November/December News From PIHQ • March 2013 2013
P1...Letter From Pilot International P2...New Clubs Charter in South Africa, 2014 Convention Info P3...2014 PI Convention, Chicago, IL P4...New PI Awards P5...Anchor Club Reminders P6...Brain Safety & Fitness Updates, Safe Kids Day Info P7...International Care & Kindness Week Information, New Member Package Update P8...PI Founders Fund Information P9...PIHQ Announcements P10...Nominate an Outstanding Pilot or Anchor P11...EC & PIHQ Contact Information and Weblinks
As Pilots, ve we stri e g th to brin
GIFT PILOT of to th os C A R I N G this spec e in ne ed . At ial time of year ,
Inters to l wishe is h ed nationa ur ch er rs , yo u, o A n ch o th an k el o ve d f b d an li g h t o m P il o ts ar w th e ep in g fo r ke
bright in your hearts and for bringing Peace and Joy to all you meet. You are each a gift to our organization. We are grateful for your support and are honored by your
Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays, Pilots! It’s that time of year again when we are all busy scurrying around with last minute shopping and making plans for a festive time with family and friends! We wait anxiously for it all year long, and once it comes, there never seems to be enough time to get everything done. We can get so caught up in the details of the season that we forget to take time to relax and enjoy the moment. We must remember that - above all - this is a season of Joy, and as Pilots, we strive to bring Joy to others not just at Christmas, but 365 days a year. As Pilots, we are filled with the Spirit of Service and Sharing all year long, but it is this special time of year which brings out the best in each of us. We are encouraged by the great work that you and your clubs are doing in your communities - spreading good cheer and helping those in need. As you are busy going about the good work of your club this season, our great wish is for you to not lose yourself in the details but to find yourself in the Real Joy of Service. Just like you, Pilot International leaders and staff are working hard this holiday season, and we are proud of all the wonderful news we have to share with you in this newsletter. We hope you will take special note of all the information provided about the upcoming 2014 Pilot International Annual Convention & Leadership Conference - it will be here before we know it! We hope that the Tentative Schedule of Events provided in this edition of the PI News will help you and your family as you begin to make advance plans for this wonderful week in Chicago. We would also like to make special note of the announcement of the chartering of our first clubs in South Africa! This historic event took place on the evening of November 7, 2013 in Pretoria, South Africa, and we are so pleased to now call the Pilot Club of Pretoria and De Goede Hoop Anchor Club (Anchor Club of the Good Hope) our own. Congratulations, and Welcome, new Pilots and Anchors! Clubs, please send your congratulatory notes and love gifts for these new clubs to Pilot International Headquarters. PI leadership and staff will ensure that our new South African clubs receive your gifts and good wishes. We continue to marvel at the amazing work being done by our clubs around the world. We are so proud of you, and it is our mission to provide you with the best resources and support needed to help you as you serve your communities - wherever they may be. During this 2013 Holiday Season, let us continue to DO MORE, CARE MORE and BE MORE - EVERYWHERE - not just during the Holidays, but every day. Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays and Best Wishes for a Beautiful New Year. In Pilot Friendship,
Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays and Best Wishes for a Beautiful New Year! From Pilot International President Judy Langley, the Executive Committee, Board of Trustees and Pilot International Headquarters Staff.
Special thanks to Midwest Governor Holly Baker and Midwest Governor’s Bulletin Editor Jane Driscoll for the design inspiration for this year’s Christmas greeting.
Judy Langley Melanie Schild Pilot International President Executive Director, Pilot International
Pictured above, this year’s PI Christmas Greeting e-card. This year’s design was inspired by artwork in the December 2013 Midwest Governor’s Bulletin. Next year, Pilot International will hold a contest asking members to submit design ideas for the 2014 PI Christmas Greeting. The PI Executive Committee will choose a winning design concept to serve as the inspiration for the message. Stay tuned to the PI News, Constant Contact and The Pilot Log for more information.
Pilot International is honored to announce the chartering of our first clubs in South Africa on November 7, 2013! Join us in welcoming the new Pilot Club of Pretoria and the Anchor Club of the Good Hope (De Goede Hoop Anchor Club) in Centurion, South Africa! Look for more information about these outstanding additions to our Pilot and Anchor Family and their exciting charter ceremonies in the upcoming Winter Pilot Log.
