2024 Australian Allied Health Awards - Issue One

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AW ARDS 202 4 AUST R ALIAN Allied Health ISSUE 1 | 2024Magazine alliedhealthawards.com Meet Australia’s Current Allied Health LEADERS!

Hello my Allied Health friends.

So 2024 is here and well on the way already!

Nominations are open but time is ticking and they close 1st of MAY so do not leave it until the last minute again this year...you know who you are!

Okay, grab a beverage and get ready to be inspired! We have all the interviews of all the 2023 WINNERS here for your reading pleasure. So learn what they’re up to, hear their advice, find out what they’re binging and what’s next on their radars—Get to know the absolute legends of healthcare here!

This year’s gala is going to be our BIGGEST and BEST yet and I’m so excited about all the over-the-top GOLD COAST glamour that is in our future. Seriously, grab your friends, your families, and your teams and sort out your tickets—we have an Early Limited Release of Gala tickets and they are selling like hotcakes already!

Sending you all positive and productive vibes for the year ahead and I can’t wait to catch up and celebrate with allied health friends—NEW AND OLD—in October on the Gold Coast.

Stay healthy and be kind to one another,


• Contribution and promotion of their profession

• Collaboration within Allied Health community

• Impact and innovation over the last 12 months

• Outstanding client centred, evidence-based service delivery

• Outstanding leadership and integrity

• Upholds quality, safety and ethics in their practice



• Arts Therapist of the Year

• Audiologist of the Year

• Chiropractor of the Year

• Music Therapist of the Year

• Speech Pathologist of the Year

• Dietitian of the Year

• Exercise Physiologist of the Year

• Orthotist / Prosthetist of the Year

• Osteopath of the Year

• Physiotherapist of the Year

• Podiatrist of the Year

• Perfusionist of the Year

• Medical Radiation Practitioner of the Year

• Occupational Therapist of the Year

• Orthoptist of the Year

• Genetic Counsellor of the Year

• Social Worker of the Year

• Rehabilitation Counsellor of the Year

• Psychologist of the Year

• Hospital Pharmacist of the Year

• Credentialed Diabetes Educator of the Year

• Pedorthist of the Year

• Paramedic Practitioner of the Year


• Allied Health Assistant of the Year

• Allied Health Early Career Excellence

• Allied Health Educator Excellence

• Allied Health Impact & Innovation Excellence

• Allied Health Excellence in Management & Leadership


• Allied Health Innovative Product Excellence

• Allied Health Team Culture Excellence

• Allied Health Paediatric Team Excellence

• Allied Health Adult Team Excellence


• Allied Health – Partnership & Collaboration Excellence

*categories subject to change

A p o d c a s t d e d i c a t e d t o A l l i e d H e a l t h p r o f e s s i o n a l s

E x p l o r i n g a l l t h i n g s A l l i e d H e a l t h .

Harriet Yeates, B Occ Thy Eleanor Dwyer, B. Sc, DPT
Diverse Careers in Health A l l i e d H e a l t h C a r e e r & R e c r u i t m e n t S p e c i a l i s t s


Remember this is an Allied Health Awards program – by Allied Health and for Allied Health! It’s more about the core values of being a health practitioner.

There is so much value in submitting a nomination for the Allied Health Awards. Health professionals are generally not great at ‘blowing their own trumpet’ but often we find ourselves in the position of having to promote ourselves, our skill sets and our services.

We’re all ‘helpers’ but the people we are wanting to help, do not know who we are, what services we offer and how we can help them – unless we tell them!

The amazing online nomination platform is easy to use –create a free login on the website alliedhealthawards.awardsplatform.com

Then select which country you live and work in, whether you are completing a self-nomination or a peer-nomination, and then peruse the categories. If you choose to nominate a colleague or peer, you can only INITIATE the nomination – the nominee will then receive an email and they will be required to accept or reject the nomination. If they choose to accept it, they will then need to complete the full nomination application online.

We recommend everyone selfnominates. This is the easiest and most efficient way of submitting a quality application.

Simply undertaking the application process can assist our own mindsets and help us to reflect on the successes, challenges, lessons and future plans we may have!

How do you innovate in your team? Do you use booking platforms, e.g. HotDoc to attract clients? Do you use recruiters? Do you use digital health software programs? Tell us and include the details in your application!

Shortcut to the Nominations Platform


• Read the blog on the website, written by one of our selection panel members

• Read the FAQs on the website and also the information blocks in the nomination platform

• Self-nominate… go on, you can do it! It’s anonymous!!

• Check the selection criteria weighting, this differs for many of the categories…

• Address every selection criteria in the application

• Use the word count as a guide

• Use examples! As many as you can…

• Don’t just say “we do this…” give us the evidence and measures… how do you know you’re doing awesome work?

• These are allied health awards, not business awards

Always use as many examples as you can in each selection criteria.

You do not need to be an awe-inspiring, globally recognised academic with 100 research papers under your belt or leading a team of 200 people… these awards are designed to recognise and reward the every day practitioner in whatever capacity they serve their community.

You can save / copy / edit / go back / go forward within the nomination application, as many times as you want! Just make sure you click save and submit and pay your $50 AUD admin fee to ensure you’re in the race. PSSST! You can now also send this invoice directly to your boss!

Then proudly toss your “I’m a NOMINEE” graphic around like confetti and encourage your colleagues and peers to get involved. Support your fellow Allied Health legends and help spread the word and amazing work that is happening in our community.



Which award have you recently won and what does it mean to you?

Allied Health Rural and Remote Excellence.

This was such a surprise! I felt very honoured and extremely proud of the team at Health in Mind Orange, who all work hard with me to promote clinical excellence and sustainable practice of psychology in central NSW. Winning this award also made me feel very grateful for the collaboration of my team, and our working relationship with HeadSpace/ Marathon Health and Whole Child Specialists in Orange. Together with these businesses, we have trained over 20 provisional psychologists through their registration as a psychologist with AHPRA.

I am hopeful that I can use this to further promote the quality provision of mental health services to rural and remote areas.

Where do you currently work and what is your role?

I am the director of Health in Mind Orange, a team of 16 psychologists and 5 administrative staff, based in central Orange NSW. I am a Clinical Psychologist who also works one on one with long term severe mental health issues in adults, including dissociative disorders, trauma and personality disorders. I also supervise provisional psychologists through their AHPRA registration process, to obtain qualifications as a Psychologistin addition to the 16 Psychologists we have in our team at Health in Mind Orange. I also love to organise training, supervision and professional development opportunities for clinicians in our local area.

If you were asked to, what specific topic do you think you could give a 60min presentation on without any preparation?? Sustainable practice as a clinician – how to manage mental health when working in a field

that is known to be associated with 75% burnout. This level of care for our clinicians has to come from organisations and managers (and not rely on individuals to look after themself with extra yoga or relaxation time out of work). Workplaces need to have built in strategies to look after our staff, manage case loads, monitor for burnout and occupational distress, and have a atmosphere of acceptance and care when staff speak up about difficulty they experience.

What is your favourite thing about your chosen allied health profession?

I love working with people, and as a Psychologist am in a very privileged position, where people allow me to witness their vulnerability, and share their journey with me. I love seeing change, watching people’s story unfold, and holding hope for people that things can improve. I also enjoy working in a team, encouraging other psychologists and mental health workers towards clinical excellence, and providing supervision and training opportunities to fellow psychologists. I enjoy building a collaborative environment for psychologists in my business and also in the wider community to connect, support each other, and to work in a sustainable fashion.

What is your professional philosophy or motto?

At Health in Mind Orange, we aim to promote clinical excellence in ourselves and other clinicians in central NSW, and to show respect and care for all people, including our clients, our staff and our community. My big theme for 2023 has been sustainable practice. Psychologists have a life time burn out rate of 75%, and are regularly exposed to trauma and high stress situations. I am regularly talking with my team about engaging in sustainable practice, and working effectively. I want to promote the well being of my own colleagues and staff.

Tell us something interesting or quirky about you! Hidden talents??

Part of my self care and sustainable practice of psychology is to have diversity in my life. I love my friends and family, and my faith in God plays a big role in how I cope. But my secret alter ego is BeeJays Yarn – where I am a creator of wool and yarn. I hand dye and hand spin yarn, and then sell the yarn so I can make more yarn. It’s a perfect system really!

What are you bingeing?? Movies, TV shows, books, podcasts…?

Am currently listening to an audio book: The Seven Skins of Esther Wilding by Holly Ringland - it is a divine read!

What is your very favourite place?

At home in my garden - with my husband and a cup of tea on a sunny and warm day.

What are you not so good at, or what are you working on, in yourself?

I am working to slow my pace a little - sustainability is my motto in 2023 and I think I will keep this one going in 2024!

What do you love about yourself? What are you really proud of?

I love a good project. These are the things that give my work life zest and keep me motivated. In 2023, I worked to bring internationally renown speaker, Robin Shapiro to Australia - and to Orange (what a win!). She presented a three day workshop on “easy ego state interventions”. It was a lot of work, but well worthwhile in promoting the central west as a brilliant place to work as a mental health clinician - with excellent training and peers who are committed to clinical excellence. This event was a real coup for Central NSW!

What’s in store for you in 2024? What’s next for you? Any projects?

In 2024, I want to work on purchasing equipment and training for my team to learn Neurofeedback. This therapy is not readily available in central NSW, and has a growing body of evidence of the applicability in treatment of disorders of hyerarousal (trauma, anxiety) and neurodiversity (ADHD and ASD). I am very excited about this adventure. I am also in the committee to plan the EMDRA Australia National conference to be held in May of 2024 - and this is looking to be a very exciting venture- with speakers such as Ruth Lanius, Arielle Schwartz and Jamie Marich already lined up to present.

What is your vision for Allied Health in Australia?

Clinical excellence for rural and remote areas, services that can meet the quantity and quality of allied health services that are desperately needed in rural and remote areas, and sustainable practice for clinicians.

How can we connect with you?

Facebook admin@himorange.com.au himorange.com.au

Which award have you recently won and what does it mean to you?

Allied Health Leadership and Management Excellence.

Where do you currently work and what is your role?

IOH - Clinical Lead for Occupational Therapy (NDIS).

If you were asked to, what specific topic do you think you could give a 60min presentation on without any preparation??

Safeguarding and the role of Occupational therapy. The use of clinical guidelines and research into therapy intervention and support/ three tiered model of support for people with chronic and long term disability in the community Supporting staff through clinical supervision for clinical excellence.

What is your favourite thing about your chosen allied health profession?

Supporting and improving lives through participation and occupation - not just for our participants but also staff. I love turning services around as well - having a Cinderella service and converting it into shining stars.

What is your professional philosophy or motto?

Be open and honest.

What is the strangest thing a patient or client has either asked you or done…?!

Try to marry me.

