Rimac Educational Center, Design Realisation document. Alisa Silanteva, Bartlett UCL / 2017

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RIMAC EDUCATIONAL CENTRE ALISA SILANTEVA _ UNIT 18 Ricardo De Ostos and Isaie Bloch DR Practice Tutors: Anna Woodson, Robert Haworth DR Structural Consultant: Frank Robert DR Module Leaders: James O’Leary & Dirk Krolikowski


SECTION 1 BUILDING FORM, SYSTEMS PLANNING & CONTEXT 1.1. Modern city and water 1.2.District and water 1.3.Main desing strategies 1.4.Design development 1.5. Park Circulation 1.6. Centre circulation GA 1.7 Overall Structural Strategy 1.8 Means of Escape 1.9 Disable Access


BUILDING CONSTRUCTION - THE SKIN AND FLESH OF THE BUILDING FABRIC 2.1 Detailed Structural Strategy 2.2 Construction Method 2.3. Landscape strategy 2.4. Perforated layered skin 2.5. Concrete bridge-canal

2.6. Ventilation strategy 2.8. Material performance Solar


BUILDING PERFORMANCE - TEMPERING THE BUILDING ENVIRONMENT 3.1 - Overall Energy Strategy / Conservation Methods, Sources of Energy and Power Harvesting 3.2 - Water Supply / Drainage and Treatment 3.3 - Ventilation Strategy 3.4 - Heating and Cooling Strategy 3.5- Solar gain, Natural light and Shading 3.6 - Environmental Impact of materials and Building Life-cycle


BUILDING DELIVERY - PROCURING THE BUILDING 4.1 - Planning Constraints 4.2 - Local Context 4.3 - Financial Context 4.4 - The Role of Architects Practice 4.5 - The Role of Consultants, Contractors and Suppliers 4.6 - Contractual Relationship with the Client 4.7 - Procurement Route and Affect upon Design and Design Information Appendiz References

1. THE BRIEF Located in the world’s second largest desert city project aims to initiate mindful relation to the water creating the RIMAC EDUCATIONAL CENTRE with a display of historical water systems of Peru. Looking through the history, water distribution in Peru used to organize living space and social hierarchy. In Inca society water distribution was based on the cosmological worldview and was coordinated in response to divine relations of matter and spirit as two inseparable notions. Carving the solid stone for the fluid water, Inca’s built complex canal systems for the crops irrigation and urban water management. Likewise, the city of Lima was developed on the artificially constructed sys-tem of canals, with U-shaped temples engaging with this system. Spaniards street-square network followed those canals communicating the viceroyalty through the network of fountains. However, nowadays rapid urbanization of Lima turned those intricate complex systems into the infrastructural sewage which has forced the extreme degradation of the man-made hydrological environment, combined with a regression in social mindfulness. The project aims to bring new perception of water on the level of city through its connection to the main Water plant La At-arjea augmenting its general functions of a pure purification station with educational centre and on the personal level brings new feelings of water through emotional spaces, where water performance carefully coordinated in the composition of the building is actually a main conductor of spaces. Such a centre is a potential project for the ima Ecological Infrastructure Strategy (LEIS) developed within the LiWa project (Sustainable Water and Wastewater Man-agement Coping with Climate Change - Concepts for Lima Metropolitana), which redefines “different areas of the Rimac river shore for urban agriculture, recreation, leisure and culture connecting the cultural landscapes with the existing cultural herit-age”. Specifically, for the Agustino district is creates a new public space for daily cleaning activities and recreation for schol-ars from nearby school and university. Corresponding to different levels of spatial interaction, the design aims to organize an architectural environment where interconnected internal spaces interact with the constructed water environment through the main principle of delamination. Delaminated structures allow various visual, audial and physical permeability. Its dissipative character also operates in time, allowing the structure to be adopted with the time and changing condition of the main river (from the open sewage to the socially and culturally incorporated space). The water distribution in the building and the park is followed with the circulation which coordinates different experience within spatial-material-environmental conditions of the delaminated structures. Mainly the proposal is a multi-purposeful park with water tanks and canals, extending the use of water from the canal and the educational centre, which on the city scale tells stories about history of water systems and continue the important conver-sation about the water and the city as well as on the district scale it creates the community centre for scholars and families.

The Real Price of Water: The Future’s Rare Resource. Source: http://www.karikuy.org/ blog/2010/12/12/the-real-price-of-water-the-futures-rare-resource/ Image: The Headworks (Bottom) for the Water Delivery System at Tipon. Sourse: https:// rogerdhansen.wordpress.com/2014/08/06/tipon-an-inca-irrigation-masterpiece/


PHYSICAL AND DIGITAL STUDIES: DELAMINATED STRUCTURES In my previous investigations I was exploring material qualities of delaminated structures. Particularly, the wet paper experiments revealed some potential for the spacial organization as well as architectural elements, that evolve from various terrains and openings of the foldings. Similar digital experiments led me to different surface weaving tecniques. The linear and enclosure qualities of both informed the design of the proposal.

Physical experiments multiple layers: wet paper magazine shaping different curvature

Digital investigation of delaminated sstructures for the space


PHYSICAL AND DIGITAL STUDIES: DELAMINATED CURVATURE FROM THE OPENING TO THE SPACE Studies on the mass and volume within the delamination qualities of physical experiments revealed various sculptural qualities, where internal cavity derives from the external cut. Considering spatial and sculptural potential of these studies proposal aims to explore the qualities for the various environmental conditions such as light, sound and wind as well as establishing spatial connections between landscape and enclosure.

Jack Henry. Untitled, 2012. Sculpture showing potential for the intersticial spaces and multimaterial structures.

Text-face-ture. Texture-surface-structure in potential relations of the amplitude, density and thickness of entities.

Digital model exploring relations between internal and external curvture

Mass studies and application of the delaminated qualities varying amount and density of structures

Horizontal section


LIMA, PERU: COUNTRY OF 3 HYDROLOGICAL REGIONS Peru is an extremely diverse country, with 11 ecological regions and 84 of the world’s 117 different types of “life zone”. It has a huge variety of scenery thanks to its geography, which also provides it with a wide range of natural resources. The country has 3 main regions according to the traditional method of dividing the country by altitude: coast, mountains and jungle. Different hydrology shaped different habitats and identity for each region.

Andes Humboldt Current

Lima Metropolitana is the metropolitan area made up by the urban provinces of Lima and Callao. The major surface water resources in the area are the Rımac, Chillon, and Lurın Rivers. Rimac river is currently mainly abandoned for the pedestrian access, it is doubled with the railway and a highway. One part is a center city, while another one is occupied by the slums area. It’s located on the west coast of South America. Coastal Peru’s arid climate is influenced by both the Humboldt Current and the Andes Mountain Range.

