WHY “CANTORIAN” ARGUMENTS AGAINST THE EXISTENCE OF GOD DON’T WORK Professor Gary Mar, Department of Philosophy phone: 632-7582, e-mail: garymar@ccmail.sunysb.edu web access: http://ccmail.sunysb.edu/~philosophy Abstract. Recent attacks on God’s omniscience employ a metaphysical application of Cantor’s theorem. Two variations of this atheistic “Cantorian” argument can be distinguished. A quantificational form of the argument can be demonstrated to be invalid employing a defensive strategy championed by Plantinga. Turning the tables on an argument used to dismiss the failure of Cantor’s theorem within mathematical systems such as Quine’s New Foundations, it can be shown that a set-theoretical form of the argument is question-begging. Such atheistic “Cantorian” arguments are not only philosophically untenable, but also historically uninformed since the resources for answering them are contained within Cantor’s own writings about the infinite and its relation to theology. Theological reflection guided Georg Cantor in his mathematical research into the nature of the Transfinite. In a letter written in 1888 to the neo-Thomist priest Ignatius Jeiler, Cantor warned: In any case it is necessary to submit the question of the truth of the Transfinitum to a serious examination, for were it the case that I am right in asserting the truth or possibility of the Transfinitum, then (without doubt) there would be a sure danger of religious error in holding the opposite opinion, for: error circa creaturas redundat in falsam de Deo scientiam (“A mistake regarding creatures leads to a spurious knowledge of God”) (Summa Contra Gentiles II,3). Cantor’s religious convictions, moreover, sustained his confidence in his research in the face of a hostile reception to it by eminent mathematicians. Henri Poincare disparaged Cantorianism as a “disease” from which mathematics would have to recover, and Cantor’s arch-rival Leopold Kronecker regarded Cantor as a charlatan and a “corrupter of youth”. David Hilbert, however, predicted that “from the paradise created for us by Cantor, no one will drive us out”. Hilbert’s opinion prevailed. Today Cantor’s ideas on the infinite are almost universally regarded among mathematicians as among the most brilliant and beautiful ideas in the history of mathematics. It is therefore ironic that “Cantorian” arguments about the nature of the Transfinite have recently been appropriated by some contemporary philosophers of religion in an attempt to discredit the notion of omniscience and so to disprove the existence of God. In this paper I show why such atheistic “Cantorian” arguments fail. Section 1. TWO FORMS OF THE ATHEISTIC “CANTORIAN” ARGUMENT. The essentials of the Cantorian argument occur in Bertrand Russell’s Principle of Mathematics. Russell, the foremost atheist of the twentieth century, however, did not press the obvious Cantorian