目前状态:人在台湾,Skype面试,税前8千5人民币每月 姓名:Ching Hsia 年龄:32岁 工作经验:7年 语言:中文,英文,西班牙文 毕业时间:2009年毕业于西班牙加泰罗尼亚理工大学 学位:城市设计硕士 设计领域:城市设计 擅长领域:方案设计,扩初设计 可工作地点:上海,北京,深圳,北美,英国,欧洲
Current Status: In Taiwan, Skype Interview,8500 RMB/month before tax Name: Ching Hsia Age: 32 years old Working Experience: 7 years Language(s): Mandarin, English, Spanish Year of graduation: Graduated in 2009 from Polytechinic of Catalunya, Spain Degree: Master of Urban Design Design area: Urban design Field of specialization: Concept design, Detail design Cities to work in: Shanghai, Beijing, Shenzhen, North America, UK, Europe
General Information Name: Yu Ching Hsia Gender: Female Date of Birth: 23 January 1984 Country of Birth: Taiwan
Educational background Degree: Postgraduate Name of the degree: Postgraduate in Urbanism Including: Urban Design (Interweave: When a Postindustrial City Starts to Embrace its River; note: 9 – excellent) Urban Planning (Transversals: Light Public Transport Network Project on Open Space; note: 8 - outstanding) Regional Planning
Country of studies: Spain Name of university: Universitat Politè cnica de Catalunya Graduation date: 20 January, 2009 University located city: Barcelona
Degree: B.Sc. Name of the degree: Science in Architecture Final project: One Way--Spiritual Sphere Exploring and Form Reconstructingt
Country of studies: Taiwan Name of university: National Cheng Kung University Graduation date: 01 June, 2006 University located city: Tainan University address: No.1, University Road, Tainan City 701, Taiwan
Award Taichung City Creative and Design Contest of Taichung City Bus Shelter 2014 Project Name: Urban Green Dots--Network with a Green Twist Third Place Award “It’s a design based on green ecology. The concept of sustainable building is finely integrating into the bus shelter and transmits the spirit of reduce carbon emission.” -- Transportation Bureau of Taichung City Government
Languages Chinese, English, Spanish and basic German (level B1; learned at BSI Language School, Berlin, Germany).
Professional experience Practical training: 2 months at J.M.Lin Architect (AIA) / The Observer Design Group.
International workshop: Asian Reality, Choreographing Uncertainty (17-21 Dec. 2005) Team professor: Esa Laaksonen (Alvar Aalto Academy) Intervention Project: Hopscotch--interface among sound environment, space and activity
International conferences: Make City 2015 in Berlin (11-28 Jun.) Subjects as “Co-Housing”, “Utopian Economics”, “Alternative Urban Development” are inspiring to me. Skateistan--The Tale of Skateboarding in Afghanistan (conference, DAZ German architecture center, 2012, Berlin) ANY CERDÀ (The year of Cerda, 2010, Barcelona) CERDÀ Y LA BARCELONA DEL FUTURO: REALIDAD VS. PROYECTO (Ildefons Cerda and the future of Barcelona: Reality vs. planning exhibition)
