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UNIVERSIDAD DE PANAMA CENTRO REGIONAL UNIVERSITARIO DE VERAGUAS ESCUELA DE INGLES Integrated Skills 192B Portfolio By: Karol Kellyneth Le贸n V谩squez 9-743-905 Dr. Celso E. B贸squez B. Second Semester 2014

Table of Contents 

Course Description


Cover letter


Metacognitive Journal

Workshops run


Course Description This course seeks to implement the linguistic skills for the purpose of improving communicative competence in English, identifying grammatical structures and increase vocabulary. It also promotes the values and practices using TICs tools.

Syllabus 

Name of subject: Integrated Linguistic Skills

Code: 192 B

Year: I °

Semester: Second

Year: 2014

Credits: 3

Semester Total hours: 64 hours

Lecturer: Celso E. Bósquez B.

Cover letter

Portfolio is a compilation of all activities performed during the course, is also a selfassessment tool that certifies the knowledge acquired through classes taught by our professor Dr. Celso E. B贸squez B. using TICs.


Name: Karol Kellyneth León Vásquez

ID: 9-743-905

City: Santiago, Veraguas

University: National University of Panama

Level: I year

Courses: English intro level in the Panamerican Academy in 2009, English Course After School in 2012

Personality: Friendly, multifaceted.

Occupation: Student, musician, model, chess, voluntary and others.

hobbies: surf the internet, reading, playing chess and go out with friends.

goals: to be a professional, help people who need it and be happy.



Metacognitive Journal

First Class: Wednesd ay August 13 Friday 15 and Wednesd ay 20 Friday 22 and Wednesd ay 27

• First class, self presentation. • Explanation of the contents of the second semester.

• Oral presentation about: An Outstanding Experience. • Oral presentation about: Life Trees (Roots, Trunk and Top)

• Oral presentation, Topic: Consumerism Wednesda y September 10 and Friday 12 Friday 19 and Wednesda y 24.

Friday 26 and Wednesday october 1

(Critical consumerism, What are ads really selling?, Videos and teen culture, The culture of cellphone and its influence in people, and The culture of alcohol in our enviroment)

• Explanation on the development of workshop about shopping. • Ways to make a portfolio, types and content.

• Presentation of workshop about "Shopping“.

Workshops run Module 1

Module 2

Module 3

Evidence 1

Oral expression: An Outstanding Experience.

Oral expression: Shopping

Oral expression: Hobbies/Sport Shopping

Evidence 2

Workshop: Consumerism Reading report

Workshop: Workshop: Impromptu speech: Collaborative How to go shopping work

Evidence 3

Triptych Social Expression applied to consumerism

Triptych Social expressions with shopping

Triptych Social Expressions with shopping

Evidence 4

Mapping grammar focus: Future Tense

Movimaker Shopping

Mapping Grammar Focus: Adjectives

Evidence 5

Parallel Text Rethoric’s Objective test

Mapping Grammar Focus: Passive Voice Gerunds

Moviemaker: Hobbies and Sports

Evidence 6

Improntu speech Consumerism

Impromptu speech

Objective test

Module 4

Module 5

Module 6

Evidence 1

Oral expression: Nature and animals care, extinction animals Seasson

Oral expression: Natural desasters How to conserve nature

Reading Selection: Costum, celebrations and hollydays

Evidence 2

Collaborative work The zoo

Collaborative work: The six hat technique

Reading report ussing issuu costums, celebrations and hollydays

Evidence 3

Triptych Social Expressions with animals and nature

Triptych Social Triptych Social: expressions: Holidays As soon as, when and others

Evidence 4

PPT presentation animals and nature

Mapping: Auxiliaries

Tasting Meals from different countries

Evidence 5

Objective test: Cause and effect

MovieMaker TICS application

Mapping Grammar Focus: qualities

Evidence 6

Mapping : prepositions Present and past continous

Impromptu speech

Impromtu apeech


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