Huzoor’s words of advice to waqifaat-e-nau
at UK Ijtema 2024
On the evening of Saturday, 25 May, Hazrat Amirul Momineen, Khalifatul Masih V, may Allah strengthen his hand, presided over the UK’s Waqifaat-e-Nau Ijtema 2024. The event took place in Baitul Futuh, London, while Huzooraa graced the occasion via livestream in Islamabad, UK.
After conveying “Assalamu alaikum”, Huzooraa invited Daniya Ahmad Sahiba to recite a portion of the Holy Quran (Surah Aal-e-Imran, verses 103-105). Kashifa Idrees Sahiba presented the English translation of the Quranic verses. Laiqa Ahmad Bhatti Sahiba then recited an Urdu poem written by Hazrat Musleh-e-Maudra along with its English translation.
Huzooraa then enquired why Farhana Luqman Sahiba, whose name was on the
programme copy Huzooraa had for the English translation of the Urdu poem, did not present the English translation. Huzooraa was told that it was a change that took place after a copy of the programme was presented to Huzooraa
Huzooraa then invited Muavina Sadr Waqifaat-e-Nau to present the ijtema report. The muavina thanked Huzooraa for blessing the occasion with his precious time. Huzooraa was informed about various workshops and events that took place throughout the day.
Panel discussions for all ages, encouraging girls to aspire to excel.
Huzooraa then took to the podium and delivered his address. After reciting tashahhud and ta‘awwuz, Huzooraa said
that it was the grace of Allah that another waqifaat-e-nau ijtema was being held. Huzooraa said:
“As members of waqifaat-e-nau, you comprise those ladies and girls whose parents dedicated their lives to the service of their faith before their birth. Those of you who have reached the age of 15 and above have independently renewed this noble pledge to spend your lives in the service of your religion. Further, with the grace of Allah, many older members of waqifaate-nau have now become mothers and are raising the next generation of waqifeen-enau.”
Huzooraa then said that this responsibility was two-fold: they must honour their pledge on a personal level and instil these values in the next generation. Huzooraa said that their primary responsibility was “the proper moral training of their children so that Islamic teachings and values are instilled within them from a young age and they grow to become devoted servants of their faith.”
Waqifaat-e-nau wives should also be a means of encouraging their husbands to lead righteous lives and it is only through this they can inspire the next generation to establish a firm bond with Allah and lead pious lives. It is important that such homes are filled with virtue, piety and the worship of Allah.
Sufficient for us is the Book of Allah
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Waqifaat-e-nau must also safeguard and protect their prayers. They must offer them on time and with sincerity, humility and deep concentration so that an unbreakable bond of loyalty and love is fostered with Allah. In each prayer, they should pray for their children’s piety and loyalty to Allah.
Those waqifaat-e-nau who were not yet married should remember that their sole purpose is to establish an unbreakable bond with Allah through salat. All five daily prayers must be offered on time as opposed to offering just two or three prayers a day.
“Remember, you can only achieve your religious objectives through prayer and by forging a sincere bond with God wherein you become ready and willing to make any sacrifice for His sake. Otherwise remaining within the Waqf-e-Nau scheme is futile and meaningless. Take inspiration from the noble and honourable women who
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It is narrated by Hazrat Ibn Abbasra: “As the Messengersa of Allah was nearing the end of his life, he was surrounded by several people, including Hazrat Umarra ibn al-Khattab, in his home. The Prophetsa said, ‘Let me write a document for you so that you will not go astray after it.’ Umarra responded, ‘The Prophetra is suffering greatly. We have the Quran, which suffices us as the Book of Allah.’ The people in the room were divided. Some insisted, ‘Bring the writing materials so that the Messengersa of Allah can write a document for you, and you will not stray after him.’ Others echoed what Umarra had said. As the disagreement grew and they spoke thoughtlessly in the Prophet’ssa presence, he told them, ‘Get up and leave.’ Ubaidullah mentioned that Hazrat Ibn Abbasra often said, ‘The true tragedy was the disagreement and commotion that prevented the Messengersa of Allah from writing that document.’” (Sahih al-Bukhari, Kitāb al-iʿtisami bi l-kitabi wa s-sunnah, Bab karahiati l-khilaf, Hadith 7366)
Spend your wealth for the progress of Islam
“Allah the Exalted has promised that He will bestow manifold blessings upon those who give in His way. Such individuals will receive abundant rewards in this world, and upon their demise, they will behold the rewards of the Hereafter, experiencing immense tranquillity. Therefore, I urge you all to spend your wealth for the progress of Islam.” (Malfuzat [1984], Vol. 8, p. 394)
have come before you throughout history. Countless women from the communities of the prophets of God made outstanding sacrifices for their faith and religious beliefs.”
Huzooraa then cited the example of the female disciples of Prophet Jesusas who showed immense courage for their faith. Christians continue to take great pride in such women who remained faithful to Jesusas. When Jesusas was put on the cross, the male disciples all fled in fear whereas the female disciples stayed loyal in spite of the grave threat of punishment and persecution from the governing authorities. They found the tomb he was placed in, tended to his wounds and took him to safety. Those pious women proved themselves worthy of any sacrifice for their faith.
Then, during the era of the Holy Prophet, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, the examples of female companions were so high that it set a standard unmatched in history. They put great emphasis on learning their faith and putting it into practice. This passion was a means of spreading the faith of Islam to others.
The example of Hazrat Umar’sra sister is very well-known and every fibre of her being was dedicated to the service of the Holy Quran. As such, she invited a learned companion of the Holy Prophetsa who recited the Holy Quran and explained its meaning to her and her husband.
When Hazrat Umarra suddenly arrived at their house, she hid the Muslim teacher, but when Hazrat Umarra came to learn of what was going on, he lunged forward to punch his brother-in-law in a fit of rage. His sister leapt forward and she was struck in the face by Hazrat Umarra, yet she did not step back. She said he could do whatever he wished, but they would never forsake the teachings of Islam. His rage was suddenly dampened and he felt embarrassed over his actions. He, therefore, asked to hear some verses of the Quran.
His sister first laid out some conditions and then allowed the teacher to recite the verses of the Holy Quran. His heart was so overwhelmed by the beauty of the Holy Quran that after “having entered his sister’s home as a fierce opponent of Islam, he left convinced of its truth and immediately went to the Holy Prophetsa and accepted Islam.”
This was all due to the boundless courage of
one woman.
Similarly, in his series of Friday sermons on the Companionsra of the Holy Prophetsa, Huzooraa said he had spoken on several female companions of Prophet Muhammadsa, such as Hazrat Umm-eAmmarara who displayed great fortitude for the sake of Islam. Such noble female Companionsra showed unconditional love to the Holy Prophetsa and served as timeless examples for Ahmadi women and girls, especially members of Waqf-e-Nau.
Thus, aside from studying the Holy Quran and inculcating love for Allah, our foremost objective should be to establish a profound love for the Holy Prophetsa in our hearts. If this happens, every instruction of Allah and His Messengersa will be followed and only then will they be able to fulfil their duties.
Towards the end, Huzooraa said:
“May Allah the Almighty grant all of you the capability to do justice to the demands and obligations of being a part of the Waqf-e-Nau scheme. Moreover, may this ijtema not merely prove a means for you to gather together for the day and spend time in each other’s company; rather, may you all leave this ijtema with a burning desire to bring about a spiritual and moral revolution within yourselves and a steadfast commitment to living your lives as true Muslims. May all of you come to possess an unshakeable conviction in the truth of your faith so that you can respond confidently
and without hesitation or fear to all those who raise questions or make false allegations about Islam. May it be that you never fall prey to any sense of embarrassment or complex about your faith and religious beliefs. Indeed, may it be that you acquire the inner strength and courage to manifest your faith fearlessly and to live according to the teachings of Islam at all times.
“For instance, upon reaching the age of maturity, you should wear a headscarf in public and dress modestly at all times. Never fear what other people will say or think. Be confident and proud of who you are and what you represent.
“Similarly, continually focus on increasing your religious knowledge because the true jihad of this era is to convey Islam’s magnificent teachings far and wide. Certainly, it is the duty of waqifaat-e-nau, girls and ladies, to play an outstanding role in tabligh. May Allah the Almighty enable you to do so.
“At the end, I pray that may all of you come to fulfil your religious and spiritual objectives in the best possible way, and may you be ever ready to make all necessary sacrifices for the sake of your faith, and may all of you be at the forefront of bringing about a spiritual and moral revolution in the world. Amin.”
Huzooraa then led all attendees in dua before conveying his salaam and bidding farewell.
(Report prepared by Al Hakam)
‘Obedience to your faith and Jamaat is a prerequisite’
Huzoor’s guidance to waqifeen-e-nau at their UK Ijtema 2024
On Sunday evening, 26 May, Hazrat Amirul Momineen, Khalifatul Masih V, may Allah be his Helper, delivered the concluding address of the UK’s Waqifeen-e-Nau Ijtema 2024. The event took place at Baitul Futuh in London, with Huzooraa gracing the occasion via live stream from Islamabad, UK.
Hazrat Khalifatul Masihaa conveyed “Assalamu alaikum,” and invited Raheel Ahmad Sahib to recite a portion of the Holy Quran (Surah Aal-e-Imran, verses 103-105). Muzaffar Ahmad Sahib and Rohaam Khan Sahib provided the Urdu and English translations of these Quranic verses, respectively. Subsequently, Jazib Cheema Sahib presented an Urdu poem authored by Hazrat Musleh-e-Maudra, followed by its English translation by Adeel Tahir Sahib.
Huzooraa then invited Anas Rana Sahib, Secretary Waqf-e-Nau UK, to give the ijtema report. He mentioned that the waqifeen were divided into groups of 25, and assigned a group leader. The group leaders guided them throughout the ijtema and observed all members. He then highlighted various activities that took place during the ijtema, i.e., workshops, lectures, question-
Never forget that all of you have pledged to be at the forefront of serving his Divine Mission. Hence, I reiterate, that obedience to your faith and Jamaat is a prerequisite.”
and-answer sessions, etc. According to the record, there are a total of 3899 boys in the tajneed, out of which 3144 are over 7 years old. The total attendance of this year’s Waqfe-Nau Ijtema was 1641, i.e., 51 per cent of the total tajneed, which shows an increase of 10 per cent this year as compared to the previous one.
Hazrat Amirul Momineenaa then took to the podium and delivered his address. After reciting tashahhud and ta‘awwuz, Huzooraa said:
“Today, with the grace of Allah, you have had the opportunity to participate in
the national Waqf-e-Nau Ijtema. I hope and pray that whatever positive and beneficial things you have learned come to form a permanent feature of your lives.”
Huzooraa said that for the progress and well-being of any nation or community, it is of the utmost importance that its youth are of high moral standing and educated.
The followers of the Holy Prophetsa must live according to the teachings of Islam, only then can they be considered true Muslims. The Promised Messiahas emphasised this point to members of the Jamaat. On one occasion, he said:
“Allah the Almighty desires to make his Community an example for all others.” This means that Allah desires the followers of the Promised Messiahas to uphold Islamic teachings in all aspects of their lives.
Hazrat Amirul Momineenaa stated that every member of Waqf-e-Nau must carefully read and study the Holy Quran as it is the ultimate source of guidance. Likewise, many precepts of Allah have reached us by the Hadith and the sunnah of the Holy Prophetsa In addition to them, Ahmadis must read the
This Week in History
A glimpse into the rich history of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Jamaat
31 May 1934: On this day, Hazrat Musleh-e-Maudra delivered a lecture at the Young Men’s Christian Association (YMCA) Hall in Lahore titled “Arabi Zuban ka Maqaam Alsina-e-Aalam mein” – The place of Arabic in languages, on request of Punjab Literary League. The session was presided over by Dr Barkat Ali Qureshi, Principal of Islamia College, Lahore. The Civil and Military Gazette of 2 June 1934, reported on this lecture under the heading “Arabic As Mother of All Languages”.