Hennie Newmann, secretary of the new Pilot Club of Pretoria, receives her Pilot pin from Pat Garner, Pilot Club of Sweetwater.
New Anchors present at the Charter Ceremony, November 7, 2013.
g The Gift of n i t a r Pil b e le
Making a World of Difference
Pilot International News • November/December 2013
2014 Pilot International Annual Convention & Leadership Conference.
Get Excited for These Special Events and New Amenities • In addition to the headquarters room traditionally provided for Japanese Pilots, Pilot International will also provide a reserved international headquarters room as a place for International Pilots (Bahamas, Canada, Singapore and South Africa) to meet and gather and discuss issues specific to international members. • A “Chicago Dine Around” progressive dining experience on July 4 (http://www.chicagodinearound. com/) which will visit three different restaurants with a stop at the museum campus to view fireworks. Participants will be picked up and dropped off at the hotel. This is NOT a PI fundraising event. • Chicago city tours will be available prior to convention on Wednesday afternoon. If you are a Governor, please plan your tours before or after convention as you will have a required meeting of the International Administrative Council on Wednesday afternoon. • 2nd Annual Anchor Leadership Summit • Redesigned Navigator Progam: The Navigator Program is currently being reevaluated and redesigned, much like we did for the Anchor Leadership Summit. Activities for Navigators will differ for older & younger children. Chicago is one of America’s most beloved and beautiful cities. There is literally no end to all of the entertainment this city has in store! For more information about Chicago and to plan your family’s 2014 PI Convention experience in advance visit
Pilot International News • November/December 2013 2014 Pilot International Annual Convention & Leadership Conference July 2 - 6, 2014 • Sheraton Chicago Hotel & Towers
Tentative Schedule of Events Wednesday, July 2 10:00 - 5:30 PM Registration Open 12:30 PM - 5 PM Area Tours (pre-registration required) 7:00 - 8:30 PM Opening Celebration *All Pilots are asked to bring a wrapped gift (<$5) to the Opening Celebration and place on the stage. These gifts must be labeled with your contact information (name and cell phone number). These gifts will be placed on the tables at Friday’s luncheon.*
9:00 - 10:15 PM
Navigators’ Meeting
Thursday, July 3 7:30 - 8:30 AM Co-Pilot Breakfast 8:30 AM - 12 PM 1st Business Session 12 PM - 2:00 PM Election (delegates only) 12 PM - 2:00 PM Lunch on Your Own (except Governors) 2:15 PM - 4:00 PM 2nd Business Session 4:15 PM - 5:30 PM 3rd Business Session 5:30 PM - 6:00 PM Election Run-off (if necessary) 6:15 PM Dinner on Your Own
January rings in a New Year... and Pilots receive the fundraising plan. February roars in like a lion... and Pilots set their goals March is windy and cool... and Pilots share their dream. April showers nourish the earth... and Pilots promote the plan. May flowers burst into bloom... and Pilots do their part. June is a time for fun in the sun... and Pilots see the dollars rolling in. July... CHICAGO... Give here we come...
More. Win More. the WINdy City!
Friday, July 4 9:00 - 10:30 AM Be More. PI General Session Speaker Jacqueline Cornaby, Life Coach and author of “Get to Good:
A Mantra for Life”
11 AM - 12:30 PM President/President Elect Workshop 11 AM - 12:30 PM PI Founders Fund Rep Training 11 AM- 12:00 PM Workshop of Choice 12:15 - 1:15 PM Workshop of Choice 1:30 - 3:30 PM Celebrating You! Luncheon Awards, Recognition of Donors *Gift Exchange - Members can contact the person whose gift is at their seat and have an opportunity to meet and make a new Pilot friend! Pilots will be encouraged to take “selfies” with their new friend. These snapshots of new friendships formed will be displayed during Convention.
