AL DÍA NEWS NOVEMBER 13 - 20, 2019

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Men and women who set the tone in the political transformation of the nation. Hombres y mujeres que marcaron la pauta en la transformación política de la nación. PAGE 12 NOVEMBER 13 - 20, 2019











































Kendra Brooks

Jamie Gauthier

Helen Gym

Cherelle Parker

Nancy Pelosi

Mitt Romney

Katie Porter

Justin Amash

Adam Schiff


The darkest places in hell are reserved for those who maintain their neutrality in times of moral crisis," said Dante Alighieri, an Italian poet of the Late Middle Ages. And between his Divine Comedy and 21st-century American politics, there don’t seem to be so many years. Since the election of Donald Trump as president of the United States, the basic factor of the national reality has been the moral compass of those chosen by the people to represent them and realize the needed transformations, from the suburbs to the great metropolises. Nothing more complicated. Whatever the view may be, this is the most convoluted and turbulent political period in the history of the country, where a president is being investigated for opening the iron doors and letting the enemy sleep at home, while Congress hopelessly breaks down. We not only talk about foreign agents and interests of an international network of billionaires but about the worst antagonist of a nation: hate. Hatred between nationalities; between ideals; between political parties. That is why choosing the most influential politicians this year was particularly complicated.

ENGLISH ESPAÑOL The full-fledged anger and widespread fear have destabilized much more than Capitol Hill, and keeping track of what our representatives in Congress really do is increasingly difficult. Our edition of Politicians of the Year has five personalities that swept the headlines nationwide and set the tone in the way of doing politics, and who kept, in one way or another, the compass facing north. We have also put the magnifying glass on politicians here at home; those people who work every day to the rhythm of the needs of their constituents, no matter what the headlines say. We hope to shed some light and perspective on this dark moment, and let our readers know that although the tide threatens to break the sails, there are still people with their hands fixed on the oars and the helm towards in the right direction.❚ THE EDITOR

Los lugares más oscuros del infierno están reservados para aquellos que mantienen su neutralidad en tiempos de crisis moral”, decía Dante Alighieri, poeta italiano de la Edad Media. Y entre la Divina Comedia y la política estadounidense del siglo XXI, parecen no haber tantos años. Desde la elección de Donald Trump como presidente de Los Estados Unidos, el factor de base de la realidad nacional ha sido el compás moral de los políticos elegidos por el pueblo para representarles y hacer realidad las transformaciones anheladas desde los suburbios hasta las grandes metrópolis. Nada más complicado. Se vea desde donde se vea, este es el período político más enrevesado y turbulento en la historia del país, donde un presidente está siendo investigado por abrir las puertas de hierro y dejar al enemigo dormir en casa, mientras el Congreso se fractura irremediablemente. No sólo hablamos de agentes extranjeros e intereses de una red internacional de multimillonarios, sino del peor antagonista de una nación: el odio. Odio entre nacionalidades, entre ideales, entre partidos políticos. Es por ello que escoger los políticos más influyentes de este año nos fue particularmente complicado. La ira a flor de piel y el miedo generalizado han desestabilizado mucho más que el Capitolio, y seguir-

le la pista a lo que realmente hacen nuestros representantes en el Congreso es cada vez más difícil. Nuestra edición de Políticos del Año cuenta con cinco personajes que arrasaron con los titulares a nivel nacional, que marcaron la pauta en la manera de hacer política en el país, y que mantuvieron, de una u otra manera, el compás mirando al norte. Asimismo, hemos puesto la lupa sobre los políticos aquí en casa; esas personas que trabajan día a día al ritmo de las necesidades de sus constituyentes, sin importar lo que digan los titulares. Esperamos así arrojar un poco de luz y de perspectiva a este momento tan oscuro, y hacer saber a nuestros lectores que aunque la marea amenace con romper las velas, siguen habiendo personas con las manos fijas en los remos y el timón en la dirección correcta.❚ DEL EDITOR

NOVEMBER 13 - 20, 2019







oing into Nov. 5’s general election in Philadelphia, many Districts and offices already had their elected leaders after May’s city primary. But that’s not to say there wasn’t anything to vote for, and Philadelphia showed it. With a turnout of over 265,000 — 30,000 more than the last citywide elections in 2015 — Philadelphians not only came out strong in support of a second term for Mayor Jim Kenney, but also spawned an upset that will go down in the city’s history.


Kendra Brooks celebrates her victory on Nov. 5 with her daughter, Kashmere. Photo: Emily Neil / AL DÍA News Kendra Brooks celebra su victoria el 5 de noviembre con su hija, Kashmere.


Foto: Emily Neil / AL DÍA News

Philadelphia has not seen a Republican Mayor since Bernard Samuel in 1947, and this election was no exception. In a heavily democratic city, the incumbent’s victory was foreseen since the 2019 May Primaries and Kenney did not fail to deliver, winning by a sweeping 80.03% over his republican counterpart Billy Ciancaglini. Under his administration, Kenney drew national attention by challenging the Federal government’s attempt to eliminate funding over Philly’s sanctuary city status. The ex-councilmember also instituted the controversial Soda Tax to fund a free pre-k programs for children in Philadelphia. He also decriminalized small amounts of marijuana and supports the creation of supervised injection sites.



l entrar a las elecciones generales del 5 de noviembre en Filadelfia, muchos distritos y oficinas ya contaban con sus líderes electos después de las elecciones municipales primarias del mes de mayo. Sin embargo, eso no significa que no había por qué votar, y Filadelfia lo demostró. Con una participación de más de 265,000 — 30,000 más que en las últimas elecciones en toda la ciudad en el año 2015 — los residentes de Filadelfia no solo salieron a las urnas para elegir al Alcalde Jim Kenney para un segundo período de gobierno, sino también produjeron una derrota inesperada que será registrada en los libros de la historia de la ciudad..


Filadelfia no ha tenido un alcalde republicano desde Bernard Samuel, en 1947, y estas elecciones no fueron la excepción. En una ciudad fuertemente demócrata, la victoria del titular estuvo prevista desde las elecciones primarias de mayo de 2019. Kenney cumplió con su propósito al ganar por 80.03% arriba de su contraparte republicana, Billy Ciancaglini. Durante su gobierno, Kenney atrajo la atención nacional al disputar el intento del gobierno federal de eliminar el financiamiento en base a la situación de

NOVEMBER 13 - 20, 2019

POLÍTICA However, his first term was also shaken by rising homicides and gun violence, the Hahnemann Hospital shut down, and the South Philadelphia Refinery explosion that left thousands of city workers unemployed. According to The Philadelphia Inquirer, the Mayor is considering a run for Governor. The sources agree on Kenney "definitely entertaining the idea right now," but remain a little skeptical. Should Philadelphia’s Mayor resign to pursue another office, the president of City Council -Darrell Clarke, would become the mayor.


“They said a black single mom from North Philly wasn’t the right person, but we have shown them that we are bigger than them.” This was Brooks at the Working Families Party election party right after declaring victory for one of City Council’s minority party at-large seats.

Brooks got the most votes of anyone vying for a minority party seat. Brooks obtuvo la mayor cantidad de votos de cualquier persona que se haya postulado para ocupar un escaño para miembros de las minorías del partido. When she assumes office in January, she will be the first independent council member in modern Philadelphia history — when Philly implemented its home charter 70 years ago. Her campaign received many high-profile endorsements and raised more than $250,000, but behind it all, was an ability to mobilize the city’s black vote in her favor. Brooks got the most votes of anyone vying for a minority party seat. David Oh retained the other at-large minority seat for the Republican Party. The five at-large Democrats joining them are Helen Gym, Allan Domb, Derek Green and newcomers Isaiah Thomas and Katherine Gilmore Richardson.


Four district nominees ran unopposed, but six faced contests. All the incumbents won, with Republican Brian O’Neill from District 10 facing the stiffest competition from Democrat Judy Moore. O’Neill won with 54% of the vote.❚

ciudad santuario de Filadelfia. El ex miembro del concejo también estableció el controversial Impuesto sobre bebidas gaseosas para financiar un programa de pre-kinder gratuito para todos los niños en Filadelfia. También despenalizó pequeñas cantidades de marihuana y apoya la creación de sitios de inyección supervisados. Sin embargo, su primer período de gobierno también estuvo estremecido por el aumento de homicidios, violencia con armas, el cierre del Hahnemann Hospital, y la explosión de la South Philadelphia Refinery que dejó a cerca de 300 trabajadores municipales sin empleo. Según The Philadelphia Inquirer, el alcalde está considerando postularse para gobernador. Las fuentes están de acuerdo en cuanto a que Kenney “definitivamente está contemplando la posibilidad en este momento”, pero aún están un poco escépticos. Si el alcalde de Filadelfia renuncia para postularse a otro cargo, el presidente del Consejo Municipal, Darrell Clarke, se convertiría en el alcalde.


“Dijeron que una madre soltera afroamericana de North Philly no era la persona correcta, pero les enseñamos que somos más grandes que ellos”. Estas son las palabras de Brooks en la fiesta de elecciones Working Families Party después del momento en que se declaró su victoria en ocupar uno de los escaños para toda la ciudad del partido minoritario del Consejo municipal. Cuando asuma el cargo en enero, ella será el primer miembro del consejo independiente en la historia contemporánea de Filadelfia — cuando Filadelfia estableció su carta de autonomía hace 70 años. Su campaña recibió muchos endosos de alto perfil y recaudó más de $250,000, pero detrás de todo esto estaba la capacidad para movilizar el voto afroamericano de la ciudad a su favor. Brooks obtuvo la mayor cantidad de votos de cualquier persona que se haya postulado para ocupar un escaño para miembros de las minorías del partido. David Oh conservó el otro escaño para miembros de las minorías para toda la ciudad para el Partido republicano. Los cinco demócratas para toda la ciudad que se unirán a ellos son Helen Hym, Allan Domb, Derek Green y los recién llegados Isaiah Thomas y Katherine Gilmore Richardson.


Cuatro nominados distritales compitieron sin oposición, pero seis se enfrentaron a su competencia. Todos los titulares ganaron, y el republicano Brian O’Neil se enfrentó a una fuerte contrincante, la demócrata Judy Moore. O’Neil ganó al obtener el 54% de los votos. ❚

Councilmember Helen Gym with supporters of Kendra Brooks' campaign at Brooks' celebration on Nov. 5. Photo: Michelle Myers / AL DÍA News La Concejal Helen Gym con simpatizantes de la campaña de Kendra Brooks en la celebración de su victoria el 5 de noviembre. Foto: Michelle Myers / AL DÍA News

NOVEMBER 13 - 20, 2019





IN BOLIVIA MORALES' RESIGNATION IS NOT WHAT IT SEEMS. LA RENUNCIA DE MORALES NO ES LO QUE PARECE. Anti-Morales demonstrators hold a box simulating a coffin with the name of Evo Morales at former government house Palacio Quemado on November 10, 2019 in La Paz, Bolivia. Photo by Javier Mamani/Getty Images

By | Por: ALBOR RUIZ Columnist


MManifestantes antimorales sostienen una caja que simula un ataúd con el nombre de Evo Morales en el antiguo Palacio Quemado el 10 de noviembre de 2019 en La Paz, Bolivia.


on’t be fooled by those who say that Evo Morales, the president of Bolivia, resigned over an electoral fraud dispute. This is the same excuse the Organization of American States (OAS) has been using for years to try to justify its shameful role as the ‘United States ministry of colonies.’ And don’t be fooled by those who say that what happened in the Andean nation was not a coup. What is it then when the Armed Forces chief “suggests’ that the nation’s elected president resign and fascist armed groups carrying bibles in one hand and rifles in the other kill, burn and torture the population with the complicity of the oligarchy and the police?

Morales, whose socialist government was in power for almost 14 years, was granted asylum in Mexico. He was not only the most successful president in the history of Bolivia but probably in all of South America. He achieved social and economic reforms that helped lift millions of Bolivians from poverty and improved the rights of indigenous communities. So, don’t be fooled by those who say that a majority of Bolivians oppose him when in fact he has solid support. And last but not least, don’t be fooled by the aberrant Christian discourse of those who violently subverted the constitutional order of the South American nation with Washington’s active complicity or at least its hypocritical consent. Racism is perhaps their greatest motivation and the source of the despicable violence and hate displayed these past few days. "Aquí no mandan los gringos, aquí mandan los indios" (“here native people, not foreigners, govern”), Morales had famously said, and the gringos and their servants could not tolerate such insolence. Don’t be fooled: The Bolivian coup d’état is a terrible tragedy for Latin America and for real democracy. ❚



o se deje engañar por quienes dicen que Evo Morales, el presidente de Bolivia, renunció por una disputa sobre fraude electoral. Esta es la misma excusa que la Organización de Estados Americanos (OEA) ha estado utilizando durante años para tratar de justificar su papel vergonzoso como el "ministerio de colonias de los Estados Unidos". Y no se deje engañar por quienes dicen que lo que sucedió en la nación andina no fue un golpe de estado. ¿Qué cosa es entonces cuando el jefe de las Fuerzas Armadas "sugiere" que el presidente electo de la nación renuncie y grupos armados fascistas que llevan biblias en una mano y fusiles en la otra matan, queman y torturan a la población con la complicidad de la oligarquía y la policía? Morales, cuyo gobierno socialista estuvo en el poder durante casi 14 años, recibió asilo en México. No solo fue el presidente más exitoso en la historia de Bolivia, sino probablemente en toda América del Sur. Logró reformas sociales y económicas que ayudaron a sacar a millones de bolivianos de la pobreza y mejoraron los derechos de las comunidades indígenas. Por lo tanto, no se deje engañar por quienes dicen que la mayoría de los bolivianos se

oponen a él cuando en realidad tiene un apoyo sólido. Y, por último, pero no menos importante, no se deje engañar por el discurso cristiano aberrante de aquellos que subvirtieron violentamente el orden constitucional de la nación sudamericana con la complicidad activa de Washington o al menos su consentimiento hipócrita. El racismo es quizás su mayor motivación y la fuente de la violencia y el odio despreciables mostrados en los últimos días. "Aquí no mandan los gringos, aquí mandan los indios", había dicho Morales, y los gringos y sus sirvientes no podían tolerar tal insolencia. No se deje engañar: el golpe de estado boliviano es una tragedia terrible para América Latina y para la democracia. ❚

Don’t be fooled: The Bolivian coup d’état is a terrible tragedy for Latin America and for real democracy.

No se deje engañar: el golpe de estado boliviano es una tragedia terrible para América Latina y para la democracia. 6•

NOVEMBER 13 - 20 , 2019






A sample ballot is shown at a polling station is shown at Nottingham Elementary School on November 5, 2019, in Arlington, Virginia. (Photo by Win McNamee/Getty Images)

Se muestra una boleta de muestra en una mesa electoral en la Escuela Primaria Nottingham el 5 de noviembre de 2019 en Arlington, Virginia. (Foto de Win McNamee/Getty Images)


The country is speaking from the democratic podium of the electoral exercise and is screaming for change. El país está hablando desde el podio demócratic del ejercicio electoral, y está pidiendo a gritos un cambio.

NOVEMBER 13 - 20, 2019


eing a Republican is very difficult in Donald Trump's America. Being part of the party of a president facing impeachment and observing the results of a vote that favors the opposite party is, at the very least, clarifying. The country is speaking from the democratic podium of the electoral exercise and is screaming for a change. Or that is what the results of the elections in Virginia and Kentucky on November 5 seemed to show. Democrat Andy Beshear defeated Republican incumbent Matt Bevin in the Kentucky governorship, in a territory that President Trump won by 30% of the vote in 2016, while Democrats took control of the Virginia state legislature – both the House as the Senate – for the first time "in a generation," the Washington Post explained. "The sweep completed a dramatic political conversion, from red to blue, in a Southern state on Washington’s doorstep," the media added.

ESPAÑOL Ser Republicano es muy difícil en los Estados Unidos de Donald Trump. Formar parte del partido de un presidente que enfrenta un juicio político y observar los resultados de una votación que favorece al partido contrario es, cuando mínimo, esclarecedor. El país está hablando desde el podio democrático del ejercicio electoral, y está pidiendo a gritos un cambio. O eso parecen demostrar los resultados de las elecciones en Virginia y Kentucky el pasado 5 de noviembre. El Demócrata Andy Beshear venció al titular republicano Matt Bevin en la gubernatura de Kentucky, en un territorio que el presidente Trump ganó por 30% de los votos en el 2016, mientras los demócratas se hicieron con el control de la legislatura estatal de Virginia (tanto la Cámara como el Senado) por primera vez “en una generación”, según explicó el Washington Post. “El barrido completó una dramática conversión política, de rojo a azul, en un estado del sur •7


Residents cast votes at Dunn Elementary School November 5, 2019 in Louisville, Kentucky. Gov. Matt Bevin, a strong ally of President Donald Trump, faces a tough reelection bid against Democrat Andy Beshear, the state's attorney general. (Photo by by John Sommers II/Getty Images)

In a slim majority of 20 to 19 in the state Senate and 51 to 48 in the House of Delegates, the 140 seats in the legislature were open for competition, and the victory of the Democrats marks a milestone in the history of the state, especially after years of Republican control thanks to the inequality of the district drawing. It was only in July of this year that the Supreme Court ruled that the state Republican House of Delegates did not have the legal right to refuse the order of a minor court that ordered the breakdown of gerrymandering that undermined the will of the voters. Republicans had not won a state race by votes since 2009, but they had taken the seats in the Senate and the House by minimum margins thanks to the distribution of the districts. Similarly, this victory reinforced the position of Democratic Governor Ralph S. Northam, who faced his own obstacles over the past year. On the other hand, the unpopular Kentucky Republican governor, Matt Bevin, lost against Democratic Attorney General Andy Beshear by about 5,100 votes and refused to accept defeat until after the last precincts were closed. The state is so important to the GOP that the president himself organized a rally the night before the election to convince voters to support Bevin. “If you win, they are going to make it like, ho-hum,” Trump told the crowd at the Monday night rally for Bevin. “And if you lose, they are going to say Trump suffered the greatest defeat in the history of the world. You can't let that happen to me!” Although the GOP managed to win all other races in the rest of the state, the victory of Beshear is nothing less than symbolic, especially in a deeply Republican territory that embraced Donald Trump almost unanimously during the 2016 elections. "Tonight, voters in Kentucky sent a message loud and clear for everyone to hear," Beshear said in his victory speech. "It's a message


Residentes votaron en Dunn Elementary School el 5 de noviembre de 2019 en Louisville, Kentucky. El gobernador Matt Bevin, un fuerte aliado del presidente Donald Trump, enfrenta una dura reelección contra el demócrata Andy Beshear, el fiscal general del estado. (Foto de John Sommers II/Getty Images)

that says our elections don't have to be about right versus left, they are still about right versus wrong." And it is precisely this message that seems to resonate throughout the country. Other elections such as the Mississippi governorate and the New Jersey legislature gave some hope to Republicans to maintain a certain presence on key territories but were defeated in conservative suburban counties in Philadelphia. Similarly, Regina Romero led a glorious race towards Tucson’s city hall, becoming the first Latina to lead the city. It seems like the turbulent administration of Donald Trump has his echo in public opinion, and his policies face an increasingly present rejection at the polls. After the blue wave in the midterm elections in 2018, this November's special elections draw a new panorama towards the presidential elections of 2020, where the impeachment against the president seems to become the best political campaign in favor of the Democrats. ❚

a las puertas de Washington”, agrega el medio. En una delgada mayoría de 20 a 19 en Senado estatal y de 51 a 48 en la Cámara de Delegados, los 140 escaños en la legislatura estaban abiertos para competición, y la victoria de los demócratas marca un hito en la historia del estado, en especial después de años en control republicano gracias a la inequidad del dibujo distrital. Fue tan sólo en julio de este año que la Corte Suprema determinó que la Cámara de Delegados Republicana del estado no tenía el derecho legal de refutar la orden de una corte menor que ordenó la ruptura del gerrymandering que minaba Virginia. Los Republicanos no habían ganado por votos una carrera

estatal desde el 2009, pero se habían hecho con los puestos en el Senado y la Cámara por márgenes mínimos en los resultados gracias a la distribución de los distritos. De igual manera, esta victoria reforzó la posición del gobernador demócrata Ralph S. Northam, quien enfrentó sus propios obstáculos durante el último año. Por otro lado, el impopular gobernador republicano de Kentucky, Matt Bevin, perdió contra el fiscal general demócrata Andy Beshear por alrededor de 5.100 votos, y se rehusó a conceder la victoria hasta después de cerrados los últimos precintos. El estado es tan clave para el GOP que el mismo presidente organizó un mitin la noche previa a las elecciones para convencer a los electores de apoyar a Bevin. “Si perdemos, dirán que Trump sufrió la peor derrota en la historia del mundo”, dio el presidente. “¡No pueden dejar que eso me suceda!” A pesar de que el GOP logró hacerse con todas las demás carreras en el resto del estado, la victoria de Beshear no es menos que simbólica, en especial en un territorio profundamente republicano y que abrazó a Donald Trump de manera casi unánime durante las elecciones del 2016. “Esta noche, los votantes de Kentucky enviaron un mensaje alto y claro para que todos lo escucharan”, dijo Beshear en su discurso de victoria. “Es un mensaje que dice que nuestras elecciones no tienen que ser sobre derecha versus izquierda, sino sobre lo correcto versus lo incorrecto”. Y es precisamente este mensaje el que parece resonar en todo el país. Otras elecciones como la de la gobernación de Mississippi y la legislatura de Nueva Jersey daban alguna esperanza a los Republicanos de mantener cierta presencia en terrenos clave, pero se vieron derrotados en condados suburbanos conservadores en Filadelfia. De igual manera, Regina Romero llevó una carrera gloriosa hacia la alcaldía de Tucson, transformándose en la primera latina en liderar la ciudad. Y es que la turbulenta administración de Donald Trump tiene su eco en la opinión pública, y sus políticas enfrentan un rechazo que se siente cada vez más presente en las urnas. Después de la ola azul de las elecciones de mitad de período en el 2018, las elecciones especiales de este noviembre dibujan un nuevo panorama hacia las presidenciales del 2020, donde cada día el impeachment contra el presidente pareciera transformarse en la mejor campaña política a favor de los Demócratas. ❚ NOVEMBER 13 - 20, 2019

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NOVEMBER 13 - 20, 2019







“But I tell people I have a Ph.D. because I was poor, hungry, and determined.” “Pero yo digo que tengo un Ph.D. porque era pobre, hambriento y decidido”. Richard Montañez

10 •


uring the first-ever B.PHL festival in Philadelphia last month, innovation remained the name of the game. Featuring dozens of panel discussions and keynote speakers bringing so many enlightening conversations to the table, one in particular stuck out: Richard Montañez. While his name and face may not immediately register on most people’s radars, his innovative idea likely will — Flamin’ Hot Cheetos. The snack is now a billion-dollar business, but it wouldn’t have been what it is today without what Montañez called “a revelation.”

n la primera versión del B.PHL Festival en Filadelfia el mes pasado, la innovación estuvo siempre en la jugada. De entre docenas de paneles de discusión y conferencistas que pusieron sobre la mesa tantos temas enriquecedores, se destacó uno en particular: Richard Montañez. Aunque su nombre y su rostro no estén en el radar para muchas personas, su innovadora idea probablemente sí lo está: Flamin’ Hot Cheetos. El pasaboca es ahora un negocio de mil millones de dólares, que no habría llegado a ser lo que es hoy sin lo que Montañez llamó “una revelación”. Montañez vino a Filadelfia, el jueves 17 de octubre, para hablar de su recorrido que inició desde que era el encargado del edificio en Frito-Lay para luego convertirse en el vicepresidente de Ventas y Mercadeo Multicultural en las divisiones de Pepsi Co. de Estados Unidos. El ascenso de Montañez es en particular interesante. Al crecer en el sur de California, en un campamento de trabajadores del campo inmigrantes, durante la década de 1960, y ser uno de los 10 hijos de inmigrantes mexicanos; Montañez acostumbraba cosechar uvas junto con su familia. Por sus dificultades para aprender inglés, abandonó los estudios a

NOVEMBER 13 - 20, 2019


Montañez spoke at the first-ever B.PHL Festival on Oct. 17 in Philadelphia. Photo: Jensen Toussaint / AL DÍA News

Montañez habló durante la primera versión del B.PHL Festival en Filadelfia el 17 de octubre. Foto: Jensen Toussaint / AL DÍA News

On Thursday, Oct. 17, Montañez came to Philadelphia to talk about his journey from janitor at Frito-Lay to now the vice president of multicultural sales & marketing across Pepsi Co.’s North American divisions. Montañez’s rise is quite an interesting one. Growing up in a migrant farm workers camp in Southern California during the 1960s, one of 10 children born to Mexican immigrants, Montañez used to pick grapes along with his family. After struggling to learn English, he left school at a very young age. “But I tell people I have a Ph.D,” he said. “Because I was poor, hungry, and determined.” After leaving school, he started working full-time gardening, killing chickens, washing cars, and other low-paying jobs. While working at a car wash, he received word that Frito Lay was hiring. So, he went to the plant, asked for an application, and had his wife fill it out for him. He returned the application and was hired as a janitor on the spot. Upon his hiring, Montañez’s grandfather said something to him that Montañez says “made him successful today.” “He said, ‘When you mop that floor, you make sure that it shines NOVEMBER 13 - 20,, 2019

The idea for Flamin’ Hot Cheetos was inspired by a grilled corn with chili, cheese, butter, and lime he bought from a street vendor. La idea de Flamin’ Hot Cheetos surgió de una mazorca a la parrilla con chile, queso, mantequilla y lima que compró a un vendedor de la calle. and when people see it, they know that a Montañez mopped it.’” So, he took on that challenge every day. “Everything I do… is about my last name,” said Montañez. The idea for Flamin’ Hot Cheetos was inspired by a grilled corn with chili, cheese, butter, and lime he bought from a street vendor. For Montañez, the idea of innovation comes from a simple question: “What if ?” “What if I put chili on a Cheeto?” he thought. That became his revelation. After testing the idea with his family, he eventually received an opportunity to pitch his revelation to former CEO. And the rest, as they say, is history. Almost 30 years later, the Flamin’ Hot Cheetos brand has become a cultural phenomenon. Montañez’s journey from janitor to vice president is due to a refusal to cave into fear and uncertainty, but rather a daring commitment to innovate and create a path. It was an unlikely journey; however, Montañez is a prime example of what innovation can produce for an individual. ❚

una edad muy temprana. “Pero yo digo que tengo un Ph.D”, dice. “Porque era pobre, hambriento y decidido”. Después de abandonar el colegio, comenzó a trabajar tiempo completo en jardinería, sacrificando pollos, lavando autos, entre otros trabajos que pagaban poco. Mientras trabajaba en un lavadero de autos, escuchó que Frito Lay estaba contratando. Fue a la planta, pidió una solicitud de empleo y le pidió a su esposa que la completara. Llevó su solicitud y enseguida lo contrataron como encargado del edificio. Cuando lo contrataron, el abuelo de Montañez le dijo algo que, según él, “hizo que alcanzara el éxito hoy”. “Dijo: ‘Cuando limpies ese piso, que te quede brillante, y que cuando la gente lo vea, sepan que lo limpió un Montañez’”. Y ese fue su reto todos los días. “Todo lo que hago … tiene que ver con mi apellido”, dijo Montañez. La idea de Flamin’ Hot Cheetos surgió de una mazorca a la parrilla con chile, queso, mantequilla y lima que compró a un vendedor de la calle. Para Montañez, la innovación viene de una sim-

ple pregunta: “¿Qué tal si?” “¿Qué tal si pongo chile en un cheeto?”, pensó. Esa fue su revelación. Después de probar la idea con su familia, tuvo la oportunidad de presentarla al director general anterior; y como dicen, el resto es historia. Después de casi 30 años, la marca Flamin’ Hot Cheetos se ha convertido en un fenómeno cultural. El recorrido que hizo Montañez de encargado a vicepresidente se debe a no rendirse ante el miedo y la incertidumbre, sino a comprometerse osadamente a innovar y crear el camino. Fue un destino improbable, pero Montañez es el mejor ejemplo de lo que la innovación puede hacer por alguien. ❚

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he last twelve months seem to have flown before our eyes but, in substance,much has changed in American politics. From a government shutdown for an annual budget, the publication of the Mueller report, a new Attorney General and an impeachment against the president — it’s a lot, packed into a very short time. We’re living in a totally different episode in the history of the country. That is why we’ve chosen in AL DÍA not only the most important politicians in the national headlines, but those who changed the discourse in one way or another, both in Washington and here at home. These are the politicians of the year: women and men who decided to ride the wave of chaos and do something productive with it.

