Graphic designer & visual artist
Re po rt on p r ogr e s s DE7005 Design Practice 2: Experimentation MA Design Semester 2 | Student ID: 19025281
Introduction Introduction personal development plan
international context
PDP 1.0 | Goals to address PDP 1.0 | Revised Summary PDP 2.0 | Learning plan PDP 2.0 | Details
action research Reflective practice model Recording template
portfolio Design project 1 | Social media campaign "Today You" Design project 2 | Pandemic Campaign
appendix references
My current work as a designer has inevitably been permeated by my experience as an international student in the United Kingdom since September 2019. It has been pleasantly fueled by collaboration with designers from other disciplines and cultural backgrounds. It has also been brought to a level where every design decision is supported by literature review and action research. This is connected with the fact that we are living in a bizarre moment in history, in which digital media are more current and present than ever, having an impact on our globalised view of the world. Online communications have become part of our lifestyle, so much that this pandemic has made us recognize that we have lost valuable time having physical contact with our loved ones, and even with ourselves when we took it for granted.
Consequently, my current design practice is aimed at creating cross-cultural content closely connected to the use of digital media due to its high power of global reach, as I have learned how to work through those assumptions, preconceptions and generalisations. In this semester I have focused on developing my illustration skills to put together graphic pieces, that will allow me to expand my portfolio essentially to apply for industry job as a versatile graphic designer. With this project I aim to create from the exploration of multiple points of view and a constant reflection of findings. I aim to use my skills as illustrator, infographist and editorial designer to produce something that is meaningful with the potential of creating a charismatic brand that can become a sustainable business for my future career.
personal development plan
Personal Development Plan My second semester Personal Development Plan portrays a further analysis and reflection of the direction I am driving my professional Graphic Design career. As I detailed on Semester 1, I am aiming to become a versatile independent designer with a strong influence of socio-cultural activism and sustainability as core values of my work. This path will allow me to tackle every design idea from a contextual and conceptual perspective, while navigating around different forms of communication through design and arts.
skills collaborations
GOALS to address
concept idea generation for Social activism ad campaigns for traditional and diGital media
design activism social movements
• Diversity representation • Ethnic groups & minorities • Cross-culturality & education • Sustainability
refine design skills & learn communication conceptual strategies
apply passions and interests on design work
• Illustration • Branding • Fashion design
Build a versatile design practice portfolio for industry work
design porfolio for job applications
Target to earn design industry experience at a design company with a global scope within Europe, South/North America.
Based on this reflections, I narrowed down my specific goals to four clear points directioned to short and long term outcomes. This led me to identify the Knowledge, Skills and Collaborations required to reach my goals. Consequently, I have designed a series of infographics that allowed me to underpin and organise the learning milestones needed to reach my goals.
apply industry experience to My independent design business plans & brands Create business plans for brands in the based on the values I intend to communicate: • Reinvindication & empowerment through fashion brand • Sustainable cultural entertainment • Social Activism Campaign brand
business plan for my own brands *See annexes for PROCESS evidence
• Editorial design • Spatial design • Infographic design
Graphic designer
Graphic design practice experience of over 8 years on: Editorial design, Branding, Advertising campaigns, Promotional pieces Photo editing and Infographic design.
professional background goal
Semester 1
concept idea generation for Social Activism advertising campaigns
traditional urban advertising campaign
social media strategY ‘today you’
action research exploration
Digital Illustration
Design Reflective practice model Planning Recording template
Illustration & Advertisement design
MA Design student
Semester 2
Identifying problem
BRAND design Strategic branding
design media exploration
digital media strategY ‘today you’
refine design skills & learn communication conceptual strategies
Brand identity & Illustration
BRAND positioning Strategic branding & visual identity
short term goal
pandemic inspired social media campaign
Build a versatile design practice portfolio for industry work
Illustration, type and colour.
Semester 3
thesis project
Independent designer & Activist
fashion design experimentation Fashion design as social statement Sustainable accessories design
Become an independent designer, concept creator and owner of different design brands that are strongly influenced by awareness, sustainability and social activism values.
apply industry experience to My independent design business plans & brands
Visual identity
Project proposal & concept generation Moodboard & references Tutorial with James Benham
coronavirus pandemic inspired campaign Collaboration Jenna Kim Motion graphics designer
Research iteration
analysis of cultural trends
fashion design Transforming recycled materials into fashion statement accessories
Creative thinking
Workshop plan & materials exploration Laser cutting facilities
Design workshop induction Research ethics form
social enterprises &Meaninful value
kitchen craft team project Cross-cultural collaboration Product design | Enterprise
Sketching & design of ideas Business value canvas proposal
E-commerce Subscription model Sensorial Experience for users
Projects Final design
Semester 1
Learn creative thinking methods Problem | Solution space
Packaging design
Final product and marketing strategy presentation
BRAND design
Illustration & Advertising ideation
Lit. review: Fashion as
Fashion accesories brand ethically hand-made from recycled materials.
expression of social resistance
Fashion as a tool to express a positive self-perception
Moodboard and references
Photographic exploration of the city of Newcastle and Universities Prototype | Photoshop edition Campaign final version Campaign adapted to social media
coronavirus pandemic inspired social media campaign
Research on social movements related to new COVID-19 Discussing concept ideation: Focus on unity around human vulnerability amid pandemic.
