“The sun never knew how great it was until it hit the side of a building.” Louis Kahn
1 BATHOUSE 2 Hostel 3 Radnica pre Prahu 7 4 Market place v Istanbule 5 Študentský internát v Bratislave - bakalárska práca 6 Logistické centrum pre Santa Clausa 7 Námestie Emila Škodu v Plzni 8 Starobinec 9 Múzeum 10 Module house 11 Lešenie
INFO Bc. Alexandra Kvasnicovรก 1.10.1991 +421 948 388 848
VZDELANIE 2015 _______ 2013 ___ 2014 2010 ___ 2015 2002 ___ 2010 1998 ___ 2002
České vysoké učení technické v Praze, Fakulta architektúry Erasmus vo 4.ročníku na Universidade Lusíada de Lisboa, Faculdade de arquitectura e artes Slovenská Technická Univerzita v Bratislave, Fakulta architektúry (Bc.) Gymnázium Golianova 68, Nitra Základná škola Nedbalova, Nitra
SKÚSENOSTI 2016 2015 2014 2013 ___ 2014
Účasť na workshope HELLO WOOD, realizácia projektu BATHOUSE Stáž v ateliéri In Antis, Nitra, Slovensko Stáž v ateliéri 2021 ARCHITEKTI, Bratislava, Slovensko Stáž v ateliéri GUT GUT, Bratislava, Slovensko
SÚŤAŽE 2015 2015 2014 2014 2013 2012 2012
Účasť v súťaži CTRL + SPACE MARKET, Istanbul, Turecko Účasť v súťaži 120hours 2.miesto v súťaži na NÁMESTIE EMILA ŠKODU V PLZNI s ateliérom 2021 architekti Účasť v súťaži RUUKKI LOGISTICKÉ CENTRUM PRE SANTA CLAUSA, Oulu, Fínsko Účasť v súťaži SÚČASNÝ SLOVENSKÝ RODINNÝ DOM 1.miesto s projektom ZÁKLADNÁ ŠKOLA v kategórii občianskych budov ARCH RE:FRESH 3.miesto s projektom ZÁKLADNÁ ŠKOLA v súťaži Vplyv nových technológií na tvorbu architektonických diel
JAZYKY *** * *
Anglický jazyk Nemecký jazyk Portugalský jazyk
PROGRAMY AutoCAD, Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator, Adobe InDesign, CorelDRAW, Sketch up, Vray, Rhino RELAX kresba, fotografia, knihy, cestovanie, yoga ...
BATHOUSE HELLO WOOD PROJECT VILLAGE Maďarsko FORA architects Joao Ruivo (PT) leto_2016
Hostel Emauzy, Praha Ateliér Novotný, Koňata, Zmek ČVUT FA 4.ročník 8 semester 2015_2016
Radnica pre Prahu 7 Vltavská, Praha prof. Ing. akad. arch. Alena Šramková Ing. arch. Jan Jakub Tesař ČVUT FA 4.ročník 7 semester 2015_2016
Kde bolo tam bolo, za riekou Vltavou pri Hládkovom moste sa rozprestieral nevyužitý pozemok. Naprieč ním sa tiahla cesta a pod ňou vznikali temné zákutia, kde sa zhromažďovali bezprízorní ľudia. Zároveň Praha 7 hľadala miesto pre ich novú radnicu a mestský úrad, keďže ich kapacity už nestačili. Pozemok na Vltavskej bol vybraný hlavne preto, aby rozprúdil diskusiu o plánovanej výstavbe Bubnov. Všetci sa domnievali, že takýto krôčik môže dať podnet aj väčším dianiam v Sedmičke. Okrem toho jeho poloha bola veľmi špecifická, tak povediac hodná významnej stavby. Predstavy boli rôzne, spočiatku neisté a nekompaktné, ale aj to prospelo k progresu a presvedčeniu, že jednoduchá, kompaktná hmota najlepšie vyjadrí dôstojnosť a silu, vlastnosti ktoré by mala radnica a mestský úrad mať. Na koniec bola vybratá figura kocky s dimenziou 32m. Okrem toho, že kompozične ideálne pasovala k okolitej zástavbe, dokázala aj naplniť požadované kapac- ity objektu. Vonkajšia prísnosť sa stala opakom hravého interiéru.