4:00 - 5:00 PM Donor Recognition 6:15 PM Dine Around Chicago (pre-registration required) 6:15 PM Dinner on Your Own (all others)
Saturday, July 5 8:00 - 8:45 AM Memorial Service 9:00 - 10:30 AM PI General Session 11:00 AM - 12 PM 4th Business Meeting 12:00 PM Receiving Line to Meet 2014-2015 PI Leaders 12:00 - 2:00 PM Lunch on Your Own 2:15 - 3:15 PM Workshop of Choice 3:30 - 4:30 PM Workshop of Choice 7:00 PM Installation Banquet
Other 2014 Convention Items of Note • COL Monday, June 30 - Wednesday, July 1 at noon • Rooms are $179 + tax (total of $208.36) per night • Parking fees are $51 valet or $45 self parking at the hotel per day. For those looking to P save on parking, you can park at the airport and take a taxi or other transportation downtown.
Pilot International News • November/December 2013 Introducing Pilot’s New Club and Individual Awards!
“…We shall radiate that which is unselfish, beautiful, and true.” Pilots and Anchors exemplify these words found in our Pilot Code of Ethics on a daily basis as we serve others in our global communities. It is the nature of Pilots to do good for others and not seek accolades for doing so.
However, Pilot International, in an effort to inspire others and provide some of the best practices, has chosen to recognize some of our unsung heroes. We want you to be a part of making this happen by nominating individuals and clubs for the various awards we have put in place.
~ Club Awards ~ We are pleased to offer the following Club awards. Please note that there will be three recipients of each club award, based on club size: The nomination and award recognition for clubs will be based on club size as follows: • Silver 25 or fewer dues-paying members • Green 26-40 dues-paying members • Gold 41 or more dues-paying members Outstanding Club Growth Award This award will recognize clubs for outstanding membership growth. The club with the largest growth percentage in each of the membership categories shall be deemed the winner. For this club award only, no nomination is needed. PI Headquarters staff will determine the winners based on club size and membership totals. Outstanding Community Service Award This award will recognize clubs that have excelled in community service. Areas of consideration for this award will be the number of service projects, number of service hours by club members, amount of funds raised by the service projects, and overall community impact. Outstanding Club Visibility Award This award will recognize clubs for outstanding visibility. Areas of consideration for this award might be Facebook page, club website, newspaper articles, television coverage, club newsletter, promotional materials for fundraisers, club promotional flyers/brochures and other avenues of visibility. Outstanding Pilot Club Award This award will recognize clubs that have excelled in all areas of operations including membership growth, retention of members, support of all three areas of focus, and visibility for the club in the community.
Please see the following page for additional information regarding these inspiring new awards.
Pilot Pick Me Ups Award This award will recognize clubs that have excelled in providing Pick Me Ups in their community. The nominated club will have worked with community partners to identify family caregivers, provide for (or funded) creative Pick Me Ups, based on the interests and needs of the family caregiver recipients, and raised awareness in the club and community regarding the needs of family caregivers. Outstanding Pilot Support of Anchor Club Award This award will recognize a club or member that has excelled in support of an Anchor club in all areas of youth leadership and development through service and financial support. Financial support includes fundraising to benefit the Anchor club’s operations or membership through scholarships, monetary donations and in-kind items.
~ Individual Awards ~ The awards for individuals are named after leaders who built the legacy of Pilot International and Anchor International. For each of these awards, one recipient will be recognized. We are pleased to offer the following individual awards. Lucy B. Allen Pilot Leadership Award This award, named after the first President of Pilot International, recognizes a Pilot who does an exemplary job of leading at the Club level. Elizabeth Leonard Pilot Club Builder Award This award, named after Ms. Leonard, who was instrumental In the establishment of Pilot International, beginning with the Pilot Club of Macon, Georgia, recognizes a Pilot who does an exemplary job of building clubs to enhance the presence of Pilot International. Pearl Sparks Pilot Service Award Named after the author of our Code of Ethics, this award recognizes a Pilot who does an exemplary job of living by the code while serving others. Ruby Newhall Anchor Service Award Named after the international president who initiated the Anchor Club Program, this award recognizes an Anchor who does an exemplary job of serving others.
