Local Executive Board 2012-2013 Transition Handbook Prepared for Local Committee Presidents and Transition Managers
Aldo Israel PĂŠrez Varela MCVP Organizational Development 2012-2013
“To make history, you have to always be thinking of the future, not the past!” Dear AIESEC México network, Do you know why most LC’s don’t continuously grow as they should? First, because of lack of leadership pipeline, as sometimes EBs forget that 50% of their efforts must be to groom and develop their successors. The second reason is because of loss of accumulated experience in the local level. We have LCs that lose partners, lose lists of interested people, and VPs that start their term without knowing the basics of their functions, or even, without the necessary tools to perform. This means that we lose productivity! Tons of it! Good news is, we can avoid these with a good transition. Also, we have EBs planning without the input of the previous team, where the experience in planning is one of the major lessons learnt by the past EB. Or we have EBs that don’t inherit anything from the previous EB but some files and e-mails and a brief coffee talk. This year, we need to boost the transition process and elevate it to top priority. If you do things right, your successor will outperform you massively and your LC will grow. And conversely, if your successor fails, most likely such failure could have been prevented by you. As EB 2012, your work is not “done” in December 31st 2012, but December 31st 2013! You’ve only succeeded if your successors have. I hope you read through this package thoroughly and get the most out of the tools we’ve prepared for the national network. It gathers a good number of GCPs from different countries and a lot of effort has been put for it to be a world-class transition process. We need your concentration, time and effort. Only with your help, 2012 and 2013 will be the years that make history in AIESEC Mexico. Cheers! Aldo
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Content A. Introduction to transition in Mexico 2012-2013..................................................................... 2 B.
Transition Weekend ...................................................................................................................... 3
C. Transition Manager Role............................................................................................................... 4 D. Transition and planning & goal-setting for the 2013 process ............................................... 6
A. Introduction to transition in Mexico 2012-2013 In AIESEC, EB Transition is the process through which the leadership body (Executive Board) passes on:
responsibilities and liabilities
rights and assets
to another leadership body (their successors) . Transition must start immediately after elections and must be totally finished by January 1st, 2012, the first day of full operations for most elected VPs and LCPs in the country. Innovative new stuff for this year in Mexico!
We will have standard Transition Weekend Sessions and agenda, and possible attendance by MC members and representatives to facilitate Transition Weekend.
We will have “checklists” to fulfill to make it easier than before, in addition to the already existing education cycle.
We will define a “transition project manager” who will be in charge of effectively running transition in the LC.
What do we want from transition 12-13?
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Smoothness, gradual replacement
Information Management sanity (all documents are passed correctly)
Input from past EB to new EB to generate the 2013 plan
What do we want to avoid in transition 12-13?
Lack of communication and loss of files or resources
VPs or LCPs “dumping” the role to his successor
Confusion in the external environment and our stakeholders
B. Transition Weekend Transition Weekend must be a Standard Procedure in AIESEC in Mexico. So far, only some LCs have implemented it. What does the MC require for TW?
It’s a 2 day thing (at least 18 hours of training).
It must happen before December 15th 2012.
Ideally, all LCVPs 2012 and 2013 attend. The priority is to maximize the number of 2013 LCVPs.
It has a CHAIR (someone you like :P with experience; it may be your MC coach
Think of alumni nearby
Think of your MC coach (it’s ideal but possibly won’t fit)
Think of other MC members
Think of good NST members (if for example you want to push iGIP it’s a good idea to have an experience iGIP member from some LC).
So, list 3 people that can be your chair for TW (read the booklet for this).
Think if it makes sense to make it jointly with another LC and contact the LCP to see if your weekends can fit.
Contact your chair options and try as much as possible to confirm a Chair
It has an Agenda Manager (the Transition Manager).
What do we recommend?
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Make it jointly with another LC
Make it 3 days, it’s more fun
Go to a house somewhere far from the city (but this is not necessary)
Make it as cheap as possible
Make “cooking”, “transportation” and other logistics a bonding activity among both EB 2012 and EB 2013. Do not make it an OC thing (we really don’t need OC for this!)
What is the content of TW?
The recommended sessions and mandatory sessions will be explained on Sunday in the Virtual Training for Transition Managers.
C. Transition Manager Role Despite that the LCP is the main responsible of transition (like everything else…) this year we want to innovate by delegating this responsibility to a specific person that has dedication and time to oversee the transition process. The transition manager will be the main responsible for running all the transition and planning processes with both Executive Boards (2012 and 2013) and communicate this to MCVPOD. You must register who is your transition manager here.
Who should be Transition Manager?
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To choose your Transition Manager, balance the “role priorities” with “characteristics and role”). Who would be your best Transition Manager in your LC? ROLES:
First priority: LCVP 2012 not elected to 2012
Second priority: TLP 2012 not elected to 2013
Third priority: LCVP 2012 elected to 2013
Fourth priority: LCVP 2013
Fifth priority: TMP
NEVER: LCP 2012 or LCP 2013.
Time to attend Transition Weekend (first allocate the TW).
He/she must have facilitation and team management skills
He/she must coordinate that all sessions during TW happen
He/she must prepare some sessions during TW
He/she must communicate with MCVPOD and LCP to decide final agenda for TW of your LC.
Must have enough free time to dedicate to this (some 5 hours per week during November-December).
Have experience to know what needs to happen during transition and guide all members into this.
Coordinate Logistics, registration and external for TW.
Aside from Transition Weekend related stuff, the T Manager will:
Book and ensure that Transition one-on-one talks between LCP-LCP and LCVP-LCVP happen.
Make an assessment of each functional transition and overlook quality
Ensure Information Management is OK (DropBox for transition)
You must register when is your TW and who is your chair here:
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Tell your Transition Manager to register and attend the
Trans. Mgmt. Traiing
this Sunday 10pm (DF Time) (click to go to WizIQ session) D. Transition and planning & goal-setting for the 2013 process This year, AIESEC in Mexico will finalize transition with a planning input for 2013. We have decided to co-create the plan for 2013 with the help of the 2012 EB. 2012 EB will not directly make the plan for 2013, but will only leave a list of recommendations for 2013 plan. This will be done mainly during Transition Weekend. However, we will also have a template document for listing these recommendations for planning, and the transition manager must ensure that these templates are filled so that EB 2013 has these documents in place for their own planning process. The finalization of this process will happen in CONAL! This will also be explained on this Sunday’s training. Don't hesitate to contact me in case of any doubt. Cheers!
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