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Since the Democratic Party won a majority in the House of Representatives, the Representative of the 12th District of Congress in California, Nancy Pelosi, has come to the forefront of national politics. Her tenure as Speaker of the House of Representatives began with a government shutdown which began when President Donald Trump refused to sign an annual budget that did not include funds for his border wall. Along with the Democratic Minority Leader in the Senate, Chuck Schumer, Pelosi proved time and again before the cameras that



os últimos doce meses parecen haber pasado volando ante nuestros ojos, pero en sustancia ha sido mucho lo que ha cambiado en la política estadounidense. Desde un gobierno cerrado por un presupuesto anual, la publicación del informe Mueller, un nuevo Fiscal General y un procedimiento político contra el presidente parecieran no caber en tan poco tiempo, pero esta era que vivimos es totalmente diferente a cualquier otro episodio en la historia del país. Es por ello que en AL DÍA hemos escogido no sólo a los políticos más importantes en los titulares nacionales, sino a

aquellos que cambiaron de una u otra manera el discurso, tanto en Washington como aquí en casa. Estos son los políticos del año, mujeres y hombres que decidieron montar la ola de caos y hacer algo productivo con ella.


Desde que el partido Demócrata ganara la mayoría en la Cámara de Representantes, la Representante del Distrito 12 del Congreso de California, Nancy Pelosi, ha pasado al primer plano en la política nacional. Su posición como presidenta de la Cámara de Representantes se inauguró con un gobierno bloqueado por el presidente Donald Trump quien se rehusaba a firmar un presupuesto anual que no incluyera fondos para su muro fronterizo. De la mano del líder de la minoría en el senado, Chuck Schumer, Pelosi demostró una y otra vez NOVEMBER 13 - 20, 2019


WHO MARKED 2019 experience and training is sometimes stronger than populism. Always following regular channels and navigating divisions both inside and outside the party, Pelosi has been key during these last 12 months in which the political crisis seems to have no ceiling. It was the Speaker of the House who checked the impulse of the most progressive wing of her party when they demanded a premature impeachment against Donald Trump. However, a phone call between Trump and the president of Ukraine was enough for Pelosi to finally orchestrate an orderly procedure, strictly adhered to the order of law, to give rise to impeachment.


Despite serving in the House of Representatives since 2001, this has been the year in which Adam Schiff demonstrated what he’s made of. As a representative of the 28th district of the California Congress, and a senior member of the NOVEMBER 13 - 20, 2019

House Intelligence Committee, Schiff took the lead in the investigation into an impeachment against Donald Trump in September 2019. The telephone call between the US president and the president of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky put on the table the Trump Administration's strategy to withhold military funds granted by Congress in exchange for information that favored Trump's re-election campaign in 2020. This was denounced by a whistleblower within the White House and confirmed by the transcript published by the government, thanks to the pressure exerted by Schiff from the intelligence committee. However, the highest judicial body of the government, the Department of Justice, refused to conduct an investigation in this regard, which forced the House of Representatives committees to conduct their own investigation. Since Sept. 13, 2019, Schiff has been in charge of subpoenas, interviewing, questioning and evaluating witnesses and hundreds of documents of evidence that seem to prove that something is rotting in Washington. His investigations have gone so far that the representative is now the victim of multilateral attacks by the Republican Party, the White House and, obviously, Fox News.


The representative of the 45th district of California is part of the freshman members of the

ante las cámaras que la experiencia y la formación es, a veces, más fuerte que el populismo. Siguiendo siempre los canales regulares y a través de pactos tanto dentro como fuera del partido, Pelosi ha sido clave durante estos últimos 12 meses en los que la crisis política parece no tener techo. Fue la presidenta de la Cámara quien mantuvo a raya la impulsividad del ala más progresista de su partido a la hora de exigir un prematuro proceso político contra Donald Trump. Bastó una llamada con el presidente de Ucrania para que Pelosi finalmente orquestara un procedimiento ordenado y estrictamente apegado a la ley para dar pie al impeachment.


A pesar de servir en la Cámara de Representantes desde el 2001, este ha sido el año en el que Adam Schiff demostró de qué está hecho. Como Representante del distrito 28 del Congreso de Ca-

lifornia, y miembro de alto rango del Comité de Inteligencia de la Cámara, Schiff tomó la batuta de la investigación hacia un juicio político contra Donald Trump en septiembre del 2019. La llamada telefónica entre el presidente estadounidense y el presidente de Ucrania Volodymyr Zelensky puso sobre la mesa la estrategia de la Administración Trump de retener fondos militares otorgados por el Congreso a cambio de información que favoreciera la campaña de reelección de Trump en el 2020. Esto fue denunciado por un informante dentro de la Casa Blanca y confirmado por la transcripción publicada por el gobierno, gracias a la presión ejercida por Schiff desde el comité de inteligencia. Sin embargo, el máximo organismo judicial del gobierno, el Departamento de Justicia, se negó a hacer una investigación al respecto, lo que obligó a los comités de la Cámara de Representantes a llevar a cabo su propia pesquisa. Desde el 13 de septiembre del 2019, Schiff se ha encargado de citar, entrevistar, cuestionar y evaluar a testigos y cientos de documentos de evidencia que parecen demostrar que algo se pudre a rápida velocidad en Washington. Sus investigaciones han llegado tan lejos, que el representante es ahora víctima de ataques multi• 13


These are the politicians of the year, women and men who decided to ride the wave of chaos and do something productive with it. Estos son los políticos del año, mujeres y hombres que decidieron montar la ola de cosas y hacer algo productivo con ella.

House and the Democratic Blue Wave that took the majority of the chamber in November 2018. After taking over the position of Republican Mimi Walters, Porter became the first Democrat to represent the district since its creation in 1953, all thanks to a grassroots political campaign without corporate money or support from Political Action Committees. Despite her short time in office, Porter has become "perhaps the fiercest disruptor in Congress since Elizabeth Warren," according to observers from the Financial Services Committee. Thanks to her sharp questions and pointed criticism against regulators appointed by the Trump Administration, as well as against its CEOs and the monopoly of banks, Porter is considered the avenger of consumers in Congress. Her interventions in the committees have become famous for her use of support material - from posters to books - and for her deep knowledge of cause in mortgage matters and in the defense of citizens' rights, especially after having worked as an independent mortgage supervisor in California between 2012 and 2014.


While it is true that the Republican Party has gradually transformed into a tribe led by President Trump's personal interests, there are some individuals inside its political ranks that have decided to make their own way and fulfill the work entrusted by their voters. Such is the case of the Representative of the 3rd Michigan Congressional district, Justin Amash, who split from the party in July 2019 and declared himself independent as a gesture of disagreement with bipartisanship in Congress. Despite having drawn attention for being the first Republican to request an impeachment against Donald Trump after the findings of the Mueller report, Amash has demonstrated his attachment to the Constitution since he drafted the declaration of the original mission of the Freedom Caucus in the House of Representatives. Despite serving in the House of Representatives since 2001, this has been the year in which Adam Schiff demonstrated what he's made of. Photo: Getty Images

A pesar de servir en la Cámara de Representantes desde el 2001, este ha sido el año en el que Adam Schiff demostró de qué está hecho.

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Foto: Getty Images

laterales por parte del partido Republicano, la Casa Blanca y, obviamente, Fox News.


La representante del distrito 45 de California forma parte de la oleada de nuevos miembros de la Cámara y de la Ola Azul demócrata que tomó la mayoría del organismo en noviembre del 2018. Tras haberse hecho con el puesto de la republicana Mimi Walters, Porter se transformó en el primer demócrata en representar el distrito desde su creación en 1953, todo gracias a una campaña política de base sin dinero corporativo ni apoyo de Comités de Acción Política. A pesar de su corto tiempo en el puesto, Porter se ha convertido “quizás en la disruptora más feroz en el Congreso desde Elizabeth Warren”, según aseguran observadores del Comité de Servicios Financieros. Gracias a sus agudas preguntas y puntiagudas críticas contra reguladores designados por la Administración Trump, así como contra sus CEO y el monopolio de los bancos, Porter es considerada la vengadora de los consumidores en el Congreso. Sus intervenciones en los Comités se han vuelto famosos por su uso de material de apoyo – desde carteles hasta libros – y por su profundo conocimiento de causa en asuntos de hipotecas y en la defensa de los derechos de los ciudadanos, en especial después de haber ejercido como supervisora independiente de hipotecas en California entre los años 2012 y 2014, y después de haber dado clases en la Facultad de Derecho Irvine de la Universidad de California.


Si bien es cierto que el Partido Republicano se ha transformado paulatinamente en una tribu liderada por los intereses personales del presidente Trump, existen en sus filas políticos que han decidido hacer un camino propio y cumplir el trabajo encomendado por sus votantes. Tal es el caso del Representante del tercer distrito del Congreso de Michigan, Justin Amash, quien se separó del partido en julio del 2019 y se declaró independiente como gesto de inconformidad con el bipartidismo en el Congreso. A pesar de haber llamado la atención por

NOVEMBER 13 - 20, 2019

PORTADA His training as a lawyer in Michigan and his early entry into the state legislature at age 28 set the tone for his political career, where he defined his positions, which include positions against abortion, and in favor of the Second Amendment and tax reform. All this makes him a textbook Republican representative, but his work during the Trump Administration has been an example of not having to be a Trumpist to be a Republican. In 2012, for example, he was expelled from the House Budget Committee after he voted against the budget proposed by Republican Paul Ryan, and TIME magazine describes him as "the Lego under the feet of Republicans."


The U.S. senator for the state of Utah has been another of the most important Republicans in recent months, not only for his open antagonism of the Trump Administration but also for his willingness to continue working despite the storm. Romney is one of the few Republicans to "keep an open mind" to the evidence against Donald Trump in the impeachment investigation led by Democrats in the House, and has remained on the side of investigations since the publication of the Mueller report. The former governor of Massachusetts between 2003 and 2007, Romney has been known for his 2012 presidential campaign against President Barack Obama, and for winning the position of Utah senator with 62.6% of the vote. During the last months, the senator has crossed the bipartisan lines to join the representative Ben McAdams and fight to maintain programs such as Social Security and Medicare, and considers himself “a lonely GOP voice battling Trump for the soul of the party.”


Before she took home the most votes of any City Council candidate in decades during May’s primary, Helen Gym was already on the rise to becoming one of Philadelphia’s most popular representatives in City Hall. As a member of the growing progressive wing of the Democratic Party in Philly, Gym came into office a champion of Philadelphia’s youth. Her freshman term on City Council has been eventful to say the least. In keeping with her youth-driven message, Gym has won record invest-

ments to support pre-K education, pull youth from homelessness and further fund resources for the Philadelphia School District. She also has been at the forefront of labor rights legislation, including Fair WorkWeek and the Domestic Workers Bill of Rights. Gym’s voice has also been heard on the frontlines of both Philadelphia’s standoff with ICE as a “welcoming city” for immigrants and the ill-fated fight to keep Hahnemann University Hospital open alongside its more than a thousand workers. Some of her most recent legislation has also given more protections and accessibility to Philly’s LGBTQ community. The approximately 109,000 votes Gym received in May was the second most received by any candidate in the 2019 primary races (the first was Mayor Jim Kenney). Speaking of mayors, Gym’s success has put her name in the growing name of qualified women looking towards 2023.


The dynasty-defeater from West Philadelphia, Jamie Gauthier handily claimed victory against longtime Councilmember Jannie Blackwell, who held the District 3 spot on City Council for 27 years. Gauthier’s extensive public service career includes stints with a plethora of community aid and development organizations — both long-standing and ones she created herself. Her most recent post was as executive director of the Fairmount Park Conservancy, which overlooks improvement projects at parks and green spaces across the city. The platform on which

City Councilmember Helen Gym took home the most votes of any City Council candidate in decades in May's primary. Photo: Sam Laub / AL DÍA News

La concejal Helen Gym se llevó a casa la mayor cantidad de votos que cualquier otro candidato del Consejo de la Ciudad había logrado en décadas durante las primarias del mayo. Foto: Sam Laub / AL DÍA News

ser el primer Republicano en solicitar el juicio político contra Donald Trump después de los hallazgos del informe Mueller, Amash ha demostrado su apego a la constitución desde que redactara la declaración de la misión original del Caucus de la Libertad en la Cámara de Representantes. Su formación como abogado en Michigan y su pronta incorporación a la legislatura estatal a los 28 años marcaron la pauta de su carrera política, donde definió sus posturas contra el aborto, a favor de la Segunda Enmienda y de la reforma fiscal. Todo esto le hace un Republicano de libro, pero su labor durante la Administración Trump ha sido ejemplo de que no hay que ser un Trumpista para ser Republicano.

Amash's work during the Trump Administration has been an example of not having to be a Trumpist to be a Republican. El labor de Amash durante la Administración Trump ha sido ejemplo de que no hay que ser un Trumpista para ser Republicano. NOVEMBER 13 - 20, 2019

En el 2012, por ejemplo, fue expulsado del Comité de Presupuesto de la Cámara después de haber votado contra el presupuesto propuesto por el republicano Paul Ryan, y la revista TIME le describe como “el Lego bajo el pie de los Republicanos”.


El Senador estadounidense por el estado de Utah ha sido otro de los Republicanos más importantes durante los últimos meses, no sólo por su antagonismo abierto a la Administración Trump sino por su disposición a seguir trabajando a pesar de la tormenta. Romney es uno de los pocos republicanos en “mantener una mente abierta” ante la evidencia contra Donald Trump en el juicio político encabezado por los Demócratas en la Cámara, y se ha mantenido del lado de las investigaciones desde la publicación del informe Mueller. Ex gobernador de Massachusetts entre los años 2003 y 2007, Romney ha sido conocido por su campaña presidencial en el 2012 contra el presidente Barack Obama, y por haber ganado el puesto de senador de Utah con el 62.6% de los votos. Durante los últimos meses, el senador ha cruzado las líneas bipartidistas para unirse al representante Ben McAdams y luchar por mantener programas como la Seguridad Social y Medicare, y se considera a sí mismo “una voz solitaria en el partido Republicano que batalla contra Trump por el alma del partido”.


Antes de llevarse a casa la mayor cantidad de votos que cualquier otro candidato del Consejo de la Ciudad haya logrado en décadas durante las primarias de mayo, Helen Gym ya era una de las habitantes más populares del Ayuntamiento de • 15


Brooks became the first third-party candidate to be elected to Philadelphia City Council in the city's modern history. Brooks es la primera tercera candidate elegida para el Concejo Municipal de Filadelfia en la historia moderna de la ciudad. Gauthier ran her successful bid for City Council tackled many issues currently plaguing Philly, including gentrification, poverty, climate change, justice reform and education. Her hot button issue is gentrification. As someone who was born and raised in West Philly, Gauthier has seen its effects first hand and is on a mission to find a more equitable path to redeveloping Philly’s neighborhoods. In addition to reforming the tax abatement, Gauthier thinks the city can be smarter about where it places its affordable housing, such as in areas surrounding major transit hubs.

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Philly’s process of property reassessment is also in Gauthier’s line of reform. After defeating Blackwell in the May primary through a strong, community-driven campaign, Gauthier ran unopposed in the November general election. She will assume office in January 2020.


Kendra Brooks is arguably the most surprising name to skyrocket to political stardom this election season. A third-party at-large City Council candidate, Brooks repped the Working Families Party banner alongside fellow community organizer Nicolas O’Rourke. Both were on a mission to unseat the Republican Party from both of the reserved minority party spots on City Council. Their reason for chasing spots on City Council is so it can realize a “true progressive” platform throughout all of Philadelphia.

Filadelfia. Como miembro del ala progresista del Partido Demócrata en Filadelfia, Gym asumió el cargo de defensora de la juventud de Filadelfia. u término de primer año en el Concejo Municipal fue, por decir lo menos, agitado. De acuerdo con su mensaje impulsado por los jóvenes, Gym ha ganado inversiones récord para apoyar la educación preescolar, salvar a los jóvenes de la falta de vivienda y financiar más recursos para el Distrito Escolar de Filadelfia. La voz de Gym también se escuchó en la primera línea del enfrentamiento de Filadelfia con ICE como una "ciudad acogedora" para los inmigrantes y la lucha nefasta para mantener abierto el Hospital Universitario Hahnemann junto a sus más de mil trabajadores. Parte de su legislación más reciente también ha brindado más protecciones y accesibilidad a

la comunidad LGBTQ de Philly. Los aproximadamente 109,000 votos que recibió Gym en mayo fueron los segundos más recibidos por cualquier candidato en las carreras primarias de 2019, siendo el primero el alcalde Jim Kenney. Hablando de alcaldes, el éxito de Gym ha puesto su nombre en el creciente nombre de mujeres calificadas que miran hacia 2024.


Jamie Gauthier, la asesina de la dinastía del oeste de Filadelfia, derrotó fácilmente al concejal Jannie Blackwell, quien ocupó el puesto del Distrito 3 en el Ayuntamiento durante 27 años. La extensa carrera de servicio público de Gauthier incluye períodos con una gran cantidad de organizaciones comunitarias de ayuda y desarrollo, tanto de larga data como las que ella misma creó. Su puesto más reciente fue como Directora Ejecutiva de Fairmount Park Conservancy, que supervisa los proyectos de mejora en parques y espacios verdes en toda la ciudad.

NOVEMBER 13 - 20, 2019


Jamie Gauthier, the Democratic City Council representative for District 3, visited AL DÍA on Sept. 18. Photo: Jensen Toussaint / AL DÍA News

Jamie Gauthier, la representante para el Distrito 3 en el Consejo Municipal, visitó AL DÍA el 18 de septiembre. Foto: Jensen Toussaint / AL DÍA News

It’s a platform that confronts the mass incarceration of a racist justice system, while also demanding a higher minimum wage despite state regulations. The message is no longer a pipedream. Brooks and O’Rourke have received endorsements from heavy hitters near and far, including fellow high-flyer Helen Gym and national juggernaut and presidential frontrunner Elizabeth Warren. The campaign raised the most money of any third-party campaign in Philly’s election history at $250,000. When Brooks celebrated her victory on Nov. 5, she became the first third-party candidate to be elected to Philadelphia City Council in the city’s modern history. Beyond that, her victory serves notice of the presence of the Democratic Party’s strong, and rapidly-expanding progressive wing across Philadelphia.


If you were a low-wage worker in the past year in Philadelphia needing a champion in govNOVEMBER 13 - 20, 2019

ernment, more than likely that person was District 9 Councilmember Cherelle Parker. Along with standing beside fellow councilmembers María Quiñones-Sánchez, Blondell Reynolds Brown, and Helen Gym in their fight for a domestic workers bill of rights in Philadelphia, Parker is also the only official to take a strong stance with the city’s parking lot workers. Like Philly’s domestic workers, many of the workers that run the city’s parking lots find themselves in poor conditions and sometimes questionably fired for bringing up those circumstances with supervisors. In response, Parker introduced a bill on April 26, 2019, that would require “just cause” for any of the parking lot companies to fire an employee, while also mandating each of their garages or lots are adequately staffed for safety reasons ❚

La plataforma en la que Gauthier realizó su exitosa candidatura para el Concejo Municipal abordó muchos problemas que actualmente afectan a Filadelfia, incluyendo la gentrificación, la pobreza, el cambio climático, la reforma de la justicia y la escasez de educación. Su tema clave es la gentrificación. Como alguien que nació y creció en West Philly, Gauthier ha visto sus efectos de primera mano y está en una misión para encontrar un camino más equitativo para la reurbanización de los vecindarios de Philly. Además de reformar la reducción de impuestos, Gauthier cree que la ciudad puede ser más inteligente sobre dónde ubica sus viviendas asequibles, como en las áreas que rodean los principales centros de tránsito. El proceso de reevaluación de la propiedad de Philly también está en su mira. Después de derrotar a Blackwell en las primarias de mayo a través de una fuerte campaña impulsada por la comunidad, Gauthier se presentó sin oposición en las elecciones generales de noviembre. Asumirá el cargo en enero de 2020.


Kendra Brooks es posiblemente el nombre más sorprendente en dispararse al estrellato político en esta temporada electoral. Brooks, una candidata a concejal de la ciudad en general, replicó la pancarta del Partido de las Familias Trabajadoras junto al colega organizador comunitario Nicolas O’Rourke. Ambos tienen la misión de destituir al Partido Republicano de sus dos lugares de partido minoritario en el Ayuntamiento. Su razón para postular a posiciones en el Ayuntamiento es conseguir una plataforma "verdaderamente progresiva" en todo Filadelfia. Es una plataforma que enfrenta el encarcelamiento masivo de un sistema de justicia racista, al tiempo que exige un salario mínimo más alto a pesar de las regulaciones estatales. El mensaje ya no es un sueño. Brooks y O’Rourke han recibido el respaldo de los grandes atacantes cercanos y lejanos, incluida la compañera de alto vuelo Helen Gym y el gigante nacional y Elizabeth Warren, que pronto será la candidata favorita a la presidencia. La campaña también ha recaudado la mayor cantidad de dinero de cualquier campaña de ter-

ceros en el historial electoral de Filadelfia con $ 250,000. Al celebrar su victoria el 5 de noviembre, Brooks hizo historia como la tercera candidata elegida para el Concejo Municipal de Filadelfia en la historia moderna de la ciudad. Más allá de eso, su victoria demostró la fuerte presencia del ala progresista del Partido Demócrata en Filadelfia.


Si usted fue un trabajador con un salario bajo en el último año en Filadelfia y estaba en búsqueda de un campeón en el gobierno, lo más probable es que esa persona fuera la concejal del Distrito 9, Cherelle Parker. Además de estar junto a sus colegas concejales María Quiñones-Sánchez y Blondell Reynolds Brown en su lucha por una declaración de derechos de las trabajadoras domésticas en Filadelfia, Parker también es la única funcionaria que adopta una postura firme con los trabajadores de estacionamientos en la ciudad. Al igual que las trabajadoras domésticas de Filadelfia, algunos de los que manejan los numerosos estacionamientos de la ciudad se encuentran en malas condiciones y, a veces, son despedidos de manera cuestionable por mencionar esas circunstancias con los supervisores. En respuesta, Parker presentó un proyecto de ley el 26 de abril de 2019 que requeriría una "causa justa" para que cualquiera de las compañías de estacionamientos despidiera a un empleado, al tiempo que obliga a cada uno de sus garajes o lotes con el personal adecuado por razones de seguridad.❚

If you were a low-wage worker in the past year in Philadelphia needing a champion in government, more than likely that person was District 9 Councilmember Cherelle Parker.

Si usted fue un trabajador con un salario bajo en el último año en Filadelfia y estaba en búsqueda de un campeón en el gobierno, lo más probable es que esa persona fuera la concejal del Distrito 9/ Cherelle Parker. • 17







Arianne Bracho and Carmen Marcet speak to Latina women from Philadelphia. Photo: Courtesy of Madre Tierra

Arianne Bracho y Carmen Marcet se dirigen a las mujeres Latinas desde Filadelfia. Foto: Cortesía de Madre Tierra


"Madre Tierra is a program for every woman." "Madre Tierra es un programa para todas las mujeres". Arianne Bracho

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his December will be two years since Arianne Bracho’s family landed in

the U.S. Arianne was born and raised in Venezuela; she did theatre, recorded social documentaries on Venezuela’s main issues and diversity and helped founding many community radios in her country. But when the Chavist government’s violence put her little son's life at

risk, the family decided it was time to move. “It was persecution. I worked for the Government and, since there were telephone tapping, they fired me and began to threaten us. Then my son was shot at his leg and we had 'enough',” she says. Philadelphia welcomed them with open arms. In fact, eight months after starting to produce “Madre Tierra” – the community radio program she



ste mes de diciembre hará dos años que Arianne Bracho aterrizó en Estados Unidos junto a su familia. Había nacido y crecido en Venezuela, hecho teatro, realizado cortometrajes sociales y ayudado a fundar numerosas emisoras de radio comunitarias en su país, pero cuando la violencia del gobierno chavista puso en riesgo a su hijo menor, activista universitario, decidieron que era tiempo de marchar. “Hubo una persecución. Yo trabajaba para el gobierno entonces y, como había escuchas, me despidieron y empezaron a amenazarnos. Pero un mes de abril dispararon a mi hijo en la pierna y eso fue lo último”, dice. Philadelphia, asegura, les acogió con los brazos abiertos. Tanto que ocho meses después de llevar a antena “Madre Tierra”, el programa de radio comunitario que inició en 2014 en Venezuela y comparte con la peruana Carmen Marcet, ha recibido el galardón de la cadena a la innovación radiofónica. “Madre Tierra es un programa para todas las

NOVEMBER 13 - 20, 2019


Madre Tierra started to broadcast from Venezuela five years ago. Photo: Courtesy of Madre Tierra

Madre Tierra empezó a emitirse en 2014 en una radio comunitaria en Venezuela. Foto: Cortesía de Madre Tierra

founded in Venezuela and now shares with Peruvian Carmen Marcet – she has been honored with the Channel prize for her innovation. “Madre Tierra is a program for every woman. We want to promote their talent and projects, advocate feminism and justice. But, above all, we defend Hispanic women, especially since I don't speak Engish and I have been able to do stuff in Spanish from the U.S.”, says Arianne. She states that this CAMMY Award means a “commitment” with the Hispano community and women, but It is also a commitment to go on producing “Spanish content” in Philly. “The Latino community is very active. However, since we are migrants, we are focused on working and making a life and forget the possibility of growing in other areas,” she resumes. Madre Tierra Radio broadcasts every Friday from 17h to 18h at WPPM. Through its interviews and producers from countries such as the Dominican Republic, Puerto Rico, Peru or Ecuador, it reflects the great diversity of accents and the complexity of Latino culture. ❚ NOVEMBER 13 - 20, 2019

mujeres. Queremos fomentar su talento y sus proyectos, reivindicar el feminismo y la justicia. Pero, sobre todo a la mujer hispana. Yo no hablo inglés y he podido hacer cosas en español en Estados Unidos”, cuenta Arianne. Quien apunta que este CAMMY Award, que le fue concedido por un programa en concreto sobre periodismo comunitario, representa “un compromiso” con la comunidad hispana y las mujeres, pero sobre todo una apuesta por seguir “creando contenido en español” desde Philadelphia. “La comunidad latina es muy activa, pero por el hecho de haber emigrado está muy pendiente de trabajar y se le olvida la posibilidad de crecer en otras áreas”, resume. Madre Tierra Radio se emite cada viernes de 17h a 18h en WPPM y refleja con sus entrevistas y sus productores, que contribuyen desde lugares tan diversos como República Dominicana, Puerto Rico, Perú o Ecuador, la gran diversidad de acentos y la complejidad de los Latinos. ❚

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OUR SPACE FOR YOUR STORIES Nuestro espacio para sus historias





omen are half the population, but only one in four people who appear in news stories — an issue we’re trying to correct at The Fuller Project, a nonprofit journalism organization that reports on critical stories about women. One national news story that exemplifies how often women’s experiences are overlooked is the opioid crisis. Unfortunately, the media hasn’t learned from mistakes in covering the crack epidemic of the 1990s, when domestic violence proved to be a leading factor in the spread of HIV and crack. Women who are abused are up to 10 times more likely to develop a dependency on drugs, which they often use to self-medicate or cope with toxic stress from past trauma. Today, domestic violence is driving women to opiates, yet we rarely hear their stories, especially not the stories of overcoming addiction.

