A CRYTICAL AND ANALYTICAL RESPONSE TO ANSWERING ISLAM I found a discussion and a response of Basam Zavadi who responsed to articles of Answering Islam and Shamoun. I was asked to make comments on the objections of Answering Islam and Shamoun . Instead of writing a direct refutation I decided to add comments some time in bold black , some time in red and some time in both of them. This may help to see the entire comment in a better way. I have just added my own comments and did not disturbed Bassam’s responses. My comments are easity to be differentiated from Bassam’s responses. An Apology A request Christian Brothers and Sisters that it is not by wish to make objections on Christian Theology, but when persons in answering Islam write such type of objections and articles, they are responded. In doing so if I have hurt the feeling of any one of Athanasian Christian may be forgiven since I only wanted to respond . For this I did not even choose to write a separate response. I added my comments to Bassam’s response. I also hope that this will not annoy Bassam . If it does I ask him to forgive me.
Rebuttal to Answering Islam's Article "On The Philosophical Necessity of the Trinity Based On The Attributes Of God" by Bassam Zawadi
The article could be located here.
Answering Islam said: Muslims often argue for the unity of God from the viewpoint that more than one God would bring chaos and fighting between the gods. This is true if we think of many separate gods, but Christians only believe in ONE God, not many gods. But we believe that there is more "inner structure" to the Godhead that a unitary one.