Leeds College of Art BA (Hons) ILLUSTRATION OUIL603 Extended Practice
Credits 60
STUDIO PRACTICE Project Proposal Name Date Rationale
Alice Franklin
Blog Address
I am going to create an educational tool for children to use to help learning within the secondary curriculum. I am going to choose a topic from the Secondary School curriculum, I will talk to teachers and students to find out what topics the children either need further help on, or a topic that could use some extra tools to help teach. I also researched topics which people think children should be taught, but are not in the curriculum, these topics are life skills, communication and team-work etc. These topics are called the hidden curriculum, which teachers try to subconsciously teach alongside the core modules. I will try and create something that both helps the student with curriculum material they will learn in school and the hidden curriculum which can help with life skills and preparing them to move on from secondary education, whether that is going into further education or in to a career. I want to do this because I am very passionate about education, as I want to be a teacher after I graduate but I am also very passionate about creating ways for children to learn that are fun and motivating, unlike the usual textbooks that are given.
Themes / Subjects Education – Core Modules – Science, English, History (I’m not looking into Maths as there would be less opportunity for visual imagery to support the topics.) – Science modules (Secodary) - Reproduction (humans and animals and plants) - Healthy eating – proteins, fats etc. – Photosynthesis - Anatomy – Skeleton and muscles and organs History – Black Plague - WWI & WWII - Parliament English – Verbs, adverbs etc. Language - Spoken Language Hidden Curriculum - Equality – Diverse people, weight, race, height, ethnicity, religion - Life Skills – communication skills, street smart skills, social skills, life skills – paying bills, mortgages, debt etc. - How to eat healthy, implications etc. - Consequences of actions – Book and Board Game, Scenarios and play the game and deal with consequences
Topics are broad at the moment as primary research with teachers will inform the direction of the subject.
Professional Context & Contextual References Contextual References - - Shelley Li Wen Chen - Christopher Corr - Craig Foster - Heather Landis - Steve Evans (LinkedIn) - Hannah and Molly (LinkedIn)
BA (Hons) Illustration - Level 06 OUIL603 Extended Practice – Major Brief BRIEF TITLE Brief I am going to make a functional tool to educate children in a topic they will study in the Secondary curriculum. This will be used in addition to the curriculum taught in school, helping with a subject that is particularly difficult for children. The product will also pick up on the hidden curriculum, which is what can be taught to children to help their development i.e. communication, team-work etc. so it is good for character building and preparing children for lie after secondary school.
Products & Proposals Board Game that will educate the children on a topic in the curriculum, this will also make the children work together and focus in on some team-work and communication skills.
Context & Distribution Shops – Toy stores – Book Shops Schools Child Care clubs Charities Youth Clubs Community Centres Libraries
Function & Context The product will focus in on helping children learn more about a topic that they are learning at school. Which can be quite difficult to learn, whilst also building their skills at working together and communication.
Audience & Tone of Voice Children Aged 11-16 Teachers Parents
Additional information/Considerations The subject of the game will be considered after I have carried out primary research.
Deliverables A Board Game
ACTION PLAN – use this section to identify specific tasks that you need to complete in order to resolve the brief. Week What do you need to do? Get in contact with teachers fro different schools that specialise in different subjects, I could make a standard questionnaire that can be sent to all, with a brief covering letter 1 describing what my aims are. Once I get some feedback from teachers I then need to choose a topic from what they have suggested. 2
I then need to research the topic thoroughly, I could investigate what is already available to students on the specific topic, for example bbc bitesize
I then need to work out how I can apply this information to a work in a board game
Then I need to design the elements of the board game and figure out how it would work, especially applying hidden curriculum, so the players will have to work effectively as a team.
I then need to design the elements of the game, for example, the board, the pieces, the educational aspects, maybe the cards, rule book etc.
Experiment with the different processes to make the different elements, for example 3D printing, wood work (from experience) but maybe new processes and mediums that will be needed to construct the game
Finally it will be needed to be produced i.e. Printed
Then assembled
Make mock ups, photography
Presentation Boards
Self Evaluate
RESEARCH ACTIVITY: Make Questionnaire and cover letter to send to teachers at various schools
I need to produce a cover letter that I can send to teachers, that explains who I am, what my practice is and what I want to achieve by contacting them. I will contact teachers in various schools, that specialise in different core subjects, so to get the information that I want, I will have to make a questionnaire that can be applied to all subjects.
RESEARCH ACTIVITY: Contact teachers
Once I have finalised the questionnaire, I will then contact different schools via email and phone. I will also attempt to contact teachers via linkedin
RESEARCH ACTIVITY: What is out there?
I need to research the information already available to students at the moment. So I can look via the internet and ask the teachers on the questionnaire.
BOOKS / TEXTS - (Harvard Refernced)
MAGAZINES / JOURNALS / ARTICLES – (include publication date and details)
ON LINE REFERENCES / WEBSITES / ARTICLES (include specific urls)
OTHER REFERENCE MATERIAL (Films, events, exhibitions, conferences)
BA (Hons) Illustration - Level 06 OUIL603 Extended Practice STUDIO PRACTICE
Project Proposals
10 steps to producing persuasive project proposals
1. Set clear aims and objectives 2. Be SMART
(Specific , Measurable , Achievable , Realistic , Time Conscious) 3. Use words from your brief 4. Justify the need for your proposal 5. Describe your audience 6. Describe your motivations 7. Consider the reader 8. Eliminate vagueness
9. Visualise the ending 10. Assume nothing