Ecological regions of Peru - clear divisions

Habitat in the desert region of Peru Sunset in Lima

Coastal line of Lima Habitat in the mountain region of Peru

Rimac river in Lima

Habitat in the Amazon region of Peru



The indigenous culture of Lima built canals redirecting water from the three main rivers to irrigate the entire valley in order to raise agriculture. This innovation was monumental in Lima’s development, without which it is doubtful the capital of Peru would have been founded on this site.

Plano Topografico de Lima 1872. Archivo Bromley y Barbagelata Hispanic conquestadors built the new center appreciating the value for the water of native habitants. Roads of the city are following the canals, where squares are accentuating them with the great fountains in the middle of these open spaces. Huaca Huantile Image of the ancient temples in Lima

Huaca Pucllana

The conquistador Francisco Pizarro founded Lima with the name of City of the Kings, on the left margin of the Rímac river. Complying with the Ordinances of his Emperor Charles I of Spain for the foundation of cities in Indian territories, it was established that: “If the city was built on the bank of a river, dispose of it by the sunrise, first in the Town, than in the water. “ On December 21, 1578, water arrived for the first time in the pile of the Plaza Mayor. From then on, the waters of the La Atarjea springs were used. The population of Lima was supplied with pylons. Until 1552 the inhabitants of Lima drank water directly from the banks of the Rimac River. It was on January 15, 1552, that the town council first tried to start works to bring clean water from La Atarjea springs.

Lima canalization system 2035. Metropolitano de Desarrollo Urbano Modern city put the whole canal system underground and it is being used industrially as a sewage for the citizens. Water plants of the city are now the main gates of the water making it adaptable for the human.

Fountaion on the Plaza de Armaz in Lima

Plaza de Armaz

Plaza San Martin Rimac river in Lima central district

Puente Piedra

La Atareja

San Juan

La Atareja

Valle Bajo del Rímac en el siglo XVII. Dominguez 1988 Temples and residences were built along the canal net branching from the Rimac river. These temples had a particular attention to the use of water constructing certain relationships with astrology and their beilieves.



1. EXPLOITATION Lima is merely one of many international cities located at the mouth of a large river, many of which face the same environmental problems that directly impact on water quality.



1. Some 60% of contamination in Peru’s most important river, the Rímac that runs through capital Lima, is due to mining, according to a report by state news agency Andina that cited a source at water utility Sedapal.


2. Combined with poor farming practices, these expanded informal settlements lacking the proper water management create the perfect conditions for large amounts of run-off. This run-off contains waste products, for instance from overflowing septic systems, that affect surface waters, the environment and ultimately the health of food producers and consumers.


3. The Vía Parque Rímac Project is an infrastracture mega-project building a new tunnel under the Rimac river. 7km long section of this 16km long road is being completely rebuilt; 9km of new roads are part of the project, and the work also includes the construction of 11 new viaducts

Rimac River

Lurin River

1. Rimac contamination

2. Lack of water management in informal settlements

3. Rimac is a part of infrastructure.

2. COMMUNICATION In the Inca’s society correspondence to the nature of water was constructed through the carefully built hydraulic systems, where water represented a divine power. It was built accordingly their cosmological views of the world where the two matters of water(fluidity) and earth (stability) compile each other within the built environment and its relationship to the geography.

1. Puquio system;

Emperors residence

1. Puquio system. In order to practice agriculture, the Nazca developed adequate strategies to cope with hostile environmental factors and water scarcity, building a very efficient aqueduct system. 2. Irrigation plateau. Inca created on a high plateau at about 3500 m and consisting of several enormous terraced circular depressions, the largest of which is about 30 m deep. The temperature varies substantially (up to 15° – 20° C) between the center (warmer) and the exterior (colder) and the site reproduces more than 20 ecological areas.

2. Irrigation plateau; Public access

3. Waru Waru tecqnique. The technique combines raised beds with irrigation channels to prevent damage by soil erosion during floods. The technique ensures both collecting of water (either fluvial water, rainwater or phreatic water) and subsequent drainage.

Temple of the Condor

Map of Machu Picchu fountains

Machu Picchu Terraces

Fountains are placed on different levels, celebrating water and its divine power. Leveling it allowed to establish social hierarchy. The first fountain was next to the emperor Pachacuti’s residence, allowing him first access to the water. All the fountains, including Pachacuti’s, were publicly accessible except the last one, which was located inside the Temple of the Condor.

3. Waru waru techniques Different canal systems were made for the efficcient irrigation





Scheme of the Water plant La Atareja Source: http://larepublica.pe/impresa/sociedad/807895sedapal-demora-22-horas-en-potabilizar-el-agua-querecoge-del-rio-rimac

200 m

500 m Full cycle of water purification

Ponds Sand remover

1 km

Colegio José María Arguedas



Rimac river

Oxidast pond


School Ie Mixto Nicolas De Pierola


Project is the continuation of the main Lima’s Water plant. Located on the meeting point of the canal, coming from the first station of the plant purification process - sand remover bringing back the functional water of the process. Its colour and quality is better than the river but and coming back to the river we can literally examine different qualities of two currents. It is a testimony of the current Lima relatioships with water. This way the project located on the joint of two flows connect the infrastructural heart of the modern megapolis water system to its habitants social and cultural life.

Colegio Héroes de la Breña


The city


Site location in relation to the water plant

Residential Industrial Educational

Universidad Nacional Federico Villarreal


San Juan de Lurigancho

Dike 2 km

Rimac river

Water plant La Atareja El Agustino

5 km

La Victoria

10 km



1.2 DISTRICT AND WATER: AUGMENTED COMMUNITY PUBLIC SPACE The unused water of the Water plant due to its quality is aimed to create the new community space on the rivershore Site is located between districts El Agustino and San Juan Lurigancho. The location is choosen as a focal point of main Water plant and main water resourse connection. Canal bringing the unused water form the plant meeting the river is a significant point in the river topography hardly nourishing the city.

Residential area

200 m Green public area

Integration of the leftover water from the waterplant and the river

32 m

Site area

Residential area

Colegio JosĂŠ MarĂ­a Arguedas School sports area Residential area

Aerial view

0.00 - 3.00 - 11.00 Longitudinal section through the site

Views of the site. Source: Google maps.


1.3. MAIN DESIGN STRATEGIES: COMMUNICATING WITH WATER (past, present and promise for the future) - Emotion and Community The project aims to bring new perception of water on the level of city through its connection to the main Water plant La Atarjea augmenting its general functions of a pure purification station with educational center and on the personal level brings new feelings of water through emotional spaces, where water carefully coordinated in the overall composition of the building is actually a main conductor of spaces.

1. Park strategy: Community hub in the residential area The park will be mostly used by the Agustino residential area as it provides an open garden and recreational park with pools, gardens and playgounds for kids. The park is situated close to the school and it will be occupied by the schoolars during the day and by the families in the evenings. Garden and the pools will be served by the community groups.

