DSGN 197 senior project
PROCESS NOTEBOOK san jose state university spring 2017 alexa tridente-bruns
BA Senior Project 4 | Process Notebook
BA Senior Project 4 | Process Notebook
2 project 3 project 1
leveraging life intentions into
building awareness
organizational intentions
. notes, thumbnails,
. final design
. analysis
. notes, thumbnails, concepts . final design
class intentions
. analysis
21 resume & business card
project 2
25 gallery exhibit
discovering the relationship between design and human experience
. notes, thumbnails,
. final design
. analysis
BA Senior Project 4 | Process Notebook
BA Senior Project 4 | Process Notebook
4 building awareness
visual storytelling
design an orihon style folding booklet visualizing the unique personality and character of your interview partner and their relationship to nature, specifically around water. collect information (see questions below) about him/her in order to interpret and transform the research into a compelling design using storytelling, poetry, quotes, lyrics etc
emphasis will be placed upon original concept development and the exploration of diverse processes, techniques and methods. (photography, screen printing, xerography‌) you will be expected to experiment and explore, thereby expanding on your visualizing skills.
1st spread inside front cover
right page
right page
3rd spread
2nd spread left page
left page
right page
left page
inside back cover
BA Senior Project 4 | Process Notebook
5 notes, thumbnails, concepts
questions to be answered 1. tell me a memorable experience around water from your life. 2. what is your relationship to nature? 3. what is your favorite ocean animal? 4. what is your favorite color? 5. what is your favorite landscape? 6. what makes you feel connected with the world? 7. what are you passionate about? 8. who is your favorite writer/poet/songwriter/designer? Why? 9. what does flow mean to you? 10. how is water meaningful in your life?
middle, right answers written in response to the questions.
BA Senior Project 4 | Process Notebook
BA Senior Project 4 | Process Notebook
7 analysis
what worked well
what didn’t work
what you learned
i believe i translated my knowledge of my friend, Alex Maldonado into a design that translates his thoughts and feeling about his hobbies and water. i wanted to have a simple design because Alex is a simple guy who loves to surround himself with the beach, the forest and mountains, and exploration. i found song lyrics from some of his favorite songs and they fit perfectly on the back. my design is a progression of who he is and a simple reflection of his favorite hobbies.
overall, i am please with how my project came out. if i had more time i would have loved to put more detail-oriented sketches into my final piece. i also had some difficulty printing and would have tried to print again.
i learned a lot about my friend Alex, who i have known for almost 4 years now. i previously knew a lot about him, however, when asking him specific question i learned much more. Alex is a cool, calm and collected friend of mine, who loves the ocean, mountains and simply being one within nature. with this project, i learned how to take my knowledge, thoughts and feelings of a person and create art. i wanted my project to 100% reflect who he is and what he loves. i learned how to translate design from a person’s thoughts, feelings and hobbies.
BA Senior Project 4 | Process Notebook
BA Senior Project 4 | Process Notebook
BA Senior Project 4 | Process Notebook
10 discovering the relationship between design and human experience problem statement
creative work reaches deep into our intuitive and unconscious minds, into our hearts and feelings. the sea change design process helped to define your calling and its embedded meaning.
visualize a highly abstract idea that sources from your growing awareness of the deeper aspects of yourself, in your own personal voice by exploring design elements, typography and diverse processes:
now you will examine the ways in which this abstract idea can be interpreted and represented in visual form, offering clarity, embedded meaning and understanding to the viewer.
eg drawing, photography, xerography, abstraction, typography, collage, textures, sculpture, different types of materials: paper, fabric, vellum, cardboard, metal, wood, foil…
stay away from literal translation and use metaphors and story telling for your design.
22”x 28” MINIMUM final size; 4cp 1st level of information: your calling (you can add your embedded meaning) 2nd level of information: calendar (keep it to less than 1/4 of the format)
emphasis will be placed upon original concept development and the exploration of diverse processes, techniques and methods. you will be expected to experiment and explore, thereby expanding on your visualizing skills.
BA Senior Project 4 | Process Notebook
11 notes, thumbnails, concepts
middle, right defining moments, calling intention, and with embedded meaning. these worksheets from the Sea Change workshop helped form what would become my calling intention and the main focus for project 2.
BA Senior Project 4 | Process Notebook
BA Senior Project 4 | Process Notebook
analysis what worked well
what didn’t work
what you learned
overall, i like the way my final project turned out. i used a pattern effective and efficiently and explored a range of colors that addressed calendar well. i like my calendar aspect because it is small, simple and complimentary to the pattern.
i would have liked to have been able to play around with the text more. my calling intention unfortunately, type wise did not compliment the arrangement i put it in. i wish it could have fit better on the poster and with more time i would have looked at my calling intention again or looked into finding a more successful arrangement to go with.
i learned about how to make typography flow within a pattern. i also enjoyed the lecture our class had on the different patterns. i had a lot of fun with this project because i love creating bold statements of color.
BA Senior Project 4 | Process Notebook
14 2018
right final outcome for project 2.