Pilot International News • November/December 2013 The leadership of Pilot International spent a significant amount of time and research to establish the awards detailed on the previous page. We recognize that we have many clubs and/or members in our organization who have served with commitment and dedication in an effort to carry our message around the globe. We consider it our privilege to honor the outstanding efforts of so many with the presentation of these awards. Realizing that you may have some questions regarding the awards, we provide the following Q&A: 1. Where do I find these awards and how do I submit the nomination? The Awards Nomination Forms can be found on the website at I’m A Pilot/Pilot International Awards (large button at the bottom right of the page) or click the following link: All forms include a description of the award, nomination information, required or suggested information, the postmark date and an address (email or mailing address) for mailing. 2. When is the deadline for submitting nominations? All deadline information is included on each individual Awards Nomination Forms. 3. Why would I want to submit a nomination for an individual or club for one or all of the awards? We hope that you will consider nominating an individual or a club so that we might applaud their successes, learn from them, and emulate their example. We believe the presentation of these awards will have a meaningful impact when we meet for our international conference in Chicago next July. You will also have the opportunity to learn much from these award winners during convention. We encourage you to review the Awards Nomination Forms on the Pilot International website and consider beginning the nomination process today. If you have additional questions reviewing of the forms, please contact Bonnie Millirans at Headquarters by phone or via email at We consider it an honor to provide guidance and assist you as you consider your nomination for each award.
Anchor Clubs [Youth Leadership & Development] HAPPY HOLIDAYS, ANCHORS!
• We are pleased to announce that the NEW Anchor Handbook is available to download from the Pilot International Website. To access this great new resource, please visit I’m An Anchor/Anchor Resources/Anchor Club Operational Documents or click • International Anchor Dues were due to PIHQ by November 1st. Dues are still $10 per member with insurance fees of $4 per member added for a total of $14 per member. Dues Invoice Forms and Treasurer’s Forms are available on the PI Website. • Please send in a completed Anchor Membership form for EVERY club member so we can have the correct information for our new membership database system. • All Anchor Operational Documents (including those listed above) can be found on the PIlot International Website at this link: • Please send photos and articles of your amazing projects for submission in the next issue of The Anchor! We’d love to hear from you and share your great work! Please send all information to ASAP! Can We Help? P 5 Contact with your questions, need for help, to start a new club and everything Anchor!
Pilot International News • November/December 2013
Congratulations, Gillian Caplan! 2013 BrainMindersTM Art Contest Winner Congratulations to Gillian Caplan! Winner of the BrainMindersTM coloring pages contest! Her outstanding artwork can now be found on the Pilot International Website at... She will be working with Pilot International staff in the weeks ahead to provide more wonderful new coloring pages - coming soon! Gillian is 16 years old and in the 11th grade at Owen J. Roberts High School, where her Anchor Club is based. Her anchor club's advisor is Kimberly Nagy. Gillian's hobbies include theater and music. She is active in her high school plays and choir. She works hard on her academics and plans to attend college. She has an older sister, Jordan, and a younger sister, Jacey, who we are sure will join in congratulating her for her marvelous work! Thank you, Gillian! Your commitment to Anchor is greatly appreciated!
Brain Safety & Fitness Pilot International encourages ALL Pilot and Anchor Clubs to participate in Safe Kids Day 2014! WHAT IS SAFE KIDS DAY?
Safe Kids Day is an annual fundraising, awareness, and event initiative to keep kids safe from preventable injuries, the #1 killer of kids in the United States. In April 2014, Safe Kids Worldwide and our partners will be working at the local and national levels to promote child injury prevention and motivate families in communities everywhere to join us in keeping kids safe.
WHEN IS SAFE KIDS DAY? For 2014, the national Safe Kids Day is April 12. This day is important for focusing awareness and marketing efforts. However, please feel free to plan your events and awareness campaign for when works best for you, your community, and your local coalition. Anytime in the weeks surrounding April 12 will work well to coincide with the national campaign. Safe Kids Worldwide has prepared a full toolkit for Pilot Clubs to use in preparation for Safe Kids Day 2014. Click the following link to download this useful kit: The kit includes: • A Safe Kids Day handbook • A powerpoint for clubs to use to introduce potential supporters to Safe Kids Day • Customizable letters to Corporate Prospects, Foundation Prospects and Individuals • Talking points to use with potential supporters • A customizable Thank You letter
Safe Kids will also be posting a recorded webinar on Getting Started soon on their website. Please stay tuned to the Pilot International Website and the Pilot International News for more information.
