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Beograd 2019.






Despot \ura| Brankovi}

Despot \uradj Brankovi}


Smederevo je grad i sedi{te Podunavskog okruga. Nalazi se na obalama Dunava, u severoisto~nom delu Srbije. Kroz ~itavu istoriju civilizacije, najve}i broj naseqa do statusa grada dolazio je postepeno, kroz rast i razvoj sela i varo{i. Despot \ura| Brankovi} je podigao grad Smederevo sa idejom da on ne bude samo grad, ve} i prestonica. Godine 1430. sa izgradwom Smederevske tvr|ave, koja }e trajno ostati simbol ovog grada, Smederevo je postalo prestonica Srpske despotovine, po{to je Beograd, dotada{wa prestonica, vra}en Ugarskoj. Smederevska tvr|ava je tada predstavqala najve}u ravni~arsku tvr|avu u Evropi. O grandioznosti sredwovekovnog Smedereva svedo~e podaci da su na despotovom dvoru napisane 24 kwige, da je sam \ura|, kao jedan od najobrazovanijih evropskih vladara, imao za ono vreme bogatu biblioteku, da je kir Stefan Srbin komponovao duhovnu muziku, kao i zapis da je do~ek mo{tiju svetoga Luke, koje su u gradu ~uvane do pada Smedereva pod tursku vlast, bio veli~anstven, nalik anti~koj pozori{noj predstavi. Smederevo je bilo inspiracija i kwi`evniku Miloradu Pavi}u koji }e zagledan u lepote prirode sa terase vile Obrenovi}a, jednom svom romanu dati naziv "Predeo slikan ~ajem". A pre wega }e Dositej Obradovi}, 1806. godine, zadivqen lepotom ovog kraja, smederevsko Jugovo nazvati zemaqskim rajem. Grad Smederevo se odlikuje izuzetno povoqnim geografskim polo`ajem. Oivi~eno sa severa Dunavom, drugom po veli~ini evropskom rekom, a sa istoka Velikom Moravom, Smederevo se nalazi na ju`nom obodu Panonskog basena i na severoisto~nim obroncima

SMEDEREVO INTRODUCTION Smederevo is a town and the seat of the Danube Basin County. It is situated on the banks of the Danube, in the north-eastern part of Serbia. Throughout the history of civilization, most settlements have reached the status of a town gradually, through the growth and development of villages and small towns. Despot \ura| Brankovi} built the town of Smederevo with the idea to develop not just a town, but the capital as well. In 1430, with the construction of the Smederevo Fortress, which will permanently remain the symbol of this town, Smederevo became the capital of the Serbian Despotate, because Belgrade, up to then capital, had been restituted to Hungary. The Smederevo Fortress was the biggest lowland fortress in Europe at the time. The records bear witness to the grandiosity of the medieval Smederevo affirming that 24 books were written at Despot's court, that \ura| personally, as one of the most educated European rules, had a rich library for that time, that Kir Stefan the Serb composed sacred music, as well as the record that the welcome to the relics of Saint Luke, which had been safeguarded in the town up to the fall of Smederevo under the Ottoman rule, was tremendous, similar to an ancient theatrical performance. Smederevo was also the inspiration to the author Milorad Pavi}, who will, staring at the scenery from the terrace of the villa of the Obrenovi} family, give the name: "Landscape Painted with Tea" to one of his novels. And, before him, Dositej Obradovi}, in 1806, admiring the beauty of this area, will call Smederevo's Jugovo a heaven on earth. The town of Smederevo is distinguished by an uncommonly favourable geographical position. Bordered in the north by the Danube, the second largest European river and, by the Velika Morava River in the east, Smederevo is situated on the southern periphery of the Pannonian Basin and on the north-eastern

Panorama Smedereva

View of Smederevo

Despot \ura| i Jerina sa decom

Despot \uradj and Jerina



[umadije. Prostire se neposredno ispred u{}a Velike Morave u Dunav, pripadaju}i ve}im delom slivu Velike Morave. Grad se nalazi na 40,39° severne geografske {irine i 20,57° isto~ne geografske du`ine. Zahvata blago zatalasano nizijsko podru~je ju`nog oboda Panonskog basena, u krajwem severoisto~nom delu [umadije. Teritorija grada pripada Podunavqu i dowem Pomoravqu. Od Beograda, glavnog grada Srbije, Smederevo je udaqeno svega 46 km. Ukupna povr{ina grada iznosi 481,7 kvadratnih kilometara. Podru~je grada obuhvata 27 seoskih i 11 mesnih gradskih zajednica u kojima `ivi oko 110.000 stanovnika. Smederevo se nalazi na me|unarodnom putnom pravcu E-75, koridora 10 koji povezuje Budimpe{tu, Beograd, Ni{, Solun i Atinu, odnosno, izme|u dva evropska koridora, kopnenog i vodenog, {to gradu obezbe|uje odli~an saobra}ajni i turisti~ko-geografski polo`aj. Razgranata saobra}ajna mre`a omogu}ava dobru povezanost ne samo sa prestonicom ve} i sa drugim gradovima - drumskim, `elezni~kim i vodenim putevima. Zna~ajna prirodna prednost Smedereva, u odnosu na susedne gradove, ali i gradove ostalih podunavskih regiona, jeste {to poseduje najseverniju luku koja mo`e da primi crnomorske brodove. PRO[LOST Kao najstarije naseqe u srpskom Podunavqu, Smederevo se prvi put pomiwe 1019. godine u poveqi vizantijskog cara Vasilija II, dok se u srpskim izvorima ime grada javqa 1381. u hrisovuqi kneza Lazara kojom je ovo naseqe knez poklonio manastiru Ravanica. Poreklo naziva Smederevo nije pouzdano utvr|eno. Jedna teorija ka`e da je naziv nastao od dveju re~i - "smet" i "drevo". Prema italijanskom istori~aru Antoniju Bonfiniju (1427-1503) naziv je



hillsides of Šumadija. It covers an area directly in front of the confluence of the Velika Morava River and the Danube, with the major part of it belonging to the Velika Morava River Basin. The town is situated at a latitude of 40.39° north and a longitude of 20.57° east. It covers a gently undulated lowland area of the southern perimeter of the Pannonian Basin, in the extreme north-eastern part of Šumadija. The territory of the town belongs to the Danube Basin and to the Lower Morava River Basin. Smederevo is only 46 km away from Belgrade, the capital of Serbia. The total area of the town is 481.7 square kilometres. The area of the town includes 27 rural and 11 urban local communities, with around 110,000 inhabitants. Smederevo is situated on the international E-75 road route of Corridor 10, which interconnects Budapest, Belgrade, Niš, Thessaloniki, and Athens, or, between two European corridors, the inland and the water one, providing to the town an excellent transport, tourist, and geographical position. The widespread transport network enables good connection not only with the capital but also with other towns/cities - by roads, railway, and waterways. A distinctive natural advantage of Smederevo, as compared to the neighbouring towns/cities, as well as the town/cities of other Danube Basin regions, is the fact that it has the northernmost port, which can handle Black Sea ships. HISTORY As the oldest settlement in the Serbian part of the Danube Basin, Smederevo was for the first time recorded in the charter of the Byzantine Emperor Basil II in 1019 while, in the Serbian sources, the name of the town appears in 1381, in the chrysobull of Prince Lazar by which the Prince bestowed this settlement to Ravanica Monastery. The origin of the name of Smederevo has not been established with certainty. One theory says that the name originated from two words - 'smet' and 'drevo'. According to the Italian historian Antonio Bonfini (1427-1503), the name originated from the name of St. Andrew, while Stojan Novakovi} correlated the name



nastao od imena sv. Andreja, dok je Stojan Novakovi} ime Smederevo dovodio u vezu s nazivom nekada{weg rimskog grada Mons Aureus, {to u prevodu zna~i "Zlatno brdo". Vi{e istori~ara smatra da je naziv grada morao imati iransko-hazarske korene. U prevodu sa iranskog "Semender" zna~i "krajwa vrata", {to predstavqa polo`aj kakav je imao hazarski grad Semender. Re~ je sastavqena od persijskih re~i "semen" (kraq, ali i suva zemqa) i "der" (vrata). Semender se nalazio na jugozapadnoj obali Kaspijskog mora i bio je bedem odbrane od neprijateqa. Sli~no dana{wem Smederevu, to je bio utvr|eni grad sa ba{tama i vinogradima u okolini. Wega je razorio ruski knez Svjatoslav (913-914) a krajem 10. veka i ~itavo hazarsko carstvo zauvek nestaje. Mnogi stanovnici Semendera, be`e}i pred najezdom osvaja~a, uputili su se u na{e krajeve, nazivaju}i svoja nova naseqa imenima ranijih stani{ta. Gradsko naseqe Mons Aureus, na levoj obali potoka Seona, pru`alo se na ve}em prostoru pored Dunava. Izvorni podaci o ovom nasequ poti~u iz 3. i 4. veka i govore o gajewu vinove loze u vreme rimskog cara Proba (276-282). Mons Aureus je ozna~en kao naseqe udaqeno 26 miqa od Singidunuma (Beograda) dok je Vincea bila naseobina izme|u dva grada - Mons Aureusa i Marguma (Dubravica). Daqe nizvodno, na u{}u Morave u Dunav, nalazi se gradi} Kuli~ ~iji poligonalni temeqi verovatno poti~u jo{ od kasnoanti~kog utvr|ewa Marguma, koje je kao srpsko Moravi{te moglo igrati ulogu i u sredwem veku, budu}i da o tome ima pisanih tragova. Tvr|ava Kuli~ je bila podignuta na posledwem uzvi{ewu prema Dunavu, kod dana{weg sela Kuli~a. Osnova utvr|ewa je {estougaonog oblika i bila je sagra|ena od kamena. Imala je tri odbrambena zida sa vodenim rovom, ~ak 17 kula i mawu citadelu. Ovo utvr|ewe su vekovima ru{ili i ponovo obnavqali narodi koji su se ovde du`e zadr`avali. Poznato je da je tvr|avu koristila Vizantija, a posle pada Srbije, i Turska. Danas je kula uru{ena, izme|u ostalog i zbog toga {to je nakon izgradwe brane hidrosistema \erdap, usled podizawa nivoa vode Dunava, postala te{ko pristupa~na.



