbara Thomas at 215-684-6674.
Aileen Connolly o email a: aileenc@aldianews.com SHERIFF’S SALE
By virtue of a Writ of execution, to me directed, issued out of the SUPERIOR COURT OF NEW JERSEY CHANCERY DIVISION, CAMDEN COUNTY, DOCKET NO. F00975114 at Public Venue on WEDNESDAY the 25TH Day of FEBRUARY, 2015 A.D. at 12 o’clock, LOCAL TIME, noon of said day, at the SHERIFF’S OFFICE in the COURT HOUSE, 520 Market St., 2nd Floor, Suite 202, in City and County of Camden and State of New Jersey: Property to be sold is located in the Borough of Stratford, County of Camden, State of New Jersey. Premises commonly known as: 23 Meadow Lark Road, Stratford, NJ 08084 Being Tax Lot: 3 Block: 97 on the official Tax Map of the Borough of Stratford Dimensions approximately: 75.00 x 110.00 Nearest Cross Street: Green Valley Road The Sheriff hereby reserves the right to adjourn this sale without further notice through publication. *Subject to any unpaid taxes, municipal liens or other charges, and any such taxes, charges, liens, insurance premiums or other advances made by plaintiff prior to this sale. All interested parties are to conduct and rely upon their own independent investigation to ascertain whether or not any outstanding interest remain of record and/or have priority over the lien being foreclosed and, if so the current amount due thereon. **If the sale is set aside for any reason, the purchaser at the sale shall be entitled only to a return of the deposit paid. The purchaser shall have no further recourse against the Mortgagor, the Mortgagee or the Mortgagee’s attorney. The judgment sought to be satisfied by the sale is: “APPROXIMATELY” $295,120.50 TWENTY PERCENT DEPOSIT REQUIRED SURPLUS MONEY: If after the sale and satisfaction of the mortgage debt, including costs and expenses, there remains any surplus money, the money will be deposited into the Superior Court Trust Fund and any person claiming the surplus, or any part thereof, may file a motion pursuant to Court Rules 4:64-3 and 4:57-2 stating the nature and extent of that person’s claim and asking for an order directing payment of the surplus money. The Sheriff or other person conducting the sale will have information regarding the surplus, if any. Note: The sheriff reserves the right to adjourn this sale for any length of time without further advertisement. Seized as the property of: BRIAN CAVANAUGH, ET AL, and taken in execution of PHH MORTGAGE CORPORATION CHARLES H. BILLINGHAM SHERIFF Sheriff’s Number: 15000073 DATED: 02/03/2015, 02/10/2015, 02/17/2015, 02/24/2015 PHELAN HALLINAN & DIAMOND P.C. 400 FELLOWSHIP ROAD, SUITE 100 MT. LAUREL, NJ 08054 $172.80
INVITATION FOR BIDS BY THE PHILADELPHIA GAS WORKS RFQ # 29368 Sealed bids will be received by the Philadelphia Gas Works at 800 West Montgomery Avenue, Philadelphia, PA 19122 lobby, by the Supply Chain Organization for the following:
MBE / WBE participation is strongly encouraged.
PGW is seeking bids for qualified contractors to; Enter bid detail, here: PGW is seeking a contractor to replace HCV Actuator, & Add Manual Loading Stations. Please submit your sealed bid to replace HCV Actuators & Add Manual Loading Stations. A mandatory meeting has been scheduled for 21121201 S. For more lnformatlon please contact Barbara Thomas 215-684-6674. All jobs will require bonding and a pre-bid meeting. An exact time, date and place for the pre-bid meeting and bid due date will be listed on the bid documents. Bid package may be obtained from the Philadelphia Gas Works, 800 West Montgomery Avenue Philadelphia, PA 19122 lobby. MBE / WBE participation is strongly encouraged.
For further information, please contact: Barbara Thomas at Tel. +1 (215) 684-6674
For further information, please contact: Barbara Thomas at Tel. +1 (215) 684-6674
All jobs will require bonding and a pre-bid meeting. An exact time, date and place for the pre-bid meeting and bid due date will be listed on the bid documents. Bid package may be obtained from the Philadelphia Gas Works, 800 West Montgomery Avenue Philadelphia, PA 19122 lobby.
28 » CLASIFICADOS » AL DÍA » FEBRERO 8 - 14, 2015 » ALDÍANews.com
By virtue of a Writ of execution, to me directed, issued out of the SUPERIOR COURT OF NEW JERSEY CHANCERY DIVISION, CAMDEN COUNTY, DOCKET NO. F03767513 at Public Venue on WEDNESDAY the 25TH Day of FEBRUARY, 2015 A.D. at 12 o’clock, LOCAL TIME, noon of said day, at the SHERIFF’S OFFICE in the COURT HOUSE, 520 Market St., 2nd Floor, Suite 202, in City and County of Camden and State of New Jersey: Property to be sold is located in the Borough of Pine Hill, County of Camden, State of New Jersey. Premises commonly known as: 126 East Branch Avenue aka 126 Branch Avenue, Pine Hill, NJ 08021-0000 Being Tax Lot: 91 aka 91, 93, 95 Block: 48 Dimensions approximately: 75 x 150 Nearest Cross Street: Pine Street Subject to any open taxes, water/sewer, municipal or tax liens that may be due. Subject to Tax and prior lien info: Taxes/sewer/water may be delinquent - You must check with tax collector for exact amounts due. Subject to Prior Mortgages and Judgments (if any): None The judgment sought to be satisfied by the sale is: “APPROXIMATELY” $175,348.95 TWENTY PERCENT DEPOSIT REQUIRED SURPLUS MONEY: If after the sale and satisfaction of the mortgage debt, including costs and expenses, there remains any surplus money, the money will be deposited into the Superior Court Trust Fund and any person claiming the surplus, or any part thereof, may file a motion pursuant to Court Rules 4:64-3 and 4:57-2 stating the nature and extent of that person’s claim and asking for an order directing payment of the surplus money. The Sheriff or other person conducting the sale will have information regarding the surplus, if any. “The Fair Housing Act prohibits “any preference, limitation, or discrimination because of race, color, religion, sex, handicap, familial status, or national origin, or intention to make such preference, limitation or discrimination” in connection with any aspect of a residential real estate transaction. Zucker, Goldberg, and Ackerman, LLC encourages and supports the equal housing practices of the Fair Housing Act in the conduct of its business.” Note: The sheriff reserves the right to adjourn this sale for any length of time without further advertisement. Seized as the property of: PAULA MCLATCHY, ET AL, and taken in execution of U.S. BANK NATIONAL ASSOCIATION CHARLES H. BILLINGHAM SHERIFF Sheriff’s Number: 15000059 DATED: 02/03/2015, 02/10/2015, 02/17/2015, 02/24/2015 ZUCKER, GOLDBERG & ACKERMAN, LLC 200 SHEFFIELD STREET SUITE 301 P.O. BOX 1024, MOUNTAINSIDE, NJ 07092 Phone #(908) 233-8500 File #XCZ-156586 $181.44
