Methodology Book III : No-Doze Leadership Styles

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No-Doze Leadership Styles The content is derived / translated from the NOLS Leadership Educator Notebook.

White Stag Methodology


White Stag Methodology

防瞌睡領導風格探索 No-Doze Leadership Styles • 這是Molly Doran在 NOLS(National Outdoor Leadership School)任職之時 所發展的領導風格探索模型。 • Molly Doran,出生於加拿大多倫多,在NOLS任 職達20年,曾在1997-2002年間協助NOLS在 Alaska, Canada, Kenya and Patagonia Chile 等 分校的運作。 • 這個領導風格探索模型於1998年在NOLS發表, 反映了戶外活動愛好者直率、簡單、行動的特質, 因而以其”防瞌睡”的優點而廣受戶外領導探索者 的歡迎。 • 這個活動適合彼此相互認識的團體操作,在白鹿 計畫的領導課程中,被安排在團隊已有相當程度 的彼此瞭解之後進行,同時,也只有被認可具有 相稱引導能力的白鹿夥伴可以主持這項探索。


White Stag Methodology

步驟一:水與風的描述 • 在地上拉一條水平線,這條線長度必須足以讓所 有參加活動的人都站上去。 • 線的最左端標示為「水」,最右端則標示為 「風」。 「水」的定義: • I don’t often voice strong opinions, particularly if I think it will cause hurt or be a waste of time. I put others before myself pretty consistently. I’m very flexible. You probably don’t really know where I stand on issues, or what I think about you, unless you ask very directly. It’s hard for me to state my own needs. • 我不常強烈表達我的意見,特別是在我覺得這樣做會造成 傷害或是浪費時間的時候。我經常是先考慮他人後考慮自 己的。我很有彈性。除非你直白的問,否則你大概不會真 的知道我對問題的立場,或是我對你的看法。要我直述我 的需要,是一件困難的事情。


White Stag Methodology

「風」的定義: • I state my opinion and take stands easily. People know exactly what I think, feel and want. I’m an open book and you don’t even have to read the words because I tell them to you, especially if you try to cross one of my lines. Fight or flight? Let’s get real—I stay right here and tell it like it is. I don’t have a problem saying “my way or the highway” if need be. • 要我陳述己見,表達立場是很容易的事。人們完全知道我 想的,我感覺的,我要的是什麼。我就像一本攤開的書, 而你甚至不用讀就會懂因為我會自己告訴你,特別是你想 試著跨過我的底線之時。想戰還是想逃?我們玩真的-我的 立場很清楚而且明白的擺出來。如果有必要,要我撂「不 照我的來就閃開」這樣的話,對我來說一點問題也沒有。

水風定位自我標示: • 請參加這衡量自己在上述兩個極端之間,覺得自己最適合 的位置在哪,想好後,站到水平線的那一個點上。

水風定位同儕觀點: • 詢問參加人員是否有人願意提供他人意見,或聽聽看他人 觀點的。願意參與這個部分的夥伴,一次一個人表達意見 請同意被調整的夥伴移動他的位置。受移動的夥伴依建議 移動之後,再度回到原來所站的位置,然後接受下一位的 調整,每次調整後就再度站回原來自己所設的位置,如此 依序操作。


White Stag Methodology

回到自我標示定位點: • 接受完所有的回饋觀點後,最後請每一位夥伴站回到起初 自我標示的定位點上。

標示定位點: • 在筆記上,將自己的定位點在水平軸上標示出來。

水 X


White Stag Methodology

步驟二:涼筍與麻辣鍋的描述 • 在地上拉一條垂直線,這條線長度必須足 以讓所有參加活動的人都站上去。


• 線的最上端標示為「涼筍」,最下端則標 示為「麻辣鍋」。 「涼筍」的定義: • I am calm and rational, and I do not get flustered about anything. I even have difficulty getting excited about things most people think are neat and exciting. My emotions are a glassy pond. • 我是冷靜而理性的。我不會為任何事感到沮喪。 我甚至也很難因多數人感到興奮的事情而被感染 到。我的情緒平靜無波如鏡

「麻辣鍋的定義: • I tell people how I feel about everything. I am angry about injustice. I cry easily. My emotions are extremely active, and I express them. • 我告訴他人我對每件事的感覺。我會對不公義感 到憤怒。我很容易哭。我的情緒是極端波動同時 表露無遺的。



White Stag Methodology

涼筍麻辣鍋定位自我標示: • 請參加這衡量自己在上述兩個極端之間,覺得自己最適合 的位置在哪,想好後,站到垂直線的那一個點上,但不可 站在正中央。

涼筍麻辣鍋定位同儕觀點: • 詢問參加人員是否有人願意提供他人意見,或聽聽看他人 觀點的。願意參與這個部分的夥伴,一次一個人表達意見 請同意被調整的夥伴移動他的位置。受移動的夥伴依建議 移動之後,再度回到原來所站的位置,然後接受下一位的 調整,每次調整後就再度站回原來自己所設的位置,如此 依序操作。 • 建議移動時不需解釋說明,只要簡單指示對方到目標位置 即可。

