Historical look book

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PERIOD: Ming Dynasty (1368-1644)

image 1: commoner women image 2: peasent men images 3 & 4: emporers IMAGES


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Detail clothing expression as a result of influences lower class: The Nong was consisted of peasents. Generally women and man wore natual colored robes. no detailing was added to their robe. Women also wore layered robes with a a combination layered top either tucked or worn loose. Men wore a black head cap and women wore their hair in up-dos. middle class: The Gong and Shang were the merchant status people. The clothing for women in the Ming Dynasty consisted mainly of gowns, coats, rosy capes, over-dresses with or without sleeves, and skirts. These styles were the same as ones first seen in the Tang and Song Dynasties. The formal dress for commoners could only be made of coarse purple cloth, and no gold embroidery was allowed. Gowns could only be in light colors like purple, green and pink; no crimson, redish blue or yellow can be used. upper class: The upperclass including the emporers wore more colors, and jewels. thats is what separated them from everyone else.

ADDITIONAL DETAILS: The beauty stantards in that time for women were very high. Footbinding was very popular to show womens beauty and wealth. Pale faces with distinct browswas considered extremely pleasing as well.

REFERENCE LINKS: http://imgarcade.com/1/ming-dynasty-peasant-clothing/ http://totallyhistory.com/ming-dynasty-clothing/ pinterest.com

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PERIOD: Roman empire (27 BC-410 AD)

image 1: slaves and freedmen image 2: Plebeians image 3: Patricians IMAGES



Detail clothing expression as a result of influences lower class: This class was mainly the slaves or freedmen. The clothing was very simple and contained no symbols or marking to show status. The colors were always neutral tones and the dress was more of a rape than a toga. middle class: This class had the nobels, the farmers, or the shop owners. The middle class is wear we start to see togas and colors. Reds and yellows were very popular. Women wore long tunics with chal-like coverings. upper class: This class was all about color and bling. Rulers didnt hold back on the gold, silver, and elaborate embroidered tapestries that were used as togas and rapes. Togas were made from wooll and the shoes were made from leather peices. women wore pastel or white tunics with beautiful bright colored wrapes.

ADDITIONAL DETAILS: The toga was allowed to be worn only by free Roman citizens. Foreigners, or even exiled citizens, could not appear in public wearing a toga. If in the early days the toga was worn directly on the naked body, then later a simple tunic was added, tied at the waist with a belt. REFERENCE LINKS: https://sites.google.com/site/ancientromedavid14/home/class-structure http://imgarcade.com/1/ancient-roman-clothing pinterest.com

Religion: Jainism

Image 1: temple sculpture Image 2: child of the religion images: 3-5 nuns and munks of jain IMAGES



Detail clothing expression as a result of influences Women: Female mendicants of all sects wear white robes. Nuns are not considered to be the female equivalent of monks because they are not permitted to be nude. Digambara nuns wear two items of clothing at most while their Śvetāmbara counterparts use up to four. nuns wear white robes. Men: monks also wore white or had the option of nudity. Clothing depends to some degree on rank and status. Both nuns and monks wear a white face cloth over their mouth to sybolize purity. Nudity is a symbol of perfect detachment from everything, whether material possession or moral defilement. Partly in recognition that living naked is difficult, not all Digambara mendicants go nude. Full monks – munis – among the Digambaras go without clothing, while novices and juniors wear garments. Since nudity is associated with a high state of spirituality, lower-ranking monks among the Digambaras wear more clothes. Śvetāmbara monks wear three garments.

ADDITIONAL DETAILS The religious Ahisma hand symbol with a wheel on the palm symbolizes the Jain Vow of Ahimsa, meaning non-violence. The word in the middle is "Ahimsa." The wheel represents the dharmacakra, to halt the cycle of reincarnation through the pursuit of truth. REFERENCE LINKS: http://www.therichest.com/rich-list/most-shocking/10-of-the-strangest-religious-rituals-aroundthe-world/ http://www.jainworld.com/education/juniors/junles05.htm https://theatuljain.wordpress.com/2016/08/29/myths-of-jainism-demystifying-jainism-for-alayman/ http://www.vam.ac.uk/users/node?page=1129

Religion: Hinduism image 1: hindu women image 2: hindu men image 3: traditional dress attire for women image 4: hindu monk IMAGES



Detail clothing expression as a result of influences women: Hindu women in India most commonly wear a sari. This is a piece of brightly colored material that is pleated around the waist to cover the legs. An underskirt is worn beneath it. A short blouse is worn on top, and the end of the sari is draped over the shoulder on top of this. This leaves the midriff bare. Hindu women wear a colored spot on their forehead as a sign of their marital status and are very proud of this. men: Hindu men generally wear western clothes. The older generation may compromise by wearing normal trousers and a long tunic top over them. The traditional outfit is very similar to this; the tunic is a jacket with buttons down the front and collar, and the trousers are generally quite loose.