collaboration jenna kim
Semester 3 | Thesis
Rough Sketching of logo
‘today you’ campaign DIGITAL media strategY
Semester 2
Tutorial with James Benham (Design workshop induction )
design porfolio for job applications
Sketching and Interim feedback
Team work collaboration - NHS
Subscription E-commerce model
Primary Research: Influence of Social movements & Urban media
apply passions and interests on design work
design activism social movements
Trend analysis & Concept Ideation
Secondary Research: Contemporary influences
design activism social movements
Mind-Mapping: professional direction and strategy
traditional urban advertising campaign
Cultural research on British & Colombian signature food and drink experiences
kitchen craft team project
design activism social movements
Global context and cross-cultural of design practice Sustainable business value ideation
design porfolio for job applications
Cross-cultural brands references Creative thinking: Brand values, Concept ideation and name Sketching process of brand and complimentary graphics
Fashion product: accesories design
Defining brand and graphic line Exploring and transforming materials from waste
apply passions and interests on design work
Sketching of products
Design sketching for social media Reflection on prototype product & adjustments
Statement innovation proposition business plan for my own brands
Hand-construction of accesories
Brand packaging
Final design campaign
Wearable final product
Action Research model Reflective practice speedometer
Reflective practice speedometer “Action research is simply a form of self-reflective enquiry undertaken by participants in social situations in order to improve the rationality and justice of their own practices, their understanding of these practices, and the situations in which the practices are carried out” (Carr and Kemmis 1986: 162).
identifyProblem / idea
Observe general context
Select a problem to address an issue to propose a solution.
Analyse the global factors with a potential to affect the creative process.
Project objectives & scope
Research & literature review
Setting the targets to achieve and the goals to reach with the proposal.
Primary and secondary research of the pertinent knowledge.
Learning plan
Creative thinking: solution space
Identify the knowledge or skills required and plan the research outcomes. As Lewin (1946) stated in his Action research theory, as practitioners of a discipline as social as design, we must have a sensitive and aware mind about the reflection of those pre-existing beliefs and assumptions, to generate new questions that take to a higher level what we propose as a solution to a design problem. This is explained by the Action research Cycle, which invites to solve a problem based on constant reflective practice of the findings during the creative process. This through 4 basic phases:
PLAN - ACT - DEVELOP - REFLECT. Based on the above, I built my individual action research model by starting
to analyse my previous and current experience as graphic designer in the industry. This led to understanding each creative challenge I undertake, as a path that I must travel but that naturally has jumps or bumps, but also moments where the “ideas traffic” flow faster. The outcome was the creation of the “Action Research Speedometer” which remits to the metaphor of velocity on the road of design from point A (Problem) to point B (Solution). It illustrates how a constant iteration between Planning, Acting, Developing and Reflecting happens as the speedometer needle leans towards one of these phases along the road.
Tackle the problem with methods that help “thinking out of the box”.
Moodboard & references
Feedback & Testing
Review existing approaches to similar problems in order to build a board of references.
Assessing the behaviour of the “final product” by rating at what extent is the problem solved.
Design process: Concept values
Critical observation & Analysis
Start the creating process of the actual solution based on learnt knowledge, analysis and skills
Facing and applying the feedback to tweak and refine the necessary details.
Identify limitations & opportunities
Explore business & marketing modeLS
Reflect on the positive and negative findings during the process to plan the next step.
Revise the possible customers segments, revenue streams, key patterns and channels.
recording template week 8 coronavirus strikes
2Re-structure plan week 1 - 2
2Identify my ultimate
goals and start planning upcoming milestonesteps, narrow down objectives and actions.
Literature review and research on Action Research models. Understanding the iteration during design process.
PDP adjustments to align with second stage of design portfolio. Design my recording template according to my practice.
Reflective analysis on PDP proposal of Semester 1, considering critical feedback from tutors.
kitchen craft - team work brief Plan a conductive
“storytelling” through my design portfolio.
Define the problem and the aspects to study in more depth. Research on brands and products that employ digital media.
Build a board of contemporary influences, as communication strategy for social activism on fashion and social media.
Start developing a strategic approach from knowledge acquired on Semester 1. Reflect on awareness and social activism values.
schedule of posts 1Create for social media.
Focus on social aspects
Consider sustainability and diversity celebration as core values. Concept ideation for KitchenCraft
Define three products that represent my design practice goals and values: •Branding •Social media content •Fashion accesories
Business Model
3 Canvas ideation and
sketching of statement brand and fashion product that reutilizes waste materials.
Reflect on materials and workshop knowledge required to design a fashion product. Analysis on the relation between social statements and fashion.
2Research on fashion
brands influenced by activism
Re-structure PDP for
action research, cross-cultural collaboration and enterprise principles.
Research psychological and sociological outcomes of a positive self-perception and resilient mindset. Expression of confidence through fashion statements
Design ‘Report on progress’ layout and structure following guidelines.
Analysis on cross-cultural opportunities to address Latin America (spanish) and UK and North America (english).
Create first series of posts and stories aiming to do 3 posts per week in order to strat building community and engagement.
Recycled materials experimentation: •Plastics - Acrilics •Wood - MDF •Metal - Tin sheets
2Plan cross-cultural
collaboration and Concept ideation with Jeonga Kim (motion graphic designer)
primary research to measure engagement with social media.
Research ethics form. Considering risk of primary research. Workshop induction
first batch of 4 Design illustrations for ‘Today
Re-think and reflect on how the limitations caused by COVID-19 pandemic may delay or affect my PDP progress
Critically observe the engagement generated through the posts.
Reflect on how to communicate with fashion statement pieces.
