Senior Capstone Project Style Guidelines

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ECC Style Guide

Escuela de Creativas Ciencias

v1. 04.23.2013

Escuela de Creativas Ciencias 1

The Brand

Table of Contents The ECC Brand Brand Position........................................................................................................................... 01 Core Values............................................................................................................................... 01 Brand Essence.......................................................................................................................... 02 Language Guidelines Words that Describe ECC.......................................................................................................... 03 Brand Qualities........................................................................................................................ 03 Graphic & Visual Language Creative Strategy...................................................................................................................... 04 Color Palette............................................................................................................................ 04 Typeface................................................................................................................................... 05 Fonts........................................................................................................................... 05 Brand Iconography................................................................................................................... 07 Classroom Iconography............................................................................................................. 08 Classroom Signage................................................................................................................... 09 Logo Logo Size.................................................................................................................................. 11 Clear Space Requirements......................................................................................................... 12 Collateral Marketing Collateral.................................................................................................................. 13 Business Cards............................................................................................................. 13 School Brochure........................................................................................................... 14 ECC Collateral............................................................................... ............................................ 15 Stationary & Letterhead................................................................................................. 15 Envelope...................................................................................................................... 16

Co-Branding Logo Usage with Other Brands................................................................................................... 17 Co-Branded Clear Space........................................................................................................... 18 Contacts................................................................................................................................... 19

Brand Positioning Escuela de Creativas Ciencias will promote, stimulate, and encourage students by providing a hands-on and interactive educational experience. At ECC, we strive to foster discovery type learning, by allowing students to interact with the physical world and their peers. By focusing on the creative sciences and technology, ECC will cultivate students who are independent, creative, and problem solvers, ready for the constant evolution of the globalization of the economy. As science and technology take a larger presence in the global economy and as larger companies move offices to Costa Rica, it is pertinent that at ECC, we give students the necessary tools to excel in these intense labor and market demands. At ECC, we use a multiage educational system integrated with constructivist learning strategies to create a child-centric environment. These strategies provide children with multi-dimensional skills that prepare them to excel in future studies and well into adulthood.

Core Values Discovery Some things are easier to learn by doing than by seeing or listening. At ECC, we believe discovery is the key to learning. By moving and doing, learning can happen in a fun and active environment.

Exploration Children at ECC learn by exploring the world that surrounds them. This sense of exploration is reinforced by fun, interactive elements within the school.

Interaction The static, rows of desks facing forward classroom is a thing of the past. ECC’s classrooms are dynamic, reconfiguring and changing to fit the needs of the curriculum. Circulation outside the classroom is not simply a space for walking from here to there, but a space to learn, reinforcing ideas taught in the classroom.


The ECC Brand

Brand Essence ECC is inspirational. ECC’s vision is to create a positive learning environment that promotes and encourages students to want to learn. Learning will be experiential. Learning will be fun. Learning will foster discovery. Learning will be exciting. ECC fosters life-long learning. At ECC, it’s more than just passing a standardized test. It’s more than just moving onto the next grade cycle. It’s about wanting to learn and cultivating that desire. Children who have fun while learning don’t think of learning as a chore or a bore, but as a fun experience.


The ECC Brand

Language Guidelines Words that Describe ECC Fun, exciting, encouraging, stimulating, interactive, discovery, exploration, colorful, cultural, inviting, happy, ยกpura vida!, educational, changing, movement, active, sustainable, learning, hands on, developing, science, technology, engineering, energetic

Brand Qualities To help ensure the communication is true to the brand the following guidelines should be used. These words help to understand the essence of the brand and determine if a statement accurately reflects ECC, everything it stands for, including the personality, the look, and the voice. When evaluating a headline, body copy, a tagline, a photograph, or a promotional theme, the first set of words should apply. Equally important, the second set of words should not.


ECC is...

ECC is not...