What advice would you give your younger self?

Be patient... you will still be giving yourself this advice when you’re 46, but you’ve got to try and start somewhere!

If you could have any superpower, what would you choose?


How do you relax? What are your self-care strategies?

I love being in the water and the sooner I can get in, the better. I scuba dive a lot and have recently taken up technical scuba diving. I also sail and try to do so weekly. Earlier in the year I sailed to Hobart on a 1956 teak built yacht, of which she herself was a Sydney-Hobart winner in 1957. I love to cook and have friends over, introducing friends from my different social circles to each other. I’m a social butterfly but need time to myself to unwind.

What are you bingeing?? Movies, TV shows, books, podcasts…?

I’m currently reading Chris Masters book “Flawed Hero”.

Tell us something interesting or quirky about you! Hidden talents??

I use very little air when I dive? People call me a fish (LOL).

What is your very favourite place..?

Fish Rock - at South West Rocks, where large fish, dolphins and whales migrate through, throughout the year.

What are you not so good at, or what are you working on, in yourself?

Being technical and being patient. I’m dreadful!

What do you love about yourself? What are you really proud of?

I love that my body is getting stronger, fitter and more able as I age. I love that I am becoming more confident and mentally capable too.

What’s in store for you in 2024? What’s next for you? Any projects?

I am looking forward to getting my team ready for succession planning - discussing with them what 2024 may hold instore, what they hope to achieve in the next three years and how we can work on getting them there in light of the needs of the


team. I am looking forward to becoming a very technical diver, as I would like to dive the Bikini Atoll in 2025 - hopefully I won’t glow in the dark when I get back!

What is your vision for Allied Health in Australia?

To be better guided by clinical guidance. It feels very much like the “wild west” where clinicians can recommend whatever they like, based on very little evidence, which isn’t good for:

a) our participants as there are risks they’re not getting evidence based support,

b) the NDIS having funds pushed into support that is worse than receiving no support,

c) our profession: as OT can lose the respect it’s taken so long to get.

How can we connect with you?

0466 064 788




Sam also launched not-for-profit communityhealth initiatives, and leads a team of blood donor who have saved 498 lives.

How can we connect with you?


& innovative clinical placements
COVID lockdowns
hospitals & clinics were cancelling placements.
opened two physiotherapy practices and hosted 77 Allied Health & physiotherapy students on high-qualithy
at a time where


Which award have you recently won and what does it mean to you?

Occupational Therapist of the year; I’m delighted to have contributed in ways that have made a difference for occupational therapists and their clients.

Where do you currently work and what is your role?

I’m an occupational therapy educator at Forensicare, the Victorian forensic mental health service, a doctoral candidate at Monash University, and founder of occupationalformulation.com

If you were asked to, what specific topic do you think you could give a 60min presentation on without any preparation??

I could happily talk at length about occupational therapy in forensic settings or about occupational formulation.

What is your favourite thing about your chosen allied health profession?

I just can’t get over the power of occupation to engage people, spark change and support recovery.

What is your professional philosophy or motto?

Smarter not harder!

What is the strangest thing a patient or client has either asked you or done…?!

When I worked in a Welsh prison a patient kept asking if I was from Neighbours, he never believed me when I said I wasn’t!

What advice would you give your younger self?

Life is a marathon, not a sprint.

If you could have any superpower, what would you choose?

Superspeed - to get more done in less time.

How do you relax? What are your self-care strategies?

Reading a good novel, or having a long soak in the bath.

Tell us something interesting or quirky about you! Hidden talents??

I’m a long-term student of French, I’ve been learning since I started high school and am determined to be fluent one day, perhaps once I finish the PhD and can put more time into it.

What are you bingeing?? Movies, TV shows, books, podcasts…?

If only I had enough leisure time to binge!

What is your very favourite place..? The beach, preferably adjoining the bush.

What are you not so good at, or what are you working on, in yourself?

I’m getting better at saying “no”, as I tend to take on too many (good) things in an effort to help everyone and make a difference, but that can have a cost to my own wellbeing.

What do you love about yourself? What are you really proud of?

I’m really proud to think that I have been able to make a difference wherever I’ve worked - I always aspire to leave a place/team/project in a better position than it was before I contributed.

What’s in store for you in 2024?

What’s next for you? Any projects?

My new venture occupationalformulation.com will be launching in early 2024, providing online training, resources and support for occupational therapists wanting to learn and use occupational formulation. And in my PhD I’ll be busy analysing data and preparing to share findings about how therapists and clients have experienced using occupational formulation.

What is your vision for Allied Health in Australia?

That it would become normal to have large proportions of allied health staff in primary care and population health settings: we could make such a difference to the health and wellbeing of individuals and communities by providing more proactive input.

How can we connect with you?




Which award have you recently won and what does it mean to you?

Occupational Therapist of the year. It’s wonderful to have recognition for the contribution made to our profession. It also assists to highlight the role of OT’s within the disability sector.

Where do you currently work and what is your role?

Verve OT – Director

If you were asked to, what specific topic do you think you could give a 60min presentation on without any preparation??

Anything and everything NDIS! Either specific to OT or more generally to the role of allied health professionals.

What is your favourite thing about your chosen allied health profession?

The ability to enhance quality of life, engagement in meaningful activity and independence for people with disability.

What is your professional philosophy or motto?

Focus on one thing and do it really well.

What is the strangest thing a patient or client has either asked you or done…?!

Faked an injury to their ankle by rubbing ink over the skin! Uncovered by the GP during a case conference when they went to use ultrasound on the ankle and the gel rubbed the ink off. Super awkward!

What advice would you give your younger self?

Good things don’t always come to those who wait, but they do for people who work their butts off!

If you could have any superpower, what would you choose?

Ability to fly, I think it would be quite relaxing to just float through the air! I regularly dream I am doing it!

How do you relax? What are your self-care strategies?

I love to go on holiday. Anywhere, doesn’t matter if it’s new or somewhere I have been before. I just love experiencing all that life has to offer.

Tell us something interesting or quirky about you! Hidden talents??

I compete in masters athletics for high jump, shotput and discuss! Prior to rupturing my ACL, I was NSW state champion!

What are you bingeing?? Movies, TV shows, books, podcasts…?

Inventing Anna on Netflix.

What is your very favourite place..?

My parents farm, always relaxing and it’s close to my favourite charcoal chicken shop!

What are you not so good at, or what are you working on, in yourself?

Saying no and actually sticking with it!

What do you love about yourself? What are you really proud of?

That I have drive an ambition but use it in a way to propel others forward. Whether that be my team or my clients, I want them to get the best outcome and will work hard with / for them for that to be achieved.

What’s in store for you in 2024? What’s next for you? Any projects?

Working on releasing a podcast and more training for NDIS OT’s.

What is your vision for Allied Health in Australia?

To be respected and valued.

How can we connect with you?

Facebook - NDIS Community of Practice


Which award have you recently won and what does it mean to you?

I’m very proud to have won the Exercise Physiologist of the year. To me, this award is a reflection of the effort and amazing service delivered by the rebound team to the clients in our local community.

Where do you currently work and what is your role?

I’m currently the Director at Rebound Health - a multi-discuplinary allied health organisation, with three locations based on the Northern Beaches of Sydney. Im also a Business Consultant with Clinic Mastery - helping business owners to grow their clinics.

If you were asked to, what specific topic do you think you could give a 60min presentation on without any preparation?

For me, client experience. This is a topic that I love, and am passionate about.

What is your favourite thing about your chosen allied health profession?

It’s very fun, and very team driven. As an EP we get to be active with our clients, and practically get to see change.

What is your professional philosophy or motto?

The signature of excellence is relentless consistency - John Maxwell

What advice would you give your younger self?

Two things:

- Surround yourself with people that you admire, and seek them out as mentors.

- Be patient - there’s some things that you can’t rush

How do you relax? What are your self-care strategies?

One of the good things to come out of COVID for me was building a meditation routine. It doesn’t take long, but every day devoting 10 mins to meditation is an active reminder that I need to look after myself.

What are you bingeing?? Movies, TV shows, books, podcasts…?

Just found the Imperfect podcast - currently binging their content!

What is your very favourite place..?

Japan - because it where I met, and then proposed to my wife. Also the snow is excellent. Favourite activities? What do you do for fun?

Golf, coffee, reading

What are you not so good at, or what are you working on, in yourself?

I know that I tend to leap into things very quickly. So one of the things that I’m working on is going a bit slower, and making sure to communicate with our team at a more deliberate pace.

What do you love about yourself?

What are you really proud of?

It took a very long time (and it might sound a little cringy) but just to be comfortable in my own skin. Be comfortable with who I am, and not try and be someone different.

What or who (or both!) motivates you?

Family. Team. Impacting the community.

If you were gifted a large professional grant – what would you do?

As a practitioner, I am very passionate about the impact that exercise can have in helping young people with emerging mental health conditions help manage and treat those concerns. So I’d invest in programs to help this part of the community.

What’s in store for you in 2024? What’s next for you? Any projects?

We’re up-sizing one of our clinics as we’ve run out of space.

To become a ‘Great Place to Work’. How can we connect with you?

andrew@reboundhealth.com.au andrewdaubney1/



Which award have you recently won and what does it mean to you?

Early Career Excellence Award.

Where do you currently work and what is your role?

Psychologist in private practice at Solution Psychology.

If you were asked to, what specific topic do you think you could give a 60min presentation on without any preparation?? The anxiety avoidance cycle and autism.

What is your favourite thing about your chosen allied health profession?

Building relationships with families.

What is your professional philosophy or motto?

How would X approach this? And then think of a person relevant to the context.

What is the strangest thing a patient or client has either asked you or done…?!

Asked if I had grandchildren.

What advice would you give your younger self?

Perfectionism doesn’t exist. Just start anywhere and go from there.

If you could have any superpower, what would you choose?

Read minds! It would make my job a lot easier. How do you relax? What are your self-care strategies?

Swinging in my egg chair with my cat Harry on my lap.

What are you bingeing?? Movies, TV shows, books, podcasts…?

Big Bang Theory is always on in the background. Currently viewing all things The Eras Tour.

Tell us something interesting or quirky about you! Hidden talents??

I started piano lessons when I was 5 and went back this year to complete a music theory exam that I had previously failed 3 times (I passed this time!)

What is your very favourite place..?

The planetarium.

What are you not so good at, or what are you working on, in yourself?

Delegating tasks.

What do you love about yourself? What are you really proud of?

I’m a pretty determined person and will usually go after what I set my mind to.

What’s in store for you in 2024?

What’s next for you? Any projects?

Planning my wedding.

What is your vision for Allied Health in Australia?

Equitable rebates for all psychologists, regardless of area of practice endorsement.

How can we connect with you?



Which award have you recently won and what does it mean to you?

