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Srbija zemlja Banja Srbija je zemlja sva u slikama. i u lepotama od kojih neretko zastaje dah. Zemlja dobra i rodna toliko da može, kažu, i čoveka da rodi.


riroda je na ovim prostorima sabrala sve najlepše što može da se podari, bila je izdašna u darovima toliko da nisu samo predeli oslikani lepotom, već je čitava Srbija odenuta lepotom. Zato vredi njome putovati, pa čak i kad su ta putovanja ponekad, zbog puteva, mnogo daleka. Vredi koračati njenim nedrima, zakoračiti u samo srce koje vas vuče kroz prostor vanvremenske lepote. I kroz vreme, kroz istoriju i tajne, kroz legende, zagonetke i priče, one znane i one koje se tek otkrivaju. Doživeti bar deo te lepote, osetiti blagodeti koje je iznedrila gotovo na svakom koraku, iza i ispred vas, svuda oko vas, neprocenjiv je dar za oko, za dušu posmatrača, za čitavo telo. Za one koji žele da osete snagu prirode, da zarone u sliku koja nudi istoriju i geografiju u kombinaciji sa mitologijom. Ovo je pravi prostor, prožet vekovnom mudrošću, ili neka vrsta raja dostupnog čoveku. Srbija je dobra zemlja, smeštena baš na pravo mesto. Toliko je dobra i rodna, misao je majke – seljanke, da može i čoveka da rodi. Ima Srbija i planine, surove i pitome, ravničarske i planinske reke koje su je umrežile, sunčane ravnice, sve vrste klime, lekovita vrela. Ima energiju, duh, ljubav prema muzici, dobrom zalogaju. Ima nadasve dobre i gostoljubive ljude. Napretek je povoda za dolaske i vraćanja na ove prostore na kojima se stvarala i pisala istorija, za otkrivanje (ne)obuzdane prirode i njenih darova. Za punu priču o svekolikom blagu, onom od predaka i ovom sadašnjem, rečima je tesno a mislima široko. Ali svi koje put slučajno ovde navede, kao i namernici koji su željni odmora, otrkivanja misterija, uživanja, ozdravljenja, mogu da od davnina i od sadašnjeg trenutka „ukradu“ za sebe bar deo svekolike blagodeti. Srbija je velika tajna, - napisala je pesnikinja Desanka Maksimović. Gde god da počnete priču o njoj, sa juga ili severa, zapada ili istoka, ne može se sve nabrojati. Kako god i gde god da krene svako ko je pohodi imaće pred sobom obilje lepote, istorije, kulture, zdravlja. Svaki kraj je toliko svoj da ima i nosi prepoznatljiv pečat i dušu. Susreću se na ovim prostorima i prepliću civilizacije. Bogata i burna višemilenijumska istorija ostavila je nepobitne tragove. Brojna arheološka nalazišta prava su svedočanstva o praistorijskom životu na ovom području – Lepenski vir, Vinča, Starčevo. Mnogi rimski imperatori carevali su ovde, gradili puteve, podizali gradove, u termama uživali i lečili se. Manastiri nastali u razdoblju od 10. do 17. veka, od doline Morave i Ibra do Fruške gore, ili od Drine do Stare planine na istoku, čuvari su istorije i vere. Prave su duhovne banje. Tu si i one druge – lekovite banje, kojih u Srbiji ima toliko i takvih da imaju lek za gotovo svaku boljku. Srbija je zemlja banja. U njima je na dlanu lepota. Netaknuta priroda. I lekovita zemlja, voda, vazduh. Treba ih samo uzeti – okom, dušom, telom. Vredi u njih ići, posebno u ovo novo brzo i stresno doba koje „mrvi“ i telo i dušu, skraćuje korak. Za svakoga ovde ima ponešto i svakome može mnogo da pruži – uživanje, pravi hedonizam, zabavu, dobrodošlicu, prirodu, sport i avanturu, kulturu, zdravlje.

Serbia – the land of Spa Serbia is a land full of images, and also of beauties that often take your breath away. A land so good and fertile that, as they say, it can even give birth to a man.


he nature gathered here all the most beautiful things it can give, and it has been so generous in gifts that not only sceneries are painted with beauty, but the whole Serbia is dressed up in beauty. Visiting this country is, therefore, worth one’s while. It is worth travelling around it even when these journeys may seem sometimes too distant because of the roads. It is worth walking through its chest, stepping into the very heart that pushes you through the space of eternal beauty. And through time, through history and secrets, through legends, mysteries and stories – those well known and those yet to be discovered. Experiencing at least one bit of that beauty and feeling the amenities it has brought out to the surface in almost every step behind and before you, all around you, is a priceless gift to the eye and soul of an observer, to his whole body. This is the right place for those who want to feel the strengths of nature and to dive into the image offered by history and geography in combination with mythology – a place imbued with centuries-old wisdom, or some sort of paradise accessible to man. Serbia is a good land, placed just on the right spot. It is so good and fertile – as thought by a peasant mother – that it can even give birth to a man. Serbia has mountains, brutal and gentle, lowland and mountainous rivers interlinked into a web, sunny plains, all types of climate, healing springs. It has energy, spirit, love to music and a good bite. And, above all, it has good and hospitable people. There are too many reasons to come and return to this land where history was created and written, and to discover (un)tamed nature and its gifts. The space is too tight for words and too wide for thoughts to tell the whole story about all its treasures – both from ancestors and the present one. But all those who come this way by chance, or chance travellers eager for holiday, mystery solving, pleasures or healing, can “steal” for themselves at least a bit of all that treasure from the ancient times and from the present moment. Serbia is one big secret, poetess Desanka Maksimović wrote. Wherever you start from with a story about it, whether from south or north, from west or east, you cannot mention it all. No matter how or where one starts his visit will surely find before him beauty, history, culture and health in abundance. Every region is so unique that it has its own mark and soul. Civilisations meet and interweave here. Rich and turbulent millennia-long history has left incontestable traces. Numerous archaeological sites are true testimonies of prehistoric life in this region – Lepenski vir, Vinča, Starčevo. Many Roman emperors reigned here, built roads, raised towns, enjoyed and recovered in thermae. Monasteries built between the 10th and 17th centuries, from Morava and Ibar valleys to Fruška gora, or from the River Drina to the Old Mountain in the east, are all keepers of history and faith. They are true spiritual spas. The other ones are here, too – healing spas, so numerous in Serbia and of such kind that they have cure for almost every illness. Serbia is the land of spas. They hold beauty in their palms; intact nature; and healing land, water and air. All you need is to take them – with your eyes, with your soul, with your body. They are worth visiting, especially in these modern, fast and stressful times that “crush” both body and soul, and slow you down. It has something for everyone and can offer a lot – pleasure, true hedonism, entertainment, welcome, nature, sports and adventure, culture, health.



Kao Kleopatra i Cezar Na pedesettri lokacije današnje Srbije u luksuznom prostoru, lečili su se i uživali rimski vojnici, narod, njihovi carevi



adašnji spa i wellness centri nisu novina, oni su u velikoj meri rekonstruisana kupatila starih Egipćana, Krićana, Grka, Rimljana. Počelo je sve još u drevnim civilizacijama. Parnim kupkama i toplom vazduhu još u 5. veku pre nove ere često i rado predavali su se Grci. U kupkama za okrepljenje od glave do pete, ali i za lečenje, uživali su, odvojeno ili zajedno, i Kleopatra i Cezar. Istinsko uživanje u kupanju osmislili su stari Rimljani. Reč terme (thermaes) upotrebljena je prvi put da bi se njome imenovala kupatila koje je u prvom veku nove ere podigao Agripa. Nešto kasnije carevi su podizali velika kupatila, pa su terme postale tradicija antičkog Rima. Terme nisu služile samo za kupanje, bila su to mesta predviđena za odmor kome su se predavali svi rimski građani, muškarci, žene i deca. Služile su terme i za poverljive, pa i poslovne razgovore po separeima. Bile su one luksuzan prostor za uživanje, opuštanje, za oporavak tela, prikupljanje nove snage, za gozbe. U prostranim zajedničkim kupatilima imali su sve - tople i hladne kupke, prodavnice, biblioteke, pa i kupleraje, vodili su u termama društveni život. Rimljani su kupke toplom vodom smatrali najboljim načinom za brzo i potpuno fizičko opuštanje, za isceljenje. Na 53 lokacije današnje Srbije, na luksuznom i mozaicima ukrašenom prostoru, lečili su se i uživali rimski vojnici, narod, njihovi carevi. Uz izvore termo-mineralnih voda gradili su kupatila, bazene, vile, o čemu postoje tragovi i svedočanstva u Vrnjačkoj, Niškoj, Sokobanji, Jošaničkoj, Kuršumlijskoj, Vranjskoj, Ribarskoj i drugim banjama. Dva milenijuma kasnije lekoviti termalni izvori sve su omiljenije destinacije savremenog čoveka. Banje, osim tradicionalnog lečenja darovima prirode, sve više nude i uživanje za sva čula, za postizanje fizičke i psihičke harmonije.


Like Cleopatra and Caesar There are 53 locations in today’s Serbia where Roman soldiers, people, their emperors enjoyed and recovered, often in a luxurious space


oday’s spa and wellness centres are not a novelty; many of them are reconstructed baths of ancient Egyptians, Cretans, Greeks and Romans. It all started back with the ancient civilisations. Greeks often gave way to steam baths and hot air back in the 5th century B.C. Cleopatra and Caesar also enjoyed baths, whether together or separately, for invigoration and recovery from head to toe, and also for treatment. Genuine pleasure in bathing was invented by ancient Romans. The word thermae was used for the first time to denote baths built by Agrippa in the 1st century A.D. Later on, emperors started building big baths, and thermae became a tradition of the ancient Rome. Thermae weren’t just used for bathing; these were places for relaxation gladly used by all Roman citizens, men, women and children. Thermae also served for confidential even business talks in private rooms. They were a luxurious space for pleasure, relaxation, body recovery, regaining new strength, for feasts. They had everything in common baths – hot and cold baths, shops, libraries, even brothels – they had a social life in thermae. Hot water baths were deemed by the Romans to be the best way for fast and full physical relaxation and healing. There are 53 locations in today’s Serbia where Roman soldiers, people, their emperors enjoyed and recovered, often in a luxurious space sometimes even decorated with mosaics. They built baths, swimming pools and villas next to the thermal mineral water springs – this is evidenced by remnants in Vrnjačka, Niška, Sokobanja, Jošanička, Kuršumlijska, Vranjska, Ribarska and other spas. Two millennia later, the healing thermal springs are becoming ever more popular destination of a modern man. Spas, along with traditional treatments with gifts from nature, are offering more and more pleasure for all senses and achievement of physical and mental harmony.



Razgovor s istorijom Na tlu današnje Srbije rođeno je 16 rimskih imperatora




ravi tragaoci, kao i oni radoznali da saznaju ponešto ili mnogo toga o nasleđu na ovim prostorima, o moći i umeću predaka, mogu u Srbiji, od severa do juga, sebi da priušte istinski susret i razgovor sa istorijom, carevima, rimskim imperatorima. Rođeno je na tlu današnje Srbije i na carski presto stupilo 16, a neki kažu i 18 rimskih imperatora. Ponikli su u rimskim provicnijama Donja Panonija i Gornja Mezija od sredine III do VI veka novog doba. Ovde im je bio zavičaj. Hrabri, odani, puni časti i vere, životne snage i čvrstine, seljaci, govedari, gradili su uspešne vojne karijere, zavređivali purpurne carske ogrtače. „Zaslužili su da od podanika postanu gospodari i da trud, tegobu, marljivost i žrtvu generacija predaka odenu u carski grimiz i purpur, kao božanski namirenu nagradu. Upravo ta korifejna vezanost za korene od kojih su ponikli vraćala ih je ka rodnom tlu i tu su tražili večni smiraj i uspomenu“, - pisao je poznati filolog akademik Milan Budimir. Podizali su carevi u zavičaju gradove, palate, letnjikovce, terme, gradili puteve i mnogo toga još. Pokazuju to i dokazuju brojna nalazišta iz tog perioda. Duž Dunava i drugih pravaca bilo je više velikih rimskih gradova - Sirmijum kod Sremske Mitrovice, u kome je rođeno čak 7 imperatora, Viminacijum kod Kostolca, Felix Romuliana u Gamzigradu kod Zaječara, gde je rođen i sahranjen car Galerije. U Naisusu - Nišu u III veku rođen je imperator Konstantin Veliki, čuven i po tome što je Milanskim ediktom pre 1.700 godina ozvaničio hrišćanstvo u Rimskoj imperiji, što je izgradio raskošnu palatu u Medijani. Po njemu je Konstantinopolj, današnji Istanbul, dobio ime. Tu je i Šarkamen. I Justinijana Prima ili Caričin Grad kod Lebana, pa Singidunum – Beograd, poznat kao grad otvorenog srca. Sve to svedoči o velikom značaju ovog prostora u Rimskom carstvu, ali i pokazuje koliko je to potencijal za jedinstvenu turističku ponudu. Projekat „Put rimskih careva“ postaje pravi turistički brend Srbije.


A chat with history 16 Roman emperors were born in the territory of today’s Serbia


rue seekers and those curious to learn something or a lot about the heritage of this region, about power and know-how of its ancestors, can experience in Serbia – from north to south – the joy of a genuine encounter and chat with history ; and with emperors – Roman emperors, to be more exact. 16 – some say even 18 – Roman emperors were born and assumed the imperial throne in the territory of today’s Serbia. They were raised in Roman provinces of Lower Pannonia and Upper Moesia in the period between the middle of the 3rd and the 6th centuries A.D. Their homeland was here. Brave, loyal, full of honour and faith, strength of life and toughness, peasants, cowherds, they built successful military careers, and merited purple royal robes. “They deserved to turn from subjects into masters, and to wrap the effort, trouble, diligence and sacrifice of the whole generations of their ancestors with royal crimson and purple as a divinely settled reward. It was that coryphaeus attachment to their roots that made them return to their homeland where they sought eternal peace and memory” – the famous philologist and academician Milan Budimir wrote. The emperors built cities, palaces, summer homes, thermae in their homeland, roads, too, and so much more. This is demonstrated and evidenced by numerous sites from that period. There were several big Roman cities along the Danube and other directions: Sirmium near Sremska Mitrovica, where no less than 7 emperors were born, Viminacium near Kostolac, Felix Romuliana in Gamzigrad near Zaječar, where the Emperor Galerius was born and buried. Naissus – Niš is where the Emperor Constantine the Great was born in the 3rd century, famous, among other, for declaring Christianity official in the Roman Empire in the Edict of Milan 1700 years ago, and for building a sumptuous palace in Mediana. Constantinople, today’s Istanbul, was named after him. Then, there is also Šarkamen. And Justiniana Prima or Caričin Grad near Lebane, and Singidunum – Belgrade – known as the city of open heart. All this bears evidence of huge importance of this region in the Roman Empire, and it also shows great potentials for a unique tourist offer. A project called “The Roman Emperors Route” has become a real tourist brand of Serbia.


Banjska diplomatija U banjama se vodila državna politika, mondenski život, birale lepotice


oliko da su blagodatne, lekovite i moćne sa onim što im je bogomdano, mnoge banje Srbije nisu bile samo oaze zdravlja i provoda. Ni samo narodne, ili mondenske. Bile su one i mesta u kojima se vodila visoka politika, diplomatija. U banjskim rezidencijama predstavnici obe srpske dinastije, koji su rado i često dolazili u banje i u njih ulagali i državne i svoje novce, donosili su i važne državne odluke. Čuvaju banje tako od zaborava, a možda još uvek i skrivaju, mnoge tajne. Ipak, mnoga svedočanstva daju za pravo da se kaže da je banjska diplomatija još jedna odlika srpskih banja. Istorija srpske države i istorija banja gotovo da idu pod ruku jedna s drugom. Počev od kneza Miloša Obrenovića i njegovog povratka iz progonstva kada odlazi pravo u Sokobanju, do kralja Petra II Karađorđevića koji je u Kur-salonu Banje Koviljače proglasio opštu mobilizaciju i odatle emigrirao iz zemlje. Ne samo da je knez Miloš krepio zdravlje i uživao u sokobanjskoj lekovitoj vodi u svojoj kadi i konacima podignutim za njega, nego je u ovoj Banji doneo i prvi pravilnik o uređenju banja, tu je postavio i prvog banjskog lekara u Srbiji. Državničke poslove je obavljao, primao službene posete, politiku vodio i iz Brestovačke Banje, u kojoj je za njega sagrađen konak za odmor. Odlazi knez Miloš i u Bukovičku Banju. On je i doneo odluku o njenom nastanku, po njegovoj naredbi ovde je započeta gradnja dvorca Staro zdanje. Upravo u tom zdanju, vikend pre atentata proveo je Milošev sin knez Mihailo Obrenović, koji je inače ovde, kao i njegov naslednik kralj Milan Obrenović, u raskošnoj kneževoj dvorani priređivao još raskošnije balove. U vreme Kolubarske bitke u ovoj velelepnoj građevini, čuvenom delu srpske arhitekture iz doba romantizma, bio je glavni štab srpske vojske. Kralj Petar I Karađorđević je najčešće boravio u Ribarskoj banji i to zbog njenih toplih mineralnih izvora, a svoje kostobolje. Pored toga što je na brdu iznad Banje posmatrao vežbe vojske i oficira, ponekad je i sam učestvovao u gađanju. Bavio se ovde i državničkim poslovima. U Ribarskoj Banji je 1913. godine potpisao Deklaraciju o prisajedinjenju Kosova i Metohije matici Srbiji. I u toplim vodama Vranjske Banje je kralj Petar I Karađorđević nastojao da zaleči svoju reumu. Bio je čest gost, proveo je tu čitavo leto 1914. godine, iz Banje je pratio vesti sa ratišta na Ceru. I naredne godine dolazi u ovu banju sa najtoplijom vodom u Evropi, u kojoj se čuva i koristi „kraljeva kada“ za njega napravljena. Odatle je 1915. godine krenuo sa srpskom vojskom u povlačenje na jug. Kralj Aleksandar I Karađorđević je iz Niške Banje otišao na svoje poslednje putovanje u Marsej, gde je poginuo u atentatu 1934. godine. Elitno zdanje poput versajskih dvoraca – Kur salon u Banji Koviljači, sa prvom kockarnicom na Balkanu, svojim parama podigao je kralj Aleksandar I Karađorđević. Ovde je dolazio na balove, kockanje, vodio državničke poslove. Kraljev lični kockarski sto danas se nalazi u Prirodnjačkom muzeju u Sarajevu. Igrom sudbine, ili igrom slučaja njegov sin maloletni kralj Petar II Karađorđević je u raskošnoj dvorani Kur-salona aprila meseca 1941. doneo zakasnelu odluku o proglašenju opšte mobilizacije. Odatle je prešao u Crnu Goru i emigrirao. U banjskim oazama Srbije svoje zdravlje su oporavljali, duh oplemenjivali i remek dela stvarali mnogi znani pisci, pesnici, umetnici Srbije. U njima su industrijalci, političari, imućni ljudi podizali monumentalna zdanja. Mnoge su, poput svetskih poznatih banja, bile prava mondenska mesta po kojima su „šetale“ najmodernije pariske i bečke haljine, najbogatije narodne nošnje. Ako je prvo svetsko takmičenje za izbor lepotice održano je u belgijskoj banji Spa 1888. godine, onda je Banja Koviljača bila prva među našim banjama u kojoj je 20-ih godina minulog veka izabrana prva mis ondašnje Jugoslavije. I danas se u mnogim banjama „vodi“ politika, donose važne odluke, vodi mondenski život, biraju lepotice.

___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Duhovni horizonti Na bilo koju stranu iz bilo koje banje Srbije da krenete putevi vas vode do riznica, skrivenih ili vidljivih, do mesta koja opčinjavaju svojom davninom, arhitekturom, duhovnošću. Okolina svih banja bogata je istorijskom i kulturnom baštinom. Banje i okolina su jedna drugoj osnova i potka. Najpoznatije banje čuvaju i pored njih se uzdižu brojni srednjevekovni manastiri, centri duhovnosti i remek dela arhitekture. Uz njih ili nedaleko od njih su ostaci rimskih gradova, carske palate, srednjovekovne tvrđave, najlepši spomenici.


Spa diplomacy State politics were run from the spas, mundane life, too, beauties were chosen


o matter how beneficial, healing and powerful they were with what was heavenly sent to them, many spas in Serbia were not just oases of health and entertainment, or just popular or mundane. They were also places where high politics was performed, and diplomacy. Representatives of both Serbian dynasties, who would often visit spas with pleasure and invest both their own and state money in them, also made important state decisions in the spa residences. Spas keep many secrets from oblivion, and perhaps they may be still hiding some others. Yet, many testimonies rightfully confirm that spa diplomacy is another feature of the Serbian spas. History of the Serbian state and history of spas go hand in hand with each other. Starting from the Prince Miloš Obrenović and his return from exile when he went straight to Sokobanja, to the King Petar II Karađorđević who declared general mobilisation in the Cure-Salon in Banja Koviljača where he left the country from. Not only did the Prince Miloš refresh his health and enjoy Sokobanja healing water in his bathtub and residences built for him, but he also adopted in this Spa the first by-law on spas. This is also where he appointed the first spa doctor in Serbia. He performed state affairs, received official visits and governed from Brestovačka Banja, too, where a residence was built for him to rest. Prince Miloš used to go to Bukovička Banja as well. He is the one who made a decision on its establishment and it was upon his order that construction of the palace Old Building was started there. It was in that building where Miloš’s son, prince Miahailo Obrenović, spent a weekend before his assassination. Its sumptuous Prince Hall was used by Mihailo, as well as his heir, King Milan Obrenović, to organise even more sumptuous balls. During the Battle of Kolubara this magnificent structure, famous work of the Serbian architecture from the period of romanticism, housed the supreme headquarters of the Serbian army. King Petar I Karađorđević most often stayed in Ribarska banja for its hot mineral springs due to his rheumatism. Along with watching exercises of his army and officers from the hill above the Spa, he would sometimes take part in shooting, too. He also performed state affairs there. He signed the Declaration on joining Kosovo and Metohija to mother Serbia in Ribarska Banja in 1913. King Petar I Karađorđević tried to heal his rheumatism also in the hot water of Vranjska Banja. He was a devoted guest of this Spa, where he spent the entire summer of 1914 following the news from the battlefield of Cer. He went back the following year to this spa with the hottest water in Europe, where the “kralja kada” (Royal Bath) made for him is still preserved and used. From there he started retreating with the Serbian army towards South in 1915. King Aleksandar I Karađorđević took his last trip from Niška Banja to Marseille, where he was assassinated in 1934. The elite building resembling palaces of Versailles – the Cure-Salon in Banja Koviljača, with the first casino in the Balkans, was built by the King Aleksandar I Karađorđević with his own money. This is where he went for balls and gambling and where he performed state affairs. King’s personal gambling table is kept today in the Museum of Natural History in Sarajevo. By the twist of faith or by accident his minor son, the King Petar II Karađorđević, made a late decision on declaration of general mobilisation in the sumptuous hall of the Cure-Salon in April 1941 from where he went to Montenegro and emigrated. Many famous writers, poets and artists of Serbia restored their health, elevated their spirits and created their master-pieces in the spa oases of Serbia. Industrialists, politicians and wealthy people built monumental buildings in them. Many of them, just like world-known spas, were true mundane places where most fashionable dresses from Paris and Vienna and the richest folk costumes were “taken for a walk”. If the first world beauty competition was held in the Belgium Spa in 1888, then Banja Koviljača was the first of our spas where the first Miss of the then Yugoslavia was chosen in 1920s. Even today politics is “run”, important decisions are made in many spas, grand style is lived, and Misses selected.

____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Spiritual horizons Anywhere you go from any spa in Serbia, your route will take you to treasuries, both visible and hidden, to places that fascinate with their antiquity, architecture and spirituality. Surrounding areas of all spas are rich in historical and cultural heritage. Spas and their surroundings are each other’s warps and woofs. Most famous spas keep in their vicinity numerous medieval monasteries, centres of spirituality and architectural master-pieces. Next to them or not far away from them are the remnants of Roman cities, imperial palaces, medieval fortresses and the most beautiful monuments.



Milenijumi zdravlja iz vode Odvajkada su na ovim prostorima banje bile riznice zdravlja


rbija je banjska oaza, ili pravi trezor prirodnog blaga. Malo koja zemlja u svetu može da se podiči takvim bogatstvom mineralnih i lekovitih voda. Istraživanja potvrđuju da Srbija leži na ogromnom jezeru termomineralnih voda. Registrovano je 1.050 hladne i tople mineralne vode. Ej, 1.050 raznih izvorišta, a tu je i veliko bogatstvo prirodnog gasa i lekovitog blata. Od tih silnih lekovitih izvora 264 su u potpunosti ispitana. Srbija se po ovome ubraja među najbogatije zemlje u Evropi. Dovoljno je reći da Francuska ima banja koliko Kopaonik vrela. Na ovom prostoru uživali su i lečili se još stari Rimljani i to na 53 lokaliteta. Tragovi tog rimskog nepogrešivog prepoznavanja blagodatnog mesta postoje i danas. Zna se i da su se još od praistorije mineralne vode koristile za lečenje. To su bila mesta na kojima su se održavali obredi, gde su ljudi, kupanjem ili pijenjem vode, stizali do ozdravljenja. Koristili su još tada obloge od blata (peloida). Odvajkada su banje Srbije korišćene za oporavak tela i za zdravlje. Tamo se vidaju rane, leči tuga, mnogi kažu da se leči impotencija i prepotencija, skoro sve čovekove falinke. Fizičko i duhovno pročišćenje posebno su praktikovali Rimljani na prelasku u novu eru, što potvrđuju i arheološka nalazišta. Koristili su vodu sa izvora „Topla voda“ u Vrnjcima sve do četvrtog veka nove ere, o čemu svedoči danas čuveni Rimski izvor – Fons Romanus u Vrnjačkoj Banji. Rimljanima su, a ima tome dva milenijuma, bile poznate Niška, Jošanička, Kuršumlijska, Gamzigradska, Vrnjačka i Sokobanja, u kojima su oni gradili bazene i bunare za oporavak svojih legionara. Novija istraživanja ukazuju da su terme postojale u današnjoj Vranjskoj, Ribarskoj i Ovčar banji. Koristile su se one i u doba Vizanstijskog carstva, a kada su Turci osvojili ovaj deo Balkana počela su da niču turska kupatila – amami, od kojih se neka i danas koriste - u Sokobanji, Novopazarskoj, Brestovačkoj Banji. Turska kupatila u Ribarskoj Banji obnavljao je i knez Aleksandar Karađorđević, a danas je u tom amamu na ovim prostorima najlepši wellness centar. U 19. i početkom 20. veka banje postaju popularne među tadašnjim otmenim svetom. Bile su omiljeno boravište kraljeva, industrijalaca, trgovaca, pisaca, slikara. Ovim lečilištima tela i duše poklanja se sve veća pažnja, tolika da je 1914. godine u Kraljevini Srbiji donet prvi zakon o banjama. Između dva rata u njima se grade impozantne vile, letnjikovci, uređuju se parkovi, a u drugoj polovini minulog veka podižu se lečilišta za oporavak radnika, savremeni centri za rehabilitaciju. Darivane i okružene prirodnim lepotama, ali i kulturno istorijskim nasleđem, manastirima – duhovnim banjama, banje Srbije su prave riznice zdravlja. U njima je ugodno biti i leti i zimi, u svako doba, sve više su i mesta zabave, odmora, kulture. U poslednje vreme moderni objekti, sportski tereni, bazeni, staze zdravlja dopunjuju zdravstvene sadržaje. Postaju banje sve poznatije i po uslovima za pripremu sportista. A wellness centri koji niču idealni su za prevenciju, relaksaciju, odmor i buđenje svih čula. Od davnina su bile, a i danas su banje Srbije izvori zdravlja, mesta za okrepljenje i uživanje.

__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Hronika duža od tri veka 1702. – Spominje se u jednom zapisu izvor slane vode u Slankamenu, ali je tek 1906. godine podignuto kupatilo. 1719. – Turski putopisac Evlija Čelebija opisuje banju Palanački kiseljak kao „ozidanu banju sa lekovitom vodom“. 1811. – Prvi zvanični gost Bukovičke Banje bio je srpski prosvetitelj Dositej Obradović. 1834. – Po naredbi knjaza Miloša banjska voda iz Sokobanje je poslata na analizu u Beč, koju je obavio baron Sigmund Herder. Iste godine knjaz dobija naučnu potvrdu da su sokobanjske vode lekovite. Odmah potom nalaže da se tu napravi kupatilo sa konakom i pratećim objektima. Bili su to prvi namenski turistički kapaciteti u Srbiji. Za prvog zvaničnog banjskog lekara postavljen je dr Leopold Erlih, koga Sokobanjci prekrštavaju u Đorđa Novakovića. Od milja su ga zvali dr Đoka Pokrštenjak. 1835. – Za ovu godinu vezuju se najstarije hemijske analize banjskih voda Srbije, koje je uradio rudarski stručnjak iz Rura baron Sigmund August Volfrang Herder. 1837. – Knjaževska kancelarija kneza Miloša u Kragujevcu izdaje uput zastavniku Lazareviću za lečenje u Sokobanji. Taj dokument smatra se prvim vaučerom u Srbiji. Po tome je Sokobanja sa najdužom tradicijom razvoja banjskog turizma. 1842. – U Vranjskoj Banji izgrađen je i treći bazen za sumpornu vodu. Prva dva bazena podigao je Đor Mehmed paša krajem XVIII veka, o čemu svedoče spisi, kao i ostaci bazena. 1867. – Otvorena je prva zvanična sezona u Vrnjačkoj Banji. 1868. – U Vrnjačkoj Banji osnovano je Osnovateljno fundatorsko društvo lekovite kisele vruće vode i to se smatra početkom istorije moderne banje. Državnom je proglašena 1883. godine. 1893. – U jednom od današnjih najvećih turističkih centara Srbije na Zlatiboru započete su turističke, zdravstvene i rekreativne aktivnosti. 1898. – Ukazom kralja Aleksandra Obrenovića Banja Koviljača data je na upotrebu „narodu okruga pčinjskog“. Iste godine dobija status banjskog lečilišta. 1914. – U Kraljevini Srbije izglasan je prvi Zakon o banjama. Bilo je to 2. juna i taj dan je kasnije proglašen za naccionalni Dan banja. 1924. – Pri radovima oko toplih izvora u Vrnjačkoj Banji slučajno je otkrivena isklesana stena iz koje je isticala topla mineralna voda. Izvor, oko koga je pronađeno 200 novčića sa likvima rimskih imperatora, nazvan je Fons Romanus. 1945. – Na inicijativu predstavnika Vrnjačke Banje osnovan je Savez prirodnih lečilišta Jugoslavije. 1960. – Banje zakonom dobijaju status prirodnih lečilišta. Povećavaju se smeštajni kapaciteti, naročito privatni, obnavljaju se i modernizuju hoteli, grade savremena lečilišta i centri za rehabilitaciju. 1964. – Prva grupa turista iz Švedske stigla je u Sokobanju posle saznanja da su domaći i strani balneoklimatolozi potvrdili radioaktivnost ove banje i visok procenat uspešnog lečenja bronhijalne astme od čak 97,5 odsto. Iste godine u Vrnjačkoj Banji održana je prva kulturna manifestacija pod nazivom „Vrnjačka jesen“. 1969. – Osnovano je Udruženje banja Srbije. 1970. – Osnovano je Udruženje banjskih i klimatskih mesta sa 77 članica iz 39 banjskih i klimatskih centara. Srpsko uduženje je član i Evropskog udruženja banja ESPA. 1982. – U organizaciji švajcarskog turoperatora „Popularis“ u Vrnjačku Banju u martu mesecu stigla je prva grupa turista na 14-dnevni boravak i lečenje. 1992. – Sokobanja je zvanično postala prva ekološka opština Srbije. 2005. – Otvoren je prvi savremeni wellness centar Fons Romanus u Vrnjačkoj Banji



Millennia of health from water Spas were treasuries of health in this region from times immemorial


erbia is a spa oasis, or a true vault of natural treasures. Rarely any country in the world could boast about such wealth of mineral and healing waters. Surveys show that Serbia lies on a huge lake of thermal-mineral water. 1050 cold and hot mineral water springs have been registered. Hey, 1050 different springs, and there is also enormous wealth of natural gas and curative mud. Of all these healing springs, 264 have been fully tested. Serbia is in this respect among the richest countries in Europe. It is enough to say that France has as many spas as the Mt Kopaonik has springs. Ancient Romans enjoyed and recovered in this region, in no less than 53 sites. Remnants of this unmistakeable knowledge about these beneficial places can be found today. It is known that mineral water has been used for treatment ever since prehistory. These were the places where rituals were held and where people fully recovered by taking a bath or drinking water. Mud compresses (peloids) were also used back then. Serbian spas have always been used for body recovery and restoration to health. Wounds are healed there, and sorrow, too. Many say that impotence and arrogance are also healed – almost all man’s flaws. Archaeological sites confirm that physical and spiritual cleansing was especially practiced by the Romans at the outset of the new era. They used water from the “Topla voda” (Hot Water) spring in Vrnjci until the 4th century A.D, which is evidenced today by the famous Roman Spring – Fons Romanus – in Vrnjačka Banja. Two millennia ago, Romans knew about Niška, Jošanička, Kuršumlijska, Gamzigradska, Vrnjačka and Sokobanja Spas, where they built swimming pools and wells for recovery of their legionaries. More recent research shows that thermae existed in today’s Vranjska, Ribarska and Ovčar Spas. They were also used in the era of the Byzantine Empire, and when the Turks conquered this part of the Balkans, Turkish baths – hamams – started emerging, some of which are used even today in Sokobanja, Novopazarska and Brestovačka Spas. Turkish baths in Ribarska Banja were reconstructed by the Prince Aleksandar Karađorđević, and today this hamam houses the most beautiful wellness centre in the region. During the 19th and the beginning of the 20th centuries spas became very popular among high society. They were a favourite place of kings, industrialists, traders, writers, painters, etc. These sanatoriums of body and soul attracted so much attention that the first law on spas was adopted in the Kingdom of Serbia in 1914. Impressive villas and summer residences were built and parks decorated in the period between the two world wars, and during the second half of the past century sanatoriums for recovery of workers and modern centres for rehabilitation were built. Endowed and surrounded by natural beauties and cultural-historical heritage, monasteries – spiritual spas, Serbian spas are genuine treasuries of health. They are pleasant places to be in summer and in winter, any time of the year, and are also places of entertainment, relaxation and culture. Health services have been complemented lately by modern facilities, sports courts, swimming pools and paths of health. Spas are becoming ever more famous also for the conditions they offer for preparation of athletes. And emerging wellness centres are ideal for prevention, relaxation, rest and waking of all senses. Ever since the ancient times the spas of Serbia were sources of health and places for invigoration and pleasure, and they have remained as such until present. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Chronicle over three centuries long 1702 – A spring of salty water in Slankamen is mentioned in a document, but a bath was not built until 1906. 1719 – A Turkish travel writer, Evlija Čelebija, describes the spa Palanački Kiseljak as an “enclosed spa with healing water”. 1811 – The Serbian educator Dositej Obradović was the first official guest of Bukovička Banja. 1834 – As ordered by the Prince Miloš spa water from Sokobanja was sent to Vienna for analysis, which was done by Baron Sigmund Herder. The same year the Prince received a scientific confirmation of curative features of Sokobanja water. He instantly ordered construction of a bath there with a residence and supporting buildings. These were the first specific-purpose tourist capacities in Serbia. Dr Leopold Erlih was nominated the first official spa doctor, who was renamed by Sokobanja locals into Đorđe Novaković. They called him Dr Đoka Pokrštenjak (Christened) out of love. 1835 – This year is linked with the oldest chemical analyses of spa water in Serbia, which were done by a mining expert from Ruhr, baron Sigmund August Wolfrang Herder. 1837 – Prince Miloš’s offices in Kragujevac issued a referral to ensign Lazarević for treatment in Sokobanja. This document is considered the first voucher in Serbia, which makes Sokobanja a spa with the longest tradition of spa tourism development. 1842 – The third swimming pool with sulphurous water was built in Vranjska Banja. The first two were built by Đor Mehmed pasha towards the end of the 18th century, which is evidenced by documents and remains of the swimming pools. 1867 – The first official season was opened in Vrnjačka Banja. 1868 – “Osnovateljno fundatorsko društvo lekovite kisele vruće vode” was founded in Vrnjačka Banja and this is taken for the beginning of modern spa history. It was declared state-owned in 1883. 1893 – Tourist, health and recreational activities started in one of the biggest tourist centres in Serbia today - Zlatibor. 1898 – By a decree of King Aleksandar Obrenović Banja Koviljača was given for use to “the people of Pčinja District”. It obtained the status of spa sanatorium the same year. 1914 – The first law on spas was enacted in the Kingdom of Serbia. It was the 2nd of June – this date was later taken for the National Spa Day. 1924 – During the works around hot springs in Vrnjačka Banja a carved stone with hot mineral water flowing out of it was accidentally discovered. This spring, around which 200 coins with figures of Roman emperors engraved, was named Fons Romanus. 1945 – The Association of Natural Sanatoriums of Yugoslavia was established upon the initiative of representatives of Vrnjačka Banja. 1960 – Spas obtained the status of natural sanatoriums according to the law. Accommodation capacities increased, especially in private ownership, hotels were reconstructed and modernised, and modern sanatoriums and centres for rehabilitation were built. 1964 – The first group of tourists from Sweden arrived to Sokobanja after they had learned that national and foreign balneo-climatologists confirmed radioactive properties of this Spa and a high percentage (97.5%) of successful treatment of bronchial asthma. The first cultural event called “Vrnjačka Autumn” was held the same year in Vrnjačka Banja. 1969 – Serbian Association of Spas was established. 1970 – Association of Spa and Climatic Places was established, with 77 members and 39 spa and climatic centres. This Serbian Association is a member of the European Spas Association – ESPA. 1982 – In the organisation of a Swiss tour operator “Popularis”, the first group of tourists came in March to Vrnjačka Banja for a two-week holiday and treatment. 1992 – Sokobanja officially became the first environmental municipality in Serbia. 2005 – The first modern wellness centre Fons Romanus was opened in Vrnjačka Banja.


Predanja Pripovedaju se do danas legende o tome kako su nastale naše banje, pronose se one od dede do unuka i dalje. I tako vekovima. Narod je pripisao izvorima tople vode lekovita, pa i mitska svojstva. Predanja narodna su se održala, a istorijske činjenice potvrđuju da legende, bile one stvarne ili puko verovanje i priča narodna, u sebi nedre najdublju istinu o vrednosti i lekovitosti banja Srbije.

Izgubljeni prsten

Verenika lepe i pristale, ali malo hrome devojke Rusande pozvali u vojnu, on je prstenovao nevestu i otišao. Ostala je ona sama da tuguje, a posao joj beše da izgoni guske na baru. Jednom s večeri, kad se vraćala kući, prsten joj se smakne s ruke i padne u vodu. Tražila ga je danima po blatu i vodi, ali prstena nema, pa nema. Padala je devojka po mulju, čeprkala s kraja na kraj bare, ali uzalud. Posle nekog vremena njoj se noga odgrči i poče uspravno da hoda. Tako je otkriveno da su voda i blato lekoviti i tu posle u Melencima nastade Banja Rusanda.

Zanosna Rada

S kolena na koleno meštani Starog Slankamena pronose legendu o lepoj Radi, crnookoj devojci nadaleko poznatoj po zanosnoj lepoti. Dojavili su to u Beograd Sulejmanu Veličanstvenom, koji je naredio da je dovedu u njegov harem. Hajduk Janko, Radin momak, ukrao ju je iz harema, ali ih je ubrzo sustigla vojska i ubila Janka, a mesto između današnjih slankamenačkih vinograda i Krčedina dobilo je po njemu ime - Jonda. Crnooka Rada je sebi zarila nož u srce i polje uz Dunav dobi ime Čarno.

O konjima i narodu

* Predanje o jednom bolesnom i isluženom konju, koga je ostavio gazda sveštenik Jeftimije Hadži-Popović, svedoči o lekovitosti vrnjačkih izvora. Bolesni dorat je pio vodu sa izvora i posle tri meseca je ozdravio. Tako je otkrivena lekovitost ovih izvora. Neke legende govore da je lekovitost Vrnjačke Banje bila poznata i u vreme turske vladavine, na njenim izvorima lečile su se turske spahije tražeći da ih srpsko stanovništvo služi i hrani. Narod je izvore zatrpavao kako bi izbegao služenje agama i begovima. * Lekovitost nekadašnje Smrdan Bare, današnje Banje Koviljače otkrili su, prema predanju, pratioci nekog karavana koji su tu morali da ostave svog iznemoglog i ranjavog konja. Mršavo i šugavo kljuse se valjalo po baruštini i blatu, napasalo se sočne trave. Kada se karavan vratio našli su konja potpuno zdravog da su jedva uspeli da ga zaulare. Čudo se raščulo po celoj Posavini, bolesni su pohrlili da se kupaju u Kovilju i mnogi su iscelili svoje boljke. Nikla je tu Banja Koviljača. * Legenda o izlečenom konju vezana je i za Prolom Banju, Gornju Trepču, Nišku Banju.

Okamenjeni svatovi

Prolom i Lukovska banja, kao i čitav kuršumlijski kraj poznati su koliko po lekovitim vodama toliko i po Đavoljoj varoši, o kojoj u narodu postoji više legendi. Po jednoj, nekada davno živeli su ovde skromni, mirni, veri privrženi ljudi. To je smetalo đavolu, pa im je jedan kladenac spremio kao „đavolju vodu“ da zaborave na rodbinske veze. Pošto su je pili omamljeni meštani reše da venčaju brata i sestru. Dobra vila, za koju se veruje da i danas štiti ovaj kraj, pokušala je da spreči đavolji plan, ali je svatovi nisu slušali nego su krenuli na venčanje. Vila se molila Bogu da spreči rodoskrnavljenje, on je uslišio njeno molbu, spojio nebo sa zemljom, dunuo je jak i hladan vetar i okamenio svatove i mladence. Po drugoj legendi u ovom kraju davno je vladao zli aga, čiji zulum nikoga ne poštedi, za koga se verovalo da ima veze sa samim đavolom. Jednog dana aga skupi silnu vojsku, razruši naselje i sve stanovnike pretvori u kamene kule. Njihove duše zarobljene u kamenu i posle toliko vekova i dalje žive, nestaju, pomeraju se, rastu.

Krst svetog Save

Dok šetate nekom od uređenih staza zdravlja u Prolom Banji od najstarijih meštana ćete čuti priče da je davno neka slepa devojka progledala posle umivanja na jednom od izvora, da se starac, koji je na nosilima donet u banju, kući vratio hodajući. * Crkva svetog Đorđa nalazi se na visu Nenadov kamen, na visini od 980 metara i po predanju na ovom kamenu je sveti Sava postavio drveni krst i obeležio ga kao sveto mesto.

Šljive i ratnici

Pored potoka, sa šumom u zaleđu, na tri kilometra od Prolom Banje je crkva brvnara – Lazarica, stara više od šest vekova. Predanje kazuje da je uoči bitke na Kosovu deo vojske cara Lazara stao tu da se pričesti. Podseća na to i prirodni fenomen – šest savijenih stabala šljiva, koje tako nigde drugde ne rastu. Prateći pravac liturgije šljive su se šest puta uvijale oko svoje ose i ostale tako čekajući da se vojska vrati. Kako to nisu dočekale, nastavile su da rastu uvijene. Stara stabla su nestajala, nicala su nova i uvek se uvijala u istom smeru. I uvek ih je bilo samo šest. Iznete iz dvorišta crkve Lazarice šljive gube ovo svojstvo, rastu pravo kao svako drugo drvo.

Voda isceliteljka

U davna vremena silan velmoža, gospodar Soko-grada jahao je kotlinom kada se smračilo nebo, sevale munje, udarali gromovi sve do Rtnja. Konj se uplašio, jahač je pao i izgubio svest. Kada se osvestio nije mogao na noge da se osloni, čekao je smrt. Iznenada je začuo klokot vode, polako i bolno se dovukao do izvora i popio nekoliko gutljaja koji ga „iz mrtvih vratiše“. Okupao se u kladencu, odmah ozdravio i vratio u grad. Naredio je da se nad izvorom kuća digne. Na sve strane se pročuo glas o vodi isceliteljki, mnogi su od nje ozdravili, pa među Ozrenom i Rtnjem i domove podigli. Sokobanja je dobila ime po Sokogradu.

Ljubav i smrt

Poznato izletište Lepterija nadomak Sokobanje dobilo je ime po tragično nastradaloj kćeri Gospodara Sokograda u koju se zagledao Župan, sin zapovednika Vrmdžanskog grada. Kako su očevi stalno ratovali zbog poseda, ova velika ljubav nije mogla da bude krunisana brakom. Mladi su se zato dogovorili da Lepterija pobegne za Župana. Njen otac, kaže predanje, tada naredi da se begunica pogubi, a Župan od žalosti za svojom voljenom skoči u najdublji vir Moravice i utopi se. Izletište dobi naziv Lepterija, a vir – Župan.

Čarobnjak ispod Rtnja

Na mestu na kome se nalazi planina Rtanj nekada davno živeo je veliki čarobnjak koji je iz svog dvorca motrio na okolinu. Ljudima je, svakome prema zasluzi, delio dobro i zlo. Jednog dana podigla se planina – mistični i tajanstveni Rtanj. Čarobnjak je ostao da živi ispod planine, odakle i danas pomaže svima koji u njega veruju.

Prorok i car

Po narodnom verovanju manastir svetog Prohora Pčinjskog, u blizini današnje Bujanovačke banje, podigao je vizantijski car Diogen u 11. veku. Posvetio ga je starcu proroku Prohoru, koji mu je, pri susretu u planini Kozjak, prorekao da će postati car, ali ga je opomenuo da ne zaboravi starog pustinjaka. Ubrzo je Diogen postao car i zaboravio na proroka. Ali, caru se prorok pojavio u snu sa željom da mu car makar mali hram podigne. Diogen sagradi crkvu na reci Pčinji.


Legends Legends have been told about the way our spas were established, going from a grandfather to a grandson and so on for centuries. The people have attributed healing even mythical properties to hot water springs. Popular legends have been kept until today, and historical facts confirm that legends, whether real or a mere popular belief and story, engender the deepest truth about the value and medicinal properties of the Serbian spas.

Lost ring

The fiancé of a beautiful and handsome though a bit lame girl called Rusanda was summoned to the army, so he gave his bride a ring and left. She was left alone to grieve. Her job was to take gees to a pond. One night on her way back home the ring fell off her finger right into the water. She looked for it in the mud and water for days, but she couldn’t find the ring. She would slip and fall in the mud, rummage in it from one end of the pond to the other, all in vain. After a while, her leg wasn’t stiff anymore and she started walking upright. This is how the healing property of water and mud was discovered and where Rusanda Spa was raised afterwards in Melenci.

Dazzling Rada

Generation after generation the inhabitants of Slankamen have been passing on the legend about beautiful Rada, a black-eyed girl famous far and wide for her enchanting beauty. The story about her beauty came to Belgrade to Suleiman the Magnificent, who ordered to bring her to his harem. Hajduk (soldier) Janko, Rada’s beloved, stole her away from the harem soon to be caught and killed by the army. The place between today’s vineyards of Slankamen and Krčedin was named after him - Jonda. The black-eyed Rada plunged a knife into her heart and a field next to the Danube got its name Čarno.

About horses and the people

A story about an ill and worn-out horse left behind by his owner, a priest Jeftimije Hadži-Popović, is the testimony of healing powers of Vrnjačka springs. The ill bay drank water from the spring and fully recovered three months later. This is how the healing power of the spring was discovered. Some legends say that curative properties of Vrnjačka Banja were known back in the times of the Turkish ruling; Turkish landowners treated themselves at its springs requesting Serbian population to serve and feed them. The people buried the springs so as to avoid serving Turkish aghas and beys. * Healing powers of once “Smrdan spa” (Stinking spa) – today’s Banja Koviljača – were discovered, according to a legend, by companions of a caravan who had to leave their feeble and wounded horse there. This skinny and scabby hack wallowed in the swampy mud and grazed juicy grass. When the caravan came back they found a totally healthy horse they hardly managed to halter. The story about this miracle spread out over the entire Posavina, and ill rushed to take a bath in Kovilje, many of which healed their problems. This is how Banja Koviljača emerged. * The legend about a healed horse is also related with Prolom Banja, Gornja Trepča and Niška Banja spas.

Wedding guests turned into stone

Prolom and Lukovska spas, and the entire region of Kuršumlija, are known both for their curative water and Đavolja varoš (Devil’s Town) about which many legends go round among the people. According to one legend, modest, peaceful and religious people used to live there long time ago. The Devil was irritated by this so he made a well for them as a “devil’s water” so that they would forget about their family ties. Having drunk from the well, dizzy locals decided to marry a brother and his sister. A good fairy, who is believed to be this region’s protector even in present times, tried to hamper the Devil’s plan, but wedding guests wouldn’t listen to her and instead they set off for the wedding. The fairy prayed to the God to prevent the incest and he answered her prayers. He joined the sky and the earth, and a strong cold wind started blowing turning the guests, the bride and the bridegroom into stone. Another legend says that an evil agha used to rule this region long time ago. His reign of terror didn’t spare anyone and people believed that he was connected with the very devil. One day the agha gathered a big army, destroyed the village and turned all the inhabitants into stone towers. Their souls trapped in the stone still live, disappear, move and grow after all these centuries.

St Sava’s cross

While taking a walk on one of the paths of health in Prolom Banja, you will hear from the oldest locals stories about a blind girl who once recovered her sight after washing her face on one of the springs, or about an old man who was brought to the spa on a stretcher and returned home walking. * The Church of St George is situated on a peak called Nenad’s Stone, at the height of 980 metres and, according to a legend, St Sava put a wooden cross on that stone and marked it as a holy place.

Plums and warriors

Next to a stream backed by a forest, three kilometres away from Prolom Banja there is a wooden church Lazarica more than six centuries old. A story says that one part of the Emperor Lazar’s army stopped there to receive Communion on the eve of the Battle of Kosovo. A natural phenomenon is a remainder of that – six twisted plum trees, growing like this like anywhere else in the world. Following the direction of liturgy the plum trees turned on their axis six times, and remained twisted waiting for the army to come back. As they never lived to see their return, they kept growing twisted. Old trees perished, and new trees grew always twisting in the same direction. And there were always only six of them. If taken outside Lazarica churchyard the plum trees lose this feature and grow straight up like any other tree.

Healing water

Once upon a time a great peer, lord of Soko-Town rode through a valley when the sky turned dark, lightning flashed and thunders stroke all the way to Rtanj. His horse got frightened and the rider fell off and lost his consciousness. When he regained consciousness he couldn’t stand up, so he waited his death to arrive. He suddenly heard water gurgling, so he dragged himself up to a spring slowly and in pains and sipped a bit of water that “brought him back from the dead”. He bathed in the spring, recovered instantly and returned to the town. He ordered to have his house built above the spring. The word about the healing water spread out in all directions. Many recovered thanks to this water so they built their homes between Ozren and Rtanj mountains. Sokobanja was named after Soko-Town.

Love and death

The famous picnic area Lepterija near Sokobanja was named after the daughter of the lord of Soko-Town who died tragically. Župan, son of the head of Vrmdžanski town fell in love with her. Since the two fathers were constantly in war over land, this big love could not be crowned with matrimony. So the young couple, Lepterija and Župan, decided to run away together. According to the legend, her father ordered the execution of his runaway daughter and Župan grieving over his beloved jumped into the deepest whirlpool of the River Moravica and drowned. The picnic area was named Lepterija, and the whirlpool Župan.

A wizard underneath Rtanj

In the place where Mt Rtanj is situated, a great wizard lived long time ago watching the surrounding area from his castle and giving good or bad to the people according to their merits. One day a mountain rose – the mystical and secretive Rtanj. The wizard kept living underneath the mountain still helping all those who believe in him.

Prophet and emperor

In popular belief the monastery of St Prohor Pčinjski near today’s Bujanovačka Banja was built by the Byzantine Emperor Diogenes in the 11th century. He dedicated the monastery to an old prophet Prohor, who foretold him when they met on the mountain Kozjak that he would become an emperor, but he also warned him not to forget the old hermit. Diogenes became an emperor soon and he forgot about the prophet. But, the prophet appeared to Diogenes in his dream wishing that the emperor builds at least a small temple for him. So Diogenes built the church on the River Pčinja.






Blago Bogom dano „Ako ima magije na planeti, onda je ona u vodi.“- Loren Ejsli


oda - plavo zlato donosi bogatstva iz dubine, svojom toplinom i lekovitim mineralima prenosi ljubav prirode prema čoveku. Ona je u nama i svuda oko nas, zaslužna za blistav izgled, osveženje, zdravlje. Donosi lečenje i uživanje u jednom. Lečenje vodom, peloidom, vazduhom - balneoterapija je drevna veština za brojne, pa i za moderne tegobe čoveka. U istoriji medicine ovo je najstariji način lečenja. Zbog svoje lekovitosti izvorišta i banje su oduvek bile sinonim za oporavak, mesta iz kojih se bolesni vraćaju zdravi, a umorni - puni energije. U njima sve ima lekovita svojstva. One umiruju, okrepljuju, leče, izvori su novog života, mesta za uživanje u kojima se slabost tela preokreće u snagu. U vodi, vazduhu, blatu je zdravlje. Balneoterapija u užem smislu podrazumeva lečenje primenom termomineralnih voda kupanjem, ispijanjem, inhalacijom, irigacijom, u zavisnosti od bolesti i od sastava voda.Veoma je bitno da se ovakvi tretmani obavljaju pod stručnim nadzorom. Lekovito dejstvo peloida poznavali su još Egipćani pre 4.000 godina, a danas se upotrebljava u vidu pakovanja ili kupki, u svetu se koristi i u kozmetičke svrhe, u borbi protiv celulita, obnavljanja tonusa kože, za podmlađivanje. Kod nas, iako ga ima u izobilju, ovakva primena peloida je tek u začetku. A Srbija je zemlja puna lekovite, melem vode. Po broju izvora, više ih je od 1.000, kao i po kvalitetu ovih voda najbogatija je u Evropi. Posedujemo fantastične potencijale, imamo ogromno nacionalno blago, imamo i banje sa tradicijom. Samo na Kopaoniku postoji 78 izvora termalnih i mineralnih voda, od kojih je iskorišćeno manje od 10 odsto, dok drugi gotovo basnoslovne sume zarađuju od ovog vida turizma. Jedino na ovom mestu postoje dva svetska rariteta – Lukovska i Jošanička banja, gde izvire voda temperature od 78 stepeni, a nigde u svetu tako jaki mineralni izvori nisu zabeleženi na nadmorskoj visini iznad 600 metara. Ceo jug Srbije pun je ovakvih svetskih rariteta. Ustvari, čitava Srbija je – banja, a naše banje su pravi spa centri (spa – sanus per aquam, što znači zdravlje u vodi, ili zdravlje iz vode). Nažalost, to blago koje nam daje dubina zemlje i bistrina i visina neba tek jednim delićem koristimo. Srećom, naša balneologija je deo svetske tradicije, u oblasti struke i nauke smo u evropskom vrhu. Struka u banjama uspešno spaja tradiciju korišćenja prirodnog faktora u očuvanju zdravlja ljudi sa savremenim dostignućima medicine. To daje neslućene razmere našoj balneologiji. Tim pre, što poslednjih godina ova oblast dobija sve veći značaj u svetu, posebno u okviru preventivne medicine, promocije zdravih stilova života, postizanja velnesa - duhovne i telesne ravnoteže. Ali, i u regenerativnoj medicini. Balneoterapija danas kroz kompletne programe podrazumeva i antistres tretmane, stimulaciju i revitalizaciju organizma. Nije preterano ako kažem da balneologija može da bude vodilja u uspešnom osvajanju novih medicinskih procedura, kao ni to da bi sva naša banjsko-klimatska mesta svojim programima i prirodnim faktorima veoma brzo mogla da se uklope u svetske tokove regenerativne medicine. Mi imamo potencijal za to, imamo stručni kadar. Nedostaju samo pravi programi. Naše uvređeno mišljenje da u banje idu samo bolesni, starci i seljaci, samo ponegde i mondensko društvo. Nedovoljno ulaganje u razvoj banja, odsutsvo pravih programa i podrške države, preskupo nas koštaju. Doduše, ima pojedinačnih uspešnih primera, ali ovo mora da bude nacionalna briga. Smatram da je pravi, možda i poslednji trenutak da na najbolji način naša balneologija i naše banje krenu u svet. Ustvari, da svet dovedu ovde. Iskustvo drugih, posebno komšija koji su u ovoj oblasti napravili pravi bum, u tome može mnogo da nam pomogne. Svako ulaganje u osavremenjivanje banja i banjskog turizma se višestruko isplati. Ovakva mesta samo treba oplemenjivati pravim programima i sadržajima potrebnim savremenom čoveku. Naše banje, sa darovima prirode dopunjenim znanjem i veštinama koje već imamo, novim tehnologijama, uz neophodnu podršku i pomoć države, mogu da budu pravi turistički raj. To nacionalno blago mora i da se sačuva i da se razvija. Magija za ozdravljenje, ali i za zaradu nalazi se u vodi. Ustvari, u banjama.

