Fees and charges 2018 19

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The fees and charges in this booklet have been set in line with the Authority's current pricing policy. The prices stated will be operative from 1st April 2018 to 31st March 2019 unless otherwise stated. Whilst every care has been taken in preparing this booklet for publication, anyone requiring absolute confirmation of the information it contains should contact the relevant service or facility for clarification.

The Value Added Tax category for each is indicated in the column next to the fee/charge figure. The VAT categories applicable are SR Standard-rated supply (Currently 20%) NB Non-business supply (VAT does not apply) ZR Zero-rated supply (subject to VAT at the zero-rate) EX Exempt supply (specifically exempted from VAT by law) All prices contained in this booklet include VAT where applicable.

Charges not included in this booklet (or described as subject to negotiation) are for negotiation by the Head of Service or facility concerned in consultation with, or in accordance with principles agreed by the Section 151 Officer and the Director.

Catherine Nicholson Head of Financial Services

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Fees and charges 2018 19 by Allerdale Borough Council - Issuu