Discovery Exploration Interaction Dynamic Evolving Constructivist Multi-age Hands-on Experiential Collaborative

Concealment Textbook-only learning Disconnection Static or boring Constancy Teacher-centered Traditional, 1-grade classrooms Passive or Inactive Speculative, Hypothetical Work singularly

Language Guidelines

Graphic & Visual Language Creative Strategy Some things are easier to learn by doing than by seeing or listening. At ECC, we believe discovery is the key to learning. Students explore the world around them, interacting with it and their peers, allowing meaning and theory to come naturally. Moving and doing create learning in a fun and active environment.

Color Palette The ECC brand has a primary color palette and a secondary color palette. Palette B is used as an auxiliary palette, helpful in balancing the saturated colors in Palette A. PALETTE A




1585 C


7648 C


637 C


Cool Gray 6 C


0 72 98 0


36 100 34 8


61 2 8 0


35 29 28 0


255 108 12


158 28 100


78 193 224


169 168 169


3268 C


803 C


Cool Gray 9 C


90 3 58 0


0 5 97 0


55 47 44 10


0 169 143


255 233 0


119 119 122

Graphic & Visual Language

Typeface Fonts The two key typefaces of the ECC brand are Helvetica Neue LT Std, 67 Medium Condensed and Helvetica Neue LT Std, 47 Light Condensed. Helvetica Neue LT Std is clear and readable in any media application. The typeface is contemporary yet classic. A tertiary typeface, Strawberry Limeade, can be used for accent information. For information about where to obtain fonts, please contact

Primary Typeface The primary typeface is Helvetica Neue LT Std, 67 Medium Condensed. Helvetica Neue LT Std is mandatory on all headlines, titles, and captions. Sentence case is the recommended format for this typeface. Primary Typeface

Helvetica Neue LT Std, 67 Medium Condensed Secondary Typeface The primary typeface is Helvetica Neue LT Std, 47 Light Condensed. Use Helvetica Neue LT Std, 47 Light Condensed for all body copy and legal copy. Sentence case is the recommended format for this typeface. Left justified is the recommended body copy format. Legal copy (such as a disclaimer) must not be less than 6pt. for print and must not be less than 8pt. for digital applications. Secondary Typeface

Helvetica Neue LT Std, 47 Light Condensed


Graphic & Visual Language

Typeface Tertiary Typeface The tertiary typeface is Strawberry Limeade. Strawberry Limeade is a quirky, fun typeface that should be used in phrases with emphasis, quotes, and accent words. This font should only be used in phrases under 10 words. Lowercase is the recommended format for this typeface.

All Typefaces For information about where to obtain fonts, please contact

Primary Typeface

Helvetica Neue LT Std, 67 Medium Condensed Secondary Typeface

Helvetica Neue LT Std, 47 Light Condensed Tertiary Typeface

strawberry limeade


Graphic & Visual Language

Brand Iconography Iconography for ECC can be used on top of photographs or as a stand-alone icon. The tangram icon is derived from the ECC logo and it possesses the essence of ECC. The icon may be recolored in any combination from the color palette or white, if needed for clarity on a color photograph. Never use more than one icon per communication piece. Please contact to obtain these icons.

The Tangram



Graphic & Visual Language


Classroom Iconography Each classroom at ECC has its own icon. The icons, representing the lifecycle of a butterfly, help to reinforce the notion of change and growth in ECC and the educational process. These icons are to be used solely within the walls of ECC, on signage, wayfinding, or other appropriate locations. Icons may be recolored in any combination from the color palette or white, if needed for clarity. Please contact to obtain these icons.

Oruga / Caterpillar

Crisรกlida / Pupa

Mariposa / Butterfly


Graphic & Visual Language

Classroom Signage


Og Oruga 1& 2



Crisรกlida 3& 4 3


Mariposa 5& 6 09

Graphic & Visual Language

Logo The ECC logo consists of two components: a symbol and the word mark. The size and positioning relationships between these components must not change. The logo may also appear knocked out of an image or texture so long as the logo maintains its legibility. In instances where prevalent brand awareness exists, the symbol can be used without the wordmark. Be sure to use the approved artwork file rather than re-creating the ECC logo. Please contact to obtain the artwork files.

