Spotlight on Pilot’s International Presence
本号の掲載内容: インターナショナル ディストリクトのガ バナーの皆様をご紹 介し、クラブニュー スをお届けします!
更に、 #GivingTuesday の成果とインターナ ショナル奨学金の最 新情報もお知らせし ます!
Club News Latest and International District Governors
#GivingTuesday Results and an International Scholarship Update!
Meet your International District Governors Japan - 6 COED - 8 Bahamas - 10
International Scholarship Update
12 #GivingTuesday Results
“Dear Pilot Family” - A letter to the Pilot membership
How to be a Membership Superstar
Welcome to our 2017 Winter Issue – a spotlight on our International Districts and Clubs!
PILOTLOG VOLUME 99 NO. 6 PILOT INTERNATIONAL PRESIDENT Faith Stamps EDITOR OF PILOT LOG Kerry Freeman THE MISSION OF PILOT INTERNATIONAL IS: to influence positive change in communities throughout the world. TO DO THIS, WE: come together in friendship and give people an outlet for service. WE FOCUS ON: • preparing youth and young adults for service. • encouraging brain safety and health. • supporting those who care for others. The Pilot Log is the official publication of Pilot International. The Pilot Log (ISSN#1045-179X) is published quarterly at Pilot International Headquarters, 102 Preston Court, Macon, Georgia 31210. Printed in U.S.A. © 2017 Pilot International. Subscriptions US$10.00, US$15.00 if mailed outside North America. Periodicals Postage Paid at Macon, GA. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to The Pilot Log, 102 Preston Court, Macon, GA 31210. As the official publication of Pilot International, this magazine carries authorized statements and articles regarding the activities and programs of the organization. Opinions expressed in signed articles are those of the writer and are not necessarily the official views of Pilot International. The editor is not responsible for unsolicited manuscripts. NON-DISCRIMINATORY POLICY STATEMENT Pilot International affirms the policy of participation in all programs and employment without regard to race, religion, creed, color, gender, age, national origin or disability. The Boards of Directors and Trustees are committed to each Pilot Club to uphold the Code of Ethics, purpose and mission of Pilot International by reflecting the common cause of friendship and service in all activities, including the consideration of prospective members, in a nondiscriminatory manner. PILOT INTERNATIONAL 102 Preston Court, Macon, GA 31210-5768 P: (478) 477-1208, F: (478) 477-6978 www.pilotinternational.org THE PILOT LOG
Submitting to the
We love to hear from you! Email or send by post your Pilot Club photos and news for possible inclusion in THE PILOT LOG or on our Pilot International Headquarters Facebook page! Here are some things to remember about photos: • If possible, identify the Pilots, Compasses, Anchors or other subjects in the photo, left to right. • We cannot use photos clicked, saved and downloaded from the Internet because they will appear fuzzy or pixelated on a printed page. Also, news clippings and photos cannot be reproduced. • In many cases, the digital photos from your mobile devices will translate to print, but we may contact you if the photos you send will not reproduce well. • Lastly, if you email us, send any photos as attachments to your email; do not embed them with your text in the email. Email material to: michael@pilothq.org Or send by post to: Communications Director Michael Lopez THE PILOT LOG 102 Preston Court Macon, GA 31210 Submission deadline for the SPRING 2018 edition of the Pilot Log is March 1, 2018. A special thank you to Satoko Hata and Haruko Wada for providing the Japanese translations for this edition of the Pilot Log.
PRESIDENT’S LETTER FAITH STAMPS PILOT INTERNATIONAL PRESIDENT Recently having the opportunity to attend the Service Club Leaders Conference in Cincinnati, OH, I realized that there are numerous service organizations facing the same challenges that Pilot International is currently facing. During one of the sessions where leaders of many of the service organizations in attendance were sharing what was working in their organizations for retention of members as well as recruitment of new members, someone noted taking two paths. “It’s time we look at taking two paths.” This one line spoke volumes. It is true, we must take two paths. Pilot’s history is so vitally important to knowing who we are and what is at the root of what we do in our communities and it also drives the why of what we do in our communities. Service and friendship. Do more, care more, be more. How do we, as an international service organization, take two paths? It is imperative that we look through a lens of change and acceptance. Realizing that millennials do not want what was once the norm of a formal business and program meeting, how can we take a new path to grow membership? At the same time, how do we instill the deep history of Pilot’s great organization so that the history is preserved for the next hundred years? Recently, Pilot International challenged membership to ‘think outside the box’ and work to recruit more members during its fall membership drive. This membership drive was a way of taking a different path, a one focused solely on membership gain for a specific timeframe. Over 100 members were recruited with even one club, the Pilot Club of Clayton, doubling their membership! This challenge was a new path for Pilots and it worked. Anchors too have been focused on growth as well. Over 300 new Anchors and 9 new Clubs to date, with 8 new clubs chartered in one day in Georgia. A new focus and a new path. Not doing business in the usual way on the usual timeline. These news paths created a sense of urgency, creating innovation and new ways of doing business. As we head into 2018, the Executive Committee is exploring innovative ways that we can chart different paths without losing the rich history that is at the core of our values. Being relevant is imperative and doing business differently, not only locally in clubs and districts, but internationally is imperative. As Albert Einstein stated, “We cannot solve a problem by using the same kind of thinking we used when we created them.” Continue to explore the possibilities, take a new path, and work to grow the value of Pilot in all communities! In Pilot Service,