Pilot International News • November/December 2013 •
• •
Pilot International is pleased to announce that the NEW BrainMinders™ skits and coloring pages are now available on the Pilot International Website at the following link:! Through the creativity of members like you, these skits will introduce children to Wise Old Owl and all his fuzzy, funny, smart, and sunny BrainMinder™ Buddies. These skits, with the help of Pilots and Anchors around the world, will show children ages 3-6 how to “Play Safe and Play Smart!” for years to come! The new adventures with our familiar BrainMindersTM Buddies friends are sure to be enjoyed by club members and children alike! The brand new BrainMindersTM Manual and other exciting BrainMindersTM resources will also be available soon! Please contact brainminders@ with any questions or comments.
All previously released BrainMindersTM materials are also currently available on the Pilot International Website at the following link: If your club has participated in BrainMindersTM, please take a moment to complete our BrainMinders feedback survey found at this link: pilot_BMSurvey. We would love to hear from you! If your club is searching for a bike helmet provider, Pilot and Anchor Clubs recommend Prorider. For more information, visit their website at www., or contact them at 1-800-642-3123 or Posters, brochures and resource materials for both the new “Be Mindful” and “What Were You Thinking?” BrainMindersTM campaigns are also currently in production and will be available soon. Stay tuned to Constant Contact and the Pilot International Website for more information.
Caring for Families in Times of Need
Care & Kindness Week
Imagined & Created By Pilot International
Thank you, Pilots! Pilot International’s First Annual International Care & Kindness Week WAS A RESOUNDING SUCCESS! Be on the lookout for news and ideas about our clubs’ fantastic projects and how YOUR club can get involved in upcoming issues of The Pilot Log!
Pilot International is pleased to announce that the new
I AM A PILOT Pilot International New Member Guide
Pilot International New Member Guide
is currently in production and will be sent directly to new members from Pilot International Headquarters starting early January, 2014.
This landscape-format, 20 page, full-color publication educates new members about the rich history and noble initiatives of Pilot International, inspiring them to “Take The Wheel” and spread the spirit of Pilot Friendship and Service in their community. Pockets on both the front and back inside covers will hold the official new member certificate, a letter from PI President Judy Langley and the most recent copy of The Pilot Log. Additional new recruitment and club building materials in the final design stages and will P be available on the Pilot International Website in late January.
Pilot International News • November/December 2013
Pilot International
Pilot International Sweethearts are Pilots who exemplify the qualities outlined in Pearl Sparks’ Code of Ethics. By nominating a club member for this distinction you are supporting the Pilot International Founders Fund and honoring your club Sweetheart for their dedication and devotion. Nomination includes a $25 donation to Pilot International. The PI Sweetheart Guidelines & Contribution Form and PI Sweetheart certificates can be downloaded from the link below. Celebrate your PI Sweetheart by posting on the PI Headquarters Facebook page, sending a press release and/or hosting an event in their honor. PI Sweethearts will be listed on the Pilot International Website as they are received []. ALL 2013-2014 PI Sweethearts will be listed the Spring 2014 issue of THE PILOT LOG.
Pilot International is looking to find some of the BEST Founders’ Day scripts being used by our Clubs to share through the Pilot International Website. Although PI prepares a new script for club use each year, we encourage our clubs to celebrate this fantastic day in their own unique way, and many clubs choose to write their own original script or program. If your club has an original script that you would like to submit for possible inclusion on the PI website, please send your entry (12 pt. font, double-spaced, limit 3 pages) to by January 31, 2014 (note deadline has been extended). Submissions will be reviewed and selections chosen by the PI Executive Council. Due to the overwhelming enthusiasm for the Yellow Rose Project at 2013 PI Convention, PIHQ is pleased to announce that Yellow Rose Project materials will be made available for use at District Conventions in 2014. • Supplies can be ordered directly from PIHQ starting in January, 2014. • PIHQ will provide all materials necessary to run the program at District Conventions, so look for more information coming soon on the Pilot International Website. • The only cost to districts will be for return postage of any unused supplies. • Please note that all monies raised will benefit the Pilot International Founders Fund. The Yellow Rose Project cannot be used to fund local or district projects. Yellow Rose Project Postcards are also available for sale in sets of 5. These will make wonderful birthday gifts, thank-you notes or tokens of appreciation for members of your clubs or local partners.