For more details, see “Magnificence of Arabic and need for religion: Hazrat Musleh-e-Maud’s lectures in Lahore on request of Punjab Literary League, 1934” at (1 March 2024, p. 12).
31 May 1991: On this day, Hazrat Khalifatul Masih IVrh delivered his Friday Sermon at the Nasir Mosque in Paramaribo, Suriname, and called the attention of the jamaats to make arrangements so that members could listen to the Friday Sermons of the Khalifatul Masih. (Khutbat-e-Tahir, Vol. 10, p. 457)
1 June 1957: The magazine, Tashheezul-Azhan started its publication as an organ of Majlis Atfal-ul-Ahmadiyya Markaziyya in Pakistan. Previously, it was a rich research journal, on oriental and religious topics, founded by Hazrat Mirza Bashir-udDin Mahmud Ahmadra, from Qadian.
For more details about the history of this magazine, see: “Hazrat Mirza Bashir-ud-Din Mahmud Ahmad: The young editor of Tashheez-ul-Azhan” at (16 February 2024, pp. 8-9).
1 June 1974: At the onset of the systematic riots of 1974, on this single day, the following seven Ahmadis succumbed to their injury and brutal torture at the hands of opponents of Jamaat in Pakistan: Saeed Ahmad Khan, Qureshi Ahmad Ali, Shaukat Hayat, Manzoor Ahmad, Mahmud Ahmad, Muhammad Afzal and Muhammad Ashraf of Gurjanwala. (Khutbat-e-Tahir, Babat Shuhada, pp. 140-145)
4 June 2 -3 June 1 June 31 May
2 June 1941: On this day, a newspaper, Riasat of Delhi, commended Hazrat Musleh-e-Maud’sra speech in relation to the chaos in Iraq, that he delivered on All-India Radio Station. Mentioning the inappropriate reaction from the Indian leaders to these happenings, it wrote:
“In the presence of such an ignorant flattery by the country’s leadership and chiefs of states, the moral courage, great character, and honesty of the religious leader of the Ahmadiyya Jamaat of Qadian would be received with great interest and pleasure, which he had expressed during a radio speech last week.”
For more details, see “Justice demands independence of Arab lands: Hazrat Musleh-e-Maud’s speech on All India Radio amidst Iraq disturbance in 1941”, at (8 March 2024, pp. 14-15).
2 June 1974: During the series of coordinated attacks on the lives and properties of Ahmadis, on this day, the following four Ahmadis embraced martyrdom in Gurjanwala: Bashir Ahmad, Munir Ahmad, Muhammad Ramdhan, Ghulam Qadir, Inayat-Ullah and Muhammad Iqbal. On the same day, the Ahmadiyya mosque in Lala Musa was ransacked, moreover, the houses and livelihood of Ahmadis in Burewala, district Vihari, were also looted by a charged anti-Ahmadiyya mob. (Silsila Ahmadiyya, Vol. 3, p. 293; Khutbat-e-Tahir, Babat Shuhada, pp. 145-148)
3 June 1974: During the riots of 1974, on this day, 12 shops and businesses owned by Ahmadis were looted in Jhang, Pakistan. (Daily Al Fazl, 6 March 2003, p. 2)
Continued from page 3
books of the Promised Messiahas
It is particularly important for Waqfe-Nau members to strive for and increase their religious knowledge.
31 May - 6 June
4 June 1974: An Ahmadi Muhammad Ilyas Arif Sahib was martyred in Wah Cantt on this day. On this same day, the miscreants torched the Ahmadiyya library and the study centre of Mardan. (Khutbat-e-Tahir, Babat Shuhada, p. 148; Daily Al Fazl, 6 March 2003, p. 2)
4 June 1978: On this day, Hazrat Khalifatul Masih IIIrh delivered the concluding address at the Deliverance From the Cross Conference in London. Earlier on 2 June, this conference with an extraordinary topic for the Christian world was inaugurated by Hazrat Chaudhry Sir Muhammad Zafrulla Khanra. (Silsila Ahmadiyya, Vol. 3, p. 607)
4 June 1987: On this day, Hazrat Khalifatul Masih IVrh delivered his lecture titled “Revelation, Rationality, Knowledge, & Truth”. Huzoorrh was in Zurich, Switzerland, when Professor Karl Henking, Professor of Ethnology, at the University of Zurich, invited him to deliver a lecture. The students, evidently intrigued by the title, thronged Oule (the great auditorium), which became filled to capacity so that additional arrangements had to be made in another hall with provisions for relaying the proceedings through television screens and loudspeakers.
4 June 2014: Hazrat Khalifatul Masih Vaa laid the foundation stone for the first Ahmadiyya Muslim Mosque in Wiesbaden, Germany, which was named the Mubarak Mosque. More than 400 guests attended the ceremony, including various dignitaries. Huzooraa inaugurated this mosque on 14 October 2019. (“Foundation Stone for New Mosque laid by Head of Ahmadiyya Muslim Community” www.pressahmadiyya. com)
5 June 1930: On this day, The Times of India published details of Hazrat Musleh-e-Maud’sra letter to the then Viceroy of India, dated 2 May 1930, wherein he outlined proposals in relation to the establishment of peace and harmony within the country.
For more details, see “A letter to the Viceroy, 1930: Hazrat Musleh-eMaud’s efforts in preventing Indian Muslims from indulging in agitation and violence”, at (5 May 2023).
5 June 1998: Hazrat Khalifatul Masih IVrh advised Ahmadis during MTA’s Urdu Class to avoid the usage of certain types of aluminium utensils, owing to their hidden hazardous effects on the human body. (Silsila Ahmadiyya, Vol. 4, p. 894)
Hazrat Khalifatul Masihaa said:
“One key point I wish to bring to your attention is the importance of obedience.” It is the chief means of strengthening the bonds of unity in the Community. The Promised Messiahas said that no nation can thrive until its members possess the qualities of devotion, sincerity and loyalty to their Imam.
Huzooraa said young people sometimes ask why we should do this and why we shouldn’t do that. One should ponder over the Holy Quran, study the literature of the Jamaat to find the answers, approach a missionary, or write to Hazrat Khalifatul Masih. Huzooraa said:
“Especially, as waqifeen-e-nau, you should never fall prey to such thoughts as you are people who have pledged to live your lives in the service of Islam and according to the directions of the Jamaat.”
The standard of obedience by waqifeene-nau should be far higher than others. History attests that those nations who lacked obedience became weak and divided. The Promised Messiahas stated that lack of obedience caused the downfall of all the communities before the Holy Prophetsa Likewise, after the blessed era of Prophet Muhammadsa and his Khulafa, the level of obedience and unity among Muslim ummah decreased over the course of time. This led to spiritual darkness and decay within Islam. As a result, they were deprived of the blessings and pleasure of Allah. It was then the Promised Messiahas was sent by God to revive Islam’s true teachings.
Hazrat Amirul Momineenaa said:
Huzooraa said if we pray in this way, our spiritual bond with Allah grows, and in addition, as it grows, we will be inclined towards other acts of goodness and virtue.
Rights of God’s creation
Along with the rights of His worship, we are commanded to fulfil the rights of His creation. Huzooraa said, “We are taught to be kind, compassionate and sympathetic towards others.”
“Most of you sitting before me have reached an age of understanding and relative maturity. Indeed, many of you are now khuddam and have families of your own.” Hence, you have no longer the excuse of ignorance nor any time to waste.
“Now is the time to stand up and discharge the sacred vow, initially made before your birth, and which you have since independently renewed. Now is the time for you to prioritise serving your faith above and beyond everything else.”
Huzooraa stated that it is pivotal to cultivate a sincere and pure bond with Allah the Almighty. The Promised Messiahas said the greatest cause of fear for any Ahmadi should be whether they possess taqwa, i.e., true righteousness, or not. Huzooraa added that this burden rests on the shoulders of waqifeen-e-nau even more. If you strive to be close to Allah, His choicest blessings will rain down upon you and He will protect you. “Ensure that all faculties, abilities and talents that Allah has blessed you with are utilised for noble purposes that in essence what taqwa is,” Huzooraa emphasised.
6 June 1974: On this day, it was reported that the factories and houses of two Ahmadis were set on fire in Sargodha, Pakistan, due to the ongoing unrest targeted against Ahmadis. (Daily Al Fazl, 6 March 2003, p. 2)
6 June 1994: Hazrat Khalifatul Masih IVrh emphasised the need for organised research on honey by Ahmadi scholars. Due to its significant benefits, Huzoorrh reiterated this advice on several occasions, such as on 17 October 1995, and 31 March 2000. (Silsila Ahmadiyya, Vol. 4, p. 879)
“Never forget that all of you have pledged to be at the forefront of serving his Divine Mission. Hence, I reiterate, that obedience to your faith and Jamaat is a prerequisite.”
Excel in virtue and beneficence
Another injunction of the Promised Messiahas is that a true Muslim should excel in virtue and beneficence. A single act of kindness and goodness invariably leads to another. Huzooraa said:
“If you exhibit grace, integrity and piety, you will gain the nearness of Allah the Almighty and become the recipients of His blessings and rewards.”
“Thus, as a waqif-e-nau, always seek to excel in goodness and ensure your act is well-intentioned, kind and virtuous.”
Explaining the conduct and acts considered good by Islam, Huzooraa said, “You must carefully study the Holy Quran as Allah the Almighty has stipulated what is right and what is wrong.” There are more than 700 commands in the Holy Quran as stated by the Promised Messiahas.
Hazrat Khalifatul Masihaa said:
“As a Muslim, we must offer every namaz with deep concentration in a pure state of humility and with the utmost respect and
Elucidating taqwa, Huzooraa said it is to use one’s eyes for viewing goodness and never to see immoral things, to use one’s hands to aid others and never to cause harm, to use one’s feet and steps in the direction of God Almighty and away from sin and transgression. Huzooraa stated, “Taqwa is that one’s mind should remain pure and free from impure or evil thoughts.”
Huzooraa explained that we observe lives being destroyed due to the harmful effects of the internet and obscene matter. We should only view educational or constructive material and stay away from all that may have an adverse impact on our personality. One should excel in studies and prefer those professions that bring them closer to Allah and open the doors for tabligh of Islam.
At the end, Hazrat Khalifatul Masihaa said:
“I pray that Allah the Almighty enables all of you to forever uphold, defend and act upon the true teachings of Islam. May you recognise the true status and value of the teachings of the Holy Quran and live your lives in an exemplary fashion. May you always be a source of pride for your Jamaat and of outstanding benefit to your society and nation. May you protect yourselves from the dark shadows of materialism, vice and godlessness that have taken root in the world. And may you take refuge under the eternal shade of the teachings of the Holy Quran and the Holy Prophetsa. May Allah the Almighty grant you the ability to do so.”
Huzooraa then led all attendees in dua, and thereafter conveyed his salaam to all participants and bid them farewell.
(Report prepared by Al Hakam)
Angels, chanda on behalf of the deceased
Guidance regarding basic Islamic issues – which Hazrat Amirul Momineen, Khalifatul Masih Vaa has given on various occasions in his written correspondence and during MTA programmes – is being officially published below for everyone’s benefit.
Nature’s testament:
How God’s creation reveals His existence
Reem Shraiky UKAs I gather my thoughts to begin writing about the existence of God, I feel a sense of humility before my Lord. How can I articulate what proves His existence when He is with me at every moment? He hears my concerns and responds by wiping away my tears. He sustains me, clothes me, feeds me, and protects me. He has granted me health and sanity, blessed me with beautiful children and a righteous husband, and provided the security of a safe home and a great homeland.