I’m deeply honoured to have been named ‘Dietitian of the Year’ at the recent Allied Health Awards. To me, this award is more than a professional milestone— it acknowledges my commitment to fertility nutrition care — to support individuals and couples on their journey to parenthood through evidence-based nutritional guidance. This recognition reinforces my commitment to excellence and inspires me to continually evolve my practice, driving me to further contribute to my field in innovative and impactful ways.

Where do you currently work and what is your role?

I’m the founder and the director of ‘Dietitian Catherine Chong,’ a virtual nutrition practice established four years ago with a dedicated focus on preconception health. In my dual role as an Accredited Practising Dietitian and Certified Fertility Dietitian, I provide personalised nutrition care plans. My mission is to empower women and couples on their conception journey, optimising their nutrition to enhance fertility but also supporting a healthy pregnancy and beyond. Outside my practice, I’m also a dietitian and business mentor to many colleagues who share the same passion as I do.

If you were asked to, what specific topic do you think you could give a 60min presentation on without any preparation??

If I had to present a topic on the spot, my go-to topic would be “Egg Quality & Nutrition”. It’s a topic at the core of many fertility concerns. Over the years, I have developed a strong interest in this topic and spent a lot of time researching it. I would love to share how nutrition profoundly impacts fertility and egg health.

What is your favourite thing about your chosen allied health profession?

One of the aspects I find most fulfilling as a fertility dietitian is the unique privilege of accompanying

women and couples on the initial steps of starting their family. Nutrition not only boosts the chances of conceiving but also fosters a nurturing environment supporting a healthy pregnancy. It’s a profound joy to see my clients progress through pregnancy to the moment they welcome a new life into the world. I’m very grateful to have the opportunity to be part of this significant phase in their lives, making my professional journey incredibly rewarding.

What is your professional philosophy or motto?

My professional philosophy is deeply aligned with the vision and mission of my practice—to empower women and couples with personalised nutrition care that not only enhances fertility but also improves pregnancy outcomes, ensuring the best possible start for their future child.

‘Empathy and Expertise for Excellence’ encapsulates this commitment. It underscores the synergy between an empathetic understanding of each client’s unique journey and applying specialised knowledge to lead the way in personalised fertility nutrition.

What is the strangest thing a patient or client has either asked you or done…?! One of my clients showed me a big collection of different fertility supplement bottles she was

AW ARDS 202 4 AUST R ALIAN Allied Health

taking to help her get pregnant. There were so many (at least ten, I recalled), which seemed overwhelming! I thought to myself, “How can anyone keep track of all these pills?” Some weren’t even needed and could do more harm than good. So we went through them, one by one, to figure out which ones were really helpful for her. In the end, we cut down the pile to just a few that suited her best, making things much simpler and safer for her to take.

What advice would you give your younger self?

I would tell my younger self not to be afraid of pursuing your dreams, especially if you believe in them wholeheartedly. It’s a lesson that has proven to be priceless in every aspect of my life, both personal and professional.

If you could have any superpower, what would you choose?

If I could choose any superpower, it would be the ability to not only design but also instantly prepare and deliver the perfect meals to my clients. This would ensure they get the most nutritious, fertilityenhancing foods without the stress of preparing meals, and so they have more time dedicated to their self-care.

How do you relax?

What are your self-care strategies?

Finding those little moments of peace is key, especially juggling life as a sole business owner, health practitioner and mother of a four-year-old child. I’ve got a bit of a routine -

while I’m working, you’ll often find me with calming music playing in my workroom. It helps me focus and stay relaxed. Then, at night, guided meditation helps me switch off and sleep better. I often plan my week to have a good mix of work and me-time, squeeze in a workout, and ensure I’m there for bedtime stories with my little one and quality time with my husband. It’s not always easy, but this little system keeps me going.

Tell us something interesting or quirky about you! Hidden talents??

Who would’ve thought that the 18-year-old me, without knowing how to speak English fluently, fresh off the plane from overseas to Australia to do uni, would one day become Dietitian of the Year? It’s been quite an adventure, and if there’s one thing I’ve learned, you can achieve anything you set your mind to.

What are you bingeing?? Movies, TV shows, books, podcasts…?

I can’t get enough of YouTube videos and podcasts anything about personal development. There’s something about diving deep into ways I can grow and improve constantly—it’s my kind of binge-worthy content!

What is your very favourite place..?

My favourite place has always been my hometown in Malaysia. It’s not just a place where I grew up. It’s a part of who I am.

Favourite activities? What do you do for fun?

I may not be the next celebrity on ‘Dancing With The Stars,’ but you’ll often catch me doing a little dance and singing in the kitchen while cooking dinner. It’s my go-to fun activity.

What are you not so good at, or what are you working on, in yourself?

Public speaking is something I’m working to improve. It’s a skill that doesn’t come naturally to me, but I’m committed to becoming more confident and effective.

What do you love about yourself?

What are you really proud of?

What I truly love about myself is my persistence in the face of challenges and fears. There’s a strength in pushing forward. I’m also immensely proud of my capacity for empathy and my genuine desire to help others.

What or who (or both!) motivates you?

Every client and every woman I speak with is a source of motivation for me. Their stories, their struggles, and their victories fuel my passion.

Seeing the gap in accessible nutrition information and the often-overlooked importance of nutrition in fertility drives me to want to achieve more. It’s this very gap that motivates me to raise awareness about the critical role of fertility nutrition.

If you were gifted a large professional grant – what would you do?

If I were fortunate enough to receive a substantial professional grant, I would channel it towards bridging the gap in fertility nutrition education and access. My goal would be to enhance our resources and programs that resonate with the needs of women facing fertility challenges. I would invest in research to further our understanding of how nutrition impacts fertility and egg quality and develop personalised, accessible dietary guidance. Ultimately, the aim would be to empower women on their fertility journey, giving them the nutrition support and tools they need to enhance their well-being and the health of future generations.

What’s in store for you in 2024?

What’s next for you? Any projects?

Looking ahead, I’m excited to broaden the scope of our signature Mastering Egg Health program. We’re exploring innovative ways to integrate technology to enhance personalised care and support. In addition, forging partnerships with other allied health professionals, like exercise physiologists, is in the pipeline. This will enable us to offer a more rounded, evidence-based diet and lifestyle approach to assist women and couples on their path to conception.

What is your vision for Allied Health in Australia?

My vision for Allied Health in Australia is a cohesive, patient-centred system with a strong emphasis on proactive and integrated care. Specifically for fertility health, I see a future where cross-disciplinary experts unite to offer personalised nutrition and lifestyle support, leveraging technology to enhance accessibility and personalisation for individuals and couples on their conception journey.



Which award have you recently won and what does it mean to you?

I am very honoured and grateful to receive this award, which represents a significant milestone in my career. This award is not only a recognition of my achievements, but also a testament to the values and principles that guide my work. I have always strived to uphold the highest standards of professionalism, integrity, and excellence in serving my clients and collaborating with my colleagues. This award symbolises the trust and respect that I have earned from them, as well as the support and encouragement that they have given me along the way. I am very thankful for my clients and colleagues who have contributed to my success and growth, and I look forward to continuing to learn from and work with them in the future.

Where do you currently work and what is your role?

I am currently working at National 360 as a speech pathology clinical practice advisor, specialising in adult neurology. My role involves providing mentoring and clinical support to the national speech pathology team, working to build their confidence in their capacity and skills to service adult clients in the community living with complex communication and swallowing difficulties. I am also responsible for contributing to service improvement and development in the speech pathology space, whereby I engage in projects that aim to ensure that the company has policies, procedures, and resources in place to support quality speech pathology service delivery in the community space.

I am also a Team Leader for the WA team, where I provide operational support to a team of speech pathologists, occupational therapists and physiotherapists.

If you were asked to, what specific topic do you think you could give a 60min presentation on without any preparation?? I am passionate about raising awareness and working with individuals diagnosed with early onset dementia. Early intervention is crucial for these individuals, as it can help them develop insight into their condition and learn how to cope with the changes in their communication abilities. As a speech pathologist, I have been working with this population for many years, and I find it rewarding to assist them in preserving their purpose and dignity through their own communication skills. I want to keep continuing to advocate for these individuals in the speech pathology field and educate their families and caregivers on how to support their communication needs and plan ahead for the future so that they can remain connected for as long as possible.

What is your favourite thing about your chosen allied health profession?

There are many reasons why I enjoy my profession as a speech pathologist. One of them is the opportunity to help adults who have communication or swallowing difficulties due to various conditions, such as stroke, brain injury, dementia, Parkinson’s disease, or head and neck cancer. I enjoy working with them to assess their needs, provide therapy, and offer support and education. I find it rewarding to see their progress and improvement in their quality of life. Another reason is the diversity and challenge of my work. I have gotten to work with a variety of clients in different settings, and teams every day. I enjoy collaborating with the individual’s wider care team to provide holistic and client-centred care. It’s a very meaningful and fulfilling career that allows me to make a positive difference in people’s lives.

What is your professional philosophy or motto?

My guiding principle as I took on the dual responsibilities of clinical practice advisor and team leader was to emulate the kind of coach and leader that I had always wished for. I am a firm believer in the power of positive leadership to inspire, motivate and empower others, and with that comes great results. I strive to create a supportive and collaborative environment where everyone can learn, grow, and excel in both their professional and personal development.

What is the strangest thing a patient or client has either asked you or done…?!

My guiding principle as I took on the dual responsibilities of clinical practice advisor and team leader was to emulate the kind of coach and leader that I had always wished for. I am a

firm believer in the power of positive leadership to inspire, motivate and empower others, and with that comes great results. I strive to create a supportive and collaborative environment where everyone can learn, grow, and excel in both their professional and personal development.

What advice would you give your younger self?

My advice to my younger self would be to always honour your true self, maintain your integrity and don’t imitate anyone else. If you follow this principle, you will always be in the right place, and make a positive impact on those who need it the most.

If you could have any superpower, what would you choose?

Definitely teleportation, so I can travel to anywhere I want when I feel like it!

How do you relax?

What are your self-care strategies?

My favourite self-care strategies are going to Pilates every morning, taking my golden retriever for a walk, meditating (when I can), and spending quality time with my partner and family.

Tell us something interesting or quirky about you! Hidden talents??

I can baton twirl! And I can also say the name of the longest town in the UK – Llanfairpwllgwyngyllgogerychwyrndrobwllllantysiliogogogoch!

What are you bingeing?? Movies, TV shows, books, podcasts…?

I am a big reality TV fan – the real housewives, the Kardashians, Vanderpump Rules – I love it all!

What is your very favourite place..?

I have two favourite places! Greece is one, I used to travel here every year with my family when I was younger and have great memories here. My second favourite place is Coral Bay in WA – great weather, great beaches and great fishing!

What do you love about yourself?

What are you really proud of?