Profesor dr Tomislav Jovanović, fiziolog i balneoklimatolog


A Good - given treasure “If there is magic on this planet, it is contained in water” - Loren Eiseley


ater – blue gold that brings wealth from the depth and gives nature’s love to humanity through warmth and healing minerals. It is in us and all around us; it is responsible for a shiny look, refreshment and health. It brings treatment and pleasure into one. Treatments with water, peloid, air – balneotherapy is an ancient skill for many problems of a man, even modern ones. This is the oldest form of treatment in the history of medicine. Due to their medicinal properties springs and spas have always been a synonym for recovery; these are places from which ill people return healthy and tired people full of energy. Everything in them has healing properties. They calm, invigorate, treat, they are sources of a new life, places to enjoy where body weakness is turned into strength. Health is in water, in air and in mud. In the narrow sense, balneotherapy includes treatment using thermal-mineral water by bathing, consumation, inhalation or irrigation, depending on the disease and water composition. It is very important for these treatments to be under professional supervision. Medicinal property of peloid was known to Egyptians 4000 years ago, and today it is used in form of a package or bath for cosmetic purposes, in combating cellulite, for restoration of skin tonus and rejuvenation. Despite being abundant, the use of peloid in our country for these purposes has only just started. And Serbia is a country full of healing water. It is the richest country in Europe regarding the number of springs – there are more than 1000 – and the quality of water, too. We have fantastic potentials, we have a huge national treasure, and we have spas with tradition. There are 78 springs of thermal and mineral water on Mt Kopaonik alone, but less than 10 percent of them are in use, while other countries earn enormous amounts of money from this type of tourism. This is the only place that has two world rarities – Lukovska and Jošanička Spas, where water from springs reaches 78 ºC – mineral springs so strong haven’t been found anywhere in the world at a height of more than 600 metres above sea level. The entire south of Serbia is full of these world rarities. In fact, the whole Serbia is a spa, and our spas are real spa centres (spa – sanus per aquam, meaning health in water or health from water). Unfortunately, we only use bits of this treasure given to us by the depth of the Earth and clearness and height of the sky. Our balneology is fortunately part of the world tradition, and we are at the European top in the area of profession and science. Profession in spas is successful in bringing together the tradition of using natural factors in preservation of human health and modern achievements of medicine. This gives unimagined proportions to our balneology, particularly since this area became increasingly important in the world over the past years, especially within preventive medicine, promotion of healthy life styles and achievement of wellness – spiritual and corporal balance. But also in regenerative medicine. In balneotherapy of today full programmes also include anti-stress treatments, stimulation and revitalisation of the entire organism. I do not exaggerate when I say that balneology can be a leader in successful conquests of new medical procedures, or that all our spa-climatic places with their programmes and natural factors could fit quickly in the world trends of regenerative medicine. We have potentials, and we have professional staff. All we need are right programmes. Our conventional thinking is that only ill, old and peasants go to spas and maybe also high society now and then. Insufficient investments in spa development, lack of right programmes and support from the state is a too expensive price to pay. To be fair, there are individual successful examples, but this has to become a national concern. I think that this is the right if not the last moment for our balneology and our spas to open up to the world in the best possible way – in fact, to bring the world here. Experience from other countries, especially our neighbours who made a real boom in this area, could be very helpful to us in this respect. Return on every investment in modernisation of spas and spa tourism will be multiple. These places only need to be refined with right programmes and services a modern man requires. Our spas, with gifts from the nature complemented by knowledge and skills we already have, new technologies and necessary support and assistance provided by the state, can become a genuine tourist paradise. This national treasure has to be preserved and further developed. Magic for recovery, but also for profit, is contained in water – actually, in spas.

Professor Dr Tomislav Jovanović,

physiologist and balneo-climatologist






Banja satkana od lepote „Kada Bog jednom mesto podari ovolike lepote onda je ono predodređeno za očuvanje čovekovog zdravlja“ „Rimljani su ovde bili, sa izvora vodu pili“ – poručuju Banjčani


rnjačka Banja je najlepša, najposećenija, kraljevska, banja sa tradicijom dužom od vek i po. Nazivaju je princezom izvora (ima ih sedam, najpoznatiji je Rimski - Fons Romanus), metropolom i kraljicom zdravstvenog turizma. Ona je pravi raj u srcu Srbije, mesto satkano od lepote. Ovaj divan kraj ima reku i planinu, istoriju, manastire, ima banju u kojoj je zvanično prva sezona otvorena 1867. godine. Prostrla se Vrnjačka Banja u pitomoj, zelenoj dolini u centralnoj Srbiji, na blagim obroncima Goča, koji prosto mami šetače i berače lekovitog bilja, a zimi skijaše. Na nadmorskoj je visini od 230 metara i gotovo pola godine bez vetra. Vrnjačka reka, koja kroz nju protiče, sa svojim travnatim obalama i stoletni park posebna su obeležja Banje koja je postala nadaleko prepoznatljiva po prirodnim blagodetima i lepotama. S pravom Banjčani poručuju: „Rimljani su ovde bili, sa izvora vodu pili“. Za lekovita svojstva vrnjačkih toplih mineralnih izvora znali su i stari Rimljani, koji su od II do IV veka izgradili lečilište Aquae Orcinae. Pri radovima oko toplih izvora 1924. godine slučajno je otkrivena isklesana stena iz koje je isticala topla mineralna voda. Izvor oko koga je pronađeno 200 novčića sa likovima rimskih imperatora nazvan je Fons Romanus. Blagotvornost vode bila je poznata i u vreme turske vladavine, kada je narod, da bi izbegao služenje agama i begovima, izvore zatrpavao. Kvalitet i lekovitost vrnjačkih izvora potvrdio je baron Zigmund Herder i uporedio ovu vodu sa onom u Karlovim Varima. Za početak istorije moderne banje uzima se 1868. godina, kada je osnovano „Osnovatelno fundatorsko društvo kiselovruće vode u Vrnjcima“. Državnom je Banja proglašena 1883. godine. Izrasla je brzo u elitnu banju koju su rado posećivali, ali i izgrađivali vladari obe srpske dinastije, nicale su u njoj vile poznatih industrijalaca, političara. Letnjikovac, ili zamak generala Jovana Belimarkovića, namesnika kralja Aleksandra Obrenovića, sagrađen 1894. godine, i danas je najreprezentativnije, impozantno zdanje, pravi zamak kulture u kome je Zavičajni muzej. Najbolje dane Banja je doživela između dva rata – glumci, pesnici, slikari, najviđeniji ljudi, članovi evropskih kraljveskih porodica bili su njeni redovni gosti. Rado ju je posećivao kralj Aleksandar Karađorđević, koji je u sadašnjem „Fons Romanusu“ davne 1930. goidne uredio kupatilo po svom ukusu. Mondenska i kraljevska Vrnjačka Banja je u to vreme stajala uz rame sa Karlovim Varima i Baden Badenom. I danas vraća i neguje stari sjaj. Za svakoga ima i svakome pruža ponešto ili sve - i lek i okrepljenje, zdravlje i provod. Diči se svojim parkovima, prostrtim na 60 hektara, sa velikom cvetnom baroknom rundelom, sa skulpturama – delima domaćim i stranih vajara. Utemeljili su ih pre više od jednog veka poznati baštovani onog doba. Raskošni centralni Vrnjački park obogaćen je novim fontanama, travnjacima, posebnim osvetljenjem. Banja je stekla epitet „srpski Šenbrun“, jer po veličini, cvetnim, zelenim površinama i bogatstvu sadržaja ne zaostaje za ovim poznatim izletištem. Kažu da Vrnjačku Banju najbolje možete doživeti u romantičnoj šetnji od Mosta ljubavi, na kome mladi parovi tradicionalno katancem „zaključavaju“ svoju ljubav, pa kroz park istim onim stazama kojima su nekada prolazili poznati pisci, glumci, pesnici. Glavna štrafta je Promenada, a Vrabac sa šajkačom i opancima je mesto za sastajanje. Banja ima i jedinstveni japanski vrt, na desetine otvorenih i zatvorenih bazena, toliko wellness centara, veliki broj novih luksuznih vila i pansiona, brojne otvorene bašte restorana za opuštanje i dobar zalogaj. Ima tišinu, travnjake, žubor Vrnjačke reke, cveće i šume, sve za sportiste i rekreativce. Organizovan je i program obilaska brojnih znamenitosti, manastira Studenica, Žiča. Ljubostinja, ture po Goču, za poklonike božanskog pića na raspolaganju su „vinske ture“ do Župe Aleksandrovačke. Vrnjačka Banja je grad kongresnog turizma, Karnevala, Festivala filmskog scenarija, muzičkih festivala, izložbi, čuvene su Vrnjačke kulturne svečanosti. Na pretek je razloga da dođete u Vrnjce, čarobno mesto u kome se događa fantastično okrepljenje i rađa zdravlje, da proverite i uverite se zašto Vrnjačku Banju nazivaju kraljicom.



Dodir Svetog grala „Fons Romanus“ - prvi wellness centar u banjama Srbije stekao je već epitet Merkurovog „Svetog grala“ Samo ovde izbrisana je granica između lečenja i uživanja. Otkrijte kako da čujete svoje telo


ko je Vrnjačka Banja raj u srcu Srbije, onda je u njenom srcu, usred stoletnog parka, pravo carstvo hedonista - Specijalna bolnica „Merkur“. Zvanični šampion zdravstvenog turizma Balkana „Merkur“ je kuća u kojoj su prvi na ovim prostorima izbrisali granicu između lečenja i uživanja, koja nije samo lečilište, već prepoznatljiv i moderan zdravstveni, wellness i spa centar. U nadaleko čuvenoj kraljevskoj banji možete da se okupate u kraljevskom kupatilu, da uz šampanjac i bademe kraljevski uživate u đakuziju sa toplom vodom. A ona stiže iz izvora, koji jedini u Evropi ima temperaturu ljudskog tela od 36,2 stepena Celzijusa. Možete da uživate u saunama, da se prepuštate veštim rukama fizioterapeuta. Na izboru su vam brojne vrste masaža za nezaboravno opuštanje, čak 24, od onih sa toplom čokoladom, medom, eteričnim uljima, vulkansim kamenjem, do „oktopoda“ koji je istovremeno masiranje 4 ili 6 ruku. Ovaj wellness centar nazvan je „Fons romanus“ - Rimski izvor i već je stekao epitet Merkurovog „svetog Grala“. Isceliteljske darove prirode, znanje i savremenu medicinu „Merkur“ je uspešno objedinio u lečenju dijabetesa. Postao je Nacionalni centar za prevenciju, lečenje i edukaciju dijabetičara. Takođe i u lečenju gastroenteroloških problema, bolesti koštano zglobnog sistema, kardioloških, neuroloških, očnih i ginekoloških oboljenja. Ovde je gostima omogućeno da u najkraćem roku dobiju kompletan uvid u svoje zdravstveno stanje i adekvatnu terapiju. Stigla je u „Merkur“ i hiperbarična komora za terapiju čistim kiseonikom pod pritiskom koji, osim što leči, istovremeno i ulepšava telo, podmlađuje. Vraćanje prirodi i leku koji ona daje ostvareno je u novom Balneo centru „Fons medicus“, za terapije uro-genitalnog trakta toplom lekovitom mineralnom vodom. Prirodom do zdravlja stiže se i u Peloid centru „Limus Romanus“, uz toplinu koja leči. Lekovita voda i blato pružaju zadovoljstvo i uživanje koje je upotpunjeno efektima kupki i kozmetičkih tretmana. Stalno obogaćivanje novim programima, vrhunska usluga, izuzetan komfor, brojne inovacije zaslužne su što turistička sezona traje 12 meseci, što dolaze i bolesni i zdravi, što je lečenje u ovom centru najbolje, a odmor, dopunjen delikatesima zdrave ishrane, najprijatniji. Jedini „Merkur“ ima za svoje goste i jedinstveni pasoš na svetu – „Merkurov pasoš“, koji najvernijim gostima obezbeđuje i poseban status. Pravo carstvo zdravlja i uživanja. Potpuno opuštanje i harmonija tela u istočnjačkom kupatilu iz 1001. noći, kraljevom i kraljičinom kupatilu, u bazenima, postiže se svakim od brojnih programa za oslobađanje od stresa, relaksaciju, podmlađivanje. U ponudi su novi, redizajnirani zdravstveni paketi i to: Opšti medicinski pansion, Živeti sa dijabetesom, Pokret bez bola i Gastro paket, kao i paketi za one koji žele da se opuste i uživaju, Wellness pansion i Wellness pansion all inclusive. „Sveti Gral“ – prava je slika i odlika hrama uživanja „Fons Romanus“, koji je postao bogatiji za nove programe za oblikovanje tela i negu lica, za savršen izgled. To su „Kavifit“ i „Kavilift“, efikasne, trajne i bezbedne metode koje omogućavaju lifting i liposukciju bez hirurškog zahvata. Tradicionalno banjsko lečenje, balneo terapija, savremeni i najluksuzniji wellness i aqua sadržaji krase „Merkur“. Pružaju ovde lečenje i odmor na sasvim drugačiji način. I za sve generacije koje mogu da osete sve tajne uživanja, ozdravljenja, dobrog osećanja u banji koja je u centru Srbije, u „Merkuru“ koji je u centru banje. Pravo je ovo mesto za beg iz ubrzanog ritma svakodnevnog života, gde možete da otkrijte kako da čujete svoje telo, kako da dozvolite energiji vašeg duha da slobodno teče.



Spa made out of beauty “When God gives that much beauty to one place, then such place is predestined to preserve human health” “Romans were here, they drank water from the springs” – say residents of this Spa


rnjačka Banja is the most beautiful, most visited, royal, a spa with more than a century and a half long tradition. They call it the princess of springs (there are seven, and the most famous one is Roman – Fons Romanus), metropolis and the queen of health tourism. It is a true paradise in the heart of Serbia, a place made out of beauty. This wonderful place has a river and a mountain, history, monasteries; it has a spa where the first season was officially opened in 1867. Vrnjačka Banja spreads over a gentle, green valley in the Central Serbia, on the mild slopes of the Goč Mountain, which simply allures walkers and pickers of medicinal herbs, and skiers in winter. It is located at the altitude of 230 meters above sea level and is windless for nearly half a year. The River Vrnjačka flowing through it with its grassy banks and a hundreds-year-old park are symbols of this Spa that has become known by far for its natural amenities and beauties. Residents of Vrnjačka Banja rightfully say: “Romans were here, they drank water from the springs”. Healing features of hot mineral springs of this Spa were known to the old Romans, who built a sanatorium Aquae Orcinae between the 2nd and the 4th century. During the works around thermal springs in 1924 a carved rock was accidentally discovered with hot mineral water flowing out of it. The spring with 200 coins with figures of Roman emperors engraved on them and found around it was named Fons Romanus. Therapeutic effects of the water were also known under the Turkish rule of the Turks, when locals used to burry springs so that they wouldn’t serve Turkish aghas and beys. Quality and healing capacity of Vrnjačka Banja springs were confirmed by the Baron Sigmund Herder, who equalled this water to the one in Karlovy Vary. 1868 was taken as the beginning of the history of modern spa, when “Osnovatelno fundatorsko društvo kiselovruće vode u Vrnjcima“ was established. The Spa was declared state property in 1883. It grew fast into an elite spa that was visited with pleasure – and also built – by rulers of both Serbian dynasties; villas of famous industrialists and politicians were also built there. The summer house, or castle, of General Jovan Belimarković, regent of the King Aleksandar Obrenović, was built in 1894, and today it is the most representative, impressive edifice, a real castle of culture which houses the Homeland Museum. The Spa lived its best days in the period between the two wars – actors, poets, painters, prominent people, members of European royal families, they were all its regular guests. The King Aleksandar Karađorđević used to visit it with pleasure, too, and back in 1930 he arranged a bathroom to his taste in the today’s “Fons Romanus”. At the time high society and royal Vrnjačka Banja stood shoulder to shoulder with Karlovy Vary and Baden Baden. It still recovers and nurtures the old splendour to the present day. It has something or everything for everyone: cure, invigoration, health and good time. It is proud of its park, extended over 60 hectares, with a large flower baroque roundel and sculptures – works of art of country’s and foreign sculptors. They were created by famous gardeners of the time over a century ago. The sumptuous central park of Vrnjačka Banja was enriched with new fountains, lawns and special lighting. The Spa gained an epithet of the “Serbian Schonbrunn” for it does not lag behind this famous outing spot by size, flower and green areas and richness. They say that the best way to experience Vrnjačka Banja is by taking a romantic walk to the Bridge of Love, where young couples “lock” their love traditionally with a padlock, then continue through the park taking the same paths famous writers, actors and poets used to take long time ago. The main one is called the Promenade, and the meeting point is at the Sparrow with “šajkača” hat and peasant shoes. The Spa also has a unique Japanese garden, dozens of outdoor and indoor swimming pools, and as many wellness centres, a great number of new luxurious villas and boarding houses, numerous outdoor restaurant gardens to relax and have a tasty bite. It has tranquillity, lawns, gurgle of the Vrnjačka River, flowers and woods, everything for athletes and recreationists. There is also an organised tour to numerous sights, such as the monasteries Studenica, Žiča and Ljubostinja, tours to the Mountain of Goč, whilst lovers of the divine drink can take “wine tours” to Župa Aleksandrovačka. Vrnjačka Banja is a town of congress tourism, Carnivals, Film Screenplay Festival, music festivals, exhibitions, and Cultural Festivities Vrnjačka Banja are also very wellknown. There are so many reasons for you to come to Vrnjci, this magical place offering fantastic refreshment and giving birth to health, so come and see for yourself why Vrnjačka Banja is called the Queen.



Touch of the Holy Grail “Fons Romanus” – the first wellness centre in Serbian spas has already gained the epithet of Merkur’s “Holy Grail” This is the only place where the line between healing and pleasure has been erased. Discover how to hear your body


f Vrnjačka Banja is paradise in the heart of Serbia, then in its own heart, in the middle of a century-old park, there is a true kingdom of hedonism – the Special Hospital “Merkur”. The official champion of health tourism of the Balkans, “Merkur” is a house where the line between healing and pleasure was erased for the first time in this region, for it is not only a sanatorium, but also a recognisable and modern health, wellness and spa centre. In this royal spa famous far and wide you can take a bath in the royal bathroom, to enjoy in a royal fashion with champagne and almonds, in a Jacuzzi with hot water. And that water comes from the only spring in Europe with a temperature of a human body – 36.2 degrees Celsius. You can enjoy in saunas or let yourself go to the skilful hands of physical therapists. You can choose between so many types of massage for an unforgettable relaxation, 24 to be exact, from the one with hot chocolate, honey, essential oils, volcano rocks, to the “octopus” , which is 4 or 6 hands giving you massage at the same time. This wellness centre was called “Fons romanus” – the Roman Spring, and has already gained the epithet of Merkur’s “Holy Grail”. “Merkur” successfully joined the healing gifts from nature, knowledge and modern medicine to treat diabetes. It became the National centre for prevention, treatment and education of people suffering from diabetes. And also for treatment of gastroenterological problems, bones and joints diseases, cardiac, neurological, ophthalmological and gynecological diseases. Guests are provided here with a possibility to get a full insight into their health condition as quickly as possible, and an adequate therapy, too. “Merkur” also got a hyperbaric chamber for therapy with pure oxygen under pressure, which heals but also embellishes one’s body, rejuvenates. Returning to the nature and medicines it gives was achieved in a new balneotherapy centre “Fons medicus”, for therapies of urogenital system using hot healing mineral water. One can get health using nature also in the Peloid Centre “Limus Romanus” with a healing warmth. Healing water and mud offer pleasure and joy, which are complemented with effects of baths and cosmetic treatments. Constant enrichment with new programmes, top service, exceptional comfort and numerous innovations are the reasons for which the tourist season lasts for 12 months, both ill and healthy people come here, treatment in this centre is the best and holiday – complete with delicacies of healthy nutrition – is the most pleasant. “Merkur” is the only one with a unique passport in the world for its guests – “Merkur’s passport”, which gives a special status to its most loyal guests. A real kingdom of health and pleasure. Full relaxation and harmony of the body in the Oriental bathroom from 1001 Nights, king’s and queen’s bathrooms or swimming pools can be achieved by taking any of numerous programmes for stress relief, relaxation, rejuvenation. New redesigned health packages are offered: General medical accommodation, Living with diabetes, Painless movement and Gastro package, as well as packages for those who want to relax and enjoy, Wellness accommodation and Wellness accommodation all inclusive. “Holy Grail” – this is the very image of the temple of pleasure “Fons Romanus”, which has been enriched with new programmes for body shaping and facial care, for the perfect looks. These are “Kavifit” and “Kavilift” – effective, permanent and safe methods enabling lifting and liposuction without any surgery. “Merkur” offers traditional spa treatment, balneotherapy, modern and most luxurious wellness and aqua programmes. They also offer treatment and rest in a completely different way, and for all generations that can feel all the secrets of pleasure, healing, feeling good in the spa, which is in the centre of Serbia, in “Merkur”, which is in the centre of the spa. This is a great place to escape from hectic rhythm of everyday life, where you can discover how to hear your body, and how to let the energy of your spirit to flow freely.




Fons Romanus



KRALJEVO Mataru{ka Banja Bogutova~ka Banja



Grad kraljevskog imena Svojim imenom ovaj grad obznanjuje da se ulazi u riznicu istorije, srpske državnosti, duhovnosti, lepote


a ušću reke Ibar u Zapadnu Moravu, okružen i pitomim i nešto surovijim planinama, u kotlini visokoj samo 208 metara nad morem i bogatoj lekovitim vodama, izrastao je grad kraljevskog imena - Kraljevo. Već svojim imenom ovaj grad iznedren u centralnoj Srbiji obznanjuje svakome ko u njega kroči da je ušao u riznicu prepunu blaga, od onog koje je istorija na ovim prostorima vekovima uplitala i preplitala, do lepote koju samo priroda svojom rukom ume da iscrta. Otvaraju se ovde vrata jedne od najlepših dolina u Srbiji – Ibarske doline. Njome ispod strmih litica „žuri“ reka Ibar, u čijem zagrljaju uživa Dolina kraljeva, koju još nazivaju i Dolinom vekova, ali i Dolinom jorgovana. Dolina je ovo, ali i kolevka srpske državnosti i duhovnosti, što potvrđuju brojni svedoci u njoj i po njoj rasprostrti i uzdignuti. Od davnina je ovo područje naseljavano, stari Rim i Vizantija su po njemu ostavili tragove. Prvi put se današnje Kraljevo pominje u spisu iz 1476. godine kao Rudo Polje. Kasnije je u upotrebi naziv Karanovac, a ime Kraljevo datira iz 1882. godine. Te godine je prilikom posete kralja Milana Obrenovića i na zahtev građana imenovano kraljevskim imenom. Ime je dobilo u znak sećanja na obnovu srpskog kraljevstva posle turskog ropstva. A sam grad sa dve reke, jednom kotlinom, planinskim vencima, brojnim manastirima u blizini, sa tradicijom kulture i duhovnosti, po mnogo čemu je jedinstven. Najpre po planu i po centralnom trgu, sa mrežom ulica koje od njega kreću na sve četiri strane. Trg srpskih ratnika je središte grada. Govori se da je prvi plan nacrtao u 19. veku kralj Milan Obrenović i to „prstom po tepsiji s peskom“, da bi se do danas planski trg gradio i dograđivao. U njegovoj sredini je čuveni bronzani vojnik s puškom i barjakom, koga Kraljevčani od milošte zovu „Milutin“. Okružuju ga, ili kao ram za sliku uokviruju Narodno pozorište, biblioteka, hotel „Turist“, Gospodar Vasin konak iz 19. veka. Sve je sa posebnim izgledom i jedno uz drugo, uporedo staro i novo - zlatari, kujundžije, sajdžije, moderne prodavnice, restorani, kafići. Kraljevčani mogu da se ponose i uređenim obalama reke, plažom, šetalištem, sportskim terenima. Ibar je pravi raj za ribolovce, kao i za kajakaše, „Veseli spust“ je tradicionalna manifestacija, kao i Dani jorgovana, tu je likovna kolonija, književna i brojna druga kulturna dešavanja. Kraljevo i okolina mogu da se diče ljudima, širokogrudim, visprenim, gostoljubivim domaćinima kod kojih je gost mnogo više od gosta - on je kao rod. Može da se ponosi svojim planinama – vencima koji ga nadvisuju, obasipaju čistim vazduhom i zdravljem - Kotlenik, Željan, Goč, Stolovi, Troglav, Čemerno, Radočelo. Posebna atrakcija Kraljeva i Ibarske klisure je Dolina jorgovana – oda kraljevske ljubavi. U znak dobrodošlice i neizmerne ljubavi prema budućoj nevesti, princezi francuskog porekla Jeleni Anžujskoj, srpski kralj Uroš I Nemanjić je čitavu dolinu uz Ibar odenuo u sve boje jorgovana. Da jorgovani svojim mirisom buduću kraljicu svakog jutra podsećaju na rodnu Provansu. Početkom maja meseca u Kraljevu se tradicionalno održavaju Dani jorgovana, kao sećanje na događaj iz 13. veka. A u ovoj Dolini vekova su i biseri srednjevekovne srpske umetnosti, duhovnosti i državnosti. Unedrili su se u njoj manastiri iz 12. i 13. veka, zadužbine srpskih kraljeva – Žiča, Studenica, koja je pod zaštitom UNESCO-a, srednjovekovni grad Maglič, manastir Gradac. Nešto dalje je stari Ras. Ova oblast izrodila je mnoga značajna imena srpske istorije, a posebno mesto među njima pripada Rastku Nemanjiću – Svetom Savi. Na grbu grada Kraljeva stoji sedam kruna koje simbolizuju sedam krunisanja srpskih kraljeva u manastiru Žiča. A gradu kraljevskog imena, čiji je i Dan - 7. oktobar u narodu poznat kao Kraljevdan, posebnu draž daju banje u njegovoj blizini - Mataruška i Bogutovačka Banja.



Voda daruje zivot Vode Mataruške Banje toliko su dobre da pomažu rađanju novih života, a Bogutovačka je raj za nerve


voj dolazak na svet prvim plačem oglasile su mnoge bebe u Srbiji čije su majke tražeći lek za nemanje poroda stigle i do Mataruške Banje. Tople i lekovite vode Banje, koja se udobno smestila na desnoj obali Ibra i naslonila na padine Stolova, toliko su dobre da pomažu i rađanju novih života. Mataruška Banja nalazi se u centralnoj Srbiji, na nadmorskoj visini od 215 metara, u području Kraljeva koje obiluje lekovitim vodama. A sama banja, sa dubine veće od 1.000 metara, nedri najjaču sumporovitu vodu u južnoj Evropi. Uz vodu koja je melem za mnoge boljke, čija temperatura dostiže do 52 stepena, ovde i šume Stolova, Troglava i Čemerna daruju lekovit vazduh pun šumskog ozona. Ime je Banja dobila po selu Mataruge kraj koga je najpre i izbila voda isceliteljka. Jedna je od najmlađih banja, a njeni lekoviti izvori su na neobičan način, ili slučajno otkriveni. I to zahvaljujući Ibru i velikoj vodi. Naime, posle poplave 1898. godine, toliko velike da je Ibar sebi napravio novo korito, kada se voda povukla umesto njiva nastale su kaljuge iz kojih su meštani osećali neprijatan miris. Primetili su i da se stoka koja je u kaljuge zalazila bila zdravija, pa su i sami počeli da se u njima okrepljuju. Izbijala je iz zemlje sumporovita voda, koju su poslali profesoru Marku Leku na prvu stručnu analizu. Potvrđeno je da je prebogata sumporom i drugim elementima, da je izuzetno lekovita. Naredne godine sagrađena su od dasaka „dva kupatila za muške, onda još dva za ženske i jedno za ranjave“. Osnivanje Akcionarskog društva 1907. godine označava i početak izgradnje Banje, koja snažan razvoj doživljava između dva svetska rata. Niču vile, kupatila, hoteli. U Dolini jorgovana izrasta tako moderno odmaralište i lečilište. Oblikovan je i velelepni park na više od 15 hektara, sa kojim srastaju šumovite padine Stolova, podignut most koji je simbol Banje, stacionar „Agens“, smešten u banjskom parku. Najveća koncentracija sumpora u mataruškoj vodi pomaže onima koje muči reuma, želudac, koji pate od neuroloških i od oboljenja perifernih krvnih sudova. Posebno je ova voda moćna u lečenju steriliteta. A da ovi lekoviti darovi prirode budu i najveći prijatelji zdravlja brine tim lekara i teraputa Specijalne bolnice za rehabilitaciju „Agens“. U kombinaciji najsavremenijih metoda fizikalne medicine i rehabilitacije i čudotvorne vode postižu izvanredne rezulate u lečenju. Ali i u preventivi. Svima koji žive pod stresom i koji žele da kvalitetno poprave svoje zdravlje to pruža wellness - antistres program primenom manuelne, podvodne masaže, biserne kupke, bazena, fitnesa, do saveta za očuvanje zdravlja. Uz obilje zelenila, šuma, cveća, uz uređenu plažu na Ibru, Banja ima i sve uslove za pripremu sportista - fudbalski teren, terene za male sportove, bazen, sve za rekreaciju, za kongresni turizam. Ima planine za šetnje, lov i planinarenje, ima Ibar za ribolov, veslanje, plivanje. Bogutovačka Banja drugi je banjski dragulj kraljevačkog kraja. Prostrla se podno Troglava, na 520 metara visine, sa lekovitom vodom, toplom od 24 do 27 stepeni, bogatom mineralima i radioaktivnim elementima. Nazivaju je „raj za nerve ili neuro banja“, a šumovita okolina i planinski vazduh čine je i vazdušnom banjom. Njene izvore ljudi su koristili još u srednjem veku, a savremeno uređivanje Bogutovačke Banje počelo je pre pola veka. Banjski izvori donose lek za mnoga neuropsihijatrijska, reumatska, oboljenja srca i krvnih sudova, bolesti organa za varenje. Šumoviti planinski obronci pogodni su za šetnje stazom zdravlja, za izlete i lov, a reka Lopatnica mami ribolovce. Nedaleko od obe kraljevačke banje su znamenitosti - manastiri Žiča i Studenica, srednjevekovni grad Maglič. Raj za dušu.



City of royal name Swith its name this city announces the entrance to the treasury of history, Serbian sovereignty, spirituality, beauty


t the confluence of the Ibar into the Zapadna Morava, surrounded by both tame and somewhat crueller mountains, in a basin at the height of no more than 208 metres above sea level and abundant in curative water, a city of royal name grew – Kraljevo (kralj – king). The very name of this city born in central Serbia announces to everyone who steps in it that he has entered a depository full of treasures – from those left by the history that entwined and interweaved in this area for centuries to the beauty only nature can draw with its hand. The door of one of the most beautiful valleys in Serbia opens here – the Ibar Valley. The River Ibar rushes through it below steep cliffs and embraces the Valley of Kings, also called the Valley of Centuries and the Valley of Lilacs. This valley is also the cradle of Serbian sovereignty and spirituality, which is confirmed by numerous witnesses, spread out and raised all over. This region has been settled since the ancient times – the old Rome and Byzantium left their traces all over it. Today’s Kraljevo was mentioned for the first time in a document from 1476 as Rudo Polje. Later the name Karanovac was used, while Kraljevo dates back to 1882. This is the year in which it took the royal name, on the occasion of visit of the King Milan Obrenović and upon request of its citizens. It was so named in memory of restoration of the Serbian kingdom after the Turkish slavery. The city with two rivers, one valley, mountain chains, numerous monasteries nearby and the tradition of culture and spirituality is unique in so many ways. First of all, for its layout and central square, and with a network of streets starting from the square in all directions. The Square of Serbian Warriors is the centre of the city. It is said that the first plan was drawn in the 19th century by the King Milan Obrenović “drawing it with his finger on a baking dish full of sand” and the square has been built and rebuilt by design until the present day. In the centre of the square there is a famous bronze soldier with a rifle and a flag, who is called “Milutin” out of love by Kraljevo inhabitants. It is surrounded or framed like a picture by the National Theatre, Library, Hotel “Turist” and the Residence of Gospodar Vasa from the 19th century. Everything has a unique look and is next to each other, old and new are adjacent – jewellers, coppersmiths, watchmakers, modern shops, restaurants and cafes. Residents of Kraljevo can also be proud of well-ordered river banks, a beach, promenade and sports courts. The Ibar is a real paradise for fishermen, but also for kayakers – “Veseli spust” (Merry Race) is a traditional rafting event, as well as Lilac Days; then there is also an art colony, literary and many other cultural happenings. Kraljevo and its surroundings can be proud of the people, broad-minded, sharp-witted and hospitable hosts for whom a guest is so much more than just a guest – a guest is like a family member. It can also pride itself on its mountains – chains towering above it and showering it with clear air and health – Kotlenik, Željan, Goč, Stolovi, Troglav, Čemerno, Radočelo. A special attraction of Kraljevo and the Ibar Gorge is the Valley of Lilacs – an ode to royal love. As a sign of welcome and immense love to his future bride – the princess of French origin Helen of Anjou – the Serbian King Uroš I Nemanjić attired the entire valley by the Ibar in all colours of lilac so that lilacs with their scent would remind the future queen of her homeland Provence every morning. Lilac Days are traditionally held in Kraljevo at the beginning of May in memory of this happening from the 13th century. And this Valley of Centuries also keeps pearls of the medieval Serbian art, spirituality and sovereignty. Monasteries from the 12th and 13th centuries have nestled in it, endowments o Serbian kings – Žiča, Studenica, which is under UNESCO protection, a medieval town Maglič, Monastery Gradac, etc. The old Ras is also nearby. This region gave birth to many significant names of the Serbian history, among which a special place belongs to Rastko Nemanjić – St Sava. The coat of arms of the city of Kraljevo has seven crowns symbolizing seven coronations of Serbian kings in the Monastery Žiča. A unique charm is lent to the city of royal name – the day of this city, 7th October is also known among the people as Kraljevdan (Kraljevo Day) – by spas in its vicinity: Mataruška and Bogutovačka Banja. A CROSS ABOVE THE CITY In a place Progorelica, where the medieval Serbia begins, on a hill above Mataruška Banja and Kraljevo, history and tradition are kept and told by Krstovgrad (Town of Crosses). Its creator is the famous collector Željko Košanin, who first built a big cross there, and then a belvedere that grew into a real museum with nearly 5000 works of art. This attraction for visitors made out of ethno-details, antiquities and unique items evoking how our kings used to live, Krstovgrad is a place where landscape followed by the spirit of times we are made of is revealed in all its beauty and strength.



Life giving water Water of Mataruška Banja is so good that helps new lives to be born, while Bogutovačka water is a heaven for nerves


any babies in Serbia have announced their arrival to the world with their first cry whose mothers went to Mataruška Banja in search for a cure to not having offspring. Warm and healing water of this Spa, which has nestled on the right bank of the River Ibar leaning on the slopes of Stolovi, is so good that it even helps new lives to be born. Mataruška Banja is situated in the central Serbia, at the height of 215 metres, in the region of Kraljevo abundant in curative water. The very spa brings to the surface the strongest sulphurous water in the South Europe from the depth of more than 1,000 metres. Along with the water that heals many illnesses, with a temperature of up to 52 ºC, the forests of Stolovi, Troglav and Čemerno give healing air full of forest ozone. The Spa was named after the village of Mataruge, next to which the healing water emerged first. It is one of the youngest spas, and its healing springs were discovered in an unusual way or accidently – thanks to the Ibar and great water. Namely, after a flood in 1898, which was so big that the Ibar made a new bed, once the water withdrew it left puddles instead of fields from which the locals smelled an unpleasant smell. They also noticed that the cattle that would go in the puddles became healthier so they started going in there themselves. Sulphurous water emerged from the ground, which was sent to Professor Marko Leko to do the first expert analysis. It was confirmed that water was abundant in sulphur and other elements and that it was very curative. The following year “two baths for men, another two for women and one for wounded” were built of wooden boards. Foundation of a joint-stock company in 1907 marked the beginning of construction of the Spa, which experienced intensive development between the two world wars. Villas, baths and hotels were raised, and so a modern resort and sanatorium was born in the Valley of Lilacs. A magnificent park was made on an area of over 15 hectares merging with the wooded slopes of Stolovi, a bridge was built as the symbol of the Spa and “Agens” in-patient clinic was placed in the Spa Park. The highest concentration of sulphur in Mataruška water helps those suffering from rheumatism, stomach troubles, neurological diseases and peripheral blood vessels disorders. This water is particularly powerful in treating sterility. A team of doctors and therapists of the Special hospital for rehabilitation “Agens” make sure that these curative gifts from nature are the best friends of health. They achieve marvellous results in treatments by combining the latest methods of physical medicine and rehabilitation with the miraculous water. They are also successful in prevention. All those living under stress can substantially improve the quality of their health with the help of wellness – anti-stress programmes using manual or underwater massages, pearl baths, swimming pool, fitness, including consulting on how to preserve health. With wealthy greenery, forests, flowers and well-ordered bank of the Ibar, the Spa provides all requirements for preparation of athletes – a football field, courts for small sports, a swimming pool, everything for recreation, but also for congress tourism. It has mountains for hiking, hunting and mountaineering, and it has the Ibar for fishing, rowing and swimming. Bogutovačka Banja is another spa jewel of the region of Kraljevo. It spreads out beneath the Troglav, at the altitude of 520 metres above sea level, and it has curative water with the temperatures ranging between 24 and 27 degrees, rich in minerals and radioactive elements. They call it “heaven for nerves or nerve-spa“. Wooded surroundings and mountain air make it also an air spa. Its springs were used by people back in the Middle Ages, while the modernisation of Bogutovačka Banja started half a century ago. The Spa springs cure many neuropsychiatric, rheumatic, cardiovascular and diseases of the digestive system. Wooded mountain slopes are suitable for walks on the path of health, picnics and hunting, while the River Lopatnica attracts many fishermen. Not far away from the two spas of Kraljevo are famous sights: Monasteries Žiča and Studenica and the medieval town Maglič. A paradise for soul. “KOD MIRA” - Temple of good food When gourmets feel a desire to satisfy their thirst and hunger after they have filled their soul with colours and history of Kraljevo and the Valley of Kings, all they need to do is to stop in a place where caravans used to stop two and a half centuries ago and step into one of the oldest taverns in Serbia – “Kod Mira” (At Miro’s). The building was raised in 1826 by Sima Matović on the road Kraljevo – Raška, in Bogutovac village, and it was put on a list of taverns in 1830. The fame of good bite and traditional meals of this region has been spread by generations of Matović family until the present day. “Kod Mira” tavern is a symbol of this region. Its history and the history of a family of tavern-keepers “spread over three centuries”. This is where people have always enjoyed good food, tradition and sincere hospitality.






^A^AK Banja Gornja Trep~a Atomska banja



Lepota zaustavlja dah Krasi ga bogatstvo i lepota prirode, čuva ga duh srpske Svete Gore. Pravi dragulj ovog kraja su tri banje


robijajući se između planina Ovčar i Kablar, nazvanih još „čobanin i bačvar“, reka Zapadna Morava gradi jednu od najlepših klisura u Srbiji, dodiruje i čuva jedan od najstarijih gradova na našim prostorima - grad Čačak. Da ovaj grad jeste među najstarijima dokazuje i to da je prošlo šest vekova od kada je Čačak pod tim imenom prvi put pomenut u istorijskim spisima. U Dubrovačkom arhivu sačuvan je dokument o tome koji nosi datum 3. januar 1409. godine. Najstariji materijalni dokaz o naselju - kameni žrtvenik, potiče iz prelaza 6. u 5. vek pre nove ere. Među ostacima prošlosti su i Rimske terme u samom centru grada, a na gradskom trgu otkriveni su fragmenti iz praistorije. U blizini je veliko arheološko nalazište Gradina na Jelici, koje spada u najvažnija ranovizantijska i ranosrednjevekovna nalazišta ne samo u Srbiji, nego u regionu. Čačak se nalazi u središnjem delu centralne Srbije u Moravičkom okrugu. Biti u Čačku a ne videti s Kablara čačansku kotlinu, grad na dlanu, jedinstvene meandre, ne osetiti čari nedirnute prirode i duh srpske Svete Gore - gubitak je to jedinstvenog doživljaja. Sa vrha Kablara puca pogled na veliki deo Srbije, na lepotu od koje zastaje dah. Opevan je u pesmama, poznat po burnoj istoriji i prebogatoj kulturi, po ljudima za koje, ne bez razloga, mnogi kažu da su „drčni”. Prepoznatljiv je Čačak već dugo i po spremnosti da u mnogim oblastima bude prvi, po privatnoj inicijativi, rekordnom broju auto-kuća, po istaknutim sportistima, znamenitim ljudima i znamenitostima, po gotovo neverovatnom bogatstvu i lepotama kojima priroda obiluje. Poznat je po kulturnom i društvenom životu, ali i po restoranima i kafanama, čuvenim pečenjarama, kojih ima čak 150. Grad je to u kome se mnogo stvara, radi, mnogo toga dešava. Napretek je ovde svega za oko i dušu - arhitetektura starih zgrada, galerije, spomenici, arheološki lokaliteti. Brojne su kulturne i druge manifestacije - Sabor frulaša, Moravska regata, Kupusijada, Memorijalni fudbalski turniri, Konjičke trke, sajmovi, umetničke kolonije. Čačak je i grad sporta, sa velikim brojem sportskih klubova, sa četiri teniska terena, jednim fudbalskim, dva bazena, sa otvorenom gradskom plažom, atletskim stazama, sportskom halom, stazama zdravlja. Ovo je i prvi grad u Srbiji u kome je započet projekat korišćenja solarne energije. Na krovu vrtića i Prehrambeno-ugostiteljske škole postavljen je blok solarnih kolektora. Najviše tragova o gradu ostavili su umetnici, slikari, pisci, graditelji i to od najstrijeg doba do današnjih dana. Najbolja umetnička dela o Čačku sačuvala su posebnu atmosferu i duh ovog grada. Zaštitni znak kulture je manifestacija „Disovo proleće”. Ime utemeljivača moderne srpske poezije, tvorca „Nirvane”, „Možda spava”, Vladislava Petkovića - Disa nosi i Gradska biblioteka, čije podizanje doseže u 1848. godinu. Tu je i umetnička galerija „Nadežda Petrović”, galerija „Risim”, Međuopštinski istorijski arhiv, Dom kulture, Narodni muzej. Upravo ova ustanova u više postavki nudi poklonicima spomeničke baštine predmete koji svedoče o burnoj prošlosti ovog dela Srbije. Postavka je u konaku Jovana Obrenovića, brata kneza Miloša. Konak je sagrađen 1835. godine i na njemu je jedini očuvani grb dinastije Obrenović. Pravi biser prirode, riznica lepote i duhovnosti je Ovčarsko-Kablarska klisura, koja je poznata i kao srpska Sveta gora. U dubokoj klisuri, skriveni od pogleda prolaznika, među stenama i zelenilom, smešteno je deset manastira i dva svetilišta. Pravi dragulj su i tri banje - Ovčar banja, Slatinska banja i čuvena banja sa dva imena - Gornja Trepča ili Atomska Banja.



Atomima do zdravlja Banja sa dva imena jedinstvena je po blago radioaktivnoj vodi, po uspešnjoj rehabilitaciji ljudi sa multiple sklerozom Uz brojne minerale, čak ih je 48, „atomska voda“ sadrži i cezijum


kružena šumovitim planinama Vujan i Bukovik, utonula u zelenilo, na nadmorskoj visini od 460 metara, u jugozapadnoj Šumadiji, ušuškala se banja Gornja Trepča. Prebogata darovima zemlje i neba, prava je oaza mira i tišine, čije guste listopadne šume, livade sa lekovitim biljem i cvećem okrepljuju i umiruju organizam. A blagodeti koji iz zemlje izviru donose telu snagu i ozdravljenje. Ovde su, kao retko gde u svetu, atomi put do zdravlja. Jedinstvena je ova Banja po mnogo čemu. Jedna je od retkih sa dva imena. Prvo je dobila po istoimenom selu - Gornja Trepča, u čijoj se blizini nalazi. Drugo - Atomska Banja odredili su joj njeni čudesni i izvori, specifični po termalnim svojstvima, brojnim mineralima, ali najviše po radioaktivnim elementima. Samo na ovom prostoru i prvi put u termalnoj vodi otkriven je cezijum. I ono po čemu je prepoznatljiva u čitavom svetu ovekovečeno je spomenikom. Jedino ovde je podignut spomenik MS, na kome su uklesane reči „Ovde počiva multipla skleroza“. Lekovita svojstva voda poznata su od davnina, rimski legionari nalazili su lek na ovim izvorima, priča se da su junaci Kosovskog boja na ovoj vodi zaceljivali rane. Prvi pisani zapisi o lekovitoj vodi potiču iz 1525. godine. Tek krajem 19. veka jedan trgovac iz Gornje Trepče sagradio je mali bazen za kupanje, 10-ak godina kasnije uprava manastira Vujan dogradila je tu kupatila, zgradu sa 10 soba i kafanu. Prva ispitivanja voda obavljena su 1904. godine. Podatak da je prvi autobus u Banju stigao tek 1968. godine govori o tome koliko je dugo bila zanemarena. Ali, glas o njenoj čudesnoj i moćnoj vodi je daleko stizao, pa su ljudi u sve većem broju dolazili. Zato je i napravljen prvi stacionar sa bazenima, kadama za kupanje, lekarskim ordinacijama. Danas Banja poseduje dobro opremljene objekte za smeštaj i lečenje pacijenata. I hvale vredne stručnjake. Termalna voda, temperature od 27 do 31. stepena, pored brojnih minerala, ima ih čak 48, sadrži i retke elemente. Njena prednost nad ostalim banjskim vodama je što u sebi ima cezijum, litijum, stroncijum, kobalt, uran, radon, titan. Voda je blago radioaktivna. Ta svojstva čine je specifičnom i jedinstvenom i donose velike uspehe u lečenju i rehabilitaciji obolelih od neuroloških, reumatskih, gastrointestinalnih oboljenja, oboljenja krvnih sudova. Posebni rezultati u Banji Gornja Trepča postižu se u rehabilitaciji pacijenata sa multiple sklerozom. Najnovija studija koju su nedavno, u saradnji sa ekspertima iz zemlje, sproveli stručnajci Specijalne bolnice za rehabilitaciju „Gornja Trepča“, pokazuje izuzetne efekte „atomske vode“ kod pacijenata obolelih od MS, Parkinsonove bolesti, cerebralne paralize i drugih neuroloških oboljenja. Kompletan balneofizikalni tertman sprovodi se u terapijskim blokovima koji su opremljeni najsavremenijom opremom, moderna zdanja potpuno su, po najvišim standardima, prilagođena potrebama svih pacijenata i najzahtevnijih gostiju. Saradnja sa brojnim udruženjima obolelih od multiple skleroze iz EU, ugovori sa zdravstvenim fondovima nekoliko zemalja, najbolja su referenca i preporuka. Novoizgrađena bolnica „Vujan“, sa medicinskim, hidroblokom, komforom, sa wellness-om – antistres i anticelulit programom, novi je ukras i adut „Gornje Trepče“. Boravak u ovoj Banji pruža mogućnost i za upoznavanje bogate tradicije, običaja i modernog stvaralaštva centralne Srbije. Organizuju se posete manastirima Ovčarsko-Kablarske klisure, manastiru Vujan, Mokroj Gori i Zlatiboru, obilazak Čačka. Sastavni deo terapije, prava prilika da se nauživaju i oči i pluća, su šetnje stazama zdravlja po prelepim krajolicima.



Breathtaking beauty It is graced by wealth and beauty of nature, and protected by the spirit of the Serbian Holy Mountain. This region’s real jewels are the three spas


ighting its way through the mountains Ovčar and Kablar, also called “Shepherd and Cooper”, the River Zapadna Morava is carving one of the most beautiful gorges in Serbia, touching and protecting one of the oldest cities in our country – the City of Čačak. The fact that this city is among the oldest is proven by six centuries that passed since its first mentioning in historical documents under the name of Čačak. The Archives of Dubrovnik preserve a document about this, which dates from the 3rd January 1409. The oldest material evidence of the settlement – a stone altar – originates from the turn of the 6th and the 5th centuries B.C. The remnants of the past include Roman Thermae in the very centre of the city, and fragments of prehistory were discovered on the city square. There is a big archaeological site nearby – Gradica on the Mt Jelica – which is one of the most important early Byzantine and early medieval sites both in Serbia and the region. Čačak is located in the central part of the Central Serbia, in Moravica District. Being in Čačak without seeing the valley of Čačak and the city in plain view, and unique meanders from Mt Kablar, without sensing the charms of intact nature and the spirit of the Serbian Holy Mountain, means missing out on a truly unequalled experience. The top of Mt Kablar offers a view of a large part of Serbia – a breathtaking beauty. Celebrated in verses, famous for its turbulent history and very rich culture, for people who are not for nothing said to be “pushy”, Čačak has been known for long for its readiness to be the first in many areas, for a private initiative, the record number of car dealers, distinguished athletes, prominent people and sights, and almost unbelievable wealth and beauty the nature abounds in. It is famous for its cultural and social life, and also for restaurants and taverns, famed barbecue stalls – there are no less than 150 of them. It is a city where a lot is being created, a lot of work done, a lot of things happening. Everything here is more than enough for the eye and for the soul – architecture of old buildings, galleries, monuments, archaeological sites. Cultural and other events are numerous: Flute players gathering, Morava regatta, Cabbage festival, Memorial football tournaments, horse races, fairs, art colonies, etc. Čačak is also a city of sports, with a great number of sports clubs, four tennis courts, one football field, two swimming pools, city beach, athlete tracks, a sports hall, and paths of health. This is also the first town in Serbia where a project of using solar energy was initiated – blocks of solar collectors were placed on the rooftops of one kindergarten and the Food and Catering School. Most traces of the city were left behind by artists, painters, writers, builders, from the ancient times until today. The best artistic works of Čačak have preserved this city’s special atmosphere and spirit. Its cultural trademark is the event “Dis’s spring”. The City Library built back in 1848, bears the name of the founder of modern Serbian poetry, author of “Nirvana”, “She maybe sleeping” and other poems, Vladislav Petković – Dis. There is also an art gallery “Nadežda Petrović”, “Risim” gallery, Inter-municipal Historical Archives, Cultural Centre and National Museum. This particular institution offers several exhibitions of objects testifying the turbulent past of this part of Serbia to the admirers of monumental heritage. The exhibition is placed in the residence of Jovan Obrenović, brother of Prince Miloš. This residence was built in 1835 and it holds the single preserved coat of arms of Obrenović dynasty. The Ovčar - Kablar Gorge is a genuine pearl of the nature, a treasury of beauty and spirituality, also known as the Serbian Holy Mountain. There are ten monasteries and two sanctuaries in this deep gorge, hidden among rocks and greenery from the eyes of passers-by. The three spas are real jewels: Ovčar Banja, Slatinska Banja and the famous spa with two names Gornja Trepča or the Atomic Spa.



Atoms to health This Spa with two names is unique for its mildly radioactive water, for a successful rehabilitation of people suffering from multiple sclerosis Along with numerous minerals – no less than 48 – the “atomic water” also contains caesium


Surrounded by wooded mountains Vujan and Bukovik, Gornja Trepča Spa snuggled up, sinking into the greenery at the altitude of 460 metres above sea level in the Southwest Šumadija. Lavishly endowed by the earth and sky, this is a genuine oasis of peace and quiet, whose dense deciduous forests and meadows with medicinal herbs and flowers invigorate and calm the organism. And boons gushing out of the earth bring strength and recovery to the body. Here, as rarely anywhere in the world, atoms form the path to health. This Spa is unique in many things. It is one of the few with two names. The first one is after the village with the same name – Gornja Trepča, in the vicinity of which it is located. The second name – Atomska Banja (Atomic Spa) – was given for its marvellous springs, specific for their thermal features, numerous minerals, but mostly for radioactive elements. Caesium was discovered only here, and for the first time in thermal water. And the thing for which it is recognizable in the whole world is eternalized in a monument. This is the only place where a monument was raised to the MS, with the following words carved in: “This is where multiple sclerosis lies”. Curative features of water have been known since the ancient times – Roman legionaries found a cure in these springs, and people say that heroes of the Kosovo Battle healed their wounds with this water. The first written documents about healing water date back to 1525. But, it was not until the end of the 19th century that a small pool for bathing was built by a trader from Gornja Trepča, and about 10 years later the administration of the Monastery Vujan added bathrooms, a building with 10 rooms and a tavern. The first water tests were conducted in 1904. The fact that the first bus arrived to the Spa in 1968 indicates for how long it was neglected. But, the words about its miraculous and powerful water spread out far away, and people started coming here in greater numbers. For that reason the first in-patient clinic was built with swimming pools, bathtubs and consulting rooms. Today the Spa has well equipped facilities for accommodation and treatment of patients, and also praiseworthy experts. The thermal water with temperatures ranging between 27 and 31 degrees contains numerous minerals – no less than 48 – and also some rare elements. Its advantage over other spa waters is that it contains caesium, lithium, strontium, cobalt, uranium, radon, titanium. The water is mildly radioactive. These features make it specific and unique and result in huge successes in treatment and rehabilitation of people suffering from neurological, rheumatic, gastrointestinal diseases and disorders of peripheral circulation. Special results are achieved in Gornja Trepča Spa in rehabilitating people suffering from multiple sclerosis. The latest study carried out recently by experts of the Special hospital for rehabilitation “Gornja Trepča” in cooperation with other experts from the country shows remarkable effects of the “atomic water” on patients suffering from MS, Parkinson’s disease, cerebral palsy and other neurological disorders. Full balneo-physical treatment is carried out in therapeutic units equipped with the state-of-the-art equipment, and modern facilities have been fully adjusted to the needs of all patients and the most demanding guests, following the highest standards. The best reference and recommendation are its cooperation with numerous associations of people suffering from multiple sclerosis from the EU and contracts with health funds of several countries. A newly built hospital “Vujan” with medical and hydro units, comfort and wellness – anti-stress and anti cellulite programmes – is the new ornament and the ace card of “Gornja Trepča”. Staying in this Spa also offers an opportunity to learn about rich tradition, customs and modern creativity of the Central Serbia. Visits are organised to the monasteries of Ovčar-Kablar Gorge, Monastery Vujan, Mokra Gora and Zlatibor, and a tour around Čačak. Walks through the paths of health and beautiful sceneries form an integral part of the therapy and are a great opportunity for one’s eyes and lungs to enjoy to the full.