IdeovĂ˝ model
Formรกt 2000x1000mm
Formรกt 2000x1000mm
Market place ctrl + space súťaž Trhovisko v Istanbule spolupráca Philipp Hildebrandt jún 2015
ISTANBUL mesto vládlo počas
1 4 16
ríšam storočí
Študentský internát bakalárska práca Bratislava, Slovensko Ing. arch. František Kalesný, PhD. Slovenská Technická Univerzita 4.ročník 9 semester 2014_2015
Vzťah slnečnej energie ovplyvňoval architektúru ešte pred našim letopočtom, už vtedy si človek uvedomoval aké benefity nám dokáže poskytnúť správne riešenie objemov, orientácií. Slnečná energia je veľmi nevyhnutnou súčasťou našich životov a bez nej by nik z nás neexistoval. Bohužiaľ od dôb masívnych nárastov sídiel sa na tento fragment trocha zabudlo. Práve preto som zvolila túto cestu. Celkové architektonické riešenie je značne ovplyvnené orientáciou slnečných strán. Obytné priestory sa dostali na juhovýchodné a juhozápadné priečelia a v átriu tak vymenili pavlač, ktorá je naopak nasmerovaná na severnú stranu. Tento ťah nám umožnilo tzv. vycentrovanie komunikácie, ktoré je jedným z najdôležitejších krokov mojej
Logistické centrum pre Santa Clausa súťaž Ruukki Oulu, Fínsko november 2014
SANTA CLAUS cestuje okolo celého sveta žije v zamrznutej krajine vyžaduje ekonomické skladovanie
Námestie Emila Škodu 2.miesto súťaž spolupráca 2021 architekti + Miroslav Styk september 2014
Starobinec Fatima, Portugalsko Jorge Mealha Maria Joao Soares Universidade Lusíada de Lisboa 4.ročník 8 semester 2013_2014
Main building with reception has strict shape what reflects also contents as clinic and administration. it is very simple, organized and clear. and it is showing patients stability and trust. Round pavillion is designed for time together as eating or activities together. circle as a shape means harmony, warm, relax and understanding. also it is opened all around so people are basically welcome. All rooms has quality orientation on south or west. they have also privacy, but on the other hand common space orientated to the middle space of pavillions. Chapel is last building. the idea was to make it shown but also somehow hidden. there is straight walk to the chapel, a bit to the slope. it can remain walking to some monuments, as they are higher and surrounded by nothing or just by nature. this walk leads through the forest. they will find
Múzeum Crato, Portugalsko Jorge Mealha Maria Joao Soares Universidade Lusíada de Lisboa 4.ročník 8 semester 2013_2014
When I first started to sketch, my idea was definitelly about not big mass, maybe volume with gaps. Reason was that location and whole neighbourhood is really random, mostly small houses and castle with new hotel on the side. And I did not want to destroy or hide this national heritage. I was thinking about connecting it somehow. It was long way, I have to say. Well as I mentiones, I made not so visual connection for pedestrians maybe, but I copied volume of hotel and I placed it on the same guide lines. Next task was to divide it from inside. For sure I wanted to design space in space with many many views from inside or outside. So I was trying to find THAT structure. Right one. Which will match, not disturb, make views, connect, etc.
Suddenly it came. I made structure made out of many blockstones. While in the middle of them we can walk, we can have outside exhibition, or we can just enjoy space. Yes, but making something so simple, on the other way is really hard, but I was trying so much, that it came also. So whole museum will be one level down and that cubes will make bigger highness and also space will have higher value. In my last steps I was fighting with disposition. I had doubts if I should make walking race as skeleton with ribs, or as a round. But I decided round because of more reasons. For instance we have always new way in front of us, so it is much more interesting to discover. I was also really thinking about independence, because there is placed bar, which I would like to use also when museum will be closed. So exhibition area can be closed. I made independent entarances too, so I do not see any problem.
Module house Lesy, Portugalsko Jorge Mealha Maria Joao Soares Universidade Lusíada de Lisboa Erasmus 4.ročník 7 semester 2013_2014
Cube in cube
Lešenie Lisabon, Portugalsko Jorge Mealha Maria Joao Soares Universidade Lusíada de Lisboa Erasmus 4.ročník 7 semester 2013_2014
This project is situated in old part of Lisbon called Alfama, place for me is really interesting, because if offers us many values. First think which came to my mind was „to make the place more interesting“, but I think Im not the only one, with this sentence. This sentence have been inspiring me whole project. I was wondering how can I make something different, something for everybody, not only for workers. I did not want to hide the church and make it accesible only for one group of people. And on the other hand I would like to make something really subtile, simple and flexible. Once the idea came.My construction consists of module cubes 3x3x3, that are located in the raster 6x11 and than raised up to 4 floors. Than I moved some cubes in the mid-level, what provided me option to make vertical segregation. Main idea is to enable 1 construction for 2 different kinds of worlds. One is for worker, who are going to renovate the church, second is for everybody. Word „everybody“ include tourists, people who are walking around, etc. Construction is segregated by using levels and mid-levels. Which are connected with stairs and isolated with different height and net. It makes different parts of construction, that can be used variously.