Programme of the proposal relating to different stages in the aquatic sytems history of Peru Discovering ancient systems

2. Centre programme: Museum and educational center The centre is designed as a public museum for the citizens and an educational center for the area community. It is open for students and adults to provide seminars and lectures on the communication skills. Secondly the centre provides a meeting space for activists of the Liwa project, designed for the Sustainable Water and Wastewater Management. Educational centre: Morning - hub for the water research activists Afternoon - additional education events communication for scholars and students Evening - additional education events for older people

Celebrating sensibility of water

Promising for the different quality of attitude and experience

Condition of the site. Canal meeting the river.

Museum: Open on weekdays for public, including evening events on the openings of temporary exhibitions

Delaminating the landscape into terraces directing the canal into irrigation pipes and public fountains and pools

Delaminating the building mass to enclose the branched canal. This still water in this branch affects the environment, creating a special quarry 8

1.4. DESIGN DEVELOPMENT - STUDIES (relation to the canal and implication of the delamination principle) First proposal was based on the enclosing the canal between the building and terraced park. In proposal the delamination arrived on the level of ground - mass - cut relations. Relation to water was unreleased.

Second proposal developed the idea of delaminated ground transitting to the building massing principle. Water was brought up to flow through the bulding convoluted geomenty. Relation to the river was forced and the connection of canal and river undiscovered. Scheme of delaminated structures for the first proposal. Alterating permeability of air, sun and views.

Pumping water up to bring it through the proposal

Structural scheme for the second proposal. Folded structures are implemented in the huge truss -slab core system.

Last iteration brings one part of the volume lower to the ground, leaving another floating Section of developing proposal



Canal from La Atareja

1. The park has 3 main programmes: public terraced garden, public plazas for open air events and public washing pods. Canal with purified still water

2. The circulation is organized separately for the delivery trucks (level - 3.00), for the public there are three accesses from both sides of the river and from canal, main entrance is situated on the ground level, secondary on the level -6.00m.

Internal canal 2. Rimac river


1. Irrigation pipes

3. Water circulation is divided in two main currents: one is canal (50% of its water is passing by through the landscape which elongates the flow creating waterfalls), another one taking 50 % of the canal resourse is directed to the irrigarion pipes, walking watered path and washing pods. Coming through the long irrigation pipes , water is getting purified and brought to the last long still pool, which creates the natural boundary between the plaza area and the river.

3. Water circulation 1. Loud dynamic water flow Diana Memorial. London. Gustafson Porter + Bowman

2. Public taps

3. Wahings pods for women, pools for kids play

Service floors Public washing pods Community garden Public walking areas

Rest rooms for garden and washing pods visitors

1. Park programme

Main core Main entrance Public plazas

Delivery route

Public access to the park 2. Park circulation



Accentuated views on the canal and the river

The programme arrangement is based on the man concept of the cracking mass, shaping two different volumes for educational centre and museum. The open air circulation is happening inbetween two programmes, creating soft transitions from external to the internal space.

Interaction with water

Museum visitors

Reflecting surfaces

Students of the educational centre

The lecture hall is a place where human speech and the speech of the river are two alternative conductors. In the times apart from lectures the scene is opening to allow the sound of the river come inside and fill the room, where acoustic panels increase its level to accentuate the power of water.

Lecture hall visitors Delivery rout for services and museum collection Wheelchair accessible floor area

The intersticial quarry is a main organizational axes, which directly incorporate visitors with water and create a calm space with an intimate interaction.

1. Quiet space with still water. Toyo Ito. Water Temple

2. Water surface and surfaces uniting . agence Baggio - Piechaud. France. logistics platform Ballande.

Main entrance for museum visitors and students of the eucational centre

3. Resting area. Wet floor and reflections

Conference room - 127 m2 Meeting point for the members of the LIWA project

Library - 30 m2

Branched canal

Separate entrance to the auditorium

Museum gallery 2 - 180m2 Showing the modern state of water systems, describing problems and the potential

Entrance to the services

Entrance to the services

Open meeting area - 40 m2

Museum gallery 1 - 180m2 Showing the ancient and spaniards’ water systems

Open meeting area - 83 m2 Service for the museum - 180 m2 Museum office - 40 m2

Service for the park - 236 m2 Restrooms for the park workers - 80 m2 Lecture hall - 207 m2 Lectures alterating with open meditation room withe the loud sound of the river

Programme diagram

Circulation scheme 11

BASEMENT FLOOR -5.00 M 1:200 1. Rest room for garden workers 2. Storage 3. Service 4. Walkng perforated path on the canal 5. Waterfall 6. Purified water pool 7. Open square



5. - 7.200

- 5.400 4. - 3.600 3. 1.


BASEMENT FLOOR - 2.00 M 1:200 8. Main office 9. Museum storage 10. Auditorium 11. Pool branched from the canal 12. Canal with waste water from the Water plant La Atareja 13. Walking perforated path on the branched canal 14. Slow waterfall from from the branched canal to the river 15. Delivery area


10. 13.

- 7.200


- 5.400

- 3.600 15. 9.

- 2.800

8. 12.

GROUND FLOOR M 1:200 16. Main entrance 17. Entrance to the auditorium 18. Cafe 19. Open plaza


- 7.200

- 5.400

- 3.600 18.


- 2.800 19.

+ 0.000

FIRST FLOOR M 1:250 20. Meeting area 21. Center media library 22. Educational space 23. Gallery - History of ancient water systems



23. 22.

SECOND FLOOR M 1:200 24. Seminar room 25. Conference room 26. Gallery - From hispanic conquest till the modern times history of water systems


26. 25.

Master plan M 1:500


Section 1:200


1. Lecture hall 2. Gallery 1 3. Gallery 2 4 Cafe 5. Service floors 6. Walkway 7. Canal current

+ 12.000





-4.000 6.

-5.000 7.


Rimac river

+ 7.500







Canal from La Atareja

Section 1:200


1. Lecture hall 2. Open meeting area 3. Branched canal-pool 4. Canal current

+ 12.000 4. + 7.500







1.7 - STRUCTURAL STRATEGY The building applies the braced frame steel structure for two main cantelievers. Each cage has 3 connection points to the ground, through the V-shape steel columns and joints to the conctere core. Due to the loose soil near the river pile foundation with the piedestal was choosen. The floor system is light weight concrete on aluminium decking. The intersticial wall is a braced polygonal structure attached regularly to main cages. Construction on the terraced site is organized by the secant pile wall for the service floors under the ground and the retaining walls for the landscape design.

Lightweight concrete floors on the aluminium decking

Monolit concrete slabs for the ground floor structure Primary frame grid Polygonized steel beams structure (I-sections 200mm) Joint to the core

Main supports

Braced steel frame cages (Main frame- Steel RHS 300 m Cross beams - Steel I-sections 200mm)

V-shaped steel columns (RHS 400 mm)

Secant pile wall Cast in place concrete canal On of the challenging connections was between the regular grid of frame cages and irregular grid of polygonized wall. To decrease the amount of joints the wall is attached in several points taking the weight of the wall segments.