In-depth observations in significant exhibitions: URBAN LIVING--Strategies for the Future (2015, DAZ, Berlin, Germany) Asia Museum of Modern Art by Tadao Ando (2014, Taichung, Taiwan) Weissenhof Estate (2013, Stuttgart, Germany) Testify! The Consequences of Architecture (2012, DAZ, Berlin, Germany) Cloud Cities (2011, Hamburger Bahnhof Museum für Gegenwart, Berlin, Germany) 2
World Exposition 2010 Shanghai (China) World Exposition 2008 Zaragoza (Spain) Venice Biennale Architecture 2008 (Italy)
European local-experience: Strategy toward urban expansion: In Spain/France, they try to compress the population into a planned urban area. In Germany/Netherland, they move the population into rural area and form several small settlements in the near. Public transportation strength: In Spain, pedestrian-connections planning inside city are delicate and complex. This refined strategy creates efficient connections among historical city centers. In Germany, the strength focuses on heavy public transportation by accurately connecting each node. In Portugal the region of Porto, tram-train system functions perfectly for both urban tramway network and conventional railway lines in its regional area. In Scandinavia, bicycle-path network is fully complete whether in urban or rural, and the accessibility for taking bicycle into other transportation systems is high. As a result, biking rules! Open space design level: In Spain, small gardens around city corners are beloved by the Spanish citizens for coffee break. In German, citizens are intended to bike to a nearest “Volkspark” and spend an entire afternoon barbecuing and lying on the enormous grass lawn. Social project level: In Spain, social housing is often well designed with great architectural features, but mostly located on a remote site. In Germany, a great solution for reasonable-price housing was introduced to me during “Make City 2015” in Berlin. “Baugruppe-Project” is a new government proposal with architect-led approach. This new typology requires a full communication among the resident, architect, and constructor in order to achieve a balance of social, cultural, economic and ecological aspects. I’ve explored the inside of “R50”, “Mehrfamilienhaus” and “Südwestsonne.” Low- cost building as they are; high quality living space and good relation toward urban context are absolutely equipped. I consider all that are the results of different population densities. Therefore I believe the Spanish strategy could be a reflecting mirror for Asian cities. However the innovative ideas I’ve seen in Germany are thought-provoking and 3