of Smederevo with the name of the former Roman town Mons Aureus, which when translated means 'Zlatno brdo' (i.e. Golden Hill). A number of historians deem that the name of the town had to have the Iranian-Khazar roots. In the translation from Iranian 'Semender' means 'krajnja vrata' (i.e. the ultimate gate), which was the actual position that Khazar town of Semender once had. The word is composed of the Persian words 'semen' (king, but also dry land) and 'der' (door/gate). Semender was situated on the south-western coast of the Caspian Sea and was the defensive wall protecting from the enemies. Similar to the present-day Smederevo, it was a fortified town with gardens and vineyards in its environs. It was destroyed by the Russian Prince Svyatoslav (in 913-914) and, by the end of the 10th century, the entire Khazar Empire disappeared forever as well. Many inhabitants of Semender, fleeing when faced with the invasion of conquerors, set out for our regions, calling their new settlements by the names of their former settlements. The urban settlement of Mons Aureus, on the left bank of the Seona Brook, covered a larger area next to the Danube. The original records of this settlement originate from the 3rd and the 4th century and deal with the growing of grape vine at the time of the Roman Emperor Probus (276-282). Mons Aureus was marked as a settlement 26 miles away from Singidunum (Belgrade) while Vincea was a colony between two towns - Mons Aureus and Margum (Dubravica). Further downstream, at the confluence of the Morava River and the Danube, there is a small town Kuli~, the polygonal foundations of which probably originate way back from the Margum fortification of late antiquity, which as the Serbian MoraviĹĄte could also play a role in the Middle Ages, since there are records about it. The Kuli~ Fortress was constructed on the last high ground towards the Danube River, nearby the present-day village of Kuli~. The base of the fortification is of a hexagonal shape and it was built of stone. It had three defensive walls with a moat filled with water, as many as 17 towers, and a smaller citadel. For centuries, this fortification was razed and restored again and again by the peoples who stayed here for longer periods of time. It is known that the fortress was used by the Byzantine Empire and, after the fall of Serbia, by the Ottoman Empire as well. Today, the tower is caved in, inter alia due to the fact that, after the construction of the dam of the \erdap Hydro-system, because of the rising of the water level of the Danube, it became hardly accessible.



ZNAMENITOSTI GRADA Tvr|ava - Prestoni grad Smederevo ima bogato kulturno nasle|e i istorijski kontinuitet od praistorije, preko antike i sredweg veka do danas, ali poseban zna~aj dobija po~etkom 15. veka u doba despota \ur|a Brankovi}a. Tada postaje posledwa prestonica srpske sredwovekovne dr`ave, sedi{te crkvenog i privrednog `ivota, sa zna~ajem koji u to doba prevazilazi lokalnu i regionalnu dimenziju. \ura| Brankovi} (sin Vuka Brankovi}a i Mare Lazarevi}, k}erke kneza Lazara) preuzeo je srpski presto 1427. i na ~elu srpske dr`ave odr`ao se skoro trideset godina, balansiraju}i izme|u interesa velikih sila. Ovaj vladar ostao je bez prestonice 1428. godine (Beograd je morao da vrati Ma|arima, a Kru{evac su dr`ali Turci), te je odlu~io da podigne novi grad. Za podizawe nove srpske prestonice zatra`io je odobrewe turskog sultana, koji mu je dao dozvolu tek po{to ga je \ura| uverio da }e novi grad slu`iti za odbranu od Ma|ara. Trv|ava je brzo podignuta (1430. je zavr{en Mali grad, a 1439. i Veliki grad), a u wenom zidawu veliki rad ulo`io je srpski narod, koji je bio prisiqen na kulu~ewe. Za sve neda}e narod je optu`io srpsku despotovicu, Grkiwu Jerinu, koja je dobila epitet "prokleta Jerina". Tursko osvajawe Smedereva (1459) ozna~ilo je pad srpske despotovine, koja je ve} bila turski vazal, i po~etak direktne otomanske vlasti nad Srbijom. Nakon pada u turske ruke, Smederevo zadr`ava {iri regionalni zna~aj, kao sedi{te sand`aka.



SIGHTS OF THE TOWN The fortress - the capital town Smederevo has a rich cultural heritage and historical continuity since the prehistory, through the ancient times and the Middle Ages up to these days, but it assumed a special importance in the beginning of the 15th century at the time of Despot \ura| Brankovi}. Then it became the last capital of the Serbian medieval state, the seat of the religious and economic life, with the importance that was beyond local and regional dimensions at that time. \ura| Brankovi} (the son of Vuk Brankovi} and Mara Lazarevi}, a daughter of Prince Lazar) succeeded to the Serbian throne in 1427 and held out leading the Serbian state for almost thirty years, balancing between the interests of the big powers. This ruler was left without the capital in 1428 (he had to cede Belgrade to the Hungarians, and KruĹĄevac was held by the Ottomans) and, therefore, he decided to build a new town. For the development of the new Serbian capital he asked for the approval from the Ottoman Sultan, who gave him the permission only after \ura| convinced him that the new town would serve for the defence from the Hungarians. The fortress was soon built (in 1430, the Small Town was completed and, in 1439, the Big Town as well), and the Serbian people put in long hours of work in its construction, being forced to do corvĂŠe. For all the hardships the people accused the Serbian Despotina, the Greek Jerina, who got the epithet 'Damned Jerina'. The Ottoman capture of Smederevo (in 1459) marked the fall of the Serbian Despotate, which had already been the Ottoman vassal, and the beginning of the direct Ottoman rule over Serbia. After falling into the Ottoman hands, Smederevo retained a wider regional importance as the seat of the sandjak.



Za vreme Prvog srpskog ustanka, u obnovqenoj srpskoj dr`avi, Smederevo ima zna~ajnu ulogu kao sedi{te najvi{e narodne ustanove "Praviteqstvuju{~i sovjet serbski" (1805-1807). Kara|or|e }e u Prvom srpskom ustanku uspeti da oslobodi Smederevo od turske vlasti, a predajom gradova, u srpske ruke kona~no }e pre}i 1867. godine. Za vreme Prvog svetskog rata i prelaska Austrijanaca preko Dunava, stari grad je bio bombardovan i te{ko o{te}en. U Drugom svetskom ratu do`iveo je novo razarawe velikom eksplozijom municije u tvr|avi, koja je tu bila sme{tena. Razarawe tvr|ave i grada dovr{avaju savezni~ki bombarderi tokom zavr{nih operacija u Drugom svetskom ratu. Smederevska tvr|ava opkoqena je Dunavom i Jezavom, a sa juga ve{ta~kim kanalom koji povezuje dve reke, i kao takva, jedinstvena



During the First Serbian Uprising, in the restored Serbian state, Smederevo has an important role as the seat of the highest national institution: PraviteljstvujuĹĄ~i sovjet serbski (i.e. the Serbian government in the form of a law-making council) (in 1805-1807). In the First Serbian Uprising, Kara|or|e will manage to liberate Smederevo from the Ottoman rule and, by the surrender of towns, it will finally come into the Serbian hands in 1867. During the First World War and the crossing of Austrians over the Danube, the old town was bombarded and heavily damaged. In the Second World War it experienced yet another destruction due to a big explosion of ammunition in the fortress, which had been stored there. The destruction of the fortress and the town was finished by the allied bombers during the final operations in the Second World War. The Smederevo Fortress is surrounded by the Danube and the Jezava Rivers and, in the south, by an artificial canal, which interconnects the two rivers, and as such, it is unique in the Serbian medieval architecture. On the



je u srpskoj sredwovekovoj arhitekturi. Za uzor prilikom gradwe uzeta je Carigradska tvr|ava, {to je razumqivo, imaju}i u vidu da je radove vodio Vizantinac Kantakuzen, brat \ur|eve `ene Jerine. Utvr|ewe ima osnovu raznokrakog trougla u ~ijem je severnom temenu sme{ten mawi trougao koji formira Mali grad, dok ostatak utvr|ewa ~ini Veliki grad. Povr{ina Malog i Velikog grada zajedno, po premeru iz 1975, iznosi 11,3272 hektara. Mali grad slu`io je despotu \ur|u kao utvr|eni zamak, a prostranstvo Velikoga grada bilo je potrebno za sme{taj mnogobrojne posade. Iako je razoren u sukobu 1459, Turci uvi|aju izuzetno povoqan polo`aj grada na Dunavu i dogra|uju utvr|ewe za svoje potrebe. Kula s natpisom Na jednoj od kula smederevskog Malog grada nalazi se opekama uzidan veliki natpis koji svedo~i o godini izgradwe utvr|ewa. Ova kula je zbog krsta, ozidanog iznad natpisa, u narodu jo{ poznata kao "Krstasta kula" ili kula "Krsta~a". Natpisi kao {to je ovaj vrlo su retki, i jo{ se mogu na}i samo na teritoriji nekada{we Vizantije, a ovo je jedini primer na prostoru biv{e Jugoslavije. U originalu tekst glasi: "V Hrista Boga blagoverni despot Gurg, gospodin Srbqu i Pomorju zetskomu; zapove{}u wegovom sazida se ovaj grad v leto 6938



occasion of its construction, the Constantinople fortress was taken as its model, which is understandable, bearing in mind that the works were managed by the Byzantine Kantakouzene, the brother of \ura|'s wife Jerina. The fortification has the base of a scalene triangle the northern apex of which accommodates a smaller triangle, which forms the Small Town, while the rest of the fortification constitutes the Big Town. The area of the Small and the Big Town together, according to the 1975 surveying, is 11.3272 hectares. The Small Town served to Despot \ura| as a fortified castle, and the space of the Big Town was needed to accommodate the numerous garrison troops. Although it was razed in the armed conflict in 1459, the Ottomans recognized the exceptionally favourable position of the town on the Danube and extended the fortification for their own requirements. Tower with the inscription On one of the towers of Smederevo's Small Town there is a big inscription encased in bricks, which testifies to the year of construction of the fortification. This tower, because of the cross, immured above the inscription, is also known among the folks as the 'Cross-shaped tower' or tower 'Krsta~a' (i.e. cross). Inscriptions such as this one are quite rare, and they can be found only in the territory of the former Byzantine Empire, and this one is the only example in the territory of the former Yugoslavia. In original, the text reads: "V Hrista Boga blagoverni despot Gurg, gospodin Srbqu i Pomorju zetskomu; zapove{}u wegovom sazida se ovaj grad v leto 6938



(1430)" ("Hristu Bogu blagoverni despot \ura|, gospodin Srbqem i Pomorju zetskom. Naredbom wegovom sazida se ovaj grad u godini 6938 (1430)"). Ovaj natpis, ina~e, pravi istorijski raritet, {irok je ~ak 10,5 m, dok je visina slova 35 cm. Mali grad pored Kule sa krstom i natpisom, sadr`i jo{ dva zanimqiva graditeqska elementa. Prestona dvorana, oslowena na severni zid prema Dunavu, spada u najreprezentativnije gra|evine na{eg sredwovekovnog graditeqstva. Na woj su bifore - ~etiri velika dvodelna prozora sa pogledom na Dunav, isklesana u kamenu, s gotskim i romanskim lukovima. Tu su bile despotove prostorije za stanovawe i sala za prijeme. U ovoj sali potpisan je ~uveni trgova~ki ugovor izme|u Venecije i Despotovine. Don`on kula je bila posledwa odstupnica i odbrana. Ova kula sa zidovima debelim preko ~etiri metra bila je skloni{te za istaknute li~nosti prilikom turskih napada. Kulturni `ivot na dvoru Na dvoru bogatog i obrazovanog despota \ur|a `ivelo se rasko{no. Sjaj dvora privla~io je Dubrov~ane, Grke, Ma|are, Turke. Konstantin Filozof je u Smederevu napisao "@itije Stefana Lazarevi}a". Smederevo je postalo centar u kojem su boravili mnogi na{i i od Turaka izbegli bugarski i gr~ki kwi`evnici, prepisiva~i i sastavqa~i originalnih dela srpske sredwovekovne kwi`evnosti. Postojala je i kolonija dubrova~kih trgovaca.



