My native country MACEDONIA
The map of Macedonia
Skopje is the capital of Macedonia
This is our flag and coat of arms. Macedonia also has and anthem.
The President and the Prime Minister of the Republic of Macedonia
Macedonia is The Republic. Official language is Macedonian. Macedonia is a multicultural state. In Macedonia live Macedonian, Albanian, Serbian, Turkish people etc. The curency is denar.
Macedonia has got three natural lakes: Prespa Lake Ohrid Lake Dojran Lake
• The longest river in Macedonia is Vardar.
St. Panteleymon-Ohrid St.Sofija-Ohrid Macedonia has got a lot of churches and monasteries.
Kokino-It is among the most valuable ancient observatories in the world.
Markovi Kuli-old forthress rocks,located in the central part of Macedonia, near the town Prilep.
Cultural manifestations
Galicka wedding
Bear Fest-Prilep
National food and drinks
Ohrid trout
National Basketball Team of Macedonia The fourth in Europe
National Handball Team of Macedonia The fifth in Europe
Tose Proeski is the famous and the best Macedonian Popsinger. (unfortunately he died in a traffic accident )