Escuela de Creativas Ciencias

Escuela de Creativas Ciencias

a de Creativas Ciencias

Escuela de Creativas Ciencias

Escuela de Creativas Ciencias



Escuela de Cr

Logo Logo Size In order to maintain integrity and legibility of the logo in all applications, the logo requires minimum size requirements. In order to maintain legibility of the word mark, a minimum width requirement is 1.5”. In instances where prevalent brand awareness exists and the symbol can be used without the wordmark, the minimum width requirement is 1”

Escuela de Creativas Ciencias

Escuela de Creativas Ciencias


1.0” Escuela de Creativas Ciencias

Escuela de Creativas Ciencias



Logo Clear Space Requirements It is imperative that the ECC logo stands out wherever it appears. To ensure this, a clear space must be maintained around the logo. Additional clear space is always acceptable. Also remember to leave this distance between the logo and the edge of the page. 1/4 X

1/4 X

1/4 X


Escuela de Creativas Ciencias 1/4 X

1/4 X

1/4 X

1/4 X

Escuela de Creativas Ciencias


1/4 X


Escuela de Creativas Ciencias

Logo Escuela de Creativas Ciencias

Marketing Collateral Marketing materials extend the brand of ECC beyond the classroom walls. These marketing materials consist of advertisements, direct-mail pieces, business cards, consumer brochures, web sites, and other collateral that increases marketability of ECC. Everything is designed to work in harmony with the environmental design of the school and tied together with ECC colors, typefaces, and graphic elements. For information about where to obtain templates, please contact

Business Cards


Victor Rodríguez 1/2 Maestro Sede Heredia 100 m. Oeste del Hipermás t: (506) 2562 7333 e: vrodrí

Escuela de Creativas Ciencias


Marketing Collateral

Back of business card.

cuela de Creativas Ciencias

Escuela de Creativas Ciencias Escuela de Creativas Ciencias

Escuela de Creative Ciencias Sede Heredia: 100 m. Oeste del Hipermรกs Hipermรกs (506) 2562 7333

Escuela de Creativas Cienci Typical School Brochure


Marketing Collateral

ECC Collateral Examples ECC Collateral helps to reinforce the ECC brand. These materials consist of stationary, letterhead, standard mailing envelopes, and in-school signage. Everything is designed to work in harmony with the environmental design of the school and tied together with ECC colors, typefaces and graphic elements. For information about where to obtain templates, please contact

Stationary & Letterhead Stationary and letterhead are used for official correspondence from ECC administration and faculty. There are two types of such correspondence. The first is to be used externally, between ECC administration or faculty and the community. The second is to be used internally, between ECC administration and ECC faculty.