8 Founders Fund documents can be found on the Pilot International Website at:
REGARDING 501c3: If, when filing the 990 e-postcard, clubs notice that their fiscal year is INCORRECT, please continue to file the 990, then WRITE THE IRS requesting that the fiscal year under the club’s EIN be corrected to July 1 through June 30.
ADDITIONAL 501c3 INFORMATION - Pilot International has posted a selection of 501c3 Frequently Asked Questions on the PIlot International Website. Please visit for information regarding 501c3.
2013-2014 Mileage Reimbursement Rate: The Executive Committee has determined that the 20132014 PI mileage reimbursement rate is 75% of the current IRS rate. The current rate applies to all Pilots and Anchors. NOTE: As of September 25, 2013, the IRS rate is $.56.5/mile. Therefore, the current PI rate is $.42/mile.
Attention ALL Club Presidents: Please make sure PIHQ staff receive all email updates of your club membership. The news and updates sent out from PIHQ are both EXCITING AND INFORMATIVE, and we want to make sure every Pilot receives them! Thank you for helping us maintain current information on all members.
information along with high quality JPG photos (preferably 300 dpi), subject line marked “Club News,” “BrainMinders,” or “OTHER”) to •
Our quarterly publication, The Pilot Log, is printed and mailed to all dues paying members three times a year. All issues are also published online. One of the quarterly editions is published online, exclusively. If your club has Emeritus members who would like to receive copies of the three printed editions by mail, subscriptions are available for $10 (inside the US) and $15 (outside the US) annually. Pilot Clubs are encourged to provide and maintain annual subscriptions for their Emeritus members. For more information, please contact Alison Coons, Director of Communications and Editor of the Pilot Log at
In our ongoing efforts to provide clubs with more accessible marketing resources, Pilot International is compiling a database of preferred local printing services or printing tips to share on the Pilot International Website. If your club is familiar with a local printer you would like to recommend, or if you are personally affiliated with a printing service and would like to have your information included on the site, please contact Alison Coons at
The 2013-2014 PI Directory ( ImaPilot) is password protected. The password is Pilot Service (two separate, capitalized words.
Pilot International also encourages you to use dailygood by goodsearch ( as your search engine of choice. Simply go to and click the pink “get started” button. Enter “Pilot International” as your charitable organization of choice, and then by searching or shopping online as you normally would, dailygood will make a donation to the Pilot International Founders Fund. It’s a fun and easy way to surf the ‘net and support Pilot at the same time!
Pilot International
Remember! Your year-end gift to the Pilot International Founders Fund is tax-deductible! And it's not too late to help Pilot International's vital scholarship and grants programs for the 2013-2014 year. Find donation forms online at
Pilot International News • November/December 2013 Do you know an “Outstanding” Pilot or Anchor? Tell Us!
Pilots and Anchors are Amazing People! Our club members give of themselves each and every day and joyfully answer the call to serve, whenever or wherever it comes. In all four corners of the globe, Pilots are hard at work not only doing the good deeds of Pilot and Anchor Clubs but also leading outstanding individual lives.
Pilots and Anchors are Unique Individuals! Each member brings his or her own set of skills and experiences and offers their special talents to the benefit of their club and their community at large. Without a doubt, our club members are out in the world right now making outstanding and lasting contributions, leading lives of distinction that deserve recognition. Every Pilot is special. Every Anchor is special. And every one of you is vital to our organization.