Faith Stamps PI President
最近、オハイオ州シンシナチの奉仕クラブのリーダー会議に 出席する機会があり、多数の奉仕団体がパイロットと同じ課 題に現在直面していることが分かりました。参加していた多 くの奉仕団体のリーダー達が、新会員の勧誘と維持に関する 有効な手段を語り合う中で、ある一人が「二つの道を取るこ とを模索する時である」と語りました。 これはとても意味のある一言でした。 確かに、私達は二つ の道を取らなければなりません。パイロットの歴史は、私た ちが何者であるのかを知り、地域社会での活動の根拠を知る ために、極めて重要なものであり、さらに地域社会における 私たちの活動の意義を広めるものです。それは、奉仕と友情 であり、もっと奉仕を、もっと思いやりを、もっと拡大を! ということです。 国際奉仕団体として、二つの道をいかに 辿れば良いのでしょうか? 変化と変化を受け入れるというスタンスで物事を見ることは 絶対に必要です。ミレニアル世代は、格式ばったビジネスミ ーティングやプログラムミーティングの慣例を好まないとい う事を理解した上で、いかに会員増強の新しい道を開拓すれ ばよいのでしょうか? 同時にパイロットという偉大な組 織の奥深い歴史をいかに伝え、百年後も忘れられないように するには何をすれば良いのでしょうか? 最近、パイロットインターナショナルは「箱の外で考える」 (既成概念の枠を外す)試みとして、秋の会員獲得運動に取 り組みました。一定期間に会員獲得に集中するという方法 で、クレイトンパイロットクラブは、なんと100名の新会 員を勧誘し会員数を倍にしました。 この試みはパイロットにとって新たな道となり成功しまし た。アンカーもまた会員増強に注力しています。現在、30 0名を越す新アンカー会員を獲得し、9つの新クラブが設立 されました。ジョージア州では、1日のうちに、8つのクラブ が認証されました。これは新たな焦点と道です。いつもと同 じように時間を使い、いつもと同じようなやり方を実行しな かったということです。この新たな道を辿ることで、仕事に 対する緊急感と革新性、そして新しい方法がもたらされまし た。 2018年に向かい、執行委員会の委員達は、私たちの価値 の核心をなすパイロットの豊かな歴史を失わずに、今までと は異なる道を示すことができるよう新たな方法を模索してい ます。現実と関連性を保つことは必須であり、さらに今まで とは違う方法でビジネスを行うという考えは、クラブ、ディ ストリクトのレベルに限らず、インターナショナルのレベル でも必須です。アルベルト・アインシュタインは「問題を作 り出した時と同じ思考では問題を解決することは出来ない」 と述べています。可能性を探し求め続け、新しい進路を取 り、すべての地域社会にパイロットの価値を広めて行きまし ょう!
フェース・スタンプ PI会長 PILOTLOG WINTER 2017 | 5
MEET SHIGEKO KAMADA Full Name: Shigeko Kamada District: Japan District Where do you live?: Tokyo How many years have you been a Pilot?: 42 years Favorite Food: Italian food and Japanese food “Sushi” Favorite Holiday Tradition and Why: New Year’s Holiday, because we have family gatherings, we eat special dishes, we visit shrines & temples and we go to Kabuki Theater Favorite Pilot International Memory: I have two: the 1979 Atlanta Convention because I attended convention for the first time and the 1990 Chicago Convention because I sang solo wearing a Kimono Hobbies outside of Pilot International: I enjoy watching plays, especially Kabuki at theater What is the main goal you would like to achieve as Governor of your district?: 1. Raise our visibility and establish a reputation as an international service organization 2. Improve the Pilot image 3. Increase membership 4. Increase the number of clubs 5. Increase Anchor clubs 6. Recruit younger members 7. Foster public opinion leaders following our policy set in 1951
Full Name: 鎌田滋子 District: 日本ディストリクト 住居のある都市: 東京 パイロット在籍年数: 42 年 好きな食べ物: イタリア料理 寿司 好きな休祭日は?理由は: お正月 お正月 家族で祝うか ら。初詣、お正月料理、初芝 居など。 パイロットインタナショナル の思い出: 1979年初めて参加したアトラ ンタ大会 1990年?シカゴ大 会で着物で独唱したこと パイロット以外の趣味: 演劇鑑賞 特に歌舞伎
日本のディストリクトガバナーとして達成したい主 なる目標を教えて下さい: 1. パイロットクラブのネームバリューを上げる事 2. パイロットクラブのイメージをアップすること。 3. 会員数を増やすこと。 4. クラブ数を増やすこと。 5. アンカークラブ数を増やすこと。 6. 若い会員獲得すること 7. 発足時(1951年)に倣って、社会へのオピニオン リーダーを育成すること
Pilot Walk put on by five Pilot Clubs in the Tokyo area. Governor Shigeko Kamada held the left side of the flag during the walk.
東京は5クラブでの合同ウォーク(鎌田ガ バナーが前にいます)
Pilot Walk organized by Hiroshima Pilot Club. This photo taken in front of The Atomic Bomb Dome (Hiroshima Peace Memorial Park)
広島PC 原爆ドーム前で記念写真
Pilot Walk & Apple Picking Festival organized by Akita Pilot Club. They enjoyed the harvest together with the members with disabilities of a facility that Akita Pilot Club has been supporting.
秋田PC 支援先の方々と、りんごの収穫祭
Full Name: Maricka Jansen District: Clubs of Evolving Districts
Where do you live?: Pretoria, South Africa Favorite Food: Tappas, SA barbeques, and chocolate Favorite Holiday Tradition and Why: Christmas, family time Favorite Pilot International Memory: Meeting all the Pilots face to face at convention in Vegas and getting to know the Honolulu ladies. How many years have you been a Pilot?: We chartered November 2013 (4 years) Hobbies outside of Pilot International: Travel, reading, & family time What is the main goal you would like to achieve as Governor of your District?: Ensure members get to know more about each other and grow bonds. The stronger the clubs and interactions, the more that can be done to maintain and grow membership. Also, we need to show care to members like we do to our charities. We learn from each other on how to be as effective as possible in Pilot International.
Leeward Pilot Club members Gloria Uyehara, Bernie Kahale, Cherrielynn Kamahele, Janice Arizumi and Carlin Kaeo (Coordinator) help serve meatloaf, rice, corn and roll dinner to 80 people on October 26.
Leeward Pilot Club President Janice Arizumi and her two grandsons sorted boxes of toiletries to donate to the River of Life Mission that feeds the homeless in downtown Honolulu. Leeward Pilot Club bought socks, rubber slippers, hair brushes, toothpaste to add to the donation. The toiletries are collected throughout the year by the Pilots and donated to a non-profit organization like the River of Life. This has been an annual project for the club.