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My name is Ramona Hieye. In the 1960s, I grew up in Kensington, a very different version of the neighborhood you see in the news today. My Kensington had drugs and violence, just like now. My Kensington was no less tragic. But nobody seemed to care about my Kensington at the time. Nobody seemed to care about the stories of women like me. When I was 13 years old, in 1972, my stepfather kicked me out of the house for the first time. I’d grown up with my mother and sisters, but once this man (who I came to despise) came into the picture, I started down a dark path. He was physically abusive. He never considered me his own. Sometimes, I’d sneak back into the house while he was at work, just to grab a bite to eat.

Ramona Hieye in her living room at her home in North Philadelphia. Photo: Vanessa Dávila

Ramona Hieye en el salón de su casa en el norte de Filadelfia. Foto: Vanessa Dávila



as mujeres son la mitad de la población pero solo representan una de cada cuatro personas que aparecen en las noticias, un problema que estamos tratando de corregir en The Fuller Project, una organización de periodismo sin fines de lucro que informa sobre historias críticas vividas por mujeres. Una noticia nacional que ejemplifica la frecuencia con la que se pasan por alto las experiencias de las mujeres es la crisis de los opioides. Desafortunadamente, los medios

de comunicación no han aprendido de los errores al cubrir la epidemia de crack de la década de 1990, cuando la violencia doméstica resultó ser un factor principal en la propagación del VIH y este tipo de adicciones. Las mujeres que sufren abuso son hasta 10 veces más propensas a desarrollar una dependencia psicotrópica, que a menudo usan para automedicarse o lidiar con el estrés tóxico de un trauma pasado. Hoy, la violencia doméstica está llevando a las mujeres a los opiáceos, pero

rara vez escuchamos sus historias, especialmente las historias de superación de la adicción.


Me llamo Ramona Hieye. Crecí en Kensington durante la década de los 60, una versión muy diferente del vecindario que ves hoy en las noticias. Mi Kensington tenía drogas y violencia, como ahora. Mi Kensington no fue me-

NOVEMBER 13 - 20, 2019


My mother never gave up on me, even when I'd nearly done so myself. Mi madre nunca se rindió conmigo, incluso cuando yo casi lo había hecho. Ramona Hieye's living room in her house in North Philadlephia. Photo: Vanessa Dávila

El salón de la casa de Ramona Hieye en el norte de Filadelfia. Foto: Vanessa Dávila

It took less than a year of feeling angry and alone before I tried my first prescription opiate. I numbed my trauma with drugs, but they also led to shelter. For years, drug houses provided the only reliable roof over my head. The most reliable work, too. I began running the streets of Kensington, selling enough baggies to finance my own habit. My regiment was heroin in the mornings, then crack throughout the day — a bag per hour at the peak of my addiction. Your body gets used to the drugs and you crave more. In recovery, we call that a monster, and the monster got bigger and bigger. I turned to shoplifting and stealing cars for income. I’d go days without sleeping, then squat overnight in abandoned houses. I didn’t want my mom to see me. I didn’t want to hurt her. I would wake up in tears, sometimes not being able to walk. Jail saved my life several times. After awhile, it felt like home. I was always in and out — 16 times over the course of my life — so the guards all knew me behind bars. I’d spend months getting clean, sober, and focused on a rebound, although it often didn’t last. At one point, my judge told me, “I am tired of seeing your face.” He then told me to look outside the window of the courtroom and count how many birds there were. When I counted three, he told me that’s how many more times he’d give me. (In the end, I’d need a few more tries.) My mother never gave up on me, even when I’d nearly done so myself. In 2009, she passed away after I had just got out of prison. It’s one of my biggest regrets, not being with her at the end. I couldn’t picture life without her. She was my support system. And I fell right back into using. But the lasting memory of my mother proved to be a turning point. After my release, I immediately entered rehab. Using methadone, I weaned myself off opiates. Forced to find a new support system, I reconnected with a childhood friend who understood my struggle. Now I call him my husband. With his help and NOVEMBER 13 - 20, 2019

others in the community of recovery, I’ve been drug-free for 16 years. I feel blessed to be a recovering addict. Being sober, I’ve realized that nobody has to be a puppet to substances, and I am living proof. It’s a beautiful feeling to not be controlled by a drug smaller than your toenail. I hope my story can urge other addicts to never give up, especially women. After all, women who are abused are 10 times more likely to develop a dependency on drugs. The data tells us that addiction-prevention efforts are taking hold much better among women in Philadelphia, however. Between 2010 and 2017, the number of emergency room visits for opioid- and heroin-related causes has grown by 87 percent among men. For females, it ticked up just 6 percent. Women have been a shrinking share of fatalities in the city in recent years, too. I’m proudly not one of those statistics. When I first got sober, I lived in a filthy house where the roof leaked. My husband and I set out to buy a house, saving the money that would have gone to bad habits in my younger years. I sold stuff at flea markets, going into higher-income neighborhoods and recycling their trash. You’d be surprised to see what people are willing to throw away. Miracles do happen.❚

nos trágico. Pero a nadie parecía importarle mi Kensington en ese momento. A nadie parecía importarle las historias de mujeres como yo. Cuando tenía 13 años, en 1972, mi padrastro me echó de la casa por primera vez. Había crecido con mi madre y mis hermanas, pero una vez que este hombre (al que despreciaba) entró en escena, comencé a transitar un camino oscuro. Fue físicamente abusivo. Nunca me consideró su hija. A veces, me colaba de regreso a la casa mientras él estaba en el trabajo, solo para comer algo. Me tomó menos de un año de ira contenida y soledad antes de probar mi primer opiáceo con receta. Adormecí mi trauma con drogas, pero también me llevaron al refugio. Durante años, las farmacias proporcionaron el único techo confiable sobre mi cabeza. El trabajo más confiable también. Comencé a correr por las calles de Kensington, vendiendo suficientes bolsas para financiar mi propio hábito. Mi regimiento era heroína por las mañanas, luego crack durante todo el día, una bolsa por hora en el pico de mi adicción. Tu cuerpo se acostumbra a las drogas y anhelas más. En recuperación, lo llamamos monstruo, y el monstruo se hizo más y más grande. Empecé a robar en tiendas y robar autos para obtener dinero. Pasaba días sin dormir,

luego me ponía en cuclillas durante la noche en casas abandonadas. No quería que mi madre me viera. No quería lastimarla. Me despertaba llorando, a veces no podía caminar. La cárcel me salvó la vida varias veces. Después de un tiempo, se sintió como en casa. Siempre estaba entrando y saliendo, 16 veces en el transcurso de mi vida, por lo que todos los guardias me conocían tras las rejas. Pasaría meses limpiando, sobria y concentrada en una recaída, aunque a menudo no duraba. En un momento, mi juez me dijo: "Estoy cansado de ver tu cara". Luego me dijo que mirara por la ventana de la sala del tribunal y contara cuántas aves había. Cuando conté tres, me dijo que esas eran las oportunidades que me daría. (Al final, necesitaría algunos intentos más). Mi madre nunca se rindió conmigo, incluso cuando yo casi lo había hecho. En 2009, falleció justo después de que salí de la cárcel. Es uno de mis mayores remordimientos, no estar con ella al final. No podría imaginar la vida sin ella. Ella era mi sistema de apoyo. Y caí de nuevo en uso. Pero el recuerdo duradero de mi madre resultó ser un punto de inflexión. Después de mi liberación, inmediatamente entré en rehabilitación. Usando metadona, me despegué de los opiáceos. Obligada a encontrar un nuevo sistema de apoyo, me reconecté con un amigo de la infancia que entendió mi lucha. Ahora lo llamo mi esposo. Con su ayuda y otros en la comunidad de recuperación, he estado libre de drogas durante 16 años. Me siento bendecida de ser un adicta en recuperación. Estando sobria, me di cuenta de que nadie tiene que ser un títere de las sustancias, y soy una prueba viviente de ello. Es una sensación hermosa no estar controlada por una droga más pequeña que la uña del pie. Espero que mi historia pueda inspirar a otros adictos a que nunca se rindan, especialmente a las mujeres. Después de todo, las mujeres que son abusadas tienen 10 veces más probabilidades de desarrollar una dependencia de las drogas. Sin embargo, los datos nos dicen que los esfuerzos de prevención de adicciones se están consolidando mucho mejor entre las mujeres de Filadelfia. Entre 2010 y 2017, el número de visitas a la sala de emergencias por causas relacionadas con opioides y heroína aumentó en un 87 por ciento entre los hombres. Para las mujeres, aumentó solo el 6 por ciento. Las mujeres también han disminuido la cantidad de muertes en la ciudad en los últimos años. Estoy orgullosa de no ser una de esas estadísticas. Cuando estuve limpia, vivía en una casa sucia donde el techo goteaba. Mi esposo y yo nos dispusimos a comprar una casa, ahorrando el dinero que fácilmente habría gastado en malos hábitos en mis años más jóvenes. Vendí cosas en los mercados de pulgas, en vecindarios de mayores ingresos y reciclé su basura. Te sorprendería ver lo que la gente está dispuesta a tirar. Los milagros ocurren.❚ • 21










The U.S. Census Bureau is about to start conducting its 2020 decennial census and are recruiting thousands of people from Philadelphia County to across the country to make sure everyone is counted. They are hiring for a variety of temporary jobs with competitive pay, all lasting several weeks. The largest number of job openings is for census takers— people who go door to door counting residents, both citizens and non-citizens. Other jobs include recruiting assistants, office clerks, and supervisory staff. Position hours vary, but are flexible and may require people to work in the evenings and/or weekends. Pay varies depending upon where people live.


Census takers make sure everyone in the country is counted. They go door to door, interviewing residents. Photo: Depositphotos Los censistas se aseguran de que todos en el país sean contados . Ellos van de puerta en puerta, entrevistando residentes.

The largest number of job openings is for census takers— people who go door to door counting residents. El mayor número de ofertas de trabajo es para censistas— las personas que van de puerta en puerta contando residentes.

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Census takers make sure everyone in the country is counted. They go door to door, interviewing residents and adding them to the census count. This helps to decide how federal funding will be spent on hospitals, schools and roads and to determine the representation in Congress, specifically in the House of Representatives. This job has flexible hours, but requires applicants to be available in the evenings and on the weekends, when most people are home. Census takers may also be required to work during the day to take down addresses on buildings. The position involves driving, so having a valid driver’s license and access to a vehicle are important, unless there is accessible public transportation. Any work expens-

La Oficina del Censo de EE.UU. va a empezar conducir su censo decenal de 2020 y está contratando miles de personas del condado de Filadelfia y en el resto del país para asegurar que todos estén incluidos en el conteo. Están contratando por una variedad de puestos temporales con salarios competitivos, la mayoría de ellos duran varias semanas. El mayor número de ofertas de trabajo es para censistas— las personas que van de puerta en puerta contando residentes— ya sean ciudadanos o no. Otros empleos incluyen administrativos y puestos de supervisión y contratación. Las horas de empleo varían, pero son flexibles y podrían requerir que las personas trabajen por las tardes y/o fines de semana. El salario depende del lugar de residencia.


Los censistas se aseguran de que todos en el país sean contados. Ellos van de puerta en puerta, entrevistando residentes y agregándolos al conteo. Eso ayuda el gobierno a decidir cómo se distribuyen fondos para hospitales, escuelas y carreteras y para determinar el representación en la Cámara de Representantes del Congreso de los E.E.UU. El puesto tiene horas flexibles, pero requiere que los asistentes estén disponibles en las tardes y/o durante fines de semana, cuando la mayoría de personas

NOVEMBER 13 - 20, 2019

CULTURA es, such as mileage incurred while working, will be reimbursed.


There are a few recruiting outreach positions, depending on the state and county that applicants live in. Similar to census takers, work hours are flexible.


Administrative work is available in areas where the U.S. Census Bureau has local offices. Hours for this position are variable. Typically, employees work during during regular business hours, but they may need to be available in the evenings and/ or weekends, depending on the availability of work.


These positions are limited and require applicants to fill out additional questions during their

assessment. The two positions offered are census field supervisor and office field supervisor. Employees are required to work certain day, evening, and/or weekend shifts.


For all positions, the pay is competitive. Paychecks are weekly and employees will be paid for training, at a slighter lower rate than the hourly rate they will earn on the job. Salary varies by state, by county and by type of job. For example, census employees in Philadelphia County can expect to earn between $17 to $21 an hour. To find the average salary for your location, go to jobs/pay-and-locations.html. Type in your state and county to view the pay rate. Also, a national map lists where jobs are offered and the average hourly rate. ❚ This is an article done by AL DÍA in collaboration with the U.S. Census Bureau.

están en casa. Además, los censistas pueden ser requeridos a trabajar durante el día para anotar las direcciones en los edificios. Manejar es parte del trabajo y el puesto requiere que tenga una licencia de conducir válida y acceso a un vehículo, a menos que haya transporte público accesible. Cualquier gasto autorizado de trabajo, como las millas mientras realizan el trabajo del censo, se les reembolsarán.




Hay algunos puestos de contratación, depende del estado y el condado donde las asistentes viven. Similar a los censistas, las horas de trabajo son flexibles.


También están disponibles empleos administrativos en áreas donde la Oficina del Censo tiene oficinas locales. Las horas de este puesto son variables. Típicamente, los empleados trabajan durante las horas regulares de negocios, pero es posible que serán requeridos a estar disponibles en las tardes y/o fines de semana, dependiendo de la disponibilidad del trabajo.

Estos empleos son limitados y requieren que los asistentes respondan a preguntas adicionales durante su evaluación en línea. Los dos puestos ofrecidos son supervisor(a) de campo del censo y de supervisor(a) de operaciones de oficina. Empleados son requeridos a trabajar algunos turnos de trabajo durante el día, las tardes y/o fines de semana.

El pago es competitivo en todos los puestos. Se pagan a los empleados semanalmente y durante su capacitación, a un precio un poco menor que el precio durante el trabajo. El salario varía según el estado, el condado y el tipo de puesto. Por ejemplo, los empleados del censo en el condado de Filadelfia pueden ganar entre 17 y 21 dólares por hora. Para saber el salario promedio de su ubicación, vaya a html. Seleccione su estado y condado para ver el salario. También, hay una mapa nacional que muestra donde los trabajos están ubicados y los salarios respectivos. ❚ Este es un tema hecho por AL DÍA en colaboración con la Oficina del Censo.

Sea Censista Ingresos extra

Horario flexible Paga semanal

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Capacitación pagada

Para obtener más información o ayuda para inscribirse, llama al 1-855-562-2020 Servicio Federal de Relevo: 1-800-877-8339 TTY/ASCII

La Oficina del Censo de los EE. UU. es un empleador que ofrece igualdad de oportunidades. D-1521SP | April 2019

NOVEMBER 13 - 20, 2019

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ndrea Solorzano was born in Elizabeth, New Jersey, to Peruvian parents, but grew up in South Carolina. She took a bold move and ended up in Philly ten years ago when she accepted her first job right after college. She left her friends and family behind, didn’t know anyone in Philly, but it was this decision that changed her life. Some of the challenges she encountered being a first-generation Peruvian-American was in part due to growing up in a Hispanic heavy community where everyone spoke mainly Spanish. It wasn’t until she was in third grade that she mastered the English language. In high school, she had to figure out the education system on her own, made important academic decisions, and had to navigate through the college application process. Peruvian’s in mainstream media are hardly portrayed, “people don’t even know where Peru is on the map,” she added. Growing up, there weren’t any role models whom she could look up to expect for athletes or entertainment celebrities, but she wanted to go into business and finance. “It is important to be aware of the lack of representation and to understand how important it is for kids to look up to people they can relate to,” she added. Andrea aspires to be a role model, to share her knowledge and experience. She wants to share every bit of

what she’s learned in hopes of impacting at least one person. Andrea has a bachelor’s in Accounting, a Master’s in Finance, an MBA in Entrepreneurship and Management, and a PMP Certification. Education has played an important role in her life as it has created endless opportunities. Growing up, the only thing she knew for sure was that she had to go to school — that was what her parents often asked from her and her sister. They knew that education would provide more opportunities than those they had. Solorzano currently works for “Your Outsourced CFO” as a Financial Associate. In this role, she helps small to medium size businesses achieve their strategic objectives by playing the role of an outsourced CFO. They serve as a resource for growing businesses by providing a similar value proposition as a full-time CFO, without the high cost. For Andrea, it was tough identifying what exactly she wanted to do with her career. She tried different jobs, but nothing felt right until she found her current role. She considers her current role to be her biggest career accomplishment as she loves the positive impact that she has with her clients. She is excited about growth opportunities within her company and sees herself working there in the long term. In all, Andrea hopes to make a positive impact on anyone’s life — it could be anything from making a connection, to sharing advice and continuing to help clients. In the future, Andrea sees herself still with her company, working with new diverse clients, and a couple more marathons under her belt. In five years, the company will have grown even more, perhaps satellite offices, and she sees herself as part of the team in charge of getting these offices off the ground.❚


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ndrea Solorzano, de padres peruanos, nació en Elizabeth, New Jersey, pero creció en Carolina del Sur. Hace diez años tomó una decisión osada y terminó en Fili después de aceptar su primer trabajo al terminar la universidad. Aunque no conocía a nadie en Fili, dejó a sus amigos y familia, pero fue una decisión que cambió su vida. Los retos a los que se enfrentó por ser una peruanoamericana de primera generación se debió en parte a haber crecido en una comunidad fuertemente hispana donde todos hablaban principalmente español; no fue sino hasta tercer grado que dominó el idioma inglés. En la secundaria, tuvo que arreglárselas con el sistema educativo por sí sola, tomar decisiones académicas importantes, y atravesar el proceso de ingreso a la universidad. Muy raramente se muestra a los peruanos en los medios tradicionales, “la gente ni siquiera sabe dónde está Perú en el mapa”, agregó. Al crecer, no había modelos a seguir excepto atletas y celebridades de la farándula, pero ella quería entrar en el mundo de los negocios y las finanzas. “Es importante estar al tanto de la falta de representación y entender lo importante que es para los niños admirar a personas con las que se puedan identificar”, agregó. Andrea aspira ser un modelo a seguir, para compartir sus conocimientos y experiencia. Quiere compartir todo lo que ha aprendido con la esperanza de cambiar aunque sea la vida de una sola persona. Andrea tiene un pregrado en Contabilidad, una maestría en Finanzas, un MBA en Gerencia y Em-

prendimiento y una certificación PMP. La educación ha tenido un papel importante en su vida, ya que ha creado oportunidades infinitas. Cuando era niña, lo único que sabía con seguridad era que tenía que estudiar en la universidad — eso le pedían sus padres a ella y a su hermana. Ellos sabían que la educación les iba a dar más oportunidades que las que ellos tuvieron. Solorzano actualmente trabaja en “Your Outsourced CFO” como socia financiera. En este rol, ayuda a las pequeñas y medianas empresas a lograr sus objetivos estratégicos como una directora financiera externa. Son un recurso para los negocios en crecimiento que no pueden costear un director financiero de tiempo completo. Para Andrea, fue difícil identificar exactamente lo que quería hacer con su carrera. Probó con diferentes trabajos, pero no se sentía bien con ninguno hasta que encontró su trabajo actual. Considera que este cargo es el logro más importante de su carrera, pues le encanta el impacto positivo que ha tenido en sus clientes. Le entusiasman las oportunidades de crecimiento dentro de la compañía y se ve a sí misma trabajando ahí a largo plazo. En resumen, Andrea espera dejar un impacto positivo en la vida de cualquier persona — desde hacer conexiones hasta compartir consejos y seguir ayudando a los clientes. A futuro, Andrea se ve a sí misma con su compañía, trabajando con clientes nuevos y diversos, y con un par de maratones más dentro de sus logros. En cinco años, la compañía habrá crecido más, quizás con oficinas adicionales; y se ve como parte del equipo que se encargará de hacer que estas oficinas despeguen.❚

NOVEMBER 13 - 20, 2019





NOVEMBER 07, 2019



Photo: Getty Images


Photo: Getty Images

Nine Mormon Mexican-Americans, including six children, have now been laid to rest in the wake of the deadly ambush in Mexico. The brutality of their murders has brought international attention to Mexico’s increase in drug cartel violence. Now, some worry about the Mormon community’s safety, leading many members to return to the U.S.

Japanese women took to Twitter to denounce employers banning women from wearing glasses at work. "These are rules that are out of date," one Twitter user posted under the hashtag #KuToo. They are joining a campaign that started earlier this year when women demanded Japanese companies stop forcing their female staff to wear high heels to work. Las mujeres japonesas tomaron Twitter para denunciar a sus empleadores por prohibirles usar lentes en el trabajo. "Estas reglas son arcaicas", publicó una usuaria de bajo el hashtag #KuToo. Están uniéndose a la campaña que comenzó a principios de este año cuando las mujeres exigieron a las compañías japonesas que dejaran de obligarlas a usar tacones para trabajar.

Nueve mexicoamericanos mormones, incluidos seis niños, fueron enterrados tras una mortal emboscada en México. La brutalidad de sus asesinatos ha atraído atención internacional sobre la creciente violencia de los carteles de droga en México. Ahora, muchos se preocupan por la seguridad de la comunidad mormona, por lo que algunos miembros han decidido regresar a EE. UU.


Photo: Getty Images



Germany’s Federal Criminal Police Office reported cybercrime numbers have gone up by 87,100 in comparison with 2017. Three-quarters of all cases were computer fraud, as well as hacker attacks on companies and data theft.

Only 73 days before fulfilling his third constitutional term, Evo Morales resigned from the presidency of Bolivia. After an OAS audit confirmed irregularities in the electoral process, both the president and vice president, Álvaro García Linera, announced their resignation to avoid "a coup civic-political-police conspiracy." Photo: Getty Images

A sólo 73 días antes de cumplir su tercer mandato constitucional, Evo Morales renunció a la presidencia de Bolivia. Tras la auditoría de la OEA que confirmó irregularidades en el proceso electoral, el primer mandatario y el vicepresidente Álvaro García Linera anunciaron su renuncia para evitar “una conspiración golpista cívico-político-policial."

NOVEMBER 13 - 20, 2019

NOVEMBER 11, 2019

La Oficina Federal de Policía Criminal Alemana informó que los números de delitos cibernéticos han aumentado en 87.100 en comparación con 2017. Tres cuartos de todos los casos fueron fraude informático, así como ataques de piratas informáticos a empresas y robo de datos.