My professional achievements in the past two and a half years at National 360 have filled me with pride. I have not only developed my own skills and expertise, but also helped others to do the same. I have learned to embrace my strengths and apply them effectively in my role as a mentor and leader for therapists. I have grown both personally and professionally, and I am excited to continue helping other therapists do the same.



What’s in store for you in 2024?

What’s next for you? Any projects?

Professionally, I am looking forward to continuing expanding my team in WA, and I am also excited to continue to build the adult speech pathology service at National 360. Personally, I am getting married in December, so I am very excited for that!

What is your vision for Allied Health in Australia?

My vision for allied health in Australia is to create a collaborative, innovative and inclusive system that delivers high-quality, evidence-based and personcentred care to all Australians. I believe that allied health professionals have a vital role to play in addressing the health and social challenges facing our nation, such as chronic diseases, ageing population, mental health, disability and health inequities. I envision a system that recognises and values the diverse skills, expertise and contributions of allied health professionals, and supports them to work in multidisciplinary teams, across sectors and settings, and with communities and consumers. I also envision a system that invests in the education, training, research and development of allied health professionals, and fosters a culture of continuous learning, improvement and innovation. I really believe that this will enhance the health and wellbeing of all Australians.

Allied Health


Which award have you recently won and what does it mean to you?

Psychologist of the Year 2023.

Where do you currently work and what is your role?

Director and Clinical Psychologist at Q Psychology (a private psychology group in Melbourne and Geelong).

If you were asked to, what specific topic do you think you could give a 60min presentation on without any preparation??

Trans and Gender Diverse Affirming Care.

What is your favourite thing about your chosen allied health profession?

There are things that some clients will tell me that they will never have told anyone, and might never

tell anyone again. To know I get to be that person for them is such an honour.

What is your professional philosophy or motto?

“Know all the theories, master all the techniques, but as you touch a human soul be just another human soul” (quote by Carl Jung).

What is the strangest thing a patient or client has either asked you or done…?!

I once had a client ask if we could have a session at a pub... I obviously said no.

What advice would you give your younger self?

Don’t waste so much time.

If you could have any superpower, what would you choose?


How do you relax? What are your self-care strategies?

I spend time with my partner and my dog - both very calming forces in my life! Gym and exercise is also a huge part of my self-care process.

What are you bingeing?? Movies, TV shows, books, podcasts…?

Rewatching Schitt’s Creek!

Tell us something interesting or quirky about you! Hidden talents??

I used to be a bar tender so I can flair a bottle well!

What is your very favourite place..?

Paris, France. So romantic and beautiful.

What are you not so good at, or what are you working on, in yourself?

I’m a terrible cook. I wouldn’t say I’m ‘working on it’ so much as I’m ‘leaving the cooking up to my partner” haha.

What do you love about yourself? What are you really proud of?

I am proud of how much I have given to my community and for the movement I am building with Q Psychology. It means the world to me.

What’s in store for you in 2024?

What’s next for you? Any projects?

We have just opened a new clinic in Geelong and are looking to open one in Sydney. I also have some large research projects about to start.

What is your vision for Allied Health in Australia?

I believe Allied Health needs better recognition from the Government for its role, and specifically, it needs better funding.

How can we connect with you?


Which award have you recently won and what does it mean to you?

Physiotherapist of the year.

It means a lot! As an international student coming to Australia almost 20 years ago, I never thought I would ever be recognised as a leader in my field but here I am!

Where do you currently work and what is your role?

I wear several hats but you will mainly find me working as the Principal Physiotherapist and Director of Accelerate Physiotherapy in Canberra. I am an active member of the Australian Physiotherapy Association (APA), serving as the National Chair of the Musculoskeletal Group, part of the APA’s National Advisory Council and ACT Branch Council. I am also the allied health representative on Canberra Health Network’s Clinical Council.

If you were asked to, what specific topic do you think you could give a 60min presentation on without any preparation??

On the benefits of manual therapy and how if taught and use well can be a very power tool in our therapy toolkit. We should not be demonising it, we should be embracing it, after all, it’s part of our DNA!

What is your favourite thing about your chosen allied health profession?

What a wonderful, fulfilling, and diverse profession physiotherapy is and that it really is such a rewarding profession to be a part of and contribute to. There really is something for everyone!

What is your professional philosophy or motto?

Don’t get so busy making a living that you forget to make a life.

What is the strangest thing a patient or client has either asked you or done…?!

A patient once brought me some home-made fertiliser. It really was a load of crap!

What advice would you give your younger self?

Just do it. Do not worry about what others say or think – follow your dreams!

If you could have any superpower, what would you choose?

I love to be able to clone myself. Imagine how much I’d get done then!

How do you relax? What are your self-care strategies?

Exercise – I’ve recently taken up running and am looking forward to completing a half marathon in April 2024.

What are you bingeing?? Movies, TV shows, books, podcasts…?

Just finished watching Lupin on Netflix.

What is your very favourite place..?

Rainbow Bay on the Gold Coast – great spot!

Favourite activities? What do you do for fun?

At the moment – running! This marathon stuff is serious business.

What are you not so good at, or what are you working on, in yourself?

Also running – I’m not very good but I decided that it’s something that I could work on. What or who (or both!) motivates you?

My wife – she’s a great support and puts up with all my crazy ideas and different roles. I also want to be an active parent for our busy 3 year old twins – I want to show them that if you put your mind to something (and with a little/lot of hard work) you can do it!

If you were gifted a large professional grant – what would you do?

A PhD!

I’ve been working on a topic: Early Career Physiotherapists and Manual Therapy, perceived barriers and a way forward. Not sure if it has enough legs (or if I have enough capacity at present) but I am seriously considering this!

What’s in store for you in 2024?

What’s next for you? Any projects?

I’m entering my 2nd year as National Chair of the APA MSK Group – it’s the largest special interest group in the association and its quite an involved role. I’ll be headed to Basel for International Federation of Orthopaedic Manipulative Therapists 50th Anniversary conference in July –Hello Switzerland.

What is your vision for Allied Health in Australia?

That we as Allied Health practitioners are able to work to the full scope of practice without barriers and be appropriately funded to support the health system.

How can we connect with you?





Which award have you recently won and what does it mean to you?

I won the 2023 Physiotherapist of the Year award recently, which I am so honoured and thrilled to have won. It means a lot to me to have been recognised for the work I am doing in my field of practice and also to be celebrated for what I have achieved. It also is such a privilege to have been surrounded by so many other incredible allied health professionals who were nominated and fellow winners. It’s fantastic that we have these awards that enable the allied health professionals of Australia to be recognised and celebrated!

Where do you currently work and what is your role?

I currently work with the wonderful team at National 360, located in the South Australian team. I am currently in an Allied Health Team Leader and Senior Physiotherapist role, where I support a team of physiotherapists, occupational therapists, speech pathologists, early childhood practitioners and behaviour support practitioners.

If you were asked to, what specific topic do you think you could give a 60min presentation on without any preparation?? Wow, fantastic question! I’d be able to talk a lot around mental health and the role of physiotherapy, as well as burnout amongst allied health professionals, well-being for allied health professionals, some of the nitty gritty details of the NDIS and our role as practitioners in this space and likely a lot of chatter amongst that!

What is your favourite thing about your chosen allied health profession?

I love that physiotherapists are always such passionate, bubbly and hardworking people. We provide so much support to so many individuals in so many different ways! The diversity of our role and therefore the experience that can be gained is huge, enabling us to support and compliment each other within the field!

What is your professional philosophy or motto?

My mission is to empower both patients and my team to achieve their full potential in promoting mental health and physical well-being, whilst challenging ourselves, having fun, and prioritising a positive workplace culture.

What is the strangest thing a patient or client has either asked you or done…?!

Not a patient, but I did have someone in an aged care facility put in a referral for physio to please help a patient not make so much noise when walking, I decided to stay within my scope of practice and not proceed with that one!

What advice would you give your younger self?

To not sweat the small stuff so much. I feel like I used to get fairly caught up in small details that didn’t matter at the end of the day. I feel like with age and experience, you start to learn what is really important and prioritise that!

If you could have any superpower, what would you choose?

Has to be teleportation, there’s been so many times recently after holidays away that I’d just like to click a button and be home!!!

How do you relax?

I relax by taking my dogs for a walk, listening to a good podcast, reading a good book and making sure I get at least one sleep in a week!

What are your self-care strategies?

Having a bath, spending time with my partner Mitch and the dogs, 1 x a week sleep in reading, doing some form of movement before work, with journalling and meditating, and then going to bed at 8.30pm every night!!

Tell us something interesting or quirky about you!

I am a huge reader and have a book Instagram! Plus I grew up on a farm and every summer worked in the shearing shed until I was about 21!

Hidden talents??

Puzzles, playing the violin and riding horses!

What are you bingeing?? Movies, TV shows, books, podcasts…?

Huge Diary of a CEO podcast fan as well as the Imperfects, so always listening to those two! Books, I have too many! But currently reading some Sally Hepworth, as well as the Advantage, and Work Rules.

What is your very favourite place..?

Tuscany Italy has to be up there, where we got engaged! Plus my parents beach house down in the South East – it is so peaceful!

Favourite activities?

I’ve been enjoying doing some swimming laps after a chronic ankle injury, as well as walking the dogs, reading, travel, and going out for a nice cocktail or 2 at a fancy place! I’m also a sucker for some good nature time and gardening.

What do you do for fun?!

Anything active I like to do where I can, puzzle, read, hang out with friends or family, go out for dinner and drinks!

What are you not so good at, or what are you working on, in yourself?

I’m not great at taking things as they come, I tend to want to fix everything now and when things don’t go to plan I can get quite frustrated! I’m also working on not being so focused on perfection –both personally and professionally, and caring less what others think!

What do you love about yourself?

I love that I am kind and empathetic towards people and am extremely disciplined - this can be a blessing and a curse though! I always want to do more and be more, which enables me to always be striving for improvements!


What are you really proud of?

I’m really proud of myself for winning this award! Graduating from university, I never in a million years would have imagined I would win an award like this. I also attended the Allied Health Awards in 2019 as a guest, and genuinely never thought I could win anything at these Awards. So to have been nominated in itself was such a proud moment for me, let alone winning! I’m also really proud of myself for deciding to undertake further studies in the mental health space, which I am passionate about and interested in. It wasn’t easy working full time and studying, but I am so glad I did! Lastly, I’m proud of really focusing on my personal health and wellbeing this year – it has allowed me to show up as the best version of myself both at work and at home.

What or who (or both!) motivates you?

I feel I am a fairly self-motivated person which helps me to stay on track. I am pretty independent and accountable for what I do, but my partner motivates me often – we have some great brainstorming discussions around business ideas, and people management, so I often feel motivated and inspired after chatting with him!

