Annual Review 2012 – 2013
Introduction from our Chairman
Adult Unit
I may be relatively new to the role of Chairman of the Board of Trustees, but I have been a Trustee for a number of years. The role has allowed me not only to contribute to the development and continuation of the Hospice, but also to witness, close up, the work and impact of the charity.
Quite simply, patients and their families are at the centre of everything we do. In 2012 our dedicated team of nurses and doctors cared for 290 local people in our Inpatient Ward, which is a 20% increase compared to 2011. When you include the care and support which our nurses extend to patients’ families, friends and carers this figure is in the thousands.
As Chairman, I am entrusted to work with my fellow Trustees, all of us volunteers, to govern and safeguard the future of the charity. It is not without challenge, with the ongoing uncertainties in the financial climate it is a role and responsibility that not only I, but also my fellow board members, relish. The Hospice continues to expand its services, areas of care and support and has received widespread praise for the standards of quality and performance across all areas, from nursing to housekeeping and catering. Despite all of this, the Hospice continues to strive to be better, to be able to do more for people and to be innovative in identifying new ways to extend its care. Our Annual Review will touch upon some of the recent highlights and also acknowledges and celebrates the wonderful support we receive from both our volunteers and our donors. The Hospice simply wouldn’t be the special place it is without the hundreds of volunteers who give their time to help, or the thousands of local people who are so generous and committed to supporting our work.
We think of everyone as an individual and the care our nurses provide is tailored appropriately to meet the increasingly complex needs and requirements of patients and their families. The demand on the service has increased with the average patient stay increasing to 12.1 days. During 2012, we have worked with a number of local health care professionals to improve and increase the variety of services provided to both our patients and their families. The specialist skills of our nurses have also been extended to organisations in the local community as they utilise their skills to assist other nurses in end of life care. Our 24 hour helpline continues to offer support to healthcare professionals, patients and carers.
I hope you enjoy reading our Annual Review and that you share our excitement for what the future holds and how the Hospice will continue to grow and care for more local adults and children when they need it most.
John Remmer Chairman
Day Hospice
Eden House
Our dedicated team of Day Hospice nurses and specialist doctors continue to provide care and support to both patients and their carers. Every patient who attends Day Hospice on a weekly basis has their own reason for being there, from symptom control to social interaction, and we always ensure that a warm welcome is afforded to everyone.
We have seen over the past year that the demand for the specialist care provided by the nurses in Eden House has increased with more children and young adults being referred with increasingly complex needs.
We provide a range of social activities encouraging many of the patients to develop skills they never knew they had, from rag rug making to baking. We invite many external organisations to the Day Hospice to entertain the patients and make sure that no two days are ever the same. Along with providing the highest standards of care to our patients, the nurses extend the services to the carers and families of our patients, through the Sunflower Group. The group aims to improve carers’ ability to cope and manage the demands associated with caring for a loved one. We have worked closely with many organisations to broaden and improve the variety of services and care provided by the nurses. Many other groups have attended the Hospice throughout 2012, helping to promote the special care and support that is provided by the Eden Valley Hospice team.
The home from home environment allows both the children and young adults to enjoy their stay in a homely environment whilst receiving the highest standards of care and support. We are so grateful that many generous local people and businesses help us to provide the children and young adults with a wide variety of entertaining activities to match each child’s ability. We never know what new activity or adventure will be happening next, but it is always something fun and exciting for everyone to enjoy. We continue to look at new ways in which we can extend our support to parents, siblings and carers of the children and young adults at Eden House. Our Family Support Days and Siblings Days have been a great way to not only bring our families together but also to celebrate Eden House and have some fun and laughter along the way!
Family Support Team
Our Supporters
The Family Support Team offers support to the families and friends of the adults and children who are being cared for by the Hospice. The dedicated team offers counselling, spiritual support and social care to those who need it.
To ensure that support for families continues to develop and improve, the Sandra Fisher Centre, a purpose built facility, which includes offices, counselling rooms and clinical rooms, was opened in 2012. The new building has quickly become a place of peacefulness, care and tranquillity, with our dedicated Family Support Team, made up of both staff and volunteers, providing much needed support, advice and care to local people.
We had an Olympic theme running though the whole of 2012. From cyclists to runners and golfers to dancers, hundreds of Hospice community heroes were inspired to undertake a sporting challenge in 2012. During the summer, a group of cyclists raised almost £3,000 by completing the Coast to Coast in an incredible time of just over nine hours. Whilst members of Penrith Golf Club raised over £1,600 for Eden House Children’s Hospice by hosting a variety of fundraising events.
Our services have also been extended out to the community through the establishment of our Sunflower Group for carers. The group meets regularly to support carers and to give them the chance to try different therapies and the opportunity to share their experiences and support others in similar situations. We have welcomed our new Hospice Chaplain to the team. She has quickly begun to develop the role of volunteers in offering support to patients and their families. The team has also welcomed a volunteer writer in residence who has run a series of writing workshops for our Day Hospice patients. An ethos of comfort, privacy and dignity ensures that every person matters.