Monolit concrete foundation and concrete columns 300 mm for the ground floor structure

4 pile system foundation for the main structure


1.9 - ACOUSTIC QUALITIES : MIXED RIVER SOUND AND HUMAN VOICE One of the main design ambition is to create spaces with different acoustic qualities, which accentuate different states of water and thus create a sequence of alternative atmospheres.

Special acoustic is delivered by the perforated wall with varying intensity of perforation

Plan diagrams M 1:500 Basement floor

Loud room: alterating human voice and the sound of river Quiet space, achieved by the three layers of perforated walls in enclosed area

First floor Skin material absorbs some noise level from the river

Qualities of the park. The park is an open public space, greatly affected by the sound of river. The garden buffer on the wing side of the park is aimed to decrease its noise level, allowing the park activities to built its own water activities sounds.

Quiet educational space: absorptive floor material and the perforated wall

Qualities of the proposal. Loud: The river sound is accentuated in the main auditorium, with the acoustic panels and openings in the stage floor it increases the river speech.

Noise increases to the lift and toilets area

Varying composition: An intersticial space

with the circulation is variously absorbing noises. Due to its narrowness and close disposition to the visitor it affects the experience greatly. This is coordinated by the variety of perforated texture on the aluminium panelled wall. Noise from the park and delivery trucks

Acoustic panels increase the speech and sound of the river

Noise sourse surrouning the site Ground floor

The sharp transition from the street noises to the silent quarry

Second floor

Transition the silent quarryto the open view and sounds of the river

Noises generated by the speech and the gallery exhibitions

Noise from the river is mostly buffered by the bankement Noise from the driveway on the other side of the river Garden buffer from the river noise (-)

Noise level

(+) 13

1.10 - MEANS OF ESCAPE Emergency Exit signs

One vertical escape shaft was installed in the bigger part of the building. The following is vital to take into account during design.

Plan diagrams M 1:500 Basement floor

First floor

Final Exit 30 minutes fire construction

- Clear indication of fire escape signs - Fire resiting doors (30 mins) - Fire resisting steel construction within 1800mm area of escape routes and external shafts (60mins) - Travel distance maximum of 45m to the final exit - Fireflighers access near external staircases Fire, smoke and hot gases in this building will spread through ducts.

60 minutes fire construction Route of escape

20 m

44 m

40 m

Main princple of fire escape: More than 2 fire escape routes, the maximum distance from a point to a final exit is 45m (to the first turning point =18m)

12 m to Final exit 6

Exit 4 Exit 5

Escape directions on the site from different levels


38 m


Ground floor

Second floor

Basement floor -1

44 m 17 m

20 m to Final exit 6

Exit 6

Exit 1

5m Exit 7

Exit 2 8m

17 m

38 m

15 m 13 m

Exit 3


1.11 - DISABLED ACCESS Lift and staircases (with handrails) were installed as disabled access within the building. Especially, for disabled people without need of wheelchairs sometimes find it difficult to use ramps rather than staircases. All staircases are designed wider than required standers (Approval Document Part M) with application of handrails. No single steps were designed without consideration to the prevention of risk of tripping. Each floor contains at least one Disabled accessible toilet.

Wheelchair accessible lifts Wheelchair accessible unisex toilets

Plan diagrams M 1:500 Basement floor

First floor

Wheelchair accessible floor area Wheelchair accessible park area Ramps onthe landscape

Site is also fully accessible for dusabled people, as the inclination of landscape is designed due to the limits for ramp gradients (1:20 rising no more than at 600mm)

Disabled access on the site

Ground floor

Second floor

Basement floor -1



2.1 - STRUCTURAL STRATEGY In order to create the floating mass above the ground and crreate tension between terraces anf the building, braced frame steel structure was applied as the main structure. It sits on several V-shaped steel legs, hanging two floor structure. Two masses are treated differently due to their programme organization and position according to the river and canal connection. Long part sits fully on 3 legs, whereas the lower part is divided in two steel cages joined to the concrete core. The floor system is light weight concrete on aluminium decking. The intersticial wall is a braced polygonal structure attached regularly to main cages. Construction on the terraced site is organized by the secant pile wall for the service floors under the ground and the retaining walls for the landscape design. Braced steel frame cages (Main frame- Steel RHS 300 m Cross beams - Steel I-sections 200mm) Polygonized steel beams structure (I-sections 200mm)

12 m

5m 5m 4m 9m

6m 7m

8m 4,5 m


3,5 m 3,5 m 3,5 m

7m 12 m 5m

Frame grid was developed responding to main spatial internal/external organization and considering displacement of stairs connection.

Lightweight concrete floors on the aluminium decking

Cast in place concrete canal

4 pile system foundation for the main structure

V-shaped steel columns (RHS 400 mm)


2.2 - CONSTRUCTION METHOD Construction method is built on the hierarchy of the whole structure and landscape. On the sequence plese refer to the section 4, planning. 1. Preparation of the site Due to the riverflow, main measures applyied at from the beginning would be preparation pof the site , redirectig flow og the canal and bounding the site from the rimac flow. 2. Landscape, retaining walls +foundations 3. Underground floors and columns 4. Cocrete precast canal off site produces pieces assemlage on site 5. Main framed structure assemblage+floors 6.Wall structure attached to the frames 7. Cladding


Primary frame grid

5. Joint to the core

Main supports

Truss cage


Main core

Concrete foundation



Joint of the intersticial facade substructure


Joint of the intersticial facade substructure


2.3 - STRATEGY FOT LANDSCAPE. RETAINING WALLS Deriving from the ancient culture of Peru, proposal recreate terraced landscape with the retaining wall constructions. Ground on the site is half vegetated, half covered by the stone pavement. System of gravel tunnels and irrigation pipes are implemented in the top layer of landscape similar to ancient terraced constructions.

Guide wall Concrete pile (male) Bentonite pile (female)

Sketch of the foundation scheme by the structural consultant

Diagram shoeing foundations in relation to the waterflow on the site. Due to this condition, V-shaped columns are raised on the waterproof piedestal for 1 m.

Secant wall

Displacement of retaining walls and foundatios on the siteplan

Piled wall Shotcrete Vandex super Reinforced concrete Vande Expaseal B Plus Reinforced concrete slab

Concrete reinforced retaining wall Gravel backfill for drainage Compacted backfill Weephole Topsoil


2.4 - PERFORATED LAYERED SKIN Multiple perforated walls are attached to the main frames regularly by the joints from its substructure.