(1430)" ("In Christ the Lord faithful despot Gurg, Lord of Serbs and the Littoral of Zeta. By His order this city was built in the year of 6938 (1430)"). This inscription, otherwise a true historical rarity, is as much as 10.5 m wide, while the height of the letters is 35 cm. The Small Town next to the Tower with the cross and the inscription contains two additional interesting building elements. The throne room, leaning against the northern wall towards the Danube, belongs to the best show-case structures of our medieval architecture. It has biforas - four large mullioned windows with the view of the Danube, chiselled in stone, with the Gothic and Romanesque arches. Despot's dwelling premises were there and the audience hall. In this hall, the famous trade agreement between Venice and Despotate was signed. The donjon tower was the last retreat and defence. This tower with the walls over four metres thick was the shelter for prominent figures during the Ottoman attacks. Cultural life at the court The life at the court of the rich and educated Despot \ura| was luxurious. The splendour of the court attracted people from Dubrovnik, Greeks, Hungarians, and Ottomans. In Smederevo, Constantine the Philosopher wrote the Biography of Stefan Lazarevi}. Smederevo became the centre in which numerous both our and those who had fled from the Ottoman Empire - Bulgarian and Greek literary men, scribes, and composers of original works of the Serbian medieval literature stayed. There was also the colony of Dubrovnik merchants.



Despot \ura| je bio veliki po{tovalac umetnosti. Na wegovom dvoru ve}i deo svog `ivota proveo je slavni srpski monah, horovo|a i muzikolog kir Stefan Srbin. Sa~uvano je vi{e originalnih Stefanovih tekstova i prepisa koji se danas nalaze po inostranim bibliotekama. Najpoznatije wegovo delo je Psaltikija - zbornik crkvenih pesama, horskih kompozicija komponovanih u najlep{em maniru sredwovekovne vizantijske i crkvene muzike. Originalni rukopis Psaltikije ~uvan je u Narodnoj biblioteci u Beogradu, gde je uni{ten 6. aprila 1941, kada je usled bombardovawa cela Narodna biblioteka izgorela. Sa~uvano je svega dvanaest fotokopiranih listova na kojima su i pesme na na srpskom i gr~kom jeziku "Niwa sili" i "Vkusite i vidite". Esfigmenska poveqa Esfigmensku povequ despot \ura| Brankovi} izdao je 11. septembra 1429, na samom po~etku svoje vladavine, a na molbu monaha manastira Esfigmena da postane novi ktitor ovog samostana. Poveqa predstavqa zna~ajan istorijsko-pravni dokument, a izra|ena je u manastiru @i~i. Na woj je naslikan despot \ura| i despotovica Jerina s wihovo petoro dece. Zahvaquju}i ilustracijama Esfigmenske poveqe, sa~uvan je lik despota \ur|a. Izdavawem Esfigmenske poveqe despot \ura| je na najboqi na~in nastavio vekovnu tradiciju duboke duhovne povezanosti srpskih sredwovekovnih vladarskih ku}a s pravoslavnom crkvom i Svetom gorom, kojoj je Despotovina, iako udaqena, pru`ala dostojnu materijalnu pomo}.



Despot \ura| was a great admirer of arts. At his court, the famous Serbian monk, choirmaster, and musicologist Kir Stefan the Serb spent a major part of his life. A number of original Stefan's texts and transcripts have been preserved, which are in foreign libraries today. His most famous work is Psaltikia - an anthology of liturgical hymns, choral compositions composed in the most beautiful mannerism of the medieval Byzantine and sacred music. The original manuscript of Psaltikia was kept in the National Library in Belgrade, where it perished on 6 April 1941 when, due to the bombardment, the entire National Library burned down. Only twelve photocopied sheets have been preserved, which also contain the liturgical songs in the Serbian and the Greek language "Niwa sili" (i.e. Now the Celestial Powers) and "Vkusite i vidite" (i.e. Taste and see). Esphigmenou Charter Despot \ura| Brankovi} issued the Esphigmenou Charter on 11 September 1429, at the very beginning of his rule, on the plea of the monks of Esphigmenou Monastery to become a new endower of their Monastery. The Charter is an important historical and legal document, and it was written in @i~a Monastery. It depicts Despot \ura| and Despotina Jerina with their five children. Owing to the illustrations in the Esphigmenou Charter, the image of Despot \ura| has been preserved. By issuing the Esphigmenou Charter Despot \ura| in the best way carried on centuries-long tradition of deep spiritual bonds of the Serbian medieval dynasties with the Orthodox Church and Mount Athos, to which Despotate, although distant, provided deserving material assistance. Zlatni breg villa The villa Zlatni breg (i.e. Golden Hill), the former summer residence of the Serbian ruling dynasty Obrenovi}, occupies a special place in the cultural and historical heritage of Smederevo. The history of this villa dates back to the first decade of the 19th century, at the time of liberation of Serbs from the Ottoman rule and creation of the modern Serbian state. Prince MiloĹĄ Obrenovi}, the founder of the ruling dynasty, by buying land from the Ottoman landowners, formed a spacious estate of 30 hectares, with the desire to build a palace there and to launch vine growing.



Vila "Zlatni breg" U kulturno-istorijskom nasle|u Smedereva posebno mesto zauzima vila "Zlatni breg", nekada{wa letwa rezidencija srpske vladarske dinastije Obrenovi}. Istorija ove vile se`e u prve decenije 19. veka, u vreme osloba|awa Srba od turske vladavine i stvarawa moderne srpske dr`ave. Knez Milo{ Obrenovi}, osniva~ vladarske dinastije, kupovinom zemqe od turskih spahija napravio je prostrano imawe od 30 hektara, sa `eqom da ovde sagradi palatu i da pokrene vinogradarstvo. Upravo u ovim srpskim krajevima Rimqani su zasadili prve ~okote vinove loze, daju}i delu Smedereva poeti~an naziv Mons Aureus (Zlatno brdo). Kvalitetnim vinima di~io se i sredwovekovni vladar despot \ura| Brankovi}, a kasnije i turske spahije i begovi. Ve} 1833. knez Milo{ je ovde sagradio konak s vinskim podrumom ~ija su smederevska bela vina vrlo brzo postala poznata na evropskom tr`i{tu. U vreme svoje druge vladavine Srbijom, knez Mihailo Obrenovi}, sin kneza Milo{a i knegiwe Qubice, na imawu svog oca obnovio je zasade vinove loze i podigao jednospratni letwikovac 1865. U ovom periodu brawe gro`|a u kne`evskom vinogradu prvi put se pretvara u javnu svetkovinu. Gro`|e iz kne`evog, potom i kraqevskog vinograda, posta}e uzor smederevskim vinogradarima, iz ~ega }e se krajem 19. veka roditi ideja o izlo`bama gro`|a koja i danas `ivi u vidu manifestacije "Smederevska jesen". Pravi dvorski `ivot ustanovqen je u vili Obrenovi}a za vreme vladavine kraqa Milana i kraqice Natalije Obrenovi}, a procvat



Exactly in those Serbian areas the Romans had planted the first vines of grape vine, giving to a part of Smederevo a poetic name: Mons Aureus (i.e. Golden Hill). The medieval ruler Despot \ura| Brankovi} took pride in high quality wines and, later on, the Ottoman landowners and beys as well. Already in 1833, Prince Miloš had a residence built there together with a wine cellar, Smederevo white wines of which very soon became popular in the European market. At the time of his second rule over Serbia, Prince Mihailo Obrenovi}, the son of Prince Miloš and Princess Ljubica, renovated grape vine plantations on the estate of his father and had a one-storey villa built in 1865. In this period, grape picking in the Prince's vineyard was for the first time turned into a public festival. Grape from the Prince's, thereafter also royal vineyard, will become the model to Smederevo grape growers, from which, by the end of the 19th century, the idea will develop about grape exhibitions, which is alive even today in the form of the event Smederevo Autumn. The real court life was established in the villa of the Obrenovi}'s during the rule of King Milan and Queen Natalija Obrenovi}, and it also flourished during the reign of their son Aleksandar. Queen Natalija is meritorious for the reconstruction of the villa of Prince Mihailo resulting in the show-case building of the villa in 1897, which soon became one of the most important hubs of the Serbian cultural elite - ostentatious parties were hosted in it and big names of the Serbian literature and arts gathered at it. From 1900 to 1903, the villa in Smederevo became the summer royal court in which the ruling couple often stayed hidden from the public eye. After the May overthrow in 1903 and the assassination of King Aleksandar and Queen Draga, Queen Natalija, as the only inheritress of the property of the Obrenovi} family, gave the villa to Colonel Antonijo Oreškovi} for his loyalty to the dynasty. The villa had been the property of Oreškovi} up to 1945, when it became the state property. While, during the First World War, the villa of the Obrenovi} family was converted into a German hospital, after the Second World War, it became the state property, first the villa of the Executive Council and, thereafter the residential building of the Government of the Republic of Serbia.



je imao i za vreme vladavine wihovog sina Aleksandra. Kraqica Natalija je zaslu`na {to je 1897. rekonstruisan letwikovac kneza Mihaila u reprezentativni objekat vile, koja je brzo postala jedno od najva`nijih steci{ta srpske kulturne elite - ovde su prire|ivane luksuzne zabave i okupqala su se velika imena srpske kwi`evnosti i umetnosti. Od 1900. do 1903. vila u Smederevu postaje letwi kraqevski dvor u kojem se vladarski par ~esto sakrivao od o~iju javnosti. Posle Majskog prevrata 1903. i ubistva kraqa Aleksandra i kraqice Drage, kraqica Natalija, kao jedini naslednik imovine Obrenovi}a, poklonila je letwikovac pukovniku Antoniju Ore{kovi}u zbog vernosti dinastiji. Letwikovac je bio u vlasni{tvu Ore{kovi}a do 1945. kada postaje dr`avna svojina. Dok je za vreme Prvog svetskog rata vila Obrenovi}a pretvorena u nema~ku bolnicu, nakon Drugog svetskog rata postaje dr`avno vlasni{tvo, najpre vila Izvr{nog ve}a, a potom i rezidencijalni objekat Vlade Republike Srbije. Skoro punih sedamdeset godina vila je bila smederevski "zabraweni grad" kriju}i u sebi susrete dr`avnika, va`ne dogovore politi~ara i tajne policije, kao i mnoge intrige. Tek 2009. dobila je status spomenika kulture od posebnog zna~aja, a 2014. kona~no je otvorena za posetioce koji u wenim odajama i parkovima mogu da do`ive duh starih kraqevskih vremena. Kara|or|ev dud Nalazi se u centru grada u blizini gimnazije i predstavqa zna~ajan botani~ki spomenik, i verovatno najstariji beli dud na Balkanu. Kara|or|ev dud ima veliku istorijsku vrednost - `ivi je svedok mnogih istorijskih zbivawa u Smederevu proteklih 300 godina. Pod kro{wom ovog drveta, vo`d Kara|or|e, vo|a Prvog srpskog ustanka, novembra 1805. je primio kqu~eve Smederevske tvr|ave od turskog dizdara Muharema Gu{e, ~ime je sve~ano ozna~eno oslobo|ewe