My experiences with Him are countless; since childhood, His grace has guided me toward everything that has brought about my betterment and happiness.
Yet, I understand that my personal experiences may not resonate with everyone. Therefore, I feel compelled to shed light on some of the things that I see as conclusive evidence of God’s existence.
Allow me to share a story: Imagine a small drone, seemingly created out of nothing by chance. Over time, it evolves into a colossal aeroplane, equipped with a high-precision navigation system, ferrying hundreds of passengers across vast distances. Do you find this story believable, or would you dismiss it as nonsensical?
Just as the drone must have had a maker, and the aeroplane too, so too must there be a creator for all things, including humanity and the natural world.
Humans were created as humans and will always remain so. The Holy Quran chose a wonderful way to reveal the secrets of creation and to remove the curtain from its mysterious truths. It is clear from the teachings of the Quran that there was an ongoing evolution in the spiritual and material worlds alike, and that the material world has reached the utmost peak of its perfection after long evolutionary developments, and likewise, the spiritual world has reached the peak of its perfection with the advent of the Holy Prophetsa However, the Holy Quran does not say that man was the last link in the chain of evolution of various animals. Rather, it says that human evolution is independent. Let us take the following example, where Allah the Almighty stated:
“‘What is the matter with you that you expect not wisdom and staidness from Allah? And He has created you in [different] forms and [different] conditions. Have you not seen how Allah has created seven heavens in [perfect] harmony. And has placed the moon therein as a light, and made the sun as a lamp? And Allah has caused you to grow as a [good] growth from the earth. Then He will cause you to return thereto, and He will bring you forth a [new] bringing forth’” (Surah Nuh, Ch.71: V.14-19)
Allah mentions, here, the process
of mankind’s creation from the earliest stage when he lies dormant in the form of dust. The inorganic elements of the earth, through a subtle process of change, become converted into the life-germ through the agency of food which man eats.
And this is just an example of many about the creation of man in the Holy Quran.
Moreover, Allah the Almighty said:
“Such is the Knower of the unseen and the seen, the Mighty, the Merciful, Who has made perfect everything He has created. And He began the creation of man from clay. Then He made his progeny from an extract of an insignificant fluid. Then He fashioned him and breathed into him of His spirit. And He has given you ears, and eyes, and hearts. [But] little thanks do you give!”
(Surah as-Sajdah, Ch.32: V.7-10)
The human body is a marvel, comprised of trillions of cells organised into tissues and organs. With over 200 different cell types, each performing specific functions, our
bodies are a testament to the complexity of life. When cells of the same type aggregate, they form tissues like the lining of the intestine or the skin’s surface. These diverse tissues come together to create organs such as the lungs or the liver, which, in turn, collaborate to fulfil common functions, shaping integrated systems like the digestive system. In addition to eleven vital organs necessary for survival, the human body boasts over 100,000 miles of blood vessels, with the aorta standing as the largest, ferrying blood from the heart to every corner of the body.
Among the myriad wonders of the human body lies the fingerprint, a unique identifier for each individual. Throughout human history, no two fingerprints have ever been or will be identical, a testament to the unparalleled individuality crafted by the divine. Imagine an artist tasked with reproducing a hundred distinct fingerprints; even they would struggle to create more than thirty or forty unique prints.
So, how can one deny that a plane was created out of nothing, although, in fact, its creation is inspired by the birds that God created? Yet, he believes that Man, with all his complex body, was created by chance without a Creator! Is this a logical argument?
Furthermore, think of the astonishing complexity of DNA. Each of us possesses enough DNA to stretch from Earth to the sun and back over 300 times. This genetic blueprint, meticulously packaged into chromosomes and nestled within tiny nuclei, defies explanation without acknowledging the wisdom and power of the Creator Allah the Almighty says:
“And there is not a thing but with Us are the treasures thereof, and We don’t send it down except in a known measure.” (Surah al-Hijr, Ch.15: V.22)
In the creation of God, perfection and balance are inherent in every aspect. Through the study of Allah’s Book, believers gain a deeper understanding of the intricacies and harmony present in His creation.
Let us take the following verses:
“The sun and the moon run their courses according to a fixed reckoning. And the stemless plants and the trees humbly submit to His will.” (Surah ar-Rahman, Ch.55: V.6-7)
From the grandeur of the largest celestial bodies to the humblest stemless plants, all things adhere to certain laws, performing their designated tasks with precision and regularity. Within the vastness of the solar system, just one of countless systems, each celestial body follows its prescribed path without deviation. Any disturbance or deviation from these trajectories could potentially disrupt the delicate balance of the universe, designed to serve humanity.
These verses encompass also the Earth’s magnetic field, a crucial element for sustaining life on our planet. It acts as a protective shield for the Earth from the abundant torrents of charged particles, which are called cosmic rays. These come to Earth from the sun and outer space and could destroy all life in the absence of the magnetic field.
Allah the Almighty states:
“We have adorned the lowest heaven with an adornment — the planets.” (Surah As-Saffat, Ch.37: V.7)
In fact, every planet in the solar system has a benefit for humans; let’s take the example of Jupiter. If Jupiter disappeared, thousands of asteroids, meteorites and rocks would fall on Earth, leading to the destruction of life. This is because Jupiter is like a shield that protects the Earth due to its enormous gravity that pulls these Asteroids far from Earth!
There is a beautiful verse in the Holy Quran which is related to guidance but at the same time it pays attention to the level of Oxygen in the air, as God Almighty says:
“Whomsoever Allah wishes to
guide, He expands his bosom for the acceptance of Islam; and whoever He wants to misguide, He makes his bosom narrow and close, as though he were mounting up into the skies.” (Surah alAn‘am, Ch.6: V.126)
We know since the discovery of flight, that the “oxygen” level decreases in height that you feel chest tightness and difficulty of breathing.
This also will urge us to know more about this life-supporting component of the air.
On our earth, the percentage of oxygen in the air is 21%. If it rose to more than 23%, the probability of fires would rise everywhere, and people would not be able to control them. Any spark could cause a fire quickly. But if the oxygen percentage dropped to less than 20%, we would face great difficulties in breathing, we would simply suffocate. Also, if the percentage dropped to less than 16%, it would be impossible to burn anything, even a single match.
Allah the Almighty says:
“For everything has Allah appointed a measure.” (Surah at-Talaq, Ch.65: V.4).
So, let’s now look at the world of insects and reflect on some of them which we think are useless: You may encounter, while lifting a brick, a rock or a piece of wood under a wet floor, small creatures that called “woodlice,” they are the only crustaceans that live on land. Their job is to remove heavy metals that are harmful to humans from the soil such as mercury, cadmium and lead. They also help in cleaning up the aquifers.
What would happen if flies became extinct? Thousands of species of plants that are pollinated by flies to produce seeds would become extinct and hundreds of species of birds that depend for their food and reproduction on these plants would also become extinct. This would then lead to a significant increase in many types of insects and harmful pests and thus most agricultural crops would be destroyed.
The extinction of flies would additionally reduce the decomposition of waste and organic waste that flies work to convert. Consequently, these would make them hotbeds for the reproduction of many types
of bacteria and epidemics, damaging the ecosystem and causing the collapse of the food chain. This would eventually lead to the extinction of humans due to hunger or disease. What a great wisdom of God behind His creation, He Who did not create anything in vain.
Allah the Almighty says:
“Verily, We have created everything in [due] measure’ (Surah Al-Qamar, Ch.54: V.50)
Once, it is said that in the city of Nishapur, an old woman asked about a scholar who was surrounded by people: “Who is he?” Upon learning that he was renowned for presenting a thousand proofs of Allah’s existence, she exclaimed, “Glory be to God! Does He truly need evidence of His own existence? If he had not had a thousand doubts, he would not have provided a thousand pieces of evidence!”
The story goes that the scholar, upon hearing her statement, was moved and prayed, “O Allah, grant me the faith of this old woman.” This old woman perceived the presence of Allah in the wonders of His creation – the light of day, the veil of night, the majestic mountains, verdant trees, vast seas, and the myriad creatures that populate the earth. For her, these manifestations of divine craftsmanship were all the evidence of God’s existence she needed.
In fact, if we study every creature of God’s creation, be it a human, an animal, an insect, a plant, a planet, or a star, we will find creativity, accuracy, and perfection that undoubtedly point to the existence of the Creator, so blessed be God, the Best of Creators.
“Verily, in the creation of the heavens and the earth and in the alternation of night and day, and in the ships which sail in the sea with that which profits men, and in the water which Allah sends down from the sky and quickens therewith the earth after its death and scatters therein all kinds of beasts, and in the change of the winds, and the clouds pressed into service between the heaven and the earth, — are indeed Signs for the people who understand.” (Surah alBaqarah, Ch.2: V.165)
‘Mosque Open Day’ observed in Hartlepool, UK
Missionary, UKOn 18 May 2024, a mosque open day was held at the Nasir Mosque in Hartlepool, attended by over 70 people from all over Hartlepool and some from as far as Durham, Easingwold and Darlington. They were shown the inside of the mosque, an exhibition about Islam, and a Quranic exhibition. The women guests were welcomed by the Lajna members. There
was a display about women in Islam and they were invited to wear some scarves to get the experience of wearing the veil. Some very good conversations were held. The guests took many pamphlets and a number of books, including Life of Muhammadsa, World Crisis and the Pathway to Peace, and Deliverance from the Cross.
The Hartlepool Mail published an article about the Mosque Open Day and Hartlepool Life sent their photographer to this event as well.
It is my firm belief and conviction, that if we hold aloft the lantern of spiritual light entrusted to us by the Promised Messiahas, we will find that the help of Allah the Almighty will be with us every step of the way, insha-Allah.
Mirza Masroor Ahmad, Khalifatul Masih Vaa, Concluding session of the national Lajna UK Ijtema 2021)
Modesty in the digital age: An Ahmadi Muslim woman’s perspective
Zainab Abolaji Oladapo Student, Kwara State University, NigeriaIn today’s age of the internet, the concept of modesty can seem like a relic of the past. Yet, for Ahmadi Muslim women, it is a core value that is as relevant as ever. In an era where anything and everything can be shared online, how can women maintain modesty and dignity in the digital age?
We live in an age where the internet shapes most of our daily interactions and influences societal norms, which is why maintaining modesty can be a challenge, especially for Muslim women. The digital landscape presents a myriad of opportunities and temptations, often testing one’s commitment to Islamic
values. However, for many Ahmadi Muslim women, embracing modesty in the virtual realm is not only possible but essential for upholding their faith and identity.
Understanding modesty in Islam
Modesty or haya in Islam, in addition to physical appearance, also encompasses behaviour, speech, and interactions. It is a symbol of dignity, self-respect, and devotion to God. The true essence of purdah (hijab) also requires a Muslim girl or woman to show humility, decency, and the preservation of their chastity. The conduct of a Muslim woman is an essential part of observing purdah. Whether at work, or school, a Muslim woman must conduct
herself with great respectability and decency. It is advisable to avoid indolent chitchat and shaking hands with the opposite gender.
The teachings of the Holy Prophet Muhammadsa provide guidance on modesty and proper conduct in all aspects of life. Ahadith address various aspects of this topic such as lowering the gaze, guarding one’s speech, and avoiding inappropriate behaviour – all of which are relevant to maintaining modesty in this age (of the internet).