Schools Children at primary and secondary schools across Cumbria enjoyed themselves as they hosted a wide range of fundraising events to support the Hospice. Lazonby School invited the whole community to an action packed day of fundraising events which raised a fantastic £660. Pupils at Newman School invited Hospuss to enjoy their fundraising tea party.
Businesses Throughout the year, we have received fantastic support from many local businesses who have supported the Hospice in a variety of ways. Last Easter, staff from DW Sports in Carlisle donated a substantial amount of Easter Eggs for our patients to enjoy. Staff from English Lakes Hotels donated £3,000 to Eden House Children’s Hospice from the profits raised from the sale of their ‘Sam the Dog’ cuddly toy. 4
Our Supporters
Our Volunteers
National Awards
Many people in the local community have been inspired by the dedication and hard work of the Hospice’s team of nurses and have made fantastic donations to allow this work to continue. Fundraiser Debbie Hall raised an amazing £4,000 for Eden Valley Hospice by organising a charity ball at the Shepherds Inn, which was hosted by former Border TV presenter John Myers. Meanwhile, John Harling and his family raised £1,500 by hosting a Ceilidh at Lazonby Village Hall in memory of his wife Judith.
Our volunteers’ dedication and passion for the Hospice was recognised in May when a group of volunteers and staff represented every volunteer at a fabulous Garden Party at Buckingham Palace, as part of the Queen’s Award for Volunteering, which the group received in 2011. Our volunteers continued the award winning in November 2012. A small team of volunteers, who have helped at a whole host of fundraising events over many years, were acknowledged for their commitment and hard work. Rita Curle, Mavis Proctor, Anne Thompson, Ann Nicholson, Anne Keddy and Isobel Little were awarded the Newcastle Building Society Cornerstone of the Community Award. All our volunteers make a huge difference to the Hospice and it is great to see that this is being recognised so widely.
Hospice Events Debenhams Gardening
Santas, cyclists and walkers have taken to the streets of Cumbria and raised an incredible amount of money for the Hospice. Hundreds of women braved the adverse weather conditions and completed the Midnight Walk in June. In August, almost 130 cyclists raised over £12,600 at the second Cycle the Solway event. In December, thousands of people remembered a loved one through the Light Up a Life campaign and raised an incredible £60,000.
Newcastle Building Soc iety
Our Volunteers
Report of the Company Secretary
Summary Consolidated Income and Expenditure Account Year Ended 31 December 2012
We have been lucky to welcome a number of local businesses to the Hospice. Their staff have generously donated their time to help maintain the beautiful gardens for our patients and their families to enjoy. During the summer of 2012, members of staff from Cumbria County Council and Debenhams assisted the Hospice’s maintenance team to carry out a variety of tasks in the Hospice grounds. In October 2012, staff from the UPS depot in Carlisle made it a family occasion as volunteers of all ages carried out a host of activities to prepare the Hospice gardens for the winter months.
Long Service Awards In June 2012 we celebrated the long service of a dedicated group of staff and volunteers. In total 23 people received a long service award on the night, with Ann McGladdery, Anne Parrini, Irene Mattinson and Margaret Sutherland all receiving a very special and deserved reward. The group of volunteers have donated their time to the Hospice for an incredible 25 years; they began volunteering four years before the Hospice was officially opened in 1991.
Income Total Expenditure
2012 2011 £ £ 2,993,926 3,821,755 3,124,985 3,083,765
Operating (Deficit)/Surplus (131,059) 737,990 Other Income (interest receivable and similar income) 17,515 6,598 Taxation (44) Net (Deficit)/Surplus (113,544) 744,544 There are no recognised gains or losses other than the results for the period as set out above. All of the activities are classed as continuing.
Consolidated Balance Sheet 31 December 2012 2012 2011 £ £ Fixed Assets Tangible Assets 3,322,365 3,361,687
Current Assets Stocks 7,761 12,297 Debtors 122,808 46,272 Cash at bank and in hand 1,769,481 1,693,270 Creditors: Amounts falling due within one year
1,900,050 1,751,839 (474,963) (252,530)
Net Current Assets
1,425,087 1,499,309
Net Assets 4,747,452 4,860,996 Funds Income Funds 12,426 12,426 Capital Funds 2,056,535 2,114,962 Unrestricted Funds 2,678,491 2,733,608
UPS Volunteering
Volunteer Awards
4,747,452 4,860,996
These financial statements were approved by the Board on 19th March 2013 and were signed on its behalf by Carole Ferguson. 9
Report of the Company Secretary
Independent Auditors’ Statement to the Members of Eden Valley Hospice, Carlisle
Notes to the Summary Consolidated Income and Expenditure Account and Balance Sheet for the year ended 31 December 2012
We have examined the summary financial statement for the year ended 31 December 2012. Respective responsibilities of the trustees and the auditor
These summarised accounts are a summary of information extracted from the annual accounts and certain information relating to both income and expenditure and the balance sheet. These summarised accounts may not contain sufficient information to allow a full understanding of the financial affairs of the charity. For further information the full annual accounts and Trustees’ Annual Report, which have been subject to audit, should be consulted. Copies of the full financial statements can be obtained from the Company Secretary, Eden Valley Hospice, Durdar Road, Carlisle. CA2 4SD. The annual accounts for 2012 were approved on behalf of the Board of Trustees on 19th March 2013 and have been submitted to the Registrar of Companies and Charities Commission.