If you were gifted a large professional grant – what would you do?

I’d put it towards furthering mental health research and funding to allow for improvements in our mental health system. I think there’s a lot of work to do at the moment and the need for urgent action and reform is outstanding. I’d also like to see contributions made to support the allied health sector and healthcare professionals supporting those with mental illness.

What’s in store for you in 2024?

2024 is a big year for us! We are getting married and I am turning 30, so personally a fair bit happening! I’m also hoping to progress professionally and be a vital part of the operational and clinical aspect of the SA Team at National 360.

What’s next for you? Any projects?

We’ve got some exciting changes happening at National 360, so I am keen to be more involved with those, including integrating a new stream, and process driven changes with some of our systems. I’m also always looking into what further study I can do or learn – stay posted!

What is your vision for Allied Health in Australia?

My vision for allied health in Australia is for us all to collectively collaborate to transform the health and well-being of individuals and communities, ultimately leading to a healthier and more equitable society. By fostering collaboration, advancing technology and integrating all of the allied health streams, I believe we can make a huge difference in every Australian’s lives.

How can we connect with you?

Easiest way to connect with me would be on LinkedIn, and don’t be shy!!

AW ARDS 202 4 AUST R ALIAN Allied Health Open! NOMINATIONS FOR 2024 ARE CLOSES 1 MAY 2024 2023Winner


Which award have you recently won and what does it mean to you?

Allied Health Impact and Innovation award - it ultimately means better care for people living regional and rurally, having this recognition allows us to reach more places, more people and close the regional healthcare access gap.

Where do you currently work and what is your role?

Fly2health - group Managing Director.

If you were asked to, what specific topic do you think you could give a 60min presentation on without any preparation?? Aviation - phonetic alphabet, take off, landing, use of flaps.

What is your favourite thing about your chosen allied health profession?

The people.

What is your professional philosophy or motto?

Say yes and figure it out later!

What advice would you give your younger self?

Move faster and fail quicker!

If you could have any superpower, what would you choose?

None, life is good!

How do you relax? What are your self-care strategies?


What are you bingeing?? Movies, TV shows, books, podcasts…?

Diary of a CEO podcast.

Tell us something interesting or quirky about you! Hidden talents??

I’ve climbed Kilimanjaro!

What is your very favourite place..?

Cape Town, South Africa!

What are you not so good at, or what are you working on, in yourself?

My patience.

What do you love about yourself? What are you really proud of?

My drive and endless optimism.

What’s in store for you in 2024?

What’s next for you? Any projects?

To take fly2health national with 150 staff in 2024.

What is your vision for Allied Health in Australia?

To ensure everyone living regionally and rurally has access to great healthcare.

How can we connect with you?




Which award have you recently won and what does it mean to you?

Music Therapist of the Year.

Where do you currently work and what is your role?

Play Anything Music Therapy in Newcastle, NSWFounder and Director

If you were asked to, what specific topic do you think you could give a 60min presentation on without any preparation??

Innovation and technology in Music Therapy

What is your favourite thing about your chosen allied health profession?

I love that I get to help people focus on something outside of their present challenges, that in turn reduces their present challenges.

What is your professional philosophy or motto?

Stay golden.

What is the strangest thing a patient or client has either asked you or done…?!

Great question! This week one of my clients asked me when I was going to apply for Australian Idol. What advice would you give your younger self?

To thine own self be true.

If you could have any superpower, what would you choose?

The ability to iron my work shirts by clicking my fingers and spinning around in a circle three times.

How do you relax? What are your self-care strategies?

Reading. I love an undistracted evening buried in a book.

What are you bingeing?? Movies, TV shows, books, podcasts…?

I’ve been loving Business Wars and Against The Odds podcasts.

Tell us something interesting or quirky about you! Hidden talents??

I am secretly Canadian.

What is your very favourite place..?

I mean the Gold Coast is pretty great. I hear there’s an awesome awards event happening there in October...

What are you not so good at, or what are you working on, in yourself?

Asking for help, not trying to be everything to everyone.

What do you love about yourself? What are you really proud of?

I love my unwavering commitment to complete acceptance of the creative process.

I’m really proud of winning this award. Thank you!

What’s in store for you in 2024?

What’s next for you? Any projects?

I’m launching Supervisory - An online platform to connect supervisors and supervisees.

App building - Looking forward to collaborating on a number of exciting projects.

What is your vision for Allied Health in Australia?

Practitioners working together to find new and better ways to help our clients live their best lives.

How can we connect with you?

Come have coffee with me in Newcastle!


Facebook LinkedIn CARLIN


Which award have you recently won and what does it mean to you?

Allied Health Adult Team Excellence award.

Where do you currently work and what is your role?

I work at the Northern Area Mental Health Service, Northern Health. My role is Professional Leader Occupational Therapy - Mental Health and Lead the Drive Safe Program.

If you were asked to, what specific topic do you think you could give a 60min presentation on without any preparation??

Research and strategies used to increase mental health staff’s confidence and knowledge to collaborate with people living with a mental health condition, to understand their responsibilities of being a driver of a motor vehicle and self regulate driving due to their health and wellness.

What is your favourite thing about your chosen allied health profession?

Occupational therapy means promoting health and well being though participating in meaningful activities that we need and want to do. We make a difference to how people spend their days and their lives.

What is your professional philosophy or motto?

Keep the big picture in mind and chip away to achieve the vision.

What is the strangest thing a patient or client has either asked you or done…?!

To engage a woman living with a mental health condition who loved Marilyn Munroe, I drove with her from Braybrook to Armadale to look at a photography exhibition together.

What advice would you give your younger self?

Hold a long term vision and chip away at where you can realistically make a difference.

If you could have any superpower, what would you choose?

I would love to be able to fly like super man/ woman!

How do you relax? What are your self-care strategies?

I love getting out in nature bushwalking, doing stand up paddle board on the bay. I find reading, walking the dog, doing a myotherapy and yoga classes, connecting with friends as well as participating in regular professional supervision helpful self-care strategies.

What are you bingeing?? Movies, TV shows, books, podcasts…?

I enjoy reading historical fiction and biographies where women have had extraordinary lives.

Tell us something interesting or quirky about you! Hidden talents??

I also enjoy creating and playing with colour, making patchwork quilts and cushions. As well I never thought I would enjoy hand sewing, but I find sashiko (Japanese long stitching) both meditative and creative.

What is your very favourite place..?

Wilson’s Promontory is a stunning national park.

What are you not so good at, or what are you working on, in yourself?

Working on asking for funding and applying for grants.

What do you love about yourself? What are you really proud of?

I am proud that I have persisted in conducting practice-based research often in my own time, that has made a difference in practice.

What’s in store for you in 2024?

What’s next for you? Any projects?

Complete research and hopefully some publications in 2024 and ideally helping a focus on consumer’s driving to become core practice.

What is your vision for Allied Health in Australia?

Allied health services are as critical in health care as nursing and medicine.

How can we connect with you?





Which award have you recently won and what does it mean to you?

Allied Health Educator Excellence: I am honoured to participate in developing the next generation of psychologists, mentoring those who are starting in their journey and being a part of impacting the mental health scene for our communities.

Where do you currently work and what is your role?

Director and Clinical Psychologist of The Centre for Effective Living and Centre for Effective Serving.

If you were asked to, what specific topic do you think you could give a 60min presentation on without any preparation??

Burnout, leadership, workplace wellbeing, early career mentoring and developing.

What is your favourite thing about your chosen allied health profession?

The advancement of technology and science means we are continuously adapting, learning and growing in our knowledge and ability to alleviate mental and emotional suffering.

What is your professional philosophy or motto?

Burnout is optional.

What advice would you give your younger self?

Take the long road and the high road. Focus on who you are becoming, and not what you are achieving.

If you could have any superpower, what would you choose?

I quite like the idea of flying - I would love to experience that freedom.

How do you relax? What are your self-care strategies?

This is called my 6 Rs! You can find that on my personal website: www.valerieling.com. My best way is to exercise, listen to music and take quarterly recharges.

What are you bingeing?? Movies, TV shows, books, podcasts…?

My Clergy Wellbeing Down Under Podcast is currently on play!

Tell us something interesting or quirky about you! Hidden talents??

I would have become a professional musician. I also would love to perfect one baked good and create a pop up shop!

What is your very favourite place..?

Where my family is.

What are you not so good at, or what are you working on, in yourself?

Patience with some long-term solutions I have been working on in the burnout space.

What do you love about yourself? What are you really proud of?

My willingness to say I don’t know and I don’t need to know.

What’s in store for you in 2024?

What’s next for you? Any projects?

I am heading towards preparing my business to release me for a PhD in 2025.

What is your vision for Allied Health in Australia?

That we will grow in true collegiality and working with multi-d respect and focus.

How can we connect with you?




Which award have you recently won and what does it mean to you?

Paediatric Team Excellence!

Where do you currently work and what is your role?

Cooee Speech Pathology – Director

If you were asked to, what specific topic do you think you could give a 60min presentation on without any preparation??

Applying Integral Theory in the workplace to intentionally design a holistic service and address organisational or leadership blindspots. This super simple, but comprehensive framework is incredible - it helps bridge the gap between individuals & teams to bring all perspectives to the table - so we can design our strategies to match the challenges of the current moment.

What is your favourite thing about your chosen allied health profession?

The opportunity to support kids to communicateit’s genuinely life changing for them.

What is your professional philosophy or motto?

It’s not personal! When we make a situation about ourselves - we lose sight of reality.

What is the strangest thing a patient or client has either asked you or done…?!

Hmm.. How about - only wearing underwear to therapy sessions (kids!).

What advice would you give your younger self?

Permission to be fully, authentically, myself!

If you could have any superpower, what would you choose?


How do you relax? What are your self-care strategies?

This is one place I apply Integral Theory - it covers all 4 corners of life: inner life, social/ cultural connection, personal actions & habits, and the overall ‘system’ of life, tech, logistics, self-organisation etc... So self-care isn’t just addressing one!

What are you bingeing?? Movies, TV shows, books, podcasts…?

One Piece.

Tell us something interesting or quirky about you! Hidden talents??

I played the Euphonium in band all the way through to high school.

What is your very favourite place..?

Lofoten Islands in Norway.

What are you not so good at, or what are you working on, in yourself?

Working on habits - getting back to a meditation practice since having a baby.

What do you love about yourself? What are you really proud of?

My persistence, I have high standards, and I do pursue them!

What’s in store for you in 2024?

What’s next for you? Any projects?

Working on Cooee’s community offerings - how we can help educate & support more families, beyond just the 1:1 therapy - guides, courses, support groups - we had loads of ideas!

What is your vision for Allied Health in Australia?

In the paeds space - each provider would shine! We all provide amazing life changing services for kids, and we’re here to complement each other and work on improving our offerings so that the kids we work with have access to gold standard care.