For almost full seventy years, the villa was Smederevo's 'forbidden city' hiding within it the encounters of statesmen, important agreements of politicians and secret police, as well as many intrigues. As late as 2009, it got the status of the monument of culture of exceptional importance and, in 2014, it was finally opened to visitors, who can experience the spirit of old royal times in its chambers and parks. Kara|or|e's mulberry tree It is situated in the town centre in the vicinity of the general secondary school and it is an outstanding natural monument, and probably the oldest white mulberry tree in the Balkans. Kara|or|e's mulberry tree has a great historical value as well - it is the living witness of numerous historical developments in Smederevo in the past 300 years. Under the canopy of this tree, the chieftain Kara|or|e, the head of the First Serbian Uprising, in November 1805, received the keys of the Smederevo Fortress from the Ottoman fortress commander Muharem Gusa, which was the formal marking of the liberation of Smederevo from the Ottoman rule. The Ottomans then left a lot of cannons and ammunition to the Serbs, and Kara|or|e permitted them to leave Smederevo with military honour and small arms and to go by vessels down the Danube to Bulgaria. Complex in the Old Cemetery and the Church of Dormition of the Mother of God The Old Cemetery in Smederevo was formed around the medieval Temple of Dormition of the Mother of God. Today, it is the memorial complex the core of which consists of the church, the chapel of Dina Man~i}, and the memorial ossuary with the bell-tower.



Smedereva od turske vlasti. Turci su tada ostavili Srbima mnogo topova i municije, a Kara|or|e je wima dozvolio da iza|u iz Smedereva sa vojnim po~astima i sitnim oru`jem i da la|ama odu niz Dunav u Bugarsku. Kompleks na Starom grobqu i Crkva Uspewa Presvete Bogorodice Staro grobqe u Smederevu je formirano oko sredwovekovnog Hrama Uspewa Presvete Bogorodice. Danas je to memorijalni kompleks ~ije jezgro ~ine crkva, kapela Dine Man~i}a i spomen-kosturnica sa zvonikom. Sredwovekovna Crkva Uspewa Presvete Bogorodice nalazi se u centralnom delu Starog grobqa u Smederevu. Podignuta je u 15. veku, na mestu stare nekropole, a zidno slikarstvo datira iz kraja 16. i po~etka 17. veka. Prema na~inu gradwe, pripada stilu moravske {kole. Nema sa~uvanih podataka o ktitoru crkve, ali se pretpostavqa da je ovde bila grobna kapela mitropolita Atanasija. Na osnovu arheolo{kih istra`ivawa osamdesetih godina 20. veka, utvr|eno je da su tu sahrawivani crkveni velikodostojnici, a pre toga bliski ~lanovi porodice Brankovi} - otuda neke teorije da je ktitor crkve bio sam despot \ura| Brankovi}. Pored Crkve nalazi se grob Dimitrija Davidovi}a, oca srpskog novinarstva i tvorca Sretewskog ustava, prvog ustava dr`ave Srbije. Nedaleko odatle stoji grobna kapela iz 1884. Dine Man~i}a, smederevskog trgovca i zanatlije, dobrotvora koji je svoju ogromnu imovinu zave{tao za podizawe gimnazije u Smederevu i {kolovawe siroma{nih |aka. Spomen-kosturnica posve}ena je `rtvama velike petojunske eksplozije koja je Smederevo razorila 1941. Po projektu Aleksandra Deroka, kosturnica je zidana u vidu arkada sa zvonikom u sredini koji na sve ~etiri strane ima krstove od mermernih plo~a. Spomenik borcima Prvog svetskog rata Na glavnom gradskom trgu, u neposrednoj blizini Hrama Svetoga Georgija, nalazi se Spomenik borcima Prvog svetskog rata, otkriv-



The medieval Church of Dormition of the Mother of God is situated in the central part of the Old Cemetery in Smederevo. It was built in the 15th century, at the site of an old necropolis, and the wall paintings date back to the end of the 16th and the beginning of the 17th century. According to the method of construction, it belongs to the style of the Morava school. There are no preserved records about the endower of the Church, but it is assumed that it was the site of the sepulchral chapel of Metropolitan Atanasije. Based on the archaeological explorations in the eighties of the 20th century, it was established that church dignitaries had been buried at the place, and before that close members of the Brankovi} family - which explains some theories that the endower of the church was personally Despot \ura| Brankovi}. Next to the Church there is the grave of Dimitrije Davidovi}, the father of the Serbian journalism and the creator of the Sretenje (Candlemas) Constitution, the first constitution of the state of Serbia. A short distance away from it there is the sepulchral chapel of Dina Man~i} from 1884, a Smederevo merchant and craftsman, a philanthropist who left his huge property by will for the construction of the general secondary school in Smederevo and for schooling of poor pupils. The Memorial Ossuary is dedicated to the victims of the big explosion that destroyed Smederevo on 5 June 1941. According to the design of Aleksandar Deroko, the ossuary was built in the form of arcades with the bell-tower in the centre, which has crosses made of marble panels on all four sides. Monument to the Soldiers from the First World War On the main town square, in the close vicinity of the Temple of Saint George, there is the Monument to Soldiers from the First World War, unveiled in 1926. On marble plates, the names of 286 fallen soldiers together with military ranks or occupations of soldiers are chiselled in. At the bottom of the monument there is the sculpture of a boy dressed in a folk costume who is while kneeling extending the victorious wreath to a Serbian soldier leaning against the rifle. 5. juni (i.e. 5 June) monument It was erected to commemorate the biggest destruction that Smederevo experienced, on 5 June 1941, when the explosion of the German ammunition



en 1926. Na mermernim plo~ama uklesana su imena 286 palih ratnika zajedno sa vojnim ~inom ili zanimawem boraca. U dnu spomenika je skulptura de~aka odevenog u narodnu no{wu koji kle~e}i pru`a pobedni~ki venac srpskom vojniku oslowenom na pu{ku. Spomenik "5. juni" Podignut je u znak se}awa na najve}e razarawe koje je Smederevo do`ivelo, 5. juna 1941, kada se desila eksplozija nema~ke municije sme{tene u Tvr|avi. Tada je stradalo preko 4000 qudi, a grad je bio devastiran. U neposrednoj blizini Tvr|ave i Muzeja, 1973. otkriven je Spomenik `rtvama petojunske tragedije, delo Selimira Jovanovi}a, akademskog vajara iz Smedereva. Spomenik je oblikovan kao stepenasta piramida sa obeliskom, simbolom ra|awa, i sarkofagom, simbolom umirawa. Glavni gradski trg Izgra|en je nakon Drugog srpskog ustanka, na mestu Velike pijace, na spoju srpskog i turskog dela varo{i. Trgom, koji je trougaonog oblika, dominira Hram Svetog Georgija, a Spomenik palim borcima u Prvom svetskom ratu, zgrada Okru`nog na~elstva, zgrada starog Op{tinskog doma i Gradska galerija savremene umetnosti, objekti su koji predstavqaju bogato istorijsko i kulturno nasle|e grada otkrivaju}i identitet starog Smedereva. Na trgu se nalazi i ~uvena fontana koja je najdra`e mesto okupqawa Smederevaca. Hram Svetog Georgija Sagra|en je u periodu od 1850. do 1854. Zidan je po ugledu na manastir Manasija i tre}i je po veli~ini hram u Srbiji. Nalazi se u centru Smedereva i zajedno sa kasnije podignutim reprezentativnim zdawem Suda i Op{tinskog doma, danas uokviruje gradski trg. Hram je ra|en od belog mermera, po projektu in`ewera Jana Nevode, a graditeq je bio Andrija Damjanov iz Velesa. Stilski je



stored in the Fortress took place. Over 4,000 people were then killed, and the town was devastated. In the close vicinity of the Fortress and the Museum, in 1973, the Monument to the Victims of the Fifth of June Tragedy was unveiled, the work of Selimir Jovanovi}, the academic sculptor from Smederevo. The Monument is shaped as a stepped pyramid with an obelisk, the symbol of giving birth, and a sarcophagus, the symbol of dying. The main Town Square It was constructed after the Second Serbian Uprising, at the place of the Big Marketplace, at the point of connection of the Serbian and the Ottoman parts of the town. On the Square, which is of triangular shape, there dominate the Temple of Saint George, the Monument to the Soldiers Fallen in the First World War, the building of the County Administration, the building of the old Town Hall, and the Town Contemporary Art Gallery, which are the facilities that constitute a rich historical and cultural heritage of the town revealing the identity of the old Smederevo. On the Square there is also the famous fountain, which is the favourite gathering spot of Smederevo inhabitants. Temple of Saint George It was built in the period from 1850 to 1854. It was constructed on the model of Manasija Monastery and it is the third largest temple in Serbia. It is situated in the centre of Smederevo and today, together with the later constructed representative buildings of the Court and the Town Hall, today, it frames the Town Square. The Temple was built of white marble, according to the design of the engineer Jan Nevoda, and the builder was Andrija Damjanov from Veles. It is



oblikovan u srpsko-vizantijskom duhu, mada su u nekim arhitektonskim elementima prisutni i romanti~arski i barokni uticaji. Hram predstavqa nepokretno kulturno dobro kao spomenik kulture. Spada u red najlep{ih i najprostranijih crkava u Srbiji izgra|enih u vreme velike obnove nakon Prvog i Drugog srpskog ustanka. Zgrada Okru`nog na~elstva Zgrada nekada{weg Okru`nog na~elstva, a danas Okru`nog suda, jedno je od najlep{ih ostvarewa znamenitog srpskog arhitekte Aleksandra Bugarskog, koji je projektovao Narodno pozori{te i Kraqev dvor u Beogradu. Podignuta je izme|u 1886. i 1888. primenom klasi~nog renesansnog principa pune simetrije. Fasade objekta bogato su dekorisane, a na spratu se nalaze metalni stubovi, novo konstruktivno re{ewe u dotada{woj gra|evinskoj praksi. Ova gra|evina predstavqa prvo profano zdawe monumentalnih razmera, ne samo u Smederevu, ve} i u unutra{wosti Srbije. Me|u prvim javnim zdawima dobila je dr`avni grb Kraqevine Srbije krunisani dvoglavi orao sa {titom na grudima i krstom. Grb je posle Drugog svetskog rata zamewen zvezdom petokrakom koju je 2005. zamenio dvoglavi orao. Zgrada Op{tinskog doma Zgrada biv{eg Op{tinskog doma podignuta je izme|u 1926. i 1928. po projektu Nikolaja Krasnova, ~uvenog arhitekte carske Rusije. Objekat predstavqa ugaono re{ewe sa osnovom u obliku }irili~nog slova "G". Iznad krovnog venca postavqene su ~etiri bogato drapirane skulpture sa atributima koji su personifikacija pravde, rada, nauke i kulture. Zgrada gimnazije Smederevska gimnazija osnovana je 1871, ali je zgrada sagra|ena tek 1904. prema skicama znamenitog arhitekte Milorada Ruvidi}a, na mestu nekada{we kafane i imawa velikog dobrotvora Dine Man~i}a koji je testamentom zave{tao svoju imovinu za podizawe {kole. Nalazi se u centru grada i predstavqa jedno od najlep{ih zdawa gra|enih po~etkom 20. veka u Smederevu.