The Holy Prophetsa once said:
“Faith (Belief) consists of more than sixty branches (i.e., parts). And haya is a part of faith.” (Sahih al-Bukhari, Kitab aliman, Bab Umur il-Iman, Hadith 9)
This term “haya” covers a large number
of concepts which are to be taken together; amongst them are self-respect, modesty, bashfulness, and scruple, etc. This indicates that modesty – in all aspects of life – is an essential aspect of one’s faith. Therefore, as Ahmadi Muslim women, we must remain steadfast in our devotion to Allah – guided by the light of faith and the principles of haya
The Holy Quran also gives specific and detailed instructions to women on the issue of decency and modesty. It states:
“And tell the believing women to reduce [some] of their vision and guard their private parts and not expose their adornment except that which [necessarily] appears thereof and to wrap [a portion of] their headcovers over their chests and not expose
In this inspiring and authoritative collection of short essays, Hazrat Mirza Bashiruddin Mahmud Ahmadra calls on the Muslim world to accept the message of the Promised Messiahas and eschew the doctrine of the second coming of Jesusas in order to bring about the revival of Islam. In a lively, vibrant and insightful manner, Huzoorra captures the attention of the reader with the cogency of his arguments and the passion of his words.
their adornment except to their husbands, their fathers, their husbands’ fathers, their sons, their husbands’ sons, their brothers, their brothers’ sons, their sisters’ sons, their women, that which their right hands possess, or those male attendants having no physical desire, or children who are not yet aware of the private aspects of women.”
(Surah an-Nur, Ch.24: V.32)
At another place in the Holy Quran, we read:
treating others with kindness, respect, and dignity.
Modesty and Ahmadi women
“O Prophet, tell your wives and your daughters and the women of the believers to bring down over themselves [part] of their outer garments. That is more suitable that they will be known and not be abused. And ever is Allah Forgiving and Merciful.” (Surah al-Ahzab, Ch.33: V.60)
This verse indicates the emphasis laid by Islam on modest dressing. Islam requires modesty in dress, with the arms and legs covered. Clothes should be loose and the curves of the body should not be perceptible, especially in public. A Muslim woman should not feel unconfident about the way she dresses as long as her dress follows the Islamic code of modesty.
Guarding one’s gaze
Allah the Almighty commands in the Holy Quran:
“Tell the believing men to lower their gaze and guard their modesty; that is purer for them. Indeed, Allah is aware of what they do.” (Surah an-Nur, Ch.24: V.31)
While Allah commands men to lower their gaze in this verse, He addresses the women in the following verse to also do the same – and also make sure not to expose their bodies except to those deemed lawful.
Modesty in speech
It is the teaching of the Holy Prophetsa to “Speak good or remain silent”. This teaches Muslims to choose their words carefully and avoid vulgar or inappropriate speech. This is an important teaching in this age – especially for Internet users. One must refrain from posting sentiment-hurting content and hateful or abusive comments –as this is against the teachings of Islam. The Quran asks us to pay evil with goodness. (Surah Ha Mim as-Sajdah, Ch.41: V.35)
The principles of modesty apply to all aspects of a Muslim’s life, including their behaviour. Ahmadi Muslim women must be guided by these teachings, strive to maintain their modesty and uphold righteous conduct in both physical and virtual realms..
The Holy Prophetsa states:
“The best of you are those who have the best manners and character.” (Sahih alBukhari, Kitab al-adab, Hadith 6029)
This emphasises the importance of
For Ahmadi women, modesty is an important concept – encompassing both outward appearance and personal conduct. They must then ensure to adhere to principles of humility, decency, and chastity, guided by the teachings of Islam and the example set by the blessed wives of the Holy Prophet Muhammadsa and the Promised Messiahas. They must prioritise digital literacy, equipping themselves with the knowledge and discernment needed to navigate the online landscape responsibly, and critically evaluate content and platforms, all whilst being mindful of their impact on their faith and values.
Cultivating virtual communities
Building supportive online communities allows Ahmadi Muslim women to connect with like-minded women who share their commitment to modesty. These communities provide a sense of belonging and encouragement in upholding Islamic principles amidst digital distractions. Ahmadi Muslim women must strive to stay in virtuous online communities that align with their values and beliefs. These communities serve as sources of support, encouragement, and spiritual growth, fostering a sense of belonging and camaraderie in the digital realm.
modesty as empowerment
It should be understood that “modesty” is not a form of oppression, but rather a source of empowerment for Muslim women. By adhering to Islamic principles of modesty in the digital age, they assert their autonomy, self-worth, and agency. Modesty allows Muslim women to transcend societal pressures and embrace their identity with confidence and dignity.
Educating others
Ahmadi Muslim women should understand that they have a vital role to play in educating others about the significance of modesty in Islam. By sharing their experiences and perspectives, they can challenge stereotypes and misconceptions, fostering mutual understanding and respect.
Guarding modesty in online presence
In the contemporary age of the internet, maintaining modesty poses a distinctive challenge for Ahmadi Muslim women. Media platforms, in particular, can promote superficiality, materialism, and immodesty. Images, videos, and messages that contradict Islamic principles are easily accessible, making it challenging for Ahmadi Muslim women to maintain their values in a digital world driven by trends and likes. Amidst the vast expanse of online content and interactions, preserving the values of modesty, dignity, and piety becomes not just a personal endeavour but a profound reflection of one’s faith and identity.
Huzooraa once said that our girls should stay away from such professions that require them to dress immodestly. (Report on the inaugural address at Jalsa Salana France, delivered on 5 October 2019, Al Hakam, Issue LXXXII, 11 October 2019, p. 5)
Ahmadi Muslim women must maintain a modest online presence, mindful of the content they share, the interactions they engage in, and the impression they leave on others, dress modestly in virtual spaces and uphold principles of decency and respect in their digital interactions. They must use social media as a tool for positive engagement, sharing content that reflects modesty, empowerment, and faith. Ahmadi Muslim women must actively contribute to the online discourse by sharing content that reflects Islamic values, promotes modesty, and inspires virtue, utilising their platforms to spread messages of compassion, empathy, and righteousness, and striving to counteract the negative influences prevalent online.
With regards to pictures displayed on the internet, Huzoor’saa guidance is that:
“Women should not display their pictures on their profiles. Not only girls. but grown-up women also.” (Al Hakam, 4 March 2022, p. 6)
This is in accordance with the Quranic statement:
“And do not show off yourselves like the showing off of the former days of ignorance.” (Surah al-Ahzab, Ch.33: V.34)
Embracing modesty as spiritual strength
Modesty is not merely a set of outward practices but a manifestation of spiritual strength and commitment to God. By upholding the values of modesty in the digital age, Ahmadi women must assert their identity as followers of Islam and ambassadors of peace, morality, and righteousness.
In a digital landscape rife with challenges to modesty and morality, Ahmadi Muslim women must stand as beacons of virtue, resilience, and faith. Through their unwavering commitment to modesty, they must exemplify the timeless teachings of Islam and inspire others to embrace values of decency, dignity, and piety, in both the physical and virtual realms.
Spreading Islam across Swedish cities
Kashif Virk Missionary, SwedenOn 6-10 May 2024, four missionaries from Jamaat-e-Ahmadiyya Sweden embarked on a tour in central areas of Sweden with the campaign “Ask A Muslim”. This was the 8th tour of this campaign in Sweden, and in total, this initiative has now reached more than 100 locations and cities all over Sweden. The cities included Norrtälje, Uppsala, Sandviken, Falun and Ludvika. Stalls were arranged in all these cities, and many visited it and asked their questions or expressed their appreciation of the initiative. During the tour, meetings were held with dignitaries of various cities; for instance, the Mayor of Sandviken and Ludvika invited us to dialogue, as well as the Dean of Uppsala. We also met with the former Attorney General and Justice of the Supreme Court of Sweden, Göran Lambertz, in Uppsala. In these meetings, an introduction to Islam Ahmadiyyat as well as its efforts to foster peace were presented.
The tour received wide coverage in the media. A total of three radio channels, five newspapers and one TV channel interviewed us and informed their audience about the initiative. The initiative was also publicised on local Facebook pages, generating hundreds of likes and comments. Some of the comments we received were:
“A nice initiative, but sad that it is
“More knowledge gives greater understanding and fewer problems.”
“What a nice initiative!”
“I wish I would be there, but I hope all will go well and be nice. Good luck!”
“A very nice way to get answers to questions! Nice initiative!”
In these threads, questions were also asked about Islam, which were then replied to by us as well as other khuddam
During this tour, a professor of Islamic studies joined us for a couple of days to write a report on the tour.
By the grace of Allah, Jamaat-eAhmadiyya Sweden has been able to reach out to a large portion of the Swedish population through this campaign.
Implications of ICC arrest warrants: A war against Hamas or innocent civilians?
The International Criminal Court (ICC) has requested the arrest warrants of Israeli leaders, including Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, as well as Hamas leaders. The oppression and violence we have been witnessing in the Middle East is inhumane, to say the least, but this recent ICC move appears to be a step in the right direction.
The actions of the Israeli government now face adequate scrutiny
The ICC Chief Prosecutor, Karim Ahmad Khan, presented a compelling and undisputed case, emphasising the need for Israel to be held to account for how it has been, and is, conducting its military operations, rightfully upholding that no one is above the law.
A notable charge against Israel, which has attracted common consensus, is the ‘Starvation of civilians as a method of warfare’. We have seen that the Israeli government has intentionally implemented collective punishment upon the Palestinians, consequently leading them to boldly admit blocking food and aid to Gaza. Anyone who objects to these claims should immediately be directed to the statements made by the Israeli leadership. Israeli President Isaac Herzog stated that all Gazans were ‘responsible’ for the terrorist attacks of October 7th, explaining, “It is not true this rhetoric about civilians not being aware, not involved. It’s not true.” Israeli Defence Minister Yoav Gallant firmly stated that he ordered a full siege of Gaza, saying, “There will be no electricity, no food, no fuel. Everything is closed.” He said, “We are fighting human animals and we act accordingly.” (“What have Israeli officials said about Palestinians in Gaza?”, www.
A United Nations-coordinated partnership consisting of 15 international organisations and UN agencies investigated the hunger crises in Gaza, stating on the 18th of March 2024 that ‘all evidence points towards a major acceleration of death and malnutrition’ with 70% of the population of northern Gaza experiencing catastrophic hunger. (“Gaza: Israel’s Imposed Starvation Deadly for Children”, On 20 May 2024, the UN reported that now 1.1 Million people in Gaza face catastrophic levels of food insecurity, highlighting how the Israeli government are carrying out the despicable and inhumane actions they promised. (“Israel continues to block aid into northern Gaza; UN sending team to shattered Al-Shifa Hospital”,
So, from the evidence just presented, it is clear that the Israeli government intends to punish all civilians in Gaza and has remained committed to its aims. It is therefore a complete untruth when the Israeli government says their war is with Hamas, but rather with all innocent civilians whom they have categorised as terrorists on insufficient grounds. Using
the logic of the Israeli leadership, to them, even babies would count as terrorists and ‘human animals’, perfectly illustrating how the Israeli government has ditched all forms of morality and common sense.
Another significant charge facing Israel is that they are ‘Intentionally directing attacks against a civilian population as a war crime’. This can be upheld through a report from Human Rights Watch on 14 May 2024 that Israeli forces carried out at least eight strikes on aid workers’ convoys and premises in Gaza since October 2023, even though aid groups had provided their coordinates to the Israeli authorities to ensure their protection. Furthermore, Human Rights Watch reported that Israeli authorities did not issue a warning to any of the aid organisations before the strike, which killed or injured 31 aid workers (with 250 aid workers having been killed in Gaza since the October 7th attacks). (“Gaza: Israelis Attacking Known Aid Worker Locations”, This ultimately degrades trust and credibility in the Israeli Defence Force as an organisation responsible for intentionally doing its best to limit civilian casualties. The IDF’s reckless attitude in
evidently intentionally targeting aid workers forms firm grounds to assume they are purposefully launching attacks on innocent Gazan civilians. Based upon the undisputed facts presented, anyone who refutes the charges lacks reason or as we see in most cases, is behaving partisanly.