Intersticial facade build up Square section 10mm primary structure coloured yellow joined to bracing frames by I-section 6mm beams L section 5 mm substructure Fabric covered acoustic panels welded to the substructure Metal perforated panels with alternating perforation 1-20mm radius

Diagram of the Unitized System for Cooper Union. Morphosis. Source: https://www.azahner.com/ works/cooper-union

Double external facade 16 x 8mm Perforated Stretched Metal panels Square section 3mm substructure joined to the primary frames with I section 6 mm beams I section 300 mm primary structure Double glass wall

Second floor elements buildup: Metal panels orange coloured Composite metal decking I-section 300 mm welded to frame bracing structure Hanging perforated panels of the intersticial structure with alternating perforation 1-20mm radius

First floor elements buildup: Drawn Steel Diamond Mesh 1000x500mm I-section 300 mm welded to bracing frames Hanging 16 x 8mm Perforated Stretched Metal panels

Section M 1:80


2.5. - CONCRETE BRIDGE Precast concrete brodge as a canal for water from the Water plant

10 mm HT steel horizontals 10 mm High tensile steel Vertictes

Diagrammatical section of the concrete bridge Branched canal buildup: Water from Canal Underwater lightning Bluestone Paver - Sawn Finish Precast reinforced concrete

Landscape buildup: Water from Canal Underwater lightning Greystone Paver - Sawn Finish Concrete monolit 300 mm Compacted subgrade

Section M 1:80


2.6. MATERIAL SELECTION AND PRODUCT RESEARCH One of the key factors in the brief is adaptation to local construction industry yet challenging new technology providing future vision of Peruvian culture. Also such a centre communication promises for the great changes in attitude to water systems in the city life, should present an outstanding great image and increase the interaction with water circulation and programme.

1 volume skin Aluminium mesh panelized skin

-Local booming structural steel industries (Primary and Secondary structure) -Lightweight materials for poor hanging structures (Alminium panels, partly perforated)

Aluminium substructure with the grid

2nd volume skin Substructure for the cladding of museum volume

Intersticial wall Perforated aluminium panels with variable implementation of acoustic panels

Variable views outside

Legible layers of the building (effect of wrapping the canal)

Substructure for the intersticial walls Increasing depth of landscape

Avoiding air from the river + accentuating view and sound

Metal mirroring panels 1.


Intersticial wall with imposed water pattern of panels perforation. The pattern regulates the level of material acoustic quality





1. Morphosis Cooper building 2. Bernd Zimmermann's mirror-clad House wz2 offers distorted reflections. Source: https://www.dezeen.com/tag/mirroredbuildings/ 3. Tadao Ando's first residential building in New York City—152 Elizabeth. Source: http://www.archdaily.com/tag/tadao-ando 4. Dear Ginza / amano design office Source: http://www.archdaily.com/427501/dearginza-amano-design-office

Material choice for the landscape. Landscape and zones with the water flow from canal represent variety of water affective stone conditions.

Smooth - Abrasive Various water sensitive material qualities

Unaffective - affective

Solid - Granulated



View from the entrance to the park. Mrorring aluminium panels create the double depth of landscape park

View from the opposite side of the river. Aluminium mesh allows to see the inside activities, in the night time the with lights the wall becomes highly visible.



1. Water Supply: Terraces: -Natural flow of the canal water, distributing it through the whole site. Building: -Pressure booster pump system -Vertical flow through shaft and then follow the building structure to spread horizontally

3.1 - OVERALL ENERGY STRATEGY / CONSERVATION METHODS, SOURCES OF ENERGY AND POWER HARVESTING Both passive and active energy stratergies will be used in Rimal Educational Centre. There are mainly 3 reasons to use combinations of energy stratergies.

2. Ventilation System: - Evaporate natural ventilation system from the branched canal-pool - Ground source duct ventilation and heat recovery system: pipes buried in the ground, computerized control system for energy and cost efficiency

1. Differentiaion between two parts of the building and their reaction to the water currents condition. - Neccesity to temporarily close one part of the building from unpleasnat environmental impact of the river and on the other hand open the second part of the building and an intersticial space to allow open views and effect of the canal water.

3. Heating and Cooling: - Ground source cooling system using ground as well as the artificial lake (combination, heat exchanger and controllers in plant room) - there might be no need for heating system as the temperate of Lima exceeded more than 22 degrees throughout the year

-Circulation zones as passive ventilation system (gradual adapting from outside to inside envieonment)

4. Solar Gain: - Light shelves to avoid direct sunlight from south side of building - Application of photovoltaics panels on south side of cladding to collect electricity - Natural lighting for circulation area and artificial lights for internal objects (LED and Fiber optic lighting)

2. Nature of buidling and structural design -Energy stratergy is distinctive following the response to the water flow. 3. Cost reduction and sustainability - Material and construction methods condisering long term benefit in building life cycle -Combination of active and passive energy stratergy enables reduction of energy consumption and cost performance

Allow the air from the opposite side to the educational part

Educational rooms

Allow the air from the opposite side to the lecture hall

Open meeting area and circulation

Power harvesting



Evaporative cooling form the branched canal

Lecture hall

Offices, Rest rooms for visitors

Main wind direction Should be prevented to stop the smell from the river

Hydropower stations Power consumption

Occupation and power demand

As the Lima climate is soft and undemandable the passive strategy of natural ventilation would be one of the main investors in the passive energy strategy.

Active strategy

Passive strategy

High occupation

Circulation open space

Medium occupation

Low occupation 23


Average Rainfall Amount and Rainy days Grey water in pipes Fresh water from Water plant Black water from the building City main sewage Gravel purification tunnels Rimac river black water Canal from La Atareja grey water Irrigated plantation ground

Water Supply Required Zones - WCs - Cafe - Accomodation Sink

Fresh Water Supply -Cold water -Hot water Drainage -Rainwater pipe -Soil pipe -Waste pipe

Cold and Hot Water Supply Cold water will be kept in insulated GRP tanks and it will be located next to the plant room. Preasure booster pump is set in the gound floor. Hot water will be supplied via preasurerd hot water pumps.

Drainage placement

Rainwater Rainwater and drainage have separate systems in order to avoid over loading drainage system. Rainwater path is through rainscreen panels to gutters.

Waste pipe

Drainage and Treatment Sewage from WCs will be drained into a soil pipe (below ground pipes). Sewage from sinks , basins and bathrooms will be drained into a waste pipe. Rainwater will be drained and collected separately. Rainscreen panels and gutter maintenance is vital in order to avoid contamination of water supply.


Rainwater routes Rain water routes from rainscreen panels Fresh water

Soil pipe Plant room locations

1-6. Water supply for the park 1*-3*. Water supply for the building

1 + 1*. Canal from La Atareja Grey water

1* All fresh water comes from the Water plant La Atareja

2* Grey water from the canal is used for the toilets and cooling 3* Black water goes to the main city sewage

3. Internal canal branches to irrigation canals and purification gravel system

Rimac river

4. Taps with purified water through the long underground gravel tunnel 5. Pool with purified still water

General water supply strategy


3.3 - VENTILATION STRATEGY AND HEATING AND COOLING Mainly wind in Lima is coming from the coast and directed upstream the river towards Andes. On average, the most wind is seen in November and the least in July. To prevent smell fron the river the strategy considers the stack ventilation sucking the air from the opposite side of wind direction and allowing it to pass away from the circulation space inbetween two building parts, that is producing a chimney effect.