By virtue of a Writ of execution, to me directed, issued out of the SUPERIOR COURT OF NEW JERSEY CHANCERY DIVISION, CAMDEN COUNTY, DOCKET NO. F00433512 at Public Venue on WEDNESDAY the 25TH Day of FEBRUARY, 2015 A.D. at 12 o’clock, LOCAL TIME, noon of said day, at the SHERIFF’S OFFICE in the COURT HOUSE, 520 Market St., 2nd Floor, Suite 202, in City and County of Camden and State of New Jersey: Property to be sold is located in the Borough of Pine Hill, County of Camden, State of New Jersey. Premises commonly known as: 21 Adams Avenue, Pine Hill, NJ 08021 Being Tax Lot: 12 Block: 115.22 on the official Tax Map of the Borough of Pine Hill Dimensions approximately: 100.00ft x 41.00 ft x 100.00 ft x 41.00 ft Nearest Cross Street: Grand Avenue The Sheriff hereby reserves the right to adjourn this sale without further notice through publication. *Subject to any unpaid taxes, municipal liens or other charges, and any such taxes, charges, liens, insurance premiums or other advances made by plaintiff prior to this sale. All interested parties are to conduct and rely upon their own independent investigation to ascertain whether or not any outstanding interest remain of record and/or have priority over the lien being foreclosed and, if so the current amount due thereon. **If the sale is set aside for any reason, the purchaser at the sale shall be entitled only to a return of the deposit paid. The purchaser shall have no further recourse against the Mortgagor, the Mortgagee or the Mortgagee’s attorney. The judgment sought to be satisfied by the sale is: “APPROXIMATELY” $175,902.30 TWENTY PERCENT DEPOSIT REQUIRED SURPLUS MONEY: If after the sale and satisfaction of the mortgage debt, including costs and expenses, there remains any surplus money, the money will be deposited into the Superior Court Trust Fund and any person claiming the surplus, or any part thereof, may file a motion pursuant to Court Rules 4:64-3 and 4:57-2 stating the nature and extent of that person’s claim and asking for an order directing payment of the surplus money. The Sheriff or other person conducting the sale will have information regarding the surplus, if any. Note: The sheriff reserves the right to adjourn this sale for any length of time without further advertisement. Seized as the property of:LOIS KATO, ET AL, and taken in execution of SANTANDER BANK, N.A. CHARLES H. BILLINGHAM SHERIFF Sheriff’s Number: 15000072 DATED: 02/03/2015, 02/10/2015, 02/17/2015, 02/24/2015 PHELAN HALLINAN & DIAMOND P.C. 400 FELLOWSHIP ROAD, SUITE 100 MT. LAUREL, NJ 08054 $172.80
·Are you bilingual (English/Spanish)? ·Do you have a high school diploma and/or college degree? ·Are you authorized to legally work in the US? ·Do you have a valid Drivers License? ·Do you own a legally insured vehicle? ·Are you a person of good character? ·Are you available Thursday, Friday, and Saturday? ·Do you enjoy working early mornings and interacting with people?
By virtue of a Writ of execution, to me directed, issued out of the SUPERIOR COURT OF NEW JERSEY CHANCERY DIVISION, CAMDEN COUNTY, DOCKET NO. F3257410 at Public Venue on WEDNESDAY the 18TH Day of FEBRUARY, 2015 A.D. at 12 o’clock, LOCAL TIME, noon of said day, at the SHERIFF’S OFFICE in the COURT HOUSE, 520 Market St., 2nd Floor, Suite 202, in City and County of Camden and State of New Jersey: Property to be sold is located in the City of Camden, County of Camden, State of New Jersey. Premises commonly known as: 1027 North 32nd Street, Camden, NJ 08105-4221 Being Tax Lot: 86 Block: 924 on the Official Tax Map of the City of Camden Dimensions approximately: 18 ft. x 100 ft. Nearest Cross Street: River Avenue The Sheriff hereby reserves the right to adjourn this sale without further notice through publication. *Subject to any unpaid taxes, municipal liens or other charges, and any such taxes, charges, liens, insurance premiums or other advances made by plaintiff prior to this sale. All interested parties are to conduct and rely upon their own independent investigation to ascertain whether or not any outstanding interest remain of record and/or have priority over the lien being foreclosed and, if so the current amount due thereon. **If the sale is set aside for any reason, the purchaser at the sale shall be entitled only to a return of the deposit paid. The purchaser shall have no further recourse against the Mortgagor, the Mortgagee or the Mortgagee’s attorney. The judgment sought to be satisfied by the sale is: “APPROXIMATELY” $207,475.71 TWENTY PERCENT DEPOSIT REQUIRED SURPLUS MONEY: If after the sale and satisfaction of the mortgage debt, including costs and expenses, there remains any surplus money, the money will be deposited into the Superior Court Trust Fund and any person claiming the surplus, or any part thereof, may file a motion pursuant to Court Rules 4:64-3 and 4:57-2 stating the nature and extent of that person’s claim and asking for an order directing payment of the surplus money. The Sheriff or other person conducting the sale will have information regarding the surplus, if any. Note: The sheriff reserves the right to adjourn this sale for any length of time without further advertisement. Seized as the property of: LUIS A. FERNANDEZ, ET AL, and taken in execution of BANK OF AMERICA, N.A. CHARLES H. BILLINGHAM SHERIFF Sheriff’s Number: 14006461 DATED: 01/27/2015, 02/03/2015, 02/10/2015, 02/17/2015 PHELAN HALLINAN & DIAMOND P.C. 400 FELLOWSHIP ROAD, SUITE 100 MT. LAUREL, NJ 08054 $169.92
Aileen Connolly o email a: aileenc@aldianews.com SHERIFF’S SALE
By virtue of a Writ of execution, to me directed, issued out of the SUPERIOR COURT OF NEW JERSEY CHANCERY DIVISION, CAMDEN COUNTY, DOCKET NO. F04754213 at Public Venue on WEDNESDAY the 4TH Day of MARCH, 2015 A.D. at 12 o’clock, LOCAL TIME, noon of said day, at the SHERIFF’S OFFICE in the COURT HOUSE, 520 Market St., 2nd Floor, Suite 202, in City and County of Camden and State of New Jersey: Property to be sold is located in the City of Camden, County of Camden, State of New Jersey. Premises commonly known as: 909 1/2 Beideman Avenue, Camden, NJ 08105 Being Tax Lot: 77, Block: 939 Dimensions approximately: 14 x 100 Nearest Cross Street: Hayes Avenue Subject to any open taxes, water/sewer, municipal or tax liens that may be due. Subject to Tax and prior lien info: At the time of publication taxes/sewer/water was not available - you must check with tax collector for exact amounts due. Subject to Prior Mortgages and Judgments (if any): None The judgment sought to be satisfied by the sale is: “APPROXIMATELY” $25,153.34 TWENTY PERCENT DEPOSIT REQUIRED SURPLUS MONEY: If after the sale and satisfaction of the mortgage debt, including costs and expenses, there remains any surplus money, the money will be deposited into the Superior Court Trust Fund and any person claiming the surplus, or any part thereof, may file a motion pursuant to Court Rules 4:64-3 and 4:57-2 stating the nature and extent of that person’s claim and asking for an order directing payment of the surplus money. The Sheriff or other person conducting the sale will have information regarding the surplus, if any. “The Fair Housing Act prohibits “any preference, limitation, or discrimination because of race, color, religion, sex, handicap, familial status, or national origin, or intention to make such preference, limitation or discrimination” in connection with any aspect of a residential real estate transaction. Zucker, Goldberg, and Ackerman,LLC encourages and supports the equal housing practices of the Fair Housing Act in the conduct of its business.” Note: The sheriff reserves the right to adjourn this sale for any length of time without further advertisement. Seized as the property of: COLEEN SNYDER NKA COLEEN LEE, ET AL, and taken in execution of WELLS FARGO BANK, N.A. CHARLES H. BILLINGHAM SHERIFF Sheriff’s Number: 15000106 DATED: 02/10/2015, 02/17/2015, 02/24/2015, 03/03/2015 ZUCKER, GOLDBERG & ACKERMAN, LLC 200 SHEFFIELD STREET SUITE 301 P.O. BOX 1024, MOUNTAINSIDE, NJ 07092 Phone #(908) 233-8500 File #XFZ-174330 $181.44
