Ms isabel s,3 years experience, spanish architect

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目前状态:人在西班牙,税前1万8人民币每月 姓名:Isabel 年龄:28岁 工作经验:3年 语言:英文,西班牙文,法语 毕业时间:2013年毕业于马德里理工大学 学位:建筑学 硕士 设计领域:建筑设计 擅长领域:方案设计,扩初设计,施工图设计 可工作地点:上海,北京,深圳,北美,英国,欧洲 Isabel2013年硕士毕业于马德里理工大学建筑系,商场方案,扩初和施工图设计。设计过 医院和住宅项目,参与作品有智利医院,西班牙私人住宅等。

Current Status: Spain, 18k RMB/month before tax Name: Isabel Age: 28 years old Working Experience: 3 years Language(s): English, Spanish, French Year of graduation: Graduated in 2013 from Polytechnic of Madrid, Spain Degree: Master of Architecture Design area: Architectural design Field of specialization: Concept design, Detail design, Construction design Cities to work in: Shanghai, Beijing, Shenzhen, North America, UK, Europe Isabel graduated with a master of architecture in 2013 from Polytechinic of Madrid. She specializes in concept, detail and construction design. She participated in hospital and residential projects and some of her works include hospital in Chile and private housing in Spain.

AW Academic Works

Master Thesis Project Social Housing in Madrid Project of School of Architecture in Madrid

AW Social Housing in Madrid Type/Project

Professor/Javier Frechilla



The new project of social housing is located in a central neighborhood in Madrid, built in the early 50´s. This huge project designed by many architects and based in the architecture of the modernism. The result is different "pologies of residen"al buildings that generates a complicated urban landscape without any landmark that iden"fies the place. The project is based in this need of a landmark in the area. A cylinder-shaped tower made of concrete establishes the rela"on with the surroundings. Its heigh allows the users and inhabitants to have 360º viewpoints of this neighborhoud. Image of the interior

The central empty is conceived as an empty full of life, as a public space connected with the ground, to be used by anyone. There are no corridors, they are conceived as an espiral path connected to the shape of the building, taking the visitors from the ground to the sky.

Floor plans

Cross sec"on

Structure + Spiral

AW Architecture School in Madrid Type/Project

Professor/Alberto Campo Baeza



The new architecture school is located in La Moraleja, an exclusive neighbourhood situated in the north-east of Madrid, in Spain. The proposal is shaped by the vegeta!on and the drama!c topography of the site and it extends all over the plot. It is adapted to the exis!ng terrain. The project respects the strong presence of the pre-exis!ng vegeta!on and helps to deďŹ ne the shape of the project. The project is based in cracks in the terrain introducing the light in the interior spaces and crea!ng spaces for circula!on of people. The main ďŹ ssure separates the two principal buildings, crea!ng the connec!on of them, as an entrance for breathing and illumina!ng the interiors.

E ur opanS pe c i al Me nt i on2 0 15 F r e el anc epr oj e c t Muk aAr qui t e c t ur a Oc i naMut ant ewor k s I s i dr oBl as c oI nt e r ns hi p

F r eel anc e E ur opan2 0 15

2015 Honor abl eMent i onEur opanL i nz( AT)

Mar i aVas al l o, S o aS ol ans andI s abe l S รกnc he zde l Campo

F r eel anc e E ur opan2 0 15

2015 Honor abl eMent i onEur opanL i nz( AT)

Mar i aVas al l o, S o aS ol ans andI s abe l S รกnc he zde l Campo

F r eel anc e T ype/ F r e e l anc epr oj e c t Be f or e

Y e ar / 2015 Af t e r

Apar t me nt r e f ur bi s hme nt i nMadr i d

PW Professional Works Type/Infographics


Loca on/Madrid

Company/Muka Arquitectura and Free Lance Works

PW Professional Works Type/Images



Company/ Oficina Mutante

Cofounder and ac!ve member of the architecture collec!ve of Oficina Mutante, se#led in Madrid. cargocollec!ve/ Collabora on with POL design Mercedes Benz Madrid Fashion Week 2013 Bags and clutches designed for the collec!on KALOS by POL A/W, shown at Mercedes Benz Madrid Fashion Week (January 2013). Methacrylate and chains.

Design and construc on of a Pop Up Store in Zurbano 37, Madrid 17-22 Nov 2013 First of the four Pop up Stores commited by the media company Abreviado. With a Budget of 500 euros, the need of hos!ng as much firms as possible and the aim of transforming radically the space to generate a wraparound interven!on. The invited firms are young designers, we wanted to transmit a feeling of working in progress. With all these ingredients we decided to hire scaffoldings for the structure and just buy translucent fabric and dm boards.

PW Professional Works Type/Images



Company/ Oficina Mutante

Cofounder and ac!ve member of the architecture collec!ve of Oficina Mutante, se#led in Madrid. cargocollec!ve/ Design and construc on of Malmo Store new entrance in Hernán Cortés 14 , Madrid November 2013 - Under construc!on This small and cute shop located in the center of Madrid wanted to change its shamefaced entrance to become an stronger claim for poten!al clients. The project consists in the design and construc!on of the new entrance. We decided to use the same material than in the inside : wood, to make a connec!on between the furniture used inside designed by the owner and the new façade. These are all the proposals we showed to the client, we called d Design and construc on of a Pop Up Store in Castelló 98, Madrid 19-21 Dic 2013 The second Pop-Up organized by Abreviado&Co was located in a Cocktail Club located in the center of Madrid. The aim of the project was to generate an strategy to invade this interior space and organize the circuit through the store. The use of only one element makes cheaper the interven!on and unify the interior, so the visitor associates the card boxes with the ephemeral interven!on of the Pop Up.

aW Professional Works Type/Art and Architecture


Loca on/New York

Comparny/Isidro Blasco Studio

Three month internship with the ar st Isidro Blasco, working in his studio located in Brooklyn, New York. Collabora ng as an assistant in the construc on of “New York Planet”, an installa on made of wood and photographies, for an exhibi on at SIM Gallery in Curi ba, Brasil (240x170 cm). Collabora ng as well in other pieces of his gallery like SAO PAULO Planet SYDNEY Planet and MADRID Planet. Wood and photography techniques, quickly construc on of installa ons and ar s c interven ons.

New York Planet - Installa on for SIM Gallery in Curi ba (Brasil) February & March 2014

NEW YORK PLANET 2014 C-Print, wood 61X61X10 inches

Assembly detail of wood pieces for New York Planet Installa on February-March 2014

SYDNEY PLANET 2014 C-Print, wood 47X48X10 inches

NEW YORK PLANET 2014 C-Print, wood 61X61X10 inches

Madrid Planet C-Print, wood 21X21X5 inches

At work

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