Alchemical Voice - L2M
Issue 11
Yoga poses for anxiety, depression and fatigue
Be mindful and check online for contraindications before practicing
Forward Bend Padangusthasana
Forward bend is a great pose for anxiety. Avoid this pose, if you have lower back or neck injuries. 1. Stand with feet parallel to each other approx hip-distance apart. Lift your kneecaps by contracting your front thigh muscles. Without bending at your knees, breathe out and bend from your hip. Ensure you move your body and head together. 2. If you wish, place index and middle finger in between the big toes and hold using your thumb. If you can't reach just let your arms and hands dangle down. 3. As you breathe in, lift your body as if you are to stand and straighten your elbows. As you breathe out, lift your sitting bones. Do not push yourself too far, your body will direct you as in how far you can go. Any kind of discomfort, ease the stretch. 4. For the next few breath cycles, continue to lift your torso, activating your front thighs and as you exhale lift your sitting bones. 5. To come out of the pose, release your hold, and gently pull yourself up from your hip. Relaxing your arms to your side.
Stress relief as this pose calms the mind, reducing anxiety. Stretches hamstrings and calves, strengthens the thighs and improves digestion.