A District Rooted in Purpose AUTHORED BY MERRILY BURNS & KAREN CUPIT The COED District has enjoyed an interesting history, many successes and continues to have its share of challenges. Most districts are identified by region, state, or country. COED is a mystery to most Pilots because we are identified by our purpose. Before COED became a district, we were made up of all the international clubs plus Montana and Hawaii. COED meant at the time Clubs Outside of Established Districts, we fondly referred to ourselves as Pilot International’s stepchildren. We paid dues, we did Pilot work in our communities but had no solid line of communication regarding our concerns. We had our unique challenges: currency exchange, translation of documents, timely information possibilities, etc. We met among ourselves at Convention by finding a corner of a lobby to discuss our challenges and we shared possible solutions. When we met, we had both Japanese and Spanish translation going on simultaneously. It was clear we needed a plan of action to gain recognition as a valued part of PI. A letter was written to then PI President Doris Hammett to explain our group’s concerns. The following year PI President Jo Vaughn arranged for us to meet officially as our own group and liaison positions were appointed in each area to help keep everyone informed including the Executive Committee. As a group we decided we needed a PR campaign. One of the first projects was a booklet explaining the culture of each area, Hawaii, Montana, Mexico, Columbia, Bermuda, Bahamas, Japan, Peru and England. Our next big break came when we cooked up the idea to produce and sell the COED charm. We approached then Executive Director Cookie Brooks, and explained what we wanted to do. We had a design ready to go. Cookie called President Jorja Turnipseed in to a meeting and the result was the
organization of the COED Council and our first fundraising project. A few years later we started laying serious plans to gain district status with the help of several Past International Presidents. The first step the Executive Committee required was we had to get Japan to become a district. Two years later the Japan District was confirmed by a vote at the PI Convention. Then past Presidents Ann Adams and Dot Franklin agreed to put forth the amendment for our COED District status. The motion passed unanimously. Our name then changed to Clubs of Evolving Districts, our purpose. The foundation clubs of the COED District remain the two Hawaii Clubs. The diverse population and economic situation in Hawaii allows the perspective of the communication and financial challenges of our international clubs. The COED District grants currency exchange for our International clubs for the District dues. The COED District and the two Hawaii clubs assist financially as much as they can to assure the International Pilot and Anchor representatives can attend convention every year. We are still facing many of the same challenges today as when we started the COED Council. New clubs or PI members not close to another district are welcome. We are good at communicating and keeping everyone informed and connected to the district and to PI. Everyone is always welcome in COED Country! In 2016, Pilot International established an International Committee. While currency exchange remains a major concern, other concerns have been resolved. Timely distribution of materials such as the Pilot Log and translation of documents are being resolved. Electronic distribution tends to be used more than traditional mail. An International
Scholarship has been established by a donor to provide educational assistance to non US institutions of higher learning. The International Committee is coordinating an effort to address the international concerns and to make sure our international clubs understand they are an important part of the Pilot organization. COED is very interested in projects that can include all of Pilot. There are opportunities where we can all work together to accomplish great things in communities around the globe. We know that there are potential projects in the U. S. as well as internationally. Our clubs in South Africa work with an agency that helps those with disabilities. The agency would like to expand but needs to enhance their water capabilities to do so. In a potential expansion area, we have learned of a concern with street children. These children are in need of homes and education opportunities. There are many more projects where Pilot can touch lives and change communities. We can work on projects within the current footprint of Pilot as well as where we want to expand. This allows Pilot to have “boots on the ground” as well as to have increased recognition within the communities. It can be a win-win for Pilot and the communities. As the “Clubs Of Evolving Districts” District, it is our goal to establish new Pilot districts and to equip them for success. We face both opportunities and challenges in doing so. Pilot International has worked with our district along the way to help us take advantage of the opportunities and find answers to the challenges. We will continue to focus on finding solutions and exploring opportunities as we work to grow our organization. Join us for the adventure!
Full Name: Ethel Bartlett-Laing District: The Bahamas Where do you live?: Freeport, Bahamas Favorite Food: Peas and rice with fish & conch Favorite Holiday Tradition and Why: Giving gifts at Christmas and sharing with family and friends Favorite Pilot International Memory: The Parade of Flags How many years have you been a Pilot?: 10 years Hobbies outside of Pilot International: Church functions and spending time with my children and grandchildren What is the main goal you would like to achieve as Governor of your District?: To have a totally trained district, both at the officer level and the membership level.
HURRICANE IRMA FOOD PACKAGING Hurricane Irma hit the southern islands of The Bahamas on September 6, 2017, causing major destruction to the islands of Inagua, Ragged Islands, Mayaguana and Acklins. Food parcels needed to be sent to the various islands. Pilot Club of Nassau, under the Projects Division, came to the aid of the Red Cross to render assistance by packing food parcels to be shipped to the various islands. We were the quality control personnel, making sure that what was supposed to be in the box was actually there. We then sealed and secured the boxes. We also put the boxes together for the next day of packaging. A rewarding job in helping our fellow Bahamians in need!
Pilot Club of Lucaya promotes Brain Safety through distribution of 700 Road Safety Brochures and continued partnership with the Royal Bahamas Police– Road Traffic Department.
The 34th Annual Brain Ball, Thanks for the Memories was held on Saturday November 4th at the Independence Ball Room of the Melia Nassau Beach Resort. The major fundraising event of the club was very well done by the Fundraising Division. Past District Governors were honored for their years of unwavering service to the community. The evening was a red carpet event with great entertainment, delicious food, wonderful prizes and lots of dancing. A grand time was had by all in attendance.
Pilot Club of Nassau planned its first BrainMinders presentation at First Step Academy. There were three first grade classes with excitable students to participate in the puppet show. Some were animated and others became shy when it was their turn to hold up their puppet but they all had a wonderful time. Teachers also enjoyed the presentation. The children were given a cookie treat for answering the questions correctly. They each also received a coloring book.
The Sunshine Pilot Club is pleased that meetings have commenced at the A.F. Adderley School for a new Anchor Club! Chartering of the club is expected in January 2018.