^A^AK Ov~ar Banja



Riznice medu liticama „Crkve i manastiri, zadužbine naših vladara, bile su prava kuća čobaninu i pravi dvor vladaru“, - Isidora Sekulić


ravnici, a među planinama, u zapadnom i u centralnom delu Srbije, na obali Zapadne Morave prostro se grad Čačak. Kotlina čačanska ušuškana je između šumadijskog podbrđa i planina Jelice, Ovčar, Kablar i Vujan, koje se talasaju i spuštaju ka Moravi i Čačku. Grad pleni prirodnim lepotama, očuvanom arhitekturom i spomeničkim nasleđem. Ima jedinstven u svetu Spomenik ratnicima Prvog svetskog rata, koji je zajednička grobnica srpskih i neprijateljskih vojnika, na jednoj strani nalazi se pravoslavni, na drugoj katolički krst, na trećoj islamski polumesec, a na četvrtoj Davidova zvezda. Spomenik vojvodi Stepi Stepanoviću - bronzana bista vojvode u stojećem stavu okrenuta je prema kući u kojoj je živeo. Na putu od spomenika do kuće po ulici su postavljene ploče sa nazivima bitaka u kojima je učestvovao. A na Jelici je stari grad i arheološki lokalitet Gradina. U praistorijskom, ranovizantijskom i srednjevekovnom periodu služio je ljudima kao sklonište i stalno prebivalište. Ovo arheološko nalazište prvi put se pominje 1865. godine. Delovi lokaliteta su uništeni sredinom 20. veka kada je građa korišćena za nasipanje puta. Sada se i dalje istražuje. Prvi tragovi naseobina su iz 7. veka stare ere. Nastaće ovde arheološki park. Nedaleko od Čačka, tamo gde se zapadna Srbija dodiruje sa Šumadijom, u dužini od 20 kilometara uzdigla se i uvila Ovčarskokablarska klisura. Gorostasna i najživopisnija klisura poznata je po svojim lepotama i vrednostima, po termalnim izvorima. Malo koja klisura je kao ova tako uklještila reku u meandre i sebe njima ukrasila. Ogrnuta u lepe i tajanstvene šume, sa bajnim pejzažima, još je lepša kada njenim nebom zaplovi orao, ili kada zvuk manastirskih zvona u smiraj dana odjekne među liticama. Usečena između planina Ovčar i Kablar u svojim nedrima klisura gaji više od 600 biljnih vrsta, 130 vrsta ptica, 70 dnevnih i više od 150 vrsta noćnih leptira, 30 vrsta sisara. Kroz nju vode uređene planinarske staze do vrha Kablara, u njenim liticama i lepoti može da se uživa i dok se brodom ili katamaranom plovi Moravom, ili se po njoj, kao i na dva veštačka jezera nastala podizanjem brana na Moravi, peca neka od 26 vrsta riba. U ovoj klisuri zasenjeni šumama vekovima traju manastiri Vavedenje, Nikolje, Jovanje, Preobraženje, Sretenje, Svete Trojice, Blagoveštenja, Uspenije, Vaznesenje i Ilinje, crkva Svetog Save i crkva-pećina Kađenica. Ni jedna klisura ne „krije“ u sebi toliko očuvanih srednjevekovnih manastira. Danas je ovde devet „živih“ manastira, toliko ima monaških zajednica. Postoje još tri sveta mesta obeležena crkvama. Zbog toliko svetilišta klisura je nazvana Srpska Sveta gora. U njima su brojne crkvene relikvije, vredne ikone, stari zapisi, retke rukopisne knjige koje svedoče o korenima srpskog naroda. U manastiru Nikolje najstarija očuvana knjiga je Psaltir iz 1534. godine, Vavedenje poseduje retke stare knjige, među kojima je i Beogradsko četvorojevanđelje iz 1552. godine. Svaki od 10 manastira ima svoju priču vezanu za nastajanje i postojanje na ovim prostorima. Vavedenje su, prema legendi, podigli osnivač srpske države Stefan Nemanja i njegov sin Sveti Sava. Pod strmim liticama Kablara, ispod jedne stene na malom udubljenju u kamenu izvire voda koja se tu zadržava. Ne otiče, ali je uvek ima, čak i kada se uzima u velikim količinama. Narod je zove „vodica Svetog Save“ i veruje se da je čudotvorna. Kod izvora je podignuta crkvica posvećena Svetom Savi. U klisuri inspiraciju nalaze mnogi umetnici, a borave svi koji žele da priušte sebi odmor i oporavak. U ovom gotovo mističnom spoju litica i Morave, među remek delima prirode, u samom središtu klisure je izvorište lekovite vode - Ovčar Banja.



Melem u sred klisure Stoletne šume, strme litice, planinski vazduh, lekovita voda čine ovu banju idealnim mestom za boravak


eđu remek delima prirode, u veličanstvenom spoju litica i Zapadne Morave, u središtu klisure između Ovčara (985m) i Kablara (885m) uzdiže se Ovčar Banja. Predeo u kome je smeštena čini je jednom od najlepših banja u Srbiji. Ona je naša najstarija, ali i najmlađa banja. Status banje stekla je tek pre godinu dana, a sa blagodetima koje ima, sa lepotom klisure koja je zaštićeno područje, hita u red savremenih banjskih centara. I put do nje vodi kroz najlepšu klisuru. Iznikla je na omanjem erozivnom proširenju, na ušću Banjskog potoka u Zapadnu Moravu, na nadmorskoj visini od 278 metara. Lekoviti mineralni izvori Ovčar Banje potiču iz dubinskih tektonskih razloma, donose vodu temperature 36 do 38 stepeni. Melem vode Ovčar Banje korišćene su još u praistorijsko doba. Postoje svedočanstva da su se ovde lečili Rimljani, korišćena je banja i u srednjevekovnom periodu, u njenim vodama su uživali i lečili se i Turci. Kao duhovna središta manastiri su se velikim delom izdržavali korišćenjem termalnih izvora i od vašara (panađura). Značajem manastira i banjskih vašara objašnjava se tvrdnja da je Ovčar Banja u srednjem veku bila ne samo najpoznatija nego i najveća banja u Srbiji. U prilog tome je i tekst turskog putopisca Evlije Čelebije iz 1662. godine: - „U blizini ovog naselja u planinama bogatim drvećem nalaze se kupke sela Banje. Još u doba hrišćanskih kraljeva na ovoj lekovitoj vodi podignute su veličanstvene visoke kupole, veliki basen, mnogobrojni hladnjaci, halvati i svlačionice. To je veličanstveno izletište i mesto za uživanje“. Prvi stručni izveštaj o lekovitosti toplih mineralnih izvora i o hemijskom sastavu vode dao je 1856. godine dr Lindermajer, a dve decenije kasnije zabeleženi su i prvi podaci o lečenima u Ovčar Banji. U to vreme uređeni su bazeni za kupanje i prvi „kvartir banjski“. Sredinom prošlog veka Banja je bila veliko gradilište – građen je magistralni put, pruga, objekti hidroelektrane. Ali ne i sama banja. Dugo je bila zaboravljena. Sada ponovo zauzima mesto na banjskoj i turističkoj mapi Srbije. Obilna, jodna, slabo sumporovita i blago radioaktivna mineralna voda izvire na više mesta. Izbija iz dubine zemlje čak i u samom rečnom koritu. Zbog svog sastava i topline voda je melem u lečenju reumatskih bolesti, povreda mišića i kostiju, sportskih povreda, oboljenja kože. Stoletne šume, strme litice, sunčani proplanci, svež planinski vazduh čine Ovčar Banju idealnim mestom za boravak. Brojne su mogućnosti za odmor, rekreaciju, sportske aktivnosti. Ili za relaksaciju i medicinsku rehabilitaciju, za prevenciju i očuvanje zdravlja u wellness centru „Kablar“, u zatvorenom bazenu sa termomineralnom vodom, u hidromasažnim kadama, sauni, u otvorenom bazenu. Lekovita voda teče i iz slavina u sobama ovog hotela. O pacijentima ovde brine medicinsko osoblje iz Čačka. Mir, zelenilo uz obale jezera, šetnja pored reke, ribolov, prirodne lepote za oko, manastiri, planinske staze, bazeni, sportski tereni pružaju svakom posetiocu nezaboravan doživljaj. Organizovano je i pešačenje obeleženim planinarskim stazama, ima ih osam, izleti do manastira, planinskih vrhova. Ili do najlepšeg vidikovca na vrhu Kablara, sa koga se kao na dlanu vide meandri, manastiri razbacani kao dragulji po najatraktivnijim delovima klisure, atari trubačkog Dragačeva, čačanska kotlina, grad Čačak. Održava se i takmičenje kajaka i kanua na jezerima Zapadne Morave, daljinsko jahanje, alpinizam, paraglajding. Među brojnim manifestacijama izdvajaju se Velika planinska trka, Ilindanski plivački maraton, Ovčarsko-Kablarska regata, Daljinsko jahanje na stazi dugoj 42 kilometra, Likovna kolonija Srpske Svete gore. Tradicionalni su i Letnji dani kulture,



Treasuries within cliffs “Churches and monasteries, endowments of our rulers, were a real home to a shepherd and a real palace to a ruler”, - Isidora Sekulić


The city of Čačak spreads out in a plain between mountains in the western and central part of Serbia, on the banks of the River Zapadna Morava. Čačak valley is cuddled between the hills of Šumadija and the mountains Jelica, Ovčar, Kablar and Vujan, which sway down towards Morava and Čačak. The city draws attention with natural beauties, preserved architecture and monumental heritage. It has a Monument to the soldiers of the First World War, unique in the world for it is a joint tomb of Serbian and enemy soldiers; on one side there is an orthodox cross, on the other a catholic cross, on the third an Islamic half-moon and on the forth a star of David. Monument to Vojvoda Stepa Stepanović – a bronze bust of Vojvoda (Military Commander) in a standing position is facing the house where he once lived. Tablets are placed on the street on the way from the monument to his house naming the battles he participated in. And on Mt Jelica there is an old town and an archaeological site Gradina. In prehistoric, early byzantine and medieval periods it served as a shelter and a permanent residence to people. This archaeological site was mentioned for the first time in 1865. Parts of this site were destroyed in mid-20th century, when building materials were used to construct a road. It is still being explored. The first settlement traces date back to the 7th century B.C. An archaeological park is planned to be built there. Not far away from Čačak, where western Serbia comes in touch with Šumadija, the Ovčar-Kablar Gorge rises and curves in the length of 20 km. This gigantic and most colourful gorge is famous for its beauties and precious thermal springs. Few are the gorges that have wedged the river into meanders adorning themselves with them as this gorge. Wrapped in beautiful and mysterious forests, with wonderful landscapes, it is even more beautiful when an eagle starts sailing on its sky or when the sound of monastery bells booms among the cliffs at the close of the day. Carved between Ovčar and Kablar mountains the gorge gives home in its chest to over 600 plant species, 130 different birds, 70 day and over 150 night butterflies, and 30 different mammals. Arranged mountain paths take you through it to the top of Kablar; you can also enjoy its cliffs and beauty from a boat or catamaran sailing down the River Morava or by catching some of 26 types of fish in Morava or the two artificial lakes made by building a dam on the Morava. Monasteries Vavedenje, Nikolje, Jovanje, Preobraženje, Sretenje, Svete Trojice, Blagoveštenja, Uspenije, Vaznesenje i Ilinje, St Sava Church and church-cave Kađenica have been lasting for centuries in this gorge in the shades of its forests. There is no gorge that “hides” in itself as many preserved medieval monasteries. Today there are nine “living” monasteries, that many monastic communities. There are also three more holy places marked with churches. Because of numerous sanctuaries the gorge is called the Serbian Mount Athos. They contain so many church relics, precious icons, old documents and rare manuscripts testifying about the roots of the Serbian people. The monastery Nikolje keeps the oldest preserved book – Book of Psalms from 1534, and Vavedenje has rare old books, among which is the Belgrade Four Gospels from 1552. Each of the ten monasteries has its own story about origin and existence in this region. According to a legend Vavedenje was built by the founder of the Serbian state Stefan Nemanja and his son St Sava. Under the steep cliffs of Kablar, water emerges below a rock and remains in a small niche in the stone. It doesn’t flow away, and it is always there even when large quantities of it are taken out. The people call it “water of St Sava”, and it is believed to be miraculous. A small church dedicated to St Sava was built next to the spring. Numerous artists find inspiration in the gorge, and all those who want to relax and recover come to it. In this almost mystical blend of cliffs and Morava, among nature’s masterpieces, in the very centre of the gorge is where healing water spring is - Ovčar Banja.



Cure in the middle of a gorge Centuries-old woods, steep cliffs, mountain air and curative water make this spa an ideal place for holiday


včar Banja rises among masterpieces of nature, in a marvellous blend of cliffs and the Zapadna Morava, in the middle of the gorge between Ovčar (985m) and Kablar (885m) mountains. The area in which it is situated makes it one of the most beautiful spas in Serbia. It is our oldest, but also the youngest spa. It gained the spa status only a year ago, and with all amenities it has, together with the beauty of the gorge that is a protected area, it is rushing to become one of the modern spa centres. The road leading to it goes through the most beautiful gorge. It sprung up on a smaller erosive stretch at the confluence of the Banjski Stream into the Zapadna Morava, at the altitude of 278 metres. Curative mineral springs of Ovčar Banja come from deep tectonic breakups and bring water with a temperature 36 to 38 degrees Celsius to the surface. Healing water of Ovčar Banja was used back in the prehistoric era. There are testimonies that the Romans came here for treatment; the spa was also used in the Middle Ages, and the Turks enjoyed its water and treated themselves with it. As spiritual centres, monasteries largely supported themselves by using thermal springs and organising fairs (panađur). The importance of monasteries and spa fairs explains the claim that Ovčar Banja was not only the most famous spa in the Middle Ages, but also the biggest spa in Serbia. This is supported by a text of a Turkish travel writer Evlija Čelebija from 1662: “Near this settlement in the mountains rich with trees there are baths of the village Banje. Back in the era of Christian kings magnificent high domes, a big swimming pool, numerous shades, big private family rooms and dressing rooms were built next to this healing water. This is a marvellous picnic area and a place to enjoy”. The first expert report on the healing power of mineral springs and the chemical composition of water was made in 1856 by Dr. Lindermayer, while the first information about people treated in Ovčar Banja was recorded two decades later. At that time swimming pools were built and the first “kvartir banjski” (spa apartments). In the middle of the past century the Spa was a huge construction site – main road, railway line and hydropower plant facilities were built, but not the spa itself. It was forgotten for a long time. Now it has taken its place again in the spa and tourist map of Serbia. Abundant, iodic, slightly sulphurous and mildly radioactive mineral water springs up in several places. It springs up from the depth of the earth even in the very river bed. Because of its composition and warmth, this water is a real cure in treatment of rheumatic diseases, muscle and bone injuries, sports injuries and skin diseases. Centuries-old woods, steep cliffs, sunny clearings and fresh mountain air make Ovčar Banja an ideal place for holiday. There are numerous opportunities for rest, recreation and sports activities. Or for relaxation and medical rehabilitation, prevention and preservation of health in the wellness centre “Kablar”, in an indoor swimming pool with thermal-mineral water, in hydro-massage baths, sauna or an outdoor swimming pool. The curative water also comes from taps in the rooms of this hotel. Patients are taken care of here by medical staff from Čačak. Peace, greenery along the lake banks, a walk by the river, fishing, natural beauties, monasteries, mountain paths, swimming pools and sports courts offer an unforgettable experience to every guest. They also have organised walks on designated mountain paths – there are eight of them – visits to monasteries and mountain peaks, or to the most beautiful panoramic view on the Kablar peak, from where you can see in plain view meanders, monasteries scattered around the most attractive parts of the gorge like jewels, Dragačevo district famous for trumpets, the valley of Čačak and the city of Čačak. A competition of kayaks and canoes takes place on the lakes of the Zapadna Morava; endurance riding, rock climbing and paragliding are also offered. The big mountain race, Ilindan Swimming Marathon, Ovčar-Kablar regatta, Endurance riding on a track 42 kilometres long, Art colony of the Serbian Mount Athos stand out among numerous events. There are also traditional Summer Days of Culture, and particular attractions are music and literary soirees in the churchyard of the Monastery Blagoveštenje, and on a raft on the bank of Zapadna Morava.




Wellnes Spa Centar







Raj iz kojeg se ne odlazi Svetska prirodna baština - Golija jedini je rezervat biosfere kod nas. Ovde je svako gost samo prvi put, a onda zauvek – prijatelj


askošna u svojoj lepoti varošica Ivanjica leži na obalama reke Moravice, začetnice Zapadne Morave. Iznikla u živopisnoj kotlini, okružena planinskim vencima Golije, Javora, Mučnja, Čemerna i Radočela, prekrasna je i u zlatnu jesen i u mirisno proleće, leti i zimi. Pravi je raj iz koga se nerado odlazi, ali mu se obavezno vraća. Oaza mira, u kojoj je i tišina svojevrsna muzika, čistog vazduha i ekološki zdrave sredine, Ivanjica je i „stanište“ gostoljubivih domaćina. Ovde je svako gost samo prvi put, a onda zauvek – prijatelj. Izvanredni prirodni i klimatski uslovi, ukrštanje mediteranske i planinske klime na nadmorskoj visini od 468 metara, ruža vetrova, koja je blagotvorna posebno za one koji imaju probleme s plućima, izrazito čisti vazduh i voda doprineli su da ovaj predeo i sama Ivanjica još 1931. godine prvi put budu proglašeni za vazdušnu banju. Ova vazdušna banja centar je zdravlja, ali i centar humora i zabave ovekovečen u čuvenoj „Nušićijadi“, festivalu posvećenom komediografu Branislavu Nušiću. Figurativna pretnja njegove gospođa Živke ministarke „Bićeš viđen za Ivanjicu“ može sada i da se shvati tako da svako treba da bude viđen u Ivanjici. I da bar kratko boravi u njoj kako bi se od bogom dane prirode napunio energijom i uneo harmoniju u čitavo biće. Jednostavno rečeno, jedinstvenost Ivanjice je u prirodnim potencijalima, kvalitetnoj hrani, gostoprimstvu. Ovaj kraj naseljavan je od davnina, o čemu svedoče pronađeni fragmenti keramike iz starijeg gvozdenog doba, ostaci materijalne kulture neandertalaca u Hadži Prodanovoj pećini i mnoge druge iskopine. Ali je sama Ivanjica mlada varošica, jedva dva veka da ima. Jer, tek hatišerifom iz 1813. godine knez Miloš Obrenović nalaže osnivanje Moravičke kapetanije. Tada nastaje Ivanjica na mestu gde su rasle ive. Razvija se ubrzano, ali su u velikom požaru 1848. godine stradale sve građevine, osim crkve koja je podignuta dve godine ranije. Obnavlja se od požara toliko da je tačno tri decenije kasnije bila mesto odakle su kretale vojske u Javorski rat sa turskom carevinom. Krajem 19. veka Ivanjica je najlepša i najrazvijenija varoš Erske kapetanije. 1930. je proglašena za klimatsko turističko mesto, a godinu dana docnije je zvanično vazdušna banja. To su joj, pored ostalog, podarile i planine koje je okružuju, štite, ulepšavaju. Planinska lepotica Golija, pitoma i surova, šumama je najbogatija u Srbiji. Prostire se u obliku slova S i vinula se 1833 metra u visine. Kažu da ko je samo jednom poseti zauvek je ubeđen da na svetu nema lepše planine od nje. Takvih šuma, izvora, potoka, reka, jezera, biljnog i životinjskog sveta malo gde ima. Poznata je po lekovitom bilju, više od 100 vrsta i stanište je više od 1.000 vrsta biljaka, carstvo planinskog javora, prebogata divljači. Zato nije čudo da je UNESKO ovo područje 2001. proglasio za rezervat biosfere. Golija je ime dobila zato što je golema. Negde na njoj rođen je Rastko Nemanjić, kanonizovan kao Sveti Sava. Kada se popnete na vrh Golije imate utisak da ste na vrhu sveta, vidi se pola Srbije. Istorijski znamenita planina Javor ne zaostaje po prirodnim lepotama iza Golije. Ispod najvišeg vrha, 1520 metara, je spomenik majoru Iliću, junaku Javorskog rata. Brojni kulturno istorijski spomenici krase ivanjički kraj– mozaik, Rimska česma, ostaci Karađorđevih šančeva, Bela Crkva koja se pominje u jednoj povelji cara Dušana – 14. vek, crkva Lazarica u kojoj je, prema predanju, sahranjen kosovski junak Boško Jugović, crkva posvećena caru Konstantinu i carici Jeleni. Nedaleko od Ivanjice je Rimski most, a u samom gradu na reci Moravici nalazi se najveći jednolučni most na Balkanu. Posebna atrakacija je Satelitska stanica u Prilikama i vodopad na reci Moravici, ali i okolna najzdravija sela - Devići, Kušići, Katići,



Otkrijte kako se zdravo zivi „ Ono što izađe kao paket iz naše kuće, bilo kao zdravstvena ili turistička usluga, mora biti prepoznatljivo - ivanjičko“.


kopana“ u brdo, arhitektonski veoma interesantna ustanova, raspoređena u tri lamele povezane centralnim delom, površine 7.500 metara kvadratnih, na samo pet minuta hoda od centra grada smeštena je Specijalna bolnica za rehabilitaciju „Ivanjica“. Ova bolnica puštena je u rad 1978. godine kao Zavod za prevenciju, lečenje i rehabilitaciju bolesti krvi, jedini te vrste u zemlji. Narod joj je dao ime „Anemija“. S pravom, jer ivanjički vazduh je idealan lek za anemiju. Tačnije, Ivanjica je vazdušna banja. Na osnovu dugogodišnjih ispitivanja uticaja ovog podneblja na zdravlje ljudi Ivanjica je uredbom Vlade Srbije 2000. godine proglašena, doduše po drugi put, za prvu vazdušnu banju u našoj zemlji. Nalazi se na 468 metara nadmorske visine, vazduh i voda su ovde izrazito čisti, banja godišnje ima 235 sunčanih dana. Osnovni lekoviti faktor je vazduh, ustvari, skup karakterističnih klimatskih faktora, zbog čega ovo područje posebno i naročito deluje na lečenje i rehabilitaciju malokrvnosti, plućnih oboljenja, alergija, neuroloških i drugih oboljenja. Zgrada je okružena parkom na površini od 4,5 hektara, koji je bogat jelovom i borovom šumom i drugim biljnim vrstama iz ovog kraja. Tu su pešačke staze, senovite staze zdravlja, trim staza na 1.000 metara, otvoreni sportski tereni za sve kolektivne sportove. Sve sobe su sa pogledom na grad, svetle i sunčane. Prostor u čitavom objektu potpuno je prilagođen zdravima i osobama sa posebnim potrebama. Specijalna bolnica se bavi zdravstvenim, sportskim, omladinskim i rekreativnim turizmom. Od 2004. godine poseduje TUV - certifikat za kvalitet zdravstvene usluge i recertifikat 2007. godine. Ima i deo za rehabilitaciju stanja posle operacije koštano-zglobnog sistema, prvo „veštačko rame“ i istovremeno operisana oba kolena u Srbiji rehabilitovana su u ovoj kući. Zatim, za rehabilitaciju hroničnih respiratornih oboljenja, bronhijalne astme, a uporno nastoji da održi rehabilitaciju stanja poremećaja krvi, naročito kod dece sa malignim bolestima. Bilo da ste u ovu kuću došli na lečenje i oporavak, na odmor i rekreaciju, ili poslovno, medicinske usluge su svima dostupne 24 časa dnevno. Tu su lekari specijalisti, laboratorija i dobro opremljeni kabineti za fizikalne procedure, stručno medicinsko osoblje. Zdravstvena usluga je sastavni deo turističke usluge. Bazen, sauna, teretana, sala za fitnes, stoni tenis, bilijar, klubovi, mala kongresna sala, biblioteka, šah klub, kablovska televizija, besplatna internet konekcija, terasa restorana sa koje se pruža prekrasan pogled na grad, svima su na raspolaganju. Osobenost Specijalne bolnice je da su lečenje, rehabilitacija i rekreacija aktivni i do satnice isplanirani. Pruža bolnica sve mogućnosti za pripreme sportista i za rekreativnu nastavu. Poseban adut je hrana. U zdravoj sredini - zdrava hrana. O tome brine ekipa vrsnih kuvara koji koriste proizvode iz okruženja. Na meniju se mogu naći kukuruzno brašno, mleko i mlečni proizvodi, krompir, kupine, borovnice, pečurke…. Za najmlađe je „mini vrtić“ u objektu, ili Luna park u krugu Bolnice, za neplivače do 15 godina je organizovana obuka plivanja. Tu su i brojni programi - od onih za rekreaciju do rehabilitacije radnika, program pripreme sportskih klubova, rekreativna nastava za decu, program vikend u Ivanjici, za jačanje imuniteta, onaj za penzionere i drugi. Mir i gotovo nestvarna tišina doprinose kvalitetu boravka u ovoj ustanovi iz koje svima poručuju: - „Ono što izađe kao paket iz naše kuće, bilo kao zdravstvena ili turistička usluga, mora biti prepoznatljivo - ivanjičko“. Još jedan razlog više da otkrijete kako se ovde zdravo živi.



Paradise you don’t leave World natural heritage – Golija – is the only biosphere reserve in our country. One is a guest here only for the first time, and then – a friend forever


agnificently beautiful small town of Ivanjica lies on the banks of the Moravica River, the spring of the big Zapadna Morava. Established in a picturesque valley surrounded by mountains Golija, Javor, Mučanj, Čemerno and Radočelo, this stunning town is beautiful in the golden autumn and in the sweet-smelling spring, in summer and in winter. It is a real heaven you will not be willing to leave, but will return to it for sure. This oasis of peace – where even silence is music of its kind – the oasis of air and ecologically healthy environment, Ivanjica is the “habitat” of welcoming hosts. Everyone is a guest here just for the first time, and a friend forever. Wonderful natural and climatic conditions, a mix of Mediterranean and mountainous climate at the height of 468 metres above sea level, wind rose, which is beneficial especially for those with lung problems, very clear air and water are the reasons why this region and Ivanjica itself were declared air spa for the first time back in 1931. This air spa is the centre of health, but also the centre of humour and entertainment eternalised in the famous “Nušićijada” – a festival dedicated to the comedy writer Branislav Nušić. A figurative threat made by his Madame Živka, minister’s wife: “You will be seen in Ivanjica” can now rather be understood as the fact that everybody should be seen in Ivanjica, and stay there at least for a while to regain energy from this God-given nature and bring harmony to the whole being. To put it simply, Ivanjica is unique for its natural potentials, good food and cordiality. This region has been settled since the ancient times. This is evidenced by discovered fragments of pottery from the Iron Age, remnants of material culture of Neanderthals in Hadži Prodanova Cave and many other excavated objects. But the very town of Ivanjica is young – barely two centuries old. It was not until 1813 that Moravica District was established as ordered by the decree of the Prince Miloš Obrenović. Ivanjica was raised then in a place where sallow grew. It developed fast, but all buildings burnt down in a big fire in 1848, except the church built two years before. It was fully rebuilt after the fire to become, exactly three decades afterwards, a place from which armies set off to the Battle of Javor against the Turkish Empire. Towards the end of the 19th century, Ivanjica was the most beautiful and most developed town of the Erska District. It was declared a climatic and tourist place in 1930, and officially became air spa one year later. That was given to it, among others, by the mountains that surround, protect and embellish it. The mountain beauty called Golija, gentle and cruel at the same time, is the richest Serbian mountain with forests. It spreads in the form of the letter S, rising 1833 metres in height. They say that it takes only one visit for anyone to firmly believe that there is no more beautiful mountain than Golija. You can hardly anywhere find such forests, springs, streams, rivers, lakes, flora and fauna. It is well known for curative herbs – it has more than 100 species of curative herbs and more than 1000 other plants, it is the kingdom of mountainous maple tree, and abundant in game. No wonder why UNESCO proclaimed this region a biosphere reserve in 2001. Golija got its name for being so big (golem – big). Rastko Nemanjić was born somewhere in this mountain, later canonised as St Sava. When you go to the top of Mt Golija you feel like being on the top of the world – you can see half of Serbia. Historically important Mt Javor does not lag behind Golija regarding natural beauties. Below its highest peak – 1520 m – there is a monument to the major Ilić, one of the heroes of the Battle of Javor. The region of Ivanjica also has numerous cultural and historical monuments – a mosaic, the Roman fountain, remnants of Karađorđe’s trenches, Bela Crkva (which is mentioned in one decree of the Emperor Dušan – 14th century), the Church Lazarica where according to a legend Kosovo heroe Boško Jugović was buried. This church is dedicated to the Emperor Constantine and the Empress Helena. A Roman bridge is near Ivanjica, and in the very town, on the River Moravica, there is the biggest single-ark bridge in the Balkans. Special attractions are the Satellite Station in Prillike and a waterfall on the River Moravica, but also the healthiest villages that surround it – Devići, Kušići and Katići, and the Special hospital for rehabilitation “Ivanjica”.



Find out how to live a healthy life “What leaves our house as a package, whether as a health or tourist service, it has to bear the mark of Ivanjica”.


ug into” a hill, a very interesting institution in terms of architecture, laid out in three wings connected with the central part and covering an area of 7500 square metres, houses the Special hospital for rehabilitation “Ivanjica”, which is only a five-minute-walk away from the centre of the town. This hospital was put into operation in 1978 as the Institute for prevention, treatment and rehabilitation of blood diseases – unique in the country. The people named it “Anaemia” – with good reason, for the air in Ivanjica is the ideal cure for anaemia. More exactly, Ivanjica is an air spa. Based on years-long testing of the effects of this region on people’s health, Ivanjica was declared the first air spa in our country by a decree of the Serbian Government in 2000 – for the second time, though. It is situated on the height of 468 metres above the sea level, air and water are very clean here, and the spa has 235 sunny days annually. The basic healing factor is the air, actually, a serious of specific climatic factors due to which this region has a particular effect in treating and rehabilitating from anaemia, lung diseases, allergies, neurological and other disorders. The building is surrounded by a park covering an area of 4.5 hectares, abundant in fir and pine woods and other plant species of this region. There are walking paths, shady paths of health, a 1000 metre trim track, and outdoor sports courts for all collective sports. All rooms have a view at the town, and are bright and sunny. The entire space of this facility is fully adjusted to healthy people and people with special needs. The special hospital deals with health, sports, youth and recreational tourism. It has the TUV certificate for quality of health services since 2004, which was recertified in 2007. It also has a part for rehabilitation of status after bone and joint system surgeries; the first “artificial shoulder” and both knees operated simultaneously in Serbia were rehabilitated in this facility. It also serves for rehabilitation of chronic respiratory diseases, bronchial asthma, and is especially seeking to preserve rehabilitation of blood disorder conditions, particularly of children with malign diseases. Whether you come to this house for treatment and rehabilitation, holiday and recreation, or for business, medical services are at your disposal 24 hours a day. There are medical specialists, laboratory and well equipped cabinets for physical procedures, and professional medical staff. Health service is an integral part of the tourist offer. A swimming pool, sauna, gym, fitness room, table tennis, billiard, clubs, a small congress room, library, chess club, cable TV, free internet connection, and a restaurant terrace offering a spectacular view of the town, are available to everyone. Special feature of this Special hospital is that treatment, rehabilitation and recreation are very active and planned by hours. The hospital offers all necessities for preparation of athletes and recreation classes. Food is a special asset. Healthy food in a healthy environment – this is taken care of by a team of excellent cooks who use products from the area. There are corn flour, milk and dairy products on the menu, potato, blackberries, blueberries, mushrooms, etc. The facility offers a “mini kindergarten” for the youngest and a Luna park within the hospital premises, while swimming lessons are offered to non-swimmers up to the age of 15. There are also numerous programmes – from recreation to rehabilitation of labour, preparation programme for sports clubs, recreation classes for children, a weekend programme in Ivanjica, immunity building programme, programme for pensioners, and others. Peace and surreal silence contribute to the quality of staying in this institution where they say to everyone: “What leaves our house as a package, whether as a health or tourist service, it has to bear the mark of Ivanjica”. Just a reason more for you to discover how healthy the life is here.









Gnezdo bogova za odmor - Uočio sam zlatiborski plato kao „gnezdo bogova za odmor“: - Milić od Mačve „Gledaj visoko, diši duboko, ovo je Zlatibor“


a gotovo 1.000 kvadratnih kilometara pitomih obronaka, livada i bujnih pašnjaka, proplanaka i visova, vodom bogatih potoka razbaškarila se jedna od najlepših planina u Srbiji - Zlatibor. Breze, jasike, cveće, zlatno-zelena ili pokošena trava, pesma i priča borova, neverovatan su doživljaj za sva čula. Kontinentalna i mediteranska klima baš ovde „pletu i rasvetavaju“ ružu vetrova, pa je klima blaga a vazduh lekovit. Sunce ovde izdašno greje, više je od 200 sunčanih dana u godini. Leta su umereno topla, zime umereno hladne, jesen je toplija od proleća. Sve to, uz blagodatni mir zlatiborskih padina, na kojima se oči odmaraju, a telo krepi, učinilo je da ova planinska lepotica u centralnoj Srbiji postane nezaobilazno mesto za odmor i lečenje. I zato s pravom i ponosom svakom namerniku i slučajnom gostu već na ulazu velikim slovima poručuje „Gledaj visoko, diši duboko, ovo je Zlatibor“. Veruje se da je Zlatibor ime dobio po belim borovima sa žutom korom i šišarkom boje starog zlata, koji su nekada prekrivali njegove padine. Od ovih borova, čije je ime Pinus silvestris variegata zlatiborica, ostao je samo jedan primerak u selu Negbini. Druga legenda kaže da je nazvan po bogatstvu borova koje su nekdašnji proizvođači katrana i luča u priči hvalili „Zlatan je to bor“. Treće predanje ime Zlatibora vezuje za nepregledne pašnjake i livade koji s jeseni dobijaju zlatnožutu boju. Koja god legenda da da mu je odredila ime ostaje samo jedno - u ovom pitomom krajoliku uživaju i mladi i stari, zdravi i bolesni. I svako za sebe nalazi ono što mu godi. Početak razvoja turizma vezuje se za avgust mesec 1893. godine kada je kralj Aleksandar Obrenović sa svojom svitom prvi put ovde došao na piknik na livadi, tik uz izvor Kulaševac, kasnije nazvan Kraljeve vode. U njegovu čast je izgrađena česma sa koje se i danas turisti okrepljuju čistom izvorskom vodom. Glas o Zlatiboru se brzo pročuo i počinju da niču prve vile i letnjikovci viđenije srpske vlastele. A 1908. godine došao je ovde još jedan kralj - Petar I Karađorđević, bio i on očaran lepotom i zdravim vazduhom, toliko da ga je izabrao za mesto svojih odmora. Priča o lekovitom Zlatiboru je od tada išla sve dalje i dovodila sve više ljudi. Grade se i prvi objekti da bi se smestili svi gosti. Od tada do danas, sa turističkom tradicijom dužom od jednog veka, Zlatibor je izrastao u veliki, bogat i atraktivan zdravstveno-turistički centar. Turistička sezona ovde traje čitave godine. Uz brojne hotele - „Palisad“, „Mona“, „Olimp“ „Čigota“, „Dunav“ i druge, sa božanstvenim wellness centrima, uz luksuzne vile i apartmane, gostima su na raspolaganju najsavremeniji sportski tereni, fudbalski, teniski, otvoreni i zatvoreni bazeni, jezero, staze za šetnje, rekreaciju, planinarenje, skijanje. Tornik, sa šestosednom žičarom, je pravi raj za skijaše, a leti za panoramsko razgledanje. Zlatibor je i omiljena planina vrhunskih sportista za pripreme, sve je više kupališta, restorana, kafića, pa je poznat i kao planina dobre zabave, gastronomskih specijaliteta. Kraljev trg je svojevrsna pozornica- Erski kabare, Festival narodne muzike, moto susreti. Planina zlatnih borova obiluje i atrakcijama koje je stvorila priroda i čovekova ruka – nezaobilazna je pijaca u centru sa džemperima, pršutom i kajmakom, muzej pod otvorenim nebom - etno selo Sirogojno, Stopića pećina, nedaleko je Gostilje sa vodopadom na reci Katušnici, selo Zlakusa, poznato po grnčariji, sa etno-parkom „Terzića avlija“, spomen kompleks Kadinjača, nadomak je tradicijom i čuvenim erskim duhom bogati grad Užice. Zlatibor je planina za aktivan odmor, a njegova snaga je u zdravstvenom, rekreativnom, sportskom, kongresnom turizmu.



Carobna ruza vetrova Ko nije bio na Zlatiboru taj ne zna šta je zdravo mesto - pisao je Jovan Dučić „Čigota“ - prvi wellness program za zdrav i aktivan život razvijen u Srbiji


d davnina je Zlatibor poznat kao planina pogodna za odmor, oporavak i lečenje. Krasi ga više od 2.000 sunčanih sati godišnje, čist i suv vazduh, nizak vazdušni pritisak i bogato ultravioletno zračenje, blagorodne visoravni, proplanci, bujni pašnjaci, miris četinara. Krv struji brže puneći se zlatiborskim kiseonikom, njegov vazduh pročišćava bronhije, okrepljuje od stresova posustalu štitnu žlezdu. Zlatibor je planina na kojoj se dobija zdravlje i to saznanje je staro više vekova. Tajna zlatiborske lekovitosti leži, potvrdila su istraživanja, u ruži vetrova, u izuzetno povoljnom atmosferskom pritisku i čistom vazduhu, koji poboljšavaju krvnu sliku, povećavaju hemoglobin i crvena krvna zrnca. Zato je ova planina proglašena terapijskim lečilištem za oboljenja respiratornih organa, štitaste žlezde, boravak se preporučuje i za oporavak posle operacija, infektivnih i drugih oboljenja. Za zdrave je ovo idealno mesto da se odmore, oslobode napetosti, nervoze, stresa. Sve ovo mogu da dobiju pod budnim okom vrhunskih stručnjaka, uz najsavremeniju opremu za dijagnostiku, lečenje i rehabilitaciju. Jer, u srcu ove izuzetne lepote, na najlepšem šumovitom delu visoravni nazvane Palisad, na idelanih 1.000 metara nadmorske visine, nalazi se ustanova, koja se po dobrom glasu daleko pročula - Specijalna bolnica za prevenciju, lečenje i rehabilitaciju oboljenja tiroidne žlezde Institut „Čigota“. Ideja o izgradnji lečilišta rođena je krajem 19. veka, a ostvarena u drugoj polovini 20. veka. Rezultat je – decenijama već jedinstven centar za lečenje oboljenja štitaste žlezde na Balkanu. Saradnja sa eminentnim profesorima ustoličila je ovu ustanovu u nastavnu bazu Medicinskog fakulteta, u kojoj se na najvišem nivou obavlja kompletna dijagnostika i terapija oboljenja štitaste žlezde, kardiovaskularnih, plućnih bolesti, osteoporoze, koštano-zglobnog sistema, dečje i adolescentne gojaznosti. Ovde je pre nekoliko decenija razvijen prvi wellness program u Srbiji nazvan Čigota, koji danas ima i formu za najmlađe - Čigotica. Tako se dugogodišnje iskustvo u prevenciji i tretmanu gojaznosti kod odraslih sada primenjuje i kod dece i adolescenata. Po tome je ova kuća jedinstvena u Evropi. Čigota je popularni dijetetsko-rekreativni program koji doprinosi da se oslobodite viška kilograma, da se odmorite, osvežite, obnovite kondiciju. I što je najvažnije, da naučite da živite drugačije - aktivno i zdravo. Obuhvata dijetetski tretman, ustvari, promenjen način ishrane, program fizičkih aktivnosti, pozitivnu grupnu atmosferu, informisanje o značaju pravilne ishrane. Čigota program namenjen svima koji žele da steknu kondiciju, da dobiju vitku liniju, da žive zdravo. „Čigota“ pruža i mnogo više. Smeštena na uzvišenju iznad jezera, okružena šumom borova i jela, sa uređenim stazama za šetnju, pravo je mesto za sve koji žele miran, ali i bogati rekreativni odmor. Hotel sa tradicijom, pored prepoznatljivog i jedinstvenog programa za mršavljenje „Čigota“, nudi uživanje i relaksaciju u olimpijskom bazenu, sauni, fitnes sali, teretani, košarkaškim i teniskim terenima, boravak na sunčanoj terasi, ili u ekskluzivnom restoranu „Zvezdano nebo“, u internet cafe-u. Takođe i vrhunske uslove za kongresni turizam, kao i brojna kulturna dešavanja, književne večeri, pozorišne predstave, koncerte, izložbe. Njena bibilioteka je mali kulturni centar Zlatibora. Relax centar sa bazenom, saunama, parnim kupatilom, hidromasažom, aromaterapijom, svim vrstama masaža, solarijumom donosi buđenje i obnovu svih čula. Tretman za revitalizaciju – Oxygen, anticelulit, antistres, menadžer programi, svojom atraktivnošću i kvalitetom privlače i goste iz čitave Evrope. Sve koji vole zdrav način života i nezaboravna druženja.



Gods’ nest for relaxation - I observed the Zlatibor plateau as “Gods’ nest for relaxation” - Milić of Mačva Look high, breathe deep, this is Zlatibor”


ne of the most beautiful mountains in Serbia, Zlatibor, spreads over nearly 1,000 square kilometres of tame hillsides, meadows and luxuriant pastures, clearings and peaks, and streams abundant in water. Birch, aspen, golden green or mown grass, songs and talks of pine-trees, they are all an unbelievable experience for all senses. This is the place where continental and Mediterranean climate “twist and make a wind rose bloom”, so the climate is mild and the air is healing. The sun warms you up generously – there are over 200 sunny days in a year. Summer is moderately warm, winter is moderately cold, and autumn is warmer than spring. All this with a comfortable tranquillity of the slopes of Zlatibor, where the eyes rest and the body invigorates, has made this mountainous beauty in the central Serbia become an imperative place for rest and treatment. This is why there is a message to every chance traveller or guest written in capital letters at the very entrance saying rightfully and with pride: “Look high, breathe deep, this is Zlatibor”. It is believed that Zlatibor’s name comes from white pine-trees with yellow bark and pinecone coloured in old gold, which used to cover its slopes. There is only one sample of these pines called Pinus Silvestris Variegata Zlatiborica left in the village of Negbini. Other legend says that it was named after the wealth of pines once used by producers of tar and pinewood splinter, who used to say: “This pine (bor) is as good as gold (zlatan)”. A third legend links the name of Zlatibor with boundless pastures and meadows and their golden-yellow look in autumn. No matter which of these legends did give its name, one thing is sure: this gentle scenery is enjoyed by young and old, healthy and ill. And everyone can find here what pleases him. Development of tourism started in August 1893 when the King Aleksandar Obrenović with his retinue came here for the first time to have a picnic on a meadow, right next the spring Kulaševac, which was renamed later to Kraljeve vode (Royal Water). A fountain was built in his honour, which is frequented by today’s tourists to refresh themselves with its clean spring water. The word about Zlatibor got out fast, and prominent Serbian aristocracy started building the first villas and summer homes here. Another king came here in 1908 – Petar I Karađorđević – who was so fascinated with the beauty and clean air that he chose it for his own place for rest. The words about the healing Zlatibor went farther bringing more and more people to it, so the first facilities were built to accommodate all these guests. Since then, Zlatibor, with its tourist tradition over a century long, has grown into a big, rich and attractive health and tourist centre. Tourist season lasts here all year long. With numerous hotels: “Palisad”, “Mona”, “Olimp”, “Čigota”, “Dunav” and others, with marvellous wellness centres, luxurious villas and private apartments, guests can enjoy in modern sports courts –for football and tennis – indoor and outdoor swimming pools, lake, paths for walking, recreation, mountaineering and skiing. Tornik, with a six-seat ski lift, is a real paradise for skiers or for panoramic sightseeing in summer. Zlatibor is also the favourite mountain of top athletes for their preparations. There is an increasing number of baths, restaurants, cafes for which it is also known as the mountain of good entertainment and gastronomic specialties. The King’s square is a stage of its own kind – Erski cabaret, Folk music festival, motorcycle gatherings, etc. The mountain of golden pines also abounds in attractions created both by nature and human hand – a market in the centre with sweaters, dry-cured ham and kajmak is a must, so are the open air museum – ethno village Sirogojno, Stopića Cave, a nearby Gostilje with a waterfall on the River Katušnica, village Zlakusa famous for pottery with an ethno-park “Terzića avlija” and a monumental complex Kadinjača. The city of Užice, rich in tradition and the famous Ero spirit, is also within reach. Zlatibor is a mountain for active holiday, and its strength lies in health, recreational, sports and congress tourism.



Magical wind rose Who hasn’t been on Zlatibor doesn’t know what a healthy place looks like - Jovan Dučić wrote “Čigota” – the first wellness programme for healthy and active life developed in Serbia


latibor has always been known as the mountain suitable for relaxation, recovery and treatment. It has over 2000 sunny hours a year, clean and dry air, low air pressure and wealthy ultraviolet radiation, fertile high plains, clearings, luxuriant pastures and smell of conifers. Blood runs faster when it fills with Zlatibor oxygen, its air cleanses bronchi and recovers weary thyroid gland from stress. Zlatibor is a mountain where health is restored, and this is a known fact for centuries. The secret of Zlatibor’s healing powers lies in the wind rose, as confirmed by research, and in extremely favourable atmospheric pressure and clean air, which improve blood test results by increasing haemoglobin and red blood cells. This is why this mountain was declared a therapeutic sanatorium for diseases of respiratory system and thyroid gland. Staying here is also recommended for post-operative recovery, infectious and other diseases. This is an ideal place for holiday for healthy people to get free from tension, nervousness and stress. All this can be obtained under the watchful eye of top experts, with the latest equipment for diagnostics, treatment and rehabilitation. For there is an institution in the very heart of this extraordinary beauty, in the most beautiful wooded part of the high plain called Palisad and at the ideal height of 1000 m above sea level, which has become known for its reputation – Special hospital for prevention, treatment and rehabilitation of thyroid gland diseases, Institute “Čigota”. The idea of building a sanatorium was born at the end of the 19th century and came true in the second half of the 20th century. The result was a centre for treatment of thyroid gland in the Balkans, which is unique for decades. Cooperation with prominent professors installed this institution as the teaching base of the Medical Faculty, where full diagnostics and therapy of thyroid gland disorders, cardiovascular and pulmonary diseases, osteoporosis, bone and joint system, children and adolescent obesity are performed at the highest level. Few decades ago the first wellness programme in Serbia was developed here called Čigota, which today also has its variant for the youngest – Čigotica. So, years-long experience in prevention and treatment of obesity in adults is now being applied on children and adolescents, for which it is unequalled in Europe. Čigota is a popular dietetic-recreational programme that helps you free yourself from excess weight, relax, invigorate and regain your fitness. And more importantly, learn how to live differently – in an active and healthy way. It includes a dietetic treatment, in fact, a changed form of nutrition, a programme of physical activities, a positive group atmosphere and information about the importance of correct nutrition. Čigota programme is designed for everyone who wants to be in a good shape, have a slim figure and live in a healthy way. But “Čigota” offers much more than that. Situated on a high ground above the lake, surrounded by pine and fir forest and with arranged paths for walking, it is the right place for all those who want a peaceful holiday or holiday full of recreation. Along with recognizable and unique programme for weight loss “Čigota”, the hotel with a long tradition also offers pleasure and relaxation in an Olympic swimming pool, sauna, fitness room, gym, basketball and tennis courts, sunbathing on its sunny terrace or staying in its exclusive restaurant “Zvezdano nebo” (Stellar sky) or an internet cafe. It also provides top conditions for congress tourism as well as numerous cultural events, literary soirees, theatre plays, concerts and exhibitions. Its library is a small cultural centre of Zlatibor. The Relax Centre with a swimming pool, saunas, steam bath, hydro-massage, aroma therapy, all kinds of massage and solarium, wakes and renews all your senses. Revitalisation treatment Oxygen, anti-cellulite, anti-stress, and manager programmes are so good that they attract guests from all over Europe, as well as all those who like a healthy life style and unforgettable social life.







NOVI PAZAR Novo Pazarska Banja



Novo lice Novog Pazara Na malom prostoru može u jednom danu istorija da se pređe od srednjeg veka do danas


a tlu gde su se ukrstili svetovi, gde su se jedna pored druge, a i zajedno našle različite vere i kulture, običaji, gde se prožima staro i novo, izrastao je grad Novi Pazar. Spoj suprotnosti, ali grad svoj. Jedini je ovo grad na Balkanu, verovatno i u Evropi, u kome je na nevelikom prostoru sve sveto, od zrna peska i kapi vode do planine. Samo ovde, na jednom mestu stoje i opstaju mnogi spomenici iz dve religije i dva različita vremena - iz hrišćanske i islamske kulture. Ovde možete u jednom danu istoriju da prođete od srednjeg veka do danas. Uvek je ovaj kraj bio neka vrsta prestonice. Nemanjići su odabrali baš ovo mesto da tu utemelje stari grad Ras i prvu srpsku državu (Nezavisna država Raška). Odavde je u 12. veku vladao Stefan Nemanja, rodonačelnik dinastije Nemanjića. U pećini u Rasu 1202. godine pisano je Vukanovo jevanđelje. U neposrednoj blizini Rasa niče i Trgovište, a dolaskom Turaka vojni zapovednik Isa-beg Ihsaković 1461. godine postavlja temelje grada Jeni Bazar (Novi Pazar). Zbog svoje lepote grad je nazivan i Šeherom. Prvi pisani dokument koji pominje Novi Pazar datira iz 15. veka. Lekciju iz istorije i tradicije pripovedaju „nemi, a gromoglasni“ svedoci prošlosti. To su najznačajniji kulturno-istorijski spomenici: - Petrova crkva iz 10. veka, Đurđevi stupovi, zadužbina Stefana Nemanje, manastir Sopoćani, srednjevekovna utvrđenja Ras i Jeleč. Od brojnih spomenika islamske kulture izdvaja se Altun - alem džamija, Isabegov hamam ili Novopazarski stari hamam (javno kupatilo), monumentalna građevina iz 15. veka. Takođe i Amir-agin han, Arap džamija, Tvrđava sa čuvenom Kulom motriljom u centru grada. Stara čaršija je puna zlatara, kafanica, ćevapdžinica. Mnogi spomenici kulture su pod zaštitom UNESKO-a. Opasan planinama Golijom i Rogoznom, sa Pešterskom visoravni pored sebe, na nadmorskoj visini od 496 metara, Novi Pazar se prostro u zvezdastoj dolini reke Raške, Jošanice, Deževske i Ljudske. Iznikao je na glavnom putnom pravcu od Dubrovnika do Soluna i Carigrada i vrlo brzo postao glavni trgovački grad. Ta trgovačka tradicija ostala je do danas – čuveni je ovo grad džinsa, trgovačkih radnji, tekstilne, obućarske, industrije nameštaja. Novi Pazar je grad mladih i u to se svako brzo uveri. Dovoljno je samo da prošeta centrom i starim jezgrom grada. Ovaj grad je najmlađi u Evropi, prosečna starost žitelja je 32 godine. Poznat je nadaleko Pazar po vrednim i kao retko gde gostoljubivim ljudima. Gost je ovde uvek dobrodošao. Ima Pazar prepoznatljivo lice - zelenu oazu i rekreacioni centar usred grada, sportsku halu, otvorene sportske terene, trim staze, pešačku zonu, stazu zdravlja. Iznedrio je mnoge vrhunske sportiste. Ali, ima i Letnju baštu, koncertnu dvoranu, galeriju, multimedijalni centar. I brojne manifestacije. Od sportskih se izdvajaju: Ramazanska ulična trka, Ramazanski turnir u malom fudbalu, Vaskršnji turnir, Memorijal „Safet Mavrić-Ćako“. Ponos grada je tradicionalni muzički festival „Stari grad“. Vredan hvale je i Festival stvaralaštva mladih, više od 2,5 decenije postoji Škola starih slikarskih tehnika, svake godine se održava Likovna kolonija „Sopoćanska viđenja“ pod okriljem manastira Sopoćani. U ovom gradu neguje se horsko pevanje, pravi ambasadori kulture su poznate pevačke grupe „Đulistan“ i „Rašanka“. Velike potencijale ovaj prostor nesvakidašnje lepote ima za sve vidove turizma, za verski, za planinski, tu je Golija najlepša, zdrava planina, Rogozna idealna za lov. Pešter, najveća visoravan u Evropi, poznata je kao „pluća Srbije“. A tek tradicionalni specijaliteti - ćevapi, mantija, burek, pršuta i sudžuk, sjenički sir, peštersko jagnje. I voda za piće je najbolja, sa izvorišta je reke Raške. Toliko je kvalitetna da je tu najveći ribnjak kalifornijske pastrmke u Evropi. Dolina je puna vode, gde se stane voda izlazi. Iznikle su ovde i dve banje - Novopazarska i Rajčinovića Banja.



Za bolesne i za zaljubljene „Ova Banja postade raj za zaljubljene“, - davno je uklesano na kamenu usred Banje


ni koji su prokrstarili istok i zapad, kopno i more, nisu videli ovakve termalne banje“ – piše na staroj kamenoj ploči na ulazu u hamam (tursko kupatilo). Uklesano je tu još i da „ova Banja postade raj za zaljubljene“. Ovaj raj za dušu i novopazarska voda vidarica kolevku imaju u podgorini planine Rogozne i nešto daljih obronaka Golije. Na tom prostornom horizontu, okružena šumom koja je dobro zaklanja od vetrova, osunčana, na 504 metra nadmorske visine, smestila se Novopazarska Banja. Zbog prijatne klime ima i karakter klimatskog lečilišta. Da se za lekovitost ove tople vode znalo od davnina potvrđuju brojni arheološki nalazi. Naselja su na ovom predelu postojala još u bronzano i kameno doba. Pronađeni delovi termalnih kupatila svedoče da su i stari Rimljani ovde boravili i koristili isceliteljsku vodu. U 12. veku je ovde bilo prirodno lečilište koje je pripadalo manastiru Đurđevi stupovi, činila su ga antička kupatila i manastirski konaci. Dolaskom Turaka banja je opustela, ali je u 16. veku oni obnavljaju. Nad kaptažom antičkog termalnog kupatila podižu hamam - dva kupatila i karavansaraj (objekte) za smeštaj posetilaca. Tada je banja bila veoma posećena, jer je i Novi Pazar u drugoj polovini 16. veka bio najveći grad na putu između Dubrovnika i Niša. Bila je banja na dobrom glasu kao „izvrsna topla banja“, vekovima su je putnici koristili kao odmorište, a umorni i bolesni kao lečilište. Turski putopisac Evlija Čelebija je zbog njene lepote naziva Ilidža (zdravo mesto, na kome svako može da nađe lek). I baš na takvom mestu iz zemlje izbijaju brojni izvori tople vode. Pominje se sedam izvora, mada ih ima mnogo više. Jer, već na dubini od pola metra nailazi se na vodu toplu i do 52 stepena, mada ima i izvorišta sa hladnom vodom od 12 stepeni. Mnogi ovde dolaze u kolicima, a odlaze hodajući, zahvaljujući ponajviše vodi koja blagotvorno deluje na neuromišićna oboljenja. Lekovita je ona i za reumatska, kožna, ginekološka oboljenja, sportske i druge povrede, stanja posle moždanog udara. Jedini centar za lečenje distrofičara i pacijenata sa oboljenjima mišića je u Novopazarskoj banja. Banja je sva u zelenilu. Moderan stacionar podignut je ovde 1953. godine, a Zavod - danas Specijalna bolnica za lečenje progresivnih mišićnih i neuromišićnih oboljenja, otvoren je 1975. godine. Savremeno opremljena bolnica, koja ima 180 postelja, sa stručnim kadrom koga krasi ljubaznost, okružena je bujnom vegetacijom. Smeštena je, kao i staro tursko kupatilo, u parku koji je uređen pre nekoliko decenija. Ovaj zeleni pojas sa 1.200 sadnica prostire se duž Banjske reke na površini od četiri hektara. Osim lečilišne Banja ima i rekreativnu i izletničku funkciju. Tu su dobro opremljeni sportski tereni, šumsko okruženje je izazov za lovce, reka Raška za ribolovce. Uz izvore lekovite vode ovde su i duhovna izvorišta - manastiri, crkve, džamije, srednjevekovne građevine, prirodne i kulturno-istorijske znamenitosti. Posetioci i pacijenti mogu da se smeste i u hotelu „Vrbak“ nad rekom Raškom u centru Novog Pazara, u motelu „Ras“ izgrađenom u etno stilu na Pazarištu, Turističkom domu kod manastira Sopoćani, kao i u hotelu „Raj“ u Rajčinovića Banji. Samo ime hotela u ovoj Banji, nedaleko od Novopazarske, kazuje da je reč o pravom rajskom mestu. Postoje u Rajčinovića Banji izvori hladne kisele i tople mineralne vode koja dostiže temperaturu i do 42 stepena. Lekovite vode ove Banje isceliteljski deluju u lečenju oboljenja organa za varenje, jetre i žučnih puteva, bubrega i mokraćnih kanala, poremećaja metabolizma. Rajčinovića Banja je i izuzetno klimatsko mesto. A u hotelu „Raj“ pacijenti i gosti, uz lekarski nadzor, mogu da uživaju u bazenu sa toplom mineralnom vodom od 38 stepeni, u slanoj sobi, parnom kupatilu, sauni, đakuziju, ili na terenu za male sportove.