Fresh air Perforated facade with louvers


Perforate walls allow air from the canal

Exhaust air Exhaust air


Wind rose for Lima. Source: http://www.weatherbase.com/ weather/weather.php3?s=82648

Evaporative cooling and ventilation Air cooler under the seats

Main wind direction Should not be used for the ventilation because of the smell from the river


3.4 - HEATING AND COOLING STRATEGY Ground Source heat recovery system will be installed for cooling and heating system. At the site, the average air temperature does not exceed more than 22 degrees throughout year and there are adequate temperature gap to install the cooling system (average ground temperture between 10 - 14 degrees). -Higher installtion price than standard cooling system but great performance in cost and energy consumption (save up to 50 % of energy) - Combination of ground and pond resources can use energy efficiently Diagram of a hybrid GHP system with supplemental cooling pond. Source: http://www.earthrivergeo.com/ geothermal-hvac-loopsystems-information.php

Heat pumps use a vapor compression cycle to transport heat from one location to another. Source: http:// www.earthrivergeo.com/ geothermal-hvac-loop-systems-information. php

Annual temperature data of Lima. Source: http:// www.weatherbase.com/weather/weather. php3?s=82648 Lima's climate is humid subtropical and mild, but with no extreme hot or cold weather. During the winter (June to October), the city is often covered with adense fog (drizzle-like), which often lasts all day with temperatures between 12 and 15 ºCelsius. In summer there is an average temperature of 25 ° Celsius.

Cafe Lecture hall Edu rooms Administration Conference room Gallery space Technical rooms Open terraces

Ideal Humidity temperaturePeople 50 % 30 21 C 40 % 100 21 C 40 % 10 20 C 40 % 5 22 C 40 % 20 21 C 45 % 40 20 C 30 % 40 30-80% 19 C 100

Shaft Plant room Geothermal heat pump: - the compressor - loop to refrigerant heat exchanger - controls Combination of ground and artificial pond for heat exchanging source

Fresh Air Required Light 160 140 80 40 100 120 40 400

300 lux 300 lux 500 lux 500 lux 500 lux 400 lux 200 lux 1075 lux


Rimac river Pipe underneath the lake

Hybrid GHP system, combination of ground and pond source



Average Sun Hours and Sun days

June 21th 9AM

January 21th 9AM

Average Cloud and Humidity

June 21th 1PM

January 21th 1PM

June 21th 5PM

January 21th 8PM

Sun route in Lima


3.6 - ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT OF MATERIALS AND BUILDING LIFE-CYCLE Environmental Impact of materials -Minimise environmental impact at site: easy maintenance material and construction choice (see Builidng Life Cycle paragraph on this page) List of materials used in Rima Educational Centre - Structural steel - Alminium panel for cladding - Perforated aluminium panel - Aluminium mesh - Precast concrete for foundation - Precast concrete bridge for the branched canal pond - Glazing

Building Life Cycle PROPERTY



Aluminium perforated panels


















>50 years

>50 years


Comparison of material properties Ssorce: David A. Adler, 1999. Architect’s Bundle: Metric Handbook, Second Edition. 2 Edition. Architectural Press.)

- Cultural value and long term building life span: New landscape park will be one of the most popular attractions in the El Agustino and San Luchigano districts of Lima and the communication with local communities should also be considered as one of the key factors to identify the life span of the buidling. - Reguler maintenace opportunities: Material choices and their construction appraoch used for Rimac Educational Centre are mostly easy maintentanace. The construction proposal has advantages in its accesability of maintentance and aftercare of builidng, which makes builing life span longer. Especially, Lima has such humid weather throughout the year (averege 78 %) there is risk of construction material decay due to condensation problems. In addition to this, builidng users have wide range of thermal comfort and building temperture might vary throughout a day. These maintenance opportunities are important not only for building life span, but also users healthcare and quality of life within the building. - Potential areas that require regular maintenace: -M+E services -Plant room -Drainage maintenance -Ground Duct Ventilation system -Cleaning of aluminium mirrored panels and glazed areas



4.1 - PLANNING CONSTRAINTS Building on the river bank in Lima located far from the center in the residential area required a dep understanding of what the planning regulation around the site. River bank of the Rimac river in Lima is not developed in any part of the city as it is a place of high hydrological hazards and the overflow, especially happening in the El Nino flooding. The regulations only consider the river bank in the central area, today it is being reconstructed according the new Via Rimac project, cleaning the access to the river putting the driveway under the river. In other parts of the rimac river there are usually sports grounds on the bank. The river bank is registeresd as a public green area, and only the social development can be negotiated for the construction.

List of constraints for consideration 1. Public green area Rimac river bank is an open green area accessible for all citizens. It is important to reserve the access increasing the public interest. The proposal for Rimac river educational centre adapts coherence of nature and urban context, which leads the entirety of the site as one flow at the same time representing individual structure design reflecting Reruvian cuture of water systems. 2. Residential area Located in the residetial area building construction should be 3. Tree protection. There is a government programm of vegetating the river bank. The planted trees should bereserved or replanted according the new landscape proposal. 4. Annual floods. In order to avoid the possible construction site devastation during the annual floods and landslides, it is important to keep the time limit short and accomplish construction from April till January period when the water flow is stable. 5. Contaminated Water Survey LIWA suggests to submit a water survey application to the Council. Water condition and the soil condition in the bankement should be examined before the construction. This also affects structural approach in design.

Trees on the site

Flow of the Rimac river

Map of the Agustino district showing its zoning. Source: http:// nona.net/features/map/placedetail.2172791/El%20Agustino/ 29

4.2 - LOCAL CONTEXT The site is located on the South East part of Lima on the intersection between the Agustino and San Juan de Lurigancho districts. There are no buildings with hystorical value near the site, and the river bankement has no special attractions apart from local sport courts. Main attractors near the site are the Sedapal Water Plant foundation and National University of Federico. On the opposite side of the river there is a regular 3 storey residential housing development. 1.

The educational institution with a pablic park is inserted in the green network of the city with easy acces from other part os the city and other social organizations. Considering the context of the river bankment on both sides, it was important to respond the height of the area accessibility through the site.

2. Housing near the site (opposite side and belonging side of the river)





Green connections to the residential area and the river

Highway Sports courts combined with kids attractions

Sport grounds


Green park along the river

Continuous green buffer

Private gardens

Aerial view showing the context of the river bank


4.3 - FINANCIAL CONTEXT Educational centre and museum on the Rimac river applies sponsoring system from the Peruvian government as a scheme of the project of “Integrated Urban Planning Strategies and Planning tools”. The project is centered on the establishment of an overall strategy for natural space and green structures in Lima. Its challenging site condition, complex landscape and steel elements construction. The work on the river bank will be expensive due to the additional measures towards the protection from the water during the constructio. The site is 360 degrees visible from out side therefore every part of the building needs to be constructed in a great way. Time-sensitive Project Programme There is enough space for set up of building works and on-site equipment, however the aim is to fit the time of construction stage in the time of the year with the regular river flow. Thus construction needs to be extremely time efficient.