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Sheriff on Tuesday, December 3, 2019 at First District Plaza, 3801 Market Street, at 9:00 AM. (EST) Conditions of Sheriff’s Sale for JUDICIAL/FORECLOSURE SALE Ten percent of the highest bid for each property auctioned off shall be deposited in certified check, attorney’s check or money order with the Sheriff by each bidder when his bid is registered, provided that in no case shall less than Six Hundred Dollars ($600.00) be deposited, otherwise upon failure or refusal to make such deposit, the bidder shall lose all benefit of his bid and the property may be offered again and sold unless a second bid has been registered, then, the second highest bidder will take the property at the highest bid price. Additionally, where there is active bidding, the highest bidder, and the second highest bidder, if any must post the entire amount of the cost of the distribution policy for the property at the time of sale by certified check, attorney’s check or money order with the Sheriff. The Sheriff reserves the right to reject any certified check, attorney’s check or money order that on its face has an expired use date and is presented for payment of the deposit. The balance of the purchase money must be deposited in certified check, attorney’s check or money order together with a Deed poll for execution by the highest bidder to the Sheriff at his office within 30 days from the time of the sale. An extension of time for an additional 30 days may be granted at the discretion of the Sheriff upon receipt of written request from the buyer requesting the same, except when a second bidder has been duly registered. Also, if the first bidder does not complete settlement with the Sheriff within the thirty (30) day time limit and a second bid was registered at the sale, the second bidder shall be granted the same thirty (30) day time limit to make settlement with the Sheriff on his second bid. Thereafter, the Sheriff shall be at liberty to return the writ to court. A second bid must be registered on any property immediately after it is sold. The second bidder must present the same amount of deposit that the highest bidder delivers to the Sheriff at the sale. An extension of time under no circumstances will be granted or honored by the Sheriff whenever a second bid is registered on a property at the sale. The first bid or opening bid on each property shall be set by the City of Philadelphia. In no event will the successful bidder be allowed to settle on the property unless all the Sheriff’s costs are paid notwithstanding the final bid. The deposit by any bidder who fails to comply with the above conditions of sale shall be forfeited and the funds will be applied to the Sheriff’s cost, then to any municipal claims that the City of Philadelphia has on the property. Finally, if a balance still remains, a Sheriff’s Distribution

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Policy will be ordered and the money will be distributed accordingly. No personal checks, drafts or promises to pay will be accepted in lieu of certified checks, attorney’s checks or money orders made payable to the Sheriff of Philadelphia County. The Sheriff reserves the right to grant further extensions of time to settle and further reserves the right to refuse bids from bidders who have failed to enter deposits on their bids, failed to make settlement, or make fraudulent bids, or any other behavior which causes disruption of the Sheriff Sale. Said bidders shall be so refused for the sale in which said behavior occurred and for said further period of time as the Sheriff in his discretion shall determine. The Sheriff will not acknowledge a deed poll to any individual or entity using an unregistered fictitious name and may, at his discretion, require proof of identity of the purchaser or the registration of fictitious names. The bid of an unregistered fictitious name shall be forfeited as if the bidder failed to meet the terms of sale. All bidders are advised to remain at the sale until after the last property is sold. The Sheriff reserves the right to resell any property at any time before the end of the sale, upon the successful bidders’ failure to tender the required deposit. The Sheriff reserves the right to postpone or stay the sale of any property in which the attorney on the writ has not appeared and is not present at the sale. Prospective purchasers are directed to the Web site of the Philadelphia Bureau of Revision of Taxes, (BRT) for a fuller description of the properties listed. Properties can be looked up by the BRT number – which should be cross checked with the address. Prospective purchasers are also directed to the Room 154 City Hall, 215686-1483 and to its website and to its website at where they can view the deed to each individual property and find the boundaries of the property. PROSPECTIVE PURCHASERS ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR DETERMINING THE NATURE, LOCATION, CONDITION AND BOUNDARIES OF THE PROPERTIES THEY SEEK TO PURCHASE. The BRT # refers to a unique number assigned by the City Bureau of Revision of Taxes to each property in the City for the purpose of assessing it for taxes. This number can be used to obtain descriptive information about the property from the BRT website. Effective Date: July 7, 2006 NOTICE OF SCHEDULE OF DISTRIBUTION The Sheriff will file in his office, The Land Title Building, 100 South Broad Street, 5th Floor, a Schedule of Distribution Thirty (30) Days from the date of the sale of Real Estate. Distribution will be made in accordance with the Schedule unless exceptions are filed thereto within ten (10) days thereafter. The name first appearing in each notice is that of the defendant in the writ whose

property is being sold. All Writs are Writs of Executions. The letters C.P., Court of Common Pleas; O.C., Orphans’ Court; Q.S., Court of Quarter Sessions; C.C., County Court - indicate the Court out of which the writ of execution issues under which the sale is made: S. 1941. 223. means September Term, 1941. 223, the term and number of the docket entry; the figures following show the amount of debt; and the name following is that of the attorney issuing the writ. Attention is called to the provisions of Act No.104, approved July 27, 1955, which requires owners of properties which are used, designed or intended to be used by three or more families, or of commercial establishments which contain one or more dwelling units, to deliver to the buyers of such properties a use registration permit at the time of settlement, under certain terms and conditions. Sheriff Sales are not subject to provisions of the said Act and the Sheriff will, therefore, not deliver use registration permits in connection with any sales conducted by him. Very truly yours, JEWELL WILLIAMS Sheriff City and County of Philadelphia

Leonard A. Murphy C.P. July Term, 2017 No. 03033 $68,423.41 KML Law Group, P.C. 1912-305 1550 E Lycoming St 19124 33rd wd. 1,118 Sq. Ft. OPA#332052500 IMPROVEMENTS: RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY Preciosa Ortiz C.P. April Term, 2019 No. 00083 $76,302.29 KML Law Group, P.C. 1912-306 1001 Oakmont St 19111 56th wd. (formerly the 35th wd.) 1,046 Sq. Ft. OPA#561371600 IMPROVEMENTS: RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY Norman Hill a/k/a Norman W. Hill C.P. March Term, 2019 No. 01334 $96,574.96 KML Law Group, P.C. 1912-307 1003 S 8th St 19147 2nd wd. 640 Sq. Ft. OPA#021499500 IMPROVEMENTS: RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY Hoang Thai Nguyen C.P. April Term, 2019 No. 04621 $287,758.30 KML Law Group, P.C. 1912-308 1543 Page St 19121 32nd wd. 812 Sq. Ft. BRT#321023500 IMPROVEMENTS: COMMERCIAL James A. Lewis C.P. April Term, 2019 No. 03888 $128,567.09 Stern & Eisenberg PC 1912-309 745 N 63rd St 191513804 34th wd. 2,500 Sq. Ft. BRT#342359900 IMPROVEMENTS: RESIDENTIAL REAL ESTATE Maurice Thomas a/k/a Maurice R. Thomas C.P. April Term, 2016 No. 02216 $193,556.63 Stern & Eisenberg PC 1912-310 6614 Walker St 191352612 55th wd. 1,222 Sq. Ft. BRT#552314100 IMPROVEMENTS: RESIDENTIAL Christopher G. Donlon and Doreen Donlon a/k/a Doreen D. Donlon C.P. July Term, 2018 No. 03830 $106,959.17 Stern & Eisenberg PC 1912-311 136 W Ritner St a/k/a 136 Ritner St 19148 39th wd. 840 Sq. Ft. OPA#391130100 IMPROVEMENTS: RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY Maria Elena Grandelli C.P. July Term, 2018 No. 01201 $152,384.06 KML Law Group, P.C. 1912-312 24 W Seymour St 191446007 12th wd. 2,408 Sq. Ft. OPA#123049200 IMPROVEMENTS: RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY Jerrold C. Harris; Alesia Hylton-Harris a/k/a Alesia Hylton a/k/a Alesia Hylton Harris C.P. April Term, 2019 No. 03680 $111,610.76 Phelan Hallinan Diamond & Jones, LLP 1912-313 9877 Garvey Dr 191142115 65th wd. 1,806 Sq. Ft. OPA#652476800 IMPROVEMENTS: RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY Stephen G. Baptista C.P. December Term, 2015 No. 02783 $188,193.36 Phelan Hallinan Diamond & Jones, LLP 1912-314 8049 Leon St 19136-2607 64th wd. 1,144 Sq. Ft. OPA#642045700 Subject

to Mortgage IMPROVEMENTS: RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY Albert Quaintance a/k/a Albert R. Quaintance, in His Capacity as Executor and Devisee of The Estate of Theresa Quaintance a/k/a Theresa P. Quaintance a/k/a Theresa Quanitance; Jvh368 Properties LLC C.P. May Term, 2019 No. 01332 $13,584.01 Phelan Hallinan Diamond & Jones, LLP 1912-315 1609 Harrison St 19124 23rd wd. 1,953 Sq. Ft. OPA#232206400 IMPROVEMENTS: RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY Paulette Dawkins C.P. May Term, 2019 No. 00930 $96,356.77 Shapiro & DeNardo, LLC 1912-316 5842 Spruce St 19139 60th wd. 1,232 Sq. Ft. OPA#604168100 IMPROVEMENTS: RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY Doris L. Kellam and Tyrone Norwood C.P. November Term, 2018 No. 00835 $43,973.13 Shapiro & DeNardo, LLC 1912-317 4218 Frost St 19136 65th wd. 1,200 Sq. Ft. OPA#651219500 IMPROVEMENTS: RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY Marcos A. Gonzalez a/k/a Marcos Gonzalez C.P. July Term, 2017 No. 00124 $106,940.79 Shapiro & DeNardo, LLC 1912-318 5732 Hazel Ave 19143 46th wd. 1,062 Sq. Ft. OPA#463023500 IMPROVEMENTS: RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY Jahmal T. Brown C.P. September Term, 2018 No. 03215 $43,703.06 Shapiro & DeNardo, LLC 1912-319 6128 Lensen St 19144 59th wd. 1,528 Sq. Ft. BRT#592276500 IMPROVEMENTS: RESIDENTIAL REAL ESTATE Shelly K. Chappell C.P. July Term, 2017 No. 00946 $184,151.05 Stern & Eisenberg PC 1912-320 1102 E Haines St 19138 59th wd. 3,850 Sq. Ft. OPA#591165000 IMPROVEMENTS: RESIDENTIAL DWELLING Columbus Williams; United States of America C.P. February Term, 2019 No. 00567 $165,165.23 RAS Citron, LLC - Robert Flacco, Esq 1912-321 5324 Lesher St 191241244 62nd wd. 1,030 Sq. Ft. OPA#622229500 IMPROVEMENTS: RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY Solange Cineus C.P. March Term, 2019 No. 02899 $48,909.89 Phelan Hallinan Diamond & Jones, LLP 1912-322 2132 S Lambert St 191453504 48th wd. 898 Sq. Ft. OPA#481355400 IMPROVEMENTS: SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL DWELLING Jean R. Harrison C.P. January Term, 2019 No. 01444 $48,351.39 Hladik, Onorato, & Federman, LLP 1912-323 3707 Ronnald Dr 19154 66th wd. 5,746 Sq. Ft. OPA#662439600 IMPROVEMENTS: RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY Lisa Louise Littel Ellis,

Administrator of the Estate of Ronald John Littel, Sr., Deceased C.P. February Term, 2019 No. 01738 $125,958.89 Shapiro & DeNardo, LLC 1912-324 2737 S Randolph St 19148 39th wd. Land Area: 1,060 Sq. Ft.; Improvement Area: 1,024 Sq. Ft.; Total: 1,060 Sq. Ft. OPA#395147700 IMPROVEMENTS: RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY Dawn M. Scannapieco a/k/a Dawn Scannapieco C.P. April Term, 2019 No. 04991 $39,218.31 Richard M. Squire & Associates, LLC 1912-325 3841 Bennington St 19124 33rd wd. 975 Sq. Ft. BRT#332294400 IMPROVEMENTS: RESIDENTIAL Rafael A. Escalante C.P. April Term, 2019 No. 04206 $98,021.36 Stern & Eisenberg PC 1912-326 5895 Woodcrest Ave 19131 52nd wd. 2,381 Sq. Ft. BRT#522161800 IMPROVEMENTS: RESIDENTIAL Jestine Johnson Solely as Administrator of the Estate of Jestine P. Hill a/k/a Jestine P. Jones a/k/a Pastor J.P Hill a/k/a Jestine Davis a/k/a Justine Davis a/k/a Rev J.P. Hill C.P. July Term, 2018 No. 03654 $36,366.29 Stern & Eisenberg PC 1912-327 3143 Hartville St 19134 7th wd. (formerly part of the 33rd wd.) 668 Sq. Ft. OPA#071552200 IMPROVEMENTS: RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY Allin Ortiz Solely in Her Capacity as Heir of Francisca Roman a/k/a Francesca Roman, Deceased and The Unknown Heirs of Francisca Roman a/k/a Francesca Roman, Deceased C.P. September Term, 2017 No. 02887 $18,243.54 KML Law Group, P.C. 1912-328 129 E Sedgwick St 19119 22nd wd. 2,517 Sq. Ft. BRT#222130700 IMPROVEMENTS: RESIDENTIAL Patricia McCoy C.P. January Term, 2019 No. 01917 $261,983.19 Stern & Eisenberg PC 1912-329 626 Jackson St 191483227 39th wd. 1,296 Sq. Ft. OPA#393079200 IMPROVEMENTS: RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY Van Son C.P. July Term, 2019 No. 00592 $86,311.12 Phelan Hallinan Diamond & Jones, LLP 1912-330 121 S 51st St 19139 60th wd. 1,700 Sq. Ft. OPA#602159100 IMPROVEMENTS: RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY Vardene Woodbridge C.P. July Term, 2019 No. 01438 $96,085.25 KML Law Group, P.C. 1912-331 8105 Large St 19152 56th wd. 5,487 Sq. Ft. OPA#562439200 IMPROVEMENTS: RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY Gerald Miller C.P. May Term, 2019 No. 01188 $136,334.45 KML Law Group, P.C. 1912-332 2538 S 64th St 191423128 40th wd. 1,098 Sq. Ft. OPA#406000500 IMPROVEMENTS: SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL DWELLING Frederick S. Sackey and Josephine Dadzie-Mensah C.P. Octo-

ber Term, 2018 No. 02418 $70,209.88 Hladik, Onorato & Federman, LLP 1912-333 5325 Ogden St 191391438 44th wd. 700 Sq. Ft. OPA#442029800 IMPROVEMENTS: RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY Michele D. Elliott a/k/a Michelle Elliott, in Her Capacity as Executrix of The Estate of Jeannette C. Brown a/k/a Jeanette C. Elliott a/k/a Jeanette Elliott-Brown a/k/a Jeanette C. Brown; William Nembhard, in His Capacity as Devisee of The Estate of Jeannette C. Brown a/k/a Jeanette C. Elliott a/k/a Jeanette Elliott-Brown a/k/a Jeanette C. Brown C.P. April Term, 2018 No. 01910 $40,760.26 Phelan Hallinan Diamond & Jones, LLP 1912-334 7520 Wheeler St 191531324 40th wd. 755 Sq. Ft. OPA#404216820 IMPROVEMENTS: RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY Jocelyne Cuny-Panicker; Qin Yuan C.P. April Term, 2019 No. 01168 $43,464.93 Phelan Hallinan Diamond & Jones, LLP 1912-335 2959 N Hicks St 19132 11th wd. 716 Sq. Ft. OPA#111170400 IMPROVEMENTS: RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY The Unknown Heirs of Martha L. Robinson Deceased and Sheila Swann McLean Solely in Her Capacity as Heir of Martha L. Robinson, Deceased C.P. April Term, 2018 No. 02735 $26,593.30 KML Law Group, P.C. 1912-336 1124 S 46th St 19143 46th wd. 3,000 Sq. Ft. OPA#461182300 Subject To Mortgage Yes - Wells Fargo bank, N.A. in the original principal amount of $313,000.00 IMPROVEMENTS: S/D CONV APT 3 STY MASON Caroline E. Christian and Konstantinos Pitsillides C.P. April Term, 2019 No. 03327 $358,437.72 Amar A. Agrawal, Esquire 1912-337 1317 Carey St a/k/a 1317 E Carey St 19124-5523 33rd wd. 1,050 Sq. Ft. OPA#331246400 IMPROVEMENTS: RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY Tiffany J. Collins C.P. February Term, 2019 No. 02733 $54,947.40 Phelan Hallinan Diamond & Jones, LLP 1912-338 3920 Palmetto St 191245418 33rd wd. 1,206 Sq. Ft. OPA#332182500 IMPROVEMENTS: RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY Luis Sanabria a/k/a Luis A. Sanabria C.P. March Term, 2018 No. 01232 $67,840.44 Phelan Hallinan Diamond & Jones, LLP 1912-339 4722 Wellington St 19135 65th wd. 1,650 Sq. Ft. OPA#651012900 IMPROVEMENTS: RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY Panagiota E. Soublis a/k/a Panagiota Soublis C.P. January Term, 2019 No. 01875 $92,336.02 KML Law Group, P.C. 1912-340 1947 Christian St 191461834 87th wd. 2,970 Sq. Ft. OPA#871600910 IMPROVEMENTS: RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY Jerome Whack C.P. May Term, 2019 No. 01028 $51,028.63 Phelan Hallinan Diamond & Jones, LLP

1912-341 185 W Louden St 19120 42nd wd. 988 Sq. Ft. OPA#422092100 IMPROVEMENTS: RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY Elsa Rodriguez C.P. July Term, 2019 No. 00978 $61,358.03 KML Law Group, P.C. 1912-342 56 E Seymour St 19144 12th wd. 1,006 Sq. Ft. OPA#121032300 Subject to Mortgage IMPROVEMENTS: RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY Alphonso Mitchell, Sr. C.P. March Term, 2018 No. 00180 $70,809.94 Justin F. Kobeski, Esquire; Manley Deas Kochalski LLC 1912-343 3991 Lankenau Ave 19131 52nd wd. Land Area: 2,480 Sq. Ft.; Improvement: 1,828 Sq. Ft.; Total: 2,480 Sq. Ft. OPA#521438500 IMPROVEMENTS: RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY Kelly M. Cottle C.P. March Term, 2019 No. 02555 $205,800.31 Richard M. Squire & Associates, LLC 1912-344 5735 N 6th St 19120 61st wd. 1,754 Sq. Ft. OPA#612284500 IMPROVEMENTS: RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY Vincent Dennis, Administrator of the Estate of Ben Bryant C.P. September Term, 2013 No. 01851 $57,407.89 Justin F. Kobeski, Esquire; Manley Deas Kochalski LLC 1912-345 1102 Rosalie St 19149 35th wd. 1,160 Sq. Ft. OPA#352032600 IMPROVEMENTS: RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY Nagena Edmond, a/k/a Nagena Pierre-Louis C.P. January Term, 2017 No. 01893 $42,971.35 Justin F. Kobeski, Esquire; Manley Deas Kochalski LLC 1912-346 2434 S 4th St 19148 39th wd. Land Area: 858 Sq. Ft.; Improvement Area: 1,314 Sq. Ft.; Total: 1,314 Sq. Ft. OPA#392261800 IMPROVEMENTS: RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY Gale Ellen Martin C.P. March Term, 2019 No. 02404 $99,339.07 Richard M. Squire & Associates, LLC 1912-347 1425 Locust St 17D 19102 8th wd. 1,072 Sq. Ft. OPA#888093778 IMPROVEMENTS: RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY William Midler; Ari Midler; The United States of America, Deparment of Treasury, Internal Revenue Service C.P. July Term, 2018 No. 03278 $441,855.46 Justin F. Kobeski, Esquire; Manley Deas Kochalski LLC 1912-348 3033 Weikel St 191343720 25th wd. 904 Sq. Ft. OPA#252385000 IMPROVEMENTS: RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY Ronald A. Curll C.P. May Term, 2019 No. 01339 $13,770.39 Phelan Hallinan Diamond & Jones, LLP 1912-349 1461 N 57th St 19131 4th wd. 1,050 Sq. Ft. OPA#043094130 IMPROVEMENTS: RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY The United States of America, Department of Treasury, Internal Revenue Service; Unknown Heirs and/or Administrators of the Estate of Verte B. Short C.P. May Term, 2018 No. 01354

www.Officeof Philadelphia

SPECIAL NOTE: All Sheriff’s Sales are conducted pursuant to the orders of the Courts and Judges of the First Judicial District. Only properties that are subject to judgments issued by the First Judicial District are listed for sale. By law, the Sheriff’s Office cannot decide if a property can be listed for sale; only the District Courts can order a property to be sold at auction.

SHERIFF’S SALE OF Tuesday, December 3, 2019 1912-301 3850 Wyalusing Ave 19104-1124 24th wd. 979 Sq. Ft. OPA#243179600 IMPROVEMENTS: RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY Toni Howard C.P. April Term, 2017 No. 01924 $43,768.05 Phelan Hallinan Diamond & Jones, LLP 1912-302 4624 James St 19137 45th wd. 1,500 Sq. Ft. OPA#453407600 IMPROVEMENTS: RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY Naja J. Beatty C.P. July Term, 2018 No. 03640 $81,366.66 KML Law Group, P.C. 1912-303 240 N 64th St 19139 34th wd. 990 Sq. Ft. OPA#343079200 IMPROVEMENTS: RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY Robert Bradley, Solely in His Capacity as Heir of Gervaise M. Bradley, Deceased C.P. August Term, 2018 No. 00883 $28,893.71 KML Law Group, P.C. 1912-304 6341 Chester Ave 19142 40th wd. 1,004 Sq. Ft. OPA#401222800 IMPROVEMENTS: RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY

NOVEMBER 13 - 20, 2019

ADVERTORIAL SHERIFF’S SALE $61,181.34 Meredith H. Wooters, Esquire; Manley Deas Kochalski, LLC 1912-350 1352 E Weaver St 19150 50th wd. 1,312 Sq. Ft. OPA#502318415 IMPROVEMENTS: RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY Tevina Marie Brunson, as Believed Heir and/or Administrator for the Estate of Ronald Brunson; Unknown Heirs and/or Administrators for the Estate of Ronald Brunson C.P. February Term, 2019 No. 02313 $152,089.12 Cristina L. Connor, Esquire; Manley Deas Kochalski, LLC 1912-351 7328 Devon St 19119 9th wd. 2,649 Sq. Ft. OPA#091174210 IMPROVEMENTS: RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY Ralph A. Benedict, Jr. C.P. December Term, 2018 No. 00733 $204,475.20 Shapiro & DeNardo, LLC 1912-352 4054 E Cheltenham Ave 19124 62nd wd. 1,448 Sq. Ft. BRT#622159320 IMPROVEMENTS: RESIDENTIAL DWELLING Timothy Bowie C.P. January Term, 2019 No. 00145 $246,484.07 Martha E. Von Rosenstiel, P.C., Martha E. Von Rosenstiel, Esq.; Lorraine Gazzara Doyle, Esq. 1912-353 4302 Princeton Ave 19135 55th wd. 1,440 Sq. Ft. OPA#552201800 IMPROVEMENTS: RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY Jennifer Wearne C.P. March Term, 2019 No. 03119 $134,635.33 Shapiro & DeNardo, LLC 1912-354 3255 Tampa St 191341812 33rd wd. 1,020 Sq. Ft. OPA#331268100 IMPROVEMENTS: RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY Mabel E. Hritz, in Her Capacity as Heir of Pearl Oster a/k/a Pearle Oster, Deceased and in her capacity as Heir of Marion Bender, Deceased; Unknown Heirs, Successors, Assigns, and All Persons, Firms, or Associations Claiming Right, Title or Interest From or Under Marion Bender, Deceased; Unknown Heirs, Successors, Assigns, and All Persons, Firms, or Associations Claiming Right, Title or Interest From or Under Pearl Oster a/k/a Pearle Oster, Deceased C.P. May Term, 2019 No. 00778 $6,264.83 Phelan Hallinan Diamond & Jones, LLP 1912-355 2123 N 59th St 19131 52nd wd. 1,408 Sq. Ft. OPA#522254800 IMPROVEMENTS: RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY William Carter a/k/a William P. Carter C.P. October Term, 2016 No. 04502 $64,670.53 Phelan Hallinan Diamond & Jones, LLP 1912-356 2629 S 67th St 19142-2705 40th wd. 1,104 Sq. Ft. OPA#406039100 Subject to Mortgage IMPROVEMENTS: RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY Crawford W. Lassiter C.P. June Term, 2019 No. 06489 $115,499.99 Phelan Hallinan Diamond & Jones, LLP 1912-357 3242 N Sydenham St 19140 11th wd. 1,291 Sq. Ft. OPA#112186600

NOVEMBER 13 - 20, 2019








IMPROVEMENTS: RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY The Unknown Heirs of Reatha Butler Deceased and Edna Ellis Known Heir of Reatha Butler C.P. January Term, 2016 No. 02182 $121,054.22 KML Law Group, P.C. 1912-358 4201 Lawnside Rd 19154 66th wd. 2,795 Sq. Ft. OPA#662610700 IMPROVEMENTS: RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY Maureen Klaus C.P. May Term, 2019 No. 01426 $142,347.79 KML Law Group, P.C. 1912-359 2141 Wakeling St 19124 62nd wd. 1,103 Sq. Ft. OPA#622013500 IMPROVEMENTS: RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY Vershawn J. Brown C.P. April Term, 2019 No. 01758 $73,866.28 KML Law Group, P.C. 1912-360 1121 E Stafford St 19138 59th wd. Land Area: 1,266 Sq. Ft.; Improvement Area: 1,158 Sq. Ft. OPA#591050700 IMPROVEMENTS: RESIDENTIAL DWELLING Sandra Glover a/k/a Sandra T. Glover, Known Heir of Beverly Glover; Unknown heirs, successors, assigns, and all persons, firms, or associations claiming right, title, or interest from or under Beverly Glover; Kimberly Contrell a/k/a Kimberly Cottrell a/k/a Kimberly R. Cottrell a/k/a Kimberly R. Glover, Known Heir of Beverly Glover; Derrick L. Glover, Sr., Known Heir of Beverly Glover; Gary Lonon; Susan Santiago C.P. September Term, 2015 No. 01019 $55,328.12 RAS Citron, LLC - Robert Flacco, Esq 1912-361 1706 Scattergood St 19124 62nd wd. 1,002 Sq. Ft. OPA#622124400 IMPROVEMENTS: RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY Anthony Williams and Sharon Williams C.P. March Term, 2018 No. 03044 $64,825.93 KML Law Group, P.C. 1912-362 659 E Clearfield St 191343001 33rd wd. 1,176 Sq. Ft. OPA#331007600 IMPROVEMENTS: RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY Pablo Rivera C.P. March Term, 2019 No. 01902 $13,614.56 Phelan Hallinan Diamond & Jones, LLP 1912-363 3324 N Lawrence St 19140 19th wd. 825 Sq. Ft. (land area); 1,526 Sq. Ft. (improved) OPA#193112120 Subject to Mortgage IMPROVEMENTS: ROW 2 STORY MASONRY Tisha Lee Sanabria C.P. September Term, 2018 No. 01322 $72,898.54 Robert L Saldutti, Esquire 1912-364 2045 Chelten Ave 19138 17th wd. 2,138 Sq. Ft. (land area); 2,520 Sq. Ft. (improved) OPA#871091800 Subject to Mortgage IMPROVEMENTS: ROW W/OFF STR 2 STORY MASON Andre Jenkins C.P. October Term, 2016 No. 04366 $63,685.03 Robert L. Saldutti, Esquire 1912-365 2601 Pennsylvania Ave, #945 n/k/a 2601 Pennsylvania Ave #945 19143 n/k/a 19130 15th wd. OPA#888073154 IMPROVEMENTS:

CONDOMINIUM UNIT Yongping Wang a/k/a Yong Wang; Malgorzata Wcislo a/k/a Malzorata Wcislo C.P. November Term, 2016 No. 01346 $184,772.56 RAS Citron, LLC - Robert Crawley, Esq 1912-366 6935 Scotforth Rd 19119 21st wd. 43,560 Sq. Ft. OPA#213258200 IMPROVEMENTS: RESIDENTIAL DWELLING Gina Gruenberg; Paul Gruenberg a/k/a Paul T. Gruenberg C.P. September Term, 2017 No. 00503 $1,263,152.17 RAS Citron, LLC - Robert Crawley, Esq. 1912-367 3738 N Marshall St 19140 43rd wd. 1,178 Sq. Ft. BRT#43-2271400 IMPROVEMENTS: RESIDENTIAL DWELLING Camille M. Sydnor C.P. October Term, 2017 No. 03603 $32,856.06 Martha E. Von Rosenstiel, P.C., Martha E. Von Rosenstiel, Esq.; Lorraine Gazzara Doyle, Esq. 1912-368 3433 N. 3rd St 19140 19th wd. Beginning Point: Situate on the East side of 3rd St at the distance of 228 ft Northward, from the North side of Ontario St OPA#193072500 IMPROVEMENTS: ROW 2 STY MASONRY Marvin Perez C.P. April Term, 2019 No. 04845 $77,692.21 Patrick J. Wesner, Esquire 1912-369 247 Green Ln 19128 21st wd. 4,510 Sq. Ft. OPA#211174600 IMPROVEMENTS: RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY Eva L. Mattis as Executrix of the Estate of Irvin W. Smith Deceased C.P. July Term, 2019 No. 01439 $333,556.39 KML Law Group, P.C. 1912-370 4134 Whiting Rd 191542807 66th wd. 1,296 Sq. Ft. OPA#662589900 IMPROVEMENTS: RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY Mary Hamilton C.P. February Term, 2018 No. 00180 $150,697.42 Phelan Hallinan Diamond & Jones, LLP 1912-371 5642 Blakemore St 19138 12th wd. (formerly part of the 22nd wd.) Lan: 969 Sq. Ft.; Improvement: 1,216 Sq. Ft. OPA#122278500 IMPROVEMENTS: RESIDENTIAL REAL ESTATE Kierrah Adams C.P. December Term, 2018 No. 003101 $121,727.44 Stern & Eisenberg PC 1912-372 5820 N. 16th St 19141 17th wd. (formerly 49th wd.) Land Area: 1,696 Sq. Ft.; Improvement Area: 1,652 Sq. Ft. OPA#172143100 IMPROVEMENTS: RESIDENTIAL REAL ESTATE Dione D. Pride C.P. May Term, 2019 No. 000251 $131,731.42 Stern & Eisenberg PC 1912-373 2142 N. 18th St 19121 32nd wd. 1,351 (land area); 2,520 Sq. Ft. (improvement area) BRT#321232000 Subject to Mortgage Jodran LLC C.P. August Term, 2019 No. 02117 $241,904.10 plus continuing interest Weir & Partners LLP; Bonnie R. Golub, Esquire; Jennifer Hiller Nimeroff, Esquire 1912-374 1736 Georges Ln 19131 52nd wd. 1,287 Sq.