BA Senior Project 4 | Process Notebook
BA Senior Project 4 | Process Notebook
16 leveraging your callings into organizational intentions problem statement Entrepreneurship and branding—PURPOSE, IDENTITY, WEB APPEARANCE & ARTIFACT
goal you will be organized into groups of 3–4 students with similar callings. design an intention for a fictitious non-profit organization that engages in the field of water: . water literacy . water & politics / management / social justice / gender equality . water & culture / consciousness / appreciation . water & art / imagination / mastery use the following resources: www.onewater.org www.treeswaterpeople.org waterandspirituality.org www.amnh.org worldtoiletday.org www.unwater.org www.undp.org wallacejnichols.org www.stwr.org
deliverable your group will design . name and intention . visual identity . online appearance . one artifact of your organization, eg: poster campaign, sculpture, product, animation, exhibit, etc . ripple story 11x17 booklet wire bound with the following pages: 1.) creative brief 2.) brandmark (see template) 3.) area of isolation 4.) homepage 5.) artifact 6.) ripple story (see template)
BA Senior Project 4 | Process Notebook
OSMO Ripple Story
top left my team’s collage of inspiration of our organization’s calling intetnion. bottom left ripple story option. top right artifact creation process bottom right logo options ideas BA Senior Project 4 | Process Notebook
The Osmo artifact is the bus that will act as transportation and a learninge environment for children attending the Osmo program. The bus is submarine shaped, and runs on hydrogen.
The Osmo program will take children to the beach so they can engage in water activities such as surfing and exploring while learning about the importance of the ocean.
Behaviors/Being: The age range for children attending this program will range from 6-12 years of age.
The Osmo team will consist of counselors trained to interact and teach young children, as well as cerified surf and watersport instructors.
World Society:
The program will only be open for children living in the bay area and the program itself will take place in the beaches in and around Santa Cruz, CA.
The outcome of this program is for the children to achieve oneness with not only the ocean but to gain an understanding of the world they live in.
analysis what worked well
what didn’t work
what you learned
my team and i worked strongly together by dividing and conquering this project. our communication was strong and it truly helped the process go smoothly and successfully. we each had our own strength that contributed well as a team. we were respect of one another and allowed creativity to constantly flow. i’m very proud of my team!
not much didn’t work. i think my group and i would have liked to explored our website more and possibly create other mediums for interaction.
with group project, it is a continuous learning opportunity. i learned how to work within a group and still contribute successfully. i learned to respect each other’s ideas, thought, processes, while accepting that as designers we all have our own styles. i had so much fun with my team creating something i was passionate about and learned how to combine my passion of design with creating something positive for the community. BA Senior Project 4 | Process Notebook
left final pages 1-4 BA Senior Project 4 | Process Notebook
right final pages 5-8
BA Senior Project 4 | Process Notebook
resume and business card BA Senior Project 4 | Process Notebook
alexa tridente-bruns
graphic designer
alexa.tridentebruns @ yahoo.com
BA Senior Project 4 | Process Notebook
class calling intentions BA Senior Project 4 | Process Notebook
24 Natalia Acosta How can I build awareness with my community to preserve wholeness in the world? nat.acostaa95@gmail.com
George Lee How can I nourish environmental and social awareness in today’s children so that we are in symbiosis with nature? stardragonl101@gmail.com
Edgar Sanchez How can I empower courageous exploration in my community so we manifest creative epiphanies? edgar.sanchez9215@gmail.com
Stephanie Apiado How can I summon humanity’s voice to sing in harmony with freedom, respect, acceptance and choice? s_apiado@yahoo.com
Caitlin Lewis How can I promote creativity in humanity to inspire unity and happiness? cyana.evi@gmail.com
Shawn Soria How can I encourage individuals to challenge themselves so happiness be achieved? shawn.soria@sjsu.edu
Adrian Avila How can I illuminate the essence that my people possess to unify communities? adrian.avila@sjsu.edu
David Machado How can I co-create awareness for mother nature and her children so we can coexist and thrive? vedmachado@gmail.com
Alexa Tridente-Bruns How can I transform passion for our inner-self so we can be free to move forward and follow inspiration? alexa.tridentebruns@yahoo.com
Aretha Dong How can I nurture acceptance in human beings to help find a sense of belonging? ar3tha@gmail.com
Alex Maldonado How can I encourage youth to discover creativity within themselves so they can connect, inspire and free their own passion and happiness? alexmaldonado62@yahoo.com
YingYu Yang How can I create resonance with the world so that we can receive the light of courage? takako_y@hotmail.com
Yuncheng Dong How can I co-create light with artists to illuminate love and hope? dongyc527@hotmail.com Erin Harris How can I guide exploration within humanity to inspire acceptance and joy? harris.d.erin@gmail.com Kailan Latchin How can I creatively guide humanity to discover inner clarity from equality and tolerance? klatchin@yahoo.com
Mia Montemayor How can I empower my community through creative expression that provide opportunities for sustainable living? mia.montemayor@sjsu.edu
Tyler Yousif How can I inspire those around me to use the pursuit of our passions so that we may shed our former selves and become who we truly want to be? tyleryousif@yahoo.com
Emilio Rios How can I encourage confidence within individuals so we can acquire trust and take action according to our inner guidance? emilio10rios@gmail.com Joshua Rojas How can I inspire humility within all generations so we make peace with time? josh.rojas@gmail.com
BA Senior Project 4 | Process Notebook
BA Senior Project 4 | Process Notebook
26 galley exhibit BA Senior Class Spring 2017
BA Senior Project 4 | Process Notebook
27 left students in senior project gallery
BA Senior Project 4 | Process Notebook
28 right my work included in the gallery
BA Senior Project 4 | Process Notebook
BA Senior Project 4 | Process Notebook
BA Senior Project 4 | Process Notebook