Defenders of the Israeli government offer weak defences
Defenders of the Israeli government’s actions in Gaza make the argument that Israel’s governing institutions are acting solely in self-defence and are behaving morally. For example, UK Prime Minister Rishi Sunak stated, whilst attacking the actions of the ICC, that Israel is a ‘democratic state exercising its lawful right to self-defence’. This is a highly naïve assertion to make, given that a valid case can be made to contest such a notion.
Any rational person can now see that Israel’s motives in the war are no longer confined to self-defence and the extermination of Hamas. Rather, bigger motives are at play, such as the prevention of Palestine from being globally recognised as a state and Israeli territorial expansion.
The Times of Israel stated that according to various reports in early 2019, Netanyahu, in a Likud Faction meeting, was quoted saying that funds should be sent to Hamas as maintaining the separation between the Palestinian authority in the West Bank and Hamas in Gaza would prevent any formation of a Palestinian state. (“For years, Netanyahu propped up Hamas. Now it’s blown up in our faces”, www. Furthermore, Netanyahu has numerously repeated his sheer hostility towards a Palestinian state in 2024, which further adds to the validity of such reports that he needs Hamas to be in operation to prevent a Palestinian state. These are not
the words of a Prime Minister who desires peace and stability for his country in the long term, nor one who seems to also have the innocent Palestinian civilians’ interests at heart as he has so falsely and repeatedly claimed to have.
Netanyahu has traditionally been highly supportive of expanding illegal settlement on the West Bank lands occupied by Israel after the 1967 Six-Day War. The most recent proof of this is shown in June 2023, when Netanyahu’s government said they planned to approve 4,560 new housing units in various areas of the West Bank, a move that the US State Department described as having been ‘deeply troubled by’. (“Top minister says Israel to keep promoting settlements despite U.S. concern”, www. Two senior far-right members of Netanyahu’s government called for the rebuilding of settlements in Gaza, encouraging Palestinians to voluntarily leave the area for good, whilst not ruling out Israeli citizens from unjustly taking their places to inhabit areas in Gaza. Undeniable facts, demonstrate the Israeli government’s passionate desire for territorial expansion into Palestinian areas, going beyond just self-defence.
Several studies have shown that the Israeli Supreme Court has played a vital role in enabling Israel’s illegal territorial expansions and legitimising state persecution against Palestinians. The rulings have led to the expropriation of Palestinian land, home demolitions, deportations and legal cover for extrajudicial executions all being deemed legitimate. (“The problem with Israel’s so-called ‘crisis of democracy’”, Therefore Israeli institutions have supported apartheid and discrimination, carrying out actions deemed incompatible with international law and therefore having behaved in an illegal and morally corrupt manner. This ultimately begs the question as to how anyone, including Western leaders, can attribute any credibility to what the Israeli government says or does or simply rely upon them to carry out just actions.
The Israeli government and its defenders have accused supporters of the ICC ruling and a Palestinian state of wishing for the
inexistence of Israel as a state, being Hamas sympathisers and anti-Semites. These are highly baseless accusations to make. To be clear, as the ICC rightfully upheld, Israel does have every right to defend itself, however, it must be within proportion. Furthermore, the people who support the horrendous acts committed by Hamas are contrary to the many people who sincerely wish for an end to bloodshed and a lasting, peaceful solution. Therefore, how can one possibly argue that the people who wish for an end to the conflict are supporters of a terrorist organisation? So the accusations made are absurd notions which is evidence of the sheer depth of flawed logic possessed by the Israeli leadership and its defenders. Furthermore, Netanyahu and other Israeli officials have weaponised the meaning of antisemitism, using it as a banner to hide behind to use it as an excuse to commit the most heinous crimes. To be crystal clear, honest and fair criticism of the Israeli leadership is in no way an attack upon the religion of Judaism. The actions of the Israeli government do not represent the true teachings of Judaism, which advocate for peace, and they should always be held to account for it.
Blatant Western hypocrisy is once more evident
Numerous high-profile Western politicians who severely criticised Netanyahu’s conduct in the war are now suddenly defending him in light of the ICC’s actions.
US President Joe Biden said Netanyahu was making a ‘mistake’ over his handling of the war. He further stated that Netanyahu is ‘hurting Israel more than helping it’. UK Foreign Secretary David Cameron has also expressed numerous criticisms of Netanyahu and the Israeli leadership, having strongly stated that Israel has arbitrarily denied aid to Gaza. US Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer described Netanyahu as having ‘lost his way’ and was an obstacle to peace, to which Netanyahu hit back at Schumer for his ‘wholly inappropriate criticism’.
The leaders that have been mentioned make fair criticisms of Netanyahu based on the facts in front of us. However, it then turns
Niger khuddam and ansar hold their 12th national ijtema
Jamal Niger CorrespondentMajlis Khuddam-ul-Ahmadiyya and Majlis Ansarullah of Niger held their 12th national ijtema on 26-27 April 2024 at Muhammadabad Guidan Rumji, Niger. The theme of the Ijtema was: “
”. The ijtema was attended by 844 members from 11 regions of the country.
On 26 April, a dars of the Holy Quran on the topic of “Khilafat” was delivered after the Fajr prayer. The proceedings of the first session – chaired by Amir Jamaate-Ahmadiyya Niger, Asad Majeeb Sahib, began with the recitation from the Holy
out that following the ICC’s process to look into a possible arrest warrant for Netanyahu, those leaders changed their tune drastically. For example, Biden slammed the recent ICC actions as ‘outrageous’, saying, “It’s clear Israel wants to do all it can to ensure civilian protection,” Anyone can see what a comical statement this is, due to being an outrageous contradiction to his previous statements on Israel behaving incorrectly in limiting civilian casualties. Additionally, Cameron has opposed the ICC’s actions, even going so far as to call out Labour, who appeared to express support for the ICC and commitment to international law. Finally, Schumer described the actions of ICC as ‘reprehensible’ whilst claiming Israel is only defending itself. A consistent pattern now emerges that whilst such leaders were highly critical of Netanyahu when it came to expressing support to formally holding him to account for his illegal conduct, they all shied away.
Furthermore, we see double standards whereby the West supported the ICC’s arrest warrant for their enemy, Russian President Vladimir Putin, however, when the ICC held Israel to account, their closest ally in the Middle East, they harshly attacked the very institution they partially relied on to carry out justice internationally. We are seeing once again Western leader’s abandonment of just principles and commitment to international law which now sets a terrifying and dangerous precedent for the prospects of global security and peace.
The ICC’s actions symbolise the correct way forward
The ICC’s actions symbolise the correct way forward. The ICC’s stance on the Israel-Hamas war is symbolic in that it helps to advocate for a fair and balanced solution, designed to address the needs of both Israel and Palestine, not just one side. By considering arrest warrants for the leaders of both sides, it endorses the valuable notion that both leaderships have adopted the wrong approaches to ending the conflict, prioritising their self-interests and increasing violence and bloodshed. Rather than support one side, one should
condemn Hamas and the Israeli leadership while supporting a peaceful resolution. Sensible moral and democratic leadership is essential for resolving the conflict.
Hopes for the conflict’s resolution look greater
Major strides have been taken in the hopes of an end to the conflict by prominent figures, nations and organisations. For example, the ICC’s actions gained the support of countless high-profile figures, such as the prominent human rights lawyer Amal Clooney, who recommended the arrest warrants. The long-serving US Senator Bernie Sanders, who is of Jewish faith, has been a staunch critic of the Israeli government, stating the ICC’s arrest warrant for Israeli leaders was ‘right’. Furthermore, the International Court of Justice (the UN’s top court) has called on Israel to immediately cease the invasion of Rafah and allow humanitarian aid. The Israeli government, being subject to intense forms of scrutiny, adds to the increased chance of a resolution to the conflict. Most importantly, Ireland, Norway, and Spain have taken formal steps to officially recognise Palestine as a country, while many Western countries have consistently expressed firm support for a peaceful resolution despite the Israeli government’s rejection of it. This has arguably triggered an irreversible chain reaction whereby Palestine is on the way to being globally recognised as a state and the prospects of a peaceful resolution seem fairly realistic.
The ICC’s actions represent a significant step in holding Israel accountable for its disproportionate and excessive violations against Palestinians. While both sides have committed a degree of wrong in the conflict, Israel is finally being challenged and pushed back for its systemic oppression, illegal occupation, blatant disregard for international law, and indiscriminate killing of innocent civilians. This conflict cannot end in the absence of sensible and moral leaders. As for the ICC, generations will salute them for being on the right side of history.
Quran, followed by Khuddam and Ansar pledges.
After this, Yusuf Iro Sahib delivered a speech on “Importance of Knowledge” and Mahaman Bello Sahib spoke on “Training and education of children”. The first session concluded with silent prayer.
Hazrat Amirul Momineen’saa Friday Sermon was broadcast live with a Hausa translation, followed by the Jumuah prayer led by Amir Sahib Niger.
The proceedings of the second session started after Asr prayer. Considering some new-convert khuddam and ansar, Amir Sahib explained the organisational and administrative structure of Majlis
Khuddam-ul-Ahmadiyya and Ansarullah. At the end of the session, academic and sports competitions started.
The second day commenced with Tahajjud prayer, followed by some sports competitions.
The proceedings of the closing session started with the recitation from the Holy Quran, followed by Khuddam and Ansar ijtema reports by the respective presidents, a prize distribution ceremony, and a closing address by Amir Sahib Niger.
Honouring parents
Our Islamic duty of kindness and gratitude
Tahir Wadood Canada
The Holy Quran is filled with immense wisdom and teachings for mankind, covering societal relationships, close ties, and individual conduct, etc. It provides guidance on how we should worship Allah, spend our wealth, conduct ourselves in daily life, and much more. The Holy Quran places great emphasis on the kind treatment of parents.
Allah the Almighty has given clear instructions to believers in the Holy Quran:
“Thy Lord has commanded, ‘Worship none but Him, and [show] kindness to parents. If one of them or both of them attain old age with thee, never say unto them any word expressive of disgust nor reproach them, but address them with excellent speech. And lower to them the wing of humility out of tenderness. And say, ‘My Lord, have mercy on them even as they
International Book Fair of Buenos Aires
attended by Jamaat-e-Ahmadiyya
Missionary, Argentina
Jamaat-e-Ahmadiyya Argentina had the opportunity to participate in the International Book Fair of Buenos Aires, which was held from 25 April to 13 May 2024.
We had the opportunity to present at our stand the translation of the Holy Quran in various languages and Islamic literature in Spanish. During the three weeks period, thousands of people were introduced to the true Islamic teachings and the advent of the Promised Messiahas. Many visitors left their details to continue staying in contact with the Jamaat and to participate in our Islam and Arabic course, which is offered at our mission house. Furthermore, during the
book fair, one conference was held under the heading “Islam: From the myths to the reality.” More than 70 people attended this talk and a range of topics were covered. The talk was presided over by my humble self, while Sadr Lajna Imaillah Argentina spoke about the role of women in Islam and the missionary of Bolivia gave a very detailed insight into the true concept of Jihad. Moreover, Jamaat’s recent global campaign “Voices For Peace” in regard to the conflict between Israel and Palestine was presented in detail. Aside from the 10 local Argentinian Ahmadis, the missionary from Uruguay and the missionary and a local mu‘allim from Bolivia assisted the book fair to attend to the great number of visitors and to answer their questions.
nourished me in my childhood.’’” (Surah Bani Isra’il, Ch.17: V.24-25)
There are two points in these verses a believer should ponder over. The first point to note is Allah’s emphasis on honouring one’s parents, placing it directly after Tawhid. The word ‘ihsan’ means to do good as a favour. It does not mean fulfilling a right that is due. For example, if someone helped you for one hour, and, in return, you helped them for one hour, you have equally fulfilled your right to them. However, if you were to help them for two hours, it would be your ‘ihsan’, or favour. Now the question arises: Why does Allah command a ‘favour’ towards our parents rather than merely fulfilling the rights due to them?
