Newsletter January 2014

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‘Green Youth Citizens’ is a youth project, financed by EU through Youth in Action Program - Action 3.2. 'Green Youth Citizens' is implemented in the period from October 2013 and involves 6 partner countries from Europe and Asia. The aim of the project is to raise awareness about environmental problems and how they confine us in the exercise of an active citizenship.

Activity Highlights of the Month -

Preparation of list of criterias for participants to participate local workshops


Communication with potential participants


Pre-meeting with potential participants


Selection of venue for the workshop


Logistic arrangements


Selection of final list participants


Sharing draft agenda with participants

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication [communication] reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

Criteria for Participants

The criteria for participant’s selection was set by individual partners as per the country specific and project requirement. Every partner prepared their selection criteria and shared each other for feedbacks and suggestions. Once finalized, communicated with potential participants.

Communication with potential participants

Once the criterias fixed, potential participants were communicated with the prescribed format. A concept note about the local workshops prepared organization wise as per the theme of the project. They were also informed briefly about the project and the objectives of the workshop.

Meeting with potential participants

After communication, many participants wanted to meet and discuss about the workshop and outcomes etc. so participants were met individually and informed in details. So that they understood clearly about the local workshop and its objectives and outcomes.

Selection of

Selection of a good venue is also an important factor of any event. Many

Venue for the

venues were communicated by partner organizations as per their


requirements. Quotations collected to compare the cost involved. A final one selected as per the criteria and availability.

A list of logistic requirements was prepared by each partner organizations Logistic

i.e. chart papers, pen, note pad, pencils, markers, flip chart, paper sticks etc


were procured well in advance so that the workshop could be organized with no interruption.

Based on the pre-meeting with participants on the theme of the workshop, Selection of final Participants

frequent discussions, sharing of the concept note etc, a final list of selected participants were prepared by each partner organizations. Brief information (a short cv) of the participants collected.

After series of discussion, each partner organizations prepared their draft Sharing draft agenda with participants

agenda for the workshop. The agenda was shared with each partner organization to get feedback and suggestion. A draft version of agenda was finalized by each partner organization and shared with participants.

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