Escuela de Creativas Ciencias

March 15, 2013 Nest fugiae ventore moluptatur ad maxim aut aut quam quiaecume millaccum, ulparciis por aut re nonsentium illenda ndebitibus doluptum re vollandae demposam, conse eium nihitio nsequiatum inciam id quam qui qui to iustis con pelit adit fuga. Nam remquiandaes aut acernatemqui cor reprectatur? Escuela de Creativas Ciencias Isque voluptatus. Explam que aut vit volupicatur as et laut fugit as dollabora dem autassim corem et quas volorer spernatiis et reperfero blamusa dernam hilibus ullautatia et qui inum aliatemquo berunt, etur as aut acearchicil magnatem vendae andes doluptas eosam doluptias aceatur si ut occullaudi sit erum qui suntis maio. Itas am quias eossequia volorem. Et quiatur solupta sam ut moluptaectis sunto odit dis aturesequid que ex es diatus aliscienis et inis dolupti corporio modios molorem. Exercimilita qui quia sum harum volore aut experib usandae net facestrum, consequatia ariatibus sit ersperestiam eationse de volorro cum, to doloreici dendae pore consequi dolore volese quidis eum volorei cipsum essitat ibusandi iundae volectaeptae essimet deritia que sumet idelese rumenis soluptat ducimint. Musciatur acilitatiat. Magnihit di aut volupta similic aborum corumqui odipsae. Ximagnimint videbit pedit, santo doluptatiam quam aute modit faccatae sequid ut porporia voluptatiame dolum rereicidicab ium et eveles intio. Et minvende labor se ratur sunt. Busanis a pratet min consed miligendia conet a derspe pore consed milisciam, ut molupti scidenis sus num evel magnam haria veliquo conemped ullab imet liqui tecea vendi as mintotam, quibus ea doluptae vent qui quiae provid ma dolorum excersp elitatus nulpa sequae ped et fugit everchiliquo dignimi, natemol orporum nus, corescit magnihit doluptis suntem. Cae vit min pore vel exerio voloritatum es et quia duntur, ut occatem faccum volorum haruptatur sa nis earum erem. Neque cuptat eum qui diti ute sinum exceribus. Nus, acipsantur? Acea volorit atecum el id quiae voluptis sam sit, ipsamet molupta consequas expe veliquistis ped et, est, si nis arum inveles mo beriorr orporum net et eate nus dolutat emporrunt fugia natqui vit quidelitates eos voluptur mos sa necus. Ipid quae volupta nosse sit pel inte nienda que que magnimu sciatis doluptur, sequamet pre vellabo riorro veniasit que pe naturia speria duntia dolendiciae id ma volorese omniae. Eperio volore, imil il iminverferum se reped quasitat a verios am, que ad quid quaeceatur? Quis ipsam incto volupta turerum evelest, sam sequas acil ium int.

Escuela de Creative Ciencias Sede Heredia: 100 m. Oeste del Hipermรกs (506) 2562 7333