New face of Novi Pazar In a small place history can be passed through just in one day – from the Middle Ages until today


ovi Pazar grew in a land where the worlds crossed, where different religions, cultures and customs found themselves next to each other and together, and where old and new are interwoven. A blend of opposites, yet a city on its own. This is the only city in the Balkans, and probably in Europe, too, where in a small space everything is holy, from a grain of sand and a water drop to a mountain. Only here, in one place, numerous monuments of two religions and from two different times exist and stand tall – from Christian and Islamic cultures. Here you can pass through history in one day – from the Middle Ages until today. This area has always been some sort of capital. This is the place the Nemanjić chose to establish an ancient town of Ras and the first Serbian state (Independent State Raška). This is the place from which Stefan Nemanja, founder of Nemanjić dynasty, ruled in the 12th century. Vukan Gospels was written in a cave in Ras in 1202. Trgovište was established in a close proximity of Ras, and with the arrival of the Turks a military commander, Isa- beg Ihsaković, set foundations of a town Jeni Bazar (Novi Pazar) in 1461. Because of its beauty the town was also called Šeher. The first written document mentioning Novi Pazar dates back to the 15th century. A lesson from history and tradition is told by “silent yet thundering” witnesses of the past. These are the most important cultural and historical monuments: Church of St Peter from the 10th century, Đurđevi stupovi, endowment of Stefan Nemanja, Monastery Sopoćani, and medieval fortresses Ras and Jeleč. Numerous monuments of Islamic culture include Altun - alem mosque and Isabeg’s hamam or Novopazar old hamam (public bath), a monumental building from the 15th century. There are also Amir-agin Han, Arap mosque and a fortress with the famous watchtower in the centre of the city. Many cultural monuments are under protection by UNESCO. Surrounded by mountains Golija and Rogozna and the Pešter plateau next to it, at the altitude of 496 metres, Novi Pazar spread over a star-like valley of Rivers Raška, Jošanica, Deževska and Ljudska. It emerged on the main road from Dubrovnik to Thessaloniki and Constantinople and soon became the major town for trade. This trading tradition has remained until present – the town is famous for jeans, trade shops and textile, footwear and furniture industries. Novi Pazar is a city of youth and everyone can find it out very quickly just by taking a walk through the centre and the old part of the city. This city is the youngest in Europe with the average age of its inhabitants of 32 years. Pazar is famous far and wide for hardworking and very hospitable people like rarely anywhere in the world. A guest is always welcome. Pazar has a recognisable face – a green oasis and recreation centre in the middle of the city, a sports hall, outdoor sports courts, trim tracks, pedestrian zone and a path of health. It engendered many top athletes. But it also has a Summer Garden, a concert hall, gallery and a multimedia centre. And numerous events, too. Sports events include, among others: Ramadan street race, Ramadan futsal tournament, Easter tournament, Memorial “Safet MavrićĆako”, etc. The pride of this city is its traditional music festival “Ancient City”. The Festival of Youth Creativity is also worth mentioning. The School of old painting techniques exists for more than 25 years, and every year an art colony “Sopoćanska viđenja” takes place under the auspices of the Monastery Sopoćani. This city also fosters choral singing and its singing groups “Đulistan” and “Rašanka” are true ambassadors of culture. This area of rare beauty has huge potentials for all forms of tourism, for religious and mountain tourism – Golija, the most beautiful and healthy mountain, and Rogozna, which is ideal for hunting. Pešter, the largest plateau in Europe is known as the “lungs of Serbia”. Not to mention traditional specialties: ćevapi, mantija, burek, pršuta and sudžuk, Sjenica chees and Pešter lamb. Potable water is also the best and comes from the spring of the River Raška. It is so good that the biggest fish-farm of rainbow trout in Europe is placed here. The valley is full of water; wherever you stop you will find water coming out. This is also the place where two spas emerged: Novopazarska and Rajčinovića Banja.



For ill and for those in love “This Spa became paradise for those in love” – this was engraved in a stone in the centre of the Spa long time ago


hose who travelled to the east and west, who passed land and the sea, never saw such thermal spa anywhere in the world” – this is written on an old stone tablet at the entrance to hamam (Turkish bath). It is also engraved that “this Spa became paradise for those in love”. This heaven for soul and Novi Pazar healing water originate from the foothills of Mt Rogozna and a bit farther slopes of Golija. In this spatial horizon, surrounded by a forest that protects it well from winds, a sunny Novopazarska Banja nestled at the altitude of 504 metres. It has a character of climatic sanatorium due to its favourable climate. People knew about the healing powers of this hot water since the ancient times, which can be confirmed by numerous archaeological findings. Settlements existed in this region in the Bronze and Stone Age. Parts of thermal baths found testify that the ancient Romans used to stay here and use healing water. In the 12th century there was a natural resort that belonged to the Monastery Đurđevi stupovi, composed of antique baths and monastery lodgings. The Spa was deserted with the arrival of the Turks, but they restored it in the 16th century. They built a hamam over the reservoir of the ancient thermal bath, with two baths and “karavansaraj” (facilities) for accommodation of visitors. The Spa was very visited at the time also because Novi Pazar was the biggest city on the road between Dubrovnik and Niš in the second half of the 16th century. The Spa enjoyed a good reputation as an “excellent hot spa” and travellers used it for centuries as a resting place, while tired and ill as a sanatorium. A Turkish travel writer Evlija Čelebija called it Ilidža (a healthy place where everyone can find a cure) for its beauty. This is the very spot where numerous hot water springs emerge from the ground. Seven springs are mentioned, although there are many more. For hot water up to 52 degrees can be found already at the depth of half a metre, and there are also cold water springs with the temperature of 12 degrees. Many come here in a wheelchair and leave walking mostly due to the water that has beneficial effects on neuromuscular diseases. It is also curative for rheumatic, skin and gynaecological diseases, sports and other injuries and post-stroke conditions. The only centre for treatment of dystrophic patients and those with muscle diseases is in Novopazarska Banja. The Spa is all covered in greenery. A modern in-patient clinic was built in 1953, and the Institute in 1975, which is called today the Special hospital for treatment of progressive muscle and neuromuscular diseases. This modern equipped hospital with 180 beds and kind professional staff is surrounded by abundant vegetation. It is located together with an old bath in a park that was arranged several decades ago. This green belt with 1200 seedlings spreads along the Banjska River in an area of four hectares. Along with curative the Spa also has a recreational and outing function. There are well equipped sports courts, wooded environment that is challenging for hunters, and the River Raška for fishermen. Next to the healing water springs there are spiritual springs – monasteries, churches, mosques – medieval buildings and natural and cultural-historical sites. Visitors and patients can stay in the Hotel “Vrbak” over the River Raška in the centre of Novi Pazar, in the motel “Ras” built in ethno style in Pazarište, the Tourist House near the Monastery Sopoćani, or in the hotel “Raj” in Rajčinovića Banja. The very name of the hotel in this Spa situated near Novopazarska Banja indicates that it is a real paradisiacal place (raj – paradise). Rajčinovića Banja has springs of cold acidic and hot mineral water that reaches a temperature of up to 42 degrees. Curative water of this Spa has healing effects in treating diseases of digestive organs, liver and bile ducts, kidney and urinary tract, as well as metabolism disorders. Rajčinovića Banja is also an exceptional climatic place. And in the Hotel “Raj” patients and guests, under medical supervision, can enjoy in a swimming pool with hot mineral water of 38 degrees, a salt room, steam bath, sauna, Jacuzzi or courts for small sports.




Hotel Raj



LOZNICA Banja Kovilja~a



Novi svetovi kraljevske banje Podrinjska lepotica vraća sjaj moderne i mondenske banje „Versajski“ banjski park i impozantno zdanje Kur-salon ponos su i ukras Koviljače


božanstvenoj dolini reke Drine, na njenoj desnoj obali, u prelepom parku u podnožju šumovitog Gučeva, nadomak Loznice u severo-zapadnom delu Srbije je jedan od najdragocenijih balneoloških bisera – Banja Koviljača. U Podrinju, u Jadarskom kraju, na 128 metara nadmorske visine, stara dama i lepotica srpskog banjskog turizma, nazvana i Podrinjska lepotica otvorila je nove svetove nekada mondenske i kraljevske banje. Može da se podiči istorijom iz perioda Ilira, Rimljana, Turaka. U srednjem veku pod zidinama Koviljkinog grada narod je masovno pohodio izvore lekovite vode, iz tog perioda je i prvi pisani dokument (1553. godine) u kome se Banja spominje. I bogati Turci „zvorničani“ iz Mačve i Podrinja, rado i često su dolazili na lekovite izvore, sagradili su tu početkom 18. veka prvi ženski hamam. U davnašnja vremena narod je Banju Koviljaču nazivao Smrdan banjom, zbog karakterističnog mirisa sumporovite vode i blata. Lekovita svojstva kraljevske banje bila su poznata još u 16. veku, početke uređenja banje zabeležio je i Vuk Karadžić 1855. godine, a na njegov predlog je u Beču ovu vodu ispitao balneolog Linder Majer i visoko je ocenio. Prvi banjski lekar postavljen je 1858. Ukazom kralja Aleksandra Obrenovića 1898. godine Banja je data na upotrebu „narodu okruga pčinjskog“, dobija status banjskog lečilišta, postaje moderno letovalište i mondensko sastajalište Evropljana. U njoj su uživali Dositej Obradović, Vuk Karadžić, rane je vidao srpski vožd Karađorđe, na raskošne balove dolazio kralj Aleksandar Karađorđević. Dalji napredak vezan je za kralja Petra I Karađorđevića, koji se ovde lečio i i podstrekivao gradnju. Prvih godina minulog veka niče velelepno kupatilo kralja Petra, uređuju se izvori, zgrada Uprave, hotel Podrinje, niču privatne vile. Veliki „versajski“ banjski park prostire se na 40ha, u sredini je rondo sa fontanom od koje se zvezdasto na osam strana šire staze. U njemu je 80 vrsta drveća, žbunja, više od 50 vrsta cveća. Najviše je građeno 20-ih godina 20. veka veka - vile Hercegovina i Dalmacija, 1932. zablistala je zadužbina kralja Aleksandra Karađorđevića – impozantno zdanje Kur-salon, sa raskošnom balskom dvoranom i prvom kockarnicom na Balkanu, po arhitektonskoj lepoti zaštitni je znak Banje Koviljače. Bila je u to vreme jedna od najlepših i najskupljih banja. Zvali su je i Bela banja, zbog kuća koje su sve bile okrečene u belo. Mnogo je značila u evropskim okvirima, strani novinari su pisali o njenim lekovitim svojstvima, raskoši, kockanju, balovima. Vraća Banja Koviljača sjaj moderne i mondenske banje i to znanjem, lekovitim darovima prirode, lepotom, znamenitostima, atrakcijama. Poput obnovljenog Kraljevskog karnevala i bala pod maskama u Kur-salonu, nekadašnjem simbolu zabave banjskih gostiju. Podsećanje je ovo na kraljevski status Banje, ali i njen povratak na kraljevski tron. I okolina Banje je bogata kulturno istorijskom baštinom – Trojanov grad, Gradac, Jerinin, Kosanin, Koviljkin grad, legenda kaže da je po njemu Koviljača dobila ime. Zatim, Tršić, rodno mesto Vuka Karadžića, planina Gučevo na kojoj je spomen kosturnica izginulima u prvoj rovovskoj bitci na svetu poznatoj kao „Bitka iznad oblaka“, reka Drina, manastir Tronoša, arheološka nalazišta. Nedaleko je Loznica, ime je dobila po lozici zbog brojnih vinograda. Kroz nju protiče reka Štira, a isprepletani brežuljci, doline i ravnica čine ovaj kraj, bogat izvorima mineralnih i lekovitih voda, prepoznatljivim i interesantnim. Ima Banja Koviljača i čuvenu istoimenu Specijalnu bolnicu, wellness „Kovilje“, luksuzne vile, „Royal spa“moderan wellness, spa i kongresni centar. Prava oaza uživanja u centru lečilišta.



Umetnost zdravlja i lepote Ovde vas, kažu, neće razmaziti, ali će učiniti sve da bolje razumete svoje telo, da se oporavite i prikupite novu snagu za kvalitetniji život


meštena u jednom od najlepših parkova Srbije, u kraljevskim zdanjima, u srcu čuvene Podrinjske lepotice - Banje Koviljače istoimena Specijalna bolnica za rehabilitaciju postala je mesto u kome sebi možete da priuštite pravi kraljevski dan. Ili čitav odmor. U prijatnom klimatskom i ekološki zdravom ambijentu, kome je priroda podarila lekovitu sumporovitu vodu i peloid, ostvaren je izvanredan spoj blagodeti tradicionalnog prirodnog lečilišta sa onim što pruža najsavremenija fizikalna medicina i rehabilitacija. Delo je to zaposlenih, čija je maksima „snaga vodopada je u mnoštvu kapljica koje rade zajedno“. Lekovita priroda, sumporovita, gvožđevita i radioaktivna voda, temperature 15 do 28 stepeni, lekoviti peloid, moderna oprema, stalno profesionalno usavršavanje, saradnja sa ekspertima iz zemlje i inostranstva, svrstali su odavno Specijalnu bolnicu u elitnu ustanovu za prevenciju, lečenje i rehabilitaciju. Ali i za uživanje, za oporavak tela i duše. Ovde se po najvišim standardima leče reumatska oboljenja, degenerativne promene zglobova i kičmenog stuba, stanja nakon operacija, mišićna, pojedina ginekološka i kožna oboljenja. Osavremenjen je program prevencije i lečenja osteoporoze, dijagnoze vaskularnih oboljenja, nabavljen jedan od najsavremenijih aparata u svetu za neurofiziološka ispitivanja. Prvi u zemlji pre nešto više od dve i po decenije osnovali su odeljenje za rehabilitaciju najmlađih pacijenata. Posledice savremenog načina života – stres, zamor, gojaznost imaju, takođe, lek u ovoj kraljevskoj banji kroz preventivni i wellness program u kome je sve usmereno ka zdravlju. A u wellness centru „Kovilje“, smeštenom pod kupolom zdanja kupatila kralja Petra Prvog, to pretvaraju u umetnost. Umetnost zdravlja i lepote zajednički je naziv svih programa, koji su lek i preventiva, odmor i relaksacija. Kupanje u termalnoj vodi u originalnoj mermernoj kraljevskoj kadi, „Kraljevski dan“, „Kraljičin san“, „Lebdeti na oblacima“, „Pariz u Koviljači“ već svojim nazivom donose doživljaj magije u „Kovilju“. Pod krovom „Kovilja“ brojnim masažama postignut je pravi spoj Srbije sa Zapadom i Istokom, ali i sa dalekim istokom. Masaža biljem u četiri ruke, masaža „Kovilje“, orijentalna sedacija i još desetak čarobnih načina dodira deo su ostvarenja prave fantazije. Tu je i sauna za specifičan tretman protiv starenja, program za oblikovanje tela i smanjenje telesne težine i mnogi preventivni programi za odmor i prikupljanje snage za kvalitetniji život. Svi koji žele da osete čokoladu na drugi način mogu u trajanju od jednog sata u „Kovilju“ da dožive vrhunsku masažu, da poprave raspoloženje. Anti-age tretman na bazi čokolade „Choco sweet“ daruje koži i čulima jedinstven doživljaj. Đakuzi, fitnes sala, bazeni sa termalnom vodom- zatvoreni i otvoreni bazen sa sumporovitom vodom, čija je temperatura 31 stepen, upotpunjuju doživljaj. Posle wellness-a i u sred zime kupanje na otvorenom. I kako dolikuje ustanovi koja je sebi obezbedila mesto među elitnim centrima najlekovitije trojstvozdravlje, turizam i kultura, spojeni su u jedno i neodvojivi su deo lekovitih programa za dušu i telo - festival dokumentarnog i etno filma, likovna kolonija, susreti s umetnicima, predstave za decu, biblioteka, internet, sijaset kulturnih dešavanja. Prepoznaljiva je ova kuća po ljubaznosti, predusretljivosti, humanosti. Zato s pravom nosi naziv „Lečilište s osmehom“, u kome vas, kažu, neće razmaziti, ali će učiniti sve da bolje razumete svoje telo, da se oporavite i prikupite novu snagu za kvalitetniji život.



New worlds of the royal spa The beauty of Podrinje brings back the splendour of a modern and mundane spa The “Versailles” park of the Spa and the impressive building of the Cure-Salon are proud and joy of Koviljača


n a wonderful valley of the River Drina, on its right bank, in a beautiful park beneath the wooded mountain of Gučevo, near Loznica in the northern-western part of Serbia, there is one of the most precious balneology pearls – Banja Koviljača. In Podrinje, the region of Jadar, 128 metres above sea level, the old lady and beauty of the Serbian spa tourism, also called the Beauty of Podrinje, opened up new worlds of the past mundane and royal spa. It can boast of the history from the period of Illyrians, Romans and Turks. In the Middle Ages people used to come in masses to the springs of healing water beneath the walls of the Town of Koviljka, and the first written document mentioning the Spa dates back to this period (1553). Rich Turks from the town of Zvornik, from Mačva and Podrinje, loved to frequent the healing springs, and they built the first Hamam for women at the beginning of the 18th century. Back in the old days the people used to call Banja Koviljača “Smrdan spa” (Stinking spa) for its specific smell of sulphurous water and mud. Healing features of the royal spa were known back in the 16th century; the beginning of spa renovation was recorded by Vuk Karadžić in 1855, and upon his proposal the water from the Spa was tested in Vienna by a balneologist Linder Mayer who gave it high rates. The first spa doctor was appointed in 1858. By a decree of the King Aleksandar Obrenović the Spa was given for use to the “people of Pčinjski district” in 1898, it gained a status of spa sanatorium and became a modern summer resort and a mundane meeting spot of the Europeans. Dositej Obradović and Vuk Karadžić enjoyed here, the Serbian Vožd (Grand Leader) Karađorđe healed his wounds, while the King Aleksandar Karađorđević used to come here to sumptuous balls. Its further progress is related to the King Petar I Karađorđević, who came here for treatment and encouraged construction. During the first years of the past century a gorgeous bathroom of the King Petar was built, springs were renovated, as well as the Administration building, the Hotel Podrinje, private villas, etc. A large “Versailles” park in the Spa covers an area of 40ha; there is a roundel in the centre with a fountain from which paths spread out in eight directions in form of a star. It has 80 kinds of trees, bushes, more than 50 different kinds of flowers. Most of the construction works were done in 1920s – villas Hercegovina and Dalmacija – while the King Aleksandar Karađorđević’s endowment resplended in 1932. That was an impressive building of the Cure-Salon, with a luxurious ballroom and the first casino in the Balkans. Its architectural beauty is the symbol of Banja Koviljača. At the time it was one of the most beautiful and most expensive spas. They also called it the White Spa because of the houses all painted in white. It was also important in European circles, and foreign journalists wrote a lot about its healing power, luxury, gambling, balls, etc. Banja Koviljača is restoring its splendour of a modern and mundane spa with knowledge, healing gifts from the nature, its beauty, sights, attractions, like the restored Royal Carnival and masked ball in the Cure-Salon, once the entertainment symbol of spa guests. This is a reminder of Spa’s royal status, but also its comeback to the royal throne. The Spa surrounding is also rich in cultural and historical heritage: the Town of Trojan, Gradac, the Towns of Jerina, Kosana and Koviljka – a legend says that Koviljača was named after it – then Tršić, the home town of Vuk Karadžić, the Mt. Gučevo with its memorial mausoleum of the fallen in the first trench battle in the world known as the “Battle above the clouds”, the River Drina, Tronoša Monastery and archaeological sites. Loznica is not far away; it was named after vine for numerous vineyards. The River Štira runs through it, and interwoven hills, valleys and the plain make this region rich in mineral and healing water springs a recognizable and interesting place. Banja Koviljača also has a famous special hospital under the same name, wellness “Kovilje”, luxurious villas, “Royal Spa” – a modern wellness, spa and congress centre, and a real oasis of pleasure in the centre of the sanatorium.



The art of health and beauty They say that they won’t spoil you here, but they will do everything for you to understand your body better, recover and regain new strength for a better quality of life


ocated in one of the most beautiful parks of Serbia, in royal buildings, in the heart of the famous Beauty of Podrinje – Banja Koviljača – the special hospital for rehabilitation bearing the same name has become a place where you can enjoy a real royal day, or a whole holiday. In a pleasant climatologically and ecologically healthy ambient that was bestowed by the nature with a healing sulphurous water and peloid, beneficial effects of a traditional natural sanatorium were exceptionally blended with what could be offered by the latest physical medicine and rehabilitation. This has been achieved by its staff, whose motto is: “strength of the waterfall lies in numerous drops working together”. Healing water – sulphurous, ferriferous and radioactive water – with a temperature between 15 and 28 degrees, curative peloid, modern equipment, continuous professional development, cooperation with experts from the country and abroad, placed this special hospital long time ago among the elite institutions for prevention, treatment and rehabilitation, but also for pleasure and recovery of both body and soul. The highest standards are applied here in treating rheumatic diseases, degenerative disorders of joints and spine, post-operative conditions, muscular, certain gynaecological and skin diseases. Osteoporosis prevention and treatment programme has been modernised together with the diagnostics of vascular diseases, and one of the state-of –the-art devices in the world for neurophysiological testing has been procured. They were the first in the country to establish a department for rehabilitation of the youngest patients over 25 years ago. Cure for the consequences of modern life-style, stress, fatigue, obesity, can also be found in this royal spa, through its prevention and wellness programme where everything is oriented towards health. And in the wellness centre “Kovilje”, located under the dome of King Petar I bathroom building, they turn this into art. The art of health and beauty is a common name for all programmes, which are both cure and prevention, and rest and relaxation. Bathing in the thermal water in the original marble royal bathtub, “Royal day”, “Queen’s dream”, “Floating on the clouds”, “Paris in Koviljača” – their very names suggest a magical experience in “Kovilje”. Numerous massages under the roof of “Kovilje” truly connect Serbia with the West and East, and also with the Far East. Herbal massage with four hands, “Kovilje” massage, oriental sedation and a dozen other magical ways of touch form part of a genuine fantasy come true. There is also a sauna for a specific anti-ageing treatment, body shaping and weight loss programmes and numerous prevention programmes for rest and regaining strength for a better quality of life. All those who want to experience chocolate in a different way can do it in “Kovilje” with the top one-hour massage and improve their mood. The anti-age chocolate-based treatment “Choco sweet” provides a unique experience for the skin and senses. Jacuzzi, fitness room, swimming pools with thermal water, indoor and outdoor swimming pools with sulphurous water and temperature of 31 degrees, they all complete the experience. And after wellness, one can take a bath in the open, even in the middle of winter. And as befits an institution that has joined the elite centres, the most curative trinity – health, tourism and culture – are blended here into one becoming inseparable part of curative programmes for body and soul: documentary and ethno film festival, painting colony, gatherings with artists, children plays, library, internet, various cultural events. This house is also famous for its hospitality, kindness and humanity. Therefore, it rightfully bears the name of “Sanatorium with a smile” where, as they say, you won’t be spoiled, but they will do everything for you to understand your body better, recover and regain new strength for a better quality of life.




Wellness centar Kovilje



VALJEVO Banja Vrujci



Gostoljubiva lepota Grad zelenila i gostoprimljivih ljudi krasi i najbistrija voda reke Gradac, najčistije u Evropi


i tri dana gostu nije dovoljno da vidi Valjevo i okolinu, da mu oseti dušu, da se nauživa u njoj. Vratiće se, a i sami domaćini će ga pozvati da ponovo dođe. Na svakom koraku se uveravate u otvorenost, neposrednost gostoljubivost domaćina. Ovde ne važi ona narodna - svakog gosta za tri dana dosta. Sigurno je i to - mnogo je povoda za dolaske i povratke u valjevski kraj. Nalazi se Valjevo u zapadnoj Srbiji, na prosečnoj nadmorskoj visini od 185 metara. Prvi put se spominje u dubrovačkim spisima iz 1339. godine. Više je tumačenja porekla imena, ali je navjeverovatnije grad nazvan po izvesnom Valju, koji je bio vlasnik prve kafane podignute na ovoj teritoriji. A i danas je Valjevcima kafana mila. Autentičan valjevski brend postali su i duvan čvarci. Muselimov konak, podignut u 18. veku, najstarija je sačuvana zgrada u Valjevu, direktno vezan za seču knezova, na pet kilometara od grada u selu Petnica je svetski znana Istraživačka stanica za mlade talente. Valjevo je jedan od „najzelenijih” gradova u Srbiji, gotovo u samom centru se nalazi park na Jadru, pa parkšuma Pećina. Reka Gradac, najbistrija i najčistija u Evropi, stanište je vidri, sa uređenim plažama i sa nekoliko vodenica. U Valjevu nastaje reka Kolubara od Jablanice i Obnice. Na ovom tlu živeli su kneževi, vladike, vojskovođe, veliki pesnici i kulturni poslenici, koji su za sobom ostavili izuzetna dela materijalne i duhovne kulture. Odigrali su se ovde presudni događaji koji su obeležili istorijske periode, o čemu svedoče Brankovina, Lelić, Pustinja, Ćelije, Tešnjar, Kula Nenadovića i brojni spomenici kulture. U njemu su pogubljeni knezovi Aleksa Nenadović i Ilija Birčanin, u čuvenoj Valjevskoj bolnici umrla je slikarka Nadežda Petrović, na ovim prostorima odigrala se istorijska Kolubarska bitka, koju je predvodio vojvoda Živojin Mišić. Retko ko u Srbiji kao valjevski kraj može da se pohvali tolikim brojem znamenitih ličnosti. Valjevo je jedna od lepših srpskih varoši, burne istorije, bogate kulture i duhovnosti. O tome svedoči očuvano gradsko jezgro sa spomenicima kulture - sa zgradom Narodnog muzeja, jednim od najboljih u Srbiji koji ima priču i savremenu scenografiju, zgradom poznate Valjevske gimnazije, galerijama, pešačkim zonama i starim tgrovačkim ulicama, malim trgovima i parkovima, Kulom Nenadovića. Nezaobilazan je i gotovo nestvaran uređeni kej Kolubare, na čijoj se desnoj obali, u samom centru grada, nalazi autentična srpska čaršija iz perioda turske vladavine – Tešnjar, u kojoj se tradicionalno održavaju čuvene Tešnjarske večeri. Za Valjevo su vezani Nenadovići, vladika Nikolaj, vojvoda Živojin Mišić, Justin Popović, Ilija Birčanin, Hadži Ruvim, Desanka Maksimović, Ljuba Popović, Radovan Mića Trnavac, Brana Petronijević... Kultura je jedan od najvećih kvaliteta Valjeva. Ovde je najbolje amatersko pozorište, valjevski amateri odavno su profesionalci. Moderna galerija je brend za sebe, nastala po ideji vrsnog slikara Ljube Popovića, zatim, galerija čiji je osnivač Mića Trnavac, gde dolaze umetnici iz čitave Evrope. Gradska biblioteka će uskoro slaviti vek i po postojanja. Samo u poslednjih 10-15 godina ogroman broj mladih Valjevaca je u umetničkim školama, na pozorišnim akademijama. To je sociološki fenomen. I sport je za ponos, od vrhunskog do „običnog“. Valjevci su među najboljima u Srbiji po seoskom turizmu, očuvali su sistem reka, prirodu, imaju prvo eko domaćinstvo, i još jedno u tzv. zelenom turizmu, koje se bavi biljem i pečurkama. Okružen planinanama, takozvanom „valjevskom gredom“ - Suvobor, Medvednik, Bobija, Maljen, Jablanik, Povlen, grad Valjevo, u kome se sve rešava peške i biciklom, utonuo je u zelenilo. U gostoljubivu lepotu. U svojoj blizini ima i pravi raj u dolini bazena – Banju Vrujci.



Blago u dolini bazena I rode zimuju u Vrujcima Šesnaest kilometara ljubavi


eđu živopisnim brežuljcima, u dolini reke Toplice, u podnožju planina Suvobora i Maljena, na nadmorskoj visini od 180 metara, unedrila se Banja Vrujci. Pored prelepe prirode najveće bogatsvo banje su termalne vode i lekovito blato. Izdvaja se Banja i po tome što ima najviše bazena u regionu, otvorenih i zatvorenih. Raspoređeni su čak na 17 lokacija, pa je razumljivo što ovo područje mnogi nazivaju i dolinom bazena. A u toj dolini, koju je priroda toliko darivala, umešni ljudi su se potrudili da načine pravi raj. Prostor oko vrujačkih izvora od davnina je bio naseljen. Kroz samu Banju teče rečica Gornja Toplica. Predanje kaže da je tu bio dvor junaka Toplice Milana, pobratima Miloša Obilića. Milan se, prepričava narod, po ovoj reci i prozvao Toplica. Banja se kao lekovita pročula tek posle Prvog svetskog rata. Lekovitost ove vode otkrili su srpski ratnici, naročito posle Kolubarske bitke, kada su tu lečili svoje rane i druge boljke kupajući se u reci. Prva kupatila izgradili su zemljoradnici na svojim imanjima, a tek 1938. godine podignuto je kupatilo „Vojvoda Mišić” sa dva bazena, za žene i muškarce. Hotel “Vrujci” otvoren je 1979. godine, a u međuvremenu su nikli i novi. O tome koliko je ovde voda lekovita i topla možda najbolje govori podatak da i u sred zime, kad okolinu okuje led, svoja staništa ne napuštaju ni rode. Izdašnost izvora, ima ih pet, tolika je da se koristi samo jedna bušotina. Posebna znamenitost Banje je kanal sa lekovitom vodom, koji protiče kroz kompleks hotela, u kome gosti mogu neograničeno da se kupaju. Temperatura vode je 27 stepeni, tako da je uživanje na otvorenom moguće i usred zime. Osim za bazene, ova voda se koristi i za piće, za pripremu hrane, može u balonima da se nosi i kući, jer ostaje sveža i lekovita po nekoliko nedelja. Termalne vode bogate su kalijumom, magnezijumom i selenom. Voda i blato koriste se u lečenju reumatizma, malokrvnosti, ginekoloških oboljenja (poznata je ovo banja za nerotkinje), očnih bolesti, za zaceljenje rana. Bogat mineralima i radioaktivnim materijama peloid kožu čini glatkom i nežnom, a one koji imaju probleme sa zglobovima i kostima oslobađa bola. I bazeni su jedinstveni u okruženju, vode u njima se menjaju prirodnim putem, tako da se u toku dana promene i do sedam puta. Otvoreni bazeni se noću prazne, dezinfikuju, ponovo pune kako bi bili spremni za ranoranioce. Postoje ovde i četiri teniska terena, olimpijskih mera, koji se i posle najvećih pljuskova osuše za 15 do 20 minuta. Česti gosti su ovde i brojni sportisti, fudbaleri kojima je na raspolaganju dobar travnat teren, kao i tereni za male sportove - rukomet, košarku, odbojku, teretana. Hrana je još jedan od glavnih aduta Banje Vrujci. Ona stiže sa devičanske zemlje. Voće i povrće se uzgaja bez pesticida, a jagnjad, živinu i drugu stoku seljaci gaje na pašnjačkim padinama Suvobora. Zastupljena je kuhinja ovog kraja. Iz vodenice u kojoj se melje kukuruz kao što se mleo vekovima unazad, stiže brašno za kačamak, proju. Jela se pripremaju kao što su to naše bake činile, u zemljanom posuđu. Tako se i serviraju. U SPA centru gosti sebi mogu da priušte neku od brojnih relaksacionih masaža, ručnih, pa đakuzi kade za hidromasažu, ultrazvučnu masažu, bisernu kupku, primenjuje se i tzv. horizontal terapija. Da bi ljudi uživali u netaknutoj prirodi i okruženju Banje uređeno je šest pešačkih staza zdravlja u dužini od 100 kilometara do Suvobora, Maljena, Rajca, Ravne gore, Struganika. Među njima se izdvaja staza ljubavi duga oko 16 kilometara. Potrebno je 6 sati da bi se prepešačila. Na njoj je veliki broj vidikovaca. Inače, u ovoj oazi mira za goste organizuju istorijske i verske ture – poseta kući Vojvode Mišića, odlazak na Ravnu goru, u Brankovinu, do manastira Bogovađa, Ćelije, Lelić.



Welcoming beauty City of greenery and hospitable people is adorned with water of he River Gradac, the cleanest river in Europe


hree days are not enough for a guest to see Valjevo and its surroundings, to feel its soul and enjoys it to the full. The guest will return, and the hosts themselves will invite him to come back. In every step of your way you will find open and spontaneous hospitable hosts. The old popular saying doesn’t hold true here – after three days guests like fish begin to stink. One more thing is certain – there are so many reasons to come and return to Valjevo region. Valjevo is situated in Western Serbia, on an average height of 185 metres above sea level. It was mentioned for the first time in documents from Dubrovnik in 1339. There are several interpretations of the origin of its name, but it was most probably named after a certain Valj, who owned the first tavern in this territory. Today’s inhabitants of Valjevo love taverns, too. “Duvan čvarci”, a kind of pork rinds called duvan (tobacco) for their shape of delicate fibres, are an authentic brand of Valjevo. Muselim’s residence from the 18th century is the oldest preserved building in Valjevo, which is directly related with the Slaughter of Headmen, and the world famous Research station for young talents is just five kilometres away from the city, in the village Petnica. Valjevo is one of the “greenest” cities in Serbia –there is a park on the River Jadar almost in the very centre, and on the hill above Valjevo there are park-woods called Pećina (Cave). The River Gradac, the clearest and cleanest in Europe, is the habitat of otters, and it has arranged beaches and several water-mills. Valjevo is where the River Kolubara emerges from the Jablanica and Obnica. Headmen, bishops, army leaders, great poets and cultural workers have lived in this territory, having left behind them extraordinary master pieces of material and spiritual culture. Crucial events that marked historical periods took place here, which is evidenced by Brankovina, Lelić, Pustinja, Ćelije, Tešnjar, Nenadović’s Tower and many other cultural monuments. This is where noblemen Aleksa Nenadović and Ilija Birčanin were killed, a painter Nadežda Petrović died in the famous Valjevo hospital, and the historical Battle of Kolubara took place in this region, which was lead by Vojvoda Živojin Mišić. Hardly any other region in Serbia can boast about that many important people as the region of Valjevo. Valjevo is one of the most beautiful Serbian cities, which is characterised by turbulent history, rich culture and spirituality. The proof of that is preserved in the city centre with cultural monuments – building of the National Museum, one of the best in Serbia that has a story to tell and a modern set; building of the famous Valjevo Gymnasium, galleries, pedestrian zones and old trade streets, small squares and parks, and Nenadović’s Tower. Another must-see is the surreal embankment of the Kolubara. On the right bank of this river, in the very centre of the city, there is an authentic Serbian bazaar from the period of the Turkish rule called Tešnjar, which hosts famous traditional Tešnjar evenings. Nenadović family, Bishop Nikolaj, Vojvoda Živojin Mišić, Justin Popović, Ilija Birčanin, Hadži Ruvim, Desanka Maksimović, Ljuba Popović, Radovan Mića Trnavac, Brana Petronijević, and many others are associated with Valjevo. Culture is one of the greatest qualities of Valjevo. Amateur theatre is the best here, and amateurs from Valjevo became professionals long time ago. A modern gallery is a brand on its own. Its conceptual creator was an excellent painter Ljuba Popović. Then there is a gallery founded by Mića Trnavac, where artists from all over Europe gather. The city library will celebrate soon a century and a half of its existence. Over the last 10-15 years, a huge number of young Valjevo residents enrolled in schools of arts and theatre academies. This is a sociological phenomenon. Sports are another pride, from professional to the “ordinary”. Valjevo people are among the best in Serbia regarding rural tourism. They have preserved the river network, the nature, they have the first eco-household, and another one in the so called green tourism, which cultivates plants and mushrooms. Surrounded by mountains, the so called “Valjevska greda” - Suvobor, Medvednik, Bobija, Maljen, Jablanik and Povlen – the city of Valjevo, where everything is settled on foot or bicycle, has sunk into greenery – a welcoming beauty. It also has in its vicinity the Valley of swimming pools – Banja Vrujci.



Treasure in the valley of pools Even storks spend winter in Vrujci Sixteen kilometres of love


Banja Vrujci nestled among picturesque hills in the valley of the River Toplica at the foot of mountains Suvobor and Maljen, at the altitude of 180 metres. Along with magnificent nature, the greatest treasures of this Spa are thermal water and curative mud. This Spa also stands out for the greatest number of swimming pools in the region, both indoor and outdoor. They are distributed in 17 locations, so it is understandable why this area is called by many people the valley of swimming pools. And in this valley abundantly gifted by nature skillful people did their best to make it a real paradise. The area around Vrujci springs has been settled since the ancient time. A small river Gornja Toplica runs through the Spa. A legend says that there used to be a castle of the heroe Toplica Milan, Miloš Obilić’s blood-brother. As people say, Milan got his name Toplica after this river. The Spa became known for its curative properties after the First World War. The healing power of its water was discovered by Serbian soldiers, especially after the Battle of Kolubara, when they healed their wounds and other illnesses by taking a swim in the river. The first baths were built by farmers in their properties, and it was not until 1938 that the bath “Vojvoda Mišić” was built with two swimming pools – for women and men, respectively. The Hotel “Vrujci” was opened in 1979, and in the meantime other new hotels were also built. The best proof of the healing powers of this hot water lies in the fact that in the middle of winter, when the whole area is trapped in ice, storks do not leave their habitat. Five springs are so generous that only one well is used. A canal with curative water, which goes through the hotel complex is of particular interest, where guests can take a bath without any restrictions. The water temperature is 27 degrees Celsius, which makes it possible to enjoy outdoors even in the middle of winter. This water is not used only for swimming pools, but also for cooking and drinking and one can even poor it in a bottle and take it home for it remains fresh and curative for several weeks. Thermal water is rich in potassium, magnesium and selenium. Water and mud are used in treating rheumatism, anaemia, gynaecological diseases (this spa is well known for treatment of barren women), sight disorders and in healing wounds. Rich in minerals and radioactive matters, the peloid makes skin smooth and gentle, and relieves those with joint and bone problems from pain. Swimming pools have no equal in the region – water is changed in them naturally, up to seven times a day. Outdoor swimming pools are emptied over night, disinfected and refilled so as to be ready for early risers. There are four tennis courts of Olympic size, which can be dried in 15 to 20 minutes after the heaviest rains. Numerous athletes are regular guests here – football players have a good grass field at their disposal, and there are also courts for small sports – handball, basketball, volleyball, and a gym. Food is another ace of Banja Vrujci. It comes from the virgin soil. Fruit and vegetables are grown with no pesticides, and lambs, poultry and cattle are bred by peasants on pastures on Mt Suvobor slopes. Local cuisine is present as well. Flour for maize porridge and corn bread comes from a water-mill where corn is milled as it has been milled for centuries. Food is prepared as our grandmothers used to do it – in earthenware; and served in it, too. In the SPA centre guests can enjoy in one of numerous massages for relaxation: manual, Jacuzzi bath for hydro-massage, ultrasound massage, pearl bath, etc. The so called horizontal therapy is also applied. Six walking paths of health have been made for people to enjoy intact nature and the Spa surrounding. In total they are 100 km long and go towards Suvobor, Maljen, Rajac, Ravna Gora and Struganik. A 16-km long path of love stands out among them. It takes 6 hours to walk through it. It also has numerous lookouts. Just to mention, this oasis of peace offers organised historical and religious tours to its guests – visits to Vojvoda Mišić’s house, Ravna Gora, Brankovina, and monasteries Bogovađa, Ćelije and Lelić.




Hotel Divčibare



MLADENOVAC Selters Banja



Od Mladena mu i ime Flaširanje vode pod nazivom „Srpski Selters“ odobreno je 1906. godine, odlikovana je u Briselu i Londonu


me mu, prema predanju, potiče od Mladena. Tačno 200 godina posle Kosovskog boja, sa svoja dva brata Vlajkom i Rajkom, uputio se sa Kosova mladi Mladen i došao u današnji mladenovački kraj. Mesta gde su njihovi potomci formirali porodice su Mladenovac, Vlaška i Rajkovac. Naselili su se podno šumovitog Kosmaja, planine izuzetne lepote, visoke 628 metara, čiji izgled u vidu ostrva dominira u ovom delu Šumadije. Rimljani su mu dali značenje „Casa Maiac“ - stanište boginje Maje. Čitav je pod zelenilom, sa 550 vrsta biljaka, 300 vrsta gljiva, 96 vrsta ptica. Pod takvim podnebljem i na takvoj zemlji rastao je Mladenovac sam, a kasnije sa svojom Selters Banjom. Brojna arheološka nalazišta i oko 200 ostataka praistorijskih naselja svedoče da su na teritoriji Mladenovca prva naselja formirana u periodu praistorije. Današnja se pominju u srednjem veku, prvi zvanični podaci su iz turskog popisa stanovništva 1528. godine. Prva zgrada buduće varoši Mladenovac podignuta je 1882. godine. To je mehana „Kosmaj“, današnja „Stara mehana“. Ukazom kralja Aleksandra Obrenovića 1893. godine naselje Mladenovac proglašeno je za varošicu. Mladenovac sa banjom Selters je oaza čistog vazduha, mira i zelenila. Nedaleko je Oplenac, kulturno-istorijski kompleks sa Oplenačkom crkvom koju je podigao kralj Petar I Karađorđević, u Topoli je i muzej vožda Karađorđa. Povezan je sa poznatim izletištima Avalom, Bukuljom i Kosmajem, Markovačkim i Rabrovačkim jezerom. Organizuju se jednodnevni izleti za goste, uživanje u zelenilu, vazduhu, seoskim manifestacijama, lovu na nisku divljač. Poznat je po tradicionalnim međunarodnim manifestacijama: Likovna kolonija, Međunarodni festival folklora, „Teatar u jednom dejstvu“, „Šumadijske metafore“. Ali i po znamenitostima, kao što su: spomen obeležje despotu Stefanu Lazareviću, iz 1427. u porti crkve sv. Ilije, spomen kompleks Varovnice, arheološko nalazište Jablanica, spomen česma „Crkvenac“, Spomenik srpskom ratniku. Stara mehana „Kosmaj“, jedno je od kultnih mesta u Mladenovcu sa autentičnim sadržajem i domaćim šarmom. Svojim prirodnim resursima, kulturnom baštinom i bogatim istorijskim nasleđem Mladenovac predstavlja izuzetan turistički potencijal za izletnički, rekreativni, seoski, kulturno istorijski, lovni, ribolovni turizam. Naravno i za banjski turizam, jer ima – Selters Banju. Prva pisana dokumenta o mineralnoj vodi datiraju iz 1989. godine. Analizu je uradio upravnik Državne hemijske laboratorije Marko Leko na zahtev braće Đorđa i Nauma Atanasijevića iz Međulužja, koji su na svom imanju, na prostoru današnje Selters banje, iskopali bunar i došli do čudne vode. Rezultati analize su sve iznenadili - pronađena je mineralna voda topla i slana, po svom sastavu najsličnija vodama banja Bad Emsa - Nemačka, Roa – Francuska, Luhačovice -Češka i nemačkog Seltersa, po kome i dobi ime. Flaširanje vode pod nazivom „Srpski Selters“ odobreno je 1906. godine, distribuirala se i prodavala u apotekama širom Evrope. Odlikovana je na izložbi u Briselu 1906. i Londonu 1907. godine. Za razvoj Mladenovačke banje zaslužan je sorbonski đak dr Stavra Atanasijević, koji je prodao porodično nasledstvo i sagradio u banji hotel-vilu sa 30 soba i zdanje sa kupatilima. Godine 1986. banjski kompleks dobija današnji izgled. U blizini „Seltersa“ na prostranom šumovitom terenu nalazi se i Koraćička banja.



Jedan temelj, tri krova Akademik profesor V. Petrović početkom 20. veka pisao je u časopisu SANU „ U Evropi nema mesta koja imaju ovako kvalitetnu mineralnu vodu, ovakvo prirodno bogatstvo, gde male palanke mogu postati velika svetska lečilišta, letovališta i odmarališta. Daj Bože da jednog dana to bude slučaj sa mladenovačkim Seltersom“.


rošao je čitav vek da bi danas Institut za rehabilitaciju postao prestižna institucija u ovom delu Evrope. Čine je tri organizaciona dela: „Sokobanjska 17“, „Selters“ Mladenovac i „Vrmac“ Prčanj.

„SOKOBANJSKA“ Institut je sertifikovani trening centar Evropskog borda za fizikalnu medicinu, nastavna baza Medicinskih fakulteta u Beogradu i Nišu. Ima ukupno 1.100 postelja, sprovodi specijalizovanu rehabilitaciju iz svih oblasti – kardiološka, pulmološka, neurološka, ortopedsko-traumatološka, reumatološka, dečja i rehabilitacija vaskulopatija. Specijalizovan stručni kadar, savremeni dijagnostički kabineti, moderna oprema, adekvatan prostor i primena prirodnog faktora su preduslovi koji omogućavaju izuzetne rezultate. Raspolaže Institut savremenim kabinetima za elektrodijagnostiku, kardiološku, pulmološku, laboratorijsku i rentgen dijagnostiku. Referentni je centar za balneoklimatologiju Republike Srbije. SELTERS BANJA Termomineralna voda Seltersa stiže sa dva izvora, iz jednog je 32, iz novog čak 50 stepeni. Zahvaljujući svojim fizičkim i hemijskim osobinama, spada u kategoriju mineralnih voda širokog dijapazona lekovitosti, koristi se kao značajno terapijsko sredstvo kupanjem, inhalacijama i pijenjem. „Selters“ se nalazi na prostranom šumovitom terenu u podnožju planine Kosmaj, na nadmorskoj visini od 136 metara, sa dosta sunčanih dana u godini. Banja se prostire na 20-ak hektara parka sa cvetnim alejama, fontanama, šetalištima sa starim drvoredima, među kojima su banjska zdanja. Dva stacionara imaju dva bazena, jedan sa mineralnom vodom od 31 do 34 stepena, sa kadama za mineralne kupke i podvodnu masažu, kao i kompletnom fizikalnom, kinezi i radnom terapijom. Postoji i lekovita voda temperature 50 stepeni. U novom stacionaru „Seltersa“ je bazen sa toplom vodom, savremeno opremljen hidroterapijski blok sa kadama za kupke i podvodnu masažu, za hidro i kinezi terapiju u bazenu. Stacionar, ambulantno poliklinička služba, moderno opremljena laboratorija, konsultantski pregledi lekara specijalista na raspolaganju su pacijentima sa neurološkim, ortopedsko-traumatološkim, reumatološkim oboljenjima. Postoji i odeljenje dečje rehabilitacije. Atraktivna lokacija, kvalitetno opremljen objekat, prelepa terasa, banket sala su za korisnike zdravstvenih usluga, ali i za balove, estradne programe, modne revije, porodična slavlja. Naravno, uz specijalitete šumadijske kuhinje.

„VRMAC“ - PRČANJ „Vrmac“ - Prčanj je organizacioni deo Instituta, nalazi se u Boki Kotorskoj, najlepšem zalivu južnog Jadrana, nedaleko od starog grada Kotora koji je pod zaštitom UNESCO-a. Tradicija poznatog prirodnog lečilišta datira od 1920. godine, kada je odlukom Kraljevske vlade proglašeno za prirodno klimatsko lečilište. Morska voda u zalivu je I i II kategorije čistoće, srednja godišnja temperatura vazduha 15,2 stepena, godišnje ima 260 sunčanih dana. U ovoj ustanovi zdravstveno-turističkog tipa specifični prirodni faktori i dugogodišnje iskustvo u rehabilitaciji primenjuju se, pre svega, u lečenju respiratornih, kardioloških i lokomotornih oboljenja dece i odraslih. Vazduh je ovde bogat kiseonikom i ozonom. Kupanjem u moru i inhaliranjem slanog aerosola organizam dobija potrebne jone i mikroelemente. Primenjuje se i talasoterapija. „Vrmac“ ima svoju šljunkovitu plažu na 1.000 metara, sportske terene, zatvoreni bazen, salu za rekreaciju.



Its name comes from Mladen Bottling of water called “Srpski Selters” was approved in 1906; it was awarded in Brussels and London


ts name comes from Mladen, a legend says. Exactly 200 years after the Battle of Kosovo, young Mladen set off from Kosovo with his two brothers, Vlajko and Rajko, and came to the area of today’s Mladenovac. Places where their descendants settled their families are Mladenovac, Vlaška and Rajkovac. They settled beneath the wooded Kosmaj, the mountain of exceptional beauty, 628 m high, with its resemblance of an island dominating in this part of Šumadija. The Romans named it “Casa Maiac”- home of Goddess Maya. It is all covered in greenery, with 550 plant species, 300 kinds of mushrooms, and 94 different kinds of birds. Mladenovac grew in such climate and on such land on its own, and later with its Selters Spa. Numerous archaeological sites and about 200 remnants of prehistoric settlements testify that the first settlements in the territory of Mladenovac were established in prehistoric period. Today’s settlements are mentioned in the Middle Ages, and the first official data comes from a Turkish census from 1528. The first building in the future town of Mladenovac was built in 1882. It was a tavern called “Kosmaj” – today’s “Stara mehana”. The settlement of Mladenovac was declared town by the order of the King Aleksandar Obrenović in 1893. Mladenovac with the Spa Selters is an oasis of clean air, peace and greenery. Oplenac, a cultural and historical complex is nearby, with the Church of Oplenac built by the King Petar I Karađorđević, and in Topola there is the Museum of Vožd Karađorđe. It is connected with famous outings Avala, Bukulja and Kosmaj, Markovačko and Rabrovačko Lakes. One-day trips are organised for guests to enjoy in greenery, air, rural events, hunting of small game, etc. It is known for traditional international events: Art colony, International folklore festival “Theatre in one action”, “Šumadija metaphors”, but also for sights such as the memorial to Despot Stefan Lazarević from 1427 in the churchyard of St Eliah Church, memorial complex Varovnice, archaeological site Jablanica, memorial fountain “Crkvenac”, Monument to a Serbian soldier, etc. The old tavern “Kosmaj” is one of the cult places in Mladenovac with authentic offer and domestic charm. With its natural resources, cultural inheritance and rich historical legacy, Mladenovac represents an exceptional tourist potential for excursion, recreation, rural, cultural-historical, hunting and fishing tourism, and, of course, for spa tourism as well for it has its Selters Spa. The first written documents about the mineral water date back to 1989. Analysis was done by the head of the State Chemical Laboratory, Marko Leko, at the request of brothers Đorđe and Naum Atanasijević from Međulužje, who dug a well in the area of the present Selters Spa and found strange water. The analysis results surprised everyone – hot and salty mineral water was found, which for its composition resembles most the waters of Bad Ems, Germany, Roa, France, Luhačovice – Czech Republic and the German Selters, which was named after. Bottled water called “Srpski Selters” was approved in 1906 and distributed to and sold in pharmacies throughout Europe. It was awarded at the exhibition in Brussels in 1906, and in London in 1907. Much credit for the development of Mladenovac Spa goes to Sorbonne student Dr Stavro Atanasijević, who sold his family heritage to build a hotel-villa in the Spa with 30 rooms and a bath building. The Spa complex obtained its present layout in 1986. There is also Koraćička Spa in the vicinity of “Selters”,



One foundation, three roofs Academician and Professor V. Petrović wrote at the beginning of the 20th century in the SANU magazine: “There are no places in Europe with mineral water of such quality, such natural wealth, where small towns can become big world sanatoriums, summer resorts and recreation centres. May God it be the case with Selters in Mladenovac some day! “. t took a whole century for the Institute for rehabilitation to become a prominent institution in this part of Europe. It has three organisational units: “Sokobanjska 17”, “Selters” in Mladenovac and “Vrmac” in Prčanj. „SOKOBANJSKA“ The institute is a certified training centre of the European Board for Physical Medicine and the teaching base of Medical Faculties in Belgrade and Niš. It has 1100 beds in total, and it conducts specialised rehabilitation in all areas: cardiac, pulmonological, neurological, orthopaedic and traumatological, rheumatic, rehabilitation of children and vasculopathy. Specialised professional staff, modern cabinets for diagnostics, latest equipment, adequate space and application of natural factors are preconditions needed to insure excellent results. The institute disposes of cabinets for electrodiagnosis, cardio, pulmonology, laboratory and roentgen diagnostics. It is the reference centre for balneoclimatology of the Republic of Serbia. SELTERS BANJA Thermal mineral water in Selters comes from two springs – one of 32 and a new one of 50 degrees Celsius. Due to its physical and chemical properties, it falls within the category of mineral waters with broad spectrum of healing powers, and is used as an important therapeutic means for bathing, inhalation and drinking. “Selters” is located in a vast wooded area at the foot of Mt Kosmaj, at the altitude of 136 above sea level, with numerous sunny days during one year. The spa spreads over about 20 hectares of park with flower lanes, fountains, promenades lined with old trees and spa buildings in between. Two in-patient clinics have two swimming pools, one of which has mineral water with the temperature 31 to 34 degrees, with bathtubs for mineral baths and underwater massage, as well as full physical, kinesitherapy, work therapy etc. There is also curative water of 50 ºC. The new wing of “Selters” has a hot water swimming pool, a hydrotherapy block with modern equipment and bathtubs for baths and underwater massage, and for hydro- and kinesitherapy in a swimming pool. In-patient clinic, ambulance-polyclinic service, laboratory with modern equipment, consultations with medical specialists, etc, all that is available to patients suffering from neurological, orthopaedic and traumatic disorders and rheumatic diseases. There is also a department for rehabilitation of children. Attractive location, well equipped facility, beautiful terrace and banquet salon are offered to the users of health services, but are also used for balls, entertainment programmes, fashion shows and family celebrations. And all that, of course, joined with specialties of Šumadija cuisine. „VRMAC“ - PRČANJ “Vrmac” – Prčanj is one of the organisational parts of the Institute, located in Boka Kotorska, the most beautiful bay of south Adriatic Sea, not far away from the old town of Kotor, which is under UNESCO’s protection. Tradition of this famous natural sanatorium dates back to 1920 when it was declared a natural climatic healing place by the decision of the King’s Government. Sea water in the bay has purity of the 1st and 2nd categories, the average annual air temperature is 15.2 degrees, and it has 260 sunny days a year. In this health and tourist institution specific natural factors and years-long experience in rehabilitation are applied, above all, in treating respiratory, cardio and locomotor disorders of children and adults. The air here is rich in oxygen and ozone. By swimming in the sea and inhaling salty aerosol the organism gets all ions and microelements it needs. Wave therapy is also used. “Vrmac” also disposes of a its own gravel beach, a length of 1000 metres, sports courts, indoor swimming pool and a recreation hall.





Selters Banja



ARAN\ELOVAC Bukovi~ka Banja



Mocan izvor energije Sudbinski spojeni grad i banja, jedno drugom drugo ja, mesto su neponovljive prirodne lepote


z iskonskog spoja triju praelemenata vode, zemlje i kamena, u okrilju planina Bukulje i Venčaca, nastao je Aranđelovac sa Bukovičkom Banjom, kao naselje osobeno po belom mermeru, mineralnim vodama i glini, tom neodvojivom elementu čovekovog bitisanja od praistorije do danas. Stoletne bukove šume, pitomi brežuljci i livade, plavi šljivici i vinogradi okvir su za sliku modernog grada“,- zapisano je na sajtu TO Aranđelovca i Bukoviče Banje. Grad Aranđelovac je u neraskidivoj vezi sa Bukovičkom Banjom. Grad- banja. I obrnuto. Banja je sastavni deo ovog grada pod Bukuljom, u centralnoj Šumadiji. Njegovo drugo ja. Kada se pomene Aranđelovac prva asocijacija je Bukovička Banja, ili mineralna voda „Knjaz Miloš“ koja se puni sa njenih izvora. Drugi će pomisliti na najveći muzej skulptura na otvorenom i manifestaciju „Mermer i zvuci“, ili će reći da je mermer iz obližnjeg rudnika ugrađen u Belu kuću u Vašingtonu. Treći će se odmah vezati za Orašac, mesto gde je podignut Prvi srpski ustanak, a mnogi za neponovljive prirodne lepote, znamenosti, za uživanja u carstvu hedonizma. Po mnogo čemu je Aranđelovac osoben. Postoje svedočanstva o istoriji grada i okoline od kamenog doba na ovamo, ali je sadašnji grad nastao po naredbi kneza Miloša Obrenovića na teritoriji sela Vrbice. „Zemlje ima, samo treba krčiti šumu“, rekao je knjaz za vreme čije vladavine se ovaj deo Šumadije sve više naseljava. Dobio je grad ime po vrbičkoj crkvi posvećenoj Arhangelu Gavrilu. Pismenim Miloševim dekretom 17. jula 1859. Vrbica je preimenovana u Aranđelovac. Prilikom poslednje posete Aranđelovcu 1859. godine Miloš je rešio da gradu podari novo ime i da se izgradi Državno zdanje koje bi služilo kao letnja skupštinska rezidencija. Radovi su započeti pet godina nakon njegove smrti, zdanje završeno 1872. godine. Potpuno završenog nije ga video ni njegov sin knez Mihailo, koji je ovde proveo poslednji vikend uoči stradanja u Košutnjaku 1868. godine. Završenog ga nije video ni arhitekta Kosta Šreplović. Na dan kada je trebalo skinuti skele sa fasade, pao je sa vrha zdanja i poginuo. Monumentalno i raskošno Staro zdanje, koje su, ustvari, gradile dve srpske dinastije - Obrenovići i Karađorđevići, bilo je jedno od najlepših na Balkanu. Mada poslednjih godina proživljava tužnu sudbinu nemara i ruine, bilo je i ostalo ponos i simbol Aranđelovca. I Banje. Okupljale su se u njemu krunisane i viđene glave, mondenski svet, priređivali raskošni balovi. Veruje se da će ponovo uskoro zablistati u svom punom sjaju. Prepoznaje se Aranđelovac i po veličanstvenom parku na više od 24 hektara, sa cvetnim alejama, fontanama, drvoredima, sa stazama koje su prosečene po ugledu na francuske parkove. Proglašen je spomenikom prirode. Danas je u njemu jedna od najvećih svetskih zbirki skulptura na otvorenom prostoru, koje svake godine u okviru tradicionalne manifestacije „Mermer i zvuci“ domaći i strani vajari rade od belog venčačkog mermera. Zbirka je pod zaštitom UNESCO-a. Na ovom terenu zbili su se mnogi značajni istorijski događaji, znamenito selo Orašac je nedaleko od Aranđelovca, kao i pećina Risovača, koja je bila stanište pračoveka. Otkrivena su u njoj bogata fosilna fauna, oruđa, predmeti od kostiju velikih životinja. Tu je podzemni Muzej paleolita, jedini u zemlji. Ima danas Aranđelovac mnogo toga za gledanje i uživanje. Mnoge luksuzne vile sa wellnessom i drugim sadržajima, ima „Izvor“ - jedan od najlepših hotela na Balkanu sa pet zvezdica, sa velikim akva parkom sa bazenima sa mineralnom vodom, toboganima, sportskim terenima, amfiteatrom za koncerte na otvorenom. Wellness i spa programi u „Izvoru“ idelani su za podmlađivanje, otklanjanje stresa, jačanje imuniteta, smanjenje kilograma, povećanje energije. Bazeni, đakuzi, masaže, rimsko kupatilo, ruska banja, finska sauna, restorani, sportski tereni, kongresne sale. Toliko je toga da gotovo ne može da se zamisli nešto lepše.