Con el periódico en español de más prestigio en la región Si ha contestado con un ‘SÍ’ a todas estas preguntas, llámenos al número 267-535-1252 o escríbanos por correo electrónico a la dirección distribution@aldianews.com para concertar una entrevista. EOE (AL DIA is an Equal Opportunity Employer)
By virtue of a Writ of execution, to me directed, issued out of the SUPERIOR COURT OF NEW JERSEY CHANCERY DIVISION, CAMDEN COUNTY, DOCKET NO. F01480512 at Public Venue on WEDNESDAY the 18th Day of FEBRUARY, 2015 A.D. at 12 o’clock, LOCAL TIME, noon of said day, at the SHERIFF’S OFFICE in the COURT HOUSE, 520 Market St., 2nd Floor, Suite 202, in City and County of Camden and State of New Jersey: Property to be sold is located in the City of Camden, County of Camden, State of New Jersey. Premises commonly known as: 3177 Merriel Avenue, Camden, NJ 08105 Being Tax Lot: 52, Block: 1022 Dimensions approximately: 16 feet x 75 feet Nearest Cross Street: 32nd Street A FULL LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF THE PREMISES CAN BE FOUND IN THE OFFICE OF THE SHERIFF OF CAMDEN COUNTY. The sale is subject to unpaid taxes and assessments, tax, water and sewer liens and other municipal assessments. The amount due can be obtained from the local taxing authority. Pursuant to NJSA 46:8B-21 the sale may also be subject to the limited lien priority of any Condominium/Home -owner association liens which may exist. All interested parties are to conduct and rely upon their own independent investigation to ascertain whether or not any outstanding interest remain of record and/or have priority over the lien being foreclosed and, if so the current amount due thereon.**If the sale is set aside for any reason, the purchaser at the sale shall be entitled only to a return of the deposit paid. The purchaser shall have no further recourse against the mortgagee or the mortgagee’s attorney.** ADDITIONAL REQUIREMENTS: Purchaser must certify that Purchaser is not employed by the Toronto-Dominion Bank, or any of its subsidiaries or affiliated corporations (the “Bank”), nor is purchaser related in any way with solicitors or agents retained by or on behalf of the Bank in relation to the property that is the subject of this transaction and confirming that Purchaser is dealing at arm’s length with the aforementioned parties. The judgment sought to be satisfied by the sale is: “APPROXIMATELY” $44,719.96 TWENTY PERCENT DEPOSIT REQUIRED SURPLUS MONEY: If after the sale and satisfaction of the mortgage debt, including costs and expenses, there remains any surplus money, the money will be deposited into the Superior Court Trust Fund and any person claiming the surplus, or any part thereof, may file a motion pursuant to Court Rules 4:64-3 and 5:57-2 stating the nature and extent of that person’s claim and asking for an order directing payment of the surplus money. The Sheriff or other person conducting the sale will have information regarding the surplus, if any. Note: The sheriff reserves the right to adjourn this sale for any length of time without further advertisement. Seized as the property of: EDGARDO LOPEZ, ET AL, and taken in execution of TD BANK, N.A. CHARLES H. BILLINGHAM SHERIFF Sheriff’s Number: 14006473 DATED: 01/27/2015, 02/03/2015, 02/10/2015, 02/17/2015 DUANE MORRIS LLP 30 SOUTH 17TH STREET PHILADELPHIA, PA 19103 $201.60
ALDÍANews.com « FEBRERO 8 - 14, 2015 « AL DÍA « CLASIFICADOS « 29
By virtue of a Writ of execution, to me directed, issued out of the SUPERIOR COURT OF NEW JERSEY CHANCERY DIVISION, CAMDEN COUNTY, DOCKET NO. F00008613 at Public Venue on WEDNESDAY the 25th Day of FEBRUARY, 2015 A.D. at 12 o’clock, LOCAL TIME, noon of said day, at the SHERIFF’S OFFICE in the COURT HOUSE, 520 Market St., 2nd Floor, Suite 202, in City and County of Camden and State of New Jersey: Property to be sold is located in the Township of Pennsauken, County of Camden, State of New Jersey. Premises commonly known as: 6209 Browning Road Being Tax Lot: 39, Block: 5906 Dimensions approximately: 49 x 125 Nearest Cross Street: Burwood Avenue Beginning in the northwesterly line of Browning Road 150 feet Northeast of the Northeasterly line of Burwood Avenue; Being corner to Lots 259 and 260, on plan hereinafter mentioned. Pursuant to a tax search 12/22/2014; 2013 Taxes: $5,350.80 Paid in Full; 2014 QTR 1 Taxes: $1,337.70 Paid; Payments may have been made by Lienholder; 2014 QTR 2 Taxes: $1,337.70 Paid; Payments may have been made by Lienholder; 2014 QTR 3 Taxes: $1,373.78 Open Plus Penalty; 2014 QTR 4 Taxes: $1,373.77 Open Plus Penalty; 2015 QTR 1 Taxes: $1,355.74 Open, due on 02/01/2015; 2015 QTR 2 Taxes: $1,355.74 Open, due on 05/01/2015; Water Account: Merchantville-Pennsauken Water Co. 6751 Westfield Ave. Pennsauken, NJ 08110 856-663-0043 Acct #4029510 on 07/11/2014 - 10/07/2014 $21.00 Open Plus Penalty; $204.50 Open Plus Penalty; Owed in Arrears; Subject to Final Reading; Sewer Account: Pennsauken Sewer Auth. 1250 John Tipton Blvd., Pennsauken, NJ 08110 856066305542 Acct #60083012 0 12/01/2014 02/28/2015 $50.00 Open; $193.71 Open Plus Penalty; Owed in Arrears; CCMUA 1645 Ferry Ave Camden, NJ 08104 (856) 541-3700 Acct #270092828 12/01/201402/28/2015 $85/50 Open; $86.59 Open Plus Penalty; Owed in arrears; Subject to a 2013 3rd Party Lien Tax, PSA Sewer, CCMUA; Amt; $1,836.36 + subsequent Taxes + Interest; Cert #14-00908 sold on 04/16/2014 to US Bank Cust for BVOO1 Trust; must call prior to settlement for redemption figures. (This concise description does not constitute a legal description. A copy of the full legal description can be found at the Office of the Sheriff.) THE SHERIFF HEREBY RESERVES THE RIGHT TO ADJOURN THIS SALE WITHOUT FURTHER NOTICE THROUGH PUBLICATION. THIS SALE IS SUBJECT TO THE RIGHT OF REDEMPTION OF THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT. The judgment sought to be satisfied by the sale is: “APPROXIMATELY” $194,606.86 TWENTY PERCENT DEPOSIT REQUIRED SURPLUS MONEY: If after the sale and satisfaction of the mortgage debt, including costs and expenses, there remains any surplus money, the money will be deposited into the Superior Court Trust Fund and any person claiming the surplus, or any part thereof, may file a motion pursuant to Court Rules 4:64-3 and 4:57-2 stating the nature and extent of that person’s claim and asking for an order directing payment of the surplus money. The Sheriff or other person conducting the sale will have information regarding the surplus, if any. Note: The sheriff reserves the right to adjourn this sale for any length of time without further advertisement. Seized as the property of: VIRGINIA DILAURENTIS, and taken in execution of ONEWEST BANK, FSB CHARLES H. BILLINGHAM SHERIFF Sheriff’s Number: 15000025 DATED: 02/03/2015, 02/10/2015, 02/17/2015, 02/24/2015 FRENKEL LAMBERT WEISS WEISMAN AND GORDON, LLP 80 MAIN STREET, SUITE 460, WEST ORANGE, NJ 07052 $227.52
Estamos a su servicio DEADLINE: FRIDAY / VIERNES A 5:00 P.M.
