Collide Research and Development

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Research Document Alex Earps

Breif For this latest Breif, We have had a interesting turn and we are able to take this project in anyway we choose. I’ve already started to think of ways to develop it, and since my passion is fitness, I will look at ways to incorporate it in to the final. For now I will start researching all manner of things to develop a clear understanding of what to do.

My Idea My idea for this project is to develop a booklet to help people who struggle with high school and being bullied. I will be looking at how bullying effects people what other things people have developed to help people out and also the types of styles I will be using. I will be doing it in the form of a comic. one of my main inspirations for this project and the style I would like to use wll be from the book when Im a dad. I will be looking at different artists and there impressions of it. and how I can relate my work but still keep it orginal.

When I’m a Dad For this first research page I will be looking at the book When Im a Dad, This book has been developed for future dads that want to make vowes before they officially become adults. This book was developed in Lincoln by Tom Anders Watkin. He was a future father but felt terrified by the fact and wanted to see what other people had on the topic. He wanted to make vowes for his future child and developed and illustrated a book with his own personal vowes in. He then developed a wesbite for other up and coming dads to post there own vowes to there kids. Some of them are very hilarious, with people posting about how they will embarass there kids in public. and others a very meaningul such as I will never hurt them, Its a great idea because it grabs the attention of people and really makes them think. The book he devloped has been done by using shapes and small designs to provide a nice coloured frame easy for kids to read. However the design is mature and well put together.

Stop Cyber Bullying

Stop Bullying is an online series, which started as a calabortation between Cartoon Network and Bitstrips for schools starting in 2011. The idea for this was to join in the movement for the social media campaign against bullying. The Huffington Post covered the story and a Link to the creator was posted on Youtube. Recently the website has not been updated by the creator, However that has not deterred people from posting there own content of what they think should happen in the story. From this I want to take the use of internet and social media to help with the project.

Incredibles credit art For this next page of Research I will be looking at some designs i would be using for the book. To start I will be looking at the credits for the incredibles, This is filmed using a minimalist technique of different shapes to make up a final concept. However it used a variety of looks for each scene and themed them towards what they were trying to show. I will be using this type of development to develop my own illustrated book. I feel the design is light hearted enough to develop it further. My own personal feeling on the design is that it matches my idea’s very closely Title Design: Teddy Newton, Mark Cordell Holmes, Andrew Jimenez, Louis Gonzales

Kuntzel and Deygas Kuntzel and Deygas are the brilliant minds behind some of the most popular trailer and credit scenes in many films. In this document I have only focussed on Catch me if you can. However they are responsible to various different adverts such as Reno. There work closely links in with what I want to develop, The mixture of type and shapes fanscinates me and I feel it best suits my needs. I will be using this design in my experimentation to see how it develops and how it looks. This style was first made popular with the start of the movie Catch me if you can and rocketed there careers. The style was the first for such a film and was then re created in lots of different styles.

Links to idea’s

Young and Rubicam I have tried to research Young and Rubican and have found not that much on them. However I have found out that they publish and develop using the type of style that I am currently looking at for developing my final peice.

Ryan Hughes Ryan Hughes developed a book on illustration. I looked and couldnt find much on the actual development of the book. Hence the reason its going in my scrapbook. However from what I found.

Maslows hirearchy of needs. I wanted to look at maslows hireachy of needs in order to establish a understanding for one of my idea’s. The idea behind this is that everything is ordered into the needs of humanity and what you have to understand in order to live a happy fufilled life. This list from highest to lowest goes, Self ectualisation, Esteem needs, Love and belonging needs, Safety needs and physiology needs. This hirerchy was something that I wanted to develop in order to gain a understanding of the subject as one of my idea’s involves the main topic of happiness in order to sustain a future.

Initial Design experimination This part shows some experimintation using a different use of techniques and idea’s in order to establish an idea for the final peice. These peices are rough and nowhere near final concept design.

Final Design experimintation. Coming to the end of my project I have started to develop my final peice designs.

Sometimes Life gets too much. and when that happens escape to your happy place, a place where pain does not exist.

Fly to the Moon

Shoot for the stars.

Fly to the Moon

Shoot for the stars...

Shoot for the stars Shoot for the stars Shoot for the stars

Shoot for the stars








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