NEWS: Avalanche claims life of local skier, A3
VOL. 143 NO. 7 | THURSDAY, FEBRARY 15, 2024 | $1.00
School board increases bond project budget by $14 million Passes by a 3-2 vote Abby Harrison Times Staff Writer Bella Biondini Times Editor
BALLOONS AND BALLGOWNS: Emma Williams and McKenna Singer float across the dance floor with balloons in hand during the Daddy-Daughter Dance on Feb. 10. Throughout the evening, fathers and daughters twirled and jumped to Taylor Swift classics like “Love Story” and other pop favorites. For more, see A10. (Photo by Mariel Wiley)
TODAY NEWS: The toll of trauma: part three, A5
COMMUNITY: God save the LEGO queen, B1
School budget A6
Local ‘snow drought’ Brush Creek begins to lift intersection presSteady storms bring some relief to Gunnison Basin Bella Biondini Times Editor
SPORTS: Japuntich crowned state champion, B4
The Gunnison Watershed School District board decided to increase its valley-wide renovation budget from $101 million to $115 million. During a regular meeting on Feb. 12, owner's representative Artaic Group presented the budget for the schematic design phase, which had risen by $14 million since vot-
Following an ongoing cycle of winter storms, snowpack conditions in the Upper Colorado R i v e r B a s i n h av e g re a t l y improved since the beginning of the year. At the start of February, much of the western United States remained in what has been labeled as a “snow drought.” While the drought spans much of the region, the Colorado Rocky Mountains are faring much better than the Cascade and Sierra Nevada ranges where some basins are report-
ing snowpack levels as low at 40-60% average. The snow water equivalent (SWE), which determines how much water the snowpack is holding, in most areas in the Upper Colorado River Basin ranged between 80-100% of normal. This is a large boost after a fairly dry start to the winter season. Little snow fell in the Gunnison Valley until the weather pattern began to shift in mid-January. Temperatures across the Western Slope have hovered between 1 to 3 degrees above average, and in the Gunnison Valley, nearly 6 degrees above average in January. The warm temperatures brought occasional afternoon rain, but steady snows have been falling at high elevations. While many suspect El Niño is to blame for the unusual
Snowpack A9
sures Whetstone deadlines Town utility connection still not guaranteed Abby Harrison Times Staff Writer
The future of Whetstone, Gunnison County’s planned affordable housing development just south of Crested Butte, may be tied to the function and finances of the nearby Brush Creek Road intersection — envisioned to have a roundabout and pedestrian underpass. This reality is now com-
plicating county officials’ ability to move the project forward as they face deadlines for connecting Whetstone to the town’s utilities. County and town planners and Crested Butte councilors debated whether the renovated intersection needs to be guaranteed before connecting utilities to Whetstone at a Town Council meeting on Feb. 5. The Town of Crested Butte is still waiting for an updated engineering report from the county before it considers final approval for the connection. County planners expressed concern that binding the utilWhetstone A6