Teaching a new generation
M y G arde n G ate
Written by
Krisy Goodwin
W If you have ever asked a gardener where they acquired their skill of producing lush green veggies in sweet fertile soil, they will more than likely tell you they learned it from: • their parents or grandparents, • plenty of trial and error, • talking to other gardeners, or • r eading the piles of gardening mags they have stacked under the coffee table (or in an overflowing box of subscriptions in the cupboard…guilty as charged) I am always in hope of instilling some of my knowledge into my grandchildren. I drag them out into my vegetable garden whenever possible to help harvest or plant. I will often send one out to retrieve something for dinner and they invariably come back with something unrelated to what I had asked for…but sometimes they nail it! And that makes it all worthwhile. I think it’s extremely important to teach the young ones where their food comes from. Many schools, much to my delight, are putting in vegetable gardens. This teaches our young ones vital gardening skills and the importance of nutrition that comes from freshly picked food. Garden clubs & Facebook groups are also a great way for young and old to make new friends. While they’re at it, they can learn from gardeners who are passionate about their hobby and are eager to share their knowledge. Teach the kiddos… • F ill with good garden soil, a kiddie’s shell pool with holes drilled in the bottom for a child’s first garden.
• Let your child pick what to plant, they are more likely to want to eat it.
Beans, Cucumber, Capsicum, Celery, Eggplant, Leek, Lettuce, Spring Onions, Pumpkins, Potatoes, Sweet Potatoes, Button Squash, Zucchini & Tomatoes. Herbs: Basil, Mint, Coriander, Parsley, Thyme, Oregano, Lemongrass, Tarragon, chives
Teaching kids and businesses
• U se good quality soil or potting mix, look for those 5 ticks on the bags or a reputable soil supplier. • Use a slow release organic vegetable fertiliser
My garden is my favourite teacher” Betsy Canas Garmon
e s u e R , e c u d e R and Recycle DID YOU K NOW that a family of fo ur can fill a fo bedroom h ur ouse every year with rubbis h! With that in mind it is important to do our bit and educa te what ca n and can’t be re cycled so th at we can all have a bett er understand ing.
We have FREE education lessons in composting and recycling information sessions for Early Learning Centers to Year 12 and any community groups/clubs or residents wanting any information please don’t hesitate to give us a call.
Book your FR EE Was te Audit with us toda y, where we will reduce your costs and help make better choices for the environment. Phone our education officer on
1300 79 49 29
or email smriti.pandey@frasercoast.qld.gov.au 27