By virtue of a Writ of execution, to me directed, issued out of the SUPERIOR COURT OF NEW JERSEY CHANCERY DIVISION, CAMDEN COUNTY, DOCKET NO. F00473514 at Public Venue on WEDNESDAY the 18th Day of FEBRUARY, 2015 A.D. at 12 o’clock, LOCAL TIME, noon of said day, at the SHERIFF’S OFFICE in the COURT HOUSE, 520 Market St., 2nd Floor, Suite 202, in City and County of Camden and State of New Jersey: Property to be sold is located in the City of Camden, County of Camden, State of New Jersey. Premises commonly known as: 1325 Park Boulevard, Camden, NJ 08103 Being Tax Lot: 136, Block: 1285 Dimensions approximately: 15.00 x 100.00 Nearest Cross Street: Kenwood Avenue “THE SHERIFF HEREBY RESERVES THE RIGHT TO ADJOURN THIS SALE WITHOUT FURTHER NOTICE THROUGH PUBLICATION.” The judgment sought to be satisfied by the sale is: “APPROXIMATELY” $100,965.58 TWENTY PERCENT DEPOSIT REQUIRED SURPLUS MONEY: If after the sale and satisfaction of the mortgage debt, including costs and expenses, there remains any surplus money, the money will be deposited into the Superior Court Trust Fund and any person claiming the surplus, or any part thereof, may file a motion pursuant to Court Rules 4:64-3 and 4:57-2 stating the nature and extent of that person’s claim and asking for an order directing payment of the surplus money. The Sheriff or other person conducting the sale will have information regarding the surplus, if any. Note: The sheriff reserves the right to adjourn this sale for any length of time without further advertisement. Seized as the property of: SHANITA OUTING, and taken in execution of JP MORGAN CHASE BANK, NATIONAL ASSOCIATION CHARLES H. BILLINGHAM SHERIFF Sheriff’s Number: 14006507 DATED: 01/27/2015, 02/03/2015, 02/10/2015, 02/17/2015 BUCKLEY MADOLE, P.C. 99 WOOD AVENUE SOUTH SUITE 803, ISELIN, NJ 08830 $135.36
By virtue of a Writ of execution, to me directed, issued out of the SUPERIOR COURT OF NEW JERSEY CHANCERY DIVISION, CAMDEN COUNTY, DOCKET NO. F02280013 at Public Venue on WEDNESDAY the 18th Day of FEBRUARY, 2015 A.D. at 12 o’clock, LOCAL TIME, noon of said day, at the SHERIFF’S OFFICE in the COURT HOUSE, 520 Market St., 2nd Floor, Suite 202, in City and County of Camden and State of New Jersey: Property to be sold is located in the City of Camden, County of Camden, State of New Jersey. Premises commonly known as: 936 N. 4th Street, Camden, NJ 08102 Being Tax Lot: 76, Block: 750 Dimensions approximately: 14 x 70 Nearest Cross Street: Erie Street “THE SHERIFF HEREBY RESERVES THE RIGHT TO ADJOURN THIS SALE WITHOUT FURTHER NOTICE THROUGH PUBLICATION.” The judgment sought to be satisfied by the sale is: “APPROXIMATELY” $118,927.96 TWENTY PERCENT DEPOSIT REQUIRED SURPLUS MONEY: If after the sale and satisfaction of the mortgage debt, including costs and expenses, there remains any surplus money, the money will be deposited into the Superior Court Trust Fund and any person claiming the surplus, or any part thereof, may file a motion pursuant to Court Rules 4:64-3 and 4:57-2 stating the nature and extent of that person’s claim and asking for an order directing payment of the surplus money. The Sheriff or other person conducting the sale will have information regarding the surplus, if any. Note: The sheriff reserves the right to adjourn this sale for any length of time without further advertisement. Seized as the property of: SERAFIN ROJAS, and taken in execution of NATIONSTAR MORTGAGE LLC CHARLES H. BILLINGHAM SHERIFF Sheriff’s Number: 14006607 DATED: 01/27/2015, 02/03/2015, 02/10/2015, 02/17/2015 BUCKLEY MADOLE, P.C. 99 WOOD AVENUE SOUTH SUITE 803, ISELIN, NJ 08830 $132.48
Aileen Connolly o email a: aileenc@aldianews.com SHERIFF’S SALE
By virtue of a Writ of execution, to me directed, issued out of the SUPERIOR COURT OF NEW JERSEY CHANCERY DIVISION, CAMDEN COUNTY, DOCKET NO. F2408410 at Public Venue on WEDNESDAY the 4TH Day of MARCH, 2015 A.D. at 12 o’clock, LOCAL TIME, noon of said day, at the SHERIFF’S OFFICE in the COURT HOUSE, 520 Market St., 2nd Floor, Suite 202, in City and County of Camden and State of New Jersey: Property to be sold is located in the Township of Pennsauken, County of Camden, State of New Jersey. Premises commonly known as: 7324 Boulevard Avenue, Pennsauken, NJ 08110 Being Tax Lot: 11, addl: 12 Block: 1411 Dimensions approximately: 75 x 99 Nearest Cross Street: Dersousse Ave. BEGINNING IN THE SOUTHERLY LINE OF BOULEVARD AVENUE 164 FEET NORTHEASTWARDLY FROM THE INTERSECTION OF THE NORTHEASTERLY LINE OF DEROUSSE AVENUE AND THE SOUTHEASTERLY LINE OF BOULEVARD AVENUE, SAID POINT BEING IN THE DIVISIONAL LINE BETWEEN LOTS NOS. 188 AND 189 ON PLAN HEREINAFTER MENTIONED; THENCE NORTHEASTWARDLY ALONG THE SOUTHEASTERLY LINE OF BOULEVARD AVENUE, 60 FEET IN FRONT OR BREDTH TO THE DIVISIONAL LINE BETWEEN LOTS NOS. 186 AND 187 ON SAID PLAN; AND THENCE SOUTHEASTWARDLY BETWEEN PARALLEL LINES OF THAT WIDTH OR FRONTAGE AND AT RIGHT ANGLES TO BOULEVARD AVENUE AND RUNNING ALONG SAID DIVISIONAL LINES, 99.05 FEET IN LENGTH OR DEPTH TO LINES OF LANDS NOR OR LATE OF FRANK GROSSO AND ALFIO SOUDERI. THE SHERIFF HEREBY RESERVES THE RIGHT TO ADJOURN THIS SALE WITHOUT FURTHER NOTICE THROUGH PUBLICATION. PRIOR LIENS/ENCUMBRANCES 2014 QTR 3 TAXES OPEN - $891.90 2014 QTR 4 TAXES OPEN - $891.89 WATER OPEN PLUS PENALTY - $554.47 SEWER OPEN PLUS PENALTY - $245.00 CCMUA OPEN PLUS PENALTY - $335.31 2013 3RD PARTY TAX, PSA SEWER, CCMUA LIEN SOLD ON 04/16/2014 CERT NO. 14-00270 - $5,515.75 TOTAL AS OF NOVEMBER 10, 2014: $8,434.32 The judgment sought to be satisfied by the sale is: “APPROXIMATELY” $77,440.46 TWENTY PERCENT DEPOSIT REQUIRED SURPLUS MONEY: If after the sale and satisfaction of the mortgage debt, including costs and expenses, there remains any surplus money, the money will be deposited into the Superior Court Trust Fund and any person claiming the surplus, or any part thereof, may file a motion pursuant to Court Rules 4:64-3 and 4:57-2 stating the nature and extent of that person’s claim and asking for an order directing payment of the surplus money. The Sheriff or other person conducting the sale will have information regarding the surplus, if any. Note: The sheriff reserves the right to adjourn this sale for any length of time without further advertisement. Seized