INTERNATIONAL SCHOLARSHIP UPDATE The mission of Pilot International is to influence change in communities around the world. This year we have taken another step in the pursuit on that mission. The International Scholarship funded by the Pilot International Founders Fund was established in 2017 to provide financial assistance to international students pursuing careers that further the mission of Pilot Intentional. The applicant must have a record of active participation in volunteer service and show outstanding leadership ability. The applicant should reflect on their cumulative community service, leadership ability and career choice when completing the application. Scholarships are based on community service, leadership roles, career choice, academic success and application content. Scholarships are awarded for one academic year. Award amount will not exceed $2,500 per year for full time students. Two individual scholarships will be awarded each year. The applicant must be a full-time student and remain a full-time student for the duration of the scholarship.
パイロットインターナショナルの使命は、世 界中のコミュニティに良き変化をもたらすことで す。今年度、私達はその使命として、更なる一歩 を踏み出しました。PIFF資金によるインターナシ ョナル奨学金を2017年度に開設しました。これ は、PIの使命を促進するキャリアを求める国際的 な学生に財政的な援助を提供するものです。この 奨学金の応募者は、奉仕活動に積極的に参加した 経歴があり、顕著なリーダーシップ能力を示さな ければなりません。地域社会での奉仕活動実績、 リーダーシップ能力、職業選択について慎重に検 討し、申請書にご記入下さい。 申請は地域社会での奉仕活動、指導的役割、キ ャリアの選択、学業成績、応募内容に基づいて評 価されます。奨学金は1学年度の期間、フルタイ ム学生に年間$2,500を上限として与えられます。 各年度、受賞は2名です。志願者はフルタイム学 生であり、奨学金を受ける期間中はフルタイム学 生であることが要件です。
0 0 0 , 9 $ ! ! r d e e v s O Rai
Congratulations on an amazing #GivingTuesday! Thank you to all who gave their time, goods, dollars and shared acts of kindness. We are so inspired by your generosity! Thank you for all the work, creativity and compassion you put into making our first #GivingTuesday campaign a success and for spreading the word in your Districts and Clubs about the movement. Together, we raised over $9,000 for the Pilot International Endowment! The investment of your contributions on #GivingTuesday will help create a lasting legacy for our future, and help Pilot International continue to to influence positive change in communities throughout the world. Lastly, as we enjoy the holiday giving season, remember that there are still many opportunities to give. With the end of the year approaching, we encourage you to share the spirit of giving throughout the season. Help us keep the #GivingTuesday spirit strong and support Pilot International and individuals in your communities and Districts who are working 365 days a year to help others! Thank you! Sierra C. Martin Founders Fund Specialist
Chartered in June of 2013, the Riverview Pilot Club has recognized the importance of not only sustaining their membership, but increasing their membership roster yearly. With each new Pilot year, the leadership of the Riverview Pilot Club plan and budget for their annual membership drive. Their planning continues to pay off in that their membership numbers in the short four (4) years of the club’s existence have grown and are a constant for their club. Obviously with a strong membership base, you have more hands to volunteer, and can accomplish so much more without fatiguing or “burning out” the member. At the club’s yearly membership drive, they showcase their projects, which peaks the interest of the everyday volunteer in one way or the other. The club adheres to the ABC’s of Pilot for their projects, which allows them to market to a diverse group of volunteers in their hometown. With a current membership base of forty-seven (47) this allows members to plug in to that special project that tugs on their heartstrings, as well as contribute to the other projects in some capacity. So their annual planning for the membership drive is a success with new members. Receiving the award for the 2016-2017 Pilot year for the club with the most increase with new members (fifteen), was an honor for Riverview. While there is always an ebb and flow with membership for Pilot clubs, the Riverview leadership engages the potential member from the moment they walk into the membership drive event, and then throughout the year, tapping into their individual talent. Their meetings are held on the second Saturday of the month (usually around forty-five minutes) and at the conclusion of the meetings they can be found putting together Pick-Me-Ups, or working on the upcoming projects or fundraiser. Time is a treasure to all, and the leadership of Riverview Pilot Club keeps that foremost before them. This year’s past Membership Drive yielded four new members, and five potential members joining within the next month or so. Riverview Pilots “explore the possibilities” while making a difference of being more in their local community. Winnie Brewer 2012-2013 PI President Riverview Pilot Club member
HOW TO BECOME A MEMBERSHIP SUPERSTAR One hundred twenty-eight million people in the United States alone use Facebook every day, and it has been estimated that almost half of all Americans learn about causes and non-profits through social media. If you’re not utilizing social media, you should be! Make sure that your page contains as much information about your club as possible. Fill out your location and a description of what your organization does. Don’t be shy about putting up a profile picture and cover photo. You want to capture people’s attention! If you’re using other social networking sites make sure that you link them. Post often! If you haven’t posted since the spring, you’re losing out. That interested individual is losing out. Your community is losing out. Everyone is losing out on a potential OPPORTUNITY. No time? Time is that commodity of which we just never have enough. Well, guess what! Facebook has a terrific scheduling feature. You can even use Facebook’s Page Insights feature to find out when your followers use Facebook the most and schedule your content accordingly. Say cheese! Post pictures and be sure to caption them giving people the who, what, when, and where!
You might be pleasantly surprised! Hopefully, there’s a Pilot pay-off (reaching scores of new people), but you just might have fun, too! For more Membership tips & tricks, email Stephanie (stephanie@pilothq.org) at Headquarters!
Make your content interesting and don’t forget what you learned in English. The headline or first sentence should GRAB YOU and pull you in. Answer your private messages, and do so in a timely manner. If you don’t, you could be discouraging a future member. It’s just a fact of life that we live in a fast food kind of world. Everybody wants an answer NOW. If they don’t hear back from you, chances are they’re going to move on. Choose someone who is reliable, enthusiastic and interested in making your Facebook account the best that it can be. Their enthusiam will be reflected in your page and help make your club the best that it can be! Follow the public library and other local non-profits to see what they are posting and then share it! Take advantage of the tagging feature. These are ways to connect with other people and work it......we mean NETWORK it, Pilots! Just composed the perfect Facebook post or need to get the word out about an upcoming event? Consider paying Facebook to increase your exposure. This insures that you reach more people! Obviously, that can’t be done for every post - especially now that you’re posting more frequently! - but for those special occasions, it’s something to consider.