Ovde se rada zdravlje „Utonem u tihi i dubok san kada popijem bukovičku vodu“ – navodio je u svojim pismima još 1809. godine Dositej Obradović


slikovitom gradiću Aranđelovcu, na visini od 256 metara, u sred veličanstvenog parka, okružena stoletnom šumom, u srcu Šumadije, smeštena je jedna od najlepših banja Srbije - kraljevska Bukovička Banja. Za blagotvornost bukovičke kisele vode ljudi ovog kraja odvajkada su znali. Obeležila je Bukovička Banja dva veka od prvog pisanog traga o lekovitosti mineralne vode, kojom je svoje zdravlje krepio i znameniti srpski prosvetitelj Dositej Obradović. On je 1811. godine bio prvi zvanični gost Banje. Prva analiza vode urađena je 1835. godine. Banjski lekar je baš te godine zabeležio da je na mestu starog izvora, nazvanog kasnije „Knjaz Miloš“, kneginja Ljubica kupanjem ozdravila od neke bolesti. Odmah posle toga napravljen je izvor za pijenje vode. Prvi bolesnici sa lekarskim uputom stižu u Banju 1836. godine. Pre dva veka bukovička voda je korišćena na dvoru na lični zahtev kneza Miloša. Dopremana je u specijalnim bocama. Pre više od jednog veka počelo je flaširanje vode nazvane Knjaz Miloš, koja je kao stona voda dobila najviša priznanja u Briselu 1906. i u Londonu 1907. godine, a 1996. nagrade u Briselu i Varni. Do sada se ova voda okitila najvišim međunarodnim nagradama za kvalitet. Tokom dva veka banjski kompleks je planski građen u senci stoletnih platana, pored izvora. Ovde su se podjednako odmarale i lečile dinastije Obrenović i Karađorđević, elita, mondenski svet. Knez Mihajlo Obrenović ljubavne jade lečio je u Bukovičkoj Banji u kojoj je, na terasi Starog zdanja, napisao jednu od najlepših ljubavnih pesama „Što se bore misli moje“. Kraljevsko odmaralište, kasnije predsedničko izletište, Bukovička Banja lečila je i mnoge srpske ranjenike. Ovde je vojvoda Živojin Mišić upoznao lepu nemačku devojku Lujzu i oženio je, ovde je nastao i roman „Ranjeni orao“ Milice Jakovljević, poznatije kao Mir Jam. Razvija se Banja po ugledu na elitne evropske, grade se prva kupatila, uređuju izvori, niče moderan hotel „Novo zdanje“. Početkom prošlog veka sagrađen je novi elegantan paviljon „Knjaz Miloš“ nad istoimenim izvorom. Banja postaje mesto za odmor i uživanje. Između dva rata sve se obnavlja, doživljava pravi procvat, gradi novo toplo kupatilo, bazen sa mineralnom vodom, moderna je i izletište je otmenog sveta. Banja, koja će podariti svakome lepotu i spokojstvo očuvane prirode, blagotvornu vodu i dobrodošlicu, ima jedan topli i četiri hladna mineralna vrela, sa vodom od 12 do 28 stepeni. Po kvalitetu voda je među najpoznatijima u Evropi i svetu. Pomaže u lečenju, korisna je u preventivi, topla je za kupanje, hladna koja sadrži i selen je za piće. Specijalna bolnica „Bukovička Banja“ pruža preventivne, dijagnostičke i terapijske usluge fizikalne medicine i rehabilitacije i jedna je od retkih u Srbiji koja ima odeljenje za lečenje dece i omladine od šećerne bolesti. Lečenje mineralnom vodom i glinom, okrepljenje u povoljnim klimatskim uslovima preporučuje se onima koji imaju stomačne, respiratorne probleme, povrede lokomotornog sistema. Na raspolaganju su đakuzi kupke, podvodna i tuš masaža, blatne kupke, fitnes kabinet, kade za podvodnu masažu, kabinet za akupunkturu, savremeni aparati, balneo, fizio, elektro i kinezi terapije. Koristi se i glina bogata mineralima za lečenje, ali i za kozmetičke preparate. Planina Bukulja (696 metara) koja je nadkrilila Banju, idealna je za visinske pripreme sportista, za izletnike, mališane koji mogu da borave u dečjem odmaralištu „Bukulja“. Šumovita planina štiti Banju od vetrova. Podno Bukulje je akumulaciono jezero Garaši sa terenima za fudbal, odbojku na pesku, bazenima, restoranima. A sama Banja pruža gotovo neslućene mogućnosti za lečenje i odmor, rekreaciju i razonodu.



Powerful source of energy Town and spa joined by destiny, each other’s second self, are places of unrepeatable natural beauty


he website of the Tourist Organisation of Aranđelovac and Bukovička Banja features the following text: “From the primeval fusion of the three primordial elements, water, earth and stone, in the aegis of Bukulja and Venčac Mountains, Aranđelovac rose with Bukovička Banja as a settlement attributed to white marble, mineral water and clay, that inseparable phenomenon of human existence from prehistory to present day. Hundred-year-old forests, tame hills and meadows, blue plum orchards and vineyards, are the frame of the picture of the modern city”. The town of Aranđelovac has an unbreakable relation with Bukovička Banja. Town-spa. And vice versa. The Spa forms an integral part of the town below Mt Bukulja, in central Šumadija – it is its second self. The first association when mentioning Aranđelovac is Bukovička Banja, or mineral water “Knjaz Miloš” being bottled from its springs. Others would think of the largest open-air museum of sculptures and the event “Marble and Sounds”, or they would say that marble from the nearby mine was built into the White House in Washington. Some others will instantly link it with Orašac, the starting point of the First Serbian Uprising, and many others with unrepeatable natural beauties, sights and pleasures in the realm of hedonism. Aranđelovac is special for many things. There are testimonies of the town history and its surroundings from the Stone Age to the present, but today’s town was raised following orders of the Prince Miloš Obrenović in the territory of village Vrbice. “We have land, we only need to clear the forest”, the prince said. During his rule this part of Šumadija started to be increasingly populated. The town got this name after a church in Vrbica dedicated to Archangel Gabriel. According to Miloš’s written decree from 17th July 1859 Vrbica changed its name into Aranđelovac. During his last visit to Aranđelovac in 1859 Miloš decided to give a new name to the town and have a State Building built there to serve as a summer assembly residence. Works started five years after his death, and the building was completed in 1872. Neither his son prince Mihailo got to see it fully completed, who spent his last weekend there before he lost his life in Košutnjak in 1868, nor its architect Kosta Šreplović. The day when scaffolding was supposed to be removed from the facade, he fell off from the top of the building and got killed. The monumental and luxurious Old Building that was, in fact, built by two Serbian dynasties – Obrenović and Karađorđević – was one of the most beautiful in the Balkans. Even though it has been experiencing a sad destiny of negligence and ruin lately, it used to be and it still is a pride and symbol of Aranđelovac, and of the Spa, too. Crowned and prominent people, and high society used to gather there, and sumptuous balls used to take place. It is believed that it will soon shine in its full splendour. Aranđelovac is also much known for its magnificent park covering an area of more than 24 hectares with flower lanes, fountains, tree-lined paths intersected on the model of French parks. It was declared a natural monument. Today it contains one of the largest world collections of sculptures in the open air, which are made of white Venčac marble every year by national and foreign sculptors within the traditional event “Marble and Sounds”. This collection is protected by UNESCO. Many important historical events took place in this area; the famous village Orašac is near Aranđelovac, and the cave Risovača, too, where early men once lived. Rich fossil fauna, tools and objects made of bones of big animals were discovered there. There is also the underground Palaeolithic Museum – one of a kind in the country. Today Aranđelovac offers so many things to see and enjoy – numerous luxurious villas with wellness and other offers; it has “Izvor”, one of the most beautiful five-star hotels in the Balkans, with a big aqua park with mineral water swimming pools, water slides, sports courts and an open-air concert amphitheatre. Wellness and spa programmes in the Hotel “Izvor” are ideal for rejuvenation, stress elimination, immunity strengthening, weight loss and increase of energy. Jacuzzi, swimming pools, massages, Roman bath, Russian spa, Finish sauna, restaurants, sports courts, congress rooms – there are so many things that one couldn’t imagine anything more beautiful than this.



Health is born here “I drift off into quiet sound sleep when I drink water from Bukovička Banja” – Dositej Obradović would say in his letters back in 1809


n a picturesque small town of Aranđelovac, at the altitude of 256 metres above sea level, in the middle of a magnificent park and surrounded by hundreds-of-years-old woods, in the heart of Šumadija – lies one of the most beautiful spas of Serbia, the royal Bukovička Banja. People from this region have always known about the beneficial effects of Bukovička mineral water. Bukovička Banja celebrated two centuries from the first written testimony of the healing power of its mineral water, which the famous Serbian educator Dositej Obradović also drank to restore his health. He was the first official guest of the Spa in 1811. The first analysis of its water was done in 1835. A Spa doctor recorded the very same year that the princess Ljubica recovered from some illness by bathing where the old spring used to be, which was later called “Knjaz Miloš”. A drinking fountain was built there immediately afterwards. The first patients with medical referrals arrived to the Spa in 1836. Two centuries ago the Bukovička water was used in the palace at personal request of Knez (Prince) Miloš. It was transported in special bottles. Bottling of this water called Knjaz Miloš started over a century ago, and as table water it was awarded with the highest awards in Brussels in 1906, London in 1907, and in Brussels and Varna in 1996. Until present day this water has adorned itself with the top international awards for quality. The spa complex was built according to the plans during the two centuries, in the shadows of hundreds-of-years old plane-trees near the spring. This is where Obrenović and Karađorđević dynasties as well as elite and high society members would come both for treatment and relaxation. Prince Mihajlo Obrenović healed his love sorrows in Bukovička Banja, where he wrote one of the most beautiful love poems on the terrace of the Old Building: “Why are my thoughts struggling”. The royal holiday resort, and a presidential outing spot later, Bukovička Banja also treated many Serbian wounded. This is where the Duke Živojin Mišić met a beautiful German girl Lujza and married her, and where Milica Jakovljević, better known as Mir Jam, wrote her novel “Wounded eagle”. The Spa developed on the model of elite European spas, first baths were built, springs renovated, and a modern Hotel “New Building” raised. A new elegant pavilion “Knjaz Miloš” was built at the beginning of the last century above the spring bearing the same name. The Spa became a place for relaxation and pleasure. Everything was renewed between the two wars, and the spa flourished; a new hot bath was built together with a swimming pool with mineral water turning it into a modern spa and resort of the high society. The Spa, which will bestow beauty and tranquillity of preserved nature, beneficial water and welcome to everyone, has one hot and four cold mineral springs, with water temperature ranging between 12 and 28 degrees. Water is among the most famous in Europe and the world for its quality. It helps in treatment and it is useful in prevention; warm water is used for bathing, while cold water containing selenium is for drinking. The special hospital “Bukovička Banja” offers prevention, diagnostic and therapeutic services of physical medicine and rehabilitation, and is one of the few in Serbia with a department for treatment of children and youth suffering from diabetes. Mineral water and clay treatments and refreshment in favourable climatic conditions are recommended to those with gastric and respiratory disorders, and injuries of the locomotor system. The offer includes Jacuzzi baths, underwater and shower massages, mud baths, fitness cabinet, bathtubs for underwater massage, acupuncture cabinet, modern apparatuses, balneotherapy, physical, electro- and kinesi- therapies. Clay rich in minerals is also used, both for treatment and cosmetic preparations. The Mountain Bukulja (696 m) rising over the Spa is ideal for preparation of athletes at high altitude, for hikers, and small children who can stay in the children’s resort “Bukulja”. This wooded mountain protects the Spa against winds. Underneath Bukulja there is an accumulation lake Garaši with football fields, beach volleyball, swimming pools and restaurants. And the Spa itself offers unimagined possibilities for treatment and rest, recreation and entertainment.






KRU[EVAC Ribarska Banja



Simbol istorije i mira Na bilo koju stranu da krenete spomenici podsećaju na slavnu istoriju. Krasi ga i viševekovni izvor zdravlja - Ribarska Banja


otovo da nema onog ko ne prepoznaje Kruševac po monumentalnom spomeniku - Spomeniku kosovskim junacima, u obliku mermerne piramide visoke 6 metara, s kompozicijom figura Vile i Boška Jugovića. Pravi je to simbol grada, simbol istorije i Kosovskog boja. Prepoznatljiv je ovaj grad koliko po istoriji i tradiciji toliko i po ljudima, otvorenim i samopouzdanim, ljudi su to duha i dobre duše, znani i kao Čarapani, poznati po specifičnom smislu za humor i glumu. Nekada srednjevekovna srpska prestonica nalazi se u središnjem delu Srbije, u Kruševačkoj kotlini, sa rekama Zapadnom Moravom i Rasinom, jezerom Ćelije, šumovitom planinom Jastrebac. Prvi put se kao grad pominje 1387. u povelji kojom knez Lazar potvrđuje ranije trgovačke privilegije Dubrovčanima. Grad bogate tradicije savremeni Kruševac nastao je u „senci“ tvrđave - prestonice. Na bilo koju stranu da krenete spomenici podsećaju na slavnu istoriju. Nižu se jedan za drugim - Arheološki park i fantastična crkva Lazarica, ostaci Lazarevog grada, Narodni muzej sa postavkom iz Lazarevog doba, memorijalni park Slobodište, čuveno pozorište. A tek Gradska kuća, veličanstvena palata podignuta 1904. godine u duhu neoklasicizma, sa jedinstvenom salom sa mozaicima. Kruševac je i grad mira. Jedini grad u svetu nosilac je priznanja „Vesnik mira“ i dobitnik „Medalje mira“, u njemu je podignut i jedinstveni Spomenik mira. Kruševac je uvek bio grad sa posebnim afinitetom i klimom za kulturni život. Predanje o nastanku nadimka Kruševljana - „Čarapani“ - vezuje se za oslobođenje Kruševca u I srpskom ustanku, kada su ustanici izuli svoje opanke i u čarapama pošli protiv Turaka. Nečujno. Tako su grad oslobodili „Čarapani“. Po drugoj priči reč je o običaju muškaraca ovog kraja da nose dugačke vezene čarape. Nekada omiljeno izletište žitelja ovog kraja Jastrebac, najšumovitija je planina na Balkanu, sa mnogo vrsta biljaka, drveća, čak i nekoliko stabala sekvoje, bogata rečnom pastrmkom, rakovima koji žive samo u izuzetno čistoj vodi, ima pečuraka, lekovitog bilja, prepuna je divljači. Ima i veštačko jezero. Mnogo je manastira u okolini grada – Naupara, Veluće, sveti Roman i drugi. Područje grada poznato je i po značajnim izvorištima mineralnih voda, po čuvenoj Ribarskoj Banji, viševekovnom izvoru zdravlja. Oduvek je svojom lekovitošću i lepotom privlačila važne, znamenite, kao i obične ljude. Postoje dokazi da je Stefan Nemanja za punoletstvo dobio Zagrlatu župu na upravljanje, kneginja Milica je sa svojim dvorskim damama ovde negovala svoju lepotu. Turci su na ovim izvorima napravili amam i doneli orijentalnu tradiciju uživanja i meditacije. Sve krunisane glave dinastija Obrenović i Karađorđević dolazile su i uživale u blagodetima Ribarske banje. Za kraljicu Dragu Mašin je čak izgrađena i posebna kada. Najčešći gost je bio kralj Petar I Karađorđević, koji je i najviše doprineo razvoju banje. Vilama, koje su po njegovoj naredbi sagrađene, a nedavno renovirane, dao je imena delova Kraljevine SHS - Srbija, Bosna, Hercegovina, Dalmacija, ukupno ih je deset. I ta imena su do danas ostala. Uglavnom je kralj odsedao u vili Srbija, odakle je obavljao i državničke poslove, a kako je bolovao od kostobolje meštani su mu, u znak zahvalnosti za sve što je učinio, sagradili posebne, sitne stepenice kako bi se lakše spuštao od vile do izvora. I danas je to poznato Kraljevo stepenište. Prva naučna analiza termalne vode, po naredbi kneza Miloša Obrenovića, urađena je 1834. godine u Beču i tada počinje razvoj, sa usponima i padovima, ponovnog ustajanja da bi se sada stiglo do pravog brenda srpskog zdravstvenog turizma.



Kraljevska voda za zdravlje Čarobna priroda, voda koja leči i podmlađuje, zdrava sredina, kraljevske i druge masaže aduti su Hrama zdravlja i lepote


sred šumovitih brežuljaka, u maloj klisuri kraj Ibarske reke, na obroncima Velikog Jastrepca, na 540 metara nadmorske visine smestila se Ribarska banja sa svom svojom lepotom i darovima prirode koji čuvaju, ali i vraćaju zdravlje i snagu. Ovde su lekoviti i voda i vazduh. U banju u podnožju Jastrepca oduvek se dolazilo zbog lečenja, ali i uživanja u blagodetima toplih izvora. Ima ih šest, sa temperaturom vode i do 40 stepeni, tu je i jedan hladan lekoviti izvor. Ovo je prava ekološka oaza i moderno lečilište sa medicinskim uslugama na vrhunskom nivou, sa wellness-om jedinstvenim na ovim prostorima i ravnim najboljim evropskim centrima. Glavni adut ove kraljevske banje, koja je i kraljica zdravstvenog turizma, je blagotvorna termalna sumporovita voda koja ovde izvire vekovima. Svedoci za to su arheološki ostaci koji pokazuju da su lekoviti izvori stari više od 4.000 godina, da su se u njima lečili i stari Rimljani. I u ovom pravom carstvu mirisa, opojnog vazduha i isceliteljske vode uzdignuta je decenijama već Specijalna bolnica za rehabilitaciju „Ribarska Banja“. Na najbolji način su ovde blagodeti prirode stavljene u službu zdravlja i za lečenje oboljenja lokomotornog sistema, reumatskih i neuroloških bolesti, posledica koštano-zglobnih povreda i preloma kostiju, urođenih deformiteta, dečije paralize i drugih oboljenja. Znanje i savremena oprema brojnim ljudima donose oporavak i ozdravljenje. Dolazile su nekada i dvorske dame da na čudotvornim ribarskim izvorima neguju svoje zdravlje i lepotu, devojke iz ovih krajeva umivale su se banjskom vodom da bi što duže ostale lepe i mlade. Ta tradicija nastavljena je i danas u Banji, čija voda posebno prija koži, hidrira je, revitalizuje. Ona je i za negu i za lepotu. Neka vrsta raja i ostvarenje sna o „večnoj mladosti“ sada je na dohvat ruke svakome ko kroči u novi wellness centar Ribarske banje. Pravi hram zdravlja i lepote, koji pruža čaroliju, iznikao je ovde na temeljima turskog amama (kupatila) iz 17. veka. Na više od 5.000 metara kvadratnih savršeno su se proželi drevni istočnjački koncept uživanja i savremeni spa i wellness programi. Prolazi se u ovom hramu kroz vekove, staje na autentične turske pločice, uživa u turskim kadama, da bi se stiglo do najmodernijeg dela u kome su pod staklenom kupolom i zvezde na dohvat ruke. Put ka zdravijem životu koncept je wellness i spa programa. Svaki iz mnoštva programa, individualnih i onih za parove, prilagođava se gostu, njegovim potrebama i željama. Centar sa pet zvezdica pruža maksimalni komfor, opuštanje i potpuno uživanje u parnim kupatilima, đakuzi kadama, tepidarijumima, bisernoj kadi kraljice Drage, u slanim sobama. Ili u bazenima, zatvorenom i otvorenom sa toplom lekovitom vodom za plivanje i u zimskim danima. Više od 30 vrsta masaža upotpunjuju čaroliju. Od klasičnih do masaža vulkanskim kamenjem, čokoladom, lekovitim biljem, do kraljevske masaže koju izvode dva terapeuta. Ili do brend tretmana „Ribarska Banja“ koji traje 120 minuta, pa do wellness koncepta „vinergija“ – originalne masaže grožđem. Tretman lekovitim blatom koje sadrži zeolit, originalne i mirisne kupke u lekovitom bilju koje je podarilo ovo zdravo područje, blagotvorne su za telo i duh. Mnogo je toga ovde i za razonodu, rekreaciju - splavarenje Južnom Moravom, noćno kupanje na otvorenim bazenima sa termalnom vodom, šetnje stazom zdravlja. Izazov i uživanje su biciklističke staze. A za duhovno zadovoljstvo su obilasci znamenitosti, manastira, brojne kulturne i sportske manifestacije i iznag svega, bogato i čuveno Kulturno leto Ribarske banje. Čarobna priroda, zdrava sredina i hrana, lekovita voda i raskoš razlozi su što u Ribarsku banju sve više dolaze zdravi da očuvaju svoje zdravlje i lepotu.



Symbol of history and peace Anywhere you go monuments will remind you of the glorious history. It is also adorned with a centuries-old spring of health – Ribarska Banja


here is almost no person that will not recognize Kruševac for its monumental Monument to the Kosovo heroes in a form of a marble six-metre-high pyramid with the composition of the figures of the Fairy and Boško Jugović. It is the true symbol of this city, the symbol of history and the Battle of Kosovo. This city is as recognisable for its history and tradition as for its people – open and self-confident, of good spirit and soul, also known as “Čarapani”, famous for their specific sense of humour and acting. Once a medieval capital of Serbia, Kruševac is located in the central part of Serbia, in the Kruševac valley, surrounded by the rivers Zapadna Morava and Rasina, Ćelije Lake and the wooded Mountain Jastrebac. As a city it was mentioned for the first time in 1387 in a deed of the Prince Lazar confirming earlier trade privileges to Dubrovnik people. This modern city with rich tradition grew in the “shades” of its fortress-capital. Anywhere you go monuments will remind you of the glorious history. The list is long: Archaeological park and a fantastic Church Lazarica, remnants of Lazar’s town, National Museum with the exhibition of Lazar’s epoch, memorial park Slobodište, famous theatre, and the City Hall – a magnificent palace built in 1904 in the spirit of neoclassicism, with a unique room with mosaics. Kruševac is also a city of peace. It is the only city in the world holding the awards “Peace Messenger” and “Peace Medal”, and it also has a unique Peace Monument. Kruševac has always been a city with particular affinities and climate for cultural life. The legend of how inhabitants of Kruševac got their nickname “Čarapani” is related with liberation of Kruševac in the First Serbian Uprising, when the insurgents took off their shoes and went against the Turks in their socks (sock - čarapa). Silently. This is how the city was liberated by the “Čarapani”. According to a different story, this is about a custom of men of this region to wear long embroidered socks. Once a favourite outing spot of the local people, Jastrebac, the most wooded mountain in the Balkans, with numerous types of plants and trees – even with several sequoias – is rich in brown trout, crayfish living only in extremely clean water, mushrooms and medicinal herbs, and is abundant in game, too. It also has an artificial lake. There are many monasteries surrounding the city – Naupara, Veluće, St Roman and others. The city area is also well-known for its important springs of mineral water, the famous Ribarska Banja – centuriesold source of health. Its healing power and beauty have always been attracting important, prominent as well as ordinary people. There is evidence that Stefan Nemanja was given Zagrlata Župa for his 18th birthday, and the princess Milica and her maids of honour took care of their beauty here. The Turks built a hamam – Turkish bath on these springs bringing the oriental tradition of pleasure and meditation. All crowned heads of Obrenović and Karađorđević dynasties used to come and enjoy the amenities of Ribarska Banja. A special bathtub was built there for the queen Draga Mašin. The most devoted visitor was the King Petar I Karađorđević, who contributed most to the development of the spa. 10 villas were built there upon his order – which were recently renovated – and he named them after regions of the Kingdom of Serbs, Croats and Slovenes – Serbia, Bosnia, Herzegovina, Dalmatia, etc. These names remained until present day. The king usually stayed in Villa Serbia, where he also performed the affairs of state, and since he suffered from rheumatism the locals, in token of gratitude for everything he had done, built special small stairs to ease his way down from this villa to the spring. These stairs are known today as the Royal Stairs. The first scientific analysis of thermal water was conducted in 1834 in Vienna upon orders of the Prince Miloš Obrenović, and this is when spa development started, with rises and falls, just to rise again to become now a real brand of the Serbian health tourism.



Royal water for health Magical nature, healing and rejuvenating water, healthy environment royal and other massages are all aces of the Temple of health and beauty


n the middle of wooded hills, in a small gorge near the River Ibarska, on the slopes of the big Mt Jastrebac at 540m above sea level, lies Ribarska Banja with all its beauty and gifts from nature that preserve and also restore health and strength. Both water and air are curative here. The Spa beneath the Mt Jastrebac has always been frequented for treatment and to enjoy curative properties of hot springs. There are six of them, with water temperature up to 40 ºC, and there is also one cold healing spring. This is a real ecological oasis and a modern sanatorium with top level medical services and a unique wellness in this region that equals the best European centres. The main feature of this royal spa, which is also the queen of health tourism, is its beneficial thermal sulphurous water emerging from the ground for centuries. The witnesses of that are the archaeological remnants showing that the healing springs are over 4000 years old and that ancient Romans used it for treatment. The Special hospital for rehabilitation “Ribarska Banja” stands tall for decades in this true realm of odours, intoxicating air and healing water. This is where amenities of nature are best used for health and treatment of locomotor system disorders, rheumatic and neurological diseases, consequences of bone-joint injuries and bone fractures, inborn deformities, children’s palsy and other diseases. Knowledge and modern equipment bring recovery and restoration to health to numerous people. Court ladies used to come here to preserve health and beauty with the miraculous Ribarska springs, and girls from the vicinity used to wash their faces with the Spa water to prolong their beauty and youth. This tradition has continued until the present day in this Spa, whose water is particularly good for skin because of its hydrating and revitalisation properties. It is good both for care and beauty. Some sort of heaven and a dream of “eternal youth” come true are now within reach to anyone who steps in the new wellness centre of Ribarska Banja. This real temple of health and beauty, which offers magic, was raised here on the foundations of the Turkish hamam (bath) from the 17th century. The area of more than 5,000 square meters perfectly blends the ancient oriental concept of pleasure and the modern spa and wellness programmes. Going through this temple, people pass through centuries, walking over the authentic Turkish tiles, enjoying Turkish bathtubs, to reach the most modern part where even stars are within one’s reach under the glass dome. Route to a healthier life is the concept of both wellness and spa programmes. Each of the numerous programmes, individual and for couples, are adjusted to guests, their needs and wishes. The five-star centre offers maximum comfort, relaxation and full pleasure in steam baths, Jacuzzi bathtubs, tepidariums, pearl bathtub of the Queen Draga, salt rooms or indoor and outdoor swimming pools with hot healing water to take a swim even in winter days. Over 30 different types of massage complete the magic – from classic massages to those with volcano stones, chocolate, medicinal herbs and royal massage performed by two therapists; or the brand treatment “Ribarska Banja” lasting for 120 minutes, and the wellness concept called “winergy” – original massage with grapes. The treatment with curative mud containing zeolite, original and fragrant baths in medicinal herbs this healthy region has to offer are beneficial for both body and soul. There are also many offers for entertainment and recreation: rafting on the Južna Morava, night swim in outdoor swimming pools with thermal waters, walks on the path of health, etc. Bicycle tracks are a challenge and a pleasure. And for spiritual satisfaction, there are visits to numerous sights, monasteries, many cultural and sports events and, above all, rich and famous Cultural Summer of Ribarska Banja. Magical nature, healthy environment and food, healing water and luxury are the reasons why more and more healthy people come to Ribarska Banja to preserve their health and beauty.




Ribarska Banja






Zelena bašta Balkana Z

Lekoviti i vazduh i voda, prirodni uslovi koji postoje malo gde u svetu. Banja leči i podmlađuje „Sokobanja, Soko grad, dođeš mator, odeš mlad“

elenilom najbogatija banja - Sokobanja nadaleko i naširoko je poznata po bogatim izvorima čije vode leče i podmlađuju već dva milenijuma. Prepoznatljiva je po ruži vetrova i vazduhu koji ovde vraća snagu. Prava oaza kiseonika u jugositočnoj Srbiji, u svojoj raskošnoj lepoti ugnezdila se pod šumovitim Ozrenom i izazovnim Rtnjem, planinom u kojoj stanuje mistika, u dolini bistre Moravice, koja je znana i kao reka vila. Prepunu čari ovu lepoticu pod Ozrenom ovekovečio je naš komediograf Branislav Nušić čuvenom krilaticom „Sokobanja, Soko grad, dođeš mator, odeš mlad“. Jovan Cvijić je ovo mesto nazvao „Mala Švajcarska“ zbog lepe prirode i planinskog vazduha, nazivaju je i baštom Balkana. A ona je u gotovo dva veka turizma dugo već pravi zdravstveni i turistički biser Srbije. Sa tradicijom još iz starog Rima, sa prirodnim uslovima koji postoje malo gde u svetu, Sokobanja obiluje mirisom ozona iz obližnjih šuma, koji se dopunjuje mirisima zemlje, cveća, trava. Bogatstvo zemlje i neba koje donosi novo zdravlje i snagu. Zbog svega toga Sokobanja je s pravom zvanično 1992. godine postala prva ekološka opština Srbije. Čitav ovaj kraj nudi neviđene mogućnosti za turističke pohode kroz milenijume. Još iz doba neolita potiče naseobina Trebič, pronađene su mnoge rimske grobnice i brojni predmeti u njima, tu su ostaci tvrđave Sokograd. Banju prvi pominje Konstantin Filozof u biografiji despota Stefana Lazarevića, opisivali su Evlija Čelebija, geograf Hadži Kalfa, Vuk Karadžić, putopisac Feliks Kanic. Na rimskim temeljima Turci su ovde u 15. veku podigli amam. To je najstariji objekat za lečenje u Sokobanji. Amam je odlukom kneza Miloša obnovljen 1834. godine, sazidano je osam novih kada, u sredini je izgrađena Knjaz Miloševa kada- kada broj jedan. Obnovljen je Amam i 2001. i sačuvan u izvornom obliku. Knjaz je voleo ovu Banju i često boraviо u njoj, podiže Konak (danas restoran), pa prvi špitalj (stacionar) za banjske goste, po njegovoj naredbi 1834. godine poslata je banjska voda na analizu u Beč, obavio ju je baron Sigmund fon Herder. Postavlja i prvog banjskog lekara bečkog studenta Leopolda Erliha, koga Banjčani prekrštavaju u Đorđa Novakovića, ili samo dr Đoka Pokrštenjak. Prvi zvanično upućen gost u Banju je zastavnik Lazarević 8. juna 1837. Po tome je Sokobanja mesto sa najdužom tradicijom razvoja banjskog turizma. U istoriji je menjala naziv - Banja, Banjica, Velika Banja, Aleksinačka, da bi 1859. godine dobila današnji naziv Sokobanja po Sokogradu, a ovaj po nebeskom lovcu sivom sokolu. Ovde su na lečenje dolazili rimski legionari, ratnici Vizantije, pamti Banja Nemanjiće, Obrenoviće, Karađorđeviće. Prisustvo kneza Miloša dovelo je otmen svet, grade se luksuzne vile, stiže plemstvo, pisci, pesnici, niču kafane. Postaje Sokobanja mondensko, boemsko i nadaleko čuveno letovalište i lečilište. Njen čest gost bio je i nobelovac Ivo Andrić, koji je ovde započeo pisanje romana „Na Drini ćuprija“, njenim svekolikim lepotama opijali su se Stevan Sremac, Isidora Sekulić, Meša Selimović i mnogi drugi znani ljudi. Šetališta, centralno popločano sivim i belim mermerom, platani stari stotinak godina, uređena izletišta, tereni za sport, novi akva park, jedan od najmodernijih u Srbiji, kafanice koje podsećaju na minule vekove, diskoteke za mlade i mnogo je toga još čime Banja može da se diči. Ovde je vrhunsko zdravstvo, a na zavidnom nivou je i terapija uz pomoć kulture -Umetnička kolonija „Sokograd“, Prva harmonika, „Zlatne ruke“ - pripremanje tradicionalnih jela, „Sveti Jovan Biljober” –susreti berača lekovitog bilja. I atrakcije su brojne - tursko kupatilo sa kneževom kadom, ostaci tvrđave Sokograd, izletište Lepterija, Ripaljka - najveći vodopad u Srbiji, Bovansko i Vrmdžansko jezero, čuvena Bogorodica na steni. Izuzetna prirodna bogatstva, bogata baština, tradicija, gostoljubivost meštana učinili su od Sokobanje pravi raj za zdravlje i odmor. Banja na glasu i za svako godišnje doba, u nju hrle bolesni i zdravi, mladi i stari, sportisti, rekreativci, mesto je gde stanuje mir, ali se uživa i u provodu.



Ozon je i srcu mio Vazduh prebogat ozonom i negativnim jonima je u ovoj oazi zdravlja sam po sebi lek. Sokobanjski termalni izvori su među najlekovitijim izvorima kod nas i u ovom delu Evrope „Srce u Sokobanji ne tuče, ne lupa, nego se ljuljuška“ - Isidora Sekulić


elena, mirisna, lekovita, okružena planinama, šumama, izvorima Sokobanja opčinjava posetioce netaknutom prirodom u skoro praiskonskom obliku. Obiluje jedinstvenom vodom i vazduhom koji daruju čoveku najvredniji dar – zdravlje. „A najlepše u njoj i nad njom je njen osobiti vazduh. Tu čovek sazna da je i srcu mio vazduh, tu se srce odmara, a grudi, prepune čistog vazduha, dižu i spuštaju srce kao na oprugama. Srce u Sokobanji ne tuče, ne lupa, nego se ljuljuška“, zapisala je ovu izuzetnu pohvalu Banji Isidora Sekulić. Ova lepotica pod Ozrenom prava je oaza kiseonika, negativnih jona, ozona, radona, lekovitih voda. Lekovitost njene vode porede sa vodama Bad Gaštajna. I baš na ovom i ovakvom mestu podignuta je Specijalna bolnica za prevenciju, lečenje i rehabilitaciju nespecifičnih plućnih bolesti „Sokobanja“. Ova kuća zdravlja, čije je geslo „S osmehom u nova jutra“, izgrađena je 1977. godine, o pacijentima i gostima na najbolji i najsavremeniji način brine 150 medicinskih radnika, naučna je i nastavna baza Medicinskog fakulteta u Nišu. Izuzetno opremljeni kabineti, laboratorija, prirodni inhalatorijum, kupatila za hidroterapiju sa lekovitim vodama, visokostručni kadar, znanje, ljubaznost odlike su koje krase ovu kuću. Klima Sokobanje najviše pogoduje lečenju respiratornih oboljenja. Vazduh je sam po sebi lek za obolele od astme. Lečenje se obavlja kupanjem u toploj, blago radioaktivnoj vodi i inhalacijom. Termalni izvori su među najlekovitijim izvorima kod nas i u ovom delu Evrope. Ima ih šest, sa temperaturom vode od 28 do 45 stepeni. Priroda ih je rasporedila na nekoliko lokacija, topla voda dolazi sa dubine od oko 1.000 metara, u kupatilu Amam u centralnom banjskom parku je najtoplija, mlaka izvire na „Banjici“. Mineralna sokobanjska voda je čuvena u svetu, otkriće radioaktivnosti je otvorilo novo poglavlje u banjskom lečenju u Sokobanji. Izbijanje lekovitih gasova u Banji je veliko, pa je svaki posetilac neprestano izložen blagoj inhalaciji. Vazduh prebogat negativnim jonima, kiseonikom i ozonom čine Sokobanju idealnim mestom za lečenje bronhijalne astme, bronhitisa, ali i reumatizma, anemije, iscrpljenosti organizma, hronične ženske bolesti, stanja nakon povreda. Lekovite vode koriste se najviše za kupanje, ali i za piće, kao i za inhalaciju u posebnim inhalatorijumima udisanjem gasa, pare ili raspršenih čestica lekovite vode u vazduhu. Leče se još, pod budnim okom stručnjaka, bolesti endokrinog sistema, kardiovaskularne, bolesti metabolizma i druge. Posebno mesto zauzima škola za astmatičare, za odvikavanje od pušenja, „Soko-life“ program za regulaciju telesne težine. Prirodno lečilište, prelepo šetalište u senci platana, park sa cvećem i fontanama, staze zdravlja, wellness, fitnes, izleti, organizovana savremena prevencija, lečenje i rehabilitacija, moderna oprema, znanje, plus darovi prirode, ponaosob i zajedno čine da Banja za bolesne i zdrave bude bogomdano mesto za jačanje imunološkog sistema. U Wellness centru „Hamam“ se zaustavlja vreme, podmlađuje, uživa. Kupanje u autentičnom turskom kupatilu „Amam“, u muškom ili ženskom bazenu, ili u originalnoj kadi u kojoj je svojevremeno uživao Knez Miloš, odličan je način da se vrati snaga i otklone posledice hroničnog stresa. Tu je i finska sauna, biserna kupka, hidromasaža, bazen. A put do prirodne lepote, do ostvarenja sna o mladalačkom izgledu, čvrstom telu, blistavom tenu obezbeđen je pod okriljem Bolnice u Mary Cohr salonu lepote, kroz specijalno kreiran program za negu kože. Bolnica obiluje programima za očuvanje i poboljšanje zdravlja, za opuštanje i uživanje.



Green garden of the Balkans Curative air and water, natural conditions like hardly anywhere in the world. The spa treats and rejuvenates “Sokobanja, Soko Town, arrive old, leave young”


he richest spa in greenery, Sokobanja, is well known far and wide for rich springs whose water has been offering treatment and rejuvenation for two millennia. It is recognisable for its wind rose and air that recover one’s strength. This true oasis of oxygen with sumptuous beauty has nestled in the southeast Serbia under the wooded Mt Ozren and challenging Rtanj, a mountain where mystique resides, in the valley of clear River Moravica, also known as the river of fairies. Our comedy writer Branislav Nušić has eternalised this beauty full of charms under Ozren with his famous slogan: “Sokobanja, Soko Town, arrive old, leave young”. Jovan Cvijić called this place “Little Switzerland”, and it is also called the Garden of the Balkans for its beautiful nature and mountain air. With almost two centuries long tourist tradition, this Spa has been a health and tourist pearl of Serbia for a long time. With a tradition dating back to the Old Rome, with natural conditions like hardly anywhere in the world, Sokobanja abounds in the scent of ozone from the neighbouring woods, which is complemented by fragrances of earth, flowers and grass. The wealth of land and sky bring new health and strength. Because of all that Sokobanja became officially the first environmental municipality in Serbia in 1992. The entire area offers unseen opportunities for tourist campaigns through millennia. A settlement called Trebič originates from the Neolithic Era; many Roman tombs were found containing numerous objects; there are also remnants of Sokograd fortress. The Spa was mentioned first by Constantine the Philosopher in a biography of Despot Stefan Lazarević, and was described by Evlija Čelebija, geographer Hadži Kalfa, Vuk Karadžić and travel writer Feliks Kanic. The Turks built a hamam (bath) here in the 15th century over Roman foundations. This is the oldest building for treatment in Sokobanja. Hamam was reconstructed in 1834 by a decision of the Prince Miloš – eight new baths were built with Prince Miloš’s bath as the number one bath in the centre. The hamam was also reconstructed in 2001 and preserved in its original form. The Prince loved this Spa and he stayed there frequently so he built a residence (today it is a restaurant) and the first “špitalj” (cottage hospital) for spa guests. Upon his order the Spa water was sent to Vienna in 1834 for analysis, which was carried out by Baron Sigmund fon Herder. He also appointed the first Spa doctor, a student from Vienna Leopold Erlich, who was renamed by the locals into Đorđe Novaković or just Dr Đoka Pokrštenjak. The first guest officially sent to the Spa was an ensign Lazarević on the 8th June 1837. This makes Sokobanja a place with the longest tradition of spa tourism development. It changed names during the history - Banja, Banjica, Velika Banja, Aleksinačka, to get its present name Sokobanja in 1859 after Sokograd (Soko Town), which, on the other hand, was named after the sky hunter – grey falcon. Roman legionaries and byzantine soldiers used to come here for treatment and the Spa also remembers the members of Nemanjić, Obrenović and Karađorđević dynasties. Prince Miloš’s presence in the Spa attracted high society, luxurious villas were built, nobility, writers and poets came, and taverns emerged. Sokobanja thus became a mundane, bohemian resort and sanatorium famous far and wide. One of its frequent guests was the Nobel Prize winner Ivo Andrić, who started writing here his novel “The Bridge on the Drina”. Stevan Sremac, Isidora Sekulić, Meša Selimović and many other prominent people absorbed all its beauties. Promenades – the central being paved with grey and white marble –hundred-years-old plane trees, arranged picnic areas, sports courts, a new aqua park – one of the most modern in Serbia – small taverns reminding of passed centuries, night clubs for youth, etc. are the things this Spa can be proud of. Healthcare is at the top level here, while therapy with the help of culture is also at enviable level – art colony “Sokograd”, the First Accordion, “Golden hands” –traditional meals cooking, “Sveti Jovan Biljober” – a gathering of medicinal herbs pickers. Attractions are numerous, too: the Turkish hamam with the Prince’s bath, remnants of Sokograd fortress, picnic ground Lepterija, Ripaljka – the biggest waterfall in Serbia, Bovansko and Vrmdžansko lakes, and the famous Holy Mother of God on the rock. Exceptional natural wealth, rich heritage, tradition and hospitality of the locals have made Sokobanja a true paradise for health and relaxation. This renowned Spa can be visited any time of the year; ill and healthy, young and old, athletes and recreationists rush to it; it is a place where peace resides, but also pleasure and good times.



Ozone dear to heart

Air abundant in ozone and negative ions in this health oasis is a cure by itself. Thermal springs of Sokobanja are among the most curative springs in our country and this part of Europe “Heart doesn’t beat or pound in Sokobanja – it swings gently”- Isidora Sekulić


reen, scented, healing and surrounded by mountains, forests and springs, Sokobanja dazzles its visitors with intact nature in its almost primeval form. It abounds in unique water and air that give a man the most valuable gift – health. “And the most beautiful thing in it and above it is its distinctive air. This is where one learns that air is dear to his heart, too, where the heart rests and lungs overfill with clean air raising and lowering the heart as if on springs. The heart doesn’t beat or pound in Sokobanja – it swings gently” – this exceptional praise of the Spa was written by Isidora Sekulić. This beauty beneath Mt Ozrenom is a real oasis of oxygen, negative ions, ozone, radon and healing water. Healing properties of its water is compared with those of water in Bad Gastein. The Special hospital for prevention, treatment and rehabilitation of acute lung diseases “Sokobanja” was built precisely in this place. This house of health, whose motto is “With a smile into new mornings”, was built in 1977. Patients and guests are cared after in the best and most modern way by 150 medical workers. It is also a scientific and teaching base of the Faculty of Medicine in Niš. Excellently equipped cabinets, laboratory, natural inhalatorium, baths for hydrotherapy with curative water, highly professional staff, knowledge and kindness are features adorning this institution. Climate in Sokobanja is most favourable for treatment of respiratory diseases. The air itself is a cure for those suffering from asthma. Treatment is carried out by bathing in warm, mildly radioactive water and by inhalation. Thermal springs are among the most curative springs in our country and this part of Europe. There are six of them, with water temperature ranging between 28 and 45 degrees. The nature has distributed them in several locations; hot water comes from the depth of about 1000 metres. It is hottest in Amam bath in the central park of the Spa, while lukewarm water springs up in “Banjica”. Mineral water from Sokobanja is famous in the world and discovery of its radioactive properties has opened a new chapter in spa treatment in Sokobanja. Curative gases gush out in large quantities in the Spa, so every guest is constantly exposed to a mild inhalation. Air is very rich in negative ions, oxygen and ozone thus making Sokobanja an ideal place for treatment of bronchial asthma, bronchitis, but also rheumatism, anaemia, exhaustion of organism, chronic women’s diseases and post injury conditions. Curative water is mostly used for bathing and drinking, but also for inhalation in special inhalatoriums for inhalation of gas, steam or particles of healing water dispersed in the air. Endocrine system, cardiovascular, metabolism and other diseases are also treated here under the watchful eye of experts. A special place is assumed by a school for people suffering from asthma, for giving up smoking, and the “Soko-life” programme for weight regulation. The natural resort, beautiful walking area in the shadows of plane-trees, park with flowers and fountains, paths of health, wellness, fitness, outings, organised modern prevention, treatment and rehabilitation, modern equipment, knowledge, plus nature’s gifts, whether individually or jointly, make this Spa a god-given place for ill and healthy to strengthen their immune system. The wellness centre “Hamam” is where the time stops; it is the place for rejuvenation and pleasure. Bathing in an authentic Turkish bath “Amam”, in men’s or women’s swimming pool, or the original bath enjoyed once by the Prince Miloš, is a great way to regain strength and eliminate consequences of a chronic stress. There is also a Finish sauna, pearl bath, hydro-massage and a swimming pool. And the way to get natural beauty and a dream about young look, firm body and shiny complexion come true is ensured within the Hospital by “Mary Cohr” beauty salon, through a specially designed programme for skin care. The hospital has numerous programmes for preservation and improvement of health, for relaxation and pleasure.


SPA Wellness centar Hamam


Aqua centar Podina



NI[ Ni{ka Banja



Kapija Istoka i Zapada Carski grad Niš jedan je od najstarijih na Balkanu. U toplim vodama Niške Banje uživali carevi, kraljevi, danas tako uživaju svi posetioci


arski grad Niš, jedan od najstarijih na Balkanu, kome je geografski položaj tokom vekova određivao i pisao istoriju, bio je primamljiv za brojne osvajače, kroz njegove kapije prošli su mnogi veliki vladari Evrope. Bio je druga prestonica Srbije, pa ratna prestonica, znan i prepoznatljiv po Tvrđavi i po u svetu jedinstvenom spomeniku - Ćele kuli, grad kome je reka koja kroz njega protiče, keltski Vilina reka ili Nišava, podarila ime. Pravi grad – muzej, smešten na raskrsnici najvažnijih balkanskih i evropskih puteva, od davnina nazivan kapijom Istoka i Zapada. Rimski Naissus, keltski Navissos, vizantijski Nysos, slovenski Niš, turski Nis, nemački Nissa, uvek je ime bilo vezano za reku Nišavu. Grad je nastao mnogo pre nego što su Rimljani stigli u ove krajeve. Krasi ga Tvrđava, rezidencija rimskih careva i arheološko nalazište iz rimskog doba Medijana, rodni je grad znamenitog rimskog cara Konstantina, koji je tu u III veku nove ere izgradio raskošnu rezidenciju Medijanu i proglasio važne zakone (Milanski edikt). Zabeleženo je da se u Nišu Stefan Nemanja 1189. sastao sa Fridrihom Prvim Barbarosom. Veruje se da su se prepustili i blagodetima toplog kutka nadomak grada – čarima Niške Banje. Za lekovite vode sa tri izvora, u prostranoj, danas pravoj park-šumi na obroncima Koritnjaka, na jugoistoku Srbije, znali još stari Rimljani. Ispitivanja potvrđuju da vrelo Banje postoji 26.000 godina. Pri izgradnji novog kupatila pronađen je metalni novac iz doba Hadrijana, što govori da je prvo kupatilo u Banji izgrađeno još u drugom veku. Banja se spominje i u tursko vreme. U toploj vodi Niške Banje, govore svedočanstva, uživao je i car Konstantin Veliki. Bila je omiljeno mesto tri kralja i dve srpske dinastije. U čast vladara, koji su svojim prisustvom Banji ostavili duh elitizma, meštani su podigli spomen česmu i nazvali „Tri kralja“. Dva kralja iz loze Obrenović - Milan i Aleksandar uvek su bili dragi gosti u Nišu i u Banji. Bio je običaj da se nedeljom i praznikom odlazi na teferič u Banju, uz pesmu, igru, čoček do kasno u noć. I kralj Aleksandar I Karađorđević bio je redovan gost Niške Banje, odsedao je u vili „Jela“, koju mnogi nazivaju kraljevom vilom. Dolazio je bez velike pompe, šetao bez pratnje, družio s meštanima, znao i u kolu da zaigra. Banja se naglo 30-ih godina prošlog veka razvija, nalik je evropskim, postaje prestižno sastajalište mondenskog sveta. Najpre je podignuto monumentalno zdanje Staro kupatilo, ubrzo trgovci i bogati industrijalci grade mnoge vile, donose sjaj, luksuz i evropski način života u ovu banju. Započelo je novo doba u razvoju banje i banjskog turizma, sa krunom uspeha koju nosi i nadaleko pronosi Institut „Niška Banja“. Bila je Niška Banja i carska i kraljevska. Tako se u njoj danas osećaju i zdravi i bolesni, oni koji dolaze da se odmore, da poprave svoje zdravlje. A sve to ovde dobijaju u izobilju – lekovitu vodu, blato, vazduh. Lečilište je utonulo u zelenilo šuma koje se prostiru na više od 70 hektara, zdravstveni i turistički objekti smešteni su u uređenom parku površine 5 hektara, u blizini Banje je park-šuma Koritnjak sa uređenim trim stazama. Niška Banja ima biblioteku, umetničku galeriju, Letnju pozornicu koja je mesto brojnih događaja i manifestacija među kojima prednjači „Kulturno leto u Niškoj Banji“. Idealna je za zdravstveni, rekreativni, ali i sportski turizam, tu su tereni za tenis, košarku, rukomet, startni tereni za paraglajding, sve najbolje za pripreme sportista. Takođe i za kongresni turizam. Okružena je i brojnim izletištima Sićevačka i Jelašnička klisura, manastiri, arheološko nalazište Medijana, Tvrđava, Ćele-kula, nešto dalje Suva planina, Bojanine vode, Cerjanska pećina. O banji lekovite vode, zdravlja i lepote kakava je Niška Banja dovoljno govori to da je i u pesmi opevana.



Blagom darivana, pesmom opevana Banja lekovite vode, zdravlja, lepote, meraka i odmora


podnožju planine Koritnjak, na nadmorskoj visini od 250 metara, u zelenilu i pod zdravim nebom je prirodno lečilište Niška Banja. Idealno mesto u kome se svako srce oporavi, ojača, ispuni milinom. Poznata je od davnina zbog svoje blagotvorne klime, termomineralne vode, lekovitog blata. Ne samo da je ovolikim blagom darivana nego je i pesmom opevana. „Niška Banja, topla voda“ melodijom i rečima razgaljuje mnoga srca. U prilog lekovitosti govori i podatak da je voda iz Banje dopremana u terme i bazene u Medijani - rezidenciji rimskog cara Konstantina Velikog. Oduševljen vodom iz Niške Banje kralj Aleksandar I Karađorđević je izdao specijalnu naredbu da svakog drugog dana njegovi podanici pune balone vodom sa ovih izvora i da ih donose njemu u Beograd. Lekovite radonske termomineralne vode potiču sa tri izvora, dostižu temperaturu od 36 do 38 stepeni, blagotvorno deluju na celo telo. Čitavo lečilište je utonulo u zelenilo prostranih šuma, a u samom parku, uređenom za šetnju, odmor i uživanje, smešteni su zdravstveni i turistički objekti. Izdvaja se među njima „Radon“, okosnica zdravstvenog turizma Banje, prepoznatljiv i po potoku koji teče od česme „Tri kralja“ do njega, po žuboru vodopada koji se niz njegove terase sliva. Status banje dobila je 1963. godine, a tri godine kasnije i promenu delatnosti – lečenje i rehabilitacija reumatskih i srčanih oboljenja. Stacionar „Radon“ podignut je 1975. godine, nakon četiri godine prerasta u Institut. Ubrzo je počeo da radi i stacionar „Terme“. Renoviran je i stacionar „Zelengora“. U „Radonu“ je 2007. godine otvoren wellness centar „Sense“, sa svim sadržajima modernih evropskih centara. Institut „Niška Banja“ je zdravstvena, naučna i istraživačka ustanova, sa 390 zaposlenih, opremljen savremenim medicinskim aparatima – ultrazvuk za srce, krvne sudove vrata i zglobova, magnetna rezonanca perifernih zglobova, kompjuterizovani koštani denzitometar, sve za ugradnju proteze kuka i kolena, hirurgiju reumatizma. Sve dijagnostičke metode mogu da se koriste pojedinačno, ili u okviru specijalizovanih paketa, ali i posebnih programa. Na raspolaganju je bazen, biserne kade, saune, savremene procedure elektro, peloido terapija, inhalacija, teretana. Poseban program je kombinovana terapija hroničnog bola – glavobolje. Raspoređen je Institut u tri stacionara, svi su sa tri zvezdice, svaki čini celinu za sebe i raspolaže kompletnim terapijskim blokom. Poboljšanje i lek za svoje tegobe dobijaju brojni pacijenti. Infarkt srca i srčane mane, angina pektoris, slaba cirkulacija, bolovi u kičmenom stubu, kostima, dečja cerebralna paraliza, operacije na kuku i kolenu, rehabilitacija posle trauma, nakon hirurških intervencija na srcu i ortopedskih operacija, samo su deo onoga što Institut pruža pacijentima i gostima. Ima Institut i sve uslove za organizaciju sportskog turizma - tereni za košarku, rukomet, fudbal, teniski tereni, startni tereni za paraglajding, za kongresni turizam – amfiteatar sa 300 mesta, restorani, saloni sa nacionalnom kuhinjom. Wellness i spa centar „Sense“ u „Radonu“ na najbolji način ostvaruje spoj lepote, uživanja, zdravlja, dobre volje. Blagotvorni uticaji termalne vode i masaža, zna se, koristili su se vekovima, ali se danas ovde primenjuju i postižu uz opojne mirise, plamen sveća, latice ruža, orijentalne zvuke i osvežavajuće napitke. U lukuznom prostoru, uređenom po najvišim standardima, možete da dobijete program osmišljen samo za vas, koji okrepljuje telo i misli. Đakuzi bazen, vibrosauna, sauna, masaža, hydrojet, aromatična kupka, velvet krevet, pakovanje tela čokoladom, alga muljem, aha kremom, antistres, antiage, anticelulit program, Happy weekend, preporodiće svakog u centru „Sense“.



Gate of East and West The royal city of Niš is one of the oldest in the Balkans. Emperors and kings used to enjoy in hot water of Niška Banja, as do all its present visitors


he royal city of Niš, one of the oldest in the Balkans, whose history was determined and written for centuries by its geographical position, was attractive for numerous conquerors, and many great rulers of Europe passed through its gates. It was the second capital of Serbia, then capital during a war, known and recognisable for its Fortress and a unique monument in the world - Ćele kula (Skull Tower), a city named after the river that runs through it –Fairy’s river in Celtic or Nišava. This is a true city-museum, situated in the crossroads of the most important Balkan and European roads, and has been called the Gate of East and West since the ancient times. Roman Naissus, Celtic Navissos, Byzantine Nysos, Slavic Niš, Turkish Nis, German Nissa – the name was always related with the River Nišava. The city was established long before the Romans came to this region. It is adorned with the Fortress, a residence of roman emperors and an archaeological site from the Roman period Mediana, and it is the birthplace of a notable Roman emperor Constantine, who built a sumptuous residence Mediana in the 3rd century and adopted important laws there (the Edict of Milan). It was recorded that Stefan Nemanja met with Friedrich I Barbarossa in Niš in 1189. It is believed that they also enjoyed the amenities of a hot spot near the city – the charms of Niška Banja. Healing water from three springs, in a vast, real forest-park today on the slopes of Koritnjak in the southeast Serbia, was known to the old Romans. Testing shows that the spring of the Spa is 26,000 years old. During construction of a new bath metal coins from Hadrian era were found, which indicates that the first bath was built in this Spa back in the 2nd century. The Spa was also mentioned in the Turkish period. Emperor Constantine the Great also enjoyed hot water of Niška Banja, according to some testimonies. It was the favourite place of three kings and two Serbian dynasties. In honour of the rulers who left a spirit of elitism with their presence in the Spa, the locals built a memorial fountain naming it the “Three kings”. Two kings from Obrenović dynasty – Milan and Aleksandar – were always dear guests in Niš and the Spa. There used to be a habit to go to the spa on Sundays and holidays for “teferič” (picnic), with songs and “čoček” dance late into the evening. King Aleksandar I Karađorđević was also a regular guest of Niška Banja. He would stay in the villa “Jela”, called the Royal Villa by many people. He used to go there without any pomp, take a walk without his escort, socialize with the locals, and even dance in a kolo. The Spa experienced a sudden development in 1930s resembling European spas, and became a prestigious gathering spot of high society. A monumental building “Old Bath” was built first, and soon traders and rich industrialists started building numerous villas bringing glow, luxury and European lifestyle to the Spa. A new era in development of the Spa and spa tourism started, with its crowning success brought and spread far and wide by the Institute “Niška Banja”. Niška Banja was both imperial and royal. This is how healthy and ill feel there today, those who come for holiday or to improve their health. And they get it all in abundance – healing water, mud, air. The sanatorium has sunk into greenery of forests that cover an area of more than 70 hectares, health and tourist facilities are situated in an arranged 5 hectares park, and there is a forest-park Koritnjak near the Spa with trim trails. Niška Banja has a library, art gallery, Summer Stage that hosts numerous events among which the “Cultural summer in Niška Banja” stands out. It is ideal for health, recreational and also sports tourism – there are courts for tennis, basketball, handball, starting points for paragliding – all the best for preparations of athletes. It also has everything for congress tourism. Numerous picnic areas surround it – Sićevačka and Jelašnička gorges, monasteries, Mediana archaeological site, the Fortress, the Skull Tower, and somewhat farther Mt Suva planina, Bojanine Vode and Cerjanska Cave. Sufficient proof of the spa of healing water, health and beauty such is Niška Banja is that it was celebrated in a song.



