Thirty questions for engineer ali mirza about holy quran

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THIRTY QUESTIONS FOR ENGINEER ALI MIRZA ABOUT HOLY QURAN Engineer Ali Mirza disbelieves in the authenticity of Thirty HOLY PARTS if ‘Al Qur’a:n. THE REASON IS THAT THIS HERETIC DISBELIEVES THAT THERE IS AN ‘IJMA:” ON THE THIRTY PARTS. So A number of Questions are asked which may reveal that Ali Mirza of the Jhelum City is a disbeliever in Ijama” . These question Shall Expose the ‘Irtida:d of the Engineer Exposed ‘Insha: ‘Allah. 1] Is there a ‘Ijma:” on the Uncreatedness of Qur’a:n?If it then is is allowed to offer prayers behind a person who disbelieves in the Uncreatedness of Holy Qur’an. 2] Is there an ‘Ijma:” on the Thirty Divisions of Qur’a:n ? If so then is it allowed to offer prayers behind a Person who disbelieve in the 30 divisions/parts of Holy Qur’an? 3] Is it allowed to change the sound of dialectical marks in the following meaning? If some one explains that he uses the sign for Fath: for the sound of Kasrah,Sign of Raf” for the sound of Fath: and so on, etc. Can he publish a Copy of Qur’a:n in his own invented dialectical marks or he violates Ijma:”?

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