Observing the racial discrimination and hate crimes experienced by asians around the world after the COVID-19 spread
•Analysis on prototyped illustrations of product •Business model testing with primary research
Reflection and conlusion of current design practice. Plan next stage of PDP to tackle dissertation project.
You’ instagram and facebook.
4 Sketching of the
fashion accesories prototypes
Discuss a storytelling line based on human vulnerability and unity amid the pandemic regardless of origin. Research on the #StayHome movement
3 Sketching graphic
pieces for social media, considering limited access to tools at workshop to experiment on actual materials
week 13
Further research on e-commerce journey for coffee and tea consumers based on lifestyle trends.
KitchenCraft presentation: •Final product •Subscription business e-commerce model
3 •KitchenCraft product final prototype •Final prototype design of fashion product
week 14
week 7 survey 1Plan questionnaire for
facebook accounts for ‘Today You’ social campaign.
week 12
week 5-6
1Semester 2 based on
4 Create Instagram and
week 11
week 4
1of Design Activism.
TEDxTalks about copywriting and emotional engagement. Learning from Cross-cultural Trend forecasting.
week 9 - 10
KitchenCraft project. Business plan model subscription e-comm.
week 3
1thread to do
based on the limited access to workshops and difficulties with face-to face cross-cultural collabs.
‘Today You’ 3 Furthering campaign brand (Sem. 1) to digital media by copywriting & sketching illustrations.
•PESTLE Analysis •Business Canvas Model •Value proposition canvas
Start planning next
3stage of project in
order to continue the conductive thread of my PDP goals.
Present solution space with final proposed designs
Final touches to portfolio
2 layout and design
product •‘Today You’ illustrations •Fashion accessory design prototype
review of current design practice My current design practice is focused on gathering a strong foundation of research and exploration in order to produce design ideas simultaneously, as the action research models learnt and reviewed along with lecturer Stuart English. This is very important as I intend to become an independent designer that experiments in different spectrums of activism and entreprenuership. Consequently, this process leads to a constant iteration that allows me to find new concepts, knowledge, ideas, skills needed and possible collaborations with professionals coming from different backgrounds. Likewise, this constant iteration keeps proving the potential to speed things up or slow them down as shown on my proposed action research model speedometer since I find myself facing new branches that ultimately keep feeding and taking further my design projects. Although my current design practice is very focused on developing a versatile portfolio for job opportunities in a short-medium term, it is also key to start developing a conceptual branding and ideation for my businesses ideas for a longer term.
weaknesses PROCRASTINATION PERFECTIONISM unfamiliar with following research techniques and methods english language proficiency
"design is one of the most powerful tools to help us to address complex social, political, economic and ecological challenges if - and it's a big 'if' is applied wisely and sensitively"
Alice Rawsthorn B r i ti s h d e s i g n cr i ti c and au t h or
Portfolio brief
Study, understand and apply digital marketing communication strategies for social movements design activism with a clear social-cultural awareness and importance for sustainability. Employ design communication skills, to create cross-cultural communication campaigns aimed at generating visibilisation of diversity and inclusion towards improving self-perception through digital media platforms.
content Design project 1 "TODAY YOU" SOCIAL MEDIA strategy Campaign Social media strategy & exploration
Design project 2 CORONAVIRUS
Social media design piece inspired by the global pandemic
appendix references
You Design project 1
aims & 'Today You' is a brand of a social activism campaign aimed at propelling a healthy self-perception and a positive mindset of its audience through colorful illustrations and messages full of empathy and humour. It is through values such as the representation of diversity, empowerment, self-confidence, acceptance, inclusion, resilience, body positivity and equality, that 'Today You' is inspired and comes alive both in traditional media as well as in the digital world.
context of the project In the first semester of my MA Design, I conducted an analysis of urban advertising in public spaces and the impact it has on busy citizens living under the exposure of these messages on a daily basis. Analyzing further, it is evident that this mainstream media format has traditionally been used for commercial purposes, using concise and direct messages, given the short time available to grasp during the journey of the average citizen. Based on this analysis, I have dared to create a noncommercial campaign, using existing urban media such as screens, billboards and stop posters in the city of Newcastle-upon-Tyne, UK, on a first proposal instance, to project a message inspired by the strengthening of self-perception that advocates for representation, inclusion, diversity and uniqueness. This process led me to create “Today you�, a brand for this social design activism campaign, that employs bold illustrations and messages as the power to strategically adapt to the context of traditional communication spaces in particular cultures, as well as digital platforms with a more global reach. During this semester, I will focus efforts on exploring digital media to bring "Today You" to more digital cross-cultural platforms, especially social networks. Moreover, to build a stronger message assessed by professionals on sociology and mental health, in order to potentialise empowerment and mindsets change.