Gifted with wealth, celebrated in a song The Spa of healing water, health, beauty, zest and relaxation


t the foot of the mountain Koritnjak, at the altitude of 250 metres above sea level, in greenery and under healthy sky, lies a natural resort Niška Banja – an ideal place where every heart recovers, strengthens and fills with joy. It has been known since the ancient times for its beneficial climate, thermal-mineral water and curative mud. Not only is it gifted with so much wealth but it is also celebrated in a song “Niška Banja, hot water”, which gladdens many hearts with its melody and lyrics. Its healing properties are supported by a fact that water from this Spa was transported to thermae and swimming pools in Mediana – the residence of Emperor Constantine the Great. Delighted with water from Niška Banja, King Aleksandar I Karađorđević issued a special order to his subjects to fill bottles with water from these springs every two days and bring it to him to Belgrade. Curative radon thermal-mineral water comes from three springs reaching the temperature between 36 and 38 degrees and has beneficial effects on the entire body. The entire resort has sunk into greenery of vast forests, and health and tourist facilities are situated in the very park, arranged for walks and pleasure. “Radon” – the pillar of this Spa’s health tourism – is prominent among them, and is also recognisable for a stream that runs from the “Three Kings” fountain to it and the murmur of a waterfall pouring down its terraces. It got its spa status in 1963, and three years later its scope of activities was changed into treatment and rehabilitation of rheumatic and cardiac diseases. The in-patient clinic “Radon” was built in 1975 and grew into an institute four years later. Another in-patient clinic “Terme” started operating soon afterwards. “Zelengora” in-patient clinic was also reconstructed. A wellness centre “Sense” was opened in “Radon” in 2007 offering all services that can be found in modern European centres. “Niška Banja” Institute is a health, scientific and research institution with 390 employees and equipped with modern medical apparatuses: ultrasound for heart, blood vessels of neck and joints, magnetic resonance imaging of peripheral joints, computerised bone densitometer, everything required for hip and knee replacement implants, and rheumatic surgery. All diagnostic methods can be used individually or within specialised packages and special programmes. It also offers a swimming pool, pearl baths, saunas, modern procedures of electro- and peloid therapies, inhalation and a gym. There is also a special programme in form of a combined therapy of chronic pain – headache. The Institute is composed of three in-patient clinics, each being a separate unit with three stars and a full therapeutic block. Numerous patients find improvement of and cure for their problems. Heart attack and heart disorders, angina pectoris, weak circulation, pains in spine and bones, children’s cerebral palsy, hip and knee surgeries, post-traumatic rehabilitation and rehabilitation after surgical interventions on heart and orthopaedic surgeries are only a part of what this Institute offers to its patients and guests. The Institute also provides all requirements for organisation of sports tourism – basketball, handball, football and tennis courts, starting points for paragliding – and also for congress tourism – an amphitheatre with 300 seats, restaurants and salons with national cuisine. Wellness and spa centre “Sense” in “Radon” has matched beauty, pleasure, health and good will in the best possible way. As it is known, beneficial effects of thermal water and massages have been used for centuries, but they are applied here today with sweet scents, candle flames, rose petals, oriental sounds and refreshing drinks. In a luxurious space, arranged following the highest standards, you can get a programme designed especially for you, which will invigorate your body and thoughts. Jacuzzi swimming pool, vibrosaun, sauna, massage, hydrojet, aromatic bath, velvet bed, wrapping body with chocolate, algae mud and aha cream, anti-stress, anti-age and anti-cellulite programmes or Happy weekend will regenerate everyone in the centre “Sense”.




Wellness & Spa centar - Sensa



BOR Brestova~ka Banja

Lazarev kanjon



Ptice se vracaju u zlatni grad Netaknuta priroda, lepota planina, Zlotske pećine, kafić 400 metara pod zemljom, lekovite vode - atrakcije su grada bakra i zlata


vrkut i zov ptica meša se sa zvucima rudarske sirene po kojima žitelji grada bakra i zlata u istočnoj Srbiji decenijama „navijaju“ život. Ptice su se vratile u Bor. I one, uz mnogo toga još, svojom pesmom potvrđuju da jedini grad u svetu koji u svom centru ima kop (rudnik) nije više nepoželjan za život. Nije „mrtav grad“, koji je godinama bio obavijan belim i sivim dimom, u kome nije moglo da se diše. Vraćaju se i ljudi u ovaj grad nazvan po visokom boru, koji je više od jednog veka poznat u svetu po proizvodnji „crvenog metala“ i zlata. Bor ponovo ponosno nosi naziv zimzelenog drveta. Priča o „zlatnom“ gradu u Timočkoj krajini mnogo je starija od njegove zvanične istorije. Selo Bor se prvi put pominje u izvorima iz 18. veka, status grada Bor je dobio 1947. godine. Ali, još iz praistorije pominje se kao mesto iskopavanja rude metala. Arheološki nalazi pokazuju da su prva naselja na ovom području iz ranog neolita. Otkriveni su ostaci kuća, udubljenja za topljenje bakra, amfore, pehari. U Zlotskoj pećini nađeni su ostaci prvog naselja u ovom kraju iz vremena od pre 5.000 godina. Dokumenti govore da su rude ovde iskopavane u antičko doba, Rimljani su prepirali zlato iz rečnih nanosa Peka, Porečke, Borske reke i Timoka. U 19. veku okolina Bora bila je u žiži interesovanja tragača za zlatom, stranih i domaćih naučnika, ali i avanturista. Prvo geološko istraživanje rude bakra 1897. godine obavio je naučnik Feliks Hofman. Rudnik su 1903. otvorili Franjo Šistek i Đorđe Vajfert, početkom Prvog svetskog rata zauzimaju ga Bugari, od 1918. je u vlasništvu francuskog kapitala, osvajaju ga i Nemci. Postao je potom Bor sedište najvećeg rudnika bakra u Evropi. Mada je najviše je poznat po rudarenju „zlatni“ grad, koga okružuje netaknuta prirodna lepota Homolja i Kučajskih planina, ima mnogo toga da ponudi. Gotovo da nigde u Srbiji nema toliko turističkih bisera na tako malom prostoru kao u borskoj opštini. Ona je u zelenom prstenu, stoletne šume pokrivaju više od 75 odsto očuvane prirode. Crni vrh, sa najkvalitetnijom bukovom šumom u Evropi, skijaški je centar, Stol, koji se smestio između Deli Jovana i Velikog i Malog krša, je izazov za planinare i ljubitelje ekstremnih sportova. Ovde je raj za lovce i ribolovce. Na obali Lazareve reke, u blizini sela Zlot je prirodni fenomen Zlotske pećine - Vrnjikica, Vodena, Mandina, Hajdučica, kraška jama Stojkova ledenica. I kolos među pećinama - Lazareva pećina, sa pećinskim kanalima dugim više od 5.500 metara, bogata pećinskim nakitom, sa Koncertnom dvoranom, Prestonom dvoranom cara Lazara, Dvoranom slepih miševa. Legenda kazuje da je ime dobila po knezu Lazaru koji je sa srpskim vojnicima posle Kosovskog boja pribežište našao u njoj. Nedaleko je pećina Vernjikica sa džinovskim stalaktitima i stalagmitima. Lazarev kanjon je prirodna atrakcija, nezaobilazno izletište je Borsko jezero, iznad koga dominira vulkanska kupa Tilva Njagra. Tu je i Brestovačka Banja. A sam grad poslednjih godina doživljava preporod. Izgrađene su fontane, sportski centar sa akva parkom, hipodrom, karting staza, skejt park, zoološki vrt, kružni tokovi, uređene zgrade. Kulturni i obrazovni centar ovog kraja Bor ozbiljno počinje da razvija industrijski turizam. Ima čime i da se ponosi. Stožer pisane reči je Narodna biblioteka, svedoci postojanja rudarstva od praistorijskog do modernog doba su u Muzeju rudarstva i metalurgije, ima aerodrom, zoološki vrt. Najveći eksponat na otvorenom je kamion damper, visok 12 metara. Grad je bogat kulturnim, sajamskim, sportskim manifestacijama, poznat po tradicionalnoj srpskoj i vlaškoj gostoljubivosti. A jedinstveni doživljaj i prava avantura u Boru je ispijanje pića u kafiću „Jama“ 400 metara duboko pod zemljom. Smešten je na 11. jamskom horizontu i predstavlja za posetioce, koji su sa obaveznim rudarskim šlemom na glavi, svojevrsni muzej rudarstva.



Miljenica vladara i naroda Blagodeti vode, prirodne atrakcije, bogatstvo predela čine ovu Banju divnim mestom


divotnom predelu prekrivenom stoletnim šumama, pod Crnim vrhom koji se vinuo u nebo više od 1.000 metara, iznad sela Brestovca po kome je dobila ime, iznikla je Brestovačka Banja. Živopisni planinski predeloTimočke krajine, na samom ušću Crnovrške reke i rečice Pujice u Banjsku reku, ukrašen je pravim draguljem - jednom od osam kraljevskih banja Srbije. Priroda je ovom kraju velikodušno podarila božanstvene pejzaže, vulkanske kupe i nepreglednu šumu na gotovo stotinu hektara, koja je najveća banjska šuma u Evropi. Upravo na takvom mestu, na nadmorskoj visini od 385 metara, iznedreni iz vulkanskih stena, izbijaju izvori termomineralnih voda. Iz deset izvora na obalama reke Pujice stiže voda topla od 32 do 42 stepena. Zbog svojih lepota, šuma koje je zaklanjaju od vetrova, a ponajviše zarad najlekovitijih voda Brestovačka Banja je bila miljenica vladara i članova obe srpske dinastije. Rado su u nju dolazili, uživali u njenim blagodetima, vodili odatle državničku politiku, podizali objekte koji i danas krase Banju. Nazivana je tada dvorskom banjom. Ali i mnogo pre vladara narod je u ovim termalnim vodama nalazio lek za razne boljke. Da je Brestovačka Banja među najstarijim na tlu Srbije pokazuju i mnogi arheološki nalazi. Otkriveni su lokaliteti na kojima su još u vreme Rimljana bile kade i bazeni, pronađeni su ostaci nakita, novca, raznih predmeta iz rimskog doba. Oporavljali su se na ovim banjskim vodama i Vizantijci, ima dokaza da je nekada ovuda vodio put svile i da se konačarilo baš pored termalnih izvora. Bila je Banja poznata i u tursko vreme, bazeni broj jedan i dva - „Kneževo kupatilo“ i „Mali konak“ izgrađeni su za vreme turske uprave. Pravi procvat Banja je doživela u doba kneza Miloša Obrenovića. Godine 1834. Brestovačku Banju posećuje kneginja Ljubica sa sinovima, ubrzo stiže i knez, pa se ta poseta računa kao zvanično osnivanje Banje. Boravio je knez u turskom hamamu u centru Banje, koji je i obnovljen. Najstariji je ovo objekat na teritoriji Bora. Po kneževom nalogu banjske vode poslate su u Beč na analizu i dobile su najviše ocene. Baron Herder ih je upoređivao sa vodama austrijskih i švajcarskih banja. Ubrzo niče i reprezentativna građevina - Konak kneza Miloša, podignut 1837. godine. U njemu je danas smeštena izložba „Brestovačka Banja u doba kneza Miloša“ i Borski muzej rudarstva i metalurgije. Po Miloševoj naredbi za potrebe gostiju sagrađena je kafana sa sobama, današnji hotel „Srpska kruna“. U vreme kneza Aleksandra Karađorđevića Banja postaje mondensko mesto. Izgradio je 1856. godine impozantni letnjikovac - Knežev dvorac, krajem 19. veka podignut još jedan izuzetan objekat „Gostiona sa kur salonom“, danas poznata kao „Izletnik“. Smatra se da je to prvi hotel u banjama Srbije. Nikao je ovde i letnjikovac kralja Petra I Karađorđevića. Zbog hamama, konaka, dvorca i drugih zgrada Banja ima karakter muzeja. Dolaskom dr Steve Mačaja 1871. godine počinje period savremenog lečenja, kao i proučavanja banjske vode. Jedan od najzaslužnijih za razvoj i promociju Banje, koja je, zajedno sa Sokobanjom, kroz čitav 19. vek bila direktno pod upravom srpskog vladara i srpske vlade. Početkom 20. veka Brestovačka Banja je bila jedna od najposećenijih i najlepših banja. U njenoj blizini su vulkanske kupe Tilva Njagra i Tilva Mika, a kao posledica starog vulkanizma podno ovih kupa u Banji su danas termomineralni izvori složenog hemijskog sastava. Takvog da su banjske vode moćne u lečenju oboljenja kostiju, zglobova, mišića, kože, posledica povreda, reume, iscrpljenosti organizma i drugih tegoba. Upotrebljavaju se, pod stručnim nadzorom, pijenjem, kupanjem, ispiranjem, orošavanjem i aerosolom. Blagodeti vode, povoljna klima, bogatstvo jela i pića, prirodne atrakcije i znamenitosti borskog kraja, svojom snagom i lepotom čine Brestovačku Banju divnim mestom.



Birds return to the golden town Intact nature, beauty of mountains, Zlotske Caves, a cafe 400 metres under the ground, healing water – these are the attractions of the town of copper and gold


witter and call of birds are mixed with the sounds of mining sirens according to which the residents of the town of copper and gold in Eastern Serbia have been “winding” their lives for decades. Birds have returned to Bor. They, along with many other things, confirm with their song that the only town in the world with a pit (mine) in the very centre is not unwanted for living anymore. It isn’t anymore a “dead town” that used to be wrapped up in white and grey smoke for years, where you couldn’t breathe. People are also returning to this town named after a high pine (bor - pine), which is known in the world for the production of “red metal” and gold for over a century. Once again, Bor takes pride in bearing the name of the evergreen tree. The story about the “golden” town in Timočka Krajina is much older than its official history. Bor village was mentioned for the first time in sources from the 18th century, and it obtained the status of a town in 1947. But it has been mentioned as the place of metal ore mining since prehistory. Archaeological findings indicate that the first settlements in this region originate from the Early Neolithic period. Remnants of houses and holes for melting of copper, amphorae and cups were found. Trails of the first settlement in this region from 5000 years ago were wound in Zlotska Cave. Documents indicate that ore was excavated in the ancient times; Romans dug for gold from river deposits of Pek, Porečka, Borska and Timok rivers. In the 19th century the area around Bor was in the centre of attention of gold diggers, foreign and national scientists, and adventurers, too. The first geological scientific research of copper ore was published in 1897 by a scientist Felix Hoffman. The mine was opened in 1903 by Franjo Šistek and Đorđe Weifert, it was occupied by the Bulgarians at the beginning of the First World War, it was owned by French capital as of 1918, and was also conquered by the Germans. Bor became later the seat of the largest copper mine in Europe. Despite being most famous for mining, the “golden” town, which is surrounded by intact natural beauty of Homolje and Kučajske mountains, has a lot to offer. You can hardly find anywhere in Serbia as many tourist pearls in such a small area as in the municipality of Bor. It is situated within a green ring, and centuries-old forests cover 75 percent of preserved nature. Crni Vrh, with the highest quality beech forest in Europe, is a ski centre, and Stol, which has nestled between Deli Jovan and Veliki Krš and Mali Krš, is a challenge for climbers and lovers of extreme sports. This is also a paradise for hunters and fishermen. On the banks of the River Lazareva, near the village Zlot, there is a natural phenomenon of Zlotske Caves – Vrnjikica, Vodena, Mandina, Hajdučica, and karst hollow Stojkova ledenica. There is also a giant among caves – Lazareva Cave, with cave canals over 5500 metres long, abundant cave ornaments, the Concert Hall, King Lazar’s throne room, and Bats room. A legend says that it was named after the prince Lazar who found shelter in it with the Serbian soldiers after the Battle of Kosovo. Vernjikica Cave is in its vicinity with giant stalactites and stalagmites. Lazar’s canyon is a natural attraction, while Borsko Lake is unavoidable picnic area, dominated by a volcano cup Tilva Njagra above it. There is also Brestovačka Banja. The town itself has been experiencing a true revival lately. Fountains have been built, as well as a sports centre with aqua park, hippodrome, kart race track, skate park, zoo, roundabouts and nice buildings. The cultural and educational centre of this region, Bor, has started a serious development of industrial tourism. It has a lot to be proud about. The national library is the pillar of written words, witnesses of the existence of mining from prehistoric to modern times can be found in the Museum of Mining and Metallurgy; it also has an airport and a zoo. The biggest display in the open air is a 12-metre tall dumper. The town abounds in cultural, fair and sports events, and is famous for traditional Serbian and Wallachian hospitality. A unique experience and a real adventure in Bor is to go for a drink to “Jama” cafe (Pit), which is 400 metres underground. It is located on the 11th pit horizon and is a mining museum of its own kinds for its visitors who are bound to wear a mining helmet.



Cure in the middle of a gorge Kings’ and people’s favourite Beneficial effects of water, natural attractions and rich sceneries make this Spa a wonderful place


restovačka Banja emerged in magnificent scenery covered by hundreds-of-years-old forests underneath Mt Crni Vrh that rises over 1000 metres up to the sky and above the village of Brestovac it was named after. Picturesque mountainous landscape of Timočka Krajina, at the very confluence of Crnovrška River and a small River Pujica into the Banjska River, is adorned with a real jewel – one of eight royal spas of Serbia. Nature was generous in bestowing this region with divine landscapes, volcano cups and a vast forest covering nearly one hundred hectares, which is the biggest spa forest in Europe. It is in such place that thermal-mineral water springs gush out from the chest of volcano rocks at the altitude of 385 metres. Ten springs on the banks of Pujica River give water with the temperature 32 to 42 degrees. Because of its beauties, forests that shield it from winds, and mostly because of its most curative water, Brestovačka Banja was the favourite spa of rulers and members of both Serbian dynasties. They frequented it with pleasure, enjoyed its amenities, performed state affairs there and built buildings that are still adorning the Spa. At the times it was called the Court Spa. But, common people found cure for various ailments in this thermal water long before rulers. The fact that Brestovačka Banja is among the oldest in Serbian territory is proven by numerous archaeological findings. Sites have been discovered where there used to be baths and swimming pools in the Roman period, and fragments of jewellery, coins and different objects from the Roman era have also been found. Byzantines also recovered in this spa’s water and there is proof that a silk route once passed through it and that lodging used to be right next to the thermal springs. The Spa was also known in the Turkish period – swimming pools number one and two, “Kneževo kupatilo” and “Mali konak” were built during the Turkish governance. The Spa experienced a true flourishing during the rule of Prince Miloš Obrenović. In 1834 Brestovačka Banja was visited by the Princess Ljubica with her sons. The Prince joined them shortly after so this visit is taken as the official foundation of the Spa. The Prince stayed in a Turkish hamam in the centre of the Spa, which was reconstructed. This is the oldest facility in the territory of Bor. As ordered by the Prince, water from the Spa was sent to Vienna to be analysed and was graded with the highest marks. Baron Herder compared t with water from Austrian and Swiss spas. Its representative building was raised soon afterwards – the Residence of Prince Miloš, which was built in 1837. Today it hosts an exhibition “Brestovačka Banja in the time of Prince Miloš” and the Museum of Mining and Metallurgy of Bor. Upon Miloš’s order, a tavern with rooms was built to serve guests, which is today’s Hotel “Srpska kruna”. In the time of Prince Aleksandar Karađorđević the Spa became a mundane place. A grandiose summer residence was built in 1856 – Prince’s Palace – and at the end of the 19th century another exceptional building was built, “Gostiona sa kur salonom” (Inn with a cure-salon), known at present as “Izletnik”. It is considered the first hotel in Serbian spas. A summer residence of the King Petar I Karađorđević was also built here. Because of its hamam, residences, palace and other buildings, the Spa resembles a museum. The period of modern treatment and exploration of Spa water began with the arrival of Dr Steva Mačaj in 1871. He is one of the people who deserve most credits for development and promotion of the Spa, which was directly governed by the Serbian rulers and the Serbian government throughout the entire 19th century together with Sokobanja. At the beginning of the 20th century Brestovačka Banja was one of the most visited and most beautiful spas. Volcano cups Tilva Njagra and Tilva Mika are in its vicinity and as a consequence of old volcanic activity beneath these cups the Spa has today thermal-mineral water springs of a complex chemical composition. Their composition is such that spa water is very powerful in treating various diseases of bones, joints, muscles, skin, consequences of injuries, rheumatism, fatigue and other disorders. Water is applied by drinking, bathing, rinsing, bedewing and aerosol under




Klub hotel RTB Bor



ZAJE^AR Gamzigradska Banja

Felix Romuliana



Mistika dva Timoka Reka Timok dala je ime oblasti kroz koju protiče, jednoj buni i jednom plemenu


ada namernik kroči u sam centar Timočke krajine, u grad Zaječar, bez obzira da li leti ili zimi ide putem kojim su se kretali, rimski car Galerije Maksimilijan, Hajduk Veljko, Nikola Pašić, Zoran Radmilović, ili prošeta obalom Timoka, Popovom plažom, izletištem Kraljevica, stiče utisak da se nalazi u nekom evropskom centru. Iznikao je u Zaječarskoj kotlini, tamo gde se spajaju Crni i Beli te stvaraju Veliki Timok, na 137 metara nadmorske visine. Timok je dao ime oblasti kroz koju protiče - Timočka krajina, buni protiv Milana Obrenovića 1883. godine –Timočka buna, jednom slovenskom plemenu koje se tu nastanilo u 6. veku - Timočani. U široj okolini dižu se planine Deli Jovan i Veliki Krš, Tupižnica, obronci Stare planine. Zaječar se prvi put spominje 1466. godine u turskom tefteru vezanom za stanovništvo vidinskoga pašaluka. Prvi fizikus u Zaječaru postavljen je 1843. godine, prva bolnica počela je s radom 1868, prva privatna škola osnovana je 1830. godine. Prebogata istorija ovoga kraja jedan je od bitnih elemenata privlačnosti Zaječara. Predneolitski period, antika, Rim, Vizantija, srednjovekovna Srbija, ropstvo pod Turcima, oslobođenje i vaskrs. Rimski imperator Galerije potiče upravo odavde, tu je i podigao palatu „Felix Romuliana”, toliko vrednu i važnu da je pod zaštitom UNESCO-a kao kulturna baština. Hronike beleže da je pred Drugi svetski rat Zaječar bio četvrti grad po bogatstvu, a prvi po čistoći u Srbiji. Nazivan je „sedištem srpskog Rura”. Brzo je izrastao u moćan privredni, kulturni, turistički i sportski centar. Prolazio je kroz krize, a onda je počeo da buja. Popova plaža je jedan od najlepših sportskih kompleksa u Srbiji. Sa terenima za košarku, odbojku na pesku, fudbal na peni, za boćanje, šah, za mali golf, sa svim sadržajima koje imaju najbolje plaže na bilo kojoj rivijeri. Zovu je s pravom Zaječarsko more. Na samo kilometar od centra grada su uređene ski staze za decu i za odrasle. Decenijama već ovo je grad mladih, grad kreativnosti i kulture - „Gitarijada”, Likovna kolonija naivne umetnosti, Festival mladih pesnika, Međunarodni festival poezije mladih Evroregiona „Dunav 21”, salon stripa „Maksim”, Međunarodni festival folklora, „Dani Zorana Radmilovića”... U Zaječaru obavezno treba videti Radul Begov konak, Tursku vodenicu- restoran sa etno ambijentom, park šumu Kraljevica, zadužbinu Nikole Pašića, Narodni muzej, crkve, manastire, brojne znamenitosti. I svakako, ili pre svega svetski značajan spomenik kulture - “Felix Romulianu”, kao i električnu centralu iz 1908. godine, koja i danas proizvodi struju u Gamzigradskoj Banji. Ovo je i predeo plemenitih voda, tu su dva termomineralna izvora - Nikolićevo i carska Gamzigradska Banja. Carska palata i sveti breg Carska palata „Felix Romuliana“ izgrađena je krajem III i početkom IV veka. Legenda kaže da je rimski bog rata Mars sa ženom Romulom dobio sina Galerija, koji je izrastao u lepog, hrabrog i odvažnog vojnika. Voleo je da čuva stoku pa je dobio nadimak Govedar. Rimski car Dioklecijan zavoleo ga je zbog hrabrosti i usvojio, oženio ga svojom kćerkom. Tako je Galerije Govedar postao car rimske imperije Gaj Valerije Galerije Maksimilijan, jedan od 18 ranovizantijskih careva rođenih na tlu današnje Srbije. Bio je slavan i moćan, stolovao je u Sirmijumu, zatim, u Solunu. Želeo je da svom rodnom kraju podari palatu, pa je baš ovde kraj Crnog Timoka sagradio velelepnu Romulijanu, koja je postala sedište čitavog carstva. Na obližnjem brdu Magura, na kome se nalazi sakralni kompleks, imperator i njegova majka uzdignuti su među bogove, zato Maguru smatraju svetim bregom. Među brojnim očuvanim vrednostima iz ovog kompleksa izdvaja se vajarski portret Galerija sa trijumfalnom krunom na glavi i zlatnom imitacijom lovorovog venca.



Carski eliksir zivota „Od prirode dar koristimo i mi, koristio je i car“


meandarskoj dolini reke Crni Timok, nedaleko od Zaječara, u blizini istoimenog sela, među šumovitim brežuljcima, na nadmorskoj visini od 303 metra, nalazi se od davnina i nadaleko čuvena Gamzigradska Banja. Spada u najstarije balneološke centre u Srbiji. Ovde iz nedara zemlje izvire zdravlje, slabost tela se pretvara u snagu. Banja je i za bolesne i zdrave pravi carski eliksir života i snage. O tome svedoče i ostaci rimskog carskog grada „Felix Romuliana“ - lekovite terme na ovom tlu korišćene su još u rimsko doba. Poznato je da je car Galerije Maksimilijan blagotvornom vodom sa ovih izvora lečio svoje reumatske tegobe. Zato se s pravom u ovoj Banji diče izrekom „Od prirode dar koristimo mi, koristio je i car“. I s još većim pravom ovu Banju smatraju lekovitim biserom istočne Srbije. Otkrivši izvore termalne vode rimski car Galerije je sagradio velelepnu palatu nazvanu po njegovoj majci „Felix Romuliana“. Iako mnogi misle da je to uradio zbog majke, dosta je podataka koji ukazuju da je ovo učinio zbog „bolova u svojim zglobovima i zbog napaćenog tela“. Postoji i predanje kojim se pronosi priča da je voda sa gamzigradskih izvora specijalnim cevima dopremana u carsku palatu i da se car lečio u svojoj kući. Priroda je ovom prostoru podarila čarobne lekovite izvore, iz kojih izbija voda temperature od 17 do 42 stepena. Ima više izvora, ali se danas koriste četiri. Najstarije poznate podatke o ovim mineralnim vodama ostavio je baron Herder u svojim opisima iz 1835. godine. Izgradnja i uređenje kupatila počinje 1920. godine, a 1978. godine podignut je Zavod za specijalizovanu rehabilitaciju, koji je izrastao u Specijalnu bolnicu za rehabilitaciju „Gamzigrad“. Ona predstavlja najveći savremeni dijagnostički centar za lečenje oboljenja krvnih sudova i vibracionu bolest u Srbiji i šire. Jedinstvena je i po tome što već nekoliko godina njeni stručnjaci u lečenju oboljenja perifernih krvnih sudova koriste i hiperbaričnu komoru. Blagotvorna voda sa gamzigradskih izvora, kojom je obolele zglobove oporavljao je i car Galerije, sada pod budnim okom stručnjaka, čini pokretnije zglobove hiljadama i hiljadama pacijenata. Termonineralnom vodom i metodama savremene rehabilitacije, kao i primenom posebnih aparata koji rade na principu promene pritiska – „vacusac“ i „vaskulator“ ovde se leče oboljenja perifernih krvnih sudova i limfnog sistema. Olakšanje i lek za svoje tegobe nalaze i pacijenti sa bolestima vezivnog tkiva, reumatizmom, degenerativnim oboljenjima zglobova, ortopedskim, neurološkim, ginekološkim oboljenjima, anomalijama u dečjem uzrastu. U Specijalnoj bolnici primenjuju se fototerapija, kinezi, termo i elektroterapija. Lekovita voda koristi se u mineralnim, habard i galvanskim kadama. Ove balgodeti i metode, pojedinačno ili udruženo, brojnim ljudima donose gotovo čudesan oporavak. Sa izvanrednom klimom, čistim vazduhom, pitomim brežuljcima i proplancima Gamzigradska Banja ima i izuzetne uslove za pripremu sportista. Tu su još i zatvoreni bazeni, ima ih dva sa termalnom vodom za decu i odrasle, koji su ukrašeni impresivnim zidnim mozaicima. Zatim, teretana, fudbalski teren, teniski, kao i tereni za male sportove. U toku priprema sportisti su pod stručnim nadzorom lekara sportske medicine. Banja ima i posebne uslove za rekreativnu nastavu za đake uz lekarski nadzor. Organizuju se škole za neplivače, kao i posebni pregledi specijaliste fizijatra za utvrđivanje (ne)pravilnosti držanja tela, stanja tabana. Od prirode i struke za zdravlje, za pokretnije zglobove, vitalnije krvne sudove, pa za sportiste i đake, za bolesne i zdrave, sve na jednom mestu. Gamzigradska Banja nudi i pruža mnoga carska okrepljenja i uživanja.



Mystique of the two Timoks IThe River Timok gave name to the region it flows through, to one rebellion and to one tribe


hen a chance traveller comes to the very centre of Timočka Krajina, to the city of Zaječar, takes the same road in summer or in winter as was taken by the Roman Emperor Galerius Maximianus, Hajduk Veljko, Nikola Pašić and Zoran Radmilović, or takes a walk along the banks of the River Timok, Pop’s Beach or Kraljevica forest-park, he will be under the impression that he is in some European centre. It emerged in the Valley of Zaječar, where the Black and the White Timok join to create the Big Timok, at 137 metres above sea level. Timok gave its name to the area it flows through - Timočka Krajina, to the rebellion against Milan Obrenović in 1883 –Timočka buna (Rebellion of Timok), and also to one Slavic tribe that settled in the region in the 6th century - Timočani. The wider area is encircled by mountains Deli Jovan and Veliki Krš, Tupižnica, and the slopes of Stara planina. The first mentioning of Zaječar dates back to 1466, in the Turkish census of Vidinski Pashaluk. The first physician in Zaječar was assigned in 1843; the first hospital started operating in 1868, and the first private school was established in 1830. One of the important elements of Zaječar charms is a very rich history of this region – pre-Neolithic period, antiquity, Rome, Byzantium, medieval Serbia, slavery under the Turks, liberation and resurrection. Roman emperor Galerius comes from this very region and this is where he built his palace “Felix Romuliana”, so precious and important that it is under UNESCO’s protection as cultural heritage. Accounts say that in the eve of World War Two, Zaječar was the fourth city in terms of wealth and the first in terms of cleanliness in Serbia. It used to be called the “seat of the Serbian Ruhr”. It grew rapidly into a powerful commercial, cultural, tourist and sports centre. It went through crises, and then it started flourishing. The Pop’s Beach is one of the most beautiful sports complexes in Serbia, with courts for basketball, beach volleyball, football, bowling, chess, mini golf, and with all offers the best beaches in any riviera can give. It is called the Sea of Zaječar with all reason. And only one kilometre away from the city centre there are well arranged ski trails for children and adults. This has been the city of youth, the city of creativity and culture for decades – “Gitarijada”, Art colony of art naïf, Festival of Young Poets, International Youth Poetry Festival of Euroregion “Danube 21”, comic fair “Maksim”, International Folklore Festival, “Days of Zoran Radmilović”... What you shouldn’t miss out on seeing in Zaječar are Radul Beg’s residence, the Turkish mill-restaurant with ethno setting, forest-park Kraljevica, Nikola Pašić’s endowment, the National Museum, churches, monasteries and numerous other sights. But above all, you have to visit the cultural monument of world-wide importance – “Felix Romuliana”, as well as the electric plant from 1908, which still generates electricity in Gamzigradska Banja. This is also the area of precious water: there are two thermal-mineral springs – Nikolićevo and the royal Gamzigradska Banja. Royal palace and the holy hill The royal palace “Felix Romuliana” was built between the end of the 3rd and the beginning of the 4th centuries. A legend says that the Roman god of war Mars and his wife Romula got a son named Galerius, who grew into a handsome, brave and bold soldier. He liked to tend cattle for which he got a nickname Herdsman. The Roman emperor Diocletian liked him for his bravery so he adopted him and gave him his daughter’s hand. This is how Galerius the Herdsman became emperor of the Roman Empire, Gaius Galerius Valerius Maximianus, one of 18 early byzantine emperors born in the territory of today’s Serbia. He was famous and powerful, and he reigned in Sirmium and afterwards in Thessaloniki. He wanted to bestow a palace to his homeland, so he chose the area of the Black Timok to build the marvellous Romuliana, which became the seat of the entire empire. In a nearby hill called Magura there is a sacral complex where the emperor and his mother were divinized for which Magura is considered to be a holy hill. Among numerous valuables preserved in this complex, a sculptural portrait of Galerius stands apart with a triumphal crown on his head and a golden imitation of laurel wreath.



Royal elixir of life “We use nature’s gift, as did the emperor” Beneficial effects of water, natural attractions and rich sceneries make this Spa a wonderful place


n the meander valley of the River Crni Timok, not far away from Zaječar and near a village bearing the same name, among wooded hills at the altitude of 303 metres, lies Gamzigradska Banja famous far and wide from ancient times. It is one of the oldest balneology centres in Serbia. Health springs up here from the chest of the earth, while body weakness is turned into strength. This Spa is a true royal elixir of life and strength for both ill and healthy people. his is evidenced by remnants of the Roman royal city “Felix Romuliana” – healing thermae in this area were used back in the Roman period. It is known that Emperor Galerius Maximianus treated his rheumatic problems with water from these springs. This is why they rightfully take pride in this Spa by saying: “We use nature’s gift, as did the emperor”. And this Spa is even more rightfully deemed to be the healing pearl of Eastern Serbia. Having discovered thermal water springs the Roman emperor Galerius built a magnificent palace named after his mother “Felix Romuliana”. Though it is thought by many people that he did it because of his mother, there is a lot of data indicating that he did it because of the “pains in his joints and his agonized body”. There is a legend saying that water from Gamzigrad springs was transported to the royal palace by special water pipes and that the emperor was treated in his own house. Nature has bestowed this region with magical healing springs, from which water of 17 to 42 degrees Celsius gushes out. There are several springs but only four are in use today. The oldest known information about this mineral water was left by Baron Herder in his descriptions from 1835. Construction and decoration of baths started in 1920, while the Institute for specialised rehabilitation was built in 1978 and grew later into the Special hospital for rehabilitation “Gamzigrad”. It is the biggest modern diagnostic centre for treatment of blood vessels diseases and vibration illness in Serbia and beyond. Another unique characteristic is that its professionals have been using hyperbaric chamber for several years now in treating peripheral blood vessels diseases. Beneficial water from Gamzigrad springs – which was used also by the Emperor Galerius to treat his ill joints –makes joints of thousands and thousands of patients more mobile under the watchful eye of experts. They use thermal-mineral water and methods of modern rehabilitation, as well as special apparatuses operating following the principle of changes in pressure – “vacusac” and “vasculator” – to treat peripheral blood vessels diseases and lymphatic system disorders. Relief and cure for their problems are also found here by patients with connective tissue diseases, rheumatism, degenerative joint disorders, orthopaedic, neurological and gynaecological illnesses, and anomalies in young age. The special hospital applies phototherapy, kinesi-, thermal and electro- therapies. Healing water is also used in mineral, Hubbard and galvanic baths. These beneficial effects and methods, whether individually or jointly, give almost miraculous recovery to many people. With exceptional climate, clean air and tame hills and clearings, Gamzigradska Banja also offers great conditions for preparation of athletes. It has indoor swimming pools – there are two with thermal water for children and adults, which are decorated with impressive wall mosaics – a gym, football field, tennis court and courts for small sports. During their preparations, athletes are professionally supervised by doctors of sports medicine. The Spa also provides special conditions for recreational classes for pupils under medical supervision. Schools for non-swimmers are organised, as well as special examinations by specialist physiatrists to determine any (ir)regularities in body posture and sole condition. Everything is provided in one place by nature and profession –for health, more mobile joints, more vital blood vessels, for athletes and pupils, for ill and healthy. Gamzigradska Banja also offers many royal programmes for invigoration and pleasure.




Felix Romuliana



KUR[UMLIJA Prolom Banja Lukovska Banja

Ðavolja varoš



Toplicka Sveta gora Jedna je od retkih opština i u Evropi koja ima tri banje, poznate još iz doba Rimljana - Prolom, Lukovska i Kuršumlijska banja. Ima i mistično delo prirode - Đavolju varoši


gornjem toku reke Toplice, u slivu njenih pritoka Kosanice i Banjske, na jugu Srbije, u Topličkom okrugu nalazi se Kuršumlija. Podignuta na mestu rimskog naselja Ad Fines (Na kraju) bila je svedok, ali i učesnik bogate i burne istorije ovog podneblja i predela. I ime je tako menjala, u doba Vizantije nazvana je Toplice, pa Bele Crkve, turski naziv joj je Kuršumli klise (olovna crkva) i sadašnji Kuršumlija. Ovi predeli kriju tragove srednjovekovne prošlosti srpskog naroda, na to podsećaju brojni manastiri, crkve. Znalci kažu da nema naselja u kuršumlijskom kraju u kome nema takvih tragova. Nemanjići su na ovim prostorima započeli srpsku duhovnost podižući hramove. Crkva sv. Nikole u Kuršumliji, zadužbina Stefana Nemanje, starija je od Hilandara 32, a od pariskog Notr Dama 92 godine. Razumljivo je što ovu oblast nazivaju Kosaničkom ili Topličkom Svetom gorom. U okolini današnje Kuršumlije u selu Viče arheolozi su otkrili ostatke banjskog lečilišta iz III milenijuma pre nove ere, pa se ovaj lokalitet smatra najstarijom banjom na svetu. Ovde je na svakom koraku bliski susret sa dalekim vremenima. Priroda je ovde bila više nego darežljiva. Šume, lekovite vode i vazduh, reljef, lekovito bilje, divlje voće, divljač bogatstvo su ovog kraja. Kuršumlija je jedna od retkih opština i u Evropi koja ima tri banje, poznate još iz doba Rimljana - Prolom, Lukovska i Kuršumlijska banja. Ima i mistično delo prirode, „đavolju atrakciju, ili varoš bez meštana“ - Đavolju varoš. Prolom Banja se nalazi u predivnom zelenilu, na obroncima Radan planine, poznate kao raskrsnice takozvanih Zmajevih brazda, energetskih meridijana koji krajolikom prenose pozitivnu energiju Zemlje. Ovakvih mesta ima samo 30-tak na planeti. Termalne vode u Lukovskoj Banji od davnina su korišćene za lečenje, o čemu svedoče i ostaci vodovodnih cevi i građevina iz rimskog doba, mada se kao lečilište pročula tek posle 1924. godine. Ruski balneolog Aleksije Ščerbakov davne 1931. zapisao je u Velikoj medicinskoj enciklopediji da je „Lukovo jedno od najboljih banja i klimatskih stanica“. Značajan nosilac razvoja turizma je AD „Planika“, koja poseduje Prolom i Lukovsku Banju i plasira na tržište čuvenu „Prolom“ vodu.

Đavolja atrakcija Ispod planine Radan u blizini Kuršumlije, na 11 kilometara ako se ide stazom zdravlja od Prolom Banje, je varoš bez meštana, ili varoš, kako legenda kaže, sa okamenjenim svatovima - Đavolja Varoš. Fenomen i spomenik prirode, jedinstven ne samo u Srbiji već i u svetu. To je skup od preko 200 zemljanih piramida, čija se visina kreće od dva do 15 metara. Sve su sa kamenim kapama na vrhu. Prema legendi, ovde „žive“ okamenjeni svatovi. Retkost je i to da se figure, koje su smeštene u dve jaruge, pomeraju, jedne nestaju dok druge nastaju. Đavolja varoš je pod zaštitom države, a 1995. godine postaje dobro od izuzetnog značaja I kategorije. Ova čudesna, mistična prirodna i turistička atrakcija, za koju su vezane brojne legende i koja je (ne)zvanično svetsko čudo prirode, premrežena je novoizgrađenim stazama i vidikovcima, koji sve brojnijim turistima omogućavaju prilaz sa svih strana. Osvetljena je i za noćne posete. Među okamenjenim svatovima 2. decembra 2012. godine našli su se pravi svatovi i mladenci Svetlana Stevović i Nebojša Ralić. Prvo je ovo venčanje u Đavoljoj varoši, a interesovanje je toliko da će uskoro biti i masovnih venčanja u „varoši bez meštana“.



Mount Athos of Toplica It is one of the rare spas even in Europe that has three spas, known ever since the Roman era: Prolom, Lukovska and Kuršumlijska Banja. It also has a mystical work of nature – Đavolja Varoš


uršumlija is situated in the upper flow of the River Toplica, in the basin of its affluent rivers Kosanica and Banjska, in south Serbian Toplica District. It was built where a Roma settlement Ad Fines (In the End) used to be, and it was both a witness and a participant of rich and turbulent history of this region. It also changed its name – in the Byzantine period it was called Toplice, then Bele Crkve, its Turkish name was Kuršumli klise (lead church) and its present Kuršumlija. This region is hiding trails of medieval past of the Serbian people. Reminders of this are numerous monasteries and churches. Experts say that there is no settlement in Kuršumlija region without any such trails. Members of Nemanjić dynasty initiated Serbian spirituality in this area by building temples. The Church of St Nicolas in Kuršumlija, endowment of Stefan Nemanja, is 32 years older than Hilandar and 92 years than Parisian Notre Dame. So it is understandable why this area is called Mount Athos of Kosanica or Toplica. Archaeologists have found remnants of a spa resort from the 3rd millennium B.C. in a village called Viče in the area of today’s Kuršumlija, so this site is considered to be the oldest spa in the world. Every step of the way in this region represents a close encounter with ancient times. Nature has been more than generous here. The region is rich with forests, healing water and air, relief, medicinal herbs, wild fruits and game. Kuršumlija is one of the few municipalities in Europe that has three spas, known ever since the Roman era: Prolom, Lukovska and Kuršumlijska Banja. It also has a mystical work of nature, a “Devil’s attraction or a town without residents” – Đavolja Varoš (Devil’s Town). Prolom Banja is located in marvellous greenery on the slopes of Mt Radan known as the crossing of the so called Dragon’s furrows, energy meridians that transfer positive energy of the Earth to the landscape. There are only about 30 such places on the planet. Thermal water in Lukovska Banja has been used for treatment since times immemorial, which is evidenced by the remnants of water-piping and buildings from the Roman period, though it didn’t become known as a sanatorium until 1924. A Russian balneologist Alexei Scherbakov wrote back in 1931 in the Great Medical Encyclopaedia that “Lukovo is one of the best spas and climatic stations”. The important holder of development of tourism is AD “Planika”, which owns Prolom and Lukovska Banja and markets the famous “Prolom” water. Devil’s attraction Below the Mountain Radan near Kuršumlija, 11 kilometres away if you take the path of health from Prolom Banja, there is a town without its residents or a town, as a legend says, with wedding guests turned into stone - Đavolja Varoš (Devil’s Town). This nature’s phenomenon and monument is unique not only in Serbia but in the whole world. It is a collection of over 200 earth pyramids with the height ranging between 2 and 15 metres. They all have stone caps on the top. According to the legend, this is where wedding guests turned into stone “live”. Another rarity is that figures placed in two gullies move – some disappear while others emerge. Đavolja varoš is protected by the state and in 1995 it became an asset of extreme importance of the 1st category. This miraculous and mystical natural and tourist attraction, related with numerous legends and being (un)official world natural wonder, is intersected with newly built paths and panoramic spots, which enable access from all sides to the increasing number of tourists. It is also illuminated for visits at night.



Voda jaca i od kamena Glas o „Prolom“ vodi daleko se prolomio Veliki broj minerala u malim količinama u vodi čini ovu banju jednim od najbogatijih banjskih centara u Evropi


a istočnim padinama planine Radan, okužena netaknutom prirodom, u gornjem delu Prolomske reke ugnezdila se Prolom Banja. Predeo pun zelenila, čistog vazduha i izvora jedinstveni je dar prirode koji predstavlja svojevrsnu ekološku oazu, iz čijih dubina „kulja“ voda koja je pravo blago za čitavo telo. Prolom Banja se nalazi na nadmorskoj visini od 600 metara, što je čini jednom od najviših banja ne samo kod nas nego i u Evropi. Nadvisuju je planinski vrhovi od 1.000 do 1.400 metara, okružena je šumovitim obroncima, obiluje i nesebično svima daruje prijatnu klimu, koja povoljno deluje na organizam i jača imunitet. A poznata je Prolom Banja, i to nadaleko, po istoimenoj vodi koja se flašira. Glas o „Prolom vodi“ se daleko prolomio. Preporučuje se svakome da u toku godine popije onoliko litara ove vode koliko ima kilograma. Jer je posebno dobra za čišćenje bubrega. Prolom voda, kažu, jača je i od kamena. Nije ova lekovita voda idealna samo za bubrežna oboljenja, već i za kožna oboljenja, naročito za lečenje psorijaze. Veliki broj minerala u malim količinama čini ovu banju jednim od najbogatijih banjskih centara u Evropi. Ima više izvora vode temperature do 30 stepeni. Za lekovita svojstva vode na ovom području znalo se, tvrde mnogi izvori, još u praistorijsko doba. U moderno opremljenom hotelu „Radan“, u kome je Specijalna bolnica za rehabilitaciju, objedinjen je smeštaj, savremeni medicinski i wellness tretmani, sadržaji za rekreaciju, zabavu, izlete. Prolom vodu gosti imaju u hotelskim sobama, teče ona u svakoj sobi iz slavine, u medicinskom bloku, wellnessu, restoranu, zatvorenim i otvorenim bazenima. Lekovitost vode je za brojne indikacije: bolesti bubrega i mokraćnih puteva, hiperplazija prostate, bolesti organa za varenje, stanja posle operativnih zahvata. Takođe i za bolesti kože, poput psorijaze, perifernih krvnih sudova, reumatskih oboljenja. Banjski tretmani obuhvataju pijenje lekovite Prolom vode, hidroterapiju – kupanje u kadi, podvodna masaža, lokalne kupke, biserna kupka, bazen. Tu je i kompletna elektroterapija, kineziterapija, magnet, laseroterapija, kao i ultrazvuk i blatna terapija. Od zemljišta oko izvora prave se obloge od blata koje se koriste u lečenju kožnih bolesti. Svim gostima obezbeđena je 24časovna lekarska briga. Za rekreaciju su unutrašnji i novi spoljni bazeni sa termalnom vodom, teretana, sala za stoni tenis, bilijar, pikado, u hotelskom parku su tereni za mali fudbal i košarku, šah na otvorenom. Efekat lečenja Prolom vodom se pojačava primenom balneoloških tretmana i šetnjama po netaknutoj prirodi. U savremenom wellness centru u Prolom Banji su sva blagotvorna svojstva Prolom vode u službi uživanja. Ovde se na prirodan način otklanja stres, jača zdravlje duha i tela u sauni, đakuzi bazenu ili kadi, „bisernoj kupki“, tepidariumu. Ili nekom od brojnih masaža - eteričnim uljima, toplim vulkanskim kamenjem ili toplom čokoladom. Dijamantska mikroderm abrazija – otklanjanje finih bora, akni, ožiljaka i strija novina je koja se primenjuje ovom centru. Ovde se nudi zdravlje u izobilju. I nikome, poručuju domaćini, ne može da bude dosadno. Svako može da bira između šetnje po nekom od brojnih staza zdravlja, obilaska mnogih znamenitosti i mističnih dela prirode, do posete etno krčmi i uživanja u čuvenim specijalitetima ovog kraja i tradicionalno pripremljenim jelima – teletina i jagnjetina po sačem, hleb iz crepulje, uz Prolom HBH pivo i Prolom sokove. Ili, uz „Prolom vodu“, koja stiže sa dubine od 220 metara i bez ikakvih fizičkih i hemijskih promena se flašira.



Water stronger than stone The word about “Prolom” water broke out far and away A large number of minerals in small quantities in water make this spa one of the richest spa centres in Europe


rolom Banja nestled on the eastern slopes of Mt Radan, surrounded by intact nature in the upper part of the River Prolomska. An area full of greenery, clean air and springs is a unique gift from nature that represents an ecological oasis of its own kind. Water, a real blessing for the entire body, gushes from the depth of the oasis. Prolom Banja is situated at 600 metres above sea level, which makes it one of the highest spas not only in our country, but in Europe as well. It is towered by peaks 1,000 to 1,400 metres high, surrounded by wooded slopes and it abounds in a pleasant climate it gives unselfishly to everyone, a climate that has a favourable effect on organism and immunity strengthening. Prolom Banja is also famous far and wide for bottled water bearing the same name. The word about “Prolom” water broke out far and away. It is recommended to everyone to drink as many litres of this water a year as many kilos he/she weighs because it is particularly good for cleansing of kidneys. As they say, Prolom water is even stronger than stone. This curative water is not ideal only for kidney diseases, but for skin diseases as well, especially for treatment of psoriasis. A large number of minerals in small quantities in water make this Spa one of the richest spa centres in Europe. There are several springs of water with temperature of up to 30 degrees. Numerous sources claim that curative properties of water in this area were known back in the prehistoric era. A modernly equipped Hotel “Radan”, which houses the Special hospital for rehabilitation, has joined accommodation, modern medical and wellness treatments, recreation services, entertainment and outings. Guests have Prolom water in their hotel rooms – it flows in every room from the tap, in the medical unit, wellness, restaurant, and in indoor and outdoor swimming pools. Water is curative for numerous indications: kidney and urinary tract diseases, prostatic hyperplasia, diseases of digestive organs and post-operative conditions. It is also good for skin diseases, such as psoriasis, diseases of peripheral blood vessels and rheumatic diseases. Spa treatments include drinking of curative Prolom water, hydrotherapy – bathing in a bathtub, underwater massage, local baths, pearl bath and swimming pool. There is also a full electrotherapy, kinesitherapy, magnet and laser therapies, as well as ultrasound and mud therapy. The earth around springs is used for mud compresses in treating skin diseases. All guests are provided with 24-hour medical care. For recreation there are indoor and new outdoor swimming pools with thermal water, gym, room for table tennis, billiard, darts, while the hotel park has courts for mini-football and basketball, and chess in the open air. The effect of treatments with Prolom water is intensified with the application of balneological treatments and walks in the intact nature. The modern wellness centre in Prolom Banja has put all beneficial properties of Prolom water at the service of pleasure. Stress is eliminated here in a natural way, health of body and spirit is strengthened in a sauna, or in a Jacuzzi swimming pool or bath, pearl bath and tepidarium. Or by way of one of numerous massages with essential oils, hot volcano stone or hot chocolate. Diamond microdermabrasion – removal of fine wrinkles, acnes, scars and stretch marks – is a newly applied method in this centre. Health is offered here in abundance. And nobody, hosts say, can be bored. Everyone can choose between walks on one of numerous paths of health, visits to many sights and mystical parts of nature and going to one of ethno-taverns to enjoy famous specialties of this region and traditionally prepared meals – veal or lamb baked under iron bell, bread made under a baking lid, with Prolom HBH beer and Prolom juices, or with “Prolom water” that comes from a depth of 220 metres and is bottled without any physical or chemical changes.



Biser u devicanskoj prirodi Lekar leči, priroda izleči! - „Medicus curat, natura sanat“ Iz bazena na ski stazu i obrnuto


isoko je nad morem gotovo 700 metara, pa je tako među najvišim banjama na svetu. Zbog kvaliteta, temperature vode i položaja mnogi za Lukovsku Banju kažu da je svetski raritet. A tek koliko izvora. Ima ih čak 37, među njima su i oni vreli, koji iz dubine zemlje izbijaju vodu temperature i do 70 stepeni. I toliko su izdašni da daju i do 100 litara u sekundi. Kažu za ovu najmlađu banju da je pravi biser među banjama Srbije. Živopisni predeli, devičanska priroda, svežina i miris planinskog vazduha koji stiže s Kopaonika, podno koga je smeštena i odenuta lepotom, čine Lukovsku Banju jedinstvenom. Ovo carstvo mirisa i boja, svežeg planinskog vazduha i lekovite vode u dolini Lukovske reke, uz bistru i nemirnu Štavu, ukras je juga Srbije. Ovde svojim stopama ne možete naći mesto, a da ne čujete žubor potoka. Pejzaži koji vam pletu dugine boje oko vrata, vidikovac, crkva Sv. Đorđa kao pečurka među oblacima, ili kada se magla malo spusti kao da je crkva na nebu, vodopad “Devojačke suze” koji odvajkada izvire iz stene, opčinjavaju svakog. Ostaci kastela, tragovi vodovodnih cevi i druge iskopine ukazuju da su terme ovde koristili još stari Rimljani. Postoje dokazi da je naselje na tim prostorima postojalo u srednjovekovnoj Srbiji. Najveći procvat Banja je doživela u vreme kralja Milutina u 14. veku, kada se iz 18 rudnika uglavnom vadilo zlato. Mnoge legende vezane su za četvrtu ženu kralja Milutina, princezu Simonidu, a jedna kaže da je na mestu na kome je zbog kraljeve ljubomore često plakala, nastao vodopad “Devojačke suze”. Topla voda izuzetna je u lečenju reumatskih oboljenja, čudesna je za oči, stomak, za oporavak i jačanje imunološkog sistema. Jedan od popularnijih programa je onaj za jačanje kostiju i ublažavanje posledica izazavanih osteoporozom. Ovde su stručnjaci spojili prirodno s modernim i stvorili medicinske programe koji ubrzavaju lečenje i oporavak. Za Lukovsku Banju s pravom kažu da je porodična banja - otac bi lečio reumu, majka ženske bolesti, a deca popravljala krvnu sliku i disanje. I vazduh, koji ovde stiže sa okolnih pošumljenih planina, je lekovit - opija, leči, podmlađuje. Pravi luksuz imaćete u modernim hotelima „Kopaonik“ i u novom „Jelaku“, sa wellness centrom, savremenim terapijskim blokom, zatvorenim i otvorenim bazenima. Postala je ova banja kod Kuršumlije i pravi teniski centar, već je nadaleko znan međunarodni teniski kamp za mlade iz čitavog sveta. Zbog izuzetnih klimatskih i medicinskih uslova ovde je poslednjih godina pravo stecište sportista, rukometaša, odbojkaša i drugih. Napravljen je i idealan spoj banjskog i zimskog turizma, izgrađena je ski staza sa žičarom koju mogu da koriste banjski gosti. Nakon lečenja i kupanja u bazenu s toplom vodom pravac na stazu i skijanje. I obrnuto. Ili u šetnju jednom od čak šest staza zdravlja. Za one željne bliskih susreta sa dalekim vremenima kulture i istorije domaćini organizuju izlete u okolini, do crkava i manastira, do Prolom Banje, ili do pravog čuda prirode - Đavolje varoši. I welness je u ovoj Banji kraljevski. Svako ko poželi može da se baškari u kupatilu kralja Milutina. Nalazi se na mestu gde je od davnina bilo narodno kupatilo i koristi izvorsku vodu čija je temperatura 42 do 45 stepeni. U ovom kupatilu se sprovodi i fizioterapija, ali i kupanje lekovitom termalnom vodom sa dodatkom čička, hajdučke trave, breze i bršljana. Za relaksaciju, podmlađivanje i uživanje svih čula je podvodna masaža, biserna kupka, masaže, terapije i ulepšavanje lekovitim blatom, sauna, otvoreni bazeni, đakuzi bazen.