Site: “Eight Ways Non-Profit Organizations Can Maximize Their Facebook Page” https://www.huffingtonpost.com/chris-barnes/eight-ways-non-profit-org_b_5290906.html
ANCHOR CLUB SPONSORSHIP Should my Pilot Club sponsor an Anchor Club?
YES! There are two types of Anchor clubs - Which type of club would be best for your Pilot club?
School Based Club Recruit Anchor members from the student body
Community Based Club Recruit Anchor members from the community
Recruit Anchor Advisor from the school staff
(schools, churches, sports, etc...)
Meetings are typically held during school hours
Member(s) of Pilot Club act as the Club Advisor
Meetings are typically held at the school
Meeting times are flexible Meetings can be held in a community setting
There are certainly advantages to both types of Anchor clubs, so it is important to choose the type that works best for your Pilot club
What are the benefits of becoming a sponsoring Pilot club and getting involved with the Anchors? Sponsoring an Anchor club can: • Reenergize your Pilot club with new vision and enthusiasm. • Provide the Pilot club with a group of young people to mentor and share ideas with. Our Anchors are very resourcefull and are definitely a “hands-on” group. They love to reach out into the community! • Add new dimension and direction for your Pilot club, increasing membership and service projects for years to come!
What a great time to get on board and get involved with our award-winning Anchor program. Let’s get started today! For additional information on sponsoring, contact: Donna Rainwater at donna@pilothq.org
Registration opens January 29, 2018! Early Registration: January 29 - February 28, 2018 Regular Registration: March 1 - May 25, 2018 Delegate/Other Pilot Registration
Co-Pilot Registration
Included in this Registration Cost: General Session Admission Business Meeting Access Workshops Anchor Cultural Exchange Installation Banquet 2018 Pilot International Convention T-Shirt Awards Breakfast Welcome Party/Donor Reception Pilot International Convention App
Included in this Registration Cost: General Session Admission Co-Pilot Breakfast Installation Banquet Access to Co-Pilot Suite Awards Breakfast Anchor Cultural Exchange Welcome Party/Donor Reception 2018 Pilot International Convention T-Shirt
Early Registration: $299 Regular Registration: $325
Early Registration: $200 Regular Registration: $225
To celebrate Veterans Day, the Pilot Club of Panama City and the Anchor Club from Arnold High School marched in the Panama City parade on Friday, November 10. The Anchors and their sponsor marched the parade route along side a golf cart decorated in the red, white, and blue throwing candy to the spectators. The Pilot club members rode in a Jeep also decorated in the red, white, and blue to honor our veterans.
The Pilot Club of Oconee County supported the Walk to End Alzheimer’s held at Clarke Central High School in Athens, GA by participating in the walk and by donating monetary contributions. Pictured left to right: Club President Judy Marable, Rosa Hall, and Rosanne Smith. 20 | WINTER 2017 PILOTLOG
The Pilot Club of Columbus, MS put together one hundred fifty-eight bags for the health care workers at Windsor Nursing Home, Columbus, MS as a Pick Me Up. These bags contained a writing pen, notebook, and various candy. The writing pens had imprinted “Because you have a serving heart, we care, Pilot Club of Columbus.” They delivered the bags to Windsor Nursing Home during the changing of shifts. The responses received from the recipients were priceless!
Pat Cowan and Michelle Norris sit at the Pilot Club of Longview table at the Walk to End Alzheimer’s in Longview, TX
For “Make a Difference Day” the Pilot Club of Eastman, and several Anchors, visited the Heart of Georgia Nursing Home in Eastman and gave patients a new pair of socks. The patients enjoyed their visits and Pilots brought smiles to many faces.
Local Pilots recently joined Jason Cobb, City Manager and Dan McCranie, Chairman, County Commissioners, in signing a proclamation for Pilot Founder’s Day, commemorating the Pilot International 96th anniversary.
Pictured L-R: Andrea Yawn, Nylan Hinson, Quintanna Gordon, Madelyn Wright and Jersey Wilkes (DCHS Anchors), Mandy Adkinson, Mallory Guyton
Back row L-R: Quintanna Gordon, Mallory Guyton, Alicia Simmons, Nylan Hinson Front row L-R: Dan McCranie, Jason Cobb
The Pilot Club of Greater Long Island recently held a Pot Luck dinner for Fellowship and Service. During the delicious dinner, seasoned members mentored new ones by reading through a Member Information Booklet that had been compiled by the club secretary. After dinner, the members spent the rest of the evening creating Pick Me Up packages that would be handed out the following week. The packages were going to a local salon, Racine, whose program Mondays at Racine provides free beauty services to women and men undergoing treatment for cancer. Left to right: PCGLI members Joanne Hamiltion and Sue Ferrara, Mondays at Racine founders Cynthia Sansone and Rachel DeMalfetto, and PCGLI Lori LaRocco pose in front of the luncheon.
Pilot Club of Baytown presents a donation to Chinquapin Preparatory for the fire extinguisher service. Pictured: Rebecca Loredo, Chinquapin Assistant Director of Development, Tammy Phenicie, Pilot Area Co-Leader of Health & Safety (H&S), Caren Bailey (Pilot H&S Committee member), Marilu Garza, Director of Development for Chinquapin.
The Pilot Club of Canyon Lake participated in the Annual Alzheimer’s Walk held in New Braunfels. The club also donated $720.00 Pictured from left to right are Pilots: Anna Burdick, Cindy Helton, President Sandi Koonce and Shirley Olinik.
Pilot Club of Eastman presented the “BrainMinders” to all grades K, lst and 2nd grades at both elementary schools in Dodge County. Approximately 800 students and some 4550 teachers and staff were involved in these presentations. The children enjoy participating in the skit. Each Grade K student received a BrainMinders coloring book with all the characters in it.