Ft. OPA#521353200 IMPROVEMENTS: RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY Barbara Benson C.P. May Term, 2019 No. 01658 $144,285.98 KML Law Group, P.C. 1912-375 455 Reno St a/k/a 834-838 N. Lawrence St, Parcel B 19123 5th wd. 1,398 Sq. Ft. BRT#056156610 IMPROVEMENTS: RESIDENTIAL Jason Hershman C.P. May Term, 2019 No. 4807 $716,908.03 Stern & Eisenberg PC 1912-376 4000 Gypsy Ln, Unit 550 19129 21st wd. 1,124 Sq. Ft. OPA#888210300 Subject to Mortgage IMPROVEMENTS: RESIDENTIAL CONDOMINIUM UNIT Gregory A. Nelson, Executor for Erlene Bass Nelson, Deceased C.P. June Term, 2019 No. 007070 $14,484.51 Elliot H. Berton, Esquire 1912-377 6323 Shelbourne St 19111 35th wd. 1,707 Sq. Ft. BRT#353208200 IMPROVEMENTS: RESIDENTIAL DWELLING William Leonard C.P. February Term, 2019 No. 00400 $171,401.52 Powers Kirn, LLC 1912-378 527 Larkspur St 19116 58th wd. 7,040 Sq. Ft. OPA#582273900 IMPROVEMENTS: RESIDENTIAL DWELLING Marlene M. McCleary; Richard S. McCleary, Jr.; Patrick A. Troisi C.P. April Term, 2018 No. 03547 $217,940.50 Joseph R. Loverdi, Esquire 1912-379 1537 E Tulpehocken St 19138 10th wd. 1,661 Sq. Ft. OPA#102211700 Subject to Mortgage IMPROVEMENTS: RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY Thomasina Purvis, A/K/A Thomasina T. Purvis; Theodore Purvis, A/K/A Theodore T. Purvis (deceased) C.P. August Term, 2018 No. 03150 $40,615.59 Cristina L. Connor, Esquire; Manley Deas Kochalski, LLC 1912-380 6629 Cornelius St 19138 10th wd. 1,320 Sq. Ft. OPA#102380400 IMPROVEMENTS: RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY Errol C. McFarlane C.P. March Term, 2013 No. 03229 $111,501.53 Meredith H. Wooters, Esquire; Manley Deas Kochalski, LLC 1912-381 1138 E Sanger St 191241131 62nd wd. 1,128 Sq. Ft. OPA#621046500 IMPROVEMENTS: RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY Jadira A. Lopez a/k/a Jadira Apolonia Lopez a/k/a Jadira Lopez, Individually and in Her Capacity as Administratrix of The Estate of Ivan Lopez a/k/a Ivan Jose Lopez; Adrian Lopez, in His Capacity as Heir of The Estate of Ivan Lopez a/k/a Ivan Jose Lopez; Maya Lopez, in Her Capacity as Heir of The Estate of Ivan Lopez a/k/a Ivan Jose Lopez; Unknown heirs, successors, assigns, and all persons, firms, or associations claiming right, title, or interest from or under Ivan Lopez a/k/a Ivan Jose Lopez, Deceased C.P. March Term, 2019 No. 01597 $89,529.07 Phelan Hallinan Diamond & Jones, LLP

1912-382 572 Domino Ln 19128 21st wd. 1,111 Sq. Ft. BRT#214040900 IMPROVEMENTS: RESIDENTIAL DWELLING Christopher Flemming C.P. March Term, 2019 No. 3376 $153,805.21 Weber Gallagher Simpson Stapleton Fires & Newby, LLP; Sarah A. Elia, Esq. 1912-383 4813 N 12th St 191413407 49th wd. 1,500 Sq. Ft. OPA#491449400 IMPROVEMENTS: RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY Reginald Charlemagne C.P. August Term, 2018 No. 00994 $59,361.11 Phelan Hallinan Diamond & Jones, LLP 1912-384 1919 Schley St 191455435 26th wd. 1,152 Sq. Ft. OPA#262333900 IMPROVEMENTS: RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY Sandy Reitano C.P. May Term, 2019 No. 01643 $260,284.38 Phelan Hallinan Diamond & Jones, LLP 1912-385 598 Alcott St 19120 35th wd. 1,296 Sq. Ft. OPA#352058200 IMPROVEMENTS: RESIDENTIAL DWELLING Melrose Robinson C.P. September Term, 2017 No. 02195 $81,341.13 RAS Citron, LLC 1912-386 6186 Newtown Ave 19111-5928 35th wd. 1,120 Sq. Ft. OPA#352211800 IMPROVEMENTS: RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY Colleen I. Robins C.P. September Term, 2017 No. 00828 $93,783.51 Phelan Hallinan Diamond & Jones, LLP 1912-387 1319 W Erie Ave 191404221 43rd wd. 2,976 Sq. Ft. OPA#432206700 IMPROVEMENTS: RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY John Howard; Demarcus Waites; Vincent K. Saunders C.P. October Term, 2015 No. 02130 $42,590.59 Phelan Hallinan Diamond & Jones, LLP 1912-388 436 N 65th St 19151 34th wd. 1,875 Sq. Ft. OPA#343123000 IMPROVEMENTS: RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY Leonard Austin C.P. December Term, 2015 No. 00759 $105,693.16 KML Law Group, P.C. 1912-389 6340 Calvert St 19149 62nd wd. 1,825 Sq. Ft. OPA#621523100 IMPROVEMENTS: RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY Akram Albarouki C.P. April Term, 2019 No. 00006 $168,169.25 KML Law Group, P.C. 1912-390 4018 Parrish St 19146 6th wd. 1,530 Sq. Ft. OPA#062049400 IMPROVEMENTS: RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY Kerry Green-Williams C.P. June Term, 2016 No. 00519 $82,068.71 KML Law Group, P.C. 1912-391 8249 Temple Rd 19150 50th wd. 2,366 Sq. Ft. OPA#501104300 IMPROVEMENTS: RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY Porter Clark C.P. September Term, 2018 No. 03625 $171,835.79 KML Law Group, P.C.

1912-392 2218 E Cumberland St 19125 31st wd. 1,178 Sq. Ft. OPA#314013300 IMPROVEMENTS: RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY Thomas Joseph Farrell Jr., David Fry and Holly Fry C.P. January Term, 2017 No. 01557 $246,636.35 KML Law Group, P.C. 1912-393 1031 E Rittenhouse St 19138 59th wd. 2,583 Sq. Ft. OPA#591136900 IMPROVEMENTS: RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY Corinne Baker Solely in Her Capacity as Heir of Richard L. Pettus, Deceased, Omar Hatcher Solely in His Capacity as Heir of Richard L. Pettus, Deceased, Shannon Hatcher Solely in Her Capacity as Heir of Richard L. Pettus, Deceased, Richard L. Pettus Jr., Solely in His Capacity as Heir of Richard L. Pettus, Deceased, The Unknown Heirs of Richard L. Pettus, Deceased, William Wallace and Courtlin Young Solely in Her Capacity as Heir of Richard L. Pettus, Deceased C.P. February Term, 2014 No. 02733 $181,602.02 KML Law Group, P.C. 1912-394 1136 Atwood Rd 19151 34th wd. 1,200 Sq. Ft. OPA#344337100 IMPROVEMENTS: RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY Shakiah Washington C.P. March Term, 2018 No. 01962 $100,844.13 KML Law Group, P.C. 1912-395 7328 Claridge St 19111 56th wd. 3,165 Sq. Ft. OPA#561043100 IMPROVEMENTS: RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY Margaret Graber C.P. September Term, 2018 No. 00629 $129,515.84 KML Law Group, P.C. 1912-396 242 Christian St 19147 2nd wd. 1,182 Sq. Ft. OPA#021007300 IMPROVEMENTS: RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY Olymphia Johnson a/k/a Olymphia Hankinson C.P. March Term, 2016 No. 01071 $314,952.70 KML Law Group, P.C. 1912-397 3012 N Ringgold St 19132 38th wd. 817 Sq. Ft. OPA#381027500 IMPROVEMENTS: RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY Jennifer R. Ballard, Administratrix of the Estate of Ruby Adams, deceased C.P. April Term, 2017 No. 02354 $31,377.96 Shapiro & DeNardo, LLC 1912-398 2359 E Firth St 19125 31st wd. Land Area: 1,0214 (Sq. Ft.); Improvement Area: 982 Sq. Ft. OPA#314066300 IMPROVEMENTS: RESIDENTIAL DWELLING Shawn W. Flynn, in his/ her capacity as heir of Katherine P. Flynn; Jennifer Tobin, in Her Capacity as Heir of Katherine P. Flynn; Unknown heirs, successors, assigns, and all persons, firms, or associations claiming right, title, or interest from or under Katherine P. Flynn C.P. November Term, 2018 No. 01672 $154,144.86 RAS Citron, LLC - Robert Crawley, Esq 1912-399 4021 Haverford Ave 19104 6th wd. Land Area: 3,168 Sq. Ft.; Improvement Area:

2,265 Sq. Ft.; Total: 3,168 Sq. Ft. OPA#061049100 IMPROVEMENTS: RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY Karen I. Epps, Clark Epps and Tremel Epps C.P. July Term, 2018 No. 02380 $108,640.70 Richard M. Squire & Associates, LLC 1912-400 1450 N Hobart St 191313817 4th wd. 972 Sq. Ft. OPA#043169600 Subject to Mortgage IMPROVEMENTS: RESIDENTIAL DWELLING Nixon Kannah & Janet Johnson C.P. March Term, 2018 No. 02382 $41,283.64 Michael Boland, Esq. 1912-401 3439 N 16th St 19140 11th wd. 2,500 Sq. Ft. BRT#112198500 IMPROVEMENTS: RESIDENTIAL DWELLING Aquilla L. Brewer C.P. May Term, 2018 No. 01826 $114,004.38 Law Office of Gregory Javardian, LLC 1912-402 2002 66th Ave 19138 10th wd. 1,133 Sq. Ft. OPA#102362800 IMPROVEMENTS: RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY Sandra Heggs C.P. January Term, 2019 No. 03290 $148,758.63 KML Law Group, P.C. 1912-403 185 E Walnut Park Dr 19120 61st wd. 1,800 Sq. Ft. OPA#611361900 IMPROVEMENTS: RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY Arlene Lydner C.P. February Term, 2019 No. 03133 $143,042.92 KML Law Group, P.C. 1912-404 113 W Coulter St 19144 12th wd. 6,447 Sq. Ft. BRT#124040600 IMPROVEMENTS: RESIDENTIAL DWELLING Thaddeus Frazier C.P. August Term, 2014 No. 02813 $281,574.21 Law Office of Gregory Javardian, LLC 1912-405 6620 N Uber St 191383134 10th wd. 1,056 Sq. Ft. OPA#102028700 IMPROVEMENTS: RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY Lloyd Parks, in His Capacity as Heir of Juanita Underwood, Deceased; Unknown heirs, successors, assigns, and all persons, firms, or associations claiming right, title, or interest from or under Juanita Underwood, Deceased C.P. May Term, 2019 No. 09152 $56,990.35 Phelan Hallinan Diamond & Jones, LLP 1912-406 852 Brill St 19124 35th wd. 1,068 Sq. Ft. BRT#351174000 IMPROVEMENTS: RESIDENTIAL DWELLING Joseph Kenneth Arnold C.P. March Term, 2017 No. 01870 $28,129.71 Law Office of Gregory Javardian, LLC 1912-407 4342 Vista St 19136 41st wd. 1,078 Sq. Ft. BRT#412195000 IMPROVEMENTS: RESIDENTIAL DWELLING Claire H. Bull C.P. January Term, 2019 No. 0100 $37,793.88 Weber Gallagher Simpson Stapleton Fires & Newby, LLP; Sarah A. Elia, Esq. 1912-408 8062 Michener Ave 19150 50th wd. Land Area: 1,511 Sq. Ft.; Improvement Area: 1,248 Sq. Ft. OPA#501127200 Christal Ingram, in Her Capacity as

Heir of Geraldine Ingram, Deceased; Gerald Ingram, in His Capacity as Heir of Geraldine Ingram; Unknown heirs, successors, assigns, and all persons, firms, or associations claiming right, title, or interest from or under Geraldine Ingram, Deceased C.P. October Term, 2018 No. 00437 $147,132.73 Robert Crawley, Esq 1912-409 858 Medway Rd 191151314 58th wd. 1,248 Sq. Ft. OPA#581160801 IMPROVEMENTS: RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY Efthimia Maltezos a/k/a Effie Maltezos C.P. January Term, 2017 No. 03782 $219,056.69 Phelan Hallinan Diamond & Jones, LLP 1912-410 5660 Ridgewood St 19143 51st wd. 1,032 Sq. Ft. OPA#513254900 IMPROVEMENTS: RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY Tynisha Meade C.P. April Term, 2017 No. 01753 $51,773.38 Shapiro & DeNardo, LLC 1912-411 210 W Olney Ave 191202343 42nd wd. 1,060 Sq. Ft. OPA#422306500 IMPROVEMENTS: RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY Kristen Wright a/k/a Kristen D. Wright C.P. April Term, 2019 No. 01154 $85,401.89 Phelan Hallinan Diamond & Jones, LLP 1912-412 1524 Overington St 19124-5808 23rd wd. 1,328 Sq. Ft. OPA#232117600 IMPROVEMENTS: RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY Alla Kheyfets C.P. July Term, 2018 No. 00026 $84,286.25 Phelan Hallinan Diamond & Jones, LLP 1912-413 1532 Church St 191243935 23rd wd. 1,458 Sq. Ft. OPA#232037200 IMPROVEMENTS: RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY Aurea Rodriguez C.P. December Term, 2018 No. 01017 $64,504.96 Phelan Hallinan Diamond & Jones, LLP 1912-414 2837 Rosehill St 19134 7th wd. 840 Sq. Ft. OPA#071423800 IMPROVEMENTS: RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY Kyana Whitaker, in Her Capacity as Heir of John Whitaker, Jr a/k/a John Whitaker, Deceased; Keenon M. Whitaker, in His Capacity as Heir of John Whitaker, Jr a/k/a John Whitaker, Deceased; Khalif Whitaker, in His Capacity as Heir of John Whitaker, Jr a/k/a John Whitaker, Deceased; John Whitaker, in Capacity as Heir of John Whitaker, Jr a/k/a John Whitaker, Deceased; Jasmine Whitaker, in Her Capacity as Heir of John Whitaker, Jr a/k/a John Whitaker, Deceased; Unknown Heirs, Successors, Assigns, and All Persons, Firms or Associations Claiming Right, Title or Interest From or Under John Whitaker, Jr a/k/a John Whitaker, Deceased C.P. June Term, 2018 No. 01916 $33,810.71 Phelan Hallinan Diamond & Jones, LLP 1912-415 1220 S 24th St 19146 36th wd. 2,725 Sq. Ft. OPA#361371300 IMPROVEMENTS: RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY Robert Daddis; Jonathan Daddis

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C.P. December Term, 2017 No. 03210 $419,403.62 Phelan Hallinan Diamond & Jones, LLP 1912-416 7947 Provident St 191501324 50th wd. 1,082 Sq. Ft. OPA#501188800 IMPROVEMENTS: RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY Antoine Small, Jr C.P. October Term, 2017 No. 03192 $167,078.85 Phelan Hallinan Diamond & Jones, LLP 1912-417 121-35 Walnut St, # Restaurant 19106 5th wd. Improvement Area: 12,828 Sq. Ft. on the ground floor restaurant space and an 18.10% proportionate share of the Common Elements of 121 Walnut Street Condominium OPA#88-2-6231-16 Subject to Mortgage 121 Walnut Street Restaurant Associates, LP C.P. December Term, 2007 No. 05192 $4,837,909.60 Brian P. Perini, Esquire; Lipsky & Brandt 1912-418 2136 Watkins St 191451927 36th wd. 1,070 Sq. Ft. OPA#363146000 Subject to Mortgage IMPROVEMENTS: RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY Jacqui Simpkins; Z elda Simpkins a/k/a Z elda L. Simpkins, Individually and in Her Capacity as Executrix of The Estate of Irene Bunch C.P. October Term, 2011 No. 04092 $55,337.00 Phelan Hallinan Diamond & Jones, LLP 1912-419 4249 Leidy Ave 191041016 6th wd. 1,524 Sq. Ft. OPA#062201500 IMPROVEMENTS: RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY Clifford A. Williams, in his capacity as Adminstrator and Heir of the Estate of Vivian P. Williams; Robert Williams, in his capacity as Heir of the Estate of Vivian P. Williams; Unknown heirs, successors, assigns, and all persons, firms, or associations claiming right, title, or interest from or under Vivian P. Williams, Deceased C.P. June Term, 2019 No. 05351 $15,029.10 Phelan Hallinan Diamond & Jones, LLP 1912-420 5341 W Diamond St 19131 52nd wd. 2,100 Sq. Ft. OPA#521156700 IMPROVEMENTS: RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY Marcus R. Gary a/k/a Marcus Gary C.P. May Term, 2019 No. 02013 $9,506.23 KML Law Group, P.C. 1912-421 720 Wynnewood Rd 19151 34th wd. 1,576 Sq. Ft. OPA#344225200 IMPROVEMENTS: RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY Lisa C. Smith a/k/a Lisa C. Jordan Solely in Her Capacity as Heir of Paul N. Smith Deceased and Natalie Smith a/k/a Natalie Scott Solely in Her Capacity as Heir of Paul N. Smith Deceased C.P. May Term, 2019 No. 09034 $133,655.87 KML Law Group, P.C. 1912-422 7713 Delphi Pl 19153 40th wd. 2,946 Sq. Ft. OPA#405859700 IMPROVEMENTS: RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY Granford L. Collins Jr. C.P. February Term, 2012 No. 02198 $340,979.84 KML Law Group, P.C.

1912-423 1435 Ritner St a/k/a 1435 W Ritner St 19145 26th wd. 1,440 Sq. Ft. BRT#261024800 IMPROVEMENTS: RESIDENTIAL DWELLING Edwin Lopez C.P. August Term, 2017 No. 01539 $231,887.30 Powers Kirn, LLC 1912-424 915 E Sharpnack St 19150-3611 50th wd. 1,600 Sq. Ft. OPA#502331000 IMPROVEMENTS: RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY Carl Edmund Mcallister, Jr C.P. October Term, 2016 No. 00499 $168,746.21 Phelan Hallinan Diamond & Jones, LLP 1912-425 234 E Fariston Dr, a/k/a 234 Fariston Dr 191201008 61st wd. 1,152 Sq. Ft. OPA#611391800 IMPROVEMENTS: RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY Mary A. Harper C.P. January Term, 2019 No. 01042 $90,826.21 Phelan Hallinan Diamond & Jones, LLP 1912-426 4802 E Howell St a/k/a 4802 Howell St 191354109 41st wd. 1,200 Sq. Ft. OPA#411104700 IMPROVEMENTS: RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY Cheri D. Tigh C.P. July Term, 2019 No. 01286 $81,897.09 Phelan Hallinan Diamond & Jones, LLP 1912-427 4117 Comly St 191353941 62nd wd. 1,564 Sq. Ft. OPA#622187000 IMPROVEMENTS: RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY Marie Frisco; Theodora M. Torpey-Kraft a/k/a Theodora Torpey-Kraft a/k/a Theodora Kraft C.P. September Term, 2018 No. 02673 $100,022.84 Phelan Hallinan Diamond & Jones, LLP 1912-428 214 N 52nd St 19139 44th wd. 1,780 Sq. Ft. BRT#441136000 IMPROVEMENTS: RESIDENTIAL DWELLING Edward Payne a/k/a Edward H. Payne, Jr. and Egan Payne C.P. November Term, 2017 No. 01163 $58,057.39 Martha E. Von Rosenstiel, P.C., Martha E. Von Rosenstiel, Esq.; Lorraine Gazzara Doyle, Esq. 1912-429 2216 Bowler St 191153320 58th wd. 1,210 Sq. Ft. OPA#581061320 IMPROVEMENTS: RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY Michael Joseph Lamond, in His Capacity as Heir of Dolores Cardinal, Deceased; Unknown Heirs, Successors, Assigns, and All Persons, Firms, or Associations Claiming Right, Title or Interest From or Under Dolores Cardinal, Deceased C.P. June Term, 2015 No. 01999 $128,090.14 Phelan Hallinan Diamond & Jones, LLP 1912-430 608 Gorgas Ln 19128 21st wd. 4,479 Sq. Ft. BRT#213334034 IMPROVEMENTS: RESIDENTIAL DWELLING Raymond T. Wons C.P. September Term, 2018 No. 03586 $258,855.93 Law Office of Gregory Javardian, LLC 1912-431 507 Murdoch Rd a/k/a 507 E Murdoch Rd 19119 9th wd. 5,100 Sq. Ft.

BRT#091061800 Subject to Mortgage IMPROVEMENTS: RESIDENTIAL DWELLING Nick Kelsh C.P. April Term, 2018 No. 00652 $217,708.16 Law Office of Gregory Javardian, LLC 1912-432 1208 N Hancock St 19122 18th wd. 824 Sq. Ft. BRT#182079600 IMPROVEMENTS: RESIDENTIAL DWELLING Charles A.J. Halpin, III, Esquire, Personal Representative of the Estate of Blanca Cortes a/k/a Blanca Santiago, Deceased C.P. July Term, 2019 No. 00746 $48,186.82 Law Office of Gregory Javardian, LLC 1912-433 9946 Jeanes St 191151204 58th wd. 1,730 Sq. Ft. OPA#581218000 IMPROVEMENTS: RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY Teresa V. Grumbrecht; Patrick J. Grumbrecht C.P. April Term, 2017 No. 03200 $191,761.33 Phelan Hallinan Diamond & Jones, LLP 1912-434 6518 N 21st St 191382546 10th wd. 1,024 Sq. Ft. OPA#102088700 IMPROVEMENTS: RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY Laverne Baker C.P. March Term, 2017 No. 00598 $92,671.81 Phelan Hallinan Diamond & Jones, LLP 1912-435 15014 Dahlia Dr, Unit 108, a/k/a 15014 Dahlia Dr 19116-1546 58th wd. 1,501 Sq. Ft. OPA#583240014 IMPROVEMENTS: RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY Maria Depalma C.P. May Term, 2019 No. 01642 $272,211.63 Phelan Hallinan Diamond & Jones, LLP 1912-436 4481 Garden St 191372013 45th wd. 960 Sq. Ft. OPA#453340100 IMPROVEMENTS: RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY Jessica Harkins C.P. April Term, 2018 No. 04661 $166,569.54 Phelan Hallinan Diamond & Jones, LLP 1912-437 4226 Neilson St 191244922 33rd wd. 1,200 Sq. Ft. OPA#332523700 IMPROVEMENTS: RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY Giovanni I. Nieves C.P. November Term, 2017 No. 00085 $91,120.52 Phelan Hallinan Diamond & Jones, LLP 1912-438 7153 Glenloch St 19135 41st wd. 1,357 Sq. Ft. OPA#412342400 IMPROVEMENTS: RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY Luis Munguia Martinez-Ruiz C.P. February Term, 2019 No. 00493 $140,553.65 Shapiro & DeNardo, LLC 1912-439 5911 Elsinore St 19120 35th wd. 960 Sq. Ft. BRT#352301700 IMPROVEMENTS: RESIDENTIAL Marc L. Barnhill a/k/a Marc Barnhill C.P. May Term, 2018 No. 00484 $171,058.04 Stern & Eisenberg PC 1912-440 733 E. Price St 19144 59th wd. Land: 2,299 Sq. Ft.; Improvement: 1,216 Sq. Ft. BRT#591083900 IMPROVEMENTS: RESIDENTIAL REAL ESTATE Gloria Jean Benajmin (a/k/a Gloria J. Benjamin a/k/a Gloria

J. McBride Benjamin) and Shirely Murphy C.P. December Term, 2017 No. 003944 $46,195.89 Stern & Eisenberg PC 1912-441 6654 N Lawrence St 19126 61st wd. 1,693 Sq. Ft. BRT#611089300 IMPROVEMENTS: RESIDENTIAL All Known and Unknown Heirs, Personal Representatives, and Devisees of the Estate of Louis Dailey C.P. April Term, 2019 No. 01759 $107,033.51 Stern & Eisenberg PC 1912-442 5929 Media St 19151 34th wd. 1,050 Sq. Ft. OPA#342036400 IMPROVEMENTS: RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY Garey Powell, as Administrator of the Estate of Ruth Issac Deceased C.P. September Term, 2018 No. 00871 $88,302.24 KML Law Group, P.C. 1912-443 1613 Fox Chase Rd 19152 56th wd. 2,841 Sq. Ft. OPA#562178300 IMPROVEMENTS: RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY Lois D. Hurowitz a/k/a Lois Hurowitz C.P. May Term, 2016 No. 03839 $149,175.87 KML Law Group, P.C. 1912-444 6643 Oakland St 19149 54th wd. 1,113 Sq. Ft. OPA#541263800 IMPROVEMENTS: RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY Alberto L. Ortiz C.P. January Term, 2019 No. 01980 $110,609.45 KML Law Group, P.C. 1912-445 8519 Mansfield Ave 19150 50th wd. 3,629 Sq. Ft. OPA#502026700 IMPROVEMENTS: RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY Barry Sudler C.P. July Term, 2019 No. 03362 $219,012.25 KML Law Group, P.C. 1912-446 1624 W. Champlost St 19141 17th wd. 2,974 Sq. Ft. OPA#171200200 Subject to Mortgage IMPROVEMENTS: RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY All Unknown Heirs of Laureano Lopez C.P. July Term, 2017 No. 03179 $52,119.17 Kevin J. Cummings, Esquire 1912-447 1210 Mollbore Terr 19148 39th wd. Land Area: 1,185 Sq. Ft.; Improvement Area: 1,080 Sq. Ft. OPA#395031400 Joseph P. Barretta Jr.; Valerie K. Barretta C.P. May Term, 2019 No. 00927 $191,404.76 Robert Crawley, Esquire 1912-448 7535 Tabor Ave 19111 56th wd. 3,144 Sq. Ft. OPA#561042000 Subject to Mortgage IMPROVEMENTS: RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY Garry F. Miller; Stephanie A. Forte C.P. January Term, 2018 No. 05471 $194,123.84 Justin F. Kobeski, Esquire; Manley Deas Kochalski LLC 1912-449 1142 Foulkrod St 19124 23rd wd. 4,353 Sq. Ft. BRT#234094300 IMPROVEMENTS: DET W/D GAR 2.5 STY MASON David Brown C.P. June Term, 2017 No. 00689 $248,891.44 Milstead & Associates, LLC 1912-450 4070 Powelton Ave 19104 6th wd. BRT#061013300 Subject to Mortgage