Mindmapping research cornerstones The Value Proposition Canvas
Value Proposition
Positive self-perception
Customer Segment
Body positivity movements
primary research
Social Activism
Access to mindful, conscious and reflective content in feed Having digital content that can potentially ease anxiety Have a positive impact Not feeling Gain Creators alone dealing on mental health of the audience with feelings or situations Shareable positive social Colorful illustrations that brighten daily life media content Showing them that they are enough and beautiful
Products & Services
Fulfilling the need of feeling represented/identified Digital illustrations with inspiring messages
Finding bright messages in their feed during a bad day Pain Relievers
Support for their mental health and building a mindful perspective of life
Proposition Canvas
Wallpapers for their phones with inspiring messages
Not feeling identified with anyone
way in life
Dealing with toxic relatives/relationships Pains Not hearing an Disregarding emphatic message their anxiety Not seeing digital content that makes them feel good when they open their social media feeds
Finding a digital community where they can interact and share their experiences
social media content
Fulfill goals
Being active
Copywriting for social media
Colorful illustrations that brighten daily life
customer segment: Showing them that they are enough and beautiful s People of all ages and Fulfillingbackgrounds the need of feelingwho cultural represented/identified regularly use digital media, Finding bright messages in their feed ns especially social networks, during a bad day like to connect to Pain and Relievers Support for their mental accounts that offerformindful Wallpapers their ealth and building a mindful phones with and ‘feel good’ content. perspective of life
innovation & enterprise
knowledge cornerstones
Feeling validated and accompanied
Social community where they can interact and see inclusivity and diversity.
Shareable content about mental health Feeling identified and laughing
Physical health Mental health
Not seeing digital content that makes them feel good when they open their social media feeds
ding a digital community where they can interact and share their experiences
Different languages
Short messages Sarcastic Humour / Puns
Strategic Digital marketing
design / skills knowledge
Brand positioning Content graphic style Rough unpolished styled graphics
Colour palette RGB
Type/Font Work Digital Illustration Photo Editing
Digital Collage
cross-cultural design
Part-time or Full-time job
Spiritual Customer Job(s) estability Education Feeling socially pressured & career Finding their way in life Not feeling identified with anyone Fulfill goals Dealing with toxic relatives/relationships Working out Pains Being active Not hearing an Disregarding emphatic message their anxiety
inspiring messages
Better mood when they face ‘Today You’s content in their feeds
ving digital content that can potentially ease anxiety
Have a positive impact Not feeling Gain Creators alone dealing on mental health of the audience with feelings or situations
Non-profit / Non-commercial Business models
Psychologists Working out theories
Customer Segment
copyright: AG content in feed o mindful, conscious and Strategyzer reflective The makers of Business Model Generation and Strategyzer
ion and Strategyzer
Value Proposition: Mindfulness Movements What do you look for Psychology of Better mood when they face Social movement that in the social media accounts Positive Minds ‘Today You’s content in their feeds that you follow/like? celebrates uniqueness and Resilience Shareable content disruption of the traditional Gains How to build a Physical Feeling about mental health accepted validated standards, health loyal followers base and Protest against traditional ultimatelyaccompanied seeking to beatFeeling identified concept Mental health and laughing media standards stereotypes and traditional Social community where Part-time or Full-time job knowledge in Digital media they can interact and see representations of beauty Spiritual Customer inclusivity and diversity. digital media Job(s) estability through graphic content on a Theory of the Education knowledge attraction Feeling socially pressured & career daily basis. Finding their $ Monetizing $
generations who are more directly influenced by media messages (Kaltzada, 2018).
knowledge secondary research D e s i g n a c t i v i s t s p ract ice a d ifferen t for m o f a c t i v i s m … R a th er t h an bein g res is t an t , d e s i gn a c t i v i s m is mos t ly “gen erat ive.” A n n e T h orp e (2014)
objective When a group of actors collectively express their concerns and critically voice their interest in providing solutions to perceived issues, a social movement has been created and a series of collective actions start to take place (Cammaerts, 2010). These actions are reflected in changes, in revolutions and a real positive impact on lives affected by these social problems.
The lack of representation of diversity in popular media is currently a social problem that is evident in the way society treats those who are not portrayed as beautiful and valuable under biased standards invented by advertising. Therefore, the mass communication outlets have the power to fuel the social gap between groups, or portray disadvantaged groups in a positive light, dismantling stereotypes. This is particularly relevant for younger
Younger generations require constant reaffirmation and validation from their social, cultural, family and educational environment. Therefore, it is very harmful for a minority group child or adolescent not to recognize themselves in the images they see on their television, magazines or social networks. This also communicates a message that transcends on how others treat them, bringing insecurities in their adult life, in many cases affecting employability and interpersonal relationships (Lawson, 2018)
social media effects on public There is no question that social media may have a negative effect on a person's sense of self and mental health. As the psychologist and therapist Nedra Tawwab claimed, the selection of content that we choose to follow or like is an element of self-care. Naturally, most people display highlights of the best and most fun moments, masking the struggles, challenges, and the ordinary aspects of everyday life. Hence, it is important to protect our minds from the content that we are exposed to, and to clean up our "feeds" from accounts that may cause discomfort, dissatisfaction or frustration with our own situations as they usually portray unrealisticunsustainable images or messages.
Likewise, social networks have become allies of social movements that strive to showcase images of underrepresented communities without censorship and reaffirm that it is perfectly okay and unique to be "You". Actually, that deserves to be celebrated!
Instead, a good form of "therapy" is to follow accounts that motivate "feel good vibes," which is a growing trend. According to Tawwab (2020), there are learned behaviours, from what we see, from our environments, as we have the ability to break cycles or choose to be different. Some of them are low selfesteem, body image issues, poor emotional regulation and unhealthy communication.
This celebration can massively propel a positive self-perception among general audiences, that represents collective mental health benefits and the confidence to face the effects of adverse situations, generally beyond our control.