Potential sponsors:

The Project Budget Estimate

- City of Lima - the Government of Peru -Water Plant La Atareja

- Consultant fee: initial design consultant fee which covers first two steps of planning application work. - Site Preparation: environmental assessments, position of revolving pile driving barge. - Professional fees: local and UK architects, contractors, consultants. Costs could be at different levels/scales to the UK and therefore this should be taken into account when budgeting and choosing manufacturers. - Transportation costs of materials. - Site environmental survey and impact assessment. - Risk assessment - Construction costs. - Building Costs: using local labour. - Steel frames: Fabricated off site and assembled on the site - Landscaping: Mapping of the terraces, excavation, public plazas, gardens, pools are assembled on the site.

LA Atareja is the only company that is authorized to provide drinking water to households in Lima. It will be important to consider whether La Atareja should be responsible for paying for watershed services or if Lima residents – the final water users - should be financially responsible, or both. - Aquafondo Aquafondo was created as a financial mechanism to improve the quality and quantity of water in Lima’s watersheds; it provides a way to generate public-private partnerships for investment in the three watersheds (Chillón, Lurín, andRimac) that serve Lima and Callao. Mining companies - Casapalca - Los Queñoales - Nyrstar Coricancha mining companies companies may be interested in investing in the initiative as an opportunity to demonstrate social responsibility by contributing to the conservation and restoration of these watersheds. Other industries: - Water engineering companies - Coca-cola company (as itis the biggest provider of bottled water in Lima)

Landscape - 6400 m2 Plant areas - 2000 m2 Canal areas - 1000 m2

(500-700£ per m2) (1520-3520£ per m2) (300-500£ per m2)

Total value: Quote from the Auditing Water Resources for Application to Water-Sensitive Urban Design - A Case Study in the Lima (Perú) Metropolitan Area Master Thesis by Kara Jean McElhinney on the development of LIWA project Sourse link: https://issuu.com/ilpoe/docs/thesisfinalkjm?backgroundC olor=%23222222 Prices per m2 are taken from “Spon’s Architects and builders price book 2010”.

Visibility of the proposal View points View region

Reception areas - 100m2 Offices, eductional rooms - 280m2 Galleries - 360 m2 Storage, service floors - 400m2 Lecture hall - 200 m2

(910-1150 £ per m2) (700-900£ per m2) (820-1200£ per m2) (700-900£ per m2) (1000-1200£ per m2)

Total value:


4.4 - THE ROLE OF ARCHITECTS PRACTICE With the two-stage tendering process, the architect is hired as chief consultant to the client and must administer the contract between the client and the general contractor. The architect will be held in a contract with the client for professional services rendered and will oversee the following stages of work as shown in the diagram.

Description of key architect’s Tasks 1. PREPARATION







- Identify Project Objectives, the client’s Business Case, Sustainability Aspirations and other parameters or constraints and develop the Initial Project Brief.

- Preparation of Concept Design including outline proposals for structural design, services systems, site landscape, outline specifications and preliminary cost plan along with environmental, energy, ecology, access or other Project Strategies.

- Preparation of Developed Design including co-ordinated and updated proposals for structural design, services systems, site landscape, outline specifications, cost plan and Project Strategies.

- Preparation of Technical Design information to include all architectural, structural and mechanical services information and specifications including the Lead Designer’s review and sign-off of all information.

- Progression of Specialist Design by Specialist Subcontractors including the integration, review and sign-off of Performance Specified Work by the Lead Designer and other designers as set out in Design Responsibility document.

- Off-site manufacturing and onsite construction in accordance with the Construction Programme.

- Implementation of Soft Landings Strategy including Post Occupancy Evaluation.

- Regular review of progress against programme and any Quality Objectives including site inspections.

- Conclude administration of Building Contract.

- Examine Site Information and make recommendations for further information, including surveys, required. - Preparation of Feasibility Studies and assessment of options to enable the client to decide how to proceed. - Determine client’s Risk Profile and agree the Project Programme and preliminary Procurement Strategy. - Assemble Project Team, agree Scope of Service, Contract Relationship and Design Responsibilities for each participant. Develop BIM and Soft Landings Strategies, Information Exchanges and conclude Appointment Documents.

- Agree developments to Initial Project Brief and issue Final Project Brief. - Review Procurement Strategy, finalise Design Responsibility including extent of Performance Specified Design and take action where required. - Prepare Project Manual including agreement of Software Strategy, BIM Execution Plan and extent of Performance Specified Work.

- Prepare and Submit Planning Application.

- Performance Specified Work to be developed in sufficient detail to allow development and integration - Implement Change Control by Specialist Subcontractors during Procedures, undertake Sustainability Completed Design stage. Assessment and take actions determined by Procurement - Take actions determined by Strategy. Procurement Strategy including issuing in packages where appropriate. - Review Construction Strategy including H&S aspects. - Prepare and submit Building Regulations Submission. - Review Construction Strategy including sequencing, programme and H&S aspects.

- Review Construction Strategy including sequencing and critical path. - Undertake actions from Procurement Strategy or administration of Building Contract as required.

- Administration of Building Contract. - Resolution of Design Queries from site as they arise. - Implementation of Soft Landing Strategy including agreement of information required for commissioning, training, handover, asset management, future monitoring and maintenance and ongoing compilation of “as- constructed” information.

- Review of Project Performance in use and analysis of Project Information for use on future projects. - Updating of Project Information, as required, in response to Asset Management and Facilities Management feedback and modifications.

- Prepare Construction Strategy including review of off-site fabrication, site logistics and H&S aspects.

PROCUREMENT & PLANNING 1. First tender package 2. Planning Application 3. Second tender package


4.5 - THE ROLE OF CONSULTANTS, CONTRACTORS AND SUPPLIERS Considering the scale of the landscape work, sriver bank constraints and various water integrated systems, project has a complexity in a land construction process which includes damming the part of the river and temporary redirecting the flow of canal. Thus consultants are necessary in various areas to deliver high quality of building under control of cost and health and safety.

Planning consultant

Structural Engineer

Landscape consultant

Facade Cladding Consultant Landscape Consultant

Geotecnical consultant



Access consultant

Lighting Consultant

Quantity surveyor

M+E Consultant

Health and safety Advisor

Maintenance Consultant

Water engineering consultant All consultants are employed by the client directly through direct contract between them. This also relates to the matter of responsibility in the project, as well as liability and fees. Consultants will be appointed as soon as the approval of the project brief by the client. If the appointment stages are later on in a whole process it will cause a delay as well as financial performance of the project and flow of work.