IMPROVEMENTS: + 1,700 SQ. FT. CONSISTING OF A RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY Movita Johnson C.P. July Term, 2018 No. 3260 $479,934.95 + costs and interest Thomas M. Pinney, Esq. 1912-451 2305 Rhawn St 19152 56th wd. Land: 2,725 Sq. Ft.; Improvement: 1,600 Sq. Ft.; Total: 2,725 Sq. Ft. OPA#562008400 IMPROVEMENTS: RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY Adrienne McAllister a/k/a Adrienne McAlister and Michael Roman C.P. May Term, 2019 No. 009513 $215,120.66 Richard M. Squire & Associates, LLC 1912-452 1319 Narragansett St 19138 59th wd. 1,260 Sq. Ft. OPA#591149200 IMPROVEMENTS: RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY Sandra L. Dowling C.P. May Term, 2018 No. 03000 $52,769.75 Phelan Hallinan Diamond & Jones, LLP 1912-453 7643 Woodcrest Ave 19151 34th wd. 1,748 Sq. Ft. BRT#343195900 IMPROVEMENTS: ROW B/GAR 2 STY MASONRY Ngoran Oka and Kouassi Oka C.P. May Term, 2015 No. 01558 $161,497.38 Milstead & Associates, LLC 1912-454 327 E Roosevelt Blvd 19120 42nd wd. 1,734 Sq. Ft. OPA#421139300 Subject to Mortgage IMPROVEMENTS: RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY Stephen Quinn, A/K/A Stephen J. Quinn C.P. July Term, 2018 No. 03109 $116,536.62 Justin F. Kobeski, Esquire; Manley Deas Kochalski LLC 1912-455 5503 Greenway Ave 19143 51st wd. 1,140 Sq. Ft. (Improvement Area); 1,050 Sq. Ft. (Land Area) BRT#514257500 Subject to Mortgage IMPROVEMENTS: RESIDENTIAL DWELLING Naomi Rollins C.P. July Term, 2019 No. 02995 $38,761.47 Michelle Pierro, Esquire 1912-456 4949 N 17th St 19141 17th wd. 1,320 Sq. Ft. OPA#172184400 IMPROVEMENTS: RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY William A. Cross C.P. September Term, 2016 No. 01517 $66,244.79 Justin F. Kobeski, Esquire; Manley Deas Kochalski LLC 1912-457 3632 Miller St 19134 45th wd. BRT#45-1361800 The Estate of Christine M. Kremis a/k/a Christine Kremis, deceased C.P. February Term, 2017 No. 06066 $86,578.62 Emmanuel J. Argentieri, Esquire 1912-458 6404 N Park Ave 19126 49th wd. 4,670 Sq. Ft. BRT#493243000 IMPROVEMENTS: DET W/D GAR 3 STY MASONRY Shirretha Thurmond C.P. February Term, 2018 No. 02085 $339,838.80 Milstead & Associates, LLC 1912-459 3135 Agate St 19134 25th wd. Land Area: 694 Sq. Ft.; Improvement Area: 784 Sq. Ft. OPA#252335200 IMPROVEMENTS: RESIDENTIAL DWELLING William Ernest Johnson, III; Unknown heirs, successors, assigns, and all persons,

firms, or associations claiming right, title, or interest from or under Alex Krasheninnikow C.P. September Term, 2018 No. 00721 $44,032.59 RAS Citron, LLC - Robert Crawley, Esq 1912-460 1017 S Frazier St 19143 51st wd. 992 Sq. Ft. OPA#513030600 Subject to Mortgage IMPROVEMENTS: RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY Gregory A. Davis a/k/a Gregory Davis, as Administrator to the Estate of Timothy R. Davis, a/k/a Timothy Richard Davis C.P. October Term, 2017 No. 01318 $26,925.37 Meredith H. Wooters, Esquire; Manley Deas Kochalski, LLC 1912-461 1240 S. Millick St 19143 3rd wd. 984 Sq. Ft. BRT#033222700 IMPROVEMENTS: RESIDENTIAL REAL ESTATE Tyesha K. Osbourne C.P. June Term, 2016 No. 00277 $181,770.57 Stern & Eisenberg PC 1912-462 7530 Dickens Pl 191530000 40th wd. 1,710 Sq. Ft. OPA#404241518 IMPROVEMENTS: SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL DWELLING Charles W. Perry, III, Deceased C.P. October Term, 2017 No. 04104 $142,102.02 Hladik, Onorato & Federman, LLP 1912-463 5744 Pine St 19143-1216 60th wd. 1,232 Sq. Ft. OPA#60-4-1036-00 IMPROVEMENTS: SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL DWELLING Diane Nero a/k/a Belinda Diane Nero, Michelle Mitchell and Kimberly Hudnell C.P. April Term, 2018 No. 05141 $64,453.89 Hladik, Onorato, & Federman, LLP 1912-464 1335 Disston St 19111 53rd wd. 1,892 Sq. Ft. BRT#532210300 IMPROVEMENTS: RESIDENTIAL REAL ESTATE Clara Rush C.P. February Term, 2018 No. 01173 $94,227.18 Stern & Eisenberg PC 1912-465 1427 68th Ave 191260000 10th wd. 2,036 Sq. Ft. OPA#10-1-2550-00 IMPROVEMENTS: SEMIDETATCHED, 2.5 STORY MASONRY BUILDING Lewis Real Estate Development, LLC C.P. October Term, 2018 No. 01645 $87,371.22 Hladik, Onorato, & Federman, LLP 1912-466 8016 Temple Rd 19150 50th wd. 1,440 Sq. Ft. OPA#501067100 IMPROVEMENTS: RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY Gwendolyn Smith; The United States of America, Department of Treasury, Internal Revenue Service C.P. May Term, 2019 No. 00595 $90,620.79 Cristina L. Connor, Esquire; Manley Deas Kochalski, LLC 1912-467 8112 Rugby St 19150 50th wd. 2,585 Sq. Ft. OPA#502085400 Subject to Mortgage IMPROVEMENTS: RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY Robyn M. Johnson a/k/a Robyn Johnson; Sarah D. Johnson, a/k/a Sarah Johnson (deceased); Brian Johnson, Administrator of the Estate of Sarah D. Johnson, a/k/a Sarah Johnson C.P. September Term, 2011 No. 01168

$240,122.56 Meredith H. Wooters, Esquire; Manley Deas Kochalski, LLC 1912-468 2431 E Cumberland St 19125-3104 31st wd. 1,778 Sq. Ft. OPA#314039000 IMPROVEMENTS: RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY Timothy R. Benston, Jr a/k/a Timothy R. Benston C.P. March Term, 2017 No. 00115 $286,180.47 Phelan Hallinan Diamond & Jones, LLP 1912-469 339 McKean St 19148 39th wd. Land Area: 1,435 Sq. Ft.; Improvement Area: 1,616 Sq. Ft. OPA#392023300 IMPROVEMENTS: RESIDENTIAL DWELLING Victor T. Gargano Jr a/k/a Victor Gargano, Jr C.P. January Term, 2019 No. 01044 $180,418.36 RAS Citron, LLC - Robert Crawley, Esq 1912-470 6631 Blakemore St 191191454 22nd wd. 2,016 Sq. Ft. OPA#221288020 IMPROVEMENTS: RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY George Brown a/k/a George L. Brown C.P. April Term, 2018 No. 02721 $124,611.49 Phelan Hallinan Diamond & Jones, LLP 1912-471 2938 Joey Dr 191361013 57th wd. 1,592 Sq. Ft. OPA#572040518 IMPROVEMENTS: RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY Megan M. Gallagher C.P. February Term, 2018 No. 00074 $161,434.14 Phelan Hallinan Diamond & Jones, LLP 1912-472 2821 W Lehigh Ave 19132-3132 18th wd. 1,194 Sq. Ft. OPA#281380600 IMPROVEMENTS: RESIDENTIAL DWELLING Estate of Richard Blair c/o Patricia A. Blair, Personal Representative; Patricia A. Blar, Known Heir of and Personal Representative of The Estate of Richard Blair; Unknown heirs, successors, assigns, and all persons, firms, or associations claiming right, title, or interest from or under Richard Blair C.P. January Term, 2017 No. 01506 $57,945.16 RAS Citron, LLC - Robert Crawley, Esq 1912-473 6731 N 16th St 19151 10th wd. ROW B/GAR 2 STY MASONRY; 1,512 Sq. Ft. BRT#101027000 Subject to Mortgage IMPROVEMENTS: RESIDENTIAL DWELLING Jack E. Ferguson a/k/a Jack E. Ferguson, Sr. C.P. March Term, 2019 No. 03124 $65,165.68 McCabe, Weisberg, & Conway, LLC 1912-474 1362 Gilham St 191115532 53rd wd. 1,056 Sq. Ft. OPA#531162700 IMPROVEMENTS: RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY Joshua P. Wark, in His Capacity as Administrator and Heir of The Estate of John H. Wark, Jr; Matthew J. Wark, in His Capacity as Heir of The Estate of John H. Wark, Jr; Anthony J. Wark, in His Capacity as Heir of The Estate of John H. Wark, Jr; Unknown heirs, successors, assigns, and all persons, firms, or associations claiming right, title, or interest from or under John H. Wark, Jr, Deceased

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ADVERTORIAL SHERIFF’S SALE C.P. July Term, 2017 No. 01222 $128,034.47 Phelan Hallinan Diamond & Jones, LLP 1912-475 7663 Woodcrest Ave 19151 34th wd. ROW B/GAR 2 STY MASONRY; 1,120 Sq. Ft. BRT#343196900 IMPROVEMENTS: RESIDENTIAL DWELLING Martin D. Goodlin C.P. October Term, 2018 No. 00142 $176,707.80 McCabe, Weisberg, & Conway, LLC 1912-476 429 Unruh Ave a/k/a 429 Unruh St 19111-4631 35th wd. 1,092 Sq. Ft. OPA#353129000 IMPROVEMENTS: RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY Edward Morgan; Geraldine Morgan C.P. September Term, 2017 No. 00587 $138,555.75 Phelan Hallinan Diamond & Jones, LLP 1912-477 3331 N 16th St 191404902 11th wd. 3,480 Sq. Ft. OPA#112196400 IMPROVEMENTS: RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY Adam Sanders C.P. February Term, 2018 No. 00404 $194,679.17 Phelan Hallinan Diamond & Jones, LLP 1912-478 1066 Alcott St 19149 35th wd. Land Area: 1,058 Sq. Ft.; Improvement Area: 1,192 Sq. Ft. OPA#352062400 IMPROVEMENTS: RESIDENTIAL DWELLING Erick Thevenin C.P. April Term, 2019 No. 02004 $118,203.87 RAS Citron, LLC - Robert Crawley, Esq 1912-479 155 W Champlost Ave 19120-1904 61st wd. 1,140 Sq. Ft. OPA#612169600 IMPROVEMENTS: RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY Donna Fredericks C.P. September Term, 2015 No. 00599 $33,582.96 Phelan Hallinan Diamond & Jones, LLP 1912-480 9987 Sandy Rd Unit A 19115 58th wd. S/D W/B GAR 2 STY MAS+ OTH; 1,498 Sq. Ft. BRT#581398524 IMPROVEMENTS: RESIDENTIAL DWELLING Aiton Cesar Dos Santos C.P. September Term, 2018 No. 02598 $171,336.94 McCabe, Weisberg, & Conway, LLC 1912-481 138 S 62nd St 191392928 3rd wd. 1,160 Sq. Ft. OPA#031193400 IMPROVEMENTS: RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY Delaine Russell a/k/a Delaine Russel C.P. February Term, 2019 No. 01723 $100,310.78 Phelan Hallinan Diamond & Jones, LLP 1912-482 5222 Laurens St 191444604 22nd wd. 2,381 Sq. Ft. OPA#123240800 IMPROVEMENTS: RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY Unknown Heirs, Successors, Assigns, and All Persons, Firms, or Associations Claiming Right, Title or Interest From or Under Roy Leon Joshlin, Deceased C.P. June Term, 2019 No. 06126 $48,158.79 Phelan Hallinan Diamond & Jones, LLP 1912-483 2335 Fuller St 19152 56th wd. Land Area: 2,808 Sq. Ft.; Improvement Area: 1,600 Sq. Ft. OPA#562030800 IMPROVEMENTS: RESI-

NOVEMBER 13 - 20, 2019










DENTIAL DWELLING Joseph G. Maronski C.P. May Term, 2019 No. 01186 $111,641.99 RAS Citron, LLC - Robert Crawley, Esq 1912-484 3133 Reach St 191342410 33rd wd. 1,064 Sq. Ft. OPA#331317600 IMPROVEMENTS: RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY Bernice L. Townsend C.P. January Term, 2018 No. 00744 $21,333.58 Phelan Hallinan Diamond & Jones, LLP 1912-485 164 W Wyoming Ave 19140 42nd wd. 1,073 Sq. Ft. BRT#422065000 IMPROVEMENTS: ROW 2 STY MASONRY Joseph Hogue and Howard Hogue, Jr. C.P. August Term, 2013 No. 03373 $13,893.78 Milstead & Associates, LLC 1912-486 4651 Whitaker Ave 19120 42nd wd. ROW B/GAR 2 STY MASONRY; 1,200 Sq. Ft. BRT#421563800 IMPROVEMENTS: RESIDENTIAL DWELLING Wyatt Bobb C.P. October Term, 2018 No. 02660 $88,508.79 McCabe, Weisberg, & Conway, LLC 1912-487 882 N Fallon St a/k/a 882 Fallon St 19139 44th wd. ROW 3 STY MASONRY; 1,206 Sq. Ft. BRT#442205100 IMPROVEMENTS: RESIDEN-

TIAL DWELLING Vonda D. Smith C.P. December Term, 2018 No. 00086 $46,834.21 McCabe, Weisberg, & Conway, LLC 1912-488 474 Evergreen Ave 19128 21st wd. 7,012 Sq. Ft. OPA#212389500; Registry#085N01-0052 Subject To Mortgage YesElectronic Registration Systems as Nominee for Huntington Valley Bank located at 1388 W. Street Rd, Warminster, PA 18974 IMPROVEMENTS: RESIDENTIAL REAL ESTATE Tarra Campbell and James Campbell C.P. August Term, 2017 No. M0001 $64,219.06 plus interest $1,284.36; Total: $65,503.44 Michael E. Eisenberg, Esquire 1912-489 5017 Loretto Ave 19124 8th wd. 1,361 Sq. Ft. BRT#351394900 IMPROVEMENTS: RESIDENTIAL DWELLING Milagros E. Ortiz a/k/a Milagros Ortiz C.P. May Term, 2019 No. 09211 $146,060.47 Powers Kirn, LLC 1912-490 147 E Meehan Ave 19119 22nd wd. ROW 2 STY MASONRY; 1,446 Sq. Ft. BRT#222094100 IMPROVEMENTS: RESIDENTIAL DWELLING Edward Turner C.P. September Term, 2016 No.

01828 $197,522.67 McCabe, Weisberg, & Conway, LLC 1912-491 1361 S 46th St 191433827 27th wd. 716 Sq. Ft. OPA#272165800 IMPROVEMENTS: RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY May E. Mccloud; Vera L. Jones C.P. May Term, 2017 No. 03419 $80,228.08 Phelan Hallinan Diamond & Jones, LLP 1912-492 1037 S Chadwick St 19146 30th wd. 800 Sq. Ft. lot OPA#301317600 Subject to Mortgage IMPROVEMENTS: NONE MADE Investments LLC C.P. July Term, 2019 No. 03723 $502,045.68 Benjamin A. Garber, Esquire; Braverman Kaskey, P.C. 1912-493 1804 West Sulis St a/k/a 1804 Sulis St 19141 17th wd. ROW B/GAR 2 STY MASONRY; 1,270 Sq. Ft. BRT#171031600 IMPROVEMENTS: RESIDENTIAL DWELLING Thomas Cunningham, Known Surviving Heir of Loddie M. Fisher, Steven Cunningham, Known Surviving Heir of Loddie M. Fisher, Tiffany Cunningham, Known Surviving Heir of Loddie M. Fisher, and Unknown Surviving Heirs of Loddie M. Fisher C.P. June Term, 2018 No. 01722 $35,688.14 McCabe, Weisberg, & Conway, LLC

1912-494 6625 Lotus Rd 19151 34th wd. 1,349 Sq. Ft. BRT#344094800 IMPROVEMENTS: ROW B/ GAR 2 STY MASONRY Rosa Thomas a/k/a Rosa M. Thomas, Deceased C.P. October Term, 2018 No. 04115 $121,769.60 Milstead & Associates, LLC 1912-495 68 W Washington Ln 19144 59th wd. 4,679 Sq. Ft. OPA#88-4-3510-50 IMPROVEMENTS: IND SHOP MASONRY Surratt Painting, Inc. C.P. April Term, 2019 No. 03777 $52,766.32 plus interest through the date of the sheriff ’ s sale, plus costs William J. Levant, Esquire 1912-496 1725 N 31st St 19121 32nd wd. 930 Sq. Ft. OPA#324195000 IMPROVEMENTS: RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY Robert Wongus C.P. February Term, 2019 No. 00332 $97,654.22 Shapiro & DeNardo, LLC 1912-497 702 Wynnewood Rd 19151 34th wd. 1,543 Sq. Ft. BRT#344224300 IMPROVEMENTS: ROW 2 STY MASONRY Linster N. Murrell Jr a/k/a Linster Murrell, Jr C.P. August Term, 2018 No. 02207 $72,118.84 Milstead & Associates, LLC

1912-498 3423 Keim St 19134 33rd wd. 623 Sq. Ft. BRT#331280500 IMPROVEMENTS: RESIDENTIAL DWELLING Juan Delgado-Quintana, Maria Quintana, Hiram Quintana and David Ortiz in their capacity as Heir of Maria E. Quintana, Deceased and Unknown heirs, successors, assigns, and all persons, firms, or associations claiming right, title, or interest from or under Maria E. Quintana, Deceased C.P. October Term, 2018 No. 00582 $13,476.06 Martha E. Von Rosenstiel, P.C., Martha E. Von Rosenstiel, Esq.; Lorraine Gazzara Doyle, Esq. 1912-499A 4066 Powelton Ave 19104 6th wd. BRT#881107900 Subject to Mortgage IMPROVEMENTS: + 2,300 SQ. FT. CONSISTING OF TWO CONTIGUOUS RESIDENTIAL PROPERTIES Movita Johnson C.P. July Term, 2018 No. 3260 $479,934.95 + costs and interest Thomas M. Pinney, Esq. 1912-499B 4068 Powelton Ave 19104 6th wd. BRT#881107910 Subject to Mortgage IMPROVEMENTS: + 2,300 SQ. FT. CONSISTING OF TWO CONTINGUOUS RESIDENTIAL PROPER-

TIES Movita Johnson C.P. July Term, 2018 No. 3260 $479,934.95 + costs and interest Thomas M. Pinney, Esq. 1912-500 217 W Champlost Ave 19120 61st wd. 1,200 Sq. Ft. BRT#612166500 IMPROVEMENTS: RESIDENTIAL DWELLING Jamar A. Cleveland C.P. March Term, 2017 No. 02722 $106,893.68 Powers Kirn, LLC 1912-501 1204 Foulkrod St 191242931 23rd wd. 3,241 Sq. Ft. OPA#234094600 IMPROVEMENTS: SINGLE FAMILY, RESIDENTIAL DWELLING Maryse Goda C.P. April Term, 2019 No. 00612 $166,499.71 Hladik, Onorato & Federman, LLP 1912-502 5117 D St 19120 42nd wd. BRT#42-1480900 Sheridan Simmond C.P. December Term, 2017 No. 04206 $134,358.19 Emmanuel J. Argentieri, Esquire 1912-503 5232 Duffield St 19124 62nd wd. 1,324 Sq. Ft. (land area); 1,176 Sq. Ft. (improvement area) BRT#622240800 Subject to Mortgage IMPROVEMENTS: ROW 2 STY MASONRY Arthur F. Mehary (deceased) c/o Kathryn Mehary-Rhoades and Joseph

O’ Donnell Co-Executors C.P. April Term, 2019 No. 01835 $45,182.84 Michelle Pierro, Esquire 1912-504A 323 W Girard Ave 19123 18th wd. Front: 18ft. 0 in. Depth: 65 ft. 0 in. On the corner formed by the intersection of the North Side of Girard Ave with the West Side of Orianna St. (formerly Charlotte) OPA#885176120 IMPROVEMENTS: VACANT LAND Carlos Sanchez C.P. September Term, 2018 No. 02453 $599,202.63 plus legal interest in the amount of $108,236.79 for a subtotal of $707,439.42 Leona Mogavero, Esquire 1912-504B 325 W Girard Ave 19123 18th wd. Front: 16 ft. 0 in. Depth: 65 ft. 0 in. On the North Side of Girard Avenue 18 ft. 0 in. West of Orianna St. (formerly Charlotte St.) OPA#871290000 IMPROVEMENTS: MIX ED USE Carlos Sanchez C.P. September Term, 2018 No. 02453 $599,202.63 plus legal interest in the amount of $108,236.79 for a subtotal of $707,439.42 Leona Mogavero, Esquire 1912-504C 327 W Girard Ave 19123 18th wd. Front: 16 ft. 0 in. Depth: 65 ft. 0 in. On the North Side of Girard Ave-

nue 34 ft. 0 in. West of Orianna St. OPA#871524550 IMPROVEMENTS: MIX ED USE Carlos Sanchez C.P. September Term, 2018 No. 02453 $599,202.63 plus legal interest in the amount of $108,236.79 for a subtotal of $707,439.42 Leona Mogavero, Esquire 1912-504D 429 W Girard Ave 19123 18th wd. Front: 18 ft. 0 in. Depth: 98 ft. 6-1/4 in. On the Northerly Side of Girard Avenue from the 146 ft. 0 in. Easterly of 5th St. OPA#871290200 IMPROVEMENTS: MIX ED USE Carlos Sanchez C.P. September Term, 2018 No. 02453 $599,202.63 plus legal interest in the amount of $108,236.79 for a subtotal of $707,439.42 Leona Mogavero, Esquire 1912-504E 431 W Girard Ave 19123 18th wd. Front: 18 ft. 0 in. Depth: 98 ft. 11 in. On the North Side of Girard Avenue 128 ft. 0 in. Easterly side of 5th St. OPA#871290250 IMPROVEMENTS: MIX ED USE Carlos Sanchez C.P. September Term, 2018 No. 02453 $599,202.63 plus legal interest in the amount of $108,236.79 for a subtotal of $707,439.42 Leona Mogavero, Esquire

NOVEMBER 13 - 20, 2019

• 29


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LEGAL NOTICE BID #10095 Community College of Philadelphia will accept bids for work necessary for the Construction of our Career & Advanced Technology Center. Drawings, Specifications, Bidding, and all Communication will be available through the college’s third party bid site, PennBid, at (https:// w w w. e b i d e x c h a n g e . com/pennbid). Bidders must be incompliance with Federal, State, and Municipal regulations concerning Affirm.Action, as well as Exec. Order#11246.