Graphic design activism in social media Disruption for attention! Design activism has indeed manifested itself "generatively" on social networks. There is an emerging trend of Illustrators and graphic designers creating uncensored statement material from their signature subjective style. Most of these graphic pieces or campaigns communicate powerful messages by displaying iconic elements, highly visual, expressive, vibrant, attractive, disruptive, illustrated, vivid colours & bold fonts.
javier ramos mexico city, mexico Illustrator & artist @wlagner Queer men community representation [ Explicit content ]
As political illustrator Edel Rodriguez claimed: "images can “give a voice� and cross language barriers to share messages about cross-cultural issues around the world"
camila rosa SĂŁo Paulo, Brazil Illustrator @camixvx Feminism activist
Quentin Monge Paris, France Illustrator & artist @mongequentin Political & Social criticism
Online survey to evaluate what topics are the most influencial and followed on people's social networks
primary research kind of social media 1. Which besides relatives and friends
makes you decide to follow 2. what or like a particular account?
accounts do you follow? Select all the topics that apply
Select all the topics that apply
· Art/design · Spiritual · Religious · Healthy lifestyle · DIY · Celebrities · Influencers · Positive messages · Others
· Content · Information
non-commercial business model Design activism is powerful as an idea, even if it doesn’t endorse a commercial objective, it can still raise funds to support related causes. The main purpose is to spread the message and by being published in magazines, discussed at conferences and encountered by random people navigating the internet, the idea is gaining exposure and potentially becoming profitable. The Business Model Canvas
· Quality of images/videos · Funny
Far too little
Too Little
about right
4 too much
Key Partners
Key Activities
Value Propositions
· Produce graphic/illustrated content for social media & traditionsl advertising · Produce advocacy content about diversity and self-acceptance · Draw attention to lack of representation · Celebration of uniqueness
· Disruption of the status quo, against traditional images and standard beauty messages. · Showing this on social media to generate viral tension towards change · Providing people with therapeutic inspiring short quotes that celebrate uniqueness · Provide brands or influencers the possibility to endorse/support the movement
far too much
Key Resources
· Messages based on concept (copywriting) · Digital resources to produce graphic content - Computer - Adobe CC suite - Wacom tablet · Designer (me) · Illustrator skills
3. do social media content or influencers inspire you somehow?
Designed by:
· Sociologists · Psychologists · Social Activists · Therapists · Digital marketing experts · Other designers/illustrators · Blogs · Editorial publications · Influencers · Non-profit companies · City councils (for urban interventions
On a scale from 1 to 5, at what extent do you identify with the statement
Designed for:
Customer Relationships
· Call-to-action relationship · Sharing our content · Create/build community
Customer Segments
· The nature of the message is inclusive and is meant to communicate to every age range from children to older people. · Mass Market - Street campaigns - Social media (followers)
· Urban ads resources (screens, billboards, metro and bus stations posters, banner ads...) · Social media (pay sponsored ads)
Cost Structure
Revenue Streams
· URBAN ADS MODE: Funded by brands or city councils, entities interested in endorsing the movement. · SOCIAL MEDIA: Monetisation, Influencers(brands endorsement funding to get social responsibility participation.)
· Partnerships and funding from brands/organisations/copanies requiring the seal of “Today You” as reassurance of advocy/social responsibility.ç · Monetisation of content on social networks. · Feature of graphics publications
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported License. To view a copy of this license, visit: or send a letter to Creative Commons, 171 Second Street, Suite 300, San Francisco, California, 94105, USA.
designed by: Strategyzer AG
The makers of Business Model Generation and Strategyzer
can feeling represented or identified with certain social media 4. How content improve your life?
5. How finding digital communities can provide you more confidence? 2 4 1 3 5
Based on the findings of primary and secondary research, it is clear that the most visible trend is people following or liking their admired artists and celebrities, which translates to influence on their conversations, tastes and actions. This brings to light the massive proliferation of influencers who publish tips about lifestyle such as fitness, wellness, exercise, cooking, fashion and beauty. There is also a growing trend of accounts promoting mental health wellbeing, mindfulness, and meditation. As well as accounts of professional topics, tech and others like humour, memes and celebrities gossip.
As quoted by author Nick Couldry (2012) in his book Media, Society, World: Social Theory and Digital Media Practice, the internet becomes the main space of interaction for digital media as it can be defined as a complex communication entity that operates on a “many-to-many” basis.
knowledge “ S o c i a l m e d i a p lay an imp or t an t role in f a c i l i t a t i n g t h e mobilis at ion for , an d c o o r d i n a t i o n o f, d ir ect act ion s offlin e….… S o c i a l m e d i a e n able act iv is t s an d p r ot es t m o v e m e n t s t o ‘ s e l f-med iat e’ an d t o d is t ribu t e m o v e m e n t g o a l s or frames mor e eas ily . ” B a r t C a mmaer t s (2015) S o c i a l Med ia an d Act iv is m
What do we know about digital media? Digital media is any communicative platform that relies on electronic technology for its production, communication, dissemination, and storage. 2020 has been the year of reassuring us that the digital world is more present than ever in our lifestyle.
Being online has given everybody the freedom and power of expression, as it allows and promotes interactions even with others around the globe, creating an effective 'media environment' where communication possibilities are endless. Hence, it is crucial for any commercial, non-profit or personal business, to have some sort of digital presence as well as a marketing strategy. However, there are also PROS and CONS to Digital marketing as stated in the article by Business Northumberland (2019)
PRO S Affordable Easy to Monitor Greater Engagement Increased Reach
CO NS Time consuming Becomes Noisy Exposure to Negativity Your control is limited
brand positioning The digital media strategy for the 'Today You' campaign brand, is thought to transcend from a local audience and traditional advertising platform to a digital global window. This requires a proper brand positioning strategy which starts by defining a customer-focused value proposition of the brand, as the author Daniel Rowles (2017) states in his book Building Digital Culture. The starting point is based on the principle of addressing these main questions to identify a:
Mi ssi o n statem ent + Data -dri ven strateg i c i nsi g ht = Strateg i c po si ti o n
What is it that my campaign stands for?