We want to share their stories! Outstanding Pilots and Outstanding Anchors from around the globe will be honored in quarterly in upcoming editions of The Pilot Log or online monthly on the Pilot International Website. What makes a member “Outstanding?” That is for YOU to decide! Do you have a special member in your club who leads the kind of life you believe would inspire others? Does that person contribute to his or her society outside of the club in a way you feel is especially important? Do you have a member in your club with a unique career or someone who has made a name for themselves in a singular and positive way outside of their work with Pilot or Anchor? Then tell us!
To nominate a club member as an Outstanding Pilot or Outstanding Anchor, write to us and tell us in 500 words or less why you think your nominee should be honored. To submit your entry (with photographs of your nominee if possible), please visit the I’m A Pilot > Outstanding Pilot page on the Pilot International Website or email Alison Coons, Director of Communications and Editor of the Pilot Log, at If you do not have access to email, please mail your story to Alison Coons at Pilot International Headquarters, 102 Preston Court, Macon, GA 31210 or send via fax to (478) 477-6978. Submissions will be reviewed and selections made by the Pilot International Executive Committee and Executive Director Melanie Schild. We want to hear from you!
Congratulations to our Latest Honorees: Claire Mikko, Pilot Club of Tallhassee Outstanding Pilot, November 2013, Online P
Betty Busbee, Pilot Club of Fort Myers Outstanding Pilot, December 2013, Online
Pilot International News • November/December 2013 Calling All Clubs!
Do you have a great membership or fundraising idea that you would like to share with your fellow Pilots? We would love to feature your ideas and suggestions in an upcoming issue of the Pilot International News! Email your tips and ideas - subject line: PI News Idea Corner - to Alison Coons at FOLLOW US!
Useful Website Links:
@PilotClubs #PilotService @AnchorClubs #AnchorService
Pilot International Website: Pilot International Convention: Founders Fund Resources: Pilot Club Member Resources: Anchor Club Member Resources: Pilot Media:
@PIHQInfo #PilotService @AnchorClubs #AnchorService Pilot International Headquarters Anchor Clubs International #PilotService or #AnchorService (pics) Pilot International Anchor International PIHeadquarters
2013-2014 PI EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE & ECR ASSIGNMENTS • CONTACT US! Judy Langley PI President (843) 617-0689
Karen Cupit PI Treasurer (318) 376-4795
Deborah Hays PI Director (574) 339-2720
Sherry Johnson PI President Elect (903) 352-9868
Bonnie Turner PI Director (256) 463-0430
Connie Moore PI Director (309) 781-0334
Shannon Clegg PI Vice President (336) 963-2366
Stacey Chapman Melanie Schild PI Director Executive Director (662) 456-6637 (901) 405-5455
Faith Stamps PI Secretary (434) 251-9740
ECR Member
Alabama AK-OK Bahamas COED Japan Florida Georgia KS-MO KY-OH-WV Louisiana MI-IN Midwest Mississippi North Carolina NE-POT South Carolina Southwestern Tennessee Texas Virginia
Stacey Chapman Faith Stamps Judy Langley Sherry Johnson Judy Langley Karen Cupit Shannon Clegg Connie Moore Sherry Johnson Faith Stamps Sherry Johnson Shannon Clegg Shannon Clegg Bonnie Turner Connie Moore Deb Hays Deb Hays Karen Cupit Bonnie Turner Stacey Chapman
QUESTIONS? YOUR PIHQ STAFF IS READY TO HELP! Melanie Schild Executive Director (901) 405-5455 Alison Coons Director of Communications (901) 483-8250 Misty Cline Director of Operations (478) 477-1208, ext 304
Bonnie Millirans Pilot Club Services Manager Club Information and Services Department (478) 477-1208, ext. 307 Megan Milton Community & Convention Services Manager (478) 477-1208, ext. 300
Tiffany Hastings *Denise West Accounting/Membership Records Administrator Accounting Specialist Club Information and Services Department (901) 490-1022 (478) 477-1208, ext. 306 (office hours: M-F 9AM-1PM CST) *Louise Geib Anchor Club Specialist (904) 241-3956 ext. 1 (office hours: M-Th, 12:30-5:30PM EST)
*Projects Specialist (to be filled)
The “Pilot International News” is a publication of Pilot International Headquarters 102 Preston Court • Macon, GA 31210. For questions or comments please email
*Staff Specialists, part-time