By virtue of a Writ of execution, to me directed, issued out of the SUPERIOR COURT OF NEW JERSEY CHANCERY DIVISION, CAMDEN COUNTY, DOCKET NO F00903019 at Public Venue on WEDNESDAY the 4th Day of December 2019 A.D. at 12 o'clock, LOCAL TIME, noon of said day, at the SHERIFF'S OFFICE in the COURT HOUSE, 520 Market St., 2nd Floor, Suite 202, in City and County of Camden and State of New Jersey: Property to be sold is located in the TOWNSHIP OF WINSLOW County of Camden, State of New Jersey. Premises commonly known as: 26 IVY HALL LANE, TOWNSHIP OF WINSLOW, NJ 08081 WITH A MAILING ADDRESS OF 26 IVY HALL LANE, SICKLERVILLE, NJ 08081 Being Tax Lot: 8, Block: 12006 Dimensions approximately: 75.00 FEET BY 1152.01 FEET Nearest cross street: INDIAN HILL LANE The Sheriff hereby reserves the right to adjourn this sale without further notice through publication. The judgement sought to be satisfied by the sale is:


SURPLUS MONEY: If after the sale and satisfaction of the mortgage debt, including costs and expenses, there remains any surplus money, the money will be deposited into the Superior Court Trust Fund and any person claiming the surplus, or any part thereof, may file a motion pursuant to Court Rules 4:64-3 and 4:57-2 stating the nature and extent of that person's claim and asking for an order directing payment of the surplus money. The Sheriff or other person conducting the sale will have information regarding the surplus, if any. Seized as the property of: JOYCE A LACEY, ET AL, and taken in execution of MIDFIRST BANK. GILBERT L. "WHIP" WILSON SHERIFF Sheriff's Number: 19003911 Dated: 11/12/2019, 11/19/2019, 11/26/2019, 12/03/19 KML LAW GROUP, PC 216 HADDON AVENUE SUITE 406 $126.72 WESTMONT, NJ 08108 NOVEMBER 13 - 20, 2019


By virtue of a Writ of execution, to me directed, issued out of the SUPERIOR COURT OF NEW JERSEY CHANCERY DIVISION, CAMDEN COUNTY, DOCKET NO F00859219 at Public Venue on WEDNESDAY the 27th day of November 2019 A.D. at 12 o'clock, LOCAL TIME, noon of said day, at the SHERIFF'S OFFICE in the COURT HOUSE, 520 Market St., 2nd Floor, Suite 202, in City and County of Camden and State of New Jersey: Property to be sold is located in the municipality of GLOUCESTER CITY, County of Camden, State of New Jersey. Premises commonly known as: 919 BERGEN STREET, GLOUCESTER CITY, NJ 08030 Being Tax Lot: 36, Block: 166 Dimensions approximately: 25 WIDE BY 85 FEET LONG Nearest cross street: NORTH BROWN STREET 2019 QTR 4 DUE: 11/01/2019 $1,114.01 OPEN 2020 QTR 1 DUE: 02/01/2020 $1,092.69 OPEN 2020 QTR 2 DUE: 05/01/2020 $ 1,092.69 OPEN CCMUA: ACCT 140027293 09/01/2019-11/30/2019 $88.00 OPEN $363.31 OPEN PLUS PENALTY WATER: ACCT: 25196 07/01/2019-09/30/2019 $71.00 OPEN PLUS PENALTY $207.00 OPEN PLUS SEWER: ACCT: 25196 07/01/2019-09/30/2019 93.00 OPEN PLUS PENALTY $93.00 OPEN PLUS. The Sheriff hereby reserves the right to adjourn this sale without further notice through publication. *Subject to any unpaid taxes, municipal liens or other charges, and any such taxes, charges, liens, insurance premiums or other advances made by plaintiff prior to this sale. All interested parties are to conduct and rely upon their own independent investigation to ascertain whether or not any outstanding interest remain of record and/or have priority over the lien being foreclosed and, if so the current amount due thereon. The judgement sought to be satisfied by the sale is:


SURPLUS MONEY: If after the sale and satisfaction of the mortgage debt, including costs and expenses, there remains any surplus money, the money will be deposited into the Superior Court Trust Fund and any person claiming the surplus, or any part thereof, may file a motion pursuant to Court Rules 4:64-3 and 4:57-2 stating the nature and extent of that person's claim and asking for an order directing payment of the surplus money. The Sheriff or other person conducting the sale will have information regarding the surplus, if any. Seized as the property of: MATT PAUL A/K/A MATTHEW D. PAUL, MRS. PAUL, SPOUSE OF MATT PAUL A/K/A MATTHEW D. PAUL and taken in execution of U.S BANK TRUST, N.A. GILBERT L. "WHIP" WILSON SHERIFF Sheriff's Number: 19003807 Dated: 11/05/2019, 11/12/2019, 11/19/2019, 11/26/2019 RAS CITRON LAW OFFICES 130 CLINTON ROAD STE 202 FAIRFIELD NJ 07004 $178.56


By virtue of a Writ of execution, to me directed, issued out of the SUPERIOR COURT OF NEW JERSEY CHANCERY DIVISION, CAMDEN COUNTY, DOCKET NO F01486918 at Public Venue on WEDNESDAY the 20th day of November 2019 A.D. at 12 o'clock, LOCAL TIME, noon of said day, at the SHERIFF'S OFFICE in the COURT HOUSE, 520 Market St., 2nd Floor, Suite 202, in City and County of Camden and State of New Jersey: Property to be sold located in the TOWNSHIP OF PENNSAUKEN, county of Camden, State of New Jersey. Premises commonly known as: 2628 CORBETT ROAD, PENNSAUKEN, NJ 08109-3113 Being Tax Lot: 9, Block: 2905 on the Official Tax Map of the TOWNSHIP OF PENNSAUKEN Dimensions approximately: 60.00 FT X 141.50 FT X 62.79 FT X 160.00 FT Nearest cross street: GRANT AVENUE The Sheriff hereby reserves the right to adjourn this sale without further notice through publication. *Subject to any unpaid taxes, municipal liens or other charges, and any such taxes, charges, liens, insurance premiums or other advances made by plaintiff prior to this sale. All interested parties are to conduct and rely upon their own independent investigation to ascertain whether or not any outstanding interest remain of record and/or have priority over the lien being foreclosed and, if so the current amount due thereon. **If the sale is set aside for any reason, the purchaser at the sale shall be entitled only to a return of the deposit paid. The purchaser shall have no further recourse against the Mortgagor, the Mortgagee or the Mortgagee's attorney. The judgement sought to be satisfied by the sale is:


SURPLUS MONEY: If after the sale and satisfaction of the mortgage debt, including costs and expenses, there remains any surplus money, the money will be deposited into the Superior Court Trust Fund and any person claiming the surplus, or any part thereof, may file a motion pursuant to Court Rules 4:64-3 and 4:57-2 stating the nature and extent of that person's claim and asking for an order directing payment of the surplus money. The Sheriff or other person conducting the sale will have information regarding the surplus, if any. Seized as the property of: MILLICENT MACAULEY, ET AL, and taken in execution of PENNYMAC LOAN SERVICES, LLC GILBERT L. "WHIP" WILSON SHERIFF Sheriff's Number: 19003726 Dated: 10/29/2019, 11/05/2019, 11/12/2019, 11/19/2019 PHELAN HALLINAN DIAMOND & JONES, P.C 1617 JFK BOULEVARD SUITE 1400 $164.16 PHILADELPHIA, PA 19103

SHERIFF’S SALE By virtue of a Writ of execution, to me directed, issued out of the SUPERIOR COURT OF NEW JERSEY CHANCERY DIVISION, CAMDEN COUNTY, DOCKET NO F02030809 at Public Venue on WEDNESDAY the 20th day of November 2019 A.D. at 12 o'clock, LOCAL TIME, noon of said day, at the SHERIFF'S OFFICE in the COURT HOUSE, 520 Market St., 2nd Floor, Suite 202, in City and County of Camden and State of New Jersey: Property to be sold located in the TOWNSHIP OF GLOUCESTER, county of Camden, State of New Jersey. Premises commonly known as: 28 CEDAR GROVE DRIVE, GLOUCESTER, NJ 08081 Tax Lot # 19, Block# 17904 Dimensions approximately: 85' X 125' Nearest cross street: WOOD THRUSH AVENUE Taxes: Current though 3rd Quarter of 2019* *Plus interest on these figures through date of payoff and any and all subsequent taxes, water and sewer amounts. A FULL LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF THE PREMISES CAN BE FOUND IN THE OFFICE OF THE SHERIFF OF CAMDEN COUNTY. The judgement sought to be satisfied by the sale is:

"APPROXIMATELY" $911,376.14 TWENTY PERCENT DEPOSIT REQUIRED SURPLUS MONEY: If after the sale and satisfaction of the mortgage debt, including costs and expenses, there remains any surplus money, the money will be deposited into the Superior Court Trust Fund and any person claiming the surplus, or any part thereof, may file a motion pursuant to Court Rules 4:64-3 and 4:57-2 stating the nature and extent of that person's claim and asking for an order directing payment of the surplus money. The Sheriff or other person conducting the sale will have information regarding the surplus, if any. Seized as the property of: OSABUOHEIN OSAGHAE, ET AL, and taken in execution of ONEWEST BANK, FSB GILBERT L. "WHIP" WILSON SHERIFF Sheriff's Number: 19003737 Dated: 10/29/2019, 11/05/2019, 11/12/2019, 11/19/2019 STERN & EISENBERG, PC, 1040 N. KINGS HIGHWAY, SUITE 407, CHERRY HILL, NJ 08034 $138.24


By virtue of a Writ of execution, to me directed, issued out of the SUPERIOR COURT OF NEW JERSEY CHANCERY DIVISION, CAMDEN COUNTY, DOCKET NO F00391018 at Public Venue on WEDNESDAY the 20th day of November 2019 A.D. at 12 o'clock, LOCAL TIME, noon of said day, at the SHERIFF'S OFFICE in the COURT HOUSE, 520 Market St., 2nd Floor, Suite 202, in City and County of Camden and State of New Jersey: Property to be sold located in the TOWNSHIP OF GLOUCESTER county of Camden, State of New Jersey. Premises commonly known as: 228 KEATS DRIVER, SICKLERVILLE (GLOUCESTER TOWNSHIP), NEW JERSEY 08081 Being Tax Lot: 25, Block: 15701 Dimensions of lot are (approximately): 70 X 20 Nearest cross street: LANCASTER PLACE THE SALE IS SUBJECT TO UNPAID TAXES AND ASSESSMENTS, TAX, WATER AND SEWER LIENS, AND OTHER MUNICIPAL ASSESSMENTS. THE AMOUNT CAN BE OBTAINED FROM THE LOCAL TAXING AUTHORITY. PURSUANT TO NJSA 46:8B-21 THE SALE MAY BE ALSO SUBJECT TO LIMITED LIEN PRIORITY OF ANY CONDOMINIUM/HOMEOWNER ASSOCIATION LIENS WHICH MAY EXIST. The judgement sought to be satisfied by the sale is:


SURPLUS MONEY: If after the sale and satisfaction of the mortgage debt, including costs and expenses, there remains any surplus money, the money will be deposited into the Superior Court Trust Fund and any person claiming the surplus, or any part thereof, may file a motion pursuant to Court Rules 4:64-3 and 4:57-2 stating the nature and extent of that person's claim and asking for an order directing payment of the surplus money. The Sheriff or other person conducting the sale will have information regarding the surplus, if any. Note: The sheriff reserves the right to adjourn this sale for any length of time without further advertisement. Seized as the property of: KARIMA ROBINSON; TERRESTRIA HOMEOWNERS ASSOCIATION, INC; TERRESTRIA ASSOCIATION, INC; OUR LADY OF LOURDES HOSPITAL, ET AL, and taken in execution of SELENE FINANCE GILBERT L. "WHIP" WILSON SHERIFF Sheriff's Number: 19003713 Dated: 10/29/2019, 11/05/2019, 11/12/2019, 11/19/2019 SHAPIRO & DENARDO, LLC 14000 COMMERCE PARKWAY SUITE B $161.28 MT. LAUREL, NJ 08054


By virtue of a Writ of execution, to me directed, issued out of the SUPERIOR COURT OF NEW JERSEY CHANCERY DIVISION, CAMDEN COUNTY, DOCKET NO F00709619 at Public Venue on WEDNESDAY the 20th day of November 2019 A.D. at 12 o'clock, LOCAL TIME, noon of said day, at the SHERIFF'S OFFICE in the COURT HOUSE, 520 Market St., 2nd Floor, Suite 202, in City and County of Camden and State of New Jersey: Property to be sold located in the BOROUGH OF OAKLYN, county of Camden, State of New Jersey. Premises commonly known as: 22 EDEN AVENUE, OAKLYN, NJ 08107 Being Tax Lot: 1, Block: 4 Dimensions approximately: 40.00' X 193.10' X 40.00' X 191.00' Nearest cross street: HARDING AVENUE "The Sheriff hereby reserves the right to adjourn this sale without further notice through publication." The judgement sought to be satisfied by the sale is:


SURPLUS MONEY: If after the sale and satisfaction of the mortgage debt, including costs and expenses, there remains any surplus money, the money will be deposited into the Superior Court Trust Fund and any person claiming the surplus, or any part thereof, may file a motion pursuant to Court Rules 4:64-3 and 4:57-2 stating the nature and extent of that person's claim and asking for an order directing payment of the surplus money. The Sheriff or other person conducting the sale will have information regarding the surplus, if any. Seized as the property of: THOMAS J. PAVLOW AND MARY PAVLOW, ET AL, and taken in execution of MTGLQ INVESTORS, INC. GILBERT L. "WHIP" WILSON SHERIFF Sheriff's Number: 19003783 Dated: 10/29/2019, 11/05/2019, 11/12/2019, 11/19/2019 PLUESE, BECKER & SALTZMAN, 20000 HORIZON WAY , SUITE 900, MT. LAUREL, NJ 08054 $129.6

NOVEMBER 13 - 20, 2019



By virtue of a Writ of execution, to me directed, issued out of the SUPERIOR COURT OF NEW JERSEY CHANCERY DIVISION, CAMDEN COUNTY, DOCKET NO F02266314 at Public Venue on WEDNESDAY the 4th Day of December 2019 A.D. at 12 o'clock, LOCAL TIME, noon of said day, at the SHERIFF'S OFFICE in the COURT HOUSE, 520 Market St., 2nd Floor, Suite 202, in City and County of Camden and State of New Jersey: Property to be sold is located in the BOROUGH OF SOMERDALE County of Camden, State of New Jersey. Premises commonly known as: 3 STATION AVENUE, SOMERDALE BOROUGH, NJ 08083-1329 Being Tax Lot: 17 Block: 111 on the Official Tax Map of the BOROUGH OF SOMERDALE Dimensions approximately: 56.00 FT X 125.00 FT X 56.00 FT X 125.00 FT Nearest cross street: HARVARD AVENUE The Sheriff hereby reserves the right to adjourn this sale without further notice through publication. *Subject to any unpaid taxes, municipal liens or other charges, and any such taxes, charges, liens, insurance premiums or other advances made by plaintiff prior to this sale. All interested parties are to conduct and rely upon their own independent investigation to ascertain whether or not any outstanding interest remain of record and/or have priority over the lien being foreclosed and, if so the current amount due thereon. **If the sale is set aside for any reason, the purchaser at the sale shall be entitled only to a return of the deposit paid. The purchaser shall have no further recourse against the Mortgagor, the Mortgagee or the Mortgagee's attorney. The judgement sought to be satisfied by the sale is:


SURPLUS MONEY: If after the sale and satisfaction of the mortgage debt, including costs and expenses, there remains any surplus money, the money will be deposited into the Superior Court Trust Fund and any person claiming the surplus, or any part thereof, may file a motion pursuant to Court Rules 4:64-3 and 4:57-2 stating the nature and extent of that person's claim and asking for an order directing payment of the surplus money. The Sheriff or other person conducting the sale will have information regarding the surplus, if any. Seized as the property of: TRANG TRUONG, ET AL, and taken in execution of U.S BANK TRUST NATIONAL ASSOCIATION Sheriff's Number: 19003931 Dated: 11/12/2019, 11/19/2019, 11/26/2019, 12/03/19 PHELAN HALLINAN DIAMOND & JONES, P.C. 1617 JFK BOULEVARD SUITE 1400 PHILADELPHIA, PA 19103 $161.28



By virtue of a Writ of execution, to me directed, issued out of the SUPERIOR COURT OF NEW JERSEY CHANCERY DIVISION, CAMDEN COUNTY, DOCKET NO F00894419 at Public Venue on WEDNESDAY the 4th Day of December 2019 A.D. at 12 o'clock, LOCAL TIME, noon of said day, at the SHERIFF'S OFFICE in the COURT HOUSE, 520 Market St., 2nd Floor, Suite 202, in City and County of Camden and State of New Jersey: Property to be sold is located in the TOWNSHIP OF GLOUCESTER County of Camden, State of New Jersey being more particularly described as follows, to wit: Being Lot 2 C2308, in Block 8003, as shown on the Official Tax Map of the Township of Gloucester, said Unit being more specifically described in the Master Deed, recorded on November 1, 1991, in the Office of the Clerk of Camden in Deed Book 4256, Page 75, et. seq., et. seq., as amended from time to time; and Being more commonly known as 2308 Wimbledon Way Blackwood NK 08012 SUPERIOR INTERESTS (if any): All unpaid municipal taxes, assessments and liens; Any set of facts which an accurate survey would disclose; Any restrictions or covenants on record which run with the land; Rights of the United States of America, if any: Any Condominium lien priority, if any; Any outstanding PUD or Homeowners' Association dues or fees, if any; Any occupants or persons in possession of the property, if any; Additional minipal charges, liens, taxes or tax sale certificates and insurance, if any. The Sheriff hereby reserves the right to adjourn this sale without further notice through publication. The judgement sought to be satisfied by the sale is:


SURPLUS MONEY: If after the sale and satisfaction of the mortgage debt, including costs and expenses, there remains any surplus money, the money will be deposited into the Superior Court Trust Fund and any person claiming the surplus, or any part thereof, may file a motion pursuant to Court Rules 4:64-3 and 4:57-2 stating the nature and extent of that person's claim and asking for an order directing payment of the surplus money. The Sheriff or other person conducting the sale will have information regarding the surplus, if any. Seized as the property of: ANOTHNY M. WESTERGOM and taken in execution of PLAYER'S PLACE II CONDOMINIUM ASSOCIATION, INC Sheriff's Number: 19003956 Dated: 11/12/2019, 11/19/2019, 11/26/2019, 12/03/19 ANSELL GRIMM AND AARON, PC 214 CARNEGIE CENTER SUITE 112 $155.52 PRINCETON, NJ 08540

By virtue of a Writ of execution, to me directed, issued out of the SUPERIOR COURT OF NEW JERSEY CHANCERY DIVISION, CAMDEN COUNTY, DOCKET NO F01233419 at Public Venue on WEDNESDAY the 4th Day of December 2019 A.D. at 12 o'clock, LOCAL TIME, noon of said day, at the SHERIFF'S OFFICE in the COURT HOUSE, 520 Market St., 2nd Floor, Suite 202, in City and County of Camden and State of New Jersey: Property to be sold is located in the BOROUGH OF AUDUBON, County of Camden, State of New Jersey. Premises commonly known as: 253 EAST ATLANTIC AVENUE AUDUBON, NJ 08106 Being Tax Lot: 12 Block: 57 Dimensions approximately: 37.50 X 200 Nearest cross street: GRAISBURY AVENUE *TAXES- AT TIME OF INQUIRY- 3RD QUARTER TAXES OPEN IN THE AMOUNT OF $1566.68 + INTEREST THROUGHOUT PAYOFF; *WATER- PRIVATE ACCOUNT, VERIFICATION OF SAME PROHIBITED WITHOUT AUTHORIZATION OF RECORD PROPERTY OWNER *SEWER- AT THE TIME OF INQUIRY- $122.62 OPEN + INTEREST AND ANY ADDITIONAL CHARGES THAT MAY BECOME DUE THROUGHOUT PAYOFF; *CCMUA- AT THE TIME OF INQUIRY- $806.51 OPEN AND PAST DUE + INTEREST AND ANY ADDITIONAL CHARGES THAT MAY BECOME DUE THROUGH PAYOFF; *Also subject to subsequent taxes, water and sewer plus interest through date of payoff. The judgement sought to be satisfied by the sale is:


SURPLUS MONEY: If after the sale and satisfaction of the mortgage debt, including costs and expenses, there remains any surplus money, the money will be deposited into the Superior Court Trust Fund and any person claiming the surplus, or any part thereof, may file a motion pursuant to Court Rules 4:64-3 and 4:57-2 stating the nature and extent of that person's claim and asking for an order directing payment of the surplus money. The Sheriff or other person conducting the sale will have information regarding the surplus, if any. Note: The sheriff reserves the right to adjourn this sale for any length of time without further advertisement. A FULL LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF THE PREMISES CAN BE FOUND IN THE OFFICE OF THE SHERIFF OF CAMDEN COUNTY. Seized as the property of: INDEPENDENCE PROPERTIES INC.; GINA M. PALO; GREGORY COXE, TENANT, and taken in execution of WILMINGTON SAVINGS FUND SOCIETY Sheriff's Number: 19003961 Dated: 11/12/2019, 11/19/2019, 11/26/2019, 12/03/19 ROMANO GARUBO & ARGENTIERI 52 NEWTON AVENUE P.O. BOX 456 WOODBURY, NJ 08096


By virtue of a Writ of execution, to me directed, issued out of the SUPERIOR COURT OF NEW JERSEY CHANCERY DIVISION, CAMDEN COUNTY, DOCKET NO F01374318 at Public Venue on WEDNESDAY the 20th day of November 2019 A.D. at 12 o'clock, LOCAL TIME, noon of said day, at the SHERIFF'S OFFICE in the COURT HOUSE, 520 Market St., 2nd Floor, Suite 202, in City and County of Camden and State of New Jersey: Property to be sold located in PENNSAUKEN, county of Camden, State of New Jersey. Premises commonly known as: 4433 TERRACE AVENUE, PENNSAUKEN, PENNSAUKEN, NJ 08109 Being Tax Lot: 13, Block: #5718 Nearest cross street: BROWNING ROAD Dimensions approximately: 6,251 SQFT A FULL LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF THE PREMISES CAN BE FOUND IN THE OFFICE OF THE SHERIFF OF CAMDEN COUNTY. This sale is subject to unpaid taxes and assessments, tax, water and other municipal assessments. The amount can be obtained from the local taxing authority. All interested parties are to conduct and rely upon their own independent investigation to ascertain whether or not any outstanding interest remain of record and/or have priority over the lien being foreclosed and, if so the current amount due thereon. **SUBJECT TO TAX SALE CERTIFICATE #'S: TAX SALE CERTIFICATE NUMBER: 090339 IN THE AMOUNT OF $3,706.69 TAX SALE CERTIFICATE NUMBER: 15-00772 IN THE AMOUNT OF $471.24 TAX SALE CERTIFICATE NUMBER: 16-00597 IN THE AMOUNT OF $506.64 If the sale is set aside for any reason, the purchaser at the sale shall be entitled only to a return of the deposit paid. The purchaser shall have no further recourse against the Mortgagor, the Mortgagee or the Mortgagee's attorney.** The judgement sought to be satisfied by the sale is:


SURPLUS MONEY: If after the sale and satisfaction of the mortgage debt, including costs and expenses, there remains any surplus money, the money will be deposited into the Superior Court Trust Fund and any person claiming the surplus, or any part thereof, may file a motion pursuant to Court Rules 4:64-3 and 4:57-2 stating the nature and extent of that person's claim and asking for an order directing payment of the surplus money. The Sheriff or other person conducting the sale will have information regarding the surplus, if any. Note: The sheriff reserves the right to adjourn this sale for any length of time without further advertisement. Seized as the property of: KIMBERLY CLARK; AND SHEPARD R. CLARK, HER HUSBAND, ET AL, and taken in execution of U.S BANK NATIONAL ASSOCIATE GILBERT L. "WHIP" WILSON SHERIFF Sheriff's Number: 19003701 Dated: 10/29/2019, 11/05/2019, 11/12/2019, 11/19/2019 MILSTEAD & ASSOCIATES, LLC $187.20 1 E. STOW ROAD, MARLTON, NJ 08053


By virtue of a Writ of execution, to me directed, issued out of the SUPERIOR COURT OF NEW JERSEY CHANCERY DIVISION, CAMDEN COUNTY, DOCKET NO F02538918 at Public Venue on WEDNESDAY the 27th day of November 2019 A.D. at 12 o'clock, LOCAL TIME, noon of said day, at the SHERIFF'S OFFICE in the COURT HOUSE, 520 Market St., 2nd Floor, Suite 202, in City and County of Camden and State of New Jersey: Property to be sold is located in the TOWNSHIP OF WINSLOW, County of Camden, State of New Jersey. Premises commonly known as: 218 ERIAL ROAD, SICKLERVILLE, NEW JERSEY Tax Lot# 6; Block# 2904 Dimensions approximately: 55'X 125' Nearest cross street: ST. MARTINS AVE BEGINNING AT A PK NAIL IN THE CENTER OF ERIAL-NEW BROOKLYN ROAD (A/K/A) BROOKLYN CHEWS LANDING ROAD CORNER TO A LAND OF W. CLARENCE MILLS; THENCE (1) SOUTH 19 DEGREES 45 MINUTES 00 SECONDS EAST 88.90 FEET TO A PK NAIL TO A POINT; THENCE (2) NORTH 70 DEGREES 15 MINUTES 00 SECONDS EAST 116.50 FEET TO A CONCRETE MONUMENT; THENCE (3) SOUTH 19 DEGREES 45 MINUTES 00 SECONDS EAST 85.00 FEET TO A POINT: (4) NORTH 70 DEGREES 15 MINUTES 00 SECONDS EAST, 635.69 FEET TO A POINT CORNER THENCE (5) NORTH 15 DEGREES 30 MINUTES 43 SECONDS EAST 2265.51 TO AN IRON BAR; THENCE (6) ALONG SAID MILLS, SOUTH 69 DEGREES 31 MINUTES 59 SECONDS WEST, 883.03 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING. The Sheriff hereby reserves the right to adjourn this sale without further notice through publication. A full legal description of the premises can be found in the office of the Sheriff of Camden County. The judgement sought to be satisfied by the sale is:


SURPLUS MONEY: If after the sale and satisfaction of the mortgage debt, including costs and expenses, there remains any surplus money, the money will be deposited into the Superior Court Trust Fund and any person claiming the surplus, or any part thereof, may file a motion pursuant to Court Rules 4:64-3 and 4:57-2 stating the nature and extent of that person's claim and asking for an order directing payment of the surplus money. The Sheriff or other person conducting the sale will have information regarding the surplus, if any. Note: The sheriff reserves the right to adjourn this sale for any length of time without further advertisement. Seized as the property of: OCTAVIO VECINO; JUNE VECINO, UNITED STATES OF AMERICA; AND STATE OF NEW JERSEY and taken in execution of TL FIVE, LLC GILBERT L. "WHIP" WILSON SHERIFF Sheriff's Number: 19003802 Dated: 11/05/2019, 11/12/2019, 11/19/2019, 11/26/2019 COMENGO LAW GROUP, P.C. , 521 PLEASANT VALLEY AVENUE, MOORESTOWN, NJ 08057 $187.20

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NOVEMBER 13 - 20, 2019

TRABAJOS SHERIFF’S SALE By virtue of a Writ of execution, to me directed, issued out By virtue of a Writ of execution, to me directed, issued out of the SUPERIOR COURT OF NEW JERSEY CHANCERY DIVISION, CAMDEN COUNTY, DOCKET NO F0859819 at Public Venue on WEDNESDAY the 4th Day of December 2019 A.D. at 12 o'clock, LOCAL TIME, noon of said day, at the SHERIFF'S OFFICE in the COURT HOUSE, 520 Market St., 2nd Floor, Suite 202, in City and County of Camden and State of New Jersey: Property to be sold is located in the TOWNSHIP OF PENNSAUKEN, County of Camden, State of New Jersey. Premises commonly known as: 7429 PARK AVENUE, PENNSAUKEN, NJ 08109-3013 Being Tax Lot: 14 Block: 3205 on the Official Tax Map of the TOWNSHIP OF PENNSAUKEN Dimensions approximately: 225.00 FT X 24.39 FT X 225.00 FT X 24.91 FT Nearest cross street: UNION AVENUE The Sheriff hereby reserves the right to adjourn this sale without further notice through publication. FOR SALE INFORMATION, PLEASE VISIT AUCTION.COM AT WWW.AUCTION.COM OR CALL (800) 280-2832. WEBSITE IS NOT AFFILIATED WITH SHERIFF'S OFFICE. PURSUANT TO 28, U.S.C. SECTION 2410, THIS SALE IS SUBJECT TO A 1 YEAR RIGHT OF REDEMPTION HELD BY THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA BY VIRTUE OF ITS LIEN: MORTGAGE. DEBRA LAIRD TO SECRETARY OF HOUSING AND URBAN DEVELOPMENT, DATED DECEMBER 15, 2015 AND RECORDED MARCH 26, 2015 IN BOOK 10173, PAGE 426. TO SECURE $28,340.74. *Subject to any unpaid taxes, municipal liens or other charges, and any such taxes, charges, liens, insurance premiums or other advances made by plaintiff prior to this sale. All interested parties are to conduct and rely upon their own independent investigation to ascertain whether or not any outstanding interest remain of record and/or have priority over the lien being foreclosed and, if so the current amount due thereon. **If the sale is set aside for any reason, the purchaser at the sale shall be entitled only to a return of the deposit paid. The purchaser shall have no further recourse against the Mortgagor, the Mortgagee or the Mortgagee's attorney. The judgement sought to be satisfied by the sale is:


