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Can you name the islands off Scotland where the Vikings settled and stayed until the 1200’s? Easy – Give one example Medium – Give two examples Hard – Give three examples Answer – Shetland, Orkney and The Hebrides

Some of the places in Britain were given Viking names, can you say ways of how to find out? Easy – Give one example Medium – Give two examples Hard – Give three examples Answer – Places ending in ‘-by’, ‘-thorpe’ (or –thorp, throp, or –trop), or ‘-toft or “-tofts’ are all named by Vikings.

What is the name used for the parts of England where the Vikings lived and had power over the Anglo-Saxons? Easy – What is the name? Medium – What is the name and who wrote up the treaties? Hard – What is the name, who wrote up the treaties and when did this happen? Answer – Alfred the Great and Guthrum wrote up a treaty in 886, which defined the boundaries of their kingdoms, this was called Danelaw.

Where In the Uk did the Vikings settle? Easy – Give one example Medium – Give two examples Hard – Give three examples Answer – North and West coast of Scotland, Parts of Ireland, Dublin is a Viking city. The Isle of Man, Small parts of Wales, Northumbria, East Anglia, Leicester, Nottingham, Derby, Stamford and Lincoln

What places were in the Danelaw? Easy – Give one example Medium – Give two examples Hard – Give three examples Answer – York, Nottingham, Derby, Lincoln, Essex, Cambridge, Suffolk, Norfolk, Northampton, Huntigton, Bedford, Hertford, Middlesex and Buckingham

Who was the god Odin? Easy – Give one example Medium – Give two examples Hard – Give three examples

Who was Thor the god of? Easy – Give one example Hard – Give two examples

Answer - Odin was the leader of the gods he was the god of magic, poetry and war and wife of Frigg.

Answer – Thor was the god of thunder and protection

What did Thor protect Vikings from?

What particular objects or items of clothing did Thor use?

Easy – Give one example Medium – Give two examples Hard – Give three examples Answer – Thor protected Vikings from cold, hunger giants and other dangers.

Easy – Give one examplev Medium – Give two examples Hard – Give three examples Answer – Iron Gloves, A magic belt and a hammer

Who was Freyr?

Who was Balder?

Easy – Give one example Medium – Give two examples Hard – Give three examples

Easy – Give one example Medium – Give two examples Hard – Give three examples

Answer – Freyr was the god of agriculture, spring and fertility.

Answer - Balder was the god of beauty, innocence, peace and rebirth.

Who is Heimdall? Who was Tyr? Easy – Give one example Medium – Give two examples Hard – Give three examples Answer – Tyr was the son of Odin and he inspires courage and heroism in battle and was the patron god of justice.

Easy – Give one example Medium – Give two examples Hard – Give three examples Answer – Heimdall is the god of light, Heimdall carries the horn Gjallar and is the watchmen of the gods. He guards Bifrost, the only entrance to asgard, the realm of the gods. Hi job is to prevent giants forcing their way into Asgard.

How did Thor get his hammer? What other beings did Viking stories say also lived in Midgard (middle earth) along with people?

Easy – Who made it? Medium – Who asked for it to be made? Hard – Why was it made?

Easy – Give one example Medium – Give two examples Hard – Give three examples

Answer – Loki cut Thor’s wife’s hair off and in return he had to ask dwarves to make new hair out of gold and other gifts to please the gods. He then made a bet they could not make better gifts than the ones they had made, which he lost as one of the new gifts was Thor’s hammer.

Answer – Giants, elves and dwarfs

What is Valhalla? Easy – What is Valhalla? Medium – Who rules it? Hard – How could Vikings get there? Answer - Valhalla is an enormous hall in Asgard, ruled by Odin. Vikings believed that if they died bravely in battle they would get the chance to go to Valhalla and feast and fight.

What happened to the Viking warriors who where not chosen to be let in Valhalla after dying on the battlefield? Easy – Where did they go? Medium – Who chose them? Hard – What did they do there? Answer – Half of the warriors who die on the battlefield get chosen by Freya to go to Folkvangr to rest and relax in the afterlife.

How did Vikings have to live to get the chance to go to Valhalla? Easy – Give one example Medium – Give two examples Hard – Give three examples Answer – They had to worship Odin, they had to be honorable and die on the battlefield

What materials did Vikings use for clothing? Easy – Give one example Medium – Give two examples Hard – Give three examples Answer – Wool, linen and animal skins

What pieces of clothing were commonly worn by everyday Vikings? Easy – Give one example Medium – Give two examples Hard – Give three examples Answer – Women wore pinafores (Hangoracs), underdresses and broaches, men wore tunics and trousers and belt pouches were worn by all.

Name types of meat or fish commonly eaten by Vikings

Name types of non-meat foods Vikings ate

Easy – Give one example Medium – Give two examples Hard – Give three examples

Easy – Give one example Medium – Give two examples Hard – Give three examples

Answer – Vikings ate whale, walrus, sausages, domesticated animals like goats and chickens, preserved meat, cured meat, wild animals and salmon.

Answer – Vikings ate nuts, berries, herbs, leaves, grains, and honey

There were three social classes in the Viking community, cane you name any?

Why were the Thralls (slaves) important to the Viking society?

Easy – Give one example Medium – Give two examples Hard – Give three examples

Easy – Give one example Medium – Give two examples Hard – Give three examples

Answer – Thralls were the lowest class, and were slaves. Karls were free peasants and Jarls were the aristocracy (highest class, typically from noble birth)

Answer – They were used for everyday chores, large-scale construction and were traded so they helped the economy (supply of money).

