1 TWO PROOFS FOR THE EXISTENCE OF DEITY:= Maulana Qasim Nanautavi was one of the greatest theologians in the world. For more great then his rivals and contemporaries. He has written may works. People are inspired from his works. But he did not write in a systematic manner. He has provided some proofs of Deity. There is a proof of Deity which may be derived from His Works. The first proof uses the terms Exist ,To Exist, Existence, Impossible, Not ,Not To Exist, Deity. If There is a Deity then the Deity is Necessary Existent, If there is No Necessary Existence then there is No Deity. But the Necessary Existence in this case doeth not implieth the Existence by itself, but implieth by the definination. Proof of Deity is as follow. Claim:= Deity Existeth Proof: Either Deity Existeth [1] or Deity Existeth Not. [2] Since Middle is Self Excluded [‘Irtifa:” ‘An Aqi:d:ain] Let Deity Existeth Not.[2.1] If Deity Existeth Not then Either Deity Is Possible to Exist [2.1] or Deity Is not Possible to Exist[2.2]. Since Middle is Excluded. If not Possible to Exist then it is Impossible to Exist[2.21] Since One that is Not Possible to Exist is Impossible To Exist. [2.22] Result : If Deity Existeth Not then It is Impossible that Deity Existeth. [3] or If Deity Existeth not then It is Impossible that Deity Existeth.[3’]
If Deity Exiteth then Either It is Possible For the Deity To Exist [1.1] or It is Not Possible For the Deity i Not To Exist. or Not Possible[1.2] Since Middle is Excluded. If it is Not Possible For Deity Not To Exist then It is Impossible For Deity Not To Exist.[1.21] Since One that is not Possible Not to Exist is Impossible Not to Exist.