Alisa Silanteva
Architecture portfolio 2014-2015
A. The man major needs B. Organization of the day
This portfolio is a series of educational projects exploring the organization of an integrated urban space that meets needs of the modern man and conditions of the current city state. The series starts with the city scale project and ends up with the architectural spaces research embodied in the current work on the Mediateque project.
Contents Main principals The architecture proposals of different scale 1. The city 2. The urban channel 3. The urban node 4. The architecture 5. The Mediatheque Competitions / Workshops The photo project (@ fenced_city)
C. Nine main principals D. The assembly of all principals representing the model of the city
Main principals
1. Principe of layers. 2. Self-sufficiency and fractality 3. Adaptability, interactivity, trancparency and incompleteness 4. The combinating of opposites and encongruous spaces and programs 5. Preservation and intensification of the historical memory
Designing the city
E. Nenuphar settlement along the riverside F. Oblong animal farms with the housing inside and green farms around
The city The strategy of development in Kazan / Educational, 2014/ Kazan, Russia / in collaboration with Anna Andronova / Tutors: Akhtiamov I., Akhtiamova R. The first step of the project proposal is the reorganization of the 10000 acres of Kazan, city in the center part of Russia. It includes part of the center, industrial area and countryside. Most of industrial buildings here are abandoned and we made a map of treasures and valuable for renovation facilities, roads, green and water. It became a base for the desinging process which started from placing the biosocial and communication structure and continued with filling it by the whole spectrum of programs. The first step defined the configuration and program of another.
G. Photo documentary of the place H The treasures map of important facilities, communications, green and water I. The model M 1:5000 describing the urban strategy Blue lines represent biosocial structure, red lines show the production net. Along the waterline there are lots of dissolving in water capes, thats how the city welcomes guests from the Volga river.
J. The cape with temporary housing and green farms
The urban channel Proposal of the urban channel/ Travolator /Educational, 2014/ Kazan, Russia / Tutors: Akhtiamov I., Akhtiamova R. There is a system of several channels going from the city to the river on the first step project. Channel of travolator is an interlacing of water channel, main roads of the transport network and branches of biosocial structure that goes down to the water and green and then up to the public level. Water communication is important and it spreads through the city
K. The masterplan of the urban channel. It begins from the green production cape on the river and ends with the island L. Communication scheme
M. Biosocial structure
N. Plasma structure
O. Housing, administrative center and manufacture facilities sittting on the level of public spaces P. Big energy producing platform adjointed to housing and the transportation channel Q. The body of the channel with manufacture center on the left side and housing on the right
The urban node 2014 / Kazan, Russia / Tutors: Akhtiamov I.I., Akhtiamova R.H. The center has several attractors. The art space, the experimental laboratory and the media library are situated the tingarden, the trade square is close, the politic office. All attractors are connected by the level of mixed public spaces. And the node has proper communication structure.
R. The information collage of the urban node programs S. The model of the urban node
T. Functional programm U. Mixed public spaces / Communications / Green structure
The architecture Proposal of the spatial organization / Educational, 2014 / Kazan, Russia /Tutors: Akhtiamov I., Akhtiamova R. This project is intended to explore new formal solutions that merge spaces of different functions. So the object is the section model of the urban node that unites its attractors such as theater, studios and the administrative center with one big space and small mobile cells underneath. There are volumes of galleries, cafes, auditoriums, sport halls and open empty ones between the ground and masses of buildings. Every attractor has its own strand of communications that interlace with each other.
V. The section model made of wire and placticine (in progress)
W. The section views from different sides X. Horizontal sections of different levels of the model
Y. The concept cross-section
The Mediatheque Conceptual project / In progress / Kazan, Russia / Tutors: Akhtiamov I., Akhtiamova R. This project is the culmination of the entire line of city architecture spaces development and now it is in progress. Imagine yourself in the center of the Russian city where there is a huge 21th century Media center on the opposite side of the river from the Kremlin. Information is the ruler here, it is made and consumed here and people are studied and entertained by information in both analogue and digital conditions. Architecture is shaped by mimicry into the nature principles and forms with the only addition of information that is an allsufficient participant of the dialog.
Z.The functional model and scheme, the concept drawing
Model photos A. Viiew to the lower part which is the interlacing of public city routs and the building hall B. Constructions with the wire of “Media leg� C. View to the entering part with the mix-use public center coming to the building and facilities like the auditorium and reading halls
D. Model currently in progress
Competitions / Workshops
The town of eternal happiness Student competition “120 hours� / 2015 / Oslo, Norway The competition was intended to find a radical idea of architectural preservation. My idea for the abandoned soviet town on the Norway archipelago is to make it eternal by temporary periods of living there when different countries settle for 30 years, make an utopian world and after that clean the place for the next habitant.
Catching the light XA Atelier workshop “Functionless” / 2014/ Athens, Greece The workshop aimed to learn Autodesk Maya software by developing a small project on the topic “Functionless”. My project was talking about absence of function in a context of architectural details in cristian churches. So I made animal of three bodies each of those has two heads: one lets the light in and another catches it.
Angular waves The wooden art object festival 2013 / teamwork / Kazan, Russia The idea of the festival was to build an art object with provided materials. During two days our team was working on the composition of 4 sunbeds that could be understood as angular waves from the view next to it. This is the way how object replies to the given shore theme.
Photo project @fenced_city
Also my academic projects instagram @alisa_architecture
Special thanks for my family, tutors Ilnar and Rezeda Akhtiamovs and collegues Anna Andronova and Egor Orlov for their inspiration and support.