What is the core purpose of my campaign beyond the commercial or noncommercial objectives?
How does everything your campaign does provide value?
digital marketing for a succesful strategy According to Digital Marketing Specialist Xavier Davis there are "7 Steps For An Effective Social Media Marketing Plan" to create an effective digital marketing strategy.
social media dynamics Understanding the algorithms and dynamics of the addressed social media networks is key to reach a wider audience and build community.
There is found a special prevalence of social movements engagement at certain digital networks that are distinctive regarding format of content:
How does social network marketing work for non-profit activist campaigns? According to studies by HubSpot, social media marketing for non-profit campaigns must focus on fundraising, sharing data to raise awareness and brand recognition that can potentially lead to bring volunteers and viral dissemination.
Setting clear goals to achieve Targeting the audience Identifying most convenient platforms
Strategyzing to reach the goals
Posts: Text, images, videos, links to websites, surveys Stories: Last 24 hours | Text, image, video, music Posts (Images, short videos, carrousel) Instastories: Last 24 hours | text, image, video, music Posts: Tweets (Re-tweets, links, images, videos, articles) Posts: High quality videos. Channel subscription. Updates. Posts: Articles, Profiles, Jobs, Campaigns Posts: Short videos. Editing videos. Sharing videos Direct and group text messaging: Images, Voice notes, Video, Files, Contacts, Location Status: Last 24 hours | text, image, video, music
SOCIAL GOOD trends on DIGITAL networks This implies a regular investment on advertising to expand the amount of users exposed to the campaign's content.
Over 2.77 billion people used social media on 2019 (up from 2.46 billion in 2017), which means there’s no shortage of opportunities to find people who can support causes through platforms like Twitter, Facebook and Instagram. Diversity representation Breaking the mold
creative practice
strategy Based on the cross-cultural and globalised approach of this iniciative, the presence of the 'Today You' campaign will be taken to digital platforms with the purpose of reaching more people and building an online community around the movement. M i s s i o n st at emen t + D at a - d r i v e n s t rat egic in s igh t = S t r a t egic p os it ion
thinking MESSAGE TRENDS Humour (essential element) Disruption (essential element) Boldness Unapologetic Storyline consistency Advocacy Straight forward Social awareness
Authenticity Natural not forced MESSAGE TRENDS Humour (essential element) Disruption (essential element) Boldness Unapologetic Storyline consistency Advocacy Straight forward Social awareness
VISUAL TRENDS Visual tension Contrast VIbrant colours (RGB) Oversized fonts
hashtags to build community around the movement # TodayYou
#YouAreWor thIt
Whatsapp Stickers set
Today You! You are totally summer ready! #TodayYou #YouAreWorthIt
61 Comments 15 Shares 29K Views
Today You! Did you already have your procratination time of the day? #TodayYou
GLOBAL context coronavirus pandemic inspired campaign collaborative project jeonga kim (motion graphic designer)
global movements Hashtags Name of the movement positive: Feminist Climate change Musicians Artists to connect people Shadow metaphor Stay at home Campaign
Design project 2
aims & values Onsedi ut hil magnim quo con pe alis imet endesti ditat. Endiatur senis quo quuntiu ntiossunt lab iur alignati undiciis iditis mo Onsedi ut hil magnim quo con pe alis imet endesti ditat. Endiatur senis quo quuntiu ntiossunt lab iur alignati Undiciis iditis mo Onsedi ut hil magnim quo con pe alis imet endesti ditat.Endiatur senis quo quuntiu ntiossunt lab iur alignati undiciis iditis mo Onsedi ut hil magnim quo con pe alis imet endesti ditat. Endiatur senis quo quuntiu ntiossunt lab iur alignati undiciis iditis mo
Design practice
Cross-cultural design
Innovation and enterprise
hindsight review of project
Action Research
11. Hindsight review of your project planning, research and design. According to my Personal Development Plan, I am aligning my design portfolio with a Socio-cultural activism concept and deve
Cross-cultural design
Reflecting on the secondary research regarding the Data on media about self-perception, it is clearly evidenced that we are living an era strongly influenced by social networks, where the dynamic of sharing, posting, liking and scrolling through our feeds and stories have an incredible influence on our self-image. .
Building community on the digital world can bring attention to adapt the campaign values to different contexts, spaces, universities, languages, cities, and countries, where these pieces can be temporarily installed as urban graphics as it was performed on the city of Newcastle on a first instance.
p e r s o n a l devel o pmen t pl a n PDP 1.0 details: Evidence of the milestones-mapping planned to
be completed in the short, medium and long term. It aligns with the 4 addressed goals in my career.
per son al d e ve lopme n t p l a n Evidence of the reflective practice towards PLANNING, ACTING, DEVELOP and REFLECTING on my current design practice and the next steps to achieve the addressed goals on my PDP.
pe rso na l d eve l opme n t plan PDP 2.0 details: It is structured as a timeline where all the projects are aligned with the Goals to address. The circles represent the goals and size represents at what extent it is related to project. The sketches below depict the process of organising the ideas.
p e r s o n a l devel o pmen t pl a n Evidence of the process of the infographics design on the PDP. As the goals to address are the main points where all the projects and needed knowledge underpin, it was important to highlight the actions, collaborations and skills of my learning plan. These are the first versions of the infographic structure.