Truly, unless the basic rights are fulfilled, one cannot do a favour. To do a favour by helping your friend for an extra hour, you must have first completed the hour of help that was due. Thus, the Holy Quran expects that a believer is already fulfilling the basic rights due to parents and then instructs the believer to go beyond with favours.
This reinforces to believers that their ‘ihsan’ is not just fulfilling an instruction but recognising that parents have done innumerable favours for them.
This leads to the second point for reflection. From feeding to sleeping, to clothing, and much more, parents do not simply fulfil basic rights; they go above and beyond to ensure their child faces no problems. It is truly impossible to repay them for countless days of this ihsan, which is why Allah has taught us this beautiful
prayer. In this prayer, we ask Allah to shower His mercy on our parents and fulfil the rights we could not:
Rabbi r-ham huma kama rabbayani rasghira
‘My Lord, have mercy on them even as they nourished me in my childhood.’ (Ibid.) Allah states that one should “never say unto them any word expressive of disgust nor reproach them.” (Ibid.) As children, when we were devoid of senses and unable to walk or care for ourselves, our parents never complained. repeatedly forgot things, our mothers showed immense patience. Now that they have aged, children must serve them without complaint.
The last portion of the verse states: “And lower to them the wing of humility out of tenderness. And say, ‘My Lord, have mercy on them even as they nourished me in my childhood.’” (Surah Bani Isr’’il, Ch.17: V.25)
“The Quranic expression
means, And make soft to them thy submissive side, i.e., treat them with gentleness and submissiveness or lower to them the wing of submissiveness, meaning, be submissive to them (Lane & Aqrab).” (Five Volume Commentary, Surah Bani Isra’il, Ch.17: V25)
Allah the Almighty imparts a crucial lesson regarding the treatment of parents. He emphasises that if parents are harsh and lack mercy toward their children, even their children’s prayers may not be answered in their favour. The prayer taught by Allah includes the word ‘Kama’, which translates to ‘like’. Essentially, it signifies treating parents in the same manner as they treated their children during childhood. (Urdu Tarjamatul Quran Class, No. 143, Surah Bani Isra’il, verses 13-26, I conclude this brief piece and reminder with the sayings of our beloved master, the Holy Prophet Muhammadsa, who said: “May a person whose parents reached old age in his presence, and they were not a cause for his entrance to Paradise, be humiliated.” (Jami‘ at-Tirmidhi, Kitab ad-da‘wat ‘an rasulillahsa, Hadith 3545)
100 Years Ago... Spreading the message of Hazrat Ahmad in America, England, and Africa
The Moslem Sunrise, April 1924
Hazrat Maulvi Muhammad Dinra (1881-1983)
Divine love
(A Persian poem rendered into English by an American new convert Siddika Rahatullah)
My Love what wonders hast Thou worked without pain: The cuts and the salve Thou hast made the same. The collection of all the worlds Thou hast scattered to the winds; All Thy lovers Thou hast Confounded and confused in mind. A single manifestation of Thee Makes a mote become sun at noon; Many an earthly atom hast Thou Turned into a bright clear moon. O what a miracle was it that In a sudden bestowal of favour Thou took away all the barriers That Thou might descend as a Saviour. In truth none sacrifices for another; Sincerity is an easy way to tread –Thou hast made Thy path so simple That by children it hath been read. Bold airs, graces, wiles and guiles have seen
Their consummation in Thee –Not a knavish coquet but is crying For Thy affliction and Thy self to see. Whoever fell into Thy furnace
Thou roasted with Thy fire. Whoever come to Thee in joy.
Thou turned him away in tears.
Until I became insane for Thee
My head was bereft of all sense; My life for Thee my fancy what a favour Hast Thou done to me, so dense.
My Love-Fever, by God, Thy fury Makes Thee an infidel most brave; But Thou hast made me
A Muslim, a submissive slave. Direct or indirect it is Thee That causes all unrest;
Muslim or non-Muslim there is Thy simmering in every breast. The Messiah that was said to be Located somewhere in the firmament above; Thy Grace came down and raised him From the earth, unto the world of Love.
– Siddika Rahatullah
All praise is due to Thee O God; None other than Thee we adore. Thou art the Master of the Worlds,
Din, Muslim Missionary, Giesebrechtstraße 5, Charlottenberg, Berlin, Germany. Annual subscription 4 [German] Marks.
Debunking claims of a Christian preacher
There is a learned Christian missionary [in America] who claims to be an authority on Islam and Muslims. He has written books entitled Arabic Thought and Its Place in History and Short History of the Fatimide Khalifate, etc. This savant says that the Prophet Muhammad[sa] or his early successors had no intention of carrying the religion of Islam beyond the confines of the Arabs or Arabia. A wonderful statement, proceeding as it does from a great authority on Islam and this statement must be true if it could be substantiated by facts.
Thine aid do we implore. Thou art compassion: lead Thou on To Thy right path our human race, Thy Mercy floweth evermore, Do guide us to the path of Grace. Thou art the Lord of Judgment Day, For sure shall all be judged by Thee, O keep us off the path of sin And error’s way, so mote it be.
– Abdur Rahim
The Review of Religions
The only magazine of its kind published in India every month dealing with important religious questions, offering a fair and impartial review of the prominent religions of the world and removing misunderstandings about Islam. Subscription, $2 per annum; for sample copy, write to the Manager, The Review of Religions, Qadian, Punjab, British India.
The Muslim
A monthly magazine in English to uphold and maintain the honor of Islam. It publishes articles on the message of the Quran, the life of the Holy Prophet Muhammad[sa], and boldly refutes all calumnies against Islam. It attempts to give a clearer idea of God and religion generally. Annual subscription post free $4 (foreign 10 shillings). Apply to the honorary secretary Anjuman-i-Islam, No. 52, Kerban Road, Singapore.
A monthly journal devoted to Islam and Islamic culture. Annual subscription, including postage, 14 rupees in land, 3 shillings foreign. The cheapest monthly in India, containing every month valuable articles from the pen of learned writers. Subscription commences front August of every year. Apply: The Manager, Peace, РО Ramna, Dacca, Bengal, British India.
Moslemische Revue
A German quarterly published in the interests of Islam. Edited by M Sadr-ud-
Alas for our missionary friend, we could not find a single fact that would bear him out. The Holy Quran tells the Prophet[sa] that He is a Messenger for and to all mankind. Moreover, he is told to convey his message to all, and he had to write epistles where he could not reach himself so as he may carry out the divine behest. As to his early successors, they carried this divine message to the East and West from the Atlantic to the remotest Pacific on the Chinese shores. Maybe our missionary friend does not regard them as facts. But what has he to say to the message of the man who said that he was sent only for the lost sheep of Israel, and that the bread of the children should not be cast before the dogs? He would not preach even to the Samaritans. Yet, him, he regards as the saviour of mankind. When should we expect to see fair play at the hands of the worshipers of the lamb, [i.e., Jesus Christ]?
New converts
Since the last issue of the Moslem Sunrise, the number of new converts, to Islam has been about 113, but below we give the names of 34 only, because in the case of the other 79 certain details we have not been able to get, hence we leave over their names for the next issue. The American and the Muslim names of the 34 we give below: Mr Howard Caruthets, Hammad; Mr Anderson Jackson, Ahmad Jaleel; Mr C Johnson, Jan Mohammad; Mr John Santiago, Shamsud Din; Mr Olive Pibsoyj, Peer Muhammad; Mr Virgil Washington, Abdul Wodood; Mr Rothelz Mason, Monawwar; Mr James Mason, Moneer; Rev JD W Ross, Abdullah Saifur Rehman; Mr John Samson, Jamal Muhammad; Mrs Emma Wilson, Amanat; Mr Lee McGruder, Lutfullah; Mr Walter Walker, Muhammad Saleem; Mr Janer Hill, Hilawl; Mr Troy Logan, Solieman; Mr Rufus Kyles, Abdus Subhan; Miss Linda Sealy, Amatullah; Mr JS Louis, Amanullah; Mr Edgar A Craig, Abdul Ghaffoor; Mr Leo Logan, Sher Muhammad; Mr WM Freeman, Freid; Mrs Virgil Jenkins, Jameela; Mr SG Greene, Ghulab; Mrs Addie Young, Shabab; Mr Merril Van, Battenberg, Badrud Din; Mr Duncan Hamilton, Hameedullah; Mr Willie Rooks, Ruknud Din; Mr Sam Buckner, Sameeullah; Mr James Fridge, Freid; Master B Wilson, Wilayet; Mrs Martha Hayes, Hawwa; and Mr Saeed Hassen, a Syrian Muslim, has joined the Ahmadiyya Movement. – Muhammad Din
Display of immense devotion by Ahmadis in Assin, Africa
Al Fazl, 23 and 27 May 1924
Al-Haj Hakim Fazl-ur-Rahman Sahib (1901-1955)
Tabligh tour of Assin region
Our friends from the Assin region of Africa, after reestablishing their connection with the Jamaat, have been actively participating in community activities with great enthusiasm by the grace of God. They are displaying remarkable examples of devotion and dedication.
At their request, I [Hakim Fazl-urRahman Sahib], along with the secretary of mission, Mr BE Keelson as my interpreter, reached the distant boundaries of the Assin region. Through lectures in various [African] villages, i.e., Yankumasi, Dompim, and Brecoe, etc., we were blessed with the opportunity to convey the message of the One God to hundreds of pagans and Christians. By the grace of Allah, 123 men and women have entered into the fold of Ahmadiyya Jamaat. Among them, 115 were non-Ahmadi Muslims, 10 idolaters, and including children, the total number of new converts reaches around 200.
All these villages are located along the road that stretches from the former capital of the Gold Coast, i.e., Cape Coast, to the old capital of the Ashanti kings, Kumasi. This route is very famous due to the early battles between the British and the Ashanti people. A motor car can travel for 57 miles along this path, but beyond that, there is no alternative but to proceed on foot.
Sincerity of Assin friends
All the Ahmadi friends from the Assin region, including women, men, children, and the elderly, except for a few differentlyabled, accompanied me throughout my tabligh tour. The journey took 10 days to complete, and a palanquin was provided for me. However, for most of the journey, I walked with my friends.
In some places, if we did not find adequate sleeping arrangements or faced any difficulties with food, everyone endured it for the sake of Allah the Almighty. If anyone had any concerns, it was not about their physical comfort but about guiding others to the right path. Therefore, with a heart full of gratitude and praise, I pray to God Almighty that He grants great progress in the faith and sincerity of these devoted individuals and bestows them with the best of His spiritual and worldly rewards.
His Holiness, Imam Hazrat Fazl-eUmar, [Khalifatul Masih IIra] and other members of the Jamaat are also requested to pray for these friends and the new converts.
Promise for work in future
These friends did not just fulfil their duties during this one journey, but in fact, they made a promise for the future as well. They have all vowed that at least twice a year, they will join me in the same group form to preach in the Assin region, and they will go with me wherever I wish to take them. May Allah grant them the ability to fulfil this promise in the best possible manner, Amin
Ahmadiyya school in Saltpond
Placing our trust in the grace and blessings of Allah the Almighty, Talim-ul-Islam Ahmadiyya School has been established in Saltpond with the strength of 30 boys. We are facing difficulties with accommodation. This problem might persist until our own [mission] house is built.
I am confident that our school will grow, flourish, and expand by every passing day. – Hakeem Fazl-ur-Rahman
Nigerian letter and pictorial lecture in London
Al Fazl, 27 May 2024
Secretary Tabligh Lagos
Alfa Joshua Shodande, the Secretary Tabligh of the Lagos Jamaat, who was injured in a motor car accident, has now recovered. Opponents of the community had spread the rumour that he had passed away, but Allah the Almighty has thwarted the enemies of Islam. The young Ahmadi missionary has resumed his work in full health.