A pearl in the virgin nature Doctors treat, nature cures! – “Medicus curat, natura sanat” From a swimming pool to ski trails and vice versa


t is high above the sea at nearly 700 metres, thus being among the highest spas in the world. Due to quality and temperature of water and its position, many say that Lukovska Banja is a world rarity. Not to mention numerous springs. It has no less than 37, some of which are very hot that gush water of up to 70 degrees out from the depth of the Earth. And they are so abundant that they provide up to 100 litres per second. This youngest spa is thought to be a real pearl among Serbian spas. Colourful scenery, virgin nature, freshness and smell of mountain air coming from Kopaonik, at the foot of which it is located and adorned with beauty, make Lukovska Banja unique. This realm of scents and colours, fresh mountain air and healing water in the Valley of Lukovska River, together with clear and turbulent Štava, is the ornament of South Serbia. Your footsteps won’t find a place here where you wouldn’t hear the sound of stream gurgles. Landscapes that knit colours of the rainbow around your neck, a panoramic spot, Church of St George as a mushroom among the clouds – or when the fog goes down a little it seems as if the church was on the sky – and a waterfall “Devojačke suze” (Girl’s tears) that has been emerging from a rock from times immemorial, fascinate everyone. Remnants of a castle, trails of water pipeline and other excavations indicate that thermae were used here by the old Romans. There is evidence that this area was settled in the medieval Serbia. The Spa flourished most during the rule of King Milutin in the 14th century, when gold was mostly extracted from 18 mines. There are many legends related with the fourth wife of King Milutin, princess Simonida, one of them saying that in the place where she often cried because of King’s jealousy a waterfall appeared - Devojačke suze” (Girl’s tears). Hot water is exceptional in treatment of rheumatic diseases; it is miraculous for eyes, stomach, and recovery and strengthening of immune system. One of the most popular programmes is the one for bone strengthening and mitigation of consequences caused by osteoporosis. Experts joined natural and modern here creating medicinal programmes that accelerate treatment and recovery. Lukovska Banja is said to be a family spa with good reason – a father would treat his rheumatism, a mother would treat women’s diseases, and children would improve their blood test results and respiration. Air coming from the surrounding wooded mountains is also curative – it inebriates, treats and rejuvenates. You will experience a true luxury in modern hotels “Kopaonik” and the new “Jelak”, with a wellness centre, modern therapeutic unit, indoor and outdoor swimming pools. This Spa near Kuršumlija has also become a real tennis centre – the international tennis camp for youth from all over the world has already become famous far and wide. Due to exceptional climatic and medicinal conditions, this place became over the past years a meeting place of athletes, handball and volleyball players, and many others. An ideal blend of spa and winter tourism has also been made by building a ski trail with a ski lift that can be used by spa guests. So, after treatment and swimming in a hot water swimming pool you can go straight to the ski trail for some skiing or vice versa. Or you can take a walk on one of six paths of health. For those who would like to experience a close encounter with ancient times of culture and history, hosts can organise outings in the area, or a visit to churches and monasteries, to Prolom Banja or to a true natural wonder - Đavolja Varoš. Wellness in this Spa is also royal. Everyone can lounge about in King Milutin’s bath. It is situated in a place where there used to be a people’s bath since the old times and it uses spring water with the temperature 42 to 45 degrees. Physical therapy is conducted in this bath, but also bathing in curative thermal water with burdock, milfoil, birch or ivy added. And for relaxation, rejuvenation or pleasure to all senses there are an underwater massage, pearl bath, massages, therapies and beauty treatments with medicinal mud, sauna, outdoor swimming pools and Jacuzzi swimming pool.


SPA Prolom Banja


Lukovska Banja



LESKOVAC MEDVE\A Sijerinska Banja

Sijarinska Banja - Hotel Gejzer



Predeo slikan rukom prirode Put kroz zeleni region vodi do vulkanske zemlje i oaze zdravlja i kiseonika


io je poznat kao mali Mančester – grad tekstila, bio je i još je pravo carstvo paprika, dobrog roštilja. U proizvodnji raznih vrsta paprika, slatkih i ljutih, Leskovac nema sebi ravnog u svetu. Nalazi se na jugu Srbije, usred leskovačke kotline, na maloj reci Veternici, blizu njenog uvira u južnu Moravu. Poznat je po petorečju (Veternica, Jablanica, Vučjanka, Pusta Reka, Rupska reka), pojavi retkoj u svetu. Iznad njega je brdo Hisar, okružen je sa tri veštačka jezera, oko kotline su planine Kukavica, Čemernik, Radan, Babička gora, Suva planina. Jedino priroda može svojom rukom da izvaja ovakve oblike. Leskovac i čitava kotlina leži na podzemnom jezeru. Sa pet reka, sa pitomim planinama koje su carstvo sirovina – lekovito bilje, borovnice, divlje jagode, divlje kupine, sa najboljom jagodom u Evropi iz sela Stupnice, paradajzom, paprikama svežim i suvim, ovaj predeo je u pravom smislu reči region zelene energije. Istoriju leskovačkog kraja pisali su svedoci evropske civilizacije. Živeli su ovde, ratovali i ostavljali tragove Dardanci, Avari, Kelti, Rimljani i Vizantinci. Iz tih vremena pronađeni su arheološki ostaci na Hisaru iznad Leskovca, na padinama Kukavice su ostaci tvrđave poznate kao Skobaljić grad, u centru grada je stara crkva Odžaklija, Saborna crkva, uz nju kuća Bore DimitrijevićaPiksle koja je jedno vreme bila sedište turskog paše, kuća Šop Đokića stara je više od 120 godina. Mnogo je prirodnih atrakcija, a tek manifestacija - Leskovačko leto, najduža manifestacija u zemlji, zatim, Karneval, koji sadrži elemente lokalne kulture, tradicije, sportska zbivanja, kulturna dešavanja. U slavu nadaleko i naširoko poznatog leskovačkog roštilja - „leskovački voz“, „leskovačka mućkalica“, godinama već održava se Roštiljijada. Prerasla je Roštiljijada u originalni, najveći i najposećeniji festival roštilja u ovom delu Evrope, koji traje čak sedam dana. Smatra se da je Leskovac pre više od 600 godina ime dobio po biljci leska (lešnik), u vreme turske vladavine nazivan je Hisar (tvrđava), u srednjem veku nazivan je Dubočica. Ime i nadimci i danas su odlika leskovačkog kraja – uz svako lično ime ide i nadimak. Poznato je da ako ne znaš čoveku nadimak, sigurno ga po imenu u ovom gradu ne možeš ni naći. Smatra se i da nisi leskovčanin ako nemaš nadimak. Leskovčane nazivaju i paprikarima. A nadimci su originalni, kao što je specifičan i leskovački govor - najmanje polovinu onoga što čujete u gradu nećete razumeti. Sačuvao je Leskovac prepoznatljivi duh, vrcav, brz, ubojit kad treba, njegovi žitelji su puni duha i o sebi pričaju na hiljade viceva. I kad prođete kroz svu tu lepotu leskovačke kotline, kad se susretne sa baštinom, prirodnim atrakacijama, nahranite oči i stomak, put vas vodi kroz fantastične predele do krajnjeg juga Srbije, do MEDVEĐE. Najstariji pomen ovog kraja je iz srednjeg veka za vreme dinastije Nemanjića, a prvi pisani je iz knjige jednog dubrovačkog trgovca. Putopisci je u 17. veku pominju kao Medoku, za varošicu je proglašena 1921. godine ukazom kralja Aleksandra Karađorđevića. Područje je bilo naseljeno od praistorije na ovamo, o čemu svedoče brojna arheološka nalazišta. Najviše tragova su ostavili Rimljani i Vizantinci – kastel sa termama iz rimskog perioda na brdu Kaljaje, ostaci vizantijske bazilike na brdu Bamber iz doba Justinijana Drugog, u podnožju Mrkonjskog visa su ostaci naselja u kome su nađeni novčići iz doba cara Konstantina. Nalazi se na ovom prostoru i više pravoslavnih crkava iz ranovizantijskog perioda, a posebnu istorijsku, kulturnu i turističku vrednost ovog kraja predstavljaju ostaci Caričinog grada. Naročit ukras i ponos Medveđe je Sijarinska Banja, oaza zdravlja i kiseonika, čiji gejzir je deo grba opštine Medveđa.



Dragulj pod gejzirom i šumom Sa 18 izvora termalne vode nanizanih u nizu i gejzirom visokim 8 metara Banja je jedinstvena u Evropi.


rasi je božanstvena priroda, a ono što dubina zemlje ovde nedri čini Sijarinsku Banju jedinstvenom u Evropi. Na pravcu od samo 800 metara nanizano je 18 izvora mineralne vode različitog sastava, temperature i do 76 stepeni, jedna pored druge nalaze se tu topla i hladna voda. Mnogi balneolozi baš zbog vode ovu banju upoređuju sa francuskom banjom Viši. Pravi dragulj među banjama – Sijarinska Banja nalazi se u blizini izvorišta reke Jablanice, po kojoj je nazvan čitav kraj na jugu Srbije, na šumovitim obroncima planine Goljak sa jedne i Radana sa druge strane, na 530 metara nadmorske visine. Predanja kazuju da je ime dobila po seji Irini, sestri Justinijanove žene Teodore, koja je gospodarila ovim krajem. Njene lekovite vode poznavali su i koristili stari Rimljani, na izvorima su rane vidali vizantijski ratnici i srednjovekovni vitezovi, po okolnim šumama je lovio i u banji više puta boravio kralj Milan Obrenović. Vremenom se razvijala da bi danas bila atraktivno i nezaobilazno turističko odredište. Ona je i banjsko i klimatsko mesto koje pruža namernicima i slučajnim gostima odmor i rekreaciju, uživanje i zdravlje. U Sijarinsku Banju, kažu, bolesni dolaze da se izleče, zdravi da očuvaju i ojačaju svoje zdravlje. A svako ko jednom u ovu banju kroči postaje stalni gost i nadaleko širi priču o njenim čarima, lekovitosti, gostoprimljivim ljudima. Povoljna klima, netaknuta priroda, lovni potencijal, mnogi spomenici kulture, brojni lekoviti termalni izvori, ima ih čak 26, od kojih je za 18 utvrđena terapijska vrednost, čine ovu banju izuzetnom. Okružuje je vulkanska zemlja sa gustim borovim i hrastovim šumama, koje stvaraju pravu oazu kiseonika. Ovde nikada, priča se, nije bilo ni vetra, ni magle. Voda za piće (sumporovita, gvožđevita, radioaktivna), temperature od 37 stepeni, leči bolesti probavnih organa, bubrega, jetre, ginekološka oboljenja, psorijazu. Voda za kupanje, radioaktivno i sumporovito blato leče kosti, mišiće, nerve, gas - respiratorne organe. U hotelu „Gejzer“, u kome je Specijalna bolnica za rehabilitaciju istog imena, je medicinski blok sa savremenom opremom za hidroterapiju, peloid, elektro, kinezi terapiju i tople kure lekovitom vodom, zatvoreni bazen, saloni za dnevni boravak, sala za sastanke. Svim posetiocima je na raspolaganju olimpijski bazen na otvorenom, kompleks rekreaciono-rehabilitacionih bazena, veliki broj terena za male sportove. Posebna atrakcija Sijarinske Banje je gejzir. Jedini je u kontinentalnoj Evropi, nastao je pri bušenju na obali Banjske reke, kada je uz tutnjavu, sa dubine od 1.232 metra izbio vodoskok od osam metara, sa vodom od 76 stepeni. Kupanje pod njegovim kapima je pravi melem za dušu, pogled na njega u svitanje je čarobno lep. Oko gejzira je kompleks bazena. Gejzir je deo grba opštine Medveđa, kojoj Sijarinska Banja pripada, ali i zaštitni znak po kojem se svuda ova Banja prepoznaje. Mnogo je još atrakcija i znamenitosti. U blizini Banje su ostaci Caričinog grada, za koji mnogi misle da je zapravo čuveni grad Justinijana Prima. Podigao ga je poslednji rimski, a prvi vizantijski car Justinijan Prvi u VI veku. Nedaleko su Mokranjski vis i Stara banja, brojna izletišta. „Gejzirske noći“ su tradicionalna manifestacija, koja se svakog 2. avgusta završava spektakularnim masovnim venčanjem pod gejzirom. Već četvrt veka Banja je pokrovitelj slikarsko-pesničke kolonije, mnogi slikari su ovde stvorili i ostavili vredna umetnička dela. Zbog svega ovoga i Sijarinskoj Banji, tvrde meštani ali i svi gosti, vreme drugačije teče.



Area painted by nature’s hand Road through the green region leads to the volcanic land and oasis of health and oxygen


t used to be known as a Little Manchester – city of textile – and it also used to be and it still is a real kingdom of peppers and a good barbecue. Leskovac has no equal in the world when it comes to production of various kinds of peppers, sweet and hot. It is located in the South Serbia, in the middle of Leskovac Valley, on a small River Veternica, near the place where it joins the Južna Morava. It is famous for a five-river basin (Veternica, Jablanica, Vučjanka, Pusta and Rupska rivers), which is a rare phenomenon in the world. Hisar hill is above it and is surrounded by three artificial lakes, and the mountains Kukavica, Čemernik, Radan, Babička Gora and Suva Planina are around the valley. Only nature can sculpt such forms with its hands. Leskovac and the entire valley lie on an underground lake. Having five rivers and tame mountains that are a realm of resources: medicinal herbs, blueberries, wild strawberries, wild blackberries, with the best strawberry in Europe coming from the village Stupnice, tomato and fresh and dry peppers, this area is the region of green energy in every sense of the word. The history of Leskovac region was written by witnesses of the European civilisation. Dardanians, Avars, Celts, Romans and Byzantines lived, made wars and left their trails here. Archaeological remains from these times were found on the Hisar above Leskovac; remnants of a fortress known as Skobaljić Town are on the slopes of Kukavica, while in the centre of the city there are an old church Odžaklija and the Orthodox cathedral next to which is the house of Bora Dimitrijević-Piksla that was the seat of the Turkish Pasha for a while, and also the house of Šop Đokić, which is over 120 years old. There are numerous natural attractions, and even more events – Leskovac Summer, the longest event in the country, then the Carnival, which contains elements of the local culture and tradition, and other cultural and sports events. Roštiljijada (Barbecue Week) has been held for years in celebration of world-wide famous Leskovac barbecue: “leskovački voz” (Leskovac train), “leskovačka mućkalica” (Leskovac stew), etc. Roštiljijada has grown into an authentic, biggest and most visited barbecue festival in this part of Europe, which lasts for a full week. It is believed that Leskovac was named more than 600 years ago after the hazelnut tree (leska), during the Turkish rule it was called Hisar (fortress), while in the Middle Ages it was called Dubočica. Names and nicknames are still the features of Leskovac region – every first name is accompanied by a nickname. It is a known fact that if you don’t know someone’s nickname, you certainly won’t find him in this city by his name. It is also thought that you do not originate from Leskovac if you don’t have a nickname. People from Leskovac are called “paprikari” (pepper growers). And nicknames are original and specific as is the Leskovac dialect – you won’t understand at least one half of the things you hear around the city. Leskovac has preserved its unique spirit – frisky, quick, and deadly when needed – its citizens are full of spirits and they tell thousands of jokes on their own account. And once you’ve passed through all that beauty of Leskovac Valley, when you’ve seen its heritage and natural attractions and you’ve satiated your eyes and your stomach, the road will take you through fantastic sceneries until the southernmost point in Serbia, to MEDVEĐA. The oldest mentioning of this area originates from the Middle Ages and the times of Nemanjić dynasty, while the first mentioning in writing is from a book of a trader from Dubrovnik. In the 17th century travel writers mention it as Medoka, and it was declared a town in 1921 by a decision of King Aleksandar Karađorđević. This area was settled from prehistory until present, which is evidenced by numerous archaeological sites. Most trails were left by the Romans and Byzantines – a castle with thermae from the Roman period on the Hill Kaljaje, remnants of Byzantine basilica on the Hill Bamber from the times of Justinian II, at the foot of Mrkonjsko Height there are traces of a settlement where coins from the Emperor Constantine period were found. Several orthodox churches from Early Byzantine period are also situated in this region. Remnants of Caričin Grad represent a special historical, cultural and tourist value of this region. Another special ornament and pride of Medveđa is Sijarinska Banja, the oasis of health and oxygen, whose geyser forms part of the coat of arms of the Municipality of Medveđa.



A jewel under geyser and forest With 18 thermal water springs arranged in a row and a geyser 8 metres high, the Spa is unique in Europe.


t is adorned with divine nature, and what the depth of the Earth brings to the surface here makes Sijarinska Banja unique in Europe. In a stretch of just 800 metres 18 mineral water springs of different composition and temperature of up to 76 degrees are arranged in a row with hot and cold water being next to each other. Due to such water many balneologists compare this Spa with the French spa Vichy. A real jewel among the spas, Sijarinska Banja is situated near the spring of the River Jablanica, which gave name to the whole region in southern Serbia, on wooded slopes of Mt Goljak on one side and Mt Radan on the other, at 530 metres above sea level. Legends say that it was named after Seja Irina, sister of Justinian’s wife Theodora, who ruled this region. Its healing water was known to and used by the old Romans; Byzantine and medieval knights healed their wounds on these springs, while King Milan Obrenović hunted in the surrounding woods and stayed in this Spa several times. It developed over time to become today an attractive and unavoidable tourist destination. It is a spa and climatic place that offers rest and recreation, joy and health to chance travelers and its guests. They say that ill go to Sijarinska Banja to cure and healthy to preserve and strengthen their health. And who ever enters this Spa once will become its regular guest and spread the word about its charms, curative properties and hospitality of people. Favourable climate, intact nature, hunting potentials, numerous cultural monuments, and so many healing thermal springs – no less than 26, for 18 of which their therapeutic value has been determined – make this Spa exceptional. It is surrounded by volcanic land with dense pine and oak woods that create a genuine oasis of oxygen. They say that there has never been wind or fog here. Potable water (sulphurous, ferriferous, radioactive) with temperature of 37 degrees cures diseases of digestive organs, kidney and liver, gynaecological illnesses and psoriasis. Water for bathing and radioactive and sulphurous mud treat bones, muscles and nerves, while gas treats respiratory organs. The hotel “Gejzer”, where the Special hospital for rehabilitation bearing the same name is, has a medical unit with modern equipment for hydro-therapy, peloid, electro- and kinesi- therapies and hot cures with medicinal water, indoor swimming pool, living rooms and meeting rooms. Visitors also have at their disposal an outdoor Olympic swimming pool, a complex of swimming pools for relaxation and rehabilitation and numerous courts for small sports. A special attraction of Sijarinska Banja is its geyser. This single geyser in continental Europe appeared when drilling was performed on the banks of Banjska River, when a booming fountain eight metres high with water of 76 degrees burst out from a depth of 1232 metres. Bathing under its drops is a real cure for one’s soul, and looking at it in dawn is a magically beautiful sight. There is a swimming pool complex around the geyser. The geyser forms part of the coat of the arms of the municipality of Medveđa, which Sijarinska Banja belongs to, and is also a symbol the Spa is recognisable for everywhere. There are many more attractions and sights. Remnants of Caričin Grad are near the Spa; many people think that this is in fact the famous city Justiniana Prima. It was built by the last Roman and the first Byzantine emperor Justinian I in the 6th century. Mokranjski Height, Stara Banja (Old Spa) and numerous outings are also in the vicinity. “Gejzirske noći” (The nights of geyser) is a traditional event that ends on 2nd August with a spectacular mass wedding under the geyser. The Spa has been sponsoring an art and poetry colony for a quarter of a century, and many painters have created and left here valuable works of art. All these are the reasons why time passes in a different way in Sijarinska Banja, as claimed by the locals and all of its guests.




Sijarinska Banja



VRANJE Vranjska Banja

Besna kobila



Grad koji voli Coveka Krase ga divni pejzaži, planine i reke, netaknuta priroda i ljudi otvorenog srca


Vranju je, kažu, mesečina magična, poigrava se ljudskom dušom, umom. U ovom se gradu tuguje pevajući, a raduje kroz jecaj i suze. Poseban je i jedinstven, skladan spoj suprotnosti, dokaz da se tradicija može pretočiti u moderno bez rezova i ožiljaka. Susret različitih vera, kultura, običaja, ali je grad svoj. Grad sa dušom, grad stvoren da bude voljen. Pri susretu sa ovim gradom prva lekcija je upoznavanje s tradicijom. Vranje je karakterističan grad, sa posebnim mentalitetom. Njegova osobenost je bila i jeste muzika, pesma, igra, „žal za mladost“, to je grad trube, meraka. Zadržano je ponešto, ili dosta iz starih vremena, neki poseban mentalitet u ponašanju zbog koga kažu i da „u Vranje nema laganje“. Hrana je svojevrsna priča, čuveni su specijaliteti koji možda još imaju primesu nekog turcizma - samsa, mućkalica, prženica. Vranjanci su poznati kao ljudi otvorenog srca, a Vranje kao grad koji voli čoveka. Prvi pisani trag o Vranju je iz 1093. godine, ostavila ga je Ana Komnina, Grkinja carskog roda. Grad se prostire u Vranjskoj kotlini, na jugu Srbije, okružuju ga tri brda - Krstilovica, Pržar i Borino brdo, u neposrednoj blizini je planinski masiv Besna kobila (1922m), Doganica, Vardenik i druge planine. Ovo je kraj voda – reka, kroz vranjsku opštinu protiču Južna Morava, Banjštica, Korbevačka, Vrtogoška reka, Veternica, Koćurica, a u samom gradu i kroz njega teku Vranjska i Sobinska reka. Vranje je karakteristično po divnim pejzažima, po čistim prostorima, nedirnutoj prirodi, ima sve uslove za razvoj savremenog turizma. Nebu pod oblake je turistički i skijaški centar na planini Besna kobila, tu je i onaj na Aleksandrovačkom jezeru, veštačko jezero Prvonek, a svojom posebnošću izdvaja se Vranjska banja. Sam centar grada je na nadmorskoj visini od 500 metara, pa tako Vranje važi za visok grad, sa posebnim strujanjem vetrova, toplim danima i svežim noćima. Jedan je od posebnih gradova od Beograda do Soluna u kojem su se u oštrom kontekstu sudarili Istok i Zapad, Sever i Jug. Ali i moderan grad koji čuva sećanje na prošlost, običaje, spomenike, pesmu, dijalekt. U isto vreme krupnim koracima ide u budućnost. Bio je industrijsko čudo, i kažu ovde, opet će biti. Grad je Koštane - kako čuvene lepotice iz dela Bore Stankovića, tako i one koja je proizvodila cipele za mnoge evropske dame, pa Simpa, DIV-a, Francuske čitaonice i škole svetskog glasa ŠAF- dečja škola animiranog filma. Pri otkrivanju jedinstvene lepote, legendi, delića duše grada posetilac najpre saznaje da Vranje mnogi zovu „srpska Verona”. Svedok za to je Beli most, najpoznatiji most na Vranjskoj reci. Nazivaju ga most ljubavi po „vranjanskom Romeu i Juliji”. Legenda o zabranjenoj ljubavi kaže da je lepa Turkinja Ajša zavolela srpskog pastira Stojana, koga njen otac ubija. Most je podignut kao spomenik njihovoj ljubavi. Grad umetnika, tradicije i kulture obiluje i kulturnim događajima. Ističu se: festival „Stari dani” pod sloganom „Staro Vranje u novim vremenima”, „Borini dani”, književne večeri, pozorišne predstave, virtuelne izložbe, „Karanfil devojče“, izložbe cveća. I znamenitosti je mnogo - Muzej kuća Bore Stankovića, Gimnazija podignuta pre 200 godina, Gradski park, Markovo kale - tvrđava nazvana po Marku Kraljeviću, crkva Svetog Nikole. Nezaobilazan je Hamam - tursko kupatilo iz 17. veka, Saborna crkva, česma Đerenka, dva muzeja, pozorište, biblioteka, galerije, hotel „Vranje” u centru, i „Simpov” hotel na Pržaru, odakle se Vranje vidi kao na dlanu. Vranje ima svoju priču, pravi je grad za provod.



Izvori kljucaju i lece Sa mineralnom vodom koja iz izvora ključa, dostiže temperaturu 96 do 110 stepeni, Vranjska Banja je Banja broj jedan u Evropi


ranjska Banja ne samo da je jedna od najstarijih banja na Balkanu, nego je i jedinstvena u Evropi - sa najtoplijom je mineralnom vodom koja iz 11 izvora, umesto da izvire ona vri i isparava. Toliko su vode vrele da su im ravni samo gejziri na Islandu, na izvorištu dostižu temperaturu od 96 do 110 stepeni. Na jugu Srbije, na nadmorskoj visini od 380 metara, u podnožju planine Besna Kobila je Vranjska Banja sa rekom Banjšticom. Pod ovom planinom, nedaleko od banje je veličanstveno veštačko jezero Prvonek, sa impozantnom branom uz koju voda može da dostigne visinu do 93 metra. Nazivaju ga mnogi Vranjansko more, koje izrasta u pravi turistički raj. Boravile su u ovoj banji i lečile se i krunisane glave. I sada s ponosom ovde čuvaju i koriste kadu u kojoj se lečio kralj Petar I Karađorđević. Napravljna je specijalno za njega. Živela je u ovoj banji i jedna od najpoznatijih junakinja pisca Bore Stankovića - zanosna Koštana. Sumporovite i gvožđevite banjske vode lečile su bolesnike i ranjenike i pre i u doba Rimljana, Vizantinaca, Nemanjića, Turaka. Pominje se još u povelji kralja Dušana iz 14. veka. Iznad crkve sv. Ilije, na desnoj obali reke Banjštice, nalaze se tragovi srednjevekovnog grada Izoma. Tople lekovite vode Banje broj jedan u Evropi danas pomažu hiljadama onih koji pate od reumatskih i drugih tegoba. Vrela voda stiže iz velikih dubina, gotovo sa 2.000 metara, prolazi pored i kroz ležišta minerala koje rastvara, obogaćuje se njima i na izvorima dostiže i do 110 stepeni. Ovde zdarvlje dolazi iz dubina, ali i sa šumovitih visina koje čist vazduh daruju u izobilju. Vranjska Banja je svojevremeno bila koliko najlepša toliko i najposećenija banja, a organizovana zdravstvena zaštita se u njoj sprovodi još od 1878. godine. Pamti i godine kada je bila skrajnuta, gurnuta „pod jug“. U zdanju prelepe arhitekture, podignutom još davne 1888. godine, u kome je Specijalna bolnica za rehabilitaciju, sve je obnovljeno, osavremenjeno, od sala za fizikalnu medicinu sa najsavremenijim aparatima, do hirdobloka, koji je jedinstven sistem kada za individualnu hidroterapiju. Ima ih više od 30, među kojima je i čuvena kraljeva kada. Tu je i nova fitnes sala, tri bazena, restoran u kome pacijenti i gosti mogu da uživaju u specijalitetima domaće kuhinje, ili uz specijalan banjski čaj i prirodni sok. Ukras je uređen banjski park sa fontanom, sat kulom, klupama za odmor na keju kraj banjske reke, stazama za šetnju, trim stazom. U lečilištu se na najvišem stručnom nivou primenjuje hidroterapija, kinezi, magneto, laseroterapija, mikrostruje, razne vrste masaža, biserne kupke. Ponosni su što je zeolit, vađen u rudniku u samoj Vranjskoj Banji, ovde jedan od ključnih sastojaka peloida za obloge kod terapija s blatom. Vranjska Banja je svojevrsna ekološka oaza sa velikim potencijalom za balneološki turizam, atraktivna i za pripreme sportista, više je nego prijatan kutak za odmor i rekreaciju. Sačuvano je u Vranjskoj Banji, jednoj od kraljevskih banja u Srbiji, mnogo toga od starina i običaja. Posebno je uživanje biti ovde početkom juna meseca kada su „Dani karanfila“, ili pred Uskrs kad je svenarodno ritualno kupanje i veliki sabor. Ali i zimi kad tople banjske vode ugreju mnoge umorne i obolele kosti, ili kada jedinstven melos, vranjska pesma natopljena „žalom za mladost“, ugreje dušu. Eto i više nego dovoljno razloga za posetu ovoj lepotici juga.



A people loving town Graced with beautiful scenery, mountains and rivers, intact nature and open-hearted people


oonlight is magical in Vranje, they say; it plays with man’s soul, with his mind. In this town they grieve singing and rejoice with tears and moans. It is special and unique, a balanced blend of opposites, proof that tradition can be converted into modern without any cuts or scars – a place where different religions, cultures and customs meet, a town of its own. A town with soul, made to be loved. The first lesson in meeting this town is getting to know the tradition. Vranje is a distinctive town, with a special mentality. Its characteristic mark was and still is music, song, dance, “grief over youth”; it is a town of trumpet, a town of zest. Some or a lot of things from the old times have been kept, a special mentality in conduct, for which they say that there are “No lies in Vranje”. Food is a story of its own; it is famous for the specialties perhaps still tinged with Turkish flavour - samsa, mućkalica, prženica. People from Vranje are known for being open-hearted, and Vranje as a people loving town. The first written trace of Vranje dates back to 1093, and it was left by Anna Komnene, Greek of royal origin. The town spreads over the Vranjska valley, at the south of Serbia, surrounded by three hills: Krstilovica, Pržar and Borino brdo, and is in a close proximity to the mountain massif Besna kobila (1922m), Doganica, Vardenik and other mountains. This is the region of water – rivers – the Južna Morava, Banjštica, Korbevačka, Vrtogoška, Veternica and Koćurica Rivers flow through the municipality of Vranje, while Vranjska and Sobinska Rivers run through the very town. Vranje is marked with beautiful scenery, open spaces, intact nature, with all preconditions needed for development of modern tourism. High into the sky there is a tourist and ski centre on the Mountain Besna kobila, then the one on the Aleksandrovačko Lake, then the artificial lake Prvonek, and a very special and distinctive Vranjska Banja. The very centre of the town is at 500 meters above sea level – so Vranje is a high town, with a special wind streaming, warm days and cool nights. It is one of the special towns between Belgrade and Thessaloniki, where East and West, North and South collided sharply. But it is also a modern town that keeps memory of the past, customs, monuments, song, dialect, and at the same time it is taking big steps towards the future. It used to be an industrial miracle, and so shall be again, as they say there. It is the town of Koštana – both the famous beauty from Bora Stanković’s novel and the one that used to manufacture shoes for many European ladies, the town of Simpo, DIV, French reading club and the school of world fame ŠAF- children’s school for animated film. The first thing a visitor learns in discovering the unique beauty, legends and pieces of the town’s soul is that Vranje is called by many people “The Serbian Verona”. The witness of that is the White Bridge, the most famous bridge on the Vranjska River. They call it the Bridge of Love after “Romeo and Juliette from Vranje”. A legend about forbidden love talks about a beautiful Turkish girl called Aisha who fell in love with the Serbian shepherd Stojan, who was killed by her father. The bridge was built in memory of their love. The town of artists, tradition and culture also abounds in cultural events. We could single out: “Old Days” festival under the slogan “Old Vranje in New Times”, “Bora’s Days”, literary soirees, theatre plays, virtual exhibitions, “Carnation, little girl”, flower exhibitions, etc. There are many sights, too – Home-museum of Bora Stanković, Gymnasium built 200 years ago, the town park, Markovo Kale – a fortress named after the Prince Marko, Church of St. Nicolas. A visit to the Hamam, a Turkish bath from the 17th century, is a must, as well as to the Orthodox cathedral church, Đerenka drinking-fountain, two museums, theatre, library, galleries, Hotel “Vranje” in the centre and Simpo’s hotel on the hill of Pržar, from where you can see Vranje in plain view. Vranje has its own story, and is a real place to have a good time.



Boiling and healing springs With mineral water boiling from the spring, reaching the temperature between 96 and 110 degrees Celsius, Vranjska Banja is the number one spa in Europe


ranjska Banja is not only one of the oldest spas in the Balkans, but also unique in Europe – with the hottest mineral water, which does not emerge from 11 springs but boils and evaporates. The water is so hot here that only geysers from Island could match it, for it reaches the temperature between 96 and 110 degrees Celsius at the very source. In South Serbia, at 380 m above sea level, at the foot of the mountain Besna Kobila, there is Vranjska Banja with the River Banjštica. Under this mountain not far from the Spa there is a beautiful artificial lake called Prvonek, with its impressive dam that can hold water up to the height of 93 metres. Many people call it the Sea of Vranje, which is growing into a true paradise for tourists. Many crowned heads stayed and were treated in this spa. They proudly preserve and still use a bathtub where the King Peter I Karađorđević was treated. It was made especially for him. Also, one of the most famous heroines of the writer Bora Stanković used to live here - enchanting Koštana. The spa water full of sulphur and iron healed ill and wounded even before and during the period of the Romans, Byzantines, the Nemanjić Dynasty, the Turks. It was mentioned in the charter of the King Dušan back in the 14th century. Traces of a medieval town Izom can be found behind the Church of St. Elijah, on the right bank of the River Banjštica. Hot healing water of the Spa number one in Europe is helping today thousands of those suffering from rheumatism and other problems. This hot water comes from great depths – nearly 2000 meters below the surface – passing through basins of minerals it dissolves and absorbs to reach up to 110 degrees Celsius at the springs. This health comes from depths, but also from high woodlands giving out abundant amounts of fresh air. In its time, Vranjska Spa was both the most beautiful and the most visited spa, and organised health protection has been carried out here since 1878. But it also remembers the periods when it was put aside, pushed away “to the south”. The building of beautiful architecture built in the long-past 1888 where the Special hospital for rehabilitation is housed was fully reconstructed and modernised: from rooms for physical medicine equipped with the latest apparatuses to the hydro-block, a unique system of bathtubs for individual hydrotherapy. There are more than 30, including the famous royal bathtub. There is also a new fitness gym, three swimming pools, a restaurant where both patients and guests can enjoy the specialties of domestic cuisine, or a special spa tea and natural juice. The spa is adorned with the spa park with a fountain, a clock tower, benches to take a rest along the embankment of the Spa river, walking paths, trim path, etc. The sanatorium applies hydrotherapy, kinesitherapy, magnet and laser therapies, microcurrent therapy, different kinds of massage, pearl baths, all at the top professional level. They are proud of the fact that zeolite, extracted from the mine in the very Vranjska Banja, is one of the key ingredients of peloid used in mud therapies. Vranjska Banja is a unique eco-oasis with huge potentials for spa tourism, attractive also for preparations of athletes, and more than a pleasant place for rest and recreation. Lots of antiquities and customs have been preserved in Vranjska Banja, one of the royal spas in Serbia. A particular pleasure is to come here at the beginning of June for the “Days of Carnations” or before the Easter for the massive ritual bath and the big gathering, but also in winter, when hot spa water can warm up many tired and ill bones, while one of a kind folk music – Vranje songs soaked with the “grief over youth” – can warm up one’s soul. All the more reason to pay a visit to this beauty from the south.




Hotel Æeleznicar



BUJANOVAC Bujanova~ka Banja

Prohor PÄ?injski



Bujni darovi juga Ovde se gost dočekuje širom otvorenih vrata i srca. Banja - svetski raritet


ujni su darovi prirode kojima je načičkana, okićena Bujanovačka kotlina. Priroda je prema ovom kraju bila više nego blagonaklona i velikodušna – iscrtala ga je i obogatila svojim lepotama, vodama, šumama, rudnim bogatstvima, pravim turističkim vrednostima. I ljudima vrednim i širokog srca. Ovde se gost dočekuje širom otvorenih vrata i srca. I baš u takvom predelu, u centralnom delu Balkana, na jugu Srbije u Bujanovačkoj kotlini, pod okriljem planina Kozjak i Rujan, iznikao je grad Bujanovac. Nema podataka kada se prvi put pominje naselje na čijim temeljima je podignut Bujanovac, ali je poznato da su ga Sloveni naselili dok je bio u sastavu Vizantije. U njegovoj blizini vizantijski car Justinijan izgradio je više tvrđava. Narod ovog kraja bavio se stočarstvom, poljoprivredom, posebno uzgojem i kvalitetnom preradom konoplje i duvana. Bujanovački užari, kovači, lončari i druge zanatlije nadaleko su bili i ostali do danas poznati. Bujanovac je grad tradicije, kulture, raznolikog folklora, nošnji. Brojne su manifestacije kroz koje se prikazuju i neguju vekovni običaji - Svetosavska nedelja, Međunarodna smotra folklora, Vredne ruke - takmičenje u domaćoj radinosti, Zlatne ruke - takmičenje u spremanju jela. Grad je ovo mladosti i sporta koji može da se pohvali i bogatom kulturnom tradicijom. Mnogo je slikara, pesnika i drugih koji glas svog grada, glas juga i njegovih bujnih darova pronose svojim umetničkim delima širom zemlje. I dalje. Carskim drumom, kraj koga je iznikao grad kome je bujanje u samom imenu, krstarili su u prošlosti mnogi osvajači, ali i trgovci, putnici namernici. Podizane su zato u samom ovom mestu i u okolini mehane, hanovi, konaci. Još početkom 19. veka Bujanovac dobija svoju prvu kafanu po evropskom uzoru. Niču brojne kafane različitog tipa i ponuda. Zajedničko im je gostoprimstvo, što je ostala i današnja odlika. Otuda i tvrdnja, u koju se svako može uveriti, da ovde gosta dočekuju širom otvorenih vrata. Sačuvan je u ovom gradu, što se prenelo i na čitav kraj, specifičan bujanovački odnos prema kafani i muzici. Nedaleko od Bujanovca je čuveni manastir Sveti Prohor Pčinjski, u dolini reke Pčinje, okružen planinama Rujan i Kozjak. Podigao ga je vizantijski car Diogen u 11 veku, a obnovio kralj Milutin na ostacima stare crkve. Poseduje vredne freske iz 14. i 15. veka. Manastirski konak danas je mesto koje gostima pruža uživanje u prirodnim lepotama i dobrom, zdravom zalogaju. U blizini su srednjevekovna arheološka nalazišta, među njima se izdvaja nalazište Kale na obroncima planine Rujan, iz četvrtog veka pre nove ere. Među pronađenim ostacima ovog antičkog grada su luksuzne posude iz antičkih radionica, helenska grnčarija, kao i novac Filipa II i Aleksandra Velikog. Značajni su i vredni posete i viđenja mnogi hramovi, poput hrama sv. Petra i Pavla, koji potiče iz 7. veka. Bogatstvo u stoletnim hrastovim i bukovim šumama Kozjaka i Rujna, reke - Moravica, Južna Morava, Pčinja, Trnovačka reka, Krševačka i Breznička, izuzetna voda za piće, pogodna klima, zdrava sredina i nadasve zdrava hrana, odlike su ovog kraja. A na malom prostoru je i pravo bogatstvo termomineralnih izvora, od kojih se jedan „Bušotina A-2“, sa vodom temperature od 42 stepena, izuzetnog sastava i kvaliteta, koristi za lečenje, ali i za proizvodnju mineralne vode i sokova. Dragocena odlika ovog dela juga je banja koja je svetski raritet po spoju lekovitih faktora vode, blata i lekovitog gasa - Bujanovačka Banja, ili Tri banje u jednoj.



Tri banje u jednoj Prvi put u Srbiji u ovoj banji primenjuje se u lečenju prirodni gas ugljen dioksid, koji je najkvalitetniji i najčistiji na svetu. Jedinstvena „Banja u kući“


edina banja u Evropi koju zovu Tri banje u jednoj je Bujanovačka Banja. Ona je bez premca, pravi je svetski raritet. Podarila joj je zemlja iz svojih nedara, iz nevelike dubine dragocenosti kakvima retko ko u svetu može da se pohvali. Ovde, jednostavno, na sve strane iz zemlje izvire zdravlje. Lekoviti su i voda i blato i gas (ugljen-dioksid), svaki za sebe. Ili udruženi. Ponikla je ovde i jedinstvena „Banja u kući“. Takvog prirodnog fenomena, tvrde mnogi stručnjaci, nema u svetu. Samo na ovom mestu srećno su spojena tri prirodna lekovita faktora - termomineralna voda koja dostiže 42 stepena, lekovito blato vulkanskog porekla, sa 80 odsto čestica manjih od dva mikrona, koje imaju izuzetan terapijski učinak. I prirodni gas ugljen-dioksid, najčistiji na svetu. Ovo trojstvo prirodnih darova, u kombinaciji jedan sa drugim, daje izvanredne rezultate u prevenciji, lečenju i rehabilitaciji. I zato je Tri banje u jednoj drugo ime Bujanovačke Banje. Smeštena je ova Banja od davnina na krajnjem jugu Srbije, u Vranjskoj kotlini, u gornjem toku Južne Morave, na nadmorskoj visini od 400 metara. Izvor tople vode, čija temperatura dostiže 42 stepena, kao i lekovito blato postojali su i korišćeni još u rimsko doba. Predanje kaže da je mesto na izvoru Kraljeva kuća dobilo ime po srpskom kralju Milutinu, koji je ovde dolazio na odmor i koristio blagodeti ovog izvora. U tursko doba nazivana je Karaman banja (Crno blato), pa Bivol banja, lečilište kod sela Rakovca imenovano je i kao Rakovačka „divlja“ banja, pa „Banja pod vedrim nebom“. Pronosio se glas o lekovitosti, o čudesnoj banji, narod je dolazio, stari i mladi, bolesni i zdravi. Čak ih ni polomljeno staklo i bodljikava žica oko izvora, koje je u jednom periodu vlast postavila, u tome nije sprečila. Dugo je ovaj lekoviti dar prirode bio i čudesan i zapušten. Prva ispitivanja lekovitosti vode započeta su 1966. godine, tek 1975. otvorena je prva ambulanta, izgrađena su dva zatvorena bazena, a 1984. godine na Rakovačkoj ledini podignut je savremeni Zavod „Vrelo“. Kraljevsko lekarsko društvo Velike Britanije je Bujanovčku Banju svrstalo među tri najznačajnije u Evropi. Svo bogatstvo prirode – vodu, blato, gas stručnjaci ove kuće na najsavremeniji način, uz modernu opremu, veliko znanje i ljubaznost, koriste da poboljšaju zdravlje ljudi. Primenjuju ih u lečenju reumatizma, povreda, kožnih, kardiovaskularnih oboljenja, ginekoloških, neuroloških i mnogih drugih. Kada blato u mineralnoj vodi odleži šest meseci i „sazri“ meša se sa parafinom i nanosi na telo. Pacijentie takve pakete, napravljene u vidu čokoladnih tabli i nazvane „Parafango“ mogu da nose kući i da nastave sa lečenjem. Zato kažu da je ovo i banja u kući. Prvi put u Srbiji u ovoj Banji u lečenju kardiovaskularnih i poremećaja periferne cirkulacije, migrene i drugih tegoba primenjuje se prirodni gas ugljen dioksid. Bujanovački gas je toliko kvalitetan i čist da se koristi direktno iz podzemnih izvora, a daje se u vidu potkožnih injekcija i gasnih kupki. U Specijalnoj bolnici na najsavremeniji način primenjuju se: hidroterapija, peloidna, gasna terapija, elektro, kineziterapija, sauna, manuelna masaža. Za goste Banje organizuju se i izleti do svih znamenitosti u bujanovačkom kraju. Zbog svega ovoga Bujanovačka Banja je lečilište kakvog nigde nema, sem na jugu Srbije.



Luxuriant gifts of the South This is where a guest is welcomed with door and heart wide-open. The Spa – a world rarity


he Valley of Bujanovac is bristled and adorned with luxuriant gifts from nature. The nature was more than kind and generous to this region – it drew it and enriched it with beauties, waters, forests, mineral resources and true tourist values; and also with hardworking and openhearted people. A guest is welcomed here with door and heart wide-open. It is in such region in the central part of the Balkans, in south Serbian Bujanovac valley, that the town of Bujanovac emerged protected by mountains Kozjak and Rujan. There are no records about the time when the first settlement is formed, on which basis was formed the town Bujanovac. It is known, however, that Slavs settled this territory while it formed part of Byzantium. Byzantine emperor Justinian built several fortresses in its vicinity. The people of this region dealt with cattle breading and agriculture, especially with growing and quality manufacturing of hemp and tobacco. Rope makers, blacksmiths, potters and other craftsmen of Bujanovac were and still are famous far and wide. Bujanovac is the town of tradition, culture, varied folklore and folk costumes. There are numerous events that present and foster centuries-old customs: the St Sava’s Week, International Folklore Competition, Diligent Hands – competition in domestic works, Golden Hands – cooking competition, etc. This is also the town of youth and sports and can boast about rich cultural tradition. Numerous are painters, poets and others who spread the word about their town, the word about south and its luxuriant gifts through their works of art all over the country and beyond. Many conquerors, traders and even chance travellers wandered over the Imperial Road in the past, next to which emerged the town that has luxuriance contained in its very name (bujan - luxuriant). This is why many taverns, inns and lodgings were built in and around this place. At the beginning of the 19th century Bujanovac got its first tavern on the European model. Numerous taverns of different kinds and offers sprang up. Their common feature was hospitality – this feature has remained until the present day. This resulted in a claim, which everyone can confirm, that a guest is welcomed here with door wideopen. This town has preserved its specific attitude towards taverns and music spreading it out to the entire region. Saint Prohor Pčinjski Monastery is near Bujanovac, in the valley of the River Pčinja, surrounded by mountains Rujan andKozjak. It was built by the Byzantine emperor Diogenes in the 11th century, and restored by King Milutin over the remnants of the old church. It has valuable frescoes from the 14th and 15th centuries. The monastery residence is today a place that offers to its guests an opportunity to enjoy in natural beauties and a good and healthy bite. Medieval archaeological sites are nearby, among which the most important is the site Kale on the slopes of Mt Rujan from the 4th century B.C. Numerous trails were found in this ancient town including luxurious dishes from ancient workshops, Hellenic pottery and coins of Phillip II and Alexander the Great. Many other temples are also important and worth visiting and seeing, such as the temple of St Peter and Paul, which originates from the 7th century. Wealth in hundred years old oak and beech forests of Kozjak and Rujan, Rivers Moravica, Južna Morava, Pčinja, Trnovačka, Krševačka and Breznička, exceptional potable water, good climate, healthy environment and even healthier food are qualities of this area. This small area is also rich in thermal-mineral water springs, one of which is the so called “Bušotina A-2” (the Well A-2), with 42-degree water, of exquisite quality and composition, which is used for treatments and for production of mineral water and juices. A precious jewel of this part of South is a spa that is the world rarity for its mix of curative features of water, mud and gas. This is Bujanovačka Banja or Three Spas in One.



Three spas in one This is the spa where natural gas carbon dioxide, which is the cleanest and of the highest quality in the world, has been applied in treatment for the first time in Serbia. A unique “spa at home”


he only spa in Europe called “Three spas in one” is Bujanovačka Banja. It is without equal, a true rarity in the world. The Earth bestowed it from its chest, from a rather small depth, with such valuables hardly anyone in the world can boast about. To put it simply, health springs up from the ground in every corner. Water, mud and gas (carbon dioxide) are all curative, each by itself and when combined. This is also where a unique “spa at home” has emerged. Many experts claim that such natural phenomenon cannot be found anywhere else in the world. Only at this place are three natural curative factors successfully joined: thermal-mineral water that reaches a temperature of 42 degrees, medicinal mud of volcanic origin with 80% particles smaller than two microns that have exceptional therapeutic effects, and natural gas carbon dioxide, the cleanest in the world. This trinity of natural gifts combined with each other give extraordinary results in prevention, treatment and rehabilitation. This is why the other name of Bujanovačka Banja is Three Spas in One. The Spa is situated in the southernmost part of Serbia, in the upper flow of the Južna Morava in Vranje Valley, at the altitude of 400 metres. Hot water spring with the temperature of 42 degrees and curative mud existed and were used back in the Roman Age. A legend says that a place next to the spring Kraljeva kuća (King’s House) was named after the Serbian King Milutin who used to come here to relax and enjoy the benefits of this spring. During the Turks it was called Karaman spa (Black mud), then Bivol spa; this sanatorium next to the village of Rakovac was also called Rakovac’s “wild” spa, as well as the “Spa under the open sky”. The word about curative properties and the miraculous spa spread out and people started coming – young and old, ill and healthy. Not even broken glass and a barbwire around the spring, which were put at some point by the authorities, couldn’t prevent them from coming. This curative gift of nature was miraculous and neglected for a long time. The first research of curative properties of this water was initiated in 1966, the first clinic was opened in 1975 and two indoor swimming pools were built, while the modern Institute “Vrelo” was built in 1984 on the Rakovac wasteland. The Royal Society of Medicine of Great Britain placed Bujanovčka Banja among the three most significant spas in Europe. All the wealth of nature – water, mud and gas – is used by this institute’s experts following the latest trends, with modern equipment, enormous knowledge and kindness to improve people’s health. They use them in treating rheumatism, injuries, skin, cardiovascular, gynaecological, neurological and many other diseases. Mud is left in mineral water for six months and when it “matures” it is mixed with paraffin and applied to the body. Patients can take home these packages made in form of chocolate tablets and called “Parafango” to continue with their treatment. This is why they say that this is also the “spa at home”. This is the spa where natural gas carbon dioxide has been applied for the first time in Serbia in treatment of cardiovascular and peripheral circulation disorders, migraine and other problems. Gas from Bujanovac is of such quality and purity that it is used directly from the underground springs and is given in form of subcutaneous injections and gas baths. Hydrotherapy, peloid, gas, electro- and kinesi- therapies, sauna and manual massage are used in the Special Hospital in the most modern fashion. Visits to all sights in Bujanovac region are organised for the Spa guests. All this makes Bujanovačka Banja a sanatorium that cannot be found anywhere else except in South Serbia.




KANJI@A Banja Kanji`a

Gradska Kuća / City Hall



Grad tišine na reci ljubavi Dobar glas pravog mesta za odmor gradio se na bogatim izvorištima termomineralnih voda


rad tišine i zdravlja, zelena oaza i jedinstveni biser Vojvodine na severoistoku Bačke, uz desnu obalu reke Tise je varoš Kanjiža. Istoimena opština, čiji je centar varoš Kanjiža, je na samoj granici sa Republikom Mađarskom i kao granično područje ima ulogu najprometnijih vrata za ulaz i izlaz ka srednjoj Evropi preko drumskog graničnog prelaza Horgoš i rečnog graničnog prelaza u Kanjiži. Grad sa istoimenom banjom. Ili Banja sa istoimenim gradom. Kanjiža „pliva“ na termomineralnoj vodi akumuliranoj u sedimentima nekadašnjeg Panonskog mora, uzvisila se nad morem 87 metara. Na bogatim izvorištima termomineralnih voda gradio se dobar glas pravog mesta za odmor, koje na jednom mestu objedinjuje odmor, rekreaciju, zabavu i rehabilitaciju. Istorija Kanjiže stara je gotovo dva veka, a priča o turizmu ovde počinje 1913. godine kada je počeo da radi i prvi banjski centar, koji postoji i pronosi dobar glas grada i banje čitavim svetom. Po arhitekturi Kanjiža ima odlike srednjoevropskog gradića koji pleni urednošću, čistim ulicama i trgovima, veličanstvenim parkom ispred Gradske kuće u samom srcu grada. Kanjiža je sva, a posebno svojim šetalištem okrenuta reci Tisi, koju nazivaju rekom ljubavi. Pretpostavlja se da je u dubinama Tise sahranjen hunski vojskovođa Atila - „Bi božji“. Na obali je staza „Tiski cvet“ - na delu reke na kome svakog juna meseca cveta Tisa, pa izletište „Tiski cvet“, moderni nautički kamp „Tiski cvet“. Na Tisi je izgrađeno savremeno pristanište za luksuzne brodove. U ovom gradu tišine i zdravlja, u renomiranom banjskom lečilištu sa jednom od najlepštih plaža u Potisju, na obali Tise, u parkovima i drugde organizuju se brojne manifestacije. Zbivaju se one tokom čitave godine, one domaće na kojima se promovišu razne umetnosti koje svoje korene vuku s ovog tla i neba, kao i međunarodne. Događaj nad događajima je Festival cvetanja reke Tise, pa festival džeza, modernih plesova, premijere Regionalnog kreativnog ateljea „Jožef Nađ“, Kolonija književnika, festival ribolova, atletski maraton, plivački, kajakaška regata, umetničke kolonije, sportovi na vodi. Priroda čitave opštine, njen povoljan geografski položaj pružaju izvanredne mogućnosti da Kanjiža postane, tačnije, da bude grad turizma. Plaže na obali Tise, Banja, prateći ugostiteljski objekti, kafići, raznovrstan kulturni život, seoski turizam, vrednosti su kojima je obogaćen život meštana. I snaga su koja opčinjava domaće i strane turiste, goste-povratnike. Jer, Kanjiža je grad u koji se gosti vraćaju, a ovde se i bolesnici oduvek tretiraju kao gosti. U Kanjiži, sasvim je sigurno, ima šta da se vidi i da se doživi. Zato se za goste i pacijente organizuju izleti do Subotice, Palića, Ludoškog jezera, do Totovog sela bogatog ponudama seoskog turizma, do Velebita u kome turisti mogu da se upoznaju sa mađarskim i ličkim tradicionalnim nasleđem. Ili posete ergeli „Zobnatica“, Selevenskim šumama, fijakerom ili biciklom, spomen kući čuvenog kompozitora Bele Bartoka u naselju Horgoš, okolnim salašima. S pravom se tvrdi da je Kanjiža grad koji vam nedostaje.

Ljubavna igra

Sredinom juna meseca svake godine, samo na nekoliko dana i na nekoliko sati reka Tisa procveta. Na stazi „Tiski cvet“, na 150. kilometru obale reke Tise na izlazu iz Kanjiže prema Horgošu, pred smiraj dana iz dubine reke započinje neobičan ljubavni ples. Ovaj prirodni fenomen jedinstveni je događaj u svetu, osim na Tisi u severnom Banatu i Potisju, odvija se još samo u Velikoj žutoj reci u Kini. Insekt koga nazivaju „Tiski cvet“, ili Palingenia longicauda, živi tri godine kao larva u mulju reke, da bi samo tokom jednog dana izašao na površinu i poleteo. Milioni žutih insekata zaneseni ljubavnim žarom, zujanjem i šumom svojih krila dočaravaju nastanak sveta. U svom ritualu ljubavne igre se roje, razvijaju, posle nekoliko minuta polete iznad vode, da bi u kratkotrajnom ljubavnom letu produžili vrstu. I do zalaska sunca završili svoj život. Jer, suton dana im donosi kraj života i žure da ispune svoju obavezu stvaranja novog pokoljenja. Tri godine života za dan ljubavi. Posle ljubavnog leta „Tiski cvet“ pada na površinu reke, tada Tisa izgleda kao da je prekrivena hiljadama tananih cvetova.



Banja za sva vremena Kanjiža se ne može zamisliti bez Banje, jer svi koji čuju za Kanjižu odmah pomisle na Banju


ople vode Kanjiže starije su i od Panonskog mora. Bogata je ova voda mineralima, a njenu čudotvornu moć dopunjuju lekovite blatne kupke. Banja je na nultom metru nekadašnjeg Panonskog, a na 87. metru visine nad morem. Nakon godina izviranja žućkaste, tople mineralne vode iz brojnih čudotvornih bunara, koja je služila za napajanje stoke, početkom minulog veka primećeno je njeno lekovito svojstvo. U nameri da se koriste te termalne vode i da se napravi lečilište formirano je 1909. godine akcionarsko društvo, na čijem je čelu bio čuveni industrijalac Herman Grinfeld. On je i sagradio prvo banjsko lečilište. Banja je zvanično osnovana 1913. godine. I danas se u njoj čuvaju flaše sa etiketom „Voda čudotvornog bunara -Stara Kanjiža“. Otkriveni su kasnije i novi izvori termalne vode, temperature od 51 do 72 stepena, kojom se, uz nadzor lekara, leče mnoge boljke, pomaže u rehabilitaciji, prevenciji, relaksaciji. Ovde se danas leči vodom i u vodi, a koristi se i lekoviti peloid. Priča o turizmu u Kanjiži počela je osnivanjem Banje. Od tada ovde uživaju svi koji vole da se kupaju u termalnim vodama. Kanjižu biraju i oni koji vole tišinu. Jer, ovo mesto živopisne lepote pored reke Tise, s pravom nazivaju i gradom tišine. Banja počinje da funkcioniše kao centar za rehabilitaciju i rekreaciju 1976. godine, četiri godine kasnije otvoren je hotel „Aquamarin“ sa terapijskim blokom, sportskom halom, bazenima. Banja je brzo postala poznata u zemlji i inostranstvu, jer je tu stvoren savremeni zdravstveni centar sa uslugama koje prate svetske trendove - zdravstveni turizam, medicinski, wellness, kongresni, sportski. Specijalna bolnica za rehabilitaciju „Banja Kanjiža“, sa hotelima-bolnicama „Aquamarin“ i „Abella“, smeštena je u najlepšem delu Kanjiže, u Narodnom velikom parku, opremljena je najsavremenijim aparatima za fizikalnu medicinu i rehabilitaciju. Leče se ovde reumatska oboljenja, povrede koštano-zglobnog sistema, oštećenja centralnog nervnog sistema, razvijena je dečja rehabilitacija. Primenjuju se hidro, peloidna, elektro, kinezi terapija, inhalacije, akupunktura, ručna masaža. Banja crpi termomineralnu vodu iz tri bušotine, sa preko 1.000 metara dubine. Primenjuje se voda isključivo za spoljašnju upotrebu, kupanje u bazenu i kadama, za preventivu i lečenje. Peloid se upotrebljava kao pakovanje u obliku obloga, ili blatna kupka u bazenima. Banja Kanjiža je prva zdravstvena ustanova koja je uvela sistem kvaliteta po najvišim standardima, ovde je prvi put u zemlji uveden čuveni spinalni program podvodna ekstenzija kičmenog stuba, vratnog i leđnog dela. Godinama se već uspešno sprovodi onkološki skrining, savršeno radi kabinet za dijagnostiku i prevenciju osteoporoze. Vojvođanska kuhinja prilagođena je pacijentima. Ovaj zdravstveni kompleks ima dva zatvorena bazena, saunu, sportsku halu, teretanu, terene za rukomet, tenis, fudbal. Sve za vrhunsku pripremu sportista. I oni koji dolaze preventivno mogu u prelepom i luksuznom ambijentu da se opuste i na pravi način odmore. Mogu da započnu dan masažom celog tela aromatičnim uljima i solima, da plivaju u bazenu sa termalnom vodom, da igraju tenis u dvorani, da šetaju parkom, uz Tisu. Organizuju se za pacijente i goste brojni izleti po okolini. Wellness za zdrav život, sa vodom i peloidom za relaksaciju, regeneraciju, osveženje, rekreaciju, prevenciju i negu lepote početak je i ostvarenje prave fantazije. Sve to uz stručni nadzor, po svetskim standardima. Mozaik wellness i Spa vikend, različite osvežavajuće masaže, termo aroma terapija, čokomint masaža, alge-mulj maske za telo, oblikovanje tela, đakuzi, trim kabinet samo su deo svekolikog uživanja. Banja Kanjiža - zdrav način života.