as the property of: JOAN PURNELL, and taken in execution of ONEWEST BANK, FSB CHARLES H. BILLINGHAM SHERIFF Sheriff’s Number: 15000100 DATED: 02/10/2015, 02/17/2015, 02/24/2015, 03/03/2015 FEIN, SUCH, KAHN & SHEPARD, P.C. 7 CENTURY DRIVE, SUITE 201 PARSIPPANY, NJ 07054 $207.36 Se hace saber que las cotizaciones serán aceptados por la Autoridad de Vivienda de Filadelfia por Convocatoria No. P-0044459 - Servicios de verificación de pruebas de la policía. Cotizaciones vencen antes de las 11:00 am del 27 de febrero de 2015 en 3100 Penrose Ferry Rd., Filadelfia PA 19145. No serán consideradas las propuestas tardías. Para solicitar una copia de la solicitud por favor póngase en contacto con Kevin.Denniston@pha.phila.gov. Los interesados también pueden visitar www.pha.phila. gov y haga clic en oportunidad de negocio para más detalles. PHA alienta a las minorías, a la mujer propietaria y la Sección 3 de las empresas a presentar ofertas y participar en empresas conjuntas. Kelvin A. Jeremías PHA Presidente y CEO
30 » CLASIFICADOS » AL DÍA » FEBRERO 8 - 14, 2015 » ALDÍANews.com
By virtue of a Writ of execution, to me directed, issued out of the SUPERIOR COURT OF NEW JERSEY CHANCERY DIVISION, CAMDEN COUNTY, DOCKET NO. F00356014 at Public Venue on WEDNESDAY the 18TH Day of FEBRUARY, 2015 A.D. at 12 o’clock, LOCAL TIME, noon of said day, at the SHERIFF’S OFFICE in the COURT HOUSE, 520 Market St., 2nd Floor, Suite 202, in City and County of Camden and State of New Jersey: Property to be sold is located in the Township of Pennsauken, County of Camden, State of New Jersey. Premises commonly known as: 2135 Lexington Avenue Being Tax Lot: 10; Block: 4706 Dimensions approximately: 100.00’ x 125.00’ Nearest Cross Street: Northwesterly line of Washington Avenue SUPERIOR INTERESTS (if any): State Farm Ins/Keesha holds an interest in the property in the amount of $1,642.40 as of 05/02/2002 New Century Financial Services holds an interest in the property in the amount of $9,100.87 as of 05/26/2005 Pennsauken Twp holds a claim for taxes due and/or other municipal utilities such as water and/or sewer in the amount of $1273.02 as of 12/11/2014 SEE FILE NOTES holds The Sheriff hereby reserves the right to adjourn this sale without further notice through publication. The judgment sought to be satisfied by the sale is: “APPROXIMATELY” $212,728.81 TWENTY PERCENT DEPOSIT REQUIRED SURPLUS MONEY: If after the sale and satisfaction of the mortgage debt, including costs and expenses, there remains any surplus money, the money will be deposited into the Superior Court Trust Fund and any person claiming the surplus, or any part thereof, may file a motion pursuant to Court Rules 4:64-3 and 4:57-2 stating the nature and extent of that person’s claim and asking for an order directing payment of the surplus money. The Sheriff or other person conducting the sale will have information regarding the surplus, if any. Note: The sheriff reserves the right to adjourn this sale for any length of time without further advertisement. Seized as the property of: EUGENE JOHNSON, ET AL, and taken in execution of WELLS FARGO BANK, N.A. CHARLES H. BILLINGHAM SHERIFF Sheriff’s Number: 14006466 DATED: 01/27/2015, 02/03/2015, 02/10/2015, 02/17/2015 POWERS KIRN, LLC 728 MARNE HIGHWAY, SUITE 200 MOORESTOWN, NJ 08057 $155.52
By virtue of a Writ of execution, to me directed, issued out of the SUPERIOR COURT OF NEW JERSEY CHANCERY DIVISION, CAMDEN COUNTY, DOCKET NO. F01189214 at Public Venue on WEDNESDAY the 7th Day of JANUARY, 2014 A.D. at 12 o’clock, LOCAL TIME, noon of said day, at the SHERIFF’S OFFICE in the COURT HOUSE, 520 Market St., 2nd Floor, Suite 202, in City and County of Camden and State of New Jersey: Property to be sold is located in the City of Camden, County of Camden, State of New Jersey. Premises commonly known as: 42 S. 28th Street, Camden, New Jersey 08105 Being Tax Lot: 25, Block: 1124 Dimensions approximately: 14.02 feet wide by 97.00 feet long Nearest Cross Street: Situated on the East side of Twenty-eight Street, 43.94 feet from the North side of Carman Street The sale is subject to unpaid taxes and assessments, tax, water, and sewer liens and other municipal assessments. The amount due can be obtained from the local taxing authority. Pursuant to N.S.J.A. 46:8B-21 the sale may also be subject to the limited lien priority of any condominium/ home-owner association liens which may exist. The judgment sought to be satisfied by the sale is: “APPROXIMATELY” $151,975.64 TWENTY PERCENT DEPOSIT REQUIRED SURPLUS MONEY: If after the sale and satisfaction of the mortgage debt, including costs and expenses, there remains any surplus money, the money will be deposited into the Superior Court Trust Fund and any person claiming the surplus, or any part thereof, may file a motion pursuant to Court Rules 4:64-3 and 4:57-2 stating the nature and extent of that person’s claim and asking for an order directing payment of the surplus money. The Sheriff or other person conducting the sale will have information regarding the surplus, if any. Note: The sheriff reserves the right to adjourn this sale for any length of time without further advertisement. Seized as the property of: PATTY M. LISBON, and taken in execution of NATIONSTAR MORTGAGE LLC CHARLES H. BILLINGHAM SHERIFF Sheriff’s Number: 15000022 DATED: 02/03/2015, 02/10/2015, 02/17/2015, 02/24/2015 SHAPIRO & DENARDO, LLP 14000 COMMERCE PARKWAY SUITE B, MT. LAUREL, NJ 08054 $155.52