Progress of Jamaat
The work of Jamaat is progressing, and people’s hearts are inclining towards Islam Ahmadiyyat. Every day, new friends are joining the Ahmadiyya Community, and the bai‘at forms have also been published in the Yoruba language. The most recent convert is a Christian woman who has been named Rasheeda. Recently, her nikah has been arranged with a young Ahmadi man. […]
Lecture in London
Hazrat Maulvi Abdur Rahim Nayyarra writes:
On 14 March [1924], I delivered a lecture at a [literary] society in London, of which I am a member of their management committee. The topic of the lecture was “My Journey to West Africa,” and the presentation was illustrated using a magic lantern, [i.e., an early type of image projector]. Forty-two slides were shown on the screen, and the lecture was wellreceived by both Ahmadi and non-Ahmadi attendees. All praise is due to Allah the Almighty for granting this opportunity to present the teachings of the Ahmadiyya Jamaat in a manner that reached the hearts of the audience.
To begin, I came to the platform and introduced Islam Ahmadiyyat to the audience. During this introduction, a full portrait of the Promised Messiahsa was shown on the screen. Witnessing this sight, where on one side the Promised Messiahas was standing on a high place and on the other, his servant was presenting arguments and a lecture in favour of Islam in English, reminded me of the blessed vision of Hazrat Ahmadas recorded in his book, Izala-eAuham. This manifestation, along with the hope and certainty of the fulfilment of this prophecy of the future success of the propagation of Islam, inspires waves of faith in the hearts of believers.
Next, a map of West Africa was displayed, followed by images of African inhabitants. After that, [an Ahmadi missionary], Nayyar was shown preaching. Various stages of the Eid prayer were then displayed, explaining the meaning of certain phrases. Thereafter, the modest attire of Ahmadi women was presented in comparison to the traditional dress of African women. In the same way, pictures of different places were shown, and scenes of preaching in the courts of kings were displayed, with the exact words of the speeches given there.
Along with showing images of Nigeria and the Gold Coast, including students and teachers at schools and the work of missionaries, the core teachings of the Ahmadiyya Jamaat were also presented. Additionally, the mosques in Europe and America, and the before and after images of Lekh Ram and Dowie were shown to
illustrate the fate of imposters.
My heart is filled with praise for Allah the Almighty as I was blessed with the opportunity to convey the truth to people in an impactful manner, Alhamdulillah. I am making arrangements for this lecture to be delivered in various parts of England in a similar manner.
Speech by alfa ShetaAfter my lecture, some attendees asked questions which were answered satisfactorily. Following this, Maulvi Muhammad Ismail Sheta, the naib imam of Lagos Jamaat, who is staying as a guest at [Ahmadiyya] Dar al-Tabligh, London, gave a speech. He said:
“I testify to all the statements that my Maulvi Sahib has presented before you, and I want to express that the beneficial work done by the Ahmadiyya Jamaat in West Africa is something to be seen firsthand. I have travelled to England solely to meet my Maulvi Sahib, and I hope that you will also benefit from the teachings of the Promised Messiahas.”
A new convert wrote:
“I, whose former name was Arnold Lowell and now is Nasir Ahmad, declare my acceptance of Islam today. The reason for my conversion is that I find Christianity to be futile. I find no evidence for the divinity of Christ. I believe that Moses, Jesus, and other prophets, and our master Muhammad, peace be upon them all, are servants of Allah. Today, I become a member of the [Ahmadiyya] Jamaat, with its headquarters located in Qadian, Punjab, India and its branch established in London at 63 Melrose Road, SW 18.”
Preaching efforts
With the change in weather, outdoor gatherings have come to life. The seed of Islam is being sown in the hearts of hundreds of people, and citizens of various Asian and European countries can be seen at our gatherings. We are also engaged in distributing literature and participating in meetings of different religions.
(Transcribed and edited by Al Hakam from the original English published in The Moslem Sunrise, April 1924, and translated from the original Urdu, published in the 23 and 27 May 1924 issue of Al Fazl)
Friday Sermon
Mubarak Mosque, Islamabad, Tilford, UK
3 May 2024
Muhammadsa: The Great Exemplar
reciting the tashahhud, ta‘awwuz, and Surah al-Fatihah, Hazrat Khalifatul Masih Vaa stated:
Previously, the Battle of Hamra al-Asad was being discussed. Hazrat Mirza Bashir Ahmad Sahibra has cited various books of history in relation to the events of the Battle of Uhud, the return to Medina and also the Battle of Hamra al-Asad. I will present what he has mentioned. He writes:
“This night [i.e., the night following the return from Medina] was a night of great fear in Medina, because although the army of the Quraish had apparently taken to Mecca, it was apprehended that this move may be a plot to catch the Muslims off guard, and suddenly return to attack Medina. Hence, on this night, an arrangement was made for security in Medina and the Companions particularly stood guard all night long at the residence of the Holy Prophetsa. The next morning, it was discovered that this apprehension was not mere speculation, because prior to the Fajr salat, the Holy Prophetsa received news that the army of the Quraish had stalled at a few miles from Medina and a heated debate was taking place amongst the chieftains of Mecca that, making use of this victory, why not attack Medina. Some of the Quraish were taunting one another, saying: ‘You did not kill Muhammad[sa], nor did you take the Muslim women as slaves, nor did you seize their wealth and possessions; rather, when you gained dominance over them and received the opportunity to destroy them completely, you just left them and turned back, so that they may collect strength again. There is still time, let us return and attack Medina and uproot the Muslims once and for all.’
“In contrast to this, the others argued: ‘You have attained victory. Consider this to be good fortune enough and return to Mecca, lest we lose this repute as well, and this victory is turned to defeat. Now if you return and attack Medina, the Muslims shall indeed fight with all their strength, and those who did not participate at Uhud shall come forth in the field of battle as well.’
“Ultimately, however, the opinion of the passionate ones prevailed and the Quraish prepared to set back to Medina. When the Holy Prophetsa was informed of these events, he immediately announced that the Muslims should prepare, but along with this, he also ordered that except for those people who had participated at Uhud, no one else should set out with them. (I have mentioned this historical account previously already. However, since there are additional details, I am mentioning this once again.) As such, the warriors of Uhud, most of whom were wounded, tied up their wounds and betook to the company of their Mastersa. It is written that on this occasion, the Muslims set out with such joy and zeal, as if they were a triumphant army that set out in pursuit of the enemy. After travelling a distance of eight miles, the Holy Prophetsa reached Hamra al-Asad, where the dead bodies of two Muslims were found laying on the plain. Upon further investigation, it was discovered that these were the two spies whom the Holy Prophetsa had sent in the footsteps of the Quraish. Upon finding an opportunity, the Quraish had executed them. The Holy Prophetsa instructed that a single grave be dug, and both of them were buried together. Now that it was evening time, the Holy Prophetsa instructed that camp be set up at this very location. He further instructed that fires be lit at different places throughout the plain. As such, in no time, 500 fires were lit in the plain of Hamra al-Asad, which struck awe into the heart of any spectator from afar. Most probably, on this occasion, an idolatrous chief of the Khuza‘ah tribe named Ma‘bad presented himself before the Holy Prophetsa and offered his condolences to those who had fallen at Uhud, whereafter he continued on his way. On the following day, when he reached Rauha’, lo and behold, he found the army of the Quraish encamped there and that preparations were underway to return to Medina. Ma‘bad went to Abu Sufyan at once and said:
“‘What are you about to do? By God, I have just left behind the army of Muhammad at Hamra al-Asad, and never before have I seen such an awe inspiring army. They are so passionate due to their regret for the defeat at Uhud that they shall reduce you to ashes on sight.’
“Abu Sufyan and his followers were so awe-struck by these comments of Ma‘bad, that they abandoned the idea of returning to Medina and made haste to Mecca at once. When the Holy Prophetsa received news that the army of the Quraish had fled in this manner, he thanked God and said:
“‘This is the awe of God, which He has struck into the hearts of the disbelievers.’
“(As stated before, I have mentioned this in detail in a previous sermon, this was a summary.)
“After this, the Holy Prophetsa remained in Hamra al-Asad for another two or three days, and after an absence of five days, he returned to Medina. In this campaign, two warriors from among the Quraish, one of whom was treacherous and the other a spy, were captured by the Muslims. According to the laws of war, since their punishment was death, they were executed by order of the Holy Prophetsa. Among them, one was a renowned poet of Mecca named Abu ‘Uzzah, who was taken captive at the hands of the Muslims in the battle of Badr. On that occasion, the Holy Prophetsa released him without ransom upon his seeking forgiveness and promising that he would never come forth to fight the Muslims again. However, he betrayed the Muslims and again participated in the war against them. Moreover, not only did he participate himself, but with his provocative couplets, he incited others as well.
“Hence, since the treachery of such a man could have proven to be severely injurious to the Muslims, when he was now taken captive at the hands of the Muslims a second time, the Holy Prophetsa ordered that he be put to death. Abu ‘Uzzah attempted to talk his way to freedom again with a verbal apology, but the Holy Prophetsa refused and said:
“‘A believer is not stung from the same hole twice.’
“The second captive was Mu‘awiyyah bin Mughirah. This individual was from among the relatives of Hazrat ‘Usman bin ‘Affanra, but was a staunch enemy of Islam. After the battle of Uhud, he continued to secretly circle the vicinity of Medina, but the Companions spotted him, apprehended him and presented him before the Holy Prophetsa. Hazrat Usmanra interceded on his behalf and the Holy Prophetsa released him on the condition that he would leave within three days, otherwise he would be executed according to the punishment which was meted out to spies.
“(First he, i.e. Mu’awiyyah, was given a warning to leave within three days, otherwise, since he was apprehended on charges of espionage, he would be executed. If he left, then it would be fine, otherwise, he would have to bear the consequences.)
“Mu‘awiyyah promised that he would leave within three days, but when this time limit had expired and he was still found to be circling Medina secretly just as before, he was executed. History has not recorded his motive, but for someone to secretly remain in the vicinity of Medina, and then to remain there past the stipulated term despite being warned, demonstrates that he harboured dangerous intent. It is very likely that, agitated and vexed by the safe return of the Holy Prophetsa from the field of Uhud, he came to Medina with some ill motive against the very person of the Holy Prophetsa and planned to make a secret strike with the help of a conspiracy hatched by the Jews or idolaters of Medina. Nonetheless, God the Exalted granted His protection and his plan could not succeed.”
(Sirat Khatam-un-Nabiyeen, Vol. 2, pp. 350-353 [English Translation])
There have been lengthy debates about the outcome of the Battle of Uhud. Some historians interpret Uhud as a defeat for the Muslims, while others generally hesitate to call it a victory, and pass a verdict somewhere in between. Then there are those who consider it a loss that later turned into an overall victory. The fact of the matter is that if we analyse it in light of the then prevailing customs and rules of warfare, it cannot be called a defeat for the Muslims, because what was the nature of the loss for the Muslims and the victory for the disbelievers? The Muslims were still on the battlefield when Abu Sufyan returned with his army to Mecca, raising hollow slogans. He also raised the false slogan that “this day is revenge for the day of Badr.” However, this was an empty claim. After all, how did this in any way avenge what happened at Badr? At Badr, the disbelievers saw casualties extending from their infantry to their most eminent chieftains, while 70 of their fighters were taken captive. At Badr, the Muslims acquired many spoils of war. At Badr, the Muslims – who were the clear victors – in keeping with Arab custom, remained on the battlefield for three days, while the Meccan army fled. But on the day of Uhud, the disbelievers did not even gain a single one of these [victories]. How then could this be called justice for Badr?
