Ms aneta,5 years experience, polish architect

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ⴤࢃ⣬ᘷφӰ൞⌘ަθいࢃ24k∅ᴾ ဉ੃φAneta ᒪ喺φ28኷ ᐛ֒㔅僂φ5ᒪ 䈣䀶φ㤧ᮽθ⌘ަ䈣 ∋ѐᰬ䰪φ2012ᒪ∋ѐӄ∊Ӑ့ᯥᢎ‫ށ‬ཝᆜ ᆜփφᔰㆇૂคᐸ䇴䇗⺋༡ 䇴䇗亼ตφᔰㆇ䇴䇗θᇚ޻䇴䇗 ᫻䮵亼ตφᯯṾ䇴䇗 ਥᐛ֒൦⛯φр⎭θ⅝⍨θђ঍Ӑ Current Status: In Shanghaiθ24k RMB/month before tax Name: Aneta Age: 28 years old Working Experience: 5 years Language(s): English, Polish Year of graduation: Graduated in 2012 from Bialystok University of Technology Degree: Master of Architecture and Urban Planning Design area: Architectural Design, Interior Design Field of specialization: Concept design Cities to work in: Shanghai, Europe, South East Asia

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