I think that’d play a key role in solving the complex problems of increasingly diverse societies.
Cultural observations: I was born in Taiwan; lived in Barcelona and Berlin; travelled through Europe. I try to analyse, distil and also to feel during life experience. Once in Helsinki, I saw some grandmothers sitting by the bay in the modern neighbourhood, Arabianranta. It was an old industrial area of ceramics factory and was famous for its design products. Now it is a fast growing and residential area full of modern architectures. Those grandmothers have the same peaceful smiles like the grandmothers sitting under a banyan tree in an old Military dependants' village in Tainan, Taiwan. People have the same attitude toward nature. One needs a bench to sit under sun while another needs a tree to sit in the shadow. People are so different but so similar. When I saw the project Nanjing’s Riverfront District by SOM, I sensed the great combination of aesthetic design and environmental harmony. Also I feel connected with the urban design values like continuity of open space, local characterizing and riverfront reconstructing. After seeing all those good projects in Europe I was glad to see a truly meaningful project in Asia. Inspired by it, I’m passionate to work together with SOM and create more beautiful projects closer to life.
Participating in the short clip filming:
Buena Gente (a TV advertisement for Privalia company 2010)
Software skills Autodesk CAD 2014, Revit 2014, 3ds Max 8, Adobe CS6, Sketchup 2016, Microsoft Office.
: 德國柏林 DAZ 建築展?! --證明!建築的果效 (TESTIFY!
The Consequences of
Architecture) April 20, 2012 at 8:21pm
三月裡的第二個禮拜,甩開冬季零下低溫,柏林天氣大好。薪和我的柏林爆炸建 築之旅,一如與阿福在系館熬夜趕圖的積習,拖延到她回台灣的兩週前,終於啟 程,第一站去德國建築展演中心 DAZ 看展。那天,春陽灑落,金髮碧眼的男孩 三三兩兩在路旁草地坐著喝 Berliner Pilsner,輕盈氣泡飄來淡淡啤酒香,我們兩 個黑髮女孩匆匆走過。DAZ BERLIN (Deutsches Architektur Zentrum)位於柏林 Kreuzberg 區,地點十分隱密,臨街是個塵土飛揚的二手車中心,旁邊還有一攤 德國最常見的 Currywurst。踏著黃沙小路往裡走,一棟六層樓高的舊翻新公寓, 扇扇的大開窗有著簡潔的設計感,一個青年人側背牛皮包,悠閒地騎著舊 Hercules 腳踏車從中庭裡出來,應該也是去看展,與他擦肩而過,來到第三進 中庭,地上貼的綠色小指標消失了,瞧了半天才發現入口就是一扇毫不起眼的灰 色安全門,傾身推開,挑高的白色空間迎入眼簾,左手邊擺放一張白色長桌,上 面幾疊 DAZ 出版品和近期展覽宣傳單。 再走幾步,白色輕隔間板前明顯擺放一本書,書名”TESTIFY! The Consequences of Architecture”,由 Lukas Feireiss 主編,荷蘭建築學會出版。展出主題即"證明! 建築的果效"這本書裡收錄建築及都市的案 例。翻了翻書,把包包和外套丟在展覽室外的 階梯椅上,專注看展。這個建築展沒有擺放模 型,沒有與牆同高的大圖,整個白色的小展間 裡倒是站著許多標語立牌,幾台平面電視播放 不同語言的影片,傳達編者想要訴說的訊息。 露天圖書館|民眾參與度極高的公共建案 2005 年在德國馬格德堡,Salbke 區兩天內長出了一棟以 Hasseröder 啤酒箱為 設計單元的露天圖書館,名為"Salbke 的書籤",原屬東德規劃為工業區的荒 土,被兩條馬路畫為三角形的畸零地上,居民與建築團隊用一千個塑膠啤酒箱, 在書籤狀平面上堆疊出婉似黑色樂高的城牆。