Potential risks/problems

Type of Consultancy

Role of Consultants

Complexity in construction method on site

Water engineering consultant Geo technical consultant

- Blocking part of the river during the construction - Foundation stability and soil survey

Complexity in structure

Structural engineer Heath and safety advisor

- Advice in the best possible structural solution to the complexity with structural analysis - Health and safety for construction workers, hazard solution to landfill condition

Complexity in construction (eg. Panels and building elements)

Quantity Surveyor Facade and cladding consultant

- Financial advice of overall project - Facade and interior object wall design advice collaborating with digital fabrication department

Landscape design

Landscape consultant

- Advice in types of vegetations and maintenance for landscape

Local building regulations

Planning consultant

- Submission and confirmation of submitting documents

ROLE OF CONTRACTOR AND SUPPLIERS Currently developing project for building a driveway tunnel under the river in the central area. Consultant team participating in the project could be invited for the proposal dvelopment. Images source: http://noticias.rse.pe/?p=2441

Contractors (appointed by a competitive tender): - Sub-contractors approval - Final documents for delivery of construction expertise - On-site building production - Supply of products from sub-contractors - Just in Time production and its transportation to site Suppliers: - Production of building parts (expertise in specialised skills, time and budget)


4.6 - CONTRACTUAL RELATIONSHIP WITH THE CLIENT The client will have direct contractual relationships with ar- entre Project achitects, consultants and contractors, and the construction manager appoints subcontractors and suppliers. The client will have contractual relationship with Aquafondos and Water plant LaAtareja before development of brief so that the clients clearly identifyrequirements and regulations towards site preservation. The clients will sign contractual agreements with architects, consultants, engineers and manufacturers.

Chart of Contractual Relationship of the Rimac voice Educational Centre Individual works contracts are in contact with the client, and has liable for their own branches. The work devision can be measured by cost.

Direct contract (protection of Lima’s watersheds and water)









Selection flow chart of contract Source: David Chappell and Andrew Willis, The Architect in Practice. 2010 p222


4.7. RISKS, HEALTH AND SAFETY To ensure that a sufficient level of health and safety on the construction site is upheld, the British Construction (Design & Management) 2015 regulations will be adopted as a strong framework for project safety. A CDM coordinator will be appointed in order to reinforce these regulations. Along-side this, the architect has a wide range of responsibilities: The extreme rainforest micro-climate presents awide range of risks during construction, hich are highlighted below. - The architect must ensure that all contractors and subcontractors are competent enough to complete their roles. - The architect must make the client aware of their CDM responsibilities. - The architect must appoint a CDM coordinator, as well as a CDM representative within the practice who will ensure that safety is upheld. - The architect must eliminate hazards and risks on site where possible and appropriate. - The architect must hold regular health and safety meetings with the various construction teams in order to highlight and combat any issues.

Risks during design - Financial As previously discussed, the project relies on government funding. In this way, the financial backing is relatively secure as there are many environment investment schemes in place which would facilitate this project. Complications will arise in the private funding of the research stations, where financial situations may be less stable. There is also the possibility that a contractor or supplier may go out of business during the period of construction. - Planning rejection Failure in planning application could easily set back the project by a large amount, having a big impact on the programme.

Location of the site in the map of possible hydrological hazards

-Health and Safety management rejection The site is located on the extremely flooded area and management of the construction needs to be highly quilified as Lima already experienced the results of uncontrolled devastation of construction during Via Rimac project construction. If the process would not be prepared correctly to respond the requirements and possible risks of the flooding the project can be rejected by the health and safety management.

Based on these factors it will be advised that all relevant parties take out the appropriate insurance policy to cover any losses in event of these circumstances.

By appointing local architects and using their experience, it is possible to better understand the parameters of the planning regulations in order to ensure the application is successful. A planning consultant could also be involved, in order to further improve chances of success.

To better prepare the construction methods of the site and terraced landscape a highly quilified clandscape and water engineers should be involved.

Risks during construction -El Nino flood - The river is annually overflowing and the construction could be hugely damaged during this period.

Site is located 10 meters far from the crushed bridge.

This year El NiĂąo flooding devastated lots of pedestrian bridges and urban constructions located close to the river. Intense rains and mudslides over the past three days have wrought havoc around the Andean nation and caught residents in Lima, a desert city of 10 million where it almost never rains.

To prevent any huge damages caused by the river flow, building construction should be organized either in one short period from April till January, when the river flow is low or to divide construction process in two stages, building the landscape first and then the building itself. In this case construcions protecting the site should be organized in the overflowing period.

River flow

Protection of the site from big objects of the river and from the high speed flows could be organized along the bank on the south of the river.


4.8 - PROCUREMENT ROUTE AND AFFECT UPON DESIGN AND DESIGN INFORMATION The procurement system should be the most appropriate in the light of the criteria signalled to the architect by the client during and after the briefing stage. In choosing a procurement path, the key criteria are the client’s priorities in the respect of: - Time: economy and certainty - Cost: economy and certainty - Control: apportionment of risk - Quality: in design and construction - Size/value: small/medium/large - Complexity: complex/simple As the building with huge cantilieveres is bespoke and employs a complex approac, it is important that construction specialists get involved at an early stage. To ensure the delivery of this project, the traditional procurement method is proposed. In the traditional procurement method, the architect is commissioned by the client to produce designs and construction information, invite tenders and administer the project during the construction period and settle the final account. This allows the architect to uphold and monitor quality control throughout the entire project. Due to the complex nature of the project, the architect will advise the client to appoint other consultants to deal with particular items such as quantities, cost estimating services generally, structural calculations and concrete design etc. The contractor, who has no design responsibility, wil be selected by competitive tender. The essentials of the traditional system are that the architect is the independent advisor to the client carrying out the design. The contractor is only responsible for executing the work in accordance with the drawings and specifications produced by the architect and other professionals. The advantages for using the traditional procurement route in the proposed scheme are: - It establishes a linear connection from the client through the designer to the main contractor and sub-contractors; - The original designer remains involved throughout the concept, detailed design and construction process. But there is also one disadvantage with the traditional procurement route, as it generally gives little opportunity for early involvement of contractor/specialist. To improve this, it is therefore suggested by the architect to take the traditional procurement route but with a Two-Stage Tender process (tendered after planning and again at stage F), which allows for early contractor involvement. This also means that the relevant expertise can be utilised at an early stage with the retention scheme developed jointly between the architects and the contractor.



Key views

REFERENCES Griffin, Brian. Laboratory design guide: for clients, architects and their design team : the laboratory design process from start to finish. 3rd ed. Oxford: Architectural Press, 2005. Climate Design: Solutions for Buildings That Can Do More with Less Technology Gerhard Hausladen Birkhauser Verlag AG 978­3764372446 Frank O. Gehry: The Complete Works Paperback – 4 Sep 2003 Morphosis: The Crawford House1 Jan 1998 by Patricia C. Phillips and etc. Climate Skin Gerhard Hausladen (and others) Birkhauser 2006 ISBN 978­3­7643­7725­0 Material Matters. Routledge 2006 ISBN 978­0415363266 Constructing architecture: materials, processes, structures, a handbook, Andrea Deplazes Birkhauser ISBN 978­3764386313 New Forms: Plans and Details for Contemporary Architects: Plans and Details for Contemporary Architecture<Thames & Hudson 978­0500342534 The Building Regulations 2000: toxic substances : approved document D. 1992 ed. London: TSO, 2006.

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