Mantra Marketing Magazine Issue 16

Page 18



Asma Brahimi


n the previous issue, with

She goes on to speak about how her particular

our “Here come the girls”

challenges were in fact more to do with her initial

feature, we spoke with fe-

skill set; English not being her first language, her

males within the industry,

patience, and, believe it or not, her attitude.

gathering their insight and highlighting


“Our business is a people business, you need to

thus far. For Edition #16 of


have the right skills and the right attitude - I didn’t

the Mantra Magazine, we’re

have them.”

pleased to announce that

one of those women, Asma Brahimi, has earnt her-

A brave statement to make. She continues:

self a promotion to Ownership with Imperium Global Marketing Group being one of the latest offices to

“All of it was out of my comfort zone, but I wanted

launch. We grabbed some precious time with the

to prove to others, and to myself, that even com-

new owner to discuss the development, and she

ing from a different country, where I could not speak

didn’t disappoint; what an entrepreneur.

English properly, I could do it. It’s not rocket science, because as long as you have the right attitude,

As with all the new offices that expand our organ-

work ethic and discipline, the skills will come with

isation, its chosen company name is intriguing.

that time and effort.”

Asma decided “Imperium” was to come first as its origin comes from an impressive Italian Army, with

A fantastic lesson to learn for all of us, for all as-

“Imperium Patronum” meaning a rank given to the

pects of life.

Emperor's most trusted advisors. It sat well, fronting her business as she meant it to go on; powerful

"Our business is all about people, whether that’s

for her clients, trusted by all and success in their

our customers, clients, or the people we work with.


We treat people properly, with respect, with understanding, and with kindness, so the fact that Asma

Perhaps more profound is it’s choosing given the

was drawn to Floyd Marriott’s business because of

fact she is one of the few female owners within the

the person he is, is no surprise. She explains how

industry. On the matter, Asma mentions how she

she was “...attracted to the job because people

found it very interesting. She says:

were humble with their success, they put themselves at your level, not above.”

“You don’t need to be male to be an entrepreneur. It’s all about the discipline, hard work, and goals, whether you’re male or female.”.


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