THIRTY QUESTIONS FOR ENGINEER ALI MIRZA ABOUT HOLY QURAN Engineer Ali Mirza disbelieves in the authenticity of Thirty HOLY PARTS if ‘Al Qur’a:n. THE REASON IS THAT THIS HERETIC DISBELIEVES THAT THERE IS AN ‘IJMA:” ON THE THIRTY PARTS. So A number of Questions are asked which may reveal that Ali Mirza of the Jhelum City is a disbeliever in Ijama” . These question Shall Expose the ‘Irtida:d of the Engineer Exposed ‘Insha: ‘Allah. 1] Is there a ‘Ijma:” on the Uncreatedness of Qur’a:n?If it then is is allowed to offer prayers behind a person who disbelieves in the Uncreatedness of Holy Qur’an. 2] Is there an ‘Ijma:” on the Thirty Divisions of Qur’a:n ? If so then is it allowed to offer prayers behind a Person who disbelieve in the 30 divisions/parts of Holy Qur’an? 3] Is it allowed to change the sound of dialectical marks in the following meaning? If some one explains that he uses the sign for Fath: for the sound of Kasrah,Sign of Raf” for the sound of Fath: and so on, etc. Can he publish a Copy of Qur’a:n in his own invented dialectical marks or he violates Ijma:”?
4] Is it allowed to change the shapes of Letters in Qur’anic Text
like Short Mim
by long mim
5]Is it allowed to write two dots below Ya when it is in full form. That is writing يinstead of ࢩ. 6] Is it allowed to change long ya ےby short Ya ࢩ. 7] It is allowed to change long ta تby circular ta ةor otherwise. 8] Is it allowed to change closes curve La by open La. 10 ]Is it allowed to insert Alif , Ya, and Vau, in the Text of Qur’a:n where they are necessary to pronounce yet not written. Rahman 11]Can Qur’anic spellings can be changed?Or it is against Ijma:” The sense is to modernize them.
12] There are four places where the letter Si:n is written over the Letter S:ad. Is it allowed to write si:n in spellings of the words and either omit Sad or to write sad on the letter Sin in Qaranic Text. 13] Is it Bid”ah to write Qur’a:n in Nasta”li:q? 14] Is there an ‘Ijma:” to write Qur’a:n in Naskhj: ? 15]You claim that the dots on the letters were introduced prior to H:-jja:j Bin Yusuf. Can you provide some traditions with the ‘As:na:d ‘As: S:ah:i:yah for you claim? If so then discuss each Ravi? 16] The question 15 is repeated for the Dialectical Marks. 17]Do you consider the Vertical Dialectical Marks [‘Al H:ara:ka:t ‘Al Qa:’imah] as heresy? 18]Some Barailvi Subsects use to print the sketch of one of the two shoes of Holy Prophet on the Covers /Cover of the Holy Qur’a:n. Is this allowed or Not? If not is this Kufr? Is this a disgrace? 19] Is Qur’a:n Associated with Divine Essence [Deity] ? If So then whether it Subsisteth in Divine Essence [Deity]? 20] Is Qur’a:n Kalmatullah or Kalamullah or both. Define the difference between Kalmah and Kalam. If it is kalam
then explain the difference between Word of Deity and Speech of Deity. 21] Is Kitabullah Makhluq or Ghair Makhluq. If Makhluq then is Kitabullah not Kalamullah since Kala:mullah is not Makhluq. It this case how Qur’a:n is both Kitabullah and Kalamullah? Explain? 22] Punctuations in Qur’a:n are letter based. Is it allowed to change them by Marks in the Text or it is against ‘Ijma:”? 23] Is it allowed in the Text of Qur’an to insert Inverted Commas where a direct speech is quoted? 24] Is it allowed to introduce a question Mark in the Divine Text? 25] Is it allowed to include a verse on the boundary of two Parts of one either to the previous part or to the posterior part or it is against Ijma:”? 26] Can you prove the traditions of Qira’ah from authentic books of H:a:di:th:? 27] Is it allowed to omit the silent letters of words in the Qur’a:nic Text from writing or it is against the ‘Ijma:” according to your opinion? 28] Is it allowed to write Bismillah prior to Surah Taubah /.Bara’-h or it is against Ijama:”
29] Is it allowed to change the Nouns of some of the Thirty parts of Holy Qur’a:n while conserving the Text of each Part?Or it is against ‘Ijma:” 30] Is it allowed to write ‘A”u:dh:ubillahi minashshaita:nirraji:m in the text of the Holy QUR’A:N IN THE VERY BEGINNING BEFORE SU:RAH FA:TIH:AH OR THIS IS AGAINST ‘IJMA:”? Similarly is it allowed to write ‘A:mi:n at the end of Su:rah ‘Al fa:tih:ah in the Text of Qur’a:n or it is against ‘ijma:”? Explain. Some special questions: a) Is every Ayah of Qur’a:n a distinct Attribute of Qur’a:n? b) Are there infinite copies OF Qur’a:n as Divine Attributes of Deity [‘ALL-H] or there is a single Qur’a:n as a Divine Attribute? c) Define the difference between Divine Attribute and Divine Act. Also what is the difference between Divine Active Attributes and Divine Acts? Explain from examples from Qur’a:n and ‘Ah:a:di:th:. d) Chose the one which you believe:= 1] Qur’a:n is Eternal and Uncreated. 2] Qur’a:n is Eternal but Created. 3] Qur’a:n is Not Eternal and Created. 4] Qur’a:n is Neither Eternal Nor Created.
e) If Qura:n Spoken By Deity as a Voluntary Act or as an Involuntary act. If as an Involuntary act then the question is “ Can an Eternal thing be Involuntary Explain”? f) Is it a Shrik to believe that Qur’a:n is worshipable, as it is a Shirk to believe a a Creation of Deity as worshipable? Or you have some difference in your mind? If so then explain. g) Is it allowed to pray [Du”a:] to Ghair ‘ALL-H. As you have said that One can only Pray [Du”a:] to Deity, then is it allowed to Pray to the Uncreated Divine Attribute of Speech? Explain. If so then Do you Believe that Qur’a:n is Deity? Explain? h) Do you believe that Qur’a:n Subsisteth in Divine Per Se Subsistent Essence, if so then whether it is Pr Se Subsistent or Per Quod Subsistent [Subsisting in Separate/Other or neither? i)
Athanasian Christianity believes that the Divine Hypostasis Word incarnated/became in a human being by assuming a Human Nature, do you believe that Divine Attribute Speech/Qur’a:n of Deity became /corporealize / a book by assuming a Bookish Nature? I no then say whether a person who believes so is a Muslim or Not a Muslim.
Some More Questions to be asked in order to investigate the believes of Engineer Ali Mirza of Jhelum.