How can we connect with you?


@mariongiddy @cooeespeech LinkedIn


SUPPORT Allied Health

A Community & Resource Centre for Allied Health Professionals.

Our vision is to link the world of allied health to facilitate innovation, collaboration, and connection - so Allied Health professionals everywhere can feel connected while maintaining their registration and skills.

AHSS founder and director, Sarena Jones, is an occupational therapist with over 20 years’ experience - having worked with a variety of populations, across multiple countries in both the private and public sector.

At present, Sarena still works clinically in the Sunshine State with the adult neurological population, she mentors and supervisors’ clinicians across a range of settings and experience levels AND manages several businesses that operate within the allied health international community.

Sarena is in a unique position to understand what the Allied Health population need and want, because she herself, is also the target audience! As a result, our international, multidisciplinary audience continues to grow rapidly, attracting both return members and newcomers alike!

Our directory is easy to navigate, user friendly and optimised for speed with multiple databases within the one handy location.

AHSS is the fastest growing and ONLY online community, free PD library and marketplace in Australia for Allied Health professionals and boasts over 17K+ professionals!

Our services include:

Support via chat, supervision, mentoring and training sessions in 1:1, small group or company-wide formats, using email, phone, or teleconference.

Current and time-saving opportunities

in the form of ‘round-up’ blogs and newsletters to keep you up to date with the latest information, links, resources, and events in the world of Allied Health.

Free PD library

inclusive of stacks of free information, blogs, resources, webinars, podcasts and giveaways! Our multidisciplinary team of health and business professionals’ author/host these incredible CPD opportunities to enhance our collective knowledge!


an accessible place for health professionals to both buy and sell resources

An events calendar & networking hub to promote Allied Health conferences, forums, specialty groups, social events and special days or weeks to recognise and take part in to support industry.

A strong social media presence and platform for sponsors and advertisers to utilise to reach over 17K+ Allied Health Professionals.

Consultation on business plans, strategies and marketing with an experienced individual who is part of the target audience!

Contact us - info@alliedhealthsupport.com


Which award have you recently won and what does it mean to you?

Winning the Chiropractor of the Year award is a wonderful honour. It reaffirms my dedication to advancing evidence-based education and mentoring. Being acknowledged alongside exceptional allied health practitioners is very humbling.

Where do you currently work and what is your role?

I currently manage my online continuing education business, Evidence for Exercise, and offer locum chiropractic services as well as mentorships. As the Founder and Director of Evidence for Exercise, I lead all facets of the business, from operations to crafting educational content.

If you were asked to, what specific topic do you think you could give a 60min presentation on without any preparation?

A patient-centric, evidence-based approach for low back pain.

What is your favourite thing about your chosen allied health profession?

My favourite thing about chiropractic is witnessing the positive impact on patients’ lives. It’s incredibly fulfilling to see them improve and regain their health and well-being. The continuous evolution of the chiropractic field keeps me engaged and motivated to move forward in the education and mentoring

space. Being able to share my knowledge and educate other practitioners adds another layer of satisfaction.

What is your professional philosophy or motto?

I live by “From little things big things grow.” Embracing new challenges, like launching a practice or developing a course, can feel overwhelming. When faced with the big picture, I ground myself by focusing on the small, manageable steps to get started.

What is the strangest thing a patient or client has either asked you or done...?!

I remember a patient who asked me to ‘put her rib back in’ when she complained of chest pain. I promptly called for an ambulance taking great care to explain the seriousness of her symptoms. Despite her surprise, she accepted my course of action, Interestingly, her recovery was from pneumonia in the left lung, not a heart attack, and she fully recuperated.

What advice would you give your younger self?

I have a few!

Connect as much as possible with colleagues whose values align with yours and observe how they practice.

Communicate regularly with other healthcare professionals to understand how they work and think.

Read journal articles regularly to get comfortable with the language so you can make sense of the latest research.

Take the time to invest in systems that make your practice run smoothly and efficiently - it’s worth it in the long run!

Favourite activities? What do you do for fun?

Bushwalking and swimming at the beach

What do you love about yourself?

What are you really proud of?

I take pride in my ability to methodically ‘carry on’ even with life’s ups and downs. By consistently

dedicating effort each day, I’ve realised that I can reflect and see how much I have achieved.

If you were gifted a large professional grant – what would you do?

Expanding Evidence for Exercise offerings requires intense research and effort. A professional grant would allow us to accelerate this process, acquire more accreditations. improve technology and promote our offerings. We want all health care practitioners to have access to easy-to-use evidence-based exercise prescriptions and courses at a reasonable price!

What’s in store for you in 2024? What’s next for you? Any projects?

Yes! I’m in the process of developing more content for Evidence for Exercise in behaviour change, exercise prescriptions for Parkinsons’ and upper and lower limb injuries. I’m also moving more into the mentoring space for chiropractors and continuing my speaking engagements for the Virtual Neurology Summit and other association conferences. So just a few things!

What is your vision for Allied Health in Australia?

Ye I would like to see Allied Health play a much more integrated, collaborative role in the health care system especially in terms of prevention. Recognising the significant value we bring, raising public awareness and integrating our expertise into the medical system could significantly enhance the overall health of Australians.

How can we connect with you?






Which award have you recently won and what does it mean to you?

Social Worker of the Year 2023.

Where do you currently work and what is your role?

My role is Director & Founder of Girraway Ganyi Consultancy.

If you were asked to, what specific topic do you think you could give a 60min presentation on without any preparation??

Working with Aboriginal people, working with Aboriginal young people, Aboriginal maternal health.

What is your favourite thing about your chosen allied health profession?

Social Work is a such an unique profession that involves working in a variety of settings, and with variety of clients. It can involve direct practice, policy development, education & training, and cultural consultive work. It also one of the most misunderstood professions in terms of it ability and capability.

What is your professional philosophy or motto?

Never give up on dreams.

What advice would you give your younger self?

Never give up on dreams.

If you could have any superpower, what would you choose?

Psychokinetic and telepathic abilities.

How do you relax?

What are your self-care strategies?

Watching movies, playing music, attending theatre shows, reading books, writing poetry. Tell us something interesting or quirky about you! Hidden talents??

I collect autographs of TV personalities. I have over 4000 of them. I started collecting in 1985 after watching Molly die in A Country Practice. I was in hospital when I watched the episode and it was a nurse that suggested I write to Anne Tenney. I did and she wrote back a hand written letter. I started to collect autographs and letters from celebrities ever since.

What are you bingeing?? Movies, TV shows, books, podcasts…?

Karin Slaughter novels.

What is your very favourite place..?

The area between Fingal NSW and Murwillumbah.

What are you not so good at, or what are you working on, in yourself?

Learning to say no. I kind of end up agreeing to help everyone.

What do you love about yourself?

What are you really proud of?

I am proud of everything that I have achieved. Winning the AASW Aboriginal Social Worker of Year 2021 and then the Allied Health Awards Social Worker of the Year 2023. Also winning 3 alumni awards from 2 different universities within the same year 2022 and being a nominee for Australian of the Year 2024.

What’s in store for you in 2024? What’s next for you? Any projects?

I have a 3 new podcast series coming out in early 2024. Series 2 of YarninBlak, BlackChatz & Deadly definitions.

What is your vision for Allied Health in Australia?

That First Nations issues are prioritised within all undergraduate courses. Also for allied health clinicians not just learn about the social determinants in Aboriginal history, but also learn practical strength-based trauma-informed practical skills to work with Aboriginal clients and their families.

How can we connect with you?

0409 926 689

girrawayganyi@gmail.com Facebook LinkedIn



Which award have you recently won and what does it mean to you?

National Allied Health Assistant Award

Winning this award holds profound importance. It denotes recognition for the collective efforts invested in supporting and broadening the AHA workforce and skill set. This validation of dedication to the AHA profession demonstrates that these endeavours have not gone unnoticed. Beyond personal validation, this award serves as a platform to amplify the crucial role of AHAs in both healthcare and education. This recognition underscores the significance of our workforce and motivates advocacy for the immense potential within the AHA community.

Additionally, it provides an avenue to raise awareness amongst other AHAs about the broader opportunities available at the national level, encouraging the pursuit of new opportunities and the fulfillment of potential on a larger stage. The potential this award brings to support other AHAs in contributing to both healthcare and education in new and meaningful ways is truly promising.

Where do you currently work and what is your role?

I have two roles that are complimentary to the AHA profession.

I work at the University of Canberra Hospital in the social work discipline. My current role there is in the Guardianship coordinator role overseeing the administrative processes of guardianship, from application to hearing, across both The Canberra and University of Canberra hospitals. This includes checking the applications are complete, liaising with the social workers, ACAT tribunal and Public and trustee and guardian, and providing clinical and administrative support in hearings and entering post hearing documentation.

I also work as a teacher at the Canberra Institute of Technology. I teach into the AHA Cert 4 course and Indigenous Allied Health Cert 3 programme, this collaboration is helping to bridge the gap between students and industry professionals enriching their learning experience and providing workforce ready graduates.

If you were asked to, what specific topic do you think you could give a 60min presentation on without any preparation?? Without a doubt it would have to be about providing “Supervision and Delegation to the AHA”.

When considering the essential components of supervision and delegation, it’s crucial to recognise the intricate roles they play within healthcare settings. Historically, supervision has been a deliberate practice readily available to health professionals. However, for allied health assistants (AHAs), supervision has sometimes been overlooked. This oversight can be attributed to the relatively recent establishment of the AHA

workforce and a lack of understanding among health professionals regarding the scope of an AHA’s role and how supervision can be effectively provided.

Supervision encompasses more than simply overseeing tasks; it involves offering guidance, support, and mentorship to ensure that responsibilities are executed effectively and safely. Additionally, beyond task-oriented supervision, clinical supervision presents a valuable opportunity for professional growth and development. Despite its significant benefits, clinical supervision may not always be readily accessible for AHAs.

The AHA framework heavily relies on clear guidance and opportunities for advancement to navigate their roles proficiently and broaden their contributions to the healthcare team. As the AHA workforce continues to evolve, it’s crucial to address hesitations and uncertainties surrounding supervision and delegation processes. Doing so is essential for cultivating a supportive and collaborative healthcare environment where AHAs can thrive and make meaningful contributions.

What is your favourite thing about your chosen allied health profession?

Hospital - I really enjoy making connections and supporting patients, their families, and carers.

I have found the SW discipline to be a really interesting and vital source of emotional and practical strategies not only for our clients but also for work colleagues.

CIT - Linking students with industry. I always tell my students that once they complete their studies, they are going to be my work colleagues, so I want to make sure that they are fully prepared and equipped with the knowledge and skills needed to excel in their future roles. Seeing my


students transition from learners to colleagues, ready to contribute to our profession, is incredibly rewarding.