Dear Pilot Family, Where do I even begin? It’s strange to think back on four years ago when I was entering high school, a time where I was unaware of how much Pilot International would change my life. I joined Anchor Club thinking it would be nice to involve myself in some community service after believing I did not do enough in middle school. I also thought that it would appeal to colleges for the future. But the benefits I reaped from being a member all four years of high school surpassed those I thought I would receive. They were unexpected and incredible. I met, and became closer with, fellow members and felt as if I had found a family. Every event I attended was always enjoyable and left me with a feeling that I wanted to maintain. I just wanted to keep helping others. This was what motivated me to join the board as a Junior, and what made me become President as a Senior. I have made so many beautiful memories during high school, and a great amount of them come from my Anchor Club experiences. A vast majority of those experiences that I enjoyed were especially prominent when I was President. Sure, I did a lot as a Freshman and Sophomore, and even more so as a Junior. But senior year was where I threw myself, and my passion, into this club. Whether I was running the coat shop at Every Child’s Dream, walking for Breast Cancer, ringing bells for the Salvation Army, or modeling for the Pilot Club Fashion Show, I was always having a great time. The workshop was one of my favorite memories because I befriended people form other Anchor Clubs, and it made me realize just how much importance the club will always have in my life. As I watched the slideshow when we were at the induction, my eyes welled with tears as I realized I would no longer have meetings of Anchor Club to look forward to, no more new events to promote or be a part of. High school was about to fall behind me, and I was ready to relinquish my responsibilities. After a slight issue with an attempt at a scavenger hunt that no one signed up for, I was even more so prepared. I thought I was a failure of a president...but then we decided to give away the prizes away in a raffle. This raffle brought the club even more money than would have been gained from the scavenger hunt. That happy ending, and assurance that everything works out in the end, made me even more reluctant than I already was to let go to Anchor Club. Thankfully, however, I realized something. Thanks to my presidency, I have had the privilege of getting to know all of you. You’ve always been willing to go out of your way to help others. You are kind, charismatic, terrific people. The type of people whose precedents I hope to follow in the future. I could go on and on about you all. I can’t thank you enough for all of the times we have spent together-the parties, the inductions, the events in town, and everything in between. One of the best parts of Anchor Club is getting to meet my role models. Thank you for all of the laughter, care, and smiles you have brought into my life. Anyone who comes into your presence should be grateful and fortunate to even be acquainted with you. I admire each and every one of you, and am so thankful that you enriched my high school Anchor Club experience. At the workshop, when you mentioned that we could join the Pilot Club as a non-paying member, I knew right then and there I wanted to stay dedicated to my community and join as I head off to college. Now, I will be sending you a form with my intention to join. I am beyond excited to hopefully be like you someday. Of course, I cannot thank you enough either for awarding me with the scholarship. What a treat it was to be at the awards ceremony and find out I was the winner of the Pilot Club Anchor Club Scholarship! It is an honor that you even considered me, but the fact that you chose me to receive it makes me incredibly happy. How lucky am I to know people who not only support the town of Sayville, but the people residing in it. You, and Anchor Club, have truly changed my life, and I deeply appreciate it. I hope you all know that the scholarship means a lot to me, and that I will certainly put it to good use as I embark on a new journey to college. But I hope you all also know that your friendship means even more, and that when I went up on that stage, I felt the love and support from you that you give each other. That is truly one of the greatest gifts I could receive, to know you all. Thank you, thank you, thank you for coming into my life. I can’t wait for even more future endeavors with the Pilot Club. Thank you again for everything...I love you all so much! Love, Emily Osterloh Past President of the Sayville High School Anchor Club
CHARTERING 8 NEW ANCHOR CLUBS! On November 28, 2017, eight Anchor clubs chartered in Gainesville, Georgia, bringing 284 new Anchor members! After a known service club in the area disbanded, the idea of starting Anchor clubs in place of the old club was presented. Pilot Club of Gainesville’s President Sherrill Day conducted the proceedings, while Collett Cross, ECR for the Georgia District, chartered each club and initiated the members. In lieu of pins, the Anchors decided they wanted t-shirts to commemorate their chartering. Each school designed and ordered a different color t-shirt, making the chartering ceremony a sea of colors! The colors of the shirts reflected their school colors. The hope is for more Anchor clubs to grow from this momentous occasion!
Chestatee High School
Gainesville High School
East Hall High School
Johnson High School
West Hall Middle School
North Hall High School
Davis Middle School
East Hall Middle School
Anchors from Judson Middle school, Longview High School, and Longview Homeschool groups assisted with the Walk to End Alzheimer’s in Longview, TX
The Pilot Club of Panama City recently held an Anchor Officer Installation at Girls, Inc. Pictured: Anchor officers installed along with Sandy Ingram and Barbara Prentiss, Youth co-coordinators for the Pilot Club of Panama City.
Members of the Longview High School and Judson Middle School Anchor clubs present mutiple BrainMinders puppet shows at Touch-a-Truck in Longview, TX
Why did you charter/join your club? And how long have you been a member?
What new initiative could Pilot support that would further your clubs/districts goals?
I wanted to be involved in a service organization and was invited to Pilot by a co-worker. I have been a member of Pilot since January 2001.
I do not know of any. We enjoy supporting the TBI Camp and Surfer’s Healing for children with mental and physical disabilities.
What is your favorite part of being a member of your club?
What would you like other Pilot/clubs/districts know about your club – your clubs challenges— your club’s successes?
I have met people that I would not have gotten to know except through Pilot. The projects of helping people are what I enjoy as well as fellowship with other Pilots.
We are very small due to Pilots’ aging, having to move on, or passing away. We still do many activities in our area.
What is your favorite club project and what makes it so wonderful to be a part of?
Lastly, why do you feel it is important to give to Pilot?
Being a former teacher and social worker, I enjoy getting school supplies for exceptional children and doing “little Pick Me Ups” for community organizations. It again is helping people.
Giving to Pilot helps people in need in ways we as individual clubs could not do. We, as a large organization, have more influence than a small group, and by joining together, our funds can do more!