Quiet town on the River of Love Good word about the right place for rest was built on rich springs of thermal-mineral water


anjiža, a town of quiet and health, a green oasis and unique pearl of Vojvodina in northeast Bačka, is on the right bank of the River Tisa. The municipality with the same name, the centre of which is the town of Kanjiža, is on the very border with the Republic of Hungary, and as a bordering area it has the role of the busiest entry and exit point of central Europe through its road border crossing Horgoš and river border crossing in Kanjiža. The town with the Spa bearing the same name. Or the Spa with the town bearing the same name. Kanjiža “is swimming” in thermal-mineral water accumulated in sediments of the ancient Pannonian Sea, raising 87 metres above the sea level. Good word about the right place for rest, which unites relaxation, recreation, fun and rehabilitation in one place, was built on rich springs of thermal-mineral water. The history of Kanjiža is nearly two centuries old, and the story about tourism began here in 1913 when the first spa centre started operating. It still operates spreading the good word about the town and the spa throughout the world. In terms of architecture Kanjiža has all characteristics of a central European town that radiates with neatness, clean streets and squares and a magnificent park in front of the Town Hall in the very heart of the town. The whole Kanjiža, especially its promenade, is turned towards the River Tisa, which is also called the River of Love. It is believed that the Hun commander Attila, Scourge of God, was buried in the depths of Tisa. On its bank there is a path called “Tiski cvet” (Tisa mayfly) in the part of the River where Tisa blooms every June; there is also a picnic area “Tiski cvet” and a modern nautical camp “Tiski cvet”. A modern pier for luxurious boats was built on the Tisa. In this town of quiet and health, in a renowned spa resort with one of the most beautiful beaches in Potisje, numerous events are organised on the banks of Tisa, in parks and elsewhere. Both national, which promote various arts that have their roots in this land and under this sky, and international take place throughout the year. The biggest event is the Tisa Blooming Festival, but there are also a jazz festival, festival of modern dances, premiers of the Regional Creative Atelier “Jožef Nađ”, Writers’ Colony, Fishing Festival, athlete and swimming marathons, kayak regatta, art colonies and water sports. Nature of the entire municipality and its favourable geographic position offer exceptional opportunities for Kanjiža to become or more exactly to be a town of tourism. Beaches on the Tisa banks, the Spa, catering facilities, cafes, rich cultural life and rural tourism are the values that enrich life of the locals. They are also the strengths that dazzle both domestic and foreign tourists and returned guests. For Kanjiža is a town guests always return to. Ill people are also always treated as guests. One thing is certain, there are lots of things to see and experience in Kanjiža. This is why there are organised tours for guests and patients to Subotica, Palić, Ludoško Lake, Totovo village that has rich offers of rural tourism and to Velebit where tourists can learn about Hungarian and Lika traditional heritage. Or they can visit a horse farm “Zobnatica”, Selevenske forests on a bike or a hackney-carriage or the house-museum of the famous composer Bela Bartok in the settlement Horgoš and the surrounding typical Vojvodina farms (salaš). You are right in saying that Kanjiža is a town you will miss.

Dance of love

Every year in mid-June the River Tisa blooms for just several days and for several hours during the day. An unusual dance of love starts at the close of the day from the depths of the river on the path “Tiski cvet” – at the 150th kilometre of the Tisa’s bank at the outskirts of Kanjiža towards Horgoš. This natural phenomenon is a unique event in the world and beside Tisa in North Banat and Potisje (Tisa Basin) it only takes place on the big Yellow River in China. An insect called “Tiski cvet” (Tisa mayfly) or Palingenia longicauda lives for three years as a larva in the river mud, just to get out on the surface during one day and fly away. Millions of yellow insects in love ecstasy evoke creation of the world with their buzzing and sound of their wings. In this ritual of love dance they swarm and spread out and fly over the water few minutes afterwards to extend their species in this short flight of love and terminate their lives before the sunset. Because of the dusk that puts an end to their lives they rush to fulfil their obligation to create a new generation – three years of life on the day of love. After their love dance the Tisa mayflies fall down on the River surface making Tisa look like it was covered by thousands of fine flowers.



Spa for all times Kanjiža cannot be imagined without its Spa for when anyone hears about Kanjiža thinks instantly about the Spa.


ot water of Kanjiža is older than the Pannonian Sea. This water is rich in minerals and its miraculous power is complemented by medicinal mud baths. The Spa is situated at the ground level of the ancient Pannonian Sea, and at the height of 87 metres above the sea level. After years of yellowish hot mineral water springing out of numerous miraculous wells, which served as water supply for cattle, its curative properties were noticed at the beginning of the past century. With the intention to use this thermal water and make a sanatorium a joint-stock company was founded in 1909 headed by a famous industrialist Hermann Grunfeld. He also built the first spa sanatorium. The Spa was officially established in 1913. It still keeps bottles with a label “water from the miraculous well - Old Kanjiža“. New springs of thermal water were discovered later. The water ranges between 51 and 72 degrees Celsius and is used to treat many diseases under the supervision of doctors; it also helps in rehabilitation, prevention and relaxation. Today treatment is carried out here using water and in water, and curative peloid is also used. The story about tourism in Kanjiži began with foundation of the Spa. Since then everybody who likes to bath in thermal water has come here to enjoy. Kanjiža is also chosen by those who like peace and quiet – this place of picturesque beauty next to the River Tisa is called the Quiet Town with all reason. The Spa started working as a centre for rehabilitation and recreation in 1976, and four years later Hotel “Aquamarin” was opened with a therapeutic block, sports hall and swimming pools. The Spa soon became famous in the country and abroad because a modern health centre was created providing services that follow the world trends – health and medical tourism, wellness, congress and sports tourism. Special hospital for rehabilitation “Banja Kanjiža”, with hotels-hospitals “Aquamarin” and “Abella”, is situated in the most beautiful part of Kanjiža – in the large National park – and is equipped with the state-of-the-art apparatuses for physical medicine and rehabilitation. Rheumatic diseases, injuries of bone and joint system and injuries of the central nervous system are treated here, and rehabilitation of children is also developed. Hydro-, peloid, electro- and kinesi- therapies are applied, as well as inhalations, acupuncture and manual massage. The Spa draws thermal-mineral water from three wells from a depth of over 1000 metres. Water is used only for external use, bathing in a swimming pool and baths, and for prevention and treatment. Peloid is used as packing in form of compresses or a mud bath in pools. Banja Kanjiža is the first health institution to introduce quality system at the highest standards, and this is where the famous spinal programme of underwater spine, neck and back extension was introduced for the first time in the country. They have been successful for years in performing oncologic screening, and their unit for diagnostics and prevention of osteoporosis has been working perfectly. Vojvodina cuisine is adjusted to the patients. This health complex has two indoor pools, a sauna, sports hall, gym and courts for handball, tennis and football – everything for top quality preparation of athletes. Those who come for prevention only can relax and rest in a proper way in a beautiful and luxurious ambient. They can start their day with a whole-body massage with essential oils and salts, swim in a swimming pool with thermal water, play tennis in the sports hall, and take a walk through the park or along the River Tisa. Numerous outings to the surrounding area are also organised for patients and guests. Wellness for healthy life, with water and peloid for relaxation, regeneration, invigoration, recreation, prevention and beauty care, is just the beginning of a real fantasy come true – all that under professional supervision and according to the world standards. Mosaic Wellness and Spa Weekend, different refreshing massages, thermal aroma therapy, choco-mint massage, algae-mud masks for body, body shaping, Jacuzzi and trim cabinet are only a part of comprehensive pleasure. Banja Kanjiža – healthy way of living.




Wellness centar Mozaik



APATIN Banja Junakovi}

Apatin marina - pristaniĹĄte



U krilu bozanskih pejzaza U zagrljaju Dunava, na levoj obali i baš na polovini njegovog toka, na 1.401. kilometru, je najseverniji srpski grad - Apatin. Obeležio je ovaj grad alasa milenijum postojanja


oda dunavska krojila je sudbinu ove varoši na severozapadu Bačke, njegov izgled, oblikovala život, razvoj. Gde je reka tu je i pravi raj za pecaroše, pa je od davnina do danas na samo pominjanje Apatina prva pomisao – ribarski čamci koji klize Dunavom i riba. Razvila se ovde gastronomska tradicija, pripremanje ribljih specijaliteta, nicali su restorani, čuvene čarde, održavaju se dugo već poznate Apatinske ribarske večeri. Naredna pomisao je - Apatinska pivara, koja datira iz 1756. godine, „Jelen“ i druga piva. I ne samo to. Za ovu varoš, koja se u istorijskim dokumentima prvi put pominje 1011. godine u darovnici mađarskog kralja Stjepana Vespremskog biskupiji, još je mnogo asocijacija – od brodova, velikih i malih, do lovišta po okolnim šumama koje nazivaju „srpska Amazonija“. Ili do obližnje banje koja je po junacima dobila ime - Junaković Banja. Apatin je od davnina poznat kao centar ribarstva, ali i kao lovno područje. Uvek i za mnoge interesantno, o čemu govori i podatak da su u prošlosti česti gosti bili krunisane glave evropskih i naših dinastija. Atrakcija je danas eko safari i posmatranje ptica, ima ih ovde više od 280 vrsta, među njima i onih veoma retkih. I mnogo divljači. U okviru božanskih pejzaža Dunava i Apatinskog rita, koji se prostire na više od 5.000 hektara, ovaj grad bogate istorije proglašen je opštinom budućnosti. Nikla je u ovom gradu alasa moderna međunarodna marina, novi pristan za velike putničke brodove. Može s pravom da se podiči da je grad prirode sa brojnim mogućnostima za aktivan odmor. I razonodu. Veliki broj fudbalskih terena, šume i putevi, staze kroz njih su idealni za džoging, pešačenje, vežbanje na spravama. Pola veka je već duga tradicija međunarodne kajak-kanu veslačke Dunavske regate čiji je domaćin Apatin, čuvena je manifestacija Majske svečanosti u Prigrevici, Smotra narodnog stvaralaštva, Lička olimpijada, Dunavski polumaraton, Romska noć. Nezaobilazne su čarde za odmor i razonodu. I za oko i divljenje u samoj varoši je Gradska kuća, Muzička škola, crkva Bogorodica, sa jednim od retkih primera drvenog kipa Crne Bogorodice ili Gospe koja u naručju drži Isusa. Izuzetna priroda, razvijen ribolov, nautički turizam, lovišta, pivara krase Apatin. I Banja Junaković, čiji je zaštitini znak kvalitet termomineralne vode. Utvrđeno je mnogim analizama da je taj kvalitet ravan onom u čuvenim svetskim banjama, u Karlovim Varima, Harkanju i Lipiku. Lekovita voda stiže i sa dubine od 700 metara, dostiže temperaturu i do 50 stepeni, pa pre upotrebe mora i da se rashlađuje. Iako su termalni izvori otkriveni još 1913. godine tek sedam decenija kasnije u rehabilitaciono-rekreativni centar primljeni su prvi pacijenti, a novi deo je izgrađen 2000. godine. I stalno se osavremenjava. Jedna od tri čuvene vojvođanske banje, najmlađa u Srbiji, Banja Junaković, koja leči i podmlađuje, pravo je mesto za odmor i uživanje. Izuzetno prirodno lečilište i sportsko-rekreativni centar naziv je dobilo, kažu mnoga svedočanstva, po porodici Junaković, koja je bila vlasnik šume uz čije obode se Banja prostire. Ili po junacima. Zahvaljujući očuvanoj prirodi koja je okružuje, osim za lečenje pogodna je i za boravak i odmor zdravih, za rekreaciju, pripremu sportista, za lovce i ribolovce.



Cari bele lepotice „Vaš deo Panonskog mora“ Kvalitet termo-mineralne vode zaštitni je znak Banje Junaković, koja je stakla epitet bele ravničarske lepotice


ik uz Dunav, nadomak Apatina, okružena bogatim bačkim poljima, na obodima stoletne hrastove šume i nad toplim podzemnim jezerima ponikla je Banja Junaković. Svojim programima rehabilitacije i lečenja, kao i onim što posetiocima, radoznalcima i turistima nudi za buđenje i uživanje svih čula, ova najmlađa banja postala je uveliko i nadaleko čuvena. Uz slogan „Vaš deo Panonskog mora“ izrasla je u istinski raj za zdravlje, miran odmor i uživanje u prirodi. Iako je tek u trećoj deceniji zvaničnog postojanja stekla već je epitet bele ravničarske lepotice. U ovom prirodnom i banjskom lečilištu, sa pravom melem termomineralnom vodom, posetioci nalaze lek za mnoge boljke. Medicinske terapije pod nadzorom stručnog osoblja obuhvataju uspešno lečenje svih vrsta reumatizma, stanja nakon preloma i ortopedskih operacija, neurološka, ginekološka oboljenja, lečenje steriliteta. Posebno je razvijen program lečenja osteoporoze, ovde se leče i mališani sa cerebralnom paralizom i deformitetima koštano-zglobnog sistema. Primenjuje se hidroterapija, kineziterapija, elektro, magnetne i laserske terapije, manuelne masaže, termoterapije ili krioterapije. Brojne su čari, ali i moć ove bele lepotice na severozapadu Vojvodine kojima ona opčinjava i osvaja posetioce. Za ljubitelje prirode, istorije, legendi na ovom prostoru je napretek lepote, priča, mesta za pravi odmor i svekoliko uživanje. Brojne legende koje se pronose svedoče i o tome da su davno u okolini živeli uskoci gusari koji su krstarili Dunavom, u borbama bili hrabri i po tim junacima je banja i nazvana Junaković. Bilo da je ime dobila po junacima ili vlasnicima šume, Banja Junaković je rajsko mesto. Pored kompleksa od 10 otvorenih bazena, gostima su na raspolaganju i četiri teniska terena, moderna osmostazna kuglana napravljena po standardima Svetske kuglaške federacije, sportski tereni, zatvoreni terapijski bazen sa termalnom vodom temperature do 36 stepeni, dve finske saune, teretana. A za mirniji odmor tu je mogućnost iznajmljivanja bicikla za obilazak interesantnih mesta u okolini, kao i čuvena staza zdravlja kroz Park šumu Junaković. Uz blagodeti koje priroda daje stručnjaci u Banji Junaković svojim znanjem, savremnom tehnologijom i veštim rukama daruju svakome gotovo nezaboravne trenutke opuštanja i odmora. U najkraćem, ovde leče i podmlađuju. Iz bogate wellness ponude posebno se izdvajaju različite vrste masaža, od podvodne do ručnih, poput anticelulit i relax masaže, zatim one sa medom ili čokoladom, pa refleksna masaža, scrub marine spa tretman, holistička i ajurvedska masaža, limfna drenaža i druge. Izuzetna pažnja posvećuje se nezi lica i tela, nedavno je uveden novi anticelulitni tretman i program protiv starenja kože ili, bolje rečeno, program za podmlađivanje. I onaj za preoblikovanje tela i to za sedam dana i bez skalpela. Naročito su popularne takozvane „gipsane bermude“ - specijalni tretman oligoelementima, koji je u suštini prirodna liposukcija. Tu je i tretman tela algama, marokanski wellness na bazi argan ulja, finske saune i mnogo toga još za pravi preporod i duše i tela. Wellness iz sna najbolji je opis jednog od najsavremenijih i najvećih wellness i spa centara koji niče u ovom delu Evrope. Poslednja je reč moderne tehnologije, toliko da će imati sve odlike „pametne kuće“, koja će Banju Junaković učiniti jednim od glavnih centara odmora, banjskog lečenja, rekreacije i relaksacije.



In the bosom of the divine landscapes In the Danube’s embrace, on the left bank and right in the middle of its flow – at 1401th kilometre, is where the most northern town in Serbia is - Apatin. The town of fishermen celebrated one millennium of existence


he Danube water has been shaping the destiny of this small town in the North-West Bačka, its looks, its life, its development. The river is a true paradise for anglers, and from ancient times until today the first thought at the very mentioning of Apatin is the thought of fish and fishing-boats gliding down the Danube. Gastronomic tradition was developed here, fish specialties prepared, and restaurants arouse – the famous “čarda”, and well-known Apatin Fishermen Nights have been organised for a long time. The next thought is Apatinska Brewery, which dates back to 1756, “Jelen” and other beers. And that is not all. There are many more associations related to this town – which was mentioned for the first time in historical documents back in 1011 in a deed of gift by the Hungarian King Stephen to the Diocese of Veszprem – from ships, big and small, to hunting grounds in the surrounding forests called “Serbian Amazonia”, or the near-by spa resort named after heroes: Junaković Banja. Since the ancient times Apatin has been known as the centre of fishing trade, but also as a hunting area. Also, it has always interested many people, which is evidenced by the fact that frequent guests in the past were the crowned heads of European and our dynasties. Today’s attraction is an eco-safari with bird observation – there are more than 280 species here, including those very rare. And a lot of game, too. Within the divine landscapes of the Danube and Apatin swamp, which covers more than 5,000 hectares, this town rich in history was declared a municipality of the future. A modern international marina was built in this town of fishermen, and a new quay for big passenger ships. This town can be proud with good reason of being a town of nature with numerous opportunities for active holiday and entertainment – a great number of football fields, forests and roads, paths ideal for jogging, walking, and workout. Half-a-century-long tradition of international Kayak – Canoe Danube Regatta is hosted by Apatin, along with the famous event “May Festival” in Prigrevica, Popular Creativity Festival, Lika Olympics, Danube Semi-Marathon, Roma night, etc. “Čardas” are an imperative for rest and entertainment. A pleasure to the eye in the town centre are the admirable Town Hall, the Music School, Church of the Mother of God, with one of the rear examples of a wooden statue of the Black Virgin or our Lady holding the baby Jesus in her arms. Apatin is adorned with exceptional nature, developed fishing and nautical tourism, hunting areas and brewery; and also Junaković Banja, famous for the quality of its thermal-mineral water. Numerous analyses show that this quality equals the one of world famous spas such as in Karlovy Vary, Harkany and Lipik. Its healing water comes from the depth of 700 metres, reaching the temperature up to 50 degrees Celsius, so it has to be cooled before use. Although thermal springs were discovered back in 1913 the first patients were not received in this rehabilitation and recreation centre until seven decades later, and a new unit was built in 2000. And it has been modernised ever since. One of the three famous spas in Vojvodina and the youngest in Serbia, Junaković Banja not only heals but it also rejuvenates and it’s the right place for leisure and rest. According to numerous testimonies, this extraordinary natural health resort and sports and recreational centre was named after the family Junaković, which owned woods surrounding the spa. Or after the heroes. Owing to the preserved nature surrounding it, this spa is suitable both for treatment and for stay and relaxation of healthy people, for recreation, preparations of athletes, for hunters and fishermen.



Charms of the white beauty “Your part of the Pannonian Sea” The quality of thermal-mineral water is the trademark of Junaković Banja, which was given an epithet of the white beauty of the plains


unaković Banja emerged right next to the Danube, near Apatin, surrounded by rich fields of Bačka, on the brims of a hundred-years old oak woods and above the worm underground lakes. With its rehabilitation and treatment programmes, as well as many other things offering to its visitors, onlookers and tourists to wake up and enjoy with all their senses, this youngest spa has become famous far and wide. With a motto “Your part of the Pannonian Sea” it has grown into a true paradise for health, peaceful holiday and enjoyment in nature. Though officially existing for only three decades, it has already gained an epithet of the white beauty of the plains. In this natural and spa health resort – a true thermal-mineral water relief with all reason – visitors can find cure for many illnesses. Medical therapies supervised by professional staff include successful treatment of all types of rheumatism, conditions after fractures and orthopaedic surgeries, neurological and gynaecological diseases, and sterility treatment. There is also a specially developed programme of osteoporosis treatment, and here is where small children with cerebral palsy and deformities of the osteoarticular system are also treated. Hydrotherapy, kinesitherapy, electro, magnet and laser therapies, manual massages, thermal therapies or cryotherapies are applied. Many are the charms and powers of this white beauty from the northwest of Vojvodina which enchant and conquer its visitors. Lovers of nature, history and legends can find here more than enough of beauty, stories and places for a true relaxation and overall pleasure. Numerous legends go round testifying about fugitive pirates who lived in this region long time ago cruising over the Danube and showing their bravery in battles, and it was after these heroes that the Spa was named Junaković. Whether it was named after the heroes or owners of the woods, Junaković Banja is indeed a heavenly place. Along with a complex with 10 outdoor swimming pools, guests also have four tennis courts at their disposal, a modern 8-lane bowling alley built following the standards of the World Bowling Federation, sports courts, an indoor therapeutic swimming pool with thermal water of up to 36ºC, two Finnish saunas, and a gym. For a more peaceful holiday you can rent a bicycle to visit interesting places in the area, or take a walk on the famous path of health through the Park-woods Junaković. With all amenities offered by the nature, professionals of Junaković Banja provide unforgettable moments of relaxation and rest with their knowledge, modern technologies and skilful hands. In short, they both heal and rejuvenate here. A rich wellness offer is especially characterised by various types of massage – underwater, manual, anti cellulite and relax massage, then the one with honey or chocolate, reflex massage, scrub marine spa treatment, holistic and ayurveda massage, lymphatic drainage and others. Special attention is paid to face and body care, so a new anti cellulite treatment and skin anti-ageing programme i.e. rejuvenation programme have been recently introduced; also a programme for body reshaping in seven days without a scalpel. The so called “Gypsum Bermuda shorts” is particularly popular – it is a special treatment with oligoelements, which is basically a natural liposuction. There are also body treatments with algae, Moroccan wellness based on argan oil, Finish saunas and many more for a true regeneration of body and soul. Wellness of your dreams is the best description of one of the most modern and biggest wellness and spa centres growing in this part of Europe. It is the state of the art technology and will have all features of a “smart house”, which will make Junaković Banja one of the major centres for rest, balneotherapy, recreation and relaxation.




Banja Junakovic



ZRENJANIN Banja Rusanda Melenci



Cari prestonice Lala Priča se da na staroj karti sveta austrougarskog porekla nije bilo ni Amerike ni Australije, ali je bilo Bečkereka, današnjeg Zrenjanina


(ne)zvaničnoj prestonici Lala, koji su čuveni lokalni tip stanovništva, ima šta i da se vidi i da se čuje. Tim pre što je Zrenjanin multinacionalna sredina, sa četiri jezika u službenoj upotrebi i više od 20 nacija, koje vekovima neguju međusobnu toleranciju i multikulturalnost. Ovo je grad reka, mostova, graditeljske baštine, grad sporta, kulture, tradicionalnih manifestacija, bogate turističke ponude, dobrog provoda, tamburaša. I grad gostoljubivih ljudi. Za prvi utisak i pun doživljaj dovoljno je da prošetate pešačkom zonom, širokom glavnom ulicom sa baštama kafea iz kojih se uvek čuje prijatna muzika. Centralno gradsko jezgro puno je primera graditeljskih remek dela koja plene svojim izgledom Gradska kuća u baroknom stilu iz 19 veka, Narodno pozorište, najstarije barokno pozorišno zdanje u zemlji, Finansijska palata - danas Muzej, Gradska biblioteka, Gimnazija, Rimokatolička katedrala sa čuvenim orguljama, Varoška crkva ili Uspenije presvete Bogorodice, najstariji zrenjaninski pravoslavni hram. Nezaobilazan je i nacionalni restoran - pivnica „Četir konja debela“. A tek mostovi, veliki i mali. Zrenjanin leži u srednjem Banatu, usred basena nekadašnjeg Panonskog mora. Izrastao je na najgušćem rečnom čvorištu u Evropi - Begej, Tamiš, Tisa, Karaš i kanalska mreža Dunav-Tisa- Dunav, na raskrsnici značajnih kopnenih i vodenih puteva. Najveći je grad u Banatu, treći u Vojvodini, šesti po veličini u Srbiji. Kroz istoriju je više puta menjao ime. Pod imenom Bečkerek prvi put se pominje 1326. godine u povelji Budimskog kapitola, 1935. godine nazvan je Petrovgrad, po kralju Petru I Karađorđeviću, a od 1946. godine je Zrenjanin, po heroju Žarku Zrenjaninu. Grad sa tri imena može se prepoznati i po horovima svetskog renomea, Narodnom muzeju i Istorijskom arhivu, vrhunskim predstavama lutkarskog pozorišta, likovnim kolonijama akvarela, po mnogim kulturnim događajima. Ali i po brojnim sportskim svetskim imenima. Jer, Zrenjanin je najsportskiji grad kod nas. Znan je i po tradicionalnim manifestacijama, međunarodnim festivalima folklora „Lala” i zabavne muzike „Sunflower”, festivalu profesionalnih pozorišta, Sremčevim danima, međunarodnom sajmu inovacija. I po najčuvenijoj manifestaciji „Dani piva”. Tradicija proizvodnje piva započeta je davne 1745. godine, pivo je poteklo u Bečkereku, proteklo kroz Petrovgrad i ulilo se u Zrenanjin, u kome se danas neguje samo tradicija ispijanja piva. Nadaju se ovde da će ga uskoro ponovo proizvoditi. Zrenjanin je bio poznat i kao „najveća fabrika hrane na Balkanu”, danas važi za jedan od najatraktivnijih gradova za investiranje u Srbiji. Proglašavan je i gradom budućnosti. S pravom Zrenjanin zovu gradom mostova. Veliki pešački most podignut je na mestu Velikog gvozdenog mosta, poznate „Ajfelove ćuprije”, najstariji most je Mali most, najmlađi je Magistralni most u Principovoj ulici, najveći je magistralni most kod SUP-a, sledi most u Zmaj Jovinoj ulici, viseći pešački most, lučni pešački most, Mužjanski most... Gradski park ili Gradska bašta je reprezentativna zelena oaza u središtu grada, sa centralnom repernom tačkom - kamenom pločom od koje se mere sva rastojanja i nadmorska visina grada na Begeju. Karađorđev park je jedinstven spomenički kompleks sa bistama 15 zaslužnih Zrenjaninaca, ukras grada su i Plankova bašta, šetalište „Park poljubaca - Čokliget”. Okolina vrvi od zanimljivih mesta i izletišta. Za ljubitelje lova tu je lovište Begej, prirodni rezervat Carska bara, koju su neki putopisci prozvali i Banatskim Amazonom, u kojoj je nastanjeno 290 vrsta ptica. Posebnu atrakciju predstavlja kaštel Ečka, zatim, brojna izletišta, kao i čuvena banja Rusanda u Melencima.



I ime joj - melem Melenačko blato iz dubine jezera među najlekovitijima je u zemlji


etko koja banja u svetu kao Rusanda u Melencima može da se podiči da joj je i ime lekovito. Živopisno banatsko selo Melenci prozvano je po melemu, što znači lek, a Rusanda – što leči rusu (ranu). Pored istoimenog jezera, slanog kao more, okružena parkom i šumama izraslim na čak 30 hektara, plodnim vinogradima, u selu Melenci iznikla je i nadaleko se pročula Banja Rusanda. Trag nekadašnjeg Panonskog mora, veliko četiri kilometra, jezero Rusanda u svom dnu „valja“ mulj i blato koje je prava blagodet za zglobove, kosti, kožu. Toliko je lekovito da je gotovo pre vek i po bilo poznato širom Evrope. Voda i blato iz dubine ovog jezera i danas se ubrajaju u najlekovitije u zemlji. Banja je deo naselja Melenci, nadomak je Zrenjanina. Među veteranima je srpskog banjskog turizma. Priče o Melencima, najvećem selu u Banatu, kazuju da je ono nastalo u 18. veku, da su Melenčani potomci buntovnih graničara Pere Segedinca. Ime sela Melenci prvi je zabeležio grof Mersi 1723. godine. O tome kako je otkriveno blato Banje Rusanda, kao i o čarobnim isceljenjima postoje brojne legende. Da li je lepa i hroma devojka Rusanda, koja je danima po blatu tražila izgubljeni verenički prsten, stvarno prva doživela blagodeti melenačkog mulja, biće i nadalje deo predanja. Hroničari, međutim, beleže da je sve počelo sredinom 18. veka kada se seoski paroh Nikola Bibić sam uverio u lekovitost jezerskog blata i vode, pa je teglu melenačkog mulja poslao u Beč na analizu. Ovu vodu i mulj ispitivali su stručnjaci Carske bečke akademije i ustanovili da po lekovitosti ne zaostaje za tada čuvenim banjama Francesbad i Marijenbad. Zahvaljujući tim analizama Rusanda je uvrštena u lečilišta prve kategorije. Banja je zvanično počela sa radom 1867. godine kao zadužbina Josifa i Ane Klaić „bolnom srpskom čoveštvu“. I tada se, kao i sada, preporučivala svima koji imaju reumatske tegobe, povrede koštano-zglobnog i mišićnog sistema, oboljenja krvnih sudova, ginekološke tegobe. Jer, ovo blato i slana voda temperature 32 stepena olakšavaju bol, usporavaju okoštavanje zglobova, koriste se u lečenju psorijaze i mnogih drugih oboljenja. Banja Rusanda doživela je procvat početkom prošlog veka, njeno blato izvoženo je i u evropske metropole. U Melencima su se u to vreme održavale brojne pozorišne predstave, a kada je Banja raspisala konkurs za banjske muzičare uslov je bio da imaju završen konzervatorijum. Zabeleženo je i da je melenačko Srpsko crkveno pevačko društvo pevalo na venčanju kralja Aleksandra Karađorđevića i kraljice Marije. Ova ravničarska banja ponos je čitavog Banata i šire. Znanjem i veštinama banjski lekari i fizioterapeuti u Specijalnoj bolnici za rehabilitaciju „Rusanda“ pronose nadaleko slavu melenačkog lekovitog blata i termomineralne vode. Pored lečenja mnogo je toga i za relaksaciju – orijentalna, relaks masaža, ili ona sa vulkanskim kamenjem, podvodna masaža, aroma terapija, sauna. Banjski kompleks smešten je u velikom parku, na obali jezera, u borovoj i lipovoj šumi, sa stazama za šetnju i rekreaciju, terenima za fudbal, tenis, male sportove. I za turiste je okolina dušu dala – dvorac Dunđerski u Bečeju, ribarsko gazdinstvo Ečka sa Carskom barom, kojoj je svetsku slavu doneo brojni ptičiji svet. Nekadašnje sedište vlastelinstva grofova Lazar, čuveni dvorac - Kaštel u Ečkoj, na čijem je otvaranju svirao muzički vunderkind 9-godišnji Franc List, sada je luksuzan hotel. A da su Melenci melem ne samo za telo nego i za dušu pokazuju to posebno u vreme seoske slave Sveta trojica, kada se odražava Svetsko prvenstvo u kuvanju paprikaša. Postala je ova turistička fešta, koja sa brojnim manifestacijama traje sedam dana, brend Banata i Banje Rusande.



Charms of the capital of Lalas It is said that an old map of the world of Austro-Hungarian origin didn’t have America or Australia, but it did have Bečkerek, today’s Zrenjanin


n the (un)official capital of Lalas – typical inhabitants of this locality – there are things to see and hear especially since Zrenjanin is a multinational community with four languages in the official use and with over 20 ethnicities that have been fostering mutual tolerance and multiculturalism for centuries. This is a city of rivers, bridges, building heritage, the city of sports, culture and traditional events, rich tourist offer, good entertainment and tamburitza players. It is also a city of hospitable people. To gain the first impression and a full experience of this city, all you need is to take a walk down the pedestrian zone – a wide main street full of café gardens from which you can always hear a pleasant music. The central core is replete with examples of impressive architectural master pieces: the City Hall in baroque style from the 19th century, the National Theatre that is the oldest baroque theatre building in the country, the Financial Palace – today a museum, the City Library, the Gymnasium, Roman catholic cathedral with its famous organ and the City Church or the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary – the oldest orthodox temple in Zrenjanin. You mustn’t miss a national restaurant – brewery “Četir konja debela”, not to mention numerous bridges, big and small. Zrenjanin is situated in central Banat, in the middle of the ancient Pannonian Sea. It grew in the densest river basin in Europe – Begej, Tamiš, Tisa and Karaš Rivers and the Danube-Tisa-Danube canal – and the crossroads of the most important continental and water ways. This is the largest city in Banat, the third largest city in Vojvodina and the sixth largest city in Serbia. It changed its name several times throughout history. It was mentioned for the first time under the name of Bečkerek in a charter of Buda capitol in 1326; in 1935 it was renamed to Petrovgrad in honour of King Petar I Karađorđević, and in 1946 to Zrenjanin in honour of hero Žarko Zrenjanin. The city with three names is also recognisable for its choirs of world reputation, the National Museum and the Historical Archives, top level puppet theatre, aquarelle art colonies and numerous cultural events. It is also famous for many sports names because Zrenjanin is the sportiest city in our country. Zrenjanin is also known for its traditional events: international festivals of folklore “Lala” and popular music “Sunflower”, festival of professional theatres, Days of Sremac, and international innovation fair and the most famous event – “Beer Days”. Beer making tradition began back in 1745. Beer started flowing in Bečkerek, flowed through Petrovgrad and into Zrenanjin where the only tradition kept until present is beer drinking. They hope to start producing it again soon. Zrenjanin is also known as the “biggest food factory at the Balkans” and today is one of the most attractive cities for investments in Serbia. It was also declared a city of the future. Zrenjanin is rightfully called the city of bridges. A big pedestrian bridge was built where the Big Iron Bridge once stood, the famous “Eiffel’s Bridge”; the oldest bridge is the Small Bridge, the youngest one is the main road bridge in Principova Street, the biggest is the main road bridge next to the police station, then there are also a bridge in Zmaj Jovina Street, a suspension pedestrian bridge, an arched pedestrian bridge, Mužjanski bridge, etc. The City Park or the City Garden is a representative green oasis in the centre of the city, with a central point of reference – a stone tablet from which all distances and the altitude of this city on the Begej River are measured. Karađorđe’s Park is a unique monumental complex with busts of 15 meritorious residents of Zrenjanin. Other city ornaments are Plankova Garden and the promenade “Park of Kisses - Čokliget”. The area is swarming with interesting places and picnic sites. For hunting lovers there is a hunting area Begej, a natural reserve Carska Bara, called by some travel writers the Amazons of Banat, which is the habitat of 290 bird species. Ečka Castle is a special attraction, and there are also numerous picnic areas and the famous spa Rusanda in Melenci.



And its name is - balm Mud in Melenci coming from the depth of a lake is among the most curative muds in the country


ardly any spa in the world could boast about having even a curative name like Rusanda in Melenci. A picturesque Banat village Melenci was named after “melem”, which means balm or cure, and Rusanda for curing rusa (wound). Banja Rusanda famous far and wide emerged next to a lake bearing the same name and salty like a sea, in the village Melenci, surrounded by a park and woods covering an area of no less than 30 hectares and fertile vineyards. Four-kilometre long lake Rusanda is a trace of the ancient Pannonian Sea and it “wallows” mud at its bottom that is beneficial for joints, bones and skin. The mud is so curative that it was well known throughout Europe nearly a century and a half ago. Water and mud from the depth of this lake are today among the most curative in the country. The Spa forms part of a settlement Melenci near Zrenjanin. It is one of the veterans of the Serbian spa tourism. Stories about Melenci, the largest village in Banat, say that it emerged in the 18th century and that its inhabitants are descendants of rebellious frontiersmen of Pera Segedinac. Name of the village Melenci was first recorded by the count Merci in 1723. There are numerous legends about the way mud of Banja Rusanda was discovered and about magical healings. Whether a beautiful and lame girl Rusanda, who looked for her engagement ring in the mud for days, was really the first who experienced beneficial effects of the mud from Melenci will remain part of these legends. Chroniclers, however, indicate that everything began in the mid-18th century when the village parish priest Nikola Bibić saw for himself the healing powers of mud and water of the lake so he sent a jar of Melenci mud to Vienna to be analysed. This water and mud were tested by experts of the Royal Vienna Academy who concluded that their healing powers didn’t lag behind the healing powers of the famous spas of the time – Francesbad and Marienbad. Thanks to these analyses Rusanda was classified among the sanatoriums of the first category. The Spa started working officially in 1867 as an endowment of Josif and Ana Klaić to the “aching Serbian people”. Back then, as well as today, it was recommended to all those with rheumatic problems, injuries of joint and bone and muscle systems, blood vessels diseases and gynaecological disorders. The reason is that both mud and salty water of 32 degrees Centigrade alleviate pains and slow down ossification of joints, and they are also used in treating psoriasis and many other diseases. Banja Rusanda flourished at the beginning of the last century and its mud was exported to European metropolises. Numerous theatre plays used to be performed in Melenci at the time, and when the Spa opened a call for spa musicians the precondition was to be a conservatory graduate. It was also recorded that the Serbian church singing society from Melenci sang at the wedding of king Aleksandar Karađorđević and queen Marija. This spa from the plains is the honour and pride of the entire Banat and beyond. Spa doctors and physical therapists of the Special hospital for rehabilitation “Rusanda” with their knowledge and skills spread the fame of curative mud and thermal mineral water from Melenci far and wide. Along with treatments there are also many things offered for relaxation: oriental, relax massage or massage with volcano stones, underwater massage, aromatherapy, sauna, etc. The spa complex is situated in a big park on the banks of the lake, surrounded by pine and linden tree forest, with paths for walking and recreation, and courts for football, tennis and small sports. The area is also made perfect for tourists: there are Dunđerski Palace in Bečej and a fishing farm Ečka with Carska Bara, which became famous in the world for the rich world of birds. A former seat of manorial estate of count Lazar – the famous palacecastle in Ečka at which opening the music child prodigy, a nine-year-old Franz Liszt played –is a luxurious hotel today. The fact that Melenci is curative both for body and soul is particularly evidenced during the village patron’s day Holy Trinity when the world championship in cooking paprikash takes place. This tourist festivity, which lasts for seven days with numerous events, has become a brand of Banat and Banja Rusanda.




Banja Rusanda - Melenci



IRIG Banja Vrdnik



Zakoracite u prirodu! „Irig je pravi raj na zemlji“ - Dositej Obradović Banja u prirodi u koju vredi zakoračiti


rig nazivaju prestonicom Fruške gore i fruškogorskim biserom. Još daleke 1757. godine srpski prosvetitelj Dositej Obradović je rekao da je „Irig pravi raj na zemlji“. Jovan Jovanović Zmaj je upravo ovde napisao svoju prvu pesmu, čarima Iriga nije odoleo ni Miloš Crnjanski, ovekovečio ga je stihovima i prozom Borislav Mihajlović Mihiz, izvanredne opise Vrdnika ostavila nam je prva srpska pesnikinja Milica Stojadinović Srpkinja. Danas je Irig, inače, najmanja opština u Vojvodini smeštena na obroncima Fruške Gore, poznata prestonica vinskog Srema, sa dugom vinarskom tradicijom. U čast pića bogova je i manifestacija „Pudarski dani“, koja svakog septembra meseca biva najznačajniji turistički događaj na ovom prostoru. Oduvek je Irig, kao i čitav Srem, bio raskršće puteva i civilizacija. Naseljavali su ga i ostavili tragove svoje kulture Kelti, Rimljani, Goti, Huni, Sloveni. Prvi put se spominje 1225. godine, a na istorijsku scenu stupa tokom 15. veka. Podižu se manastiri koji su bili nosioci pismenosti, kulture i obrazovanja. Krajem 15. i u 16. veku na obodu Fruške Gore niklo je 16 manastira, koji čine specifičnu kulturno-istorijsku celinu srpske barokne umetnosti. Zbog velikog broja manastira na jednom mestu Fruška Gora je dobila epetet „Srpski Atos“. Najznačajniji manastiri su na teritoriji Iriga. Godina 1759. bila je kobna po ovo mesto i okolinu, „iriška kuga“ odnosila je živote. Na mestu gde je zaustavljeno širenje epidemije, na putu Irig-Ruma, podignut je spomenik i to je jedan od retkih spomenika zdravstvene kulture u ovom delu Evrope. Mnogo je toga čime Irig može da se pohvali, a posebno je vredan pomena podatak da je još 1828. osnovana ovde prva biblioteka, a 1842. godine i Srpska čitaonica, najstarije čitalište kod Srba. Ima i svoj Ribarski trg, etno kuću, etno postavku Irig, tri veštačka jezera u okolini, prekrasna izletišta. Poslednjih godina u ovoj opštini, koja zauzima četvrtinu Nacionalnog parka „Fruška Gora“, turizam dobija sve značajnije mesto. A posebno se ističu manifestacije koje afirmišu turističke vrednosti ovog kraja: Pudarski dani, Dani vina, Dani bostana, Patlidžanijada, Guščijada, „Jesen stiže dunjo moja, kukuruzi već su zreli“, Vidovdanski sabor, Fruškogorski maraton. Skrivena u lepoti Fruške Gore, na njenim južnim padinama, opština Irig može da se pohvali da možda nigde kao ovde priroda i čovek nisu bili toliko izdašni. Drugi fruškogorski biser je Vrdnik, sa čuvenim termalnim izvorima. Ovo područje poznato je i kao jedno od najstarijih vinogradarskih regija Evrope. Već 1.700 godina čokoti su blago Fruške Gore, od kada je prvu lozu na njenim obroncima zasadio rimski car Probus iz drevnog Sirmijuma. Vrdnik se prvi put pominje 1315. godine kao mesto po imenu Rendek, u srednjem veku imao je varoš i tvrđavu. Ima dokaza i o postojanju rimskih temelja ovog važnog utvrđenja. Od starog srednjevekovnog grada najbolje je očuvana branič kula u obliku potkovice visine osamnaest metara. Usamljena Vrdnička kula, koja je odolela vremenu i ljudima, jedini je ostatak nekada moćnog vrdničkog grada. U Vrdniku je i manastir Vrdnik ili Ravanica. Izvori kažu da je crkva sagrađena polovinom 16. veka, u manastiru su bile smeštene i čuvane gotovo dva veka mošti kneza Lazara, kralja Milutina i cara Uroša. Imao je Vrdnik i svoj rudnik iz koga je davno pokuljala lekovita voda i nasta Banja. I to u prirodi u koju vredi zakoračiti. Jer, Vrdnik nudi odmor, zelenilo, tišinu, manastire u neposrednoj okolini, dobre kafane, još bolja vina, welness, spa sadržaje.



Zagrljaj mirisnih lipa Priroda je Vrdniku i okolini nesebično dala sve najlepše. Slogan „Zdravlje je u lepoti“ kao stvoren je za ovo mesto


a južnim obroncima šumovite Fruške Gore smeštena je banja Vrdnik. Banja je ekološka oaza sa obiljem vegetacije, okružena mirisnim lipovim šumama, bogata lekovitim vodama, čistim vazduhom punim ozona, sunčanim danima. Svrstana je i u vazdušnu banju Lepota ovog predela davno je privukla ljude. Za razvoj Vrdnika najznačajnije je bilo otkrivanje nalazišta mrkog uglja. Rudnik je otvoren 1804. godine i radio je sve do 1968. godine. Sama čarobna priroda sa svojim dragocenostima i termalna voda koja prodire u južno okno rudnika „krivi“ su što je ovde začeta i razvila se zdravstvena delatnost. Slučajno je pri radovima 1933. godine iz jedne rudničke jame pokuljala mirišljava neobična voda, temperature 32,8 stepeni. Utvrđeno je da je lekovita, da je ima u neograničenim količinama. Prvi su počeli da je koriste vrdnički rudari, izgrađeni su za njih bazeni i kupalište, a 70-ih godina prošlog veka niče ovde banjsko-rekreativni centar. Tako je počela da radi Banja Vrdnik, koju čist vazduh bez ikakvih zagađenja i sa velikom koncentracijom ozona svrstava i u vazdušnu banju. Kompleksu Specijalne bolnice za rehabilitaciju „Termal“, koji je brend vrdničke banje, priroda je nesebično dala sve najlepše. Kao i čitavom Vrdniku i Fruškoj Gori koja ga „nadvisuje“. Stoletne šume, čuveno vinogorje, brojni manastiri, blage padine obeležja su Fruške gore, na kojoj je najveća koncentracija lipove šume u Evropi. Ovde buja 1.500 biljaka, od toga 40 vrsta ima status prirodne retkosti, cveta 30 vrsta orhideja, raste 400 do sada poznatih vrsta gljiva, leprša 500 vrsta leptira, nebom plovi više od 200 vrsta ptica, među njima i orao „krstaš“. Specijalna bolnica danas ima savremeno opremljeni objekat, poznata je po uspešnom lečenju reumatizma, postreumatskih stanja, multiple skleroze, psorijaze, znana po izuzetnim programima preventive. Koriste se ovde najsavremenije metode hidrodroterapije, elektroterapije, fizikalne medicine, među prvima u zemlji počeli su da primenjuju akupunkturu kao pomoćnu metodu. Ovu drevnu veštinu učili su od kineskih stručnjaka. I bazeni su ukras i odlika „Termala“. Ima ih pet, otvoreni olimpijski bazen sa termalnom vodom od 32,8 stepeni, dečji bazen, rekreativni, terapeutski. Diči se i velelepnom modernom kongresnom dvoranom. Kako je sav okružen zelenim brežuljcima i čistim vazduhom, „Termal“ sa svojim sportskim terenima ima idealne uslove za šetnje, rekreaciju, za pripreme sportista. A kako se u ovoj kući rukovode maksimom da „lepota zdravljem zrači“ to u „Termalu“ brinu i o lepoti duha i tela. Gostima su na raspolaganju fitnes sala, finska sauna, kabineti za masažu, salon za lepotu. U Vrdniku i u „Termalu“ svako će čuti da se ovde „ponose raskošnom prirodom od Boga datom. Ljudska ruka ovde podiže i čuveni manastir Ravanicu“, da su u neposrednoj blizini kulturno istorijski spomenici, među kojima se svojom vrednošću kulturnog blaga ističe 16 fruškogorskih manastira, da imaju delove kule iz rimskog doba - znanu Vrdničku kulu, koja je prvi zapis ovdašnje civilizacije. Zato organizuju obilaske ovih znamenitosti, kao i posete čuvenim vinarijama, vinogorju, salašima, uživanje u Nacionalnom parku „Fruška Gora“, najvećoj lipovoj šumi Evrope koja u sebi gaji i više od 700 vrsta lekovitog bilja. Zbog svega ovoga slogan „Zdravlje je u lepoti“ kao stvoren je za ovo mesto koje, pored termomineralne vode i drugih lekovitih svojstava, leči i lepotom.



Step into the nature! “Irig is a true paradise on Earth” - Dositej Obradović Spa in the nature worth stepping into


rig is called the capital of Fruška Gora and the Pearl of Fruška Gora. Back in 1757 the Serbian educator Dositej Obradović said that “Irig is a true paradise on Earth”. This is where Jovan Jovanović Zmaj wrote his first poem, Miloš Crnjanski also couldn’t resist the charms of Irig, Borislav Mihajlović Mihiz eternalised it in his verses and prose, and wonderful descriptions of Vrdnik were left by the first Serbian poetess Milica Stojadinović Srpkinja. Irig is today the smallest municipality in Vojvodina, situated on the slopes of Fruška Gora and is the famous capital of Srem – land with a long winemaking tradition. In celebration of this divine drink an event is held every September – “Pudarski dani” (Days of Vineyard Guardians) – the most important tourist event in this region. Irig, as well as the entire Srem, has always been a crossing of roads and civilisations. It was settled by Celts, Romans, Goths, Huns and Slavs who left trails of their cultures here. It was mentioned in 1225 for the first time, and it stepped on the stage of history during the 15th century. Monasteries were built, which were the bearers of literacy, culture and education. At the end of the 15th and during 16th century 16 monasteries emerged on the slopes of Fruška Gora making a specific cultural and historical unity of the Serbian baroque art. Because of such a great number of monasteries in one place Fruška Gora got an epithet “Serbian Mount Athos”. The most important monasteries are in the territory of Irig. The year 1759 was fatal for this place and its surroundings – the “Irig plague” took many lives. In the place where expansion of the epidemic was stopped, on the road Irig-Ruma, a monument was placed, which is one of the rare monuments to health culture in this part of Europe. Many are the things Irig can boast about. It is important to mention that the first library was founded here in 1828, while the Serbian Reading Room, the oldest reading room of Serbs, was established in 1842. Irig also has its Fishermen Square, Ethno House, “Ethno Collection” Irig, three artificial lakes in the surroundings and magnificent picnic areas. Tourism gained over the past years a more and more important place in this municipality, which covers one fourth of the National Park “Fruška Gora”. Prominent events that promote values of this region are: Days of Vineyard Guardians, Wine Days, Melon Days, Tomato Days, Geese Days, “Autumn is coming, my quince, and corn is already ripe”, “Vidovdan’s Meeting” and “Fruška Gora Marathon”. Hidden in the beauty of Fruška Gora, on its southern slopes, the Municipality of Irig can say with pride that there may be no other place where nature and man are as generous as in Irig. Another pearl of Fruška Gora is Vrdnik with its famous thermal springs. This area is also famous for being one of the oldest wine-growing regions of Europe. Vine stocks have been the wealth of Fruška Gora for 1700 years, ever since the first stock was planted on its slopes by the Roman emperor Probus from the ancient Sirmium. Vrdnik was mentioned in 1315 for the first time as a place called Rendek. In the Middle Ages it had a town and a fortress. There is proof of the existence of Roman foundations of this important fortification. Eighteen-metre tall defence tower in form of a horseshoe is best preserved of the entire old medieval town. A lonely tower of Vrdnik resisted the time and people and it is the only remains of once powerful town of Vrdnik. Vrdnik Monastery or Ravanica is situated in Vrdnik. Sources indicate that the church was built in the mid-16th century. Relics of Prince Lazar, King Milutin and Emperor Uroš were placed and treasured in this monastery for almost two centuries. Vrdnik used to have its own mine. Curative water gushed out of it a long time ago thus creating a spa. It was in the middle of nature that is worth stepping into because of all the things Vrdnik can offer: relaxation, greenery, quiet, monasteries in close proximity, good taverns and even better wines, and wellness and spa services.



Embrace of scented linden trees Nature was very generous in giving all its beauties to Vrdnik and its surroundings. Slogan “Health lies in beauty” is made for this place


rdnik Banja is situated on the southern slopes of wooded Fruška Gora. The Spa is an ecological oasis abounding in vegetation. It is surrounded by scented linden forests and is rich in curative water and clean air full of ozone and lots of sunny days. It is also an air spa. Beauty of this area attracted people long time ago. The most important thing for development of Vrdnik was discovery of brown coal deposits. A mine was opened in 1804 and it operated until 1968. Magical nature with all its valuables and thermal water that has found its way into the south mine pit are “guilty” for initiation and development of healthcare. Unusual scented water with the temperature of 32.8 degrees was accidently found when it gushed out of one mine pit during works in 1933. It was established that water is curative and in unlimited quantities. Miners from Vrdnik were the first to start using it when swimming pools and a bath were built for them. A spa and recreation centre emerged here in 1970s. This is how Banja Vrdnik started operating. Its clean air free from any pollution with high concentration of ozone puts it in the group of air spas. Nature was unselfish in giving all the most beautiful to the complex of Special hospital for rehabilitation “Termal” – Vrdnik Banja’s brand – as well as to the entire Vrdnik and Fruška Gora towering above it. Hundreds-years old forests, famous wine-growing hills, numerous monasteries and mild slopes are features of Fruška gora, which contains the largest concentration of linden forest in Europe. 1500 plants grow here, 40 of which have the status of natural rarity, 30 kinds of orchids bloom, 400 known kinds of mushrooms grow, 500 different butterflies flutter and over 200 kinds of birds sail on the sky, including the Eastern Imperial Eagle. Today, the special hospital has a modern equipped facility and is well known for successful treatment of rheumatism, postrheumatic conditions, multiple sclerosis and psoriasis, and is also known for extraordinary prevention programmes. Latest methods of hydrotherapy, electrotherapy and physical medicine are used here. They are among the first in the country who started applying acupuncture as auxiliary method. They learned this ancient technique from the Chinese experts. “Termal” is featured and adorned with five swimming pools: outdoor Olympic swimming pool with thermal water of 32.8 degrees, a swimming pool for children, and also for recreation and therapy. It is proud of its magnificent congress hall. Since it is surrounded by green hills and clean air “Termal” with its sports courts provides ideal conditions for walking, recreation and preparation of athletes. Following the principle that “beauty radiates health” professionals in “Termal” take care of beauty of both spirit and body. Guests have a fitness room, Finish sauna, cabinets for massage and a beauty salon at their disposal. Everybody will hear in Vrdnik and “Termal” that they are proud of god-given luxuriant nature. Human hand built a famous monastery Ravanica. Cultural and historical monuments are in its close proximity – the most important among them are 16 monasteries of Fruška Gora for their cultural wealth. They also have remnants of a tower from the Roman age, the famous Tower of Vrdnik, which is also the first trail of civilisation in this area. For the reason, they organise tours to these sights, as well as visits to famous wineries, wine-growing hills, typical Vojvodina farms (salaš) and to the National Park “Fruška Gora”, the largest linden forest in Europe where more than 700 kinds of medicinal herbs grow. All these are reasons why a slogan “Health lies in beauty” is made for this place that heals not only with thermal-mineral water and other curative properties, but also with its beauty.








Izreke o prirodi • • • •

Priroda ne radi ništa uzalud - Aristotel Ni u svojim najlepšim snovima čovek nije mogao smisliti nešto lepše od prirode - Lamarten Priroda je i u najmanjim stvarima – najveća, - latinska Ako ne puštaš Sunce kroz prozor, na vrata ti ulazi lekar – narodna

Proverbs and sayings about nature • • • •

Nature does nothing in vain – Aristotle A man couldn’t think of anything as beautiful as nature even in his most beautiful dreams – Lamartine Nature is greatest even in the smallest things - Latin If you don’t let the Sun through your window, a doctor will come to your door – popular

Izreke o vodi • • • • • •

Nema jačeg pića od vode – narodna Hiljade ljudi živelo je bez ljubavi, bez vode ni jedan—V.H. Auden Tek kada je bunar prazan shvatimo koliko nam je voda važna – Bendžamin Frenklin Voda je pokretač prirode – Leonardo da Vinči Ko ne brine o vodi ne brine za bolje sutra – irska narodna Ko je gospodar svoje žeđi, gospodar je svoga zdravlja – francuska narodna

Proverbs and sayings about water • • • • • •

There is no drink as strong as water – popular Thousands have lived without love, not one without water – W.H. Auden When the well is dry, we know the worth of water – Benjamin Franklin Water is the driving force in nature – Leonardo da Vinci Who doesn’t care about water, doesn’t care about a better tomorrow – Irish popular The master of thirst is the master of own health – French popular

Izreke o prirodi • • • •

Priroda ne radi ništa uzalud - Aristotel Ni u svojim najlepšim snovima čovek nije mogao smisliti nešto lepše od prirode - Lamarten Priroda je i u najmanjim stvarima – najveća, - latinska Ako ne puštaš Sunce kroz prozor, na vrata ti ulazi lekar – narodna

Proverbs and sayings about nature • • • •

Nature does nothing in vain – Aristotle A man couldn’t think of anything as beautiful as nature even in his most beautiful dreams – Lamartine Nature is greatest even in the smallest things - Latin If you don’t let the Sun through your window, a doctor will come to your door – popular


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