By virtue of a Writ of execution, to me directed, issued out of the SUPERIOR COURT OF NEW JERSEY CHANCERY DIVISION, CAMDEN COUNTY, DOCKET NO. F03524313 at Public Venue on WEDNESDAY the 11TH Day of FEBRUARY, 2015 A.D. at 12 o’clock, LOCAL TIME, noon of said day, at the SHERIFF’S OFFICE in the COURT HOUSE, 520 Market St., 2nd Floor, Suite 202, in City and County of Camden and State of New Jersey: Property to be sold is located in the City of Camden, County of Camden, State of New Jersey. Premises commonly known as: 2000 Cooper Street, Camden, NJ 08105-1014 Being Tax Lot: 17 Block: 1191 on the Official Tax Map of the City of Camden Dimensions approximately: 14.42 ft. x 80.00 ft. x 14.42 ft. x 80.00 ft Nearest Cross Street: Scott Alley The Sheriff hereby reserves the right to adjourn this sale without further notice through publication. *Subject to any unpaid taxes, municipal liens or other charges, and any such taxes, charges, liens, insurance premiums or other advances made by plaintiff prior to this sale. All interested parties are to conduct and rely upon their own independent investigation to ascertain whether or not any outstanding interest remain of record and/or have priority over the lien being foreclosed and, if so the current amount due thereon. **If the sale is set aside for any reason, the purchaser at the sale shall be entitled only to a return of the deposit paid. The purchaser shall have no further recourse against the Mortgagor, the Mortgagee or the Mortgagee’s attorney. The judgment sought to be satisfied by the sale is: “APPROXIMATELY” $72,773.37 TWENTY PERCENT DEPOSIT REQUIRED SURPLUS MONEY: If after the sale and satisfaction of the mortgage debt, including costs and expenses, there remains any surplus money, the money will be deposited into the Superior Court Trust Fund and any person claiming the surplus, or any part thereof, may file a motion pursuant to Court Rules 4:64-3 and 4:57-2 stating the nature and extent of that person’s claim and asking for an order directing payment of the surplus money. The Sheriff or other person conducting the sale will have information regarding the surplus, if any. Note: The sheriff reserves the right to adjourn this sale for any length of time without further advertisement. Seized as the property of: JENNIFER CALO, ET AL, and taken in execution of BANK OF AMERICA, N.A. CHARLES H. BILLINGHAM SHERIFF Sheriff’s Number: 14006355 DATED: 01/20/2015,01/27/2015, 02/03/2015, 02/10/2015 PHELAN HALLINAN & DIAMOND P.C. 400 FELLOWSHIP ROAD, SUITE 100, MT. LAUREL, NJ 08054 $172.80
By virtue of a Writ of execution, to me directed, issued out of the SUPERIOR COURT OF NEW JERSEY CHANCERY DIVISION, CAMDEN COUNTY, DOCKET NO. F01049314 at Public Venue on WEDNESDAY the 11TH Day of FEBRUARY, 2015 A.D. at 12 o’clock, LOCAL TIME, noon of said day, at the SHERIFF’S OFFICE in the COURT HOUSE, 520 Market St., 2nd Floor, Suite 202, in City and County of Camden and State of New Jersey: Property to be sold is located in the City of Camden, County of Camden, State of New Jersey Premises commonly known as: 1120 N. 33rd Street, Camden, NJ 08105 Being Tax Lot: 75, Block: 911 Dimensions approximately: N/A Nearest Cross Street: Pierce Avenue *Also subject to subsequent taxes, water and sewer plus interest through date of payoff. The Sheriff hereby reserves the right to adjourn this sale without further notice through publication. A FULL LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF THE PREMISES CAN BE FOUND IN THE OFFICE OF THE SHERIFF OF CAMDEN COUNTY. THIS SALE IS SUBJECT TO THE RIGHT OF REDEMPTION OF THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT. The judgment sought to be satisfied by the sale is: “APPROXIMATELY” $113,958.44 TWENTY PERCENT DEPOSIT REQUIRED SURPLUS MONEY: If after the sale and satisfaction of the mortgage debt, including costs and expenses, there remains any surplus money, the money will be deposited into the Superior Court Trust Fund and any person claiming the surplus, or any part thereof, may file a motion pursuant to Court Rules 4:64-3 and 4:57-2 stating the nature and extent of that person’s claim and asking for an order directing payment of the surplus money. The Sheriff or other person conducting the sale will have information regarding the surplus, if any. Note: The sheriff reserves the right to adjourn this sale for any length of time without further advertisement. Seized as the property of: OMAIRA GONZALEZ AND EMILIO GONZALEZ, and taken in execution of BANK OF AMERICA, N.A. CHARLES H. BILLINGHAM SHERIFF Sheriff’s Number: 14006444 DATED: 01/20/2015, 01/27/2015, 02/03/2015, 02/10/2015 PARKER MCCAY P.A. 9000 MIDATLANTIC DRIVE SUITE 300 P.O. BOX 5054, MT. LAUREL, NJ 08054 $152.64
Aileen Connolly o email a: aileenc@aldianews.com SHERIFF’S SALE
By virtue of a Writ of execution, to me directed, issued out of the SUPERIOR COURT OF NEW JERSEY CHANCERY DIVISION, CAMDEN COUNTY, DOCKET NO. F01674514 at Public Venue on WEDNESDAY the 11th Day of FEBRUARY, 2014 A.D. at 12 o’clock, LOCAL TIME, noon of said day, at the SHERIFF’S OFFICE in the COURT HOUSE, 520 Market St., 2nd Floor, Suite 202, in City and County of Camden and State of New Jersey: Property to be sold is located in the Borough of Lindenwold, County of Camden, State of New Jersey. Premises commonly known as: 131 W. Maple Avenue, Lindenwold, NJ 08021 Being Tax Lot: 1.11, Block: 159 Dimensions approximately: 60 feet wide by 150 feet long Nearest Cross Street: Pierce Avenue Prior lien(s): None *Subject to any unpaid taxes, municipal liens or other charges, and any such taxes, charges, liens, insurance premiums or other advances made by plaintiff prior to this sale. All interested parties are to conduct and rely upon their own independent investigation to ascertain whether or not any outstanding interest remain of record and/or have priority over the lien being foreclosed and, if so the current amount due thereon. The judgment sought to be satisfied by the sale is: “APPROXIMATELY” $267,699.17 TWENTY PERCENT DEPOSIT REQUIRED SURPLUS MONEY: If after the sale and satisfaction of the mortgage debt, including costs and expenses, there remains any surplus money, the money will be deposited into the Superior Court Trust Fund and any person claiming the surplus, or any part thereof, may file a motion pursuant to Court Rules 4:64-3 and 4:57-2 stating the nature and extent of that person’s claim and asking for an order directing payment of the surplus money. The Sheriff or other person conducting the sale will have information regarding the surplus, if any. Note: The sheriff reserves the right to adjourn this sale for any length of time without further advertisement. Seized as the property of: EDWIN MENDEZ BARDALES, and taken in execution of BANK OF AMERICA, N.A. CHARLES H. BILLINGHAM SHERIFF Sheriff’s Number: 14006396 DATED: 01/20/2015, 01/27/2015, 02/03/2015, 02/10/2015 STERN, LAVINTHAL, FRANKENBERG, LLC 105 EISENHOWER PKWY, SUITE 302 ROSELAND, NJ 07068 $149.76
Estamos a su servicio DEADLINE: FRIDAY / VIERNES A 5:00 P.M.