SURPLUS MONEY: If after the sale and satisfaction of the mortgage debt, including costs and expenses, there remains any surplus money, the money will be deposited into the Superior Court Trust Fund and any person claiming the surplus, or any part thereof, may file a motion pursuant to Court Rules 4:64-3 and 4:57-2 stating the nature and extent of that person's claim and asking for an order directing payment of the surplus money. The Sheriff or other person conducting the sale will have information regarding the surplus, if any. Seized as the property of: DEBRA LAIRD, ET AL, and taken in execution of BRANCH BANKING AND TRUST COMPANY Sheriff's Number: 19003975 Dated: 11/12/2019, 11/19/2019, 11/26/2019, 12/03/19 PHELAN HALLINAN DIAMOND & JONES, P.C. 1617 JFK BOULEVARD SUITE 1400 $192.96 PHILADELPHIA, PA 19103 NOVEMBER 13 - 20, 2019


By virtue of a Writ of execution, to me directed, issued out of the SUPERIOR COURT OF NEW JERSEY CHANCERY DIVISION, CAMDEN COUNTY, DOCKET NO F00982519 at Public Venue on WEDNESDAY the 20th day of November 2019 A.D. at 12 o'clock, LOCAL TIME, noon of said day, at the SHERIFF'S OFFICE in the COURT HOUSE, 520 Market St., 2nd Floor, Suite 202, in City and County of Camden and State of New Jersey: Property to be sold is located in the municipality of WOODLYNNE BORO, county of Camden, State of New Jersey. Premises commonly known as: 144 MAPLE AVENUE, OAKLYN, NJ 08107 Being Tax Lot: 7, Block: 103 Dimensions approximately: 14 WIDE BY 97 FEET LONG Nearest cross street: WINDSOR DRIVE The Sheriff hereby reserves the right to adjourn this sale without further notice through publication. *Subject to any unpaid taxes, municipal liens or other charges, and any such taxes, charges, liens, insurance premiums or other advances made by plaintiff prior to this sale. All interested parties are to conduct and rely upon their own independent investigation to ascertain whether or not any outstanding interest remain of record and/or have priority over the lien being foreclosed and, if so the current amount due thereon. 2019 QTR 4 DUE: 11/01/2019 $ 1,002.33 OPEN 2020 QTR 1 DUE 02/01/2020 $1,000.01 OPEN 2020 QTR 2 DUE 05/01/2020 $ 1,000.01 OPEN VACANT LOT CHARGE: ACCT: T0: 06/03/2019 $500.00 OPEN PLUS PENALTY CCMU: ACCT: 370009599 07/01/2019 - 09/30/2019 $88.00 OPEN PLUS PENALTY $1,267.21 WATER: ACCT: 5811 0 07/01/2019- 09/30/2019 $105.75 OPEN PLUS PENALTY $105.75 OPEN PLUS GENERAL REMARK: SUBJECT TO TAX SALE. SUBJECT TO ADDITIONAL FEES. The judgement sought to be satisfied by the sale is:


SURPLUS MONEY: If after the sale and satisfaction of the mortgage debt, including costs and expenses, there remains any surplus money, the money will be deposited into the Superior Court Trust Fund and any person claiming the surplus, or any part thereof, may file a motion pursuant to Court Rules 4:64-3 and 4:57-2 stating the nature and extent of that person's claim and asking for an order directing payment of the surplus money. The Sheriff or other person conducting the sale will have information regarding the surplus, if any. Seized as the property of: ANTOINE YARBROUGH; MRS. YARBROUGH, SPOUSE OF ANTOINE YARBROUGH; JILLIAN JOHNSON-YARBROUGH A/K/A JILLIAN A. JOHNSON and taken in execution of SELENE FINANCE GILBERT L. "WHIP" WILSON SHERIFF Sheriff's Number: 19003778 Dated: 10/29/2019, 11/05/2019, 11/12/2019, 11/19/2019 RAS CITRON LAW OFFICES 130 CLINTON ROAD STE 202 FAIRFIELD NJ 07004 $190.08


By virtue of a Writ of execution, to me directed, issued out of the SUPERIOR COURT OF NEW JERSEY CHANCERY DIVISION, CAMDEN COUNTY, DOCKET NO F01875618 at Public Venue on WEDNESDAY the 4th Day of December 2019 A.D. at 12 o'clock, LOCAL TIME, noon of said day, at the SHERIFF'S OFFICE in the COURT HOUSE, 520 Market St., 2nd Floor, Suite 202, in City and County of Camden and State of New Jersey: Property to be sold is located in the Municipality of WINSLOW TWP, County of Camden, State of New Jersey. Premises commonly known as: 98 KENWOOD DRIVE, SICKLERVILLE (WINSLOW TWP.), NJ 08081 Being Tax Lot: 9.12 Block: 1301.01 Dimensions approximately: .09958 AC Nearest cross street: CHEWS LANDING ROAD The Sheriff hereby reserves the right to adjourn this sale without further notice through publication. *Subject to any unpaid taxes, municipal liens or other charges, and any such taxes, charges, liens, insurance premiums or other advances made by plaintiff prior to this sale. All interested parties are to conduct and rely upon their own independent investigation to ascertain whether or not any outstanding interest remain of record and/or have priority over the lien being foreclosed and, if so the current amount due thereon. 2019 QTR 4 DUE: 11/01/2019 $535.25 OPEN 2020 QTR 1 DUE: 02/01/2020 $528.94 OPEN 2020 QTR 2 DUE: 05/01/2020 $528.04 OPEN WATER: ACCT: 215030 0 TO: 06/27/2019 $106.00 PLUS PENALTY $684.50 OPEN PLUS PENALTY; OWED IN ARREARS SUBJECT TO FINAL READING SEWER: ACCT: 215030 0 07/01/2019-09/30/19 102.00 OPEN PLUS PENALTY $604.00 OPEN PLUS PENALTY; OWED IN ARREARS VACANT LOT CHARGE: ACCT: TO: 09/19/2019 $500.00 OPEN CONTACT PROCHAMPS @ 321-421-6639 OR WWW.PROCHAMPS.COM FOR ADDITIONAL BILLING, PAYMENT, AND RENEWAL DETAILS (IF APPLICABLE) VACANT LOT CHARGE: ACCT: TO: 03/19/2019 $500.00 OPEN PLUS PENALTY CONTACT PROCHAMPS @ 321-421-6639 OR WWW.PROCHAMPS.COM FOR ADDITIONAL BILLING, PAYMENT, AND RENEWAL DETAILS (IF APPLICABLE) GENERAL REMARK: SUBJECT TO TAX SALE OCTOBER 17, 2019, SUBJECT TO ADDITIONAL FEES. UTILITIES CCMUA: ACCT: 360012041 09/01/2019 11/30/2019 $88.00 OPEN AND DUE 10/15/2019 $352.00 OPEN PLUS PENALTY; OWED IN ARREARS INDEMNIFICATION ISSUED BY STEWARD TITLE GUARANTY COMPANY FOR PRIOR JUDGEMENT DJ116979-07 IN THE AMOUNT OF $156.00 The judgement sought to be satisfied by the sale is:


SURPLUS MONEY: If after the sale and satisfaction of the mortgage debt, including costs and expenses, there remains any surplus money, the money will be deposited into the Superior Court Trust Fund and any person claiming the surplus, or any part thereof, may file a motion pursuant to Court Rules 4:64-3 and 4:57-2 stating the nature and extent of that person's claim and asking for an order directing payment of the surplus money. The Sheriff or other person conducting the sale will have information regarding the surplus, if any. Seized as the property of: KEVIN FITZPATRICK, MELISA ANNE FITZPATRICK and taken in execution of NATIONSTAR MORTGAGE Sheriff's Number: 19003981 Dated: 11/12/2019, 11/19/2019, 11/26/2019, 12/03/19 RAS CITRON LAW OFFICES 130 CLINTON ROAD STE 202 FAIRFIELD NJ 07004 $216.00


By virtue of a Writ of execution, to me directed, issued out of the SUPERIOR COURT OF NEW JERSEY CHANCERY DIVISION, CAMDEN COUNTY, DOCKET NO F01259719 at Public Venue on WEDNESDAY the 27th day of November 2019 A.D. at 12 o'clock, LOCAL TIME, noon of said day, at the SHERIFF'S OFFICE in the COURT HOUSE, 520 Market St., 2nd Floor, Suite 202, in City and County of Camden and State of New Jersey: Property to be sold is located in the Municipality of PENNSAUKEN County of Camden, State of New Jersey. Premises commonly known as: 5635 MAGNOLIA AVENUE, PENNSAUKEN, NJ 08109 Being Tax Lot: 8, Block: 5518 Dimensions approximately: 75 WIDE BY 106 FEET LONG Nearest cross street: SPRINGFIELD AVENUE 2019 QTR 4 DUE: 11/01/2019 $1,684.07 OPEN 2020 QTR 1 DUE: 02/01/2020 $1,691.25 OPEN 2020 QTR 2 DUE 05/01/2020 $1,691.25 OPEN VACANT LOT CHARGE: ACCT: TO 07/26/2019 $500.00 OPEN PLUS PENALTY CONTRACT PRO-CHAMPS @ 321-421-6639 OR WWW.PROCHAMPS.COM FOR ADDITIONAL BILLING, PAYMENT AND RENEWAL DETAILS (IF APPLICABLE) SEWER: ACCT: 611340000 09/01/2019-11/30/2019 $51.50 OPEN $51.50 OPEN PLUS PENALTY; OWED IN ARREARS CCMUA: ACCT: 270106040 09/01/2019-11/30/2019 $87.58 OPEN $0.42 PAID WATER: ACCT: 4067420 0 TO: 07/24/2019 $63.85 OPEN PLUS PENALTY $50.05 OPEN PLUS PENALTY; OWED IN ARREARS SUBJECT TO FINAL READING. LIENS: YEAR: 2017 TYPE: 3RD PARTY CCMUA ACCOUNT; 1,256.87 CERT NO.: 18-00601 SOLD 06/18/2018 TO: CAZENOVIA CREEK FUNDING II LLC LIEN AMOUNT IS SUBJECT TO SUBSEQUENT TAXES + INTEREST. MUST CALL PRIOR TO SETTLEMENT FOR REDEMPTION FIGURES. THE REDEMPTION OF LIENS IS OUTLINED IN N.J.S.A 54:5-54 INDEMNIFICATION ISSUED BY COMMONWEALTH LAND TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY FOR PRIOR JUDGEMENTS. DJ-316685-2004 WITH THE DEBT OF $1,152.96 COST $74.05, INT. $8.34 DCKG $10.00; AND DJ-0009264-2006 WITH THE DEBT OF $984.96, COST $70.69, INT. $24.90, DCKG $10.00 The Sheriff hereby reserves the right to adjourn this sale without further notice through publication. *Subject to any unpaid taxes, municipal liens or other charges, and any such taxes, charges, liens, insurance premiums or other advances made by plaintiff prior to this sale. All interested parties are to conduct and rely upon their own independent investigation to ascertain whether or not any outstanding interest remain of record and/or have priority over the lien being foreclosed and, if so the current amount due thereon. The judgement sought to be satisfied by the sale is:


SURPLUS MONEY: If after the sale and satisfaction of the mortgage debt, including costs and expenses, there remains any surplus money, the money will be deposited into the Superior Court Trust Fund and any person claiming the surplus, or any part thereof, may file a motion pursuant to Court Rules 4:64-3 and 4:57-2 stating the nature and extent of that person's claim and asking for an order directing payment of the surplus money. The Sheriff or other person conducting the sale will have information regarding the surplus, if any. Seized as the property of: EDWIN CARABALLO; ELIZABETH CARABALLO and taken in execution of U.S BANK NATIONAL ASSOCIATION GILBERT L. "WHIP" WILSON SHERIFF Sheriff's Number: 19003816 Dated: 11/05/2019, 11/12/2019, 11/19/2019, 11/26/2019 RAS CITRON LAW OFFICES 130 CLINTON ROAD, STE 202 FAIRFIELD NJ 07004 $221.76



By virtue of a Writ of execution, to me directed, issued out of the SUPERIOR COURT OF NEW JERSEY CHANCERY DIVISION, CAMDEN COUNTY, DOCKET NO F02278417 at Public Venue on WEDNESDAY the 20th day of November 2019 A.D. at 12 o'clock, LOCAL TIME, noon of said day, at the SHERIFF'S OFFICE in the COURT HOUSE, 520 Market St., 2nd Floor, Suite 202, in City and County of Camden and State of New Jersey: All that certain land and premises situate, lying and being in the BOROUGH OF BERLIN, county of Camden, State of New Jersey. Street: 24 COLEMAN ROAD, BERLIN, NJ 08009 Nearest cross street: GLENSIDE AVENUE Tax Lot and Block No.: Lot 12, Block: 2104 Dimensions approximately: 70 X 115 Prior Mortgages/Liens not Extinguished By the Sale Are: DELINQUENT TAXES AND/OR TAX LIENS 1. MORTGAGE TO EASTERN MORTGAGE SERVICE CO. IAO $10,350.00, RECORDED ON 04/14/1959, ASSIGNED TO DOLLAR SAVINGS BANK OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK As the above description does not constitute a full legal description, said full legal description is annexed to that certain deed recorded in the Office of the Clerk of Camden County in deed Book 10101, Page 955, et seq., New Jersey, and the Writ of Execution with the Sheriff of Camden County. *THE SALE IS SUBJECT TO UNPAID TAXES AND ASSESSMENTS, TAX, WATER AND SEWER LIENS, AND OTHER MUNICIPAL ASSESSMENTS, IF ANY. THE AMOUNT CAN BE OBTAINED FROM THE LOCAL TAXING AUTHORITY. PURSUANT TO NJSA 46:8B-21 THIS SALE MAY BE ALSO SUBJECT TO LIMITED LIEN PRIORITY OF ANY CONDOMINIUM/HOMEOWNER ASSOCIATION LIENS WHICH MAY EXIST. ANY SET OF FACT WHICH AN ACCURATE SURVEY WOULD DISCLOSE; ANY RESTRICTIONS OR COVENANTS ON RECORD WHICH RUN WITH THE LAND; RIGHTS OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, IF ANY, ANY OCCUPANTS OR PERSONS IN POSSESSION OF THE PROPERTY IF ANY. ADDITIONAL MUNICIPAL CHARGES, LIENS, TAXES OR TAX SALE CERTIFICATES AND INSURANCE, IF ANY. ** A DEPOSIT OF 20% OF THE BID PRICE IN CERTIFIED FUNDS IS REQUIRED AT THE TIME OF SALE. THE SHERIFF HAS THE RIGHT TO ADJOURN THIS SALE WITHOUT FURTHER NOTICE BY PUBLICATION. The judgement sought to be satisfied by the sale is:


SURPLUS MONEY: If after the sale and satisfaction of the mortgage debt, including costs and expenses, there remains any surplus money, the money will be deposited into the Superior Court Trust Fund and any person claiming the surplus, or any part thereof, may file a motion pursuant to Court Rules 4:64-3 and 4:57-2 stating the nature and extent of that person's claim and asking for an order directing payment of the surplus money. The Sheriff or other person conducting the sale will have information regarding the surplus, if any. Note: The sheriff reserves the right to adjourn this sale for any length of time without further advertisement. Seized as the property of: CHRISTINE A. HALL, INDIVIDUALLY AND ADMINISTRATRIX OF THE ESTATE OF GEORGE E. MERVINE, JR., ET AL., and taken in execution of AMERICAN ADVISORS GROUP GILBERT L. "WHIP" WILSON SHERIFF Sheriff's Number: 19003718 Dated: 10/29/2019, 11/05/2019, 11/12/2019, 11/19/2019 MATTLEMAN, WEINROTH & MILLER 401 ROUTE 70 EAST SUITE 100 $210.24 CHERRY HILL, NJ 08034




By virtue of a Writ of execution, to me directed, issued out of the SUPERIOR COURT OF NEW JERSEY CHANCERY DIVISION, CAMDEN COUNTY, DOCKET NO F03306816 at Public Venue on WEDNESDAY the 27th day of November 2019 A.D. at 12 o'clock, LOCAL TIME, noon of said day, at the SHERIFF'S OFFICE in the COURT HOUSE, 520 Market St., 2nd Floor, Suite 202, in City and County of Camden and State of New Jersey: Property to be sold is located in the municipality of WATERFORD County of Camden, State of New Jersey. Premises commonly known as: 19 DEER POND BOULEVARD, WATERFORD TOWNSHIP, NJ 08004 Being Tax Lot: 10 AND 11 (F/K/A 14 AND 15), Block: 301 Dimensions approximately: 88 WIDE BY 150 FEET LONG Nearest cross street: WHITE HORSE PIKE SEWER ACCT: 14980 0 04/01/2019-06/30/2019 $108.00 OPEN PLUS PENALTY $420.58 OPEN PLUS PENALTY CCMUE: ACCT: 350003380 03/01/2019-05/31/2019 $176.00 OPEN PLUS PENALTY $1,208.85 OPEN PLUS PENALTY ADDED ASSESSMENTS: PENDING ADDED/OMITTED ASSESSMENT FROM DATE OF CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY OR ASSESSOR'S INSPECTION OF PROPERTY INFORMATION: ORDINANCES 79-12 (6/27/79) AND 97-24 (11/24/97) REQUIRE CONNECTION TO MUNICIPAL WATER AND SEWER LINES WHEN SERVICES ARE AVAILABLE. GENERAL REMARK: 2019 TAXES WILL REFLECT CHANGE IN ASSESSED VALUE GENERAL REMARK: SUBJECT TO TAX SALE 6/12/2019. SUBJECT TO ADDITIONAL FEES The Sheriff hereby reserves the right to adjourn this sale without further notice through publication. *Subject to any unpaid taxes, municipal liens or other charges, and any such taxes, charges, liens, insurance premiums or other advances made by plaintiff prior to this sale. All interested parties are to conduct and rely upon their own independent investigation to ascertain whether or not any outstanding interest remain of record and/or have priority over the lien being foreclosed and, if so the current amount due thereon. The judgement sought to be satisfied by the sale is:


SURPLUS MONEY: If after the sale and satisfaction of the mortgage debt, including costs and expenses, there remains any surplus money, the money will be deposited into the Superior Court Trust Fund and any person claiming the surplus, or any part thereof, may file a motion pursuant to Court Rules 4:64-3 and 4:57-2 stating the nature and extent of that person's claim and asking for an order directing payment of the surplus money. The Sheriff or other person conducting the sale will have information regarding the surplus, if any. Seized as the property of: KEITH D. EGAN; KATE EGAN A/K/A KATE GALLAGHER A/K/A KATE ROWLAND; ANDREA EGAN, ET AL. and taken in execution of NATIONSTAR MORTGAGE LLC GILBERT L. "WHIP" WILSON SHERIFF Sheriff's Number: 19001840 Dated: 11/05/2019, 11/12/2019, 11/19/2019, 11/26/2019 RAS CITRON LAW OFFICES 130 CLINTON ROAD STE 202 FAIRFIELD NJ 07004 $201.60

The Committee on Rules of the Council of the City of Philadelphia will hold a Public Hearing on Tuesday, November 19, 2019, at 10:00 AM, in Room 400, City Hall, to hear testimony on the following items: 180284 An Ordinance to amend the Philadelphia Zoning Maps by changing the zoning designations of certain areas of land located within an area bounded by University Avenue, Schuylkill Expressway Ramp, 34th Street, Schuylkill River, Grays Ferry Avenue, and Railroad Right-of-Way, all under certain terms and conditions. 190382 An Ordinance amending Title 14 of The Philadelphia Code, entitled “Zoning and Planning,” by providing that no variance shall be granted to permit the multi-family use of a property located in certain defined Single Family Preservation Districts, under certain terms and conditions. 190451 An Ordinance to amend the Philadelphia Zoning Maps by changing the zoning designations of certain areas of land located within an area bounded by Washington Avenue, 25th Street, Kimball Street, and 24th Street. 190638 An Ordinance to amend the Philadelphia Zoning Maps by changing the zoning designations of certain areas of land located within an area bounded by Cedar Avenue, 52nd Street, Locust Street, and 46th Street. 190718 An Ordinance to amend the Philadelphia Zoning Maps by changing the zoning designations of certain areas of land located within an area bounded by Upsal Street, Ardleigh Street, Washington Lane, the SEPTA Chestnut Hill East Railroad Right-of-Way, Chew Avenue, Washington Lane, and Morton Street. 190762 An Ordinance to amend the Philadelphia Zoning Maps by changing the zoning designations of certain areas of land located within an area bounded by 38th Street, Sansom Street, 39th Street, and Chestnut Street. 190763 An Ordinance to amend the Philadelphia Zoning Maps by changing the zoning designations of certain areas of land located within an area bounded by 38th Street, Chestnut Street, 39th Street, and Ludlow Street. 190766 An Ordinance to amend the Philadelphia Zoning Maps by changing the zoning designations of certain areas of land located within an area bounded by Market Street, 22nd Street, Ludlow Street, 24th Street, Chestnut Street, and the Schuylkill River. 190784 An Ordinance amending Title 14 of The Philadelphia Code, entitled “Zoning and Planning,” to provide for a height allowance for certain solar collectors; all under terms and conditions. 190811 An Ordinance amending Title 14 of The Philadelphia Code, entitled "Zoning and Planning," to revise certain provisions of subsection 14-507 entitled "/CDO, Central Delaware Riverfront Overlay District," to revise certain provisions of subsection 14-702, entitled “Floor Area, Height, and Housing Unit Density Bonuses,” and to make related changes, all under certain terms and conditions. 190825 An Ordinance to amend the Philadelphia Zoning Maps by changing the zoning designations of certain areas of land located within an area bounded by Sloan Street, Baring Street, State Street, and Powelton Avenue. 190830 An Ordinance amending Title 14 of The Philadelphia Code, entitled “Zoning and Planning,” to revise certain provisions of Section 14-500 of The Philadelphia Code, entitled "Overlay Zoning Districts," by modifying the /CTR, Center City Overlay District, Society Hill Area to create additional standards concerning height, parking, signs, and special reviews, and making related changes, all under certain terms and conditions. Immediately following the public hearing, a meeting of the Committee on Rules, open to the public, will be held to consider the action to be taken on the above listed items. Copies of the foregoing items are available in the Office of the Chief Clerk of the Council, Room 402, City Hall. Michael A. Decker Chief Clerk



NOVEMBER 13 - 20, 2019





ore and better American journalism on Americans of Hispanic descent is very urgent— no doubt about it. Because of the fact that lack of information on Americans of Hispanic descent throughout mainstream media is the norm, misinformation prevails, with very painful consequences for all of us. These consequences can turn deadly. Earlier this year a person in Texas, misguided by the misinformation that fills the vacuum, didn’t hesitate to pick up an assault rifle and kill 22 people—half of them U.S. citizens—just because he believed those human beings of Hispanic origin (one of them was actually German) were part of a horde invading the country, as the existing narratives keep repeating. In these sad circumstances, we welcome any new attempt by the rest of the media to shed light on an entire segment of the national life that has been ESPAÑOL kept in the shadows. in duda, se necesita con Most recently, here in our own hometown, Philsuma urgencia que el adelphia, where the daily newspaper announced “El periodismo norteameInquirer,” the new digital page en español. ricano acerca de los These developments are nothing new, though, norteamericanos de descendencia over the past 25 years AL DÍA has been around. hispana sea más grande y mejor. ‘El Inquirer’ is being launched just a couple of Debido a que la norma en los months after The New York Times closed an equiva- medios es la falta de información lent project, this one fully staffed with great writers acerca de los estadounidenses based in a bureau in Mexico City—all of a sudden de descendencia hispana, la laid off because the for-profit corporation deter- desinformación predomina con mined the venture was not as lucrative as it looked consecuencias doloras para todos at the beginning. nosotros. Same reason why dozens of weekly Spanish-lanConsecuencias que pueden ser guage newspapers launched by dailies across the mortales. country over the past 15 years closed —Gannett Hace unos meses en Texas, una newspaper among them with its failed ”Nuestra Co- persona con ideas equivocadas munidad”—when it was proven it wouldn’t gener- por la desinformación que abunate sufficient profits. da, no tuvo reparo en tomar un riIf Español didn’t work, why not try now English? fle de asalto y matar a 22 personas After all, English is the common lingo of the na- —la mitad de ellas, ciudadanos tion, understood by the majority of U.S. Latinos, and estadounidenses— solo porque also the language through which the major media in creyó que esos seres humanos de American can finally begin to piece together for its origen hispano (uno de ellos era millions of readers an accurate story of the nation’s largest ethnic group. Here in AL DÍA we are going that route. Many more are welcome to join the enormous, pending undertaking.❚


NOVEMBER 13 - 20, 2019

Because of the fact that lack of information on Americans of Hispanic descent throughout mainstream media is the norm, misinformation prevails. Photo:

Debido a que la norma en los medios es la falta de información acerca de los estadounidenses de descendencia hispana, la desinformación predomina. Foto:

en realidad alemán) eran parte de una horda que invade el país; pues así se sigue repitiendo en la narrativa actual de los medios. En estas tristes circunstancias, es bienvenido cualquier intento por parte de los otros medios de traer a la luz a todo un segmento de la vida nacional que ha permanecido en la sombra. Más recientemente, aquí en nuestra ciudad, Filadelfia, el periódico diario anunció “El Inquirer”, su nueva página digital en español. Aunque estos avances no son nada nuevo, ya que AL DÍA ha existido por los últimos 25 años. ‘El Inquirer’ se lanzó apenas dos meses después de que The New York Times cerrara un proyecto igual, el cual estaba totalmente dotado con escritores excelentes ubicados en la Ciudad de México

—que luego fueron despedidos porque la corporación sin fines de lucro determinó que la empresa no era tan lucrativa como pareció en un inició. Esta es la misma razón por la cual docenas de periódicos semanales escritos en español que fueron lanzados por publicaciones diarias en todo el país en los últimos 15 años cerraron —entre ellos el periódico Gannett con su fallida “Nuestra Comunidad”, cuando se comprobó que no generaba suficientes ganancias. Si el español no funcionó, ¿por qué no intentar ahora en inglés? Después de todo, el inglés es la lengua en común de la nación, que la mayoría de los latinos de Estados Unidos entiende; y es también el idioma a través del cual los medios más importantes del país pueden finalmente comenzar a armar una historia fiel del grupo étnico más grande la nación, para sus millones de lectores. Aquí en AL DÍA estamos yendo por ese camino, e invitamos a muchos otros a unirse a esta enorme tarea que está aún pendiente.❚


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