designed in the Serbian and Byzantine styles, although, in some architectural elements, the Romanesque and the Baroque influences are also present. The Temple is the immobile cultural property as the cultural monument. It is one of the most beautiful and the most spacious churches in Serbia constructed at the time of the great restoration after the First and the Second Serbian Uprising. Building of the County Administration The building of the former County Administration, and of the County Court today, is one of the most beautiful creations of the prominent Serbian architect Aleksandar Bugarski, who had designed the National Theatre and the Royal Palace in Belgrade. It was built between 1886 and 1888, by applying the classical Renaissance principle of full symmetry. The facades of the building are richly decorated and, on the first floor, there are metal columns, a new structural solution in the up to then building practice. This building is the first profane edifice of monumental scale, not only in Smederevo, but also in the hinterland of Serbia. It was among the first public buildings that got the national coat of arms of the Kingdom of Serbia - the crowned double-headed eagle with the shield on its breast and a cross with firesteels. After the Second World War, the Coat of Arms was substituted for a five pointed star, which was replaced by the double-headed eagle in 2005. Building of the Town Hall The building of the former Town Hall was built between 1926 and 1928, according to the design of Nikolay Krasnov, an eminent architect of Tsarist Russia. The building is a corner solution with the base in the shape of the Cyrillic letter "G". Above the roof cornice there are four richly draped sculptures put up, with the attributes personifying justice, work, science, and culture. Building of the general secondary school Smederevo's general secondary school was founded in 1871, but the building was constructed as late as 1904 according to the sketches of the renowned architect Milorad Ruvidi}, at the place of a former coffee-house and estate of a great philanthropist Dina Man~i}, who left his property by will for the construction of the school. It is situated in the town centre and is one of the most beautiful buildings constructed in Smederevo in the beginning of the 20th century.



Zgrada je oblikovana u duhu akademizma, sa elementima neorenesanse i klasicizma. Odlikuje se simetrijom, sa nagla{enim centralnim delom i stubovima. Vrh gra|evine ukra{en je mu{kom i `enskom figurom u polule`e}em polo`aju, {to je odlika anti~kog manira. Francuska kapa - spomenik ratnom prijateqstvu Smederevski ugostiteqski objekat neobi~nog oblika izgra|en je na Dunavskom keju, pored glavnog {etali{ta. Podignut je u ~ast francuskog ministra spoqnih poslova, @ana Luja Bartua, ubijenog u Marseju zajedno sa kraqem Aleksandrom Kara|or|evi}em. Ministar je 1934. posetio Smederevo vra}aju}i se iz Bukure{ta. Kada je brod pristao, Smederevci su francuskom diplomati priredili toplu dobrodo{licu, a on je po povratku u svoju zemqu osnovao fond za stipendirawe siroma{nih smederevskih |aka na studijama u Francuskoj. Dve godine kasnije, u znak se}awa na francuskog ministra, na samom pristani{tu podignuta je "Francuska kapa", zgradica u obliku francuske vojni~ke kape iz Prvog svetskog rata. Ovde je dugo bila biletarnica sa ~ekaonicom za prodaju karata za putni~ke brodove, a danas je ovo omiqeno mesto za okupqawe Smederevaca koji odatle u`ivaju u pogledu na Dunav. Vinski grad U samom centru Smedereva nalazi se Vinski grad, zanimqiv kutak koji ~ine ku}ice od autenti~nih ba~vi i buradi starih i po nekoliko stotina godina. U specifi~nom ambijentu, gde uli~ice neobi~nog malog grada nose imena vina ovog podnebqa, iz godine u



The building was designed in the style of Academicism, with elements of the Neo-renaissance and the Classicism. It is distinguished by its symmetry, with the accentuated central part and columns. The top of the building is decorated with a male and a female figure in semirecumbent position, which is the distinguishing feature of the mannerism of antiquity. French Kepi - the monument to wartime friendship A Smederevo's catering facility of an unusual shape was built on the Danube quay, next to the main promenade. It was built in honour of the French Minister of Foreign Affairs, Jean Louis Barthou, killed in Marseille together with King Aleksandar Kara|or|evi}. In 1934, the Minister visited Smederevo on his way back from Bucharest. When the ship put in, Smederevo inhabitants bade a warm welcome to the French diplomat, and he, upon his return to his country, founded a fund for granting of scholarships to poor Smederevo students to study in France. Two years later, in memory of the French Minister, at the actual quay, Francuska kapa (i.e. the French Kepi) was built, a small building in the shape of the French military cap from the First World War. For a long time, it accommodated the ticket-office, with a waiting room, selling tickets for passenger ships and, today, it is the favourite place for gathering together of Smederevo inhabitants, who enjoy the view of the Danube from it. Vinski grad (i.e. Wine Town) In downtown Smederevo, there is the Wine Town, an interesting nook consisting of small houses made of authentic large barrels and barrels old as much as several hundred years. In a specific setting, where narrow streets of the unusual small town bear the names of wines of this clime, year in year out, fostered is



godinu neguje se kult gro`|a i vina po kojima je Smederevo prepoznatqivo jo{ od rimskog doba. U Vinskom gradu prezentuje se, degustira i prodaje vino lokalnih proizvo|a~a, a posetioci ~esto mogu da u`ivaju u dobroj starogradskoj muzici koja upotpuwuje do`ivqaj. PRIRODNI RESURSI Priroda je bila dare`qiva prema ovom kraju bogatom vodom, plodnom zemqom i {umom, pa je Smederevo oduvek privla~ilo svojim pitomim i blagorodnim predelima. Reqef Prose~na nadmorska visina podru~ja Smedereva je 120,7 m, {to pripada nizijskim prostorima. Prema dominantnim morfolo{kim oblicima, u reqefu se zapa`a izrazita podeqenost teritorije na ni`i prostor, dolina reka Velike Morave, Raqe i Kowske reke, i vi{i prostor u centralnom i zapadnom delu podru~ja grada. Ravni~arski reqef obuhvata preko 50 odsto ukupne povr{ine Smedereva. Bre`uqkasto-brdoviti reqef prostire se kao deo {umadijskih brda, ispresecan plitkom dolinskom vodom. Na teritoriji Smedereva zastupqena su tri tipa zemqi{ta: gajwa~a, smonica i aluvijalno zemqi{te. Hidrografija Osnovna hidrografska karakteristika je prisustvo dve velike reke, Dunava i Velike Morave. ^ine}i severnu granicu smederevskog



the cult of grapes and wines Smederevo has been recognized for way back from the Roman times. In the Wine Town, wines of local producers are presented, tasted, and sold, and visitors can often enjoy in melodious parlour ballads, which complements the experience. NATURAL RESOURCES Nature has been generous to this area rich in water, fertile soil, and forests and, therefore, Smederevo has always attracted with its gentle and fertile landscapes. Relief An average height above sea level of the area of Smederevo is 120.7 m, which belongs to the height of lowlands. As to the dominant morphological forms, noticeable in the relief is a pronounced division of the territory into the lowland area, the valleys of the Velika Morava, the Ralja, and the Konjska Rivers, and the upland area in the central and western parts of the town area. The lowland relief covers over 50 percent of the total area of Smederevo. The rolling hilly relief extends as a part of Ĺ umadija hills, intersected by shallow valley waters. In the territory of Smederevo there are three types of soils: brown forest soil, Vertisol, and alluvial soil. Hydrography The basic hydrographical characteristic is the presence of two big rivers, the Danube and the Velika Morava Rivers. Constituting the northern border of



Podunavqa, najve}a evropska reka Dunav proti~e pored smederevskog priobaqa u du`ini od 45 km, sa {irinom korita od 800 do 1300 m. Kod Smederevske tvr|ave Dunav je re~nim ostrvima, velikom i malom adom, razdvojen u tri kraka, od kojih je desni naj{iri i najdubqi. Pri visokom vodostaju, kada se ostrva i wihovi delovi potapaju, Dunav dosti`e {irinu i preko dva kilometra. Velika Morava ~ini isto~nu granicu Smedereva u du`ini od 27 km. Sa svojim meandrima, regulisanim tokom i izgra|enim nasipima, ona je oduvek imala va`an privredni zna~aj za region i podru~je Smedereva. Jezava se ranije ulivala u Dunav kod Smedereva, ali je posle regulacije uvedena u Veliku Moravu izme|u sela Bre`ana i Batovca. Raqa, leva pritoka Jezave, proti~e kroz Smederevo u du`ini od 21 km. Ima veoma promenqiv proticaj. Ranije su se ~esto doga|ale poplave, ali su one zaustavqene izgradwom nasipa i regulacijom korita gotovo celom du`inom. U letwem periodu wen tok se jedva odr`ava, ali reka ne presu{uje. Zemqi{te Grad Smederevo zahvata povr{inu od 48.170 hektara. Kvalitetnija zemqi{ta nalaze se na vi{im i oceditim terenima obale Velike Morave i na ni`im i ravnijim terenima {umadijskog pobr|a. Mawe kvalitetna zemqi{ta su ona bli`e Velikoj Moravi i na terenima sa ve}im nagibom, u zapadnom delu grada. Podru~je grada Smedereva spada me|u najplodnija u Srbiji. Najkvalitetnije zemqi{te, prve i druge klase, ~ini 15,8 odsto od



the Smederevo part of the Danube Basin, the largest European Danube River flows past Smederevo's riparian zone along the length of 45 km, whereby its bed width ranges from 800 to 1300 m. By the Smederevo Fortress, the Danube is, by river islets, the big and the small islets, divided into three branches, out of which the right one is the widest and the deepest. When the water level is high, when islets and parts thereof are flooded, the Danube reaches the width of as much as over two kilometres. The Velika Morava River constitutes the eastern border of Smederevo along the length of 27 km. With its meanders, its regulated flow, and constructed embankments, it has always had a great economic significance for the region and the area of Smederevo. The Jezava River had formerly joined the Danube nearby Smederevo, but after it was regulated, it has been flowing into the Velika Morava River between the villages of BreĹžana and Batovac. The Ralja River, the left tributary of the Jezava River, flows through Smederevo along the length of 21 km. It has quite a variable flow rate. Formerly it had caused frequent floods, but they have been stopped by the construction of embankments and regulation of the bed almost along its entire length. In the summer period, its flow hardly persists, but the River does not run dry. Soil The town of Smederevo covers an area of 48,170 hectares. Better-quality soils are situated on higher and drained terrains of the bank of the Velika Morava River and on lower and rather flat terrains of Ĺ umadija's hill country. Lowerquality soils are those closer to the Velika Morava River and on terrains having greater inclinations, in the western part of the town.