By virtue of a Writ of execution, to me directed, issued out of the SUPERIOR COURT OF NEW JERSEY CHANCERY DIVISION, CAMDEN COUNTY, DOCKET NO. F01328914 at Public Venue on WEDNESDAY the 4TH Day of MARCH, 2015 A.D. at 12 o’clock, LOCAL TIME, noon of said day, at the SHERIFF’S OFFICE in the COURT HOUSE, 520 Market St., 2nd Floor, Suite 202, in City and County of Camden and State of New Jersey: Property to be sold is located in the Township of Pennsauken, County of Camden, State of New Jersey. Premises commonly known as: 2004 Horner Avenue, Pennsauken, NJ 08110 Being Tax Lot: 4, Block: 610 Dimensions approximately: 60 x 95 Nearest Cross Street: Lincoln Avenue Subject to any open taxes, water/sewer, municipal or tax liens that may be due. Subject to Tax and prior lien info: Taxes/sewer/water may be delinquent - You must check with tax collector for exact amounts due. Subject to Prior Mortgages and Judgments (if any): None The judgment sought to be satisfied by the sale is: “APPROXIMATELY” $263,375.80 TWENTY PERCENT DEPOSIT REQUIRED SURPLUS MONEY: If after the sale and satisfaction of the mortgage debt, including costs and expenses, there remains any surplus money, the money will be deposited into the Superior Court Trust Fund and any person claiming the surplus, or any part thereof, may file a motion pursuant to Court Rules 4:64-3 and 4:57-2 stating the nature and extent of that person’s claim and asking for an order directing payment of the surplus money. The Sheriff or other person conducting the sale will have information regarding the surplus, if any. “The Fair Housing Act prohibits “any preference, limitation, or discrimination because of race, color, religion, sex, handicap, familial status, or national origin, or intention to make such preference, limitation or discrimination” in connection with any aspect of a residential real estate transaction. Zucker, Goldberg, and Ackerman, LLC encourages and supports the equal housing practices of the Fair Housing Act in the conduct of its business.” Note: The sheriff reserves the right to adjourn this sale for any length of time without further advertisement. Seized as the property of: DERON S. LUCAS, ET AL, and taken in execution of WELLS FARGO BANK, N.A. CHARLES H. BILLINGHAM SHERIFF Sheriff’s Number: 15000103 DATED: 02/10/2015, 02/17/2015, 02/24/2015, 03/03/2015 ZUCKER, GOLDBERG & ACKERMAN, LLC 200 SHEFFIELD STREET SUITE 301 P.O. BOX 1024, MOUNTAINSIDE, NJ 07092 Phone #(908) 233-8500 File #XFZ-154880-R1 $175.68
Call 215 789 6964
ALDÍANews.com « FEBRERO 8 - 14, 2015 « AL DÍA « CLASIFICADOS « 31
By virtue of a Writ of execution, to me directed, issued out of the SUPERIOR COURT OF NEW JERSEY CHANCERY DIVISION, CAMDEN COUNTY, DOCKET NO. F03369213 at Public Venue on WEDNESDAY the 4TH Day of MARCH, 2015 A.D. at 12 o’clock, LOCAL TIME, noon of said day, at the SHERIFF’S OFFICE in the COURT HOUSE, 520 Market St., 2nd Floor, Suite 202, in City and County of Camden and State of New Jersey: Property to be sold is located in the Municipality of Clementon, County of Camden, State of New Jersey. Premises commonly known as: 36 Overington Avenue Being Tax Lot: 14; Block: 107 Dimensions approximately: 100.00’ x 75.00’ Nearest Cross Street: 424.97’ from Atlantic Avenue SUPERIOR INTERESTS (if any): US Bank Cust PC5 Sterling Natl holds an interest in the property in the amount of $771.90 as of 10/02/2014 CCMUA holds a claim for taxes due and/or other municipal utilities such as water and/or sewer in the amount of $426.75 as of 01/08/2015 The Sheriff hereby reserves the right to adjourn this sale without further notice through publication. The judgment sought to be satisfied by the sale is: “APPROXIMATELY” $258,254.43 TWENTY PERCENT DEPOSIT REQUIRED SURPLUS MONEY: If after the sale and satisfaction of the mortgage debt, including costs and expenses, there remains any surplus money, the money will be deposited into the Superior Court Trust Fund and any person claiming the surplus, or any part thereof, may file a motion pursuant to Court Rules 4:64-3 and 4:57-2 stating the nature and extent of that person’s claim and asking for an order directing payment of the surplus money. The Sheriff or other person conducting the sale will have information regarding the surplus, if any. Note: The sheriff reserves the right to adjourn this sale for any length of time without further advertisement. Seized as the property of:JENNIFER L. KINGSLAND, ET AL, and taken in execution of US BANK NATIONAL ASSOCIATION CHARLES H. BILLINGHAM SHERIFF Sheriff’s Number: 15000228 DATED: 02/10/2015, 02/17/2015, 02/24/2015, 03/03/2015 POWERS KIRN, LLC 728 MARNE HIGHWAY, SUITE 200 MOORESTOWN, NJ 08057 $149.76
By virtue of a Writ of execution, to me directed, issued out of the SUPERIOR COURT OF NEW JERSEY CHANCERY DIVISION, CAMDEN COUNTY, DOCKET NO. F00516213 at Public Venue on WEDNESDAY the 18th Day of FEBRUARY, 2015 A.D. at 12 o’clock, LOCAL TIME, noon of said day, at the SHERIFF’S OFFICE in the COURT HOUSE, 520 Market St., 2nd Floor, Suite 202, in City and County of Camden and State of New Jersey: Property to be sold is located in the City of Camden, County of Camden, State of New Jersey. Premises commonly known as: 1068 Trent Road, Camden, NJ 08104 Tax Lot #1: Block: #673 Dimensions approximately: 31’ x 64’ M141 Nearest Cross Street: Sumter Road Taxes Current through 4th Quarter of 2014* *Plus interest on these figures through date of payoff and any and all subsequent taxes, water and sewer amounts. THE SHERIFF HEREBY RESERVES THE RIGHT TO ADJOURN THIS SALE WITHOUT FURTHER NOTICE THROUGH PUBLICATION. A FULL LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF THE PREMISES CAN BE FOUND IN THE OFFICE OF THE SHERIFF OF CAMDEN COUNTY. The judgment sought to be satisfied by the sale is: “APPROXIMATELY” $95,878.65 TWENTY PERCENT DEPOSIT REQUIRED SURPLUS MONEY: If after the sale and satisfaction of the mortgage debt, including costs and expenses, there remains any surplus money, the money will be deposited into the Superior Court Trust Fund and any person claiming the surplus, or any part thereof, may file a motion pursuant to Court Rules 4:64-3 and 4:57-2 stating the nature and extent of that person’s claim and asking for an order directing payment of the surplus money. The Sheriff or other person conducting the sale will have information regarding the surplus, if any. Note: The sheriff reserves the right to adjourn this sale for any length of time without further advertisement. Seized as the property of : TATANISHA C. WILLIAMS, ET AL and taken in execution of HSBC BANK USA, N.A. CHARLES H. BILLINGHAM SHERIFF Sheriff’s Number: 14006465 DATED: 01/27/2015, 02/03/2015, 02/10/2015, 02/17/2015 STERN & EISENBERG, PC 1040 N. KINGS HIGHWAY SUITE 407, CHERRY HILL, NJ 08034 $152.64