Evidently, therefore, the Muslims certainly did not incur a defeat at Uhud. Indeed, whereas in the first half of the battle, the Muslims saw a triumph, they also incurred a great loss of life in the second half of the battle. But ultimately, the Muslims stood their ground and stayed on the battlefield, and the powerful, hidden hand of God kept the Meccans from achieving an outright victory. Despite a temporary win, they were unable to inflict any further harm on the Muslims. According to the principles of war at that time, they left the battlefield having failed to achieve their objective. And when we pair this with the fact that the Muslims set out for Hamara alAsad the very next day, the battle of Uhud evidently emerges as a clear victory for the Muslims. And even the momentary setback at Uhud proved to be full of wisdom for the Muslims and a beneficial lesson for all times.
Hazrat Mirza Bashir Ahmadra states:
“As far as permanent outcomes are concerned, the battle of Uhud does not possess any special significance [against Islam or Muslims]. Temporarily, however, this battle did cause harm to the Muslims in certain respects. Firstly, seventy men were martyred in this war, some of whom were among the most prominent Companions and the number of those who were wounded was also very large.
“Secondly, the Jews and hypocrites of Medina, who had become somewhat awestricken as a result of the battle of Badr now became relatively bold. As a matter of fact, ‘Abdullah bin Ubayy and his supporters openly hurled mockery and taunts on this occasion. Thirdly, the Quraish of Mecca became very bold and in their hearts, they began to assume that they had not only sought revenge for Badr, but even in the future, whenever they were able to collect a force and wage an attack, they could easily subdue the Muslims. Fourthly, the
tribes of Arabia in general began to raise their heads with more courage. However, despite these losses, it is a clear fact that the victory at the battle of Uhud could not compensate for the harm which had been sustained by the Quraish as a result of the battle of Badr. In the battle of Badr, all those chieftains of Mecca who, in actuality, were the spirit of the Quraish’s national life, were destroyed. Moreover, as the Holy Quran states, this nation was uprooted in the true sense of the word. Furthermore, all of this transpired at the hands of such a nation, which in terms of apparent means, was completely insignificant in comparison to them. In contrast to this, undoubtedly, the Muslims suffered in the field of Uhud, but this loss was absolutely immaterial and temporary in comparison to the loss suffered by the Quraish at Badr. The Holy Prophetsa, who was the focal point of the Islamic society, and was the actual target of the hostile designs of the Quraish, was alive by the grace of God. In addition to this, all the prominent Companions, except for one or two, were all safe. Then, this defeat of the Muslims was in contestation with an army many times greater than their own in number, and far stronger in terms of equipment of war. Hence, in comparison to the magnificent triumph at Badr, the defeat of Uhud was an insignificant thing for the Muslims, and then, in one respect, even this loss proved to be beneficial for the Muslims. For it became clear to them in the likeness of broad daylight that to tread a path in contradiction to the will and guidance of the Holy Prophetsa could never prove to be prosperous and beneficial. The Holy Prophetsa proposed to remain in Medina and in support of this, he even related a dream of his, but they insisted upon going out to fight. The Holy Prophetsa positioned them at a mountain pass and very emphatically instructed them not to leave their positions under any circumstances, but in the thought of collecting spoils, they vacated their positions and descended. Although this practical mistake was committed only by a small group of people, since human society links all people in the form of a single chain, everyone suffered as a result of this weakness, just as if any benefit had been derived, all would have shared in it equally.” (Sirat Khatam-un-Nabiyyeen, Vol. 2, pp. 353-355 [English Translation])
This is a matter of principle. At times, the weaknesses of a few can cause harm to the community at large. In the same way, a good act can be beneficial for the entire community. We now see that many people speak in favour of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Jamaat. It is not the case that 100% of Ahmadis are of the highest standing, however, due to the few that have a positive influence, the people consider the rest to be good as well.
“Hence, if the defeat of Uhud was a cause for suffering in one respect, it also served as a beneficial lesson for the Muslims in another respect. Moreover, despite having to bear this injury, the Muslims continued to race towards their final destination in the likeness of a grand flood which hits a barrier and then rebounds in the opposite direction with even greater speed.” (Sirat Khatam-un-Nabiyeen, Vol. 2, pp. 353-355 [English Translation])
Hazrat Khalifatul Masih IVrh assessed the incidents that followed after the Battle
of Uhud in one of his speeches. The various points he derived from this are as follows:
1. In order to completely eliminate any feeling of loss amongst the Muslims, there was no better measure to adopt by immediately taking them to another battlefield.
2. By not giving permission to any new soldier who was completely free to join them, the Holy Prophetsa emphatically demonstrated that he did not rely on any worldly means, rather he was true in his claim and conviction in that he placed his sole trust in his Lord and that verily He alone possessed all power over their victory.
3. Through this decision, the Holy Prophetsa reassured and comforted his companions who had lost their footing in the earlier battle and he showed his confidence in them to suggest that they did not turn their backs and flee from the battlefield, but rather they were compelled to do so owing to the dire circumstances. In the history of battles fought in the world, there would not be a single example as such where the general of the army showed such confidence in his army despite the fact that the very same army, only a few hours prior to that, had fled from the battlefield and left him all alone, except for a few devoted companions.
4. The Holy Prophet’ssa confidence in his soldiers was 100% accurate and it was not just a passionate decision. This was proven true by the fact that, without any exception, every single one of the soldiers who participated in the Battle of Uhud joined the Holy Prophetsa in this expedition with great resolve and passion. Among them were those who no longer had even the capability to walk. Not a single one of them turned away saying that this expedition was akin to a suicidal mission nor did they express any sort of criticism or claim that it would be unwise to once again throw themselves at the hands of a strong and brutal enemy, having just barely survived [the earlier battle]. […] The decision made by Muhammadsa, the Chosen One on the second day of Uhud to set out in pursuit of the enemy is a great favour upon his Companions, the like of which no general has done for his army whereby their wounded were cured in an instant.
5. The events that took place afterwards show that the steps taken by the Holy Prophetsa were not just indicative of his personal and moral stature, but it was also very successful from a military point of view and the enemy was stopped from
waging an attack which would be even more fierce. Instead, the enemy returned without so much as a whim of victory and instead was severely defeated. Returning without any further harm, it was through his wisdom and planning that the Holy Prophetsa obtained countless magnificent benefits.”
He writes, “Upon taking a look at all the battles fought by the Holy Prophetsa an astonishing light is cast upon his excellent and unmatched capabilities as a general in war, which had become perfected in him. However, the first and last impression of the Holy Prophetsa is not that he was an expert in war but that he was a moral and spiritual leader who bore the flag of the loftiest morals. (This is very important.) After raising the flag of excellent morals and then raising it higher and higher, he became engaged in such a grand and unrelenting endeavour, which continued just the same during times of peace as it did during times of war. He protected this flag day and night. The enemy would constantly succeed in causing great, painful physical harm to the Holy Prophetsa and his Companions, however, he never allowed for this to cause even the slightest blight to his flag of morals and he did not allow for any of its harm to be inflicted. Despite everything, the Holy Prophetsa always displayed the highest standard of morals. At that time as well, this flag was in his possession with great grandeur and was accompanied by heavenly wonders. When the severely injured body of the Holy Prophetsa helplessly fell upon the rocky plains of Uhud, even then this flag remained aloft in his hands with an extraordinary sense of independence while the companions were being cut down from every direction. Hence, the morals of the Holy Prophetsa and the Jihad of morality of those Companions who were with him during the Battle of Uhud continued simultaneously with great force and strength. The great victor, Muhammadsa, the Chosen One achieved magnificent victory in every single moral battle. The Holy Prophetsa safely passed through such calamitous earthquakes, which have the power to crumble even the strongest of moral foundations.” (Khitabat-e-Tahir [prior to his Khilafat], pp. 331-335)
Hazrat Musleh-e-Maudra states:
“After an apparent victory at the Battle of Uhud, there was an aspect of defeat, but in reality, this battle was a magnificent sign of the truthfulness of the Holy Prophetsa. In this battle, according to the prophecy made by the Holy Prophetsa, the Muslims were victorious at first. Then, in accordance with the Holy Prophet’ssa prophecy, his uncle was killed in battle. Then, according to the Holy Prophet’ssa prophecy, the disbelievers’ flagbearer was killed at the beginning of the battle. Then, in accordance with the Holy Prophet’ssa prophecy, the Holy Prophetsa himself was injured and many Companions were martyred. Furthermore, the Muslims were given an opportunity to exhibit such faith and sincerity, the likes of which cannot be found anywhere else in history.”
(Deebacha Tafsir-ul-Quran, Anwar-ulUlum, Vol. 20, p. 253)
Whilst mentioning the fact that the
“ I have been continuously drawing attention towards prayers for the situation of the world, the state of the Muslims and regarding Palestine. Although it seems from various sources that there may be a ceasefire for a short while, however, the prevailing conditions indicate that even if this happens, the injustices against Palestinians will not end. Hence, there is a great need for prayers; may Allah the Almighty enable the Palestinians to also turn to Him.
Battle of Uhud was a decisive victory and how, after this battle, the Holy Prophetsa continued his work of educating and training once again, Hazrat Musleh-eMaudra states:
“Many Muslims were martyred and wounded during this battle, however, the Battle of Uhud still cannot be considered a defeat […] Rather, this was a great victory; so great that Muslims would remember it until the Day of Judgement and its memory would increase their faith. Upon returning to Medina, the Holy Prophetsa continued his real mission of moral training, educating and bringing about a transformation. Nonetheless, he was not able to carry out his task with ease. After the Battle of Uhud, the Jews were emboldened more than before and even the hypocrites began to raise their heads, thinking that it was within the power of man to eradicate Islam. Thus, the Jews began to cause harm to the Holy Prophetsa. They would write vulgar poetry about the Holy Prophetsa and his family. Once, the Holy Prophetsa had to visit a Jewish fort to settle a matter, and the Jews plotted to drop a large boulder on the Holy Prophetsa where he would sit, in an attempt to kill him. Nevertheless, God Almighty informed the Holy Prophetsa in advance and he departed from there without saying
a word. Afterwards, the Jews admitted to their mistake.” (Ibid., p. 257)
This concludes the events that took place immediately after the Battle of Uhud and the accounts relating to the expedition of Hamra al-Asad.
I have been continuously drawing attention towards prayers for the situation of the world, the state of the Muslims and regarding Palestine. Although it seems from various sources that there may be a ceasefire for a short while, however, the prevailing conditions indicate that even if this happens, the injustices against Palestinians will not end. Hence, there is a great need for prayers; may Allah the Almighty enable the Palestinians to also turn to Him.
In any case, the current circumstances have also brought about the means to shatter the pride of the arrogant people. It seems that Allah the Almighty has started the process of bringing an end to their pride, but exactly when this process will be complete – only Allah knows best. However, in any case, their pride is breaking and voices opposing them are being raised from within them. For example, there are protests taking place in the USA. Although they are forcefully trying to stop these protests, and even if they are able to stop
them temporarily, they will start up again. May Allah the Almighty grant sense to the major powers of the world for them to act with justice. They have certain standards for themselves but different standards for others. This will ultimately become the reason for the collapse of the UN.
The second request for prayer is for myself. For some time, I had a heart valve malfunction. The doctors had been suggesting a procedure be carried out, however, I kept postponing it. But now, the doctors said that it was at a stage where it would not be advisable to wait any longer. Hence, in recent days, a procedure to change the valve was carried out. All praise is due to Allah, the procedure was successful. Upon the advice of doctors, I was unable to attend the mosque for a few days. As I mentioned that by the grace of Allah the Almighty the doctors have said that, medically speaking the procedure has been successful. Pray that however much life Allah the Almighty is to grant me is one that is healthy and active.
(Official Urdu transcript published in the Daily Al Fazl International, 24 May 2024, pp. 2-5. Translated by The Review of Religions.)
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