ukupne povr{ine grada. Zemqi{te tre}e i ~etvrte klase zauzima 64,3 odsto zemqi{ta, tako da dve tre}ine prostora grada Smedereva predstavqa izuzetno vredan agrarni potencijal. Mineralni potencijali Najzna~ajnija su nalazi{ta gline, {qunka i peska. Rezerve {qunka i peska predstavqaju jedno od najve}ih le`i{ta u ovom delu Srbije. Pored ovih minerala, postoje i nalazi{ta niskokalori~nog ugqa. Na vi{im terenima, na [umadijskom pobr|u, na|ene su i rezerve gra|evinskog kamena. [ume [ume u Smederevu zauzimaju oko pet odsto ukupne teritorije, {to je znatno mawe u odnosu na Republiku (26%), odnosno na region (23%). Ukupna povr{ina pod {umom i {umskim zemqi{tem iznosi 2.391,08 hektara. [ume u privatnom vlasni{tvu zauzimaju 2006,02 hektara. U {umama Smedereva dominira topola i vrba, a zastupqeni su i jasen, klen i hrast. [alina~ki lug i jezero Ovaj spomenik prirode prostire se na povr{ini od 19 hektara u ravnici Godominskog poqa, na desetak kilometara od Smedereva. Predstavqa {umsko podru~je na kojem je oko 200 hrastova lu`waka autohtone vrste. Nekada{wa stabla poqskog jasena ovde se vi{e ne mogu na}i. U okvirima prirodnog dobra, utvr|eno je prisustvo 19 vrsta ptica, od kojih su kao prirodna retkost za{ti}ene bela roda, seoska lasta i vuga. Kao ekosistem, ovo prirodno dobro je prava retkost ne samo na podru~ju Srbije, ve} i na {irem balkanskom prostoru.



The territory of the town of Smederevo belongs to the most fertile soils in Serbia. The best quality soil, of the first and second class, accounts for 15.8 percent of the total area of the town. The soil of the third and fourth class covers 64.3 percent of the land, so that two thirds of the area of the town of Smederevo have a particularly valuable agrarian potential. Mineral potentials The deposits of clay, gravel, and sand are the most significant ones. The reserves of gravel and sand are among the largest deposits in this part of Serbia. In addition to the above minerals, there are also the deposits of low calorie coal. On higher terrains, in Ĺ umadija's hill country, deposits of building stone have also been discovered. Forests Forests in Smederevo cover around five percent of the total territory, which is considerably less as compared to the Republic (26%), or to the region (23%). The total area under forest and forest soil is 2,391.08 hectares. Forests in private ownership cover 2,006.02 hectares. In the forests of Smederevo, dominant species are poplar and willow, and ash, common maple, and oak trees are also encountered. Ĺ alinac lug and Lake This natural monument covers an area of 19 hectares in the plain of Godominsko polje, some ten kilometres away from Smederevo. It is a forest area in which there grow around 200 English oak trees of autochthonous species. Once growing here trees of narrow-leaved ash can no longer be found. Within the natural monument, the presence has been established of 19 bird species, out of which, as natural rarities, white stork, barn swallow, and golden oriole have been protected. As the ecosystem, this natural monument is a true rarity not only in the territory of Serbia, but also in a wider Balkans region.



[alina~ko jezero nalazi se u selu [alinac i vrlo je popularno tokom letwih meseci. Izleti{te Jugovo nalazi se na pet kilometara od centra Smedereva, na desnoj obali Dunava. Termalne vode na Jugovu predstavqaju potencijal za razvoj bawskog turizma u budu}nosti. INDUSTRIJA

Potpisivawe primopredaje @elezare Smederevo 2016. godine


Po~etak industrije u Smederevu vezuje se za osnivawe prve livnice, 1879, ~iji je vlasnik bio Petar Ne{i}. Ali tek tridesetak godina kasnije, stvoreni su uslovi za prerastawe Smedereva iz prete`no zanatsko-trgova~ke varo{i u privredno-industrijski centar ovog dela Srbije. Osnivaju se prve radionice i fabrike koje }e godinama potom izrasti u zna~ajne privredne subjekte. Po~etkom 1913. po~iwe s radom Srpsko akcionarsko rudarsko i topioni~ko dru{tvo SARTID, ~iji je pravni naslednik Koncern crne metalurgije SARTID 1913. Dr`avna `elezni~ka radionica (danas Fabrika `elezni~kih vozila @elvoz) osnovana je 1926. Dana{wi MBS "Milan Blagojevi}" (poznat po {tedwaku "Smederevac") nalazi se na mestu nekada{wih fabrika Ekonom i Metalor iz 1938. Brz razvoj industrije privla~i veliki broj qudi u potrazi za zaposlewem i vi{estruko uve}ava broj stanovnika Smedereva u periodu posle Drugog svetskog rata i u posledwih desetak godina. Ve}ina preduze}a koja se bave industrijom locirana je u industrijskoj zoni koja se nalazi u severoisto~nom delu grada i karakteri{e je dobra saobra}ajna povezanost.


Ĺ alinac Lake is situated in the village of Ĺ alinac and it is very popular during the summer months. Jugovo popular resort is situated five kilometres away from the centre of Smederevo, on the right bank of the Danube. Thermal waters in Jugovo are the potential for the development of spa tourism in the future. INDUSTRY The starting point of industry in Smederevo is tied to the foundation of the first foundry, in 1879, the owner of which was Petar NeĹĄi}. But actually only some thirty years later, conditions were created for the development of Smederevo from the small town predominantly dealing with handicraft trades and commerce into the economic and industrial centre of this part of Serbia. The first workshops and factories were founded, which would thereafter turn into significant economic operators in the years that followed. In the beginning of 1913, the Serbian Joint Stock Mining and Smelting Company SARTID started operating, the legal successor of which is the Ferrous Metallurgy Concern SARTID 1913. The State Railway Workshop (today, the Rolling Stock Factory @elvoz) was founded in 1926. The present-day MBS Milan Blagojevi} (known for Smederevac cooking stove) is situated at the place of the former Ekonom and Metalor factories from 1938. Rapid development of industry attracted a large number of people looking for jobs and multiply increased the number of inhabitants of Smederevo in the period after the Second World War and in some past ten years. The majority of the companies dealing with industry are located in the industrial zone, which is situated in the north-eastern part of the town and it is distinguished for good transport connections.



Grad Smederevo ima razvijenu saobra}ajnu infrastrukturu. Nalazi se blizu koridora 10 drumskog saobra}aja i koridora sedam re~nog saobra}aja, poseduje transportnu luku i dostupnu `elezni~ku mre`u. Sve ovo obezbe|uje gradu izuzetne saobra}ajne potencijale za komunikaciju drumskim, `elezni~kim i re~nim saobra}ajem. U strukturi industrije najzna~ajnije je u~e{}e te{ke industrije, odnosno metalurgije i metaloprerade. POQOPRIVREDA Smederevo ima povoqne uslove za razvoj poqoprivrede kvalitetno poqoprivredno zemqi{te i povoqne klimatske i hidrolo{ke uslove. Na osnovu vi{evekovne tradicije poqoprivede, agrolo{kih i klimatskih uslova, prostor Smedereva mo`e da se podeli na moravski i dunavsko-{umadijski deo. Moravski deo obuhvata nizijsku oblast du` dolinske ravni Velike Morave, i ovde je dominantna ratarska, povrtarska i sto~arska proizvodwa. Dunavsko-{umadijski deo ~ini zatalasani teren centralnog i zapadnog dela teritorije, gde preovla|uju vo}arske kulture i vinova loza. Vo}arsko-vinogradarska proizvodwa je od posebnog zna~aja za podru~je grada Smedereva, a zbog reqefa i blage kontinentalne klime, {umadijsko podru~je je posebno pogodno za ovu proizvodwu. Vinska istorija Smedereva po~iwe s periodom vladavine rimskog cara Proba, koji je ovim prostorima vladao u 3. veku. U 15. veku vinograde u smederevskom kraju {irili su despot Stefan Lazarevi}



The Town of Smederevo has a developed road infrastructure. It is situated in the vicinity of Corridor 10 for road traffic and Corridor Seven for river traffic; it possesses the transport port, and the accessible railway network. All this provides to the town outstanding transport potentials for communication using road, railway, and river traffic. In the structure of industry, the share of heavy industry or of metallurgy and metal processing is most significant. AGRICULTURE Smederevo has favourable conditions for the development of agriculture good quality agricultural land and favourable climatic and hydrological conditions. Based on the centuries-long tradition in agriculture, agrological and climatic conditions, the area of Smederevo can be divided into the Morava and the Danube - Ĺ umadija parts. The Morava part covers the flat land area along the valley plane of the Velika Morava River, and crop, vegetable, and animal production are dominant in it. The Danube-Ĺ umadija part consists of the undulating terrain of the central and western parts of the territory, where fruit crops and grape vine are prevailing. The fruit and grape production is of special importance for the territory of the town of Smederevo and, owing to the relief and mild continental climate, Ĺ umadija area is especially suitable for such production. Wine history of Smederevo started with the period of the rule of the Roman Emperor Probus, who ruled in these areas in the 3rd century. In the 15th century, vineyards in Smederevo area were extended by Despots Stefan



i \ura| Brankovi}, a razvoju vinogradarstva doprineo je i Milo{ Obrenovi}. Za zna~aj vinogradarstva i kreirawe sortimenta vinove loze kod individualnih proizvo|a~a, u drugoj polovini pro{log veka, zaslu`an je bio Poqoprivredni kombinat Godomin. U slavu vinogradarstva i vinarstva smederevskog kraja, na smederevskom pristani{tu 1889. godine organizovana je prva izlo`ba gro`|a i vina, koja sa izvesnim prekidima traje i danas. Naziv ove izlo`be je "Smederevska jesen" i predstavqa jednu od najzna~ajnijih poqoprivredno-turisti~kih manifestacija u Srbiji. Za{ti}eni geneti~ki resursi Po pitawu za{tite geneti~kih resursa u poqoprivredi, na podru~ju Smedereva neguje se autohtona sorta vinove loze "Smederevka" i autohtona rasa ovce - Lipska ovca. "Smederevka" je autohtona balkanska sorta vinove loze iz grupe Pontica, podgrupe Balcanisa, koja predstavqa zna~ajno lokalno obele`je i deo kulturnog nasle|a. Od ove stare, bele sorte gro`|a proizvode se stona, ali i kvalitetna vina i destilati. Lipska ovca je ugro`ena autohtona rasa ovaca (soj pramenke), ~ije je prirodno stani{te podru~je Smedereva. Ukupan broj grla ove rase ovaca na teritoriji Smedereva je oko 350. Nastala je neplanskim ukr{tawem sa drugim ovcama, ~ime je dobijena ovca koja daje vi{e mleka u odnosu na druge pramenke. Svrstana je u animalne geneti~ke resurse, zato {to ima veliku otpornost prema lo{im uslovima odgajawa, kao i prema odre|enim bolestima i poreme}ajima.