借來的一千個啤酒箱在當地居民參 與建蓋下,變身為一比一的超大臨時模型,啤酒箱裡裝滿了各方民眾捐贈的書 籍,一個陽光煦煦的週末,居民共同完成了一個讀書夢。 2009 年居民秉持熱情,一如當年的設計初衷,一個二十四小時,全年不打烊的 讀書園地正式完工。撤走了黑色啤酒箱換上了白色鏤空水泥磚,"書籤"由黑轉 白。立面上底層水平帶的塗鴉是當地年輕人的集體創作,好似一件藝品基座,與 建築本身巧妙的融合了起來。設計諮詢師 Stephan Willinger 說:City administrators need to learn from scratch how to realize a project with such a high level of community.他希望在地執政者要學習與全體民眾一起規劃,整合地 方力量,滿足切身需求,實踐共同參與的目標。 橡木劇場|地鐵月台新生命 橡木劇場在德國埃森與米爾艾姆兩城邊界的橡木地鐵站裡,當地的地景被高架道 路、快速道路以及地鐵鐵軌劃開,而劇場就坐落於這交叉點上,出乎意料的新奇 6
有趣。從入口售票亭到劇場舞台,大多以貨櫃作為單元再加以改造,機能性十足, 表演場的觀眾席直接從月台延伸階梯狀架高,配合上面橫跨的行人通道,不相同 的高層差,類似台北寶藏巖的層次空間。 橡木站距離魯爾工業區約三十分鐘車程,原本是個犯罪聚集的邊緣地帶,建築師 以簡單的手法注入巧思,公共死角改造後,變身為親切的活動空間,天氣好的時 候居民可以很愜意的坐在酒吧區,點一杯生啤酒閒話家常。提供了當地居民藝術 交流園地,南來北往的旅客歇歇腳,游於藝。設計重點不著眼於建築或空間,人 跟人間的社交互動才是主角。 Le56|巴黎市高密度住宅區一小畝田重現烏托邦精神 乍看之下,展覽貼著一張 Le56 三層樓拉開的爆炸圖,定睛研究,才發現我以為 的樓層,是時間層。這張圖講述的是 Le56 從 2006 到 2009 的建蓋過程。 2005 年,自營建築工作室(AAA)受當地政府邀請,協助當地居民自我管理經 營這塊土地。設計過程整合了各方團體,包括參加 AAA 的大學生、在地居民、 地區社福機構、生態永續經營組織的技術性指導以及有關當局參與。 2006 年的居民座談會,讓居民發表他們的期望、建議以及隱憂。 2007 年門樓完工,作為開會協調的空間據點,亦有著廣告意味,同時間空地開 始架設互動裝置"鄰里牆"("Murs de Voisinage"),促使當地居民以及青 年人經過時可以與這項計畫有更多的接觸。 2009 年雨水回收澆灌系統、屋頂綠化、太陽能板和野鳥生態走廊…均完工。秉 持著自我管理的精神,管理員均是經過訓練的社區居民。這小畝地不定期舉辦蚊 子電影院、工作坊、專題演講…活動,讓居民能夠以興趣會友。 幾個禮拜之後有機會親臨現場,搭著歐洲之星花了十五分鐘穿越了英吉利海峽, 從倫敦來到了巴黎,好久不見的朋友領著我在瑪黑區亂走了陣子,選定一間仿古 的法式咖啡,暗紅的燈光下,點了燻鮭魚和白酒,閒聊間談到 Le56 近期舉辦了 吟詩會。 隔天跳上二十六號巴士,穿越了半個右岸北部,來 到巴黎東邊第 20 區,往 Saint-Blaise 街心走,外來 移民居多,非洲裔青少年群聚著在小路中央聊天, 也不乏當地人出沒,附近很多舊國宅,街頭巷尾麵 包店林立,小廣場旁有一間花店正在打烊,背著相 機的我似乎是唯一的觀光客吸引了不少異樣眼光, 找了一會兒,發現走過頭,倒回去終於看到了"Le56 "這塊兩百平方米的空地原本是通道,被夾在兩棟 七層樓高鑄鐵雕花小陽台的公寓中間,由於法規限 建,荒廢近二十年。整治後從兩旁屋頂鳥瞰,宛如 一帶綠色小河谷。 Le56 緊臨 Saint-Blaise 街,街寬約三米,是住宅區 內慢速道路,兩旁的人行道相對很寬敞,在初春四 月天裡行道樹嫩葉青青,即使面對一大塊街區的舊 國宅也不讓人覺得擁擠。已超過開放時間下午六 點,不得其門而入只好貼著門往裡面瞧,半透明摺 門設計,隱約可以看到裡面綠意盎然,工具間各式 各樣種菜器具;量體設計很簡單,建蔽率不到百分 7
之二十,只有立面兩層高的門樓和田後一棚廚餘堆肥系統。門樓面寬約六米,樓 頂好幾個太陽能板,二樓立面全用半透明塑膠版,似個溫室盒,一樓臨街的木紅 色六扇折門可以完全打開,讓人一眼望穿田地裡花朵瓜果的生長情形,人們在田 邊交換著剛從土裡拔出的新鮮蔬菜,交流躬耕收成的喜悅,成為該區高密度建築 裡綠色觸發點。 傑寧電影院整修案|因大愛而重生的電影院 緣起 2008 年一部德國拍攝的紀錄片"傑寧之心"(Das Herz von Jenin),由 Lior Geller 以及 Markus Vetter 共同編導,片長 89 分鐘。 巴勒斯坦北邊的傑寧城市裡,2005 年一個名叫 Ahmed 的巴勒斯坦十二歲男孩, 因為持著玩具槍而被以色列軍人誤殺,他父親決定把 Ahmed 的器官捐贈給敵營 以色列孩童。喪子的母親淚眼汪汪地泣述 Ahmed 那天出門前,身穿一件美麗潔 白衣衫,走到廚房,受到家人稱讚,隱隱約約 Ahmed 綻放著天使般的容貌,幾 小時後竟應驗天人永隔;群情激憤的村民,糾聚在街上怒喊著"血債血還!以一 償百!";受捐贈的一方,對於種族仇恨和拯救親生骨肉的情感糾結。 看到這裡我不禁思考為何這部紀錄片在建築展裡?議題的層面已經超越設計美 學,之間的關聯性到底在哪?原來傑寧當地的電影院已經關閉了二十年,為了這 部紀錄片,建築、藝術以及社會關懷工作者,凝聚了各方力量,多方奔走,終於 整修原本已頹圮不堪的電影院,並於 2010 年八月五號重新開張,讓 Ahmed 家 的大愛在傑寧終於有地方播映,希望弭平戰爭,帶動地方電影、文化。一個重建 藝術據點的指標性有如茱麗葉的信箱,傳存人間的愛。 展場介紹的喀布爾滑板學校,讓回教世界的孩子藉著運動學習兩性平權;南非開 普敦城的 Inkwenkwezi 中學,提供學生和民眾交流移民文化;李曉東的橋上書 屋,取材當地融入福建土樓等。這個德國和荷蘭共策的展,顯示西歐二國建築界 的省思以及認同,思維創新,與社會議題緊密交織。期許台灣的建築界學習各國 經驗,"證明建築的果效"!