Ac tion R es ea r ch m od e l
rough sketches
A c t i o n Resea rc h mo del
Evidence on the journey towards the final version of my Action Research Speedometer and the starting point of my reflective practice recording template.
rec o rdi n g templ a te
recording template
The action research and reflective process module allowed me to organise a plan to acquire the knowledge, skills and collaborations needed, and to recognise the ones already achieved. Furthermore, to do iteration on my practice and critical observation of external factors.
week 4
Focus on social aspects of Design Activism. Consider sustainability and diversity celebration as core values. Concept ideation for KitchenCraft
Identify my ultimate goals and start planning upcoming milestonesteps, narrow down objectives and actions.
Literature review and research on Action Research models. Understanding the iteration during design process.
PDP adjustments to align with second stage of design portfolio. Design my recording template according to my practice.
Reflective analysis on PDP proposal of Semester 1, considering critical feedback from tutors.
Re-structure PDP for Semester 2 based on action research, cross-cultural collaboration and enterprise principles.
Research psychological and sociological outcomes of a positive self-perception and resilient mindset. Expression of confidence through fashion statements
Define the problem and the aspects to study in more depth. Research on brands and products that employ digital media.
Build a board of contemporary influences, as communication strategy for social activism on fashion and social media.
Analysis on cross-cultural opportunities to address Latin America (spanish) and UK and North America (english).
‘Today You’ 3 Furthering campaign brand (Sem. 1) to
• PESTLE Analysis • Business Canvas Model • Value proposition canvas
week 7
kitchen craft - team work brief Plan a conductive thread to do “storytelling” through my design portfolio.
Design ‘Report on progress’ layout and structure following guidelines.
statement brand and fashion product that reutilizes waste materials.
week 5-6
week 3
Reflect on materials and workshop knowledge required to design a fashion product. Analysis on the relation between social statements and fashion.
• Branding • Social media content • Fashion accesories
week 1 - 2
Model Canvas 3 Business ideation and sketching of
Define three products that represent my design practice goals and values:
Start developing a strategic approach from knowledge acquired on Semester 1. Reflect on awareness and social activism values.
Plan survey questionnaire for primary research to measure engagement with social media.
Research ethics form. Considering risk of primary research. Workshop induction
digital media by copywriting & sketching illustrations.
week 12
week 8 coronavirus strikes
Re-structure plan based on the limited access to workshops and difficulties with face-to face cross-cultural collabs.
TEDxTalks about copywriting and emotional engagement. Learning from Cross-cultural Trend forecasting.
Create Instagram and facebook accounts for ‘Today You’ social campaign.
Re-think and reflect on how the limitations caused by COVID-19 pandemic may delay or affect my PDP progress
Plan cross-cultural collaboration and Concept ideation with Jeonga Kim (motion graphic designer)
Discuss a storytelling line based on human vulnerability and unity amid the pandemic regardless of origin. Research on the #StayHome movement
Create schedule of posts for social media.
KitchenCraft project. Business plan model subscription e-commerce
Create first series of posts and stories aiming to do 3 posts per week in order to strat building community and engagement.
Design first batch of illustrations for ‘Today You’ instagram and facebook.
Critically observe the engagement generated through the posts.
KitchenCraft: Further research on e-commerce journey for coffee and tea consumers based on lifestyle trends.
KitchenCraft presentation:
Research on fashion brands influenced by activism
Recycled materials experimentation: • Plastics - Acrilics
• Wood - MDF • Metal - Tin sheets
• Final product • Subscription business
Observing the racial discrimination and hate crimes experienced by asians around the world after the COVID-19 spread
• KitchenCraft product
• Analysis on prototyped
final prototype
• Final prototype design
illustrations of product
• Business model testing
of fashion product
e-commerce model
with primary research
week 14
week 11
Sketching graphic pieces for social media, considering limited access to tools at workshop to experiment on actual materials
week 13
week 9 - 10
Sketching of the fashion accesories prototypes
Reflect on how to communicate with fashion statement pieces.
Start planning next stage of project in order to continue the conductive thread of my PDP goals.
Present solution space with final proposed designs
Final touches to portfolio layout and design product
• ‘Today You’ illustrations • Fashion accessory design prototype
Reflection and conlusion of current design practice. Plan next stage of PDP to tackle dissertation project.
po rtfolio
con c e p t k n o w l e d g e
c o n c ept kn o wl edge @hazel.mead
My Documents
Research ethics form
Primary Research Survey | RESULTS
p o r t f o li o
Submission Ref
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Arts, Design and Social Sciences
Submitting As
PGT ‐ Postgraduate Taught student
Module Level Approval Module Code
Module Tutor
Steve Bailey‐1
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Titl… Associate Lecturer
Research Supervisor
Arts Design and Social Sciences
Matteo Conti
Titl… Senior Lecturer
Named Submission Coordinator (PGT/UGT only)
Arts Design and Social Sciences
Clear If you are an undergraduate or postgraduate taught student please select a Named Submission Coordinator. If you are not sure who this is please contact your Module tutor or Supervisor as appropriate.