Lazarevi} and \ura| Brankovi}, and MiloĹĄ Obrenovi} also contributed to the development of vine growing. For the significance of vine growing and creation of a variety of grape vine by individual producers, in the second half of the last century, particularly responsible was the Agricultural Combine Godomin. In 1889, celebrating grape growing and wine making of Smederevo area, the first exhibition of grapes and wines was organized at the Smederevo pier, which has been going on even nowadays with some breaks. The name of this exhibition is Smederevo Autumn and it is one of the most significant agricultural and tourist events in Serbia. Protected genetic resources As to the protection of genetic resources in agriculture, the autochthonous variety of grape vine Smederevka is grown and the autochthonous sheep breed Lipa sheep is bred in the area of Smederevo. Smederevka is the autochthonous Balkan variety of grape vine from Pontica group, Balcanica subgroup, which represents a significant local peculiarity and a part of the cultural heritage. Table as well as high quality wines and distillates are produced using this old, white variety of grape. Lipa sheep is an endangered autochthonous sheep breed (a Zackel (Pramenka) strain), the natural habitat of which is the area of Smederevo. The total number of heads of this sheep breed in the territory of Smederevo is around 350. It is the result of an unplanned crossing with other sheep, whereby the sheep was obtained, which yields more milk as compared to other Zackel (Pramenka) sheep. It has been assigned to the category of animal genetic resources because it is highly resistant to poor breeding conditions as well as to certain diseases and disorders.



ZDRAVSTVO Prvi doktor medicine u Smederevu bio je Maksim Nikolica Mi{kovi}, koga je knez Milo{ postavio 1834. Od 1839. do 1849. okru`ni lekar bio je Konstantin Mihailovi}, koga je zamenio dr Jovan Valenta, sa diplomom Medicinskog fakulteta u Pragu. U Smederevu je slu`bovao do 1864. Zna~ajan datum u istoriji smederevskog zdravstva je 1867. godina, kada je u Smederevu formiran Moskovski lazaret koji je kompletno opremqen u okviru misije ruskog Crvenog krsta. Godine 1928. podignuta je zgrada za infektivne bolesti. Posle oslobo|ewa od nema~ke okupacije, postojalo je pet bolni~kih centara, koji su se u aprilu 1963. spojili sa vanbolni~kim slu`bama u zdravstvenu organizaciju ,,Milivoje Stojkovi} Mi}a", koja se u periodu 1990-2011. nalazila u sastavu Zdravstvenog centra "Sveti Luka", kao organizaciona jedinica. Op{ta bolnica "Sveti Luka" Smederevo Op{ta bolnica "Sveti Luka" Smederevo osnovana je u martu 2011. Ime je dobila po svetom Luki, apostolu i jevan|elisti. Kult wegovih svetih mo{tiju bio je vrlo zna~ajan u pro{losti Grada Smedereva, o ~emu svedo~i i podatak da je despot \ura| Brankovi} 1453. otkupio mo{ti sv. Luke iz Carigrada i preneo ih u Smederevo, gde su ostale do pada grada, 1459. godine. Dom zdravqa Zgrada Doma zdravqa "Smederevo" nalazi se u centru grada. Samostalno je po~eo da funkcioni{e 2013. sa ciqem obezbe|ewa primarne zdravstvene za{tite stanovnika Grada Smedereva.



HEALTH CARE The first doctor of medicine in Smederevo was Maksim Nikolica MiĹĄkovi}, who was appointed by Prince MiloĹĄ in 1834. From 1839 to 1849, the county doctor was Konstantin Mihailovi}, who was replaced by Dr Jovan Valenta, who had the diploma of the Faculty of Medicine in Prague. He had served in Smederevo up to 1864. The significant date in the history of Smederevo's health care is the year of 1867, when the Moscow Lazaretto was formed in Smederevo, which was completely equipped by the mission of the Russian Red Cross. In 1928, the building for infective diseases was constructed. After the liberation from the German occupation, there had been five hospital centres, which merged with the outpatient services into the health care organization Milivoje Stojkovi} Mi}a in April 1963, which was within the Medical Centre Sveti Luka (i.e. Saint Luke), as an organizational unit in the period of 1990 - 2011. General Hospital Sveti Luka Smederevo The General Hospital Sveti Luka Smederevo was founded in March 2011. It got its name after Saint Luke, the Apostle and the Evangelist. The cult of his holy relics had been quite significant in the history of the Town of Smederevo, which is borne out by the datum that Despot \ura| Brankovi}, in 1453, bought up the relics of St. Luke from Constantinople and transferred them to Smederevo, where they had stayed up to fall of the town, in 1459. Community Health Centre The building of the Smederevo Community Health Centre is situated in the town centre. It started operating autonomously in 2013, with the aim to provide the primary health care to the inhabitants of the Town of Smederevo.



KULTURA Za kulturni identitet Grada Smedereva nezaobilazna je Narodna biblioteka Smederevo, kao jedna od najstarijih u Srbiji. Prvi pomeni kwige i biblioteke u Smederevu vezuju se za despota \ur|a Brankovi}a koji je na svom dvoru u tvr|avi imao bogatu biblioteku. U dana{wem smislu re~i prva biblioteka je bila Smederevsko ~itali{te, osnovano 1846, kao prva ustanova kulture u gradu i jedna od prvih javnih biblioteka u Kne`evini Srbiji. Iz Smederevskog ~itali{ta nastala je dana{wa Narodna biblioteka Smederevo. Zasluge za otvarawe ^itali{ta pripadaju znamenitim Smederevcima tog vremena, izme|u ostalih i Paunu Jankovi}u Ba}i, koji je u to vreme bio ministar prosvete. Biblioteka je do`ivela veliko stradawe prilikom eksplozije municije 1941, kada je uni{tena zgrada i celokupan kwi`ni fond. Anga`ovawem Komesarijata za obnovu Smedereva, Gradska biblioteka po~iwe s radom novembra 1943. Od te godine ona radi u kontinuitetu, a od 1990. pod nazivom Narodna biblioteka Smederevo, prelazi u novi, adekvatno opremqen prostor, u naju`em centru grada. Narodna biblioteka Smederevo je od 1994. mati~na biblioteka za Podunavski okrug. Raspola`e fondom od 250.000 kwiga, poseduje pet ~itaonica sa ukupno 150 ~itala~kih mesta. Muzej u Smederevu Muzej u Smederevu osnovan je 1950. i predstavqa jedan od va`nijih toponima kulturnog, nau~nog, obrazovnog, ali i dru{tveno-



CULTURE The Public Library Smederevo, as one of the oldest in Serbia, is indispensable for the cultural identity of the Town of Smederevo. The first references to books and libraries in Smederevo are tied to Despot \ura| Brankovi}, who had a rich library at his court in the fortress. In the present-day sense of the word, the first library was Smederevo's Reading-club, founded in 1846, as the first cultural institution in the town and one of the first public libraries in the Princedom of Serbia. The present-day Public Library Smederevo originated from the Smederevo Reading-club. For opening of the Reading-club much credit goes to prominent Smederevo inhabitants of the time, among others to Paun Jankovi} Ba}a as well, who was the minister of education at the time. The Library suffered a devastating disaster due to a big explosion of ammunition in 1941, when the building and the entire library holdings were destroyed. Owing to the commitment of the Commissariat for Reconstruction of Smederevo to it, the Town Library started operating in November 1943. Since that year, it has been operating continuously and, as of 1990, under the name of the Public Library Smederevo, it has been at a new, adequately furnished space, in downtown. As of 1994, the Public Library Smederevo has been the central library for the Danube Basin County. It has the holdings of 250,000 books, five reading-rooms with the total of 150 reading seats. Museum in Smederevo The Museum in Smederevo was founded in 1950 and it is one of major toponyms of the cultural, scientific, educational, as well as of the social and



politi~kog miqea Smedereva i okoline. Pripada grupi zavi~ajnih muzejskih ustanova kompleksnog tipa. Sadr`i numizmati~ku zbirku od oko 12 hiqada predmeta. Godine 2001. Muzeju je poveren i Centar za kori{}ewe Smederevske tvr|ave, u okviru koga je do tada funkcionisao izlo`beni prostor gradske galerije, osnovan 1999. Po~ev od 2004, Gradska galerija savremene umetnosti Smederevo posluje kao sektor Muzeja u Smederevu. U Galeriji su organizovane pozivne izlo`be mnogih inostranih umetnika, ali i izlo`be velikog broja akademika SANU, ~ime Galerija promovi{e i ve} potvr|ene vrednosti visokog kvaliteta. Od svog osnivawa do danas, u Galeriji su organizovana 303 projekta. Paralelno sa svojom osnovnom izlo`benom delatno{}u, Gradska galerija obavqa i za{titu i prezentaciju umetni~kih dela u okviru Zbirke savremene umetnosti koja poseduje dela izvedena u razli~itim umetni~kim medijima: slike, grafike, crte`i, kola`i, skulpture, objekti, instalacije, fotografije, digitalne fotografije i printovi. Umetni~ki fond obuhvata 240 radova doma}ih i stranih autora nastalih u periodu od posledwih ~etrdeset godina. Centar za kulturu Smederevo Centar za kulturu Smederevo (ranije Dom kulture) po~eo je s radom 1982. godine. Pod sada{wim nazivom posluje od aprila 2001. Misija Centra je kulturna, moralna i duhovna dekontaminacija dru{tva, podizawe kvaliteta `ivota i stepena gra|anske i ekolo{ke svesti.



political milieu of Smederevo and its environs. It belongs to the group of local museum-type institutions of a complex type. It holds a coin collection of around 12 thousand exhibits. In 2001, the Museum was also given the charge of the Centre for Utilization of the Smederevo Fortress, within which, up to then, the exhibition space of the town gallery had functioned, which was founded in 1999. As of 2004, the Town Contemporary Art Gallery Smederevo has been operating as a department of the Museum in Smederevo. The Gallery has organized invited exhibitions of many foreign artists, as well as exhibitions of a great number of academicians of the Serbian Academy of Science and Arts, whereby the Gallery promotes even already corroborated high quality values. Since its foundation up to these days, the Gallery has organized 303 projects. Concurrently with its basic exhibition-related activity, the Town Gallery also attends to art-conservation and presentation of works of art within the Collection of Contemporary Arts, which includes works of art made in different art media: paintings, graphics, drawings, collages, sculptures, objects, installations, photographs, digital photos, and prints. The art holdings include 240 works of art of local and foreign authors created in the period of the past forty years. Cultural Centre Smederevo The Cultural Centre Smederevo (formerly the Hall of Culture) started operating in 1982. It has been operating under the present name since April 2001. The mission of the Centre is cultural, moral and spiritual decontamination of the society, and raising of the quality of life and of the level of civic and ecological awareness.