What were Thralls used for? Easy – Give one example Medium – Give two examples Hard – Give three examples Answer – They were used as servants, workers on farms, household servants and constructing fortresses, canals, mounds, roads and other big constructions

Karls were known to own what? Easy – Give one example Medium – Give two examples Hard – Give three examples Answer – Karls owned farms, land and cattle

What were the roles of a Karl?

Jarls were known to own what?

Easy – Give one example Medium – Give two examples Hard – Give three examples

Easy – Give one example Medium – Give two examples Hard – Give three examples

Answer – They had daily farming chores, they also built houses and wagons and employed Thralls.

Answer – Jarls owned large estates, with huge longhouses, horses and many Thralls.

What were the roles of a Jarl? Easy – Give one example Medium – Give two examples Hard – Give three examples Answer – Jarls were involved in administrations (public affairs, government), politics, hunting, sports, paying Jarls and went abroad on expeditions.

What are the different methods of Viking burial? Easy – Give one example Medium – Give two examples Hard – Give three examples Answer – Cremation. Burial, either in the ground or under piles of rocks. Ship burial, were they would sail their dead out to sea.

What did Viking import (buy from other places)? Easy – Give one example Medium – Give two examples Hard – Give three examples Answer – glass – it was prized by the Vikings and was made into beads to be worn. Silk – it illustrated wealth. Wine. Slaves

At a burial, what could the Vikings also be buried with? Easy – Give one example Medium – Give two examples Hard – Give three examples Answer – Vikings were given grave offerings, which sometimes could be a sacrifice of a loved one or a servant. Men were usually buried with weapons, whereas women were buried with household goods. Food and drink were also put in the graves.

Who were given ship burials? Easy – Give one example Medium – Give two examples Hard – Give three examples Answer – Sea captains, Noble Vikings and the very wealthy.

What common goods were traded by Vikings? Easy – Give one example Medium – Give two examples Hard – Give three examples Answer – Vikings traded with Slaves, Weapons, Walrus Ivory, Wax, Salt, Cod, Fur, Soapstone and Whetstone.

Why did the Vikings invade England? Easy – Give one example Medium – Give two examples Hard – Give three examples Answer – The Vikings wanted new land because Scandanavia was hard to live in. It was hard to grow crops and their population was increasing, Europe and Britain had good farmland.

Why did the Vikings target the Monastries? Easy – Give one example Medium – Give two examples Hard – Give three examples Answer – The monks had no weapons, but they had money and food.

How would the Vikings take land?

Instead of fighting what would the Anglo-Saxons do to make them leave?

Easy – Give one example Medium – Give two examples Hard – Give three examples

Easy – What would the Anglo-Saxons give them? Hard – What did they give them and what was this called?

Answer – They would sail to the destination, Raid and then take the land.

Answer – The Anglo-Saxons would give the Vikings money so they didn’t have to fight, this is called Danegeld

What made it easy for the Vikings to invade England?

Why did the English find it hard to fight against the Vikings?

Easy – Give one example Medium – Give two examples Hard – Give three examples

Easy – Give one example Medium – Give two examples Hard – Give three examples

Answer – England suffered with internal divisions and the towns were also close to the sea or navigable rivers. There was also a lack of organized naval opposition throughout Western Europe.

Answer – The Vikings lacked formation, meaning the English didn’t know how to fight back. Also because of the design of the ships, it was easy for the Vikings to go undetected.

What tactics did the Vikings use to fight on land? Easy – Give one example Medium – Give two examples Hard – Give three examples Answer - Ambushing, Hand-to-hand and V formation

What routes via sea did the Vikings take to invade? Easy – Give one example Hard – Give two examples Answer – Norwegian Sea and The Baltic Sea

What made the Viking Shield an important part of weaponry? Easy – Give one example Medium – Give two examples Hard – Give three examples Answer – The Viking shield was made out of soft wood, this gave them more give meaning they would shatter less. The opponents weapon could get stuckin the wood, giving the Vikings a chance to attack. The shields were approx. 1min diameter, giving them a lot of protection.

What ship was most commonly used in attacking? Easy – What is the name? Medium – What is the name and how big is it? Hard – What is the name of it, size and how many people can fit in it? Answer – Longships were used a lot by Vikings to invade, they could be as long as 37m (121 feet) long and could hold 70-80 men.

What weapons were used by the Vikings? Easy – Give one example Medium – Give two examples Hard – Give three examples Answer - Vikings would use spears, swords, battle-axes and bows although bows were seen as less honorable.

What are the different types of Viking ships? Easy – Give one example Medium – Give two examples Hard – Give three examples Answer - Longships, Gokstad and the Knarr

How did Cnut the Great take over England? What Vikings ruled over England? Easy – Give one name Medium – Give two names Hard – Give two names and their relationship Answer – Sweyn Forkbeard was king of England in 1013-1014 and then his son Cnut the Great ruled in 1016-1035

Easy – When did the Vikings take over? Medium – When did the Vikings take over and who did it? Hard – When did the Vikings take over, who did it and why? Answer – In 1002, King Ethelred killed Viking families because the Vikings didn’t stop attacking England, so King Sweyn of Denmark invaded, in 1016 his son Cnut became King.

What happened to Jorvik’s last king?

What was the end of the Viking age?

Easy – What year was the Jorvik’s last king drove out? Medium – What year was he drove out and who did it? Hard – What year was the last Jorvik King drove out, what was his name and who did it?

Easy – When was the end of the Viking Age? Medium – When was the end of the Viking Age and who led it? Hard – When was the end of the Viking Age, who led it and how did it end?

Answer – In 954 Alfred the Great drov out Eric Bloodaxe, after Eric was killed the Vikings agreed to be ruled by England’s King.

Answer – England was conquered by William, Duke of Normandy in 1066, and took over the whole of England. In 1069 the Normans burnt Jorvik, this was the end of the Viking Age.

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