By virtue of a Writ of execution, to me directed, issued out of the SUPERIOR COURT OF NEW JERSEY CHANCERY DIVISION, CAMDEN COUNTY, DOCKET NO. F00682014 at Public Venue on WEDNESDAY the 18th Day of FEBRUARY, 2015 A.D. at 12 o’clock, LOCAL TIME, noon of said day, at the SHERIFF’S OFFICE in the COURT HOUSE, 520 Market St., 2nd Floor, Suite 202, in City and County of Camden and State of New Jersey: Property to be sold is located in the City of Camden, County of Camden, State of New Jersey. Premises commonly known as: 3425 Westfield Avenue, Camden, NJ 08105 Being Tax Lot: 60, Block 1018.01 Dimensions approximately: 20 x 100 M113 Nearest Cross Street: Thirty-fourth Boulevard A FULL LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF THE PREMISES CAN BE FOUND IN THE OFFICE OF THE SHERIFF OF CAMDEN COUNTY. The sale is subject to unpaid taxes and assessments, tax, water and sewer liens and other municipal assessments. The amount due can be obtained from the local taxing authority. All interested parties are to conduct and rely upon their own independent investigation to ascertain whether or not any outstanding interest remain of record and/or have priority over the lien being foreclosed and, if so the current amount due thereon.**If the sale is set aside for any reason, the purchaser at the sale shall be entitled only to a return of the deposit paid. The purchaser shall have no further recourse against the mortgagee or the mortgagee’s attorney.** The judgment sought to be satisfied by the sale is: “APPROXIMATELY” $164,559.21 TWENTY PERCENT DEPOSIT REQUIRED SURPLUS MONEY: If after the sale and satisfaction of the mortgage debt, including costs and expenses, there remains any surplus money, the money will be deposited into the Superior Court Trust Fund and any person claiming the surplus, or any part thereof, may file a motion pursuant to Court Rules 4:64-3 and 5:57-2 stating the nature and extent of that person’s claim and asking for an order directing payment of the surplus money. The Sheriff or other person conducting the sale will have information regarding the surplus, if any. Note: The sheriff reserves the right to adjourn this sale for any length of time without further advertisement. Seized as the property of: JESUS M. MARTE, and taken in execution of CITIMORTGAGE, INC. CHARLES H. BILLINGHAM SHERIFF Sheriff’s Number: 14006514 DATED: 01/27/2015, 02/03/2015, 02/10/2015, 02/17/2015 MILSTEAD & ASSOCIATES, LLC 1 E. STOW ROAD, MARLTON, NJ 08053 $167.04
Aileen Connolly o email a: aileenc@aldianews.com SHERIFF’S SALE
By virtue of a Writ of execution, to me directed, issued out of the SUPERIOR COURT OF NEW JERSEY CHANCERY DIVISION, CAMDEN COUNTY, DOCKET NO. F01628813 AT Public Venue on WEDNESDAY the 4th Day of MARCH, 2015 A.D. at 12 o’clock, LOCAL TIME, noon of said day, at the SHERIFF’S OFFICE in the COURT HOUSE, 520 Market St., 2nd Floor, Suite 202, in City and County of Camden and State of New Jersey: Property to be sold is located in the Muncipality of Chesilhurst, County of Camden, State of New Jersey. Premises commonly known as: 506 Siegfried Avenue, Chesilhurst, NJ 08089 Being Tax Lot: 3, Block: 5404; Lot 108 Dimensions approximately: 100 feet x 150.00 ft No. of feet to the Nearest Cross Street: 100 feet from Fifth Avenue **Subject to outstanding sewer in the amount of $712.78 as of 02/28/2015 The judgment sought to be satisfied by the sale is: “APPROXIMATELY” $212,504.59 TWENTY PERCENT DEPOSIT REQUIRED SURPLUS MONEY: If after the sale and satisfaction of the mortgage debt, including costs and expenses, there remains any surplus money, the money will be deposited into the Superior Court Trust Fund and any person claiming the surplus, or any part thereof, may file a motion pursuant to Court Rules 4:64-3 and 4:57-2 stating the nature and extent of that person’s claim and asking for an order directing payment of the surplus money. The Sheriff or other person conducting the sale will have information regarding the surplus, if any. Note: The sheriff reserves the right to adjourn this sale for any length of time without further advertisement. Seized as the property of: MICHAEL CURTIS& CHARMAINE CURTIS, and taken in execution of FULTON BANK, NA CHARLES H. BILLINGHAM SHERIFF Sheriff’s Number: 15000167 DATED: 02/10/2015, 02/17/2015, 02/24/2015, 03/03/2015 EISENBERG, GOLD & CETTERI, P.I. 1040 NORTH KINGS HIGHWAY SUITE 200, CHERRY HILL, NJ 08034 $135.36
By virtue of a Writ of execution, to me directed, issued out of the SUPERIOR COURT OF NEW JERSEY CHANCERY DIVISION, CAMDEN COUNTY, DOCKET NO. DJ16128913 AT Public Venue on WEDNESDAY the 4th Day of MARCH, 2015 A.D. at 12 o’clock, LOCAL TIME, noon of said day, at the SHERIFF’S OFFICE in the COURT HOUSE, 520 Market St., 2nd Floor, Suite 202, in City and County of Camden and State of New Jersey: Property to be sold is located in the Muncipality of Merchantville, County of Camden, State of New Jersey. Premises commonly known as: 114 Morris Street, Merchantville, NJ 08107 Tax Lot #8.03, Block #24.02 Dimensions approximately: Nearest Cross Street: Maple Ave. A FULL LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF THE PREMISES CAN BE FOUND IN THE OFFICE OF THE SHERIFF OF CAMDEN COUNTY The judgment sought to be satisfied by the sale is: “APPROXIMATELY” $8,099.80 TWENTY PERCENT DEPOSIT REQUIRED Note: Selling only defendant’s interest in said real property. SURPLUS MONEY: If after the sale and satisfaction of the mortgage debt, including costs and expenses, there remains any surplus money, the money will be deposited into the Superior Court Trust Fund and any person claiming the surplus, or any part thereof, may file a motion pursuant to Court Rules 4:64-3 and 4:57-2 stating the nature and extent of that person’s claim and asking for an order directing payment of the surplus money. The Sheriff or other person conducting the sale will have information regarding the surplus, if any. Note: The sheriff reserves the right to adjourn this sale for any length of time without further advertisement. Seized as the property of: JOANA SOTERO, and taken in execution of LABONNE VIE AT ECHELON CONDOMINIUM ASSOCIATION CHARLES H. BILLINGHAM SHERIFF Sheriff’s Number: 15000180 DATED: 02/10/2015, 02/17/2015, 02/24/2015, 03/03/2015 BARRY W. ROSENBERG 411 ROUTE 70 EAST SUITE 104, CHERRY HILL, NJ 08034 $141.12
32 » FEBRERO 8 - 14, 2015
6–7 de febrero
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1/26/15 2:26 PM