Why is it important for you to attend the PI Convention—what is your best take away from being with all the other Pilots/clubs? Conventions give you the opportunity to make new friends and spend time with friends from other areas. Sharing ideas and hearing speakers, especially projects, are so meaningful. Does your district support your club, and if yes how, if no what would you like support on? Our North Carolina Governor is very supportive and the DAC will help in any way needed. Governor Joyce visited and helped with one of our projects! How does your community benefit from Pilot? We give back to the community through our projects. Some of the projects are scholarshops, Children’s Christmas, food donations, school supplies, parties for the mentally challenged, and little Pick Me Ups.
North Carolina Governor Joyce Ferguson presented Ann Martin, president of the Pilot Club of Roanoke Valley, the Pilot International and NC Pilot District PI District Ambassador award for 2017-2018. This was done at the club’s meeting October 17. The award was a complete surprise for Ann. She is very humbled to receive this and thanks the NC DAC and PI.
Pilot Club of Roanoke Valley NC District fixed little Pick Me Ups for Alzheimer’s staff at two local facilities. Members shown are Ann Martin, Mary Keeter, Janet Overton, Jennifer Simmons and Cecilia Weeks.
NEW MEMBERS Reported to Pilot International as of December 1, 2017 ALABAMA Clara Louise Byrd Johnnie Kathryn Shepard Kimberly Brown Cindi K. McDaniel Christina L. Baskin Joan M. Rayl Beverly Ann Walker Rita Trousdale
Decatur Luncheon Club Morgan Co. Troy Dothan Prattville Luncheon Club Morgan Co. Luncheon Club Morgan Co. Luncheon Club Morgan Co.
FLORIDA Barbara Sue Pullian Tara Vick Edginton Debbie Prince Lisa Beth Schuler Victoria Ann Stirewalt Tracei S. Hutcherson Tamara Lynn Brown-Coughlin Suzanne D. McCoy Donna Rose Siefert Trudy H. McLeod Sarah Ann Wiley Cathy E. Harris Gloria Max Eileen Sheldon Wilma O’Brien
Gulf to Lakes PC Riverview Riverview Riverview Riverview Palatka Palatka Palatka Palatka Crystal River Crystal River Halifax Area Halifax Area Halifax Area Space Coast PC
GEORGIA April Few Jennifer Healan Carol N. Gurley Vickie S. Hammond Renee McCoy James Nelson Revell Christina A. Britland Jennifer S. Nunn Linda Sue Lovett Ina Ruth Smith Elizabeth R. Brummett Valerie Jackson Jann Brown Georgia Anne Rhoden Steven L. Black Terry R. Blacksstock Michael Ciochetti Cheryl W. Cook 28 | WINTER 2017 PILOTLOG
Oconee Co. Oconee Co. Oconee Co. Oconee Co. Dublin Statesboro Statesboro Statesboro Statesboro Statesboro Hogansville Hogansville Greene County Greene County Clayton Clayton Clayton Clayton
Rita K. Gipson Sharon Reeves Marcia Ranney Lynn M. Talley Susan Windom Cain Jo Ann Massengale Tina Lee Lovern Kathryne Smith Tammy Johnson Kaitlyn Daniel
Clayton Clayton Clayton Clayton Hogansville Hogansville Battlefield Chatham County Chatham County Chatham County
JAPAN Yoshiko Uchidate Sumiko Zaitsu Masako Yamamoto Yuko Kougoishi Nobuhiko Kawabata Sachiko Sasatani Yumi Kokado Tsutomu Kurokawa Misako Hashimoto Kae Asakura Yukiko Kurosu Kimiko Nakamura Hiroko Morita
Morioka Sakura Tokyo Osaka Apollo Tokyo Toyama Toyama Osaka Kumamoto Biwako Diamond 21 Tokya 21 Tokyo 21 Tokyo
Shawnee Mission
KENTUCKY-OHIO-WEST VIRGINIA Peggy Burk Charleston Linda M. Poling Charleston Mary Lou Crookshanks Charleston Cleta Walker Jackson County Barbara Casto Jackson County Sarah Dawn Bentley Jackson County Sophronia Cason Dayton LOUISIANA Velta Cross Mamie K. Lloyd Dianne J. Pullen Eve Carmon Williams
Main Street Main Street Main Street Main Street
NEW MEMBERS AMBASSADORS MIDWEST Kelly T. Driscoll Debbie Matheny Tracey E. Kupper Vicki Brooks
Peoria Peoria Peoria Peoria
New Albany
NORTH CAROLINA Lynn Parrish Bradshaw Ashley Cross Marie Polanco Andrea A. Robinson Shirley D. Jones
Luncheon PC Rocky Mount Asheboro Asheboro Monroe Scottish PC of Laurinburg
NORTHEAST POTOMAC Ann Fitton Patchogue Kathy Daly Patchogue Margaret A. Kinder-Czuchnicki Babylon Anne Laroche Babylon Heather Brookins Valley Forge SOUTH CAROLINA Kathy N. Headley Laura Little Dorothy Hooper Weberling Maquelyn Baggett Maggie L. Blackmon Linda M. Brunson Angela McLellan Campbell Melba M. Honney Pearl Jeffords Missy N. McKnight Laura Langley Smith Rene H. Sturgeon Carman Stone Brown Angela D. Dority Jennifer Griggs Beth C. Lambert Anita Pohl Odom Paula D. Salvo Mary Elizabeth Schwier Lisa H. Suggs Lacie Weatherford
Seneca North Myrtle Beach North Myrtle Beach Darlington Darlington Darlington Darlington Darlington Darlington Darlington Darlington Darlington Darlington Darlington Darlington Darlington Darlington Darlington Darlington Darlington Darlington
SOUTHWESTERN Patrick G. Maes Deborah A. Jackson
Albuquerque Belen
TENNESSEE Olivia S. Blazer Ellen C. Cranford Patsy C. Smith Sherry C. Torp
Cleveland Cleveland Cleveland Cleveland