Ethical Risk Level
Risk Level Conditions: Your ethical risk is medium. Your research should only consist of one or more of the following: Nonvulnerable adults
p o rtfolio
d ig i t al m e d i a k n o w l e d g e
Corehendaero commolu ptatus expelibus ipicia di con non con parchic atempore net audiandit omnis et.
p o r t f o li o
di gi ta l medi a kn o wl edge
Shorty awards - Awards to the Best on social media /// BEST SOCIAL GOOD CATEGORY
Social Media for Nonprofits: How to Make an Impact with Little Budget Source:
p o rtfolio
creative practice
p o r t f o li o
c rea ti ve pra c ti c e
Rough sketches
p o rtfolio
pa n d e m i c c a m p a i g n
p o r t f o li o
pa n demi c c a mpa i gn
Rough sketches
Collaborative evidence
personal Dev. plan
action research
Heath-Wareing, T., 2018. How Social Media Is Changing The Face Of Marketing. [online] Available at: < watch?v=ekPGf3QeBlE> [Accessed 23 April 2020].
Heath-Wareing, T., 2018. How Social Media Is Changing The Face Of Marketing. [online] Available at: < watch?v=ekPGf3QeBlE> [Accessed 23 April 2020].
concept knowledge
3B Training. 2020. How Social Media Affects Self Perception | 3B Training. [online] Available at: <> [Accessed 11 May 2020]. Cammaerts, B., 2015. Social Media And Activism. London School of Economics and Political Science. Cohen, R., Fardouly, J., Newton-John, T. and Slater, A., 2019. #BoPo on Instagram: An experimental investigation of the effects of viewing body positive content on young women’s mood and body image. New Media & Society, 21(7), pp.1546-1564. Available at: Dopson, E., 2020. Social Media For Nonprofits: How To Make An Impact With Little Budget. [online] Available at: < insights/social-media-for-nonprofits> [Accessed 12 May 2020]. Heller, S., 2010. Graphic Content | The Designer As Activist. [online] The New York Time: Style magazine. Available at: <https://tmagazine.blogs.nytimes. com/2010/04/07/graphic-content-the-designer-as-activist/> [Accessed 11 May 2020]. Hess, D.J. “Product-Oriented Movements: Approximating Social Movement Studies and Science and Technology Studies.” Science, Technology, and Human Values 30.4 (2005): 515–535. Available at: Kaltzada, P., 2018. Why Diversity In Media Matters. [online] Coppieters. Available at: <> [Accessed 11 May 2020]. Markussen, T. (2013). The Disruptive Aesthetics of Design Activism: Enacting Design Between Art and Politics. Design Issues, 29(1), 38-50. Retrieved May 11, 2020, from
Pettengill, B., n.d. Design For Activism. [online] Heath-Wareing, T., 2018. How Social Media Is Changing The Face
Available at: <
Of Marketing. [online] Available at: <
activism> [Accessed 11 May 2020].
watch?v=ekPGf3QeBlE> [Accessed 23 April 2020]. Polianskaya, A., 2019. Why Illustration Can Be A Powerful Tool For Activism And Protest. [online] Design Week. Available at: < issues/8-14-april-2019/why-illustration-is-a-powerful-tool-for-activism/> [Accessed 11 May 2020]. Vice. 2018. Why Seeing Yourself Represented On Screen Is So Important. [online] Available at: <> [Accessed 11 May 2020].
digital media knowledge
Cammaerts, B., 2015. Social Media And Activism. London School of Economics and Political Science. Couldry, N., 2016. Media, Society, World. Cambridge: Polity Press.
creative practice
Heath-Wareing, T., 2018. How Social Media Is Changing The Face
pandemic campaign
Heath-Wareing, T., 2018. How Social Media Is Changing The Face
Of Marketing. [online] Available at: < watch?v=ekPGf3QeBlE> [Accessed 23 April 2020].
Ellis, M., 2019. 10 Top Digital Marketing Trends For 2020 - 99Designs. [online] 99designs. Available at: < digital-marketing-trends/> [Accessed 11 May 2020]. Lis, B. and Berz, J., 2011. Using Social Media For Branding In Publishing. [ebook] Johannes Gutenberg University, Mainz: Department of Communication. Available at: <> [Accessed 11 May 2020]. Heath-Wareing, T., 2018. How Social Media Is Changing The Face Of Marketing. [online] Available at: <> [Accessed 23 April 2020]. Northumberland, B., 2020. The Pros And Cons Of Digital Marketing. [online] Business Northumberland. Available at: <https://www.businessnorthumberland.> [Accessed 11 May 2020]. Palin, E., 2018. How Social Media Has Changed Art Activism. [online] Virgin Media. Available at: <> [Accessed 11 May 2020]. Rowles, D. and Brown, T., 2017. Building Digital Culture. Kogan Page.
Of Marketing. [online] Available at: < watch?v=ekPGf3QeBlE> [Accessed 23 April 2020].
Thorpe, A., 2020. Design As Activism: To Resist Or To Generate?. [online] Current. Available at: <> [Accessed 11 May 2020]. 2017. What Is Strategic Positioning In Digital Marketing? | Target Internet. [online] Available at: <> [Accessed 11 May 2020]. Van Laer, Jeroen and Van Aelst, Peter (2010) â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;Internet and Social Movements Action Repertoires: Opportunities and Limitationsâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;. Information, Communication & Society. 2020. Marketing Strategies For Branding Your Nonprofit. [online] Available at: <> [Accessed 11 May 2020]. 2020. Best Social Movement Campaign In Social Media - Shorty Awards. [online] Available at: < social-movement-campaign> [Accessed 11 May 2020].
Report on progress Submission date: 15.may.2020 Student ID: 19025281 Wordcount: 3000
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