Paul Cookson Company Secretary
The trustees are responsible for preparing the summarised annual report in accordance with applicable United Kingdom law. Our responsibility is to report to you our opinion on the consistency of the summary financial statement within the summarised annual report with the full annual financial statements and the Trustees’ Report, and its compliance with the relevant requirements of section 427 of the Companies Act 2006 and the regulations made thereunder. We also read the other information contained in the summarised annual report and consider the implications for our report if we become aware of any apparent misstatements or material inconsistencies with the summary financial statement. The other information comprises of only the annual review. We conducted our work in accordance with Bulletin 2008/3 issued by the Auditing Practices Board. Our report on the company’s full annual financial statements describes the basis of our opinion on those financial statements and on the Trustees’ Report.
Opinion In our opinion the summary financial statement is consistent with the full annual financial statements and the Trustees’ Report of Eden Valley Hospice, Carlisle for the year ended 31 December 2012 and complies with the applicable requirements of section 427 of the Companies Act 2006, and the regulations made thereunder. We have not considered the effects of any events between the date on which we signed our report on the full annual financial statements (24 April 2013) and the date of this statement.
JEAN CARROLL Senior Statutory Auditor
Finance and Administration Team 10
For and on behalf of Armstrong Watson, Chartered Accountants & Statutory Auditors, Carlisle. 24 April 2013 11
Income and Expenditure Year ended 31 December 2012
Financial Summary
Income and Expenditure Year ended 31 December 2012
Our 2012 Annual Review includes a summary of our accounts for 2012, copies of the full audited accounts, together with the Auditors’ Report and Trustees’ Annual Report are available on request from The Company Secretary, Eden Valley Hospice, Durdar Road, Carlisle. CA2 4SD. Telephone (01228) 817603.
Income Legacies Donations Grants Trading Interest Totals
2012 2011 £ £ 549,979 1,120,629 873,156 1,055,919 860,725 979,289 710,066 665,918 17,515 6,598 3,011,441 3,828,353
Gross income from legacies, donations, grants, trading activities and interest decreased by £816,912 (21.3%) to £3,011,441, mainly due to a reduction in legacies, which had been at a record high in 2011. 2012 brought an increase in our trading activities with the opening of our new shop in Lonsdale Street and the closure of our shop in Botchergate. No Section 64 grants were received in 2012 towards any building costs, but additional monies were received towards ‘Six Steps’ end of life training, for staff within care homes in North Cumbria. The grant income from Cumbria PCT, was £566,242 for our adult services and £104,039 towards Eden House. Other grants received towards Eden House running costs were a £159,281 non-recurrent Department of Health grant from Section 64 funds. Expenditure increased to £3,124,985, below budget by 5.37%; kept down during 2012 with
Expenditure 2012 2011 good control over salaries and normal running costs. Trading costs increased by £1,931 (0.6%) £ £ to £326,715, other fundraising costs decreased by 9.7% to £159,184, mainly due to there being Hospice Running Costs no Head of Fundraising in post until April 2012. With governance costs minimal, all costs are well Adult Inpatients 1,664,393 1,573,853 under control and will be closely monitored in the coming twelve months. Adult Day Care 182,092 209,670 Our funds within the balance sheet have decreased slightly by £113,544 to £4,747,452, but Children’s Hospice 786,135 790,759 these also include the main assets within our business, which are our buildings (which have been Fundraising & Trading Costs 159,184 176,273 extended over the years) along with fixtures and fittings and of course, our cash balances, which Trading 326,715 324,784 increased by £76,211 to £1,769,481. We still rely heavily upon funding from the local area, which Governance Costs 6,466 8,470 Totals 3,124,985 3,083,809
Trustees’ Statement The auditor has issued unqualified reports on the full annual financial statements and on the consistency of the Trustees’ report with those financial statements. Their report on the full annual financial statements contained no statement under sections 498(2)(a), 498(2)(b) or 498(3) of the Companies Act 2006.
includes donations and fundraising activities, lottery income and legacies. We will look to increase this income in 2013. In this financial year we have confirmation that the Clinical Commissioning Group will roll over our existing PCT grant and Eden Valley Hospice will continue to be costeffective in the services we offer to our patients in the local community, although this financial grant receives no cost of living increase. We will continue to work closely with other agencies within the area to ensure our care is patient-centred. The big challenge in 2013, as we are emerging from this elongated recession, is to ensure that the expected income target of in excess of £3 million is met. With around £685,000 expected from the NHS and around £213,000 from the Department of Health, there will be still further challenges this year for the Fundraising Team, who will need to ensure that in excess of £2 million is raised during the year, which equates to more than £5,400 per day.
Paul Cookson Head of Finance and Support Services Company Secretary 24.04.13
Registered Office Durdar Road, Carlisle Cumbria CA2 4SD A Registered Charity No. 1008796