回到自我標示定位點: • 接受完所有的回饋觀點後,最後請每一位夥伴站回到起初 自我標示的定位點上。

標示定位點: • 在筆記上,將自己的定位點在垂直軸上標示出來。


White Stag Methodology

步驟三:標示二維定位點: • 如下圖例,將水平與垂直兩軸的定位點連線在二 維象限的對應區域標示出來。




White Stag Methodology

四個象限的領導風格 • 下圖是四個象限的領導風格 說明圖示 (+)“Potential strengths,” 潛在優點 (-)“Potential weaknesses,” 潛在弱點 (*)“How to interact with a leader with this style,” 如何與這類型領 導這互動 (~)“Some effects on the group.” 對團隊產生的影響

涼筍 & Analyst & Architect


Puzzle master



Spontaneous Motivator

Relationship Master




White Stag Methodology

分析師 & 建築師 Drivers Architects and analysts emphasize meaning and conceptual functions.

+ information and opinion seekers + good at analysis and process observation + prefer to make decisions based on facts + can come out with totally off-the-wall solutions that work + translate feelings and experiences into ideas

- can be slow in making decisions or dogged in the facts - can happily leave most decisions to others and focus only on one decision - have to watch out for non-involvement or unrealistic ideas if they get into their world * If a leader has this style, honor his/her need for information while also requesting she/he tells you how he/she will decide or delegate, and when. ~ Architects and analysts are often in the minority but their function is essential. If a group doesn’t pay attention to this area, it will miss out on significant learning that comes from observation and analysis. The group may also be missing important process steps or other ways to view a situation. Too much of this style in a group may stall movement because the discussion, laissez-faire attitude and analysis allows opportunities to pass.


White Stag Methodology

推進器 Driver Drivers emphasize action and directing functions.+ information and opinion seekers + information and opinion givers + decision making comes easy + group’s keeper of vision + great at taking a stand behind direction and making it happen + usually not shaken by critical feedback - often will urge “let’s decide” and make others crazy - will sometimes decide without input from others - causes mistakes from moving too quickly without enough information - can come across as too impersonal and lose connection with group

* If a leader has this style, be as direct as possible. Bring problems/opinions to them as they expect this. ~ If there are no drivers they must pick up driver functions or they may not meet goals. Mature drivers are non-reactionary individuals with much ability in other quads and help ground the group. When this style is not mature there might be too much individuality or structure. Turf battles or lack of member autonomy may ensue.


White Stag Methodology

公關大師 Relationship Master Relationship Masters emphasize caring. + work well on a team

+ great at building rapport, consensus, commitment, seeking feedback + support, praise, are concerned + display high regard for other’s wishes, viewpoints and actions - may not take an unpopular stance if it puts a relationship at risk - can put so much emphasis on relationship at risk - can put so much emphasis on relationship that task and decisionmaking fall behind - can forget or down play their own needs, to their detriment * If a leader has this style, you may need to ask him/her to be more specific in outlining his/her expectations. Encourage critical feedback from him/her and tell him/her when you want to know what she/he thinks and wants. ~You cannot have too much caring and respect as a part of your capacity-it is the connective glue and essential for a functional group. As a leader, it is powerful when combined with other quadrant functions. If it is the only style a group has, the group may not take enough risks or make enough decisions to move forward significantly. The group may also avoid conflict to the extent that there is lack of depth in genuine connection and innovation.


White Stag Methodology

天生的激勵者 Spontaneous Motivators Spontaneous Motivators emphasize emotional stimulation function. + often voice their ideas and supply passion to follow ideas; energizers + great at motivating people due to sense of mission and vision + great at energetic dialogues with other group members - can be emotionally bound to ideas; objectivity can be hard - can create an emotionally charged climate if they put too much emphasis on challenging others and confronting assump - tions * If a leader has this style, know your own stance/position and don’t be afraid to voice it. Ask them to give concrete examples to back up viewpoints. * Spontaneous motivators are like light bulbs. Groups need them to sparkle, create, prod, stir the pot, and impassion. Without them, a group may be functional but lack luster. Mature Spontaneous Motivators can choose to be detached or attached and monitor their emotional involvement. This is highly effective. With too much of this, or when combined with immaturity, a group can be overly reactive or so impassioned with ideas they lose sight of reality. Many charismatic/cult leaders come from this quadrant


White Stag Methodology

步驟四:團體討論 請所有參與者站(坐)在屬於自己象限位置之處。坐以 下的討論 • 回應針對四個象限的優勢、弱點、以及職能的相 關描述。 • 你偏好哪一個象限嗎?為什麼?你覺得該如何做才 能移動到你所屬意的象限去?

• 要求參與者移動到他們認為自己最難到達的象限 去,與大家分享,為什麼那個象限對你最難?需要 什麼代價? • 如果有人的位置偏向某個邊陲,那表示他具有某 一個部分的強烈特質,這鮮明的風格有何優勢?又 有什麼樣的罩門呢? • 如果一個團體缺少某一象限特質的夥伴當會如何? 一個團體需要所有象限的人嗎? • 當你收到他人的位置調整指令時,你心裡是怎麼 想的?有什麼要回饋的嗎?


White Stag Methodology

No-Doze Leadership Styles The content is derived / translated from the NOLS Leadership Educator Notebook.

White Stag Methodology

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