Grad Smederevo veliku pa`wu posve}uje kulturnom `ivotu, kroz negu tradicije i istorije koja je u nasle|e ostavila Gradu neprocewivo blago, ali i kroz stalno osavremewivawe kulturnih sadr`aja. Najzna~ajnije kulturne manifestacije su: Smederevska jesen Ova manifestacija postala je za{titni znak Smedereva. Svakog septembra, uz defile sredwovekovnih vitezova, lepih devojaka, dece i karnevalskih grupa, odr`ava se bogat kulturno-umetni~ki program u slavu gro`|a, vina i vremena \ur|eve despotovine. Po~eci i temeqi manifestacije, koja je postala deo identiteta grada i wegovog razvoja, vezani su za kraj 19. veka, za izlo`be vo}a, koje su zna~ajno uticale na izgra|ivawe ugleda smederevskog kraja kao vo}arskog i vinogradarskog podru~ja, cewenog i u me|unarodnim okvirima. Danas se u okviru "Smederevske jeseni" afirmi{u osobenosti grada - pored vo}arskih i vinogradarskih proizvoda, posetioce manifestacije o~ekuju autenti~ni seoski, etno-motivi na poqoprivrednoj izlo`bi "Seoska dvori{ta", promocija privrednih potencijala, kulturni programi, radionice, predstave, koncerti i sportska takmi~ewa. Na glavnom gradskom trgu, u Vinskom gradu, na Dunavskom keju i u Smederevskoj tvr|avi, tokom trajawa manifestacije okupqaju se hiqade posetilaca kojima Smederevo, nekada{wa srpska prestonica, iz godine u godinu pokazuje da je grad otvorenog srca.



The Town of Smederevo focuses a great attention on the cultural life through the fostering of tradition and history, which has handed down priceless treasures to the Town, as well as through constant modernization of cultural attractions. The most significant cultural events are: Smederevo Autumn This event has become the trademark of Smederevo. Every September, with the march-past of medieval knights, beautiful young women, children, and carnival groups, a rich cultural and artistic programme is held in celebration of grapes, wines, and the time of \ura|'s Despotate. The first steps and the foundations of the event, which has become a part of the identity of the town and its development, are tied to the end of the 19th century, to fruit exhibitions, which have had a significant impact on the acquiring of the reputation of Smederevo area as the fruit and wine growing area, highly appreciated on international scale as well. Today, within Smederevo Autumn, peculiarities of the town are put on the map - in addition to fruit and grape products, the visitors of the event have the opportunity to see authentic rural, ethno-motives at the agricultural exhibition Seoska dvoriĹĄta (i.e. Village Dooryards), promotion of economic potentials, cultural programmes, workshops, performances, concerts, and sports competitions. On the main town square, in the Wine Town, on the Danube quay, and in the Smederevo Fortress, in the course of the event, thousands of visitors gather together, to whom Smederevo, once a Serbian capital, shows that it is the open heart town year after year.



Nu{i}evi dani Pozori{ni festival "Nu{i}evi dani" pokrenut je 1984. sa ciqem popularizacije dela Branislava Nu{i}a, najve}eg srpskog komediografa, koji je deo detiwstva i mladosti proveo u Smederevu. Ovaj presti`ni festival koji se odr`ava u aprilu okupqa brojne pozori{ne predstave, a organizuju se i nau~ni skupovi, tribine, izlo`be, de~ji programi i prezentacije kwiga posve}enih Nu{i}u. Na festivalu se dodequje Nagrada za `ivotno delo glumcu komi~aru.



Nuši}'s Days Nuši}'s Days theatrical festival was launched in 1984 with the aim to popularize the works of Branislav Nuši}, the greatest Serbian comediographer, who spent a part of his childhood and youth in Smederevo. This prestigious festival, which is held in April, gathers together numerous theatrical performances, and scientific gatherings, forums, exhibitions, children's programmes, and presentations of books dedicated to Nuši} are also organized. The Life Achievement Award is presented to a comedian actor at the festival.



Teatar u Tvr|avi Festival "Teatar u Tvr|avi" ambijentalnog je karaktera. Odr`ava se u letwem periodu u Malom gradu Smederevske tvr|ave. Pozori{ne predstave vrhunskog kvaliteta, okupqawe zna~ajnih imena srpske i strane gluma~ke scene, oboreni rekordi pose}enosti, u o~aravaju}em prostoru sredwovekovnog grada despota \ur|a, doprinose magiji ovog festivala koji iz godine u godinu ja~a kulturni identitet Smedereva. Smederevska pesni~ka jesen Me|unarodni pesni~ki festival je pokrenut u Smederevu 1970. Osim zavi~ajnih pisaca, uglednih srpskih i stranih autora, na ovom sajmu poezije svoja dela afirmi{u i mawe poznati pisci sa svih meridijana. Festival je dosad okupio preko 150 hiqada posetilaca. Patosofirawe Ovaj pozori{ni i multimedijalni festival pokrenut je 2005. Neguje sna`an autorski pristup, inventivnost i nove umetni~ke projekte. Namewen je mladoj publici, a okupqa brojne eminentne umetnike iz Srbije i inostranstva. U okviru ovog festivala u Smederevu se organizuju predstave, filmske projekcije, koncerti, performansi, radionice i izlo`be.



Theatre in the Fortress The Theatre in the Fortress festival is of an ambiance-like character. It is held in the summer period in the Small Town of the Smederevo Fortress. Theatrical performances of superior quality, gathering together of notable names of the Serbian and international actor stage, attendance rate records shattered, in the enchanting space of the medieval town of Despot \ura|, contribute to the magic of this festival, which enhances the cultural identity of Smederevo year in year out. Smederevo Poetical Autumn The international poetical festival was launched in Smederevo in 1970. Apart from native writers, respectable Serbian and foreign authors, at this fair of poetry, less known writers from all the meridians also win recognition for their respective works. Up to now, the festival has gathered over 150 thousand visitors. Patosofiranje (i.e. Stage Flirting) This theatre and multimedia festival was initiated in 2005. It fosters a strong authorial approach, inventiveness, and new artistic projects. It is intended for the young public, and it gathers together numerous eminent artists from Serbia and abroad. Within this festival, performances, film projections, concerts, performances, workshops, and exhibitions are organized in Smederevo.













Moderne novobeogradske fasade: 1-3. JU-biznis centar 4-7. Sava grad 8. Delta Holding 9. MDS 10. GTC Haus

Modern New Belgrade facades: 1-3. YU-business Center 4-7. Sava Grad-City 8. Delta Holding 9. MDS 10. GTC Haus



ИНТЕР-МЕХАНИКА д.о.о. Скореновац Ремонтна радионица Смедерево, Горанска 12 Тел: 026 4631 697, 4631 698 e- mail:




















„ЧАПЛИН“ За љубитеље природе и добре кухиње

Ресторан „Чаплин“ осим великог избора пица врхунског квалитета, по којима је чувен надалеко, у свом менију има и специјалитете националне кухиње, кувана јела и јела са роштиља. Организујемо и све врсте прослава са капацитетом до 70 места. У непосредној близини нашег објекта налази се уређена плажа на Шалиначком језеру опремљена лежаљкама и тушевима. За потпуни ужитак гостима су на располагању и спортска пловила попут педалина и скутера, као и скије за воду. Обезбеђено је и место за камповање и пaркинг.


ПИЦЕРИЈА „ЧАПЛИН“ / 11311 СМЕДЕРЕВО / Ковинска 5 / Тел: 065 47 79 605 / E-mail:

Za ljubitelje prirode i dobre kuhinje Restoran „Čaplin“ osim velikog izbora pica vrhunskog kvaliteta, po kojima je čuven nadaleko, u svom meniju ima i specijalitete nacionalne kuhinje, kuvana jela i jela sa roštilja. Organizujemo i sve vrste proslava sa kapacitetom do 70 mesta. U neposrednoj blizini našeg objekta nalazi se uređena plaža na Šalinačkom jezeru opremljena ležaljkama i tuševima. Za potpuni užitak gostima su na raspolaganju i sportska plovila poput pedalina i skutera, kao i skije za vodu. Obezbeđeno je i mesto za kampovanje i parking.



reduze}e se afirmisalo na jugoslovenskom i svetskom tr`i{tu vrednim izdava~ko - grafi~kim i marketin{kim programima. Nastalo je iz Agencije "Beograd" koja je osnovana 1987. U sopstvenoj {tampariji, sa ekipom vrhunskih stru~waka za marketing, `urnalistiku, dizajn i kompjutersku pripremu, PRES EKSPRES realizuje naj-

slo`enije projekte u visokokvalitetnim tehnikama ofset {tampe. PRES EKSPRES je publikovao brojne luksuzne monografije gradova Srbije, Crne Gore i Republike Srpske i specijalna izdawa kao {to su karte "Turisti~ke regije Srbije". [tampa ~asopise, kataloge, prospekte, katalo{ke listove,

separate, kwige, uybenike, bro{ure, kalendare, rokovnike, razglednice, etikete, plakate... Poverewe brojnih partnera PRES EKSPRES je stekao poslovno{}u, popularnim cenama i vrhunskim rezultatima.

PRESS EXPRESS 11030 Beograd, Blagoja Parovi}a 19a Tel/faks: 011/ 3559-188 E-mail: Po{tanski fah: 2024

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