What is your professional philosophy or motto?

“Embrace change and drive progress: Advocate for yourself and others to feel valued. Your contributions matter and fostering an environment of appreciation benefits everyone.”

What is the strangest thing a patient or client has either asked you or done…?!

A patient I had been working with for an extended period of time surprised me by asking if I could babysit their pet rock while they stepped out for a coffee. Though initially taken aback, I couldn’t help but chuckle at the request. I assured them that their “pet” was in good hands and joked that I’d make sure to provide plenty of “rock-solid” entertainment in their absence. It was a lighthearted moment that added some laughter to a busy day on the wards.

What advice would you give your younger self?

Embrace life fully! Allow yourself to make mistakes without personal judgment; remember, setbacks are a natural part of any journey. Stay open to new experiences and challenges, as this will make room for growth. Above all, be kind— it makes the world a nicer place.

If you could have any superpower, what would you choose?

If I could have any superpower, I’d choose the ability to refill things instantly. Imagine never running out of coffee or snacks again!

How do you relax?

What are your self-care strategies?

To unwind and recharge, I make the most of my rural setting and wonderful family. I love savouring a cup of coffee in my garden, tending to my orchard, and enjoying the company of my pets. Whether it’s spending time with my grown-up kids or simply sitting with my pig Milo, dog Tish, or watching my chooks, their presence brings me immense calm and happiness.

I feel getting adequate sleep and water is my best self-care strategy but also importantly as an AHA is to set clear boundaries. This helps not only to avoid burnout but also reinforces that you need to be aware of your professional and personal limits. Tell us something interesting or quirky about you! Hidden talents??

I’m not sure about hidden talents but my main goal this year is to learn how to reupholster furniture. I have been wanting to do this for years and think 2024 is the year to achieve this.

What are you bingeing?? Movies, TV shows, books, podcasts…?

Loving the Australian Netflix series “Boy swallows Universe.” it’s a coming-of-age series and has fantastic Aussie actors.

What is your very favourite place..?

The National Allied Health Awards ceremony in Darwin, NT marked a pivotal moment for me. After a year filled with intense professional and personal growth, I could feel myself nearing a point of mental and physical exhaustion. However, visiting Wangi Falls with my husband offered a muchneeded respite. Immersing myself in the pools for hours, surrounded by the ancient rock and waters, I was overcome by a profound sense of tranquillity and connection to my surroundings. In that moment of overwhelming calm, I found the quiet solace that I had been yearning for amidst the business of life. I felt recharged and reconnected.

What are you not so good at, or what are you working on, in yourself?

I’ve noticed that impatience can sometimes get the best of me, as I prefer things to unfold at my own pace. To foster a more understanding approach, I’m actively practicing gratitude and reminding myself to embrace the unique rhythms of others.

What do you love about yourself?

What are you really proud of?

I love my capacity to love my family and friends, and I’m really proud of raising such kind, gentle, and thoughtful children.

What’s in store for you in 2024?

What’s next for you? Any projects?

I foresee significant growth opportunities in 2024 for AHAs in the ACT (Australian Capital territory), particularly with the new upcoming EBA changes about to be onboarded.

I’m excited about the prospect of new roles and levels being introduced across the Canberra Health services, and I’m eager to play a proactive role in supporting and contributing positively to these advancements. It’s an exciting time for our profession, and I’m committed to embracing the changes and driving forward progress in the field of allied health.

What is your vision for Allied Health in Australia?

Firstly, I believe that every Australian, regardless of where they live, should have easy access to allied healthcare services that they need. Their interventions support recovery, prevent future health issues, and promote overall well-being, ensuring holistic patient care and improving health outcomes.

Secondly, we need to address the shortages of allied health professionals by prioritising staff retention. This is particularly crucial in rural and remote areas. By retaining skilled professionals, we can ensure that communities across the country receive the care they deserve.

I advocate for Allied Health Assistants (AHAs) to work across all allied health disciplines, thereby expanding the workforce and enhancing service provision. AHAs play a crucial role in healthcare delivery, and I believe they should receive clearer structures and pathways for career development.

How can we connect with you?



Which award have you recently won and what does it mean to you?

I have only applied for, and won, the Allied Health Podiatrist of the Year. That’s a 100% success rate! I’m still in a mild state of disbelief and I grateful that my story has been recognised as worthy of acknowledgement. What I think is significant is that this award is not solely based on clinic ability, but on how you manage yourself professionally; the ethics and morals of your conduct. To me, this award gives me a sense of pride and accomplishment with how I have directed myself over the years.

Where do you currently work and what is your role?

My main office is located in Inglewood, about 4km from the Perth CBD. I also take my services offsite to several locations including Esperance which is over 700km away. As a dedicated Podiatrist, my focus is on delivering comprehensive foot care services, including working with high-risk patients and those with biomechanical issues. Currently, I operate as a sole practitioner, but I’m enthusiastic about opening my doors and sharing my knowledge with students. I’m also on the lookout for a standout podiatrist to join me and contribute to our mission.

If you were asked to, what specific topic do you think you could give a 60min presentation on without any preparation??

Through experience, I know I can regale a crowd with why I became a podiatrist (it being my third degree), captivate people with the joy of performing a neurovascular or biomechanical assessment, or enchant with all questions feet. Indeed, there was this one time at a Rotary meeting where the scheduled speaker didn’t arrive, so up I went. Off my professional centre, I am getting more comfortable discussing small business ethical marketing.

What is your favourite thing about your chosen allied health profession?

The scope is extensive and awesome.

The bread-and-butter hands-on treatments are a pleasure and allow me to have a relaxed conversation with the person in front of me. To do this service for people who either can no longer reach or prefer the fine finish that podiatry can provide is a privilege.

The biomechanical assessments: whether I’m the first port of call or the latest, I live for the challenge of assessing the deviations from the norm or addressing bodily imbalances. And fixing them.

The neurovascular assessment, so important to track changes over time or to act immediately, is there a higher calling to our high-risk clientele?

With so many tools in the arsenal to perform my podiatric duties, I am kept busy doing all these, umm, fun things! (Hey, someone has to look after feet – the out-of-sight, out-of-mind things on the ends of the legs!)

What is your professional philosophy or motto?

“Be useful” has long been my motto in all walks of life. Whether this is in a paid or unpaid professional capacity, volunteering at a kids barbeque, donating at the blood bank or even helping maintain my mother in laws house, to end the day feeling that you have ‘done good’ is one of the greatest rewards of being alive, and being human.

What is the strangest thing a patient or client has either asked you or done…?!

Right, so the second strangest thing that has happened was “sex” being written as the reason for attendance. When my mother was acting as receptionist. When I was already married. Needless to say, there were some raised eyebrows from dear Mom.

As it turns out, rough heels can unexpectedly become a hurdle in relationships, and one partner refused participation until said cheese-grater-like heels were smoothed. The treatment completed, it was a struggle to keep a straight face when wishing her a good night!

What advice would you give your younger self?

To my younger self, I would say, ‘It will be okay.’ In a world where the future is uncertain, the exhausting philosophy of working in fear of what tomorrow may bring, is … exhausting. Seek support, whether it be from a business coach or service, to strike a balance between a strong work ethic and the enjoyment of life. Remember, you don’t have to navigate this journey alone. You were trained as a allied health professional, not a business manager, so adjust your expectations accordingly.

If you could have any superpower, what would you choose?

Oh, the classic superpower dilemma! I’ve pondered this more than any other question, I swear. If I can’t snag the whole superhero package, my top pick would be rocking superhuman memory. Imagine never forgetting where you left your keys or the embarrassment of calling someone by the wrong name! It’s the reallife superhero holistic move we all secretly crave, don’t you think?

How do you relax?

What are your self-care strategies?

Relaxing can be hard to come by when running your own business, and is the One Thing I need to work on. I’m a multitasking maestro on my cross-trainer, breaking a sweat, and catching up


on the latest TV show or tuning into a recorded webinar. It’s like a workout for my body and brain, efficiency at its finest. My life is dedicated to looking after my family and ensuring continuity of service to those who use my services. I often donate blood or plasma which contributes to a good cause but also grants me a couple of hours to relax and enjoy whatever captures my interest. Mastering the art of self-care is a work in progress, but I can already visualise it. Tell us something interesting or quirky about you! Hidden talents??

I had the incredible opportunity to take command in the NASA Space Shuttle simulator (at the Kennedy Space Centre) during a virtual mission. During the descent, a little hiccup happened— the Autopilot got switched off a tad too early and I found myself navigating the Shuttle through a challenging landing. Against all odds, I managed to touch down safely. To commemorate this unique experience, I was honoured with a Trainer’s shirt – a tangible reminder of how the unexpected can amaze your life.

What are you bingeing?? Movies, TV shows, books, podcasts…?

Lee Child’s gripping Jack Reacher series, both in book and TV format. The captivating world of Babylon 5 has also drawn me in with its amazing storyline and for a dose of humour and adventure, I’ve been thoroughly enjoying the Craig Alanson Expeditionary Force audiobooks. And to stay informed and inspired in the world of podiatry, the Podiatry Legends podcast has become a mustlisten for me.

What is your very favourite place..?

There are many places, but it’s more the feeling of excitement or comfort that I get, no matter where I am. If I had to pick one, Japan stands out as truly remarkable! The unique blend of culture, beauty, and experiences there creates an unparalleled sense of amazement for me.

What are you not so good at, or what are you working on, in yourself?

The most precious commodity we have is time and it is limited. I am really good at realising it, but not so good at doing something about it. I need to work on strategies to effectively work smarter, not harder and in doing so become a better podiatrist and more present father and husband.

What do you love about yourself?

What are you really proud of?

I take immense pride in my wonderful family. My 3, 5, and 7-year-olds continually receive compliments for their exceptional behaviour at school and in public, and I attribute their positive upbringing to my amazing wife, who serves as a constant source of strength for all of us

Talking of children, prior to having them I needed to look after myself. Since I was young, I had been a bit overweight. Maybe a bit more than a bit. I’d tried many times to lose weight, but this time I just wanted to get fit through exercise. The result was astounding – I shed over 32kg in just 10 weeks. I believe in giving 100% because it’s easier than settling for 99%. I’m proud that I was able to override so many habits and impulses of a lifetime to attain one of the most difficult goals a person can achieve and maintain it.

What’s in store for you in 2024?

What’s next for you? Any projects?

I see exciting opportunities ahead as I navigate a crossroads in both my personal and professional journey. I’m seeking to expand my team by bringing on board another superstar podiatrist who shares my passion for providing exceptional care. This enhance the level of service we offer and allow me the freedom to prioritize my family and personal well-being.

What is your vision for Allied Health in Australia?