External Stationary


ECC Collateral

March 15, 2013 Et, enia dolorero doluptas exerunt otatisquam atenda voluptatusda quae cullaborio. Iditati orepedit offic to idio. On reriati cuptatem etus, id que dolor sincimus voluptaspe nihilita ipsanis a dio que explabo risitius dolorum nem essintiam que mo et laborit aquati quat ut acest, aut eum volesequi reium unt volores trupta coreprovitae qui a volor accaturemque vent pelenduntiis et, endit odion rem. Ra porem velibusda velecat ibusdanimus. Imet eatur adi utem liatur, odisqua tendam et aut aut autendae expel et occus, ut enitin reiciur arcime vernam ressus invererumque lacere, culparcietur moluptatus soluptio. Caerum, quidi aut eum quia venim aliquiate id que vercil et aut optatecat occum expedi vendae nobitae quae nimint, sim faceped ma sinimus aliam labori nimoloritiis estio cum illuptatem corestem hit, ut et et a dendebis molut eaquo ium se pro cumquist et eaque ium qui blaut ea volupta tinvel es doloriam ulles modit est, offici officiistem esent quid ellis nit vollace pelestotatem velias et, sim et, simpore iciatiur? Il mo omnissimusam venihil lignam, to modigent ut exerfernat veritis sumetur, consequi ut unt, ea quatecu scienis sum nemque omnimen demporeptae ditiorest quam sita si cumque nonsed quo cus apideratur? Quid quiae quam, quisqui utempos dolore doluptat am, consect assecul lorehenis evelige ndionse nderfer sperae nim ullaboribus diamus ratecea vente eum sa nosa conseque lia sunto escilig enduciis essinia sus. Il maximus atur, accuptae volorio omnihilitem que cumquam rest, occaborum sunt. Ciae dolliatassim harum utemolum idem ex eum quistia exerum qui derum latur, is que sit, tota nonsequid ellaborio. Sunt dolupid quiduntis possum ra quis cus, ullessi tiaerferio mi, quidero evel moluptur? Dam alic te pero eate volupid et eicium is rem fugitii sciurer rovitae cusae ea porent por res dellibus, cus reium laci disintis accat vent voloris entiat voloreium fugites enimporepe sus aut parcium serae volorum invelig entemol uptiume ntiorem aut qui as ut vellorero temporum lamenis mo cum rescient, conet laccum fugia solut entia ent quam explacese dolupta tquidist, od qui optas niendus explignate vitassit qui aute pa dolorro doluptature vollupt aspicat quassim ernat dolorest, ut erum volor asinctorepta ditionsequod ex ea consequas rae eumquost, que volupta qui reperio nsectias iur re cum debit andam ulpa doluptatent. Qui consediciis sumquam velenihit prem que volorenimi, cullabor acid quatur? Quiatibus nulloribusda voluptaquo quamusant odit as volorrum nonseque et restis nos aut reroreri dolo ma cus aspiet landi temquae cerferferum ne ratiur, vel et doluptatin reprerit que parionsedi at inctem sitatem ipid eum quiateces ipicieni ducid ma sundendis ditione mporest otatiorem faccae sumet as a consequae et velit labore volupid elendit eostis dolorpos que conet alia aut intorernatem re, ommodit estia porestrum apienecus deriate nestem et et adignihil magnatq uianieni sim fuga. Tatur simusanimi, iusapellabo. Et aut essed modis dio core idiatibus magnam, tem evel molesequi conemque etum aut harior solupta turesequi officatem nimustem serorro il molor mos sus rectati onsecto eum venisci enecull anist, ex excepudam sit millis quasimusam volupti ipsa dolorem velignis doluptate ea quis maioritatur, officte mporerchici andisque vere velicit ad ut vollest iliqui res ditiam, verum nusandit, nos am experro tem. In pelis exerit, unt rest, aut anienimusdae con et as estemod mi, si dolupta tenimus et quo venda quatiatus mo is vel ium remporiam adissin post, est dolora sapiet volutam que errore sit es volo eseces dolorep ellist, sum que sinulparibus dolent.

Escuela de Creative Ciencias Sede Heredia: 100 m. Oeste del Hipermás (506) 2562 7333

Internal Stationary

Escuela de Creativas Ciencias Sede Heredia: 100 m. Oeste del Hipermás San José, Costa Rica

Escuela de Creativas Ciencias

Standard Envelope for mailing


ECC Collateral

Co-Branding Often, ECC will work with another company on an interactive exhibit, raising awareness of both brands, while also sharing the involved cost. Co-promoting and Joint Ventures require pre-approval from the ECC Brand Manager For additional information regarding co-branding and the approval process, please contact

Logo Usage with Other Brands In order to graphically express the relationship between the ECC brand and a partner brand, a co-branding standard has been established. As a general rule, if the partnership is 50/50, the ECC brand and the co-brand will be of equivalent size.

Vertical Display

Horizontal Display

Escuela de Creativas Ciencias

Escuela de Creativas Ciencias

Escuela de Creativas Ciencias

Escuela de Creativas Ciencias



Co-Branding Co-Branded Clear Space Enough distance is required to clearly show that both partnership companies are separate entities. The minimum space between the two company brands is defined by the clear space rules for each brand. Vertical Display 1/4 X

1/4 X

1/4 X


Escuela de Creativas Ciencias 1/4 X 1/2 X


Escuela de Creativas Ciencias

1/2 X

Horizontal Display 1/4 X

1/4 X

1/2 X

1/4 X


X Escuela de Creativas Ciencias

1/4 X

1/2 X

Escuela de Creativas Ciencias



Contacts Contact Sheet For information about where to obtain templates, artwork files, icons, and fonts please contact For other brand specific inquiries about ECC, please contact For administrative questions, please contact



a de Creativas Ciencias

Escuela de Creativas Ciencias

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