TEXAS Mary Wilson Nancy Vanley Pamela Blount Tamara Anne Stempner Carolina Keith Shay Vanley Sherry L. Robison Vivian A. Kulak Megan Lynn Stovall Pam Optiz Cherise Isbell Ruth P. Briscoe Glenda Nelson Cheryl Wooten Suzanne Higgerson Jeannette Lockhart Catherine Rudd Florence Kuehn Carolyn Malik
West Chambers Cnty Odessa Odessa Odessa Odessa Odessa Odessa Wharton El Campo Mt. Pleasant Mt. Pleasant Lubbock Canyon Lake Canyon Lake Canyon Lake Bay City Nacogdoches Shiner Shiner
VIRGINIA Robin C. Labby
Luncheon Chesapeake
MEMORIALS Reported to Pilot International Memorial contributions to Pilot International Founders Fund honor the memory of friends, relatives, and acquaintances. A memorial card is sent to the family or other designee of the deceased advising them of the generous donation and identifying the donor. Memorial Contributions support the programs and function of the Pilot International Founders Fund and enhance the work of Pilot Clubs around the world. The name of the deceased is listed first in bold followed by the contributors. Dr. Jerry Honts Sue E. Wiele Dorothy W. Stroud Sue E. Wiele Mark Labby Pilot Club of Leesville Mrs. Bongo Toledo Pilot Club of Leesville
Jorja Turnipseed Shirely Pyle Carol Sanders Mary Ellen Pfeil Deborah Archer Dorothy Franklin Pat & Gary Jarvis Amy Hurst Collett Cross Past International Presidents
Juliet Marhoul Pilot Club of Iowa City
Maxine Harris Past International Presidents Shirely Pyle Pat & Gary Jarvis Carol Sanders Amy Hurst
Annie Scheetz Pilot Club of Iowa City
David Frazer Past International Presidents
Stephen L. Swails Pilot Club of Iowa City
Roy Lucas Pilot Club of Chattanooga
Cathy R. Dodds Cindy Dodds
Grace Humes Collett Cross
Melba Webster Barbara Mack
Heidi Hida Karla Henderson Pilot Club of Milwaukee
Mr. Brooks (Father of Sandra Wooden) Battlefield Pilot Club
Bettie B. Jackson Lucian & Mary Jo McCutchen Jean R. Jackson Carol Goforth Pilot Club of Miami, OK Sheila Evans Sandra Henry Betty Glanz Sheila Evans Tom Gaffey Pilot Club of Iowa City Jo Ann Keefer Pilot Club of St. Albans Martha Seawright Patricia Huggins Joseph Lee Jones (Son of Sherri Radford) Pilot Club of Bay City, TX
Lottie Leonard Pilot Club of Panama City Dr. Chester Masterson Cathy Schultz Charles & Pearl Bartlett Ethel Bartlett Charlotte “Betty” Demchock Pilot Club of South Brevard Jeanie Close Pilot Club of Shawnee Mission Kathleen and Cyrus Yates Connie Chenult LaVerne Baker Little Apple Pilot Club of Manhattan Yvonne Bulluck Pilot Club of Jacksonville, FL
IN MEMORIAM Reported to Pilot International from July 1 - December 1, 2017 ALABAMA
Jeff Wilkinson, Co-Pilot, PC of Milledgeville
Anne Scheetz, PC of Iowa City
Rayford Davis, Co-Pilot, PC of Andalusia
Debra Register, PC of Adel
Heidi Hida, PC of Milwaukee
Willene Thrasher, PC of Andalusia
Judith Reynolds, PC of Jefferson
Audrey Komarek, PC of Milwaukee
Lola Featherstone, PC of Enterprise
Carolyn Barbree, PC of Bainbridge
Martha Gallo, PC of Enterprise
Jewell Parker, PC of Johnson Co.
Oddie Swartz, PC of Columbus
Bobbie White, PC of Enterprise
Vivian Thompson, PC of Gainesville
Gene Holbrook, Co-Pilot, PC of Holly Springs
Jan Adams, PC of Elberton
Lake Elliott, PC of Oxford
Betty Glanz, PC of Dewey
Martha Arnold, PC of Covington
Jorja Turnipseed, PC of Starkville
Carol Goforth, PC of Miami, OK
Myrtice Kilpatrick, PC of Oconee Co.
Frances Luther, PC of Mantachie
Merinda Rensburg, PC of Pretoria
Ed Johnson, Co-Pilot, PC of Great Bend
Annie Marie Smith, PC of Roanoke Valley
Delores Bolding, PC of Manhattan
Virginia Perry, PC of Tarboro
Carol Grella, PC of Ocala
LaVetta Sneathen, PC of Blue Springs
Faith Tiberio, PC of St. Augustine
LaVerne Baker, Little Apple PC Manhattan
Addison L. Osborne, Sr., Co-Pilot, PC of Sumter
Mickey Sigmon, Co-Pilot, PC of Fort Pierce
Bettye Klein, PC of North Myrtle Beach
Betty Demchock, PC of South Brevard
Maxine Harris, PC of Springfield
Bettie B. Jackson, PC of Sumter
Charles Williams, Millennium PC of Central Ohio
Oleene Gettys, PC of Darlington
Verna Pola, PC of Warner Robins
Frances Poole, PC of Eatonton
Ruth Hoover, PC of South Bend
Polly Sisson, PC of Chattanooga
Diane Roberts, PC of Classic City Athens
Clyde Turner, Co-Pilot, PC of Muncie
Nan Miller, PC of Dublin
Don Mattson, Co-Pilot, PC of New Albany
Joyce Beene, PC of Longview
Judy Loftin, PC of Winder
Grace Humes, PC of Madison
Dorothy Muras, PC of Shiner
Martha Arnold, PC of Covington
Dorothy Richardson, PC of New Albany
Grace Phillips, PC of Covington
Grace Armistead, PC of Portsmouth
Winnie Jean Hester, PC of Cairo
Judy Brookhaus, PC of Iowa City
Richard Dignard, Co-Pilot, PC of Portsmouth
Rollin Ivey, Co-Pilot, PC of Milledgeville
Jan Hart, PC of Peoria
Pilot volunteers in communities like yours have made a big difference.
102 Preston Court Macon, GA 31210-5768 P: (478)-477-1208 F: (478)-477-6978 www.pilotinternational.org