Allied health could do with a healthy dose of independent recognition. I envision a future where Allied Health receives the recognition it truly deserves as a primary source of specialized care. Too often is it the second port of call for people needing specific care. Often overshadowed as the second choice, Allied Health should be a proactive consideration for individuals facing challenges in accessing GP services. By promoting the accessibility and importance of Allied Health Practitioners, we can empower individuals to explore diverse and effective avenues for their healthcare needs.

How can we connect with you?







Which award have you recently won and what does it mean to you?

I recently won Australian Podiatrist of the Year, and it means a lot to me because it has allowed me to reach a much wider audience, enabling me to fulfil my goal of helping more people.

Where do you currently work and what is your role?

Founder and Podiatrist at The MovementAustralia’s only dedicated clinic for custom orthotics.

If you were asked to, what specific topic do you think you could give a 60min presentation on without any preparation??

The life changing impact of orthotics (And common misconceptions within the allied health community and general public).

What is your favourite thing about your chosen allied health profession?

As a podiatrist, I have the privilege of being able to address the feet - the foundation of the whole entire body! By prescribing custom orthotics, we can provide proper arch support and correct alignment, influencing the body starting from the feet, ankles, knees and above. In this way, we can have a long-lasting impact on patients and their lives.

What is your professional philosophy or motto?

Stable feet are essential for a healthy life.

What is the strangest thing a patient or client has either asked you or done…?!

A patient wanting to pay me a lot more money because of how happy they were with the outcome that we managed to achieve (we were tempted but didn’t take it in the end).

What advice would you give your younger self?

Nothing is impossible, so get moving, and just do it. If you could have any superpower, what would you choose?

I’d love to fly so I can take in every view on every adventure.

How do you relax?

What are your self-care strategies?

Watching sports, cooking, playing golf and spending time with my family.

Tell us something interesting or quirky about you! Hidden talents??

I can make a mean flat white, and life-changing banana bread (I’m also great at making lifechanging orthotics).

What are you bingeing?? Movies, TV shows, books, podcasts…?

Cricket, soccer & basketball highlights.

What is your very favourite place..?

Tokyo (I’m a foodie).

What are you not so good at, or what are you working on, in yourself?

Boundaries - As a clinic owner, I can sometimes get a bit too caught up with work. Being more intentional by prioritising filling my cup, so that I have more to pour out in both my personal life and professional life.

What do you love about yourself?

What are you really proud of?

Even though it can be hard sometimes, always pushing the boundaries and having the courage to pursue the things that I love. By learning to be comfortable in the space of uncertainty, I have managed to achieve an Australian-first. By establishing The Movement (Australia’s only dedicated clinic for custom orthotics), we have been able to help even more people than before, and their life-changing stories will inspire me to even greater heights.

What’s in store for you in 2024? What’s next for you? Any projects?

Having already helped many athletes to optimise their feet, elevate their game and enhance their performance through the use of custom orthotics, I’d like to take that to the next level and help more athletes to conquer the world, break world records and win Olympic medals.

What is your vision for Allied Health in Australia?

Expertisation (opposite of generalisation) - For Allied Health Professionals to choose a specific modality/condition they are interested in within their profession (narrowing of scope instead of expansion), pursue it with passion, be the best at it, deliver exceedingly higher quality of care and achieve life-changing outcomes.

How can we connect with you?


AW ARDS 202 4 AUST R ALIAN Allied Health Get involved with this awesome community! Get your business in front of thousands of Allied Health professionals and help us celebrate, inspire and collaborate across the amazing healthcare community. Sarena Jones – Founder & Occupational Therapist - Allied Health Awards hello@alliedhealthawards.com


Which award have you recently won and what does it mean to you?

Allied Health Innovative Product Excellence. Where do you currently work and what is your role?

Plena Healthcare - National Physiotherapy & Occupational Therapy Manager.

If you were asked to, what specific topic do you think you could give a 60min presentation on without any preparation??

Allied Health Workforce Strategy.

What is your favourite thing about your chosen allied health profession?

We are surrounded by people who care, and people who need care - it’s a privilege to be in a position to help others.

What is your professional philosophy or motto?

It’s not what happens to you, but what you do when something does.

What is the strangest thing a patient or client has either asked you or done…?!

I was asked by a lovely older patient to skip work and go to the movies with them - it was a tempting offer!

What advice would you give your younger self?

Speak up and trust yourself.

If you could have any superpower, what would you choose?

I’d love to fly so I can take in every view on every adventure

How do you relax? What are your self-care strategies?

I love being outdoors - cycling, walking, sport. My current goal is to create more space to do very little in short moments and be mindful.

Tell us something interesting or quirky about you! Hidden talents??

I’m terrible at remembering lyrics, but redeem myself by making up new ones.

What are you bingeing?? Movies, TV shows, books, podcasts…? Any crime/drama film.

What is your very favourite place..? Seville.

What are you not so good at, or what are you working on, in yourself?

I used to travel a lot, and over the last few years, it’s taken a backseat as it has for many. I’m going to get better at booking in holidays!

What do you love about yourself? What are you really proud of?

I’m proud of my ability to advocate for what I believe in.

What’s in store for you in 2024?

What’s next for you? Any projects?

We are in an interesting phase in Aged Care, and we continue to adapt. We are focusing on people development to best equip our fantastic team to keep achieving great things for our clients. We have also created an outstanding Occupational Therapy Clinical Development Pathway which will go far in improving OTs experiences across the board.

What is your vision for Allied Health in Australia?

Clarity in pathways to accessing services and an improved public understanding of what Allied Health can really do for you.

How can we connect with you?

shehan.fernando@plenahealthcare com.au



Which award have you recently won and what does it mean to you?

Allied Health Team Culture Excellence.

Where do you currently work and what is your role?

Active Health Clinic - CEO.

If you were asked to, what specific topic do you think you could give a 60min presentation on without any preparation??

Invisible Illnesses - Long COVID, fatigue, POTS, pain to name a few but 60 minutes wouldn’t be enough!

What is your favourite thing about your chosen allied health profession?

The opportunity to make a meaningful impact on people’s lives every day. From just seeing and validating a person’s experience, to helping a person leave the house for the first time in years, get too school, play with their kids, catch up with friends or even get back to work is something that I am grateful for these opportunities.

Being an Exercise Physiologist and part of an interprofessional team allows me to not only address the physical aspects of health but also to connect with patients on a personal level, understanding their needs and offering support and guidance..

What is your professional philosophy or motto?

Leave the room in a better place.

What is the strangest thing a patient or client has either asked you or done…?!

Compression and intimacy.

What advice would you give your younger self?

Make sure you aren’t the smartest person in the room, in fact make sure you are the dumbest! Seek out those with experience, ask questions and get a mentor/coach.

If you could have any superpower, what would you choose?

The Force.

How do you relax? What are your self-care strategies?

I love this topic, we don’t talk about it enough! This is something that we have to practice, you aren’t born with it and it looks different from person to person. For me, I love my AFL but any random sport just allows me to come back to the moment, also cooking, fishing if I ever get the chance and a mindful whisky.

What are you bingeing?? Movies, TV shows, books, podcasts…?

Live sport mainly but also my 2 girls keep me busy. Tell us something interesting or quirky about you! Hidden talents??

Whisky recommendations. Just tell me what you like and I can recommend something amazing you haven’t had before.

What is your very favourite place..?

The beach, don’t care where as there is always something to do.

What are you not so good at, or what are you working on, in yourself?

The fine detail, I love the big picture and looking towards the horizon. Sometimes you just need to realise what you are amazing at and seek out people whose strengths complement my own and the team’s.

What do you love about yourself? What are you really proud of?

The actions that I, my family and team make leaves the world in a better place.

I’m proud of the work we do as a team, over the past 15 years we have directly helped over 15,000 people and spread our message of ‘making invisible, visible’ to over 1.25 million people since 2020.

In 2022, we were able to take 6 months with my girls to caravan around the west coast of Australia whilst having the business run in the background. What’s in store for you in 2024?

What’s next for you? Any projects?

Simply put, continue to ‘make invisible, visible’. We will be elevating and escalating what we can deliver to our patients and educating society as a whole.

We will be expanding our team and services from Exercise Physiology and Dietetics to include and OT, Psychology and Medical departments (reach out if you are interested!).

Continue to increase the accessibility of our programs nationally and internationally, more free content and support, self managed online programs and access to more clinicians for individual support. Lead the way in research on Long COVID. Hopefully, we are successful in our grant applications and finish our current COVID Recovery Initiative research paper investigating the delivery of online support for Long COVID (www.covidrecoveryinitiative.com). There’s a lot more but I will keep it at that for now.

What is your vision for Allied Health in Australia?

Aligned and working together in an interprofessional manner. Our values of respect, integrity, access, community, remarkable and the ‘whole person’ dictate what we do on a daily basis and I don’t think this is a huge ask for everyone to stand by this. Historically and more so recently we have witnessed certain allied health professions put themselves on a pedestal at the expense of others. This doesn’t align with our values but most importantly it doesn’t align itself with patient outcomes. In certain hospital environments, multidisciplinary care can devolve into a situation where allied health departments vie for funding instead of collaborating for optimal patient outcomes. Conversely, inter-professional care prioritizes cooperation among departments to achieve the best results for the client, even if it entails sacrificing some funding or revenue. Supporting and keeping each other accountable leads to greater patient outcomes, greater patient outcomes foster amazing and sustainable workplaces which is something we all deserve.

How can we connect with you?

Making Invisible Visible activehealthclinic

alliedhealthsupport.com/marketplace ALLIED HEALTH MARKETPLACE SUPPORT Allied Health Where you can buy or sell webinars, resources, e-books, courses and more! BUY & SELL RESOURCES Contact us - info@alliedhealthsupport.com.au Reach our 17K audience of health professionals! Are you prepared to effectively oversee your clinic’s administrative responsibilities? Contact me today for support with your software setup, workflows, SOPs, and staff training! @alliedadmin 0476 159 403 www.alliedadmin.com.au rachel@alliedadmin.com.au If you’re searching for a specialist who can seamlessly refine and improve your operationial processes from inception to expansion, your search ends here!
LOOKING FOR A CHANGE OF SCENERY? www.aussielocums.com.au GET IN TOUCH WITH US TODAY AND START YOUR NEXT ADVENTURE (+61) 07 4031 9991 info@aussielocums com.au PO Box 526, Edge Hill QLD 4870 1/137 Collins Avenue, Edge Hill QLD 4870 Proud Sponsor of ‘Physiotherapist of the year ’ Proud Sponsor of ‘Allied Health Excellence in Rural and Remote’ 5 2024 marks our fifth year as sponsors of the Allied Health Awards but we’ve been a supporter since day one! 4.5/5 Verified Customer Reviews 9,000+ Roles filled 500+ Clients trust us 10,000+ Healthcare professionals 89.5% Net Promoter Score*

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