ADDITIONAL DETAILS: A bindi is a red dot worn on the center of the forehead, commonly by Hindu women. The word Bindu dates back to the hymn of creation known as Nasadiya Sukta in Rig Veda Bindu is considered the point at which creation begins and may become unity. Traditionally, the red spot that is worn by married women was marked on a bride's forehead by the groom with his own blood, as a symbol of the bond between them. Widows and some unmarried women may wear a black bhindi. Young and unmarried women usually wear a bhindi that matches the colour of their outfit. For special occasions, the usual simple make-up dot is supplemented by a jewelled stick-on mark. REFERENCE LINKS: https://tse1.mm.bing.net/th?&id=OIP.Mccdce231c5f7e959887f7453ae6c3b37H0&w=225&h=300&c=0&pid=1.9&rs =0&p=0&r=0 www.pinterest.com https://tse1.mm.bing.net/th?&id=OIP.M4994adcbe6f8c4e6fa03f2d77a525c42H2&w=214&h=300&c=0&pid=1.9&rs

Religion: Scientology

image 1: scientology in clearwater image 2: basic work outfit image 3: sea org uniforms IMAGES



Detail clothing expression as a result of influences The casual church uniform for both men and women is all black pants with an all black shirt with a badge. There is also the option of men wearing a white button doen with blcak pants and a black tie and women wearing the same except with a black skirt. Scientologist also wear sea org uniforms. for men thats clack slakes with the uniform coat and hat, same for women except with a skirt.

ADDITIONAL DETAILS Both men and women are expected to be in a professional attire while visiting the church.

REFERENCE LINKS: https://tse1.mm.bing.net/th?&id=OIP.M2e0fe31e2ed6ba9b393b12fcc1bb2024o2&w=243&h =300&c=0&pid=1.9&rs=0&p=0&r=0

Religion: Jehovahs Witness

image 1: women in skirts image 2: dress appropriate image 3: suit appropriate IMAGES



Detail clothing expression as a result of influences women: no pants becausemen are expected to look masculine and women feminine. Women typically wear dresses with sleeves or skirts past the knee with a sweater. Men: men wear dess pants. Typically they are expected to wear suits, dress shirts, dressy shoes, and ties

ADDITIONAL DETAILS overly casual clothing is considered inappropriate. Jehovahs witnesses can't wear blue jeans, sweats, shorts, and running shoes. They should not own a cross. They wouldnever wear halloween castumes or christmasthemed clothes because they do not celebrate those holidays. REFERENCE LINKS: https://tse1.mm.bing.net/th?&id=OIP.M93a31ee14ff91d49fc938a9a42d8da50H0&w=300&h=161&c=0 &pid=1.9&rs=0&p=0&r=0 http://smh.com.au/victoria/getting-to-know-jehovahs-witnesses-as-the-melbourne-conventionapproaches-20141016-116b9u.html

Movement: Veganism Image 1: http://gscafe.com/clothing/about-vegan-friendly-clothing/ (vegan campaign tee) image 2: http://vickiliciousknits.blogspot.com/2008/05/natural-dyeing.html Image 3: http://pinterest.com/pin/250935010460686593



Detail clothing expression as a result of influences: Vegans believe that the harming of animals is unnessesary, beacause of that they wear natural fibers. Vegan do not wear leather because everthing that they do or have has not contributed to any animal killing. Vegans also dont wear wool. although you could argue that the sheep doesn't die the reasonings vegans are vegans also includes animal exploitation.

ADDITIONAL DETAILS: Veganism is the practice of staying away from the use of animal products, particularly in diet. The Vegan Society may have been established 70 years ago but veganism has been around much longer. Evidence of people choosing to avoid animal products can be traced back over 2,000 years.

REFERENCE LINKS: https://www.vegansociety.com/about-us/history

Movement: Anonymous

Images http://worldnews.nbcnews.com/_news/2013/11/05/21322048anonymous-million-mask-march-protests-corruptioncorporations?lite;



Detail clothing expression as a result of influences : Anonymous members can be distinguished in public by the wearing of Guy Fawkes masks in the style portrayed in the graphic novel and film V for Vendetta.

ADDITIONAL DETAILS: Anonymous is a loosely associated international network of activist and hacktivist entities. A website nominally associated with the group describes it as "an Internet gathering" with "a very loose and decentralized command structure that operates on ideas rather than directives". The group became known for a series of well-publicized publicity stunts and REFERENCE LINKS: https://www.thenation.com/article/truth-aboutanonymouss-activism/

Movement: Chicano Civil Rights: The Brown Berets (1960s)

image 1: chicanos and chicanas image 2 : poster from protest image 3 and 4: dress for men and women IMAGES



Detail clothing expression as a result of influences During the chicano civil rights movement their was typically two types of clothing youwould see. The first type would be whatthe revolutionary group called the brown berets wore which was a military inspired look where men wore pants and the military coat while women wore skirts onther than that both men and women wore brown berets. The broen beret symbolizednot only power to the hispanics but as simply as it sound their confidence in their culture.

ADDITIONAL DETAILS The Brown Berets are a pro-Chicano organization that emerged during the Chicano Movement in the late 1960s and remains active to the present day. The group was seen as part of the Third Movement for Liberation. The Brown Berets' movements largely revolved around farm worker’s struggles, educational reform, and anti-war activism; they have also organized against police brutality.

REFERENCE LINKS: http://nationalbrownberets.com/TrainingandDiscipline123.html http://www.forumbiodiversity.com/showthread.php/30665-Chicanos/page9

Part 3- Womens Liberation(1960-1970s)

images 1-3: womens riots




Detail clothing expression as a result of influences women dressed for themselves and the era they were in. short dresses to go with the 60s 70s era. Women also wore jeans or pants because that was the time that style was popular.

ADDITIONAL DETAILS The women's liberation movement was a loose agreement of women and feminist thinking that emerged in the United States, United Kingdom, and other developed countries during the late 1960s and persisted throughout the 1970s.

REFERENCE LINKS: https://tse1.mm.bing.net/th?&id=OIP.M071821ab1e02a82772d325af fcb6bf24o0&w=268&h=208&c=0&pid=1.9&rs=0&p=0&r=0. https://sites.google.com/site/womenssrightss/movement-in-the1960s

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